
Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension

File No. 405

1930 October 28

Yonkers, NY - Campaign Speech re Suburban Counties .IDDIIISS or corm'IO!t PIWIILDI D. !IOOSEYU.T U P.HILIPSII:lllG IWJ., ltllnl!S 'I1JISUU !VE1CIB01 OCT, 281 19)0

Tbe fact tbet I - apMking in hctcbaat... Couat7 to­ n1Cht &1••• • tba oppo.-t1lllit7 to opealt to the people o! t he otate

111 ...prd to ...... pro~ o! rov...... ,t IO!deh bal :rioen

YolYecl in t~ probl• are hatcbeot... 0 tlaoL&U I Onondap, in wb.tch

S,r&CUM 11 locetecl0 llo!lroe, 1n which RocheDter lao located; - Erie, 1n 11hich Bu1'!alo 11 located.

J8t the fora of aore:rn:..nt 1n t- COWitiea NaliDa Juot &a it .....

1n the dqa of tile ~'

•• b&Ddecl to ua 1n t he 7ear 168S. To a au extent tba... are a creat aan7 O"tber counti... 1n the atate which c.re fac1nc a aiaila:r prc•blea, J.nd Jet, 1n apite or tbe olrfioua Deed ! or ao• new 171tea o! ,.,.,.,.,....!It, 110 nri<>Wl tbou&ht baa been put on t bo pr obl... In other wor

11'0"11 up, an4 Jet ... are etUl l

.W.t1plloit7 or board• aod c-.i.oliono ill ord• r to c "7 rr.A the - 2-

~ate DHda or IIOdarn cidllat1oo. It 1e not en... ra tioo t o M7 tbat t.bu'e .... in tbeae aubw'b&n ...... hlmdrecla or llttle

&""er""""t&l orpA1uticna, Mch cme operatiD& 1D a llal.tecl ap~re , each one • law -to itoelt, - board• or local ntar aup!'l71 - _.. c.-.111&1..,., - a1dnelk co=-iaaiono, - llgbt1ftc d1atr1ct c:o.o a1aaiODa0 - fire dilltr1cu, - Nnitaey .U.tdcta. r ...rr tll:le • co,.tr7 ...U~e ll'C"" into a suburban center, h

ll ~t bappMa nut? Tbllt J.ependa on t~ locr.l.it7• llare in lleetc~ater Co-.mt7 for inatanca, IOOit of t beee COJI:aila101111 ere looaeq Uecl topt~ UDder t!Je control end •'"7 or • ••rr delicht­ tul aDd T &ey able &ant l...., who calla tn..el!' ~ "bene'rclent de..­ pot•1 or llutchHter County. lla U proud or hi& tiUe, aDd DO one

1D hie 01111 put.7 aucceaofull7 .U.putea hie autborit7. Jl o ooe .U.putea tba oborioua !act t bet w!IUe under llr. llard11 laadenhip a TUt rn.u:bor o! public i&pl"oYeaents ot a:17 k1nd ~e C.ao initietecl 1D lleetcheater CountJ , every parseD wbo

&iY .. it t boucbt recoen1oee the other fact tb&t t hie l.a e danprou. •11 tor arcy count.;y to C. govercad. It 11 coot.raey t.r; t he el>ole t.beorr ot repl'l(lentat1n ,.,..• .,....t end dependa tor U a auc:ceea on tbl llte ot one in:IJ.Yldualo !l1atorr t..U. ua tb&t 1D tbe put wben

AQ1thin& bappanad to a deapot, DO Mttar hoe c..-olent ~ M7 ~e

'bHD, the yaera t blt followed wre uauall7 ..-ked b7 t unooU, b7 polit.ioal upbalrral, ul

._ Mid •attar • tba dalup". -3-

1'l>o State baa two Ye%7 definite pointe of cootect with ancl inter.. t in thia problaa or II"Qburben ..,..• ...... ,t. :JI'irat in tl>o utter of azmual lAfi,al&tion, tl>o Legilll&ture and the Gcwamor are llllclc' preoent coocl1t1on~~ ukecl to - on clo ..... of l<>CU billa each yur due to tl>o !a.ct tbet local c~ern;wnt in theae countiea io not tiecl toptber on aD¥ lllOclern bwlineac buio. UDder th1a loooe o:rotea

1t 11 in.,.itable tbot the J.apr~eunte .-de in ea.ch oeparate local­ ity so firat and l&at t o tbose people wbo otancl hi£lleat in t.l>o

!tin&' a !a•or, tboae who have t he keenest oenaa ot lll'atitucle ancl appreciation ancl ait clo,.,. to the throne.

Lat. • illustrate b"; rw>Din& ~...- a nuaber ot bUll peosed at the l&at IM!IIIian of the Leg~al.ature and relAt.lng to l.ocallt1aa in

Weotcheatar County. I Jdght say in parenthea11 tbot the - pneral

11to17 bolda true of !laauu, and Nonroe, and l:rie. It Ilea bean stated by t he Rapubllcall press of l'estcbeatar Count:r tb&t your present GoY­ ernor durin& the lut two ;rears bel Yetoed a ncy large perceotage o!

the local l!estcbester billa. 1'b&t is per!ec~ true, - and u lone u I aa Gcwemor I ob&ll continue to •eto t.bet t ;rpe of lo&18l.at1on.

lb,y clicl I do it? 7or tbe al.aple and obYioua roaaon tb&t these l<>CU

billa at!ectl.n& term• and villapa of wburben counti.. taka uq in one ! ora or ...other ev8J7 posoible aa!e!;Uircl of 11oM rule, destroy

t.l>o control or local cit.i..... ~er their """ l<>CU ,~enuoent , and veat, .,..., ..,... cloaol.J tbon l>o!ora, t.l>o ult.1aate po,...r in t.be banda

of t.be ~olont cleapot "'-"'r boo M7 be. - 4 - • lie" .... juat. a r .. ~ tba ¢.t or ntoed bllaa Jn .let to extlllld tba poorv ot loe&l toom boan:la ar l~ cli.at.rib­

ut1Dc ~I ao .lot to llltborile tba W.n board ot c.rt.a1n \O'IID&

to coaatn>ct ...... liDell ao .let to allow tba t.,., or -...... ck t o 1aeuo _,. boftde.

L11tea to ~ ••to -aod-. It 1&711 •t d1al1ke to ba arb1tre.J7 about tbue local blla &J.doc local ott1c1ale tba

riatrt ...-e.llf to extend tba bobded 1.Ddebtedneea ot t owna wit.bout

Ia. fora or popW.ar approYal. I .. b:r DO _,., oppoaed to tbe ·­

teneion ot pui>Uc lepror..,.te web •• -ter work1, a~ , l1abUna d1atr1ote, et.e. 1D h1tcheatar Ccr.mty but I 111lDt to call

tbl attention of the tax-• of Weetcheater Couat7 to tbe tact tbat

tbaee end otbor blla would pendt coorernJ.D.c ott'1c1al1 to upoee bea'

bcod8Cl i.Ddebtedneu "" tbe taxparara witbout c1•1a& tbaa ar. o;:portu­

nitr to mow bow their _,.,_,. 18 beiJI& S;>ellto •

Tben there follow a loa& aeriae or bUll, - a a-ral

18WC' cli.atrict bUl for Y41'10US tawua i.D 'lfuatcbeatar County' & bill

to autbar1&e tba arectioD or bUUciJ.Dp lllld tboo pure.~•• ot aitea, a bill to allow the auperYilorl to appoint a new couiaaion, a bill to allow

tba i.Diuine or borlda tor aequiriDa laud, a bill t o let PHlrakill con­

atruct ....,,.. , aod I aiC>t a4d e1ail&r bUla atfectin& all t bl otblr

auburbM CO'.mtiaa ot tbe Stata.

beey - or t be.. bUU I •etoed tor tbl ..,.,.S lllld aut­ fiaim\ ,.... oo tblt. tblr t.aka &M7 tbl r1cbt ot tbl taxpay.,.. 1D tllto

loealUiaa at! acted to 1&7 tw ~lYII wllttb

OJ' ,.,.., - 1•- - OJ' -t• a bunlaD or .s.bt ... tbe ~-. U 1a D&ce&aar7 aa a ,_.rol. propoa1t1oa. t.bat the tupa,ren t-.

Hlna ban a n,tlt to Yote 7 .. or 110 oo the propoaed 1Dde~ua.

Tbe.. local billa wbich I Yetoed aAd ahell cocUnue to Yatoe, take

tllia r1pt ot ~inC "T••" or •110• &ftT troe the t.axpa7aro entirel;r aAd C1Ye the abaolute WI.CODl.rolled &Utborit,y to tbo local t01111 boerd or Yillace booN t o nddle clebta 011 t.!oe ~era ot the tOWD or

Yilla&•• Tbe paople wbo ?&7 tl>e billa •ould b,y ~·• b1lla be 46- priYed or the ~ht to 11a1 wbetber tile billa abOulcl. be iocurred 1n the tirat. placa. I11 otb&r WOJ'da , th.. e loc!\1 o!tic1ala would be rinn the ri~;ht to pile up the taxea, not Juat tor thia 7f*r bu.t tar & ceaeratiors to COM Oil &YUJ' place of pi'Oparf.7 wit.tUn tbeir dou1n.

