"Nuts and Bolts of viable economy/'Henry-see page 8

The National Union

AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 7 Kolonia, Pohnpei,.April 15. 1986 Number 7 FSM CONGRESS ASKED TO REJOIN APIL HOIDNTA, Pohnpei - The sixty three delegates to the Associa- tion of Pacific Island Legisla- tures (APIL) adopted resolutions asking the FSM Congress to rejoin SIGNING OF EXCHANGE OF NOTES - FSM External Affairs Chief of TjTter- the association and expressing naticnal Affairs, Mr. Masao Nakayama, seated right, and Japanese Ctnsul General in Guam Yoshinobu Nagashima, seated left, are signing their desire to establish a Pa- an exchange of notes en April 09 formally conveying a 275 million cific nuclear dumping convention, yen (approximately $1.5 million) grant in aid from for fisher- during the Fifth General Assembly ies development projects for the State of Kosrae during a ceremaney in the Kosrae High School Auditorium in the presence of Kosrae State held April 9-12 on Pohnpei at the Gov. Yosiwo George and I*. Gov. Moses Mackwelung. Standing from Pohnpei State legislature-Chamber. left clockwise are Japan Consulate General Special Advisor James M. The lawmakers also elected Re- Shintaku; George; Kosrae State Resources and Development Director Gerson Jackson; Mackwelung, and FSM External Affairs Asian Affairs public of Palau House of Dele- Deputy Chief Tfcdao Sigrah. gates Speaker Santos Olikcng as their new head of the four-year- old association and Pohnpei Leg- Japan aid notes exchanged islature Speaker Airfares Senda as the new vice president, with Guam TOBOL, Kosrae - Japanese Consul marks, Lt. Gov. Moses Mackwelung, Senator HerntLnia Dierking, secre- General in Guam, the Honorable Speaker Thurstcn Siba, State tary; and Senator Benigno Sablan Ycshinobu Nagashima, and the FSM Court Chief Justice Harry Skill- of the Northern Marianas, trea- External Affairs Department Chief ing and a host of state and local surer. of International Affairs Mr. Mas- leaders. Olikcng, who was former vice ao Nakayama, signed an exchange In his remarks, the Consul Gen- (Continued on Page 2) of notes in Kosrae on April 09, eral said that the grant-aid is, 1986 formally conveying a 275 in essence, a gift from the gov- (inside million yen (approximately $1.5 ernment of Japan to develop a million) grant in aid from Japan strong economy in the FBM. He for fisheries development pro- also expressed happiness that the PIDP director sought jects for the State of Kosrae. execution of this note would (See story on Page 5) The ceremony was held at the grant to Kosrae a much needed Kosrae High School Auditorium in small scale fisheries development Forum Fisheries meets the presence of Governor Yosiwo project; adding, that with this George, who gave welcoming re- (Continued on Page 3) (See story on Page 7) KOSRAE BRIEFS 2 APIL Increases fee, elects Officers TOEOL, Kbsrae - Kbsrae State Government Bureau of Planning and 00 (Continued from Page 1) has legislators from the four Statistics is planning and making states of the FSM, the Republics preparation to conduct a state- m president, replaces the outgoing of Palau and the Marshall Is- wide population census, according President Carl Gutierrez of lands, the Territory of Guam and to State Statistician Morgan Jon- Guam. The other outgoing offi- the CfcKironwealth of the Northern as, a State Information news re- cers who will be replaced by Oc- Mariana Islands, as members. lease said. tober 1, are: treasurer, Truk The FSM Congress left the asso- The census vail be helpful in State Senator Kisande Sos; and ciation in early 1985 citing ir- providing planning agencies with secretary, Phillip Muller of the regularities in election voting a set of