Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-05-31

Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-05-31

l — < . ! ?; 1 “ A 1 « , - M . a D THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOTJBNAL. KEISrUCIvY, VOLUME XXJX. LOUISVILI.E, TUESDAY MAY 31, 1859 NUMBER 161 RJ^ALi I M ISCLI^LANLOUS. Ci yi Ci LOUISVILLE m UKMO»t>u», Ai-». — a ibootlnif Skxdai.itt nr THK .Strawbismt. — W* tbiak JOl XT JOIjRINAIj. /'•I'PV f IRltllM A l\2 r*l«'W Vi' flA-ttaa. Atex » ' ^ I i^UISVILI^E - T — -r — Artiiir c»m« <.ir Id ItFinopolii ncAuUy batwMo Ja«. the ^ g— i^'l'-'.i" V W AAa i3 A Albums i - . folloniDf hum ib« S.«Uwra KivaI klAguziM Hndwaii. A Qat-v. Aa K. BtokM). Thk AMr.KirAR Mark a VVrxxKK.— T. Jooei u<l Freak ttoaiel, tor - '***“ THE EOEIttVILLE (toeeMMir to A W. B. By a tela- HreUlint(, t'ruwiim out of ad at- ia reUlioo to the aezoAlilv of iha stnwbarrv will Ifotic* to SidvwalkBidawalk pKWara.Patrara. Hagbn ia Wat EUi Uiiab— Jiapzl’^h to lh« Ia>q<1oo ' KtApbif Kuiug oo the part of the to il.»»n ' Ta rtpaee aad racarh tba w-lawa«ka aa iMi>ORTEn -AJsriD ide^XaEtr, iisr Timet, cf furHMr put a cue- prove iatoraating U> our reaaen. While we are Sealed pi«p»iaah will ha laeeivad at lha aAaa o/j rf ^raat, twtwaaw Foth m* 1 cure. learu that Mr. i'eo *>a Walaat w^ter we ' Way 9, lirorik'a mara tom of Mlling liquor to alavaa. racaivetl upon “'** •*« 1^09, to /~^r\ A /^¥T k TXT^T AT" TT A lAlAAkT A TA Jooea a the aol.J.-ct of alrawherriaa, wa waat to aak our Hi" COACH <fc SADDL1!jR\ HARD vV AR 1i<, »« that ^ewlnarko^ t.Air.e. tame Jay. lowed, and a public meetiog wai cai:el, which re- l*aahody mrawUrry, poaaasnagpoaaaeaiiig ' both etaatinatastoatiaata and the piwpartypiwpatty botdan, or by tfea proM^prwMrty baManhatdan bi BafdmBaalim CkarchCfewfcb 1« Vi«-T9 •* J U’arphOUdP | • W. and lleoiy Kobarte, out piatillato flowata uponI thaIba pleat,plant, ** *»^>^*«parriiiaanf*«parTiihua ibaCilittba City Mnmsanm doaa Dotpro.not I of FiwiM PtxtMA — The I'anama siar of the llhh pro. **^i**^ I f ^ C«'KaWFORRAW FORD.1> Meyar.Msyar. o^thatowa.the town. STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, ducefhti.fdace fruit? W.Wa have......gr«.ngrown Uuit two ymtr.yaars .adand..a havalITva.... |\ NO. 435 MAIN Junr«vrt^^^^ | a..--, .US '.mm ! 1 u,™.. mrU “ ““t ^olt «««e. to ba ra-tol H.U. --«...»rrHKMaoijrr ihr «--kac^BRxrr*c-i«« or AoA».z.-AtAoA«uz.-At ,! W^Be«h.nUa.dBmiuUctar,r.-outo.adUto««dr..tor.mtoeT::m.*:“."h'T^“,.“^^^^ To n[»va ‘n,*rnrT,rofT''^- “r»JrilipX.. .. ‘Tutar'rT^iyinay muuipry *et.e-- and raenth tba sidawalk oa tfea wwat aatf made in paraua ij JeowAaeoatl fire 01 the Id inetant. Kich of the puhtical taclioiu the aunual n.e*tinR of the American Academy of , , Tlli VC C li U \ V U I iV 4* RP Hrr^ai a “*• J«ok«oa stiwat, ' '^****™'^rapidly *'*°with u'* :’ Imtwaaa Maia aad Marfeat 1 llUo.tJ. lkl!.J 11 1 DRU. ' accus.ia the other of the incendiary act. Arta aud Scieiicej, held in LU A ,^ Ai the Boatoo, oo Tuesday af- ! tCr»eU. houses of tl.« leadeis of the two parlies w«re da. teracoo, Prufesaor Agaeeiz ptoaouicrd Mwt.