It 1a • departm tro. t.be truth tar local ;>ollt1cillll8 or local newapapara to ..7 that tbeae ntoea take ""7 -ra ••1 trcna the local o~tiea. fbe uact CQIItrUJ' 1a tru.. These nt.,.. actuall7 retaia !lou rule tor the illbabitet~ta and tupe,yara ot the localiUaoJ and 1t I ba

It 1a -si"' to tbiAk 11a1011a ..., lle ta1w1 1n b7 elll;r aiaetet-t.e ot tawta whi.ob are ~ oot. ...aJ.;r tor pollt.ieal pur-- -6 -

I Mit a clet1a1te .-u... ot tM • oten or tM llllburt>aD

areaa ot \bla atate. Bow 4o 7011 wan\ ~ ~ \o be •~t.T low do 7011 W11t \be - ot ~ ol>1.ldrc \o be ..-t., - tar tha~ u

im'olYed lA tbe oreation ot tbla ~ lloDded indebtedDMa w!>lcb 18

PlllAc up t:r.. )'War \o ,...... Do 7011 u 1nd1Yl.duala want ~ -· a

definite NT lA tbe crwatloo of thea• debta or do 7011 w&Dt \o dale­

aate that poeer to • ...,.~ el.ae? Do 7011 want to I<"P ~ 01111 laaJ>d

UP'* the brellp t he uoezapl.,.,....t a1tuat1on. 117 OGl1 polAt. 1a to aee that th1a local aonay 18 not apent tor local lapro... •nt.a without t be cooaoct and lcnoaledte ot

7ou peo;>le abo are 101111 \o toot t.be b1l-a.

So auch tor tbo te~~Ual aubject o! tba 1ouodeat. nock or

••toea or local b1lla ...6r bonded down b)' a Gornnor b tbill .Ute.

1 COGe to l!'aatcbeater not. to defend then Yetoea but to boeat of t i>H, - to boeat of t ba tact that I aa pl"'tect1ns t ba people of

1\'eatcbeater Count7 and t balr ch1ldran !or a couple of iel1er<>t10Clll to c.,.. tr011 an ..,.1'-<00\lDtlA&, at•a•rlnl local tuat1on 1apoae4 w1t~out tbelr COIUiellto


a 11ft lonal SChool tor hatcboatar CO'>Dt7T I lalow Tery W.U t!let

t!le Board ot ltepmta haa ...,.ar rc~ed a .,... c.,...U Khool far ll'eatcbeat.r Countf • I woader 1t lr. lal.lic bU '""r tabn up with t.'le CouiNiODC>r of !.dacatiDD , Dr. Gr&Tea , u. aubJect ot a en cor-.1 ac:bool tar Ieeteboater Co:mty. Dr. t.n'reo a not -r ap­

pointee. He 1a \ lw appo.Ln\Oe of t hia aa• Board of R•ll•nta. Yet

I lal011 T~>ry 11ell t!let in t!le budr.et of l.act ,.ar tbo llepartMat ot

lduco.t1oc Mde no inautent deMnd for • nH nor.al acho

'lleatGbeatar County. Tbe ...cooci reaacm wllicl>, or course, 1e of tba ut.r:oat

ia;>ortenee not only t.o the De~nt ot lducaU on but to e. ;zreo.t

-.~y bo:ra ADd Jlr'la in t!la atata 1e t !le aiaple all4 oboioua te.ct

t!let with tile a.anoal schools which \!le atete alrecd;r b.aa in opera­

ticc today1 we lave turned oat MDY ooor e taacben than can a\ tbe preaent tae tiad joN. It 1a "ta.ted that there are at leaat

tin t boUaaud qualified tMC!ben in this otete •bo are t rrl.nc to

find acb.oola to teach in. I\ 1o ob'riowo to anybooiy with ac.r co:EOD

Hn• that t tlie wrl ue of t eachare lt.Wit flr'et be t aken up before

" etart turn1nc out an add1t1ooal er-r ot teacber&. That day will

UDdoubtedly coao and wborl it cioeo it will be entinly r1cht and

proper for lllauau Coucty or ll'eotcb.. tar County or both to baTe IIOJ'­

-.1 acboola withic tbelr' harciereJ but 1111Ul that ta. -•• I -

ao - 1D .....Unc aut. ..,... t.bo'...... S. enci tbouoaoda of taaebera to

add \0 tba lone liot of tboH aoor loolrl.nc .._c.. a~ ror poo1t1-. -9-

I ban bMA t<1na to 7"" about 19 eN'ort.a 1n U.pJ.D&

tor 7ou a yoioe 1n t.bll apendJ.GJ ot 111011e7 b7 701Jr t.oYM, YUlapa

aDd loo&l. d1atr1cta1 - I wat1t to tell ;roa ot tbe att ort.a I ben

&lao - Mlc1n& cluriD& t.be put two 7eara at llb&D1' to aan t.t.

people ot tbe atate - 1n tile price which tbe7 J;1a7 tor publlc

util1t7 ""1cea. Thia, ot cour.. , .,..... elact.r1c1t.7, iU• nt.ar

r at.. , talepbcme aDd atJ'Mt. cartarea. I UIIU!'8 7W that 1t bee

bean a •ar, berc1 atruccl•• lt baa bee~~ the - Jdnd ot atruc&:la

which tor taQ ,...... lou baeD cc.rri

Tbere are aeYar&l. anclea to thia f'J.pt b-.lt t~ all

po1nt towrd thlo - Nlrolt., - chuper rat.. end better '"'"ice.

71rat, tbere 1a the dnelo-nt ot cheap alect.ricit7 !ro:a our

water -r. 1'hlo Republican part7 llu elnya beeA cO

the poliC)' of ciYioC t hia poiiW to priY&te Corpor&ti

profit b7 l..,.. tor • lOll& ten or ,...... On the other b<.nd,

eo....,..,.. &11th and I, aDd iodeed t.be aAtiM DMoocratic part)', ben

be... pleclced to cSaYelo-t. ot our wat.ar poiiW b7 a ateta &(*ley with Olll7 one object 1n •in, AU&l7, to pt alect.ricit.)' aa c!laapl)' aa pouiblAI tar the citi...,. ot our at.ata. I aa euro t hat no ...,.._

....,it7 1o our State bee aottared and 1a eut!arin& ao &leh hos tbe

craac1 or Jll'iY&te alect.r1c licht o011paniaa aa t.hia COUilt7 ot , ..t­

obaater. tour bouaaholcS rat.aa are not. onl7 on tba whoa bichlor t.bao al.Mat 114:1 otbar place 1n the at.ata, INt. tile)' llll'oa bean • ""aoted and -10 -

~ibed 1n co -:>Ucat~ a _.. tb&t t b& boueebol4er aullt cet a b& rdaeb& ...... '1 tt- b& trU. to tic=• out Ida blll.

We 1.D. l'l.. l orlc State and -t pan1cNlarq 1D laetcbeatar

Co-Jnt71 can 'l'ffl"' well talca aur la- tr011 wr aeict>ban 1D Ontario, Canada, w'bo .,.. - ...Ja;yinc be:lat'ita ot eb&Dper alcctricit7 t.hz'oucll tb&ir toreeisbt.ec1aeee 1D ha't1D( tb&ir elactriclt7 dtfrelopad 1>7 a atata a ' e""7 l'l'

I N:f a c""pletel7 elact.:rltled hoo.JHbold I ....., jiUit t hat, - I liND alactric lights and electric cook1nl[, 1 - electric icebox, elactrlc tlatll'oa, toutar, •acuua cla&ner, eew1DI[ MChine, tan, curllna ll'oD, cbat1AI[ d1ab1 l.roDar ....S-..r.ung pee, and .w..r and wetne iron,

AU ot tb&.. t bl.np tor $), 40 a ...mh. l!cnr -h WOitld t hat bu;r bare

1D l Oillccra OT 1n lin Rochelle or aey other cit7 in Wutcbaatarf lzl7 -n 1n th1a audi....,• will tall 1011 that aha 1a lucq to s•t. bar alactrlc licJ>,ta alClDe tor that ...... t. It baa - aciant1t1nall7 tlcar-1 tbat a COQ.Plate alactrlc boWiebold such u I ha'te det.ailed to rou, CDniiUJMQ 2SS lcllCI'OIItt ho,.... per 1101\tll. !len 1n lcnura tbat would coet. 70u e2J..4 ~ per •onth. Jut coape.ra tb&t with tba C..udian rata ot tJ, J.O. ln !law Rocb&U. or in llaunt Varnon U wo..W ccat ...ao

11<\l'&o It a-ould Coat f25, 6), aaoet ei&)lt t1aaa u IIUCh aa U coat& iA Toronto. lb;rf Tb& :r.... on 1e u 1 heYa atatacll Canada d ...elo;>a ita alactriaUr t:ro. ita ••tar - and calla 1t. at coet to ita

, ciu-. BeN 1c lteatebeater priYateq omed 1rtUU7 ..-peniaa, ict..reated onq 1c •Jo:1Dt u ~ -7 •• t.be7 - · cl1ctate tbt pricee. Tour ra~.. hera 1D ...tcheatar -t. -•.c&l'l.q continue w be M%17 tbea hillier than whitt. 7our neilllb<>n 1e Oat..rio pq unt.U t.be Stet• or liew TOl'lo: bejli1ul to eomrert the nat water poorer

:raa""'""'a of it.e rinra leW obeap el.ectri oU;y wll1cl:t em c01111 iew

7wr 1cebo%ea and ran,ao and Usht bulbe.

