Speaker calls August special session-Page 3

The National Union


Volume 5 Kolonia, Ponape, July 30, 1984 Number 14 'POHNPEI' CONSTITUTION VOTE SET

ICIDNIA, Ponape - Gov. Resio Moses proclaimed Aug. 24 the re- ferendum date for the draft Pohn- pei constitution, according to State Information Officer Halvor- sen Johnny. The governor announced the date July 24, following consultation with the Ponape State Legislature COM EBSQWS MEET - The College of Micronesia Board of Regents is leadership as required by law. meeting July 18 in the ConiTtinity College of Micronesia Library Paci- In a July 24 letter to Speaker fic Room. COM Executive Director IJaren Peterson, third from left, Salter Etse, Moses said that the advised the Regents in a later executive session that he would not public information program on the 'renew his contract which ends Oct. 17. From left, clockwise, are draft constitution has been comp- Regent Strik Ycma of Ponape, Regent Claude Phillip of Kosrae, legal leted and that "the people are counsel Fred Ramp, Regent Billy Kuarte of PalauRegent Sebastian now ready to vote on the draft Anefal of Yap, Regent Bernard Helgenberger of Ponape and Peterson. constitution. "The day has cone for our peop- le to exercise their inalienalble Peterson to step down as COM director right of self-determination by deciding to either reject, or ra- H3IONIA, Ponape - College of sist in recruiting his replace- tify this basic instrument of Micronesia Executive Director Lo- ment, during his leave, and that governance for our state," the ren Peterson advised the Board of COM would begin a 30-day person- governor told the speaker. Regents during its July 16-19 nel advertisement for his repla- In its special session this meeting here that he will not re- cement on July 23. month, the legislature appropria- new his contract which ends Oct. The regents gave Dr. Catalino ted some $20,000 to fund the ref- 17. Canterp a new two-year contract (Corrtinued on Page 5) Peterson, a former Peace Corps effective Aug. 4 to continue ser- Ponape District director and ving as Corrtiunity College of Mic- Trust Territory state vocational ronesia president at his present education director who is comple- salary, $23,005 a year. Inside.... ting his second two-year contract Cantero was given a one-year as COM executive director and ac- corttract, which expired in June ting chancellor, said that he is and was extended, when he replac- stepping down to start a family ed Ponape Gov. Resio Moses as CCM business here. president last year. Transition discussed He said that he would take a The board also decided to re- lO-week leave of absence, begin- tain Fred Ramp of Stovall, Sprad- (See story on Page 4) ning July 23 and returning Oct. 1 lin, Ramp, Armstrong and Israel when the board holds its next as its legal counsel for one meeting here to serve out his year, beginning Oct. 1, for $15,- contract. COM Development Offic- 000. Ramp is serving on a six- Fishing tourney set er, Dr. Singeru Singep, was des- ironth contract at $7,500. ignated to serve as acting execu- In other action, the board of- tive director in his absence. (See story on Page 8) Peterson said that he would as- ((Continued on Page 2) CCM has record 420 summer enrollment

HDIONIA, Ponape - The Community Aug. 9-10 and classes Aug. 13- in regular classes in January, he oo College of Micronesia has a re- Sept. 24, she said. said. cord enrollment of 420 students There will be seven instructors CCM is advertising for one, or during its first session this for the second session, compared o two additional English instruct- ro summer, according to CCM Presid- to 27 for the first session and ors provided for by the grant, ent Catalino Cantero. 25 expected for the fall quarter, Cantero said. >i "This is the largest enrollment she said. H The special services program is 3 in the history of the college," There were 264 students enrol- scheduled for three years with Cantero said, noting that simmer led in the 1983 first summer ses- the funding level for the second sessions usually attract more sion, according to Hiesterman. and third year depending on the Z CCM was scheduled to begin June O students than regular quarters, success of the initial year, he H due to teachers enrolling for 1 a special services program for said. z courses toward certification. incoming freshmen who scored rel- D Special services program direc- "I would like to accept at atively low on their entrance ex- tor Donna Dye said that CCM is H) least 300 students for the next ams, but the $75,000 grant for planning to enroll 100 students fall quarter, including freshmen, the program was not received from in the program. O sophomores and third year (educa- the U.S. Education Department un- H tion) students," he said. til mid-June, according to Can- The program is part of the U.S. CCM had 288 students enrolled tero. Education Department Trio Program 55 in the 1983 fall quarter, accord- Cantero said that he sent a re- which also includes Aid to Devel- W ing to Admissions and Records Di- quest to Education Secretary Ter- oping Institutions and Upward rector Betty Hiesterman, who said rance Bell to delay the start of Bound. that acceptance letters were sent the program to the second summer CCM received $37,500 from the to 137 people who passed the ent- session, this September, or June, Aid to Developing Institutions rance examination for enrollment 1985. program to develop a five-year as freshmen for the fall term The problem with starting in plan, according to