l — < . ! ?; 1 “ A 1 « , - M . . a D



RJ^ALi I M ISCLI^LANLOUS. Ci yi Ci LOUISVILLE m UKMO»t>u», Ai-». — a ibootlnif Skxdai.itt nr THK .Strawbismt. — W* tbiak JOl XT JOIjRINAIj. /'•I'PV f IRltllM A l\2 r*l«'W Vi' flA-ttaa. Atex » ' ^ I i^UISVILI^E - T — -r — Artiiir c»m« <.ir Id ItFinopolii ncAuUy batwMo Ja«. the ^ g— i^'l'-'.i" V W AAa i3 A Albums i - . folloniDf hum ib« S.«Uwra KivaI klAguziM Hndwaii. A Qat-v. Aa K. BtokM). Thk AMr.KirAR Mark a VVrxxKK.— T. Jooei u

Jiapzl’^h to lh« Ia>q<1oo ' KtApbif Kuiug oo the part of the to il.»»n ' Ta rtpaee aad racarh tba w-lawa«ka aa iMi>ORTEn -AJsriD ide^XaEtr, iisr Timet, cf furHMr put a cue- prove iatoraating U> our reaaen. While we are Sealed pi«p»iaah will ha laeeivad at lha aAaa o/j rf ^raat, twtwaaw Foth m* 1 cure. learu that Mr. i'eo *>a Walaat w^ter we ' Way 9, lirorik'a mara tom of Mlling liquor to alavaa. racaivetl upon “'** •*« 1^09, to /~^r\ A /^¥T k TXT^T AT" TT A lAlAAkT A TA Jooea a the aol.J.-ct of alrawherriaa, wa waat to aak our Hi" COACH ^*«parriiiaanf*«parTiihua ibaCilittba City Mnmsanm doaa Dotpro.not I of FiwiM PtxtMA — The I'anama siar of the llhh pro. **^i**^ I f ^ C«'KaWFORRAW FORD.1> Meyar.Msyar. o^thatowa.the town. STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, ducefhti.fdace fruit? W.Wa have...... gr«.ngrown Uuit two ymtr.yaars .adand..a havalITva.... |\ NO. 435 MAIN Junr«vrt^^^^ | a..--, .US '.mm ! 1 u,™.. mrU “ ““t ^olt «««e. to ba ra-tol H.U. --«...»rrHKMaoijrr ihr «--kac^BRxrr*c-i«« or AoA».z.-AtAoA«uz.-At ,! W^Be«h.nUa.dBmiuUctar,r.-outo.adUto««dr..tor.mtoeT::m.*:“."h'T^“,.“^^^^ To n[»va ‘n,*rnrT,rofT''^- “r»JrilipX.. .. ‘Tutar'rT^iyinay muuipry *et.e-- and raenth tba sidawalk oa tfea wwat aatf made in paraua ij JeowAaeoatl fire 01 the Id inetant. Kich of the puhtical taclioiu the aunual n.e*tinR of the American Academy of , , Tlli VC C li U \ V U I iV 4* RP Hrr^ai a “*• J«ok«oa stiwat, ' '^****™'^rapidly *'*°with u'* :’ Imtwaaa Maia aad Marfeat 1 llUo.tJ. lkl!.J 11 1 DRU. ' accus.ia the other of the incendiary act. Arta aud Scieiicej, held in LU A ,^ Ai the Boatoo, oo Tuesday af- ! tCr»eU. houses of tl.« leadeis of the two parlies w«re da. teracoo, Prufesaor Agaeeiz ptoaouicrd Mwt.-1/ws. KdOuTKAdSora- ForFur tte takalaka of informalioainformal iim on a To npava aad racarb tfea aidawalk om tba BlKSINEsSSRIlSlI^ESS CARDS.UARDS- AUCTIONAlI4^'I’l4)lN SALES.SAI.ES a faeliar aortb t-»'.Cs-CMr~a.'C'1vr~C'~C3.Ce.EA..^A.A_s^ T very iateres iug subject, at leeat to uia, 1 bag leave side of Jafeanaw swaat, G^E2S^EI^AX. i batwiaw i l l i r ii m ^ ly mMUi w . Ther 0|wr»ta ««hU> m b|*urn. w.gin «lo|l7 oo tho lato Baroo llu«boldl,andintheito"^llX";,;;;«;^''J;,‘^^^^^ Fmt aad Sacuad tUrc, to call the atUniioa of thosa sliaata. pAiHn^f tftie afunrti mm4 lalrMMP* ol «U Imuib of your raadan, femil. I tire intenlional.mtwDtif>Oii). c urse of bis remarks, Mncr.w imr^itriMC rtrtnr-itr 4tWiif fki rtl I to»lhW4weaar,MKha»coiaive«aw,aci4Myr at aboleMUe or nHall. Tim* Mibsrribpr, fruiu alHmllwamv-niuahi.uiasentir.lyn urns en.ir.iy in Kurope, wbi. h« mit te. /• aaaw tfea aatUaartb -itfsto. bacwaaw Foaitfe ami Futfe lirsats. ^ year - a^ut iwauty mu. consumed-onsumeJ OulyOolv WUeraU irSMaa, uatSuMiahaa ht these r ^ u O ad atourtait-nts of uo«4v evev M« k»ne aHwciatkMi wiih Ea«t(»ru and WeiCe'rti manutar- “>=V" ‘“K. »»«>. ••UMUbeU tbeon.s of Ua- *ld of J.If.naa straat, batwaaa Third aad a i iitin a.. ee^- tram fecnaaewM-ut at the liv«. indeed, rvery. tokeS of bis favor, and Faarth hd er Mcral dsMItty toStnr of t'locfao, Unmiaets. aad VatUnas th.ee or four escspad dasUuclioo. Ihs ‘ ^ ^ larera, la enabWd to nffar errrr article lu bit* Uoc of buai* Ure is mud ’ '» “ atfear pabitr meatlafs aad aach hhs.haM tbs who U n d under dwrp alas, ward, an« af sraSem the, will peuvr aa ifevamaMs aRdkiac, uu^aMi oUigmion. to him Mar I LOUISVHsLE. KY. no« at tlic loveat wholenalc priow*. Uo aalfrumcota lor «al«M to be the work of'an inceodierr. •sSai. Farmtrbr .d boaisTtlis. 1 be permitted I HdeVAlksM J MorrtsA Baas, salcaasaw. m< to tell a circomaUaca ^ . tbe Mrtk i ^ ^ VmN Ike faMt e^ WORKMEN at auctkfu eollcit**d. luayfi lylatp whkh is pcrM< *tSt^aatimai^. r^iamam kcatoek, ^STt dtaiAws pirpan'd to bmIip an OUTFIT at *****’,'•'’’ •*"" Jaitsr*ia atiaaf, batwaaa Feaftfe ^« >n that ratpect, and *“ ' aad Fifth l tsr sWi A numliar of beau arraatid at which abuwa what ba I list aafama. aad MScadad to rromaSs povaSr a . «S ,^2, to tW^*^''2?****' **-— -- s-s — SI....S. . -s u- abort moUct in the beat maaaor. 1 is~-|-“~- ‘I - it J. B. walker. Faaama and am, to Cartha.en. to .erv. in the •Alton 8. O Henry & Co., V^aT^^ljltrs stdawMb. cm tfea samh •'''“y ' .AXncOMMIS9lt)V MRK<;HANT9 n, *1^ P- SSTtit^lil Corner Main and WalJatreeU. Louii'ville. A Kr TIm'pli. discovery of • robbery nt Idty of 16 oz of in Ctob edraucctnindcob cood« cnoMi'tied touctoeur eaiire ato« Tobncco, Ac , *ko eW luf Ruiauuiirfunigold dull from « pnclm^e mhI to Fsaru|ie bin ju<»t lapraaeaiiac tome Citopnniaa In lha aNMMaa af lha • aud Tobneco nmouuL 'vrijie one - *|ua of fntuiv conduct the MMj'ui.oBUii’* Clfnr I*ro4o.aor Miticborlich waa then on f" of t^^^ For if wo Jedarten atiaet, batwaaa Siacoad aad Third aMmuar,eaniB.uar, weuu A>aawwhavaridoaawwhavari asmnMasuiranea aad aaanaiaa(Banaiaa k^HtsStJSSSS^ * nr' iVe ereet ellUtoeerend^ aitcod totoletol Kce beenl*f«D nude.ni.de Tba1 robbery was i-otunihtell on the 7lh a I jyp l In ma- (DOTTIIt gl I of hair awtonhai d toaiu aud pr-.wpitteds me HirilTim cooUmtouctf EoUh Marahnl j ADd 1 would rwifttoauHr toUcit for bin • wiWllib lIlAliUNu! ure the., on tcruf i4tiitiucioi> (o»e*Urr" J. PAUL JOaNE*. at bi Iihirarl bait thr aha., rners; U iii nrtad ih l>.uls — ... _ %a4 ^tor Ar-i C««a N=V«BE.y>fA^I«DATEETAIUliSVtR BEIVl^ OKFF.ia.D AT RETAIL. CKtAHS. MEDU AL. *" **** ** strtot, between ^A utHIKUMLWlNti MACHINEMAiJHlNE lOMlOR AND WITHIN TIU:Tlil' leeee laform tbi' iBiokiac cooidiudIi y-*™ * f *ioTj:s:sS:a’jS’ji3::ir2;T5iFourthur« aaoaau vinnF'ifth %t(4L*LDbce to ooe, i.aAlttoopporluuilvruio.rryiPg.ctooof gold »pplea. Th.Tha Astos«lAssured sartwtpal,partscipaM ih.iha FvFtadtoidSi. puirhaerd Use peaclies, uad psars, as .uMi*ed by thi.r.o. i- vireets. m ws,.t, dLLAEi* eodlkebeatnoeUD of ViRt.INiA t IIEWINO THiUAC 1 me-ned tL. not. si.d I a.e .t nn. tor.is heiva. totoh. it a^^ MA^AEI. JONrs», Fvehsa _ A- ‘ ““ *" Tohnoco fUiTG, oV^rd" wuLmVrut Iwth organs igar nod , 8 PAT^T N^VEETT «« 8EWINU MetropolitoA ( “"l S^U^cTCwroBD Mavae BA«T*.«T ITkIrd iL, bntweei; JvlIereoD nod (in-en. MAi.HIN fc. “MyMy friend, I tearLeer Ibsttbst you intend leaving ’ ”‘wa!l!L^a.yiw:^~^ Wa esaivast at yaailr s« iiaietoiaai 'afel ha htsrn aa a meHlitumtA dtpiu^^^ ParisP:iris ortb^’^u“‘ter?y“iT^d*aUor*tbe stra**i svwa s OrriCR, May Kth, IMU. mdTtd L'otiseuurmc if scuja emlwurwuiants.emliutnsruiants. That I : L'.i. Tbe csrpeitar was urrested, when he made a rTaefarlstothaaaaefSBratto^vaari, iwSsa. IT BAS UtXn rROVFAi ANB lMI*iU>VU> DL'EINO NOTICE. p^y ^ ^ j not a for«d owe o confession g^e up part .f_tb. gMd. Repk'wing and Reciubinc of an. t OidewaUta. h*vc mmodmt< d Io Ibc PmetW Lew bv cu.t.v..i.«.*as‘:;:"mTM':cultivation, as wa might °! ; i]nira.kMCR CO. tor the valley or ta., il Fs undemcned fte^ibl'^ttr w‘bi!b i ^ um^ wta nud iI»l to LouDvUlf, 1 etwasav. cash kApaul . T1 tWfitor will nttitodnWdsnd nil thrthr' OourUOouru -*.7^ The owaanof lata aa>l pnrta af late iMganlad mmjmt. Courte to f mnktort; nud M.'. • •0‘luw >C‘U a , loi A H). It i, a l..aa which i'nurt of Apfx nl* nud Ftdcml IJCAI. Wati-k Pii 1. .— J. T. Kirkw««d, tba j *' I propoae i>, lu du away with ha*aby iiiEimtad that csdiaancaa «*.slktohp I . tba; hava ntUiiKttou nil buMore^ roohded to ttom. I youVsill tkuytlFtotr rr|>ny whtW Ks uII you\/MrY, .Haw thsaasL Cow. ffivo le^Fiupt W ' eu^iuevr of ilie Urutkl^n water work.% bafl Iniviy ‘*y“" ila anda*"** pUiiil.ta," •lartila i been paatod~>i uyby ynatte uaoaratUanaral TKUBIICUmmHIIIil. • IltRLIM KiPLUi. P*«t*“>ta, "fanila and iafer- F— CunocU,ikinotu, appruvaUappruvad and irkarnsdi apliat pM,tsa. Soiun\l I hava ia.o.ul W'M. R TlloMPbON ns Paid to omA "onbon . . .MKRtoA Now UPl.MNG AT WIIoLtJiALK AND BirTAIL. made a UluirioUd exnbtinntkju to the trt'vct oo bunhim 1 wtowVota, a.kl..g ftr lb. privilege of remumiog ef B*Kdk» nlrandf u« to east dde Filth street, btoae ^. 1 scientilic •*“ sidewalks In edddlutn U tor lni#c i 0«ee OB *11 .‘7 ‘‘'‘"““"I*; reason why lliay may bd jn llv uiad. That ia fniBt af their raspactivs kgs, and hcr«’tajfore tsoeuplrd bf • Rlplcf, nbne Ibe water p.ieaiu|{ iLruOj^b Iv-Atl piprti. II« b>revrr laa l.is debt, kr.ua log tu.t this request would KMI« KERfM»f'RPsR tlFR INSURt^f'E COMPANY - toe nesH* vxnui. cullivstion brings about •• hs la the orril’ES, Ol Bruadasy, New York. buMncM bourr a Irsasiurmatiua uF ibesa anas piwpariy dean withia No, If VtiiMsei Aeutoa Niew Yurn. » s»h < one of Ummu enn nlwnye b>* found during l.VII'OKT.iNT KOU .Vl.i.N. coimotoint lu hut lae iiiigs than tte recovery n»Msl end iue.1 S I tbc writers on tte aubpe', an 1 round that "“v* "'r assential organs thirty Java fro.. tas astaat Wleei, PhHadatiAia. ,. ~ •'V no one pmnmea to "m, tte dnu hasauf, will :torvl«<* . Ch . iUu> ‘“«r the warh BtoAtow - ; and Ibis, "M bp _iuS dim , , _ iLk' oiL cure* old Surer. to bixah ativsa, Ohriaiiati. point. ^ "Lmrveil before, ““dar a caolr^, at tte axpenas uf said 1st MasCrve M«Um1 they disagreed on at try Mr K arrived at has dona fi/’nic i L* accoanls rver TwHki' * «*4 knew La has dona hir luauv n*Uf St Turf oU e»r Woiia-N in ia w South r.Mwth to, Louis. Ma. KENNEDY’S eo d.ib.ir. .on. losi.a. v.rm.nm. the Wraw terry. 1 cannot. V.P~T»«>r the 3d snetio. mthnTtfe dntiliils toocluniuB; otterlToinars, in viUn^viianc. luJi OU cure* .ScnUl Mend BO aUata urkuownu.auo.n to ?tette wJridworld. iBiefS i; Waodhstd#. at., Dvtnat, Mich. ,terefom. mgnrd ,l but mi a viLoi* .i lar^iu w.icl. of Ih^ Cmy ChmW,. | OO-AXa OFT'IOH, Turf oil curve Triu r Prof. of llnrvartl (^biFer^ity, amintains FARMK.Rd’ r\D»'4 IN'*! RAHCK CO. OP PRSIM 'T* FioHiizei EXTBAOIUIINAUV.— ^ *•** a« Ihn anm aid Firtasivv ars haias estahllshad in ever}' Caac- clnle C!uUtoe'e), that wnier, in passing tbroogh iron pipc.% is dn* A ewrraapoadaat tt .IhT'"?"'' n*s* *i‘5? Aataries Turf I HI curve Sfimin-*. ?" « 8t BT., TWO DtHlltB SoLTH OF MAKKRT, tte Houston (T.xasi TeWesob roeRUte^tr.b. I O WILL ISSI E A NEW BOOK tr throaghaul the I aUad lias. AppheaBts for Apeacies THIRD lYirf OU caree Bnurre. t ’ toe PiUeburg C^nl ii told nt the lowcH . AR H ERF waiaddraw J. W BABTLKTT, 1‘alealar, Turf 4 >U curve Bum-* and leavue no eenr. mnH? dto WH. C. KENNEUV. hVCEt dATL'ROAT MiBtNlhG ULEING THE YEAfe. jTiartiial Oktre, Ail Br advap, N. Y. W ^ FOR BEASTS. A* tkt 4aly oadkoHoed Aaemae of Hh okewa-aamad N«a York. curee Snddlc Onil. 1^ Ths ahoee skl nr. are prepared to hit PEuMPTLY all 1 A. BatL. LouieviUa. Wu. Mohi>o* r eF Mil. oil Stiff Jotote. "*IV acZMi . H!iVE« FM THE NeNTH Turl curee opinions, the engineer of theewa“;L"rLsn:rurAirv -««xiy.,;.cked_.ri.i„teiteEi.g.o.nAm:s.tram tieUmcing to an Amen- Hwl Ai boM pmmpt'j gj>4 likeraky oAiwied od Loio- postupr. uarM dial MURI>OCK, BEIJ^ & CO., water works naturdllv sntire yal we never bear of ataminats and pisdL Turf oU curt e Swrenv)’. ^ ^''*“0^ — Keevei J r an levtoa, Ky. aa$m dl hesitates which to lecomnieud, and rein .ika that it •'“•''“Ii late 43 Brand nireri. Nuvr E'nrh. c**i**^ roses. Now I doubt Dot ray own ignorai.ee 44 Turf oil caree PoUrvil. ««>>i-wh.. lived clo« l.v went to his aid; when te m Uavis tiul de-s tot b»c,.me a noo.prof.,H-ioQal ob arver to pro at fault in tte aUive psrbaps ssemiogly ” rckaitss *""> • fanciful P..i,- il„ CmVrlCS FRODSilil k Forwerdiog Me ; Turf Oil carve Urmcknd tleH. “I* *»“. »»»?«. CO^VL! COAL! positively either f." uouncs uosiDvcIv way.wav. queries; but lu I sioerrely wish lu te Satarday, May enlightened on Williams Mrs ElVaa *4 A T Turf Oil cur«se Wiud OalL This, however, Le judges, ha conceded ine aut.pect, T>ITTSBXJRGU “may I Irnsl soma of your really intelligent Barnett •'"••aJ.w k T»as CTFTCaNh. TWC STOkV oP JBdBIE CHRONOMETER M’ATCHES!! dv—'v Forenkby WllsB<»N A .STAUBIKD, from It.e tpstimiwiy liel'ore us that the uninterrupted >uuaod sctaaiiiicsciealili.' coDiniiQiorsmnlFil.al/... winwill raspuod MUrKRI Ok )U? to Itiem, ..r I (iiwaaiaa Chas T^OlMlE ROY! _-,s3sfl| W K have lafimialiiiD (roa a verj- t AKY di TALtoM's How of w ater thiough the lead pipes of tte hon.e to your own practicil and aMa pens will throw light I UmmtmUf HMralad Thk* At . SPiJsSUEK A BLO-, Haabrate Mrs «uCTHlhOT<>N. jPv reliabir KMirae lhai It is underdood ... . SYRuAuOXJSEl omm r. cnlirnni.1.. »t;4lKI immediate use could Dot atfecl it ii ju:i.,u.ly, what- upon the subject, which will enable to bf MMW tont toe Frodtonm Wnirbe* TIIO. 14, taluuoa and Isols. me r.cmcila : llssbrouk am (E>». W. llAkf* ever the tliaraclerof the wnUr. On tte other hand, the eslaldisbrd ^^^^enanut br rnnured nnd ndjurt^ nr theories of tcieoce with the practical Italoh J M CO^VL! CO^VL! n«a. orwIwnM)- wRtowwt eewdlng to CAMPBEIsIgLtoRRl'to. McKEE. « CO, nnd aU Druftgiete and Ceantry MrrcfanuU io Ujc Buie. the |K Bt-si dl'II-II'V AND .irTMK Li*Wtt.sr .J\r[> crmi.5,”VISKJr.3!r^tbeM Mr Wb- bhculd water stand long in the pi,L'isvii.i.K iMnie tont we will reiF nor nnrpnrtnftoliWntrb tom AMI Nakhvili.k Kahjioaii — Tbia Lawraoew afethlraw cal rTt..sDE.N fe a.\Nrr. tOfl %im€r€hUHt§b' P*n**'i"*« BH At be brwAru fw4*r «• t•tf^c^ in every iwniucl ne wbm '’3*“ i‘ »'*> l**«ma great work! ij whbh we nre all much inlaresleJ, Re,»arls.-KjUoj and Horticulture as sciances, m.a ada te rhied wr.rt. THEWOkKIBG BOY'S Fl llDAV IMPitoVEU. a oosjoiiirnlKlHS ui.siswiiBRONCHITIS.i i w To „ , , sullicieiiDy tainted lo sftect certain eon- lapava ^^u-curb the sidawalh aa the aote side >hbll Uelaaaii Woi S. t 4 a^dr, nnd nd>«wt tor Wnicb Io mn tbr nunc to Mn to b'* bMl rnnb K* A flltl A iDjurmusly is rapidly basleoiog to completion. From oce end ‘hough e osaly allied, ars very dilT, rent from each ma;4 Mom ote _ .1^— .« 1 —7. A WAdWW V#nW Ad*d m iW Wf MmA* ‘ BeinMIMIj lliiielreiii Uim,, nctn mwlto. Prtoc to »*.» karimonim^- *2^ stitulions. of ^vaut^^^t. batwaaa Walaut aad ChsatuuL The prmtksl reault drduc'ed trem tlis tbLite lo tba uher tba ‘^cre^st activity ^er- “"“r. Tte first Ire .Is cf plsnis m tt^natural j Bieaa ?aY;?mMA*N%Wt iine,UgatM.u only ami uiits recs.mmeL.l.lion BtlfeMartiu.m ISO ft. to a of va.Ies all .iepartmanis. In l.mUvilia tt e Ot iupany **“*• hightoinra a«d toLn or •'T CaldwellcteJljf Gaor .C C’l-.VV TOK’S KTAffiTLY nxLiKVRp by Hruwo'* lu**n- ciutioD. (..uiicautofti of wninr fthouid osly droMr uti bn^e n in'MR bnnu'ifdl dcpc?c Dcnilf fizUbed n lorgn o,' Lridizing to mnko tbnni mom At tor & CO., Wibon W m SiF 2*>. tt day. 21. : MURRELL Ckun rochrt, ur cou«h Irunon^ To «LlUcieat f^aler b«lorn Boing abnt bad ffaw, e* iz May tuvxkiu^ ^uelae home Kbitabin for anveral enzine# »nJ ho'^ever, U oftea dooe nt I Co., n fareaaisti la Ham-U, Trier, di sUx d in ih.- lead (Mpe. Tli.s is pirl.cularty neces- «nii TMF. FTEWT TWENTY YCAkIS OF MY LIFE Br Tr^^Seebte mrehine shop that ciUiiot be excell, d for sizs and uf of the natural quriiti-s. 1 PREMIUM RETAIRl.NC in tbe murniag, or after abjdraul has not l«an strawberry baa a perfect fi..wer, aad aa FIXE HATfUE^ li%*hote§aie Orocera streofihtotbe yolee. c ,raplateiiess. I'he (wrtionof the r.iad finished Imm •any uf our readera iHirlicuUHy miniuteti or drawn «»f fur tovernl bouri. lo th« doubt wbici tu (ir^oo to Liimaat and ocbnr irmot bo niafoMy' naanl in nar tki* Hdc nf Patopc. L>uHviHe riwr 91 milei it vi*‘ldine n UNO exlstraslolbe eircct<.fleadpi,e., that maleji.l *»». I ‘hink. in 1809 that Mr. radon BsTKAf coM wnrnl ol toe oButv WaIcBm, vc refnr lo hatdmme pr.fit oo runniug expense’s, tesid.s .la- L will «ad or Hm fuUo uin mMi RAuwa iMnuiM ma to iIm: lueriU af ikv probally be commued in use on acecuutof Its veloping tba c.iinlrv b-relofc.re almost out of resch. f.mje puullale d .wars, aod U fnulclMto Wntcli: HEBeUIITS, •‘lteis-e»saW»(«fraWea*frs'’-Zi.'*'BHr.skin. superior adaptaUiiiy, aud measures lor sccuii:y tirx;n river the is aliont '“‘P”8'U‘““8 ‘hem with stamiuaU TOBACCO. 28 COlimSSIOM At briJee crae-third com- Saturday, May i R. K. lBck«r. N. A. nn4 SaImb Rnilron4. ••Aae*eydrtear(iriy."-NAT10XAI. FaA.\VAKaiM.T ,ic must rest witu the individuals. “*'• rrw porko^Fft ftf tktf piftpeotor Vbewtmg Tmhmt -o ima$ pleUd. When finished this will be tte fioasl pi.ee I ttee ifewa B. V. BIcvrB. Prof IMitol CotUc* RnMoUnii*. Kf Ko. 4S2 Mail, brlweea Fifth aad Sixtli its., \ rr. etwod mod fm mfm fer THE BR.iKI:N BlIUGE As pislillAtauislillAt. pUotsplants bitbertuLitbertu have teente. tba usual 7 C g. Bro4ic. Bro4ir*« LAMMof , Tenn. ; efwoikoolheruad.cf woik on the road, and itistbouilhti^it is thought iu tba VVs.t. | V. I-oiisiAXALoi'isiaxa ; 7:— I. prudltotive oi^ Col. BtoiiBoii Ortockc. JHBnon e’,Kf. tool dfewly lAH'ISYILLE, K rriH«ly.“— BoHM.a .loi.sAU ]ATF.LLiuK.\cy.— lhaIte West Baton It i,i« Imilt of iron, an ela '"W? *Lcnwbeo properly mixtd witht berma- i "A mosrm/iwfiaVe Imiu resting Punn Stonestone piers, at | . C. Joktown, pr»*i Xurtkam Bk., LdCJuiiftoa. Ky. ’'—TaA.sMiairr. pl**'^RePfirteita or parfbetperfect ***^ remedy /• V teroat s^seitea* unas,uon>, wawe areore obligedoblige to reuia ^*^^^* ** tomth rndb i “.Sere feet, ,i ^ UougeRouge SugarSagar IMnoteri'lanter hasban the following accountaccouBt of an vatiunvmlion atnt thetbc esutarc«ut«r spandp*a cfc.f over one buodradliuodmd feaU fvy C. Mocton. « onDvRIc. Kf j JOII.V WARD, S “ will enable ua U) ditemgnish tetwaao ijtekat sState, btewaan Fifth aad iUxU ernoi no*. P. Jnwk. 4o, The antut leng'h of the bridge is wna iboOend 1 T new crevasse near LjboaiiLjbdall’s-s. o -w- j ^ P'OR SALE OR RENT. the two clasaas. If, for inatance, Braata. wrnkMT M U , nM know- MMU&BS’S W B. BHkMi?. 4o; feet | Roakoink BoR, 4a, •llaidly had the news reached ns of lha successful '^•‘?™vterofv* Uovey'sSasdliiig,sjwunug, wouldwwumi J*®l**™o»t Mrs Wm ft itotweenttolweeo BowlingHowling GreenLreeo andnna GreenUrnen riverTlvnr thetke , IJX . ^ 2 t Wto. PM, 4a; closing of the first uponupim tba plauUlmoplaulatioo ufof John LL. pl«>‘ of it to »««'? •»-„ - For Bale, D C ,„an.tio3 is nuabing ahead and will te fiatobed by * P*‘ch i^U a moto glorioas fsiiora confeltiokery Joka lath. 4tki 1^ I N ^ I D\A/ 1*1 l\ . VV I I V O L. VV Loleleil,Lolidril, before that anal would • D.eUlB( Uoiae, with O W | theIbe alarm was given aoolberher, te the iC'tult. By the terms “piMillaie and "» t a tomikta of ewr toJ. fr ewi« v» toe toM oewfVmewl .»f I Y W. N. HsUitoin, 4o. A LVROE ate coniforlatle tte tiiiia ths bridge is done C U > F E C T • N E R to' fraal, oa FtrW sCTM'l. bataesn Nune sud Female ptivwiao, prew'Uts to far dang, rousrous, hmihail Iskan place atmutatiout three “Maminato” Ksijgan Loctoa Ae . new brtiMiwraieel ^ Y. l•B•cK.%Rf iiv W« vfli kc n*-«n o4 to cko» tocne Wntekeolo may oaa 4c- ^9 a tut of axtr lart ad experienced moremors dstiK. tbr. track las ing has teen sneb a di-apixdnlmsnt is ^ly guard- LUNFCCTIOIICRY ti Worthluf- attention of moUier. her Bowling (ireen wrath, Ko«e«li Atvet.oyyototo tohMVt Hou He oMoAkead m Hrooi of ruMAninc tkont. ** Walnut ate cheatnnt alroeu. Apply the acres above the first. 1 be levee carsgave about •** ««"«" The way 2 as noticed io lur Thu subject has bean so lung duensr- Vaiwwneoer* lot aad JOHN KITT4 OO., Jateston ^>u^u. Fdth ^ „„ aeveiS moalba we have okBioe Ma»rfifa» p Loee A tom “ “** “•* drto Kiheili r-d Itowdki rvkiefiva fraai voriMOy of koce toniTM 4lf Main oL, btooroon Foortk nn4 Fiffek. linlt dim) CHOCOLATE, OnOTUIklO CVDIID ’ UokeeiArrad CaUor*. |,adit8 aad Mi-ee*' KU tk;oT4 «s loe- CHOCOLATE, For Sale. SOOTHING SYRUP, omet aod ^wto* KJcimr aad ! rtiic. Limom lAftoee, CHOCOLATE. Ktokewis aad Yoaa la fwa, eeeryMaaatM i« new oa4 to twenty -ive aerva of Land tejoiains iatoabto ooa h*d ol too II is 'ROH IwentT F*r Children TeetliinK. W thesutocrlbrr.on the brwb i^by. wasling, but it is ibe depth rf a crevasse and not LACIi A.ito KMHtoOlOKSY aTOKBw F the lerideuesof . , III THE WORLD. , .. At the IiuilkI n Inr^e fofce in •iuplo>e4. Tte THE HRaT .he wMtb .h.tr.Librs difficult th.ir clmsm^^ nLomnlies. Tbas they bnvn not clnsaiA^ 1**^.'** malt iAk Ud Yoarto mmk. W. contrncU'rn bO|>e to Aaitih r nrly in tbe fill. the Hollj THE BhaT IN THE WORLD. AlWXiOXi X~ARAIK 5^5;Jht^‘:^'terfuVl^^ Sil^oSTr^jeSmS^n^ Fr* ^e asm «B Bruadaar, New kssh- oUPI< K.4.. Varke- hetwB«« Joftkaifta oa4 4 ae*l YaAa.t beteeoa k’mtyd oa4 AB OB WOOFTRB WHEAT FAM.-taa »- PFlSmtai*. sals. Lstetwi dDoMial to lECMlIUl mto Fu. m mesa ate te lUTM m PITT^firKd; aa4 VOI't; T UtoA I. i HAEaN, totem. FaTER a M dele A >*aci t>>r i tr *wta> si i* »i4t.rC« »\ \» VI. ssrsat 4 mm dAari ass Ham A cuattmoanr' if *!Twrgj iru.* >«•«(• iMVWWfero ka4 Mowed i»a ahr «- nw,iacU.iU> 8s.ifta;4to4k AHBliitOloH WHEAT FAB—We am aosA apmt. ASSOCIATION adkAj 104PPH tOAP-a B tor Iter aatoo alad W%ate Fan. aisateaUteviS at Purs - WILL BE HELD 0!« toad. Er., ate are mwaared la Immsh shesa a» amaatar togv'j^ wtetoteto ate ^ bdchaBAN WtoMiidBj, Tkarsday, uM FrMay, allthecrevn-uesinthebajou, wnido ih* gmi oo'^ xsow.-’ .n;r nu y*o-.- . ’ upuu nuicu .or required buildings will beeracted Sa^TuATw. . , LUNAR LIGHT rnilUTDV eClT U/iNTPR amountuount of damage. « hy "lo yoo n^»*v it is wrong to cM tte atiaw- PARIK. LUUIninf wlAI fffMlllLUi experinirr. abd rLxiius . oca airtrtATioa roa tux this summer. Tte woik on this aide is almost fin- Kidd W. C., sHme YURAl UCCEHFJfT AND PLASTER OF Insi- J’vxzxe 1, a, AXXdl. Op witbiB four or rrnrii.LusaT or wuat Q|^. wa ukxs i>eci.akx Tte cravasse if< f thetbe caoaI at fiApolemISApolemvillsvilla has terry fruit? The Botanist docs not call it so. H of toe aaal awsMr. aeoatotesr aa tend, whilsmli A «UAi L PI ACE. touated CismontsJos atenSte totoddal Pt.TEk A BL CHAnAN so not l>«nlieeii ctowd.clowd, IbourhIbou^b .veryevery eUor.ellort pi^ibU is *“ »l‘.Pf>'‘>«bility J^vidence did not foUow any Hugh., Ihd* well Or«BBd«i Bf Pa^«tei^u.rem'f wffiteto‘sSd“m fifS^Tr p.^ taslily written artiole ws have tiuM to t. F . fcr' ltei^’i^'rktoi!! Oh kBHWB fj};* •y’Li"i”t-“*^'l— S *“ to temiuto^ madesde by the neighborhood tolo Mop the fl xdxd. Ust *> BuUntes have u a aiteXS^^^ ST“mT«toute .fur the 'to »yrwp re.de.s all ihs ioMtmatioo we could gather **t“, k,,ia j|rs. Ellen thp AstoBrialitoB. riIT^lterJ2^wrp5^£ArirSty^Aaaresi BOX sjj ro w ““£>> aor Lofki to*<^ *to« drw fraa** im oi tke lew derbooaut t dtf This vsliixhU oreoarm- ^ ten u the priwcriotion of Wednssdsyeduesdsythethe wrorks were earned away by the *Mer pari-d tried to iqaMs tte\rgsuhle I xH it Svmms Mrs. answer - the subjscl. with the hope that msy Mary ' EXt*l*sKl' fciNt KD aud HkILIsFUL Pair to La«itovdle • toe 4»ltor’ w>Mlk ••f Laaor *Ml fivee UB»' ol tbt* Ofeuat fofcdrce of ttetbl waters.anilTa. Kmgl.HB into cwimn classM and famUiea, aod tt » WilUoyte Lumerous qasslions that we know are ssked. Klizs. 1 toeltokcef fi Idof Lord >m4 k« Met IVktoe IM. «d to NUl(l4i.8iB New y-OfUtid. nod boa koeu u«oa »i>b . very uincb to ba admired that they hava succeeded r..i.—^ t I For Rent, ^ pitini.t nnort inn*, tbna hur.ah tv n ttf kijrato« raid; dll Jf >f *'«alto«. llUf a elai karat akvxx-rAu.ixu •«•«*“ © * Biiilsdelpbix I'ennsvlvaaisn brns xn xc- Be a nod feklED FRENCH PLUME—hmtos kto Frawch Item, ^.c-a 6S"The so wall, tbongb it has bean utterly imjmasiUa to ’ id kaar«u eetotaf oaeat eaatou «iv*ae a 4/m eaaal to i I iiil ROOM. sreote Soar, over kloiert!'* ffiandiford Dr E ate tor -to front ride 10 “£a iitiU U medomt taadltft. Laaor «kI >» »•; i*-“ “>• «««» • counurfeiter. which took avoid all acnroalias and inagularitias.— Ei.. “k| JOHN M ROBINSON * * | Winn .VeShln.' astato H«Mo "i >4 * ^ ^ 70 PfXZnkilXXJBCtos DOt oBi>’ rwlievee tkr J cbdd troiu imui, butb . Inv.x-in, . tfoeokie emotL aad It wa !.*••«# rwao- ^ ‘ dO It •Uiiaisr far aa oBer. D *ee orotee tbe atonaek nud bov«4a, curmu acidity, plnc«place ntat bis farfBr.u,.n, lalo CAmdeujriunly,CdUuU«ttj:>uDt y, NewN«i’ Jarnev,, Jh* Fl'Skral ok Hznhy G. Vii k.— taJJsr kto tor oil pary vaob Utol a-iJ tot rtoftweetot 3to 4 rrMHi kAlBkia*! In reply to ioquirias Foe maaaudeoergjrrarrax Uf the wbwle ayMeni. CR* made by an “Old Sub- 4A4«»N1C TbMPLKx hR'Kesaagite ^ , aod•nd^VMt>nr that exhibited in nnr city on Sondsy Ha*wklna*rhi^ «|ual ^ nn TNurteay last. Tbe name uf the fellow is Wash sight than tto MK% V* m—d Msw. CimSiarl. ^AiflLY FLA/UR. eiuaU lal « err choice and %|nfeo8t ioatanUy re- Here scriber” uf PTV. Daviess county, we cepy the following fomphins *»>» jm. Hon«». evening has rarely been exbiliiled. refer to I ! Jm Mato god <’earte^ *k» Rateey, Mato Mate Rah me Realtor ate Masrar, Oam- Lotejutoreaeivte imd tors^toa^ over cixtv two years of ags, is g^ F toxarM. GRIBINOGRII'INU II.S.S THE BfiWELS,Bf)I AND Taylor, aod, though 11. A SON. ^ ’ thetbd funemifuneral coHeurrorfei abicb niteLdvd tbn remaiot uf n« eiiibudying Jainm fetsMa rERGUSON . .... 1 , UUer, focu in reUtioB U> Huotfirtao WINDYeaAWtow- _ COLIC,-WW...WP ibe u«*iwi ofwi a* I babiLs.uaulu*. owner Tte Mae Yath Raapsrate Mawm. Osmtoaal. Ceraar of FUth ate Market street! 5 an manUKiu ofui veryvary activenciive Hekc um 1,,^ if. Vk*k to tbn railroad drpc*t, from r 8r*. Aoa PirTKOia, ciukoo. « co.. ||^tbe U*e HenrvHeorr U — i i „ . • I Raapenate millet) coDUrrac I by our expnrinocn in Mauasmsah's* ate 4 Hone Uate-RaEuia for Flowers, ^ Rrowo U Ballitt PI MO-roK r £ H AM PAi'Tt HKlSa* to 22 Premiums ‘’x”“ “o which be resides, eiubraciog about one bun- whance„usuce ‘"vviber 'wete >“euUkca to», Madi-oo coaoty for in- 3 , A South CANDLES —l«u Loiss for sate by Amth'^We telleve *it Uie**'wv and Havir.f ii»f*ivmt»d ^r iiuL dau • wo ota toJTAR j JStodreteTx ^ y SON. all of t^roinBt.feroinnt. Thn pna^oaionprtA:eaawn watwa. very ood wo. mBB UIARtlTT A triMT nr.MKuy in tmi ^ woili» lo com^ jfeJ ncn»4 in tui excalfeutexcnlli*ut rtUleittnln ufof cuUivnliun.cultivniioa, nodaod l^K* * ^^^^^^aciweaekkaiw lor » wilt tr >«a t«ato vwttoa frBBi kV !• k»! wbeth‘T Hail- "Is •hulipa Mrs. oG. Wte KihBViteK omLiniN, A elitnelite gnxed half latthel [ C.. F 4 ifor eiwk HMiii rokoittttoiy ~~ — uiAMJiEA IM ....- a k compuHndcotDpuMnd of lb*the of tbatbe ccily. A* we of need to tbe acre of good land, after INTEITAND g l. u » - *lAl . V# I m to Man, to- Id tb« r.i-igbrsf-ighborhoodtorhood wnawas tUtthat ufof buanstyhonesty ' I f •of-fom »«r wh’.to^ie and retaN mJt ' it GH RRtoMT UU-. tM -U3 kl rba«t- low grade, BMdinm, and «g trow Uv-tblog. or I on repute ilie oumbraaumbraaombra cithacitfiaci tfia whion c.CciotainrdCciotainru tbetne ioaiiu « W taerka- ."RFSHTrAIItt'KKdH TK4S j .J f“* ^ whkh tburongb*iuferimkrh preparatiooormi^miikko sny niar lensiUoiM tw«it«.* goodbmbI plownl..« 1 To rennverepave nndami nrecarb lha aidsaalk aa the aorth — •ora toat we ka»e i«»r Iko ful ire kooktot d fafiii <»f him who, n abort week l»efore, waa full w >44 Halen Railrvad , i * # sx a i iitia of Jrifartaa liredt, hatwaaa Eighth and Niath O.O.zix>. Tk* New iUkai) u4 2its»r" boulksni and lor ink; kf “»"<>"“>« »“ “>M tbs wwl todreaoMlde-afeaAftdf rwurtaarwtottoR •aua . tliink A Jtiacra or ot*ifm pclicriiieQ, le- uf life and benlthhealth audand youth,vouth, we cratd not but | stiadto. - MAiaTlR. they '"•ordRili# mgyi^..M TVLsER A ! Fgi^cu.coa nun yur vnn- 4.b>ttwd by somn Bbilndelpbin %« towrWtef oar Pioaoe 9 eeold raapetofkft- tlie ulltf tliai •' ’ Wfe..rryP.-mir«ateH<«-.tton41tethefMr - ®^l*dcbiid and••*** - would be hueliue fer teceptHKi of .! - 1 MUfeiioe«ulleiiii4 - I bliffl all earth’s the the eeed^tbeoteed^tbeo refer tw tke foat. f .r keiwvwakeiwvwn Foursour . *. . 1 . .,:.uik..»-.l .i # i ... how maaviiuDVlUDV buMsbupaabopsa hadtind bniBboenbeen oligbUdolizbUd aod Feat. If the lott d*.* at o«va

