Final Report FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES CONGRESS 2013 MECHANISMS IN BIOLOGY St. Petersburg July 6-11, 2013 St. Petersburg July 6-11, 2013 FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES CONGRESS 2013 Mechanisms in Biology Contents Organizing Committee and PCO 2 Number of participants 7 Fellowships awarded to young scientists 8 Russian visa support 12 Number of speakers 13 Overview of scientific program 14 Abstracts received and Poster session overview 20 Registration fee 23 Financial report 24 YSF Forum 28 Social program 31 Exhibition / satellite symposia / exhibitors workshops 34 Congress venue 39 Visibility of the event in media - public relation 40 1
[email protected] (Congress Secretariat),
[email protected] (Program Committee) St. Petersburg July 6-11, 2013 FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES CONGRESS 2013 Mechanisms in Biology Organizing Committee and PCO, Administrative Bodies The 38th FEBS Congress, held from 6th to 11th July 2013 in St Petersburg, Russia, was organized by representatives of the Russian Biochemical Society. FEBS congresses usually attract the attention of the government bodies of the host countries. City mayors and ministers deliver addresses at opening ceremonies. The organizing committees are always concerned with this public imagerelated section. The 38th Congress was no exception. It was historically important to mention the role of the Skolkovo Foundation in the initiation of government solutions associated with the Congress. Viktor Vekselberg, on behalf of the Skolkovo Foundation, had addressed a request to support the initiative of the Russian Biochemical Society to hold the Congress in St. Petersburg to the Russian Federation government. St. Petersburg was chosen as the FEBS Congress venue for 2013.