Cantero, who which begins with freshmen orien- the second summer session, he said, "A draft is in place and tation Oct. 1-5, registration said, "will be to bring in parti- being reviewed by the entire fac- Oct. 4-5 and classes Oct. 8. cipants from the other states, ulty." The first summer session, which the Marshalls and Palau." CCM is not directly involved in began June 26 and ends Aug 6, had If it starts in September, the Upward Bound, but Mrs. Dye repre- 123 sophomores, 232 Bonape state students would be put through the sents the college on the Ponape teachers, 60 special education program and, if they "test out of State Upward Bound advisory coun- teachers enrolled in a workshop the program," they would be put cil, he said. and academic courses and five part-time students, according to Hiesterman. Peterson to leave COM post Enrollment will drop to only BA program in architecture, pos- sophomores and part-time students (Continued from Page 1) during the second summer session sibly starting in the fall of which begins with registration ficially accepted the proposal by 1985. the Association of Micronesian The proposal was initiated by Chiefs of Police to establish a Barry Meyers of the Trust Ter- Micronesian Police Academy, beg- ritory Office of Planning and COM seeks drector inning September, 1985, at the Statistics, and the negotiations HDIDNIA, Ponape - The College Micronesian Occupational College include finding funding and work- of Micronesia is accepting appli- in Palau. ing with the ESM, Palau and Mar- cations through Aug. 30 for an It authorized the three COM shall Islands governments on re- executive director and a person- campuses, MDC, CCM in Ponape and cruitment criteria, according to nel officer, according to Acting CCM Nursing School in Saipan, to Peterson. Executive Director Singeru Singeo. change from the quarter to the The board heard budget, finan- The executive director, who semester system during the 1985- cial and program reports from the serves as a liaison between the 86 school year. three campuses, the continuing Board of Regents and the three It authorized MDC and CCM to education program and the College campus presidents and director study the feasibility of estab- of Tropical Agriculture and and funding sources, should be a lishing computer science programs Science. graduate of a recognized college at the two campuses. Regent Bernard Helgenberger of familiar with higher learning in- It approved a request by North- Ponape chaired the meeting in the stitution administration and pub- ern Marianas College President absence of a rector, vice rector, licity procedures. The salary Agnes McPhetres to continue the or secretary-treasurer. advertised is $20,000-$25,000 a joint operation of the CCM Nurs- The board was scheduled to July year negotiable. ing School, until it is physical- 9-12 in Majuro, but failed to The personnel officer, at $15,- ly relocated in Majuro. reach a quorum for the first time 000 a year negotiable, must have "This does not affect the bo- in the past four years, according a bachelor's degree in public, or ard 's intent to relocate in the to Peterson. Present in Majuro business administration and five Marshall Islands," Peterson said, were Vice Rector Alfred Cappelle years of personnel management ex- adding, "we are going on as of the Marshalls, Claude Phlllip perience. actively as we can." of Kbsrae and Sebastian Anef al of Applications may be obtained The board gave the go ahead to Yap, plus the COM central office from government personnel offices continue negotiating with Univer- staff, Cantero and MDC President •throughout Micronesia and forwar- sity of Hawaii Architecture Wilheim Rengiil. ded to: Personnel Officer, Of- School Dean Elmer Botsai on a Helgenberger, Phillip, Anefal, fice of the Chancellor, College proposal to reserve space for up Strik Yona of Ponape and the Hew. of Micronesia, Kblonia, Ponape to six Micronesian students a Billy Ruarte of Palau attended BSM 96941. year at the Manoa campus for its the Ponape meeting. BB M Health insurance Congress to air Monetary Bill 1 H zo Bill drafted HDIONIA, Ponape (Congress Re- session. lease) - The Monetary Authority The bill, if passed, would KDIONIA, Ponape- The ESM Health Bill, a new Japanese fishing ag- create the Monetary Authority to a Insurance Committee received July z reement and state projects appro- replace the FSM Banking Board and H 18 from the Chicago law firm Hep- priations will receive special become the central depository of O kins and Butter draft legislation attention during the third spec- all FSM money. 2 which would establish and imple- ial session here Aug. 8-17 of the The Micronesian Maritime Auth- ment the proposed National Health Third FSM Congress, Speaker Beth- ority negotiated a new fishing c Care Plan, according to Budget wel Henry said. rights agreement with the - H Officer Del Pangelinan. Henry, who called the special ese fishing industry to replace ^< The draft legislation contains session, said that Congress can the present agreement which ends U) eight articles, including six extend it, if it feels that it is Aug. 9. The new agreement was O which cover 1) a board of trust- necessary. scheduled to be signed in Honolu- ees, officers and corporate pow- Prior to the session, public lu during the week of July 23. V0 ers, 2) eligibiliy for benefits, hearings on the Monetary Author- The Congress also will consider 00 3) the nature and scope of bene- ity Bill were to be held July any measures its committees