I 11'&."\t to repeat. bon tbe Wt.l'll~a. vbich I heTe Ci Ten to tbe Yotera 1n flft%'7 pert or· t.bia Str.te. Do nOt. trnn tbe d..,elop­

-t. of t.bia el.ect.ricit.7 to t.bt Republican p&rt:r which boa !or •

CeD&r&t.iCD fOUCht t o t.U"D t"lia Yat8r J>01I"'%' oort.r to priT&t & cor-.­ rat1ona0 and which ann t.b1a year 1n ita plattora retu.. a to cC8&1t. eitbtr itoelt or it.e c:enc114at.ee to the danl~t. or tbet.. water powco bJ a p11blle apnc;y. You baTe ned 1n the DHopepere cmq nr;y

...... at..et.e.nta or t.bt llepllblicWI leader& on t.bia quaat.ion, and •liM>•

...... t..bty .... bten .... t..bty boY& - •ac- ....s 111Mt1n1t.e. tbt

IIMI'Mt tbine to c-t..nt. -• tho Ullft.. ion of a taiet. hope t.bat tha Gooramor' • c-ua1on woul.cl Ml0111eall7 aound that it could be 11\lpport..S b:r t.- . that t.ind or lAzl&uas• 1a t.be - lt1Dd tbet boa beWII uaed ror ,....,. 1.11 !lesnbllc&A platroraa.

0 Or COU1'Ho Wbat. ia ·-~ &ound hoe t.bt point Of Tin of lr. IMchold o:r tbe public ut1Ut.7 corporat..iona, -.;y net be

•ec:-loaJlJ aoun4• hoe t..bt po1.Dt or Taw ot the people ot t.bia lt.at-.0 •"" Till" ,...... ' O"Mt. dMl. .S.pencla npoo tbt Y1Hpo1.Dt. -12- f.._ whlch t.bo 0 ec0110111C aO\IDdna.. • Ul loolUt.

I &lao aa equall7 a:utiOWI tbO>t tMa pan be ecODoaioell7 aound, but 1Q' definitJ.oa of •ecoaa.ioall7 acund• Ul ratea which will 11•• tlle c1t1HD8 or oar atata alectricit7 •• the lonat poaaible coat without. aorh1ta:1t profits 011 U. pert or the c""'....,Uea.

Cloeal7 CIOIIIUOCted with the c;.uaation of ntar po1rttr Ul

\be aqu.al.l7 iar-\Ult queation of ldequat-e reculat1oo of our nat pul:allo ut1llt1u c-iee. llo oa• CAD dispute the q\leat1<41 that reculatiOII or thaae &J,ant corpor.t.i0!\11 tO C

Who direct the &ot1Vitie& or our lvr;aat Utllit7 <:OOpaniea t tbe7 """" tllroucb the ri,...... U.. or puaioc f oollab and toothleaa biU. which wre euc!> a fraud upoa tha people of \be State thet I Juat bed t o veto tba••

Tbat doaa DO\ - tbll and or t» tisht. It 1 u tbo

C""arnor II

1a thla f1P' &114 wlll tbaNfCON 10 a laftc _, to eeeurift& nHCIIl")'o 'fbat old llepqbllcu J..palat.in obatnaortiCJD 41ao bard, bat went... allT 41a 1t -t. W tba •• tbiDC 1a true a~ -., tl.cht to Jin Aft7 -u,1pa11t7 1n t!:da State, oa tbe r.f...... toa of lt. eiua..,., tbo power to pi'

..._., at ~18 r.t.ee, -.r tbe7 f1JKI t-lna aoucod 1>7 tba1r pabllc ut1llt.1M C08JIUliee• Ill tbia •7 tbe Ulrat of ef­ feet1'oe COIIJ'ft1t.1Cil .,.t baYe ita latl-ce oa n.tee, wao tbouell tbe -1c1pallt7 do8a 11ot actuall,y a-reU itNlt or ito rl&bt to prodace &lid ...u.

Tille 1a !loth., t~ an4 :rvur fl&bt, &114 tbe oaaae .. are fi&latia& o1de liT a1d8 u 'll1ll 81lftl.7 •1D. ~i-tt frt~ i Lou ;., 111 c. ~Y(J ·f+B w e ADDRESS OF



OCTOBER 28th, 1 930

FRAIILII D, ROOSEVELT: Mr, Ohair.an, a7 frienda of Yonkers and of Westohester Count}'. Two }'ears ago I thought the meeting in this aaae hall wae the finest one that it would be poaaible to hold in this oit:J, but tonight :JOU haTe got it beaten a aile, (Applause prolonged). And just beoauae I aa eo Ter:J certain of the wa7 Yonkers is going one week from tod&}', I aa not going to talk about local matters, I aa not going to talk about juat Yonkers matters. but I aa going to continue tonight what I haTe been trying to do in a perfectly orderly way for the paat week and a half and that ia to take up with the actual audiences in front of me and to take up with the radio audiences a great many important questions relating to the government of the State of lew York, because I belieTe that a campaign, instead of being one hundred percent political ought to relate mostly to goTernaent questions (applauae), And one of theae goTernMent queationa ie eoaething that hae oo.. about in the paet ten yeare,-before,-iet ue aay, at the tiae of the World War, nobody thought Tery •uoh about it and it relate• Tary particularly, not eo •uoh to the oity ot Yonkera ae to the County of leatohaetar, (Applauea pro­ lollled), Rooae oel' lOUKblo t u ~ • •

And I t aka it there ar e a good &any people fro• out aida the city 11a1ta here ton1S~>t and a g >Od eany out­ a ide the city liaite t hot a re 11atenlng in on the r~dio . bat I •ant to t alk to y u about 1a t b ia new problem of auburban counties. I ace lt iB a new one, but at the same time lt " lready i a Yery iaportant to a large ~rcentage of th~ ~pulation of the c ity end atate. lt not only inYclYee eetcheeter County, but a number of others , - llae""u for 1natance down on Long leland; and upstate, Onondaga County, Syracuae; M •nroe County, in which 1a located the third largest city, Rochester; end >.ria , in wnich 1a locnted Buffalo, the second city. A Yery large psrt of the land a reas of these c.:>unt1ea baa bec011e auburban. They are no longer ;rorely f • reing eecti~na as ac•o of the f~rmera of .eatchee t er know t o their nr ofit (laughter). And yet the form of government, •Y frianda , i n theee auburban oountie8 resalna juat 88 it w~• in the aaya of tbe Duke of York a nd hie aya­ te• of Town G ~vernsent thftt was handed to ua on a ailYer latter in t he ye• r of Grace 1G88. (Anplauaa). If we ran our buaineae rnd our ho•e• nd our tr ~ n• ~rt~tion according t l the at"ndorde of 1683, reopla woul4 tall ua we ware lu.b crary, • n~ yet ya r a ftftr~ar •• o on running our town co•arn ant. in trole at to, ncS •• •o1ally 1n \he oulrur a.n U(•UnU•• a a \he 1ke q f York 4 1 ho hun r11 cl nil flf\y y ..u qo. Tonlte:n, I x To a leee ex\en\ of o ourae, \here ar e a grea\ .any otber oount iea outaide of \beae fixe t hat ar e faoinc a •1•1ler probl... And yet, in aplte of \be obxiou. need for eo .. new ayat q of coxer-nt, DO aeriou. thouabt hae been put on tbe problft. In otber word& , that child, two bUDdr ad and fifty yeara old, bee beoo•• a hueky younga\er, al•oat grown up, and ye\ we are a\ill keeping that ohlld in ra.per a. (Laugb\er) . So in tbeaa graa\ auburban areee, although we are atill uaiug tbe aue old for. of goxernMnt, we are year after year adding a •ultiplioity of board• and co.. i asiona and oo.. itteea and xarioua other organi~ationa in order to carry out the i8mad1ate neoda of aodern o1vil1,ation. And it la not an exaggeration at all to aay tha t there are in

\heaa auburban areaa hundred• of little governaent organi~a tiona, each one operating in a 11alted aphare, each one a law unto ihelf, - boarda of local water aupply, - aewer oow.1aB1ona , - aldewalk oo.. iaolona, lighting diatriot ooa­ •la• l ona,- fire diatriota, - eani tary dlatrlota, -- Oh , you peopl e l n Weetoheater County know • lot aore about it than I do. (LaU£btar, applauae). by, exery 'lae theae peat few yeara tha t a oouatry oroaaroad or country villa&& baa grown into a xll­ l&&e canter, half a dosen new oo.. laalona errln& up over nilht. (Ap ~lauae). Roosevelt Yonl, \be l 1a not ..ant earcaet1- cally beoeuea be ia - a Yary deligbtfUl and a •err able gen­ tlaaan, abo calla bt.eelf the beneYolent deapot of Waatobae­ ter County. (Laughter). He 1a proud of that title and no one in hie own party auoeeaafUlly diaoutea hie authority. lo one dlaputea the obY1oua faot t hat while under •r. ~ard'a laaderab1p 1n tbia county, a Y&et nuaber of public 1apro•.. e nta of aany kinde baYe been 1n1\1ated in Weatobeater County. fat ••err pereon abo giYea it thought , recognise& tho other f aot that tbie ia a dangeroue ear for any oountr to be co•eroed. (Ap?lauaa) . (Prolonced). That ..thod ie contrary t o the whole theory of ranreaentati•a go• ernaant under wbioh we llYe, for eb1ob hundred& and t houaanda a11d aill1ona of ,ao~a haYe oooee to our ahorae fro• other lande. 'l'llat theorr dapende upon the aucoaae of the life of a eincla 1ndlY1dual and b18\orr tall• ua that ln the paa\ nen anyth1Di; happened to a deepot, no ..tter ho• beneYOlent be aay haYe bean, the yeara that fol­ lowed were uwuallr aarked by turao11, by upbaaYal, and by wba\ the\ French kine referred to when be aa1d •attar ..

