"Nuts and Bolts of viable economy/'Henry-see page 8 The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 7 Kolonia, Pohnpei,.April 15. 1986 Number 7 FSM CONGRESS ASKED TO REJOIN APIL HOIDNTA, Pohnpei - The sixty three delegates to the Associa- tion of Pacific Island Legisla- tures (APIL) adopted resolutions asking the FSM Congress to rejoin SIGNING OF EXCHANGE OF NOTES - FSM External Affairs Chief of TjTter- the association and expressing naticnal Affairs, Mr. Masao Nakayama, seated right, and Japanese Ctnsul General in Guam Yoshinobu Nagashima, seated left, are signing their desire to establish a Pa- an exchange of notes en April 09 formally conveying a 275 million cific nuclear dumping convention, yen (approximately $1.5 million) grant in aid from Japan for fisher- during the Fifth General Assembly ies development projects for the State of Kosrae during a ceremaney in the Kosrae High School Auditorium in the presence of Kosrae State held April 9-12 on Pohnpei at the Gov. Yosiwo George and I*. Gov. Moses Mackwelung. Standing from Pohnpei State legislature-Chamber. left clockwise are Japan Consulate General Special Advisor James M. The lawmakers also elected Re- Shintaku; George; Kosrae State Resources and Development Director Gerson Jackson; Mackwelung, and FSM External Affairs Asian Affairs public of Palau House of Dele- Deputy Chief Tfcdao Sigrah. gates Speaker Santos Olikcng as their new head of the four-year- old association and Pohnpei Leg- Japan aid notes exchanged islature Speaker Airfares Senda as the new vice president, with Guam TOBOL, Kosrae - Japanese Consul marks, Lt. Gov. Moses Mackwelung, Senator HerntLnia Dierking, secre- General in Guam, the Honorable Speaker Thurstcn Siba, State tary; and Senator Benigno Sablan Ycshinobu Nagashima, and the FSM Court Chief Justice Harry Skill- of the Northern Marianas, trea- External Affairs Department Chief ing and a host of state and local surer. of International Affairs Mr. Mas- leaders. Olikcng, who was former vice ao Nakayama, signed an exchange In his remarks, the Consul Gen- (Continued on Page 2) of notes in Kosrae on April 09, eral said that the grant-aid is, 1986 formally conveying a 275 in essence, a gift from the gov- (inside million yen (approximately $1.5 ernment of Japan to develop a million) grant in aid from Japan strong economy in the FBM. He for fisheries development pro- also expressed happiness that the PIDP director sought jects for the State of Kosrae. execution of this note would (See story on Page 5) The ceremony was held at the grant to Kosrae a much needed Kosrae High School Auditorium in small scale fisheries development Forum Fisheries meets the presence of Governor Yosiwo project; adding, that with this George, who gave welcoming re- (Continued on Page 3) (See story on Page 7) KOSRAE BRIEFS 2 APIL Increases fee, elects Officers TOEOL, Kbsrae - Kbsrae State Government Bureau of Planning and 00 (Continued from Page 1) has legislators from the four Statistics is planning and making states of the FSM, the Republics preparation to conduct a state- m president, replaces the outgoing of Palau and the Marshall Is- wide population census, according President Carl Gutierrez of lands, the Territory of Guam and to State Statistician Morgan Jon- Guam. The other outgoing offi- the CfcKironwealth of the Northern as, a State Information news re- cers who will be replaced by Oc- Mariana Islands, as members. lease said. tober 1, are: treasurer, Truk The FSM Congress left the asso- The census vail be helpful in State Senator Kisande Sos; and ciation in early 1985 citing ir- providing planning agencies with secretary, Phillip Muller of the regularities in election voting a set of essential characteris- Republic of Marshalls. of the officers and its disagree- tics of the population as requir- FSM Vice President Bailey Olter ment with involvement by APIL on ed by the overall economic devel- joined FSM Congress Speaker Beth- matters relative to the March 22 opment plan, the state develop- wel Henry, Governor Resio Moses, San Francisco Accords regarding ment plan and the Compact of Free Speaker Senda, Pohnpei State reorganizing of Air Micronesia, Association, when completed, the Chief Justice Bdwel Santos, and release said, adding that the Iso Naniken Salvador Iriarte of saying then that it supports re- gional unity on the airline issue census will be the first of its Nett who represented the Pohnpei kind to be entirely organized lo- Traditional leaders, in welcoming "within the appropriate forum" and criticized APIL "special leg- cally. the delegates to Pohnpei during Agencies such as the U.N., the the opening ceremonies. islative communique" which stated that the Accords call for an South Pacific Commission, the The assembly also voted to U.S. Bureau of Census and other raise delegations membership dues