The 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management

Co-Sponsored by:

IEEE SMC The Chinese of , University of Electronic Science and Technology of

July 13-15, 2019

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ)

Welcome Message from the Conference Co-Chairs

Welcome to Shenzhen; Welcome to ICSSSM2019!

ICSSSM is a conference series, organized annually, focusing on state-of-the- art research in service systems and service management. The 16th ICSSSM is jointly sponsored by IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Tsinghua University, and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. It is hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). The main purpose of ICSSSM is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, practitioners and students involved in the broad area of service systems and service management to disseminate their latest research results, as well as to exchange views on the future research directions.

This year, 259 technical papers have been accepted, after a rigorous review process, for presentation at the Conference and publication in the conference proceedings. ICSSSM2019 has scheduled to organize a wide range of activities. Four Keynote Speeches will be given by distinguished speakers. Moreover, thirty-eight Technical Sessions will be organized. The topics of the technical sessions include Electronic Business New Models and Strategies; Specific Industrial Service Management; Supply Chain Management for Service; Service System Design, Operations, and Management; Theory and Principle of Service Sciences; Service Information Technology and Decision Making; Data Analytics and Service Management; Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies; Service Marketing and Financial Management; and Management of Healthcare Services.


The Conference has received generous support and assistance from many individuals and organizations, without which it would not be possible. We would like to thank all the special session chairs for their organization efforts, all the authors for their excellent contributions, and all the referees for their time and expertise in the paper reviewing process. Specials thanks go to the keynote speakers, Prof. Xiuli Chao, Prof. Albert Y. HA, Prof. Ming Hu and Prof. Vinod Singhal. Last but not least, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), for hosting the conference, and to the International Program Committee, and the Local Organizing Committee, for producing an exciting program and making various arrangements to facilitate the successful organization of this event.

We hope you will, as in previous years, enjoy the presentations, as well as the opportunities to interact with the speakers and other participants.

Warm regards,

Professors Xiaoqiang Cai, Jian Chen, Yongkai Ma Co-Chairs of ICSSSM2019


Organizing Committee

Conference Co-Chairs International Program Committee Xiaoqiang Cai Co-Chairs The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Liping Fang Shenzhen Ryerson University, Canada Jian Chen Shilu Tong Tsinghua University, China The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yongkai Ma Shenzhen University of Electronic Science and Yongbo Xiao Technology of China Tsinghua University, China

Conference Advisory Committee Members Daniel Berg Chris Chen Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA University of Canterbury, New Zealand Philip Chen Jing Dai University of Macau, China University of Nottingham Ningbo, China Chung-Yee LEE Ginger Y. Ke Hong Kong University of Science and Memorial University of Newfoundland, Technology, China Canada Duan Li ChenGuang City University of Hong Kong, China Northwestern Polytechnical University, J. M. Tien China University of Miami , USA Zhan Pang Subodha Kumar Purdue University, USA Texas A&M University, USA Yijie Peking University, China Kai Reimers RWTH Aachen University, Germany


David Robb Chunguang Bai The University of Auckland, New University of Electronic Science and Zealand Technology of China, China Xiaolin Xu Jianbin Li Nanjing University, China Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Weili Xue Jihong Zhang Southeast University, China Beijing Foreign Studies University, Yi Yang China Zhejiang University, China Yan Lin Yong Yin Dalian Maritime University, China Doshisha University, Japan Xiaofang Wang Hongyan Xu Renmin University of China, China Chongqing University, China Grace Geng Lei Guan Shenzhen University, China Beijing Institute of Technology, China Yifan Dou Lijun Ma Fudan University, China Shenzhen University, China

Yu Qian

University of Electronic Science and Local Organizing Committee Technology of China, China Chairs Xianpei Hong Jianfeng Mao Huazhong Agricultural University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Shenzhen Lei Xu Junhua Zhao Tianjin University of Technology, China The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yongjian Li Shenzhen Nankai University, China


Plenary Speakers

Xiuli Chao

Professor of University of Michigan Research Area: queueing, scheduling, financial engineering, inventory control, and supply chain management

Title Dynamic Inventory Control with Stockout Substitution and Demand Learning

Abstract We consider an inventory control problem with multiple products and stockout substitution. The firm knows neither the primary demand distribution for each product nor the customers' substitution probabilities between products a priori, and needs to learn such information from sales data (censored demand) on the fly. One challenge in this problem is that the firm cannot distinguish between primary demand and substitution (overflow) demand from the sales data of any product, and lost-sales are not observable. To circumvent these difficulties, we construct learning stages with each stage consisting of a cyclic exploration scheme and a benchmark exploration interval. The benchmark interval allows us to isolate the primary demand information from the sales data, that is used against the sales data from the cyclic exploration intervals to estimate substitution probabilities. Since raising inventory level helps obtain primary demand information but hinders substitution demand information, inventory decisions have to be carefully balanced to learn them together. We show that our learning algorithm admits a worst-case regret rate that (almost) matches the theoretical lower bound, and numerical experiments demonstrate that the algorithm performs very well. This is joint work with Beryl Chen.

Bio Xiuli Chao’s research interests include queueing, scheduling, financial engineering, inventory control, and supply chain management. Prior to joining Michigan he was on the faculty of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University, and from 2000 to 2003 he served as the co-director of the Interdisciplinary Operations Research Programs. He has also held regular or visiting positions at the University of California at Irvine, Columbia University, Tokyo University of Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and of Singapore. Dr. Chao is the co-developer of Lekin Scheduling System. He is the co-author of two books, “Operations Scheduling with Applications in Manufacturing and Services” (Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998), and “Queueing Networks: Customers, Signals, and Product Form Solutions” (John Wiley & Sons, 1999). Chao received the 1998 Erlang Prize from the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS (shared with Jim Dai), and he received the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scientist Award from National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2002 and the Outstanding Overseas Scientist Award from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2004. He is a fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), and in 2005 he received the David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award from IIE.