essential characteris- Republic of Marshalls. of the officers and its disagree- tics of the population as requir- FSM Vice President Bailey Olter ment with involvement by APIL on ed by the overall economic devel- joined FSM Congress Speaker Beth- matters relative to the March 22 opment plan, the state develop- wel Henry, Governor Resio Moses, San Francisco Accords regarding ment plan and the Compact of Free Speaker Senda, Pohnpei State reorganizing of Air Micronesia, Association, when completed, the Chief Justice Bdwel Santos, and release said, adding that the Iso Naniken Salvador Iriarte of saying then that it supports re- gional unity on the airline issue census will be the first of its Nett who represented the Pohnpei kind to be entirely organized lo- Traditional leaders, in welcoming "within the appropriate forum" and criticized APIL "special leg- cally. the delegates to Pohnpei during Agencies such as the U.N., the the opening ceremonies. islative communique" which stated that the Accords call for an South Pacific Commission, the The assembly also voted to U.S. Bureau of Census and other raise delegations membership dues equal ownership and control of Air Mike by the five governments, countries in the Pacific are ex- from $2,500 to $10,000 or $40,000 tranely interested in the organi- for the four FSM states and to including the FSM, as improper for APIL to issue. zation and the final results of $10,000 a year for each of the this census, the release added. other delegations in order to ex- Gutierrez, in his closing re- TDBDL, Kosrae - Kosrae State pand its role in the Pacific re- marks, said that he was fully now prepares for the upcoming gion and abroad. satisfied with the conduct of the general elections for Governor, APIL, which was established in general assembly in Pohnpei and Lt. Gov., and the matters of the 1980 to collaborate in seeking joined other speakers in urging Kosrae State Legislature on Nov. solutions to catncn problems the FSM Congress to rejoin the 4, according to a State Informa- among the Micronesian islands, association. tion release. All Kosrae voters residing abroad are requested to file in their request for registration no later than August 4 and to re- quest their absentee ballot be- fore October 5, Election Caimis- sion Nena T. Kilafwsru said, add- ing that Absentee ballots should be postmarked no later than Nov. 4 at 5:00 p.m. Filing of petition will be closed 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 30, Kilafwasru added. Education week held APIL OWBOrNG PKESIEeNT tOBNSSSES ASS»ffiLY - Speaker Carl Gutierrez KDIONIA, Pohnpei - The second of Guam Legislature, APIL outgoing president, far right, is address- ing the 5th General Assembly of the Association of Pacific Island Annual Education week is sched- Legisltures in the presence of FSM Vice President Bailey Olter, FSM uled to be completed on April 18 Congress Speaker Bethwel Henry, Gov. Resio Moses, Pohnpei Chief Jus- with Director Etonian Sohl giving tice Bdwel Santos and other government and traditional leaders dur- ing the opening ceremonies held on April 09 at the State Legislature the keynote address at the PICS Chamber in Pohnpei. Racing the camera from left are: Pohnpei State Auditorium which is expected to Legislature Speaker Arobros Senda, who was elected APIL's new vice be packed with parents, teachers president; outgoing vice president who is now elected president of the organization Republic of Palau House of Delegates Speaker Santos and students, a State Information Olikong; outgoing treasurer Truk State Senator Kisande Sos; Iso Han- news release said. ken Salvador Iriarte of Nett Municipality, and Gutierrez. (Continued on Page 6) Japanese Aid Notes....

