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Author: Publisher: Description: 100 (Monologues) Title: 100 (monologues) Author: Bogosian, Eric Publisher: Theatre Communications Group 2014 Description: Monologues – American “100 (monologues)” collects all of Eric Bogosian’s monologues, originally performed as part of his six Off-Broadway solo shows, including “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll,” “Pounding Nails in the Floor with My Forehead,” “Wake Up and Smell the Coffee,” “Drinking in America,” “funhouse,” “Men Inside,” and selections from his play “Talk Radio.” For these shows, first performed between 1980 and 2000, Bogosian was awarded three Obie Award and a Drama Desk Award—earning him living-icon status in the downtown theater scene. Contains monologues from the following plays by Eric Bogosian: Men Inside ; Voices of America ; Men in Dark Times ; Advocate ; Funhouse ; Drinking in America ; Talk Radio ; Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll ; Notes From Underground ; Pounding Nails in the Floor With My Forehead ; 31 Ejaculations ; Wake Up and Smell the Coffee ; This is Now! ; Orphans Title: 100 Great Monologues from the Neo-Classical Theater Author: Publisher: Smith and Kraus 1994 Description: Monologues – auditions - classics Contains monologues from the following plays and playwrights: Women’s monologues: All for Love – John Dryden ; Andromache – Jean Racine ; The Beaux’ Stratagem – George Farquhar ; The Burial of Danish Comedy – Ludvig Holberg ; Cato – Joseph Addison ; The Careless Husband – Colley Cibber ; Careless Vows – Marivaux ; Cinna – Pierre Cornielle ; The Clandestine Marriage – George Coleman and David Garrick ; The Contrast – (2) Royall Tyler ; Dione – John Gay ; The Double Inconstancy – Marivaux ; Douglas – John home ; The Fair Penitent – Nicholas Rowe ; The False Servant – Marivaux ; Fatal Curiosity – (2) George Lillo ; The Fatal Friendship – Catherine Trotter ; Jeppe of the Hill – Ludvig Holberg ; A Journey to London – Sir John Vanbrugh ; The Lancashire Witches – Thomas Shadwell ; The Learned Women – Moliere ; The Libertine – Thomas Shadwell ; The London Merchant – George Lillo ; Love in a Village – Isaac Bickerstaff ; Love Letters to a Gentleman – Aphra Behn ; The Misanthrope – (2) Moliere ; The Mischievous Machinations of Scapin – Moliere ; Phedre – (3) Jean Racine ; Pizarro – Richard Brinsley Sheridan ; Polly Honeycombe – George Coleman ; The Prince of Parthia – (2) Thomas Godfrey ; The Provoked Wife – Sir John Vanbrugh ; Psyche Debauched – (2) Thomas Duffett ; The Relapse – Sir John Vanbrugh ; The Rival Queens – (2) Nathaniel Lee ; The Rivals – Richard Brinsley Sheridan ; The Royal Mischief – Mary Delarivier Manley ; The Tragedy of Jane Shore – (2) Nicholas Rowe ; The Tragedy of Zara – Aaron Hill, Esq. ; Venice Preserved – Thomas Otway ; The Way to Keep Him – Arthur Murphy ; The Wife of Bath – John Gay Men’s monologues: All for Love – (2) John Dryden ; Andromache – (2) Jean Racine ; The Apprentice – Arthur Murphy, Esq. ; The Beggar’s Opera – John Gay ; Cato – Joseph Addison ; The Confederacy – Sir John Vanbrugh ; Title: 100 Monologues An Audition Sourcebook from 'New Dramatists' Author: Publisher: New Dramatists 1989 Description: Monologues – auditions Riveting parts for a wide spectrum of actors—ethic parts, character roles, ingenue pieces, monologues for sixteen—to sixty-year—olds. Innovative short monologues from regional, Off Broadway, and Off Off Broadway productions—plus many previously unpublished monologues. All monologues tested in audition workshops to insure successful performability. Important setting and background material provided with each monologue. A broad choice of styles, genres, and subject material, from light comedic pieces to violent dramatic climaxes. An emphasis on variety in roles, setting, and period, from historic parts to contemporary figures. Biographical information on new, relatively unknown playwrights, including a listing of agents. Contains monologues from the following plays and playwrights: Monologues for women: Solitaire/Double Solitaire – Robert Anderson ; Cakes with the Wine – Edward M. Cohen ; The Complaint Department Closes at Five – Edward M. Cohen ; Don’t Breathe on the Job – Allen Davis, III ; Sally’s Gone, She Left Her Name – (2 monologues) Russell Davis ; Dear – R. Drexler ; Chocolate Cake – Mary Gallagher ; Living at Home – Anthony Giardina ; Scenes from La Vie de Boheme – Anthony Giardina ; Dancin’ to Calliope – Jack Gilhooley ; Namesake – Amlin Gray ; Landscape of the Body – John Guare ; The House of Blue Leaves – John Guare ; Night Luster – Laura Harrington ; Come Back, Little Sheba – William Inge ; Moving – (2 monologues) Lee Kalcheim ; The Wall of Water – (2 monologues) Sherry Kramer ; Split Second – Dennis McIntyre ; Blue Moon – (2 monologues) Grace McKeaney ; A Narrow Bed – Ellen McLaughlin ; On