HR15D16001-Installation of Electric Poles and Wiresat Moh: Azizabad Village Panina (CO MDC Dheenda) 135,000 HR15D16002-Provision
DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 HARIPUR HR15D16001-Installation of Electric Poles and Wiresat Moh: Azizabad Village Panina (CO 135,000 MDC Dheenda) HARIPUR HR15D16002-Provision of 02 No. water bores UC BSKhan. 450,000 HARIPUR HR15D16101-pavement of street & WSS in DW Dheenda 1,015,000 HARIPUR HR15D16300-Boring of handpump/ pressure pumps atvillage Pind Gakhra. 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16500-Provision of bore at KTS Sector # 3 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16501-"Provison of bores (3 No) at Nara (c/oArif), Alloli (c/o Rab Nawaz) & Jatti Pind 450,000 (c/o Khan Afsar)." HARIPUR HR15D16502-Provision of bore at S/Saleh. 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16503-Provision of bore at Serikot. 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16504-"Provision of bore at village Pindori,UC Bakka." 150,000 HARIPUR HR15D16601-Electrification work in Mohra Mohammadonear tube well (CO MDC Dheenda) 350,000 HARIPUR HR16D00009-WSS Moh: Qazi Sahib village Ghandian. 150,000 HARIPUR HR16D00011-WSS Moh: Dhooman village Ghandian. 149,000 HARIPUR HR16D00019-Pavement of streets/ path/ culverts/protection bund etc in different Moh: of 648,889 Kot Najibulah. HARIPUR HR16D00020-Improvement/ extension of WSS in DW KotNajibulah. 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00063-"Pavement of Path at Peeli Tarar,Village Ghumawan" 400,000 HARIPUR HR16D00092-Leveling and dressing of Play Ground atVillage Ghari Serian 500,000 HARIPUR HR16D00171-WSS at Village Tiyal 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D00177-Boring of two Hand Pump/Pressure Pump atVillage Jaulian 300,000 HARIPUR HR16D00202-WSS at Kalinjar 78,435 HARIPUR HR16D00210-Boring of pressure pumps
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