Albert Y. HA

Chair Professor of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Research Area: Coordination of product and process development, Stochastic models for production and inventory control, Incentive in operations, Supply chain management

Title Incentive for Information Sharing in Supply Chain Management

Abstract In this talk, we present some mathematical models that have been developed to investigate the incentive for a retailer to share private demand information with a manufacturer. We focus on several drivers such as production cost function, production cost reduction effort, information accuracy, competition intensity and type of competition that influence the incentive for information sharing.

Bio Albert Y. Ha is Wei Lun Foundation Professor of Business and Chair Professor at the Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management (ISOM) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He received his B.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Hong Kong, MBA degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. degree in Business from the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University. Prior to joining HKUST, Professor Ha has served on the faculty of the School of Management at Yale University for ten years. Professor Ha’s research interests are in the areas of Supply Chain Management and Economics of Queuing Systems. He has published in major academic journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, M&SOM and Production and Operations Management. He currently serves as a Department Editor of Production and Operations Management and an Associate Editor of Management Science.


Ming Hu

Professor of University of Toronto Research Area: Sharing Economy, Operations Management

Title From the Classics to New Tunes: A Neoclassical View on Sharing Economy and Innovative Marketplaces

Abstract Operations management has the tradition of coming from and going back to real-life applications. It deals with the management of the process of matching supply with demand. The emerging business process in a sharing economy or an innovative marketplace calls for active management from the operational perspective. We take a neoclassical perspective by drawing inspiration from the classic models in operations management and economics. We aim at building connections and identifying differences between those traditional models and the new applications in sharing economy and innovative marketplaces.

Bio Ming Hu is a Professor of Operations Management at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and one of the 2018 Poets & Quants Best 40 Under 40 MBA Professors. His research has been featured in media such as Financial Times. Most recently, he focuses on operations management in the context of sharing economy, social buying, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and two-sided markets, with the goal to exploit operational decisions to the benefit of the society. He is the recipient of Wickham Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishments Award by POM Society (2016) and Best Operations Management Paper in Management Science Award by INFORMS (2017). He currently serves as the editor-in-chief of Naval Research Logistics, co-editor of a special issue of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management on sharing economy and innovative marketplaces, and associate editor of Operations Research and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and senior editor of Production and Operations Management. He received a master's degree in Applied Mathematics from Brown University in 2003, and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University in 2009.


Vinod Singhal

Chair Professor of Georgia Institute of Technology Research Area: Justification of New Technology, Total Quality Management, Manufacturing Strategy, Activity-Based Cost Systems, Supply Chain Management

Title Framework for using secondary data in empirical research in service management.

Abstract This talk will present a framework for conducting empirical research in service management. It will describe how event study methodology and secondary data can be used to do research in service management. It will discuss performance measures, and potential topics in service management that could be possible areas of research. I will also share the results from one of my recent empirical paper.

Bio Vinod Singhal is the Charles W. Brady Family Chaired Professor of Operations Management at the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. He has a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from BITS, Pilani, India; MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, India; and Ph.D. from University of Rochester; Rochester, USA. Prior to joining Georgia Tech., he worked for three years as a Senior Research Scientist at General Motors Research Labs. Vinod’s research has focused on the impact of operating decisions on accounting and stock market based performance measures. His research has been supported through grants from the US Department of Labor, National Science Foundation, the American Society of Quality, and the Sloan Foundation. He has published extensively in academic journals and has made more than 120 presentations at different . His research has been recognized in the practitioner community through his many articles in industry-practitioner journals and frequent invited presentations as keynote speaker at practitioner conferences. His work has been cited well over 200 times in practitioner publications such as Business Week, The Economist, Fortune, Smart Money, CFO Europe, Financial Times, Investor’s Business Daily, and Daily Telegraph. Vinod is a Departmental Editor of Production and Operations Management, and Associate Editor of Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. He is on the Academic Advisory Board of the European School of Management and Technology, Germany. He has served on the Board of Examiners of the Georgia Oglethorpe Award, Bell South’s President Quality Award, and the Baldrige Board of Examiners. Vinod has contributed to the Georgia Tech. community in terms of teaching and service. Vinod’s teaching interests include operations strategy and supply chain management. At the Scheller College of Business, Vinod has taught at the undergraduate, MBA, executive, and PhD programs and has won teaching awards at the MBA level. His contributions to curriculum development are diverse and deep including those made while serving as Associate Dean of MBA Programs and area coordinator of Operations Management. He has contributed to teaching at an international level, as well, by offering workshops and advising faculty and PhD students on how to enhance the quality and impact of their research in countries including Australia, China, France, New Zealand, and Singapore, and United Kingdom.



2019 July 12th, Friday

Registration 10:00-17:00 Venue: Room101, East Wing, Admin Building, CUHKSZ

2019 July 13th, Saturday

Morning: Plenary Session

Chairs: Xiaoqiang CAI & Jian CHEN Venue: W201, Admin Building, CUHKSZ

8:00-8:50 Registration

8:50-9:10 Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech: Dynamic Inventory Control with Stockout Substitution and 9:10-10:00 Demand Learning, Prof. Xiuli Chao (University of Michigan)

10:00-10:30 Group Photo & Tea Break

Keynote Speech: Incentive for Information Sharing in Supply Chain 10:30-11:20 Management, Prof. Albert Y. Ha (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Keynote Speech: From the Classics to New Tunes: A Neoclassical View on 11:20-12:10 Sharing Economy and Innovative Marketplaces, Prof. Ming Hu (University of Toronto)

12:10-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court, CUHKSZ)


Afternoon: Parallel Sessions

Room A: Teaching A, Room 313

Session 1: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies 13:30-14:50 Chair: Lianmin ZHANG (Nanjing University)

Industry Innovation Efficiency and its Influencing Factors: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park Guoquan Xu, Xingcui Du, Yu, Lei Guan, Jinchao Yi The Impact of Confucius Institute on Chinese Enterprises’ Overseas M&A Ningyue Liu,Yan Lu Target-driven Risk Attitude in Portfolio Choice with Strong Aspiration Measures Bin Zhu, Yong Liang, Jian Chen, Fei Guo Target-oriented Robust Location-Transportation Problem Xin Wang, Houcai Shen, Lianmin Zhang

