£532!" 2 fN? ,5t«t>{KS K_ji III fe'.tu^ Kick's r t Hir « '-• ' lJ > *; i "i fr lu-*V ) • :i • ; -.?£$ ^ftitsy 6.-.; :".;»>* fc5:r(.t «& ,1 *3 iVM ?>l

:.s.<13.:30l self « ' -Son w.-< fc ftrm-t

Bf A. H. BYINGTOft & GO. b^KH>i/3H > AT&T WO DOLLARS PER ANNtj'M.' ;7; PUBLISHED EVERY TUESI)AY MORNING" ;r ;; ii £fr>7» 8 fil&i'ffci '•&''! :si ihS- si\ - „ . . . i-y*t : " : = : ' • . ^ ^ te : I; i«" ViJL •. *».*.; • ^ *•; •" - V. • ;»,• ;. «5?S • xxzim-p > ;• to ;f,-f lit 3l famila lfeM)sWtr-%55tt)otc& to fiitcmfec, @cu«al 3ntcUigciuc, ^dUtitSi mgruulturc. avtS ttrti) iltamifacturesv jmmem yn&'fa

JlSf" NORWALK) Ct. TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 185.1 J J. j:•;.. u;;? a/.-xivuii. VOLUME .--NUMBER 13. .'i# iS tUMBEK 122--NEW SEllt®.3 *»* >****»»

When the woman first npade .her appear­ f From the New York Dutchman. NOR WALK . 6AZETTS. , ,:ji ; Notice. ( f rOETRY. ance, lig was busy at a half firiisbed hptse- hliE norwalk Gazette. An Irish Dentist* ^ LL persons indebted to the subscriber nre shoe. This work he now resumed, and ap- : heieby reque-ted to cill and settle I he ' A KEW MkrilOD FOR PULLING TEETH. TineVda^, 30,18^2; ? * A. ft. BYiftGTtifc,& rt). A !From Ike Knickerbocker Magazine. parpntly regardless of the afflicted tooth, his *' ~a!'h. Brn«T«ji. . ., H. \V. Hvatt. ^ame on c»r l)ef»ie the 10ih day of April next. t)nce upon a time, as the story books say> Ill After said d. te he will continue his bCsinesi , The Setting Sun. rapid stroke* thundered on the anril iiH t&e VJic.e at the foot of M an si.—over the store of the e lived in a village in CiueenVcounty, SUPPORT YOUR OWKit" upon the cash system; no book account wilM/e BY THKODOHE SKDGW«CK KAT. job was completed; the widow Riley in the C. J. Grit man. in Ireland, a certain blacksmith^ \V^o was meantime Still "swaying to and fro, as before, 1 kept against any person exce|t by, special Farewell O Sun! . agreement. J. E. BRUSH. proDably as queer and '6'riginal a ]]?e'ce of With .however", something of impatience now. Wliig State Ticket. : To the horizon's rim . ' \v«r,jTei TOS of tfl& Gazette. Gtcenwicli, Ct., March 18fh. 1^52. 2tl2 humanity as ever 'blew a o'ellows or Gorged a» "tWanifesi in her psciljatmg.gjlejT J' ; o| »'> 00 Low bowed, thy glorydim", - > , Vjll ige subscribers by carrier—pr yr horse-shoe, o'rb'njr ^nd well triads., in per-, At length an acute twinge sjetVer tongue . FOR GOVERNOR, . 2 00 Thy journey done: Mail (lo i» advance do Rcc'd t»is So some fallen iVio'mirch lies', - son, he was jovial tVi 'disposition : a jolly boy in motion,and she once more albrfiplly broke GREEN kENDRtCk, of Waterfcit- 'Office subscribers, or those living our of RINTS and DeLaines—spring styles : • BlimRng -We tiel'it no more, at a wake or bedding, he was naturally a out with— t . .1 FOR GoVlRNORj the C;irri'-r's (linnet. a ml who call for gent's a^d j)oy's raps, vests and pants.— P At Vy.Vll stcati'Aea carelesi o'er', o-reai favorite, in the neighborhood, while " Are ye^re^dy', Mc. .Dooly V* • . . j, n M ' their paper's at the office 50 'S3T Lf-Vet's Wal'ipene for tinning cray hair to ROGER ti. liltLs, of New iSKfei 1, l3y common eyes. ^ Sis sV6rdy skilful wielding ot th'e^JiAi^tfier', Mr?. Companies of fiveor morp recpivirg then- its oVi'^inal color. A. D1CK E RM A N• . "In. a jiffy, Riley, asy m&'arn, till yielded him a mo.-t comfdrtaDie income,— . For treAsorkW, papers by mail, if paid in advance ; Sb South Norwalk, March 8th. * 4t*10 , r Lower—Wiore Tow— , : ' the materials is prepared," was the reply of TJie broken edge, b'etween, ' T fSow, though bla'cffstVii't'hing constituted bis ot^r dentist, as he leisurely toofr down a huge , . THOMAS feLAilk, oif CoventryI ! Terms of Advertising'. Lost. Of our old earth is seen , nominal business, thf genius of Patsy Dooly wdx ettd froVn/ami.ng the numbier which FOR.SKCRETART OF STATE, N Tuesday last*from the New Canaan and Ascending slow ; " ^16 lines or less, 1 insertion 75 disdaining lo be limited to the mere poun­ filing around the walls, being especially in­ A«» its unswerving bound. J. H AMMON D TRtJMBtJLL, of Stoniniton.' r:.-M .1 2 " - 87 Dinien stage, on the road to Darien, a cing of iron against iron, took a wider and tended f6r these occasions, and laid it with small package containing about 3 yftrcls oT blafck With mountain, sea aftd ^viuin', FOR CONTROLLER,. . . t v •: ;k -: i i •.".>• V 3 , - •' . '.W =' 1 00 more varied range ; and accordingly. Patsy coVistcTerable e'eremony before the fire. i;; Cassimere Cloth. The finder will receive the Nation and town, agaify was universally,recogniiefi as a sort of Jack seLA.h Strong, of Miiford." Comes steady round. Th^ afflicted widow was a patient victim Jon PuTNTiNPr executed with neatness rhanks of-the owner, who is unable to lose it, at-all-tiades. He couM tip a jolly stave by leaving it at the Darien Depot, if.ira few n\imites ri^'/rp', \Vhen her endqtance fcinjfer Awhile ! with the men ; was a 'fafrious fiddler or pi­ 'an4 d"*patch, and al loio prices. ll* CHARLES BURDiCK". again gave way, and Pat was earnestly be­ CHANGES OF THE ELECTION L ^Vill let thy crims'6n beani ' per «it the. Village festivities: was a capital Representatives, Judges of Probate, justices• Through the dark forest stream, sought to ptoceed with all possible D'Shirt of Nnrwilk, ss. hVrcher in an emergency ; could phleboto­ of the Peace, are elected bpr a plurality of O'er tTie field smile. haste. Taking up /the big wax-end STAtE of THOMAS CARTER, an mize a sick horse, or doctor a spavined votes. And the votes limst be counted and de- •.mmI In Vain ! thy hour is past: the operator cooly in seited "one end thereof t_. i'Asolvent (|ebtor of New Canaan in said mare like a thorough bred surgeon. More­ cb.i ed bef()ie the ndjouniment of the meeting/ E NeVer on earth was giveu like a cable round the offending "grinder " York &, N. Haven Kailroadi rict. 'fissrgVi'p'd I'd ti'tist jfor Vh'e lien'efit of lii3 over Pat D.iolj, £.>od boy, beside* sparking The box for receiving votes, for Representa­ A glory so like ReaVenj ^.s ' To this, as the process was somewhat famil­ Wl NTEII A11 HA'Nli KM KNT. cretlitors. on his anvil, could spark lik« th« •' divil" tives, must remain open for iUat purj»ose\ from Notice is hereby given by me the subscriber And given to last. . - . iar, the patient made no objection ; butjfrh'eh ~ • COHMK>CIN6 DKC. 1, 1851. 'among the ffiris. As a matter of cour>e, it the opening of the meeting, till '6'o'clock in (he Trusfee of said Estate, that after causing a tr'ti'6 Nb\V alVnost gone : my gen'letrian with equal ctJidlfress', proceed­ afternoon ; and if two Vfpresentatives are to and pe'rfet in'vei'tory ami appraisement of said befVI, that bef »re Mr. Do«»ly had numbered Leave N'»r\vii'1\.ifi>r N'e\v York, : How mouridully we g»4b ed to fasten the riifter extremity o'f the string be chosHtVi.tVie nAnies of "both must bo written estate to be made and returned 'to the cour' of many yars after his " coming" out" among ro .printed 'bn one ballot. iCnnimultuition ThiiVi '(j o'clock 38 rnit). A M On thy slow-sinking blaze". to the sftarp ^oint of the anvil, dragging the probate for the.district of Tforwalk. I have with the g rls, he Was seiSe^ with that universal In case 'two or more person? receive an equal-, Acconimoilatiou 8 9 FifreWeir, O Sun! widows head to v iihin a foot of the heavy consent atVil.'Approbation o!f snid court em­ malady, Whi'cH it is generally believed only 10 47 the Sb sb'tVl'efee oved one dies, i'ro'ii—her lady?hip became alarmed, and iii- number of votps, so that no choice is made.of ployed Thtimas Carter, the assignee/if'saftl, iigl.t, a frm I'e ph^ician can cure. Love hit htm represe'nta|ivp.s the meeting.must i-thiid adjour- tlx press 2 91 P M ^lid takes, in faith's wartil d'ul«ing at interval's in sundry fjaciilatioxis, tat'e as my agent for the sale Vind disposal of with an .invisible shiilahih, and the Irish libfi 'ried tintilth^ fdlowing day,, (Tuesday.). . •^crmnmoilntion 5 32 His everlasting flight indicative «,f pain or surprise. said ('state, pursuant to the sta'u'pin *ueh case From our wet eyes'. Vote'sTor Sudaesof Probate must, b writtefi' Express ^ 4{> anitoVig the men, became " strawberries and V{ provided. WAT'l'S COMST^CK, Arrah, Pat Dooley, what's this ye're do- or prihred.'pn. tlie. ysame piece of paper witb v . Leave Nnrwalk for New Haven. crV;VrVi" before the lasses. _ , T'rustee.^ i (. 'V'hoti dost 'not set : , in? Blessed vargin, be kind to the inrio- thti-'e for .State omceis. •Accommuiliition train 9 o'clock 1.* niin A M 'tTibVigil plunged our globe beneath, Ilis true hearted affection was warmly re­ NeW XT/inann, March l'6th, 1852. 3'11 ceWjambl" i Vl • A sppiinite ballot box must be provided, for P Al .. , l 36 Though quenched in seeming cleYtti)', turned by a young damsel whose beautiful "Aisy, Mrs. Riley, 'tis invi'n^in a tiew ex­ votes for Justices of the Peace j to remain open %^xi>rpss . . 4 ' ^3 Carpeting, &c. 'J'hou .shines! yet* countenance and i^odesl demeanoV flight traction, I a!m, that'll whit) &e pain out beaii- t\IJ S o'cjtick, P. M.. Juntices of the Peace, Ancomnjoilation C 15 UPER feng.li.sh Brussels Carpet}^ at $1 00 I'n Gb'd's appointed time, haVe sliamed a diVchess. . , elected this Spring, hold I heir offices for two. ! 'tiYxiI M:( ^ ^ |; _ . . . fcoinmntaiioi). 7 ^ S and spVen'onl velvet Tapo.try d o-^t. Si 50 Thou Wilt,.line H'im once sluin\ In this instance, as it 'frrx|uently happens, years', or, until July 4th, 1854 .^The number " Sure can!tkye Vus'pi'nd ii.e vvid a hook, Express trains West, stop only at Stamford per yard.— I have just, made an airnngeinent Before our eyes agaiii", csich p.irty had a rivsji. Pit's rival, as in elected in each town niust bn ecjual to.tlie hum:, •i " Kast /l 15 ri'lgepo;port. with a".extensive impoi'ter of Carpets in N'ew like pt»cthur 0 Grady did ^hin He \Vas liv- 'tfprise subline'. all siich cases a r.ival ought to be, was a her of Jurymen to which each town is entitled N'd walk. Yu:k, by which I an) prepared to!fiir'rti»sh to »r- ih ^ 'God rest his soul (!" Leave New VmU foi Yes", eVpVi li'oVv', hutVian calamity. In figure scarcely ordiria W the "Act,prescribing the number oif jury­ 'i¥ck , A i\I der any"^unntiiA ol'Si per J>: u.-B'els amlTapeh- ' v> Whist! Mrs. Riley, arriti't 1 the do'c- Accommo-I.ilion truin 7 «'"c O'er VValms, to tii'ee ipvealed, ry—in mental 'capacity rather cloudy, he men" (passed last Spring;) unless the town has .. 11 3'0 Viy ( arpeiingat the ahove Viaine'd Veiy low pri­ tfrer 'now previously, at a spe'cml town meeting, voted to Fr'oVn 'our small View concealed', was By no means a thing to make P.»t Dooly Expre^'s 3 p isi ces. These Carpets aie of fnvm importation llThnve for yoti, Pal Do6reV, but 'tis choqse a (ess nuihber. and ol'.the newest and liiost beautiful design ami Bendeth thy brow. 'Afraid. . .. Arrominoflation 4 Thou see'st. from pole to p'ble; quare 1'tu feeiin', tied Up this wily like a "jrii'e bid Tot boxes must be .open, for the re- magnificent. colo:ing. Specimens of these !lis darling K ithlcen was true as. tried XJosiiinutatioii 4 55 cross pig." *ce'|)t'ion 'of votes, al or before 9 o'ctoch in the Gn:;ds will be ready for exhibition this week. Blue gleaming at. thj' fee*. "ave New lliiven for Norwalk stetl, and with Pat.i,n her heart, could listen iiidrinft'g. . L Also, on hand s'uner all wool ingrain, vene- Wiih many a shore and fleet', , "Faith, 5 30 A M A'nd laugh it Mr jFlanagen's awkward and Ajommulalion train t^Vri iVri' S'Ai'r Viarp'eniig", and a ltuv of tVibse^ver-y Atlan^t V611. olJ « * > ' ' ' * ' • „ Accommodation 7 ft^rdly sincere pr6'est;it'Od.s of affectidn arid , Fairfield Co. Temperance.,.Con- clieap remnants. Beneath tliy said 9 35 adoration. The lady's rival was something veil I ion.—-This Con vention meet s,. at Nor T. White and colored Canton Matting of the Arctic ice-clifT and plain. Sill I Ex pre: s 1 15 P M more difficul' to set aside. walk; on Wednesday 31st inst.r at 10 o'clo< k. best quality. 4 4, 5 4 and (i 4 wide. Floor Oi Warm field of golilen grain. large Sfor the widow's riioulh. •/VfC'tm.-notlalion 4 20 A. IVt. at, the Toyvn Hall. ,, Arrangements ar«) Cio'hsvery lich patterns. 4 4. 5-4. (i-4 and 8-4 And Italian valley lie; M rs Biddy Riley was a skiri'ny wi'resent fiom ail ranted. £3?° New Goods ri'c'd every week. clinations, bu» on several occasions had seri­ jj sj.'erti'rin the la-gest. and .best assortment And so. when 1, "Holy Bridget! look down on a dissolute the towns in this County. ;; - , S. MOULTON Jr. ously disturbed Mrs. Riley's philosophy by of i'lol-i \ have eV'eV WW A llie (iteAsure of ofier- Life's wear} travel o'er, . vyomah that's goin to be sacrificed and 2t Per order Com. West port, March 9. his shines and capers Among other thing-, ing the piiUlic. unionglhe iiootls ni ty b"e t\>;.nid Reach tnat black, fatal shore, slaughter^! I" . ,> , : he had given her water for punch at several a vpry h> g'< luhonn't siil>ject lit sliiht impei'ft-Vf:- CTCHRAHAM, At length In di'e. ijuring this last ejaculation, Pa! H«id taken tion in. HViViVi'fiV.-ture whi ;h wilt be sold iVt cine wake?, and had*fixed a tallow candle in giich Almighty G-t" ! teach tVie, lip a long, iieiivy Mr of iron, arid thrusting ha I f oif ll'icir a*unl saluc (all in want of two Architect, Civil Esiginfeer& Surveyor! As Kaii'h's brief phantoms fade; a 'pusiuriV) that when' the vvidow rose from ELECTION it into the fire,*had seized the bellows, and 'dollars fur one would do well to call) uiy stock 'g^HE sub«criber liaving 'opet ed an office in To- follow undismayed. her seat, her hairs FrOfii crowri to tip was stiff MONDAY N EXT, LESS THAN k WEEK. ^ now full and eonjpl'el'A itiul'ov^iV tn'diSr'n^ibnt J Norwalk with b E Culver, civil engineer, was blowing away at a busy rate, like a real Trusting in Thkk. with grease. The Election takes place on Mori^ny* the will be uttered !o ail in tliis or the adjoining opposite the post o^Tice. for the purpose of ma­ Vulcan. j ...... Beyond Death's night. 