Implementation of the Helsinki Accords

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Implementation of the Helsinki Accords BASKET THREE: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HELSINKI ACCORDS HEARING BEFORE THE COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HELSINKI ACCORDS Volume VI SOVIET LAW AND THE HELSINKI MONITORS JUNE 6, 1978 Printed for the use of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 32-057 WASHINGTON: 1978 For sale by the Superintendnet of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE DANTE B. FASCELL, Florida, Chairman CLAIBORNE PELL, Rhode Island, Co-Chairman DICK CLARK, Iowa SIDNEY R. YATES, Illinois PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, New York RICHARD STONE, Florida PAUL SIMON, Illinois CLIFFORD P. CASE, New Jersey JOHN BUCHANAN, Alabama ROBERT DOLE, Kansas MILLICENT FENWICK, New Jersey EXECUTIVE BRANCH PATRICIA DERIAN, Department of State DAVID McGIFFERT, Department of Defense FRANK WEIL, Department of Commerce R. SPENCER OLIVER, Staff Director and General Counsel GuY E. CORIDEN, Deputy Steaff Director ALFRED FRIENDLY, Senior Consultant CATHY COSMAN, Staff Assistant LYNNE DAVIDSON, Staff Assistant MEG DONOVAN, Staff Assistant ESTER Knaz, Staff Assistant SUSAN PEDERSON, Staff Assistant HELEN SEN, Staff Assistant ANNE SIEGEL, Coordinator (II) CONTENTS IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HELSINKI ACCORDS: SOVIET LAW AND THE HELSINKI MONITORS WITNESSES Tuesday, June 6, 1978: Page Williams, Edward Bennett, Washington trial lawyer, American counsel for Aleksandr Ginzburg, imprisoned member of Moscow Hlelsinlki Watch Group and administrator of Solzhenitsyn. Fund for the Aid of Political Prisoners and their Families…-------------.___ 3 Dershowitz, Alan, professor, Hlarvard Law School, civil liberties activist, American counsel for Anatoly Shcharansky, imprisoned Jewish activist and member of the Moscow Helsinki Watch Group-_ 45 Clark, Ramsey, former U.S. Attorney General, national chairman, Advisory Committee ACLU, American counsel for Yuri Orlov, im- prisoned founding member of the Moscow Helsinki Watch Group, and for Oleksiy Tykhy and Mykola Rudenko, two imprisoned mem- bers of the Ukrainian Helsinki Watch Group---------------------- 73 Fletcher, George, professor, UCLA Law School, expert on comparative legal systems-------------------------------------------------- 87 MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Tuesday, June 6, 1978: A collection of documents submitted by Edward Bennett Williams: Document No. 1-Letter from Alexander Solzhenitsyn to E. B. Williams, February 4, 1977_---------------------------------- 10 Document No. 2-Letter from Irina S. Ginzburg to the KGB prison administration, April 11, 1977…------------------_.___ 10 Document No. 3-Complaint from Irina S. Ginzburg to 'the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., November 30, 1977________.___ 11 Document No. 4-Statements of Irina S. Ginzburg to head of prison IZ 37/1, Kuznetsov---------------------------------- 11 Document No. 5-Summary of complaints lodged by Yuri Mnyukh and Vera Lnshkova with Kaluga Motor Vehicle Commissioner and head of KGB, Andropov-------------------------------- 12 Document No. 6-Statement for the press by Irina S. Ginzburg and Irina Orlova, September 26. 1977… _ _ _ 12 Document No. 7-Open letter from Ludmila Ginzburg, February 2, 1978 -___________ 13 * Document No. S-Letter from Irina S. Ginzburg to the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., January 10, 1978--------------------- 13 Document No. 9-Letter from Svetlana Pavlenkova to E. B. Wil- liams, May 1977_-------------------------------------------- 14 Document No. 10-Statement by Malva Landa on Aleksandr Ginz- burg, June 21, 1977_-__________________________________-.__ 15 Document No. 11-Letter from Kirill Uspensky to E. B. Williams, May 25, 1977__________________________________________.___- 16 Documents No. 12, 13-Letters from Valeriy Ronkin to E. B. Williams, August 4, 1977_______________________________-.___ 17, 18 Document No. 14-Letter from Boris B. Weil to E. B. Williams, October 14, 1977_-------------------------------------------- 18 Document No. 15-Letter from S. Pirogov to E. B. Williams, Octo- ber 31, 1977…__________________________________________.___ 19 Document No. 16-Letter from Valeria Isakova to E. B. Williams, October 2, 1977----------------------------------------.___ 19 (II] ) IV Tuesday, June 6, 1978-Continued A collection of documents etc.-Continued Document No. 17-Letter from Larissa Bogoraz to E. B. Williams Page and Irina S. Ginzburg, October 29, 1978_-------------------- 20 Document No. 18-Letter from Yuli Daniel to E. B. Williams, November 29, 1977_-____________________________________.__ 20 Document No. 19-Letter from E. Nikolaev to E. B. Williams, December 7, 1977_______________________________________-.