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 2: Specific Industrial Service Management 15:10-16:30 Chair: Ning CHEN (University of Canterbury)

Public Service Delivery of Floating Population from the Perspective of Governance: A Case of Yueqian Xu, Danyang Wu Service Quality, Emotional Experience, Tourist satisfaction and Subjective Well-being Xuehuan He, Lujun Su, Scott R. Swanson. Studying Spectators’ Motivates and Behaviours for Women’s Chinese Basketball Association (WCBA) Ning (Chris) Chen; Xueli Wang Utilising Online Review System to Understand Mainland Chinese’s Perception on Macau on Heritage Attractions Ning (Chris) Chen; Shanshan Exploring the Knowledge Creation Behaviors of Front-line Employees in Tourism Yong Rao, Lifen Lao, Chao Liu

Session 3: Supply Chain Management for Service 16:40-18:00 Chair: Xianpei HONG (Huazhong Agricultural University)

Coordination contracts in closed loop supply chains in the presence of different channel structure and collection rate regulation Benrong Zheng, Xianpei Hong Behavior-Based Pricing in a Competition Market with Green and Conventional Product Peng Ma, Xuanzhe Fu Cooperative and non-cooperative games between retailers with forward and reverse competitions Qifei Wang; Qi Fu; Xianpei Hong Strategic interplay between store brand introduction and online direct channel introduction Qiankai Qing


Room B: Teaching A, Room 314

Session 4: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 13:30-14:50 Chair: Jingming PAN (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)

Design of Intelligent Logistics Drivers Evaluation System-Based on Entropy-AHP Method Xiuhui Wang, Xiaoyu Ma, Jing Fan, Qiongwei Ye Dynamic Matching Policy for an Airport Carpooling Service under the Uncertainty of Passengers’ Arrival Time Yibing Zhang; Pengyu Yan; Yunqiang Yin; Zike Peng The Impacts of Supply Chain Coordination on Firm’s Market Value Rui Wang, Yinping Mu Research on the optimal Operational Strategy of Enterprise Considering Social Responsibility Danyue Rong, Jingming Pan, Xiaowo Tang Pricing Game: The Interaction between Incumbents and Sharing Platforms Fei Ye;Debing Ni;Xiaowo Tang

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 5: Supply Chain Management for Service 15:10-16:30 Chair: Xiaolin XU (Nanjing University)

Platform Selling vs. Wholesale Selling: Effect of Demand Risk and Suppliers’ Competition Weili Xue, Yulin Hu The Impact of “Subsidy Retreat” on Trade Credit ---Empirical Evidences from Chinese New Energy Vehicle Industry Xiaojing Xu, Xiaolin Xu, Henrik Jordan Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D in Duopoly Manufacturers with a Common Supplier Fuli Zhang, Xiaolin Xu,Yangyang Peng,Xing Yin Pricing and Advertising Investment Policy for Agricultural Products with Government Subsidy Yanan Yu, Yong He

Session 6: Theory and Principle of Service Sciences 16:40-18:00 Chair: Youji Kohda (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

A Process Model of Knowledge Self-Creation in Professional Work Nobuhiko Seki and Youji Kohda Analysis of Management Behavior in the Japanese Banking Industry Using System Dynamics Narumi Nakazato, Youji Kohda Using Conjoint Analysis to Estimate Customers’ Preferences in the Apparel Industry Thanh Quynh Le, Youji Kohda, and Van Nam Huynh A Method for Innovation Capability Evaluation in Banking Nu Dieu Khue Ngo and Van Nam Huynh


Room C: Teaching A, Room 317

Session 7: Service Information Technology and Decision Making 13:30-14:50 Chair: Yijie PENG (Peking University)

Estimating Risk Contributions via Monte Carlo: A Direct Smoothed Perturbation Analysis Approach Zhijian He, Guangwu Liu, Yanchu Liu Physician scheduling for emergency department under time-varying and nonstationary demand Ran LIU, Xiaolan XIE Data-Driven Fitting of the M/G/1 Queue Nanne Dieleman, Bernd Heidergott, Yijie Peng The Regional Collaborative Scheduling Problem for Medical Equipment of Home Care Service Xuan Liu, Gang Du, Xiaoling Ouyang Research on the Entry Threshold of P2P Lending Platform Considering the Social Reputation Level of Borrowers Ping He, Yulin Zhang, Mengli Huang, Xuemei Liang

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 8: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies 15:10-16:30 Chair: Hongyan XU (Chongqing University)

The Fringe or National Brand Manufacturer? An Analysis of Private Label Sourcing Strategy Xue Li Online grocery retailing: a new retailing format via Local B2C platform and crowd-sourcing logistics platform Bo He Quality Disclosure in the Presence of Online Reviews He Huang, Yufeng Yang, Hongyan Xu Accurate Information Better? Sharing Commitment and Capacity Allocation Under Supply Competition He Huang, Xiaomin Liu, Hongyan Xu Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Method to Optimize The Reduction Process of Saprolite Ore Composites in Tube Furnace Isti Surjandari, Angella Natalia Ghea Puspita, Zulkarnain, Adji Kawigraha, Nur Vita Permatasari, Annisa Marlin Masbar Rus,

Session 9: Data Analytics and Service Management 16:40-18:00 Chair: Annisa Marlin Masbar Rus (University of Indonesia)


A Clustering-based Approach for Reorganizing Bus Route on Bus Rapid Transit System Dinda Sabila Nadinta, Isti Surjandari, Enrico Laoh Measuring Hotel Service Quality in Borobudur Temple Using Opinion Mining Annisa Marlin Masbar Rus, Rossi Annisa, Isti Surjandari, Zulkarnain Fault Detection System Using Machine Learning on Geothermal Power Plant Zulkarnain, Resha Rafizqi Bramasta, Isti Surjandari, Enrico Laoh Multiple Channel with Crash Fault Tolerant Consensus Blockchain Network: A Case Study of Vegetables Supplier Supply Chain Harman Yusuf, Isti Surjandari, Annisa Marlin Masbar Rus Automatic Identification of Conodonts Based on Deep Learning Yili Ren, Yiting Ren, Lu Luo