5tliof April—in less than one week: , Remem­ towns, come one. c'oihe 'nil and examine For king plans, elevations and specifications for For all this, Mrs. Riley Was elaborate JH Arrah,Pat; I)001ey,w hat Sire ye at now r" Vours«lves,as all my go'ons vvill be freely slibW'ti buildings of all kinds, also for biidges and roofs, Let. nobler p ospects rise, her dislilte.of Patty Soql^. .She vented^ Her '•Be asy ma'am I'm preparin'.'' ber that besides ihe State officers."a U. S. Sen­ New fields and fairer.skiVS rtnd none nrged to liuy.greater iiVtiucenients will having had a number of years of practice at.d rage liy seVeral times tnWarti'ng the lovers, "Oh ' Mother 0' Moses! ri it, Pat ator is to iie elected bj the Legislature, fee- Le b^sed than ever before. Remember this experience in building and in superintending Break on r'ny sight; when tlie soft mdohlight prompted them to And so, my tired. race run, Dooley, I'm scared !" ( ;. irierriber that a Presidential Election is at hand," Wd call at the Bridge si'Ve. buildings ttf i\ 1 kiiVdS. All ttrdfe.s left with D ; wander for.li and 'coihrtujne _ the heart- "Asy, Mrs: Riley , asy ma'am." t . C. J. GRliMAN. L Culver. Esq. will leceive prompt attention May my last moments shine. and that, the interests at stake in it wiiibe very pnetrj', hnver nioKe natural 'than in an Irish The position or things was just pow wor­ Etvineering and surveyingdone in all its branch Radiant*and calm, like thine, iHuich affected liy the result of the contestiu " () setting Sbn ! ihouth. She would purse up her lips arid thy of riogjinh's Pencil. The broad and es. Norwalk, Feb. 20, 185*2 8 this §hitet '. v toss her heftd; Whenever the girls intoned his strong light jrom the forge strticft full u^ori w Ji.raise- or tlie old hjlks,called him a " broth tlie widow's ^ace, and repealed her, squat­ Dfs'ait. nf. ittcldTri^r Pr'iMtz Cdtirt, Mirch WHIGS! MISCELLANY. of a boy." Had a strAtyger i'n the Village i5i//.i852. ,, , , ting h< side (the enpritidus.anVd, in the .ridi­ o •g^STATK of S \ iVi U E L J. COLtlNS. wanted a horse shod, or a cab repaired, and culous posture the Bo^s c-ill ;'»n jour Hon- ELECTibxN DAY APPROACHES. Are tPj kite of Rftddiiig ill s.lid biSliict, deceased. Naval Artefciiofce; iVIis. Riley Had her say, she_would ratlier keys." Theie.was 'a whimsical mixture of you ready ? have d.-'ne the tinkering ne'rs'elf, gKaii?', th^in Pursuant, to an th'd'er fri't'tU the "colirt bl pio- When Map'donough wns fir>t Lieia'pnant o't tboth ache and friglit in her expression" as Are your committees all at work with bate for sai'tl (hsiri'ct. will lie soli! iit public i!u'c- 'he Sir'en, under the command of Captain sent him to i^at Dooly. ; . she d'ppeared, gating up^/ir'ds with upiiflie'd prdrhptriess, activity and good courage' No tion to the liigiiest bidder, on the 7ili 'diiy of It hippened one siiriirti'er artemoori that hands into the blacksmith's face. . Sturdily ; Smith, a circumstance occurred in the har- victoi-y will be obtained where all is sluggishly April, iit t (i'ciock n the afte'rnrititi. the equity Mrs. tt lev \VHji .-.tt-ucfe \Vith this tfiolh-ache; arid steadily he handled the bellows, the of redeiiiptioti in th^- hodieslead Vif said deceas­ Ib'dl" ol Gibraltar, sufficiently indicative of the d'oii'e, and where there is no engagedness oif fevery old woman's i'cltfedy shecoiild remem­ widow varying the monotony ol" the Blow­ ed. Sale to take p iir'e On tin* prpmises in said firi\ihpss an'd decision of nis character. An ber, was brought iHto n {juisition, liiit all feeling on ihe part of your young men. . Redding i terths made l;iu»\yn.jjt I lie imie bl sale. AHlerican. rtieichant brig came to anchor ing by an 0ccasien.1l interjection. At was of no avail ; the lightning *vas still in Have arrangements been made to. bring WALltfeK BATKg. near the Uniied States vess» 1 Macdonough length on her twenty-ninth uitertin/qfe of, her hiou'h : tB e'i|s!e H'ei* tfrectually; it riiiist every remoie; alid every feeble, and every 3tl4 Specially appointed tospIU in tlie absence of C.ipl Smitb, \>Ho Had gbne "Arrdji; Pat Dooley'-; xvili you pull my coine out Forth.wiih. < , , . liged \friiig to the polls? Does each such on s-hor°, saw a boat from a Biitish frigate f ( tooth ?" (jbmniissionars Noticc. Unfortunately, a doctor could not that day bou d tile brig arid talie f om her a man ; he Pat hastily cauglit up trie great bar of jierson himself know how he is to reach the r«n11 K Sub.4:riHehs iippoUiied !>V ihe Court he had toiiHih six miles no female friend iHinii-diateiy.triaririejl and armed his gi2T, and iron, now at a white heat, and swinging it voting place ? 'the roads will be bad, this • of Probate for the Di-trict of NdSU-'alU Ifelt di^poseti tb ad'ctilnisier aHything iriore over his head with a sudderi ierlfj brought it ('ommissiiiiiei's to heiir and examine the claims pursued tHe £>: iiisH noiil.tsHicH lib bvei tooK, year, in many parts of lhe State, but you will than a che«ap cou'rHodi.ty, g9od^ .adyicf..; and d'bwn Mug upon the a'nVil, close to the wid1 jiu-t as it reached the frigate, and without i liifve the day before you to collect those who of the cteditol's of t.lSe fc-tate of 1 homas Gai­ no one save the redoubtable Patty Dooly, ter, an His'olv&iit 'cit*bibr bfNew Canaan, in said ceremony, took the. impressed man into hi.* ow's head, wfule, at the same instant, His dated venture on a tuff at the offending cannot take care of themselves. Put off how­ district, assigned intrust for ilie benefit of his own boat. The frigate's boat was twice the hammer sent the glowing sparks 'dround her ivory. The thought of Pat was al first worse ever none of your arrangements until the last* m creditor?. Iiereby give hbticfe; Hljit we will at­ fi.rce of his own ; but the act was so bold as like scores of stars. ; . tb the widow jh'ati iH<» fiairi iri ,her j..iw ; and nioment. tend to the business oif our said appointment, at to astound the Lieiinmant who boHirtianded "tioly ioseph," was all she could biter,.or THK (JKLKBRATKU she. sat swaying to and fro, full halT aii hbiir Are you supplied with" ballots? Remember the dwelling house of James Pattison in said the press gang, and no resistance was offer­ 'rather yell, as (vitha convulsive, galvanic BITTERS, New Canaan on the first Mondays of May and b'efore hbr mind could bear the idea. ed When the affair was made known, to leap, she pahed frorti tHe aiivil, ipaving her you have three distinct tickets to vote, in' tUree'' August. 1852. at one o'clock in the afternoon . V6s r A INI NO NO ALCOHOL, the British captain, he came on board the At length towards evening, thti.Higittg, tooth behind her, add landing pltimp into sijjiitrate ballot, boxes—one for' State ticket,'* of each of said days. ... , • shoot;njf agony becaiH'e tbo ihtfefise arid un­ 1 he blacksmith's tlib ol^greiis^ ilhd tar, which - A slire ftrmrdi/ far Said Cdiirt lias liniitfcd and aliriivp'd G'montns. feireh, and in a great r£ge demanded how Senator, a yd Judge of Probate—one for Rep­ bearable. .Someihinfr must be done imme­ jtood iit sothe distance off., ' VVheH Pat pick dyspepsia, fromIfie elate llereof, for tlie exhibition to us of he dared to take a man from hi^ ooat. resentatives and one for Justices of ihe Pence/' diate!^. 'I'he tooth mu>t cortie out at dl) ed her tip sHe was sis quiet as a lamb. v IN ALLi ITS ViKIOUS FORMS, (daims against said Estate. . Macdonungh replied that the man was an As soon as your Senator and Judge of Probate * BENJAMIN N. HEATH, > Commis- hazard0. So after nilich lif iitdtiBb, the af­ Like a generous fellow, he kept this story Such as Pain in the Stomach, Heartburn, Ha­ American seaman, and was .under the pro­ are nominated, you should at once see that youi*' bitual (Ipstweness. Acid Stomich. Heatl- GEORGE LOCK WOOD. $ sioiierS. flicted Mrs. Ri|ey b.»und tip ner aching to hiiliself, an J it was riot til} years after, jection of the flri ii) thi'efe itlitiliifcs iitid £uu; Mrs. Riley; i§ It thrdtlbled ye abe V' itidtiired From cafmj fial:eh't and simple toil, H-ye you ascertained how tlie party 6tand .' • v-> them in t.lteir piactite: For the nldsfc siitisfiic- vvifhout a key. Maliogany. cuMed inaple, b 'k act!" - - . ,. , „ , .. t!' Arrah; f'at fcloply caii ye puil my wh'icK had an endurance and faithfa "beh.l^j^inj how many can and will attend the polls without. walnut, kitchen and wind.-of chairs. Children's ' I shou'd have rriade the attempt at all tory proof of the silcH SsS jf thi^ rb'iiietly, see tooth ?" was the reply. an object of hope b fore it. S >, too, in succesu, further exhortation- or assistance ; how man£' . r pamphlets containing full paiiicrfliii'S iffiri Her- table itfiB IciSy chairs. Willow waggons, era hazards," was the reply." " Divd a docihurcan do itbetthur, raa'.im! in whatever man seeks to accomplish A will need reminding oft heir duty, orwill re(|ujit» C tificiifes I'roiii Member-; of Congress iiiui ei her dies and chairs. ..Looking glasses of nil sizes '•What; sir!' said the English captain, Is it n molar, Mrs Riley?" clown may stumble upon a splendid discov­ - imrtie-i well known to the public. Any inilivid- and prices, from 25' cents to Si0. Spring mat- 11 'viuld you venture to inte>fere if I were to assistance to reach lhe polls ? If Hoi; do d. ,lit ; ipssps the best and cheapest beds in existence. "Sjrry one o' me knows what's a molar, ery in'art or science, buia general law taiil wishing fun her information i espei:i.in« this irripre.-s men f om that bii«j ?" once.—Jt is ail impoi'tani that Ef fekr ma'n We will deliver any furniture purchased of us but the pain's disthressin'." provides that high achievement 5hall require " You can try it, sir 1 replied Macdough. can be moved, sboiild voie tliis year. Do INYALUA!!1,K MEDiciftfij (to thfc ainopnt of Slfo or over^ in New Canaan. "Sit down, Mrs. Rilpy, take a sate profound and ceaseless labor. The price of The British captain re urned to his vessel 5*rti'i«ates of the highest respectability. venience, "sit down by the light ma'am, and dieatn f-r possession of advancement, irile s JlBMEMBliJl' ... on hand from 100 to 150 coffins of jiiaiibgany, a&iir £fi(fed.;' thb Engjish captain took a cir- r„ D!l. GKO. B. GK.EEN, Proprietor, Wiiid- I'll bn looking in your mouth immediately. He con debts with, H thie prtident e^e.cise of By the nevv law, ibere will be but one ballot • Isor. Vt. ' black walnut, cherry and \vliiie\^obd of all sii.es ciTitous rotite afid re tu fried to Bis ship. There 'Tis a filie night we hate:" his own energy and judgHrient—:Th« .little for representatives. The boxes will be kept REED. B-VTE^ & AUSTIN, Wholesale and descriptions, which can be fui nisheji iit ri was sticH a cafniriegs In tfi'e ct/nudrt of Liieiit. {i spring iri ttie moun'ain rock becomes a open until 5 o'clock—and the candidate ^ *f V Druggists. No. 26 Merchants' Row, Boston, few minutes notice. We also furmsh slirbuds Macdb'Hbilgh—sucfi fi' .sole^ni'£.i'hr hiff lan- Cihj hol^r HiHtht-f ! what »fiail i do^"' and everything necessary for the interment ol lirdoic, a torreh't. a wideaf/if folljngjiver and : (j^neral Agents. v guajre^slich .pb'litpfie^s lh 6is manner, that mtirmuffeil this tootHed-strickeH womaH,,fis a plurality wiil be elected. Thus it becomes a ^ the dead, and will see to the digging ol graves a paVt of the fathomless ocean,; jsiippl^ by Price "Si per bottle ; six for $5. V the British officer saw tliHt he Hlid to deal^ with she frtjuatied iipon tlie pHrtl tiye seat Pat matter of more importance to^ briog up ;the 4 IC \U riOV.—Keah bottle of the Genuine when requested. We will attend funerals in had prepared:' and began,as at ho'rfie; to os- pushing steadily and bravely forward; New Caniian. Wilton or Darien. without extra no ordinary man. aiiri {hilt U riot uest to infirm and aged voters to the polls, an$ to^hay.^. Qcygeaated Billets, will have the oulsjds cit'laie, now back' , and ^forward, and agaf.i : put him on his m.-ttfe. % ; I; 2' a complete and thorough pr^nisatW? 'bfiA,; p3 W|.(,|)|)er |wit!ted in Eu'jlish,French and Spun- charge £. QULNTARP & SONS. arper & Brother, New 6jk; have N. B.—Persons wishing to purchase burial CQM&vCQGI^, different length. - - ^ a - * ^ •* • f »• f vt^ , V ... H ' lltlt Dlsti Ssiiatoi ial CoaTentidili B t»< i u iU , GeS.