the deluge•. (Ap~lauaa). low, the atata of co•arnaent 1n Albany baa two ••rr ( &finite po inte of ooa\ao\ wl\h el4 ln\araat ln \bla r"bl•• of auburben coYer~~Mn\, "'·•tb.r 1\ be ia hal baa\aw RoosevP.lt Yo nkers N.Y. 5. or laaaau, or Monroe , or Onondaga or Erie. Firat in the ..tter of annual l ecielation, the legialator and tha CoYer­ nor, are UDder lbe preaent oonditione aeked to paea on doaene - doaena upon dosena of looal billa eYery year, due to the f aot that looal gowern.ent in tbeae oountiea la not tied toget her on aay bualDaaa baa1e. Onder thia looaa eyataa it ia 1newitabla that the t.proYeaanta aay in eaoh aaparate looa litiea,firat and laat to t hose people Wbo atand the

bi gbaat 1n the k1DC ' • fawor 0 those who bawa the keenest aenae of cratitude and apnreciation and a1t near es t t o the throne. (Laughter - appl auae) . Let •• i l luatrate bow \be eta te 11 affected by tbie wretched ayate.. Let ae run ower a number of bill a

~•sed at the lea\ eeaaion of tbe le&ielature, and rela\tng to looality in Weatcbeat er County - and l could alaoat aay what I aa go1Dg to aay, word for word, in r elati on to billa about laaaau OoUDtY and bill• about Monroe County aDd billa about rie County - I a l p\ eay that all of theae IIUburban countiea are in the .... boat. lt baa been atated by tbe Pepublioan preeidant 1n l eatcheatar OoUDty , that your prea­ ent co•ernor , durin& the pea' t wo yaere baa wetoed a nry

l ara• pe~oentaae of the loca l Weatobaater billa. !ba,, ay f r i enda, 11 perfectly true. (Leu&hterl , - and • • loft& aa I

•• ao •~rnor, a wary lara• percent 1• of 'b•' type of l ooal l eato eat er billa e i U ooaun.. e to a•t ntoe4. (Ap!llauaa pool a d ). Roo11nU TgDI

Teto ..aaage . Tbay aia~ly aay the bill baa been Tetoed and they don't aay why. hr are they Tetoed? for the a iaole ano obTioua reason ths t theaa local billa affecting ;owna ano Tillasea of the suburban counties take away iu one tor. or another eTery poasible nafe~ard of hoae rule.

(\~plauaa) . They daa ~roy the control of local citi%ena oYer their own local gover~ent , end ;bey Teat, eyen more oloaely than before, the ultimate power in ~be banda of the beneYolen; daa~ t, whoever or ehareTor ce aay be. ( lpplawoe). ti ere a re just a few of tbe crist of Yetoed billa: An Aot to extend the power of local teen Boarda or local diatriw~t1ng syetcss; an Act to authorise the rown doaro of certain towna to oonatruct aewer linea. By t he way la it true that they f ound aosetn1ng in tna sewer l ice? (Applsuae- prol on&od one a inuto).

AUO I ~MO! : About a aile long rubber hoaa of tbe f lre Oaoartmect. (Ap~lauao prolonged.) (t pplouaa- lauab­ ;er). P.O:lii.:V l.T: The law 1orlt OU:y prama t.a=' ~ lleerd

aDout tD ' 7et Aft4 ~hay eere aakiDI •• ab~ut 1\. (Let utar - e lauae). 7. Rooaeyelt foakera, 1.1'.

An Ao\ \o a11ow \be town of Maseroneok - \bat ia a long way off - ( LalJ&bhr) - \o inu. aewer banda. Liaten to my ve to ae•oranda: 1\ aaya •I diallke t o be arbitrarr about t baae local billa giving local off ioiala the rigpt aerely to extend 'be bonded in4ebte4naaa of \owna without aose fora of po?Ular apnroval. I aa bJ no aeana op?Q&ed to \he extenaion of public i aprove.ant auob as wa\er worka and lighting d iatrlcta and aidewalte, e\o. in aeatobeater County but I want to call \b~ a\ten\ion of the t axpayer• of aeatoheater County to the f act that theae other billa would persit govern.ent off 1otala to t.poaa heavy bonded lndobtedneaa on the ~x payer• without giving thee an

o?~ rtunity to know bow tbetr aonay ia being apent. •

(A opl~uae - prolonged). Then there follow a long aeriea of bil la, - a general aewer dietrlot bill for vartoue towna in l eatoheata County, a bil l to authorise \he erection of building& and the purobaaa of aitea, a bill \o allow \be auperviaora to appoint a new c~iaaio n, a bill to allow the iaau1ng of honda for aocuiring land, a bill t o let ~kakill oonatruo\ &aware , (Laushter) an~ 1 aisbt add aiailar billa affecting all the other euburban oountiea of the state. I a id for the JYftrJ one of thea• billa ve\oecl vod &114 eutfloient renon tt.at they t ka AW&J tbe ript

vf tla t ~~tare in t a loo litiea aff•otecl to ear tor \ • a .tu ao.ael r Ill" ner ould 1-e a "' f ol' \llue ROOIIYeU Toaltne. I.I. A purpoeee or no\, Today, before any Yillace or t own CIA ieaue bonda or create a burden of deb\ on the tazpayera, it ia neceeeary a• a ceneral propo81t1on \ ha\ t he ta~­ payer• thea•elYe• baYe a right \o Yote ye• or no on \he pr oooeed indebtednele. (lp~lauae - orolonged). Tbeae loo•l bill l wh ich 1 Yetoe~ and eball oon\inue to Yeto, tate thi• right of •ayLng •ye•• or •no• away fro• the ta~­ payera altogether end gl•e the abtolute uncontrolled author ty to the local town board or Yillage board to taddle deb\t on the taxpayers of the town or Yillage. Thft people who pay the bllle would by thlt type of le• i•lation be aeprdYed of tha ricnt to say whether the billa should be incurred in the flret place. In other worda, theee loc~l ~f •iciala would be &1Yen \be rtibt to pile up t he ~ea, not ju1t for thia year,•1nd you, but for e gener Rt1on to oome on eYery

~ ieee of nroperty within their 4o.a1n. That U ie • clear depe.rture fro• the truth t nr looel P011tioi ane or local newap¶ , , say tb1t t he•• ••toea tate any powers away froe the local oomeunitiee. The exact contrary i• \rue. The•e Yetoea actually retain h ·•• rule for the inhabitant• and t axpayer• ot l eatchaeter County, and If I bee not Yetoed the•• blll• the Yotera and t~ hand­ tex~r•r• wou14 baYe eurrendered tbelr ~wn rl&ht• a ful or otfiotele wt.o wen not elected wUb. any t .uabt of ta.elr toaYin& euoh arbUrery power. It le ....1 to t Ink enyone o e ~ \ Mten 1 by

I t I •• tiiP~ttllll UU. ~~~ .... ,_,.., Y!HII .,_., r 9. Yoakere 1 1.1. euoh ellly alee'-te.en\e of taote , aieeta\... nt e \ha t are co\ out aolaly tor politioal purpoaea. ADd I aak a dafinl\8 quaa\ion of the Yotera of Weatobea\er and Waaaau and o\her auburban oountiee of the St ate. How do you wan\ your aoney \a be aoen\f Do you want the aoney ot your children \a be epent, - t or t hat 1a 1nYolYed in the creation of thia huge bonded indabtedneaa that ia pilin& up troa year to year. Do you aa 1nd1Y1duala wan\ to haYe a defin1\e ear in \he crea tion of tneae debts or do you want to delega\8 \ha t power to eoaebody alee? Do you want to keep y~ur own hand on \he brake or do you want t o be put back ln the aea\ of the back eea\ dr1Yer1 (Laugh­ tar). lot only ha•e I no objection to the continuation of aeeded local laproYeaente, but I hope \bet they will be carried cut a t all ttaea and eepeciallf t bie year, in order to help the uneaployaent a1tuat1on. (Applauee). My only point, ae 1 know you underetand, le to aee that tbla l ocal aoney ia not apant for local laproYeaan

wltb ~ut the canaan\ and knowled&& of you people who are colag to toot \he billa. So auoh t or the caa.ral aubJaot ot the aoundeat flock ot ••toea of local bi lla that wart •••r handed aoen by any conraor la tbia Uau. (Ap,la•.. •l· AlliS 1 e<..,. to nohaa\er, •r tr it • •, no\ to Ci a-

• , D-11t 'o U 11f ''' , (Ap lau.. ) - \

J 'l •• j41r .,,,, IIIlo tl • ,., 1'111• 't •• L1 J Rooaevelt ToDir.ara. I.T. 10. boaat of t he faot t hat I aa protaotin& \be peopl e of tbie county and their children for a couple of generation& to ooae, tree an ever eounting, ataggering local taxation, iapoaed without their oonaent. And the aeoond poin t of rel a tionship between Albany and the auburban oountiaa ia t h is: It i a obvioun that the present ayatea of auburban governaent 1a out of date And t hat the tlee haa ooee to give ~ediate study and attention to the creation of a new fo1111 o! suburban gove rneent, and !or that reaaon 1