have *>. fits, 4) premiums, 5) establish- 28-30 in Kosrae by a delegation been examining during the interim ing a trust fund and 6) administ- which will include Henry, Senat- since the third regular session ration. ors Raymond Setik of Truk and El- in June, Henry said. The draft legislation also pro- ias Thomas of Ponape, Finance "We will also be looking for- poses that in order for the state Secretary Al Tuuth, Banking Board ward to a report from the Status health care systems to benefit Advisor Romulo Cison, Congress Commission which was recently re- form the additional funds which Budget Officer Tom Bussanich and organized and anything the Nat- the NHCP would generate 1) state Legal Counsel Delson Ehmes. ional Plan Task Force can submit medical referral committees and "The presence of Secretary on the plan," he said. procedures be strengthened and 2) Tuuth and Mr. Cison for the hear- state hospitals be permitted to ing is of great value to us in retain all cost claim reimburse- that they can help explain the ments paid by the NHCP. bill more thoroughly," a Congress It is also proposed that the official said. Six bills signed long-pending legislation before National government and Truk the ESM Congress to establish a state officials have testified on national medical licensure and the bill and additional hearings KDLONIA, Ponape - President To- practice board be passed concur- will be held in Ponape during the siwo Nakayama signed into law six rant with the health plan, accor- early days of the special session. of the eight bills enacted by the ding to Pangelinan. "The governors of Yap and Truk Third FSM Congress during its The current schedule calls for have expressed strong support for third regular session which ended a legal review by the FSM Attorn- the bill," Henry said. "On the June 12, including the $10.5 mil- ey General's Office, followed by other hand, the United States has lion fiscal 1985 national govern- consultation by the conrnittee raised its concerns relative to ment budget. with FSM chief executives and le- the issuing of our own currency." The President has until Aug. 2 gislatures, before a formal re- Henry, however, assured that to act on the remaining bills to quest for approval is made to the the Congress will consider all reallocate fiscal 1984 funds for next state-national leadership concerns and conments during the national government agencies and conference, he said. reallocate funds and extend the reversion date for Truk state pu- blic projects. APIL board meets The Third Congress is schedule- ed to hold its tMrd special ses- Ponape (Congress Re- sion here Aug. 8-17. lease) - Resolutions calling for The budget bill which represen- standardization of immigration ted a $3.5 million reduction in laws in the region, creation of a the President's $14 million bud- regional development bank and so- get request was signed July 24. liciting U.N. development funds He signed on July 12 bills to were reviewed during the July 26- amend Public Laws 2-2 and 2-46 27 Association of Pacific Islands relating to Truk state public and Legislatures board of directors extend the reversion date to meeting in Kbsrae. Sept. 30, 1985, and to eliminate Vice Speaker Joab Sigrah of specific allocation of funds for Kbsrae and Senator Peter Christ- FSM technical assistance projects. ian of Ponape attended in proxy He signed on July 20 a bill to for Speaker Bethwel Henry of Pon- provide for the tenure, removal, ape and Senator Isaac Figir of salary, duties and powers of the Yap who are FSM Congress members SEEK PULUWAT SCHOOL AID - Chief Public Auditor. of the APIL board Magistrate Sour Bein, right, and Trust Territory High Commis- Accompanying them was Sintaro Assistant Magistrate Biailuk sioner Janet McCoy chose not to Ezra, FSM Congress secretariat to Ekea, center, are meeting June 26 suspend bills to appropriate the association. with President to $70,000 for the National Plan If approved, the resolutions request funds for teaching mater- Task Force on June 13 and to re- will go before the APIL Fourth ials for the new Puluwat Island apportion fiscal 1984 funds in General Assembly to be held in Middle School which was built the Attorney General's Office and March, 1985, in the Marshall Is- with local materials and is sche- provide it a $10,000 supplement lands. duled to open in September. on July 13. Compact transition discussed Akapito completes

KDLONIA, Ponape - ESM and U.S. tions of the Compact. officials began discussions dur- State Department counsellor Ed- Aussio training ing the week of July 23 in Wash- ward J. Derwinski was the lead ington, D.C., on transition pro- witness and was accompanied by KOLDNIA, Ponape - Deputy Chief cedures for implementing the Com- Deputy Assistant Secretary of for South Pacific Affairs Ira Ak- pact of Free Association, accord- State for East Asian Affairs Wil- apito is the first ESM External ing to Status Commission legal liam Brown, Zeder and Jim Berg of Affairs Department official to counsel Greg Swartz. the Office of Micronesian Status ccnplete the Australian Foreign Status Commission Chairman An- Negotiations. Service Training Course, accord- don Amaraich, Transition Commit- The hearing reportedly covered ing to International Affairs tee Chairman Jack Fritz of Truk treaty devolution, or how the FSM Chief Masao Nakayama. and Ccrtmission member Isaac Figir and Marshall Islands would assume Akapito was one of 17 overseas of Yap met with Ambassador Fred treaties entered into by the Uni- participants who