—*"• VV u ku.g % v m y >ur wny u,»." is ?»iif n^^jvhteh i« |^nc!er- The VesIdeH ;e fc'f Ctipt. Win. « of *1lHe At ii Cdh^entibn oi the Whig Daiegiitar . jBRtBdtifrbitii'i Alonflayj Matcli $2. ' ^ ^ St'o k1 artd provided for^in'ithe old countries, jl>ur. friehrfs caHfiot l)e. trfo particular in d8- fj; %iv",dc [i'Verpdo* packet Minn'Ssofa, was eH- fiBnl litB.several idiVus od d n'fui^ tll < 1J i-l» ! This everting, as a cblbhed inan tiaini'rf Milols^feg^; /v cleik ift tlje B ink qif^England enter? at fibsiting'their votes EATiLV". This will give th-ely corisunibc by fire on Tuesday afterndbri •Sta ml tiff lit I district! held a{ Keelfer's HdtW in HuB^i was passing the cbfnfer of Waii H?e of sefceuteen, on a salary''of tto'e ybtriime to b.lfljg tilb: eheni3*, or gb'after youl* hist. Its origin was sbihewhat siflgular; an otil tjafiliuiy. On Fiidav, Marbli 26th. 1852, W Water streets in this cify; he cable in ctlntafc'f-jf "SUPPORT YOIJR owKi f" bun Ire.J and (fffy fj«H5rs •• a ye«r* VkifH- an trienils taliu have;hbg!ected to vote. , ,, iiiiisket. which hiid been standing ib the garret tjfaWI, fesq., was chosen Piesifitdif; Dai'id B. With an Iriabmtiri; siiid; altef rfti infeFchHiige W«... sonle bldtVsj the IriabIT il i, wiifi3a riatne could notff^S1 T*' a Iditional hundred'if "he-MS piiiUiiihl ev'ery 'fur some ge'V'en ^ears,* without ^ Suspicion of its Bootli^ Secrefaiy. The Secretary tVasi «f>- j -. Wliig Stale Ticket. ba ascertained, stabbtid HiiUifi sb badly that he;|gp|g§;i • -'Ssdir-iM His salary fcs Wcreused fifty ,•" .. ijea^n^^Beers Bougtou, H. B.Bates, T. trass "whicli nlrildSt fnsfSutjy BiirSt f>rth into voltcd provinces oT the confederation. Our last;' '• -• is not all. Every employee of the bank is FOR SKCRKTART OF STATK, the Governor, to veto the prop sed Law, M. Abbott, and John' D. Liicey. fl imes, communicating with tho roof, and baf Xewtotcn previous advices it will be remembered,'''"»• '* 4 •'wntiil^ icfi a teliring, pe?isiuii nf an amount J. HAMMOND TRCJiMBULL, of Stouington. That is What is called Democracy!! i —Win. Beard. (JeO. R. liatafilrd, fffdpdrliiih'ftd to the number of years he has fling every effort to afiiest its progress. The Philo Cbuk, ni:d Win. F airehild announced that -UrqiViza \S*as in route to; CONTROLLKR.'. Bridgeport Standard ~~^*^|prveiS Af-er forty yeais' service, ("we"be* property was partially insured in the Hartford Nac Fairfield—Enoch • Knapp,- Garretsoil give Rnjas bittle. .The coinbat to'ols place, but'• . - T SELAH Wfe regret to .«ee that the Whig can­ Hayne*. "4t6Vp,)i'lt" tflefk is'. entitled to retire upon a STRONG, of Milford. Mutual Co. The thanks of the family are ten­ >Ke date and place are not given. Jt is said,\ ,i didates named,Have taken this attitude. It Brookfteltl—Petfir M. Hubbeff, Beeis FO'nt. " 'pi'asion Vijiial to the amount of the salary dered to the neighbors who by their'exertions ho-.veVeV', th-jt it was very bloody,-, resulting in a', was the i i«iit position last y«ar, and had not 1 ttrhiph h^e.enjoyed at the time.of his reti'••• " f'? . IcSnup lu's quarters at Palermo, the cou.itry sear tion. on this subject-, ai)d ih _the ,best possiblfe We are glad to learn that J. M. Carter-, Esq* -"iecTirln^' the hunk from imposition, and • f ? v *» 4—GRISWOUO I. GILBKRT. HaiiiyetS. Of the vanquished hi'ant .- l'y" form. We trust now that the Whig candi­ the Wliig nominee for Judge of Probate is t e- The. Comm'iftce the'if proceeded td iCb in- v ^i virjff-^>tiiode.st man the courage to ask for .».« ** 5—\SA M. TRAIN, I\IILford. ^1'.^ (J—IIARVKT R >WK. EAST HAVEH»J ;C ; V dates above named, will r» (Consider til<-• ir de- covariug fiom his late severe ill-.Bss; ffrftl will /oritial ballot f or a candidate for Seini'or. the leave i>f absence when it is necessary. In­ &3=* Rev. for. Cooiev, oi Granvil'e, Mass.,- ' \\ , .»• 7-iNATiiAi« <*; FlStivC*n#dh': % i ; t'ennmaiion, and corne out for the Main^ Law iio doubt soon be able to attend to his usual pio result being announced, the convention fheii reached the age b'l Octogenarian on $%|arday,' deed, the* system generally seems to us the % §—ASA L LATHAM. PIestbh. , ; or something < quivfilent. Let iis haVe no proceeded to a formal ballot which ie«iufieo 1 •^•••onfy . »» ]0—-OLI.VKR H. PKISRY. Paiifield. The same may be shid o'f C. E. DiSbrow;. ( but be for ot against the qu*S idti There Esq" . of Readifig. il — WALKKR RATKS. Redding. ' ' Esq. whoso stirring business qualities have reii= fouFsb'fcre yea^ni'd.-" #f. tfiioljr preached his' }h* will never be ri bei'er ',ime to take the ques­ 'I'lie feffipeiincc lUoumerib '"44 —THOMAS B. BUTLKR. Norwalk. dered his illness a Severe lo«s to the community The Colfunlttee on Resolutions reporter" tlie firsf serfnon in hi# native place in 1795 having' : : ~WX^ - 44 tion than at pfi*§erit. Let us try the expeii- thus accomplished a fnififstrv of 56 years. It is mit irue ihat the Whig parly has ih s ? 13—HKSRY G. TAINTOR, Hampton. • as well as to h'iihself. He is rapidly regaining following- to' the Convention, wlucli were read, , 44 ]4—EZRA DKA.N, Woods ock. . fnent in gb'od faith, and try it rmw a'ny way encouraged the temperance move /and unanitbously adopted. -- 44 15—C'IIARLKS ADAMS, Litc.lifit'ld. ^ Palladium his strength, iflid hopes to be able to deposit his .The Mississippi Senate,'on the 9th, by a vole ' meuty as a m^ans «>f obtaining votes; on the • .. Resolved by this Convention—That we . 44 ]G—BKNJAMIN DOUGLAS jVl.idrliefoUh. fciP Tlie Standard was correct In his asser­ vote for the Maine Law one week from of filteen to eight, declared it inexpedient and Be,^ ; contrary we;be!ieve that, while many ardent ; ; 4. JC)—HKNKY W. (ALLB'Kfi L . Cliester. re-affiim the Whig doctrine of protection to improper at this session of the Legislature, to' *' Whigs are thoroughly convinced of the ne­ tion that, the Senators of Ihe lOtfi and 12th to day. :: y, " 4. O()—FRANCIS L, iDicfs.1 N-ON. Willingioii. American industry go into the election of a Uniteil States Senator cessity of"'leg.il enactment to restrain the 1 : 44 2I_Dwifefli' LOOMIS, VeinBti. ' . District were not pledged men at the time lirS C?ertificat6§. ; Resotiicd —That we approve of the nomi­ tor the long term. The House, on the same dav, fitjijor tniffi ", they have depreciated any con aitide was written. But we are permitted to Those persons W.ho'are electors of this State' nations lecently rrtade. by the Whig State pas'ssd, by a vote of fifty-two to twenty-one, a' ri" with politics. The say by one of tbe committee appointed to ques­ ,\Ve t"6i Prolate Jiidgr, Noricdtk bislrict. and who have changed their residence since Convention, that hii^e ihe fii||e>t confi­ joint resolutibii to firot'tfrd to the Election efrf •2!'« -Whig ticket riortfiftritetf two years ajro; was dence in all th" individual:* there n.iminateil jo'si.ui M. CAliTKfi, of Norwallc. • tion candidates on that subject that Mr Perry the last election, should immediately attend to Senator for the long tefiri; &ri flf^ 11th instant. w-V Selected with refKence oh|y try fhS ordinary has answered him satisfactorily upon that issue for State offi-ers and will ti*e all honoiable questions., and the canvass that year was con- ihe obtaining ot their certificates, if they have — mid as for Dr; ButlSr, be has certainly taken means to secure their election. The Central Bank ot Augusta,waff '9-J Hi-ueted sd'iv-lV Upon those issbes Last year, not a'ready done so. An ajticle is going the : Resolved.—That we iinanitti<>u>ly r'ecnni- robbed on f he Isth ini't. of .000. A reward •S :> Mh'& ^ame candidates tirt-fe re nbminated in no advi rae position." ' . " ' ' rounds, spying tint electors who have removed mend Wallcer Hate®, M q . of FJeadinj,' as of $J,dOl/ is b'lTertd lor the deteclio'S' of the' !i{«>f)rdance with the usages of th* party.— lirtpe ouv friends in tljtt iidjdinihfi tciwn^ into another town previdus fo thb 5th of last the candidate c-f the Whigs of this distifci, thieveS; *•-'.!• After-th^ir nomination they vVefe asked their will proeme their l allwts ih seasoii.and sfee ilnit TO FARMERS! Doc'mber, can be made new voters if they for Senator, and we truJt and bel'eve all true opiuiona upnii a terr>pe «nce tjii gtmfj, and they are properly distributed Oii the ifibriiing o'f It has t)f)en one of the special fabori of tho have no certificates. This is not so. They Whigfs «if this District, will tinitecly sup­ {tC3= The capture ol Carvaj »1, by G -n. Harney/ they returned answeu. in accordance with is confirmed by letkrs brought by the steamship' election. auti-Maino Latv Party to induce the Panne's cannot be mae'eanew, unl^sS they havfi had a port the noniiuation and therrby secute his their convictions of duty, nvo/ing thereby election. Louisiana, from Galvesfor. Consequi ntly, the' of old Fail field county that they fcoubl tnake no residence t;'f six vion'hs in the town where tha republican principle of .sab.h'r.iJng to the Restilhei —That it is the duty of ali >ierra Madre revolution isr at fn fcnd for the" cider Under the Miiinfe Law. Tliis talseliond they offer'to vote. (Jet your cert ifrcafds, and V ;i' popular voice in matters of legislation, and fiiMlfilif. Whigs, in the ensuing- elec'ion, to use their present. having be'tfn fexjKishd rfjfd refiitCtf by the letter " • ' : jdedging themselves not to tue their official '"'Yon have had a Slate Ticket presented to you will lie on tho safe s'de. utmost efforts for the>uc<*css of all thu'r can­ Influence to defeat thii willofihe people.— \on by ilele.atea appointed by yourselves, in of Neaf Dow, deflating that ci"del; is not inclu- didates, and we do earnestly recommend to REMEMBER !—By the new LaW, {here will be - n Mr. Briii^u's LeUer. 1 '^'.7" I ahd immediate organization; 'h it with this will be kept op£n u°niil 5 o'clock—and the candi­ r r pulous opposition of the democratic paily. say the feast, is as strong irid unexceplio'iiifldH Several candidates in this county dii the s bject date having a plurality will be elected. Thus1 stir up an opposition to the law and against the we uiUst be iuccessful—v\ ithbut it wfe' rfiusi f.-spnTh'u year it uhexp*Cteilly became netess.r as any wloco could have called oirt your' suf­ of tho Maine Law have handed as the follow­ it becomes a matter of more importance tobririg' Whig party by a base'and fii'-tf assertion that a fair. ..^7 : s'< ry to nominate a i.ew candidate f'r G >ver- frages. Tliesfe nieii are nil STEFILING ing reply.from Hon. Chas. Brown, the demo­ up t!ie infirm and ai;ed voters to the polls, and t:> ina u*8 IJ U U S £ M A V B E S E A R C H ED, on David i). Wildtiuin. fcsq.. witrf fhen appoint 2ior, and most naturally and properly the WHIGS, who iiatb far yiiur$ dfouft fia'ttle in cratic nominee for Senator, which wo publish have a complete and thorough organization for' ' - rwniti.itio'n was confi-rred • upon ihe Lieut. the iiiero belief of any vagabond who may ed a District Committee for the year ens'iiiiff. tbat purpose. the good old Whig cause, nni yhu lino\V llieiii •vet baliin, cl literatim, ei punr.tu.itum. as * - : Governor, to whom it fairly belonged, by choor-e to outer a complaint. Th's is utterly Pile following gent 'e'nJen were appointed ail to be good men and true, a nd yet thesn follows : 1 ' virtue of his ptesent position, his f'iitij'tiinejs and totally untrue, and \se append Section 11 Town Coiuuottf>es f'ui* the several to,vus in $3= One huiadred arid t\veniy-one freight bf a's men have seen fit to express their int'i- TAMFORI/ * ' / t.rWhiy' principles, an'd his v\ ide spread pop S Mar 23d iS5'2 a id r.ine packets are stated t > be in wu'itirg at of lhat law lhat all iinty read and iinde/s'aud it,- A (litb Esqr this «li>trict for tlif* etisning vear. ,-'7.. U'larity: The notninati.in was conferred viduiil preferences on the side of Temperain-B. Roc'iesier titr the opening of Canal navigati-m.- %vho will: ;; • Vear Sir Daniniry—David ]> Bo all, Clark B. Kerry, u'p'rtn him unexpectedly by his friends, ami whereupon the wlioie Democratic Battety is Tivohty-three additional bosts are being bu'lt Sec. 11 If aiiy three-person^ - Neic FairJj.dd—Samuel A. Banium. 4 • . ce.rini* w hich usua.ly atterids such selections, men, you slr-di li'a&H no" fet'lin^s, rm oWiniHns, I h:ve to say that 1 am in favour of any Law tjcarry 90Jbarrels flour. made ; Shall before an\ jU-tice of the p> ace Reading—T. M. Abbot. and without anv consultation with temper- no preferences—you shall become itieie aiito- fmioded upon Demncn t'.e and Hepotilicati prin­ ~ - snce m>'n, or design to do otherwise than t«< or judge of any municipal, or'[olee court, ciples. and opposed to any Law inconsistent • Ridgcfield—H. K. Scott. The Hartford 'people are discussi'ng the* mstonr, or else you sh