-1/ws. KdOuTKAdSora- ForFur tte takalaka of informalioainformal iim on a To npava aad racarb tfea aidawalk om tba BlKSINEsSSRIlSlI^ESS CARDS.UARDS- AUCTIONAlI4^'I’l4)lN SALES.SAI.ES a faeliar aortb t-»'.Cs-CMr~a.'C'1vr~C'~C3.Ce.EA..^A.A_s^ T very iateres iug subject, at leeat to uia, 1 bag leave side of Jafeanaw swaat, G^E2S^EI^AX. i batwiaw i l l i r ii m ^ ly mMUi w . Ther 0|wr»ta ««hU> m b|*urn. w.gin «lo|l7 oo tho lato Baroo llu«boldl,andintheito"^llX";,;;;«;^''J;,‘^^^^^ Fmt aad Sacuad tUrc, to call the atUniioa of thosa sliaata. pAiHn^f tftie afunrti mm4 lalrMMP* ol «U Imuib of your raadan, femil. I tire intenlional.mtwDtif>Oii). c urse of bis remarks, Mncr.w imr^itriMC rtrtnr-itr 4tWiif fki rtl<ii NATHAN WlflTKa of the *“ i.arraUd the following inci. iarizr in Umorythaury or practice tinf J. B. -4 wiihwith lh.tba nature’.^nature of lha To npava aad lacarb tba lidawalks cat WAI^KEB,WAI.KEB. | a l . TiiiNFru JTi‘. FK No tba aorth Matai’hin ou the strewberryatrawherry * .adato.waia tIriHaila Hank of Keatucky, The vil!a|;e of PaoMni railioad plant.plant, dUnUtothamanneroffaruliziagoritiJototbe maiwerof fenili^iogor of JsirenooJaffianoa strmd,Ktvei, batwwi.haiwbam Saco«4 aod adTiiWsan pay eaaitortr a^a^ FaTUVriwWa and ah the Mmrrmimt ayaeptom. atiewd- | Ssco^S TUrdTWtl MtobiUhtNi bouto will bt* furautHHl at all tiaies with everr cuUivatiag.^ut <to<1 WraaU. fcmassssraadwemwbaaassssr mmm mmmmwmmii w« M i' Vt' ii wiww' l toi iMi’ awd «ms asseaw, BTRFET, Sumley night, I f«n well wbvwhy o we see allusioiuallnaioiu to sumi.aumi. is.^ > I to»lhW4weaar,MKha»coiaive«aw,aci4My<i«th#A«wi-saoa as eosunmass, actoMr o« the sSam. MAIN was burnt down ou 8ih insUi.t, sav that Ibara ie Oowaa, Bnatb rlsda af mm . ^ at d, not a man aagafred io , 4 .1 vaiVty of C-abitot KaroHurv amt Chairi* of « v«»n ntjrlPMul imsaae. laSaa.sates. rasaiwisaa t Wiadiaiaiaia.i^. Ih aaSsSaasssiw I.atofwal.atofa. atas i aeh. a.^“*• and pistillate, fertile ,1I. aa. n lasMaw' | a•aSaincr.aSalswci . ta..aflas. of aw..ehc,smiehe. bstvomasnow. aCrciiuos.afesettuas. Ar..Ac.. of the tarrm and bito eslert- iu.estigatioos “'* P<“«*IUfe. Mdwd ^ertiUiafertila variafiaa? Ta ^varapave aadami ftearbfacarb tbatha ssdawalka FPFH8 to the pubtir oae claM, **ilb«>r at aboleMUe or nHall. Tim* Mibsrribpr, fruiu alHmllwamv-niuahi.uiasentir.lyn urns en.ir.iy in Kurope, wbi. h« mit te. /• aaaw tfea aatUaartb -itfsto. bacwaaw Foaitfe ami Futfe lirsats. ^ year - a^ut iwauty mu. consumed-onsumeJ OulyOolv WUeraU irSMaa, uatSuMiahaa ht these r<to arc a auHt rauabis r.audr, and iwnoa.rul- bruugbt to the etty, eon *'> ^ u O ad atourtait-nts of uo«4v evev M« k»ne aHwciatkMi wiih Ea«t(»ru and WeiCe'rti manutar- “>=V" ‘“K. »»«>. ••UMUbeU tbeon.s of Ua- *ld of J.If.naa straat, batwaaa Third aad a i iitin a.. ee^- tram fecnaaewM-ut at the liv«. indeed, rvery. tokeS of bis favor, and Faarth hd er Mcral dsMItty toStnr of t'locfao, Unmiaets. aad VatUnas th.ee or four escspad dasUuclioo. Ihs ‘ ^ ^ larera, la enabWd to nffar errrr article lu bit* Uoc of buai* Ure is mud ’ '» “ atfear pabitr meatlafs aad aach hhs.haM tbs who U n d under dwrp alas, ward, an« af sraSem the, will peuvr aa ifevamaMs aRdkiac, uu^aMi oUigmion. to him Mar I LOUISVHsLE. KY. no« at tlic loveat wholenalc priow*. Uo aalfrumcota lor «al«M to be the work of'an inceodierr. •sSai. Farmtrbr .d boaisTtlis. 