Room D: Teaching A, Room 318

Session 10: Data Analytics and Service Management 13:30-14:50 Chair: Grace GENG (Shenzhen University)

The Impact of Merchant’s Response to Negative Reviews on Consumers’ Purchase Intention Huan Liu, Ye Feng, Xi Song, Li Chen A Comparative Study on the Challenges and Investment of Waste Sorting and Recycling System—— Cases of Shenzhen,China and Turku, Finland Miaojia Huang, Shuang Geng, Pekka Kettunen, Yuxi Luo, Michael Berry, Zhuoya Xiao Hybrid Classifier for Predicting Financial Distress Arian Dhini, Harjani Rezkya Putri, Dhea Indriyanti, Naufal Allaam Aji

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 11: Supply Chain Management for Service 15:10-16:30 Chair: Lei XU (Tianjin University of Technology)

Technology Development and Its Impacts on Supply Chain Evolution——The Case of SAMSUNG Deyang Tian, Haobo Li, Lei Xu Mode Selection of Business Education Accreditation under "Double First-class" Initiative Lei Xu, Bingqing Zhang, Runpeng Gao, Peng Du*, Yiqing Li Spillover Effect and Sustainable Innovation of Competing Firms with Channel Leadership Bisheng Du, Ziqin Hu, Ran Liu, Zhenfang Li Impacts of government subsidies on pricing and coordination of the dual-channel supply chain with remanufactured products Yonghong Cheng, Qinglin Luo Peer-to-Peer Short-Term Sharing on the Bilateral Commission Platform Ke LI, Li XIAO


Session 12: Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies 16:40-18:00 Chair: Jie LIU (Shenzhen University)

The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumers' green product actual purchase Qingyu Zhang, Yuting Liang, Qiuting He, Ting Bu Equity Pledge Scale, Maturity and Stock Yield Wu Liping, Liu Yucan Research on the Factors Affecting Player Stickiness in Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) Lijun Ma, Zhiyan Feng, Jingqiang Feng, Lan Wang Research on User Loyalty of Short Video App based on Perceived Value -- Take Tik Tok as an Example Lijun Ma, Jingqiang Feng, Zhiyan Feng, Lan Wang

Room E: Teaching A, Room 301

Session 13: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies 16:40-18:00 Chair: Yinlian ZENG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

Two-stage Advertisement Recommendation Service Regulation Based on a Tripartite Game Model Chi , Yiqing Li, Mingsen Chu*, Xinxin Mi, Zhiyuan Luo Portfolio optimization with Upper Constraints under a L-infinity risk measure Yingying Dai Joint Replenishment Games with Carbon Constraints Hairong Feng, Xiaoqiang Cai, Yinlian Zeng Study on the Impact of the Fed’s contraction on China Huang Min

Evening: Welcome Reception

18:30-20:30 F301, Shaw College, CUHKSZ


2019 July 14th, Sunday

Plenary Session

Venue: W201, Admin Building, CUHKSZ

Keynote Speech: Framework for using secondary data in empirical research in 9:00-9:50 service management, Prof. Vinod Singhal (Georgia Institute of Technology)

10:00-10:20 Tea Break

Parallel Sessions

Room A: Teaching A, Room 313

Session 14: Service Marketing and Financial Management 10:30-11:50 Chair: Jingming PAN (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)

Timing of Product Allocation in Probabilistic Selling with Consumer Preference for Product Popularity Qing Wu, Song Chen All-unit Discount Strategy Based on Flexible Consumption Jian Li, Jingming Pan The Impact of Lawsuit on Supply Chain Market Value Di Zhou, Yinping Mu Research on SaaS Cloud Outsourcing Contract under Unobserved Efficiency Parameter Guofeng Tang, Xingzheng AI, Dan LI

11:50-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court)

Session 15: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies 13:30-14:50 Chair: Yifan DOU (Fudan University)


Value of Expectation: Media Reputation and Premium in Cross-Border Acquisitions Yinuo Tang, Jun Xia, Jie Jiao Government Subsidy Design for Electric Vehicle and Charging Markets Wei Zhang, Yifan Dou Seeding and Selling Smart Products: A Channel Coordination Perspective Yifan Dou, Zhuoran Lu, Jian Chen Software Development Kit and Mobile App Success Yu Xia, Hailiang Chen

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 16: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 15:10-16:30 Chair: Chunguang BAI (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)

Nash equilibrium model with carbon tax regulation and product abatement level in the closed-loop supply chain network Guitao Zhang; Peng Liu; Xianpei Hong; Hao Sun Dry port-Seaport Logistics network analysis under the Belt and Road initiative —focusing on dry port location of Qingdao port Yiran Sun,Jingci Xie Who Gets the Benefit from Food Leftover Sharing Platform's Operations? Jieling Yu A blockchain-enabled carbon emissions trading system considering buyers’ funding constraints Yuqi Zhang,Chunguang Bai The loss-averse newsvendor solutions via Conditional Value-at-Risk measure Xinsheng Xu*, Felix T.S. Chan

16:40-18:00 Session 17: Supply Chain Management for Service Chair: Weili XUE (Southeast University)

Market Entry of Contract Manufacturer under Asymmetric Customer Loyalty Jing Hou; Houcai Shen Who should the government support for greater sustainability improvement, manufacturers or consumers? Shengyu Bao Is Buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store Strategy always Advantageous? Runzhe Liu, Tingting Xiao Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design Considering the Interactive Influence of the Multiproduct on the Production Capacity Wei Yang, Yulan Zhou, Ming Zhou et al.


