The Dialect Vocabulary of Ulster JOHN M. KIRK School of English The Queen's University of Belfast Belfast. BT7 INN Northern lreland ,
[email protected] ABSTRACT Tl~isarticle prur.ides a le.\-icological aria1~si.sqf ttze dialect incakrrlat? c?f rlte Engli.sti qf Ulstpr. Altliougli pr-irnarib hased o11 (1 c.otnpreliensii,e aria1rsi.c (?f'rtie < rn- > erirr-ies RI /he Concise LJlster Dictionary. it provides qirotirirorii~e,fi~i(ii~~gsas ii'ell as otlier illustr-arirv e.ranrplt)S f rotn rlre eritire dic,tinnar?,. The cirrir,lr r1ecil.s it,irll rlle .\ubject nzatter. derioted or- e.~pr-essedbr tlze dialect i~~cabulars,ii~itlr rl~e noriori c!f 'lJl.rteri.rtns', ii3itllpa~s oj' speecli distr-ihurioii. iiitli tnar-ked shlistic or. colloquiril usnge, ii.itli donoi and ehmoiogical sources, and iiitli regioiiolin iiitliin tlie l7roiince. It cil,so derr1.s \i<itlionotncrsiologicd vcrriation and tllr i.ssue of l~eteror~~tnic. sets of botli le,~icalitetlis cmd e.~porierrrial,fo,ñl~ of particular iterns. Tlze article s11oii:s rllor crlt11orrgI1 rnlrriy ii'or.d.\ c,rone inro lllsrer. diolecr tlirougli the Englislr arzd Scots dir11ecr.r c?f ~ei~enteentli-centu~settlc)rs or ririder ir?tlilence,Fotn Ir-ish Gaelic, many ivor-ds iijere derii-erl ,fioin eorlier- ii,ords in Old Englisli, Old or Old Fr.enclz. (Keywords: dialectology . dialect \,ocahulary. Ulster English. English lexicology). Esre artículo ofrece un análisis 1e.ricológico del vocabulario dialecral del inglrS del Ulster. .Airrrc/rre el pt.e.\ente nrtículo se furldanrentcrlmente en rrn ancíli.\i.\ e.rllciustii~ode lcis errrmrias que etnpiezcrn por <m- > en el Concise Ulster Dictinnary, se inclu~enno obstante ejetnplos resultados cuantitativos del diccionario en su roralidcrd.