joined 23 Aust- Zeder, President Reagan's person- ted States on behalf of the Trust ralians April 5-June 29 in the al representative to the Micrcne- Territory; diplomatic immunity; course conducted by the Austral- sian status negotiations, and As- foreign affairs; termination of ian Foreign Affairs Department sistant Interior Secretary for the trusteeship, and eligibility Training Division in Canberra. Territorial and International Af- of the FSM and Marshalls to join The overseas participants were fairs Richard Montoya to discuss the under the Com- funded by the Australian Develop- transition procedures, Swartz pact. ment Assistance Bureau, and is said. "Brown, making reference to the one of several training programs "The United States' current Compact and the U.N. Charter, provided to the FSM by the Aust- thinking is to create a U.S. gov- said the FSM would probably not ralian government. ernment task force on transition qualify for U.N. membership," The training included lectures to coordinate with similar task Swartz said, adding that "this and seminars on international forces in the FSM and Marshalls," will be discussed further by FSM law, economics, affairs, organiz- he said. and U.S. officials." ations and issues; diplomatic Amaraich, Fritz and Figir were The House Foreign Affairs Com- skills and practice, such as wri- in Washington to attend the July mittee is expected to schedule an ting, negotiations and manage- 26 hearing of the House Public additional hearing on foreign po- ment, and field trips to Sydney Lands and National Parks Subcom- licy implications of the Compact and North Queensland. mittee on foreign policy implica- on Sept. 18, he said. "On the field trips we were Amaraich was scheduled to re- assigned topics to research," turn to Ponape during the week of Akapito said, adding, "The empha- July 30, while Vice President sis was on how to obtain informa- (Briefs.... , a Status Commission tion and report it accurately as TiKTIJ, Kosrae - U.N. Tourism member, left July 29 to join Fi- if we were seeking information in Planner Edward Inskeeb cautioned gir and Fritz in Washington for a foreign country and reporting the government and people of Kos- Aug. 7 and 9 Public Lands and Na- it back to our hate government. rae not to allow 100 per cent tional Parks Subcommittee hear- "I think the most interesting foreign ownership in hotels and ings en national security impli- part was tliat we had almost an restaurants here, according to a cations of the Compact. international conference with re- Kosrae State Release. presentatives from 17 countries, Inskeeb left June 27, after as- plus the Australians," he said, sisting in formulating the Kosrae adding that "discussions were State Tourism Plan to be included rich in that you have many inter- in the National Development Plan. esting views on a particular topic." LELU, Kosrae - With the acqui- The countries represented were sition of electricity by Malem the ESM, Papua-New Guinea, Solo- municipality in July, the Kosrae mon Islands, Western Samoa and State government is succeeding in Palau in the Pacific; Bhutan and bringiixj electricity to almost Nepal in the Himalayas; St. all of the 6,000 people on the Kitts-Nevis in the Caribbean; 42.5-square~mile island, accord- Kenya, Zambia and Namibia in Af- ing to a Kosrae State release. rica, and the Philippines, Thai- Tafunsak municipality was hook- land, Bumei, , ed up in June and electricity is and of the Association expect to be extended to Utwa in of Southeast Asian Nations (AS- August. EAN). The island wide electric dist- Akapito, 36, is a native of Fe- ribution is part of Kosrae State fan Island, Truk lagoon, who re- capital improvement projects. ceived a BA degree in social COMPACT HERRING - FSM Senator science from the University of LELU, Kosrae - University of Claude Phillip of Kosrae, center, Hawaii, Hilo and MA degree in ed- Hawaii archeologist Ross Cordy a College of Micronesia regent, ucation administration and super- was awarded a grant by the univ- is reading testimony on education vision from California State Uni- ersity to clean up Saru ruins provisions of the Compact of Free versity, Northridge. here and build a museum to house Association on behalf of COM in He joined the External Affairs ancient Kosraean artifacts, ac- the June 28 House Public lands Department in 1982, after serving cording to a July 3 Kosrae State and National Parks Subcommittee. as Trust Territory vocational ed- Release which said that Dr. Cordy From left are ESM Senator Peter ucation director and assistant has been studying the ruins since Christian, Phillip and COM Execu- special education coordinator in 1979. tive Director Loren Peterson. Saipan for five years. M Coast Guard Pohnpei constitution vote set