~ave already consulted the publio-apirlted aen and woaen fro& tbeae oountiea, aen and woean who are not involved in or oonoer~ed with , or connected with aers local po1i­ t ioal control, - men and woaen who are alncerely intereated in the progress of auburban governaent for the good of their oountiea and not for the good e ither of any poli\ioal party or of ~ny pol1t1oal deapot. Whe ther 1 aa elected or not I aa calling together a oonterenoe o! theae aen a nd aoaen tint for the purpoae of taltina the whole aatt.er out of politics and eeoondly, for \be purpoae of aeelng whether •• can't aeviae a ayatea of auburban aovrrnaen\ tha t ai11 reta in ho.. rule and at the aaae tiae put the whole atruotu on a buelneaa-like baala, (A~l&uae). I want to brine ln Jua\ one illuatra tioa of the deptn to wl lob eo.. pol1Cioiene ail! 10 ia a local oe.­ p•1an. •••• t o a ·~ about ay va\o of t o billa - o Roo ..Yelt ToDtere, 1. T. u. of tbea to at art a norul school in leeaau Oounty and the other to at art a no~al aohool in Weatcbeater Oounty, Bae it eYer occurred to t he local politiCi&n8 of the Republican Pa rty in thie county to tell the whole truth? Ye t ced thoae billa of couree, and for per feotly eenaible and proper reaeona. Here they are: Firat of a!l, tbe whole aubjeot of nor aal aohoola ia under the JurieUoUon of the Board of Repnh and the Depart.ent of ! duoaticn and mar 1 any in paaains, that e leYen out of twelYe repnte of thie St a te are Republicans 1n s pite of the fact that in theory our Departllent of

Educa tion i a eu ~pc eed to be non-partisan and non-politica l. One of theae non-partieen and non-political regente, your fe llow coitizen, Mr. allin of Tonkere, ie no• out Mak ln& political apaecheo in t h is Yery a ..oatsn, bidding for Republican Yotea. But I wonder if Mr . ~all1n eYer t oot it up with the Board of Repnte, this queation of tbeir giYiag approYal to tbe nee need of a new lorwal Sobool f or eatchester County. l know Yery well that the Board of Pa.aata baa neYer recoa:ended to •• any new noraal aobool of eatcbeeter eouaty and l wonder if Mr. Wallin baa e.er taken u;>~~. Coaai aeioner of ! duoation, Dr. Or aYea, the aubjeot of a ae• aoraal acbool for tbia county. Dr; Ora••• ia not ay a~po intae, be ia the •~po iatae of t bla a .. ard of lleaenta, l ftd yet 1 .. no• YUJ wa ll tloa t ia tba bud at of 1 et rear the Lepart ant of d• ati n ..de ao 1aeie\an\

1 ~• • "'* ~., •''"' 11g .... ~ .,., ruw ,..,.,. ' .. , ftoo ..nu ToDitere, I . T. ll. de.and for any new noraal aohool in Weaioheat er Oounty, ADd the aeoond reaaon, which ia ~ 110re illpor ­ t ant than that, - beoauae it atteota the whole ache.. ot education 1n t h i a Stat e , beoauae it ia ot iaportanoe not juat t o the Departloent ot J:duoation, but to a great uny boy ..an4 girl• i n t hia State, and their future. 'l'bat aeoond reaaon ia the ai•ple and obYioua fact that wit h the noraal aohoole t hat the Stat e already baa in operation today, •• baYe turned out any 110re teacbera than oa.n at the preaent t t.. f ind joba. It ia eat18ated that t here are a' lea.at ti•e thouaand quallfled te~obera in thia St ate who a.re t r ying to find aohoola to teach in. lad it i a obYioua anybb41 with any oo.. on aenae that tbi& surplua of teacher& .ua\ tire\ be taken up befor e we atart turning out any additional ar•y of teaohera. That day will undoubtedly ooae and when it doea it will be entirely right and proper tor Weatcheater County, yea and for laenau Oounty, to haYa noraal achoola wUhin their hordera; but unUl that ti.a, I woul d not be li'l'ing up to •Y oath of office if 1 were to allow ..a .urea to 10 throu&b, tbat would reault in aen41ftl out thouaanda aDd thouaanda ot teacher• to add to the lona liat of thoae who are now lookiftl unauoceaafully tor poei­ tlone. 1 baYe acre raapeot for tba fUture ot the boya and t irla in tbla l t ate than the loo 1 politioiana ba••· (apnlauaa - prolonaed). low 1 beYa been lalkla to y u a ul ey eff r\a

''"' llllilf •~Jr 111111• 110 1111' Ill*"' tUtlt 'l''iito~ Lj•r l S. Rooaa"U ToDkera ,J.Y. in keeping for you a Yo lce ln tbe apanding of aoney by your t owna and Yillagea and local diatriota; now 1 want to tall you Yery briefly o~ t be effort& \bat 1 baYe been aaking for tbeae peat t wo year• 1D AlbanY to aaYa you, aa lndiYlduala, .onay in the price that you pay for public utility eer­ Yioea , rendered to the people, that of course aeana elec­ tricity, gaa, wat er r ates, telephone• and street oar r ates. 1 aaaure you, •Y friends, lt baa been a a lgbty bard atrug­ cle, it haa been the aaaa kind of struc~lo wnioh for ten years waa carried on ageinat that Republican legislature by ay great predecfteaor, \lfred T. Seith. (Applause - proloJ18&d) . low, tbere are seYeral angle3 to tbi& figbt, but tbey all point towarda tbe aeae result, - cheaper r tea and better aerrttae (lpolauae). J1rat, tbere i s the ~.eYelo aent of cheapeeleotriolty froa our eater power, and you knee ao.. tblng about tbat. The Republican party baa alway• been oo.. ltted to tbe policy of glaing tbla power to prl­ aa te corporations for prlYWte profit by lease for a long t ara of yeera. lnd tbay eay, 0 0b yea, we will not alienate our wat er power•, - and what do tbey aaanT They ..an tbey eon't legally - legaliat1oally - aa tha7 ca ll it, a lienate the faa of the water power. ?poae you h~d a oieca o~ rropertr bare in \'un ..,.. M aupfl'I&SII yeu leue•l U to acMbodJ for 8 raara wit .ut any reatriott taa, would you ear tb t 1 u ra~aift&d Ra oaewelt fank• r•,l Y 14 much control oYer t hat place of ~rope rty aa l ong aa the ren w~a paid. Tha t ia t he qepublioan propoaltion, and I don't t hink it 1& honeat. (Appl ause - prolonged). On the other hand, Go•ernor Sait b and 1, and indeed the e ntire Democratic Party have been pledged t o the development of our wat er power by a atnte agency (ap­ plauae) with only one object in view, nlllllely t o get elec­ tricity aa cheaply aa po as lble for t he citl•ena of our at te. (lppl~uao - prol onged). lnd I ._very certain of one further f act and that is, that t her e ls no coeMUnity ln Lhe entire atate of Jew Y~rt t hat baa suffered or i e suffer ing ao much from the greed of orivate electric l i ght coa,aniea aa t hia CYUnty of Weat cbeater. (Applause - ~ru­ l ,nged) . Your boucehold ratea hero are not only on tne whole higher thnn aleoat any other place ln the et~te , but they have been so arrnoged in such a ooa~lioated canner tb ~ t the b~ua eholder auat get ah~aadaohe ln • ••~chea t er County every time be t riaa t o figure out hie .antbly bills. (A :> lauae). low we in lew Tork Btate, a nd aoat particularly in r eotohe•ter County, c•n very well ~aka our leason froa our neighbors in ''ntario, j u.t aoroea a rinr, tboee neigb­ b~ r " who ftre new enjoy1ng the berefita of cbea ~r eleotr1o1 beoeuae of tbe1r far-•1Khtedneee, baY1n& their electricity • ••loped bJ a atate e enoy froa ita own eat r power. y u know what 1t ocate the b uaewiYe• in Canada to n1n e

I • I ll" lffl'8111t • • UQ Mill IIIIIW.U l'tl fl 'I'IHIIII Lllr Rooaeult Tont8ra.M.Y. 15, coa~letely electrified houaehold ! or &n aTerage f aaily, Why aa little aa $1.10 & •ontb. And when I aay a completel electrified bouaebold, 1 eean juat tb&t, - 1 eean electric ligbta, 1 eean an electric range to do all the cookin~, 1 aaan an electric ice box, electric flat iron, end a toaster, and a .acuua oleanar, and a aewing .achine and fans, - a nd curling iron (laughter), and an electric chafing dlah , a nd an electric ironer and an electric wareing pan ( laugh­

t er) and an eleo~rio eixer (laught er) anc laat but not leaat an electric waffle iron (laughter - appl auee) ,

by, 1 baTe b~en t alking about electric waffle irona eo euob a round tbia atate in the recent paa ~ t hat it bas been agreed - it 1a too late to do it thia yea r - that

next ye~r on tbo ballot in tbie atato we a re going to

d iac ~ rd the atar and p ut a w&ffle iron there. {Laughter - applause) , low all of those tbinga e nd a lot of otbera,

what we used to call it in the n&Yy ~adgeta , aoreoYer all

for \3,40 a ~o ntb. Ob, don't you ladlea wiah y~u l ived in

Ont•rio. 1 Laugbt~r - ap~ la~~e). And b~w euon would that buy bar in Yonk • ra or in law Rochelle, or in any otbar city

in eatobea terf Wby any •o•~n in thla audience will tell

r •u ~h t abe ia lucky to gat her alectrlo lighta along for 3.40 aontb, (Ap .la••••>· lfo• it bu bftan aoiant1f1oally

flrurall out th ~ • ooaplate alaotr1o h u ..hotd 11\Jcb aa 1 lla·u atailad t o yo11 , O•lnluaal 28!1 kllowal.t h ,ure 1 unt