Room B: Teaching A, Room 314

Session 18: Data Analytics and Service Management 10:30-11:50 Chair: Grace GENG (Shenzhen University)

The effects of characteristics, attitudes and perceived environment conditions on youths' entrepreneurial intent Qianying Liu, Xiaohong Chen, Xi Song* A Study of Consumers' Continuance Intention to Use Paid Digital Reading Products Ye Feng, Huan Liu, Xizhi Zheng, Yuanyue Feng, Ying Yu, Jin Lin The Influence of Entrepreneurial Environment and Entrepreneurial Cognitive Capital on Youth Entrepreneurial Motivation:Take Shenzhen as an Example Churong Zhang#,Xin Huang#,Xixi Qu*,Yuke Zhong,Ben Niu* Modelling the relationship between perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in Youth Hostel: an empirical study Xiaohong Chen, Qianying Liu, Kaishan Huang*, Tingting Liu* An Evaluation Framework for Urban Management Service Outsourcing Enterprises based on Digital Grid Management Xiaowen Huang, Senbao Shi, Gang Liu, Xixi Qu

11:50-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court)

Session 19: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 13:30-14:50 Chair: Chenguang LIU (Northwestern Polytechnical University)

Exploring the relationship between urbanization, energy consumption, economic growth, and CO2 emissions: Empirical evidence from provinces with different income levels in China Yuan Yuan, Xintong Sun Task assignment in a reconfigurable seru production system Jie Lian Managing interactive barriers for sustainable e-waste management Yan Xu, Sidra Ramzan, Shaopeng Yang

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 20: Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies 15:10-16:30 Chair: Yan LEI (Shenzhen University)

Research on the Impact of Interactivity of Online Tourism Website on Customer Satisfaction Yuexin Luo, Yuming Huang, Hanyang Luo Work-related use of Information and Communication Technologies after Hours(W_ICTs) and Work Engagement in Service Industry: Based on Experience Sampling Method Yan Lei, Fangguo Su A study on the impact of positive and negative comments on consumers' perceived usefulness Xudong Lin; Ting Bu; Qiuting He; Yuting Liang


An empirical study on the behavioral intention to use mobile group purchase apps : Taking Meituan app as an example Huimin Yan, Jie Liu

16:40-18:00 Session 21: Data Analytics and Service Management Chair: Enrico Laoh (University of Indonesia)

Estimating Customer Segmentation based on Customer Lifetime Value Using Two-Stage Clustering Method Pradnya Paramita Pramono, Isti Surjandari, Enrico Laoh Prediction of Financial Distress: Analyzing the Industry Performance in Stock Exchange Market using Data Mining Harjani Rezkya Putri, Arian Dhini Data Mining Approach for Customer Segmentation in B2B Settings using Centroid-Based Clustering Nadhira Riska Maulina, Isti Surjandari, Annisa Marlin Masbar Rus Credit Scoring Through Data Mining Approach: A Case Study of Mortgage Loan in Indonesia Naufal Allaam Aji, Arian Dhini Mining Customers Opinion on Services and Applications of Mobile Payment Companies in Indonesia Using Sentiment Analysis Approach Nadhila Idzni Prabaningtyas, Isti Surjandari, Enrico Laoh


Room C: Teaching A, Room 317

Session 22: Supply Chain Management for Service 10:30-11:50 Chair: Weili XUE (Southeast University)

Analysis of Ordering Strategies under Quantity Competition Shujie Luan,Jilan Wu,Weili Xue Is Supply Chain Management Positive to Firm Performance? -Empirical evidences from Chinese manufacturing industrys Lu Xiao, Xiaolin Xu, Christoph Wäger Design of Semi-Compact City Medical Association Information Sharing Sustainable Operation Mechanism Based on Subscription Plan Liang Zhang, Haiyan Wang, Siwen Liu, Shifu Pan Gray Market Analysis in the Presence of Strategic Consumers Jie Zhang; Jing Yao

11:50-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court)

Session 23: Data Analytics and Service Management 13:30-14:50 Chair: Enrico Laoh (University of Indonesia )

Clustering High-Dimensional Stock Data using Data Mining Approach Dhea Indriyanti, Arian Dhini Enhancing Hospitality Sentiment Analysis Performance using SVM N-Grams Method Enrico Laoh, Isti Surjandari, Nadhila Idzni Prabaningtyas Users’ Opinions in Online Financial Community and Its Impact on the Market Zirao Li, Yu Qian, Hua Yuan A Word2vec Model for Sentiment Analysis of Weibo Bowen Shi, Jichang Zhao, Ke Xu

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 24: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 15:10-16:30 Chair: Yijie PENG (Peking University)

Efficient Sampling for Selecting Important Nodes in Random Network Yijie Peng Internet of Things in Manufacturing: Key Issues and Potential Applications Chen Yang Rate-Optimal Contextual Ranking and Selection Jianzhong Du, Siyang Gao, Chun-Hung Chen GREEN SIMULATION OPTIMIZATION USING LIKELIHOOD RATIO ESTIMATORS David Eckman, Ben Feng


16:40-18:00 Session 25: Theory and Principle of Service Sciences Chair: Limeng QIAO (Southwest University for Nationalities)

Happiness, Gain and Self-contentedness’s Relationship Exploration Xun Yao, Limeng Qiao A Service-oriented Production Structure for Supply Chain Modeling Li, Mahei Manhai; Peters, C., Leimeister, J.M. Application of EEG to Service Value Perception Meina Zhao,Ning Ding,Jing Wang;Gang Zhao


Room D: Teaching A, Room 318

Session 26: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 10:30-11:50 Chair: Jing DAI (The University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

The impact of green supply chain practices on environmental and project performance in Chinese construction industry Ying Li, Tao Sun, Ronggui Ding Corporate social responsibility and innovation: a comparative study of manufacturing and service firms Wang, Haidi Zhou, Qianqian Liu A staged performance model for service innovation Qian Yang, Qiang Wang, Xiande Zhao Exploring the influencing factors of sharing economy sustainability based on a two-mode social network analysis Li Cui, Ying Hou, Meihua Gao and Yixin Yang Towards a theory of aspirations in manufacturing Servitization: A national culture perspective W., Wang, Y., Shou, M., Kang, & Y., Park

11:50-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court)

Session 27: Management of healthcare services 13:30-14:50 Chair: Li XIN (SHENZHEN University)