FSM states to draft a constitut- (Continued from Page 1) S! Installs bouys ion which was signed Feb. 5 by F WDIDNIA, Ponape - Navigational erendum. convention delegates. Yap approv- bouys in the main channel of the The governor said he will soon ed its constitution in 1982 and Kolonia harbor were replaced dur- transmit to the legislature a implemented it in January, 1983. o ing the week of July 16 with fix- measure to accommodate transition Kbsrae approved its constitution Z ed structures on reefs by the U. from charter to constitutional in 1983 and implemented it Jan. S. Coast Guard Cutter Basswood government, and that he will re- 11. Truk completed its draft in quest a special session of the 1982 and the referendum date is crewr according to a Ponape State Release. legislature before the referendum pending in the State Legislature. These are the first of the to address transition matters, as The Ponape draft constitution 5,000-pound concrete block, the effective date of the consti- would officially change the spel- stainless steel pole and naviga- tution must be set by law. ling to "Pohnpei" and would set tional marker devices to be in- Ponape is the last of the four the Pohnpei language and English VO stalled in Micronesia, according as the official government lang- 00 to Lt. Cmdr. Steve Sheek who said uages. that the devices will be install- Jet buzzing protested It would ban the introduction, ed in Kbsrae, Yap, Palau and pos- disposal and testing of nuclear V sibly Saipan, while Truk's topo- CDIDNIA, Yap - Gov. John Mange- and other harmful materials and p> graphy is not suited for them. fel protested U.S. military jet would proclaim state jurisdiction aircraft buzzing Yap proper and The ideal topography is like over submerged and surface marine Ul Ponape's where the reef runs out Fais Island, July 14-15, declar- resources within 200 nautical to the channel edge and drops ing it "shook up" older people, miles of all islands in the state off, he said. bringing back "unpleasant memor- in apparent conflict with the FSM Sheek, who originated the plan ies" of World War II U.S. bombing Constitution which gives the to install the devices and has raids. states jurisdiction over the been working on it for two years, In a July 17 letter to Caimod- first 12 miles and the national said that the structures are rel- ore Dale Hagen, commander, Naval government control of the remain- atively inexpensive and can be Forces Marianas, Guam, Mangefel ing 200-mile economic and fishing maintained for as little a $50 a said that many people complained zone. year. to his office about two apparent It would change the name of the The new devices will allow the military jets making several pas- Ponape State Court to Pohnpei Su- Ponape state government to handle ses July 14 over Fais and passing preme Court and increase the num- its own navigational aids, after "quite low" July 15, "buzzing ber of associate justices from the trusteeship is terminated, he houses and even the U.S. Coast three under current law to four. said, noting that the Coast Guard Guard IDRAN station" on Yap It also provides for annexation has been responsible for maint- proper. of new territory and extension of aining navigational aids through- "In fact, while fishing (July citizenship to annexed territory. out the Trust Territory. 15) my boat was buzzed by two In addition to replacing navi- jets," he said, citing reports gational aids, the Coast Guard is that the planes turned off their Goat project set surveying harbors in the Trust lights while making low-level Territory to update charts and passes at night. TOIDNIA, Ponape - The U.N. Dev- maps, Sheek said, noting that Mangefel said he suspected that elopment Program is sponsoring a some harbors have not been sur- the jets were from a U.S. air- goat breeding project which will veyed since 1920. craft carrier off Guam and that include FSM-wide animal husbandry responsible officials were not training at the Ponape Agricul- Poix 'not needed' aware of the flights. ture and Trade School in Madolen- "I don not want to make a big ihmw, according to the Ponape In- MOEN, Truk - A resolution dec- fuss over all this," he said, but formation Office. laring Christopher P. Poix, a U.- "I hope that in the future, if U.N. Volunteer Haresh Patel was S. military "medical personnel" Yap is to be a rendezvous point transfered from Palau to begin a from Guam, "not needed" in Truk for military training flights, or six-month animal husbandry and due to allegedly disturbing the whatever, that we be given advan- veterianary science training pro- Truk State Legislature was adopt- ce notice so that the general pu- gram in October at PATS for rep- ed June 15 by the legislature. blic can be informed." resentatives of each of the Fed- Poix drove a vehicle through a The governor said that "many erated States and PATS seniors. barracade June 7 at the TSL As- older people were "shook up' be- The project will include the sembly Hall, contrary to state cause these activities brought development of a herd of 200 law; resisted instructions to back unpleasant memories of bomb- goats on about 70 acres at the remove the vehicle; tried to at- ing raids by U.S. aircraft during State Forestry Station in Mado- tack the sergeant-at-arms, and World War II." lenihmw, according to Conservat- argued with him with "loud, pro- ion and Resource Surveillance Di- vocative and very obnoxious lang- FISHERMEN REWARD OFFERED rector Kikuo Apis, who said that uage which disturbed the session lOIONIA, Ponape, - Families of the goats will be purchased loc- of the legislature," according to six Chineses fishermen, missing ally and abroad. the resolution. since June 10 off Guam, are of- The UNDP is providing $145,000 Copies of the resolution were fering a $5,000 reward for their for the project, while the Ponape sent to Commodore Dale Hagen, location, Guam Senator Joseph F. State Legislature appropriated commander, Naval Forces Marianas; Ada said in a July 12 dispatch to $10,000 and the national govern- President Tosiwo Nakayama; High President Tosiwo Nakayama, asking ment is expected to provide an- Commissioner Janet McCoy; Truk FSM government officials to keep other $10,000. The state also is and Guam governors, Guam Legisla- a watchful eye out in remote iso- providing facilities and labor ture, and Poix. lated islands. for the project. 2,Buekea conviction upheld Jurisdiction