I tl-,.111 if•• ,.,,., UUf!l ..... ,.._. ~~·· 16. Raau.. lt Tankers I I

Row what would that coat here. Why, 285 kilowatts in thia t own would ooat $21. 45 a .onth. Ooapare that with $3. 40. And in lew Rochella or Mt . V~ rnon it would ooot eYen more. 1t would ooat over there $35.o3 a aonth, - al.oat eight times what it ooata in toronto. Do you wonder why 1 am a bit heated U? over electric light ratea. And ia the Pepuhlican Party going to keep on wondering after next Tueader whr the householders, the woaen of the State of lew T>rk are a hit bet up ~•e r what they ~re paying today! (Ap?lauae) - (Prol onged). Wall, I haYe told you the reason for the dif­ ference. oan•da daYelops ita electrioitr from ita water power and eel la it at coat to ita citizens. Here in West­ cheater priva tely owned utilitr coapan1es, interested only in making aa auch aoney ae they can dictate the prioea. Your r ates 1n thie county aust neoeaoarily continue to be aanr tiaea higher than what your neighbor s in Ontario pay, until the state of ••• York begins to convert the vast water power reaouroea of ita rivera into cheap electricity that can ooaa into your iceboxes and r anges and light bulbi . l want to repeat here the wsrnin& that 1 ha•e tb11 voters in f'Yary part of t11e etate. Do not

truet t~e developaent of \hie alaotricitr to tha P rtr, " •• le•dera of wh tcb have fer ra re, for feu 1t t o turn \1 te water 4war ove rt~ riY te ocr 17.

And even t his year, that party in ita pl a t ter. retuaea to coam it itself or ita o~nd t d& t ea to the deve l opaent of t hat wa t er power by a public ~eno y. You have read in the newapaper a only very o.aa­ s i onally, tucked away, • ~ •~aments ot the Republican le~dera on t hat que£t1on, and whenever t hey have been aada, they have baen vague and i ndefinite. The nearest t h ing t o co:eitment waa the expression or a taint hope t nat the

~overn~ ra Comal &Pi on a oloh i s nos at sor t aould make a re­

port eo eoonoalcally aouna ~hat it c ould be supported by

t h~ ~e pub! ic nn leader s . (~~ter) . Does that aean anything to you - that kind ot langu&&e , It 1a the eaae tind et language that baa been used in Republican pla tter ~~ for the lnat t~onty yeare. And of courwe what le economically sound - ! rom t he point ot view of Wr. Wachold or \he public utility corpora t i ons , aay no t ~ econoaioally sound, troa the point of view of Y•>U • n(\ ... A whole lot depends on t he vi ewpoint f r om wh ich eoonoaio aoundneaa i a looked a t . It depends a who le lot on whoae baby baa the aeaalea (laughter) . lly •aoonoaically eound1 e very one know~ t hat ~·

Perublio~n le11dera aep r a t .. tb~t ••t with the full

a ~p rova l ~nd approb \ion o f Wr. Waohold and hie friends. Wva 1 ladt• ayaalf nd ay rty,on the onntrary, to a

dn•l ·aan\ Dy • •~ate a 1 1 tor the \Anafl\ ot Ul' ol\1•

r ont, if taael&Jle r.l n f er ltJ .h •••1 n\ •• 01 po1utoly

l oifl f'" MIPH•••• If~~ • " "' Hl'fl r 11 &:u, Jon)'era I T 18. be worked out - and it can, aod wi ll be worked o~t . (Applauae - prolonged). I 1lao an eaually an•ioua t hat ibis plan be economically aound, but ay definition ot thoae two warda ia ratee that will g17e the oitirena of our sta te electric at the loweat poaBlble coat witho11t el

on the pPrt of the coa~nies. Cloaely connected with the queation of water powe r 1a the equally laportnnt que a tloo of aJ.eC'Uate regu­ lation of our vaat public utility coapaniea. •o on~ oan diapute the oueation th ~ t regulation of these giant oor­

~r•tionl t o ooauel thea to give the people reaaonable rates and f a ir eervioe baa broken down. by, beoauae we do need and have got to have new le ~ lsl ~ tion. 1 have triad during the paat seae1on to get the R~publ1oan legi~latiTe leaders to agree t o aoae form of elective regulation. They refused t o do it. Instead, at the dicta tion of thoae aaae Republican atate leadera they went through the rigaaarol of paealng foolish and t ootbleae billa tba t were auoh a fraud upon tbe public tb" t I juet hPd to veto tbea, That

~ oean•t .een the and of the figbt ~Y frienda. If I aa

Covarnor next ye~r, 1 ahall oarrr on with this ~eetion aa have with water power. My alaotion aaena the au~~rt f in thia fl&h\ end wlll tllerefore go a lone aao••ritll vlo\ory. Tu , 'h t nld k•pubUoan letU­ •\ruo llan d l•• b•rd, bu• •••n\ually dla I\ •u•'·

...... l!'tf'HIJ•• !lOa II •tor .... 't11111• C tr Tealln•e, llo To 19.

And th~ t i a ona r eeaon, my frlende , why aa eo keen, eo anxlou. to haYe you froa Yonkers and froa Westches t er County, end what baa been goi ng on in the past and send ae t o Albany, (Applause ) , - Aaaeahl yaen and Senat or e t o back .. up. (Applause - prol onged) . 1 need their help • Y friends, but equally you need thei r help. You and 1 used their help. You and 1 nead the carrying t hrough of the orogreeaiYe act ion dezanded by t he Democ ratic •arty.

You and I need to end e~in thia blockading of all aaasurea of pr ogreePi ve end liberal thought by the Republioon leader The only woy you oan eo it ia to turn out ln suoh number& next Tuesday and Yot e into office asseablymen and aanatore who will work with ce, with Lehman , who wi ll work wi th Morrie Tremaine and who wi ll work wi th J ~ ck Bennett, eo t~ ~ t there won ' t be any nueati on of what is going to baopen in thie state f or the benefi t of the people in the next teo years. (Apolauae - prolonged). • Suburban Countiea-A New Problem in Governotent CAJIP.HO.\' ADDRESS YONKERB, Octobtr !8, 1930 The fnet thnt I nm sprnkiug in Weddu•atu Co~nty tonight a:h·es Ult the 1 1 0 ~r~~~~~·';~:,',;;c:r~ '!\~,'i~h ir:!'ca r'i'~:!e d ~rf,~; ~;,~tep!~t r~~~rdye~r: n~: ~~~b~~~ know. the Jlrubll'lll uf ~ou\mrlmn t'()Untiel i11 M uew une, but already it 11 \ 'tr'f ~~:~~~t~~:"\ ~~~~ ~~~t'r~11 ~~e Sr';~c~:~~~~~~~~f a~~e ,{!~l~~e~tf~rt:'\~;:;~; ~~~~~~~d~;:~Pr~ wlddt Syrnrlll!<' il' locn h•tl ; ) ion roc, iu which Hoclrcater ilo located; aod Erlt', in wlrh·h HuiTnlo is located. . :\ \t:Q' l nr~<' part of the lrmd ~~rca of tlJf'!;e rounlies hu become &ubuTbaD and lm 11 IIC('II dC\'tlopcd around our gn•at citiea; Jllld yet the form of gO\'flf'D· ment in tlw ~e r

