£532!" 2 fN? ,5t«t>{KS K_ji III fe'.tu^ Kick's r t Hir « '-• ' lJ > *; i "i fr lu-*V ) • :i • ; -.?£$ ^ftitsy 6.-.; :".;»>* fc5:r(.t «& ,1 *3 iVM ?>l :.s.<13.:30l self « ' -Son w.-< fc ftrm-t <a h4 3 .' ~ O. l;;Ur»f .. , £f -5»ii Bf A. H. BYINGTOft & GO. b^KH>i/3H > AT&T WO DOLLARS PER ANNtj'M.' ;7; PUBLISHED EVERY TUESI)AY MORNING" ;r ;; ii £fr>7» 8 fil&i'ffci '•&''! :si ihS- si\ - „ . i-y*t : " : = : ' • . ^ ^ te : I; i«" ViJL •. *».*.; • ^ *•; •" - V. • ;»,• ;. «5?S • xxzim-p > ;• to ;f,-f lit 3l famila lfeM)sWtr-%55tt)otc& to fiitcmfec, @cu«al 3ntcUigciuc, ^dUtitSi mgruulturc. avtS ttrti) iltamifacturesv jmmem yn&'fa JlSf" NORWALK) Ct. TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 185.1 J J. j:•;.. u;;? a/.-xivuii. VOLUME .--NUMBER 13. .'i# iS tUMBEK 122--NEW SEllt®.3 *»* >****»» When the woman first npade .her appear­ f From the New York Dutchman. NOR WALK . 6AZETTS. , ,:ji ; Notice. ( f rOETRY. ance, lig was busy at a half firiisbed hptse- hliE norwalk Gazette. An Irish Dentist* ^ LL persons indebted to the subscriber nre shoe. This work he now resumed, and ap- : heieby reque-ted to cill and settle I he ' A KEW MkrilOD FOR PULLING TEETH. TineVda^, 30,18^2; ? * A. ft. BYiftGTtifc,& rt). A !From Ike Knickerbocker Magazine. parpntly regardless of the afflicted tooth, his *' ~a!'h. Brn«T«ji. ., H. \V. Hvatt. ^ame on c»r l)ef»ie the 10ih day of April next. t)nce upon a time, as the story books say> Ill After said d. te he will continue his bCsinesi , The Setting Sun. rapid stroke* thundered on the anril iiH t&e VJic.e at the foot of M an si.—over the store of the e lived in a village in CiueenVcounty, SUPPORT YOUR OWKit" upon the cash system; no book account wilM/e BY THKODOHE SKDGW«CK KAT. job was completed; the widow Riley in the C. J. Grit man. in Ireland, a certain blacksmith^ \V^o was meantime Still "swaying to and fro, as before, 1 kept against any person exce|t by, special Farewell O Sun! . agreement. J. E. BRUSH. proDably as queer and '6'riginal a ]]?e'ce of With .however", something of impatience now. Wliig State Ticket. : To the horizon's rim . ' \v«r,jTei TOS of tfl& Gazette. Gtcenwicli, Ct., March 18fh. 1^52. 2tl2 humanity as ever 'blew a o'ellows or Gorged a» "tWanifesi in her psciljatmg.gjlejT J' ; o| »'> 00 Low bowed, thy glorydim", - > , Vjll ige subscribers by carrier—pr yr horse-shoe, o'rb'njr ^nd well triads., in per-, At length an acute twinge sjetVer tongue . FOR GOVERNOR, . 2 00 Thy journey done: Mail (lo i» advance do Rcc'd t»is So some fallen iVio'mirch lies', - son, he was jovial tVi 'disposition : a jolly boy in motion,and she once more albrfiplly broke GREEN kENDRtCk, of Waterfcit- 'Office subscribers, or those living our of RINTS and DeLaines—spring styles : • BlimRng -We tiel'it no more, at a wake or bedding, he was naturally a out with— t . .1 FOR GoVlRNORj the C;irri'-r's (linnet. a ml who call for gent's a^d j)oy's raps, vests and pants.— P At Vy.Vll stcati'Aea carelesi o'er', o-reai favorite, in the neighborhood, while " Are ye^re^dy', Mc. .Dooly V* • . j, n M ' their paper's at the office 50 'S3T Lf-Vet's Wal'ipene for tinning cray hair to ROGER ti. liltLs, of New iSKfei 1, l3y common eyes. ^ Sis sV6rdy skilful wielding ot th'e^JiAi^tfier', Mr?. Companies of fiveor morp recpivirg then- its oVi'^inal color. A. D1CK E RM A N• . "In. a jiffy, Riley, asy m&'arn, till yielded him a mo.-t comfdrtaDie income,— . For treAsorkW, papers by mail, if paid in advance ; Sb South Norwalk, March 8th. * 4t*10 , r Lower—Wiore Tow— , : ' the materials is prepared," was the reply of TJie broken edge, b'etween, ' T fSow, though bla'cffstVii't'hing constituted bis ot^r dentist, as he leisurely toofr down a huge , . THOMAS feLAilk, oif CoventryI ! Terms of Advertising'. Lost. Of our old earth is seen , nominal business, thf genius of Patsy Dooly wdx ettd froVn/ami.ng the numbier which FOR.SKCRETART OF STATE, N Tuesday last*from the New Canaan and Ascending slow ; " ^16 lines or less, 1 insertion 75 disdaining lo be limited to the mere poun­ filing around the walls, being especially in­ A«» its unswerving bound. J. H AMMON D TRtJMBtJLL, of Stoniniton.' r:.-M .1 2 " - 87 Dinien stage, on the road to Darien, a cing of iron against iron, took a wider and tended f6r these occasions, and laid it with small package containing about 3 yftrcls oT blafck With mountain, sea aftd ^viuin', FOR CONTROLLER,. t v •: ;k -: i i •.".