___ 20 Document No. 20-Dr. Andrei Sakharov's appeal on behalf of Aleksandr Ginzburg, February 2, 1978___________________----- 21 Document No. 21-Letter from Valeriy Smolkin to E. B. Williams, February 2, 1978__________--------------------------------- 22 Document No. 22-Letter from Aleksandr Podrabinek to E. B. Williams, February 2, 1978_________________________________- 22 Document No. 23-Letter from Petr Vins to E. B. Williams, Febru- ary 2, 1978------------------------------------------------ 23 Document No. 24-Letter from Yu. I. Fedorov to a former fellow- prisoner, June 11, 1977_--------------____------------__- 23 Document No. 25-Excerpt from letter by V. Petrov to Irina S. Ginzburg-------------------------------------------------- 24 Document No. 26-Information on interrogations of former political prisoners, summer and fall, 1977__________________.___ 25 Document No. 27-Statement of Vitaliy Pomazov to Soviet au- thorities, December 5, 1977_______________________________.___- 27 Document No. 28-Complaint from Irina S. Ginzburg to senior investigator of Kaluga KGB Office, M. V. Oselkov, November 26, 1977…-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 28 Document No. 29-Letter from Valeriy Ronkin to E. B. Williams_ Document No. 30-Letter from V. Platonov to KGB investigator Oselkov, December 25, 1977_-------------------------------- 29,30 Document No. 31-Letter from Vera Lashkova to E. B. Williams, November 26, 1977_----------------------------------------- 30 Document No. 32-Statement of Nikolay Ivanov addresed to E. B. Williams, November 4, 1977_-_______________________________ 30 Document No. 33-Letter from Vladimir Borisov to E. B. Williams, December, 1977_------------------------------ 31 Document No. 34-Letter from V. Isakova to E. B. Williams, January 23, 1978_------------------------------------------- 32 Document No. 35-Summary of "Izvestia" article dated April 4, 1978…-------- --------------------- ---------------- ------- -- 32 Document No. 36-Open appeal of Yuriy Mnyukh, January 7, 1977 -------------------------------------------------- ---- 33 Document No. 37-Letter from Tatyana Khodorovich and Malva Landa to members of the Russian Social Fund, April 5, 1977____ 34 Document No. 38-Statement for the press of Russian Social Fund Representative Kronid Lyubarsky, July 23, 1977_-____________ 35 Document No. 39-Open statement of Irina S. Ginzburg and Sergey Khodorovich, November 6, 1977…______________________- 37 Document No. 40-Press conference statement of Malva Landa, Irina S. Ginzburg, and Sergey Khodorovich, April 15, 1978_------ 37 Document No. 41-Correspondence between Yu. S. Belov and Procurator of Kaluga Region, February-March, 1978_---------- 37 Document No. 42-Statement of L. Yu. Boytsova addressed to Moscow legal consultation office No. 2, April 15, 1978 ___.___… 38 A collection of materials submitted by Prof. Alan Dershowitz: Appendix A-Petition from U.S. law professors submitted to Chairman Brezhnev, protesting trial, conviction, and sentencing of Yuri Orlov, May 19, 1978_-_____________________________-__ 54 Appendix B-Summary of Soviet television broadcast, "Traders of Souls," of January 22, 1977_------------------------------- 57 Appendix C-Complaint filed by Anatoly Shcharansky with Peo- ple's Court of Dzerzhinsky Region of Moscow regarding "Traders of Souls" broadcast, February, 1977______________.___- 60 Appendix D-Open letter from Dr. S. L. Lipavsky as it appeared in "Izvestia," March 4, 1277__________-_----------____________- 60 Appendix E-Text of "Izvestia" article "Epilog to S. Lipavsky's Open Letter: CIA-Spies and 'Human Rights,, " March 5, 1977_ 63 V STATEMENTS AND LETTERS SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Letter from Joseph B. Pomerant, Q.C., on behalf of Ukrainian Helsinki Watch Group members Mykola Matusevych and Myroslav Marynovych, PRage to Hon. Dante B. Fascell, June 7, 1978_-______________________________ 108 Letter from Myroslaw Smorodsky, Esq., on behalf of imprisoned Helsinki Watch Group members, to Hon. Dante B. Fascell, June 7,1978 ___.___… 109 Letter and accompanying case summary "The Orlov Defense," from John Macdonald, Q.C., to Eon. Dante B. Fascell, June 1, 1978--_ 110 APPENDIX "Soviet Law and the Helsinki Monitors," a study prepared by the staff of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, June 6,1978S.___ 115 Unofficial Record of the trial of Georgian Helsinki Watch Group member Grigory Goldshtein, translated and distributed by the Student Struggle for Soviet Jew ry…-----------------------------------------------._ _ 3145 Moscow Helsinki Watch Group Document on the trial of Ukrainian Helsinki Watch Group member Pyotr Vins, April, 1978_____________-.___ 152 Legal Appeal on behalf of Ukrainian Helsinki Watch Group members Mykola Rudenko and Oleksiy Tykhy, filed
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