fOivto Twe Miaavwv * wtaiM wk*e fta-**-! < u cwtoaeiiitow »••*’ *'**•“' “**’*‘‘*‘’ Toftwjoungmend.aih, about the 2mh of June, or Dorn tlml tim. to the : WitemWilsoaJ.J. W ftft a* e »ikti»o Premium Pta>a .. >/ .¥-•• >.^rt '’td ;?mir:te^e.frLJte to dlreeuotefor lutagwiilst- * world elfcr f«r » P«>>^cL Md 1 . Muir PP. BB. ia %9^k'*»Htum4 mod ptaww ^Vot*mn*uom.: uroer daik Meaaswar Tito* ate atom ter^ls l^t^ JJ ^ »t oatf ITjm W W aiiu-le of tLKlisA the — la*: 1 wRI ssait a SPECIAL TRAIN frem the Dm>ol to rfUiuiM ttpU'** Ih* Yesterday morning, Officers Jenkins snd Taggart health and friends aud ample furtone— with that Mo.-ssllMo.-stll Banj., trualaa tou*i tirjett. ,te None „ .... t i2 stei.eaaiaiiTia MSo'ctocE A M aad Mart Vofk,York, toIs ou toe ouUiJeoutside wrapi«r.wrapi-r. -•.*•> “t ‘O* aftar sowing, and then bar- V rncmM eoamet if PMrtoeolkaaJ Vaia^tratoO. STT F'airG M f \y P. BENEDICT, PaRrIns,PeRRINH. New W( diove up to tba ret-idccca tf Tajlor. They wars must precious of all earth’s treatures, tbe lava of a SraimSiDi Jl John '211 y W. j rc *yy*-i: “ m»aia. up to a P. H. of axel. 4sy. ^ tf .tAi toa I4^w« arfCft'i. ' «tAf»0. to CO ^ ignorant ef I heart, be bur; led remorselessly row seed bs teaaii to jiuteiixi imy7rrri-rx-x- IN door Tajlot'a wife,' who, pu-e and gentle was so that tbo may oovarsd daap anongh .Mason Jsmea,JsoMa, B. agent 2ft Late to sM k aaut. each aay. WHOLE*WHOLESALE AND RETAI L DEALER m ka throoitbouttoroogbout the world. met at tbe. by ... MorsMi, .... I).. LH'Pric, ^ ®*smd^by Drufslsl! .. THOs. E. JKNEINB^^C rentA, la te al the tict - Cedar At,.t Mew Yoik. to call Ts)Taylor,lor, who WS4was at to bloody grave.gravs. While looking his vetera- »*»•«»SintouNintou ifit |y TwXH- el Ad—Ufia M had —_ — — ito ww m a-i f Piinr^ oIBce No. IS13 , their eirard,errard,e prcceedcdprcceadcd a u^ to vegeute; and in aU)utaUiut sixty fire dsvsdavs it will beba WmWas T ^ -w -W R3JiX:W.t [ RCMOVAIfe, fW X xpratnawly ihethe timetill in thetbe back room up stairs. Tayb r sp-ap- ble aidatd *ai rrow-xlricken fatherfather—— wbilswhile listening to .o, DxiUyDaiUy Wm., aMala 17 •**•/">*ready for ‘h*the »vy‘hscythe; thelha1,. after,a„ msoagsmentinaDagauiant is prs-pro- W Va. . ) rFINIAHINSoak peArsdneared iu Lil Slocking feel. He bad menifestfy the frantic shrieks of tbe fair but heart-broken young , •MUUr WarricxWarricKw"Vo-^*** MV»*3 FIa:... i.r. Pier,M»il*l,ai40v»IL#4klig4llisses! j.mivate mkdualII treatiseTHVATISK ONon iheTHF m h U.us t# Um oucwsr te ' recoguiz tbs officers wt girl within the week, should have been his ciselyciaely the same as tbstthat for GmothyGmotby hay asdiracteJas dirseted Miller.Miller R. N. 131' jWjuvt i-left hi- work. He d who, N nUa » *•-**"' — l^ ktoriw. -rvteH viewVIEW uiOh marriage,MARRIAGE. aute. « fer^f^y FreackUlahs! physiological ieiioui indisposition, ry.reU wa ctetosa that we wi uid have yrefrr^ tte f¥ ^ L-kiUtliiMUaritoRiiiMr k\fciasi;iftss PlRle ai4 and, pretei dirg wife— by Mr. Moore. Wa scArcely know whether it would To repave and recarb theifea sidawalksidawaik on lhaths soothsontl ^ ^ !.i„ aud...a colorednntorfd UthofispfiiUthoaisofii ate sida «W~ gairam a..» Molaairao* alaa p,*ssate IR) Fine PUln ax dteiR. terser -r n 41 *^dted thatthe should Hill be an ot ject of su pic^. place of Henrv \ uk, m bi 1 1.1.^ stained shroud, a (VirTm.i^u ba of JatFaraootlairaraoa straat,stiaet, bagwaanbatwaan Eighth BLdabd .Niath! mtmy%t 41.184 T. H. COLLIN S, rmBieMt. 88kiShades,hadeS| ConiM^s,Coniicsti todhad CurUin Bdudb!BhiidsI v/vwr o*u^ TmrtUy-y*u*7teeigp-P»*e (Va»«.jM ba •"propert- to rei-'rannand ths cultivation of it large- fNk' RNijLAVD kl M — Wio4oWWindow examina- uf tba survivois in that muH ill starred however, insisted upon an to that of any •.. ,• • .. .ii\.sr<,oi>i r cO. EDI. soon came to tte carried to many heart.; more than ona borne have a neighbor who has fed it axtansivaly to hia laaiasvate toemtobr (mjtl J HONRS. No. •? THIRD STREET. k NEW AND REVISED |,ad the way up slairA Ttev been lijteowMri W tl Bakewetl 14ft of ito i-agm ate im ptout dasolata, but he, tbe victim, “sle, pa '. VOQTT Klalinc, the xbove Goads, dlrml loN , r„„,y ,-curaly locked. Tbaodmands- baa bean wade mUch cows, and te auaaki of it in tte verv highest Tori J. C 210 a 1 am now racelvlac nir atoek of te HANOFACTIki.'aG.IRWk.i.ajIkatem a Nea %ork ate phMoOelphlo ate mule toe pub- ‘'.viiig the key, b«t ie.ioglhH Ilie ddor would .106 ILL, from iraina* it uiu superior “‘‘‘•‘i * Cn.::::::::::;::;:. tea lam. f’.Alrra .. CITY, t»rmi—Ur.ns-tbiak« much to timothy or ctov.r I —.tau.. MOUND xi>aeU lo aall as -r'. it £*\ Ik-aXa.^^— la call ate I'Ksaane ihrai, |4e4rlo( aud he the key from bis picket and ,>row graeu and the fijwera blot ni upon bis grave oudeaaaaltlea of aiuifle e|-e laj forced, h»4 ' to^aftestosx diiM T"' J ate •«» awalv , »» Eoalaom PViaaa. No toe oaaie ttooda cob be bouaUt lo toia cltp. mZX Itoiirnlri- or chapped oats: To nenrb and rapava ths sidawalk oa the aartb VV to^teuw:--:• te iarriadlifo-bappy aud unlockeil it. Tbe t-fficers entered and found nil tba aepireUion which has gtma up fiom many a hay dftsM .. rhirdaUaat, x-or L-rateiNa.te ride of Jrfferaoo Horimi. te stnst, batwaan Ninth aoJ Tonth . — -.sy, S ‘he*'' sustk'ions coifiim.d. Ths romn was unri- manly heart.— IVfiaftaTY .'<«i(*/ite. jnst at this timetint tba i al Moste CRp, Itooite. toe>- Aa Hungsriao hay —or grxaa Maa ala irani is Ciwai awK. ex a ye SSOuai |Machlin'a *a(or-curte llama; rstwltuuaII‘*a!iY^ufe^^olwA5ttelraud iuferule ooea—tbeir wr-Gramtea.-otakaa AMS.— ] laaaMte Mamawdaln slldaastO wBoftarawlhAidAVAteltedavMlowlte.atpii^aale. te; - da. completeness at a manufactoiy of counter- is attracting attaniion, as it i< FRUIT. 1 iSlMS HewdMaoo do shviatiou aud reinoral -iiarvoaa valed in — aod somewhat new 4- -a; at .ievalry.a -1 4s>*w aifh iiauoira SAVE YOUR j larpr uiaibar of valuable La4a. aailalila lor Bualaeaa iteU . 4o; — —*1*~- * a CMdicirF 4© hUiiy;lu cauaai^d cure by aurm umes. There was an elegant and superior to a great number of our farmers, the undersigned - 1 n^spriUTE Afsrat— /I .l/im .‘fftoffty *ir /(rofker. . i:..,.;,^, i ..u, fa. N T *T-itrr -s|iir~ ( a > rwi aai wiS4 UoiHm. tete iawea i, ate Manata urim li MabHabnmata . PatFMt Prearrvr Jar. q *“ stuTr^ ^ ““and foraale^ Sy ******* copyiog pr«M, Ur^e auitouutofnut* p*prr, has Utoo aoluiua to kw expeitooc* io danaar. sit w.tas illtehif | Bverr A IWm Tnaa oa Ssla— me.fo«cto caah; the bala mv ix Ihtaa {itekrt^atiert a »*f »y occoirtd »t the hou* of Ju-*tic* k»« J* dcidd. looto, »ud * lofifd ouinl.«r of »i»d Ibto Dew kiotl of which fbe aE’BB.BEFRRB dteatea Ss pte an ftwit ate vone- rtoVs for doily waua<«maot -an oa- wkb, differdwt Adtuis, who l»vea xIkjuI t«u inifea Northeast of Ox- umdk be wora aae tootea tevatytAcmiil aa Ss Ite laUeaSar wiasw 1 witnpiaeti. coutiUrfeito and altenog H aapar Extra Family Flour, while wheal, ayoiftdpermatorrhtees pUt«9, both fur priotinf; j^4,j Mordiy It Neemssaems ibAli bat ooon 8uo- I cl^rfallycheerfully does becausebaesusa of beiuifbaiug well ^otUiWdsatialWd it .!".!!.'.'! at Jar Uo-> a^^ tor ite pwvpaar 1 fkit BBLS WrwhtWright ItovidDavid.' !!! hte 1. I 1 jute rea-vte ate tor - by ucU^dUof which the cincentoiitd U«tslust, FraecisFreficia U.»vd,B.»vd, whomwboie mothermotber I •Uljioy.wiilyxiy. oa ah to — Jtev hmvsafaie maAr. wax has baew sate (ar hiOlP» day eveningeveiuniP C Bum K. V ^ ** I ^ II UeatiftHrnt-prwTiuitouarf “ IkOBii ifitBrtunl*.d theirtbeir arrival while m^:. i.i-eawKem ,1 ..0...^ ka..«i. flwtisvb It. tir«t intrAdtioliotk woa .x She parpaae af wfeias a teht —rax. SteevR, x—teaw h al TavlorTAclAr hidhjd lievn iiileriupled bybv ,1^.u„ neiahliofhoiil, ciiiia bume very drunk, lu first introduction intointidh*the l.'uitedTaiUd StalesSrataa was, ’ Mr.aa'*V:*V* Is aajmiatt Ite air Iruai Ite Jar . ..i.nurt'ait *.’> coteE.Se on the . 7-. .u.. I If I .o. -....-...llv in th. lK.-a M. . MSI Uteaatedv bslon Potatoea jute ractlved f^yitees from iii.'aiKy to prinlidg an admiral.la i>'UOI*rfeit tft on , Oj, mother inter- I if i »m corructly iutonued, in the year l»o4. My K RliLS pnaw WhileV Mercer mjijppjnU | p^jj teite. toaar who bear aate aas aiu nteUr pateena q t^iidul j j f tJ ate inr aate by old aca—asei. cose (rxidiiuall) illoairated by Stale Bank of Camdru, and ibev fouinl in the room, wimu be seized ai.d threw her out of tbe acquaiutance with it axtacds back to that lime, ami A. WILKKS’S FENTON * GUlKE, Zo,UrGao w / j ** aud just fre.in tbe pro s, notes of this description u. his biotber, Spencer, tbe first that 1 ever heaid of it was from a gentle N. No. IS Fourth atrevt. ii! oreeal^^ tin Tuestlav night had jlitWr Wimrale * Cm letuaniedaud the amount of *12,1100,*12,H00, nonenous ol which had yet been and taken before Squire .Adams. WbilaWhile mau Uvingliving ioin MoerooMoeroe county,coonly, Iowa, who received ’ 55 f \ S‘tte*Vo“ii!'*7«^?S2twJd s"vtef U gjo,gjn, „r*HUd„„HUd pajm’,Pfijlnp’, StufisT.’ ! perusal IS paiticul^) ..igned. plate was upon tba press, and Ihe »t .lo, tbe eaed from a Huogaritn vxila pataing through , '"1.1 " 'Pistol Gallery, UNDK1E8.- thosa eoDteupUtlof oierriede lu The jsoalra’s bouae, ha slapped and spit in Sfeu - . .u 1 law bbta Na. 1 Safe; fttfommaitdiid to persona eutertaluiod atM-rat <*e, from which Ibe counterfeit had been our county on bis Westward. Fouat BOcti Heial 8crr« T«^ S original I j,.,-, f.ce, whereupon S ecc»r drew a Colt’s reyolver way From the pint I Hasw'a VmwmateeftMa teWaw«-«vWw 4o Table nail, in 61b taekt; physical eoteittan, and vhu are eoiuclous ‘’fteainam^? M tratd and engraved, was carelully Slowed away in ball Gkingelfect about the of sard he sowed ha raised two bnaheU of seed, land "" ’ wesamtT hslac Is aerow tte oap dowa apoa Su do do do. 7tb do;^^ to ihrJS*e?S;^ rudVlml him Iwicrraei ar Bal H in fivaa on Mreeu. tte BKTWEF3I MARKET AND MAIN STREETa. coaea Moutea in rente wood bores; l«r copy OS 6va a drawer. They oblainad also fift.UUil tfix breast, and the ulbar near tbs right hay »n>ngb to lest it aa an aiticia nf lead. Ha iWbter natoat. wMeh tapiaate aw tesaldar af Ite ! ZS cqi., of A af aa teah dteate ifam ter I pewaadtef tea IS do do. i-afar amtefiea; aWseypartof the Farmers’ and Machauici’ B ink of Camden, and gave it inch high praise our farmers tbunghl ha was FaaL R , «, Qippi., Gsswian MaIcbaa; i>w tposipaidj, 1 i af ter aavar af Ite Irak beite ladwred hr asm- SU from ftft /VTCTsarBrrg', 1 Sstthr mayr dim* 1,4 (X)U (q liv.f oa tha(Eaatoo Bank, at Easton, Dr. Smith want ont there yaslerday and extracted iuutrapra.mBliog io order lo tecura sale Air the seed; iloaftsr, Fred 9AX. O. la aswtect wSk ter rahtew. Oall aad aar teaaa at list UMa Cider Vinr«ar; W Penn., together with the plates, which are engraved but be was unable but the next sea.e; r. LOCKIWW ^ne of the balls from tba breast, baaIxa eiac'ooa. For do; DoukireaU, siibcr notes bad beeu sign. rautol.raisetl. Ibis timetuna Sefienck,>*:o«iicipJ.J. Pr 21 rnrm Bf Malatoeaet. B da da upon any ef tte diaessra upon wDicn bis with rate .kill. None of Ibett uqJ tj,, mher. Ha lays that the chances are fair cropc rub afBy idb umtbe fsnuarsranuara foundfottou IXVITE ottoaiioa to ocy Woch of mem modbammaft Coftan da; -leirrey,sfetfraj, 21 n do »«*• They obtained some twelve or fifteen diirereut „oinst bis recovery, slthough the pulse and symp- tbatthat all that had Imanlicao sailoai i inio praiseproito tdof it waswoa true,tnia, Mrs.Mr«. K 1 lau ba«a Cation Yxma; •**'’*’' ‘*’'^** ***^ ^ ^ or three new plates. seedraed the MCiodsac rad waswaa .11all sold,9uld, ApplegateApple^DtesdsJ. U^ 21 FINE VIRGINIA pixlez, and tbe tracings fer two good. midand the from copcrop 6a do Carpet sJiaiu; J^lll^Vre sTE^WBXJlY. counterfeit on thelha Corn Ex-hx- laigingla'igiog fromfrciiii two totu twehetwelve dolUrsdollars Mroar bushel. TbeThe SnowoH,.Stioward,>t»ward. LeanL^ia,Lsein, eslaat U bdR Twrae; Aft^aDr.A44r«f«I>r. MIf B. LLOCKUoW.No.SlMsideDLAsa.tr4 K:KkoW,No.SlMai4«DLaM.er One of thesetheee waswot a Spencerspencer was taken Iteforel»efore Ihetba MoKWtrate,Magistrate, Lnttut the wr - 4-13 iSU do Hemp do; ^oat otoeY* box Albour, N Y. chaBireI’haRim UiLk,lifti lr. ofnf PhiUdelpbia,PhiLileluhia. and aoolb«ranother the a.u w .tevr knasten f Affatiij»m \ Ma-m followingfollowio oob is roody aOODS! l|leroacoi48C*8UomiMuituo with a Gloraarr, br Jno. i..il fiw a further S-ciety lo invastigm.invastigati it,if, on 1 Fast. ai'i alte Oannw dtaWted Whiter; UR lylor was committed without byb/tte^Agrkulfralthe Agricultural s.aity ^ r.o Mm audand lourleeu woud cui«.cuie. Raaae do; for laair ruomotiim aad ealFftaiaturBi. T kinc,ktoc, II. ii. one buudred ock. Tbeefficar. "“I*. whkliwhich iterotbare a nreiuiumpniuiuii] awardor4>Bod. fertaf crotoial tor fonaor MUoa- COMBS! prieece Slay.Al on. tion-and' ^hiathis can te .lose iL few devs llelore j al tea ‘••’J®’* aMh a maar meek perftc;ios which well oct|Usiataa partiasmtdparties octl . ft2.‘, CowmaxUrsa hate Ite larrmi am rtinawt la lha rts, o#i. ptod#B» ka k^ oad—rord to Bdokr ba eat«>rtalAmrat Tbe Fluiincod Rob^ and Wbai itCo'^t. &0c. were delighted with the order aid dollars. 1 am w.iracsjusinUa with thetbo (inteo, Uu! the~ ‘ sack M to fivf fraonJ oattoiMitoB, aol ealy to iko«a In BBTJHMiCS! Tbe Hmr*m lioiA of Modern Travel aod Adventure -U- feigned in Tiyl'ir’sestal.l shir.eat. Evor> thing wm *1* 1“ ‘ha facts, and know them to te Uua. Last spring Hxmbrigbt, Mary 42 3 12 FINE SPECTACI.E.S. kototoj ytoasar* aaorkoro. luiOrated. ' sBorekof koaMk, in Its place, and all his work de loled skill. His ‘6*™ — 6’*' ‘*** !“ il>‘M'<‘‘»vtaio, a Uniton|Mrs. Mary Ann 2*J^ blue and lOr ir.rinw aav in n^dim nt lu la Uilwi^ pag. taa filling ite irf ludiaoa,ludianx, Kentnekv, iha* I OaT# tor* i«*vii fer yem/m roai, dBM Ik oe to wiarch of |4f«earc kc^ to arrtoe. The Tlu Tnmn«:L orr niwo'hi-ad. andsou Taila. a fur.ur theloa VV uw mudauu uou.tiou. Helie badnau takenlaaeu greatgicac l.r~.-pride in.n .....0* up Geslies iu the States of Ohio,dbio, Keorocky, and Jones, P. M twaagg £o«Maaar-» 11theIl I’re.ideat ^of tbe IJ.B.nhiskleninhia BABEETB! Mr. itownson, 't* WArrftnt-J iaoooPT r«>d> Tko» 4a4rtoc to W«e«l to Orofimi ore relcrrod to tkr place, act maLifesled sincere regret m Isav ing it in Il'iouK perhaps aoma of the otter Nutaa bad x Tvler, Levi and J. C. SuiUvxn, hi, 1 vick U»miariUe mod koek- TbuUfbt,fiom the Third l.nodou road, is now haree for tte uurnose of makinc con- J. K. KrriUtLh btocaofva M the Wotoh-toohi^ Do. bmm of dutm ouaaeett^ me I t^mnaa!^ ^ae oR: ctoo.p c03O. qIJ bu...te.maaon telng « waL ted Ui. fxr- Gault’. Jo. Yalie Bukrood. ot odvertioad to tkr doUy ympmn. Edition, by II. L. Mxlmdl. ,1. tracU for fb« c*Miotriict'oiir.reue "Jof ibat?Tdivi.rndivioioo teLtenbotwean - V.rwaal li . I I M I I fla is calleil—is a 1!“^}*,^'?' !j^ter*ifPillar of Fire, WhatVtlial \\Willill Helie Di Tajlor- “Wa.-h Teylor,” as he *i*l* .c**?’ mere not acqdxinud with iU pr^r mxnagemam, it 4Awt|>o|d M. P. CLARKtOX. NEW SLPPI.IE.S.— sidawalk, aa ths : Tateaao; aad ittera. te. layU "**tlu! Liltto i>'Aalb.M.’k aodan White river. ^ ARNULll & .MILLER, With IL Hume Memonr.,nr», Adam IRde,llede. Dr. Antouia, be-ba- man of great repute in tbe csUDIaifeiling fraUrnity. wav almoat mi eutirs fsilute. Tber. were a fba. aad (ar aair nr Gaattte, 1 J.*.,!;^ strate, batwaan Textfe ** bell, Daisy buriia. Onward, Isabeliaatad a (iraiui /ad/f/e RocL ^ ^ LAKONF., ’8 -.an IIB FOL'KTU ISTKEET. bio Itev know his work by bis skill. Hs does every- bowevor, lO oacb of tho Siatoa that raitod porhapo ^y^OSY COLMiBi UNDOK HI 8TAEU. F. A. CKL'MP, " __ Rtotf^oK .irBata. FMh te, btesejted^ acd even sign- t<*na lu an acre. MI No. M Foarth street. thing himself, ergraving, printing, . ihreo or fuur jRb j W. C HITE.. ..a. W. hMALl J. P. MARSHALL U3U Loot nignibiyIi^ betweenueiwe 9 and 10 o’clock, os Mr. John Stutnwaj 8oa’» PIabo FbrtMh ~ L^ I this grooa * ..TT.. r.“i. .'T “*K- He lias lioen in Ibe Luvinean some forty years, My own ex|>erfence io roiaiof; con>- BLALK-A beau- Lyoo", a piinupiioier at Banner ottice, | „ Richardo- w -a SHIRTS!! AS‘-IMEKE HATS,*’ PtAUL AND lint manufeclurs. M Lytmya emphnod tU ib« auminer ofl»,Vi. I oiiwod five KoUr,KoUt, SIIIRTSl HITE & SMAIjIj. tiw he never passes a note of his own | ot uur mauutacUite. ready oor C tiful arUcie '^***own was^4* rilurnicifreturning to bUhi bouie ovier Capiud Hill, h*' waa .Appiagote, K firooMaia hoe >uH tovg n —to>4 tSTLENUlD Af- DEALERS IN sells his ufpi loto Ihethe ^ratemltyfraternity in qnan-quan- time in June, when th# ground wat aery ; l «T RhcRIVeD RV KXPREaii A aalea ibia uioruius. kkaf*KA PHEKriiElt er’hMITII,Sr hMITII, Ha maaufaciures acrea «oma atre.'i.atre»'i. attacked and sbotabut throughI tbo breoatby Iona Dan- Barmiagham, Joa J lioalRENT oF Fear dkteaM saalRIm aia aiinaft rtaiad. wRich are u,2« Ab 46u M imliu liti-s uf 410,iSHI aud f4'.*0,0uo Inla bisbit lirastiiiiB bebo has gormioale till after wa hod I O.A.H.I*3E3Tfil, ^ i«|a, nutorbio^ character. retiimed llie lire, paeksd la krax eoBimara, tix-fiiR, ate boltim, ate aaaR beau bait tbo Alla ot ttie country, and boa baou a Ly^a >miiM lima in tta first weak of duly, after to ~ in j fnin^ D. r raULM ca. lia laOIlNXEIT Sc MTJSI-Iisr aiWapa R waiTXBted fah wadtet. Tte 4. d, ate lidb Bliiel lu the head. 5ir. Lyooa . I uiid ;*ligblly wounding lamw, t artalBN, Plw»r OilcIMks, aai IUunc BL'I'F, Pink aevaml tliuaa cOLvictad. Ha baa no aqoal io p<9int UaomU came up and made a good crup—gay three wm aiaf Sirs are aacaHatiy adapiaa (or tte Sualb. aa IRey ef aupptrted, ia dargsriiualy wounded, ibe ball, it la that too with little nature Alexamtor, J i Itamaltt eirltei dompasm ate air, Ikua prmirvlni too <;m4s, of akill in all tbe depaitmenia of cuunterfeiiiD^r. tuna i er acre—aad but Fumishiag andmmi ramsfaiot hop^iooii*-* amare eu-ru- -t S.i .. ..a. ^..a » i. \Utek«c rhoa teas • paMsiogpaasing tbnmghion>ugn theine lungs,lung?, ,mi„,iii •» — BMIRTS! iaaer to aU te swateto. J^GOISrETSl .. wa 1. . rain till it matured;msiu cut the secomt week in Sap- £|**‘ VioliuR, Ouitaxs, DiitBR, Be. foUNTAi-S OF Natc’rai. (jAh Tbo Detroit iauarSad aad (or role, at aRalaaale. la New Y'ork, by 499 Hhia at., betHtefe Tbifd hod Fourth. A — lertaiord of hia rocovery. Doniela, out notialiod M-eks, Thus, lember. A partikiit of this hay was fcd lo my horses a GARDNER O. YVRUN. (It FaRoaauaal lo onr teock af OZ1.0-eAJN'X>X£3S! c'Otoiimoi- abut one of tbe by- va _ J r XT n a«a.a4 larss Msassmi invite atieuUun Advertiser of tho ^9d baa tba f%41uwiog with abootiog Lyona, ulao at Applegate, E 1 hhTE laancctfally and cowacows, theyttay:tay rrefasing the best timothy hay whanwhen a^yJOr-s^. mi,,, mttna ftea Fraaa» ad tea J. MuRSRYt auM, S4 Maldan I aae . \V tiARPETS, rtxndvr;^ furluoxrely without vffic-. Ha^ haais AaaanaRaw Hungarian1 hay. crem In 1A’>7 repxva tba tbe sanlfe 2||WK teev. at ite ..ar hw. BI ddradm vaiVIy from tte Royal 6-t Ysivet down ORGANI^IE ROBES! cation: ibav ccul’d gat My To an4 tMarb sidawalhs ca i w>N’ -nibraclui every mrdialalv xrrtslad xml Kslgad in Jsil. lha cause is thaa dty For .MS aS law reSaa ,, , , . . .. c lar . 1- V --inincbttematteIt. sameasm. as lhaIte yearvaar previous,nwaviaUiS xltfcoughallh.miat, aidsaula uf. 1/ MarketMaafcat aesaat baWwaanhaWwaaa NinthNiikth atwl TenthTaasR . A rfW^ia K~ Wi ter—d tte Coiumoa Rod ate Hemp- IhirlDg X Uts tour ih-ough WsFrern Canxrlx I was much straaL and m me diflicully wa did tot leant; w« uodarstood that CCRTA1N8, BAKEOK ROBT:^! cuiious wslU. which had b«u ilug ™,ivnearly all aroundxroun ms was much belter. strsau. X vuimd f^a Lyoo.’s lifa. yesterday threatened tte. 6^ csed varies with ImpuOaaa •>* Madrs) whist end ootorrd, to suit Ite totee of sll. past season. They ara in tba township Tba lima ft>r sowing^ Iba tbe sais- FhaL Os da 4te ManaBm Raaaa. dhlna (ar mk cRaap; lioiR aftan ties and Potnth: during tba SuikrtUe True Whig. te X X OILCLuTUS, Aare from on It sbuold never l>a sown till tba grerand is warm Bridges, hr, 26.1, te da lea POST teRm; FLUOR of Howard, about 15 miles routbexslerlv order aulirely Bee pattenw. C'irrIeN nnd NliitMiA! and in good conditLvn; tba grerand nut broken up till Guficklim Mn. C. x^ cteldiM ti.V al tee Gafdao Paefarv la air fact wide-aoue BareK** 2U0 yards I ate Brews Ba dfe tete BW from e to IS ebsttem, and two of them era about Jons’, at Wasbliigtan, seas a fins turnout in VVftlTR XXX (xT Tnan break up virar ground tWp; Gluvsr, 96 XVV V ttetbe nirnlr atOl A. E-waBL allB. ISK A. D HANSMeLV. INDIA MATTING. tbe '.^luary mzs, al^t you wGbtosvwit. Wm. E nmrtenAred Isla CRAIG A VF.D LATE UUNUGNMENT apart. They weie dug of aUape of a back Hails drivsr, and engagss it l HAVE RFCM RY Piak aud H liile .MuNquilo Kel! slid sow tbe semi liroadcxst, or with seed loman, Thore PockrC Hast for invaMac caa ba bad oair af aod (-4 White Conirael MaiUn(; fti) leet mure, wteo harrow, Wm 27^ W a laU mmfr af I 4. 6 4, 30 feet, atd then bored about three dollsrs an Luur, lu explore tba magnificent A. LBAIO Claratd and Ala. ate e-4 Check do do; sower; then barrow over, and you ars doi.n with il McDuugxIl, Mrs M sdm 27 4-1, 6-t. JNO. A. MIDLER, of gas rushed up snddeuly with a roaring , Straw Hale, hiwwa ate Avar nay. at imported IhR acaaon. a stieam qj,,^uee,. Driver is to le al Wdlsid's punetuslly, Morpby 4ae esarat. (ram ae to aat par dsaaa beat till harvest lints. Tba lime tor vowing, in a com- Mi;h, brs., Haussr, W. A., agt 26)^ A CRAUPR BS CAhCS j*b Its FOLKTII &TKEET. eouod that could Le board a furloug diotaot. A giOM to hia ruuma,luoimi, turegture^ of all kinds of and mje lumtaeulif'taeu mmutea.minutes. Jone.JoLe.* ms tbs latare Aylaa ••( Sarerear Goad It da Hauater Wmoo; With a reneral aaBorunaut g,^ reason, would te ff. m tbe 10 h to the 20,h of McG.a mwl w ifs . .. Paroaia rea Ate aU X iolo i»oa of the welD, but was auf- mo-i GOODS. man vaLtured over ga ,I ew leaf, burrieshurries to gelget the lodioaIxdtre ready, and (or -M are aat HO” at A I'RLIG'A Uut'te.-FLKN1SU1NG reason I saw a tolerably gofal crop O'Strxndur,(I’Strxndor, Mrs. M TTS All loseal prices. Give or e oeU. the vspur and fell to the bottom. sate Bo, s' aareasrr Cbfa. kusal swiaa, as at ite very located with tte docr. Finds a shabby. 24 Mea IIITE R SMALL. 'CMll.DRK2Sr’S I vDr, Lswi .L CRAKPA ThR Ala R hisRIy laeonimondte by FRyteRum ‘ v{ry”.t".i:i7‘b- »'nd';c;,; c;oyh.rr,;r*-.-;.: So rwia aRmry ten Main terete. ' ‘“retted ireV riffil’tteX'li^. VvridarTeitar, .Altrad 29S Plaatar HaSt ia hlaek. hsawa. ate ,aari ASA re m citelpaiYoam Raiar tte aataasaam la LoawsLoaiasUla af Ite .r^itrdrawTwTtetwice tefm”h’e'’tecteiore ne suc.eeasaredsd'^nm obligid lo withdraw , will watt a moment for Lis own ’’t “ A. vyii Between Third ate Fourth, south tee. Thinks te „ iJ ,, i ... lu K.iger', Dr. Louis CRAIG’S. the lira, who was 2?S J. r THOMP.-ION Ran W VIhK ^^SADBS lastening a rope lo tba body of M-w's rtaalrr Ha’s. >a SRaw. at A CKAIO'd. QL aun, hra . . Cabs! B rch, Dy 42S • ucrees Clesr Stdea juit rcoeivad on Com- Buggies Gteapare i apa lor laA re i al A. RA IG' A . DACON.—as & A lute, long anongh to hood, dead when withdrawn. MMaues a vEx^ex« and 4 te is IYRRINtoL BLOWN KALT.-lus ha(s mmfvte iwr for sale by I aortfe AlreosiAlreoss dad) uweluare asw M) of Hat WiMdaredWiiedasad byte KJ miaa.oB ate above tba top if tbe grerand, wav made and To recarb and rapava tte siJasrsUis oa Ihs L asaaesaw Dma* ate far ate- ba or PITTaBUBG, MOtlRE. ML KRAY, * BADEN. Ann i'skfiir I^AD I'ftRil (l\’I V* reach A. i.'RAla. COSTCONl FORtOK CASHI.tNII OXLY!UaLIi it voon vite uf Broadway, batwaan First aad Sacuad TVLRRfe MARTIN •* aar SBck a( ate ^so Main at., above ite Oalt H oum. ATAl Jriveo into the hole, and well bricked up. Tba laiaMi aad resredesiTaM* Rack .—rass Goads of aB £ ^ cu aswManlir n ALB 1 about ten leet of tte (bsbioi.able st)ko al ttec . „ r at Feanb aad Mate anaM PoRTER»elte|iafeRer«T*mr' order to reduco my larze ab rk of fine Cabal will filled with water lo within Rallrate Powertate Thrateere lor I N I I Balter ete eeateca- EVANS, CVMERV'S Patent tbu at A CaAitF. |>CTTCft.-M Ns Fru* Ift iroiutrocu thisthia date arilOrli dieuiUirIu atal C-j&TC*i&T for C’toh.Cash. tbei he gas escapingaacaping through tte tube, ud Pxtais InUU] J4. DD. BuNDLRAMT.UerNOLRAHT mu,lop. seed, al )Ab B> Bsiwl ate ur ease te ttrrAl E^^by is u-uully sown to timothy. If fed with iba ,i hr, 12u av witbout any bad lavle. But in a j,;nx, Chas , * NTOl T. earner FKlh ate JeBwss. ste, LouiaviR.^ ALbO, water clear and shies’ lOUAKS.- UOLfeTON B 4*wM ^rvvw.ii xv UAKVEBTEKBHAUVEnTEiU oa e.blbuioneiblbuiou ate lorlur LO utter grain is needed for ’Uak n<4 woikrd, aad I t’ampioo, Joe Ml Na as FeasSh teseat ENTCCKV aberttima the ^oa commeLcod rix'Dg through tba ('reneh Nvedic-ororkrd c’oiUra, aaorwd SILVllR PLATED TAHLE WAU. D. lo that I l^by tmrel J. BUNDLRANT. ^V\7*iXl0T7Kr OAlDMg ebuli- do, do; ualv ab ui one half the Usu,l amouUI sbek Collisa, Paaliu W A. J Ballard 30 K aoo of av*to , I FEROUSON * BON, aalcr abkU it keapt iu a coostani Mate ueua I.Vilit; WaaSara Ma. Ch aat e an aaa- H rs EAt:H. f“' keep in good coudilM>n on it; hair 3ft PICKLE d 'HRBML-te Riiwvi 1 LEVER POWER 34 I.M'II WIUEI.8 AT brisk tire; the water J.j^r«e.,ed aud "ji'^bv is truikad. Mock .McDowsII, Jviaea, G C Slaughter DI-HSc AND PENNSYLVANIA A lion, as in a kelll. over a j BLTTFK UrBrery ftiBre, g bUIO TAI.BOT, ^ never brcoiiiing costive aa with FiBBr bbA TUREBUEUinatsretedforiale bv W. W. sirek and gluaiy ; Nicholirao, 99 BRKaKFA.VT and OTHUt CABTKaB; xF thin^ naar one sida of the well, aod roUiog to- . — — TJ J. D. BONDL'KANT, BUtb streeL «H Third airral. SPOON HoLDtbRd; Oorwer ef Fifth ate Martel da. timothy bay. I .Spiegelhaidar A Warns 90 s xijg lA Betaeen kiain ate Mark l. woT‘1 tbe Other bide, aud having very much ^'Oto'rONADES.—tlVrONADEB.— PBCIT STaNOP; b Cutlonter; in own erperirncs-not Patent RevalviuB BeU-Dia. smell is C 3 ratre AUakativ Mar i bese an facU my tfea reatli bate ete (or aw^ ay RAREB.-lutproved tire appexruc. of dirty ijrapsuds. No ^ mdawaik, a* BASRRTBl r r nsinnmwii an du; ^ LD« HI8KY.-«bhR(ttd WBBy an 1-VXTRA FLOLRalwara store for arie bv IKINN ER are lo br had ebrmp of X do Plantatluu So whreh every taraiar in our county would^tel ci.arrutz m ate hats uy-to Saenad SPOO'SB ANH FORKS; r fcaicGL&c>?i m sof H nvxuae top of tba wall, and tbe water Bretadway, bataana rirsA and 1 O og4 tof earn* tat mm B Sixth itraat, SMITH, apparent from tba ^6 do N««Nea k\urkork MdiMill HoldPlaid Cottoxadr;t'ottoaode; ^ BONDLRANT, PKAIHEKA ragarU it oopa- vTaNI>«: O. wiiliog to bear lootimuoy. Wm oU , salt aeltleg and becomati clear -a Mill do; mttmmtm. par staaiaer Boathiwa -S.. Between Midn ate Mreket. oa 46.*i Malu Rrvrl, when drawn frtiu it Duoo 4 do Hot^Bat FPKER -M baci Billed rvoalved da; rior to tlototby ur ooia, and ih« bay aauoUy oeUa I EGG STANDS; | aud Fifth. do FrewhFreurh plusplua Mi, Tl^^KAMAKriN ai3V Jhb Between Fourtb _ and pleasant to tte Usie. *3 C«PS; P Table Butter jaal rmeivsd Jest, rrealvtefecalvrd aud for aalr by .Lout two dollar- on tte lu thu tim^^^ F'iRKINB Extra Fns* exhibitiMl nearly the same phe- Jret nigbar by II 1«0 OoBEKTS; | NVwcoioN D 111 exara rerelved ate for The otter well ^*i,o A CO-CO..ct>.. 4I»41*I MMain H. MACKERFX.-la Uda aud 6s bf IM l^atetorariebv EDGER IIATB-Beaeral ju4 misKW JAM’S LOWw S. fc. L iHH)LE, .. ’oTVlAKCE life ,H PITLHKRB; QLORF. I I z.aleluwby ITH. they were unwilling lo ruk in aaia. u^atitv wvaapreree4vad par alaamer Bnutliera ate for pkNTON a PKA fHI R A BM nomenx, ud, as ° tBRfti FARMERS’ NOTICL N yreaaattty In tte CincinnalBs. r;- I WAA tti3ti jAb 436 Mmu isieel. j " 7010 12 tveER a MARTIN. ' il, has besn filled with earth, but the gas still rises Valuable New Booka. TEA BBTOfta ^ Ai Bli, Mor.roe co., lows, Much 12 18.’>9. ‘0 kiaiBWISBaar Hared Wrea. aaxiuera Cai^ets, Bmssels, Tfcree-Fly; tbiough tbe mud, ud has formed for itself three - ,jp jiiHN GREBCoM,GRESCoM, LL. D., bvby JJ AK>!! at 31 THKEaHINU MACmWCftt ^yleraTyLERfe MART o^lleY1 VLKWi-KY> AULaui aidlLV _ Fiftfe straat, batwaaa Grasa aad WaUat w FU-. vide of YiOk Carpels; .Mats, Malilag, i traitaadiautoraU 413 ^ ixNXLTTA bbta Crwd Rags, forlhe SoiiUrr.p f RSCBIVUD REFINED BL GAKBGAKA-IRI-iat MBaCrw^. otolcav bf Uwauihurof cotod 41 Hkl.*r Tabh- koou* at slrrets.Dirrola. FIR3T wxxgiArr FeAJO’Si l^’EWew YORK -j at I ix par riaxmer Uhiu toe., 4ftC., I .Si»»*aiujf. M Uauiam. ifti- I N r, , Sint aad Gnsaiatte aatvad The Art of tilenipAfie 0> H.ETt’IIKR to BE.NaSETT4. Fwr the SwMBMBer MewRM larisj TYLERa MARTIN. WARJUiOUSE. i ORGA-N DIES! upwards .te teWGte THE CAkP^rr with such force as to throw Llo'cbesof mud “*•«' Oietr, Jav C, Rst HMwe Ha,’ Kaken; S^»A^^rca‘S^.“b•?^or-l»;^•.te^^ a bi NNErrs. distance full fonr feet. 1 saw it fc *-“‘=“^“““Vdeti her and onl wards of a j SJina,Uf®®, af N.zataiha ‘ aocssiy ST. illARLES RESTUXLTr, Sc CO., (Hmo-V,t-^rttoy, 3 I C. IDXJV-A-Xtlj IV 41. snirrrwilvrer Tti m ^in ii iU* at I but was told that it could be only in tbe day time, {^m^rrous BraulifulItoaullful ateaod aaUrrlyaattfvly newopw JaMU«.Javenilev. to BENNETTS. i^wothniay,liwathinay, Ni^Mary . . BKtWBON MAIN AND M d MIT. gTREF:T. luirolu VleKTrHER | 1 CULT1VA.TORH; n,vo)Ab 637 MAIN riPTU BTRRBT. inalcb, ud that it would burn a iuog MaaaaiueYloxoaiue udand G.idav's bodyLady's• BuuxBuoX lor Jaue.Jaa«. at til? with a Harper'soriN't'a Kui»tai . i^nUed yurke mod stow i llorriio®,Ilarrisoa, AmaliaAoiaito. salesal. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF PLRCUAS- friend who hat siirae vi.sitad it writes j uai-I received ududlu,lot brby Vt'E lima. A | ^ .1“'*^“'“*“* HsBer,KsUer, JecteJacob 27 rOB BALE WMtlLBSALE AND BETAIL BY G. F. DOWNS. our varied au«ck wt EkS to “1 Ibiuk it the grandest eight i ever saw. sfiverSlver BatterBalter cooler.Looter BKOTBEBre. tliu*: JAb Third street, near Market. g * BKNNFrTTB. I Kasd,Itaad, Wm WX riTKIN nntin^hl. U e saw the light « k«-. VWited It alK’Ut _ l«aa«»vl-axs. PwkleE*ckta . *7 uryen. fissr vimsite, ntsiure. He IT"-; SdrerHilwr A-^arwru.A'perwrusTonasTonga IwleeTot-saStuiarToaco, smjip, DealOa®I ; ^ kis taA. , l fw i. rtto^hed the , el «’aatiit„’,™\mi\u j ^ jwi i isstvs * a rete y af fi^lft RM Lacc before wa and wera tlip Miluoo.MilUoo. Ac**• ,. vito I have Mantlcs! for tUe Tonaa, Wft oooDS! arr prepared gome time MuaicMusic Tub*Tui**,>. b«efbeef Tumw.Touda, dmudsated luuca MmmmfSxani^sixaiual.. *•“ UxL'lsVlLUi. RY. will be sold low. Wa ObmebUi,Ohuichill,L^bufcbdl, ^ ; i i yalssa.aalre. DRY wbieb M vary larae ate bcvv’-*t-o I | lire Pretet>»a tel® batl igniua itrelf » 'jN * B ' lluit the gav of or by a NNI M>H> luloluio endand Music.Muric. No. 1 Co.co. UinlasCSuintattH FLElt LJT | «»m. I pail. From Anol’.'tsar) ate Muaic. No. 3 eoutaimu* LV Lr.T*iaf Ti HHe.ttKK a Be-NNK[ I S, Drres Goads la Ureatelwe aUks, urpiody Babas. U-e aize of a llrmns 18 dry cau leI loaudlAMiiftd toal ' ” ,ka sbiawaWa oa tte L ‘ rec«ferecara tte vuiawaWaridowrife. OR«a ^ >1 beiweenhetw»*?n louitnFugrth and IKMih.mb. rapavarepbv. ioJm>a whii-h burns very clear I i>er liw. Main »t ud faro i. Foocywmms.J mob4 Slavic Dry Cto4N, PseiTtewas SaniBier Rdas la rrrat variety. Freueb ud .1. .ks^ 1^1 hivh. ami Hynius ate Turns, ai u»17iui7 jtoLtowiAkdta aa ,. sLj* P-S aad WhatsOR aah^^ftr^ bF article to above bound la one voiuiae wKb .tiK backs i; mut-. batweeabotwoe® GraaaGroo® lado®6 re^hat.fr®4a ilgcR gf WMia^a®4 wa am ^A wi iaaM..ipre surface of tte well ara cracka tana and Taues, oii*ii al aud stuOarJ. ComptWd by owe:« I I kA\« a Mlo®4id MIO. I GAP MAKBKg^RORni---Cb>R LaCBSc(?‘wiuPWRAPPINOB. Bswasi tiplas; ^ OL’k'ALL A CO.. , uil all over the Hj I^rererearMaarereatefarrete^lg^^^,, af aamr dwari tlun: 637 Mata street. a lUure raeembling buiuiug Hurace Waters. Price lie. ,v per IcU. waunsaaL*wauisEoaLK o>ua>i> orraiLarraii. uacLaaaDKaLoog lxin VledicalVIedical CollagsCoilags KMBROIDEKIEB p lurc whii^hwufthAs iaauea «» m3, jAb UKU oole al thg UeiFcaitory, luJ Kopnh fti. v HOBIEBY AMU KIBBoNB. weA aasartad; For r% k-’m v- v— -r^ kt** Crwieter, Cf* SKIRTS af mod aamureg Rjrtre; lOA PUckfetB. WiLiL“'JdE!Ii^ 2300TS SCSc SiiOES, Dr B J.J, Kaktt AM tKidley, I p‘ FoM •"^temrevenmiU.fre.mCbah.«.ter.ismRRher' > g isTocK OF nTAPtJCM. aasaraaner; ftjr >fcn g® yKyK«. reeaivad a Baa asaortsaeat of hsavy SU- * well^attesamamuneraatbeabovedescri^^^rouner as tbe above described last WHITE game priare. GOODS. Jl full SUFFLY. ^"^SfaSaad ter rets at taweal v Ware ^ ^ I oilTLt. murVdrr! «’ pbenomeiia,|>h«»iio®ieiia, and la TH K \V A V 1^' H I Y NiiVFK ergn^u®,L^**!^’ ‘^'irjh MARK A DOWNS. 471 Mala A. this Bioridn* ibtUi, wimasam, u f afeafk*i. to RrAMOHI UNKN UOaTRBIc mWatls W Just opened ate foreala at very law pricas which gxUlbiUexhibits Dearly044rly ^ Illj M im. LiitlJ 1 ii V/ f lLljli3 yJl Sfipui »oid m ihi« YA*r «oW BOOK OF THK .YGK. the watar iu ud above tte cUy 1, » seer low pner. for .ash. Krrgaeoa. Hugh THK 6 RKATKST •PANIBM UNEN SaCU; 76 bboxes Wtesra Rretrvi Cb arse rreilvsd which altnoauh I as_a;i. wa'_i.»_ ai-«s. ond TWI^ /^UEF»r.—''UEFsr.—» Mil’ \% allt’P ftcoll. k.-ep uuI > coau-uucoBMioou .mOo.auA.lk»a ftooda«o.Mi. atal our eeUb-esiab- » bk “ is as eofl aa raiu water, ami U NX N. ntt We k.-p ,;,.g|iR,liiiflltb, JoaJoa. * BBKcKiNaioern — *— i BLAtIK ALPAAXjA OOATF; / ^MiLsONal ao4 for amie tor liarJ tte waUr I dr (C./^ very iuhwnt. I'hareai M «• MARDNER A CiU.. 41, Malastiwst. « Hiefev, rpHR K-N4>WLBM*DF^^ WHITE IRUH UHBM OOATB: to ’« EDITIONS. THK luaflS Mkblaftb OWEN A Wood. ?CSS%SSte drawn Wt* WO - BMf ANDTHE ' Gaa, KrEn, iireMroCc i^Bahar, Adaa'r..»4 RK lUD cortuiMU fancy and loUd Bonopt Rlbboow; S a more, I laSwawre aa« PeBu r CPHR nWCK BL MMRR TEBTS ... lorwaalti^ ' " UMS CHF-APF^ - 20 ftft do oU »id. ha Mantua RibUdo, Lotea d. pth. yo.-.. atHorted* gg> oral RailroadRaiiro;tI Whaelb-UfOWtSWbeelb-urowa, ^«.mvrer,1:::!^:^ 2» r u. u u BLK. CLOTH. URAP RTE VBtTe; TiaSTiTS^ hatln ho* baen on nrg hotoa hoid gdUiou, ftity now KXLTrOB H teitte 44 du do do; — fft^nE e-mprWog .w ». as.*te u a • u.ntbgM K to P 444» BmnuR.K AF I tKDKRWKAR; mil tjbyn piocto do Mock 4Uk Volwct Ribbouo; ‘23J amya:says; I comidrir, ai 7ft^ui.l^ryto«ina-^ ^^MAKB* ^^A dispatchj:„.x.k fromfPf.ta Mobileftlubilaorof thathe 204 S” Morriwooi^r, GD M 24jft ' IMU.WRBB; ftOU du do dk) C’uUnn du du; Hloi A. DATIOROA-R UfeRR ,-,,.anaiaa I UNDRIES.— Joat *uotiT«id and for oofe br LfAHCR TIRB. 6 LOYES, Aa. re MaSlaaa AM, vary Baa-, S bMMs Mad JAMK.«< IrOW to no.a $ie Main to. eaaks seas* Aia: m.-^m««M*MI*-9alaBM( arearsreaat a( URAMB MMe^W- FOR MEN'S, BOVr, AND CHIL- , Ae LsaSaa Pasrer. cTtraW MATS M4HTLE8 AND FOINT8.- ; i ACE boxM BiaitRar caiaabs. “ Li luu Btaek fiuk Loc« Mantlca. oaaorted; IP A SMITH. d66 Mria R. ifeR Psaeh Bnadp; ^rel'Sb S^TMER ftua do do do ItoiotJ. to*; M I do Dottbla PoiuU. CHILDREN'S lIATfl. aRRylreate «aal- I UM 4d do OMortod; OYS' AND for tolc hr I roogirod and * A BOM. B kire^ara to bo JoMt i. H aCMROKDER nfti! JAMES idOW to COs, 4tft Maibots a WaH aBaa ^ SMITH. 4(6 Mblb it. B. rOROilBOK A BOM. I ^add F a W • . T - — B : . .! M W - ' I