(Continued from Page 1) and Yap field trip ships as the first phase of the Traditional project, will come several fish- Fishery and Nutrition luyrovement ing boats, outboard motors, fish- Project; the third, $1.5 million ing gear and equipment, a 52-foot in 1982 to provide more road con- pole and line fishing vessel, a struction equipment; the fourth floating pier and a 1,400 square- being $3.7 million for fiscal foot workshop equipped with nec- year 1984 for coldstorage facili- essary tools and spare parts. ties on Dublon, Truk and at the "The success and failure of Dekehtik dock in Bohnpei as sec- this grant project is gauged on ond phase of the program under the economic development of the the theme of "Traditional Fishing SWORN IN TO ESM BAR - Pchnpei g State of Kosrae once it is com- and Nutrition Improvement" Pro- State Public Defender Nark L. <* pleted and turned over," Naka- Mausert (left) and FSM Assistant ject. Attorney General Mary Beth Nalz M» shima said, adding, "I have but The visiting officials were are bang swom in on April 2, S to hope and pray that what is greeted by the Lelu Band and the 1986, by the FSM Supreme Court taking place here is the first Chief Justice Edward C. King, as w Kosrae High School Japanese lan- a result of passing the FSM Bar major step in the successful guage class upon arrival and de- Examination on March 6* growth of a sound economic foun- parture with leis, music and Jap- dation to be enjoyed by all Kb- anese songs, Nakayama added. MLSC Workshop in Truk sraeans with peace, harmony and Fun Run scheduled HOIONIA, Pohnpei - The Microne- tranquility in an economically sian Legal Services Corporation 11 HOIDNIA, Pohnpei - The Pohnpei sound society. Sports Council announces that the (MLSC) recently announced that it Nakayama, who also spoke during Annual Fun Run is scheduled to will hold its Third Annual Coun- the Exchange-of-Notes ceremony, coincide with the Memorial Day selor Training in Truk on June indicated that the FSM govern- holiday on May 26, 1986, at 7:30 23-July 3, 1986, according to ment's developmental strategies a.m., according to Sports Council MLSC Pohnpei Office Acting Direc- attached great importance to the advisor Jim Tobin. tor Counselor Tino Dcnre, who marine sector because of the lim- This year's race will feature a said that the training is open to ited land and resources in the five-kilometer (3.1 mile) course any interested counselor from ESM, and expressed appreciation which starts and finishes by the throughout Micronesia. to the government of Japan for Administration Field in Kblonia. Major topics of consideration recognizing this strategy as de- The course follows the paved road will include: "substantive law"; monstrated in the approval of up through Dolonier and back past nature of "bar review" on various this grant. PICS High School and finishes in basic topics; basic civil proce- "While a component of this front of the Pohnpei state gov- dures based on rules of the vari- grant has not been favorably con- ernment administration building. ous jurisdictions; ethics, and sidered yet, we are still hopeful Preregistration will be held skills sessions under the direc- that it could still be possible, starting on May 1 at the Pohnpei tion of John W. Cobb and Richard perhaps through other means or Sports Council office. There is Hughes, two experienced lawyers- through future foreign aid no registration fee and the race trainers from Colorado and New grants," Nakayama said refering is free to all runners and walk- Mexico, respectively, Dcnre said. to an agricultural development in ers, Tobin said, adding that all A nominal training fee of $35 Kosrae's original foreign aid re- participants will be given a free for each private (non-sponsored) quest. Fun Run tee shirt while supplies counselors and $30 for each gov- Nakayama noted that the new last. ernment-sponsored counselors is grant is the fifth from the gov- Local merchants are sponsoring required, with all participants ernment of Japan since the FSM the event which will have tro- being responsible for their plane government came into being in phies for the top finishing male tickets to and from the training 1979 with the first being $1.5 or female runners, Tobin added. site- per diem and other expenses. million in 1980 for road con- This year's race is expected to All interested should call or struction equipment; the second, draw more runners, Fun Run race write to John M. Silk at the MLSC $890,000 in 1981 for ice-making director Peace Corps Volunteer Central Office in Saipan at P.O. and coldstorage facilities in Ko- Doug Smith said, adding that Box 269, Saipan, CM 96950, tele- srae, Wbleai