Bitto'7 tell& ut that. In the patt 'll'hen •nrthing hapJM'Dtd to a detpot. ao matter how bene,·olent he mty hue been, the year• t.bat. follov.·ed were uauallr ~~=~;! U~~~~~!· .~fd ~~~/~~~eut':::-~~~~g:~~d by what the French King 11 11 pr~~:!':rte,~::r~: ;!:!.. ~!~~~tAl ~~~· i:rt~ !!!~:ri~f ~ ru::~'"i:~i~l~t~~~ the Legislature tnd the Governor are under pretcut conditions tlked to pau on douna of IOHI billa each yetr due to t.lre filet thRt local gO\·ernnaeut in thete oountiet it not tied together 011 Rll)' modcru busiueu IJu~is. t:uder this \::~ i:;·•;:nfl ~~t i~~;e;~~:b~~ ~~~!e u;:o;:Ji'r!~~~~~:;~~~d n~~~~. e~~ f:cl;J,;rki~~~: fa,·or, thorN: •·ho ha,·e Uae k cene~ t tense uf ~;:ratitude und • J•J•recia tion and tit tlo. to the throne. Let me illustrate by runuing O\'t r a numlK'r of billa l"'"k'd at the Ju t lleaaion or the Lc-~;:i~llturc II lid rei Rliu~ w locRiiticiJ in \\ t'!Otclu:stcr County. 1 !n~i~!~~~~. i:~~~*~;;;~•ea~:~ t1~~t t!!~, ':,·~·~;;c~~~·r:l~ esW;~u~:fi~7n'~,·;:.,~fo~;~~: ter County that your pr~nt Gu,·ernur during the last two yurs hu th~ ia ,·etoed a \"ery larJ:~ Jlt'rCt'ntage of the loe111l Wc."'itchester billa. 'J"Iua t perfc.'Ctly trut',-and Rll lOll).! all I 11111 Go\'('fltor I almll t'imt inur to \'cto that type uf h-girJiation. Why did l do itf For the s imple nud olt,·iom! rea11011 take that tht'R l~nl bills affecting towns and ,·illa;:es of suhuri.Ni n t~•uutit"l a•·ay in one furm or anutbu' en!"ry J~<..~Hihle anft-guard of Jmmt• rulr. delltroy the cvntrol of lucal citi:wns o\'er their own IOC"nl go,·conHnl"nt, and ' "est . e,·cn more closely than before, the ultimate power in the Juwcl1 uf the lwue,·olcnt det )kJt "M'hOfl\'er he may be. Here a re ju!t a few from tht' grl11t of n•tot'd biiiiJ: Au Act to extend the flO"''tr of )Mal lOl\'11 boardl!o or loc.·al •li 11tributing spotemt; an #-\t·t to a uthor· ne the tovm boa-r•! or ('('rtain tOWIII to ('(IU!l< Of bilb,-a ;!l"llt'r;&! :'('Wt>r di1'trit·t biJI fl•r nriou11 towu11 in \\'HitchNt er Cou!lh". w hill tn nuthori'-'' the ert"<'lion of building11 ami tht pun·ha11e of l!o itrll, 11 'hill to allow the supervi!lot.Jr!l to a]•JIOint a new commisaion. 11 hill to allnw t hl.' btm in ~ 11f bond" fnr .al't)ll iring lnud. a bill to let Perkskill conatru<·t aewt'rll. and I mi;.:ht add aimila r hillll alfl't'ting all the othrr l!Uburban ~unties of thr State. E,·ery one of tht'f'e bills I ntocd for the }!'ood and s nnit•irnt rr~t110n that thry take ll'II'A ~' the right of the t n:OCI•A \'t'rt in the lo(:alitir11 afT('(!ted to Ill)' for th t m~elves whether their mou e~· shou)d he llllt."llt for thciiC !'~~~"ItO~ " or nut. Today, before tny \·illage or town ean ii!&uc houda or rri.'Mlt' tt burden of dcht on the l&XJlll)"era. it jJl; nl'ffM."ll")' as a ~<>nt'ral llrOJttiO!it ion tlt11t thE' tal:JIItycrs thtmat"h·nr. ha\"e a ri;.!bt to \'Ole :''N or no OJI the J•ror~ indt'hhodn~. Theae local hilla 'll·hich l \'etned and t~h a ll m lltinue to \'rto. take thi t~ ri,tht of pying "yt>A" or ''no" a way from tht' tn:ocpa ~·l' r!l t'ntirrl~· a nd j!h"e the abMiute unrontrollt'd autltor it y to thr lnrnl town hnlt rd nr ,·i!ht;!f' hOR rd to pa~· u.ddle debU 011 the taxl'a~·eon of thl' tnwn or 'ill:~gr. Tht• Jlt'ft)•lr who tht billll l\'OUid hy tb~ bill11 he dt'prh·f'd of thf' ri;.:ht to 11:1~· 'll'hf'lllf'r the hills llhonld IM" int'urrtd in thr fint )•InN'. In nthl'r Wflrth•. thrM' IOf:'al onirialll v.·ould bt' gh·l'n the ri~ ht to Jlilt> up thf" ta: from till" truth for IOC'al J)()liti<'ia nll or l01•al IIC'Wil· p&J)f'n to a:~y that tht'lle \'l'toell lllkt a n\" J"IO~I"rl'l aWA\' fruru th'" IO<'al communitiH. The txael t'Onlrary Is truE". ·Jn,... n tOCI aeiually retaita l_.....,..______815 rule for the inhabitant& and ta.xpayen of the loealitlea; and if I bad. Dot vetoed theu billa Lbe \'Ot.en and ta.xpayen would have aur"ndered U..lr own rlghta to a handful of ofrieiala who .,·ere not eleet.ed with any Lhoucht of their having aucb arbitrary power. It it &o\uiug to tl1ink anyone can be t.akeu in by eilly n1iNI.&teweDta of facu which are got out .olely for )Kllilical purpoeea. I aak a definite que11liun of t11e votert of the auburban a re .. of thla atat.L Bow do you want. your money to be spent! How do you wa.nt. the money of your children to be apeut,-for that ia in\'oh·ed in the creation of tbia llup bonded iodebtednell which ia piling up from year to year. .l.lo you u indh·lduala .,nut to b11.ve a definite say in the creation of theae debta or do you want to delegate that power to somebody f'l'~el Do you want to keep your own hand upon the brake or do )'OU want to be put back in tbe .eat of the bad:·&eat dri\·ert Not onl~· )uH·e J no objection to the continuation of needed local improv• :;:;~,~~·~,~~t y!a':~ ~i~ ~~d!r t~:~;,c7,:' ~,:: n~ltl'n~!:lo~;,~~:::ltc: r:,!~i:~~w~~;· o~l; /:f:t is to see thnt tllia loeRI money is uot ~tpent for local im)•rovementl wilhout the eonseut a111l knowledge of you prople who Are going to foot the biiiL So mut'h f~~r till' )!l'nernl t< uhjt>t·t of the soumlest flock of ,·etoee of loeal hilla t\'tr l ut nd~ down l1y n Go\·ernor in this 11ta te. J come to Weslehetler not to defend thette n·tot's but to boaflt of th{'m,-to bout of t11e fact that I nm J•rotectinJ!' the jleOJlle of Wt>st('hester Cout~ty and their c.hildrtn for a t-Duple of J!cnerationil to come from an ~''·er·mounting, ataggering loeal t.antion imposed without their ronlt'nt. 1'l•e liCWnd ))Oint iB thi11. It ill. olJ,·iou" that the tlreaent ayattm of auburb&a go,·e rnment is IJUt of date and that tl•e time hu come to gi\'t immediate stud~· and attC'ntion to tht' t'rf'alion of a new form of suburban government. For thllt rt"Uc.m 1 have 11 lre:ad~· ronsulted with puhlie-apirited men and womea from tllf'W auhurl•an rountiH,-mt'n and woml'n who 11re not in\·oh·ed In or con~rned witll mt're local )MJiitil'al rontrol.-men and women y,•bo a.re tinef'rel)• ir1teret~h-d in the progrt"l'l'l of !lnlmrlmn J!'O\'f'rnment for the good of tllt'ir Muntil'fl Rnd not for the ,:!ood either of any political puty or of any 1 1 0 1 ~!ir~~;:,!~'-;, ~:~~""'~~ ~~~~~~~=~d ...:.~lt'nel;::~he ~,u~ 6 :.,~ of'!!i;Fng«;t''::ol: maltt-r out of )IOiitiel!, nnd M'COndly. for the JIUf))()S(' of aeting _.hetber we Cllnnot dt\' ite a ~~~·.ch•m of 8Ul1Urhan :;!O,·ernmf'rlt whit.h will retain home rule and at tht' 8nme timl' put the whole stru<'ture 011 a bueineqJilce baaiL To illu~ttra te to what dC'pthA politit>ians will :;!O in a local eampalga, 1 wnnt to speak of m~· nto of two hill11.--one to 11tart a normal St":hool Ia \\'t-llt<'llt'8ter County. RUd Ute otht'r to atart a norm:'ll l'('bool in Nuuu County. lias it ,.,.,,r ON:nrrf'd to IOC'al )JOi iti<'iRn~> to t£11 ll•e "·bole truth! Of count, I l't'tOt'(} tlwAe bill1. and for )K'rfPCtly lf'nsible and JlrOJier re.. onL Here ,, th~r!~er:•f all. tht' whole suhjC'C't of normal uhoollt is under tbe j urh;dldion (If the Bonrd ()( Re~cuts nnd tht' DeparttnPilt of Eclut'ation. and may I aay in )Hifl'ntht·~·l! tlmt l'll'l'en out of tw('ln• RC';:!C'nts are Rfopuhlit'ant In tplte of th<' fa('t that in thC'nr~· our l>t'partment of Ethwntinn it aup))Oitd to bt non· llnrtito:llll nnd IIIIII·)IOiitil'al. One of tiiC'I'oe nun-partiun RPgent&, Mr. Wallin (){ Youkt•rl!. is now out IIH,kinJ,:" politil'al lltot'('('llt'a in tllis \' eampall{n, hiddlug for fli')I\Jbll<'nll \'OIC'IO. 1 woml!:r if :\1r. \\'11llin e\·er took up with the Boord of Ht'IH'IIIfl till' ltlll'fl.tiou of thC'ir J!h·inJ! Mppronll ' to a new Normal SciJOol for \\'C'itl'iii'IIIC'r Co unt~·! T kno"· \'t'r~· well thllt the Board of Repota ha to: Uf'\'t"r rC'romnwndNI a ne"' normul tu·l1onl for \\7 e11ttl1eater County. 1 wonder If :\lr. \\'nil in luu f'\'{'r taken up with the CommiiiJ~ioner of Edueat.lon, Dr. Crll\'f'l, the auhjt'l'l of a nC'w nornml 1C'I1ool for \\~etlehttter County. Dr, Gra\' C'B Ia unt Ill\' A)I)MJintet'. He i11 thP RJlJIOilltf'f' of thi1 ume Boerd of Re,:renh. Y4't I km,"..· \'t'ry Wt'll th11t in the hmiJ!:Pt of lut year the Oepart. 1114'nt. of F'.duf'ation made no ln1i11trnt dt>mand for a new normal St":bool Ia Wf'ttdtetter County. Thf 14'i'0Rd n •uon whlf'h, of t'ours.. iB or the utmott lmporUJI('f not 011ly to the Department of J-:duutlon but to a Jrre&t mawy boy• and lfl rlt In tblt .I·· 816 PUBLIC p .l.PERS OP GoVERNOR RoosEVEJ.Jr

