EMISPHERES EMISPHERES THE TUFTS UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS A Tufts Undergraduate Student Publication ARTICLES Examining Power Relations: The Role of International Aid on NGO Accountability MEGAN TAYLOR Redefining Asian Economic Regionalism Through the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank JESSICA WEISS Unholy Terror: How Enabling Environments Drive Suicide Attacks While Religion Takes the Backseat RACHEL (RUIJIA) MOROTA CHU EMERGING ACTORS Soft Power in Full Force: India and the Nuclear Suppliers Group JULIE GEORGE Vladimir Putin’s Hegemony: From Passive Revolution to Caesarism GRIGORY KHAKIMOV The Implications of 3D Printing in the Asia Pacific TIMOTHY YIN INTERVIEW Harnessing Corporate Power to Fight Climate Change: A Conversation with Mindy S. Lubber INTERVIEW BY ARMAN SMIGIELSKI PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPLORATION China Emerges ALEXA REILLY EDITORIALS The New Nativist Backlash: Conditions Causing a Rise of Radical Right Wing Political Parties in Europe NANDITA BALOO Iran’s Emergence toward Global Integration EMISPHERES RIA MAZUMDAR Mayer Campus Center Kurdistan: The Newest Country in the Middle East? VOL. 39, 39, 2016 VOL. Tufts University WILLY CLEMENTS Medford, MA 02155
[email protected] www.tuftshemispheres.org EMERGING ACTORS VOL. 39, 2016 HEMISPHERES THE TUFTS UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Hemispheres, The Tufts University Undergraduate Journal of International Affairs, is the oldest academic publication of its kind. In 1975, under the direc- tion of an energetic group of students including Sashi Tharoor, the future undersecretary-general of the United Nations, the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy at Tufts established the Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. Motivated by the Fletcher Forum’s success, in 1977 students in the Tufts undergraduate program in International Relations established their own academic journal of international affairs.