00 NDIONIA, Ponape - Rejecting the "We appreciate appellant's con- argument that testimony by a sex cern with cross cultural problems Requests denied o crime victim must be corroborat- that may arise in the truth find- KDIDNIA, Ponape - The first no- ro ed, the FSM Supreme Court Appel- ing," the opinion said. "Never- theless, we remain unconvinced tions for the FSM Supreme Court >, late Division upheld the sexual to assume jurisdiction over civil H assault conviction of Marsinino that the complaints by women of cases in the Ponape State Court 3 Buekea of Truk. sexual assault in Micronesia re- were denied June 8 by Chief Just- Buekea was sentenced to three quire any more corroboration than ice Edward C. King who cited fai- years and six months in prison, that of other witnesses in other serious cases." lure to follow required proced- O after being convicted in the FSM ures. H Supreme Court Trial Division in It also said that "there is su- 8 fficient evidence of other force The cases include two personal D Truk for the alleged April 6, injury suits against Ponape Rock 1983, assault of a woman on Tol in the record to support convic- Products Co. and petition by Rob- Island. tion for forced sexual penetrat- ert Etscheit to change his status 3 He reportedly attacked a woran ion, wholly aside from use of the from temporary to permanent ad- while she was bathing near her knife," in affirming the trial ministrator of the Leo Etscheit home by wrestling her to the court decision. estate. ground, putting a knife to her The three cases originally were throat, penetrating her with a filed in the Trust Territory High finger and beating her, before Extradition lauded Court and steps were taken to fleeing because of her struggling transfer them from the High Court and screaming. KDIONIA, Ponape - The Marshall to the FSM Supreme Court, accord- In a June 26 hearing in the Ap- Islands Journal in a July 13 ed- ing to King's order, which said pellate Division in Truk, counsel itorial called the extradition of the TT court responded by trans- for Buekea reportedly argued that Charles Wblfe to Truk state, FSM, fering the cases to the Ponape because various Micronesian cult- fran Honolulu on charges of theft State Court and motions to assume ures have distinctive attitudes for selling bogus airline stocks jurisdiction were then filed in toward sexuality, American, even "is an important action which the FSM court. Micronesian judges can misinter- should not go unnoticed by those "This is the first case in pret testimony and reach mistaken of us here in the Marshalls who, which a party has filed papers conclusions. at one time or another, have had with this court in an effort to The appellant counsel argued the misfortune to believe what is place before us issues already that because the possibility of pending in another court," the error is greatest in sexual of- not necessarily so. fenses, the court should never order said. "While Chuck Wolfe, the return- The standard method of obtain- accept the testimony of an alleg- ing a jurisdictional determina- ed sex crime victim as sufficient ee in this case, may very well be completely innocent, we think tion by the Supreme Court is to unless it is corroborated by oth- file a civil, or criminal action er testimony or physical evidence. that the larger question of ac- countability at the site of an with the court, according to the In a June 27 opinion signed by order which said the other method FSM Chief Justice Edward C. King alleged misdeed is the best way to stave off the other crows who, is move in the state court to and designated justices Mamoru certify a substantial constitut- Nakamura, Palau Supreme Court feeling secure in ripping off our Chief Justice, and Herbert D. seeds, think they will not be ional question which would be de- wrested from their nest in Guam, termined by the Supreme Court- Ap- Soil, Northern Marianas Common- pellate Division. wealth Court Judge, the Appellate or Honolulu." Neither method was employed, so Division held that the victim's It urged the foreign affairs testimony was corroborated by two and attorney general's offices to "the motions to assume jurisdici- take a more aggressive role in tion are denied, without preju- witnesses who saw Buekea and the dice to the right of any party to victim immediately after the of- screening business ventures com- ing to the area. follow either of the procedures fense occurred. outlined in this opinion," the order said. In each case, the movants claimed diversity of citizenship I FSM Supreme Court Calender [exists so the oases would be TRAIL DIVISION - STATE OF PONAPE within Supreme Court jurisdiction PAtTE/TIME CASE NAME TYPE PROCEEDING under the FSM Constitution. Aug. 1, 9 a.m. FSM v. Plais Escape Trial The injury suits allege that Aug. 2 FSM v. Akwinas Adams, who heads Ponape Rock Pro- and Rodriguez Burglary Pretrial ducts, caused Felix Koike and We- Aug. 2 FSM v. K. Rcdriquez Burglary Pretrial leriano Sham to be electrocuted Aug. 2, 9 a.m. FSM v. Peter AWDW Pretrial Nov. 5, 1981, by carelessly put- Aug. 6, 9 a.m. FSM v. Sowas Sexual assault Sentencing ting a boom crane into contact Aug. 6. 9 a.m. FSM v. Rupely Funds misuse Hearing with an overhanging uninsulated Aug. 7. 