the Verge or The Geography of Yearning – (2 monologues) Eric Overmyer ; Mary Goldstein – OyamO (Charles F. Gordon) ; A Bag of Goodies – Allan Rieser ; Souveniers – Sheldon Rosen ; Nibs – June Septant (Sydney Chandler) ; The dreamer examines his pillow – John Title: 101 Original One-Minute Monologues Author: Alterman, Glenn Publisher: Smith and Kraus 2005 Description: Monologues – auditions These one-minute gems are specifically written for those one-minute auditions that pop up more and more often. There are exciting and engaging monologues here for all types, ages, genders, and personalities. Contains monologues by Glenn Alterman. Title: 161 One-Minute Monologues from Literature Author: Publisher: Smith and Kraus 2007 Description: Monologues – literature - classics Comic and dramatic, contemporary and classical, this string of 161 pearls are culled from sources other than plays such as: novels, short stories, memoirs, narrative poetry, and essays. Ideal for the auditioning actor as well as the student of acting, the volume indexes by: gender, age, tone, voice, and author. Includes monologues from the following authors: Mary Shelley ; Joyce Carol Oates ; F. Scott Fitzgerald ; Victor Hugo ; Mark Twain ; Kurt Vonnegut Jr. ; Emily Bronte ; Fyodor Dostoevsky ; Edgar Allen Poe ; H.G. Wells ; William Shakespeare Title: 221 One-Minute Monologues for Men Author: Publisher: Smith and Kraus 2006 Description: Monologues – men - auditions - classics - contemporary Actors looking for short pieces to work on in class or to use for auditions need look no further. This volume is loaded with choices from contemporary and classic plays, novels, and stories. Shakespeare, Moliere, and Chekhov are represented, along with contemporary writers such as Philip Roth and Steve Tesich. Many of the monologues in this book are from less well-known authors, making it the perfect choice for actors looking for something fresh—something auditioners have never seen before. Includes monologues by the following authors: William Shakespeare ; Christopher Marlowe ; Oscar Wilde ; Sir John Vanbrugh ; Sophocles ; Mark Saunders ; Mark Haddon ; Eugene O’Neill ; Lawrence Krauser ; Philip Roth Title: 221 One-Minute Monologues for Women Author: Publisher: Smith and Kraus 2006 Description: Monologues – women – auditions - classics - contemporary Actresses looking for short pieces to work on in class or to use for auditions need look no further. This volume is loaded with choices from contemporary and classic plays, novels, and stories. Many of the monologues in this book are from less well-known authors, making it the perfect choice for actresses looking for something fresh—something auditioners have never seen before. Contains monologues from the following works and authors: Classical monologues: As You Like It – William Shakespeare ; The Beaux’ Strategem – George Farquhar ; The Clandestine Marriage – George Coleman and David Garrick ; The Comedy of Errors – William Shakespeare ; The Constant Couple – Thomas Farquar ; Danton’s Death – Georg Buchner, translated by Henry J. Schmidt ; The Double Inconstancy – Pierre Carlet de Chamblain Marivaux, translated by Stephen Wadsworth ; Emily Climbs – L.M. Montgomery ; Enemies – Maxim Gorky ; Hamlet – William Shakespeare ; Ivanov – Anton Chekhov, translated by Mason W. Cartwright ; A Journey to London – Sir John Vanbrugh ; Julius Caesar – William Shakespeare ; King Henry IV, William Shakespeare ; King John – William Shakespeare ; King Lear – William Shakespeare ; King Richard III – William Shakespeare ; The Lanchashire Witches – Thomas Shadwell ; Leves Amores – Katherine Mansfield ; Little Women – Louisa May Alcott ; Love in a Village – Isaac Bickerstaff ; A Midsummer Night’s Dream – William Shakespeare ; The Misanthrope – Moliere, translated by Hal Gelb ; Much Ado About Nothing – William Shakespeare ; Othello – William Shakespeare ; Pericles – Williams Shakespeare ; The Prince of Parthia – Thomas Godfrey ; The Rebellion – Thomas Rawlins ; The Relapse – Sir John Vanbrugh ; A Room with a View – E.M. Forster ; The Rover – Aphra Behn ; The Ruddigore, or The Witch’s Curse – William Schwenk Gilbert ; The Sack of Rome – Mercy Otis Title: 222 Comedy Monologues: 2 Minutes and Under The ultimate audition book volume IV Author: Publisher: Smith and Kraus 2005 Description: Monologues - comedy - classics - contemporary It's all funny stuff here: classic and contemporary works; roles for men and women ages 7 to 100; featuring the best comic monologues. You'll find shades of comedy from light to dark: situational humor, word play, absurdity, and surrealism. These monologues are alternatively romantic, silly, militant, downright zany - first-rate character work by both new and established comic writers. Includes monologues by the following authors: Aristophanes ; Charles Busch ; Margaret
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