Atoll in Yap, Oneop there were approximately 90 par- phone numbers, 234-6471 or 234- Island in Truk and the Pohnpei ticipants in last year's fun run. 6472. Jfony named Tourism Officer Shakoor appointed FSM Architect a KOIONIA, Pohnpei - Former Col- KOIONIA, Pchnpei - Yusuf Shak- forming the architects contract lege of Micronesia Continuing Ed- oor, a Gary, Indiana, licensed administrative duties from the ucation Program, in Truk State, architect, was named ESM Archi- start of construction to project Student Counsellor Ircmy Kony of tect in the Office of Planning close-out with a Chicago Archi- Polle, Truk, has been appointed and Statistics, " according to OPS tectural firm from 1974-1976. as FSM Tourism Officer by ESM Re- Administrator John Sohl. sources and Development Depart- Sohl said, "Shakoor will be ment Secretary Bernard Helgenber- responsible for architectural Philatelic Bureau set up projects for the FSM national HDIONIA, Pohnpei - A Philatelic Kony, 32, previously served as govemnment. Bureau was set up on April 06, Regisitrar for the Truk High Shakoor, registered as Ar- 1986, by the ESM Postal Service, School, Moen, chitect in Indi- to assist the general public as Truk, Student ana and Virgina, well as interested stamp collec- Counsellor for received his Ba- tors, dealers or other philate- ODM for CEP in chelors of Ar- lists from around the world, ac- Truk State from chitecture de- cording to FSM Postmaster Gener- April to Decem- gree from How- al Leo A. Falcam. ber of 1985 and ard iMversity, also worked in Kony Washington, D. Shakoor Ealcam said the bureau is lo- the Central Supply Division for C., and worked as Architectual cated in the main post office fa- the Grande Bonde Hospital in La Project Manager for Powers Man- cility in Kolonia, Pohnpei State, Grande, Oregon, in 1983. agement and Engineering and as under the direction of the ESM She attended Bethania High Corporate Vice President incharge Philatelic Bureau Manager Ignacio School in Palau and received her of operations for Herbert G. Stephen. B.S. degree in Community Service Whyte Associates. Both firms are from Eastern Oregon State Col- in located in Gary, Indiana. Stephen said all inquiries and lege, la Grande, Oregon, and un- He also served as a Project pertinent correspondence should dertook graduate studies in Com- Manager for Feedback Systems, a be directed to him at: Philatelic munity Service at the Black Hill construction management firm, Bureau, FSM Postal Service, P.O. State College, Spearfish, South from 1976-1979, in Gary, Indiana, Box 1270, State of Pchnpei, East- Dakota from 1984-1985. and as Architects Project Repre- ern Caroline Islands 96941, or Kony replaces Erensia Mailo sentative, responsible for per- telephone number 313. also of Truk who resigned earlier to go back to school in the U.S. mainland. Yokono Acting Public Auditor HDIONIA, Bohnpei - President Otosiwo Nakayama announced April 8 the appointment of Jack Yakana as Acting Public Auditor replacing senior staff auditor John Rawl- ihgs who served as Acting Public Auditor for sixty days commencing Feb. 7. Yakana assumes full authority and responsibility of the office of the Public Auditor for a peri- GOVERNOR RES1D MOSES BANDS OVER CHICK - Minutes after he was pre- od of sixty days, according to an sented a $5,000 check for Oroluk Sea Turtle Project by FSM Marine Division Chief Mike Gawel (center) on behalf of Ms. Donna Matson of April £ memorandum from the Pres- Los Angeles, California, Governor Hesio Moses (right) is seen pre- ident's Office. senting the check to State Conservation and Rescuces Surveillance Yakana, 34, whose appointment Director Kikuo L. Apis on April 2 for deposit in a special account to be expended for the implementation of the project under his di- to the interim position for the rection. The donation was nade by Ms. Matson who visited Feb. 1986 fourth time is limited by law to the Oroluk Island some 190 miles west of Bohnpei on luxury liner 60 days, joined the ESM Public S.S. Thorfinn, and was distressed to find the lack of sea turtles there. Oroluk, the lone tiny speck of an island located at the Auditor's staff on June 3, 1984, northern tip of the 60-mile Oroluk lagoon reef, was once a thrive to serve as a staff auditor. ing bastion of spawning for sea turtles in Pchnpei State. East West Center seeks PIDP Director I g HDIONIA, Pchnpei - the East- nizaticns, and governments, and scripticn detailing relevance of as Vfest Center is accepting applica- is responsible for naintaining qualifications and background in- p ticns and nominations, through international organizations, and eluding names and addresses of a April 30, 1986, for a limited the international comunity en three professional references H term position of nLrector or Ad- matters relating to the Pacific must be postmarked by April 30, & ministrator for the Pacific Is- and/or Pacific Islands. 