equal ownership and control of Air Mike by the five governments, countries in the Pacific are ex- from $2,500 to $10,000 or $40,000 tranely interested in the organi- for the four FSM states and to including the FSM, as improper for APIL to issue. zation and the final results of $10,000 a year for each of the this census, the release added. other delegations in order to ex- Gutierrez, in his closing re- TDBDL, Kosrae - Kosrae State pand its role in the Pacific re- marks, said that he was fully now prepares for the upcoming gion and abroad. satisfied with the conduct of the general elections for Governor, APIL, which was established in general assembly in Pohnpei and Lt. Gov., and the matters of the 1980 to collaborate in seeking joined other speakers in urging Kosrae State Legislature on Nov. solutions to catncn problems the FSM Congress to rejoin the 4, according to a State Informa- among the Micronesian islands, association. tion release. All Kosrae voters residing abroad are requested to file in their request for registration no later than August 4 and to re- quest their absentee ballot be- fore October 5, Election Caimis- sion Nena T. Kilafwsru said, add- ing that Absentee ballots should be postmarked no later than Nov. 4 at 5:00 p.m. Filing of petition will be closed 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 30, Kilafwasru added. Education week held APIL OWBOrNG PKESIEeNT tOBNSSSES ASS»ffiLY - Speaker Carl Gutierrez KDIONIA, Pohnpei - The second of Guam Legislature, APIL outgoing president, far right, is address- ing the 5th General Assembly of the Association of Pacific Island Annual Education week is sched- Legisltures in the presence of FSM Vice President Bailey Olter, FSM uled to be completed on April 18 Congress Speaker Bethwel Henry, Gov. Resio Moses, Pohnpei Chief Jus- with Director Etonian Sohl giving tice Bdwel Santos and other government and traditional leaders dur- ing the opening ceremonies held on April 09 at the State Legislature the keynote address at the PICS Chamber in Pohnpei. Racing the camera from left are: Pohnpei State Auditorium which is expected to Legislature Speaker Arobros Senda, who was elected APIL's new vice be packed with parents, teachers president; outgoing vice president who is now elected president of the organization Republic of Palau House of Delegates Speaker Santos and students, a State Information Olikong; outgoing treasurer Truk State Senator Kisande Sos; Iso Han- news release said. ken Salvador Iriarte of Nett Municipality, and Gutierrez. (Continued on Page 6) Japanese Aid Notes.... (Continued from Page 1) and Yap field trip ships as the first phase of the Traditional project, will come several fish- Fishery and Nutrition luyrovement ing boats, outboard motors, fish- Project; the third, $1.5 million ing gear and equipment, a 52-foot in 1982 to provide more road con- pole and line fishing vessel, a struction equipment; the fourth floating pier and a 1,400 square- being $3.7 million for fiscal foot workshop equipped with nec- year 1984 for coldstorage facili- essary tools and spare parts. ties on Dublon, Truk and at the "The success and failure of Dekehtik dock in Bohnpei as sec- this grant project is gauged on ond phase of the program under the economic development of the the theme of "Traditional Fishing SWORN IN TO ESM BAR - Pchnpei g State of Kosrae once it is com- and Nutrition Improvement" Pro- State Public Defender Nark L. <* pleted and turned over," Naka- Mausert (left) and FSM Assistant ject. Attorney General Mary Beth Nalz M» shima said, adding, "I have but The visiting officials were are bang swom in on April 2, S to hope and pray that what is greeted by the Lelu Band and the 1986, by the FSM Supreme Court taking place here is the first Chief Justice Edward C. King, as w Kosrae High School Japanese lan- a result of passing the FSM Bar major step in the successful guage class upon arrival and de- Examination on March 6* growth of a sound economic foun- parture with leis, music and Jap- dation to be enjoyed by all Kb- anese songs, Nakayama added. MLSC Workshop in Truk sraeans with peace, harmony and Fun Run scheduled HOIONIA, Pohnpei - The Microne- tranquility in an economically sian Legal Services Corporation 11 HOIDNIA, Pohnpei - The Pohnpei sound society. Sports Council announces that the (MLSC) recently announced that it Nakayama, who also spoke during Annual Fun Run is scheduled to will hold its Third Annual Coun- the Exchange-of-Notes ceremony, coincide with the Memorial Day selor Training in Truk on June indicated that the FSM govern- holiday on May 26, 1986, at 7:30 23-July 3, 1986, according to ment's developmental strategies a.m., according to Sports Council MLSC Pohnpei Office Acting Direc- attached great importance to the advisor Jim Tobin.
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