«uch a ia • because in opinion and practice they are by any pei'von not authorized tw sfll the To A Hill Esqr Norwalk Cf of this Convention, lifc pirblish'ed in the' Nor­ 0^ A pet ftion. in favor of Reciprocity with" passed-he woul J sign it, and that he should TKMPE RANCH MEN? W« ask of any s une in said ci y or towfi under the pn>v si.ins walk Gaz-tte. Bridgeport Standaid. and D'.tn- Canada, addressed to the House of Representa­ ,'n no ca,e oppose the w. 11 of the pefij le in IVirig, ue care not what. Irs haLirs oi* custonis We have nw fault, to find with the liter­ ol t iis s.ci, in ui.y ^rliie, ^h.>p, .vart hous < r IJ U ly Tiin'es. tives is ciroul 11i•»tr forsijn itures in Ruflhlo. ' v. 'ejjar.l to it. , We repaid this answer as a id' l:ieaio. if Green Kom'rick tSt~ rf1!!onii!2' )i ary inrrits of the epislle.as it is no doubt owing olher b'tnl.iiiiH or ptie'e in si i I City or town, i lie C/OnVentfbn fheri nf'j->iirned withoirt dav; ; . f.-i frank and inanly exptesyion of a sentiment Butler art* the less to be rl: pioctto find no fault on that score, as it is peifectiy coi • o, position to the establis'hmcnr of a BrjiithMint --.ishatned to jiive, and infintiely more enti i:i New for'-. fled to the adtniration of both friends and preferring a puldic fiojctionaty to be an intem­ • u sraich the premises described in said war- i I jsiv. Ii reminds u- veiy much of ihe o!d 1 he whig State Convention, comjiosed ! , files, than a skulking rtfu>al to answer, or an perate man. We can assure our Locofoco rarif, and if-any .*puitutJs or int' X.caMog H- lady's account of the resemblance of her threp of thejr ino.^t trusty delejrntcjj, and lepresni'. 8C?* Pa'itic-s in \Vorci*3 i!r, M iss , have it 'IT q:j-.r.s tire f und therein, he shall se.ze t!u co-i'teui'.ilatioa to erect a W;-w first d iss Hot J at avowal thathewoulJ S»M hitnst LI to opposi brethren tintt tliey ealcubrte wjihout thoii- soi s— uc.t one of whom looked! alike-, slio said, in.» :h" «h-g par'v of th" whole S-a p. HE -aif;Pi and convey thein to >otne proper place an ex.lease o!' ^5:"»"».-I I). : tion to t:ie people or their rejjresenioiives reekoidtVy wh6n 111f*y suppose thsit any i.tinibt?f except (iersbnm. and he looked just a'ike! FL^ED 'o pass a 'e-o ution endorsing toe of secUri'V, whvie he shall beep them u;mi apon a question of morals of Wilt iS wifl be found/to desert their can Take it all in all, we think it is well worth five Maine Law !— Democrat {T.fe editor!^ at New Cfi-led'iiS' profess to be ffi.al action is h .d thereon But I\0 • N. R. Courier. t--^* I bey di,| u'j Sucli thing. Another filse- iuvuriating on S'trawberrie^ and cream'. Cer­ didates because ihiYy a'ro not \viae-bibiders and 1) W ELLliN'Ci MOUSE in ichlth^or irt pin < ei ts, \\ iVch is what it cost the committee.—- bood-tn'iiledtO the ifiasf. tainly this isa iTiisi'fable season of the year to in­ . ¥ai Payors. • druukafdS; nf whuh a shop m not kept, SHALL BE Will friend Pouieroy pleads infotm us whether dulge in sucji bfit they arfe excusable, 8E>A ROH EL) unless at ieast o-ie of sai I com- this is'• Pig oi Pcnpj ?"—it i« the only ques­ business, Do you know that one half of the amount flow < an yoii do |i f we suppose, as when the pioper Season' arrived1 you are obliged to pay each year. £°es to Appeal fror by RUM ! If Undor Maine Law. ttiziculing liquors tiu'iein by the occupant there town, frauds'? HaVfci yoti tIioni;ht of this?— with the yellow fever {here were no nt;5f. w. uld you not then be Til's op|itfiieMfc» of the Maine Lav/are tiT- of, or by hu coiue.nl cir permission, wdhin at Thi« o-linns Low with all i s FOUL n£- leaH one nicnth of the lime of making sail Have you loarfe the a finn 2 uierits tor doing it? fir be'.te^ofTin a pectin arjr point of view.— iilg tb nXako capitiff otrf of the provision in sec­ rORMITIES has now to h^ I'je' td, or {}C5~ Sreri'tc't-' Sbule on Monday, delivered his1 complaint • , Whosechddren are committed to our pri-ons 1 tion G, " the defendant shall be 'ribt I to adcmice we m'i-1 for a t'in" n' 'e Ruff r under its Even year after tho election you havn b^en powerful, eloquerif, thrilling speech on Inter­ T SWEEPING OPrRESS/OX! -D m. - Thft drunkard's! U ho'.-e children crow up the jury fr.ts in tVcf>/ cane tf appeal in an action So'tha't this ol-^fcfion fafls to thft ground, as able to name Whigs who did not void; Do not vention." lie tfiiff expected tf the Oazplte in a id many persons «ere uiuble to gain admit­ •ross^st dScepTitiii ifi what !boj' say about this Sin'e any titan can have his house searched for iot 'x cii ni lij'iors! When yon vrte for pre.-ume ii is hard to deprive sucking babes of Eaf-tnn. Weston, Fledd njr. Sec., who m ike tance. Among tlie au I to-s on the floor, of the the Maine LiW. you vote for yb'nr tfwn in­ provision. Tbe law of Co'nnecfibut is ijmsmvl ttblcii goods, however respecfabi* he may be. iht>.u-pitp {.') tlieii- maidiet at Bi idgeport. will find it Senate was the Russian Minister, who appeared of ever has been, precisoly hi' acconfmco" with this on tho nierfc affidavit, of a bditj'— in lh?s ea.-o. terest and that of pr >s.)eritv. Think thi> to their adiauiagh to call Upon Messrs. r stivo and soon withdrew. Tlie S auisW un election day. — Derby Journal. clause. Nbiv if a p&r£oh brings an notion of prenf must be bad that a man has eont'efted hi-< Thirty yparft aern ih e la'e Jam«=s Arhrnv Blake man Sc i omlinson for any articles they Miurster : t oil nrar Mr.- Sotfte, a'n Ltleutive' debt on any pendl «Tutate< whether tlndt'r the house iftfo ft dVirm shop. Will sober, hones'. lis'tenfcr to tne cloffe. purchased a tract of larfd si'u.rel hetwe'fi tnajr require in the line of fI #-ii business. '• T'IP. Maine Law.—At a recent Temper­ liquor law noib in folce or mifder any other faw iYfteiTrgft'ilT. Whig viiters, bo i)amboozled by j 'he Sixty-'hird and Seventy-'hird streftc, con- ance tn- e inor in New York, Dr. Tyng th'tlS o'n 6"ur statute book which allows of ihe actii/n. fcJftifoco wii'e-pnllers With any such g immou as tainin^ about six'v three acres. For this {jC5^ Th'e receipts of the New York and New' .eirfined the principles of the law : VW Judffe Davenjioft. has received ihe nom Hayen Railroad, for tbe month of Feb . were" and the defendant beiiig convicted before a this 1 Will they not lead for themselves and tract hf> paid $4/100'. Within the past . , ' The grand poin* in n' says he, 'is that ination nf his p-nty for ,Tur?«« of Probate. If $")U.001 77—for the same month in 1851, they y a'scertain th'e Iritlh '/ mfrtrh' th'is property' has been sold at auc­ magistrate, appeals, he Must ativdnte the jurlj he h'l 1 re ei< o I fh« nominrtion fa*(tovo rnj\ it grapples with the naked thi^f—it lays its tion. having hi en .divided into nearly 1 000 wcTifr' V"3'-),7'23 IS: Tbe Albany passe.iger and hand on his bare and exposed throat, and fees in the court above, before hial. Such is 0 " Senntor even, tlie Democraey wou!d have express receipts forFedruary, 1S51, .amounte.f • * Nt-w Voters- lo'«. and ihr- pHr"hase mom-v anioiints to a >iv i 'Thou art the man' It lets the. poor now, and such ever has been; its we said he- hcrtiredthemselves •• ore t'uin hi n. to $'G,*250, an item entirely wanting this year, ay Whigs ? look up all t hH young men who fire t-iflf' over @300.000 Thus the hrij/itral in V d uded >ellet atone; if l»t*i al<>n» the vio.'im fore, the law in Connecticut, when the defer- ^hat travel gb'.'S over to the Hudson road. f.ivoTiible to yoar pi inHpfo-',' and Sfce tha't fhej" vestment h'oo in W-II stre» t, h id his t:ial at ihe C- 'Urt The Stamford Advocate in speaking Of a. where they pick out cold in lumps of than love—nothing richer than wisdom—nothing olltt ^r»d a k, and be its out the vei V head from the Maine Law, if passed in tliis State, f th tn t'jit'i. These u' iit«d in c/n'e min i, form the" 1 Thtfreifto upon the docket of the County Court New York Twines purest, the sweetest, the richest, the brhjhtesf- — Gentl-men, by your pcimt-i?ior», «v w II h'fi'oti'the subject He is well ku6wu in man—Bridgeport Farm>r. - Charge you a h'cher lictn'sej afi 1 make the now, a number of cases of this very des. rip- and the most steadfast happiness. Stauifrinl, as » good. ea>y, accommodstin", ntd At New Olefins, a man who had but re What was it that one of your citj' rum more difficult and expensive to you ' tisi)j i. e. Actions of debt, upon penal statutes, nral Loco FocO, iiecause he wuspiobably borii ofe'rilly commenced business, found his cred­ sellers testified te, with :'eft-rence to ttiis case? OCJ" AVli'y is: love like a' canal boat ? Because" O'I, no; but if comes J i like a cataract appealed by the defendant* in which the jury itors rA'her too prompt in uioing- ;hp pay­ which ihiOwsalf its pouer over the chut?, it so. Ho wilf unifoub'tedly receive the full Vote Will you give 113 his evidence; neighbor? if isT an'in'ternaf transport. fees mtist be advanced by the defendant before ment of their I,ill- bifls. uVVbat ts tlie mat c -mes dowo with ih« mi^nifioent idea of of his party, for it U one of their articles of trial can be had; ' ier he at len^ h a-ked ; t;do you fejr rtie." WAHPK.VE —Tne problem issetded tint crtiy jjeaosing th" world, by lakinj away tbe fii h 'o go or •' printipies not men." But no - The whig nouiinee f,r Senator, jn t|-,is •'Yes," was the teply of a fiiodest dun.— District, (ill" 12'-•) Dr Tho«. B B-t'Jer. has hair cin be aetu'ally ceKloreiJ to its oiiginul colliK ivhole material temp'ation' , ^ fine vfreeft fficati Monday I withstanding this. tb6 Whig candidate will •'Fe^r rut>!'" h > cxel'.timeii, "ori what declined giving any pledge /— Dtviocrati and yoiiildnl'appearai-ce, ad dandruff andscnr tr- nii The tiino is short fOr actioif; is every Wlfig piobably be elected by a hand>oine 'jo:ify '' head.*, by H* Mr Thrasher, confined at Ceuta, with tntf n-roundst H «s any one sai i- that! :un not Dr. Tiros. B. Butfer, has dorm no such tnoved. mid hair produ. i d upon bald prepared for his duties oil that day ? TIIB Whig Wfcwere inquiring after the manner of hones ?" "No, no," repli d the other; T LOVETT'o < cb.-liiv.tftd VVAHPENK. Tlie prav /vihe'r Cuban piisoners, 'when told he was Ih'.its. ' •' pardonedire used to be pardoned, and would party havu much to contend for in the court fig Irian our democrat c candidate might be, when 'but—'' "(3 it what, sir?" " Why, to be and baliibeads of Nei" York have nearly disappea­ fcot accept nf release, >avn as a rio;ht. A election. The supremacy of our piitfidplns in he was d c.'ib'Vd !:o us asbeing a perfect proto­ candid w th you, wo h iVft no confi lerice in Brddlug for Vfiftes,- red sinee the iiitrodnctioii of this wondeiful Com­ yon; business capacity, seeing you d'i no! ad- few days afterwards, he receiv»da letter, this Stiite fOr iJlany yfcaiS, may depend upon type of our I'rieird Geo. F. Daskam. We do M-. Kendiich is ofate|y charged with pound. The VV abpene is wartallied. ertise /" The man iu iriedia:e:y made annu­ i-tating. that be was fiee without'pirdon and it- The next Presidential election m ly not know which geut|etneii \vas meant to be '•bidding f r vote>" in the reply he mad- t» Tlie genuine Wabpene c.in be had of any of the al contracts with three j ape.rs, and is n'ow in ivjthoui condition, save that he must not re- be influenced by it. There are many rea complimented. the Temperance Convention. If a pi tin jidlowing regular agents in Fairfield County—J fit excellent credit, and prospering finely. turn.to Cuba. , " - sons why ev>iy Whig jfi Coonectici.^ straight foiward answer to a plain question is Weed. Norwalk; A Dickernian, South Norwalk j a bidding for votes, then Mr. ndrick i* should be willing to do his utmost for Was Christ a Criminal —This is a bias 6 l) tiilliman, Jr. and J E Ayres, New Canaan; - The Post telfs of a man in Maine who phenious question, almo.-t, but one wh.ch is TIard Political Blows.—The Ponsmotiih oildty ot this heinous charoe. But what Samuel Raymond, 2d, Datieu ; P Acker, Green­ kept a grocery store,fand when he gold a pint the cause this Spring! Wt» hopo tbaf Journal says that at a meeting of L >co c institutes hi* crime? It is? tbi.« i'i his 1> tt«-r, wich; Newman & Hevves. Miami's; R Hoytj ; all our friends will, remember these forced upon men's minds by the ex'iaortli- or half pint if runij always put h $ tSiu'mb fnend-, on Monday night, one of the candi­ ibi'ted Maichr 6 Ii: " ff I fhouM lie elf-cted to 1 nary a-.vuiri|;tion that it is ci nniual to make Stamford ; L (Jbnstead, wilton ; John Taylor; into the .measure^an enronriou>lj* large reasonsand turn out in their strength'; The ' dates for the C tutinon Council, who -w Tes-tameirt tell- us iI,e F.iirlielo ; w J Siieliou & C«. w-J & E- Slielrbn,; prar.ti.cf, he estimated that he had %oid his cess in the. next Presidential content, deirftln'd speech, in which he c<>mm< nded Dttiiocin- i 11r 1 should -t-n t, and in no case should I first m rac e wroirght by Christ,- was th,t of N S wordin. and Thompson & Booth, Bridgepo^ ;. Viauinh for at le isi $'5000, and had it left, af it. If the Lnco Ffiicos have the control of tbe cy ni genera!,-ind the ticket which his name oppose the will of ihe people or their repie>en- 1 making W,,ter imo wine; and il wa-. made H S Niebnl*. Truffjlde. nichols-Farms; and of N Jt- fier all. What an old soiker it ifius be. ornamented in paitienf.ir. '1 big so eLted a tativeg in regaid to it.'' This is the head State, tliis Spring through the negligence or expressly for beWia^e, and it was ust*d as a Fairchild. sf/atfo d'; and at nil the principal drug, we I known and »1 quent advocate of De­ and front of I is ofjeridin?; and what does it ind flerence'of any Whig, it will be a source of beverage j i*nd for a-u^ht that ajipeafs, ii and fa'fifct stores throughout the United States. F,i,cls Abnvt the Maine Law.—The Ban'- mocracy that he immediately rose and sai.t. ••Il aniount to? .Mr. Kendrick • is one of lasting regret to him. One zoic is of impor­ Was used for nothrn'g else. sfjor DaUg/- Whig of the 10ih inst., tay<:-d. •'that he rejoiced to find that there was one those men who are not rare in the Whiff tance. The State is so divided arno'ngthree Bridgeport Fdrf/ier. A Card.—Tlie imd'ersign^dTiavingdisposed' ^ T he po|wi:f his- bosiness t No 15 Main st. to David; « 80 great it) ibjs city, ow ing to its practical f arties that a single votfc rfray t&nr th'e scale VW If fhere "K anything in this world for M iing drunk vr.thout forsaking the Dein'oc'tat- otight to be used only in extreme cases.— Corrisfo'Ck, Jr. would tender his thanks to hi > tftVeU-r-that in not a single ward in the city either w/.y. There is noexaggeration in which werfre hearlily 'ir.inkful,- it is that no ic party " That he is a temperance man we believe fit* friend's niid the pu lie generally for tbe lihpraI l, •?>!? /iould atjy ticket be rallied upon the issue tow* d upon hiuH and trusts that .?its r.ppeal o/ ,s«[spensi.on. The maf« of the one vote more would have given us a Repre­ to rn^tYit tire pfmlic ieuse by sueh a' bhi.sphe' effective rap Mr es, a riiember of the he did simply because he was a temperance all iiVwant of airy article fonnei'ly kept by liiinv- ^/«Opfe are «o tjj >rOT?£.hly convinced of the' sentative. The changes of only one represen­ n'itfUs .ii'tlglrf its tllO above, and ho\v forlorn •Ma-ssfiehusens S-na'e. received this tveek — man we«are ve'v f.»r from believing?. Jt was wiU'call at his "old stand,'" where bis successor ra^rfa^le operation of ih,e Vkw; that all par- cannot fail to please in style, durabi'ity a nd' | tative would hjivfc given us the whole nf the niiiit. be the conditio?! of a grejlt political putty Mr. K-yes was alluding in his usual mild because, like a good WhiV, he would not ''y bofrtrl't Were 1srid aside in order that in no and q-iiet manner to the \Vhi>r party, when oppose the will of ihe people or their repre­ price fin feels confident thaf f]«rN now being ^ State ticket, aii(f probably, a U. S. Senator.