Tourism and Recreation in Cities and Regions Development Studia Periegetica Nr 4(24)/2018

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Tourism and Recreation in Cities and Regions Development Studia Periegetica Nr 4(24)/2018 Studia Periegetica nr 4(24)/2018 Tourism and Recreation in Cities and Regions Development Studia Periegetica nr 4(24)/2018 Turystyka i rekreacja w rozwoju miast i regionów redaktor naukowy Arnold Bernaciak Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu Poznań 2018 Studia Periegetica No. 4(24)/2018 Tourism and Recreation in Cities and Regions Development volume editor Arnold Bernaciak The WSB University in Poznan Press Poznań 2018 Komitet wydawniczy / Editorial Board Przewodniczący / Chair: prof. dr hab. Józef Orczyk Członkowie / Members: dr hab. Władysław Balicki, dr hab. Arnold Bernaciak, dr Piotr Dawidziak, dr hab. Marek Dylewski, dr hab. Sławomir Jankiewicz, Grażyna Krasowska-Walczak (dyrektor Wydawnictwa WSB w Poznaniu / Director of the WSB University in Poznan Press), dr Alicja Kaiser, dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Leczykiewicz, dr hab. Magdalena Majchrzak, Andrzej Małecki (sekretarz / Secretary), dr hab. Ilona Romiszewska, dr Łukasz Wawrowski, prof. dr hab. Stanisław Wykrętowicz, dr Maria Zamelska Rada naukowa / Scientific Advisory Board Assoc. Prof. Alexander Adamovsky (Ukraina), dr hab. Ryszard Asienkiewicz (Polska), prof. dr hab. Wanda M. Gaczek (Polska), prof. Brian King (Hong Kong, Chiny), dr hab. Zygmunt Kruczek (Polska), Assoc. Prof. Tatjana Pōlajeva (Estonia), Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Pridalova, PhD (Czechy), dr hab. Ewa Szczepanowska (Polska), prof. Lars Ryden (Uppsala University, Szwecja) Czasopismo umieszczone na liście „B” MNSW, w bazach: Index Copernicus, BazEkon, PBN i POL-Index. Czasopismo recenzowane według standardów Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Lista recenzentów na stronie oraz w ostatnim numerze czasopisma z danego roku. Journal included in List B of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as well as in Index Copernicus, BazEkon, PBN and POL-Index databases. Journal reviewed in compliance with the standards set forth by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A list of referees is available at and published in the last issue of the Journal each year. Procedura recenzowania / Review procedure Redaktor naczelny czasopisma / Editor-in-chief dr hab. Arnold Bernaciak Zastępca redaktora naczelnego / Assistant Editor-in-Chief dr Maria Zamelska Sekretarz redakcji / Secretary dr Alicja Kaiser Redaktor naukowy (tematyczny) / Scientific (Theme) editor dr hab. Arnold Bernaciak Redaktor statystyczny / Statistical editor dr hab. Maria Chromińska Redaktor prowadzący / Text editor Elżbieta Turzyńska Redakcja, skład i łamanie / Copyedited and typeset by Adriana Staniszewska Projekt okładki / Cover design by Martyna Dawidziak Publikacja finansowana przez Wyższą Szkołę Bankową w Poznaniu Publication financed by the WSB University in Poznań Wersja pierwotna – publikacja drukowana / Source version – print publication Nakład: 150 egz. / Circulation: 150 copies © Copyright by Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu, 2018 ISSN 1897-9262 Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 5, 61-895 Poznań, tel. 61 655 33 99, 61 655 32 48 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Druk i oprawa / Printed and bound by Zakład Poligraficzny Moś i Łuczak, Poznań Contents Introduction (Arnold Bernaciak) ........................................................................................ 9 Yuriy Zinko, Marta Malska, Iryna Kriba A Multilevel Universal Model of the Rural Tourism Cluster: Implementation at the Local Level ...................................................................................... 11 Iryna Fedina-Zhurbina Kaliningrad Region of Russia as Perspective Actor for Health-Tourism Development in Baltic Sea Region .......................................................................................................... 25 Oresta Bordun, Mariya Kozolup SWOT Analysis of L’viv Tourus Destination and Key Indicators of its Sustainability ............... 37 Margaryta Radomska, Larysa Cherniak, Innokentii Horobtsov, Olexandra Kolotylo Sustainable Development of the Urban Agglomeration through the Creation of an Urban Network of Protected Areas: Case Study of Kyiv City Urban Ecosystem .............. 59 Maria Zamelska, Beata Kaczor Main Destinations for One Day Leisure Trips in the Area of Poznań Metropolis ................... 77 Reviewers “Studia Periegetica” issues 21-24 of the year 2018 .................................................. 93 The WSB Press Instructions for Authors Submitting Their Contributions ................................ 95 Spis treści Wprowadzenie (Arnold Bernaciak) ..................................................................................... 