State le the almple and Gbvioua fact that wltla the normal achoola whleb the State already hu in operation t.od11.y, we have turned out. many more teachtrl than ean at t he present time find jobe. It Ia estimated that there are at leut r:\!~::·i~l.d 1~ ·:!fi~y~~~het~ ~~:,yt~ys~t:h w::y ·:::~~~~;~::s ~~.:~~~b~~~~:: aurplut or teachers muat first be taken UJI before we atarl turning out an additional aruw of teadtera. 1'hat dav will undoubtedh· rome a nd when it ~:·~~:~ :·:~~~~ e;;~~~l!,e r~~~~=~~~~~::::r"'!~~~~~=~ ~~~~~~·; obu~":~:~u.~~ ~~~h~:~ ~d-;e ~o ~~~~.!; ll~~d 1:f :~~m~~~~,/~:;~:~~· :.:~~~~~~:· r:~ potJtiOOt. I have been talking to you ahont my r-trorta in kMping for you a voiee In the IJM'IIding of money by your to~· ns, ,· il1 :1 get~ and IOt'al diatrida; now 1 v.·ant to tell you of the t'fforta I hne al~a I.K-en making d uring the p:aal two yt'an at Albany to san the JH!Ople of th.. State money in tl1e llfit't which they puy for JIUblic tllilit~· aen·iees. This, of ronfM', mt'ans elt>c•tnelt~·. gu, water rlil lel, tl'le)Jhone and strel't earfaret. 1 usure you that it lma bH-n a ,·ery har1l tttrui!J:I... It hAll IJ(>('n the 11ume kind of strugf!le whic·h for ten ~·ean bu bet>n earried on by a Republiu n lt'g islature with lll'l" Jlfed('('e880r,- .Aifred E. Smith. • 1'hf're a re sen•ral anglt'tl to this fight but tht'y all JKlint toward the .arne result,--dlt'aJWr ratea a nd better stn ·ice. Firat . thNe i11 tlae de,·elopment of e l1eap ele-ctricity from our waur power. The R• publi<'an part~· hu always ))f'('U rommittrd to tl1e JlOli<'y of gi,·ing this power to Jlfh·ate t'OqlOrations for prh·ate profit by leatlf' for a lonf! (erm of ~·ea ra. On the other hand. Co\'t'rnor Smith and I. a nd indH'd the entire DemOI."ratie )~Arty. hne been pledged to denlopment of our watt'r power b~· a :-5tate AJtt' nl'y "A"ith only Ont' objPCt in \'ie•·, nam.-ly. t n gt't ell?<"trieity 811 t'l1eapl~· 811 JIOI>sible for tbe t'itiuna of our ~;tate. 1 am sure that no rommunit~· in our ~ta t e hu 1uffered ud i1 suffering ao mut'h frnm t he 5rrt'fll of printe t>lt'<'trit> li~ht rom)l&nles a1 thi1 Count\• of \Y~tcl1 ute r. Your IIOUII"laold ratc11 are nnt onl 'l" 0 11 the whnle hi~hl"r i.hu n alrnot~t a ny ntber plat'e in the 1t:tte, lmt they hue bet'n Arrllllf!ed a n1l prt'f'('rihe~l in fiQ t'OffiJllica tecl a manner that the llou ~t' lloM t r mu11t get a ht'A dn<'he en•ry time he t rie1 to fi~ure out his bil1. \\"e In Xew York Sta tt' And most partit'ulnr l~· in Wl"S t<'llt' ~tf'r t'ounty. t'I.Ul \'f'r." wt'll take our )C'!Iflnll fmm our nt'iJthbon in Ontario. Canada. wl1o are now enjn~·ing hent>fitfl nf t"hl'RJit'r t>lf't'trit'ity throu~h thrir forPI! i ~lltrdn t&l! in lu:n·ing tl1eir t'lf'rlricit~· de\'t'lnpPd h,'l" a Ala te a~t> ury from itll own water JlOWt'r. n o :''OU l.:UO\\' that the )Jou wwh-.., in Cam1dn art' ahle to run a Mlhi J l l t't PI~· ei M" trifi~l hou!lt'hnM fnr an R\'t'ra~t' famil~· for a" littlr n• ~AO JM'r month! .-'.nd. · ·btu I l!'ll." a rompletttly t'lf'l'trifird lJnu~lJn\d l mean jult tb:\t,-1 meoan elt'C"trir liJthtll 11rwl PIN"trir t'flOk in}!. T mt•an ttlt'f't rir iM'l.o~ . elt'C'trie ftatiron , tO:\!Iter. \'At'mlrn C'lt':ltl('r, llf'Win~ n1:u:hinc-. f::ln, t·u r li n~ Iron. t'h11tlng d i1h. iront'r a nd warmlll)!' pan. ami mi~t'r a nd •·atHe iron. All of lbt'te thing• for $3.40 a month. Hnw nmt'h • ·nuld that huy herf' in \'onkt'ra or in N ew Rochelle or a n\· othPr r ih' in We•t<'hH tt'rf Am· "'oman in this audit>nt'f' will tell ~·ou tl1at ahe it lurky·to gf't l1er electrie ligh't.s for that amount. 1t hu bt-en M-iC'ntifit"ally fi,rurM thAt ft m mplcte elfftrir honN"hold JIUt'b aa J hA\'(' detailt'd to you. ron1ume1 28!\ kih•\0\Rtt hnur11 JK'r month. Here in Yonkt'n that would t'08t you $2 1.45 per mnnth. Just I'Ompart' that with thP Canndian rate of $3.40. Tn ~t'\\' Rn<'lll"lle or in '-fount Vernon it would cott f'\'f'n mor~. Jt would tnst $25.03, almnAt ti~Jit timt'tl u mut"h u it cotta in Toronto. Why! The r t'AIIOn i1 111 J h ll\'e elated: Canada de'l"t'IOpl lt1 t'lrc'trirlty from it11 wAtt'r JwtWPr aud ~11 11 it at C"fl! l"ta t, of :s'I'W Yrorlo; ~ in11 to C'flll\'ert 'the \'olflt \t.'ll tt'r powt'r reaourtfl or its rh't'rl Into <'liMip Plf'rtrit'ity • ·hi('ll t'an rome Into your l~boset and ranre- and Ught bulba. ADDRESB!a 817

a~w:f 0 !b~~ se~~ b;;; ~~~i ~~~~~~few;:~Jo 1p!l::~ ~~V~~~!h!J~~~:t~D :~ £publiean pa rty which I••• for a generation fought to tum thi1 -.vat.er power ~;e~~u~t;\·:,~.:~r~~~:i~~~'u~n~a~~iiJ~~;·e~0 t~,:~ ~~~~~~np~!n~l ~¥o~tr~~= !7a~:-n!~.·of~ ~ ~iR!~:~ff~~~~~:•• ~e~~eo~e~~i ai~u~~~i~:~:,fd~~~n~~·~ ~=~~ ~:~: beeu made, lh~>y hB\'C l)«!n vague and indefinite. The neareat. thing to commit.· ment was the expren ion of a faint hope that the Go,·ernor'a Commission would make a reJK)rt 10 economically 60und that it could be supported by th"eal. That kind of l angu ag~ it the same kind that lilt been used for yeara ia Republkan platforms. Of course, what ia ' 4eeonomlcally sound.. from the po1nt of ''ic•1 of ).tr. Mat-hold or the publi<' utility <"'f)J:s that meet with the full approval and approbation of llr. ).behold and his friend•. I pledge myself and my party, :~ti~~~~~~~:;rie::i~e them to ~i,·e the J~ple rea•onable rates and fair sen-ice, baa ~:~~-~'\e~~:~~ t~ Dt;~:! !u~:!e t~~!·:: e'::!~,~e ~~~~~t~!~. R]\~~li;:f~-!1~ ~fr~i t~:·~~~t,:i:i~,t~~ :~c:a~~~~;e~f ut~~~· ':C,':('~:f~bl;~:; ~~:~ !::~~·h •t!: Ti;t:tmarole of JlUiinJl foolieh and toothltll brlla .,.,•bleb wert aucb a fraud upon tire people of the State that I juat had to nto t hem. 1 h3t doea not mean the end of the fight. If T am the Gonrnor nut year, I !!!hall earry on with this queltion u 1 h&\'e with wat.eT power. :!.1y elec-tion mean• the IUJlJIOrl of· J~pular opinion in t11i1 1\jrht &tid will therefore go & ! on~ wa~· to IIN'UrinJl ,·ietory. That old Republican lesrlslath·e obstruction die• hard. hut e''t'ntunlly die it must. Anrl (he same thin,; is true about m~· fiJ!'ht to gh·e nny municipality in thie State, on the referendum of ita citiurrf'. tl1e )l(•wer to rnoduce and tranfm ~l' h·e• J!'Ouged 1ry their public: utilitil'A conlpllnif"a. In tllit ..·ay the threat of l'ffi'Cth·e romr)ttition must ha''" ils influf'IIC'e on ratt>-.. e,·rn thou~h thf' nmni('lrality doea not a.duallJ &\'Iii itqlf of ila ri~ht to Jlroduct and ~ell. Tbia ia both DIY flp:ht. and youT tiJ!'ht . .nd the e•u-.e we are ftgbting aide by •Ide we •·til turely win.