Speaker calls August special session-Page 3 The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE f E DERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 5 Kolonia, Ponape, July 30, 1984 Number 14 'POHNPEI' CONSTITUTION VOTE SET ICIDNIA, Ponape - Gov. Resio Moses proclaimed Aug. 24 the re- ferendum date for the draft Pohn- pei constitution, according to State Information Officer Halvor- sen Johnny. The governor announced the date July 24, following consultation with the Ponape State Legislature COM EBSQWS MEET - The College of Micronesia Board of Regents is leadership as required by law. meeting July 18 in the ConiTtinity College of Micronesia Library Paci- In a July 24 letter to Speaker fic Room. COM Executive Director IJaren Peterson, third from left, Salter Etse, Moses said that the advised the Regents in a later executive session that he would not public information program on the 'renew his contract which ends Oct. 17. From left, clockwise, are draft constitution has been comp- Regent Strik Ycma of Ponape, Regent Claude Phillip of Kosrae, legal leted and that "the people are counsel Fred Ramp, Regent Billy Kuarte of PalauRegent Sebastian now ready to vote on the draft Anefal of Yap, Regent Bernard Helgenberger of Ponape and Peterson. constitution. "The day has cone for our peop- le to exercise their inalienalble Peterson to step down as COM director right of self-determination by deciding to either reject, or ra- H3IONIA, Ponape - College of sist in recruiting his replace- tify this basic instrument of Micronesia Executive Director Lo- ment, during his leave, and that governance for our state," the ren Peterson advised the Board of COM would begin a 30-day person- governor told the speaker. Regents during its July 16-19 nel advertisement for his repla- In its special session this meeting here that he will not re- cement on July 23. month, the legislature appropria- new his contract which ends Oct. The regents gave Dr. Catalino ted some $20,000 to fund the ref- 17. Canterp a new two-year contract (Corrtinued on Page 5) Peterson, a former Peace Corps effective Aug. 4 to continue ser- Ponape District director and ving as Corrtiunity College of Mic- Trust Territory state vocational ronesia president at his present education director who is comple- salary, $23,005 a year. Inside.... ting his second two-year contract Cantero was given a one-year as COM executive director and ac- corttract, which expired in June ting chancellor, said that he is and was extended, when he replac- stepping down to start a family ed Ponape Gov. Resio Moses as CCM business here. president last year. Transition discussed He said that he would take a The board also decided to re- lO-week leave of absence, begin- tain Fred Ramp of Stovall, Sprad- (See story on Page 4) ning July 23 and returning Oct. 1 lin, Ramp, Armstrong and Israel when the board holds its next as its legal counsel for one meeting here to serve out his year, beginning Oct. 1, for $15,- contract. COM Development Offic- 000. Ramp is serving on a six- Fishing tourney set er, Dr. Singeru Singep, was des- ironth contract at $7,500. ignated to serve as acting execu- In other action, the board of- tive director in his absence. (See story on Page 8) Peterson said that he would as- ((Continued on Page 2) CCM has record 420 summer enrollment HDIONIA, Ponape - The Community Aug. 9-10 and classes Aug. 13- in regular classes in January, he oo College of Micronesia has a re- Sept. 24, she said. said. cord enrollment of 420 students There will be seven instructors CCM is advertising for one, or during its first session this for the second session, compared o two additional English instruct- ro summer, according to CCM Presid- to 27 for the first session and ors provided for by the grant, ent Catalino Cantero. 25 expected for the fall quarter, Cantero said. >i "This is the largest enrollment she said. H The special services program is 3 in the history of the college," There were 264 students enrol- scheduled for three years with Cantero said, noting that simmer led in the 1983 first summer ses- the funding level for the second sessions usually attract more sion, according to Hiesterman. and third year depending on the Z CCM was scheduled to begin June O students than regular quarters, success of the initial year, he H due to teachers enrolling for 1 a special services program for said. z courses toward certification. incoming freshmen who scored rel- D Special services program direc- "I would like to accept at atively low on their entrance ex- tor Donna Dye said that CCM is H) least 300 students for the next ams, but the $75,000 grant for planning to enroll 100 students fall quarter, including freshmen, the program was not received from in the program. O sophomores