My English Pocket Book of NIRANGS (Short Zoroastrian Prayers)
My English Pocket Book of NIRANGS (Short Zoroastrian Prayers) ((Pray your zuay to Success, 9-(eaCth, Prosperity and Joy) Published by U n io n 1?r(?ss 13, Homji Street, 16 Horniman Circle, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. Rs. 30 "NIRANGS” (Capsule Zoroastrian prayers) Attain Success ward off eviC influences :Enjoy good heaCth ‘ETqjerience inner peace & joy Jeet spirituaCCy protected Published by UNION PRESS 13, Homji Street, Fort, Mumbai This book is Published & Printed by Late Rohinton P. Chinoy at Union Press 13, Homji Street, Fort, Mumbai-1. I BOOK OF EFFICACIOUS NIRANGS (FROM GUJRATI SCRIPT TO ROMAN SCRIPT) The above mentioned book was published in Gujrati script about twenty years back and thereafter several editions were published with additional Nirangs. Necessary explanations regarding Nirangs It is necessary to give some explanations and guidance to our dear co-religionists regarding the Nirangs contained in this book. These Nirangs are prayers culled from Pazand or Avesta, and prefixed and suffixed by Avesta prayers. The term ‘Nirang’ or ‘Niruk’ occurs in Pahlavi and Persian languages and means II “strength, ability, power”. However, the word is also used in a wider sense for “short efficacious prayers”, “new things” and “miracles”. It is necessary to know that the recitation of Nirangs is beneficial to the body, mind and the soul. To get the full benefit the reciter should pray it with devotion, full faith in Ahura Mazda and with due observance of rules of ethics, piety, concentration, food and mode of living. The Nirangs should not be considered a substitute for the Avesta prayers given in the Khodeh Avesta.
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