A Hybrid FRFS-CSRF Model for Surgical Site Infection Prediction Xiaoli Hou, Qiang Su A MILP model of scheduling physical therapies with coupled operations in a basic setting rehabilitation center Li Xini; Jin Wang; Yanchun Pan Study on the risk spillover effect of Internet financial products Lulu Tan and Qingguo Tang Research on Doctor-Patient Relationship Based on Evolutionary Game Theory Miao Chen, Qiang Su

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 28: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 15:10-16:30 Chair: Yongjian LI ( Nankai University)


Optimal option procurement strategy for a loss-averse manufacturer under supply disruption risk Kelei Xue, Jie Wei, Lipan Feng Optimization for Reverse Supply Chain with IERs and Competition Qiaolun Gu,Tiegang Gao Optimal Pricing Strategy and Economic Effect of Product Sharing Based on the Analysis of B2C Sharing Platform Xiaojiao Qiao, Dan Shi, Fangchao Xu Study on Supervision Mechanism of Financing Platform Based on Evolutionary Game Yingjing Wu; Yufan Wang

Room E: Teaching A, Room 301

Session 29: Service Marketing and Financial Management 10:30-11:50 Chair: Lianmin ZHANG (Nanjing University)

Economic Dissimilarity and Online Rating Behavior Dapeng Xu, Di Xu, Ping Xie, Rong Li An Empirical Study on the Effect of Relationship Benefit on Customer Stickiness in Online Shopping Hanyang Luo, Zhulin Sun, Yi Guo, Jiahui Wu Research on the Impact of Cross-border E-commerce Platform Quality on Customer Cross-buying Intention Hanyang Luo, Yingshi Liang, Zhongyang Wu,Zhenwei Liu,Bo Shu Content-enhanced Bayesian Personalized Ranking Xueqian Li, Liang Zhang, Guannan Liu, Junjie Wu An Empirical Study on Customer Repurchase Willingness of Fresh E-commerce Products Based on Customer Perceived Value Hanyang Luo, Xiaoting Zhang, Junjie Huang

11:50-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court)

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Session 30: Supply Chain Management for Service 15:10-16:30 Chair: Jingming PAN (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)


Dynamic evolution of supply chain fairness based on Stackelberg and Nash bargaining game model Yanhong Qin, Hong Le Risk Evaluation of Agricultural Product Supply Chain Based on BP Neural Network Xuefeng He , Xingzheng Ai , Yuewu Jing Being a provider or a reseller? The design of extended warranties for competing retailers Jianhua Ma, Xingzheng Ai, Yanchun Pan, Wen Yang, Chi Zhang

Room F: Teaching A, Room 316

Session 31: Service Information Technology and Decision Making 10:30-11:50 Chair: Yijie PENG (Peking University)

Building Closed-Form Formula For Real-Time Derivative Pricing and Greeks Calculation Using Offline Simulation Guangxin Jiang, L. Jeff Hong, Haihui Shen Estimating sensitivities of Copula using Monte Carlo Lei Lei, Yijie Peng, Michael C. Fu, Jian-Qiang Hu Development of Smart Digital Twin and Simulation Analytics via O²DES Framework Haobin Li Simulating Dynamic Average Value-at-Risk Kun Zhang, Guangwu Liu Optimal Cluster Designs for Morris Screening Method Wen Shi, Xi Chen

11:50-13:30 Lunch (Pandora Food Court)

14:50-15:10 Tea Break

Evening: Conference Banquet

Castle Hotel 深圳隐秀山居酒店 Please gather at Hall of the Admin Building at 18:30, shuttle bus will be provided. 18:30-20:30 报告结束后 18:30 左右于行政楼一楼大堂集合出发

Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards


2019 July 15th, Monday

Parallel Sessions

Room A: Teaching A, Room 313

Session 32: Service Marketing and Financial Management 9:00-10:20 Chair: Peng WU (Sichuan University)

Visual destination images in user-generated short videos: An exploratory study on Douyin Tian Shao; Rui Wang; Jin-Xing Hao Labor Efficiency Evaluation in Chinese Coal Enterprise:Using the Hybrid DEA Model with Undesirable Output Yiqing Wang, Youchang lv, Peng Wu Research on Performance evaluation of Software industry Guochao Wan, Ling Tang, Xin Xiong Understanding how parents affect children’s consumer socialization? An analysis based on grounded theory Dandan Li; Yushi Liu; Shiying Li The Relationship between Parents’ Autonomy Support, Children’s Basic Psychological Needs and Deceptive Consumption Behavior Huibing Guo, , Shiying Li

10:20-10:30 Tea Break

Session 33: Supply Chain Management for Service 10:30-11:50 Chair: Xiaolin XU (Nanjing University)

Bi-objective Optimization Model for Assembly Line Balancing with Worker Satisfaction Ming Liu, Xin Liu, Zhongzheng Liu Research on Retailer's Optimal Ordering Policy under Guaranteed Pick-up and Prepayment Financing Xiaoli Wu, Wentao Wang, Peng lan, Yongzhong Wu On Supply Chain Performance and Efficiency under Purchase Order Financing together with Reverse Factoring Financing Jinyan GAO, Jihong ZHANG, Xi CHEN, Xiaosong DING


Room B: Teaching A, Room 314

Session 34: Service Information Technology and Decision Making 9:00-10:20 Chair: Yan LIN (Dalian Maritime University)

Research on Semantic Aggregation of Shipping Digital Resources Based on Linked Data Jun Zhai, Yiduo Liang, Changfeng Yuan Common Agency Contract in Last-mile Logistics Xiang Chu A Comparative Study of Open Education Data between China and UK Zhenzhen Miao, Jun Zhai, Yan Lin, Changfeng Yuan The Impact of Ride-hailing Services on Public Transportation Use: Analysis Based on Synthetic Control Method Jun Zhong, Yan Lin The Effect of Korean Beauty Product Characteristics on Brand Loyalty and Customer Repurchase Intention in Indonesia Anita SHALEHAH, Ivana Lidia Oktavia TRISNO, Massoud MOSLEHPOUR, Pei-Kuan LIN*

10:20-10:30 Tea Break

Session 35: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 10:30-11:50 Chair: ChenGuang LIU (Northwestern Polytechnical University)