von far Piwfaaaor of faa Danville Thac- [From the New York lleimld. May ST 1 AdmiAi*trator*a 17otlc«. 1 g^Tbe The Wzb ib Ital.t.— a baaa Enrofiaaa dotu R. U. CO. I Movzmewts Gzh. tbe arrival LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT JOURNAL. lagical Stnlnary by faa Pnai>yterbB Gaoarol Aa- or Walkbb.— y Lie ptrvond todoMed to the of Dvrid I*air^,4r- MHTISVILLE la Iba 171b, aad ao dacblae laeaemeat baa baaa OIBee, ?« MDdd**«tlBftit' of tto Muses Taylor at this r>urt we tova a partial SuperiiitendBDt'd A r-MFodeMn* e >me ft»rv*rd WALLACE, CO., ^ Ibitowa: all rOXt, S-A.3L.E. LITIIGOW, waa Ob i&cb. ImM. and TvrwinohmvlDC & azacalad by tba Iwlli^reata on tfao ileM.* of I’ied- eembly sroatirmAUon of tbe report received by telegraph UJLISVIt LE. Msr ». IW- rani^oBorWoro Jutie rUime Mruioet oold ¥mUkln mrr rviuir^ to t»r»mDt them lo XNK of l^ oldntand l>r. \V. L. Breckinridge received 179 votoa; Dr. from tket I BEST PAYING WW« N-w.ra- aaaat. Thb delay bat may ba ac- New Orleans Gen. Welker, tbe greet I TI.ME. oftk>‘. No. 4 i.ourt PUcCe lmv« tlxo b aiaguUr, IIANGE OF Wm Mix, Jr , Mt bia W Um oT 17; Dr. John H. Kioe 9; Dr. HeUeator 1; Anterican fililmater, bad leaded ,Wbon tba HcLann at Actpalco vrtth a N au4 after thb day tbe Nashville KxprewTT^ wUl -dteeudltedoeerkrtoreMte^--.^^^^ ooantod far aa atratagtr prtaciplac. waa then %t- II PAGE, blank 5. Ur. Bnckinridga'a abcUon force of three hundred maa. end wot about to join O l«Mve the la Louunrlllti rtm«Dt ul Fiouriim, tawrtl*., nnJ lUI DMeurtwISera*** olot tbethe Nervou* of Mann. JAGQl'K8 OOFRG * C<».. at \mr,om Sra.Syw- abat the mouaUia aaia e, from men, houna, benia, ienoaa, Hblofled, die., in witb our M'lM. Cbatou-wr. TW 9$|iowiim panan* Akaaaadria, aad up p carrying everything, were wilb them, or what their trrnod, was cot eoAOfctmo Maruv, Freuce. Wa aroteat faair teh.i^.'irtS’^ FLUWEEof New Vor“.>M hnvw aw anaanHam W« MTV ev«r> tbUAH iu tb« buildiuf Wiu<< lo toe uufaite» rtr9el. it, from MatebeeUr tea dia- BOV Mbleto furoieb uudar two brand., namely; b«iwran Or»^w awd Wj. LOUISVILLE. Goaoa to tba plaia of Pudmoot. For lack of (raaa, and catila with known. Coloiwl NatzoMr waa uodersiuod to tova Itar thr n^nuLwwrtwe*t iid«, ebortudi doUcm. wber* h* may he eunealb-d daily on H(8DATK'>»GN.fra- teaca of twalva milaa directly aoitbeaat. Wa caa and tu3U rel**y MterelT'*^' ^ » m OOVBKNOB. liae that Vaa ed witb Walkar'a movauiant, but tbe wilb any W ine iuthe Amerkau rOK laakc ranbanf'i at the of tbo lower Dora, .l.matben Carlitle, Jecol> market employ of Mr. Route, opinion ia that certnaiiJy alwve a half u> zen man TIt*“ RUBIs* H a line "• foz DHreaea ot tto ( heal at Boyia Co. not the t*Mbioet ('bamiiagne nf hrsn jr'T b br JOSatTA. r. BBl.I.. raat aiiaon aorbh the Alpa to the Pa. Bat I\ ot Uie late Dr. ii. J l>udl*i> are nutihud that bu- Uful applM atiou to the paiU alb. ted, combined from Sample end Hfe, end e Mr. TbcmM. There en could bava landed with It is auggetted (bat which 1« natural 10 tbe aiihaou- b>ni. I •im*** uf the ertiate U left in Ihe baud* uf Helm 4k Bruce, Wine ztaizaie and nohold l4RT**A*T4K)VT*JIO*, aerioualy if not mortally wounded. Moot *•* ( •binet ChanipdgLMw Km •>.- tba Aunriaae have wbaly nopped tbeir march alKNit lifrv Walker's three huddred man iiiiy bave been ex- Atiurnay* at l«av, Jetf‘ r*r>n *treet, m xt door to the coi- A pro*^ tern. AUof whhb are piompl. eKrtii.a, and wfr. die. ner (al be Pervou* charge llALlACbUITH(.l)\UlOq Af.I.Hlf, Br«cklixiid*«. it (bared, murt ^lxlb, where MMitleueut* ran mada. No rt- for.wa con*oltaiion*vw.M.vui4«(»>inM AT.FUTTTl at fiodiag they were toe late to accomplieb uf Ibem, ia pected at Acapuk-.i by a aubsrqueat conveyance. brwT leTierorletter or penionaUrpenvin^y, ar a apoa that owing tbe eatata be *ued uuIum* tliey come forward and paiuphUteiplanamryor To give en idee of tbe force of tbe atorm, I have will 6 ram the long experience, the prlnclphsi of bu I'rwiiuenl. *TTOEM«-an»«AI„ Caf>t. MrGjweu nays the advent of Walker with •ettle. evten‘«iva pomuiKon* and the orignal objoct af tbeir Stock. Tboy have (ollaa that iu:W04kliil ktrgj* *** l*»zal> * ov Pauy, NeunOyla, Bgo. OOO, in mv piwtaMion a amne weighing farea pounde mean* of tha well kuwvo hou*a of C**'* au4 HAKI.AJI, at rnnklln. three hundred followara wuuld to a godaend fur tbe JAluOEs .vtlMTiiU K-rtT CnM.NCM /MBS raaa nearly par- tiU patting through a Murttra, THIMU A.'YU MAIN back bakiad the riaar Saab, which waa lifted up and carried feet, LiberaKenie ia Mexico, but to pnta oo faith in tbe AUCTIONEBR'S NOTICE. JHeriuinalu.n to lurnub radkTudJJddiiitlw""*^ acmtos. which s^l meet wim the approval of ronaumers. window, 4 feet fVum fae Hour. Tbe door end parti- « i>hKe hour* from 9 till li and from till allal with the barer Dora, aad now occapy all tba report. Borne of tto pasaengara br tto Golden F. Ttit »M PSt >N Inform* iba public In genera) and hb | 5 daily at Pmiklln. tion of a icbool r,.om, 2U by 3U feet, wea carried a Iriand* iu claim fur the dJAhtwiniu S. PAOS, Gate tod friends oa faa Orizaba aa^ vuited tbam J parucular that hebai gone into tha Anction eicelknee of tluwo I _5*Z_ FOR THOMAS InMia-tri the Po oa tbo tooth, the Ticino Winra. SALE OK RENT. I aawatry by end all cannot be found aud Commbrloa hu*ioe«*,ou ttixib atreet, WANTED. tkeasieek. Bway, with hmvy timber, OB ahore at Acapulco; yat tto lirat intelligence between Market J. II. aud JeSufw oti, veid aide, and Uiat t>e vUl giv* UH. KOBIMMO.V oafaonn.aadthcSraiaoatlMwott Tha yoM ifay within two milea uf tbe place. A wind-mill wea Itoy rdoaivad of Walker'e toviag juiced Ito Lib- bo> whole CRAMER, ABEGG, DAUOHBRTT WHTTB. at Claj. aUei.Uuu tu Ibe *ala of Keal l-Miale and Good* of a»ery & M’CLOSKEY, i For SalB Low. miliury occapa- carrir ‘ .s«K, WASHBIL AJ4I tba aad tf the Sa- email end presaioo wot that Walker waa oa bia way to New A tioa afthoooantry aortb of Po am Tha above W1 N ES can alwaya br had THE N. Vtm Ito u. -Ara,,-a |rt> » itomtItomt to* to to* ito( * JOHH B. BZaUTDOM, at Mmmou. There ia not ten feet Fqnara within tbe route of Orleana, end, on tto whole, that soema tto most MurakoyN Sirtwkrrr) at YORK MERCURY. ilSriSlfcTi if Iba Aaauiaa eide of tbo Seedlinrs «9ll LiAM CMUMKV. riBUCllN«TKCH-nON. na, b Pavia, which b oa tbe iiiorm that baa nut got rail*, boardt, Ac aluck MVrVUUTVMUnT or , protobla view of tto matter, alUiough bia inuve- J. P. THOMPSON’S. ANOTHER GREAT ENGAGEMENT. Al C. I. omd A. V. l«raM'^ have mul vad to wait eaiily pull theut fo:r s-a.il,e. 447 at Banan. Tiofae. They mn avidaatly to in tbe groniuj, to that no one caa inanta are rorteioly etill shrouded in myatary which • IMPtiRI ER op WINI^S, Maia rtr.*l. WM F. EVAMS, l ilAVi: A MiH-riitr lot partitions of bouses en gone end can of the shuve SeedllDn The proprieior* of tura., ratora, iatbat ragioe aad tbea, inataad of coatiouing tbe if- out. Whole will require time ta unfold. *•'«»«« Hb THE NEW YORK MERCERY ra- rttora., A. Kto^^ ntKSIDENT OASO INTtaUiAL IMPII«>VK1IENT, (the 8a«t aad be.t ever reitedj, aud MiltaUe fur W** •« dl*m-«-«id, W«t.d.tod, not be found. A iiinn riding in n held waa blown •pectfully annanoce Ibe Wan reeUuiiiiy in tbe fall, which 1 will ,«.l low mayadaodim eagagemeni of tbw celthrated aa- .K; R. BAOOARD, at CombarianA ftaaivc, to aUadoatha d*feaaiva. Maaowhile tba If ai<- LOUlrtVIi.l.M. KY. "•(***** '•"Ztoort «to*9 4.toifartlAJ*»,;L. A NIMEONi:SEO WoMA.'l.WkMA.'I. to • Hum*Hurai Sirraai O. from bit bom, tbe saddle torn off aed carried about for WMIO. M> place Iv oa fae Fiaukfurt ruad, tbor, i>r. J. H. ROBINSON, nniverually “ A A«ri9 M achaowlvdged — — -K I. H. 1 i*4r*k Frobch are poariag ioto Gaaoa by aaa, aad iato Ta- ihi< ride of tbe Fair Gruuud. |>n$vnb*rnarirraf. *at two milee from tbe piece. tube Ibe only trutlifiil delincatur LOUISVILLE DENTAL DEPOT. iV~Seifaiu your ordenaoun. of F.\R Wfct8TKRN _ Ll-NDK-NBEEGFE A > AX'S, aad it will rvqaira aoma litila No one can form an idea of tbe terrible alllscU of f OU NOi Rv' to* 4z- jajkaia momm. na by Moaat Caab, ftej< d3 ^ D. anTmacInTshop TRAPPER UKE. OHIO WHITE SUU>HUR -- TCK8DAT. MAY M, 1K». CI.I.WANOEK. SPRINGS. this ttorm, which lasted bat five minutes, wi'h but PRHlIy brRg br4 PrescriptUR Store, liam to pat thnr anny aad material af war ia pro- Hi* Opening Tale for TIIF. MF.R4 I'UV K aow ararty aaSalBBmanlB—tan WAotod. little rain. Tbe cloud waa vary bright, while on lH5t. #'or Saie at •iaetioa, Annowicement Waw oparatioaa. Sanner ArrB*y«n«nt IS59. campteted. and h* believet it ti Ki lb* Im*I b* yet of ihe eropitotor for tba . . par 1 imdltina far oSeaaive The allbs Mnaort aernai hM Foar Swibima.— taai tk» rapMt either it wea to dirk as not to ha able to dia- MBM UoU, Fourth and Jafltrma. AM? I avll to the high4**t Tas Sanxnu al^ Pom W LL bidder, on thn 16tb of June, written. fuUuwing Seaton of I The anaowuceiueat from the nuthoPt 1859. .\ -r bald Tafia aad Gaaoa, with fm commuaicitija objects. 1N6D, coniou ucior *t lu o'clock, th** (iruuuil Itneg *t *k» Huaaial Itifi— t Ari an tiagniib and XT omtrbmmt, •r » C*— ‘an ua V* UAWkH. Fraprialar. 0RAT80N SPRINQ TRAVEL UuUdiiif*«, e«m*i*niigol Founder) graceful pen will b* greeted with ealhu*u«A by hi* ten* of — H aatort. Lito*4 , Mnchin>* .Hbop, Black a , A * 4***^ 111. bnwaaa tban by railiuad ia 5 boara, aad tbay hold jAoaaoMviLLt, III. May 17, IWa. •mith HUM. Ikn-rt IIK OHIO U’HITK rtrLPIII’K at, | — i Ora. ta icatband tbi loUawiac aa sifata il Mela. PleMduf and Com/ortnbU runvcpancc* Jor 39 /'4|**ch t-.iiiudery and Pattnrn Sbi situated on tboiAul* of admireite rtPHINdH an u tea 44tidrwUmt( p, T *rv -tliitort la DeUsar-t'.HtiUf a terrfbir passed ^ Monrue utruet, I. ato* Burk tfto tba whole of Sardiab tooth of tha Po, iaclodiog Yesterday cvenlaf Mann aad tomadu tftrt a da t ia Rtaiiitutut. fr’?”^****'* Wtveeo lOrv. uth and 4u4im^ Tha 4iafan4 ** ahall aat taaab. Twel.ib Mred*, t.uuUvdh', (to ratuto «» (to.), to to Sto4* rtrrr |* ovfv s portloD of tbiscoouly (Morveu) doing much daiuaae ASSENGFRS will leave L>ui«Y'ille at Co*clock Ky. The foundi rv h»* 3.6w I Ownorvwnrav.wnto Wantod.wantoo.**Bzn>€i. A. M., Icet nioiildlug door, A CARD. mtofrurt Drta**ra, inulrarr..*itoW1to.4*!uimr.Hir. aad Vatanza on tba Po aad they boM No- lo both Itte and property. W'r bsvs not received tuti in FOR BAIiB, likchdiiiith -hu|* b«« eix furgY^ end a I l on LuUi‘*v ilia and Naabvllle Kallruad; l»n^k*a*( Fiat 8aalliag aa< iia aaarra, rnataiaiag abaol P rRber lot Ou* uu to St*<*ir^hL Ml Vmn*. *»l lto.kiii, W K *rtl »*, *» .m« A**H.g »to fa rerttoig telliacwcc rasaertinc tbe damaau done, bat basUw tu send R8T QUALITY OF PITT8BURO at the low- hoe ot IuoIp; toui-liiug pbop ba««b-ut l:!,uix> «quare feel Ewt. .ra ^ Alaaaaadria, oa tba railroad from Genoa to COAL at the Junction ur at EUxabathlown. at ibe Idigia llou*e, TO RI:ADKRS '’HCi BISON,** ruad. tod 19 K. frum f-traraat Harkrt .* trurf*. vi aad will ant ul room, witb boiler aad two engiuc* tu TUE K **NK’K WIllF- m Vallar ur Stoto s«*- **d 9 .gig to to rtK aigh* Aaaaaad aeiaa, waa aaU bjr tha Saentary af yon what sre bav-- aheady learwod. W'a send further B Market pttre, also UF.ECU UU'I'TOM COAL at llartK Stnckler, Kunrtetor*; or at Hal'* llotaT, drive mm hinery, tlto. Ito John t one fur tan FLfcra-5.'* "GNE-EtED SACL,*’ Ac- to to (USaatov(Udaoto.. FSto.ITnua, aad li-dtoaIvdiara Knfauad.Kafa^ad. ^d¥9:\.4ar -4 Jaaa. aa. soKKaL MAEF.. i* 9-* h*a,M« t of tbo particulan tomiortow. If we team anytbina further oon- macb lower ratee Tacia. TWt baiog tba pm en ataU cam- by Hill, prupricHdir; at eitbcT one of whk'h la*t nauwd houae* Ttora Satto- aUi far rrc*9*iaBra War ia Jaty, 18S7, far fW.Mtto F. fliaata, aaa AM 1 large HoriaoiitNl Honng to* to n ad ra uf ,itonr dto't a*K raU rar >to Mi>l, for I cemiaa A The storm appears to have oririoated ta tbe J. N. KF-LUMSG, Areal, ine mo*l •umpluuu* fare will alway* be found. cylinderw. t I prigkt Kunug Milh>, To Umnwi who have fulluwt>d beroe* berufae* O.N paiga, it nay bo azparted fan toau tima may ax- autttbeaM and proowsdad to the uortbveM Tbe dauiage IVMdlely Near earner Third ste. turu aji and b leet. I my and TIIK KIUST DAY' 499 Jl NK. -- caab, balaana ia aaa aaE tva yaaia aitboat iataaaat. and Mam If i>a**eiiger» ehall bavu breukfaeted, aud draire to leave . ra 1 Double-Headed laathe, Jg feel over the Wtvtern Tiail, and te tbe lart .ppiUk gruundi* o4 TV. .“il “r ~ W LEY.. AMCra kd; I ‘ done Isas IuUowk tile lK‘U(»t at Uimabt'lhUiwn without delay, cuuveyaoc4*» *»lug* 4* iurhe** TVr iaprurrmaau of IM* tora K-g lorer, raoMlar pin bafara any daciaiva battle will be faogbl. •• •• *• ** tbe to Saaaia bad aaada TalaaUa iMFraTaniaata aa tba betoBainr to Juasph Fry, about 8 mdeo sontb- 1 gl Groat Worth, I heg teate to «uounuer th»t I aui now proprietAir to A boaae will Iu waiting to move uff witb them tu ibe .Spring* to aj —commodBlr fr«m five lu »*x wnndre.| *«mwI$. 1 W 7 *mall laatbe*; turn eugfaged in prepar another seiiai the *reiriw ul novemeata opao to tha allied forcaa, aay e«M uf here, was dertruyad, and tbe teuant's wife, lira dinner, or they can dine ffom 3 to pj feet. g whuh Amua$ Uiem unp*u»«m«nt* away he mi»utw»m d m large Three an at tbeir ptaaBure at Cuwbman**, a traiL-pira tbe and 4 RIabard to>at. a ebUd uf Mr. Georfe VanxiUt, and a por I Flauer 13 fee*, by S leet •quai*. m muie wOd Uliiudr«, aud wlucb I *bail ew* elegant hatel, nevr rottag* ruw, PR.%« TI('AL MPrIMNir, wba hna had awMinaia goud IldUH lii mile* di*tant. j addbhmal buiMim(«\wr A ar all af which my ba Ukea. 1 Cuuipu.iiid Haner. with eirewUr attachment. d(*avur tu render wortuy the atwo .un of my luramt read- * FU4HIN** ta aay iadanaiCT, aar Md ba a yaa aaipiia rigbt ta BM KF.'l'UR.M NG-^Pa-eeuger* will leave the Spring* in the I amnaeuien and rvereotliNi, vxtemave hath hamra. • *mnm laJ!"i M««nlMK:a, ClMCl UkR will .4. i 3 Wood Turn'Ug J«atbef. I era It be perceived that 1 uave ebu ea a arctlou ul SAM and ..tbev r h .^eody murnlug, reach IJidabclhtuwD in time to Kundry.ACaaAc. M mm j emptuYmaMaad Fim A aarcb oa tha aortb aide of tba Po to dine at that place country iu which daily event* — I 3 Fr«*i*ev. I Gear Cutter. 1 liott f;iilt**r, trau-wcud the feehle Umir* aiM *r«wra. aay aztaat wbatavar. Tba yarrbaaa araa nada ia A bouse bekmrine to Mr. Bedford Brown was blown aud take the Expru * Train at 0:26 lur Viara, aud a Lira, tto ratal* ttora ara tar .Sarlara. all wdMa to n. JoNBB. Louiavdle, at »bk.b aaiortmeut uf ul neuuu— where luci^nt _m3l tiW hi^ ntuall toul*, lu rxi>*4«te crowd* nvoo laeldeut aad wild . son ttamuel killed TIIRESIII.VG Wink. I lawn, luor New hi ey I drive tba Aaatriaaa oat of Pbdnoot, ia which can down, and bw IVIACHISIES, *r. place thev will arrive at P M. «d wbiab- iba WWhitehite Sn^«r,Snlphar, lb* i.'halybvaia,« bolt bvoia, M ., ndmna. bat raallr far bia |«rt- ^ bb aaaaa, tba baaait alaa af to ptad t'eriu* ol be, fur the butldUMTaand vrwtinJ adventure and danng d««d* are laetuabte ihingj. A house belonrine and oera by Mr. Ilarnstbas Fare through from L»ut-(VillM to Spring*, $4. (which faa colliaina wauld prabably taka placa oa the Snia ARK will be Bold without any of tl»e uiac*ilnt>r} uuii The utl$ ol my no* piury wUl he i aara, Docaar Grabaaa, af Titgiaia, J. C. Moabar Harrows was daslruyed, and, we are laloraed, two of bis WE NOW PKK^'AKEO TO FURNISH FOR Agent* at IriHibville, Jo.S COMBS. Exi'hasK** Hotel, and j $7 la oim* I \v.\ntkh V V ib« Harvart (»f liM* uli ib** moet M|*|>rov«9d iNettiTOt uf rwu, th «w, tour, au.1 hv* V(*ar*. and the e&e.‘«it are misMna u|m>u *ix I aaar VaicUli. It b aot probabb that tbb tbUdrrn at l-digle lli>u«e and Udi'* Hulel. Eliaabelhlowo. Birbard Scball, n or and ( tgliteen m »nth*, wiili lieu and aad of Nav Tatb aby. A bouse about 9 iiiUes south of here, owned aed occu- Distance from LoumvIUmUi approved security upon I THKMHiTrsiLPHRR HCAPIhU, MOWI.\tt, fc THRESBIhfi MACHINES, IJlmabethlua u, 41 mile*; fmm the four hrA P.\THAWAY. F‘i5JL*",Vk^*;:3 payment*. Ttie > Uaa af aparatioaa will ba takaa, becaan than arc pied by Mr. Jassie Henry was b'osm down, but what other lo mile*; tuachulery and tool* wUI be Tba aala araa aaad a aadar aa act af Caagiaaa, Klimabethtowu Gray*un Spring*, 97 total dbtaoce, •» ia a hraalifal Artrraaa laaMaia, itiiali 4 arar to r-rkr **r rrafzU. ABdWM Draara i;* I. r. t> we have aot *uld io detail; all >uni* of $6n aud uuder, ea*li; ir«*iu . raatot iiirai dsmaae was done yat lestrued. WHEAT FANS, IKIKsK HAY K(KKS, GRAIN CgA- SH mile*. $6u to ul Setata r.rar A*- for tbc alibc. a6iM. Ax month*. **» TIIK MuUNTAIN DUTiJtW.J, took to At to dr|>ta af |9* faat katua MVll OAaati aatbartaa^ tba aala af aacb “aiilitary aitaa, twa batter naovn A booee sootbeaM of bare, bulouflua to Jacob daniplee, IILLS, oNaTHs, setTHKS, ac., dr. $ tu «|.uuu, »lx itad twelve muaik*; ar yarta Road from Uisabeihtown to tha Spring* a good, aoiuoth, Ibe k vel *f tbe Saiu’o, fioWta ib** rwriifarkfable — - faliduver al .uuu. *i«, taelve, •anmm af xnl- WBS destroyed, abd fats subjn.law, a man named Thomas, road, free from *tuuip«. »ud ekhieen m..ntli*, wtlh Sac aad—To nove from Alaenadria and to cron •hady approved -«H pbnr water whirb mppilr* ibw Sprina. Tbb *4remm wo* Ibatanf, aa nay liaraaaa aaaiaaa far aailitary uiity , pav abb* iu ; all dt VIFnmtmA yar- kUled. extra charge conveying ferred pav iucul* Tula of th« ^urttorn ' WdJktod.atiiwTX, PETER No for pa-nenger* or their bag- tu bear A Trappiog Grutuhiv. dbeuvervd *oma .M year* o#» by a venttemaa who w«e faa at or aoar Valaaza, IWtma mibt below Canb, a man nnmed J nnthan Cnrlyla was also killed, and & BUCHANAN, iut«rv»i iriuu date. yaaaa." Po hb gage frum the liepotat EUxabcShiown lu tbe hotel*, or f^ou boring fur *olt. Tb* •«$ r, when reached, at wore 4N AFFKfclNTtC E wt bousatom doem. nurlS i&wUam leOUIbVlLEE, KV. K. A. GkKDNKR, wuiw A. CRAlG'fi, dcibxiaa, comae near- Eotelrt lo llie Depot. M. ARTHUR. **PATII will be lo tbe Murfoce and ho* rv*c ainae aonllnited iu fiaw dtf .ng mla Mi ( irmm of Main A|>tt, ISM tbla Slaafa bad otTand when faa Po, n iu aoaibern We have beard of sesreral others besatt killed lo AM'igae.'uf Lawaundi iVarce. AW’AY" pubfivhad ia the c.ibimM uf and Fuwih a U tbaDayaH- ttrllluMraUd C9Uilo(rut9 vitk prief$ Bent 6 f ElixalieUituwa, Ky., June I, |h69. ni28di*xm mv to ra»E E n N. Mil rtOktotokMA fltn.ak9 fl .-liOtoto. .KM rtfarel..— raOii raadfa..ra aray..^(.,j APiEhholibood. but •* b«M« N - B —The above bn'ldiug4 are adiuirabl) *nited THE YoRa M Ek(‘l KV, Ui which Jimriial I haveen- cat to Alnnadrb. Tbb woald tiring the coateb UiMt fH Hot Umnirid vho th«f c;ra/i« on nppi** ofiuii. for an or.uiura., naat fT^SW far Iba raaarrann a, aatiaaati^ it U Ayn?ulliiral Implement Mvimtartory, gag«‘d lu ruaUibute xxa LtHivsLv for a term oi year*. I’u MTP. ukMny |i«*raoua bnd tbeir Itmba broken. 8ev- iu2d(dA*i*3 reiAirmhraace lbu*e wtto, ^ uf operaiiuor AHTII*^ wiahiog to contract Tor Tuar- (kw S,naa. tora kraa torklr | rtrarar4 far Tita.s sNi.k* rafarred tbe Saab aad tbe Ticiae. If tbb Ium enU boraiH linve Umso kiUrd tbe R. A. AI^.XANI>EK*S with tbe **PR)N*CCToN by their pMiiality aud lavur, bar* (fajauibut d lu mic* '.fUk WIIITa AM» N«>. I. Dar ud atra. Tbr aSw waa U Gaaaral J aaa^, by MUbb.*K Inllioc on them. my ttotr au-dkloal 9ru|Mrt—. Duna( Ito |i*rt —a-ra .#041 liruaad la Itl F COLLEGE ASSiM'lATlO.N'* tor tbe erection u( a COM II we du notjug aluiAg tugHber a* he/etufuiv, tow I. I.H FKAk( K. aarraaradarraaraarirvRL r K. ba earnmt-*. tbe former line aortb of tba Po my and Fenrea are ao badly ueod ibnl lu aome idmcea it U im- luuiB- rara*aiI.^Bto.ratoct kMkaaa Katalort, caaOrraud. tarta.*aadiaam...farrafakr that tba Fact aad at Uaat aUy plea*Ml with ; arba hack IM |f (aaible u> bo4 a wberp tbe feuce wa«. ThcMM Great ArdurI Kale ef Blooded Stock, each utber, I tra*t tt wOl nut ba thruugh peraoiw Tto, arraadrai..U*rrdbya idHtoa-., itolra>u.ly rata ’ advaatagroualy rotabioed with iL COI.I.KOE HUILDINU aaul uf eiluri uu my part to ruutiuue t* tbeir lakfaKBril at-Vagaaraai ad)aeaaC laad anca aaadad far yalAc an. will be Wf meuUoued nt btiuf killed were lltemlly maabed to mem $}*pru. unonuty, Ume of drinking, cont«nnana», Aa., and, under W MMK$9!w$g« acaaa af ON WF.DNESHAY, may ioapect tbe l*l«u*, Siiecitlcatiuu*, Ac., at tbe ottloe of batiuD. Ttu«a wImi have taken aa iaterari lu tha JUNt 1. ”d Afataik *la». to car*. a»ra .iirairaM Third— ITiare b a goi4 road frtwi Aletaandria to Uie AaicciaU'iU lu phneewn, Caldwell county, Kentucky, tbw** of .sick Wh-tS-H-B character aad gnuir S toada toart, tow Y rafc. aad Ibn ba bad baaa iafa raaad a btgbar bad nigbt pretty ex ten.‘*nr«dy >( aoiadto^ A«*at. between the l*t aud I5ih day* of Ten- kaown^m.y very pumtbly ia V ** Viaiwa H-waa-aav*.. »toM uf tbe Po, aad ia the MuUcinntA'd. June. A. D. hud ”PA 1 ll.\ a a Daria ta tba Plabaaoa. which b aabh baaxyaatad. Sacaatary ta^Madad ay On tbr Grant Weatom lUilrtMid. tvo enra wbkdi were der* b> be given in not latar than li o'clock M. on tbe loth. character ol hD oamr and tiatiira, whoa* ezpioic*«ad drul- THB WHITE SCLHIIIR WATER toOB Dachy af Perm. Tbu liaa of ape ralinaa paim on • avllch were ruo The ad«erti*erB do tiut engage to accei t tbe |owe*i ten- larW will u«»i z>bam* thuMe ol oibev yrar*. lu *hurl. It 1* ia raculiorir rarrtraaU* ia Ik—F d-urfata of Ito « nud turned Ltarr ybeabaa. **tba laatrcaotai ia atiU aaadad far nili- Aaodiuf over oo tbe SPECIAL TRAIN aad ao train oominc here OF CARS vUl l**ve l.*xincton der, nor will any be accepted iiukwe tbe character, mean*, •- C*5 my purirtw* lu produce a Hoiy ibat »baU excel uihar pru- Sluaiack aklckrauftraallkl •.atoaraa *^ AAVem the Soravb), tmrk, tbkt the from t^riucbeld wna *( 4 ariiv* y ato kaa* kraa A gaWMa Manago, Tortooa (aa Vugban, aad A A. M and at S|inuc blaiioB at 9 A. M. •nretli'M diictioii* Thos. 4im66^KCa and uf the peitiee of mv pwa, la Keeffe,^^9 r nt aa- uflering be *ati«lacU>ry and tike lUa uuvalt)* yf Ig. tun ciuaaly wnfinad tary yaryaaaa, aad tbarafen tba aSar aaa ba drleyed until luldniffat. Tbe rain fell iu torrenU nil ornr Keturuln^, MpiaUuM, in In biMAmMo, and pafann* of mdmunry wUl luave Si*rinc SUtku atl P. M ,arriv- amount of tbe tender within a oeitaio *010. triitbtuliiee* uf dkliaraUuu, Intricacy ^ St. Gbvaaai. At Ptoitaoee faey night crun Utf oonairy.nnd noooiopnnbid by thunder and lifbt- of plot, aud rap*d I ci tba aaic Caatb lof at LvxiaKtan at 4 P. M. tbia da aira aad I tartaiaad." Batanao briWKN 4fc MILLER, •aacMMon of lucidunt. i'ommitttiomi JHerckmmt^mftrrcAmti^ Pt aat daatroyiag tbo bridga. IH^then woald, we / and debliHated o*Hiatltatlun* bnve w«en •a batHiaga aad layaira. Hiana tba aala aad ay ta iMEdHim liy tbr licbUsinc- FortuoBtoly bo Uvw wore K. U. RATLIFF, and; Building Committee. nut trwmimt bnt jVUCTIOTsT. Tbepubll‘dier*ur THE MERCURY will ualy add that vitabgy,and thiak, be HtUa dUBcahy for far ollba ia makiag lodi.l^R MTt ol the* DOB8V vbfceb vm alruck belBc UBoc- WILL. H. .MILLKZ) iV.^^^.^*®*^**** mibapm- 4 DThNl'IS MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS T iT WILL te Auction uu Wadnasday, I, at raa-MiWa^rinrT T cuI'mA Tbr other belf wn$ orruidod. June 11 Friacetou, Ky. niT« dUUelU tbay pay Dr. Rubiuaun a higher pnea fug hw Mbor* A 1 o dock, tba Furuliura in tba buu*a ' tbeir aaarch to Cattb GwvaoS nod PUiaaai'a and It Ir poRMblr ibat very much ^uamm bea bero duo« ftoounlMd by J • Paul THKM.kGNESlAN fa*^».lT ANDKEW naaifat, tba Cinrant bad r Aaiaad aad i natiaaati by Jonas, ikltuaU'd uu the ba* aiar ye| baiu paid by the i>aw‘«9ai>er pres* to any WATCK HANAN A cOl thr ol north kiia uf eba^uut be# t poiati Moru yreusidey. but of courir U will be eomr liifle craaaiag tbe Po at one of bare or aoiiiewban tvoan Sac be pul lu any p(feitiuu tlie dapartinaut, at whatever coO,*ud ibat mteaiun will aver L fab canpaiga would in nttbd bnwaaa Plabaace Wr mIro iraro that tha alatluD boaaM at Hemaiit, od the rvtiuued by bauJiiug drcaaaar iiaerataiy Daria, ta tba aara wily af tba lower lemh alone, tbc uofiUou of Uuh being coutrullfd by -AIN n Great W retora Kallroad, aai< of Ueoatur, va« Uowu ON Sunday, tba 39tb iunt., a medium Mca be taiihlolly perturiued. *aS^ tUh’r; to nrair rtr^^to STREET.STEEET. RRLuW RIGMTARIUMTM. aad Milaa, paatibly at Lidt, but probably wnt of 4DWB. rad tbc movement uf toe lower *a*h. All the cuijvealeuce* id fart far aiilAacy yaryoati, witbaat adrioa fran ar MllrCII COtV. abaiil MlKhtrear* uld; ba* **P.VTHAW AY**wiilbecomnM‘nredmTlie N. YORK UuMHloae,’* a fnrwmtHin hnndtwd* «»f feet In Unrk T train ie tbe box flame* aic bad bv banging window* uu thi* >4au, LOUiaVTLLB,a*s/u*oT^TTTANrTTv n T«« Tb*' maU approaching, co vr mut cIom. What- a while *»M>t iu her forelu ad. .No other mark* D*M*, UM(»Hgh whick the nver cwu A way. I* everywwre &AT, it, ar at (ha Po. Tbb liaa of operaUuaa, luakiag W li cooveuiencee wbiab the box fiaui49« MEtvt'L'hY wiituut delay, and other noyeltie* niaaabatiiB a itb aaj idinar af Tba arair Tbacan- ever eiae we may Iraru we will comuiuuicate. .•tit'i it-4 aud canm»l atford. It wUl foUuw IOTA. I tlunk *be c«mH from Sbelbr Mtbor «l wr henr Ibe «nr4are; ib* grunnd*Uafto-dalaarenf tite emote ora gJ- R :H. n-m-WT-a can never get out ul urd< r, no weight* gelliug fa^td'tw-d and L’ ERpaR P 3 A SI PPLY,FFLY POKPutt SAIAaale ATaw LOWCP?LOWEST In taptd fueccfluion. i iper afterward i ita jmiar bMutifuUr undulate^ and InbT wdd wRhaOa lumiwan*aararaare : *- d.n Aleaaaadru aad Ha nace ; IV naioa aaya tba baMar aad aaon raiiabfa npiaiaa af , won't Work; uu cu.a* bieakiux to require a meebauie lo MAnKRTHAaKRT PRI4FRH'EttaKa. (WOT Tna ov a Pikb*m Pkakkr.— bc CAL'LDWELL, SOI ravin.** • blab carry udr ob tba • uperfinuo* «ate<'. ihm ran- _ d’apgad, and haviag (br ita abject tba (akiag of tear faiit a part uf the Irameaod make repair*. Window* TH WORTH, A WHITNEY, Iba adiaan arbo lanbiad bafan it ia tbal tba feet ia deriug tbe md dry and the gfmn pbi n' fren from toitolthat bn- i a f ^ bung lu ihU way may be ea Uy Uteu uui lor wa*k>ng iw n>34 4M«3 Praprmtu r* Hew \orh Mmvuo'. IdICOniOE. following U the a>yf «f • gaoiiiiM UtUr from Hkc't raid»-r aa tojadM fa atofa: ttora ctraaiart a arr.. takra — Mllaa, would itaalf faroa tba Aaatriaaa to ntrograde iitherwlM-; but it cannot be done wUh the box frame win- .aaadfoaffa**" “****aad •*“ mommfa.ada egaf — aa.ai.u atiB aaatad aad aaaful far aailiU7 yaryant. Ia In eunnec wu with the obiti^ oi the pteoe. about lAM hMonnMp ETAmsHIFANISH |*ekk. U WM addrcMed t»f a youog man to hia dow*. Window* buag iu tbi* manner emd but about om- 4ASIII7G1'U.\ I7SIIU7IK (UIIP.(7V, “A'’*-MAeg. fran tba tail af Piednoat for tbe defeata of Milan, DwelUns House for Bale. leet obuvw the level uf the ucMon, make JraaraaRtyaair,tIm hirnffty m te«* ^ - tba ayiaiaa af tbc aaaniittn tba aala wn tbarafen third of Uie aiuoiint of lire box fniniee. Window* of au> Storkheldrs S«ulbern Piidlk Kail- ___ I inhueoce* ^thar, rR4i4»Dt cf hL, |x>oia coostF. ia dated OF LOUISVILLE, KY. oialwnuu* a* a wiowntaln It would ba like Scipto't amvemeat wban be at- • ft gb A LARGE and comfurlabla Dwallinc on the kind can be quickly and ea*Uy Lung oa thi* plan without TOBuA.C?CX;>. aaada caataary ta tba law. roud I'onpxny. “uTlK fa. 1 Me] nuitb aide uf Ctieatnut, belvueu Sixth allerau«»u ol the iraoic. Any one wishing to test tbe mer- ' -" kt l>eovcr City, the lltlii and Suv- Chartered Capital $500,000. dred uf which ore coverad hy am* uf lutiun« below it will b* «*an that tba grove* to uhn>. wwudland I* Dkak Fatmijl 1 arrived hareto-4kr In Paid in and aecured $120,000. Thb hondaunudv Imd w$ in- food henUli, but IfENM.NG 4k SPEED. uotluog fur Uieui if they do not fully come up tu IlMnw - Sluckhidder* have tha privilege for no day* from tim bal ta min fima Italy to defaad Cartbags. K tba Mjffrrrd oathr jtMirwt^y. J H tu walk* and drivte, Mte of Um hUtar hrii^lweally.oQ JcAuMon etreet, aba c Third, wber#- any iu- have privilege of taking *tock at T*C.and (gfA IV hllid VmW m* ^ - imr the fam* prlM Tbi* m the Ticino, that divbiaa af tbe army woald probably had to p«ck ihruagb thr bfaiaoecof the way. KISKStaken ua.Hhipmeutjbr yacaaaal aad yalitiral friaada af Sacratary We aooogot lurinalMU can be bad coui-erniug it County nghteforiwle tore adaii t ad bang For Rent, STfc:A.MHoATH. by Vfc8.SEU.S tbe Dirartury lUiuk ju*t and lUbt, and, if the Sfockhold- Hatoa* to to idaa k kraaoKt iMoIatr ' fcfara itoua*k atr IBaaay far aa rerlaraaa vIUab uui of all our provUoBe, save a few rrackrix un * hT*«4‘* only by U- Ibrnn ki N(*rk, Wwk*, 4k Co.'*. one eler Iwcat aA akogatber by a euccaaifal canpaign againai A- No ]^KSmr3^al 8e*. aad by the wnual iirwde* era do u«*t avail lbrni*alve* «»f tbe opportunity, they caa- cuaii—iilfan adk ttot a( aaiarally Warra aad liutSarfarta Uui 9K. Ftoyd. riai'ad la inibeulB.d daye, fora ' tin ban Miaaaaara, gat ataali vr Mx our daiJr allowance bdug two DESIRABLE ROOM Youoc Maa and mar tba Has power ur right to mnlu* *aie uf tenimry in ihK State, aalar i. kra lid of Inland ti auciHirtation; al*o, Rteto not roinplaiu. Wa are uuw ready to receive order*. Or- Tto ia to kaUi lah to rtreia lai— ; ito rrarkrre raeb, rxaepi th^ now and thm we could buy a lit- A Cdflurt )iou*r -will **11 tha Furultuie lo the Bcom. a* Mr. Dean >aia tban, aad iaaaaadialaly ntaraad ta Waabiagtoa. MUu. contml* the entire state. AH order* fur baug- ou Hull* and apportenniwiMof Bteambonia. derv wUl be received froai ulber* than nluckboideiv, the beat nut lndn$ roMod high vnniigb In piwcpUatete ite *nlu Ur al Ummt we overtook, parinf 4«arty ekoiigh for it. Tbo ing window* prumpUy attaudud to by order* to ba filed according lu priurily alter tba exfdratioa It i* hr thi* *y*tem appfbel In iba mrtnee oi tba hafbffT We m aa gnat difficalty b thb roovanaat, Miflt'iiog (Ml thie route ba« hero terribte Out of one party dielm DlRfc.CTGUS. Wbilal ba araa ia Waabiagtaa. Haiaball aad FUat- may» G. INIANE. Agent. tite li* W. of !*U day*. without km* of mHne In^vidlenla .\4***ce9 of eevrntrrft, all hut one etarved to death. Tberr were Scally, hs*t w tMMcancols l* aad do an aolertan aaach dould that it will ba b. P. J. F. Howard, All wbu have not made Ibe loan of 69 eeni* par ehan* oa naa wanayyaaatad cmauaaiaaan to aaakr aala af thper brothm. two of whom dlrd, while tbe third actually For Reut, TELMURAPH OFFJCK. ,A MFCCIAL MEETIVW W. II. puiH*, G. W. Wick*. paid their ln*t«ln»ehl* mn*i do a* bafura iha luth day ui adapted, aad that tbe brat campaign will aooa tor- dM iHued ihrlr rrmaine. Frank (Jarter. II. & C. H. WIRGMAN, aryrirata, ia ia ar rrala, W. Burklmrdt, d$0e nexL After ibat lime W* bava no dlMCretiuD. tbayaaynty.yatAc wba iapa btire dull. b A three-h'iory brick dwelling. pR Tlmre ai« bard and Tberr le no gold at Pike*e UF THE 8T6 dlfi* WM. koSS, Seiiwtary. lance to pwu tfiwuen, who mn banr frnm amT Mri rt ibmr Fart Saalbag Houbali, allba. Tbea tbe war may atop aad a paaca may y.(4‘-ar> and comtHcUi dcrvaola* room*. Stable, shall not excee4 the *i«iu id three im Inza.-* uf tbuia#*, at ibe baA ta ia canpaay wab drar faMier, Hrnd lur hiiW to take me bark bomc where J burinme a$*iv» daNl’. Cam««cf liunae, 4re. Fur term*, apply lu \V^ILL be held at the olH*e ef the Company, Room No. thereof, thiMeun, l*ir value paid ainl vu4er*i?d «ball know I caa uiakr •unb«?thwr. i'tdl dawurl and All Ibe ooccm.rtu* aarewniy ko GE.7ER.YL C0.V.3ISSI07 wban tbay fa aad Major Eaalnaa ranyiatiac a aar- bo pnebad ap, iaaviog Auatrb fae lioe of tbe l.ago to lebd vv 6 Trinity Building, New Vurk, uu Thunday, the beollb, pimanre. and .MERl H.1.7TS Rome OMwey lo get back again, lur GEO. F. C04*KK. never eicfa-d thi* amount, uhletw three- foarUm ol tbe*|iui«viiia |^*tuA4*p. June, at lu o'clock A. M., lur the purpoae of f of the canipany roneurrii *ball *u direct, aud at a mmt- aiF af tba yrayarty aadn a aardat ardor (Fan Sa- Garda war. fm g Sulphur pprittg*. a* ibe pr»pf>«bte l« determarad te mob# ^o'w NTox^te., electing IHreclur* naiJ ul Company lor the ensuing )ear. ff ing specially i all4*d tor that obyeci. eend WFiDe will Fire Insurance! It, In every : If yoB dan*t me otoney 1 cianrr pnruculnr, a fing-dmu vatevMur ptnaw. Grail- ef it, iaclodtag Vaaice. Tbia, bewavar, caoaut to deatb. order of the ol By Hoard IHrvci^ L- ite ii rftuiptd. That ibe etuchhoMer* erwditun of entory Fla^. Tbay aloj faaad Moabar tban wbo Send it in baMe. F. 8r. For Sale. and lied wilb tbe libaroi patronage extended lo*4 year, no vMkrt C m37 d4 G. S. AaM.^, Si-rratary. RKHOU TE FIRE INStRlKCE CO., of New Yarfc.^ I placa Auatria ahall be to aaed for thUcuiupau) •ball have tb* preferred nghi lopuiehaaeuf wdl be «pnnHl Id merit $*eontio«ane$. aaaat a abort tbaa ynriawa aadar a ooawiaaiaa (ran uke aabm pn (Fiem the St. Joaeph Journal, Wtli.) A FIRST-RATE FAMILY BUGGY IIORSi; [ tbi* couipany th* radiic**d *luck autborixad IBmim ra*»- ‘ (.'apital J*aid lu aud .