ISSUE 8, July, 2007
Out Of The Blue Sports Feature Motocross Local Zack Ames Exclusive Interviews Concert Coverage RevCo Shinedown Helmet MewithoutYou Anti-Flag Nine Inch Nails The Academy Is Warped Tour Less Than Jake Ministry Motion City Soundtrack Local Band Profiles, Columns, Album Reviews, Movie Reviews, Poetry Out Of The Blue Exclusive Interviews Band Profiles Concerts Sports Feature RevCo Hangtime Shinedown Helmet Animosity MewithoutYou Motocross Anti-Flag Scales of Emotion NIN, Bauhaus Local Less Than Jake Scene Of The Crime Warped Tour Zack Ames The Academy Is Project Defective Unknown Ministry Motion City Soundtrack Pietasters Indie Album Reviews, Indie Movie Reviews, Columns, Poetry, Art Out Of The Blue P.O. Box 388 Skate Park comes true for youth Delaware OH 43015 Delaware Battle Of The Bands 4 in the works out_of_the_blue646 For a number of years Delaware, Ohio’s youth have been searching for a place to skate freely, without interjection from pointing fingers defying Publication Creators in 2001 their presence. Tiffany Cook Well, it has finally happened! Three consecutive Battle Of The Bands Neil Shumate (BOB) annual events, held at the Delaware County Fairgrounds, have con- tributed to Project Skate Park. Editor-in-Chief An entire 17,000 square feet dedicated to skating is being constructed Neil Shumate this summer. The 2006 BOB raised $4,100 in advance ticket sales, totaling $6,000 Copy Editor including raffle ticket John Shumate sales. An estimated 650 attended this Writers year’s event. Mike Couburn The ’06 BOB win- Josh Davis ners were Circleville’s Nick Messer Deaf Child Area, tak- Tony Rowe ing home $500; second Neil Shumate place was Grand Mar- John Shumate shall from Buckeye Valley High School, Columnists winning $150; and in Sagabu third place was the SINthetichead3000 yo ungest band— Unclassified from Layout and Design Delaware Willis Inter- Neil Shumate mediate, who took home a $100 prize.
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