How to nurture a service business ecosystem from the key-stakeholder perspective? A case of Shanghai EV charging Chun-yan Duan, Jian-xin You, Chao Lu Effects of stakeholder pressure, managerial perceptions, and internal resources on sustainable operations adoption Jinxia Jiao, ChenGuang Liu Managing industrial waste under Cournot competition and bargaining Weiyue Zhang, Lin li, ChenGuang Liu ABSTRACT_O2O pattern to create a unique interactive experience: Inquiry into Nike’s value-co- creation processes Li-Chung Chang


Room C: Teaching A, Room 317

Session 36: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies 9:00-10:20 Chair: Yingying DAI (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

Crowd Size and Crowdsourcing Performances in Online Ideation Contests Debora Bettiga; Lucio Lamberti Pricing strategy of dual channel retailers based on Hotelling model Xudong Lin; Qiuting He; Ting Bu Research on the Influence Mechanism of Gamification Elements on Users' Willingness to Continue Using in Interest-based Virtual Communities -- Based on Yuanyue Feng, ZhenWei Liu, Weijian Qian, Minli Guo, Jiali Chen The Impact of online word-of-mouth on Consumers' Purchase Intention in Social Commerce Guo Y., Lin P., Wang W., Zhang W., Han W.

10:20-10:30 Tea Break

Session 37: Service Marketing and Financial Management 10:30-11:50 Chair: Gen YU (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

Alternative Three Factor Model for Asset Pricing for the Investment, Market and Profitability Premium in Emerging Markets: An Evidence from Pakistan's Stock Exchange Qingyu Zhang, Zulkaif Saqib, Khubaib Saqib, Shahid Mahmood, Mei Cao The Impact of Terrorism on the Financial Performance of Pearl Continental Hotel Peshawar Qingyu Zhang, Sohail Ahmad, Yasin Muhammad, Wasim Ahmad, Muhammad Irfan, Zulkaif Saqib, Mei Cao Brand Equity and Consumer Purchase Intention of iPhone and HTC in Massoud MOSLEHPOUR, Wan-Ting CHIU, Pei-Kuan LIN*, Anita SHALEHAH The impact of gamification element on purchase intention Pianpian Yang; Yating Zhao; Ting Xu; Yuanyue Feng Corporate Cash Holdings-An Empirical Investigation in Listed Publishing Companies in China He Zhiyong


Room D: Teaching A, Room 318

Session 38: Service System Design, Operations, and Management 9:00-10:20 Chair: Nana WAN (Southwest University of Science and Technology)

Resilience of Metro Systems: Definition and A Measurement Model Yue Gao, Junwei Wang The value of bidirectional option contracts on the multi-period ordering with under inflation Nana Wan, Xiaozhi Wu Convex programming model for inverse scheduling with adjustable release times Ming Liu, Xuenan Yang Two-stage Stochastic Programming for Parallel Machine Multitasking to Minimize the Weighted Sum of Tardiness and Earliness Ming Liu, Rongfan Liu, Xin Liu Equilibrium of the ride-sourcing market considering labor supply Zhaojie Xue, Shuhui Zeng



Date Time Parallel Sessions Chair(s) Room

Session 1: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Lianmin ZHANG A

Session 4: Service System Design, Operations, and Jingming PAN B 13:30- Management

14:50 Session 7: Service Information Technology and Decision Yijie PENG C Making

Session 10: Data Analytics and Service Management Grace GENG D

Session 2: Specific Industrial Service Management Ning CHEN A 2019 15:10- Session 5: Supply Chain Management for Service Xiaolin XU B July 13th 16:30 Session 8: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Hongyan XU C

Sat. Session 11: Supply Chain Management for Service Lei XU D

Session 3: Supply Chain Management for Service Xianpei HONG A

Session 6: Theory and Principle of Service Sciences Youji Kohda B

16:40- Annisa Marlin Session 9: Data Analytics and Service Management C 18:00 Masbar Rus Session 12: Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies Jie LIU D

Session 13: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Yinlian ZENG E Session 14: Service Marketing and Financial Management Jingming PAN A

Session 18: Data Analytics and Service Management Grace GENG B

Session 22: Supply Chain Management for Service Weili XUE C 10:30- Session 26: Service System Design, Operations, and Jing DAI D 11:50 Management

2019 Session 29: Service Marketing and Financial Management Lianmin ZHANG E July Session 31: Service Information Technology and Decision Yijie PENG F 14th Making

Sun. Session 15: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Yifan DOU A

Session 19: Service System Design, Operations, and 13:30- Chenguang LIU B Management 14:50 Session 23: Data Analytics and Service Management Enrico Laoh C

Session 27: Management of healthcare services Li XIN D

15:10- Session 16: Service System Design, Operations, and Chunguang BAI A


16:30 Management

Session 20: Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies Yan LEI B

Session 24: Service System Design, Operations, and Yijie PENG C Management

Session 28: Service Marketing and Financial Management Yongjian LI D

Session 30: Supply Chain Management for Service Jingming PAN E

Session 17: Supply Chain Management for Service Weili XUE A 16:40- Session 21: Data Analytics and Service Management Enrico Laoh B 18:00 Session 25: Theory and Principle of Service Sciences Limeng QIAO C

Session 32: Service Marketing and Financial Management Peng WU A Session 34: Service Information Technology and Decision Yan LIN B 9:00- Making

2019 10:20 Session 36: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Yingying DAI C

July Session 38: Service System Design, Operations, and th Nana WAN D 15 Management

Mon. Session 33: Supply Chain Management for Service Xiaolin XU A 10:30- Session 35: Service System Design, Operations, and ChenGuang LIU B 11:50 Management Session 37: Service Marketing and Financial Management Gen YU C

Room A: Teaching A, Room 313 Room B: Teaching A, Room 314 Room C: Teaching A, Room 317 Room D: Teaching A, Room 318 Room E: Teaching A, Room 301 Room F: Teaching A, Room 316


General Information

WIFI Conference Secretariat’s Room

Free Wi-Fi on campus: W202, Admin Building, CUHKSZ Network: CUHK(SZ)-Free Please find our staff in W202 if you No password needed need any assistance.