* knowB «w the Mbwouri rii^, pemed down, lair yeetarday (0., luth day of April. ui «. la indrment of tha For turtkgr inlofwation, arraagew»enta for rarana, Aa., bamllbtin It ia men tbaa probabb, apoa the and Canter. reepedfully call the attention of tbe Iwlk I kll w to.Mte'v iag Fart Biylay, airar. K W( »U LD pub- -(4 l*raeideut the oernrity laterml* uf tha oib- MEYER’S^ aSaatadbigbar Walk- oouipany ay Aa rvrmmg, on the etcaw«T Sitwi City, iud from Cherry WJ Capital Paid In and Surplu* $Jd2,38l 7U. and oddrem lUHO.N. J|,w m3l d< SPOT^OOD DODGE. V V lie tu tb4**e ariicltu made at unr eaiablbdimeut. AMwRbW W , lUI of Miba, that, with iodomilabb coaroga, Creek. haYiag cobm thr auUie dietaucr by water. We erwbr demand. W. 4k H. BtKKllARDT, White MUpbnr are engaged extensively 10 tbeli manulactiue, and u*e only RlHKH taken In the** reiaabte a, Ko„ MIRACULUi;i VEKIfiKS DEMTEoTU! Tb**y went out W tbr mio*a rgiiy tbi" proigiectod . may;J db.h>4kwtf Agemte, Daiiavilie, Ky. mla dtefin* Ddaworv Cn., O. Oeneral and Local uur own iiiipMved puicelalu-lioed Fuuniaintaud bliK-k tiu i'ompauie* cO Building* and (‘on- . ^ ^ Aaatrb will caotbua tha war, cattoliing bahiad tba throatH* kU the richael digging* viUi old I 'abJ'orula miner*, Agents Wanted pipe, which we h*ve uiiiH»rted at great expense expreesly tenu. 1 OSSF..S promptly paid aud were not ablr ip umkr tan oeBt* prr day. the ba*t raltabla low-pricad doubD-thraad ^4^ ^ I agada Garda aad faa Miacio, with tba Tyrol uatba L^OR Sa'Winf a.'vurdibg adiurtmeni'* nada arilboat raanbaliaa wkh aay aaa aitbar aa They aocfced dibpeiui^ of lur tiurselve*. || will tberetora am n ihiu they are per- tu or arbi- L* WHEEiJ. BcoulirHl BaiMUix Lgfl f*r fora peiM forty dar», aod S Machine to market. Euerfetic with capital men a ut fectly piue, nut lead her tout irati.jDAby w* one bad forty -Are eratrivoiU* uf gold lu a to aud do contain ot aur o inju LOtfSVILLt RKFcRKklS aortb. Wbea tba allba uadartaka fae etcotkd uuiilaudt^ eftf una hundred dollar* eau do a *ala and bifbly re- J*KKAT IMPR0\ KMENT — ReymihU'* Concriitral Dua(Bato*a.a iqto . u IrrairiK .(rate to tba aralaa of the yrayarty ar ito aaafalaanfar •ubetanco, which m generally Ibe » here the old *l> le W M. RO.S8 Avent.eat to ! RATA MICK. OK KMiAi HKS. aiUS. NTH, MG*. ocher three rent* worth ae the frulle of their labor. They munarati«a bu*iae« Addrcaa Fiemore W'aler Wheel ranliae* $T«iry inch of brad; -U (9 * Bua to uartk oBb •( ttoakinrlfaia rtraat T* conpaiga, to farce tbe Auatriena from tbeir poei- UfMce. north Mie of Main, near Second, over the ai.f-rere ul m-iTi.a-u at a.. ruu ra..i a. nabtary nryaan. Waitbar did (bay lot aay aaa ay there b tomtf golJ there, hui la eueb ftoe partieire idtat vlr., u-c* water with greateconumy; notrunbte with liack water; y JuUN ilUWAHD, which keep gn a trum iiviog them lor fear B. P. Scall). 6 d if ^ It U abaoldiely UapoadUe to OAake wage* a many of tbe may wo«iA^D'«?»D£^^^^ tiaa bnweeu tbe Miario aad tha Adige, tbaa gathenug It with m3l dy **Heraid Oflltv,** .N«w Yoik. gives greet puWer under vary luw heada. euiira,;i'Tnrbi:!!2:^^wifli be oMvrvd favorafily. tba yarebaaera Ibat tbay tall coo*aqun>ceii, ah • would oibrrwki; nui them vary de- bn kaow had yaaaar to luacbiaery or oth*Tvbe lur paiu(»hle(roDl$ioing 4bc.,wbioh 46 by Jpu N. aurner Breckinnd$r atraebi; lightful and hrvrrage*. tlF^bd partimlari W. an4 firrand After having Inked the ailoee fairly, beal'hy ' will coon a caaSurt that will -probably e.|aal aay they prokouncml i NoTlC'He will be *ent I raw b) a$> add|‘r-.M< by lab by 3ua3VU N. S.$. BnwkioBriwhlondgr,tvdgr, hetw^nbflHtw»en FirmPintt and ^Tond;fieroa!^ BU.XES SOLD 1.7 0.7B .30.7TH. ar arn tbaa tba yrayarty wn far aala. Tba aala W* V^wd iuvdw every gnu lu give n roll and try the CAHRIACES, kOCKAWAYS, them a hiuubttf, built a Mnali kat buai, etrreu feet long by 1U6 by lay .N. W. earner of C«»Uewe and Hraf#k aireal*; thn hblory baa moorded, with tba ebaouea la (avor three half vide, Nj)»eriuniy ul our arliile*. whicli we giiarautee to be'uf the 1V«* Oirbgnlad tampfiim hnwn boan a*a$ itaatf waa kayt yrafuaadly atent aatil aftor aatica and a drawme 4 lochm, and launched It in FRANK SMITH & CO. —ASH— mayU diilm4fcwl2* Ovwefo, N. Y. MbylpnNaKdu 4n du Fam do. eaiaM^ very beet material*, and made in tbe mu*t oareful manner. faa twvnty-lwe yenrw in oM pnrmof Rnrvpfls and mte of tha Aaatriaaa baiog to defead Ibcmaelvaa Ckriry creek, caiur duwu that timuo to Drkvrr (illy, Alte. athnr Lnte on Jneab, CaMegn, and BwckinfMga af ita ralMfaatin. adort aaada ta abb (MEMPHIS, TENNEaSEi:>, N. Hfc.DA.Mrii 4fc t!(i.. Fourth atreet, racnFiw* puwera oi Ka apyanat wn ' bnv* been Noted iki rrariM la. which pbcf* tru*y left on the 4 h iuii., Uirncr dovo ti^ ZHTGLO-IXIS. Carrlageat •tram*, and on Framun or .\niiar. oi^ Bru««k b> hna ptatie into may 34 >ADU* ^ near Main, oppoHte National Hotel. Fratea*. England, Anrtrm, Frmom Bwvtem, .*$•$, lat- with lacca a agaioat all the forcet that faa allba South thr main liatte lirer lo i baay liaaafa in *• Fir ornbaal bid af $1S aa acn, the Miemoii APWlr lo THOMAS F. JACmR, nver, making ibr ettUrr duitancr of r4u milwi by water CotMutittiou rnfMerchautg, glwm, Mobnnd, N$9l$a, 4a., and ibolr 4 hamlaai pragrritea caa probably bring agaian tbam. la mlJenlU S. E. eamar Market and Tbird, 94 Saar. mm waa iaaairy node af (aaa. Jaaaay to aaeertota twenty day*. I bry arrived al thr uiouUi of thr Big pbttr A>U Nanhville Railroad Stock. BIJKU, IIAIUIIT,* VVIICKLEK, juataethe *tdiam«- Sioux CUy va* pu*hlug out Tnaaday arbo it waa Ibat had nada a baltor adar. YV K have ao order fur a quantity of tbi* Stock and will The Dnvilb Triboae has Utton from dif- morning, «4d tbrir bjat for kfiy oruU, and took ttitfett WIIOLCSALi^ DEALEKS far vf p«y rather above Ibe market rate fur rlean eertih- hiiuurftclMrfrs snd liealrrs. r ctramer. -lilt . «|4|VU fl U11< f(»rmteche«p. ItUggka* ore M«ppii( d Maabar ayyaara to be tba to whan tbc oan- on t^t My mw (amt parta af tbe F'oartb Cougreakwaal Ubtrict, in rala*of all aAatw dui* SHHKVfc: 4k TUCKKK, wlili the pnieiu uiwliiter*. Tl u tup con ba put down or IFruiu the 8t. Jo«rpb Gacrtte, 9Mh ) nallar attribatn tbr iaamtan aad af up lii a «eouud, AU porNuns in wont wunid du well to coll aagiwaarng which give iodicatiuoa uf tbe uf H UlSItV, FLOl’R, BACON, LARD, A\D WESTER.\ rbnring peugnn W'e have iuit riH«lv««d a IrUer from Ur. W*m G. l*rout* au4i *ne befure purrhA«ti»g. Ju*t finbdfled two v«WT fine tba wbate aobaan. Who bo ia we an aad iafaraaad, (bri»tbrr oi one uf tbr prupru*i.4r» of tbi* pap«*r>, from a A ^ ID. V Have the pk a*nre of aunonnclDg te tbeir Ruckaway*. V. BRADLEY, Iba ceavaaa. of then nya : “Audertoe kju PRODUCE. W On • bhrh wr the fulioMi friend* generally, make lug extract. Mr. P. weul wot ld4it.iHvii.Lav and tl»e public that they uiylH d?niii»bw3m 173 Main mrva t. oxaayt fan be b a Now Yorfcor wban Sacratary been burnt out, Kv-, May 34t)i, gn faa adranaga of Cbrimaa oa tba alxvery la*t (all, ba* brru lo the iuUmw ml the Umc, aud U guittg tu aving will be found, fur tba preaent, rSr have now in niora a rumplete om>riinent (' arivlccaa* a Iboker for the piirchare rrmaiu aud »«r thr thing out: H at U»a ulllce of K. WintaiviuiUi, Itauk aveniM, near OFFKB my aud V-j/ — m their line, Ilf ibetr own maanfociuia Floyd, fran yamaal kaaarladge, wilbawt aalii-ita ilBoatioa, aad attempted I mle of on Monday t^Umaa to donTtbuik tb*‘rr b a plarr known b«MW where a man tud Bei>‘t'tlbelru#u and luru-arot In., lidaratiaa of hb wartk, awd witk a ni|aaat, n a* 1 am toidina, bat Aadaraoo forced bim back by oolla>tuial aware you have bad auiur riperiruce lu gold oouutnca. FRESH FRUITS I’hietutir, 8bifUng-lup and open Bngglee, ALL THE YEAR. ; Unlerit better digxlnfr a e found, 1 think any maa Hulkie*. SUde-aeat Bnggte*, Ac. _ _ nnad by faa Sacrotary binwlf, fan ha had ao naaniimiag, a mode af dbeaaiiua which be (Cbrb- wbu b aud Krctilird H hiskirs, &c. doing well in the Statdw will rugfvi the hour h« k*a, and P&OM'iwiug odvantogM in niaMiifaeturiug. we ora enabled baton aaaaar af laabfyi^ to hb aaerft. Tba yay came to tlib euuBbv lo do better. 1 would advbr all OfAce on Wall vtreet, ovi»r to *ell below tbe UffU il rate* The public oia rvapecUull maa) bod bimnlf iatrodaced. I nw a number af per- THE YEOlotlA.3STS tbe ftore of M«*nira. Critten- •on* to liny wbere they are. Iheae miiiee wiU nevur pay deu A (Jo. Keepectfully, P» N- T. STfc.WAKT. iuvited to roll and examiiie our atuck and price*. MAGNETIC PLASTER af tban eannianawart waa gti a day aad axyaaan. I naoa who voted fur Talbott, wbu will vote for An- a man to work them when provbiuB* are as high uia3* drodMuiikWtieow a* Uiry kapnRN('ika.>-M4rtiu de (J«., B. J. Adam*, K. AikioBOu, ia gaiag to Fort Biyloy, Mnbtr bad go ar dU are here. Until farmtrv come here to art kr duwa and hud P KUIT liOTTLE, U d on. Oao of tbam toM me ‘whole Gwaley A Co., LuuiavUle. Ky.; Mariiu, (Jobo, 4k Cu., Hew- on fan hb ready salrfor tbeir producr^pruvl ions cooir down to thdr ^OR ulUity, ounvenienoa, economy, and aafety, i* une- itt. Norton, A (>i., fc'illuw* A Co., Piieh<>r. Guodrleb, A go by Fort Waalliag. Why wn ha an ditanad ta pn»prr valu**, barun rigbl to rent* bail and cheapiat Henaehokl Remody la thawarlA. aalghhorbood had banted loan.* I giro bia lan- nine per pound. Hour kG F qualled fur praafarviug (!o.. liiaoB, ^HK Fruii* Ofiraae; i'obb, u. In a fresh etate, iu any New Mnnin, (Jo , HewUl A (U».. .New prrt«ek,kc >Uica, and not unUl thru, will U pny any ^ Slmpla and pteoaaut In Rt aa*ba af. yaefatwi faa taan daty n tba laUor, aad tbaa nra climate, an indaSnite time. **Havlng u*nd Ibese Buttle*, Vurk; Brook*, Jubuauu, A v^o., J. 8. (Jhenowelb A Co., Plumber, Oas, and Steam Fitter, aud eortnla and guoga ; ‘Allan haa duaa good aervico b fae lower man to work. wa had tbam exceedingly convenient and ju*c tbe Uong Clncionati. ma>'34 di*3iu teetuol te its fl oMa. A, keanilial >«mna»e, axternot Co- af Haifaall, **For a rritrrion 1 vW j«jt relate _ tba azyaan aaada^ wba aaaan to ba how the poor davib waui*d."-^uan J. Tuuma* ui the Registaruf Rural Af- BraM Founder, port ef fae dbtrict. lie b making apbndid in rative, appUeoble for ibe rvllei that come thb •pring am making theb* fortune*. OiUy fair*. o* Fain at any Uma, In any a dail body wSb antbng la laeanaaaad hfn, az- f^erday three men came up Fi/tk afrarf. btiween Main and Jfarkrf. > to me whore 1 wa* at work For deecriptive and plica (Arcular*. adirea* tba proprle- place. In any port of tha bamaa syteam, osd no$er oficlr- appitod for work. BRASS aayt, n ba nya, fan ba baa baaa a nanhar af the and They wwra oat of pruvbion* tu-at Walworth, Wayoe Connty, New York BURNET HOUSE, VARIETY OF WORK, ALKFCMF8. SODA bada*t an>* Staiid*. Cock*, aud Coupling*, Chandelier*. Rrackcl*. cuttMttnncaa. If yo« pot tbia Floater aaywbaaw. If Fate money or tnend*. a* thee came through oo nai driJkwl \ maning woe bald at Paint T. G. VKOMANS. .*li>elter Vifgiaia I agblatan. a dayaty abarid, aad third gM'Aa Oppoabion Walker** ttne, and were anxtoo* to do aumetbing Not Bandaut*. Force and Lift Pumpa, Solder, («uu there, the Fleeter will stick there uUl lha Fain haa Hading oua CINCINNATI, OHIO. 4kc olwayaon bond. Kagildlngand Golvauix- any that could douuUny*, , Lock, Garrard canaty, Ian weak, lo aomioale a atford to pay them to work, labed. Tbe Hoater mogoeibe* the Fain away, and they vent tu with a miner log done at the •borteat notirv. Ftdter'* poleut M^-tal, to work for tlMor board. A per- URLELErH OVERLAID LETTERS. HAVING taken a l**n*e ii|xiu ibe UI'RNKT ran ttroa* and Babbit Metal lu poiM oattMov RXtaw w nena vHia PLaarna in apvLisn, a warn yaraaaal aad yalitifal IFiaad af tba Sacta- candid ate far tbc State Seane, n which Col. Devid MB gat any amount of mwa to vi»rk for $14 and $16 |M9Tfor a luug term of >var*, aud rcurgauixed U lu CoaliUi*, mode order. ap7 eudly pur luuaih . 1 have not heard oi a pwy Uig ov«r *hif QllJlmany deMrtmebte, the uudenugued can «>nfely Klieumotlam, Lomenc**, Stlffnam. Wooknum, Debility, tary? Uc ha bad faa to Irviae, of Kicbmoad, preaided, having declioad a for the aat • x week*. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUliSCKIBE. nya nanatid SactaUry mi^^Mav that Oieir arraoeetuent* teudlog b> tbecoiu- LEA A FEKHIN.S’ Nnrvoitanrai, Neuralgia, Dyspepala, Uougb* and Uolda, **pMr*uu* Una write ic-aaouBatiuD ceanat of hb advaacing age. anch Aattoring new* back to tbe f’lri aiiii •aliefacliuu of euritte vintlng the city will be »ncli gn taatafang baadaanc far bin aad “ia Ayril ba oa a PaUia Ache* ol every kted, d(*wu even lo Corae, ore State* are mm that have au iBtwr«t In •ome UCUe om*. Tbe fir«t of Ur. Grecky** Leitara from Kan*a*, Uutb, a* In graiity t^ deiuauds of auy *u>uiiruttr at Huu*e. CKLEBKATKD and Geergt Daoay, F.iq of Garrard, reoeired tbe hurve town, and ibiuk It very likely Uiat they wiato aw fan he had a Ibtla baafaan far an to da , can grab Uie (kRforuia, $c„ appear* thi* week. Hi* l.atter* are look- A trnd D Kdicitod. I M M KD! ATKLY RKLl KV KU, and, wiU a IbUe potkinee, greenkn a* they cobm la. It b the o^ion of a great m.i'lll dImU JOilNNON, uaaaimoat aoaaiaatiun, aad eubarom tbe St. Joaeph Gaaetie, 97th.) owwaaa, fan ha bad nan baaiaan appllcaUon la unlveraal « to tba strong tba Tiibuna, $i. For club Inrm*, *ee Tribune of any date. qwity nmo, Aoeatoed, ‘Thai thb oeavntioB rulifr eai erarove Ibe ConnoUoBiua IV Mttdifal latest fuum salt lake. I10NAI.Y Jc STIUllEli, GcDifatoa dedicate wonmn, and thefaebte Intent. T* aock and oil It itoitacm af artaebOte leir dava aad adu|0«d b. tba • i|we- ** By the Salt LiUm mail in lact night v« h*va data* from At Modraa will aatiaa Uttn ooavcatMHi bald at Lunlrtille oa tbexsduf t obnioi) ml prove a Balm and a Bteteug . Ita naala egnewbia, and ha wanad aaa to aaU.” the Sacred to Ui« ia*t. Horace ureeley a co.. at cordial CUr Kd Tb* power* had rvlap*ed rU'NBKKS ((» litS-FITTKVS. TO TUE lan, oati pladfe to in aumiae, • oar enauiuoa. oud II bia without onnoyonc* or troubla. Itt prtew la wttbln raoeb of Tbtre waa a gran deal af rnadirtiag taabnaay at into a ‘‘mafterly Inactivity.** No more a*Mandoa lion* bat Tribune Huildinga, To Brother occurred, no more marker* bad been committed, no indi- GAS F1XTUHF:S; BATH TUIM; oU-refleb or poor; all may have It, and oil •honM havo tl TESood . That tbia caamUoa eadono tbe aetiou of tbe >*1 dl New York. to rvrv^ra ra...reto Ot Wu ta fat nal aatn af fae proyatty, raryi^ Cron Ian viduab bad baan ui*4 and ac4U)Uad; lo abort, * SUGWF.R PATHS: WATER CLnSETS: Maarbarii r ooaveolioD b aeloctiiir tbe Hon. (ifoeo Adoow kob>dy aSLT tiOOD SArCE who or* 4cfc, and suffering In any way. had done nothing.** WASH IIAXINS; .sHKLT LFUD; j-M,' May, 1«1 for I naiTiiM aad bofrby |4odce oar eanwM eSuru b be- faaa am gma ay la bad a nSlin. Thn, baw> The Valbv Tan of the 6d May*: Dr. lead AND IKON PIPE; FXJRCK A LIFT PI MPS; FLANTKKSshoold be alway* anpplied with thislnvolte. boif of Mo abotba Forney, the Super. "Tall LhAbFmsKiNa Intendeut of Indian Afblra, arriv^ la thb city hi* BHA-S FAUt.'ETS; STEAM VALVES; able FIASTKK. It will ba tba Gawd FbyAchui any aoar, wnaabaaaaaarial boat. Tba Toadibb ralaa ttrirlrrlt Tbot wo bader oar eordioi thoaln* to Col. Ir- from And applicabla ta thatthelrSAVfl'Blahigh- on late vbU to the ii»uthero noitton of the Territory. STI:aM WHISTLES; OIL O LUBES. vliurfor the fbllbfiU oad mtbfoctury ntonner b vblcb be Tbe “p.-toTT''' ly eateemed lu India, plantotiun, ready at oU tUnaa, and at lariont nolie*. Ductor look* wdi, and b tu good bralth, and repuri* toe boo dlecbartod bio detioo oo donoluf. DWEI.LINdrt A.NU FACTUUlKrt and 1$, ta my otenlon Indiana In tbal rk-ialty a* peaceable. He vktb EVERY VARIETY Put op in olr-tlgbt tiu boxeo. Eoeb box will moke 4x to aaan far diayalc. Aa fat ranniatat aayt, tba brought moat pnlatable a* him three of Uie chlidreu, tbe aiirvivor* of the riTTKII OP WITH stare, Mouotaiu wfliil a* the most wtote- eigbt pin and any child eon spread tbam. Friea 3fi LETTER FROM SEEESICKS. Meadow mamaere. The other*, a* will be might af taabaaaay ywu fan n tauu.SM. llttyta- imn by rvfer- canta a box, with full and plain dlractteno. mo* to another paragraph, ara at 7b ake fdtdorv Ike IjorntmtU Jomrmat: the Indian farm al the STEAM, GAS, & WATER nUa mm ttitif.ii fan tbay woaU hart adored fan Simnixb Fork. I'be childrwo that he brought D. C. MUMKIIKAD, M. U*, up ara ap- ou the moet reaaonable term*. may14 dUnil* PaurcAH, Kt., 21>, 1819. parenUy very inielllgml, aud have a UvcJy of Invontor Fruprietur, In Walker *A, Naw Y(tt%. waA if they had kaaara fat yroyaity far nit. May rceoU^oo and wn Uto bloody deed* that convened their paranb and frbnd* MOKKHfclAlFS MAGNfcrTlC FLASTKK IS SOLD BY to Bfwarf of ronulerfrils! Than af faa yarrbaaaw bad la adaait ia giriag taa- d« alb, U there v«r* no other proof, and know t^ dif- ALL DRUGGISTS • every (My, Town, and ViHoga ol Bat to faa amniag at Mayfioid. Wban the iooo- tareiicr btriveeu an Indian and a white man. IN SOUP, IlM United Slot uJU iSAwIvi* Ummmr Ibn faey araald aow it b reiiurted that In gravy, with an uha Ian tbaa a nativa whbtlad n the depot beiw yaatarday morn- *everal white men openly boa«t, la the CARRIAGES Fl*h. Meate, Game, Salad dremior, vMSnity of Hao'a (*l*ra, that they were preeent and aed*- hr., LaA 4 Paamin*' WoEUBeTKOaiiiha S*Lt:s import* Faadto f yer aaat. adraan, aad fan tbay had iag, tha tram waa almady crowded to ib aimuat American Inenrance Compaiiy, tod at the Mountoiu Uradov* maaeacre. Thb thing ha* •**** flavor, give* tune lu tbe rtumoeb, aa- or capocily nti Urtt* dlgvstiou, LOUI8VILLK, KY. agiaod itooag fananim ngo n b^b aa SlfO.OOO by ear dtizaaa, wbo bad takaa tbeir aaab to come to a bead, and U ra«t* with tbe goverDmeat of* and promotra health. Chartered ItepUol ficiai* wbu arc presuuied tbab aom tim before, faenag to late ao oppurtuaity of to t-xttreim euene power In thb ON TIIK DINING TABLI'^ Foidin and Seemred gimAM to bid. Than caa ba aa daabt Ite, fay an Temtory **Lo, the poor ludlaur* FomUnra goiogaat. ladoM, qoito a aumbarof perauaa ware ore discuutiiniiog the uae of a ca*tor,aod Tbi* Company ia now organ- - • ibntituUug a kept fran going by Ibe crowded atato of tbe can. aruet of Laa 4 FKEti.>*' Wum'xsTraaMiBK A4H||Pbfa load and raiuly to engage In a IForthe LonbvUle Journal.) Sauok. general Marine and YSm Inau- L'poa orriviag at Masbeld, k waa diacovared faot OPPOSITION MEETING IN Sold by all reapectobte grocer* and fmlterera ranee busioea* on Hbarol term-*. » faa paopU from every part of fae conatry bad el- OLDHAM CO. HAVIXOdlriciDtin- That maaaetion toggeato a nomtsar af grave Sole Whoteaole Agent* for the United Stute*, far“4 liWd-fa So. KIM nartb ted* Mom street, oppotela ready Asekad ia, aagar to bear tbe cbempiooa of At A meatia^ ol fae O^pooitka party of tto Manufaettwy Baukol LoeUvlUa, uvar tbe AgrteuUeral store of U- W. qnariaa, namt af whick kavt bean will *0ll the follow-Nw^S^^i^Ea JOHN DUNCAN 4 SONS, m caa be anlMfar- their nmpcctive portiaa. Ia fact, ao great waa tbc Weatport praciLct, Uldkam couatv, told ia tto Boabaw. Jfc^uUhlL BALL, Frewfeui V^^jKimr Cartiaew* al vi iot 4u6 Broadway, New York. torOy anawsiail town uf H’aatport, Uaaar Dn«v Sacratary. rtreiratb fa nwrel to , bat all of which faa«U ba aa oa- aozMty ef the people fact maay of them rafnaed to May 38fa, 1869, Dr. U. G. Doar- offi'riug iuducemeut* to all Kicat i(er*OQ* Wimiaaim ui pur- A stock alway* In *tur*. Ateo, order* recriv*-d fur direct to ara ra 9areifra.U ga to diaacr, pnferriog to loo waa colled ta tto Choir, and F. chase. Tb(> maybeueenat w ra,M ua Aaaa flaaa eara- •••••*. fa fava fat Sacattory Cram propar pwblic remaio and twcurt ed Evana aapoint- CO(>LlNGA BKl^DCS^S, dupmeota from Kngteod. auglx c(»di*|y Stekaa, rttt in.iaal iMrardar ||«in, between Jama K. Batt, Wm. U. OHIO RIVER FARM FOR RALE aiN af t iru aadraiMa (to kafaMK. voBlaguons aaau. It wea Mr. Bell'a dev to ad .Secretary. Find and Second atreeta: Barbae, d K M Bu( rerearad open Mini 1 |UKiaM«r»>-, fc. L. UiUbnan, John awapkono. Mvr-orai Why 4M fae Sacratory evar i Bla faa of the uieetiag pannt'led; Wa hav. lato tha diacaaaioa, and when he hwk the atud it waa Ito ubjecU oad narpoee were 3 Kunr-aeat do, do; H. PREISSLER’S Mar*n*M Dolbort, 8om'l Core, red fa Ito. aad tore faaad. u aaodaaa No.lmMASONIC hT##! in tbk* toB, 1 m>w offhr for sole a^ fc'nna, n mile* briefly aud eluquently aad forcibly TEMPLE, kob’t IteR, Wofl. K. eSud vary ovidaat that bit whole toul waa ia the caaae elated, imprcaa- 3 Four-*eat Open Roekawaya; from tbe city of Luuiavtilo, in Jeffb*aon eeoaty, 1 PbiitlDg-tm> Buggy; X>E3STX-A.Id IDEEOX: on 19 (iMoAwrtlyl that he wea “oromd and smger for tbc fray.” Ua ed upoa tto mind, o( tto auditary by tto Cboir- LOUISVILLE, KT. boH mile from the (teio river. The im- Rfiyer'^s ariftue I’mrr*, 1 Doctor'* Hiupton, imnoeled; ALBO nrxLBtt Itt oaL; tto fullawiag pruvemeul* ore new . coaaatiag of a hewed log be u*a, slo- •ccapird Ibe tame poakioat upon all tbe tupici Ibnt wbereupoQ KcntlancD, F. Evaos, IdOUlHVILl, I -faU aaarreton * raafanuaa parau fa to kfaaO. aad that the fart waa not naadad for militoty pnrpaaaa, E OFFER TO THF. 1 opeji Bugg) G. U. Juoas, Sale, D. A. PI BLIC WHEPXER A WIL- blea, Wfltel, 4e., oad abeat 39 ocree te fhun d mud. rtfataiaMttoHrewfaaaitollfareatotodr. AsddtaaM, ba totb at fae opMiag uf tbe caavem, nod hna ao M (^rdaalL oad Dr. A. 1 Si^iig Wagon with top; Drugrt aifld .YIedirinea, W SON'S IMPBOVF.D SKWINU MACHINE. AT PRIVATE MEDICAL DTSPERSART. The treat, comprhing Uteoaraa. ha* Hi acre* telh* witiMto nay amh raaanltariia? Why waa hU dte M. Morriaao, were dcaigaalod 4hh rad daaa can (to. adtottad dtoadar wdfa uretol omnam- aably aad goilaatly maialaioed avor hbcv; lint to by tto Chair to draft REDUCED PRICES WITH INCREASED 1 good Secoul-hand Wagon vitkovt fep; qwaUty ef wmbar. ilmfcar Miaabte ter CONH. Perfunery, Toilet Articles, Ic., fcr. Koiaklitked for thr rrKnf of tko WMagwiJeJ and tenprw- finam Tba *h dlmi** 8. iM, from an qy tkamt, drUrtedJrum adaartiand far? Why waa par acn Azad aa advaotaiR of baia« SKVKRmjN. itaN Kfara Turmidto. II b rai 9— i ( to oar Ioto i. to R7 U Rrtulrtd, That we are atlki* on both a/»plyint/ ta d pkymeimn mkooe inomirdar and txpo* oat maa'a baart wbo was not to bliasled by party oppaaed ta tto prioriplae of dd«—, formia, no rutca m>r chain on tba un. tofa far fartaUir -ill to raid Hi irarretaw ol omo- A. aiont iftocrraa. ud the mini mam print whoa gtn ili had ahuady a ffarad Lua-inierteranr dar dda—la Hmidu In ronatrucliou, more HENRT DUMBSNIL A CO, rtrnot can ba/ rimd Atm te anal aa to fear la bear aad inveatignla fae trafa. It e oo far port of Co^resa raapvctiag rpaady In nioia- a HA2;DIN Hfcll.M H. W. BRUCE faaithcaah -holure la ,09, to*, ud tow f9on a Oh » ! maut. aud morr durebla tbau any other macbiiia. NKW ORLFANA > dank la that atoaoM? Why waa not 0 antral Joaaap bee tom long since the goud old oooaty ef Gravee alava property io Ito Tarritaric', oa advocated bv mWarere, read aa kreiilWiii Farer. t.faM Farea, Daraa. aw Wa give f ull tnalnictioiw to enable tbe imrcbaiiar to ta lrfaan a4 law, Lrafa. tto mw HELM & RRUCE, I n-Var (M. 8. A. A g. oltormr I Matod Araa. Farradirel Itoadaato. re MIfare Itofada. hoe been no wakaaad up. And the reepactfni aad RepablicAa party oad a portiuo of the Kentarky ordinary aeamv, allteb, hem, fell, DUBffESNIL & McTIiVAINi; aahM asba had afliaad otaan fana Staale? Why wna quilt, iiaihar, bind aud OMflriy uccupted by Doctor King— rttta, ar.. f-r lartOar aarwalan, ha to4o« / a«ut la tehuo* Fevefw, .Nearelgia, gbaaoianw, lltiaauma, oadiridad a il eat of Democrac) arid, recogoiziag, tack aft on tba lama machina, aud lon ito peupla, intermated by ; oa we do, the coa- warrant it for three NKW YORK. wbara be woekl coll tbe attetihau araka laia ot to aOan Uad. t heeba, korerbe, 4 emfru, Atbma. F*laibiH a, Pwau- tha Bait amda ia asernt and kept a aacaat bbiR aftar yanrv. LOl ISVILLE, KY , fmqaaat bunts of e lenae obownd toariaaively etitatioaol ^wer uf (^uagreur tu protect each prep, advance* on ruiiciguitieut* Jy of all ihoar odlictrd wilb (ikMoae»ul MATTHEW U HMT. fnl AArtmoael the fiptean^ Hy«malaK K*Jkt^ Farelywa, pp , (;ircnlar«, containinc teatimoniali ASH made of Wettem Pre- '* from ladiei of tha VV' ILL give utiict altenUoD to oU burinee* entrusted tu L private or cunfidflWiMai ooiar* te 8 A. AT(.H(8U.q. •od Foiofel Atew iiiiiu* uf the Slnmate Bewete, eJI of ita inmi a l iia Why did aat fan cesatiatiaaaaa fat that the paup> appnciatod tbe man aad fan erty io the Tairitoriea, we are in favor of ita being C dnee with tbe privilege ul arlllug etibrr in LouMvilte, Mm nod uMter. klfbaat rtandlnf. Fjim aud Wert, fivioc prieev, *e will vT them. FrumpI attention riven ta cultecitou*. Office datolf Caraar af rtftk aad Jrtfaraaa rtiarla. , .New OrteatH, or New Ywiii. Fortteulor attentiuu paid tu the new meihud uf triwtmenl aa OMia wbica, wban oriteag firom UMarweee, wiU bv teired te o»- I have haard a aambar uf peraoot nay »bst eztrciaod wbenaver neceaoary (• protect the ownera be furulMied mil. ou appliaation In iH-reou ** k ba haaam , at fat fori aad in tha a^janant towaa, Mr. or by latter near the corner of Sixth aud Je^rvou *c* ^mayd dlml* practiced in the fctegheh and fc'rvncb mmt amre or tem the tetermUteut Auan af nuySt deoddweow tiBiug S*iuiheru order*. tyi*- Ball’a aaaecb at fain place waa (to tiasmt attert they alave property in (to eojuyBMOt of ttoir rigbte. WM. bUMNEK d Cti. noaiiital*. Havtagfero-veralyean Cnoa** iwmiivi s the eaa*a of thaaa daaaaavateate, and which they vmkad, that they warn aodhattoad and apia dUU DUMK8.NIL 4 UK bad aver hoard. They ware JUtulrtJ^ That we fully undoTM Afl_i ftQyc mode Ihi* ctosa of dweasm a arani- excamble fur Mr. B. tbe octiua of RICKLAYERS' Tiowai., Plumb Rule., and Ham- VqJ aroat abaol to ALiTY, With tile knowledge be be* moha a aala? at that lioM bad not made bia Mat beU tpaach. the Uppositioo State Cuoveatioa, told in tto clt B war.. new and auparlur articlaa, lor mla by E. W. MACDONALD, PRIZE MEItAL PIANOS. of them, worranl* him la myiug that there b m* ((»nu or Bat if Mr. Beil made ao Jirtl idb _A^McBRlDF;a^Tbird rt. Tha eatonaktaa deal vary giintly arkh Mr. Saert- macb Latter a apaecb •yiuptum whbtn tney gamme that la wlUmet a (|oick and tettOUMALB UKAUU in AHII MANUPaCTUBSh l*p LAK(i?:STSOi;i'liKUN PIANO FAcnouv. faara t ha n bar^ Mr. Magcfiia give lo tto oomioeea uf aaid toay. They paofam to hava caaaictad himooly of made proportiuaably Coavaaliuo a worm OOPERS' TOOLS ot tbe bert qnaiily, warranted, by pflwiuauent euia. a aae. His ooaraM, and zealuua auppurt. M - KNiVRK 4 (‘O., Boliimar**, Md., bave been award- Yot'-NG MKN. wbo, by Indulging In *oUtary bobRa, warm Uke Buts Acre's, aes-iaad C wxl Jdkb A . McBUDE,iA Third «. ar Galvanizrd Iron Refrifferslors, lc«- W ed g*eriuilty; arvest tools —Shperior Sc>'tha.,Cradlea,l

oi tdd for the Louiswllia lU^«iw«for th« wcwh Uy. S. VERNON & SONS, JotunSr ^ RIVER NEWS. oaa tafarviaioB af Tboataa Collaat, tba Lxwit Bakxx, Bole Lawte; Cwxua Mkllds, Aeaaa WM. WB1UU.Y BKVlKtW U. Ktq , 0» TUK MAKKKT Uoum mrn^ Mmrkfi W. W. of the Aaaociatitabahoat TUE VIRtIxiF Lawiawiau. rOET O# EOSIATILLE ' EL£CTI0!«...... Marti. UT’A^rra rasat1rcle aaJ l‘»io"«tle to l^il . TW^tiW market ba. beta dall far GESEKAI.[AL liNSUKAiNCEINSURANCE tha Int vnk. PlM I eetiU;crtiU; o«iiU; Third Tirr Uri lAfRy two BiWs from Nov Albvay, koM boM crootlj im* Secuod Tirr 3636o«uU; quaniy ara varth frwai d4#4 •• to - _ which Evs6 tec&uc Tiad Btttm $ 1 ; Colofod Bote* 16 ceuU; Coluivd Gsl- IT I Wolhrr UivyiB her Virm exVfidad ihrouch prond aiao. laat UaMifally Uhl 5‘' B jE5t Dauithter! A_,a n'v**®^* •in..Ba»,.bWr«.f«». yaar. They an 2!? hT“ *" ”• Abroad »nmrr,rWtr A.C3rE3NTTS.^ -A. b-iycTAL But a lafv» nambar of irow, Bar^o£Tbna dalir treai IS A M. till 1 I' y >.m1 end aot wueh oorty|Miaot7^. gnrt«r.»oeom».nOoortur«(ucomio«ne«e..i>at> u'.i.h* , .x-iy'-tv - a -a r .~Tt r-. ^ . ^ *^*»deo 4 iiIIbm - tUtted; they a»wai« veithwaeia treaa. And In -- bar Upaa aattriag the main gata, a naat liUU I •L dour 800.1-111^^^ preeail- DSVAETVBEl. .wdew- ANECKAN1>NECKKACEIANECIvANl>NECKKACEI Id froa Vt ?A ia ^M K44 pTiT;mM. I a. M. “tber ^ bee taken ^ Sapwhar.ilAV.iR aoUaga prasaaU itself an tba right baad, fitted ap LOUI 8 F. WELLb' i^lM^TKJAN A.\D UKAMATIG vWeleew. , week nat. OilE.n. Ibadiw Na *® IwpArtaal *-••• •'wry, ?tt. L.»«ia. LOITISVILJaE, KY. [HiKcial[Hlwcial dtaialcbdi.i«tcb to tbelb. U>ol«rllleLoubTlUaJauiauL]JeuiamL) Tae river Ime rtMSM T* l-oortaal d^aoaeba.,,,. oKe.. Ori>ra i -a* for rtae. , 3^,, rnmi at « „ Um km of tka gruuid kctpcr, aad oa Ike other la «k-lb. 1 *‘ * “ *» perhamt,a the M-Memoa. ramde, »,w Mai'S!, wilt i lem.- few1 «4 me- EVENING, TimdAjr, ACt^d th^ WfYlTEc ataare prepan-dprvp«r**«i tomi lane P.iIWmIo lh» rullovlnr tot RkRl. hwohd,HWOHD, May 30. «Mefi»r wita ™^;de,.. a.., '^ .>w gr«v«t ticLfwa, ] hesil le iiotker re- M OnuuA •! ioti*MA IntefMi, in thiwA taJUnI it veut Coiu|»Aiii«w. i itructare, ialendad for e ladies' 1“In ““ KtH>EW<>oO,orltichArd Turpio, Um l^hwayiuAn^ bu«in«Miii KmUtrky br ”0no coantiaacountiaa boardbeard from Utche,Uicber Uadalaada UoggU Ua,.«,oul^5 ‘hUT B Sr VI PTA oeplioa moa>. All the walks, dirirts, sod 178 votes. ; Tber. are 34 old thr*«fbo«t Um dA)*. cainlie. to U ae-i-...... r tracks bsTs baas canfoUe baad-rakad, and the Ut- S n tar me t. Jm-taMT; a kemtlee pnm’ lUrw* **«*”; *! pk#., r Tryue. ll llkti iiinr. tar, PBa:Mx..sMTi.AM'K.;o...FANt ^ tf W which maasBrea oae mils exactly, baaa lav- .,„AK^ baa i ^ aewI™"’cunatiaa are alto to Iw hoard KJVK£AMt> ~*UTiikMiMjAT- MATTJUta.* Comedy of WHO 81'EdKS Fl&S'n FOkU.CONN t'aab tei.ilei a*M),gOk frera. In this t Tyaaweee »v,.r.lw eaM lebMe.. * in'*uirt- ji, ..we "'*‘ HMbvilU HailfOMi sUd aad roUsd, aaddad at tba atdas, aad liaad with Tbe Weather **??‘_**^ ?y. ‘!‘*Mt«»b>aid—e.hwr»iki|ii ai te I(«^viU« Mid ttatemoot of majoriliaa tha old coantiaa in hae been vary *.». Home boebeii. Lard b-avy f kBM CITY HKP: INeTUAMK CU.UFANY OK tha Ab- rele (I.II . ,» lljtlaijjw oM*omI Oil fat foaViiMwoM la Ckariaavi^ f hVdi toVaaao Expw •< The rirar waa Calliaf yaatarday. Laat sTaaiof rowa at omamaatal and abad i treaa. It ia one of Lmmm < * XMI Ikcrt wars 4 fast t iackaa water ia the caaal. It lbs beat tints trackr ia the West. Tbs ampUtbsa- The new srsrr^rsiir-r'rast WAt.MAM.. ;txdi‘t:.p,mlki7a.:a; coantiaa of Uuchanao, Wi*, aruwina K Mml^. immMa* k. ubM* eimkr. tra, which mw. nmmanly. .m d« ma MoImo. l-ha ttordm raiasd saMc yaatarday BMraiat(, and U the af,ar- origiaally atood too cloaa to tba track, MAO. ISlfiA CLARK, ..*;'*** Su tl*W. BerMr* 4 e^y v diapauk I Urgar•aigwr t baa thetaa oaa nearasmr oar cHj.city. ThereAwere ia a driveariva » •rTbe apa^ froa the ad iter af the tarday nuraiac, aad is expected to arrive ta aight, I waa om » _ e . a dheem; I leg hvBs 1 BBee; lee hdA | XT 1^ AT/^tT T IX fll ra«.g.i„rr4air.a.oov.,ct,m..b.Deau^cra.iA..na- * •y •iiiHtppi e gtKMl MW vit.ovw, redkm^«‘tk'. 1 cB-w. givasgivaa lataat aroaad Itll Ibr all vshiciaa,vohicioa, ciadoo crop cen be m«4l«. Kremev; l •>«« -,-4 OUhaMadlehwaari Whig thelha aswaaawa af thetba alai- aad will Uavs agaUagaia oa Tharaday.1 aU kinds of aSurdingaSurling a full I I : I. 1 -1.; .rdv. tu tjX\, A A VJ jN Vy ill IV 1, INSlIIANtli J‘»“y'“‘‘>«'^0‘'“‘'“‘‘»I'»l>«‘‘rdfromandLalcb.r'i There lel« *•'*“ ^'* bam, rm .am, «»... a. t; 01 »OII|K tO.tIPAM OK N. ae»# channcheiic« la the I will view for theirtboir to tealea all ,.aeymoeey marketravket. FrimePrime pap^.d.b«- TaSerTadar mar.veer* “rorabl,fevorebletovorebl.(av».>a. *A P. W. 21 lUam m VligUiiVligtaii It bebo aacaaoea that thetba Uabaraa- IVa JohaJohn RsiaeRaiaa has paapassed V ckabarg, tbirty-fiva vmw uccapaaU that laia going on „ .... I Aim *±a.uuu J,?? J pnaeat lead ia 31 EUITOR OF WHIG. LreedUyI< raadUy dlecouolejdfacoanted«:« by the •“ »' or me Bankbaox.Bnok. EeMemhaeteraEaetera exchaoceexcheofe b wkel ImuroweCImwoved. PritmPricee *** ~ ‘ ^ tarlal•ial lahOTilaslahOltilaa an raaaiag a Back and neck nor,race, hsara sat frsn New Ortaaaa.Orlai She la advertised to U the ««..araaa. TbaTh. amphitbealnampkilbeatrt baa Imalylately beenbean NKW KNtG.ANir .OAKINK ANU KIKK IN. arm. m ufof *.7i»i.7Ue bam.bkW Pmewema^A . • »l ttANCr. CoRl’ANl OF HAKTFokU, CO.N.NKC. UaLTIMOKX, MlV 30. repott.4 aa TT “ »l» LtmUmU* aad Vem rvmnae LtoAemwo Itmt — It laava.oaava.oa Friday atdar tba aaparintendsace a. a hal aa M yal iMpaaatUt beany ahathav Maggin etaaiag. encUd af Major 1 P. NIAHO^ICJ XIiaIVIPIaF^, C’a.h I »Kreigbter««hte havehere aaee upwardiipverd Tiri"T aiHlel iHUd in ajjiLiaiu 1 ...1 • i a i.a> 1 . . , .... laadeaey.teodeeey. Fbr lf«w CHlMnw ; “ *‘‘*^'*“ ti.«bu, Randolph m, 100; . . hed Tha Uia Varasa iasdvettiasd to Uavs for haUt Saith and John R. Bullocfc, E«|- lu laagtb U loewwprompUyedJuWad at fMwbotae.lairtn.aala.. 41 W<4I aw wba# date ai wheat awm. Tb» aau ieae.wac«.t r.mwaa» meamM hwwa ^ AOENOY baad of Liothan U that • * PrunepTime banioBv,beiiioM, t'aouuuCeiiUuUt ao Bug>,BuITg, trumfrom tba trath, aad that mmr aobla ^ -T- I a d'a- . ’ll >k 1.1 t- a MUauMiUu andend •ru. WJ • sAa Ml « .n -u A IA .Aau A# .A A Jj J rox Tba Talafrapi^ Na a li the maoboat for Ciacmw Ur wiRwiU beba bald la thetba furanooaforanooa of oacbaacb day, aad CUtkawiUa aadMaahwlUaL The oaob Iradioa lieuaaItioien uprraoprre Hoiiem. Rsn. had achtavad ae ci.pUta a tnanph. isrwjwIBfl'-Mil'W "3TOH.IS. lieu. Clark in a letter daleeaa U tbe CairoUlOB thatba Umetime track ia thetba aftarnooaaftaroooa of aach day.diy. No MONs,MONs* HHbNItV6 NKY UEIIP r|.Riii|I'P, Toinx: pawerti.omaito fci haavine *I all daaU ptivB.IV... wuppmediapaich tom at.. ..aa ycatarday aati ' •"‘‘^Lfrom ibet^^rvAiuirv .i i>,wic. New YoKk, ^*7 ~vSdwr hwj iewgytdmge ew V om I packal, aad tba J B Foad ia tha Wheeling packnt. marks of oanarabip will be allowsd nnUI after tba Mey Ji ii Life,ife Insurance Cnmnanv Floor bee Mveeeed r.m **'• todasA, M U “ Company. .f bbUm Js'ie ritywmJJ?*<"- '*• "• ••***^ to the ,lark af the lUan for the awsrda ara made. AU premiama cffpiwd, nut oth- __ A J ibe 1 ‘rgMJent end 8e«. cury Ibobiiwoa left this . . . . ?:*»r.dn. »ui" u” Thr w Ung iHneUtn uf the kiarA n/ a '*• L. ..VO ^ Sootkem.Sootbem. ^V'bmt^V'beet boeyeot:buoyevt: mWvmbv a Aa BBu ., Bbmu Y’trginU ia bat the ' &JMajM bv^eW et AdM ferBp a nvn U t ian in . a... _ tioo. No peraoo will b. allowed to act a. judge of i^iiei 4 whMr,vhit**, AI«l fgas for red, aadend «l «er A CairoCa.ro UtterUttar nyi;ny.: ***Ii^’nb.vib*jotb€riBedib«rgoi end povt»r.U*om ^c Al WM"tW far whilavbile Wraterk.Wretan. CunCure Y C -L M.ili. fACtmt ibeCetioet. at iA<. 4 is»^e**^^a» Jltma .u i.mi.. I thmgnnl.r.»whiehwiUh.Tl I Pm t af ilUHliftW lUia1 Orlv liliu llliMlltlUtUIh^lir/inPP lill e-HBietataueWHBietatwc for mixed Ai..xi,. wowwa Ctty, lelbantfielbant sunksank Mrsbars ya.UrdayyaiUrdav miraio*. with any animal U which be baa or has bod aa Utorcat. LUeoc, Vucal, .ud lu-uuuirutui Uu. , V^U. Mr. Appleiui * sad j;eJle Cur yvltow. PeekPack Cairo, CohuBbSia, HlO*- ---- A mw^, with a baa reaumed hia duties mi.Vmiaunt STT "J* , fm. m»wt yoorwoar in lha aauansiaauaasl Ii I fram pawn next U wa IHF PUIt-h. OF AllB|&dlON.— Aul,ilh-t' udiuS Moll •« 4i: for me- rare Imlimiriiir til the klimiaeliim F!effilrA] L'..ra ..tm.l l.n.n.ltt i.e.. ia. a ....ai.a. . at Ihr u(hce iwendailaj * »ad glSiS for prbne. La ^ Imlongiag to the itiaoMaippi Canlral Every miim.l brought Utu lb. KI.n of Wu. S. Vrro-u, in the city of S.craUrv of"* .S:aU. ®',‘, ) and I'tiS Lard quiet. Ampbithautor frii rvmSi^Wdiii tui iiu"'.T. it V.Tr .J 11 »iHwrdVy'.:.i;'.iil.I**® lAiUlKviUe. l->5». . •i'rai*ybrqia,|to aaainaliiin which ws han H Kr., Fvh. Id, . the lollowinunti weawaa HArrAlurw Fl.r.l w/k..a . ... > qVfbMl g| WbWky brgry g| *7t. m lha ex Hailroad. They coaawtod af thrss pamanger car*, *® 25*IS*7IA7