1 be permitted I HdeVAlksM J MorrtsA Baas, salcaasaw. m< to tell a circomaUaca ^ . tbe Mrtk i ^ ^ VmN Ike faMt e^ WORKMEN at auctkfu eollcit**d. luayfi lylatp whkh is pcrM< *tSt^aatimai^. r^iamam kcatoek, ^STt dtaiAws pirpan'd to bmIip an OUTFIT at *****’,'•'’’ •*"" Jaitsr*ia atiaaf, batwaaa Feaftfe ^<s^M peisuns have lately »**»>« >n that ratpect, and *“ ' aad Fifth l tsr sWi A numliar of beau arraatid at which abuwa what ba I list aafama. aad MScadad to rromaSs povaSr a . «S ,^2, to tW^*^''2?****' **-— -- s-s — SI....S. -s u- abort moUct in the beat maaaor. 1 is~-|-“~- ‘I - it J. B. walker. Faaama and am, to Cartha.en. to .erv. in the •Alton 8. O Henry & Co., V^aT^^ljltrs stdawMb. cm tfea samh •'''“y ' .<!« when in ParK ^T^itber I bad gooi with nuuta, *- «"» “<» Smoml CCTIONE*:R->AXncOMMIS9lt)V MRK<;HANT9 n, *1^ P- SSTtit^lil Corner Main and WalJatreeU. Louii'ville. A Kr TIm'pli. discovery of • robbery nt Idty of 16 oz of in Ctob edraucctnindcob cood« cnoMi'tied touctoeur eaiire ato<A ol ciirar>« Tobncco, Ac , *ko eW luf Ruiauuiirfunigold dull from « pnclm^e mhI to Fsaru|ie bin ju<»t lapraaeaiiac tome Citopnniaa In lha aNMMaa af lha • aud Tobneco nmouuL 'vrijie one - *|ua of fntuiv conduct the MMj'ui.oBUii’* Clfnr I*ro4o.aor Miticborlich waa then on f" of t^^^ For if wo Jedarten atiaet, batwaaa Siacoad aad Third aMmuar,eaniB.uar, weuu A>aawwhavaridoaawwhavari asmnMasuiranea aad aaanaiaa(Banaiaa k^HtsStJSSSS^ * nr' iVe ereet ellUtoeerend^ aitcod totoletol Kce beenl*f«D nude.ni.de Tba1 robbery was i-otunihtell on the 7lh a I jyp l In ma- (DOTTIIt gl I of hair awtonhai d toaiu aud pr-.wpitteds me HirilTim cooUmtouctf EoUh Marahnl j ADd 1 would rwifttoauHr toUcit for bin • wiWllib lIlAliUNu! ure the., on tcruf i4tiitiucioi> (o»e*Urr" J. PAUL JOaNE*. at bi Iihirarl bait thr aha., rners; U iii nrtad ih l>.uls — ... _ %a4 ^tor Ar-i C««a N=V«BE.y>fA^I«DATEETAIUliSVtR BEIVl^ OKFF.ia.D AT RETAIL. CKtAHS. MEDU AL. *" **** ** strtot, between ^A utHIKUMLWlNti MACHINEMAiJHlNE lOMlOR AND WITHIN TIU:Tlil' leeee laform tbi' iBiokiac cooidiudIi y-*™ * f *ioTj:s:sS:a’jS’ji3::ir2;T5iFourthur« aaoaau vinnF'ifth %t(4L*LDbce to ooe, i.aAlttoopporluuilvruio.rryiPg.ctooof gold »pplea. Th.Tha Astos«lAssured sartwtpal,partscipaM ih.iha FvFtadtoidSi. puirhaerd Use peaclies, uad psars, as .uMi*ed by thi.r.o. i- vireets. m ws,.t, d<Hm.an.-«.cb KbACHREACli OFor ALL | ^ igouleviOr eo4 vIciiiMf Uwl 1 have " — ebuvr uatobiiebawt ftad Iniead to ’“•' “ »»dawalfe tfea wato -. Wall si 'here v. a^ no ^answer lOd lUap- ' '* m CONTnidNTAL INtPhAMC K CO X to •* fi U«A^ w’ele'brokTn"were nrehan, tbatba' 'glV iultiacltol’ "and'an»“ t filiM “f FAHILVFAMII.1 btwisohEWlNU MAIMACUiNEBINE FOE bandecboioe .lock of etneU* ne Ha\ANA /q<1 [hat* Mr”*‘p'‘*lS*lPealxvly a last aid^“oT^*!lf^ 2! aA FKACTICALPRACTICAL .

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