Friday, July 12

101, East Wing, Registration 10:00-17:00 Admin Building

Saturday, July 13

Plenary Session

Registration W201 8:00 - 8:50 Opening Ceremony W201 8:50-9:10 Keynote Speech (Prof. Xiuli CHAO) W201 9:10-10:00 Group Photo & Tea Break W201 10:00-10:30 Keynote Speech (Prof. Albert Y.HA) W201 10:30-11:20 Keynote Speech (Prof. Ming HU) W201 11:20-12:10

Lunch Pandora Food Court 12:10 - 13:30

Parallel Sessions

Session 1: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Room 313, TA 13:30-14:50

Session 2: Specific Industrial Service Management Room 313, TA 15:10-16:30


Session 3: Supply Chain Management for Service Room 313, TA 16:40-18:00

Session 4: Service System Design, Operations, and Room 314, TA 13:30-14:50 Management

Session 5: Supply Chain Management for Service Room 314, TA 15:10-16:30

Session 6: Theory and Principle of Service Sciences Room 314, TA 16:40-18:00 Session 7: Service Information Technology and Decision Room 317, TA 13:30-14:50 Making Session 8: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Room 317, TA 15:10-16:30

Session 9: Data Analytics and Service Management Room 317, TA 16:40-18:00

Session 10: Data Analytics and Service Management Room 318, TA 13:30-14:50

Session 11: Supply Chain Management for Service Room 318, TA 15:10-16:30

Session 12: Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies Room 318, TA 16:40-18:00

Session 13: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Room 301, TA 16:40-18:00

F301, Welcome Dinner Shaw College, 18:30-20:30 CUHKSZ

Sunday, July 14

Plenary Session

Keynote Speech (Prof. Vinod Singhal) W201 9:00-9:50

Parallel Sessions

Session 14: Service Marketing and Financial Management Room 313, TA 10:30-11:50

Session 15: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Room 313, TA 13:30-14:50 Session 16: Service System Design, Operations, and Room 313, TA 15:10-16:30 Management Session 17: Supply Chain Management for Service Room 313, TA 16:40-18:00

Session 18: Data Analytics and Service Management Room 314, TA 10:30-11:50 Session 19: Service System Design, Operations, and Room 314, TA 13:30-14:50 Management Session 20: Service Empirical Studies and Case Studies Room 314, TA 15:10-16:30


Session 21: Data Analytics and Service Management Room 314, TA 16:40-18:00

Session 22: Supply Chain Management for Service Room 317, TA 10:30-11:50

Session 23: Data Analytics and Service Management Room 317, TA 13:30-14:50 Session 24: Service System Design, Operations, and Room317, TA 15:10-16:30 Management Session 25: Theory and Principle of Service Sciences Room317, TA 16:40-18:00 Session 26: Service System Design, Operations, and Room318, TA 10:30-11:50 Management Session 27: Management of healthcare services Room318, TA 13:30-14:50

Session 28: Service Marketing and Financial Management Room318, TA 15:10-16:30

Session 29: Service Marketing and Financial Management Room301, TA 10:30-11:50

Session 30: Supply Chain Management for Service Room301, TA 15:10-16:30 Session 31: Service Information Technology and Decision Room316, TA 10:30-11:50 Making

Conference Banquet Castle Hotel 18:30-20:30

Monday, July 15

Parallel Sessions

Session 32: Service Marketing and Financial Management Room313, TA 9:00-10:20

Session 33: Supply Chain Management for Service Room313, TA 10:30-11:50

Session 34: Service Information Technology and Decision Room 314, TA 9:00-10:20 Making Session 35: Service System Design, Operations, and Room314, TA 10:30-11:50 Management Session 36: Electronic Business New Models and Strategies Room317, TA 9:00-10:20 Session 37: Service Marketing and Financial Management Room317, TA 10:30-11:50

Session 38: Service System Design, Operations, and Room318, TA 9:00-10:20 Management



Conference: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 香港中文大学(深圳)

Address: No 2001 Longxiang Avenue, Longgang District, Shenzhen

深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道 2001 号

Campus Map:


1. Qi Building on Campus 校园内招待所-齐贤楼 Contact: Eva YE 0755-84273839

2. Aolin Hotel 奥林宾馆 Address: 深圳市龙岗区赛场路 1 号龙岗区体育中心(距离学校大约 1.4 公里) Contact: Reception 前台 0755- 28937666

3. Vienna International Hotel 维也纳国际酒店(深圳龙岗大运中心店)


Address: No.4028, Longxiang Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen 深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道 4028 号 (距离学校大约 1.6 公里) Contact: Mr. Ling 凌经理 13302313166

4. The Coli Hotel 中海凯骊酒店 Address: No. 168, Dayun Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen 深圳市龙岗区大运路体育新城 168 号 (距离学校大约 2.4 公里) Contact: Vincent Li 黎经理 18938879521


Public Transportation Guidance 公共交通指引 - Shenzhen Baoan International Airport 深圳宝安机场 Take the airport shuffle bus 330B to Universiade Station. Then take bus B852 to Institute of Information Technology Station and walk 30m east to CUHK(SZ). It will take about 1.5 hours in total. 乘坐机场大巴 330B 至“大运地铁站”,再转乘公交 B852 至“信息 学院”站下车,往东走 30 米就是香港中文大学(深圳), 需时约 1.5 小时。 - Shenzhen North Railway Station 深圳北站 Take Bus E7 to Institute of Information Technology Station. CUHK(SZ) is across the road. It will take about 1 hour in total. 乘坐公交车 E7 路至“信息学院”站下车,马路对面 就是香港中文大学(深圳),需时约 1 个小时。 - Taxi 出租车 It will take about 1.2 hours, 150RMB. 大约 1.2 小时,人民币 150 元左右。



Paper Related Matters: Shilu TONG, Yongbo XIAO [email protected]

Logistic Arrangements (registration, accommodation, meals, transportation, invoice, mailing, equipment): Eva YE, [email protected] /0755-84273839 Yihong TAN, [email protected] /0755-84219639