«V aadgetl »j*c.mUc. .. . fiet the power of ellail to h«irbear lh«*ettame piv«i erUhU. i Stork. diili and lower; skpiwaa oar, **^.**i^,and fearar firtc^can. 11'hey'hey wan not W trv.t artuU. I * " l*li gtry.igih,•,,•.. fUeaso aad Koek~ atfwngatiwag hapaa. aa ur uauenuvrtor» givaa to tha aabjactabUct we f*—aatartaU , a di Ihmrtor. ofoi in.iTum-th»ihu Com.Cote- 3 C —-JioihlaeNotblegnoiniB* to10 rrpurt.rruort. ThoTlia rsre<-uiutAeipte • , gegeiootttfiuii ofCC UWUw grooB.grooBi. ““•*> »o ^ !)• reiiHl. 4i »"iae to IlUnoiu Centrmi kallroad Ul TiCkAtB (with ReBeiVCd SeatB) $1. MO)', lurrbAvrexAuiuedU>erei><>rle»*umM*d U> r«i**prt eudand rehibitrxl.ibit of tb«tba New.New bis fnenOs beta Ifoii hit kealtb it cooaid- abow laj., 1. f. boa*. SDcloraa a,. E«o u *u- a fallinc odu nunbared «nnalih ix«Iaw year.r.!! Yorklork lifeIJIr InAUrenr.'lotuimikrc -' for th«®tor liall <«..ta-rw u...r.-A .1 . -Ji.. a. i u_ i Utel | hell f.arycer rodiug erably — 'iroUm OMcCaw dmI with Kxhibitort*-**ui«A*wi* vbbiiifvighiuMBVMBUf toW |Mc*o«v) m Lo.Nm iMBiJ IbeM tbg SdcreUry at tbg Uom of diii..u,cr»Muil> ivcoumt nd th« i L’. U nutkiBA Vf^.*** V Uiu uci»uri^mruttM-g^iarm *44tuJ \v.lu.scto>. Dm.., nay 30 . Ar.^i^r ^ •trrot, whrrr g l>fagrgiu of ibc tgn ^#^- l eompallad her to backbeck to Vic«gbarr.Vu4»bnrg, . . lUU 0 . TV krU snaaae I anafoae -Uo**'*' ••d*'** I tun to rsakipreeblA Tv , Mi.Dorr 0 I ibr wimmenity uigy gtoo br pfucarM nt ibr dour lu lli« G.~ral AaaemMy of tba Pm.UvImU, and l.u*bm, «-« '*!*'• •“« vary heavily lomUd,tomUd, her I | •*V«lturrLrf;*^IW.t^-e.^7«Mbe^y ^ ia hmtrdheard fret.fran I *»T 7 .im ' . " •a am*aach cMy,cwv hatbZ^baanhaaa I ^ 1 Wun upru gt —tocomuuucviU'' uuhteg, m3“ did utri IIaI bar v'".!?'*tfo'hool Cboich to SbeaUn** cuabuue firm ““ *•— ' •^*7. ...is I Utruv Ivirruvi, r.'-ta; H> r»i utUiued tbe auui of day, Ibc report of tha com. al »c. CobmIiob Where only„,i oaa aaimal cuiibiU4, batUaa latae , V/T. . gltotAa Ui— dawn to the wator. HXd, • prUBinm _A^A f *“ PaciOe HaU s—aa—bl* t'a. aatan*• amaaMaU—aaadnto caaaU—caaaUaa, what^a halhar miltaa ou lha frea eyood uaa read. 1 refers C*«»-bs ann 7.;},. eV ngwa , ) .j^ tbe Soap.— Mar landira ^y ThomaaThomas was duaagadd.magad by groaadiagtrroaadiag xhall not be awardedad uuU—uuUis deemed specially wor-war- MO^AltT 11AI-Uuu3« pel rest prranuHui ua raporl wai atlopud. 1 bs report of I ba committee aatbtofaatblu* tramdred;traaeidred; rerei*mrarei*— of^ baud, Utonuton bo# foal Pittabore h reuUinx •«at ^u..wuu< m »e on the rtvar. P.—oy me. mbbtt at ar ' a* wa trwai war galUat Ball '?Ul, asya; PrnvWoaw-yeia— rvaiato aumtaal; — 1 hrawv nawataiaaon, llirk.lWutrh^eM inillUkxl .’^rttrlty Utgl ffLgtl • A P.an.m W a . » bo li- ak- -a a- # aV . BE*gg.-NeW WegUim II Eatri*a of {Uwart mwat be a—de oa tba grat day ivoa** irwin a to . «itb the Kigti! »ovilgtK 4i of the cilizeo'*, da—adofea— 'e ei' . a We Ihk aanraiag racaivtd iofoiaiUion that tha M’UE CHESTINE FRANK!! Cbcuytrutler. u oi«*pt goy Uvful the loeiuhors of grrordig* te .tnHiigw I w Um—riue— —awWeady b—quht a*aM Nkawiaa 4s. WWa a gawal paattoa af sack w««g » qiMtwy. | | dttigkOd# ohirh*^*^ the 'ilaiiiikagAtir m-v fgUfmii tota Igv . tbethk* AffMMHiw r/eng «n -wanw. .... i.. ak^ a. ... - t - For St. IgxiU aad St. “• •'deck aooo. !* -‘'‘tsai*/ mgy |gy AueBihly took BB txottfgkArti iu th« aiegnier • •* I*47%e. Miila daadr but quirt PaoL ar Bitty PoareU and 638 I* AWe TBt 0 Lo — at . _ baUaof citton bava lovite gUcDli'.u to Ibe Faciva—KaMuA. . nrsian aa tha moamtaUa af Ttrgito* We Bgttm, objm'tff, *kd gdfgn tbii wa quota M. R. *I a«i^^Hi07 l.M>IANAyOLL%Ini>IANAI*OI kfgy 30. AB K „„drtpl will Ubt coaai4eradcoaai era . . i quat^a^—nara wHH dw the anne. Thaaa toaartaa to ba to tba dtaatter Tba etaamer waa dcatrovsd oa I . ^ y , t.t.oia 1 i Ve 1 retoyteruo >o-day, ’ m«44 U •Hfahvlor Ikfe ia»urg 4*;e would do («eDergl AMenibly cueoMtored lUArkgt bom of «tock. Aud tba -al— have OArely F frinybl —a ayaly uw b—n ar • iaat axpact mall •—afi Ui* I7,h , nvea auUa above Patrick ll<»a raoLnu.—Tbi^ diarmat la gggie uveadtug to wi-OUcWouUleloaalaatntotki‘Utbc4iloBU)elu«gl AAMitot thegboyeOciBpgu?.tbe above tbetha reportareportt »to«‘ the rao— of ye.m..toy'.qk..uito— aul iuRHILaO*•ukillLAO ttmm on the iaacooaHUa sans, and wa ygn Ubiapaur, who of cominUteeaconimiUees oaon billsbille slidgj ovarturaa. Flocb . MtoditoxIlK M * ca. Aaenta. Bouxary Ballet Troupe! abh UkAis -Tbe »*«•rntou 01of Hour bavabav. bmuk—. alto-. 1... will aiv* Iheui any inforu—lieu that > be .Irmed. lll,r; laud mldduna UVi^lSr. Stork aa oea ivetioBa of tAa ooeair)*- Tbe Oelord Oftiaa.) ExprvM — orfor svateiiiatic' l-enav.iUn«j*r k4 af;^ ruUfot/. ueaomr idgetottoea tbrd««triK- Ib'Ur* S|eicb. Btaauvuaa. Dy. Rica re- niu*7 for —perdae aad extra, " ®**®-Akoal •>» Oc^aette, and daaigBad for tba ima of 0044 fagi (fato unifortU—not oee boft fadni; aiiered wbieb am k. M bble bav- aaea -Id at XTHOSle hr fcD —i*oA. •nJZId iTl. arlhn.«.intanh.raaloa.ovwrj**^ R. 0. HpoIT- Attftionrrr giid i umittiefati plitd. PiofeMoru of Uia Sriviiui yat Chicago will atuTSh XM by Ibr drArorar. Tbr pUatert gre exraedlmly cbe^oed *7 * -.J!.YuBoauom qo..iati..u*. •**‘4*H® •ttfou. F .r lieiabtar pauAaoa a| ub ur *77 Advaitinr nye Wiu. WgiUrr, h«wr LotthtiUe I fwgyggd-di CeC ^ The furrlva advie- raeeivrd h |4, Omod w > The probably bs tIecUil l« morrow, ’•^"'7 to -ay I h, for to MhaMdaah aMl Rjcki^haoi, lha gad gr« uttHiy gt g loaa for aomrihiof to preY^ot t^e totU Ngtb'l Wolfe, .\tl yeeterday L.*''*". arris bbda at I 1 0rnr7 M l4lV- aoti— aa adranca to towaditaCc Tbe nvulpi* S tt aad — *lpi* »S«, , 1 luxA At .€ m. .stuck 1 £r«ry tot^b «f »M«d lymi to Imt »«MMU«ciiua it P.UTE.S OF AIL >AT10.\,S! A ii. UAuuUitercr. V ua baad aot Sxw>xw l«>aK,1 oax. . nost haaighlid psrtUo of the Iwath Ugtoa, GagffU a , . May :I0.10 . of«f wheatwheal maUnuamaUaua lisbl f -a l Beu). (). lW>Wq«'Giuiutdek and priceaprice, ara tbervfuratbervfor. wuUiiwd•aWaiowiI A * S T t .4 A P .1 g g T "V . dia—ad an avary tide, a c rramauactM parhwaa-ptrbapt BB- >4 B'^rrlumt. ^ concw-ding with The Utnk for »“d »® **®® gata near that «r, and other moaatoia o-u«l 4 Jo4tt mitog of suiemsut tba week endmg Satur- mnttoiw to qituie fair to pruua 1.. - ?.??*.*- Owenaboro, FvanawiOa. aud waa y aa— hamd ^of hafun kJ, ba:ij,,,, baUd-g. HmHar^meStijMdimXioo Cg«U^ Morl4«^i) nei>k® red at Al tout m — BowUm— BRWy'AI- KlgtflklU. io loans, sod wWw *l to<»l ». The m«k,H am “"uiT,* “ Oxaeit. c owatit a givi^ hatwiafon 4f>f,0«); 10 Levil ^rert. U. U,, C. specie, jfl6<,00U; In 01 eura, 1 1 ‘-“'^Tbe 4. 0—1 ba. Tbe »l»raat H bs Iraorhi k U. D., end B. E circulatimi, aud aadar tbe— flrenu.w..>— . _ . beeafDr. whb —I— uf —a— S we—. u >a*—aw W maie hava giewa n naeh the athar way. Keen V' WckBTfi D—friMigfeoUeaMia *eoiL«— vboreittra«4yeetenUywa. .—aed y-torda, (torn ^r*l'||A)iQ|C OF prtOGKAtoMt NIliUT- rUiuer, M • g *U*U,000 in net a.posiis, W fren hYKUV ; f-'.WJ.OOO. 7-m.w -c; ia le . inch liefiers* of3 t-t siraka, "^.k'*® •SL*****? U said dUkuli rive i_. '-“T - A . _ : CJ ^” 4Si aad thracthree idfi« lackloch g vi«avfmt tuiw hw IrirMfftririMs Mm Ifarki; puamir,pukkljr. thgtU|gt tbe hoirhoy cholerg WM. A VEE.NOV A 84>N.H, Loegl Ac«du. ar l***»«rI——— shealduhu-Li baL. anctea by ^the n—agn fosj itl ^ 1 5 ^ f?"*. R^Pur DgFtfauUrA, bdU. ui3« dU *!: "‘ y buuereLotto,, ggto to^,lebt mbr.Hag. llIf mit BetidBedfisstgnefi Uto pot a cabincbhto m cfbeimUrrt'beimUr ftrevguiuRfirgvgiliiir throophoAtuigtthrouphoAt thgt aectioBttctfaa of Gvorffa.G«Kir4fai _ tJr'OiBce. .No. e*4 Main sUrt*l. “ -«>“•>* Far readuy eo^STiirib, :L, ^TJnLT'Tirr^^ - •d? dislf E. over *.1,.SI0,IX)U. - pa.-- •artriaatgh •••m tbktthat hebe hodhad wilpwedwitoreoed eevnalaeeetgl ra—cg«nu godand eopoaero larfc — W. TBOTTER , O^oergl Aceov cauuot •*®t F—For fnoabtfiaiabt *r pa -,aw a*pi> -.a.a board ur — ba I Hoinafi forhha byhitfinaada, yaua this bootbeat which will via isia baaoty1—aatv uf fioiohfioiob whbwRb Une had uader iHic. Rye from tbr eoanlrr .JliJ", *** •-*ls Ks .*y> wa uuuia **' dl nn-ber*UBbeev ol deeddead ho«ebu*e to the wood,.woods. UrDr Wb.W-. a JoDe.,Jokt-t, *“ Less dhto - »c .^dl— MiyRHtMttpRHtutl.utli A CO..CU.. Aa—. !Zw' htodhead fruta theibe 1 SSemdL bran. — from - ^ - M boa ii smplaf e * aad all bar atachiacry akovaore emost'.r. - -n . » » **^p^®**' gaioad auay In iu place — Uy the stegmer IliiOEBrUa Uavib dgtBi to tbe »«WdUB#i are v«r7 wefce, g»d iBe wOfa grs {**2 •Aaaddiegitidiilieafag Tt>r 8t. XaOiub and Mtenoun RIwwb. feat, la she LagWatan we hare JSPECIAL MITICF.SI\0 I Ku/rdS Fork — Marsel wry deH, ami we oottec oal>' rviml . 7^ . . . she will dnwdmw auftaauaiatocu iayhva.lachaa. The NeshriBsNaabrih* Hgawerseys:ye: Ibth May ibew fa-t gi they Tbe Hkf’< iv-k u^Mammar m^^*# e Tbe Banaer— By 8. O. Henry & Co. , - have been rrc^ived. Tbe cotUm market m grs tamed em gt jue nsttil tn, Iht bosnr af the Ad—istya- ^ , per geum g* aoi nghi (» - DIK VJ «8 KN**V• dTlfTMAavn. rr Wr I—rn that tba rbotara bag beeo dull. Only w® v yTnTziJsr—a— , hot h— made faartai ruvareu were during Bgk lUllewmyN (MD|(urBt. - l»l*H liBraiBB S»res f. a*®® {•r gbfoV*®abfoe*® ao4 ia*eragrOigTs.pam*tgicrggrOigTwpgi .*« t— Charln Fsolkaer, has l—an dafoalad for Osn- ffff*Palt« itoosa ware very aeania }aMarday. sfiioif 'fi® bo— to tbr lowir pan of Dadd—w aad to 180 kefs I, 6, 8, 10, 12, IU, aad 20d »acloUe a, A *>“. *'«*™iBa. Uwaaao. Itouwxx. ^ Jiami l.atfarce prime J tofiolenl ulcer., .bwHw.-. and l-rd .welltoc* ol luauy ^ » aud Rau..- W. quota lard atRt aaf.Oaf, tbe .;i iI iLitaat. a« «o>*»cS,|*«o>«ocir,j M , [ „ti' || ^ataa|ll and ptckwin cuuwi— . I be base ba%-r baea , G •* l t td Ksilq K*ca fro- the W from Poritend. gmm by Alex . HeBtoar, of the soil hri M— md wagneyre maanedm Ifomu,Ifham, who U chargadck^r^td whhwith eUaliafaUalmg •a buoyant at X#,f»3lf. eoaatry f-tber. sir. sto-a« SSe. wndSaXyirunckrb duwn byfa thr diera** jn bpnjredt, §u4 {Kthe foSn:Iq— to ** W*9st ymr.' Uaudius ate dally cured to all parU of tbe world by b-mr»« a fair de—aad, with . •attsaf «o—a IMS Fur frrlxlu ur ,Mwa® >a baaed ur ta Paa*»tn^ -gj u>er>toiba.toiMeraI—en toio IboariboM> •ratio—apcttuas wkibrvid be evrvary m^u..m^u7. fed Water on Stramboal), Ifa, R»d rgfi •“'I!® of anas. akiffnt Pordnad, waa1 nlehniMiica laboand . old iPartUUy Dan— by tkig loTglugUe prepgrgiioD. ST® N. 30. 3^\ie. “** g—indod Vinenta’s AbAa French*Frwach- S<*ld at 8U Maideu lugne, U , •* nAWDAM.Aant.MWAh to- ? fitonUrStniiUr arcoaaUarcouwU have laaebadlaacbad a* fromfroBi aomeooae —nla—oorttoas I ^ deote fog ha% pravgUed off for GgOA^Bgigg.^Tbs bimiaegj ka# — Cf AT ALTTION. ! CipB been Opytilliia ia t'atai*>l think af ear non-AO olAid HablA wif*mil. were brougbttolunneto m the.k. jstli.!I lust1 ... Cf New York. mi7 dd tbe Teiy li«*A-Tba-imlaalud,nai rw ia a atals of for - - - hakabnvy MUa. For llouiid Cikw Cair.v rr.l.»nh*u kawva hsathtwa's wwak, aad goah an lha lani la droakaane— tke aiaoty-aiatb Ums — - J will acll, to troot ol Auction Kuonu, lor account u< off. ilem.w of for tbe cohrmbo., Hich- ALAKU INli iocreate of tbe d**^B&et of >k'dt the Kuropeaa iHegiuerfi ^sar wtiek barei/ assnagu i«m bade, tbe leaer- wao— it —ay coo—ru, fi eaMlatioa of doada. sack aUrt Thsy wan plaead ia taganto Ifo, *bicb have pasRed off that Rl led. BiA , anct M^inplufa lhaar Wa have mo paUs ap aa aat to die- A.^aLabdkUAUliX CoTTOH.^IItovAcxun.Cen ina Vicklbur*vicaatmiK Whigv. Big ofoc tas thrftoiiigchwiUilDtU|iggtfew7ear>bg»g«skeoed Door- poiat duria^; this tiuie fRcc« uf piire* k«)inc 7 to 7tdc for fair ti prl»gqgad 7\r _ ina kc»i So. I WMEF.LING Ifaff Boe ggd ASSORTED NAILS, beea bearded by ibe A»W;i:isU)U pgme^WRr W^Roeew limg, avarwhalaiag adds to italrad witk os tto— toil/ tha last of Mr. Thu— u’s cuMaasrs. l®^*iaat. sajk:says: dio^ry attepUan in the tpedical wDrld,but with little rl- Piejs forrhoieOb TKami are Uw pnew lor bbdg KrioMl uaLXAXat Tha 334^ damafvd by water oa ctt ambuaL aud Saw 'ATTLa Mabilst, May a, P. M. w .H«>l’Tllkk.\EK. Tbiplatt. w. y**^hl. •'Twhs^d hare contiutted of Adair 8. CO feet ill <'tg) tpg Ud ravartre; the mogt skillful acknuwledp* to g-ll al the lomMa-rgasr of price®. IWBee t .lUa.-Gaod caalr —rrw. kal arkhh Ihsv naalaaiT dtaraiaad to ovarctaa, aad Bhor'ff luoMy placed two raaa in jail fa Oa SatittfiaySatpydsy laatlast waws raccjvad asveialtaveial rottoo G- HENRY k , ^ ui ..*1. nark mKEM '•'l*.'?,'****' •S.*' Ji*-;leg r | jga», e« clock, . mjo al .turtunaer*.Vurti joaeri NoIlKiLb,N(»llF*iLls, «7gtylUlollfac.lU lo lll|c. PianUtionPtanlation ordiaary c htlle ‘1 &®r«. tin g WretomTyialem woald ptiababJy r M .Ik. I. ; ^ I D I o a Ui*dr luaUlityiugbiiit) toreuuvMbeto rvmuvMhe dim.rJer*,dim.rJAre, and aereilwerait nutnot tbelthat \Y.\s, May 30. moU»ie«moUewe «tUIaIUI briofsbriofe 27^008,.^ mSqa.' w»«U aiehaRn ng if shay oaa lhas Katla to tha wii.4s a faraidaliia safok se piag, whs an an their way to Eraagfort to ^*^®ttnlke froip t^ plautoltopplAataliep of J. P. (.ea,j-ea, oaon huudow-huu^w- dmiir. frim olhenpayAttentionb.the.ufferios.builiiUebopeorre-olheTf pay Mttentioii Vi the kuffrTiDR, liitle bWe,bbfaq andRod enddlfeH44lc i»ia bf bble. Of coffw,coffM, ga fg«fe« Foeireihlor pawat in barstiere furfor fuel, waswa* bum*burn- HRUfa to l*V»c,ltv,r. ibetba balk «faf the **»> *HSHiUTr per lb »»«. 4 of buodied acres, OLASSWAR'' TOBACCO, CIG.ARS CIlEtSE. LI- doay that it is (ar Be tc wta agaiaat 7,dM? If Sahomsthora, who gaos for flvs Iru atal ^Bbavp duU. aiib a *nod dark *1 ithais to p*e baud. aaay yaan far tiurss IwtMbrtoa Ifa*.ISe; Lfttfua/ra — nil af tba enaa height. IfVORS, wises, and CiDER Vl.VtO.tK, HOSTEnr.R.HOHTKTTi'.K. the propriKorproprirtur ufof llurtottei'*llohtotter'g Kiture,Ititur*, lor ed Ust bight at tbe a barf. — Laaiiayra weva qa.iicqu.iie at U\c.li\c. SmallSaudi *l<*-alta For Paikerabarg aod WhmmUn^ war gtwoattinaaaSs an aasiact aach a chaar wiD go tieoUag, aad lha other a aagro, wha has to seyrt WWW— an all dhew*—dloFaM's of lb*the *louiK‘h.ecoiuirb. TbrTiw pre|wratkiDpre|«ratiiiD banhan noao eiiBglequal of>d rieeatsS—SVrtee at gS<^4V -* , tea AECTIUN. CohtMBUSCoLCMBua, (>.,O. M*yMev AU.EU. TusrBi>ni.~A corr«w|»oadr«t el ibe New firtoaM flcm IIaV.— ath tba raeetpta aad m i m riiED. M® kiliiag aaothar all Tueaday, May 31 (‘tIii* tope tu the »loiuacb and visor to ibe •>•-». II dr-aud bava beaa ex- fTS' iCLMammam^ ng f.an tha ihanoMds of saaaarvativas Ihmaghaal }aon for aagro. ffff'Fur kinda uf Iniubar, drsnad nhd andnaa q'HIfl morning. , at is o'Hork yuae, wbo hae had aBdsimwve espunraco ibr e !* | ia oaMva. „ -or aaevr aad leienaidaii pbUto am «d.direrHl, .mthe*too«b.udrorri-u*tbe»orbld mai- thm ciiltAa, ^^^^"TtowdaY . .«ra •>*r|a«h the llatoa (hat Mather Earth h ana If wW ba (ur n ad, aaah, «iag4 >r i j At Btnal, we an indahtad to Adi— 1 Expnn - OS' eouaiy. Mi . uader date ol tbe lUl: Alexander » Banal diatnrhad Ann her •^utUfarinn. Lot every ^ ato fahtiKU>fa *» , ipei » Miossuri Tobseoo, Imported u*gr». ind Ikiyrbou Wbinky, lo fmrlU been weU MgU, tkgt oo propgrgUog JeibrtyBYilk l«UraB4 for CiBCtBBBti F*I*™Bg»n I .d eh ^ a _w ua «4d rulucalrd taad. ronoa will A» well pfar trd at to tone h'anSnikiam hall tha giMant chnngian of Vtr. doOTg Bad blind fBCtarp Bad iBBBbBr pBrd, an I'altoB cbsrry Brgud/, Fort god Ugdeirg Wioi*«, elder \ me«gr, Its I eKUnt U g« plegggoi io lUror, gud elfaruve iu lie Rid tbe 1^ ei J oae. I bare kaoe a eusd a> rrege cr«r mamrr n naOtn aa ; Arrived Hustings aod Indiun. — No ilspnrtures. laud uit WOIU4wo«u4 hr too lulr.fair. I—«>arr riverrivrr pteaiirn.pi in mmM tibr ulF. vilKNo.N, J. M VarriM. me dm. diecaeiwecaeiw of tbe ttomacb.tl uuchauxiAl fC^ m old srha foes theirKfaBir InaibBrInflibBr yard,TBrd. OurSBreoraBr iff WslBltWbIbbI Bad PrastoaPitilnil IMehce.^dDUiure, aod Jarr:jarv; wyetWtofeth«er with a areat maay other arU- 1*. ^ *. wau*r ru doeudofou iu tiiur.liiitr. caa osabe aaf»o-i cio«e Gnetana i hnvaty nvarrant Ih—r whan nentaaned Tbe S. Hthburtl and Enduevor are aground at «« ihetr trave far ahb*r» aad mierm He u pei^i am OoatMrmD.—Wa yestarday tha nr- Sold ilRwr^We qiiate fVam dltu to <'ldold land.laiul. I bare eweaewra maieeoaie Waiemrauwuiemt*diu amito i»« by IfradgUV nrerywhete. may*) dim Gians Ripple. dUS pertoa.wWcb abaa> br- I iwaiey, the tiei «a toae. at 4 -•’ftock. F fa. daatrwctijn lot each and ttnols,ttnoto, or lanrs ygnr ardsnaniars at tbair wanrounu on aapaeio] atusllonatusito of city and coaulry buyers is House s— nssd Inavitahle, and na *,^TbuOI*Tlw omoaljactuniiR loglag loo latefate far ceottow.toa. HolrtIfal u wm aiaifaoigi ti h> ia«ie» wbo are iwot of a ason nanad Wataou . |M*y far cropo. on a ahsrgs of firing - call^ |o tbie tale w|th tbe ReMURUpi that every aj|icU Mbia sttwet, noarly Q|ifaaito Uto (soR Uo«sa, Eonia> laextwnraerd la late plauikag. fb»e lee hiato a«r udOfoe nh with nnPnd naalvas Mbur iinraiihuly nnlil moit eald r«fafdbwi of value. The St uiui* Repubiirou of y—Muy -y« a bonae ia tha Urwar Panda. Tha faUuwing is a be uhwiVaN a!%o pruFLi: hair From the Evening BuUetlii. far ladMe wbo may prwat by ibemi u laep hba Vwginia’a dagghlvr ihnH pswsMly aicatd her nnthef villa, Ry.^ jaal tf Tenod cA. C. C. fiFFNl'KlC fabia leAE r.%4 KET often r»*euHd Tbr ifaford (Mfae > MrrrarT. of Ibr mb,» m>»: nyurt of tha cw— , frosn which it will ha aaan that mSI di AucUoiicef. Arc the of a|i|4ylnff the ordbiRry dyce. Tbe arto-i^.A- VIRGI.MA EI.KCTIUN. * * Foe Wnstpoit, Betblebaii, Mndtnon. and in lha btighuon of her virSary. « lI3 and do at 1 behe coodiUoucondiUou ef ibrIbr eotueatu sadead rot'oorot'oe c«op of ibM roao- ha was hold over and that nouthar chaiga has baaa ooly Mfc arUhJF, which luvaiiahly produce* any ffhade of 0 , U dlU w b>a. BOSUffBBS HOTICBa- C. Speucer. ty. aad tbr pruaisrct for bavlag aa dkwaiteat lirid. ie ae Carroiltosx. By C. color dFtirt'd, from a ba** uiubcr broa d U> the intcuiesi llALTiwoHK, Mey .1U. ItoiH-Tb. amrk.. I* dull, but boldur. ur. en.„ brie- JlSTSlS:* ^S^^lsTtorf ’ AwiuutCkn. lha t<|oeatr—a drone cf Ksah- jinfomd agniuat him: T'" rant ifahi-drauffbl laewagrr kwamer — black, id ^ at briirr fftaade A dupatcb froui tbe oflica of tbe Uicbmoud Whig ^d b3fa#g31 caeb and $33 ttme. at they arver ba.1 of ciMtua, aad ib«y all tmm m IaMMA ULA.n. « Sksi. K. P. 4 Mam, Cw—'lb V* Gao Waiaon, ebarfod wUb arson -hairatof JCSl waad,and tha Bunxayy 1—list at Mrttn Hall, nie 9*('bss. M. McCraw las on baud a — lact stock REAL ESTATE SALE* wbkbJigurceibrivhava brea ** r ir*®- IU'*" iMttoff aad ail iaiera*r fttyg that the retarns from IW coaatiee give t>icber a>me«nalldalra lit. to— e to Jiffmau eaani> . lb« prapany af KblHp u- Very !**.>***\T. ^**T?.^^ L— tBISTtllOitOS EXCELSIOR HIE. il "**t ^^^*"diair U 'tisdu Ga Tfamdav. tBa 4 fa( me ai tha niUwcUuaa for to night. will bard af gaasknian't furDuhing gjoda aiul clothing, to a nujkHiiy of 414 Tbe rematciag30 cv>unti»s gave Ifacold blaet ia oiarkrt and iiautaUuaR tur ll Wa hana huth W 1 LL eell withoot rcw rcc lu}* |dari*. el*uatcd on the ._ are aumiaal. much r^ia tok fa.iv wiafar a»l epilag tbiu waa> lo*rt.-rkPfa 'Y-l 7 .H.Oraba— fur Ca—'lb— »nyvwr*old;Hv*to It lA-nu.lr. ctrry fitor frnui the rout to tbr tip vltb the 1 — A--.. u -- W— la— I LottfavUle aod Fuitlaod lluerldifrei AYenoc aud lull Wi««e a iiidjolity les| i in ihe hrmss ol tha to*WM. keev^^ boas* s. tor Mo. C Aator ork. voQ, obic'ial, for Leleber. ** ^ to'M (L • Mrido— 1* there aucli on opportunity of riiuof suph dren Hoam, N«=w k 31i do. 'lyogb, a . 1 , _* .. 1 ,ou ai— ^ fa lo fac. KLGt L.\R PALKKT fa*R toaam maad); mw M mwnri 4a>a aftrr it was bufai; M7 BBo Rtvm br ImiMg Bt tbB uBit* lEBy^ (4I 1B line. Tbe gtsfo slnapeng in eiaaed entr aad nir rvat bmldiag lot*: ur ar a •iH‘cu|aiivti luvrvtiavat u Kowaai* WiLitta, 44^ Mam tftirrt, aitd Mn. G a3Mu$4u wen s y ^fa*w was .^ atmt ugar «Wwmer * i way® •*••€ii ne no—•»*»* ^karoiaginrw— tba brnmiqsu t- .i*-* 1 oLaBvfa ml9 Tb®- k trsS B the kil ths irt - s esn , bal bavahave »i, xa^. .i:- -»i.i uuuihuUI/ h®trwl--iBruUtoaral— iybth onu-od»*- h e rhsn—whet erig netod— e— b— a- Vn*wn*-» iin»d*> tm- morti*orti- Torui*Tanidv ro*>ra»> oodaad uaunialL oar.* iehth ro*b,carh, • aiSto «fa y > rrv snie miuwosug enu —-oru Nxw Y'ontk, Mey 30. m HRA« kLI^. tap! W. A VAMaavm, *~A.*T**®— yf’ *^7®- .**»« *a»J®7 e-trbr.; U so. rigblb Id <4i ^oHi*.oiootba, -idaud theifir hoUurvbalaucr tola rq»«lviiuai P»Jpay iu nwd wwee^j.d—ditov Ao. ^r^m mame..d. mvto.—emmpeC. aa^a Mm oa afarm «v BR tMe wa« two tfTVt^ aad will Ramr 4 ifacb dla- moatb* fyiBg Mervoiii affecUOM U Ufl geBerBllf either to oar. two, aud ihn« y«arv, with e per cent iufarrri, aud a diaffati:h fnmi Berllo Raya that tbe riarmuiic o.fajblo..gabioMkiM«i * aadar Mu teMnaacd' of eecurr ulilmaU* TUETUK GREATliRKAT ENbLIMIE.VbldlNlI RKMEHT.RKMKUT# a HOUaWi) RITTERS ^^*^^;>aicb far tba abut -j aad all 4afaraie®diata laad «« Ifamw; . i ben oo U»e uroperty to i«aya»ruU. tbr«Mfc tbe MBbe Bfad iaMMB. afai tbe umimMmnmiruiBltef n-ffw*-i -b«»fon »» Ia *— » nm ..—to— L*ai> amp Ubi»t.~ bar lead wa t|ttuta -- ^ beard fa^aleoa eayV*be »m IB towa tba« day. tfab* **^ BBtorBl CJfaree, or ti treatou Qfa geBarml Diet waa cl«Mad oo Ihe 1 llh hy lie Prioce Kagent in •UU»UU «|uuta al RjbeRjbtt By ami'Wdtd bTHoMAS H NOBLE ^llt J AaMF.S f I.AU Kb*.S^ It «®^ -»®»® to his fF-acb aaii that PrutRia waa de- Bui Bad €>fc ia wnaEvr «|uaautMw. pig fe. Tbe hr jnnging foam eamndttswy window. ie net ®®**uw »>*»« principlet with very little raccaai. Tbe nervous C. c. sfeni.kk. peratm, who °**^ terminid io maiiitAio tbe balanCB of power la Eu- city luamafaewry k wfaiag para wbiu b-ad at *•• noenmd. Mr. Perfcnr is n CELEBRATED FEMALE PILL8 I! gi faqMpt ^ Dim Wesson, te d*d »—e* . bra Mi— ef Ooor** -H—rd symptoms ere not the diersse it— If, end proceed rope, Bfid sUad up for tbe aiHrurity a.d prottetbm riot at Ml ifa, aad CUaioo at gi tu ^ . A ,x . .0 x^ .. ... :Abai w« aaota at *e» tool lOiwho—; burnt toe bun— . Hoaastt having dad snddnnly, nod on- FrrparrdprrparrU from a Fri«:rii»ifanFriacriptfaD otol Sir. ir J. Clarke, M. D., ^ fuBCttonel ur orgmnic durengeiount in the nsr- 3Byy qC. qC. Spencer. ualiooal iuiereats of (ierautoy, aad be ex- BI 7*. Fox Mound City, Caiio. and SE UaatM. FbyPby kirtukirifi EatrmirilnaryEatraurilnary totceto ice Qoaea. ROW wuMniiAr i«t ^KLA-vu-rr iiiwmaf •• • fc®d t-side hi—, shout 14 Oiwhu- told vuns rentrss. Ne medicine kee been fuand equsl to peciad that all tbe Germao cuofaderative powers Nailr.~W« qoute by the ^aRaUty dettvmd oa tba Tha a^ ^ thk ENTIRE FI RNITTHK, FIXTt'Rf3. AND OA8 nr?: Dir. VLRNmN Yapt.j M Marrui, riT i’ Tbi- woU-koown madktue k ao Impoduoa. bat a aura would aUnd firmly by her Mda IB fultill^Bt uf thU for lud*« the eorrarpuadiag m Mne.^ GHANDKLlkE« uF THK falls IIOTKU $3 aod raUalv tba kjiaa. - •m, — «“‘»® th* PERL'VIAN STRI P le checking the tovnlnn- aibar Irava luT ahovw amt laiarn iiiaM' M»n- ow l O.^ FuL'E MOMIls* CELiilT, AT AL’C'TlnN. aod aafe imicdy for Female Diflkulika aud ob»trucUuo« aiUBioo* Tbe m«>bilii: 4tum uf tbe bIk^^ federal |r *-rt VTindt ^«'-rTT‘ by t br drarl®fa ^-jii iiiay, im .a* • -.Vtawe P M. ttomm J d it faaadbyre- I ttry uervene IremMlag knewe us St. Viteu' Deuce. * «luae o'clock.o*rlurk. SyThe Bnffale Itepntilu ttnlne that M Binndir, aU c——Two.* ->—•*« about b; Sue't btotovu Gn anN TliCktfDAYTIICI18 DAY MUENING,MOKNI.VO, Joe* x,t, utat lu from aov caMv abairvtr; ami- alibougb a poaerful rtiaia* coTpa d'aimee u cumpUtad. Priaca Fro^rkk Wil* tail A3 fa. fartlaad, p*-tauv*lf arill Ml iHly ILsiri, tw Rfaiu Wrrrt, to- Lam baagaod m*aR. Cbaimelair aoc vor>- good. O ba a>4d,. tbr Falk . iira..r -rcxt-.n s./.thii*- iv-vdt.oi i*b ii— rw.to..iitx.kx-ii ia chief. *v *i__ .a ... Far ItaiRHi or paia.me applr •w Vard »r cf SbM mi I oMidvitle by pBiy dc, TalUit. dlt dy. they culitaio oolblug bartlid lo Uir cuOrUluboo. LamI um IS communder-iucoaitnander-iu Ibata AuatrianAuttrixn Goyro-Govern* ...... the M-tineUiTnnr-. lent— cweaingK-gsn ^ Sevrotb and Riabth, tbe rblae FuruiUirr cou. oils.- Unsoed oU «e quote « TM^f®. oil v. .N fa Bh«> -\Bawfa, Aeaikd. bHweeo L-d Long , Imnd imrta Maoadeeu aad fa iak’ra fartaws of myenty-tire A ' toakiAiup io part of Mahopauy Uair-aral .iisat loan mill.^ Mil a%»ati4ttewL Palto on e ngo. lags ®*prowy® tootba »?;*good cbRmrtai«*«rarsg of WWTJ&W». 0. uralmai. X laioad •beialn, To .Married LaAira ", quote ut -iissaic for No. 3 -d para.^Dau»d euM ^3B tight The on which he i* to silver, un.l oU IHIMG IM|M TUCTHR World—WORLU—rOTor CcOdhl,GCBEIU, (tbairv, aodaad LHvaaa,DIvaaa, Mkaa*’Mkaa*' lledptrad*,ItedPtrad*, Hareaim,wareau*, . prr^t-tat puyuble lu will ba nuusd M aad prkwforiba didknar. lUR BMT IHIMG Aolaa, , Emaai. lUU, ’-***- cratg aad t-w-ultoDvx^yalfarlr -b'U^auitj>d nIt *.u,wiU lufa oa *burtvbort Ume.Um# brioxhrinm i lor uhrlr.iV.-llubrlrouos und inr for burllinx cry— io ei vt hwndred (eat in u W.-t-teud*. Tub.*. “ -r burnlux. * .Vew tVUaaa l*dw*raffap Ltma rdat in length end six te chee r -i—iBT-firtbifrr-b- "fine-‘nmRiinaTri inh CoUu. end PbIuioi.u I'—nnUims, is Mr*. M. N. W*rdrob«. knelwvd eud H* tmd ffo t^iln/. sburk, *nd Cutmu Mui- Uie nionikly i*riud with r>w®l®rtty. KurxTu—«'*'*»';'*»•, -Solu*dolo. of NurttaruNurtberu tav.kova lf«4d ta aaawor ebarga ef avaaa at farxt farm ta faLBeu. GotdMr'* Hol-wm of Livoiwort sod UuerfaouDfi an L'boln, Luukinx U—*». *^Thk^Utxht. — iMim, Vila 17. — A diipetcb eowUnurdeowtlnued to bo For New OrleanB. in cirewnfetance, has been gnerhn- 4 exgiwaMy for tnooM, Uaedliisuf oUkiud*. FUlow*, i'or|A-ii»«,i>.Vt^i-, HRfvm givtag bad. waa amaufa a« saafaMi warraai for tXTTh.u.- I'Uli h»,r urv-r Ua-u known lu foil ubriv ll “••de lu lots froiu More ot 81 SUigx TS. Tha Brw anJ ^wayaiBn nt poafaBgar Mfamae ludion Uemedy, for enlc 0 very where, pur —le by^ end Bedrooiii Won-, Irv'L'bciM'. ro-.kius fount Rjioe says tbut tbe Date Degramniuot left th— font, end is nnw heieg Migeetod. The (eat will —daaliiiRfins cbhSuioe.rblrft iiaa CamokUad< 0—— od tofa >ad.>oi i;hiuo ' Tw^ * fa«M»l»k«>kD Mffoca laaiM, innimr. ( BiTFrtionv OD tb# 3d i®ag# of iiaaipbWt ar# w#U *»btvrv#d FtoviaioNa^TbaFsovioiuAo^Tta flpg m rivDoUf. Go* 'boodriH-i* ood Hurn- 3 I5ch iost., ia cuosci^uaiice of PruvkiuaPrurtoun uorketo&arkct baaboo boeBboeu vrrry CARVCAKY' ft TAEBOTALUOTT,rr, Rou*r, AUd KUebru tbBt cify OB Um b tel- wJ> have fs*r alluv# ami lut rmi iJiaip pair*# om tofca giena in ah—si twa —oaks. The evassiag ie to dole, fior Ofitru clurk, Cownirru, end bur Eix- For foil parUriilarv, grt a pampblvt, frrts, uf tbvageut. —muchueh drvremrd.d*pr«***d. la fact —?fi dISdwi Muket, bet. Tbinl d.ft Eunrtb. *«*rirun egrtpbic order frum Iba Kmperor. aotbingootoin* hasho* bwBbeen BobbSow* beyondboyoa o Therailwy, Ufa ;Rd Pwo^. at 4 a'riarfc. P M. g#'The New Turk Ti—as tnys of ths Ute Egie- tUrcA. TU OBLnRATMD OOIeLfa.Bfa EBWT U ha effeetod foam the lusrer end of Oust lelsnd to N. Is.Ii. Al*1 andmud 6 ludtoceI'ustage *uup*dtaupa roclowdenrkHrd tolu ourany outhor-autht>r dispatch Vienne say* that the EnKlitb f®» ®toall *ol« lo # 1 order* at lower pricra. e tjy* 1* dorldrdly 1 rxcrllrnt order end A from Tbe ruliu« - ... rb* Eurultur* rwgnl e l ecti en ia New Jev—v ixrd ssPDt will Ui>«rr o bonte, runtaininc ovrr lu pdb, by qiuitatiuni yr—erday wsrq for Gi THOin d Buothki—. — ho iMiyci for Uusbun— , rvoUy d**iiwb«r. Tb* apr,:—! ottrnttun of Euroiturr Imi> Deamer with tbe Indian mail* was everbauled uff mao* pork *|;, boron *houl- queetia ri'lum mall. «|. MOHE*^, tbe boats fruis b Freocb war ohip. darv7<^?li. ribbed kdea BTSFlFSlfa, of the inrre— at the Into sSxMBrB by clear 1 Ths n nswhip 113LS iourthEourth suwnt,street, has retnrwcdretnrncd fromfront the EnetEast with kdm »^. feavam. Texas- *to end under, c«*h; over *6u, 4 montb*' rredii MK*aLLAH RAi'KRT «*U Ibe o eriel e lt enui u ef iwedirsro to M ish n p of New Jeney has l—en hajigUy oatUed by Geu**fitl ARt'iit, K4K‘b4’fU‘r, New York, ^Cbarled VilUti fa Co., of HirmtO((bBm failed to* ed h%axa tyH. Mirer cured ham* lUi, aod Stiagg’* lie ff^We g mw s new pnichoM of rich euasmer dre— guude, lace with iouil approved ootrv wtUi iiiter#«t For ClailiwTtUe aiid NafalrvlUfa. , the elrctian ef the ilev. VilUn— H. Odenheuner tkfll by IfaymuaJ fa Tykr aod \V. ripiiager fa Bro. iLiy. Notbiag whatever beif bcea done ia HI8EA8E OF THE RIRVETO, r 's C. C SPLN4 KU. Urd, aad we qoole Thr o«w ood m»*iuas®fa hgat*shuaghB swa Mr. S gee ev Uigc seie of iwni attnto, which takes invito ettea- __ D. D., ef Phitodeighie, to the edfee. 