9 Yuriy Zinko, Marta Malska, Iryna Kriba Wielopoziomowy uniwersalny model klastra turystyki wiejskiej: wprowadzenie na poziomie lokalnym .................................................................................. 11 Iryna Fedina-Zhurbina Rosyjski Obwód Kaliningradzki jako przyszły obszar rozwoju turystyki zdrowotnej w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego ............................................................................................ 25 Oresta Bordun, Mariya Kozolup Analiza SWOT Lwowa jako destynacji turystycznej i kluczowe wskaźniki jego trwałości ......... 37 Margaryta Radomska, Larysa Cherniak, Innokentii Horobtsov, Olexandra Kolotylo Zrównoważony rozwój aglomeracji miejskiej poprzez stworzenie sieci miejskiej obszarów chronionych. Studium przypadku miejskiego ekosystemu Kijowa ........................... 59 Maria Zamelska, Beata Kaczor Główne kierunki jednodniowych wyjazdów wypoczynkowych mieszkańców w obszarze metropolii Poznań ............................................................................................ 77 Recenzenci „Studia Periegetica” nr 21-24 za rok 2018 .......................................................... 93 Wymogi edytorskie Wydawnictwa WSB w Poznaniu dla autorów ........................................ 96 Introduction Tourism plays a significant role in the development of contemporary cities and regions. For some of them it is a driving force of the economic growth and a gu- arantee for the inhabitants’ welfare. For others, it is a necessary evil which poses many problems and obstacles in everyday life of the residents. These problems have long been addressed by experts conducting research on tourism and its phe- nomena. Also in this issue of Studia Periegetica we want to contribute to the cur- rent debate on that topic. The main areas that invited authors decided to cover are sustainability, health and recreation in the context of the tourist activity. The first article addresses the issue of the relations between various tourist entities in rural areas. Yuriy Zinko, Marta Malska and Iryna Kriba present the multilevel, universal model of this kind of tourism and describe possibilities of its implementation at the local level. Different actors of rural tourism are classified on three levels: basic, affiliate and accompanying. The unique value of this model stems from its universal character and the possibility of application within rural tourism clustering. In recent years we have been observing the growing importance of health tourism. This type of tourism brings new opportunities for development of the areas having appropriate opportunities. Iryna Fedina-Zhurbina presents Kalin- ingrad region in this context. Natural and geographical factors are the basis of its rapid development as a health tourism center in the Baltic Sea region. Many cities of Kalinigrad region are very rich for such resources as mineral waters, rivers and forests. Considering this abundance, numerous spa-centers, sanatoriums and re- habilitation centers were created, contributing to the development of the region. Nowadays, sustainability is the one of the key trends of tourism development. There are many ways in which tourism can contribute to the implementation of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. One of them is increasing the sustainability of tourist destinations. Oresta Bodrun and Mariya Kozolup in their research paper analyze Lviv as a sustainable tourist destination. They dis- 10 Introduction cuss indicators of sustainability of Lviv perceived as urban destination and its use for improvement of planning and management of tourism business. In turn Margaryta Radomska, Larysa Cherniak, Innokentii Horobtsov and Olexandra Kolotylo present the concept of an urban network of protected areas as a tool of implementation of sustainable development in the city of Kyiv. Protected areas can play an important role in city residents’ recreation: they provide contact with nature, encourage performing physical activities outdoors thus boosting mental wellbeing of the participants. The recreational behavior of city residents is the subject of the study conduct- ed by Maria Zamelska and Beata Kaczor. They try to identify main destinations of one day leisure activity performed by citizens of Poznan Metropolis. Forms of activities performed by inhabitants are taken into account also. Phenomena, activities and processes described by the authors have been ob- served in the analyzed cities and regions. However, they can be seen as samples of wider scale trends, which transform territories, increase their sustainability and make them more attractive for both residents and tourists. The whole range of described problems and issues casts light on tourism and tourists’ activities and the ideas how to design and implement tourist attractions to satisfy
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