1986, and send to: Rebecca Dixon, " lands Development Program (PIDP), Required qualifications must Personnel Officer, Dept. 747, -o according to a vacancy announce- include: a Ph.D. in a relevant Bast-West Center, 1777 East-West M- ment release by EWC. field or B.A. plus at least five Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96848. ^ Under the general direction of years of progressively respcns- w the East-West Center President, ible experience demostrated in PIDP aiHIOUIIC6S WOfkshop "^ the Program Director, who has the ability to work effectively vo initial appointment of three and credibly with Pacific Island TOI0NIA, Pohnpei - A regional $ years with possible extension, is leaders (Micronesia, Melanesia workshop on Indigenous Business ^ responsible for determination of and Polynesia) as represented by Development to discuss potential g general scope of the program at least six years experience for opportunities and approaches to • based on the policy guidance giv- Ph.D. holders, or at least 11 solving the problems faced by in- w en by the "Pacific Islands Con- years of experience for those digenous entrepreneurs in the Re- ference" of leaders. with only a B.A. degree with: a) cific, is scheduled to ,be held The PIDP helps to promote coop- governments or educational or re- between May 18-24, in Apia, West- eraticn and understanding among gional organizations in the Pa- ern Samoa, according to a press the peoples of the islands of the cific, and b) educational or re- release from the Pacific Islands Pacific as a whole, and between search program administration and Development Program (PIDP) of the than and the United States and development. East-West Center, Hawaii. Asian countries. It merges the Applicants must have proven ^ workshop, which is being support of Pacific Island leaders ability to be effective adminis- funded by Canadian International and the expertise uniquely avail- trators and to communicate effec- Development Agency, will be coor- able through the East-West Center tively both orally and in writing dinated *y the PIDP and inlcudes to develop projects that meet with regard to research and edu- indigenous entrepreneurs, and specific needs of the Pacific Is- caticnal programs, also demon- specialists involved in offering lands for social and economic de- strated ability to conduct re- advice, training or finance to velcpnent. search and to organize and super- indigenous business, the release Hie Director has full responsi- vise multidisciplinary team re- said. bility for the Program and its search and educational programs Participants from all the is- staff; formulates' broad program and to work cooperatively with land nations of the Pacific have objectives and provides leader- institutions and individuals of been invited with the hope that ship in planning operational pro- different cultures and countries, others involved in policy making jects with accomplishable objec- including knowledge of government which affects the operation of tives; evaluates acocnplishments and administrative procedures and indigenous business ventures, against project objectives as the structures in island countries/- fran both governments and region- basis for continuous revision and territories and familiarity with al organizations, will also at- improvement in project plans and formulation of grant and contract tend, the release stated, operations; provides intellectu- proposals. The workshop is seen as a forum al, academic, and administrative Preferred qualifications in- where concerned Pacific islanders leadership in execution of pro- elude knowledge of at least one will have the opportunity to come jects; works closely with Center Pacific language with experience together and discuss vital, issues institutes in the development and at the regional lever rather than concerning the encouragement, implementation of cooperative single country experience. prcnoticn and support of indige- projects; has major respcnsibili- The starting salary is adver- nous business in the Pacific, the ty for fund-raising for the Pro- tised at $52,262 to $57,488 per released said, adding that reccm- gram; develops an annual budget year depending on qualifications medations, arising from the dis- and expenditure plan. plus cost-of-living allowance of cussicns, will be valuable for In addition, the Director is 22.5 percent (subject to change). both the indigenous entrepre- respcnsible for Program reports