Wnpnpjr New Seiiies NO 48
r i A wnpnpjR New Seiiies NO 48. VOL. III. K. SATURDAY, LEXINGTON, NOVEMBER 29, 1817. VOL. XXXI. SEASONABLE FRESJI GOODS, rcuLrxuxo xveut Saturday mokhiso, HORSE MARKET. ed in our port a Schooner from Ameri- lines THE CKAGE AJVJ) shew that by the influence of these Bl' PA PIE CE. POETRY. ca, ofamostbeautifiil construction, ele- great NORJTSLL & CO. gantly geological causes the temperature BYJNO. On evemSctmfllay Morning at 0 o'cltck, sound very light, and formed in Subscribers have received, and now rnoM the exetm watchmax, for fast points situated under the same Will be regular sale at Auction, of THE for sale, at store sailing, constructed and armed se ,1, .,.,.. i their on.Mill street,' THE ROSE Plcalldl.. iinrl that .kit hill 5CP The price of subscriptions to the Horses, Cattle and other live Stock; Wag- between and OF AUPUMN. iiko our light vessels'. It- was namtSO .J aa,Ulj ill ,;,pUlHU Main Short streets, ahandspme diffftring in Latitude, mildly-closin- g M. Humboldt has Kentucky Gazette, is, Three Dol- ons, Carriages and Farming Uten- assortment ot seasonable Gem of the year, the Cleopatra, belonging t0 a very On ! illustrated the laws of per annum, paid in advance, or isfc. nature's breast reclining ricn this diyersity in a lars sils, tsY. ! traveller, George Grwnlnshield,.of DKY GOODS, Oh who would leave thy wlldness here "unuummous manner. ' Four Dollars at the end of the year. Persons wishing at any time to sell any of the aaiem, tyho constructed IiW for his own purchased x or uuMcrs, in ocauiy sinning r The terms of advertising in this above articles, are requested to make entry of the most of which have been at thU alom-- use, JC? A ; and for the rovaces he hal udder- - nt iwlJ..
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