— compelled lo resort to su< li argumeiitsi It is his equal, fi­ possible contingencies should the oppose-r •J.i.i-ge .Warren iuterrupied him, and rtq'ns sentatives in regard to this or any other tnaiiufactuivtrby old workmen are i The same result, miry lake place this year.— true that Chris'nnide wine of water and if nal superior fo those heretofore turned off.— • if thi? Ii'iwa^qulrerpi7f - ym 1 . "igi'A .ii madH&w» , XWlft K, °5* • v « - t* i "< iMisi traiifffT a® AT THK rK.LKBRATKU LAhOKST AlCd CHE*fEll „ ;•*##;>- NORWALK MiCJreat English Remedy ! Carpi Sntmbli>^flN»iKt lltlt District. Cree. Copway SiUTI Til K M03T VALUAB1.R .... • IiSS^jsH -• V" "*"*"V. r»llIEF ofiliB Ojihwny I ..rlhins, w.Hd>stiv«v ] > r III tflt tftiiled State. — Walker Bates. Esq.. is the Wlilg candidate rfltiis sultscVihef tvouid inform iiis foriiier "SPRING AND SUMMER'^EDICI^E t .lr,.u,-» o.. Mona.,y K.,,.KIM, Pj"1 ,„|„. ,i„ . of t Weeii u ni {L lViends aild CusVe-iliers that lie has retaken ;, !h the above district, a sterling Whig tindUeci- At 7 o'clock, P. M.. ai the Town Hall. No. 99 lawery WM. BltADLE-Y & SON, his old stand, Where life h ready to serve the s. tiedlytt Maine L:iw mnn. Mis o|ijfthreht. Lu. Subject —The Religious Btiliel. PoSh-y. and • / - -!fe #ii i r & ni A. M ti e r s ® b'» . is this dny dissolved by inutmil' consent. The public in nH mattei-s of g'ent^iiieh'iJ mid boy's HALSEYS Eloquence of the Nortli American Indi.lnft. ^ •ElUirr SPACIOUS SALES ROOMS,* " I her Mffiii't lias lint one principle tri ietiohiVncnd business «f thtt Sai'ii fh i»» Will bA settled by Ben­ clothing- He is satisfied from life laiig experi­ Mr'.Vpway will he rtceompani^dbv his fath- WHOLESALE ax& ^ktail, 1 . ^i:m, ami that is life «»ppdsitioii tililie Va\V. How jamin bintllej-^ Who will hrtitfrtftff coiid.ucf. the ence in felie businessthat fro «a» jilSiifee nil who Forest Wine ! et-. Ti'tikvls 12i cents. Vo he had at Ihe dorir ; iinei.fif conscience, ami of |>Hu'ci)de can vote business on his own account. ^ il'tt may choose t'd faVoV him With iheii |Jriti dni le at L H.RVNDLE'S. four acres of first rate land nnd in good condi­ SALfcS ROOM NO. 3. m with other .valuable plants whoSe-,JjfiiJJSf.tils *re ] Tiie box fir receiving votes for Re.pre^efita- CHARTiKS P. FJ5EEMAN&C0. tion. C)n said plaice there is good orchard* of Is fully stocked tfrith an unrivnlied asaortriiefrt T s Handsome Dress Goods still more powerful of Efi?li"h and Anii rifcilri Imperial Thrte-ply 'lives. must remain open for that purpose, from ^Late Freeman. Hodges & Co.) - grafted fvuit. It is (tleasantly locaied. ainrwejl Its higli concentration renders it one of tho iilHst : T WESTPORT~conipiis iig 11 beautiful petin^'.of new anH eleij»iit designs; (tratiufuclttlta. 'jM WSl if|H opening of the meet ill i, till 5 o'clock in. the. wonh ihe attention of imy one Wanting n placo efficient uiedicines now in use. Less than a single exprtssly lor the city truilfe; ^ ii r^UtifctlOti «»f Sfe *• afternoon ; and if tvvn representatives .ire to IiAporters and Jobbers, " assot tVneiit of neW sty!e bart-ge delailies, of that size, it will be sttl'd' and is well Worth bottle restores the lingering patient fro10 weukne-s muslin deli'iiires. 'pi inl^d hi\v. s, extra fine giug- percent .frmn former priceSj8s Otf; 74; Silt1 di pit |fc| 'tie chosen, the names of both must bo written 144 Brttadxvay, one door south 6f the money. For further paVticulaV's 'Anquirr* .debility, and sickness, lo utrong and vigorous health hams, French En<>lis1i and American prints, fcSvery ii- tliti S^.LES ROOM Nb. 4. , ^ In rase two or more persons receive an equal heavy high Ihsb'e oil boiled black silks. &:c. corner by the riiift'eiiti'^-hin\isi'. •' j \ib'i. liii'd ittiproves the state of the health. The ' S3"C5),nS^ received this dayi and fc»r sale at For&iC \Vitie is Vt-hnmineiKied.iii the »trouge»t terms diintains 150 pieeen ef Fine lii^rain Cnrf«tiiif number of votes, so that no choice is made ol N. U.—tf thfthiioVe pW|)ei ty' is'not^dld by bfeto tailatylea. at 1* 6d» 2s. 2s 6d, 3s, 3s fc'd, and - aVk now 011 hanri. lihcl will be receiving MOULTON'S. tor all toiliplaiiVts of the y#v:,|"representative* the meeting 'must. »t-J piper with from 1 it) 4 fifth wide, from 3f« 6d per yafd iifttfrtii Mill-it.cry Goods Our Stock of Rich Ribbon.", 1G'h. 1658. 'Ji„ School*sr for Sale. female tSompk&Ms, Scrofula, tliO'O tor St;ite offi eis. THfe S'chooueV Minerva is otfereT'. wards AiRU. ilh eleKaiitafSOrtment ofRtigi; Will comprises every variety of'the latest and most ESTATE oiT CHARLES E. FtNNEV, ' nnd all DtidrderS arising Ac.,' at vel-y ri>i)iiced prices. •PJi A s«*p:»iMie hil of. box Iiiiist he provided for firt- sal«-. Siie Carries over 100 gross beautiful remain open ttlii:s, and is ill jfettod Vnili'ig condition. — Many of oui giioiU are mantifactuVe'd ex­ The court of probate for the District of Nor Iffipu'r'c habit df lhc Ih fully ^tucit^d With every variety of Stair* end till 5 o'clock. P M. Justices tit the pMstcw >£, For further pHViilftlibiVs. euqiiiVe nt tht) >H.m pressly to our ord"er. from oilr own desisi'is and walk Irtith limited and all.»wenriv.iHed. We offer our the da'te. hereoffor the creditors ol said Esirtte store oi F. H. Nash, Or of the subscriber. f * SAVED FUOM DEAtH* n and tid per varil. ' years ; or, until -T•«ly 4th. 1854 The number D. K. NASHM Teslinmny of Mr. N.iiIkiii MAtthVivys, a highly gords-for nelt Caxh, at I.AVer prices than any tii exhibit their claitil's for settlement. Those J'N SAtife^ ROOM NO. 7. elected in eacli io vn most he equal to the nuni- who neglect, to present ttiei r nccoimts. pi-t)p'6rly S-ouMi NerWftlk, t3ec. I2lh. lfe-Sl. ^ _ SO respectable or of Jurymen to which each town is i) SiStRiNfcfe J'kfc TARD. make'selections llx.ni our great Variety of are retjtVsled to make itilmediiite payment to '.% LL pet vons indebted to the piibsfcribe'r j-t. Previously, !,t a special town meeting, voted to rich of death." wit 1 Urnpsy, f^les, and Astlnnih My WI LI. IA M J. FIN N K Y, ? A'drn'ml^ /a wli"se a'Ccounts have s'tood oVer one year physicians lnnl given nie over as past cure, und my i-'# *;•% SALES kOOM 8. 'choose a less number. cheap floods. ' An extensive aoxoatnielil 5f Talile anH Piantf Ribbons rich for Bbnnets, Cap's, Sashes and RUFUS F. FINNEY, ^ trators. are'requested f'i5 call aud make immediate {i»y- .-family had losiall hope of my recovery. While in The balli" b >xe> ni i«t be o^en. for the re- this iJr'eadVfii sintathm. yftVir Fore.-t wiire and Pi lb tJovera. Windnw Shndes frtlih.6.> lo #10 Ihe pair/ Belts. NbiWk, March 16 h, 1852. . 12 meiii. otherwise their accounts will be put in 'i'lihle Oil Cloth", Brtisfel* ailll Tiififeatry Carpeting ^ 'ception of vi te>, at or before 9 o'clock 'in the v. ert! .'pror-rtied fiir nre, niid thifitre 1 had finished tliii Bonnet Silks, S.itins, Crapes Lisses, and TaV- an officer's hands tor xio'dectron. Cr'rtsiiels rft.air Carpet. P aled itHd Brails Stiiir Rods morning. •first bottle of the wine and bnx of Pills. 1 experi­ RToti<5d _ N. WOOD. Parto-r- Door Mati*, &c &c.. all til" tthlth tire offered - letons. enced t;real t'elief; my oody iiil'i Ih'iVbs. wbrtll S liPVeby gfven that the cotlrt of probate for : at <5 per coot less than at any otb&r establishment 1 1 Embroid.»ri'e'f, Collars, Che'misetts. Capes, Jan. 26. 1852. , " , ^ were »rj.itlv S'iVollen. became seii-ti)ly reduced — Whig RSsctlng . the district of Ridgefield'hn'th'limited and irt this citv-. • ^ ThVre will be a nnvtiii" of the Berthas l^o*>eadf itty I'efcil^fy begirt now to revive, and Hah ts. Slelcves. Cuffs, Edgings, and Inser- allowed six -months fri m this date for the c'rfcd- Clothing. a'fter'conriuinrig the iu-e of yum inedrointjs fur iilrtjnt HIRAM AN-titjtSON, Whigs i)l Norwalk.on Thursday No. S9 Bowery; : it'rtVs t o the estate of Mat hew ^eynrour. la te of F you want to ptfvchiVVsj ytsur clothing nttn'6 a uiinitb tbe i'tles and Asthma xv'ere completely i Vfi iuy. 1st |v 'x.. to noiniftal" R.« p e-entatives tings. All goods packed and sent free iif charge.' Embroidered Reviere, Lace and Hemstitch Ridgefield, deceased, to exbibit their acf'ounts cheapest ready-made clothing est.ibli.shme'it cured. The Diopsy. Vvih which rHy life wiis placed 'lor the coming election. A general attendance Ci< ninric Hdkfs. to the execntorson said estate, within said tilnV-, 111 town. ;dI you have to do is to call and <:et in such great danger, was also neatly gOlie. I have C. E V M (>tJ R. > Executors. I did in my life, alllumgb I arli more than sixty EDicd. Einhio'i lei'^Bil Laces fir Sli iwl^, Ma ntilhis,and side tilt) Baidce. ^ li. MAGNER. AT <3 RE AT BARGAINS. WILLIAM W.SEYMOUR, ) .ytwrs'of agt. Veils. * ... i ascribe trty tecov-nry enfirelv to the use of your " !Tinal Aedtl^tion of Prices! In ibis town.'27ih i-isi , Mary Jane :\'aslt. agui'Hi [louifon. Mechlen. Valencieiies, and Brussels Ridgefield,'15th March, 1652. -3112 - ttat§, -excellent medicine's. Seveeid of my neighbors Tho sab^c'iibers Ireg leave to infornf S'ears ; ->4ill, Louise M. Gn ^'oiy, u^uij i vcar and Laces- in.ve ah--'o ri-ed them with si:nil.-rr success in obstin­ PIECES Paper Hangings aYid TftE NORWALK -EMl^O^DM. ^ inohtii*. ' Euslish and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Lisle ate complaints, and 1 can'cheerfuHy leconiurend their friends VWid -the public that they have re­ 11-New Canaan. Stephen S. Stocker. aged 7 Bo. ders, a grft.i variety of pat­ 1fl K subscriber having purchased tiie o!o Thread, and Cotton Laces. ibeui to the public.. duced the price of their st o'ck -of Dry Goodu years.. terns and qualitiesfor-sale'cheap at •tand i'f i-1. C. Randte. is now pieparedto •Kid. Lisle Thrend, Siik, and Sewing Silk, iToutv, respr'CtlViHv, In Wilton. '25th.. Sns:i-> .Beers, aged 32 ybars. MOULTON'S. clfer as great or -greater inriucftinents to pur- N. .MA1TI1EWS. whtcli indtl'des everyt'hihg a lady or tmnily can Gloves and Mitt's. 't: I Risers itf'the above named 111 i tides, tinn have ! W(Wtpo: t, March 22. Newark-, N. J.. Dec. 19, 1S47. w*!iut, for yourselves. GREAT CURE OF LIVER COMPLAINT OF StnnV Bonnets and Trimininijs. R E previa red to offer great inducf urents D \ VI n comsTock, Jr. Tr'.N YKAttS STANDING! They would parlrculMVly invite attention to ' ' A LARGE QUANTITY OF Nvw Yi'i k, Jan. 9, 1^48. to \mtrig-housekeeper*; t-h.-y liat-i1 nfilv Nfnrwalli. J1eh. 1-t 1B51'. the following "Art icles, wh'rcli the Indie? will find 'Dishirt o'f l'id FURZ^XTtTfeES, on hand and are receiving \vi-ttkly from-Boston i\Tiich. 1852. est wine and Pills 10 removna disease of the Liver very desirable, 'tis well ITS cheiip, ns tliey havH ILL be sold at A uctioh, on Tuesday.30th and NeVv York, large 'qnatiliiies < f shoii«e fur­ ,.\| — fin0, kegs Fall River nailsyssftried 1 L L1A M N. BE N E DICT, Administ ra from which'I have Mi-tiered ,ftir ii\>waYds of ten been selected w th great cai-e: French and In­ Wii\st. at 1 o'.i.ick; 'P. iM.. at the house tor fin Ihe K.-fate ot John J. Keeler. nishing goods, including(i'asi Ware. Crockery. fiOi." 3il tinv to 7 inches, for ''ale \-eirs-; and having adliViiBd 'chisely to the directions : dia Silks of nil kinds, as striped, plaid, chnngea- •ia'»lv occ.upied by Daniel Godwin, oppOsne. liite of Ridgefield, dee'd, represents said estate Wood Wine, Mats, and Rugs. Tiavelling Bas 'SRE-KT & QUINT.A RD. "winch :iccni(ipirrfifs ihe meiJtc1irt;s, 4 hit'V'e ri?c«»Aer- 'ble, i/luin-; nnd n supei b lot of BischfTs plain bPk M i in st. school house. 'insolvent. kets, and Furnishing goods in general, with ed 111 v health, iiotivithstiiiiding all wtro 'knew we "Ordered—That Commissionei s on said es'iit.e their tin, sheet iron, and copper btniness nnikes Wanted ZKiiTieiiately. • thonuhl (Vly case iiicnh/ble. Previiiits ro taking Silks, tire best writl richest article brought to Select School. the ivm'eand prlls. 1 had recourse to the best medi- bo appointed oti the 2?lh day of March. 18-r)2. up one of tin? best .selections to be fmltid in Oii :> active, indu-trioiw iioys, to leai'tl TT1HE .«.pring'and sumiiier term of the school "fc.il tr-eatuieiit-, but cimiitiued-to grow worse to an this market-. Long imd square ShAWls of all at 4 o'clock in ihe iifiermon. at said pmbaic Fairfield County. Persons in wi'itit lire reques­ jisk the Cabinet and Chair Making, at JL of'the subscriber will commence on iMon idarminij degree Some of inv friends spoke des- kinds, ns woolen. Bay Stat'e^ Sftotcli Plaid,/ oflh-e All persons int'nrested in said estate ted to call ea*-t si'ife of the B'ri'dge. G EO. -B A TT E$I SO VS. 'day, April 5th. JULIA S OLMS I EAD. :>airinglv «rf" mV tiuse, und tried to 'per.-uad ; 'me 'Casfhmere, Broche, &c.' 'Ciotiiiitid velvet Pa- will then nptiear if they seec 1 use find be heaitl NoiWiUk, IVinrch l3Ui. 18&1. • New Canaan, March 15th, ISS'i. ifrom iirak'rftg ulsfe'difany advertised remedies; and. Norwalk. "March ^7-h. 1R52 3»'3 relative to said app iintiheiit. And the Admin 4 iioubt hot, bntrt h it tlifire are hftnttreds who are risifin Olotks, c'heaper tTian any lady can buy istrator on the estate i* heie'iv d'rdered tfvjiive IAMPHENE and Burning Fluid by UST H'ECB. 1» hirgft lot of «heeifnakeis dissuaded from taking yittrtr 1i'ST;fe'iefil 'ir/cdicmes, the material. Yard-witle vef^e^s For tfoaki, of EW HARNESS FOH rsALh. vJ.i»i'. public notice thoreof by advertising in a news­ C./ • L, H. ic Co; leatheJ- Splitting innchiiies. i?y in conseipie'nce of the deception aild iucfHcretfcy irf Inqutie at this oilice. iiihi*. 