Applications and resume with neurs, enterprise support organi- to the Center management and to cover letter bearing title of po- zaticns and the governments of participating institutions, orga- sition sought, a narrative de- the region. FSM wide high 'PEACEMAKER TO BE DONATED school drawing roiDNIA, Pohnpei - The 54-foot Peacemaker Project purchased the confesf planned motor-sail ketch Pacific Peace- vessel in 1982 through no-inter- maker is scheduled to set sail est loans from individuals. HDIONIA, Pohnpei - The Health- from Australia late this spring Before the donation is made, Services Divisicn at the ESM Na- bound for Nicaragua where the $15,000 is needed to be raised tional Government is sponsoring ft ship will be donated for use in through public contributions to an ESM-wide high school drawing oomtunity services as a floating competition for all 12th graders medical clinic after engaging in repay loans and to clear the ti- in coordination with each state many nuclear protest actions in tle, while another $10,000 is re- health services and education the Pacific over the past four quired for ongoing expenses and department. years, according to a press re- to transport much needed medical The students will compete in lease by Pacific Peacemaker Pro- supplies, the release said, add- areas of Family Planning/Popula- ject. tion topics or related areas in Ihe plans to donate the ship ing that the vessel is undergoing 20"x20" posters with a short note were announced late March by the refitting and engine overhaul of explanation or "motto" written Board of Directors of the Pacific with the help from major trade beneath it, ESM Family Health Peacemaker Project, the Seattle- unions in Fremantle, West Austra- Project Coordinator Williana Gid- based non-profit corporation lia. eon said, adding that entries which owns the ship on behalf of will be submitted to the Family many groups and individuals, the "•Hie last voyage of solidarity Planning coordinators and organ- release said. will highlight the intrinsic con- izers in each of the ESM states Originally owned by Australian nection between the nuclear arms no later than May 30, 1986. and New Zealand groups, the ves- race and self-determination is- State Coordinators and Organi- sel made world news as the flag- sues," the Board of Directors zers will be responsible for ap- ship of the Puget Sound blockage President Josie Reichlin said, pointing their judges who will of the first Trident deployed select ten winners based on best into the Pacific and was again adding that "The Nuclear-Free Pa- drawings and accompanying mottos, seized while protesting the first cific movement takes a strong said Gideon who added that win- MX missile test from Vandenberg stand on independent issues and ning posters will be submitted no Air Force Base, California. the right of peoples to choose later than June 15, 1986, to the Ihe Pacific Peacemaker has been their own future without inter- ESM Health Services Division for involved in protests at the Bata- vention.* selection of the first three win- an Nuclear Plant in the Philip- ners who will receive cash prices. pines, Kwajalein Missile Range in Further information can be ob- the Marshall Islands, the RIMPAC tained at the state Family Plan- exercises in Hawaii by U.S., Ja- ning and high school principals panese, Australian, New Zealand offices or write to ESM Divisicn and French forces, and two pro- of Health Services, attention tests of uranium shipments from Family Health Project. Darwin, North Australia. (Continued from Page 2) In 1982, the peace ship was education week..... rammed and dismasted at Mururoa, Tliis week's activities saw Gov. French Polynesia, while opposing Resio Moses speaking on education French nuclear testing there. as economic development and the the Peacemaker visited the FSM ESM Vice President Bailey Olter Capital in June 1964, while its address the Compact of Free Asso- crew held talks with the govern- ciation with the united States, ment officials and was assured by the release said. President Tosiwo Nakayama that he The themes for the week cover a "will continue to support antinu- number of topics from the effect clear testing and dumping" issues of a runaway population to intro- or actions in the Pacific. duction to music in classroom, Originally planned as a two- including exhibits in agricul- year endesvor in support of the ture, hone arts, wcodcrafting, Nuclear-Frse and Independent Pa- auto mechanics and other presen- cific movement, the the Pacific tations, the release added. THS Principal Sister Jose fa dies SDIONIA, Pohnpei - Tifuk High School on Tol, and since 1984, as School Principal Sister Josefa principal of Truk High School. Hashiguchi, VKB, of Dublon, Truk, Born in 1938, Hashiguchi was I died April 13 in Honolulu after a among the first graduating class