'I^ie menties, peraeuls, ftc.. to which they mW did AurUuUcfa’. Loukvilk. AtiriJO, Tbere he* been e farther rtcovery la llliooU Ceo- DiimiAailf prime £*< cu^ Kr ; Dr. T. R. Nfw Aibauy. lodfaaa: inbbkillg and ia kegs Ko ta vuifvr sfauaic? ILMALoVi. pfoAo. morntm f sneen en the ert leni Avsnns. OOMPl-AINX, gie— th— — K ^Ths EIVEM taiH far aad la i i r iiaia *sB Ipumw aha mi cneiee ie niduntoofi to be tha —salt at n ca—pro— ins I tiou with every e—onoce that bulh goods aad prices and by all Diurflris tbroufboat tb^ Lui*t®d MaUt. tral R^es, but Erie Hailruad tecoritiej have de* bacuu arrivibg fruiu Ibe couatr>*, aod pricea ara lower. v hi y^t^rtAmr. llw Jd -d -tuBr, at 4a*ato^ P M. hoanttfnliy Is re l d By S. O. Henry & Co. gtng— ie e , the Istt n— vary between tba high end low cbsrch parties. Toe u37 fafauwlyfaweowly cUned. dalt—Kaitawba wt ty wiU be liiand —lisfertnry. mUhltf jfab ceubaue W quide at 2oui27 by For fcvlght ur pu^^r a*'pd> sea tinoril or la eginitat nf the iTiahep alert i^miag to the French red wheat has advsoced Stirti oo tbe WEAKNESS OP ANY KUH) tai«e, as:d the tot—e exeesdn^y HhenL TWO DAY'S’ CASH SAI.E. whukmle aqd rvtail. m^2 M<*A»Kii^D faCO.* fagsasi HtoleranUy I lliuULY luFoRTsKT TO MoTUMta.— Mro. Wliwlow, an week. * •• ^xta best ot mmtorUlt end of tbe Utoet MvUf Skm*r.— br tcoasak over. No BRXfaedaniviagqwbkb REGU LAR RASRgytiMK RACRMT ^ On TnewRay illoruinif* JuitF I, it for BB ex|M®riea t'd ourae iiliyairiao, has a .St>o(biag ioiictivity of tbe tmopi accouuUd bj tB flMdfa kifa MBCeVptBtiiR W Um r*VRHgMllCB> S *. • 0 and female Tbe •ff-willin- F. Itoeeh, Ita Bjaten gf^ary keep- At ^ J -n I FEVFR AND ACUKg e wear esn ta pruenred at we iue of tlm hrtaol. Ur. Uds-taimeTireboal fariy feuTyutai P>^ AT u'GLuck, Ssrup ft»r rtitldrcu tefibiof, which gn-atly fRcUltatrit the I tbe raio contiouiu^ to Tba orw ood mmromro%% hghadvma^ fo^ er, whe killed I . l ent. S. Y'. Uantor,ef Eent'wcky, n Tim PcaTB ~\Xe uaofa commoa 1C Ivi14, glB Masonic Teniph, who is pro- at Room*, very «xtenDvr and taon J.migeil. IX R»4. atdff Bfc,age, aaBB neon—BTfifapliiMi'il|disne«l scholar,Bcbotar, on able writer, e M. B. Swain's, Ne. 4 E wUl tal, Ai^un o prurr— of trrthins b|- ..fteniog thr rcducbix aII iu- Austtien work* have ^ ® ftLV* ta.-taufewi jSP Miinf T> M Pfc.'^T . t P S»vF*ask \Y’ rum*, luilA **'!i!’ *i'v T)YSI— 1^K1_L^^SL .7 1 ^V.a dew tasnihs ago, hoe been cenvietad of ee— uli end iteMbIc *tuik ul .MawcVsfw, May l..— Prk'eiuf goods underwent te^y^rgr IS .ii lt-a®-M f«ir afai9s® aod iofarmrUiofa pan# »• pond to eupgly tbe wants of gesUemen st the ileninioUoii-oill Dl»y DI pain undD—ro to nqtulMte Ibr TwioTula worn feeeffacef bumanitykiimeeity wi* —•# wHIwrti keoookoawa tootthat oewe ’E 'i- ixxJ* brix'hl eu lu! Iivi— Uon. ou rhuridar. M fri tuor. at AhVhjck, PM, e c.«iide«bl* declme .n 1 lb* tendeocy is Dill ^ Hardlytarolj f.rlfvcl dtepo-^todWpastad to nr^pr lima u,t»r ipaco la Ifa espafa- mylf dif AOPriCBB BB(I Europetl Slimupr Dr) nu.d*. l.upr.dup..nii,Bmto*r..it.Ul*lver-itoyo..r- *P^ psbglurriv. ffwm whoit. sbortast Botka. blocR tin per Ib 3Be. Ziac—eaxfk*, gl fa, tec, llc. I*ub.t«uB. kewFew bawaffcapn-da«cai^ eolfariagMilfariag ff«wg aae#aa ar aaofberaaotbar f®!«*! I ab^wW haw ffqj •*!«.. tax- A lAA «x^ * .1 liuwBward The arincicai ®buvtriy.rs o.have keatx*ps owtof fmw [ipoelRl Dfapelcb fa the CiadBaatt Oammerrial ] telvc.od r.ltef.nd yuur InlAnU. ^l.®Uy k-fafraSjBl %*i »ai lai r — haasd fa fa Goads. hraHb to Tut-adoy iiv varied faiOM. In fact, it ia et her a eeoaa or a aue a- Ufa market. To.xccoTobacco -Oa T.n*Uy xndaod W«to*-UyWefaacaday Itatb« prr«m«preouum * i*'-.*- ». k Lt».NU fa H1H».a AgHfah The Hsfwld'e Washsagten dispnich of Belnidey or Mea advertiOHiurut*^'^**^**^*^*** iu aaotk* r column. JgJSTnf aSTi ev^.:^? ‘rT.r iTibta y„ Tun BniMuiuuni) aho Puuunku CiTtzx*e HemainHvrnein ondand PrintedPrinU*4 hbRwb;thxwl*; ^ “ lata cottoo mh*aalrw fauklook plarcpiorc and priwaprioea went op to highbigb Bguroa,Bguroo, mTr No fa WaB MfficR* Fancy Jjr^poM,A/rcr>off, .\fajf.l/oyr 17 —Ihi importa of ponlrportly kfacr. wcbellrT.*bellrTf (»w^m(®dr—(>v?mrdr—|MR»:ll\vtrsIMR »:il \VtrH -f» ***^i-t.»-d^^7 .dx*-diT*?*1 « r~ i r . .. _ HOLLANDH(?LLAN | _ _ IbRjmK.'iLTe'— ob are overniB with a delage of tbe SanpeJacoBcUSinpe JacuaeU aud c'embnccrc'embrica; myt: HatdHold and cuiue into mxrkai bIoriIj. Tbe market cloaed bcRTjr uccaaiaaed by the due tiuoUiy uf loboocu, and ponJr by HITrKK8-wai alwaT*micigafao ff eot rifort a »wiuaai*at i iHfatf ^Th'% Hltlt” P %« IFIf iNifa SLOiCti Manui Euwr Sebbnih ir A E—c —On campoBods la tbe form of **Alcobo< Urtokt" with eo eatire frevb iovuice of cure. W'« might oae ftroogMr iaagiMfaa. bwi. aa ws® orv ad- ! tUeC ' If^iirbia ^w* b^m oi tttaie lie* tbe.u.toiDxryromu^tioe so -S w WILL htavs® 1 i:i I.hv'ILLL f ^ tote kiad. Stoc, i Mfa a. eocietj, tbe a**d 7f^Aa7a<^ii!!7drtadng a rsa^aiog oa wHi oa a n aanwabJe mmuduoitv. nvsna^ UnL, 1 etween Ktf*k and Hixth attna— on —-1"-^ eflfaBaUd frum that peet of Men'c aud Woiueu'a WhiU> Mixed llodery; X*- -lTS-|fe3”IVr-irsT-h'Xr'*IBl* \ t W «»!:Lk.t%.’'®ta6 lustk*««ofar^J||ft|W , uewB^mtimarfa wybw tlm AMa tmm omr MiBiafara J^ e iwi 10 0 L# X Qfa pricea bavu drupf>«d bock again, and tha rmRag rofaa ara dfain®di*«ir»® tu aT«*idBTsrid the p^mdiMp^mdira which wowM attach fa whoi * Geaie* ra buper aiik Hdkls. Alfaq A P PI A I I iF TIIF II 4\f \IGVf A [ 4 are suto to as a luxurVs Lx and V Mr.\i ikii Lj jl*ijm MrxRR 'I'bev Vou would arem umtiv bwaitag Wefnas, nr befwnsn Welnwl end Chettant on Sixtk. -R Lmdm, Fr^, aad Sp^. D^laa et^ o^ymi^aUAnddyaor** iadmIndie KuaberKubber Urm^mtUnodnir aodand MackHack IMiub.(.'giuIm .bou.to.ra™to.ku-,iv,nln.,«ta | ThunHlar Apni tA TYM-Mtav' . niS:j'nVFPVI ’“I'lSlTrru.^Tr.^Tb!;.^Iodi«k®ri>«>B, lIcartLwra, HcHrmtorb^adarha tt k gad Ns»rwo^ Arm* 14. provmiU in thtonghunl ’ UrilTiMI g-nl^vRy i^le^ ® “** eUrwhero in oar roklv *peeifira krhfav. . ApfU ;S*. TN'ir-fiai Tha dndcr wil he enh elily —warded by —nding it ONUN WEDNWDAV,WLUNL.4DAY, JLNKJt'NL 3,J. AT lu o'CLiKO'CLlK RK AA. M.. " W to* I>m»lu« in f»rt. *11 too' ho». tbri* onxio le uatarad e ratii.w-ia .lowc jM. ®«” iTttallle MLlilLAL J V Lit 1 ! Rtcam'>Iiipnip II*inmonuiiiinmonu,IlammoniA, fromirom SoutfaainFCoa:^uinxinpioBSdutfaxinnloa — Tfaturs'ojr - werttke TheTHsineitrxmlt*xm-biD on *7 •X 14. Pmfa) . eU the variont dapeitneato, end propnn- '^ A Urivlarge luvoierinvoice of over luu doxrudoxeu „iu,, .nj ». oo» la. ,*ra,.q.,r, qj to* toiol rate* of vkirkAraiorlMilrd iiIlIuIh DI'OiKDER.-f *ad Livr.n ^^•^, July Ifa betha Een—vtUe Ee— ale CaOegt, Seventh at—at. ^ «id Ihwt u to u- IHthIHtb m-tant,mf*tant, arrived xtat tbi*tbin port this ^rping.moniioit. MbMidar M« « '®%t«r^b JwfT litai of -eguitnde T.*T ttatbe C0MPI.AI NT8 . M*oiol iA«.r*-i«, linubUnr. InJl*--*- »" CLASS:$8 N. VORkYORK CITY MANLE.ACTLMANtFACTt’KF.DRED oi«,«ntln* - a*, khd*, larltaiwg vte: | EfMTFIRST CLA y “2Tto»3 did I . 1 A'M.IM. AffrOt ,*jf ee^^nro^ iu ^ieUe lalerImicr friraiAbcd itoo 10 Tblwk. IwiuoUrac*. l*or* oteo «f .qiiirw*. N«rv.u.. ” Wad«L l\Tvi • f I ini I* nr'lfFIiYT Her advK-iBdvk'S at*ore oneooe daydej th*ntbao tho—those fornisbcd - .... . u.. . riders 3 hbdt at gl to.nd *3 «. lu» »t 8»id3 st, w at a4«s *a, Irori.ml Tr mhlCrDr.ir. for Ahtmte omt s-i-Ur ST'U Kny Maniirttaf it M t-nhit. U tU ,umnlnnt7-ld under sump end eenl, which PftK) IMiirSf UkS R LiDPII BOSOU ShirtS! INtALLIuLK iLLlIhlfl bviV tbe strain*rsteamer N*wNew YorkYork. It has net been tomperod with. Such Heesaebnastu Bagresns Censt, e day nr twn agw, e oedreartirs —nrrtoe.rvt^ Y'npnreilsledl^aaBreileM acliriwertivito pruveUeprwTBUa inia • r^vrd direct from Uw Mo*uf«iuivr. riu^rin* ^ -verul rntlirty now *iyte*, vIk pKc^dotolm, IM ua,ro. *• »1oi tl“Wl« nT OTW H II I J I'be ITsdnionU—I*ihdiuuOUah cavxirvcavalry badqo4 folUnfolUo isia with sB *a®U 8U(*M aii®ii fromfruia bsitiml dLrofadiltow**d riotsriata ufof ttsraftes yxas*yghaa whi^obicb tola lisiletettnent as—eu taeiildfoeiil fi war ouat—Mouattaoe EagleadEegleafi wUIwiU not /\ The n« vta to* *p«rioi otwnttou of ctuiUuc Merrhont* end Fur- ^ -s-te .w. to lalfevw vs hiiedttiettd. O w ntaln— l*«.rni.n«oUr -l*wUird ta MshMiMi Le Bey British Ti. 6 »t *1«®I« 75. * •« *i:.S »» 4l's41" to. Mid 17 Steamer Diana loMleag IW—iwexeinsin wantewl.neatenl. She (tanfonn Era.oe, andsad Inoks srhich u distilled andcr inspert—n at tbs torblnsnicblng sim.UtoTM. OsUchuient uf Austrian llaswir., nod mads soma M eta willi-v. „.eit>o «- .xqw eta—*. (^unlike any uthsr will oho be lacluBed io the role an invoice of Vel- *ai sa 31 . asi *a, •*. ws as. *j4 76. axa, 3 -. *.u iigr * in sfhachthe bn- _aa_ n. k—anror with avw!! idr. ~ Govern—ent, is delicatoly litvand Tbtrv prisoner*. * * KroAlts SuOeriiferiif wiihwith .taawa.7aas«a aat Dril- IIIHI DiMihMs irisnlr rr«B an iBDUreIfopurc restoretivue of vet as4 TRpftry Carpel Bog*, brown and bleacbed UIHOWN aribO^ irVH 38. aX3. iu, *«, *au. Mid *ie. nnaeistaanfoeii sotts and nbaty tn provide eniti-ta- the Ettunnw ta Franrot—i s stroncer bold on ^>®) *>a sunie of ths —ust velunl^ •- Aostrisn* had withdrawn from Voghia to tas fij* ffai^^a *ie.8 *o>t tag ta — liag Urawart, Umbreilaa, and Ueala* tbimmcr HaU and I Hebililv.llghilHw (or most y®®terd*y, rxebteW* uf obev*, '7- 1 lb® Vegrtebic Kingdo., ->d U by the Slate of tbe Blood, -^I«® to* of Heho-tM.4*; . - ... . W<«dse* *o y. Asnl bondor, J u— 3*. I Ciitiggio. thietacuZta the ptapl. of FnnTitaneverta. CoM^a lorpe voriatf. I T-_^u.1 . a.i-mi... . M.r. 1. 1 . Ibo^c po^iiiar n— iBlenanrs (— her, has “g—esly, wataoMly,Z A Tobic nti^aaloBtq alTteb-'tosiu^Rbia Sa ibo«r -rwiter *.pcrioBc ^a "^atar^tav fohr hta fc nttU cold by tbe Agents lo luOuicviUr, Wholtwale and U6. 38 ot ®f b'rhiav May 4 f tan. eta thev eviaoe e detorastantiun to i—u® bv healthy taveroee cxtenE bole poMbre fur caab. 8. U. HEKKY fa CO.. TtaLusina— on tta London stock exchange on tha 65ot *3 3IKqS •tus M. to 86«46 Hfetoot 8nc«i,,pncMi*, u— -r— yu f ns N wSIA*— s iters rrsfeis. nnttilerulile foattag wee lifirm at Madrid ulnat is —paired. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHER AND GOLD JEW. TO THE rather UM>n> active. duciiuuduciiou uiul >sto%eRciupncMi*,toiu tonbat tecur,tacior* *rairaUrgrfaraHy oraaiw uoub-uo- ws104 ralhdrelfof froafrom toethe r«or--i.iT‘oo—ro,aaoei iw oodaad nrrefacaSloaao—raStn o ,,f«.f airvafih.• — CUnnii kii — — »— 1» I be—n he hoe aisrays pnevidad tar h— nad Me ’8 «dli®SwUling to mnwkeim u onyany wpew^ue,coconreariuBd,nraariuBd, osdandaod tootba wo*ffaUt-into- Clnclttfalltl. Un , The femele x wiUwill nodfind it not only s iileeinnt U.KY, PUCkET AND TABLE CL'TEEKY, DR. J. DL’PtlNCO IjprrpouL TuerJaa — Ita sals* of coUoo are —ti- wub q— . f Fok ciowiac stti uf ths bsilie—itaM aspectasnart taef stairs — r'^t -* ^ . . A 1 rws. • s . i-.A* Ntumtlyuik*®nuv' been eoufiiEcdeonniEdfd lotu 7 bbd»uboa on .SaturdaySAturdAif atAi TVs7^. What-t out having taken a mvdkioa•edkiM POOMUpoeanmagncifoM^mr —unDBMkaaiagoaptieAMaanaM prim®Irta. r fa gey—s— und— genual, ta ths OMomamirj nxg>—ass AikiA.'oXtoA UoAoito CofdielCordiol. bnl e certoinoertetn —lief-lief in suttariagseulleriegs of n pen- FANCY G«X>D8 ANDHTATIONERY. matiMlowo..aa*4 utl7rL.»foBr tboUBMUtkdbsisLvi.l bulca.Ital— TK-r- laia butl.u* liitUUllle TW sm aad amsmAc*— h— —mv I, E-ope. Tbe^yl^leihie.'cr Srta^ tbe Bgenik. (•Idea Periodirnl rills for FrnaPs* si at U bhda on Monday at SS«» 4 at THe. SSat riptoiq fa raodcr daggaqorov;m a* auoihcrasoibra -edlcdtamadtetoa, *tasldah o old w Uha TELEGRAPHNo a. HiLnawvn. -wfaor, , jr»o udicel ctaneter. will eonlinur hi* *olr* of tbr inquiry, and prawn have dcclincu, though achrceiy Mnd 3a at and fto yeowrday at lu at *>, itoequewtly reqsired ihctoetoepwsH.riiTrtp leaM.nicaH«rtiy of ttad—atha dhaaaa. peof— wt— with fie rdieii, end the Emperor’s (Ne- . il NATHAN WHITE and U at •ulucqu«*Btly r«uau^dbyby p _ — I u ».H eTE-ADEK. I»itvwxa. fa.fair , l.MALl.IHLE nrt it per- iTl abu^foodaathuai»rtabove foodtat buauct(unruoin»,4 unroomE,Np.(siFourtbireH..No. (Si Fourth • rert. 4d(Ssfal. ef*r; tookine on osirraxole for to* thru day* uf searly All toe* coadtliru« vr ttefirv*ttelirv* to bebo yerSeealyperSeesly fulfilled In i putren'e) esnies —arts the hearty eg^vel or the Auelytlcal Che—lets of ell reulis ftruntm M |n corTveUng Irregularitfaa and rrmovlug obatructiona ef Ud. 'Flogr has advuDteil Wheat bBd ad* — iq, ^ tor oSuTt jSm—or, oUi ta— for ton *^'^***^^ evauing at 7>S o rluok, olwaya -Siu bhd*. W* reiMMi uur qitoteUone. oe folluwa: nUCKUAV 178 HOLLAND HITTERS. Fro— lb* saSwrr 01 IX u'lJur*. psegtsta Bpnia. fectly pun, end ta rastoretivs mcriis inco—parabla. Mouiuly Tarua, from wbatcfcr emuer, and vooceil 3d(ii-4d. Corn u blither. bo— sort fodv M hoeo ibnnebt r ' aucccfatui an a Prvvttuuva. Lux* r*ctory of to* diero*. bora oOudod lo, ve wot p is — For fie—bt er poiooso • » boorX oe to Sold anlv ie t|uart and pint bottl— by ell drug- l^aaioa, tuerday Consols 91>^t,qy|8^. i.®,—*], hoe* A*ltao^ imtrod* to rta^ ta kut borahAAA been utataused br l^tbe — PtAOter*’ M polwdu to* u—eo ot toooF iod*e wbo oss uRonss- Ji .'5 PH • \VFD*N I q'MTisE i.ilU ore uuihrni’Qew, but fotoSh 0— wboiaaaie ta 5“i®“®vi^‘:.S?! I ar u gteU, groom, fee. Bold ia Eoauarilla uf goo^ wUl k**iu4d rcgardi<*m of coaL Xba ladU*# Doctor rar* both inlo PranceiStrucc AusCns has recugnixedthe neatroUty uf tta Sfstss Leaf— -inlertorto cucowion »r ofabrded oa the evidewee of tbe truth af tbe am M oa Ofak at f*fa» wharf bom 1 R in hw praritac for inaarisar jiron taiwsk " .4 Ne. 1 rrrtfvur-. ond wa ham moke. But all aod rvofy word emu hambfaa ut i a t -t . ta. IW keg. ta YYh-dieg e—rtod ntal., Edmund (1 I MiceAoi IS of tbs Cborvh. Eolr SS— * D jy ug-tt the •• edtethe mtwfaeik>a of tha moat Iwcmdukm Wea*v ClaikAVUClaikMViliB and MMhTlbBk J!LT,C^w"D*a^J^T‘Q^^^ « be » urged by many l.di*a r^uis fa toi* c^ ths Fine TfetoBlaTLSnAfe For ^ Stalls l>— threatSDed by C-*ML^G.n.r.lA*..t.40BroMlw.y.S.wYoA. ^ bridge St hu n (perttoUy di-eged hy w— on -ne-beet ) thi. Dickey, Ihel wgsrnrds “** uue ofaf thetbe mmlmoat mra ood cartainaarfaia retnadrvtnadWa for fow Ham adaf B£fiLLAR TmJU»DAYTMCE^DA PaaklNUEH HAcRCTb j. H. « twe sreek. ego s Cbofeu beovy Mtosad taUtabt. . u RULLAR otsembicd and Cb— —*ta‘ '•uSrioe Duiu OUT Au—Au-riau,risM, who have workmen owwmbled ttarsttar. b-y -Jta .n„,X,afortiona,afaFctiona, „,4and .ail1, U,o*,.Ihoaa,tboaa, .8w hatharbather uoroRor fa tha ar Tha maguBwinaBlaeal Babt-Afooght —etnaag (Teesdey) at half past > e'etnek, at anc* edd ler by Ihe nan— of AirxaLder stopped over r tOM dbiillaciiJ, , p I’u,l*u, thetbe water*waters of whichh Waiukl.— Raw baa and the market ctoaaauaaada.1dm3 not,oat, wIMwbicawbActi remitrewiltreegtt from waokiiraakaaisivaakuafa of aayany lartUBfor1 rtUBfar erfau.orfau. fCy* AtramarwA»r>wi»t» JohnJol GAI L?. J H. .P» ^ tmg^ariUM II A* o pn*vcBtiyeptveenUire uto ibueeIhofa at ofhorOther poiouuoiois oo thetbe river whM | fCr- ^ I— 8ifhf 8 fa—ily mined Johesuo, nbunt foot locreoac of tamily. S6 ur RvDctal debintv oi Ufa tyfaem.system. IfaIta dbet* are a meet ^|Sr£ Hauaa aiafaHi iter C. T ifaaaer^|my2 ^ AX ladies whom bcoith aiirnol permit an ipafe warv bigb Id coo-equecce uf the late raiiu. V- JKSSLHBBfa2 ' Eludrid. maglrai, the eora radieaL ItcamItaamma ategteua fm—ataa vkWia laaat aud —II— fra— New A day or two afiarsrnrds HAIB HTE—HAIR DIE—HAIR DIE! JYXJCTIOIISr , ^^-o m S^LK tt«itick taalftmalf tbraagh «titick fa tbe walrm,tycfaig, bat, rvntivpentlv tudonatiogtuslaaatiag N. Juhaauuafark.T ihori Umva L awmyaaaabfe»e Ms—sw. Usary Thorps and Ts>lur AtsAtcxnader'exsudr r’s hor— wu liintafernnd U ths asighborhoodnsighfaorh S-iiT.-* "‘'"'’I ““ pi^arr OMaiar, L aa CWfas th ureraara theihw abuka bulf frame, roomarootea the vital cTH®rp*TM>rD, u»fa Bormolhormol RcBaB,rcUrb, aimaiatmamatafartavBufafo awarvawavT nonfaayTbanfai al io'ciork r.M. in »talha oenr— ta a. few tayetay. hieIta bodytady By Thon. Anderson A Co. 1 ns. eta o«« —a— was butabatai qoantitSea and, wbikarbUc enabhngenabang aatura to threw a« tha anoae,doaaa. It thor- pawraarrfaaaa|*^Fawragrr-ii-l fa'tNy—teipari may m*y ub IBaaa beam leavtag -o«kly opoMd nswtoan an Ih. north -deaf ®^ Hair Dye! they pruiulfa Tberw i* not a kkJf liriug Several mayora of the Souliaiao tuwos wbo refa ed generally bnyiog hi 101011 Win. A. Batchelor’s efao'Rd dwenaa. aff fo-to w - _us r- loatatuBBd B—BhBrr aaBB nnAcqacntedBBRCUBeBtcd —ad,IBBd,^so—Som«t twotBO mil—I - ougbJy cradkutrs faa of iiiariaalTj a« advi.rtfa I. ^ ^ _ **iome fieriod of her life*' needs Uta'm,the for cootriLB* 1850, ^*i***^J*^[to^*‘‘ ti> comply wi'h tbe Aminaa demoiid FmuuuTR—Very icarce. Tu NewNei from>mPoii-Port M — hat, next Sn Itanstaar ta Euntih tt—rt, s *,-_ OA THIR8DAV, JFNE 2, urlMM ARfc. sALaRTED IN marly MORNIN®- pomr — fro— —New Madrid. ThsTh* bodybodr wuwee cuneide—cunstdsi bly THE ORIGIN 8L AND BE8T IN THE WUKLiA eommun |«t debaiuting conkpUioioioiknownaaLe kuD NaI iTlT^l^ghl a»d arrested. Four Aastriaa merchant uad bandred1 furfor ponmlponud frnshte.fi due bbl for INDIsPt>.'‘KD To KluEf— We eM orafar raqata y— to Atafol isr— fan, lir. IVrps hu long ta— known“ by^ths hng. TW^w- Hnlr P,s ^ y V Tta Ota, ll-r-le- n-J^Mellnkto I V.— try Ita bsR of a tee— uisfsl It Muoip wm bar—, torTrl^^ d^:^ *^VlLSON A STABBIRD, vemeU have beca cApCnrtd by tbe Froach •quodrun. p^rk^ sue bbl for vstay..Altov sueb. lor *ho— «&OA for nslex,-,-i.A — ^Be BBAl BB^hh CINB BBO mOAie IB IBB Ahfl RlOe *• wb» v . powdestynofadToty r—ranwo bow see*-seer— of e—rsrrev os4osd o A for af dffighifni B OO^Bf « , , Uffat— A —nfia An-> M—in aff leoniwUk.I^niwTlllC. Ky.K] . ^ ^VetJ, „V* MAA8MALL BALBEfiT CD, u n oss^—w diMti (or Ubnis— Oeoentl «Mata Agentc, Main M , ood •» for bone* oad —llte. oa say freisbt o mhoU od- cbeertbL hopeful lookiiis forward lo toe dotta of the doy farts— and at—. The p—au—ptisa ie that bit mardnrsrt. All othan an man imitatiosu, and shonld ta SprUift ttlld SUUBItr (iOOdS, To «buuollord«r>iutawbnmall ordiar* muaC beaddr—be addrowed.e-d. 'TheyThey w^will lurituroiah ARRIVAL OF TllF. HUNGARIAN. slldtf fan— sna sad Mr. Tsyfar, wMk has Istsg—phic sx- I* chorsod. 8riUEc.T -M NAISKA BBfoRE UR y , aft- tAosliac him from bahiad, hod to runrt to •bow rardi, circular*, aod uitk at ^nprietorv' pHo^ (JuxBEi', May M. vonce AREYuC .qofctod it yon wish to escaoe ridienU embracing in port invoicea of •Irvcl; Thomac ' Ifettfarancn Oomps— yin— OU, wB nysrnis wkh cefarIty in nttrati— to wonada on Sold olJu hy i:orjr B TaliMt, 4U Market Mo.Axr Moan—Tta -oney -arkrt - tall rae, for CoB8—nrctol Iho knife, nad that tta ths nr— won —• dl-ii iiu fancy i-™,*,Prlsta, v,™,™,CboiUea, ^iA*.uAr.Deleaioci'. Lawoc, Gii^baimt: r«too,coraeroeTrSeveotta and Tta Msamabip Huntfariafe, from Liverpuol oo tbs is*^-uTr.r^ *7—4 RED. OR RUSTYuitutv HAIRhair dyad inttoate »^y scboien,Seboicb. m«H muifareet;FiiUi atrtset: ,i.,1. w.W. 8Srafae.cuTBcr A—tanaed I'aviial GRAY.'* eeeluirrrr. prime papTr. Na changecnange in oBcarrentoBcarreni muoey.money. eontinua uf rrlwtrrlie* fTOniftom that adifaramlagi nra— bk>aiktagiuib i— Mat ihrtbr ttaasbltha ctavsd in warding off the Ihn-U at ths knife • AU-vool btelio Sbxole, ForaeuD, I mbrtlia*. I illilrvet. bc- WaWaeontmiM yyuaom us aad raxAi— . . I— .• Tta daUy loach sat nta hy T. & T. wUI L -.V (iiwDijreeo etrerte;cirvcta; II11 . preMcr,preitaer *outbMrUtb tidelidr Market pj.jj arrived here tbit inorniog. Ai »be coiUBt aatoenbed t athal Paul in naturalDaturol brown ot black,blncfc, wUb-with- Good*, Notion* uf Mod. aad olio from tta dtamft a>nto—nui ofier por- coroBBr*e jary icadorcd b VBidkt of **miirdar by ly to sb tasboBBtifalntifni and iiotiunodn. Ftoidf, Fam-y IveenFounbandtween Fourth and Fifth;FIftb- 44..N.Jal«D',cM;u^^N. Jabio', coruer Sect ara itiU Utar ®» >titoto Uliiiou oad Wbeoaeu carTMwy ot X dw wsra* tr ta Bit tbe emdimmU vbkb bib a» nc. .lirsctly frum Liv.nKtol, her advicu lAk-ac- We pruuuee rerfect ifarariio of vhol boe been THidCorapasy a— ** Good*, Ac , Chratnut: Vandrropt Dinwiddle, comer of L la— iOBit itakBowB band uut Itatta -a-u..« mjuryinjuryiBiurv tono hair otor Ain.abia. 1 forniihod Ih. Himmonia. ~-“L T.nnera- lodUu St^. tlbto amte -nsASod IS a eeueral ruM ^ *ud ‘re.toa; .lohceou, .IcIfeiwouTilte; Scribner than thou bv mmek rolkbad > i f okwoB B'ciaek ia lbs aotBiBf *ndTri!lioi;TlohSou1 J. SBM aad *iU eeuUa— w A few day. sgs am sf ths I^Jter’a good* Wu- ^ eocloeinr *l to el- — Urrrjtuul Cuttoa Market, H etiaeaikijf. continue ot per. Mtowuri end Indiou fr— hank*, end If you find thot tta doe* pi—eribed h— bo— too —eot, — HEUiALS ANDASD DIPLOMAS have punlra New .vibony, I ol L*die*, by IjitrM uU Buddiasa tterctaa fiWIi FIETEE.S ,5 ptoes, medium to *uper Infraln Carpet., qoaotify to *olt cftuUon.iu ^P9:TiaM— anua - - fisnt sriisiums sf s aagro bstonging to C-te pill**eotcunndeaballruVu dlintei*®iraum— Ibelae qaaaiHy *ow yuaryu«r eo—eu— mob. —— iorato — *- S, I d — .sT . i. . . , au-u, * toer^*bu..Ae.uuiberi**r UteUl** AhuveAXAUU.febufaMagfanu. cauCfibn tayebayv toetbetbi* WU®*'o‘~“®«< araora eoumatedcsiimatcd alat 3U0II34lOll bale?;balsc; tbetIM SootbSooth CaruUuCoruUna HIs dkeonnt;diecount; North CarvbuI’oiwboa *agand GeorfioCieo^ia I 18J», lu do whta m«1 ctoel^ Canton Maiunf: cu Tbe eale*sales of to-daytO'dav teaui——aatea bfabljr con—conae——raterat- dfoe, aau ,.u|»*y ^*7?^ foF'Dry foafai faBBforv, bou cfoy bb4 Mcaatry,Ufatr I Tfci. b—A®**a awaidsd®wsifod to Wa. A. BaUtatorUatetator sines 1839, and RE.VD CAEKFLlXY. -Tta y, Ihs by 01x8 . a^,!!®; yj,* ud to snM rt PhilUp s' . _ _ A ..v—.v. i luwsflower ItanIbnn tbo— o(ut Friday,E'riday. diecouni. aad on BerabanW **^^ — * FUl*. 8— that ths uuo„,m’atioa*stloa* are K>b'> edd Wrerbae*'*Mrerbae*'*HtdlaadHuUaad Bluenlep—Bluen I* p— — tebaffIn Safi p*UpMUbaf—abaf 4— uu*.* anouw Rfffo el IbflR oe III.i. <>. s|>|)liraliiiiis hssnh—iiuadamads to th.ths hair n“h* Ato for Dr nuMoeu'e Gulden La^snde*—»— aaw wm ' M m &. G.u. HoaryIB—17 faOl Cm*a\ju. m n— ro nad asst tar nsgru anssed Qilbort, tatengi® •vunvsr 80,00U80,00u aiHdicatiuta bavatavs aplil have an fiendemy; Gold fading at — nly. aad ratoibra al (•.NEDuLLtoK per boat*. Tbr fraat 8*®®*®. g ‘^SFEilAL'^ALE OF sicuaturv*i*'Ltore^tka 'SUi'ttaXT'Vii^lu|m>u Um* bux. Von will torothen sSlgut run rtour cootiniies to ^Tancini; k H nrvm. and boogbt at M prem I BuUa to Mrs. Raos, of Co|» Girard— whs w— hired le *>d^r ore tn iMoandfsr Ibi* traty .-elenraled Medida* b— isdneed Ve—d DinfXTt>B.S I igs cuhwh sate at spti^ nad dry goad*, s, qg ^is imtivins ut his fenwos Dys. may dc^ud upon. RroMUitor, tou, io« pw prices art 3d bqfber tbU muming; wheat Bod corn SUvec k doU: the bmkerf take it fram ihoir riwinnisn at **DIEW-TkE-A I iae —oy taltotton* vMra Ib* p—fo beoM sward *sa l E-R. ' * 4®i®»- Grtsfav A Gatdn—"«rtxir stawlA -fata tastery, c. pTOilucBS »™ »*'“ “ higher. ProviMcm muket U pm. brt would not buy asy quantity as to- ttaa 1 dw. “ nnd -Ik ta.dk.r- A. lLtli!.lAyK o HAIRfiAtm DYEIM puducu ' one in »M.WM. BATCHELOR'SDA o'alock oo Tbur*day« June d, tu elfwu coopign- Uty. WbotWta{ 1riuird;:^ of !Ixrii‘*f^L'*!taktug fuur 44*4ikwb«iiuI’'.taS'u- ^ Bua'. Kdwia fa—.Mums. tklk or tbe employees of tbe oiills lMPt>81T10N!~dM that one name k «teOi®.^rt *v«rf Ufa 4ly Tbere is some foEofftcru tight czeboogvin good demod, Wa qiit)faoa WLW ARE OF Ml M«-aWam a ester artnot to ta dirtiagninhaddisSingn i shsd fra-foo- nntun,untura, and is ®te®<®>^^ " broth-. Tta fe-ily of Joboaon esnsiato uf on aUsr- —ter ,. 111 ...— — Muuclieater being put on short time inio cm—-coQae®> ira tbe tabH ot ovorr buuk yu« bn> " TfaDMAA J. MABTI.V IWi ^ Hro—n*. — I utBt Mouebeeter York fa preu. Now orl—— nomteul ut pur to m,C llul fa ly Indy and two sons. At yat than h— bs— no ia tba Isnst, bowsver teng t'arieiy ruibrociux *tr)rtly ATwsnx 8—I—ry. JO— 4u wAunayiTCO art to hijurt eouoltaotuf a treat sod tuany -IB B M queuce of Ibe doUnessdaUness of trade. prem KKNJ A.WIN PAOR, JK., * CO., P R. l—al -voMigrttoB. Saai—n a- ua to roat upon u and ill sfivcu of bod Dya^ OMUin^Tbe sule.sbIcs of erttoncotton for thr-three day.days .mountamount FITTSBt'RO. PA. “ ••7 * esnUnned tta ^8- Ne. York Journul of Co—erce uf Frldu, era- SOLE PROPRIETORS, Bsro. W. M. Lvnttn —is appanrs fawni tbs Itangtes Johns— snd ths nagro GUtait. Giltart PiYG iMSUrMUCC biles, iDcludiDg 1,61N) balee lo spccolB* STbiSMi^. fa- Insurance to 12f^Hl IX teouMviU* ay WILSON a ylHK INSUHA^^^ ' ^ in— dtd Fire 80M s had ch—/touvAMA.art— aaAd Mitpsrtxd.....AAtu. A uf.a rsmsdied,ramsdied: ths hnir uvinurstodinvigorstod fur life bvhy this —spteo-ten- SswrasnTWM a— popart Ifart Dr. Cvstts. rat—oi^ (rs— h— V—y , — U BY lurs and for ezport. Tba market cloeed very dull .FUMUICKA BRO. (faaiXot ta— t, Flrn Ti—wifa fa Mew Tsth riRl n»ora isroet.. ae— Cos—oUdatfad BC Ckinsyny Tbere k a boeysnt fec*lnv lo-4ay ia tbe luar- Vaarfaiy, TATALIUirTLB« > FT 14teti faatUI taviag CO—mioed a —nite a ys— — two siacs in did dys. at a Blight doclioe on all quiliiies. Hkldling Or- CARVCAkk AS Ssfaffasrn Baptist ti— nt Rich—und, By C. C. Speucer. ket, ob4 a moiv rbceniU tone Kwaik tn aaam*.al ran !«>«. Droesla;ag‘Uarall]r or PBILADBLPHlA- . fifai lufe C—v— Ihs cunaty Arsteookr. ^suitb)"aud ao-s —UempkU applied (ia private rooms) at ths jOM!sr ]vtmR. leans is quoted at aiid ditto Uplands Bt A faErtMB of Ibe naturday '4 nagacemearj* for haY®- jAheoAAwjewwly „ * »fack nMhrrbfi Capitol paid aai Bnrpl— |l<7,2Sa. way of Kev Y'stk, —n efand tads— ths Now tM'ra cuuuteruAan«ic‘g, and mine othrrffoiua rvo«iy lu tokr m \$ p r « lldL.1:., A a^AJEA.^ A, Ad«» r*. 4.8.^ AAlUr.KAIs Coni is b'ln; mized quoifrd at Go IOU^Ga lid oad ^ Brundw.y, N.w York, FiifKNI.V ETKE l.NJaTHA.NCE t'H.MFANY in«ir«»rc con ba r and HorchaadMa their A«*«fff»*w kf*rk. white at Ha -Id^a 9d Bcuf qui**t; po«k qaiel; lard Carpets Brosseb, TSrw-PI>; ikd Robsrt R®><> ®U cRi— rtxl h>fa— ihs Ualtod Ststos •RHu.iM I Chet ... ilhsc—CUMcsfSf Cntsv, Ihs fr— aagro. Lhargsd | |N WKDNLSDAY AFTLkNiMiNoJuoe 1, at greckely ra|*iiai ateaJv;'taady; steady rice quiel;quiet; and bkCOQbacon oUkd^ouady;; sugar steady roiinroein w«i|auio~ tt. snanm. ; Yt M lagraia aad Wailiaa X* t;:: *R^ hilhbg Koban EL Boyd, ol— s fr— of Goods Dsnlart. **** pTMinirtua, coumcneUiz I* A NY', fall grades .ter la . m— by IfningisU and Fsscy eeS peld by Ita — S _ A A I ^ I* I WE >NSl'KANrK TOM eteadv— 4s 2d fur cuoiiuoi; ^pi^ts of turpeotiue dull Se— ns »itl*III Haiun*L fftxeel Lul: iHtiNTALH t at ngnfdsd • a Ktrt Baptist Ch-u dU| 4k^ uiuutbff 411 dif uv— tta tawa uf D. 8 Bt—dtet A asn feet shorn 1 : 0 *TI.A.NTir EIH E. Lot *3 ironi by deep uD.t.enty-lc.1 A dnglrdngl** aiirDatureeRiyDaturisr. . o— wre«^ lurm.. . .Mtotey .VurIcf.-AmaricMi Slocks—Tbe First clow THE CARPET faAREHul'SE. IR, 283 oUcy un the BuTtb auk uf FurUand avumjc. uiriKfate No 14 WoU .-w, Broadway, . . ff24U,uto iateet of iiiioois u i> share#-u .««- were-*^.^ at AA..aAO oUmat *.****^Ruud buk a^pitol and Snrtflu** I oaks K H. 444'H« I ooiBwttin Afiarmn InafarnikOfa Comp«tty I Nomfakfae kuuwa c. IDXJV^XxIa Sc CO-, IN?fat KYM'K t’O.MPANVfi r cent, discount; lllicius K. K bonds 7; Exie K. Tbu Cetetaxy wRI txbe n—eon , *hK4 TKITk MliK Foreign esrbaoi;* a little arregiikr. LikirM the rolu* x\ea ^ork. k u,iu nb U7 MAIN 8TREKT. At xbee t* exd \*x- Nu .*1 I'iMMfarera, Stocks 44^7. cersu— faoArm. Pnorwasauis— Mamiag 18. — Bon. Mag l-bs suminatiux c—elu ded with tta diuchugs uf i^ai^ mm of the lii>si|Nt«l, knuo u aa I CoibUol and Hui |4n« SrspkNsioN Bkiim.k, May 30. Atlaxdc exd Fare* Tyn— ifraykii hatUOa. LoU Nu«. S, 11. and 13 ancuuutr/ aval 17 and l*. aadriAiriard, Ai»*ut of tiae above retU* steJ (cute — , dswaksttfifightfag. hs. Ihs psiirasr.— be •*86 fer A ms— 1 Rxilru*d, exd txlxud trxx—•'rtellie. oali geifirroi Fire 1 Ufa* OhmOliff Olson,AMaA'ii, vwi-clerk of lb*ix«v7 Gv. and—•« IrnDk . pxru WIG8---W1GS WIGSI AtaJynTHURSDAV AFTERNOON, Jun. 3 in JeBBTx.n hie LumiMAnifa. ^5mdon,Lnugop togfUMTtoJctto?'w!tir‘7Dwatt* an oenve oemana mr m-uficy oi I I r A- Jol—i Msstin. fitr ri e Mxxirac*xw drank —d fousduEy. ffM» A »>nv!Ue,•onviUe, lud .aial j.r«»lriirtrOBrlf st o'clock, .ueune l*ul frri lEUiunt'faat the luacffi r ablub d ratra yesterday uauo tbothe raverriver Imuk,tank, havingbeviog I iHsiiktpulut for boMaiewbauucx. pur, anu't cronie pivchora uf I l#4ir OIICI#lllN« .vimlllfoffy HC«s snr- I , tat f„ raol»u> real e»>e». I tiun of Gusao iuabjIu* ,uii ,d a annRottdhaltory. ftsotihBO WeBtwunb ia which a elvA dtett W( fa. 81> ruN. racreeerv. AIM to stt-nxr iadirtasat. **' et Jelfaraon Iu—ranc* tfaiupeny. Main itr«t, taard ofuf him. acudius tb« auiu, wa Aboald b* Hirpn—d to mm a ixUmu "8 tod dsngs^oSirtrt wS: tW-lMRra nothingnothin,,^ hadbad b*«nbeen ACE MANTI.»4«. Ntawfe, RrartA. for traeoL 1 I— »»- /citL .«til/2aSh ooutate tank of taub*18"- 1»“ du In quuUtb.lia. ®®“. ®nos warrant. fitr hand; indasd, this ths only Es- rT. — ••.AIUUI. Maw JU.30..HI I * >u, Dmw Gu,ut* in Grruxdlu* .*, urfwndy fok— 8 gMO A ri in uff ths M — I'liiitoDRLPUiA,i iiii.ai.elphia. Maymay ths teusr. sh nk rErr=r_^_ _ F. Bl'LLUCK JONATHAN PSaW ths hands Bell will prsbn- e*to ur e urruilsU* tapurt* of for. dr> ,ood. furita wwte «w aboot fa. X katfe in g uu xt x xioxtlu with in- ,V fan to owreap. lx ®® prop— - ten— xad e.urity; bxlenc* Uis, ix, end is muxth* aliu ’ Tta NewNaw York HeraldHerald;*a WuhinglunWuhingloQ owrespon- «x.iM.u—. tei—itoiMid*rahfa excxei uf tta —rn—uad- '„*!.] bit ba disfegniwd tar Bit. wbsn the— things sts ly uod— T?IWT7 IJJSUICANCE.TNSUICANCE ,V-- BUIaIjOCK PtlAKCE, lutersa and tau. l..*graphs that tta Dute sxpirud ,e*urd.y for a Era—I— f g c, dtwRfc sad dteetforiy. gaMfarfi Ths xrigiaiU **n— sff ths difitexky wu tta asud sod s—da ^ ^ X .lent ““ to f,!:^ to BPFNcfb psf. ^ i J- J. .tj, exacution of tb* contract of Mr. Johasoii, "* ** »« <>* »»« •®d •» ttlhs. Wsikhiin— toking xl a siix^ - X ^ning pxirar by We^ AiictiuL.;* (he ®“<'V,r,rf7 ^ H— flfa.16 dfi-dfi— BroxdwsT.Broadway, Naw Task.Talk. (thU M3MS (*r TUK Uooiroctor, but tba l*omiia»lar . •‘t"'d:yJ^_*oi^ lusurance .Agents, worth whkk Ball had l*ft taesu* lbs propristor AUVNT Nkaragu^ Pvrestfa importa wt .Vew I'ork. Geuerjl John Msfkwrtl, drank nad cnurte ba will pursue d'assderiy noadart. that Ihn print— should work for half (teneral baa oot decided what had fou—bdad Attkactiox. Mxay psnon* xrs not FI KE iliSI' R,\N<’E CO. For lb«® we«*k. Ista. .Sfefcfii’ *i»fe Beil in >fi80 fitr fax saths. Great — PAiMTma CONNECTICUT ID tbe preniiaes. Tbe Admiiiistration is deUruiioed 0afR4MMURSl..mtOMf* *» root W.fa. cash.—Cfe. Say. |.:utl-!utfl'ri'd4.r,.g at tbf uorL. g g 6&Ji,ul3 Icd Pitchnia.iichnia. auiie shapa^®aiBUq swarc ot ths vsri— sod sztoat of our stock, xad to 4NO H. Howe boa rmnovod to rpia* M'd:t;t.07 4. lo upon tbe NicBnq;uuii route io rhruvorhruvoouuiaon Uia»i*t. . . ;»^ 4U 1 |,MEE. Ufa,C^u. ra* Jx— Headricks, drrak nad dfeoeforiy ssadnrt. y I'wpllMl ami Sa E tar* .art rsertved . au aranrt— t rt taevy W. bu ul4 riaihfli No 3U. liroea aUrnt^ charges prcfaired ogaioit Mr. Uouk, tbe siorajaauarJaauory IffL le67. VV * art it forth propsriy would toko mora spooo ia a that tba Siora Wrtf pmu-j Icu Pstebmoq doflAbfa va*4«l, of iw bom OsU la fer six atsalha. 9Brsi gour trom Fourtb, wb«r« be is ** from the AaOttcr i >Bv WM CbicBTO Puetmastar. have »li bae« ezamioed and EGten-a at um- i^n .g4l.l»7/Ml g4R4B7i>e inoke. asOuraBb JollN MITTH A LL>. Baa— praisored to atteud lo oil Riuds ol prrjndiprrjndi— any of tta nnmer Mwipsp—uwipxp- than wsw. f-1fesl iacliasd to pay for. huiWl*M« •!*«» blud# I'hrowu uu to«k*L , to. Js,u74 .Axr nfa «.l«.ui Jo— M sfosy. draak sad diausd— -irExiI WithoutWitkent iatoadiag M Faacy FouflUng, #4M||b bre on Cte.ri8luptottart.lir. .AtisfacltoO of ttaD.p*rt ''iNSC^^ ly Ho^^TTta F»-y*^uu4r£jJ:L‘“liUzatM* tui!!liraiuiba, vruoeny at ibp ^favora- _ Ji ril^R'frrtrLIT^rrnRE otiff RsprsaanialirsB i R l iVB inIB thistbio of i ^ o—4IM4 BOfMTBBUupiraaU torfor thstfrc pte|»UoBra K pfB— hartbBVB aB oompteiacoBipioU Muckstock of(ff bUall thstb* popBUrpopoter msd-wowd- MorWlogr^-s l« thebn very b«at likooiMr,iikaitiMr, at aBoctufftalioriufft isi unuU c»f c ommerce uf Saturday ^•rk. coeb -**1^ MsafedHRfitrsU a laths, Wt isotsca ralea. Lumw* • Ul be H^>n>Fl uwot and PrBtidaot. Ti • J« evaniag myt: | fur PltATllkt A 5 mITII. PA-Nk ol ble t mir by .si :mw voow.