29 various colors, as black, greefl, ftrai'tfob. iiurplr-, K paper prtnt'-d in Fairfield county, and also liv HENRY f!ANDES. many udvertisec retuWlies put 'forth by ui)pri'ticr- Hosl Estate for Sale. pled tnmi, m 11 miiiiz .tdveriisemcnls. Hut, vvh?il a &c.. at very great bargains; al»'», a large st«c.; posting iri the same 011 tlie sign-post nearest J For Sale. nmiE real'estate ot '\aih iniel lia\mond, pitv'il i . that the deceptions u-ed by ftthers.should of'tinTrow Velvets. Lndies' cloth for cloaks. ».i '| HEhivMing !<>t. comprisnig about lA t c es where the -deceased las' dwelt in said R dge- JH. i'ec'd, lying in Siiutli N01 walk, will be K LAiN(ES. 1000 miuIs of T'ich, New life "the ineims of <)irsit»di'ug tnnny kilittrit g tinder lieltl. -EIIENEZER liAWLEY. veiy In'rge rtssbrrmen't, of bea-utiftil Quality, and - tif l oniund. bite the -;ie < f Hih ie-i- s«>:d at Public Auction «>ii the 13th day df Apul Si-Vina -tyje'ef Mnuslm De Lauros. this dis'fta*r,•S'rtth la.-tbin-a1 riai ft-tird -treing enred by your ri2 Ji:iig>3 dence ./Cap«. W.n- All.-n. Flax 11.11 d:sM irt. next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Persons winning to fl i v receiveiVr uid Wii lift sold -rft cftnts# the excellent remedies. llndMirfy upeaking tliey hav« (if evei'y de^irii'ble shn'diS a lid ctotor, Vei.y oiren| . •siavcd my life.5 wbe'n "I"commeitc'ed -making use of •i-. t (l' l cd for salp'o rv.«iy rt-u-otritlMe fcniH.— view the propeitv Will enquire-at'l'. ii. Gr.i" \ard, ttthe'Bridgw Store. , . . French Merinoes and Cirshw'eres, 'Of ^aiiliful Disiru-t of N'lrr&izlk'ss Probate Court, March C. J. GftUMAN. ibrm I u-a'siii it wreic.lifd CL'iiditi'o-fi.-htit lia^iiu to- -Apply at this cffico. ietii's drug st,ii'e for infoil:jaiion. e.vp'-rietici; their »:l.Al t-fi". crs in ics> tliari ttiree day- qrtiility, and evei.y hiiilde iVn'd color. I'linfed I nth. 1852- ELN AT LI AN RAYMOND. 71 S'^ATE of ABI(iAl L KEELER.'fate of audio MX weeks tVoiii the .llilie I piVrclia^ed the Cftshuierfc.* arid DeLaines frorn is :a yard up. Watches, 3"swsl^y, &&.. 10 Execulor. S PL END lb rt irlenf ;1:U3 UK E PAS'PE iiiedicines, to the «te,it -rti^ri-e of all. liiy friend-. I Wilton, in said District deceased ATAUGTIUN! 'for cOtiahs, colds-.v&c. tor s llti sir tvas'cfUirHv "('•iire?!.i'r,!!'(l had'iiiciefiifftd fi'fie.-n :pftfi'tt'ls ,Rii« Siik and Ciisliinere plaids, a 'beautiftil ab- The coin! of probiiie for the dir-li iVt df Nor­ y.N"H AKER'S HE R B> —Tlifrsiibscribjr hifs ^7" i LL be still I at Ai'c.tion «)n Tuesday^ WEED'S. •iu Weight.'having taken oiie'bo'x o'f the Pd.'s, aurl Kortrrohf -and most desimble colois. 'Calico-, walk hath liiin'V-d and allowed six 'mouths f-ohi 1 ** made si.ich aVr.'iligeti'ient^ that' hercufier t\vo bottles nf the wine Would te.'(Ind ihat eve­ t- Wt r^i.»sd y Thuisdiyand Friday at- wnrrai ted fast colore,'6d a yard. Swlss V ihe date hereof, tor the credj'ors'of said esta'e he will-keep cotisfaiit ly on hand ail f he d'.fferiuit ry poor mfforer would avail 'hilnst-ff of tiifc same .'book, ^t^riiO'tus a ir l HveuiH^s. 3i>. and 31 .Mandi, aX nnd Silver Puns and Pencils. Lo- I ets, Cli [JOR\ •& LEWlJs. 17 it'll or I'iitail. by and gdod htiit'k OitHcb dress pattefna fbr 6a.— , Castors. Fluid Lamps. Cups. Sale to able terms, and very cheap. HiihscfitieS ro the \irises of H^lsey's "Forest write, STREET & QUINTARD- hy retciii'riiti'endi-tia it to ftiiinv of bi< patsnrris. . Lacfies and gents glove*, "Mkfs, cra'vat», itchrft, 'commence at 2 P. M . and 7 Eveuitlg Terfns 12sf (JEO. O. STREET. : ^sgars. lCash. 0» rtalsg-y's Offifte, Nh. t". 1-5 SpritSe st.. N V. ItrV, 8iik-,and merino undergarments. A iiifjr* t UDGES of good >egnis are invited to call RO-S^ CTJT and Bu :k S:vws filed a "(j >:f't The Fiircsi wine in lar^e 'square bottles 31 per bol­ \V. E. BISSELL, ]^lew Sarin's1 CS-oods. and examine a ciioue brand,..iust ree'd by J rendy 'for use-,and warranted, for sntfi % der six bottliis for $">. Gum-coitted ForcBt Pdis. •stock of merino and alpaca hose. Errib'd hfttifl- Trustee, and Auctioneer. r% 11] !•: subscribei "would call the attention of WEED. J t>. VlNC-H. % ( efSts a box. f or S*le at El3SELL'S driif kerchiefs, collars, add ah en&lex* viirlVtV tr'f ar- 'Norwalk, March ^7, 1952. ^ the piiblic to his stuck ol' Dry Goods just storB. ticfea which it is ffnpossible to- enumerate in an' purchased, embracing stales of all descriptatns Auction. suitableI'tr illu S|;rhig trade, such as figured_ Wholcsalft Md Retail Grocery Siore, IP wdcr idb ~ Meat Market. advertisement,^ut \vhich tlfe laird's Wifl f.ud lii r"g« 1'ot ol 'ILL'be sold by auciiouat the b.irn pres- and plain Poplins, veiy rich Ca-hmeres. De nt)SON IVB!S>KLL have F^E stibscriber is still continuing nia W&rkef ! ' jTsidson da Bisseil wti-J-foi snfit1 dftWrtible, afid rft jirfces Witl he s'tfre to •» w entlj occu|iieii by the sidi^friber on Lame-. (Tin«harJis—ijew styles and very fitu- ? Powder aild Shot, of all kind.- I business at lift olfl statlil, h'ea'r tire foot of AVE taken the store'formerly drnnpied p!e(ise fherrt. Ab ustin'l. o'or terms hre S.iturd iv, 3d April next, at I o'clock, P. M.. iCal'cp: s Gloves. Hosiet'3\ mid a variety of oth­ in'1itiyl}uaiilify. !\Till fin I. where cjin he found astssUiil'llte ino?t bv S. E. (jlmsreild hi."fta>t side thV, bridge •the fo'hwiusj a tides, viz: I ploughs,^ na row. er Goods, all of wliich huve been purchased at -R'x'ensive assoitinent of fiiehtB iniowii and a "I BS" Ca,sETf'nch of !tlie very best qualities. CalViiiid sAe. HITCHCOCK & LEAbBfcATEk. tail Groce :y and CoiriH')is?'rt;n business. They •""shellpr, 1 c ow bar. seveifil lotks, 1 i.ush hook. cmdiiif'tv. lie lias also ii fresh supply of and Americrtn Window Glass, for sa e N. WOOD. 1 now offer to piitcliaseis a gef.el'al assortment «lf W 3 7 "Bi'otidwny. 'Corner Leonard st. -N. Y 1 sledge, 1 st.me hammer. 1 diill do., 1 hand Broadcloths. Uassiiii^res and Ve-ting* of a I! city prices bv . . (iiocfu'ies, Provisions. Frtlits,. Niits. 6cc. as can at -saw fhucU do, 2 rakes. 1 ladder, I ox caitand colors and qualities, vvhiidi hh will cut fi ee of STR K ET & QUiNfARD. . ^es's Goods. .._ tio found at any store in the county, and 011 a-i, -shelviugs, 2 cows Terms ca-h. ^ expeus or make to order in the inert fashion­ LAR(iE iis-ortrneiH of Ladies' Rich f.ivot.-dile rei Ill's. • Tlfe following is a portion of A 'liffge a'hd ctinvetirent hiiu'^e plea^tinilv wtnnted • J. Camp, Jr., Auctioneer. able styles at prices thai will 's sti- Dress 'Guilds, this day received. their stock, viz : ., on Fort Pnini (oii'liofitc Soiitli Nbniviifkywith aboni M. DUUAM). ' L II. RANDLE. ^ perior cast n'mt Get'Tnab sreel •Scylh^. for *- - t. J.GRtJMAN. 20 chests joung hyson and black Tefts of a! •tiie H'tid a liatf acres ot land/is i/fteVid Tdr Hate oil lNorwalk, Sjarch 27th, 185i. Norwalk. March 2dth, 1852. sit'e bv the th-Ken lo dealers at iYv.inftiac.lhrcr m March 6, 1852 pasv'ti'riiis 'Enquire of J Caiiip 'Jr. Mi-Vwalk, or piic.es. ^ Henry iCMttip. '4J» 1,Sth AVe'imtr, Nfctiv Vork. 25 l.h Is and bbls P R and N O MolaSses. lintes, by STR BET Jk Q'U-l.NTAKD. For Saleb T&otice. R] NTS. 2fl0() yard's of -good fast '^o'ored Jan. 5th. 1S52, - , ' 4;i .. •' Sugar of all kinds. A fine hrtrse. 5 years of agP. » fTl n E coiirt of probate for the d>stiict of Prints, tt'ew sidles, will he Sold at only 6j strict of Flidgeft'eUl ss Pr&Diite C6-Ur/, vtb- P igood traveller; al-o a covered buguy i. Ridgefield hath limited and allowed six 10 Quintals C«itifi-h. ce-tils the.yanS at tne iindcA store Io0 bbls Flour, extra and supeifinO. •••••=!on anil harness, nearly new—all mouths f.om this date for the creditors of the riiai y iti h I85'2. C. 3. G RUM AN. hight! Jhfaght! 30 boxes Rui-ins. T^TATE of AARON NORTH RHP, late : 'Vf which will be sold very .ow lor want "f ns:.'. estiile of John Mates, late of Ridgefield in said Fresh Supply of Cj ANilHlENE, Burnin| IA of Ridaefield in said district, dee'd. 'Enquire at tlii's ti ict. aVd'tgnecl in ti u.st for the benefit iif hi* OLIVER COOK. b3P .1- & B- Will keep eon«tsrn'tly Kin hard S-ii'd estate are reijoested to make imiiiedinf6 In tiie wao:,fi Would! ^V. B36si^^ed this Bay. r s ctvrfifnrs C'.-mei t. ca cined i^aster fof buil luig |iun«»se». vn.eut t» .lA.MES H. OLMSTEAU. Price iji per TlutUe, or Six Bnttletfar §5. " ; Dirien, March 24tli. 1^52. 3t*l3 PLY CA KIPE'I'S of the very hest quali- i'his Wu.rt assigns the 6ih day of March; and manv other articles n» 1 ilutherolts to uieu- 31*10 A • I in i 1list in11) r. with the will annexed q3 ues and sple did patterns at $1 00 per \d I'65'§. lit 6 o'clock forenoon, for the beiiilhg titiif Piano tioi ,and which Will besoldoii reiisonab eteims. aitjust'iVi'ent of the trustee si nil ndniiti'Mhitfoti ac- -ioriej lor sa'e at MOuLlON'^. 'meJ.c«tiiiii3 are eo Slronstty Cpnceitlrriteil vi!mt only tine Tablcspoonful is requii-t'iJ at a DohC—thifec pmtt a da.}) .-mints p»Mtuiuint» to said estate at Me (inil'iitrf TUNED AND REPAIRED. • West port. MnVch 22. —thua one bjt l« lnojG.TTrttity-Ou^. .Days', wki'cli is milch ifiiee in Norwalk. anil direct* iliaf [lfib'lri: lUifice R.E B. DECKER r -spectfully inf. rms Kew Arrangement. 16n»e- tliari a bottle of any riiiier meflictno Iksi®, because there OES.—50 dozen 'I iin,n'.> ci.si .-teel 1 !<.«.-» U fsijaired nf this a lesH ^jtiniitity nt a dose. hereof be given by puhhshitii; tiiiS WdeV in n . . — t villc«re TeA Times more Blood disease, tlian One Dollar* 'Said 1'iriii is well watered and very productive Westpirt, Marcli 22d, 1852- sea&oneil iifnnediait-'ly : riiisoiisoiled stifft' .pre­ invite oil tw cal.l and see for themselves, as we P,is->en<:eik goi'n^ east can I'eaVe N'drwaik at Vortli "f iuiy otlier medicine. • mid is situated about equal distance betwee- By For uudoubted proof of tlie Cure/ of : : ferred. . (JEO. MrrfcRSfciN. feel 'confident that those w ho favor u. with a c..U D 13 A"M. ^ - i, 4- „ 'the villages of Ridgefield and South Sal«m — VERY liirge lot. i.f goods purchased at The 2 30 P M tivain connects at Norwalk Scrofula, Fever-Sores, New Caiiann. .f»rn. 24.t?. ^ .. , 5 Any personv desirous of viewing the premise will Irear witness to this truth, that, this is the auctions within a fe\V d:tys; renl bargains with the J 21 » xpress train to New -York. ';'4i place fur hitrjiains. All persons--indebted to the Bomestics. can do so by calling on either of the sub-cii ee'd this day tit- WOUL I ON'S. • Pa9s'engers from Ne\V ^ ork .will l«ave at / vuyvi 1/ti/itcruui vkcvuitli » iiiiowf , . » • - — ei;titi'j Slliitirfg; tifripW, i&c., by the biilfc; b KL1 KEELER. South ShIoiii; EDAH. Tubs. Pails. Seives. Tray^,BowN. £5T Stages will he in readiness on the nrrival For -nie hv A. Selleck. Nohvalk i Wordins CHAS. OLiM^TEAD. case, piece or yard; fit the Idwest.possjbie {iii". 'South Salem, .March 25:h. 1852. 3tl.'-, C ('lo'heapiiis, Brooms, painted Tubs and of the Itaiiis at the Pvidjiefield StationJo cooV^y Norwalk, March 3d, 1852. CM. i ' 'J C. J,ORUMAfc & Pails. Cnonauiit .Dippers. Mats, Wisks. trav- i)asSeii"ersU Riilaefield village. Lie.wisliortiUgh; ., r/• — -"=g-. :Ui8k«t«. Knives aild Forks, Saucepans. SPRIWS STOCfi To Sci, ° HARVEY SMITH. fetip'L Frj'ingpans. Sad rons. Shovels nnd Tongs. . 4 .lt6tiee> ... w.'--r STORE fiild tetierneiit. for n small t'aiui- P^ Fiiirf-h'-hl iVetli'el: Lt. Hiirr. Greenfield; G. 7 M. p. SN \ l , ^ Door Scrapers, Porcfilaiti Kettles. Ati'. bv Iv. at. South Noiwaik. formerly mvneid hy B. Midtiiebrook, Wilton; iNchols & Belt?. L.» H. & Co. riierl^ of -.for- \.rV| ^•IrlE suiipcriheis 'have just received, nn< Fitch & Fowler. Enquire at this office. SEVERAL i.ffiees ii) "rent dn the west'side Fni'fielil? A. S. Vintoti; Weston'; D- R- Se « \\ located Ititii.siBlfllSivikliiilf t.»>(i)f( liiiViili.'ii'" .j.• \ >,b|l shall k"»»n coosrantly on h'uud one of th> » ,1.0 HM*. f : . leek, Ridgeileid ; A. Nichols, JSoutlipori; A H 0HAIN PUMfS by si L tVNES tnathi. Duncon.hb & Co.; Reading Cei tre; E. H; L.. II c.». .,1IS iiis office, No. 17 Main ic GOOD LATH just re- Fkick Grecti\vich. Allohl.lBt» tiiust fee addreSS iitifc - ^ 1 >5.* READY M CLOTHINS OUsE FUItNLSlilNG liXRD\VARfe sip, ..i tiie week, and e»eniijjjs fic-UJ 7 ^ ciiivtd bv 0J to WALLACE & CO.j 304 Bi-ditd^ ,X."~'f fir ^(jnit^aod SuiHiner wear, ever brought int' jlOR SALE.—A good family Horse-, 01 e —A full and complete assortoient. by ,iS _ Z.'siNFORD. NY .f* it this towoi which will besold cheaper than even waggon with three springs, one set of har­ JtiUl,C03lli Norwalk, Nov. 10lb, ld3i< It Westjiorij Marfeh &, 1852» r s,', . LLTHAUER & TURK. ness, by Li, 11. &. G»» vrt | >5Tl- Mi 4v 1 i-ts ,f )j < .4lc?« "J3 I sVL • ^ ' |H'?3 WiJMUHlii - ' " v .. bdou * i-.X i VU8t , IJ »e£l at«' i Ms&M 3»S * ~b\-. v.f. }-' ''.-ii-, I.' • * I Investment of iMbttet. INStl^ANCE AGENCY. _ fii ^^W^CAXff^N HE subscribers will attend t.lie tt«lfeat! Jfftat! V:e^>t -Mv. to Invest-, ©so: ft. Bissell, •Sfe- in the oi'lieiV&f New York", T tirenI of Money Ag K : Brooklyn and Wiiliiinisburgh, s % V - # ft ,™ .. -• • At ik& Waw i»datr j i%»! Ml- ffc'tf, H6\yhrcj; ^\arllord Mutuni; ,XSfestchester In stints of $aOO aiid n^wSrrfs*, IJ5 Hferjr nifi# 'fffitttiitrrig'fifeee M a 2re« HE SuWrrWr has just.0j)bhed ft -Miir.ki^ i\J ii'tulii, ^uih«-y Mfitua j; »i.n!9 Mmilsiex A, • tff Isiifl; olitMsTS ilfioffl -thtttt HVo' hun- T adjbiriin| tlie sltirb of LorkWtfod, Hiijght on bond •ji'hd infortgage, on inVpv'oved itfid uuin- . lpui'niil Fire jn>ut'ance*Ct»m| IIIJIES 5c *Co. fot11hb €<5hVeni*etifce of tiift-fiBbple of this VjZM'' ' &«§_f i%>di:e«ii il«tjH»ind engrafted ITIWS.' 