brief illness, according to the of St. Cecilia's School, in S2S Mercedarian Sisters in Pohnpei. Truk. She joined the Meroedarian The sudden death of Hashiguchi, Missionaries formation program in 48, a member of the Mercedarian Pohnpei in 1954 and made her fi- Missionaries of Berriz (MMB), nal vows in 1964 in Saipan. She accounts for received her B.A. degree from St. M the first of Joseph's College, Hartford, Con- M BOOM) Kf SEA - Posing for a group any Micronesian necticut in 1971 and Masters de- Ul photo beside their 14-foot aluad- mm boat shortly after arrival to die in the gree in Guidance and Counseling here April 2 aboard a Japanese religious or- from the University of Guam in 00 fishing vessel which found them der. Sister 1973 where she was also in charge March 29 adrift sane 220 miles southwest of Pohnpei Island after Mary Ann Bec- of the women's dormitory. the duo were lost at sea for 50 mer of the Hashiguchi Sister Josefa's untimely death 3 days following a fishing trip Mercedarian Community en Pohnpei is a source of sorrow for her re- near Tarawa, Republic of Kiriba- ti. From left arei Teinanikori said. ligious connunity, family and ttebura, 47, and Karianako Birati, Much of Sister Josela's life friends, and the State of Truk. 43. was dedicated to the field of She was buried on April 19, at Kiribati Fishermen Found education and school administra- the Mercedarian community cemete- tion especially among her people ry in Tunnuk, Truk, during a HDIDNIA, Pohnpei - Two fisher- in Truk, where she served as state funeral after her remains men fran the Republic of Kiri- principal for both St. Cecilia's were flown from Honolulu on April bati, who drifted over a thousand School on Moen, and St. Julia's 18. miles in a 12-foot aluminum boat after they ran out of fuel some South Pacific Forum Fisheries meets 20 miles southwest of Tarawa on HDIDNIA, Pohnpei - A review of during the Pohnpei meeting. Feb. 7 during a fishing trip and regional Fisheries Development Other major considerations will were adrift, were brought safely Program which is funded by the include: review of FFA staff sal- to port on Pohnpei April 2 by a Development Pro- aries and organization, and /Ap- Japanese fishing vessel captained gram (UNDP) and Food Administra- proval of the proposed budget and by Hiraku Yamamoto. tion Organization (FAO) and con- work program for the FFA for fis- Karianako Birati, 43, and Tei- sideration for full membership of cal 1987, said Movick who added nanikori Nabura, 47, arrived in the Republic of the Marshalls are that the FSM will be named the good health and high spirit after among major topics for the South chairman of the Committee meeting they were rescued March 29 by Pacific Forum Fisheries Committee and the rest of the year, in ac- Daikichi Maru 61, owned by Maruyo (ETC) annual meeting being sched- cordance with the normal practic- Gyogyobu Co. of Japan, some 220 uled for April 28 to May 7 on es of the FFA. miles southwest of Pohnpei Island. Pohnpei, according to the over- The duo, who left April 3 Pohn- all planning committee chairman, Movick, who is assisted by co- pei for Tarawa, Pepbulic of Kiri- FSM Deputy Chief for Multilateral chairmen: Micronesian Maritime bati after a night of rest at Affairs, James T. Movick. Authority Deputy Director Peter Morea Veratau's residence in Kol- The FFC is the executive policy Sitan and External Affairs For- onia, said they were adrift in making body of the South Pacific eign Service Officer ALLk Alik, rough seas and high wind for 50 Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), noted that the plans on hotel, days and depended on rain water which has fifteen Pacific coun- logistics and program are nearing and small' fishes, turtles and tries as members, including, Aus- completion and that the FSM plan- sharks caught around their boat, tralia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiri- ning committee includes represen- according to FSM South Pacific bati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, tatives of the national, state Affairs Division Deputy Chief Palau, Papua New Guniea, Solomon and local governments. James Movick. Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, The week-long meeting wi.ll be- Movick said the repatriation Western Samoa, and the Federated gin with opening ceremonies at costs will be provided by Pohnpei States of Micronesia, Movick the FSM Congress Chamber on April and FSM national governments said, adding that the Republic of 28 and then move to Kolonia Town which will be reimbursed on a la- the Marshall Islands, an observ- Hall where working sessions will ter date. er, will seek full membership held, Movick said. FSMDB Holds Enterprise Dev. Workshop HDIONIA, Pohnpei - Resource various concepts and methodolo- Resource persons for the work- identification, financial analy- gies through sets of modules shop were drawn from within the sis, entrepreneurial development which are proven effective in Bank along with two advisors from and project implementation "are other training exercises; adding, the ESM Banking Board and a con- nuts and bolts out of which a vi- that this year's joint training sultant from the Technonet Asia able economy must be construc- workshop, like the last year's Center, a technological network ted," FSM Congress Speaker Beth- workshop, also emphazises enter- aimed at improving quality and x wel Henry told the participants prise development and financing efficiency of small and medium as: during the opening of the ESM and gives particular attention to industries, in , Mori D Development Bank training work- tools and strategies in respect added. shop held March 31-April 5, at to enterprise development. the Kolonia Town Hall in Pohnpei. Participants from the ESM De- The week-long workshop, which velopment Bank branches in the Henry joined ESM Development was sponsored by the ESM Develop- states include: Assistant Loan Bank President Maimy Mori in wel- ment Bank, included, among other Officer Larson George, Kosrae; coming the participants to Pohn- topics: overview of business en- Assistant Loan Officer Daniel Le- pei and added that the challenge terprises in the Asia-Pacific re- behn and Loan Officer Oltrick of our time in attaining "mean- gion; enterprise development in- Santos, Pohnpei; Acting Loan Ana- ingful self-government will re- cluding client assistance advice lyst Melanius Howard and Loan Of- quire meaningful economic devel- and promotion; resource identifi- ficer Moulten Sellet, Truk; and opment. cation and venture ideas; finan- Loan Office Richard Mungwaath and cial analysis, and follow-up pro- Assistant Loan Officer Peter "I hope that you will share in cedures. Tharngan, Yap; from the FSMDB my confidence that we have proven Headquarters in Pohnpei was: Pro- ourselves equal to the challenges "You will also acquire the rel- ject Development Department Man- of the past, and through coopera- evant skills in providing client ager Benster Jano. tion and dedication, I know we assistance and advice, adequate can achieve success in the fu- expertise in evaluating entrepre- Participants from the state re- ture," Henry said, adding that neur projects to effect financial sources and development depart- the gathering "is a collective and technical assistance and de- ments include: Jack Nakamura, effort, bringing together offi- velopment which are widely prac- Truk; and Economic Specialist Ed- cials and staff from the state tised by other developing coun- ward Linus, Economic Development resources and development depart- tries," Mori told the partici- Authority accountant Sweeter Dan- ments and the ESM Development pants, adding that the ability to iel and Loan Officer Vidus Susa- Bank, with the former charged effectively relay the knowledge ia, and C & R S Tradesman Akino with coordinating public sector and experience they acquire Mekoll, and Community Action efforts at fostering economic de- through the training to their Agency Fiscal Officer Martha An- velopment and the latter respons- everyday work is most important. drew, Pohnpei. ible for assisting private sector clients in achieving the same Mori said an attempt was made Participants were awarded cer- end." to train the participants to car- tificates of completion by FSMDB ry out middle management respons- Board Chairman Herman Semes and Mori told the participants that ibilities and objectives of both Pohnpei State Conservation and the aim of the workshop was to the Bank and the Resources and Resource Surveillance Director "develop and enhance your capa- Development departments under the Kikuo Apis who spoke on behalf of bilities and performances" and to five year Economic Development Pohnpei Gov. Resio S. Moses dur- expose the participants to the Plan. ing the closing ceremony.

rHE NATIONAL ONION Published by: PSM Information Office P.O. Box 490, Kolonia, Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia 96941 Telephone: 548

Ketson Johnson, Information Officer Bsikiel Llppwe, Broadcast Division Chief Balverson Johnny, Information Specialist Klieser Rospel, Graphic Artist Angle Mualia, Administrative Assistant Mary Alien Hanuel, Clerk Typist «si James. Clerk Typist