^ E iba Uofa. I.HaLlLkNCb CyMrA.Ni\ TImTbamMonvOMMy morbotluarbMMOB—ia mora mriogetaWii—tki inia kn^ rtif LBb 4U Mosn uriol. UOPL draak xt.d ici-. i. which •.tav.cc*fid..c..-l cr.com. OH oelora. Sr. May 30. so— rtiyi rud. BnlBvM, dtetrfitriy osadart. GUm, Patty, Ac., bayt eob| uTMain and Bullitt Btreeto, varlbeCom. m«dto-ir.utciu*r...g,-tv-te.y.fp.rf.«-y. -^taU foteta-fa. Tta Arizen, publi Jtod rt Tutac-, Anrooi^ rte l^MKVd FUND iNsikANLK C%»MPANR OKTCflol Dank r- CfaB fogiml nod ' iwt* -»• ceived by the overlaBd mail, tunlaina Iba preceed- gouca tb« f«>oenhl difitneUnaUun ^TNuw Yurk. 55^. ersry kind of toitet golds. Lotlovit.i*a. l'»*b. fo to bum»v aMnay ua de- I!I8*UMA>4..B LOMPANk aW 3L^ dtf, draak aad diasrforty Aotoag ths re<4aUitot f— a Rsptctsntotirs ot this sad almost —— ^ NbW WOULD Jska Alar— etadart. — logs ot a iiieetlug held at Arizuoa city ihi tbe Htb maod, oBd we inwltbe eBprri0iflae aiiicb boe revuliod in dittrict, tsteai is art by nay anssns ths only a—, aor sad grals v—nisb ia suparior to British ibis cUongu • 111 not bu hnn on o«r eoiamiBBity. i. BaU ia hr six asadhs. (j„ stors CAJ.iI3 Itll'lN G, &(* B'llAE INSHKAMC'i:. iiut.. exuie^iaioie atroUK dbaporobatUNi of tbe course Tbotv WM “* A.iionx,Aiiiuma, sadoad urgently r*.,nul-re« oeut* ““ ““ *-“‘y 1-1 ^rt C)oogTemL'iogtsrt to^Ard*towards 4 tHbLIi^.imTal Bn—. * *!(, draak aad iitsrdsriy nsndntl. B—1 u’trSSy'^'trt to th. dirtrictstai ups- T T 1 Y A "N h' < ) H. J '®8 •*“ c. operation of cUUen. througfaout tta r.r- Forafau uctaxa— clu«* terafina dralu. “ " EoreCScI^- d furUara Vat . mrtni. “ iVi-i^l f^iDN OFFKcJpffi^ __ L r Jwr.""Dyt Dii"—w*a. «*» iapaaiiom ot (tengrss. id! Jop. alt friSClfeVvA^V wutou l of qto.taliui.*. _ r?3 SSex* of Wylra for mle ol I followio* 8r*l clara r 1 lory tw eatxbtab aud maiotxu mdspendSDt guv- bu>uu—bteUM— wa* Ita rau*a uar Tta far- iii iB #v^«a b^—em ao4 m — a x x 3 DKYH- iixini* I—•« hy F ITS lu Ita Cu—px- mrwi gmi'n — ****^^*^ ^ OombI OovfBUBf IB flmta micB, lied-bBfS, gTOBbd BMfotyffc., 4c., BIB OALPHold Jlaad, No. IIH Fourtb tiropi, - John Ksykr. Sr., draak aad M-rfiiriy osadart. . ^ betwoeu Ma hLx eromsut. pknn.^vlvania lever row t** “* —fa" JoDaraott. — bat obd oa3H dim/ D. le. Arasu 4L371,S13. beiu« a luud of 47,ul, .Ld to tta Ibr— • ** “ fa firttt MILLLM. f f la *tofw and lor rale Vv • effectually ds»troyudimvmI bybv suroar greatarool vsriatyvofiatw ofn/ Ezur-F.Mtor. urlilNGKIKLU INriURANt'Kt'O.faPANVOP PmuBLUii, May 3U, M. TURE8IIER ®«fa*fa BsS la fitr Iht— —oaths. Wsrkhtstt. IU|swiSrtsriys ' •' SflXlb i WW who iu tsms t^ud few lha inter- MASi J, U. BoNDLBANTq ta*te*fife-Drt-»fa* ^ KAYhaYMONDMOND kA TYLER,TYIA'H bHRINGFlLLU. River or four inches by tta astol For Uw dial ttme Mace New York bna been a port of ao- Jifen Kxyl— dr., draak aad d is nr flatl osadart. muintorfo thru mark and , y ^ ^ Indirtry nad n enrUU try tbe ImyortB ol gnheral BMueboadwr for Uw vcvk ezeoed ay EAKKa— Improved Po—t ftcvolviBg 9alf.Dm* tt—n bltonxw M saw Waar lafafa* tort by which 74 Fonrth ttrwst, near Main. Wrtdtar clear mid mild. ht uuy exary mylfi siiilfluw "cWMl^'iELD.'Sis^l^^^ ^.uiifouiMq mokutg a u>ul unyuri ul over B7q0H,Mb in H ciorziog Ul Blorv aod fer mIr by hit osattfruanta. Mr. WsU CIIAItTEK OA'K ClxciNWATI,CmcTNiiATi, MayHey 90.30. rtodlng dry gDodo, Uw total im|M»rta (or Uw week are: UTRmpooL ahd lgmpo* j nra Cauilto.ud 8acpla* R31U.UUU. u^ia god MorbeL M-"rtiixx Small Cbacked BUka, '//rueeumirfioa \ HARTFORD, conn. 1 M iT.MLM? ^irntwofifa M^ ^-4 XJfin Inaananofa Comaamy , V Lace Uitoa ixkFU et luw—i aaletilMtad rate* eud lo*ew prompte Kiver fBlliDg elowly. Weather ckmdy. Mercury 2,4n4.44fr rti* 8 aatu Uvs. J.J- L. DANEOR-rH,DANKOR'ru, IsaakAsaxk Froob TnMe ItaMar jnm r—Ived CAPrexk RVMttJSU. Munlina, Plg- eadand pildpaid. 7, 1*7 fo»B FIKMINH fozlra BllkRobaa. Oigao^ 1 ST8 .1 lyv^itadparted I II ' « aneb tn hasp UisiHssfeEisnturvi^unltenntot sIdRU 6 ;| ®«* »»*- l«^raulfor.rt.by »»w»*w**xa ta ffyfay. Os paau, Sx , It sMIm. ia aw Gsnsral f d«c* U. Newcomb'. »dfaW; Tba New uriaoBB Pwa> ium of Tborodoy myw •*fffa.a«* J pENTON A «L»RR aga—rt »» fffo fasnab^us nbnndsat rlcer. TtordeadI ® «*•** on BoUitt olreut aogft — l—urxe— svidsnou sf his I I iv’raaeo ^ TBax. I — . Wateni, ttetra of Kd fitrau u W *s^H ir IspiiM— slivB in V Wolnuiri* IffOnlMTlUM InBUKBIIOM ComuMOT „ ln*Yo'. AND tfalta this / Gsag—ssiunnl Dtelriet. \ / 6 o»rtl te a few nm emo* oamiw at long dote from s lu RS eJTRAW U.VT8 FUR MEN ». UratchSiM. l*asd as— iBl - Ufilu mirth mdm Rxix *cr«rc betmern rkirA M | r asttti«. Innurauce Company, V cmuL lu banktalk ttare^tbnre woff a food demand for telobeb* bodtad »4•.< ^“riRnklln mouav. I ^^ diva'*dreg's wear, . ^mM.enxA aaa faein«k_ VILLE. noa generally fou FR-VT M ER a 8 MITH, «S Baraswd WBhn sws— to aad fifed his firadx*— fo. UF LOUI 8 iUebouge ^tetbng woe dealt In mod eiXavM FK.OH atreru, Itste* eeraer of Malu and llullUt aecond atery ermtfldy al fur clear immMM and MBcdlwH for fctw flaara- nxto. Faidluaxde txs* - fats dto 1 EoUane. .. Mma alr-kaCreek tlroiu with biil ul iokUMg. FroBCB ’ 8TOR8—A teaallfel a— lJe7??Sb“ luiUdufa. -- wiAbul t A jciH.'t RITT8* A LW 'A lu isra xra “***•" «|s. «lWfr*lkA*iifo TIIIH lAouit'any ouuiiuufa to liule duiog elzly day Miaou Naw York i<#ls dlB0uui»l L eeltiab LearaafaKF lofaroncM egoi^ Um perUe aMb MkbtMgbt wMiieaal premium.pr IU. ttt Mxmw^ Dkoba uli ritfaiuboata. en Oarwofatiflp^ yV navigaUua on Bbipa, ai«win.^JH^ " Jfoeev*«oend Homn ns.T.fi.^*.fa®far'—'“^^ ^ABC uf bymuM, bs vfHaelB at Ben, and — f %M!l-*-4ee MoeklOi** - Ibetr corgsMm - _x aa ^ x-. i S^SPbuolB. and olaudlHHP ch^MfUfai mftdoB ef inla id trauaporiHUeo, aad oUe et ifoorbeBjfoarbeB UowatUousa SArnkSifoci Maukat—Craaokatm ff CfortlAara. tl‘ pm ttvndBfwm •• JN, uS?T5d ?! « IxAfl qamlryl-MfilMlffV Bu E. SMITH, L«>i;uvili.b, life. lfa«» JAMES «®tai and oontaalo. May mits port*ivfvrc one on nehoiwiTtf D. H. BENF.DICT, son for Bdkto by jaMLH There bo* beem a fair mpply of cattle priree mtbur TRABUE. Prcrideal. Pbatbob, Btcretary. vHh flecrrtBiT- Wa. ABBOBau Hivb. »n the dfiiciiBa. Mo, 1 eatUe brtog to Mg eoam; com* 4H FWuis, whits wbsaS, PialUTOBt. Ita RRL8 Bun from 3)t te S eeal*. Tbo nnniber ef re—Ipt* far I (Mi exd sos fanaUm Garrln. J-. Llt^w w-kbub-nMX. I itot raraa-d 4 guiMK faiUiaai Gay, fadtamwnuMia HufluwUucbfa, ni«.TI Tfeurt cfaM Rfiee, Geo C. CoiUaiiflaB '8 Fo were iloga ora dull with plenly la Um morkeL Prtoca rmoge Jobs W. Aoiervoo, E,'MERY Fateui KeUroad and Thni*b*r* lu* »•*“ fafafa i-ewwwrxxN HALM ARB HAaxET sTRKSEfa Samuel L- Noefo, ilifah Urrnt, r* .aleby tix3tf| J. U. taiN Df begi; Me- rae BRL8 RANT. foem b to i eealB for good m> taka uf cemBSua. wta ter I.*—Sxeliflx, fey VNorrea Nwcucabs c®e*. E. Jutouoa. 1 d and tor week 3X1 itoanCasfe ustir Rnpnwsfi snd krintedTj 11 tau Wilder. fam. Terry.. ENTLCRY UARVESTEK3 on oxtobtUon and lor I eeipu for tta a K aal* by (laJaJ J. D. BONUL'RaNT. I aeafoe with good drieen O . — 1 . • L 4 . b * ^ h k ^. 1 -

^llSCELLANEOU8. RAILROADS. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW YORK. BUSINESS CARDS. CHAS. Laat»vMI« asMA Lraaklao asid M. McCRAwT NEW ROUTE €A»E Sc, KUSHUVy LiaSt^^My. Vm-ALIA OEALEK IN rercTEMon tn L>wi« 8. MuuiW, LemAactaa aad FraalUart £EKTLEMEN’8 FrRKisHiKC 4i00D8, N. ORLEANS, ME3IPH18. & Uie SOVTH. CONCENTRATED LYE CoutuiiMnioM •fferckaMtg, OTTER * AleLEN, TIm krmdy H A»D X*- - F.inU,So«p MU«f.«VE. - ’ a ra aii r i ta Cord * Hoad, Flxxe CJXotlxlxxs, laASBOlR, zg-jejw YOH-K- WHOLESALE 0K04 EKS ' 11.4 Front St. Cor. WrU Bt. K A.1 r^RO A.DS. «t Main, betweaa Fourth and Fifth atroeta. TIME, Tlxli-ty DBours lB£KALDdv««0PtmD4c om soodgnmnkU ot rAMMlaol^ ^ aa m . 1 \\T OULD reapectfiUlr Inrltc tba attanttoo of hia I i Totecoo. and to i#BBl9NMI FF frtandi FROM WMl«ni Prodoe* Kefer A and traaalent rldtorr to hia aturk, couaprlatua-a-,—la Mtt -A.3STE Meawa T. li. Hunt A Co.. Lotriartlla. m«a diy- riKST TRAIF—A« A. M-, auaeiae the fflUoaiuc atticiea. tU: »,XTH tTRERT NRaTmaiV^ CINC'INIVATI, LOIjISVILLE, and IN aikkara’a. ihvwaia-ra. aaa a>> Black French C^b Ftock Toa'a; I *e* »»eueyt Fair Granaa, MOISTEY. LofiRrn.i!R. sY. I Fancy and Black French Cnaatmm Panta; ALL THK r«LEMANr«LKMAN PARAlPAR.M MILL..MILL. VM.W, aaaaactlaa at Ewiiwaea wRh Waaoa far New , a.int. C'HICAUO TO itlEMPHISi. HTORFKEBPERS HAVE IT Ft.R SAIAi. tVhila and Fancy MaratUlet VeaU, lateat at, I. al rraiAfartfae Law iwaaek Harr-Ahan aad Uwe lea; Hsaufmctnnd only b> tb«» The Wonder and Admlratlcn of the Are.Age. d SHaTOCK, Ma. Browic Whiui, and ^ far F*ewillp,c Payar’a -^ttoa i r Fancy coata and iteta; raw. at Mtdwwy » Dahlia, PESSSVLVAJilA Bine, BUek, and Brown ttoth Hncfct, to nirire- HOXJi^S SALT MAJUTACTllBISfl CO., Everjr Farmer hi« awn .Hiller! W. H. CRUTCHER, gkeieion SO Caatmere, PopUa, and Luaur Coati and tacke- PITTr.Bi:BLi. PA. Commission 4l« MAIN 8T.. OPPOSITE UHTISVILLB IIOTEI^ FFhite Duck Linen 4‘oau, Sacka, Paata, and Teati. FROM Merchants, *^*'*k*.a»ria* af TFwm aad Mrew..a«— fAa aaly SMarraa- aR naaaa> ALSO, SRCuNB TRAiN-xa P. M . «tapaa* a X«I MtlmUic Mill eeer IntrmtMl.for MaAiat Hud- 63 St*, b«l« al oiRTiiiE, 004 of the larg^ and baodaemoH atocka of CMumial fiM mi (Nifb Sta., F cll-boanmad (atraifht and crow plait) OotdanUUI Shiite; 10 IHemphis.irieinpiUS. jambs b smith * co.. ttktat and /family Flour. St,bit to — I \t hite and Fancy Mualln A .laooiiat Shirt.; LOUISLouis _ ^ ^ Mi (UIkA, CLASS, aNU QFei<:NsaARE Uot^u UUl * 1 ^ by HotM, atd pm . Wind, or Wpkir rnapertiM by mm at Fdiid— re ler aad hetiy^ AT L'l UAJ A Power | Wbito Linen, RGiite and Fancy MaraeBIci Gulden IliU t'lllleADfcLPlUA, St. Xw80XXls« Mo. New «l fer vnUey, the upper Mtaile- e« Mldwwf fee ViWfeMm. awd tmwm'n CT4r ofcfei Id UU« skarket. ShirtA RAVELERS from the Ohio r Appl. nod the Leked tokio« the irelnd tor TJAVE )ndt publiibed the of ••• Opera, B> ron, and Garota Collara all atytea; Am • «eri« of Fulam«e BcUui« AL90, :niro, aiid re»chlnereKhln* there at fcsJfcSu M., arrtr.arrtee at Mam-Mem- ll ^a. IJiee, wAb Uaebine «ttaebe< for ocakisc .. . 1^. end A a m.iLhd.tLv« .l o I-IOM. and Checked of the • .bit,,,, al4;3UP.4.,^ •anir day. via Mobile and Ohio and Speecbta and ^ iTft p M. , *». LMkiBf Classes, (astars, uni alher (eAOAbrtC „ r THOMAS P. STOVALL A CO., I D4«CdOtlta: kl.-lAlllltk aad FdumAm WnUugs of such of the pubuc Ml uipbk and Ohio road*. men of the ccuolry a« pm- »» I** MiU cm be «een Tim«Time from t. LoutoLfiuto tu MempliwandMi>nj|»)iiddDd leOuitrillDleouierille to Mem-Mifm- **Co4amaa Mill Plated Caads, Laateras, kc. **2?i£* P a » 8 mm guibcient emiDeuce W JnMify curb a mhllratinn nf Farm ticneraJ Cnwainsina kHoe of I- Diftc/ Olid II. . locket ^ of ^ .MerrhaBl.N, Bordet^ hue 8 j*hid from one to doyd •lioiloi’ ou UiU roulo ilmn by apd 4tf Hum their poI«icalwcd..tk,n.. Hondk renieft; a|i^ riTi-r wtrointni.sttfoukfcrs FrMch sMuimndoro: Kid. LMe Throwd, end SUk Olored. AUGUSTA OBO. at 4.n> N M. The atm volume, ehichid now ready, win conjtUuU) a foil “• Howadi^ ApeDi! ^TtljFFE^ HVCHES, BaicffaKPBaiCffAK^^ CberkedC'berbed Tbreuffb.TlireuKb. d’lVE THE STRU*TICaT ATTB.MTlON Tt) AIX Hr l hrM.>H TWkaH itr DanelRa. CoMocaUU Ol f^naUoioeaU of Uacou, • w.-harl Suiaa f.ar klnw fa# .«fx the Lard, —Ihmctad•s-e. w-pw*Itooe^ aMand rm . TernMii. Ge.wni PerfumeiT, Sonpo, Rnuboo, bnir mad rlotb, Comb«, end PonoeuccTs for New Orleniu iukve ^choice of two rootes: an Wwtorn Prodwee AitarlW and Via nulruad to Meinphu aud rteamer tu (Mieeni. l^et penally; Bilk, Ulnahera, Alp^a New sPF.Fl'HRS, MK8SAUKS. AND oTIIF.K WKITI.SU^ Mate or porchasrs made #n Caverable filiUfiaiSTSj | 1 terms wbli fee WMOLISIU CnibreiiM to treat varety. 1 anee of every dcecrlpUou; lh> do do and •tcAmer te Virkthurg and 18.V.). e*ual OF ilO.N . ALUKUT G. Advances on all (teteiedmenit. port Monaien. Hand Mirror#, Pocket Knivee, Ac. railroad to New lirlean#. BKoWN, tM Main alrart. betvarn Third and Fourth, Lake Ontario - t AR.NS, odS.lHL RHM. bIlIRT mayfe dtf C. M. Mci'KAW in and River St. Lawrencr. l.’LUSE CuNXFU:TION8 and no delays. A Senator Cauciww fFiwu MhwUrippi, and formerly 1IIkKTIVf:.4 kr..re...wmal, ow haZd IroL liri viil eottlMwtftM* Clc»tMai%i»4Fanii-h' lAH INTIi.l.K. HY. tua M.iNTi.Lk >lRTh«rt . (ioveruur of that State. irctacaJ by a jiiofraphicai CuTTD.N MILL3. .«.«>. »....LE A.VO MASUttAaLS »*»ao4 0». BUacWJ THROnOH TICKETS AMERICAN STEAMBOAT WI- a«EARF. IN MX'KIPrRFX'KIPr OFOI Ol'R SPRING BIP- .akeii-h. and I'orttslt f Dfrared .in Mecl. of the dMucui.h- CO. REFLRA.FCES. trrah Drufa, Medidora, For aale at the ofliew of lllinuii* Central Railroad. Chicawi; ASO LEMA.SOS tF plM« of Faacr Oooda Ac., - nT* H ILL ijm tba I t ol Ma>’ etoelut BMANCn Ittd^ IMi oryort itT «r rHaralmr «»»tolo^ iwh Ohio aud MiV"Mppi, St. Loui«t and Cinriunati and Nee eubject f>lited by M W. C'lutkey, I2»q authtir of ya *‘*7’ M and arr prataivd to l3l“St'Llf?*iIiaall at low unca to raab or lauKUial | , fVl|L their favorito a»eemar« bAtw«ea Lae»»NM; ^ Lewi ton I puluieal BMW.***^ Wc luritc the attauttou of the tradu to our Ruck. ‘The Text Hook.'* N i«M t- >* River) aad tbeUir aaB.^ fut u*eutt ua« ai >.la. Moatr-al, touchine MIA,, hofivbofiac Aa roAtaMMDcr o(u( Mate HENRY UOFFIN. I Faat aaa . Die > S.' U The above b c>mpl«te in one laree octavo volume of ilUlerettt poUiU t»a the a K^Vll^KOA.l>S. I aai nrr rBi,i ntuUy ioar», Superioteudent Memphioand oluo KatlmaJ, ^ UR>r6e BLANCHARD. tf Mom)>faiA, Teuu. pagee, bound In eiietp, heet library elyie, price FAHNESTOCK’S PURE WHITE LEAD. 'Ihiottfh UekeW can be puiehae d M the orttwof tbs I ^ w bovtom Isotfkselleri should send enily orders to lii*are copire Louteillc and « inciuuati 1. M. Mail Line aud at the du W F bare for the part three or four yaan kept a aapplr '***“ " BUBTON HAT.f. CoparUMnUp Fr of thia aopefior iRad. We beUere *e .rare the Brat Irom the «r« aditiou. t.upuw of the .bore ecni tnia by A BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROAD, SPRING A KE.ANGEMt .'S r AVIKO tWsday demcsalad vnb me ia the Wine and to introdnce it in this wmrkf% and sb^ always have on AND I mail en receipt of, price. I't Ticket l^atia. «'*. tb« Ann AeeBi . NM.eai a I .¥ afktr Suudey, • Lome debmoder, band a (ood slock of it. will be |4msed to faraMh WHOLESA Mane msb, 1^, Ty*to wtH lAenor biMfeem my* ma, J We |rfvcn H | & HARD, QRC>C’EKS *fc!l CuARSON ••-rirMCi.mCahl. A-n.mod.^„. *>«. " TM- 1- NaskviUr * WABEHOUtE. SCHROEDER. “iL.f-'d“tJ AT. kapsms Isnvmtke Dsnst daifeat \T -i WMOLBBAIX PAPEX ‘•SSn^.S.’’- I J -WX:il3~EI. i'nmmiHHom ''SUM -Mupfsnn at Jbi pbirf.ir comcompa'pa' a>n wah LOt.- l9l% ILLC, lk%*.« eraborf on the which placet it unites he any brand MASSEB'S PATENT West, at with Rail- ULOPACDIA,I’Lf a inf r their I - . BALTIMOKE, HD., '|'*HE suhsprlbert would most respectfully n Steamers, dsc., for and from all poiots to the T of tinp.>rted AW* hU MALT W'iNK. f lAVBftm tome mmei * and wt»R 16^ frioiidsand the public gcuermlly that their ofitoe may Hie coundcDce lo the su{u:riomv *»t this superb extract m. , , - , ft j. ^ Invaluable for political M iirrlsd bifk of Otou wa i ^ Afsd W'hoUmU XMrrs tn Brandtrs. ITtnrs, speaksrs o wrUem, c«»ntaintnfr “‘A*, "kit a ih.y .i«.rM.y O BClzxu.'to NOTICE. impofUti be found at T. Shanks A c'< Grocery, comer of WENT, NOUTHU KST. AND NOUTMWEKT. ll.>l-.-*UwuT»nt.dhy»euuiV..led rryw. lowtow mdISLv.to doalerv l/vna,fAna, eVnrs.LRifWFR, >jWWIand J.n ptnts/orVT rI AcHr esnowsmrfCftFM Aronds0TWHS* streets, all orders will be attended to politic li qiiYsiiuu is lalinn has already aitained adaiitiad a partner in the hnaaeaef goo aud Tbird w her*her«! Fare to New York and ilsMton ONE l>OLI.Ak IntsUiau ^ that the subieci of a in the hnstam and Middle O. BRAKKIS ta Old itps. Bourbon, nnd ll'Aeof ITAiskira. Hilliard, si«B FOR ALL THE EASTERN CITIES. •pRo tW>u of the ItriLbh Hivorries, with the esprem view of k FsrwsrSIsc McrcluBls, CoparUMiRh^)~ Notice. !^I^;‘;r2loV-"hr‘'' 4 call particular ww mw tbc imcreasino demand, and mr.THF. cnricNU> —muB* - A -TT- CTt ^ ^ - cbaiDpain»e, Ac. WlilSKY.» We would SEWINGmm MACHINES! AB» altonlCuto onr s^ of (Md Whi#ky of various eradiw We^'s Palenl The ui«d«r4ffned also piiblhh over SWIditfrrvnl works “*in VALLBD PUPILARITV UF THKRE FRU:RhJISFREf^XERB. Klt-ty' Phliadei. ^| 2lll«|:il-f| AiuPrlCMU Itfnil *— rrIw sialuttaatte, which is very extensive-sonto vary old and Ladd.Webstor, depnrtmvnt Lk|UOr. a 4 m*«basi Comuum^ Bumuam umier ^^aw^ai^^myle717 nhia., New York, and BueLm at the cost of « taket to bo*. 9^Y of lilermiurv, rstaloRUiM ul whtch kill STE.4.VIII04T AOENTS rauVE TMKII TO BK THE VERY RBMT ICECREAM snpeitor, and all ruarauUod to five entire satnfactbto. Ills pore dvtfrUc 1 atone by oiher route. a to'verara-a stowuwdiis rsworauve thedlferenl Tailtkra, Saddlers, Rhoe. be sent to auy addrem c IN CEE. - rlHAIW -IxtobniHufalarsc assi.rliuent of M1LIE8,TM1LIE8, Ufraeh -dimmers, aud louic—btHtjYd eipriTwIy tt.r use, FRESXCRE U ttOM anNtr ra.E o.J manMdUTIN1 « ^ «4v.^.,.-a— 'ThroughI iiroMyn licketsi icKCis soto uioihs r.ai*iemFuistero ciiiescities can family tor bulrls and MOV. 0 ime . be procuredpro , most popular style aud brands, imported by and mao- F lUAkers, 8es mimI otiiAin ku BAUt ol M suud I OO.. lor luvaikls uusffee.cd by clluiate, and *fl4 at a price br. E. KETCHAM * ntoetured expr*‘**^T aur snhw all ot obst'h we offer on aewioflog Machine are leuw^J to call aud examine^ the I tbe MEMPaia TENN. toOpRsuierniup. tjiiick tuu«‘ and sure coonecUons. lo r yTyU tmUa-ioa toieign ato. Ttavam. liberal terms, and any orders eutrusted to us wld receiva above Mai'blues Maaalailaiiri «f Jayaaaml aak naaMRwk Inquire tor Tu keU via li.tLTJMOKK AND OHIo TO AGFNT.S. For Aualyaia, Reconiiucudali-uii, and further part ids* ^F. have this day a>«ociBtod with us our book -koepor. oar prompt attentMiu. mad ddm apr 27 w4. _ . _4. runnvwi i. Urt, addre s Jloll.N Mt Brewer, — — RAILROAD al any of the pHoclpal Radroad OlEcesin the K.XIGllT, SOLD it orders you law Vferk. Vt lord, wMl cuatinne thr fted Foaio^'e, Box IjPii (apll dl LouisviUe. Ky. Agents will And Ibe utotve wtiiks Pl'ki;HA.SE4kr t;.rrT, WM refer! Mm« New W Wdham L P. and yj very yrotflalde and i pau date* Albany, WesL E. F. FULLER, QonaraJ Western Aseut. N. V. saleable on the **••• Maeaa. faro. Hay, Uaio, mod L. M. COLE, General Ticket Afent Terms above and an>' of onr oih -r p«ib- Yloor, W kut L«»M.Lard. Ae.,onAW., f‘u4d|i,i iiii.iii t.»t. H. FEKGUSON & SON, P. Master of . «4i.4-«;OW ,%>H NEW \IIMK fu»d ut. »odood loroudiut.mj liwthJ wjAd FANCJY GOODS. W. HMITU. Tnmspurtation. s8dly licsttoiis, end all iutoriMalK'Q cuuiHH'U*d with the biiMiuBas, piumptly I. y on ». law. o» reeuBied the pour and GriMy bu.4.M aa 8 STK.VRSIIIPSTF^V Wsfr/l* t'iiMPANt MTFAM TO laoMoM polWsfruapoiats frua M-mykh.Mesphw MaSoMoSodll — ||aVK At IIU Fourth Mraet.alreet, hetwcaabetween MalkatMarket and Jrlirna.n,Jeffervoo, nisde ~ FIIICI'S HOTIL, known on u|>pliiaUoo by IrUer. ^ ^ ^i.LA.-iiOW.‘ LAMlOW'. LiLiVKHPiN.L.V KRI^ hiL. BELFHEl.t AbT.ksT. hef» ^uu;ula^.rti;..ui ul CiipartnerBlUp ooSth ^^a.n undalya«and Iwy i8se. 186Q. *8 fefeBBlPS^^BDLDUBLINULl N A LuNlMi.NDLkRY-Lo.SlHI.NDERKY- tortur AAlgJu JOHN M. ROBINSON o,r arlicte, consi^ua of Ci^bs, JAMF b. SMITH A Co CO inia bumacim Mr. John 8. attoiMl toU> thethr oalUcalls of customers.cuatonierf. 1^.^* I HAVE Mocteiad^nnetotad withwfttb meue bunaem mlo attend Puif^hlHtrf Wtmlrwilr F Rf»M NF.W ^ oRK. of . HnultsrihTS. aud Plan, I( ljuut.Idunp.fnriaBrtvfurwMrlr ofaf RameUvUto,RamrUvillr. K,R>..Bud.. aud »ulw ul ruBUoaecuntiMte ||liisUieirie their dr-uiudes^n tohi ke«fc«» the cboicMrbo brands PamUy On the European SFKINCi ^ IA3GI iW, Thoui*un, Saturday, May 14, at Id, naan, the V)'h ilimli Groerry and t;ammlmiuo Baeiueae nadrr Fhi AUUANtjEHENT. lllaak Itoak UanulWtarM« FDiXm k«aLfniuu*iug. Weda.vHjay Ju»el.all2,ooan. IMPOKTEHS & .lljllHERS the aiorr raerai- k .84 . kv, Ihelnaaad at,k-uf WaMraer A Luurat atr mays No. uio •• 4-ITl VOKIi. dim* ctoetout street, Philadelphia. GI..%St;oVV. Ttuiinson. Jufyd. al 12 noan OF NEW ly aoaJStaamiaird b>a/ur.Mr. Juba k. Alh-n,Alien, aufth side oful Main R..M.. Fmm^rr 1..^ expetYwe Id hta l»>d^ ““F JdSH UviSi'lhr m!i'2^UoS'ol'“iL‘*l!2dhi to“oM RMkTf^lhi* LD..M1L RG, c ummiug, “ JuG 27.al Uteun. feorduM shore the Dank of Eeatorkr. wal WM. RAMSAY. G F J AUiF^ FRENCH, ITALI.UV, New. M. I«a. all R. M. WAGUKNKK. aik FRtrM GIASGOW. It INDIA , rfal Mute of )wlFonage. mr7 UAKMBAL ST. JOSKPli RAILROAD 4 ^ a x** o UKUIHIK SI tuu m III ARNOLD A MILLER. IaI* J\**\aMSA a iV C 'C),, F'DINHURG t'amwiag, Saturday, May?. Ocrnsi. BritLsh, aig tncrkaa GEO. 8. MOORE. JNO. C. MA8t>N. CMr HaB ftaan. canar at Fnafefart MraaF tOt»o 837 Maiu »L, bi-lwren 8«»t>mh and Eijchlh, ““ CXIw UaB HaMfej Of •ftigxoiiri K,V'NB;’R,i,?ur.:;Si. J?a7 F.f.VCl’ Me OBO 8 MOORE A CO., HYDRAULIC CEMENT, ONE .^UAKE BELOW THE Lol I.wVILl.E UR\' €iOOns, aa thtt am, BearAaiwi ia IR> maefcMm RR^fF; HOTEL, luiMuf PaM,. ffi»m .Sew York, i*•Ua4el|>hi•, or Hoe- MmM. (?r the traafportailoo Rath Saomi a ltacRaf u (Successors to Donlgnn. Moore, ff Go.), K THK BEST orALITV, CHEAP AT WHtiLr:- of A RE tre,.oi|.d to fiiruhli on 1 |.ut up iu workuioiilike luu h» IWe anTtohm'f »<* oak a,uUrnukt, lilorm**, LiverioMU, Belfji.t. iHihtiu.or D.uduudir. O SALE A.ND RETAIL. g^, oFording tkt nkurUat. guutrmt. •••*> stock for the O'l VV.ter. ry, krA >hu4, ;e Sbwram*,rage, f..uadf..ute wouwitoaum. ohuadoue.ehwndaucw of. rartri,, to ROBERT CARMICHAEL, i4ll!MVlM.E. KY. K. which leave iniuuMliately on ROBERT CRAIG, tM-AII kiodi of Johbimt door io the obove ILL snpplr Poanderihs gnd KoUlug Milte from the Hiu> with Ado diy 17 Brwatlv.ay. N. Y. TfiMiisNisfi fifid l'•rvar4iBlt .UercluBt, MRS. A. WAUTS’ diapeb-h. t'lw^lief. ,ud Gu Fixtuiwo repeirud ud iLoie ai Walkiaa OwMeyJ foUovua Pumaoes: the H * ST, JOK K R. I.INEOF PACKIITSweoai. limned to equal new NU. 'M H KNT PHO.NT A W . ap2 ho«d.of Ibe mort ole»anl dtf mTUKRT. M-IL80N 8. MI NT, Fayetteoa., By. Cottage Furnace, fear F«ma M onlv at Joseph do L Mt. havage T. Hawkins, of O Furnace, Alton), the K gtonm Fomaee, taking Parwhof A IFEMONAL utiMtiaa fleeb to the ar. um uawt'^ni arriving by O. . »* Mary’s, bawoBis lU do; p uad mIu ot pean h umaor, HarTtoon F urnace, Clothing Establishment fP if snd T //. A «! oV. L. H.H'u Luou-iaua, las partner io romn.enduuii. we do ^birt at n patweugwrs Pr .kdnce. Merehandte, aad Maeufariarrd Artaaisa. Furnace Uacklsy Furnace, by which from fe. I»ais arrive in tSI Joo in have opk'ned a buuee io New Orleans for Ihepurpwseuf l.mu do French Faubrutdamd Musdu Bands Z1.Z] ^33 TiailS! GGiwenupmenap Funs , km Liherul uAvuarau mode oa coaouaMwau. Third street, east lude, between i I Furnace, Walnut and Guthrie sU., H 'Aeure, fruiu LaaiuinUle. 4.fe0 yarJs Civieie* at I cents; nblaili, A NEW ORLEANS MEDICAL NOTICE. 19* We alao keep cunstantly on hand all sixes of Nails atiamrr ta.. tlouh Wcuwuay * Co., N«uh.|ua, L»«r..A JdOl'lriVlldldE, with tr»iu* I.U Ckicaou aad l^uincg ,nd Toledo and DL'ME-SNIL A MclLV.VlNp:. l,tMiU d«i .Taconet 1 user Itone at 1# cents; »'*'*•• KY. N York Day A Mutlueu. Bure A WraU. W,aae. HuIimu, DR LEROY' 8 MIXTL'RE FOR THE Duinrp HaUr^o. Fare lower tkaa ang otkor route. ApriH, IWP. tl. A. DLMEaNiL A CO., N. l.uuu do do IS du; » Ca • leh2 dam UFU>. 8. MOiiKF: A OO. bas ronstantly hand Mipidy bevC Orh^. C.oc.no«i; Aralmr, oo a of the I WkilraMu, PR.IMPT ANDCEKTAIN CI RE oF ALL ““ HE Mate- Baggage ekeelrd tkrougk and Just receivtod by GIIARLE8 F. KAL'GilFl dS, A Co., Wm. Wi«MraaJ.' * kaadled Jete, Xo extra St. lAul.; riah for makiug“»»*>*« LkudiuoChUdieo's• Ctolhiing. Also,Ala., ttne aa* ! damuol orr, Etuonillo, IRET1IRALDISEA8E8.ANDTH08EI’KETIIKAL D1SEA8E8. AND THOSE AF- S CloUUu*. a ckarge/orckaegt/ur uuaUuteaU anda,ul otateroumeouotaUrotnn.ou ap;is lUI Ml Fourth sUwl Rohm DaUeii Atto/ „aeikl McMLLLE*.McMLLLEN H.ti. UoD. MALONEYMACOMElMAL.U 2ve,t. yack^yackett. .“FR DANIEL HD . wirupeotofeortoteatof TrimulngsTrimmine. d24did d«lmduni «JIESATVT'nXAii AiJA_8.M."Vat . ito.:««k-oa C.Atoi FE».T10N8rE»,T10N880LELY-TOTHEPlBLIC—81 .LELY-TO THE PIBLIC— j Amiimin/eA'wiii/rante dmirinedrMr.n* lo Meomiauyureomiany thrhtheir MurkMock ni.y dr A yaaiv'tiial this inla Phi'mMyUu; McAudrcw a Wurau .New York; Joba BuwuaMraffevwntovn yuurv'ty of^of Mt^Mixturew u^i.an ei- McMULLEN 4 MALONET, prodpeud uDon fuiuey„iue Ihruuchthrough bv ./oat./o«< Xrr.VktXrr.Vkf Arpreu.A'rpreee IroiVtrain Tl 1 Asm.vbTo.v billiard saloon, X rnTTAII/rAO A AYYY n mfN niK u GuieheU, Ifaloc,. Ill tonMwpnelscein New tirienas has fnUy lasted Frrigkt lukeu ul Uneet rtver rutrr. ; Huiler A those preytidseet which S.s. A.a. ALI.EN’S Boyle, Rock tduad. ft. iis powers and rvmovd manlfactirersof MRS. ali.en s Pawrujcn un- iwprcGully nuuerh-d to c.uaidrr thi* THOmAS Q. ROBERTS 8outhwes( eirocrof Main and Sueund Sirsuti, Aha* and toe public generally haveajptiost ah adver. .4^ by itofevanahtosuooess iniui L'reihml Dis- w orld’s llslr Restorer a ZJlobalsa«usl ":!i^|^^^Mb?*;id^I;SJ^o'!^?X!Se';?^nd'i^l^ tLdd '*IS NowNOW oi«niDC”,«nin« .tat hGi.d .tor.,store, »«.odSMoDd a^ s. PnrilifllQ df^h d«M»r I rom the northwest comer of FourthF’uurth aeGoBorThu«.ChraDicGoiiorrhaa.UMrt.8M wllA lU clAwi MU UUo) rom uai.b *T ro..tc bv which TllU.^lill TU.KETS to *'<. Jom’p* by ’ JTYJ aud Main strweta,*’ w new ab«ck of Watches, otorm. NevuUiu of the RUAdw uud L-r.^ IF! rm/nwd run ta-purchmwd. Ticket, for ^r «»ll thi Xli >rw^y,i-i PUtrJ.wurr,Plated-warv, Ac., (hr Kidodyi, locoatinaaoe of the Urine, ukd anotkoutk pk*i.k»» iw A. ruilrooduUruud uthemumcea. For further WSlSW^feMfe-Ieweiry, Ac , whichvhlch b.'^hew ^— of MRS. NAUTS Inturmaiiun and oiluil routrucU Mart Looker is Ibe i>m4ding deity, aad will be hapny te niiiiuliiDlclIn. iir-i- for "ule unusually low. Watebeeand all kiodso! ****“"i«*l> tu J. a lUiWEN, mm hii old mends and acaualutancei KenaraUy, aad will Uiob.ttout.m-.ofBpnarrbo.auidobertnaU eaaea c4 flooorrbomand SOTS' AID 0IHL8' CLOTBHe ESTABLISHMENT, .Jewelry'«r'rrproapU?'i2l^^^prodipUy and carefully ret*alivd. ntrledif It «o^‘b.be *MIveil ia ViriJ^rFU^^Y^ Grn^ruS'Ai^icGenerui Ateeut, £!‘UuU.8t. LouU. do ewry thing Ui his power to render (heir vUits plramnt Oleel to nse In eonnection vMh the Mixture «mr GAM* Atoaled 8oup4, i:uudlea, P. B. GROAT, Genrrul Ticket JOHN F. HARVEY. Ci*ur», Tobacco, Eoit tideaide of Third itroet. between ^eeut,AfeuI, ., and fiatnfactorv e Wuluut ouduud GuthrhsGuthrie f'.?; ( , BCLLADoNMA IhJCGTlON. Price to Tropic F'rulto, and J08IAH HUNT, Huperiuteodont, PHOEATkA) Toys, Winm utnndi., oiM diior north ol 8ehou Ohupol, ) apTK) dtf MaKT L(M)S£R to GO. .Vo. 493, Mfth iiao lUrkrt, ooatu. lAquors, WhiU 8ugar, Aka- kot. Socoad ud TVirl, dM ditm I,OI'INYlL.l,K. feiudly TAKE MUTICK—Al to oU uDcompUcuted ooaeo ON E sups A Sauoss. ai^ KY’. ' LOUISVILLE, KT, bottle of DR. LE BOV8 MIYTl RE«Ukcr.lorAct Extracts far NEW ALBANT AND SALEM R R. torwe to mght duyu, uuM if pESPKTFULUr lafcrau o bormoaonl eoro, io from M od , Gookiag. 'LoUISVILLiE miij^ Mi fitoaOu uad Utofahttc by o etol of tbo BoModoanu Injection, toe eoet JEreR SADDLERY. hh that be mar be loead al the above ulnea. ow g nmi BWMry, his mill mdow Iu fuU uperuUou, uud w« ur« un. ifrm. of irf )uf proBftiy oarad af u dt—treroMt nod ofUa don- No. MS Mait it.,'kiOoiniiif lank of LouiiriUe. d-^l FFtrS rUKNrTU'tK WAffff: T purvd to kll uil urden for POWER, LOOM BAG Bl V YOUK .UADDI.FJ4 AND BRIDLE.S^ wheret He ts gor a ui molody u matog. EOOM8u preparedprepatsd to make to order aadand wdlwifl . ... „ LOVISVILLE, uud (MAKIl HARNR38, trical re—ody a “cart uil." KV. UINU MACHINE ROPE. FOR .ST. LOUIS, BUY Y'OUK AND BUGGY keep ooon headhand Vsauma TbM MBctore lo oat an p . DETROIT, CHICAGO, Minds ef evsvy dns, eofer and jl8 THUS. li. HUNT fr CO. BUY YUIK PLOUGH tlAKNUSS. qnality usaal batMeoaonoondadby a pAyAdon uad iwwocTihodootoIy for Aad all Paiaie U'reC aad Natihwnat. to tae trade ate,ate. to repair.PMir. renUatrrn«^«i ate m. All pronipil)' BUY YOUR wagon HAR.NE88, woiahl B^.to.h«, toato.' Utwtoni Ai—tloat. . . . OrSen aumdeS FriTr WSiSS’ BUY YOUK TRUNR8, it otoMwl} eogol oble yt uoamau, aad eu bt UMd jjd«^f ttahuanrai. uod ky Alto, uAeation to , It . R. hu ho*uu „ , TiiOh. II. ut ntVomm dense earn, ns it does not HUNT A GO BUY ALL YOUK SADDLERY to uleu lu titouill.a to uil who pmfsrl enfety. conff , aad The Great Wetteraana Northwest Short Line Route auy dual nub him uad tour^ | but littie change In diet, and no C. I. aTa. V.^U^ON It a liberal patroaage effsrt the bmelb, reuuli m T. OOL WA NTED.-W. ur. puytn, the hW^^ PXI.O.^Xa’S, yeetfiitiun from bniinem which hasrendrred It very popa- MANUFACTUREKUANLFACTUREK88 UFOF O. Prket r msona b ie and toms Gash. a» dly tract. tor both vMh the nubitr and medim i men. upTO No. «l Thvk Pcfwoos are stroagly meemmi-nded to five It a NEW ALB.tNV AND H.tLEM RAILROAD. trtnl.vhea Ms prompt viUooariace them ef lu efe. NEWS.NEWS, BOOK, A& coioREDCOLOREO PAPER. J. H. COLSTON B. STOUT. FARE TO GllH AQO REUL'GF.D TO ffs ou. ***' ,Lr.„u.Ei.,.:ni::t':;:;;;:.:;. PRICE PER DOTTLE *1 * Pm$otni/fr§ for Hork Idand, Burlinoton. lovm Cfrw. COI.STON & STOITT. JOHN R ALLEN, WHOLESALE anti all /HHuts Surthtted wilt save Onr r. B.A.N’N'oia-’s CAUTION.— RecoUer I the gi'miloe artkir Is liquid l> DEALERS ‘‘’iiJlMbmcIiniu.. Vollar hp takino this Houtc FAl.LN CITY fonaissittu 4 Ewrwardifif .Mcrchaits, cry Franch label has the writtmwgaature of IdClh'y.M D . IN |>o IfeUadunna;' TEUUA t'OTTA VYnUK.H. WIIOLF8ALE UKOCEK pnrK oa M, aad every ieUglieh lahri has the far Mmlie sig Fifth Kreet. neur Wuluut, l»nievil]a, Ky. PruLZBU IM AJia proprirtnrv. M^aiserorallMandSalof all Mulndg, PURE BOURBON WHISKY, DR L. r THOMPfe>y A CO , Me Pa^er g 1859. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1859. MeCveal Inhnaary, (jrhmnu. Bouthem New l,)o Turaxicum Columns, Window Ga^ llracketv fi>r Gomiees, Duora, Fsrcifiil anS Doukeslir Lif|u»rs, CommiutioH •'ftcrehwHt^ A 8H PAID FOR RAGS aiffthe OOee of the L0CI8* of Luadoo- ClIANCiE OF TliWE. BGClERTa, A-i fee C YlLLE PAI'FeR MiLL« No. 477 Main i4. dS Extiactof riuns,**., Upper Bulldm g la Mew Btoek. Just received a sopply of LeRoy’s Mixture. For eale Exhactof Indian Uemp.Uentp. TVyi Datlj) Tralmt lo St. loutt .sjii"‘“7TT-c^;r.'iY;js5iTy«‘s.!;^,^ tirt north of of and CmenmUl, and H dde Mam torvei, haswvea Ptra ate decote, vhoiemlf aad retail b.v HFeRRIMG'8, Lon', I.OUINYII.I.E. KY. For the Mercantile Fire Ineurance Co., eave . Pradaer Mess. Rktcuminu— 81 LontsS’Si) A. If and E 4u p .No. S4 Wall street, between Mein and Water, kUMEShlL * 00„ aad CummMMnu Mur M No. f% • I# obaam. Wall otriat. mock.. Airivltig al LoukvUle at 4:to A. M aud hW) P. M. « WALL STREET, NEW YORE. « iTl^nmouitteimCmhal fflM.efe M Lssisvillf BleachiB# KsUSHsIinmiI. I CHILDREN'Se#..itki#tii-ie %a CARRIAGESvniiMinwi.w &w GIGS.UlUUs GaifUlaod Su/plu* Louiyivii.i,E. KY. TV^umounl of its C'aietol Stock With Only otu Cka»H)cu^ rnrntu St. Commission 'RAMOJN IKSURANCEOoMPAJlY.aaramaf Muia A tok LonU CinctHmti Morchsiits, totots oMu Ito.Mff M d^HILDKEX’Si^arriagraaud OimaodnoubleGarTUgee or Ckuuou. tiM F uad BuMttotrout. MRS OSRORN Park Fire luaurauce Company, fiT.a lo luie of Fiov, I • WM The emte’ef the Oe., ianudtag with Ssau front and back, top^l front aud back, and rpv. Graiu' t*roduce. Jfiorlh rMf af .Waia birrcl. A dffffsli . - .aJ Z. aafi. y g*l.ARAbtrrAi . aud Nw. Jrfferann at., hei. Third nnd Vwarih, steel spring i'UoeUed No. (o Duatorwto uadtoi- of endi oa hand . .ig7 18 c*bs; Gigs, we havv the new styleatyie KotaryKoiw-y and TlirOUKll* N'* WALL STREET,8TEEET. NEW YOFR.VOFK. L"UeT('BER 4 BENNETT. JoauMy . umoual 2 1 The Aa..trauntehi of FumUy k1uuf uluuya oa hua4. W yoUR D4XIR8 o vurwur*. uMwet. from informatbe ladles that Prrauihulaturs: also ibe colored WiUuW with rnamrl top I u£) ABOVE THE RA.NR OF KR.NTLCKY. dB Main Aavoaat ef eaeb ou hand ^^^^KK^'PEGTFULLY jffiMfe „»KIN0 thirty MILW SHORTER thuu CaplUl *“*aud Surplui* 8dME56.UA.,iug. cover to It. uuy other agvife ead others la coerue ol baa r<*turned from Die Last wUha well- We have the Urgest asaorUuent lotteclty, I Kouu* tfianiuinu i.U'-* ti ^^feaetoctad slrwto of Straw llonneta, Ktbbona. and will goarauwe them to be betterrriill'u'.".