'embracing huinbeieil Renl Estate, worth at. least n-f M°d ih'o- Americii ti Mufuafe^ ^iciHity. and roVifehilit fittfeifttoh ahd every ef- 3iS&« Applft;A ppift. I^eh r. ?eft^;-fHirtYi," Cherry 11 be] A jipi'i- ...^'^^IFTY PER CTENT. MORE L ife 1 nsti ra nco CoiVi'pa uy.. « , frit t tb please 4iis cufiJtoii'j'Sl'S, hehoJ)6st° sharft ^ Als'6, a ViiYiety of Grape vinfcs, Godsfebtiry tiian tlie inves;tment,at seven '|Ve'r tent, interest, '(Jfjlee "at the Store of J'utfion 6f tZisstll. the public pfttl^uagfe. *5;' • _ ; R^ispfitiiYy nnd Sfvnwherv |;lnh|s. MM N'6tt\VAift, 'Ctisis. P. S. Tlrb Ve'f'V %6st qualities of meat only S'&sZ per tinnuViV, payable half yearly ;iWcl\Vill atteinj The seVectioirOf tUe vitrieties of Friiittrees is r 1 to the collect'io'n of iiiterest. when dae',ai d remit will be vended at this Rshtblishinent. and every s> 'l ? ••'duty a IVnvfVb'U llie many* eitibraeih& oniy; itlJfe. A. H. Byington, ^ rit^niion favid to clenlineis. a miittei' ibo iriucb the same To lenders, or accept of drafts there­ in*?•. », *J. f 1^ KM uS.-i due. No cViaige is ma'db to lenders for the in­ ? -«®•'Y<» ws \ w*hich usuaI ly 11«»«?»*• nej's for the Building Assoications men'tion d blasts Pafeht, c^r., ^ c. • vv«- H#-,: 'trees gf »\vn1'u ili'o nurseries; '<5? New Jers* v myM FALL TtOCKl ^'dtiid below, give tliem 1'icilifies lot* investing tiVoney fli«1.^afi»ity of New York. $ " l . life SilWcriheVhaving had an within ten clays after'its receipt, or ;ifieV re- George ii. Eavenpcrt, ?tiH whifch HK sunscribers have just rectivedi tlnd%, T'ftinks We rest as a giiaiantee of our iiite.grVty and Attorney am] fnivwflrr rt law tfesifw is siri»:tr(r>(l ofi flip hii ii'i of Stephen Hoyf, c»ne T shall keep constantly on hand <»ne of the &c. &ic\ ••apaciiy iip'xi tiiejaet that we are the A!foVney> Ojjice TVe^t Side ihe. 'Bridge^ mile and -i hsiof t he village of New C H- laVgest assortments ol HflVness, combining neatness with durability• hveiy ^ ..... • • i n • iftiie lollowlii" Corporations, all of which em • W'j *js^ s3 Witan )ind three miles riVTtl 1i«If frtttti NoiAi'rtlk. at this estikblishment, of the very be^ tVlaterials and style of workmanship, at pnees which will HrX* NORWALK. Cll^^. a READY MADE CLOTHING. ploy their capital HI inmost neiits on mortg ige, ,^'v , . . .. STttfMlEN liOYT & tO. . 1 not fail to satisfy customers. Repairing done '»« -•'II J ,ni,"ner whereby the amount ihve^ed by us exceeds for Fall and Winter wear, eVfti 1)Vouglit iHto s V'Y"- vJf^w 'Oa'Haati.'dati 1852. 35 -Just received a lot of superior liolSe Blankets arid Sleigh Bells, cheap loi '•asii. °- - Ferry, thistovyti, which will besold c1ipapprthfth«ve¥. 50,000 OLLARS PER MONTH. '.f isfdaia : D V — ti LltHAtJER & TURK. Norwalk, Nov. 1,1849. " ' ' f. BRADLEY., Attorney and Counsellor at ^ , - House and Lot for Sale* \merican Benefit Building Association, N York lair •2d American do do do do Plf3H?M THE subset iber offers for salt* his ;> MnlJo* v's Bnililins. E. C WARREN ; iuiuse and lot situated on the main street •3d do do dA do do Cabinet Maker and Tindertaker I 4 h do do (16 do .Cr- VTi) %U i» the'village of New Canaan. The dlVelling-' William B Swan, bouse is i two story wood building vVitli a com­ - (Two doors east of the Sank.) Union <16 ... ^ do do Mount Vernon do do J dii modious hack kitchen afid ii \vSll of (food water - sTAMmftto, cr. West Side the Bridge, nearly opposite the Norwalk Ilo'tel. iTotmecVe'd'therewith. I'heie is alsrt ri good HAVING recently conmpleted an Mechanics ... do 'do (to Mmmmn room :"ia«s si'brfVrt, wlrtsd-fcdnsp. gimtev, nnd a lot. tid'rAni'hing eiWisive alteration and improve- 2d Mechanics'; / do "do ., do OVer I'. St. John's Store, .*£• • ; / March./ ' THOMAS RAYMOND. , tants of this arid live adjoining towns, that he S Wftsliiivgrdn ,:i.* rf6 do do * IVa',-ravled to phase all good judges.- h Hiimiitim :d6 do *•'"* V 'N»i-\Valk}-Jirii. 24-. • Alt has now on lriuvA arid is constantly nianilfactUr- N ft. harnesses Manufactured to order... Terms fabWabte. , >> 5*1 do ing every description of ^ . Coinmbiil : do do , do Bain's IVIerchant's .Gil At A N.KW MODK or SKTTING •{ , "T: - CABINET WAHB Brooklyn Accumulating Fund do do •®Artificial Teeth! izV a good and general varjrtty of ' ' ' . Long Island do do do ; do tuiil I ; • - NEW YORK ^ U H E undersigned IKM invented and patented Beaddeads, Tables, Washslands, Secretaries Fiist Brbokiyn V'A <}° do TELEGRAPH OFFICE. :1 a coiiipountl artificial biisis for sett mg teeth, Cabinet, Chair,Sbfe ahd South Bi ooUlyn'do do do do NORWALK, CONN.- " Bureaus, Sofas, <^c. *$"C. u i qy which tiie prorpsis is rendered much more il further reference is r quired. we ciin. In tlic Post Office nniiding. simple ntid e:isy than- heretofore—and reduces made of various kinds of wood, and selling at edd.ag -Upholsifiy' Im'j.liliiLicciit '»n application, refer to the principal Merchants-, iivMv.r^.lhe expense about owe-half'• The protres's is price's which c'annof f;«i1 to suit tile ptirchasei. AT VKW CANAAN, CT. Bankers and lnsjir'ers hi Nfc\V Ytirk aiiU Brook - G. J GSUMAM. I Also, a variety of CHAIRS—hair, cane, nag entireh new, and as beautiful as it issiniple and HE proprietor of the above is prepared to lyn. Address all ciiinmniiiraiions to nr.ALKU IN KORKLGN A.ND DOMKSTIC . ecoiioiiVii-al. Entire sets enh Ht>w he furnishetl and wood bottoms at various prices, together T execute any thing belonging to either of BARNARD & PARSON'S, •Iis-Afo, §50; u|)pfersets for 825, • nd partial sets ill with rockers of evfery style. the above business, and keeps on h- ri 1 for sale • A It'; frays at Lnii\, Staple fe jTnun) 0vn ©ooSsr • pni:ioi(ion. ' " '* *' A- {liLL-, D. D\ S. Hous'e1i0ld!filni5iui'fcoi any description mann- at low pru.es bed>teads froni ^1 75 cts to S4 75 | 3mll JC Willi'stiVet. ?K. He has also a hiWidsortie assortment of the and it also prows that NOTHING II AS KVKK UKtlN Simon Finch, mattresses from $1 25 to $15 ; cbiiifoi ters from PFOUND TO SO KFFJ2CL'UALLV ERADICATE DIS­ n;)St fashionable styles t3f EASE 08 ]) KAtr.it i.\ "*•' $1 75 to $2 75 ; feathers Very low ; inatlresse.- "PACIFIC," tD&rSig® of straw.lea grass, patent prepaied corn husk, DR. STEPHEN JEWETT'S Hardware, Ciulery. Iron. Steel. Paintsj Jl!S-rr.Y AM) II1G1II.Y CKI.EHRATEO A'h'ch he will sell as cheap as can be bought curled grass, curled hair &c., and everytbini R. W. FOWLER, Commander, . Oils; French V\'ind,.w (Hess and ever wished for at (qual low prices at least 25 AutilCI!LTUt;M. I.Mi'i.K5ii:>rs. an v where. l L L commence l iiiiiiing in cunne'ctioii k per cent, less than can be obhiii'WJ "elsewhipie it FAMILY MEDICINES ^OK WA LK. \ N. - lie i?. it!?;d pl-gpiired to flirnish PApArt'D by Ste]ilie-> jewett. HUH of the late Dr. Stephen W will ilie D.nibury dc Norwalk Railriiad, the country, and everything sold at his estal. Jvwctt, ul°Itiiulge, ST. II., •lim bing at South Norwalk on Mond }. March Just Heceitred I COFFINS. 6HROUDS, CAPd. SCARFS. &c icach nnstaSKK Tor nuil rNi'AiiAl.l KI.KI> MI tlic DS:rvrAL Sl Iios,«Y lishment is win ranted to be what it is sokl for 1st. L'eaVitig N'oi-yvipk BiidjjM eVery Monday. :;i X' of«>very description that may be desired, or NKN'T KKI.IKKund CCJKKot'ml disbaifj lbr which Uicjr >A lot of cottage bed posls for sale, a 'cOiistai. are recoiutneiiiled. Wediie.-day. iind Friday cm the a nival of the By Brs. H2LL &• FITCH I hut can bo obtained in 'lie city of New ^ ork OIUOINAIJ.Y I'ltKl'AKKO t!Y OF THE MOST h:\ti The I^argest Stock supply on hand ; dealers siipjilied ai reduce* SUCCESSKC1. ANI) E.Ml.N'KNT PHYSICIANS not ning traiii f-om Danlnii\. R» turning, will it. a moments Warning, day or night, on the in«wt TltAT KVElt 1.IVKU. Ojji-e onr t) J. (rmulrtis Store, foot prices. Turning done neatly. eave New Ym k. *M'.-t side Peck Slip. Ka-t and r reasonable tertris. 11B is also prepared to fur- tlsc'd .rtSlll It i'li'dininenilell by I'JmiUfeiit im©J Stojpl®-V 9 [S{ B-—Ready made 'cHfilns cons'tahtky tin hai« l'iiy«icinii5i of the present day. •vivcr. every Ttie^day, Thuixlay and Saturilay . Main si., i\'onra/k, C'l. uisli Ireitl'stts. crtiTiaWs. see to the digging ol of ail sizes and qualities at low prite>, and wi Ptiring « loiifr mill coiitiiimil series ofv'ears they have coii- it 2 o'clock-. P. M. . : h:'s.'j (roods, at-prices perfectly astonishing oraVHS; si nil It) iil^lni to any (*Hler iirniugi'meni tiiiiivd to il'o their I.'I»>I>'WI'h:K iu a Vjiti'i-t ftiiil muc. iiiaun'er, attend to tlife digging of grrtVes and will furnis- aijd probiililv NO MKIIIIMNKS HAVK HUSK OI: ARK UOINCI SO Passage 37-J cents. Fi eight taken cm re i«nn- ua a That tHay 156 Wlshcil or tliri funeral p-ocession. lirrn TI) It El.I EVE mill CIMIK Ihiine |irmnnmeeil iikv»Ni> v.* ? In -fact, some Goods are almost. everyihilia nSt'tessnrv for the iiilerinent of th IIOI'K, Hit STANDS SO HKM AND IM I'Kl:ISIIAIII.K IN TIIS ible tonus and attended to promptly by ligents WHOLESALK tc RETAIL DFALERS <5ic. Tntisfc v'vhH in,IV Wish to keep the body oi UOIIII KSTIMATION iw tiik I'L'lll lc. They are rei-oln- dead. Funerals will be attended with a hears ill each end of the route. •i dPtPirtsed fri'eri'd sevvTal days, tliih fbrnished ineii(|ed bv OIS'I'lNljU1S1IEI) ami EMINENT CITI­ In (Truceries. Provisions. Flour. Feed, Siiltj &c unequalled for respect, free from exit ZENS. who huve I-KKSONAI.I.V in theirfailiilie>i mid among For pas«a<>e or freight, apply to Saxton & 'L H Giireitilway* with all ice btix in \Vhich it. may be pll^sfeiVed a their friends seen their <;I:KAT KKNKIK'IAI. KKKKCTS. h ish. Crockerj and (Jlass Ware. Wooden uuil charges. New York Cabinet and Upholsiei Webb, No. 112 South st. or of i he Captain on Willow NV'are. Brooms. Mats. &c.. Sic. week or lOMgel" if utcBssarv. Eftublishmeiit. New Cam.an, No Family should be without them, eLaines, Cash- I". C. \VAJ2REN. rOtt UPON TILEM KIIIM AND TI1UE ILEUANCE CAN HB 'maid. Timely notice given of change of hours. No -J IViiler si.. Xoru-aLh% Loan. Our assortment Pl.Al'tD ; -meres. Alpaccas, Persian SIatiifol t), Sep. 2, 1851. 'I To the afflieted wc say, "KAN. NOT TO THY AND KKCIITS UELIEF" in the thorough trial ol these 500 BH£SM WAftfTSD Fi H. Kash, - DiiLaines, Thibet Cloth. Merino, (.'ItHAT AND ( EI.UIMATED For Sale. Not to W'irk iipiin ilie MA .\ U V A C T U K K R 'o F' iiifi 1H1 fc benutiful house and lot situated a TRUE RESTORATIVES* ' and other DiiESS GOODS was ^5 TL\. SIIFJ.T [({ON. AM) • (IPPI'H WAli FS\ ie\V rttds lieloW the Souiii NtiHviiik Posi Of m. '' neder as good dt present. Hail Road! EA LICR in Stoves. Fin tun es. Iron Wire fice, known as the " lloyt Place," is now ot The Celebrated Til UK Our' Stock of DTPSS Sitks i-s immense, fered lor sale. The house has receitly been But to puivhiis'e iheil* n ii inI Roils* Bi mania, Japan. Wend and :' !; 'i clone uf j ir|$;oi!d ClotllSt C is>!;nerps. f5«tinet«, Vest- of • JaMKS FINNEY. •V'm* tone and vicor to the Digestive Onnms, cure diseases that . , ing-; and a!i other goods fi»r Men's and Boys' ulrcadv exist; forfifv the system acainst liiturc disease, at short notice and iu a workmanlike maimer. Norwalk, Sept. 25, 1851. 2(Jlf no t'm'ie dehilitiitin? the jjiticiit. "l!eing gniteful to the At. the CHEAP CASH STORE of ilie sub. • - Wear is larger than ever before offered. In wSiiWil most delicate stomach, mcir rilKKltlNii. i.vviiioiiATi.vo, South Norwsilk, July ] Rli, 1651 , r 'STUKNUTIIKNITMI, lllicl I.KSTOIS ATI VK I'lllirKltTI ES Iliake • ilrer where a saving is made sufiirieii' to pay fact. L/idies and (ie'itlernen can find any and Farm ffer Sale. iheni an invaluable ami SUKH 1LEMEOY in t.». vu miles travel. C iM and prove ili^ truth ; -i every article wanted lor Dres<». Use, or Orna- Plr TAYLORS FAjfll ION ABLE THE |>!rtce formerly flccupied ,bv @U!1SS Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. .t GEO. \v. sMitirs. ine.'ii. and at prices that would iMoriish alls rttld \JVin Hv:itf, dee'd, is olfered for sal^. ; Jm 1 Incipient Cbnsumjiiion South Noi walk. Dec. 2o, 18oi. A iSI'lli!WLU Pi ILiir CuLtlii^, and Shaving ' ' KY COjtPKTlTION. AU«.lh« LarsieM It consists-of n lib lit ihi-p.ft JicfHS of gbtid iand, isiissass AND AM. OTilKi: IIISKAAKS CAI'SKD it V AN IMI;Hlfc > .ATt OK TilK STD.MACII, ItiiivKi.S, Ili.oiiii, i.H'Kll; elu:; which • '".Stock of Domesti'* Goods ever offered, ahd by with a dwelling house and barn thereon stand­ tend to debilitate or wcakcii the s\stetil: ©ils!! - S £L 2s b o m s,, , i>•• ?> aII odds the cheapest Don't forget, tllri ing. Also, about 12 acres of laud lying near Kew BSarbie ¥ard. B feU R F. tjieacilKl spehn. e'eplianj, whale. ISrar the Spiiiiif. ' I he hutise of !rn Betts. Jr., arid on the line of THE IIIG1II.Y CEt.EBRA'VEI) - fl^HE .subscriber having ojicneil and furni>l Ti laid, neaisfncii atlli Iiiii5>'fe{i fills, fdl siile iiV lriANKF UL for pa>t favors, lib iihipes.b^r the DarilJiirjr be Nol'Walk failroad. For further lie barrel or retail t>v < Briag© Store" .1 ed a new Marble-Yard in N< rwalk, nea Pnlmonary Elixir, I strict aitenlibii to business to merit a cou- particulars enquire of the head ol Main street, would respect lolly s« rnovEi) THE BEST rorrni MEDICINE EVEB 1G STRKF.T 6c QUTNTARD. tiiiuanc H ol tho s;:me. Pai lieiilar littentic ri Is t.he. place for BARGAINS ! ! SAMUEL 1\ HANDLE. KNOWN. licit ail to favor him with a call, and examim ' This Elixir contains ninnv of the most hurhly approveil paid to cutting misses'ii till children's hair in the r Wilt all, March 3.1851. 