and third year (educa- the U.S. Education Department un- H tion) students," he said. til mid-June, according to Can- The program is part of the U.S. CCM had 288 students enrolled tero. Education Department Trio Program 55 in the 1983 fall quarter, accord- Cantero said that he sent a re- which also includes Aid to Devel- W ing to Admissions and Records Di- quest to Education Secretary Ter- oping Institutions and Upward rector Betty Hiesterman, who said rance Bell to delay the start of Bound. that acceptance letters were sent the program to the second summer CCM received $37,500 from the to 137 people who passed the ent- session, this September, or June, Aid to Developing Institutions rance examination for enrollment 1985. program to develop a five-year as freshmen for the fall term The problem with starting in plan, according to Cantero, who which begins with freshmen orien- the second summer session, he said, "A draft is in place and tation Oct. 1-5, registration said, "will be to bring in parti- being reviewed by the entire fac- Oct. 4-5 and classes Oct. 8. cipants from the other states, ulty." The first summer session, which the Marshalls and Palau." CCM is not directly involved in began June 26 and ends Aug 6, had If it starts in September, the Upward Bound, but Mrs. Dye repre- 123 sophomores, 232 Bonape state students would be put through the sents the college on the Ponape teachers, 60 special education program and, if they "test out of State Upward Bound advisory coun- teachers enrolled in a workshop the program," they would be put cil, he said. and academic courses and five part-time students, according to Hiesterman. Peterson to leave COM post Enrollment will drop to only BA program in architecture, pos- sophomores and part-time students (Continued from Page 1) during the second summer session sibly starting in the fall of which begins with registration ficially accepted the proposal by 1985. the Association of Micronesian The proposal was initiated by Chiefs of Police to establish a Barry Meyers of the Trust Ter- Micronesian Police Academy, beg- ritory Office of Planning and COM seeks drector inning September, 1985, at the Statistics, and the negotiations HDIDNIA, Ponape - The College Micronesian Occupational College include finding funding and work- of Micronesia is accepting appli- in Palau. ing with the ESM, Palau and Mar- cations through Aug. 30 for an It authorized the three COM shall Islands governments on re- executive director and a person- campuses, MDC, CCM in Ponape and cruitment criteria, according to nel officer, according to Acting CCM Nursing School in Saipan, to Peterson. Executive Director Singeru Singeo. change from the quarter to the The board heard budget, finan- The executive director, who semester system during the 1985- cial and program reports from the serves as a liaison between the 86 school year. three campuses, the continuing Board of Regents and the three It authorized MDC and CCM to education program and the College campus presidents and director study the feasibility of estab- of Tropical Agriculture and and funding sources, should be a lishing computer science programs Science. graduate of a recognized college at the two campuses. Regent Bernard Helgenberger of familiar with higher learning in- It approved a request by North- Ponape chaired the meeting in the stitution administration and pub- ern Marianas College President absence of a rector, vice rector, licity procedures. The salary Agnes McPhetres to continue the or secretary-treasurer. advertised is $20,000-$25,000 a joint operation of the CCM Nurs- The board was scheduled to July year negotiable. ing School, until it is physical- 9-12 in Majuro, but failed to The personnel officer, at $15,- ly relocated in Majuro. reach a quorum for the first time 000 a year negotiable, must have "This does not affect the bo- in the past four years, according a bachelor's degree in public, or ard 's intent to relocate in the to Peterson. Present in Majuro business administration and five Marshall Islands," Peterson said, were Vice Rector Alfred Cappelle years of personnel management ex- adding, "we are going on as of the Marshalls, Claude Phlllip perience. actively as we can." of Kbsrae and Sebastian Anef al of Applications may be obtained The board gave the go ahead to Yap, plus the COM central office from government personnel offices continue negotiating with Univer- staff, Cantero and MDC President •throughout Micronesia and forwar- sity of Hawaii Architecture Wilheim Rengiil. ded to: Personnel Officer, Of- School Dean Elmer Botsai on a Helgenberger, Phillip, Anefal, fice of the Chancellor, College proposal to reserve space for up Strik Yona of Ponape and the Hew.
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