^oum commonwealth Fire In.urance Company, poxxitoviu©, KLy. teal esfeto ufenenHwrvil Nuas. mdSL Flowers, Wreath#, and licte iJrasaea. fejfe o the eitf . We Invite all buyrra to e (’OLLIS ORMSBV, t. Ths lnd«Bi «.!> f„r O a M. uulu »b..u they dc- the Ate a good afwortmeutofctkildreu’a liata 2'lats, Jjice base goodi beiort uurehasing eiae where, t. T%n bonds sf Ouapnaf end and Iu>m171u^ lo Capital and ort.luj> 4KCMMR .WaotoSaa *•••-•*«-•• and twnpn IMWdc CoanecUonaul Much- 8 d2*C.Wig. hee they are secunM, with Um Framea, aud Grewns of thr lateat stylea. ell. to or Irom SI. Louu or Ciucillliuti nte of intorsv. rtiwrsini II 1 V jdjv^ Frik TllK ABGFK-^A.HKII FlK.^T Rleacbing and Preteng carried on ai usual at rJ. jL.lL, -A m ur'l'ue-'nyeniuuil Hucruce token to und from any lart Kri.lAHLt: 1. ef Imhnqae, iovra. Mend, le lto|KH dtf I- ourth toract HkK INnURAMK G«M. PMlHM,fec., F’lfthsG.het. ala aad Mmhet dtp o4 MRS. M'M OdBORM'l. ,1 ti,cCRr uud the cure Free of t.'burfe. Hardware and M COM PaNI E8 The under'hjiMMl IS prvpaivd CuUery. per cent 1«2 44 uT^^lutiJu-iearopii.^ ut Gtwuciulle iiimbt i sVMis.’"^ ADDING, W^.toru muuufuctured,futured. IteltlnaIteltlna, Ken- with t ie Turra -swn m at favorable Kate and will be |rl«a#cd to AETANO A 4X1., vrhnieesis CehferfroaeteiUd Fmti- iDtereat accrued aad nil »aiJ . us H^7ic .Ld J.,h. .ooAni^Ii do R> Jh. SUR^eDER A 00.| v tucky W*rai> *?*^ aGENKK.4L 8 erctv. Mato. hetvsM Hrveafe aad tfighfh stresfe. aecared W jeans Uandkv T #* . FIKE IN UHA.NGK ill SJ.\^I>8 ft>r his 4. DeUs to ths Oempaay by S Ji.'i oxaothikto, i OMHIBSIO.N MERCHANTS A.NDWHOI.F.- cootouuUy In ttorc und for rahi by friends and acquaiutances ia LouMviUe, and m |peTf*g"f W,4fe •• tteSL^teLf^lut^KiI^Tutodo and Mabarii Kailaa> d^^ Loms aiditirT, MaanMai.i. * *JO , we ns an Grens* aale tuU Itotoort lo West (or SMirirgffeld promptly ficttlvd un K Whuky, Braudy, J. 8 . and adiailed aad by Skirls, Loans ea polistiirsi secunKy. lu,se(Hlu OkTU, oil iwmto weto, und IJUI Ctervrar, skavN, PfiMj H aad Gemmaffea Merrhaers, Main, hatvasa Third Wluea, .,«w7 Muikel alraut, uhoTC Brook. kgruAgvut for Mauufaciurara, for ToWo. And ^ the Mtchl- rac>n d a Df'T a ue a t 0 LaaM ea pofiuaei seeurky U,UM eu gao Southern aud .Northern lodisua jua29 dtf OEO. VT.w aad PGsuthatoeeis. Burihade Luuuyilto Ey. uiildly to3 dtf atSt bet lUUruad for Toledo BARCLAY, Agent. (JssSs, MfiS TsUet .trticiM, All socarithe: No. 44 WuiiWall , btdwccu Maiu aud River. ’“ISItili; 7 ethm and Chicago and all lotonnediate Stattons. And at Michi* ~ iStLi^L Rusk otoak oo pto oehi 3.UIM iruAi Uimbiat Scrawt; can city with ths Michigan Central Kailioad for Chicago BOCKINO'S LITTLE GIANT 481 Maia atraat, tkiiU dssr halow ruwtk. RuRraud otock uo »ur I VE \VHI 8KY -M bblf Rye WbUky, lyrarfi old; AM ilosro Larka: _ IA* le bUe Boarbon Whisky; VlNEUAib —8UU bids peun. Cider Vtoegar; Ulu du ^ Ad ltffCSMTHL J. Je, Ueahria Watefoes. Jev«|g7bfec R KIaNG Hinges: febblfold do. On Consignment and for sale iug by of toothache. Mm smasi . hetsresa ffaeoadaad Thud. H < fe bblfi cherry Brandy; REMEMBFS THE ROUTE, preparation is J. H OKTIf, ''pH13 warranted to be an Infallible rvme- NEW AN1> USEFUL TTY a 8MALL, Deeleriia HsueeheH rormaing a bbls Apple do; Gommimiou Merchant, WeYV Albany aud Salem Uailroad. H (seeds, gfe Mm eireet. 15 bbls Mackberry Brandy; m3 dtf No 44 Wall st., between Main and River. xlo.h’' u hl:’i;:;^r:2.a- 2uU do Axee, variuue brand!^^ riTE^IT ^ DeitLE »EtT (HAil. 78 bbls common Whiskjr; ffV~Generai Olhee, 865 Main sfreet. South lAinfeu for a number of >ears, wb<> pronounce ay.i;CTfo: en MY 8. to. to Oto„ Auensaenm. es—ar e< Mata aad side between it one liulktRiaa Ife bUs old copper distilled Whisky; for sale by JOHN R. . Tba of doa or CANNON SCO H Foma sweets 8 .kS FIXTURES and ChandeUere. and all kinds oil "f •*'‘^i*'J*"****^“‘'“*^ , ool doe io Buakf or oibar crad- R. A. SHRADER to OO,, information t 4o .Yrmitoft* wriahl AbiUa; m G loamiM. Gandclatrafr, Ac., repaired aud cleaned to can be . .tibaarKrlarara, m,x^^ » , oWAED John P a oo., Orean aad Oemmsma s the CooiMoyGomaaay Kobe. feO dly No. W7 Market ec, above Brooh. Also at T^ei CMRce, J. Boia by eqnal new at Lm23] W'M. KAMSAY to GO.*S. LoukvUJe Hotel. ^ ALktR nKATON, I^ugglri, H Mercteau. MMB mam, hsewm TYfed aad Foesth. ladpmtodaad 4ne - Trains are run by Loiusville Tuno. *Sl tSS LOUISVILLE. K Y., AND NEW ALBANY. IND '- t. Lamfi• tejnetodndjneted ate net dndue hoa^. Carriage Trhautingg^ «i*.f«.fr.^ ,00 RuuTo^i whraik^u I ; ^ ; u'; aax A Losaes ante.wstod 4M M A. B. BAKER Titkrt Agl. * a. Loam* to eameasr, waiting far Ni-u Altauy. J-u. IU, liiW. ^ Pppo*!*** iHr onal Hotoi. “» wm UuM.SAVfr co.-s.ss? muum. jl« jif ^ N«U r^^bavo rvcvlved iettera baleat. They lav oe the ate n- L;jfT TH ^to GO^WMfe^ Of faffesi proof None CO.tCH&SAUOLEK-Y H,\HDW(KE. * 14 w *twu ate l ams rtl im of deahwe to thh mpen Uhafir. Jj tjtl’i ur ^ li. Ah other eiaims against the GO.. . Nune. 'HOM, iMAC'KBNXlKto HONH. ftn. BmU N.tSUVILLG .AND iasnred ia 1 titoinrr atrewl. Hnltiitotorw, >1 luporter« and €H4TTAAU04it BEBfakTto muiQBrV^olPrm^n 11. Tae gfmtfil amaoat ^ • traNaSI Tmi noN. ^ ManufMcterers of Iin41e iuts. Hackles, JlfUlIMIIWlTCIl a any Otoe rte gIMM- SUmip*. Webs, H torma ate Itoafem in Mafe^ GtoM ~ - - li. grtaliel amoaat affowvd by Tacks, Haote, Heads and Keins, Terrels and Hooks, frf WehAva ri'O'iTedbr EXURERSatorfa J. M. HMM ffmnt Msitoinm.ate MM arttesa. nTT. nmmf\ the rate to he iasarve « any a-orlireolof all •nruuf Mtalebf Kablarky, Jrfreraaa J- H. Slokra A 80a, -w-'A I caiiaiy. fc.. to I viiiefe? Bwoat, CXMIN8. THOU. GU., — feT^ aae dty, towa, ar * A STATEMENT J Thwdate Wafeto tenrii. R^lJLiiO A.JD. ^^gfrabk' muk-9 oiir Block rum|4*to. Btopocting tke Ataaoa/ the Amarioaa Mnyetoo Com OoOu htraat. ACK to BEUTHtt. WhsAsoato Ufwslsraa t> HORSE hKFAKATUR and clean IK; pang, made yurouOMt le an Act kC tko Legiotalurm o Wa aMo haft oa hood tba FLAT SPLIT CHAIR aa. . gfwntesi smooat aiiowed to feinhiiti.bto Maiastrwt. n* 4 HOUSE SKI'AKATOK and CL>'A.NEK: tke State »/ Kentaekg, entitled **Aa Act 'T’C* ua4 WIKR 8AFK8 . J one Mock? conceewiaa he iaearad in any 4 HUR8K railroad ok KNDLEhS CHAIN: KxprreeComyanieo." Appnood •rvFiAly JN4Y. R. CANNON * CO. Ana. 8ee answer lo gnesttoe U. I HOUhE RAILRO.VD OK K.NDLKS8 CHAIN; HIRSCHBUHL & DOLFINaCR, 'pHEbu4liMa.af iuhl Comiiuay b luunacsd aadltoaroa. gmnanl at rife andar exiemig pol- rfW rfiFh I 'WAFA Y % t-y...... t . .a. a _ . For bale al ,Waiiura4-lurerii* Frleeb 1X arty uodand eOratouraei oawd by aaT.7Tnutoa.Sb^ IVI 1 I 1 JO*VIJ^Xk lfiUXlXX| * full names and ‘ ?f rodd.ora ura ur ftolu' tv t. ffilvrwata . too., Mato gfeart . ha Fifth Fomthate via: Henry Wei Jobs battorbeld, af BOLTING auoihrn. J. 8. FAKlhU, HacratoT} LU CLOTUS-AB brat Bwka. ; PIANOS. WiUi^ O. Fargo of Jahnston U>higetoa. EKDE2GK WM.. Ifeatorig W Urtom. Jwwotry.fte.tl a IMPMrVED PuRTAHLE MiLUl-WHh sohd Pratoeh New York GMy; Alea^der HoUate, K TMrdgfewfe. COA.L of New ^ ork CTlty; burrs ate made en H»4 known pfen. - St.ts or Muaaurat-arm.i . . PITKIN imOTHEUS, ate Wil^ A. LivlagaM,of Uvlngmon; ailln “- * the Mato 8MUT MAGlUNEn-8ev«rnl diffsivat kmda . OCI8YTLLE FIRR AMD MARINE IMSURANC'LkCL From Coal River, Va. i^xnrsrr^jBJ llaau.4aDli 1 i>4>OBiy. ) 818 York: — PETERS, GRAGG, dc CO.’S MAl.N STREET, of New Ui^uo Spea^, of Muuiaingtoa, la diU Irons, Screws, dcieeus, haltiiig. Pfestor Parto, ate texjajnsx Ca tXiMPAJI V. Koia aUMl. botaoua Foonb oak BolUaxMX Mat 14, I-«>. lUlnuia^ The rnaiai laOUlMVlIalaBb KV. the State of pc^ns Intenwtte as cootui out tf HI articte grmwmky. ann . Fartoh.abara-Bastod, parsoDullr knoua OUI8VILLC INSCRA'KCK CGMFANY. BMtbaUa"Sii TbsaJ. 8 hy fmsf ara tho stockho^ra of said Company, wHu Wo have on hate a tarfo stoak af ahwvo-toamte anhim SaaratAT}’ of tha uhorr-aaoiM ijamyaui ll^reJfoorMs, « BM lo br Ibe Mdw 4 day to day, and whom It is 4‘o#MMt8«M swd letes oa llaiaaraaat.tM*aM lb«kaa« Faaad UEFINED 8UGAR.-M# blda l.orariac-. und 8t Jumra •rwwi HMM W w« b*M7 *T eMcrii jaiiuiig ana rom ' ' * — » kw^^Hsieimpumfele mto maae an PdC sala low ate qoalMy wairantod. C ± . Manaiaciunng ^ makoM . _ — A- outb ibSitbat Sraf!tba fan«.iia( toilamMit by htm rihacribeS o ,™ SLfc'oil t t owing — Bl4 dtf XL Granoiatod.Gniibcd, and Powdered aud Pkiladeiphia f*l Wi^BUK4a tO Pllll.«.4 Company ou Goal River, a branch of the accurate toa emni satn ow iiy to ^fraqaaneytbefraoeancy of anehehannaaanehehangaa llhliMEhT to OW AAMES Wbaioaula Ooafra Comer of Main aad Sixth sto. BLI*lff lA Kanawha ehiS WEIGHT * OO.. Day DaaMn vua trau, befvra aM. hoft Sugai lu stole fur sale we are derirous to diaiMMe TteThe amount of cap^capw stofestock ofsaldof said ( sept? dtf Gnuhed and by wwi..- t ui woiai- i.n d .u at reasonable rate To those Companyompaay is d78«.iwit,d7iUL«ML No. 18 THird sfo, between Main ate rivm L 4H Maia atraat. Trains l^va PIT^SHL as follows: UO Mail 7 who kuive used It, needs which there Is alloyed In tha businem THOt. aMAJIKa W. T. UOftIfe. mil AND* W BUCHANAN to 00 . A.M.; U no oouimendatiou ftuui iw To of said Gomri Past LtueS P. M.; Expreas Mail D;4v ^toto of Keatnfey. ns KMON JA8. I.frOO..' Itoaiuai la kraiafrai. Jo—fry P. M those who have no^ w« say try U and convince yonrteves I** ^ Mariy as tha sum can fe ferae thoosate dollara WM. SKENE & CO., ..*a Maigatraal .abaya thal for parlor aud cookuvcooking purnow* Itit aseartalnod,asefetalnod, L Oa 1W4. T.X. SHANKSni-LA.XNiVa &6C CO.,VJO.to |^«0FFEE.-.1.UUU Lags lair to prime Mo (oOm; The lUprum MaU runs DAILY, the other two Sundays ax pur^o ;hasnoi>uualhas no 14001it We also keep cousUally «*u baud a supply of Plttshurg And wa, the tofeeribm tha Tn i steas ahova i^nvd. agree feat legal proeam fJil — TW^,^ to H IIOLESALE A.^D DETAIL tiROCEkS, iV.tora u»d lor'^lu^y aud Pomeroy Goaijbr rah* at the lowest market prkvs. ^ hervby aarved upon any agaaL •fiaHufaclurertk niunatn^r, or oSierr of aid Company, In ** THUS. 8 . PAGE, Aaditor. AND W BUCHANAN to Qt>. oUd State ihull la Northeast comer of Third ate Jefferson, 81. Luuia, Mo.; Dubuque, Kookuk, und southwest tnkoa ae food Bullin Swe. l4wi8Tlfic, Ky., I INDENBCRGERfr CO., Wbalaaula Drwfiato, Maa loau URy. lowu Ofllca curuer Brook aud Market streets, aud darned and aurrlaa upon mid Compuy Cairo, Rock l^nd uud Cbku4o, Illiuou: southweat Ra uttaK. bMaaaa Tbfckaat FgattK. to. Oprtoa, ) Old Ftoelnfflre ffnlUIng, L^PSOM SALTS.—fe bUs Epsom HalUfor rale by 1^,110,10, yard corner of FuUou and Uay suv«»ls. para, mufUam, No. Ma. Mb-Raaaval.tih Ecnewal. ArpiTon*a und LouirriUa, haraof au baea barato sab. ubd 1 X^ iu¥3 dtow to Ky.; Torre Hunto, ludiuuuiioUa ianl8 dtf Lard OIL Mu^ne uad Head Wbalaaair GraoOTtaa. PnaaapoBT, hv., April li, lfeg.( X ¥ AVE now opened and on band a select ate choice lot LiNDENBEKUEH GO ' tki. 14U l^ht 08, Nad. I uad 7 MORRIS, a. W„ Daolen u lA- uod Lufaymr, Indiuuu; CiocinuuU, I'ulum- f du, of N« LnarlamioalM. Ruaa uU of dlShraM 11:3a F. M NIGHT KXFI gaan. PraMa.*c..Tbv4aL,buto« Moia. loeaitifytooartlfy tbat L. Uanforih. as agent of tba seal) Yi. frnd^lu^ WhoM 1^ FanifB TbMiaTUil* J. bui, Duyton, Toledo, l.'lereluud, Kudo. ’ Uraaw far Soctoa. Coraia, Kaala. aad tn adaa. pr«imred to sell on the most arcomuxjdatiof terms. Via HF..NRY WELLR Waooau Dev*, aad CariK«a>ralBs Skena'a Vtmi-anr. of Moomriiaaetti, at Louu- I Gome vilhi. CrrrUlue, Muonlion, und i nn * oo.. Manator»araa« af AkrtraMarai labta- one, eoaieeonie aU,all, and give as call wfiVikYy ^ LINUENKPaROEk to GU Woo*. AiHERlCAIN HOUSE, *• aarraalad la dry aauara a before n^ng yourpuur pur.pur- lor, Ohio; uho Kuna., JOHN BUTTERFIELD. CAMMecIlMRS WkW9 mSkOm syiase A M aaaaau aaraar Uraaa aa« Hicbab auasto. rhaoerv atewbere, as Nehrujku we are detanuined to ptoase. We MiniuMotu, W. O. FARGO, would laform oaronr country custoaMr* ARKETT*S SNUFF.—3s gross Garrett's Scotch Snuff KOSTON, artin * FENTUN, Daalaaa la Rtaata aai Faacy ctMtooMm of fee rtaUe aooom-aocom- I XJ U. 8FENCEK. modmion.l.ourlmumdmy,aolakl.o.tooA.wodations la our imuAediate nalghborfaood. s 13 AIJi POINTS .,*9 tha Ur»»t und bnt urrun«ud W. A. M Ury 0-.4u.au Faaattafraat ,u \ AND IN THS WEST Si Hotal In thu LIVI^STON. lIN DENBKRGEK fr CO. Ln<<*oJ RUIm; K entreUy kM-utod K.C. WINTERSMITH AJJ. THB BASTERN emsa ;::T und uaeg LIV1NQ8TOR. oore hurray, fr HADEN, Wbalaaala Uraaan FAKE A8 LOW A8 BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. <1 of n«c«M from uU Uw renla. ol trural. II cun. ALKK. HOLLAND, (Lateef Kenlaeky), Tke NIGHT EKPKts.'l TR.WN Oaatue Ubsma M oak lAraar Daalaaa. Maia alraai. aboaa Quit Hoaaa. . Pniicncon fium tha West cun rely upon ,3;uliuJ^toiiis oilall tbothe modornniodurn Improvemeatslni|,rovenieaU awhmnbadSnbmribod and tvon to bafora llUaF. M.ranedudy. t Dr. J. A. Vy 8U.0UU s^briyf tbU me belua^ I undand nrryevery mame feiathfo i4fe day afof NnNi nausISATtBDATA McCLELLANB’S I ahortet aud most expeditious uieui-e for the comfort oomber, ls88. ofcKa J., Uaailar is Wlaau. Loiaaas, *a.. aabMara For aale vary low route W and occomiuudatiou of the MuNTGUMKRY GIHB8 gE5iKkAL Ca;¥.1fiHHl«;1| XEirg.I.IT, Tba oibeT Tniue ma daily, iiafttSnnAuu. by truv-lUa*iling awaal .bataaaa laUicpublic TheTbesteplng.leeyin* ruooMrooms dUdif Gommlmionor for Fur Tbraosh ail i M 8Utb aaS Haialk. Ui24 dtow PUILADELFHIA, BALTIMORK. NEW YORK Avn uraorw luraelarge uudaud wedweR Kentucky No.8Wol\fe. TIeKrta uod Murmsaina aftty adden ALL KASTEK.N CITIES ’ "* .*«“ "'“««• *»1 «o«n. sBk ifbMw. Wl HaaisuB amd Mamnm aM., n 8l a m. Walnut Strsaa tliuau. Me. I ftrnet Memin.a F„MaakaaBaraa4atMSsaar,HNTbii«aaras4 idctely furaUied for fanillM. aaarlb* IO GOFFEE JMU hag* prime, in single bags, O...... und lurae trareiliua lortire. •act fornar .1 Braudwuy uad Fra si iMerG. sod a M FnaMJKta. — Just i ADAMS EXPRESS Lii8aM-i.Ul8.aa cetran 8»ent, und the home uiU conUuua to be kr|>i ue u ttrat clua llo- COMPAlTr, MBfifPHlS,MBfifP] TENNB8SBB. R par stkaaer J . B. Ford and for sale by .. ia PassengerPoosanger0.0.0... r i.JT o'*’ *4mg 12 Unes,Lines, PennPenn' gjuilrJod,juilrood. phSPhdx- uJ in every rcopecL g LEWIS RICE, Pn>prielor. Sru'ra or Kutucstj _ Canmftm i nla noi - ~ _B*iaToii, Jan. 7^ i§8a. toui4 diy JuAi OHiCnuBty, — — OraudOraad Truuk Railroad of CanadsCCanaria" { g;f.MOREaltimore REFINEDrefined SUG^r^^^*^"sugaks.- A STATEMENT raepeetlac the uOuira of the » gf Aduma 8AMUKLMmi-u. L.I. ucii, »"80 ***•bbls Duuble Kellued Grofeed Rx J. ,1, OWKJL I B** I*"*** umcked Loaf:Loaf; Kum t^iony.made imnnuntlu un act ef the Leahft. 8a do A. Grusfed; WANTEUl H A ba t.tit! . of OAM’L wn . I E" lura Koutucky, entitled Aa Act aoncwnlaa Eutm HAM u a CO. sr, do Double Rehned Powdered; delightful and Comtonlae. und numbered »l, declariaa mHOonitonte 28 do du do GrnnutoU^; ROMANTIG ROUTE FROM To Sell felS0,000 CIlYcity hmS ShM# StMFC, A fee West to Boston, New York, and fee Eostoro !er»teumerJ.B.Received per summer J. B- Ford anduna formtofor % ij nine TUOS, H. HUNT & CO.* by with Pirturev, that 1 will warrant whose full gamei SPRING not lo be excelled i Mo4s, and pcopor ptoooa GOODS QSASCH FIRK_IW8CIU0ICR~00MFAirY.M;ia WINEIOW SHADES, &c. ittil any* ol rafetonoa am JUST RECIIVEIM M TVLEKto MARTIN. where, and at prices via; PRBIOHT DEPABTMBKT atraat bstaaaa Third Pomengers by this route have ao compered with other GollerteGalleries In this I osfollows, . sod Foanb. COMMISSION MEKCIIANT8 opportunity of vfetliix WEuradudymnklncuddlttoaeloMr .m. — INDOW SHADES at esat Im- caab: ^ackerei.'T me of the grand«sst and iuo»t wouderiul followr: Thosv that I sell at 28 cents >o« aiil And Wm. a Utnsmora, Nsv York. N. Y. uln^y ewcomb H. D a BRo,, nairT owo MaimraoTijBKBg ow scenery lu the Imsu •tock of How a, Shuea. -uJ^^Bng l.NI>r(E¥E.NTS TttoirrEM. aaa oammM^uommmoaa W BRASS C0R.NICE8 at atal fur cab: ivM lou bbls No. 2, large. Boston and Halifax Importot'n' world. Including Turuubi itior to others at 8U cents to ffi, and soon Edwards 8. Sanford, PhUodelp^, po. filE.IT Gniaw, to wbluh wo toyiis ihw N Haaahaals. WuUatraM. whole nfitalsgue. uMoaitoi^fTT CURTAIN GOODS do do; “ Bridge, the Thousand Isiuds^luplds Un^ughfjut Ihe Names—1>'pes, Graphsi, Samuel M. 9hoemafcer, Haittmors, re.. PowAT-loom Bagguie and Machine Rope, uf ihe 81 ^ Lmw Md J hudw. S.tMUEL L. LER A tU.. I AM saw watwrad to gtsw '.hr u«a kind, siniilar OCX. WICK8. A 00.. Wbalaiale AR of UPH< 1L8TEKY G4K3U8 at root; by fence, (Quebec, Montreal. While Mountains, the TubulAt* Yankee clock p*ddlrr scbeuies of trifeery ora Ooorgs W. Gam, Pittohurg, Po. fy Uminaai Oam 47 Muakrt ilnot, In WALL6T., IXIU18V1LLR, KY. Bm do No. 2, UMHilum; BrUge (nearly two miles in length;, bring understood hr the imblk. hence thedoitoin- James M. Thompson, Springlbeld, ^ mlaaliia Miribiaa. 814 Mala atraat. Lake GhauiulaiuotmumEaiu Mo^ *Pra 8aeowd dowr uboow Fourth aK JOHN . DICKINSON, Porticuiar attoution paid to XiUug orders Justrvcvived par BoilruaU oud for cole by ofMoutmorenci, Hudson River, toe. creosid crowds • I the 8lar Gollsry, No. 72 Fonrth stiVkH Glopp Spooner, Bridgeport. Goon. A ALLEK, WYnImali Oraaara aad tor plantation TTM OammW- Mipplte. m23 TYLEktylek a Got ud after May 1, isfe, baggage wferc they can iiet the cheapest, beet, and luoet durable Johnston U* inyoton. New York, alaa uad mD ft Foortb Ok, srar Ibe Nutloaul Hotel. Ulg martin. will be chM-k48.i N Y WEbnoo imUiweatoaSu O Furaurdtat MTbiaii. Mztb Ara al. batwam through freiu Ghicogo. Piciuros now m ide. lataf ^ I iuotint Gattocu wRh Received— V. OSTER, RbIu B. Klnalay, Nsv|.ft, R. I. W uad^^MHi laiKUENBEKUEK CO., TOEMIGRANTH, .^V w tt be wt Hreta. Also, lontor -- ffAfMORVe MrsWM.. Dafeer in MBIiterp Ootea,J«f- * mg ETERMN'8 MAGAZINE for June. PilcaKcroU. Pums«aa may ba aecurad ul the olhcc of tha with uad wMtont Itoala, and oUw hnCa. vF foTM etrwgi, he4mwon Y%kd ate Fotfth. ompuny In TIIK• ••* tr.LtDU.i4'KI FRR 4TFIII l!,W IKU’FEH KTtUi'll towuiimaan P Aim, No. 7 ot Kentucky Turf KcEial«r. Fricaicvuu. Chlcu«o by mlllim Jilna from Loudon. UTcrtSSTpli" USH thW S I .1X1 II, '*?*Jc!^f,^^;?^SJJf’J^^'“^'™"8«rt*dny.und uato mawitun. PVaau flaw ae a rail hadhra WMaLIUluE 8ul-orf|Uiun4r.ccl»«l.l*j imxchaaias otrawhora. SAM ORUCeiSTSf .nnu mouth, GluatowjBiGh.r HuU, Abordcci- .i^ liuncruoTDna.. at atsummit.^ L EL L. LKK A UU . p^ ow Ing to the frouiwncy of snek I Mala afroat, »• MADDEN’b s*«nts*ent of the Grand lYuuk ehoogwa AM aolUh awie ot Marhik Ha batsaea Third und Foarlb, IWOKSTURE, An KutlrouUKuilruud .unurinu.nJrrK; u “Jt! . . Marat. •UHudnGnds thu The amount of capital omployod in of umisranU uud bu(su«u lb KINUSPOKU A SON, iha butonom oP AMto I •PlA t° 4Aa to tfuolMc Irsa of in tfe Stole of " 1-dfl'lMVII.L.E, KY. ”ara** Company Kentucky is, os nearly os tha num ~ euabauaurtuinad. Hathoaauiiddoliura. TH E Brinly Ktael plos FureVrum RM to $34 to Chicaco, Includlu* W. to H. Itorkbordt, UIM.-SII bbA Alam for auU by und Cul- , rooked nro. A And wa, tbo aubacrilksn, tho Mnanoeranhaao-anm^ do CX mat hautor, made hy J . T. Dana in the ***1;“*:. T L. JeffiTH.a, dA« LINDEKBERGER A C4i...... horaby nffW! t^t leant prooom aaraej upon aty, io aloro uud tor aulr ut Uw Tlw Mummoib Siau m ah tii T. to J. y. Jvllritoo to ito. any uutboKHd uuuufurturrPa ptirea. And ulao thrir CORN STARt H ur'tTv|JoredCor“ iJr •Ff«‘®*““I^*f^*“*“*>**WahHI bo doam^^ pi^m. CRAOO, to GO.. Pwfetoheri ate Itootora k-ftPWIA'I'IIAMII* A 1 ii Nl to W B. BELKNAP A CO A Puddiu«i oud Bluur Mouse, u t rry srool delicury. ouraaloaw. Htecote MaffaallMMMfe,toc..PomfefeMi. I® witnem w aoeeof ww have horoio suhecribed OraftOa OI M.*"*! ton* und 7W feat Ions la nudrr J M fc*A \j fi'H aar Bareges—Organdies! contrurt to thia ul2 Agent Ihl* IH® d»y of April, A. D. Isgg. CO„ WhsIsasIs DrsaMsH.Ac. AS4 Bauaia, nod Bulta for mlr low by romiiuDy lor one or mure Inna to Portland Tour fur the Manufoi-titrer*, No KS Third to. Wm. B. DInamon, L. 8. Rnfua B. Klnolsy. W. a BELKNAP A CO. ieF return tickett from Chh-uso to the chief L. R tow-iu in A Sanford. •• roiewlil ahorUy be uaued. TirkeU E Ju^ M. Tbouifean, from I 'hicuso i^r ulI I»I-A.lSrOS TOJlSrEID. S. M Shoemuknr, ** LAGKXMITH Tools, of superior moke and war- polota End, uiao for the L^iuthnn, Clunr Spoonuc, — or for the 11 (i s s Geo. Cum, ranted, for oole low by Co.'i ihipa. We u a now (.raiuvrrd to uttaud W. iukn Blnathuni, — BAIZ08INES-FOULAROS! run be obtained ul the office of the yromyt- *- (irend to oil urdvra Johnatou Llviuftton, K^VII^RO^VI>. nirn W. II. BELKNAP to GO. Trunk luUroud, No. M Dearborn atreet, Chicaao. , lor Tuning uud Hepoir- J Y ffi huviuf aacurad the arnricua or Sar. WarIlafk 7 fl‘*4'- TATI or Pwai>tuii.runu; CHA^OE •F Tl.lie. ALT.—1.(Ml bbls prime Kanawha Salt, io good cooper- Agent Grand Trunk d • V J li R. M liatiT, u nr4-raw tuner sud pract.. PARIS DRESS GOOI^S R, R. Co . of t^oiia. S age, iu store and for sale by cal ^HO inaicr, direct from .Vunite A#c8Agrff I*, RffP.bier, FRANK CARTER, A Clark, NewYutk. MUremuwtbci^tbntunlhlauluTWBlbdnyof AnrlLiMs ... T w ateund offerufrar TUUDAT.TUKSDaT. IX TRAINS w«wff or EVERY DESCKIPTIO.M mn AND'W to CO. send lu your urderu. Mora me come Oeors. laMa BUCHANAN EXCIIAM^K ON EUROPE. TRIPP A URAGU, W Com, Preetdeut of UrnAduu ArltUy prtmu fw sUu O wew J aMtrmueailu, IIS lint ^i. us frlMww e>4 dtf UM Fourth at., hatwren Market und bpremcomyany, S*’ IralTl London at doUan per £ steiilng JeOerann u^ mods ouih thnttbe forsfDln,.i.m: WAOGRNER A LONG I tonstone superiorauparior GoldCold BlastHlual 11^ can 11 A IV IF 81 LA.CE IG IKON —Mw (Duck(Dock iiverliver, I ?J* nvniauiued br him — ms* 8> X. W M.MBPAVD RW W, m. & UlAREOE! ’ fe obtained U trus S A. WHOLES-AIiB obt^d Utat thethfofficuoffice of the sceordlns OROCBR, 1 euneaaee>, Pifei^nIron ou knud und for aole K. ^ GrandGrmnd Trunk JiaUromdJtaitr^wis-*vo/ut to tkokSS^uL P by Canada in To the Voters of XeatuckT- knowlodfe uod bottsf. IIL'LWER'SU LW KR'S DnmnaDramna uad is dime lur only, taXI Ghkago. O. W. CASS.V.OO, PraVLrrawL uM Pu«»Pucras mla hMhlau ueduad foldsold ut 4 AM. Ttum rasa aubeuaiftf wMb FORWARDING AND CUMMI88ION MEBCBAMT, AND' W BUCHANAN A CO. I um u cundiduw I) MA^lSrX^LKS! fur rOHsIsciiun ue Auditor of PuhKc B CLaRKITAI-LARRITA tma ftjsem lor i inaftnsA. Tha»M* M I bsrnu Aka ukuLkaa in CiTT o*OP PirrssDsu. The HIAoryHialoey uad ofai AI.L NEW CUOIt.l. IVI ACKEBEI.—IM uarorted larkufn Muakeivl in atore Buffalo aud Lako Huron Railroad. CoualyofAllosbonyJCoualy of Allackanyj LBSUis tbstba tar.Bar. Dr. JV «R«featthsi onooOB UmUra^lseukihtfe elmnfeelopsatk kt April, Duwolam'a I aadaaup n Gurdaaor( l a r iasar saduad Mmal AeabdaaAiaaetslarw.ture. *g* » **- DURKEE. Uonsonthe New York aud Erie and New York Central fllKAP: CHEAP!! 1 filPaV n H A.A- D.H. IKM,lies, beforabefore bmma, CKMc-CK S!r- u ^**‘‘K^,*'*?^***F- — LsaM. ARaa, uad V-airuI IKaaA, uad uHa HIUTU. A CO. ('HEAP!!! fiISEAlalunraA ficlnra **1.by **^^Heary Wlutbrup lucseui. ul CLARRITA RoUroodB con be obtained. J. W ARRACK f Hu»a,uComniimIoosrHuya, sCommJmloosr laia Um StamStaai olat ^^*.*^*? ftyutra FuadMa Lu asli. ImawIRi, lissu i aa. ead fttiae pRENt^ SOUTHWESTERN MayrviliA Cotton Tarns snd Cordage HedfeenudHadsea uud Krecfteens,Kreepraeas, b» ^Wurdm,Wuedar, ulal ^ FL^U, A.ND Agent of B. to 11. 4 .. ur^Pbyaylruntuur^Pbyaylrmntu foe UwUm Cbhafu, und iKa Nurtawem, AI'PLE BRANDY L. RoUruad, HEAPEK! CHEAPER!! CHEAPER!!! .It*— stata ol Kentucky CLARRRS._. daJd, uad wea AenSa gpr24 No. >4 Dearborn ft., Medole authoraedsutborraed uaduud eumuunauuedoumuuaauned by the I" Tmedw iMOaiu. uad lbs Nsrta. uad fifid Chicago. I UoeefaurufKea-GoeernorufKu • - wMb iba 8ec4 AgricRltsral WarebsiM, Agency, 511 Main street. Supaslaritu^em i - in,- i. e sadaad IS pmper arat. do Pwrh CIIEAPK.NT! CliKAPKNT!! timty.uudtacky, underumter t^Uwa^reofthe luwaUwreofuaUw. thereof u/met. i.. I^dLead Psasdi,Psaadu, anaulai|aal l»l> FsberFabar'a M kuad C la-a4s <«. CHKAPRnT!:: ua aucblotskesckauwLamh lo a^ uabaftsiaiae Ms ad. Fliakmf, bsMu. Nam ^ ckchampee,I apar, aiut ULAbKK'Ai LARKw K *® IU MAIN STREET. Cotton Cordage, oasortod Mx«; ^ROCEKIE-S A.ND L10UOR3.- (Mlgmeuto of deeds, Ac., to fe - - Phllatodpnia, —--- . o Anna So; ^ ua d oe twoMtote ifobi^ab Yuek BostonTana oM kMtvm teim. ami iroOT A KUKK. D 2*** Ifruadaa I ^An X A.M-A-M.B.R-0-A.M.B.R.O-T V-P.E3 Initial Fupm^ut know to ae ceaaiae. FJtPINO MOWING MACHINES; •yV"f 78U bog* GuCtoo , ossortod numberr. ( 8ui) sacks klo Coffoe. differeot prices; AMBBO. ma^remn. Ow. W, Com, btumpiBs oa Now uad•*» *-“*leirar imiS^ir^SSiarS^ (? CUTwlsSC: Third mr—t, nonr I AND w^M^rdSTtw^St^: ^ to du lu>tauon javaGoffr*-; TtfJfH ia the city -^= AJ^TII^Y ZANONE MACHIE8, all aorta; 180 bOM Carpet Gholn- at the Natfonol UoUery, jiMt bofow iPgfomw,sg)rsthatUieforagoingfimtn»w>s.at within R THKMHING 6s do Sonbvs do; lairM Ladtau' Note uad LatMr F.pais ut W’H EAT FANS: 30U boli-fi No. 1 and X Batting; Fuarth,oo Main street. nte bnRfe, ate os snob 5o hbds New Orleans Hugar; subscribed s worm cLARKITA foruUa IM FKOVE:d CULTIVATORS: 80 toge Goverlei Ghoin; — - _ »®d before m« Wira; 60 bbls A. end p. Bfetlmore Gniabed Si|g%r; Ladiea' Earetope for CaiAu .NuWa, LrOafu, Au, w PEThR * k GRAIN CRADLES; to boles Chandler's — BUgMaNAN, PATENT MOWING SCYTHES; bUU SiS. Cotton Trot Lines; 30 do do do Powdered Jo’; .Voretty ifVirtos. -?-'troXi:tri!5:ruir;r?“uS,r;^ wasszassft Alao tow fbt Cotton Staying; 2s do D. R. du do do: V/ MU boam dorct Wine; M BUSHELS PRlMi. BUCKWHEAT FOB SEED; In store and for lale to tn« trade at manuloctttrer's XU do do Granulated Sugar; IRON AND BRASS co. fo^^ * •*®-* Wbnlssnls Dm«lnra.Ac. 4# W cafe* do do; pricua, by (my 24] NOGK. WlCKs. to CO. lu do B. do Soft GtUahed do;i FOUNDERY, W^iSSLlra*' Foraulaby (iS4) 30 cas 40 boxes (fenfean St. PITKIN BROTHER es 1-4 and 1-2 Sordines* forafoln* Rob^he, for table ose- - T?* **1,” .Intemrwl ol lbs nShlra at tbs luu uscRagefi tireeu and Block Tea, assorted; A^ma ^yrem Co." wua prudui-ed VOL.^MAN. »na- New Books. 60 kegK ut to ms In mr uibm .an he romance of a FO^ s-aoh, m*» FWh atrsrl, tus doare ihirbonale Soda; Sled. Witnem my bond. of oswee balov Mun 60 boxes lbmftUdny#rAnrt|idd^ T mmd from ibe braaah MEMOIRalChtafJiialir«I>nrKaa. By bla ion. The. Frank's Summer pressed CandJes; norftdtf t;HAS strambosl uad Rudrnud ualdr M THRC.4TD N. Cl'kTs 2?.. Ky. Afro, W. Alrta Uoyd'a Poreons. 1 viJume, lo do Star do; HITE WINE.— A ophiiua Umo. ffl 8U. for May. I"4» dlmdrarad J* tiO do superior Hosin doap; I7»- W Ma bouaa WhiU Wine, or ilsat Suutrrar; Owen Meredith's (Robrri Balwer L>ttou) Gompleto |V AILS-^CtW ksf * Ihdwout for mie br giHd. cento. 75 buketo Olive OU; ‘ ^ Poetkal Worhs. Blue and 78 « A.-TLI 160 doxen OHsuited Bucket*; M.\N A TOliBlTT. The Avenger, toe By Deijuiney. 78 cento. Steaa EigioFs, fircfilar 80 nevto 2 and H Tubs; Saw illUts, Ibe Methodist. Hr Miriam Fletcher, with an lotrodne- ‘Kerne juat rmwI.vM bsiaa prime la store and for sole vei> low by Corner of El«bth und 50 uJ ICILY LRMONA-MI aWdy Lawoasra -22 T. D. tion by the Rev. W. P. Blrickiand. 2 vols. ff2. Water atrautu, ?id*w Udebr" GAETANO A OO, T. S cWred by Woodford uad for mht by Long. mat RLjINGAUNIEL . emoir at Chtad Jamtea Fanow at Love Me Littk, Love Me By Charles Reade. 78 LOUISVILLE. KV. Jt**-—.; PKNTON A GLORE. M Fourth at. V. D. hopes lor l ml» GAETANO A OO. Aquor ior tt Dflata. M CLARKE'S. eento. .AI-INS. ‘U bouea I....- UBRIGATING COAL 01L.-A smperfor Ott for heavy London Watt, Mwlrheud. ut The Pillar fe Fire. By the anthor of the Prince el fee HAWIaEY, BllALINOa.ft Co. IMa ot iamm by I s mochusety, for sole by R (u du M. R.; MuL.tSSBS.— House of David, 28. ^ KMUILKD ffl CLARKE'S. io2i to Juat rscuired uod fur aule ikaWi bl usiorad; The Laird of Noriaw, a Seottffe Story, ni. WM. XKEENE CO., BuUitt street. hy R Ml SbW Ss kl’Tl Ovta Muaaditb'a Poaaau, btaa uod fold, ut ROUGHT IRON W.\sllKkH— pa bf bbWebome; H ha^ The American Home Garden. By A. Watoon. lUus- A lorgeoAeortmanlol* -moaxamni oi GEO. W MOVRIS. Va CLARErs. W our own make lor mle I by «u atirst. frum dnemer Juba luiaa aad for laba by MotharwsB'a Fautiral Wsrka ut trotod. ni 80, “T Third _!f!! Haw I ( y, billings, mlP RAWSON. COOD A TODD. CLARKES. Home Memones, or Lchoeof a Mother’s Toice. 76 eento. a co. \WALKLRLL. bl — 14 hhia No Z Inrse; HARVa^TBRS; la kaL£r*'‘ ffocMsote Advctotuimln fee U. X- A., by Gofea. at MORrON A GRIHUULD. au hf barrels Roe llerrin^ * k»e „?I£*H£*»*K-8TFAMFITTlNGS-Our,toek , . . .3- du do; CLARK H*S. Herriag; J *****“ duel iwtrirrd und tor ». wrwaHb lu boiTt-R Roe ?/, P*V* I ilUnm ie Isrpa sod rale hy F«WR« aMftLbHft- limito of Rfegingi cumpteis ’““ToSi Thonght, by MsasH, at g barrels No. 1 Shsd; prepsred to pul ths aunm GEo. W. MORRIS, 4K Third at. AND ^COM MILLS; up st Ihe Sort. CORN t loARKEX. .^Kaa aat sotu*e J. F. TBOMFSON. 2 tierces No. 1 Solmuu; uud in u workoiunlike manner cuMN sMKLLKns Lite fe Moith Amortaan looects at Havana Cigars. For sole by *** Hawley, IDER VINEGAR. -M hbla for mlr by CULTIYATURSt billinusI a co. C “>3u luayTl HIBBITT to ffON. c \.-t'rLk.M.«.N A TORBITT. FtoWfoAsi pir't FifaAtiiry ** ^ inoat aelect Tbot^D aa Iha OaoptAe at 15U,000 bvunna, aoc'h ua*’’”'*^ ^"^'AM AND WATER GAUGES of the had *** tLARKPS. f^iuiehy make fee bJUDA lou cuekx New Cualle Sodu; **-*!!** ** . LA MOSCnVriA; IMTRINIDAD: luJuj HAWLEY, BILLINGS, A OI. Tdl BOKDVSAMT. HbM Msaa. lA«e Mu I Btla Lwoa Cbua. Kn>da,H IF buriuni. Wholemlr uud retail, ^ as huxue pouwd pupera , Ma Labf. by FLOK; CINTO DE^. ORION; CLARKhTS. mil WM. SKEENE A CO., BuUUl alrarl. rtkA 1 bhie cr> um 'renur. for aale by ^ ‘'‘'^^TATION. Aa, Oflicfr of tJi8 laouiaviUe and Duyawf art Daan—A Man o4 Uar Day—by l^vor—ut For mlo^ty^HlSjii: oak remit kr NaahvlU« _ »». CASTcKM.tN A TORBITT. ^ CLARK'b. RAII.HUAD COMPANY .*;iU b BALKS pnam Tunotby Uuy ia atarauad for auha m»4 No. f Main at., undaw Vliiad. Extra flue Guusa Merino shlrta uod Druwereut .FUW by Luiiol FENTON b ULORE. UFFEE.-1«) hog. Rio Coffee; MANSPIELD'A IU AILS. -4P,OSS Henry CKy Kasuha; HfrOBiVAd- C M pofeeto Java Gofffe- Extra hoe Liala Thrand Shlrta und Druwera nt ~ — C^ 4s,asu4s.iam ooLl>ot Wua. PnufonPnslua Hasuka;Kaftka: ARFRR'S le More ate for eoia by MA.N.NFI ELD'S. magazine (ar Jai *=‘1 w. Extra hou Guuua CoMon Shlrta, while uud brown, .L.F. JAEGER, la atora and for mIe hy H .At F. A H. BL'KKUARDT. ut MADDE! MANSFIELD'S ’WM. , mlu V. D. GABTA.NO A CU ~“ *“““ ExtraExfr. Snedo. UnanLtoan undnod CoUonCotton DrSlDrill Druweta ul RAMSAY & CO.. S^!^“lW^by‘* **» . MANsriRLDS.MANSFIRLDS. “AIN STREET. SlAtal BooDAt SlAtaM W. A U. BURKHARDT. Ekt,.an.Jucoa..Ci.du..hirU.«...... , , . 417 M^at •««» tlsMb ou. a,mv» bWo* TU ,md^ MANSriELD'S. LoularlB. i;a.stlrman a turmitt. M^FAC ,*^**** pBESU RAISINSRJ —7t koua Layer Ruiaiaa; RAPPING PAPER,—SuO reams ^ “* received this day Extra doefine LinenLiima ateuod GoitonCoitoa NightNiydt ShfruShirts atut * ^ ^ M So M. R. So; and for soie b/ m Su A* - 8. MADDKF^klOKSTORR, W "lii«DerSt Jaal raeaioadwd and ler aula low by nM W. to H. BCRKH uATwitficir w,8 A aua , MfffB Fitters — W Ttord mraat. A RDT. «»k. Data 5Ji2S'ifo‘*»oVn BORIE, "hh1;E1;E h«Ilii?M HANsI'I AND MANI'PACTURKRS OF AX u KINDs*^’ Conlertioaer, Fruitarar.Ae mu... u. Ol... ELD'S. . *" Mo H Third ilraal. abora Mata. XP DRIED GMERRlES.-lto) pounds Dried Gborries- PunipB for C'lsterMii aua: Wells. in store ate for sole by "» V. DToArrAMo Oj-OVES—Ettra Whim, Black, und IMrkIfork UiJiiduaaorlrd KINDS OF A oa W. to H. BURKHARDT. GtoraantldS. Kid kOMAWEbB Mdns Saasd Mi iMi Skfrmt mx3 A. D. M.kNSFIEtD.M.kNlFlELI) FaTl'tES ^ FOB BEER, UE, k 80BA WATXR, U mdox T I Mae' Mimsi Cadaswsas; iy C'H EKMES boxsa —M UM Ckarilm, M Iba I MOIA.S8B8 -WI bbl. prims .-mumarahoksd tar Itepulilnk nsntly ft . imatc Ok bkkiMi abines -WIW «r. boxsa fraab Hnrdioaa )iui aomaaeaMolamm lato atoia dons und with d-^— n>» V. D. rwraly. eacb,JustracaiTsdaadrorasisokaupby I iTl sod fur asis hy QACTAMO A COt S wdnadforaualowby [affil] A. orse BORIE. ANDW BUCHANAN SBORS und Harm nhoa Nmta (or anls hr A CO. H mS3 W. B. BELKNAP A OU. MS Mate at.