8:30 a.m. Tokutake v. Porter Contract Trial high-transmission wire at his Aug. 8, 9 a.m. FSM v. Peter AWDW Trial warehouse in Nett Municipality. Aug. 13 FSM v. Akwinas, Koike was employed by Adams and Rcdriquez Burglary Pretrial Sham was a PATS employee assigned Aug. 13 FSM v. K. Rodriquez Burglary Pretrial to assist in constructing a barge. Aug. 14, 9 a.m. Johnny v. Hif o Contract Hearing The suits by Felix and Susa Aug. 15, 9 a.m. FSM v. Akwinas, Koike and Weleriano and Sabina Rodriquez Burglary Trial Sham are seeking a total of Aug. 16, 9 a.m. FSM v. K. Rodriquez Burglary Trial $550,000 each in damages. w Wolfe guilty Japanese consul Is On one count Visits Penape MDEN, Truk - Charles Wblfe of HDLONIA, Ponape - Yoshinobu Na- Honolulu was found guilty here gashima made his first visit July July 27 on one count of theft by 26-28 to Ponape, since becoming deception and not guilty on two the Japanese Consul General to counts in the $45,000 sale of bo- Guam and Micronesia, as part of gus airline stocks, according to an orientation tour. C the FSM Attorney General's Office. Nagashima replaced Hideji Tsuk- H Sentencing was pending with FSM akoshi, who was reassigned April Supreme Court Associate Justice 6 to the consulate general of Ja- u Richard Benson, according to an pan in Curitiba, Brazil. G AG official who said that Wolfe Nagashima met July 27 with FSM could be sentenced to up to five President Tosiwo Nakayama, Cong- years in the Truk State Prison. ress Speaker Bethwel Henry and Benson found Wblfe guilty of Ponape Lt. Gov. Strik Yoma, and , the first count of theft by dec- the President hosted a private eption and acquitted him on a jCDNSUL GENERAL VISITS - President dinner for him that evening in second count of theft by decep- Tosiwo Ifakayama, left, is with the PCR Restaurant. i tion and a count of theft by Yoshinobu Nagasnima, center, Jap- Accompanied by Jimmy Shintaku failure to make required disposi- anese Consul General to Guam and of the consulate staff and their tion of funds. Micronesia, and his aide, Jinny wives, Nagashima visited the Mar- Wblfe was extradited from Hono- Shintaku, during a July 27 dinner shall Islands before coming to -ulu, arriving July 6 in Truk un- hosted by the President honoring Ponape and Truk before returning der the custody of FSM Security Nagashima's first visit to Ponape. to Guam. and Investigations Division Act- Born in Manchuria, Nagashima ing Chief Lester Ruda. served for two years before being Benson issued March 3 a bench Porter hearing set assigned to Guam as special as- warrant, and Wolfe was arrested sistant for protection of Japan- March 29, after a governor's war- KDIONIA, Ponape - An extradi- ese nationals abroad in the Jap- rant was iss«ted in Hawaii at the tion hearing is set for Aug. 6 in anese Foreign Affairs Ministry request of President Tosiwo Naka- Guam for Andrew Porter who is Consular and Immigration Depart- yama through High Commissioner charged in Truk with contempt of ment. Janet McCoy. court for jumping bail on charges He has served as Foreign Af- Wblfe had been in jail in Hono- of theft of services for not pay- fairs Ministry chief archivist; lulu unable to post a $45,000 ing at least $12,500 in taxes and four years with the Japanese per- bail bond since his March 29 ar- telephone bills, according to FSM manent U.N. mission. New York; as rest. He was jailed in Truk fail- Assistant Attorney General David a consul in Hong Kong and Los An- ing to post $45,000 bail, but was Brown. geles, and as first secretary of released prior to the trial which Porter was charged June 8 in the Japanese embassy in Thailand. began July 23. the FSM Supreme Court in Truk The $45,000 was paid Feb. 3,with three counts of theft by de- 1983, to Wblfe in Truk and anoth- ception and other means to avoid Arts group selected er $15,000 was delivered to him a paying at least $10,000 in ESM C^ek later in Honolulu to purch- gross revenue and employee income je 40 per cent of Trans-Pacific taxes, $1,600 in Social Security JOIDNIA, Ponape - The 26-member Airlines which was not incorpor- taxes and $1,923 in telephone Pwihn en Pidek en Dolen Wenik ated until Oct. 26, 1983. bills owed the FSM Teleoommunica- (Wenik mountain group) from Uh The funds, representing 800 tions Corp. Municipality was selected to re- shares at $750 a share paid by 12 He was ordered by State Court present Ponape in the Dec. 8-23 Truk International Development Chief Justice Soukitchi Fritz not Pacific Arts Festival in Noumea, Co. shareholders, were to be used to leave Truk. New Caledonia, according to State to purchase an amphibious air- On June 25, Porter allegedly Information Officer Halvorsen plane to provide service between sneaked on board an Air Microne- Johnny. Moen and the Mortlock Islands of sia flight to Guam and went from Second place winner, Micrones- Truk. there to Honolulu. Supreme Court Chief Justice Ed- ian Cultural Center, also DORES COUSINS SENTENCED will go to Noumea, if funds are ward King issued a warrant on made available, according to Si- HDLONIA, Ponape - Benjamin Dor- June 27 and Porter was arrested mon Kihleng who served as staff es, 26, and Andonio Dores, 30, of July 15 when he returned to Guam for the selection committee which Takaihu, Uh Municipality received on business. Bail was set at $5,- included Santiago Joab, chairman; maximum allowable sentences of 000 when he appeared in a July 16 State Senator Joseph Moses, vice six months in jail and were fined hearing in Guam. chairman; Pensile Lawrence; Sun- $100 each July 3 by FSM Supreme FSM President Tosiwo Nakayama giwo Hadley, and Bismarck Weil- Court Chief Justice Edward King, and Trust Territory High Catrnis- bacher. after pleading guilty to assault sioner Janet McCoy made formal and battery of loana and Erlino requests to Guam Gov. Ricardo J. The winning group combined Makaya. Bordallo for his extradition. singing, weaving, traditional The Dores cousins were charged Porter reportedly represented dances and sakau-making in their with assaulting Erlino and his Structural Finishing Co. which presentation. mother, lowana, of Lukohp, Madol- was contracted to build a weather Ponape sent Pwihn en Ononleng enhimw Municipality, Feb. 15 when station in Truk and received of Kitti to the 1980 South Pacif- the Makayas gave the def endents a $315,000 in payments on the con- ic Arts Festival in Papua-New ride in their pickup truck. tract. Guinea. 00 Ponape fishing EDLF delinquency rate down