91' his stcck and workman>hip. tie interns hav cotish or cxpt'ctorant me>nv-.i|k, S.»p. 1, 1851. itig on hand fconstttntly a full asfortn ent oi sult*. Tlic multitude who hnvc used this EllxIrrNKQi'ivo- nei:. I1! ii-irijiherus and Pet fnniery of akinds ~~7T ^or sale, ~~~~ CAI.I.V pronounce it to he superior to any other preparation Ariitil:'tl;lH arid foreign Garble, and the w.ok in use for similar purposes. VAKTICCI.AKI.V snot'I.h TIIIJ cous'aol'y c«r, h:ii:d and for sale. lNl>OVV SASHES ull'eadj glazed Fii" •'ill1. WITH iliitttPtliate possHssiOtl. it gbod IIKIUCINK HE IN K\'KRY KAMII.V W1IKUK TIIKKK ALTE manship Of a sbperior style. Moniiiuei.i.- CHILDREN, n* the delay in procttrini? n physician 1IP« LIP I> i v Water of the best kind i:dnstii fitly o'li . Saleiiy D. FINCH. with water power dn an p.*rfcl|pi;l stream. often proveil fatal to those whom TIMKI.Y ASSISTASCK W • a convenient jlonst^. Bai n, and 14 acres of Tomhstones; fcautiter and tiible Tops,&c., wuct.n HAVK s.WKti. A vuluflhlu remedy in hand and lor sale. ' fill nishetl iit the shortest Oi tier atid on leasoi tan'1, sitUhted about 7 miles fiotn NMUalk or CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS, St, itilo'id: ^t/l- particulars entjliiiJe of S. E. jible terltis. Jt'HN !!• VVKEIvS. Sore Throat, Afithiim. KroncliHts, Norwalk, NoV. 5lh, 1H51. 4 Ci'Oii[ii niul otlicr Diseases of tile I'i-'.Ol'LK'S HOTEL. . (ii m sT E A h'. dr J OH N B A T L E Y. ltcsplrntory Organs. 17 &z> 2.9 Catherine Slip. 1^". Y. Ni«* waIk. Mi-V 241Ii. 1851. 21 tf Scuth Sicfwaik MathiiisShe 1 CHERRY PECTORAL' (JF.O s. ST. JOHN. PKOPR I K'l OR, tiiE jtisti.Y cF.i.feHrtAtRb For ilac Cure of UUL I) re--peel fully aiiucinni e to his Klade ClcthilT^-. 'HE public aie rei| ectfn.ly luioiinrd il • the sub-criher will coutinue the biisim-.' friends and the public that the above THK subscriiihr lias on hand and inteflds i STRENGTHENING 1'LlSTEtt, COUGHS, COLDS, W of R W. Noilon 6c Co., and he is how pi. Is universally acknowledped to be the best plaster cter hotel has been built the past summer under the kppping a good assortfhHit ttf Rfeady Made known., HOAHS3ITSSS, DB.OU- pared to do all kinds of Jobbing in general nu -uperintendence ol Ihe proprietor with special Clothing o 'all kinds. Also, a gotttl asstJI'ttttRt't This Plaster is composed of! quite n nnmher ofvepftablo CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH­ thinery; LJie Tui-iiirg Of every description iwbsiaiiced, peciiliarlv compounded. There never litis been, reference to the jiecomtiiodatioii oftran-ient and of Clotlis, OassiiilP.res. and Vestings^ Which and is not at the present time, a better plaster made, tor the MA, WHOOPING-COUGH and Sawing iil all its varieties. Brackets, Cm various purposes for which plaeters urc used. Ithas-tio permanent boarders. It now contains 46 \ve| ; he will riiake up to order in good style and at superior for removing AND COrTSUJVrPTION. • A. S135,T.I3S2S, ' riage Stuff. &c. Also, Wood Turning in a venli'at^d and elegantly loriiislied lodaiin:rooms.; sli+rt tiotif:fe. PAIN, INTERNA!. fNFMMMATltDNS RHEU­ Ill i.lt'..i iiu III t..b <;.jiiiin.iiiii v iiii.-< j -«^il> cclebra- , 33ll3r and Binder, its various branches, from the biraest For1 c MATISM, \A'EAKNl:?f! IN TIIE Pl()E, HACK; provided with all the modern improvements and N. B. PartiCiJitratfetitfnn pfiidto cutting. just returned from Nevv Vrork with a Pillarstrt an Awl tliifr. Turned Cedar Hitci __ BltEAsf, STilaiACtt, &t:; led rt'ilieily l'ir iJisua.'iis <>l" tlie lllroal ami LIIII^S, ii conveniences. Connected with the hotel is il THOMAS RILEY. and wlicn used iii •lewaml valuable collection of School and ing and thence Posts are U-rpt constafrily < > is not our wi.-li to irifle «'!l!l lilt; I'.ve3 dr litrilitl. til" rest urn nut oi dining saloon-whei e all the..siib- M sceliiiiiedus ljoctks. Alsi^a largeassortirient Norwalk, Feb. 25.1851. 9 I.IVEIt AND I'UI.MONARV DISEASES hand. irill prove very tieneficial to those suffering with iucli com- the afliicitjil, iint fr.ihkly to' lav before tliein tbe stiintials iind delicacies ol the season are pro­ d'Sralionerv-.iiicluJing Blank ISiJoks. Poolscap, The subscriber has also added to the aboV" plaints. vided at ii moment's notice at all hours, ai d. Norwalk Cemetery Associa­ (i|)inioii.- of di.-tiu^msliL'il limn and soniu ol'tbu t\i- Letter,and Note Paper, ei^vwlops, Slates, &c., establishment a Knun-iy for Buiss Castina? served iijj ill a st\ le htti Inferior to any house of tion. For further Iniorf+mtihtl rbBnritiftc thesfe vnliinMo Medt- d jiici'sol its succcss, IVuin which liiey can judge for which he will sell cheaper than they can be and he would be pltiastsd to fill ord"is for an; cilieB, lee Viimphlet, to l>e had of the apents. where H'stimony the kind in the United States. The patronage' f a Mepfirig «f Mi'e NorWalk Cemetery from the highest quarters will be found, among which are thcmsL'Ivis e sinceiely jiledgc: ourselves to b »ught. tor a't any ot aer store in this vicinity. iind ciery kind of .lobbing iu this line. ; letters from otthe public is respecfully solicited. Baths 12^ Association, held August 29th., 1850, vo­ .brinks ol all kinds, bortind in his i«ft(in Uy A The facilities of the putenl piopiietor ena Ho*. MARSHAU- P. WILDER, Boston. Mnsf. make no wild asseitimis or false statemeuts of its Cts; lodgings single i of/ms H3 ef^: ted that Evert Quintan! and Lvnian Richards, HON. JAMES C. CHX'KCIIII.I-, L'ortland, Ma. iiftif a'i I -I'lrahlts style!, fit extremely low rates, ble him to guarantee'.o do any kind of work i KNOCII PATTERSON, Esq.. Iloston, Mass. efficacy, nor will we hold out any Ijiipe to suffering e\v YOrk, fioir. 2'ith'. 1851. QtMif i 1TS a cdmiriHtee to have general supervision of CAI-T. CIIAS. II. COLE. Uindge, N. II., late of New and sit.i^factien givHn to all. his line which is done in any other city o Bedford. Mass. iiuinanity which facta w ill not witrrifnt: I tin grounds of this Association, as regaids F.TMIRAIM MITRDOCK. Jn.. Fsq., Winchendon, Msf*. * town, and he Wittraiils all wink to give trntiii JRA RrSSEt.Tj, M. D., AViticlii'tHloiij Mafis: - monuments, tftiti' sfttnPS. nftd enclosure of lots* r jlany proof> are lieie givfen, aiul vvj; sniiclfa'ri iff Mardwara, Cutlery, satisfaction or no charge will be made. and tli.'tt fttf'person shall dig a gf'iii'ti. ef'e'tt qi.ny-fioni the public into all we puidish. feeling Ii o»- Strel, Paints and Oils !' tiV N. B. Cash paid on delivfiry ffrr good Hick ? A stonfsst.o graves, without perrr'«ssion and advice assured they w ill find iheni perfectly reliable, and FINCH has now on hand one of tho'1 ory Timber. M. iVi • NORTON- of said committee. ami ihe medicine woriffy their best 'confidence and most extensive and well selected assort­ South Norwalk, March. IS 1852. 1} iiEiV. W. Mci.EI.LAN, Estj., Deputy Collector, Custom D. Attest. .QUINTARH Chairman House, Boston. Mass. ... ments ol foreign, domestic and huildiug hard­ M, E WILLIAM NK'IIOLP. Esq., Townsend. Mass. __ , I irronage; W. C. Sf SPC'V pro refti. 41 ware. cutlery, iron, steel, paints, oils. French ,fr-i 1ARIRAGK MAKER'S GOODS. Axle>. t'o!- Snip, Wholesnle anti .itefaii, at From ihe distinguisfied Profestlr of Chemis- a llil America II window glass—assorted sizes, (/ Springs, Shafts, Carriage BOWJ, Bolts Ffihcipal Otfict% Scollav's Enild- 4 c. T. CORNWALL, ilig, Tremont-Row. Eoston. tiy and Materia Medica, Bowdoin College. tmricultiiial implement*, hay cutters,corn shel- Bone and Ivory Slides. Lining Nails, lvor\ taper and Tailor, AGK.NflS. — .1 A Wi t! , :,|l. : I A- Dear Sir: I delayed ausweiing I lie receipt of iers. &:e. all of which he will sell at prices de r Hand Strews. Seaming Cord. &c. OtiL© iiiftjl'in tho public that he has Slieltoii. Bridgeport; 'J'lio- B Eanlon, jeddii g preparation, until Iliad an opportunity of vvitnes.— tying coiilpetition. Also, every description of , HOLCOMB & LYON. ing its effects iii uiy Uwu family, or iu the family of w taken the rooiils Oi'er the ftfore of Wm B lliiigi't: Stiiniloril; l-tn< .Jeiini"«s. rfnutliport: tion. ill cisiShnth of adults and t'hildrfe'll upon the principle of ••small piofitsand ready boy's clotftilig id a n^ftt and fashionable ninnm r 110LC03IB& LYON. Wm Bradley Jr. (r eenfii'ld Hill; L Tnttle. sales." EPLILCHMAL Monuments and Grave i have loiiiid it.its its in •fi-ditjiits sliinv.a power­ find on reasonable terrnd. tie has also on hand 1 LfeS.— 1500 do/.efi W & S. Butchers' The subscriber i< also agent for the sale of S Stones of every variety of patterns, and of Wesffort; H S Weed, ^tainfnrd: S C Silli- ful reini.'dy for i!old«". it fill iioit^hs. and piihuonary it good assort/Jient of i-ettrty-ftiilrft* tilotfiine. itfi'd File.-, consisting of every sisteand kind, • iiiiii Jr. JN'»-W CaiiHini: 0 B .Middlehrnok. Wal­ diSuastis. I'AllKKlt CLKAVKLAND M: D. RlisiVell's w Inch is pi oofa'iaiust ilie most skilful workmanship. TJie best ns- F Mineral Pa. nt. those in wailf will find it to their advantage o now opening by HOLCOMB & LYON. ton ; i\ ?) ii;ti»lil. Iiid»i firtld: II Bengdiif. ticii.Nsw ICK, M E„ Ki b. 5 IS47 lire, water and weather, and unchangeable iu fortment of American ind Foreign Marble, give hiin a call. A share of the public patron io its color, and is the lie-t. cheapest and most constantly on hand. OCKET CUTLERY, Shears and Scis­ Daiibnry ; Kzm A!or(ian. West Newtown; I) From an Overseer i i the Hamilton Mills, iii jfge is reup^clfully solicited. lio-.f every town and village wp fiiei;efo!e would respectfully invito the t>ub- workmanship, as this \vi 11 bo utore safcis-factory j^M~ALLOR V & LEWIS are now offering 83 Water St., Bridgeport. rou»h I i'* er had III my Ide.b'v ytrnr (Jlitrry I'ec- of New England and l>y dea'eis in medicines iic to- ciill and examine themselves. 45 Omri to purchase of Agents without an opportu­ ItJL great inducements to all buyers of DRY DOZ. hand, pannell. rip and back toral." and never tail whefi I have <1 n OppnilfJiiiiy. geiu iiiliN in other Stafes. 1^44 nity 6f testing the quaffiy of the artftflo cyn- GOODS. Their assorftnftnt at presfent is one 150 Saws of Butchers',Spea r & dackSOfi's of retiotnineiidin^ it ifi oilier.^. Yours, respectfifliV; FSUIT THE2S iracte I for. of the largest, ill foWfi, grtrfiTsffcirig dverything and Becket's. at wholWsa.e n'titl rftaif f>5" HOL- I KOSSUTH HAS C05iE| s. D. /:.vii:ri6()N. k^;': ES^Tho Lettering and Ornamental work is de«irahle for ladies' or gent's Wfiat*. They de­ COMB & LYON. 83 Water st., Bridgepoit. AT THB And w hds the time when [O3 Rfe'ad the following, and site if tins niediftiffc executed by an experienced workman arid can sire iill who may bu in Wa'nf of anything in their lUCK AN filWs.-A hi isb slot* of Goods will be sold Cheap!! SdtitQ Novwalli Nuvsern; vfr'Crr.int it. to give entire satisfaction. litre to give tlierll rt call before purc.has'ns efse- ti is worth •! trial: This pat id tit had becotiie \ei\ lee- Mlu pins'snjierinr plnteil riiifl plnin. wlioii»- E siili«cribers le"ling themselves under ^ ^ N -.r.v).'k. Aug. 21, 1848. Whtfre, NorWidk, $ 5. 1849.- i y Plumb. Appricot and Peach Trees. Ever- grefuis and extra 'sized' horse Cliestnuts and f'x Ai' .HENRY HANDES renevfrs again land,formerly the residence of Jared : ; : IIOLCOMB & L.YOS. ' mem ement of tho new \ ear tliey will offer Dr J C. Aver,—Sir: I have been afll.cted w.itb mountain ash. Also a veiy fine |/i_t of Isabella PMI '1's a.n,inow'e^"inefnfs rhe public "and 131Ayres, »n NeW Cafi.'ian, Onitisagood ISES.—Hills, Peter Wright's, U^/le's £i:t:h indiifteuients as will Continue to merit lhfi a painful aftVciioii of the Lungs, and all tiie symp­ £•$}%' toms of settled roiisiim/ition, tor mi/re tlfttu a je.if 'IK.his friends for their generous patronage tv»o story dwelfing-ho'irse, {r.irri-, arid other oat nnd 'l'illotson's of fivery (jimlijy and pricf patronage of the |/jldic. and C'atatibii Grape Vines. Aise tfiVtrue Red I ctiftld find Ko un-dfcitfe flfat vvWiild fWftli ir/v casf>. w hich we wan iint. and (luring the year past, and hopesto merit arr nc- buildings, attd firi6 orchard of grafted frtfir jiist np6nirtg. «tid we would ral! piiiiiftt/Iiif af- i Feeling «onfident of tlfp pulifir lii^nr fhey jintiverp Ras}>t)cry. niHll f fto'fttdifih'cSd the tite lifyiinr •• C^KIIHY PF..- liold our3felves responsible fi-r its being tho new }?tterrupted continuance'of the busirrc-ns rela- trees in a bearing sift ft*. Por further partifc- tentian tdou;" stock. HOLCOMB & LTON. hOiv pfm hase ^o^ds in stich ^tuuuifies a« to l>« TOR vi-.-^vVhiVih ga^e IIIH gradual relief, and I have or Puff* red Antwerp. The hist of Oct. or 1st tidirsbip wiiich lie has so long maintained with ularsenquireol the snhsftfibei at thetesideuce 83 Water street. Brrii^pOfl. ei.allied to sell tliAin nint h lower than ifcua'.- been sturdily gaining my Slreffgtlt till t'rty Irt'alili is* tillsco,n:ntir!fil35;.?;--.dri^ wi!! t»« found now at his of Wm.Druitfmand. NftW Canaan. nr d lower than said by any store in the vicini y. well nigh restored* of Nov. will he the propel lime for pptliug out LACKSMITH'S BELLOWS c(*ftsfiitit- the pluDta, when till ueee«sarv direction will be ie\v"stand opposite the storfe of Chas. Isaacs EBENEZfcfc CAtlfER. Come all and fe'sf. the Jruih of this stat> ment. Wlii fe WsiogyfmV iiVedicinc. I had I tie 2raii(ic;tf?ris Fall Eivei ; n|so 40 froth F'te pi!r66Tfial dutie.3" by a' severe afiack of Ahlwerps of any peison without holtli.-g them tiis vfoi»!k i:^ .on Well known to need a word of UCTfOI^f itttd Force Pumps. Ncr. practical LU1D and Garirptieae b^_the_keg or g illou ^ piautity, suited to fha wants of the eraft. Zinc, Bricks, Grate and Castings, refined Bofftx j 25 casks superior London Em­ No. 2-Water st. Norwalk. chemist, Lowell, Mass. nnd for sale in Nortoalk by J^' I , "BISBBOWS XisrwaJk, Jau. I, X85Z. , 1 f •'. w It., H, to Go< ery by HOLCOMB & LYON. Jan. WM Win E Bissell < vud J W Taylor/ Weitjxrtt. 7 k 'i'-fArj mMti