>• V 3 , - •' . '.W =' 1 00 more varied range ; and accordingly. Patsy coVistcTerable e'eremony before the fire. i;; Cassimere Cloth. The finder will receive the Nation and town, agaify was universally,recogniiefi as a sort of Jack seLA.h Strong, of Miiford." Comes steady round. Th^ afflicted widow was a patient victim Jon PuTNTiNPr executed with neatness rhanks of-the owner, who is unable to lose it, at-all-tiades. He couM tip a jolly stave by leaving it at the Darien Depot, if.ira few n\imites ri^'/rp', \Vhen her endqtance fcinjfer Awhile ! with the men ; was a 'fafrious fiddler or pi­ 'an4 d"*patch, and al loio prices. ll* CHARLES BURDiCK". again gave way, and Pat was earnestly be­ CHANGES OF THE ELECTION L ^Vill let thy crims'6n beani ' per «it the. Village festivities: was a capital Representatives, Judges of Probate, justices• Through the dark forest stream, sought to ptoceed with all possible D'Shirt of Nnrwilk, ss. hVrcher in an emergency ; could phleboto­ of the Peace, are elected bpr a plurality of O'er tTie field smile. haste. Taking up /the big wax-end STAtE of THOMAS CARTER, an mize a sick horse, or doctor a spavined votes. And the votes limst be counted and de- •.mmI In Vain ! thy hour is past: the operator cooly in seited "one end thereof t_. i'Asolvent (|ebtor of New Canaan in said mare like a thorough bred surgeon. More­ cb.i ed bef()ie the ndjouniment of the meeting/ E NeVer on earth was giveu like a cable round the offending "grinder " York &, N. Haven Kailroadi rict. 'fissrgVi'p'd I'd ti'tist jfor Vh'e lien'efit of lii3 over Pat D.iolj, £.>od boy, beside* sparking The box for receiving votes, for Representa­ A glory so like ReaVenj ^.s ' To this, as the process was somewhat famil­ Wl NTEII A11 HA'Nli KM KNT. cretlitors. on his anvil, could spark lik« th« •' divil" tives, must remain open for iUat purj»ose\ from Notice is hereby given by me the subscriber And given to last. - . iar, the patient made no objection ; butjfrh'eh ~ • COHMK>CIN6 DKC. 1, 1851. 'among the ffiris. As a matter of cour>e, it the opening of the meeting, till '6'o'clock in (he Trusfee of said Estate, that after causing a tr'ti'6 Nb\V alVnost gone : my gen'letrian with equal ctJidlfress', proceed­ afternoon ; and if two Vfpresentatives are to and pe'rfet in'vei'tory ami appraisement of said befVI, that bef »re Mr. Do«»ly had numbered Leave N'»r\vii'1\.ifi>r N'e\v York, : How mouridully we g»4b ed to fasten the riifter extremity o'f the string be chosHtVi.tVie nAnies of "both must bo written estate to be made and returned 'to the cour' of many yars after his " coming" out" among ro .printed 'bn one ballot. iCnnimultuition ThiiVi '(j o'clock 38 rnit). A M On thy slow-sinking blaze". to the sftarp ^oint of the anvil, dragging the probate for the.district of Tforwalk. I have with the g rls, he Was seiSe^ with that universal In case 'two or more person? receive an equal-, Acconimoilatiou 8 9 FifreWeir, O Sun! widows head to v iihin a foot of the heavy consent atVil.'Approbation o!f snid court em­ malady, Whi'cH it is generally believed only 10 47 the Sb sb'tVl'efee oved one dies, i'ro'ii—her lady?hip became alarmed, and iii- number of votps, so that no choice is made.of ployed Thtimas Carter, the assignee/if'saftl, iigl.t, a frm I'e ph^ician can cure. Love hit htm represe'nta|ivp.s the meeting.must i-thiid adjour- tlx press 2 91 P M ^lid takes, in faith's wartil d'ul«ing at interval's in sundry fjaciilatioxis, tat'e as my agent for the sale Vind disposal of with an .invisible shiilahih, and the Irish libfi 'ried tintilth^ fdlowing day,, (Tuesday.). •^crmnmoilntion 5 32 His everlasting flight indicative «,f pain or surprise. said ('state, pursuant to the sta'u'pin *ueh case From our wet eyes'. Vote'sTor Sudaesof Probate must, b writtefi' Express ^ 4{> anitoVig the men, became " strawberries and V{ provided. WAT'l'S COMST^CK, Arrah, Pat Dooley, what's this ye're do- or prihred.'pn. tlie. ysame piece of paper witb v . Leave Nnrwalk for New Haven. crV;VrVi" before the lasses. _ , T'rustee.^ i (. 'V'hoti dost 'not set : , in? Blessed vargin, be kind to the inrio- thti-'e for .State omceis. •Accommuiliition train 9 o'clock 1.* niin A M 'tTibVigil plunged our globe beneath, Ilis true hearted affection was warmly re­ NeW XT/inann, March l'6th, 1852.
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