00 Tournament set KDIDNIA, Ponape - The delin- $333,374.61 had been restructured quency rate on old Economic Dev- "and the borrowers in default we- KOLONIA, Ponape - Laid en Pohn- elopment Loan Fund loans was down re reduced from over 95 per cent o pei (Fishing in Pcnape), the from 97 per cent when the FSM De- to 43 per cent." ro first annual Ponape Open Fishing velopment Bank took over their A $1.2 million claim by the Tournament is scheduled for Tabor collection in 1983 to 43 per cent Commonwealth of the Northern Mar- Day, Sept. 3, according to Ray in May, according to Acting FSMDB ianas against remaining EDLF Peterson, assistant general man- President Manny Mori. funds is prolonging the final ager of the Cliff Rainbow Hotel, The number of new loans by the distribution of the fund, accord- 2 its sponsor. bank increased to 55 totalling ing to Mori who said that the First, second and third place $1,186,840 through June from 52 dispute is expected to be settled s prizes will present for the larg- totalling $1,157,140 in February, soon with the remaining funds to D est fish and the nost pounds Mori reported. be turned over to the Micronesian J caught per boat at a banquet at The bank took over 63 old Trust governments' development banks. the Cliff Rainbow Restaurant, Territory EDLF loans totalling The FSM share originally was following the tournament, Peter- $664,882.14 and began restructing expected to be about $3.5 mil- son said. them in November, 1983, according lion, including the delinquent Aug. 27 is the deadline for en- a report released by Mori which loans. try fees, $25 per boat, to be said that through May 31 about 50 Forty-one new EDLF loans total- submitted to the Cliff Rainbow per cent of the loans totalling ling $954,310 have been issued by Hotel in Kblonia. The fees will the FSMDB which also approved 14 be refunded, if the tournament is loans totalling $232,530 funded cancelled, according to Peterson by the FSM Congress. who said the tournament will be The number of new loans and to- rescheduled for Sept. 8, if bad tal amounts by category in each weather prevents holding it on state are: Sept. 3. Yap—three, $9,000, fishing; The tournament • is to begin at three, $25,500, commercial; tot- 6:30 a.m. at the Economic Devel- alling six, $34,500. opment Authority dock and end at Truk—one, $15,300, crops; 5 p.m. at the nearby Coop Fish five, $69,000, livestock and Market. Participants may begin poultry; two, $86,200, fishing; checking in at 5:30 a.m. and pur- one, $42,500, manufacturing; two, chase ice at the EDA dock. $137,500, real estate; three, The prizes, to be determined by $69,400, commercial; totalling the number of entries, will be 14, $419,900. announced at a later date, Peter- Ponape—five, $25,000, crops; son said. two, $32,500, livestock-poultry; "The tournament is meant for six, $65,930, fishing; three, Ponape fishermen and women, but $60,600, manufacturing; one, we hope to attract contestants $105,840, real estate; seven, from outside of the state," Pet- $224,400, commercial; totalling erson said, noting that there 24, $514,270. will be no restriction on fishing Kbsrae—two, $23,370, fishing; methods in the contest. one, $10,000, manufacturing; The tournament banquet will be three, $90,680, real estate; served buffet style in the Cliff five, $94,120, commercial; total- Rainbow nans for $8 a person be- ling 11, $218,170. ginning at 7 p.m. and tournament The FSMDB board of directors is winners will be announced at 9 scheduled to hold its next meet- p.m., Peterson said. ing Sept. 25-27, following a joint meeting with the FSM re- TOURISM WORKSHOP HELD MDBIL DONMTIDN PRESEWEED - Mobil sources and development directors Oil Micronesia executive vice tentatively set for Sept. 18-24, LELU, Kbsrae - Michael Jane of president and general manager Mori said. the U.N. Development Program inJohn Nagai, right, and vice pres- The bank received July 26 noti- Fiji conducted a World Tourism ident and director Lucky Tarkong, fication of its certification as Organization-sponsored workshop center, are presenting July 23 a a full member of the Association for hotel and restaurant owners $500 Mobil donation to the FSM of Development Financing Institu- here June 19-20, according to a Red Cross to President Tosiwo Na- tions in Asia and the Pacific Kbsrae State Release. kayama in his office. (ADFIAP), Mori said.

THE NATIONAL UNION Published by: FSM Information Office P.O. Box 490, Kolonia, Ponape Federated States of Micronesia 96941 Telephone: 548

Ketson Johnson, Information Officer Tom Bryan, Information Advisor Esikiel Lippwe, Broadcast Division Chief Elieser Rospel, Graphic Artist Angie Mualia, Administrative Assistant Mary Alien Manuel, Clerk Tvnist