


“What a paradoxical miracle!” ” Today the Cross of the Lord comes out, and the faithful receive it with longing, and they obtain healings of soul and body and of every infirmity. Let us kiss it with joy and with fear: with fear, for we are unworthy because of sin; and with joy, because of the salvation, which Christ the Lord grants us, since He was nailed to the Cross, and He has great mercy.” Praises and Doxastikon of the Elevation of the Holy Cross Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, These words above, from the hymns that we sing at Orthros on the Feast of the Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross, reveal the miracle of God’s saving grace and the meaning of the “Symbol of Victory” that we see in the Cross of Christ. But, what a paradox it is, that we can look upon the Cross, the wood upon which Christ died for our sins, and see an object of veneration. We venerate the cross, not because of death, but because of life. We venerate it because it is "life-giving" and because His death on the Cross was both voluntary and victorious. suffered voluntarily for our sins. That was God's plan: "God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son." Jesus Himself tells Nicodemus: "so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life." The kontakion that we sing shows us His voluntary ascent upon the Cross: "Christ God, who freely let Yourself be raised upon the Cross." So we venerate the Cross because of the voluntary gift of redeeming love that God gives to us. We venerate the Cross because His death on the Cross was victorious. We cannot think of the Cross without thinking of the Resurrection. They cannot be separated. Christ conquered death by His own death. As we sing at Pascha: "By His death, He has trampled on death". He gives us the promise of eternal life through His Resurrection. We venerate the Cross by decorating it with symbols of life, not with symbols of death. We use candles to show us the light of the Resurrection and to remind us of the Trinity. We use live plants from the garden, flowers and sweet , to remind us that life begins and ends in a garden. We were created in a paradise, the Garden of Eden, that we gave up voluntarily, because we chose to sin. Christ comes to be among us as man and He agonizes in the Garden of Gethsemane for our sake. We use sweet basil, the symbol of His kingdom; the plant that identified the true Cross to St. Helen when she was searching for the holy relics in Jerusalem. The basil reminds us of our plea to God: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." So when we look upon the Cross, we are looking at our salvation and our protection. We look through the Cross and see His glorious Resurrection. In His service,

Fr. Peter 1


PHONE: (540) 362-3601 FAX: (540) 362-3638 www.holytrinityroanoke.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Rev. Presbyter Peter A. Day E-MAIL: [email protected] Rev. Deacon Macarius Ayres Ruby Ziogas, Church Administrator

2011 - 2012 PARISH COUNCIL Mr. Donald Butzer President Dr. Charles Tarasidis Vice President Mrs. Carrie Magoulas Secretary Dr. John Christodoulides Assistant Secretary Dr. Lampros Karageorge Treasurer Mr. Chris Stratton Assistant Treasurer

Board Members Mr. Chris Flegas Mr. Peter Simopoulos Dr. Maria Hatzios Mr. Robert Ziogas Mrs. Irene Karageorge

ORGANIZATIONS COMMITTEES Philoptochos President – Maria Kappas Adornment - Basil Grapsas Religious Ed. – Connie Zeidan Archives – Chris Stratton GOYA – Paul Flegas Education – Carrie Magoulas Chanters - Dr. Paul Dallas Festival – Pete Simopoulos Happy Hearts - Joanne & Vickie Stamus, & Finance – Dr. Bobby Karageorge & Amelia Tames Chris Stratton Dance Troupe – Maria Hatzios Grounds – Dr. Charles Tarasidis Book store - Don Rowland & Denise Stewart Planning – Bobby Ziogas Megdova President – Demos Tsiakos Projects - John Christodoulides Webmaster – Mark Bonds Stewardship – Landon Catron Ushering & Welcome – Irene Karageorge The deadline for notices to be placed in the bulletin is the 15th of each month. Please email them to Ruby Ziogas on or before this date. Thank you.



Sept. 1st Thu. Ecclesiastical New Year 8:00 AM Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, 1 Timothy 2: 1-7 Gospel, Luke: 4: 16-22 Ushers: Olympia Karageorge

Sept. 4th, Sun. 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Gospel, Matthew: 19:16-26 Ushers: *Pete Simopoulos, Maria Hatzios, Angela Flegas, Larry Owen

Sept. 8th, Thu.. Nativity of the Theotokos 8:00 AM Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, Philippians 2:5-11 Gospel, Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28 Usher: Joanne Stamus

Sept. 11th, Sun. 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, Galatians 6:11-18 Gospel, John 3:13-17 Ushers: *Irene Karageorge, Donald Butzer, Charlie Tarasidis, Chris Stratton

Sept. 14th, Wed. Elevation of the Holy Cross 8:00 AM Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, 1 Corinthians 1:18-24 Gospel, John 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30 Ushers: Olympia Karageorge

Sept. 18th, Sun. 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, Galatians 2:16-20 Gospel, Mark 8:34-38; 9:1 Ushers: * Carrie Magoulas, John Christodoulides

Sept. 25th, Sun. 9:00 AM Orthros 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, 2 Corinthians 4:6-15 Gospel, Luke 5:1-11 Ushers: * Bobby Ziogas, Irene Karageorge, Donald Butzer, Joseph

Sept. 26th, Mon. St. John the Theologian 8:00 AM Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Epistle, 1 John 4:12-19 Gospel, John 19:25-27; 21; 24-25 Ushers: Joanne Stamus


Happy Name Day! To all those celebrating their name day! &URQLD 3ROOD! 6H RVRX9 HFRXQ WKQ RQRµDVWLNK WRX9 HRUWK.



September 1, 2011

The Very Reverend and Reverend Clergy, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Esteemed Members of the Metropolitan Council, Esteemed Members of the Parish Councils, Philoptochos Societies, Faculty and Students of the Catechetical and Greek Afternoon Schools, Directors and Participants of all Youth Organizations, and all devout Orthodox Christians of the Greek Orthodox Communities of our Holy Metropolis of New Jersey

My Beloved in the Lord, I greet you in Christ the Lord and wish you all a Happy New Year! How strange those words sound in today’s society, at this point in our calendar year. Yet today my beloved, we celebrate the beginning of the Church calendar, our Orthodox Christian Ecclesiastical New Year. The term Indiction comes from the days of the Roman Empire and from the Emperors themselves. Historically, the Indiction addresses were prepared at the end of the harvests and beginning of the new season, as the people were in preparation for beginning again, waiting to sow seeds and nurture another harvest and journey throughout another year. These messages from the Emperors were designed to provide direction for the remainder of the year. The message is a ‘rudder’ to steer the people, so that they would adhere to the will of the Emperor. The Church uses this time as well to provide her direction to all peoples. This direction [the direction Christ our Lord gave to us] is given now so that at the beginning of the New Year we may ‘chart the proper course’, and so that we may ‘stay the course’ throughout the entire year. As the holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew tells us in his Gospel, in the beginning St. John the Baptist came first, preaching in the wilderness for the people to “Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3: 2) So the Indiction [the direction] is put forth first in the new ecclesiastical year, that we may embark upon the right and proper path, the Orthodox path. My beloved, that you may all know the wisdom and instructions Solomon speaks about, and which Christ Himself became incarnate to impart to us, I exhort you at the beginning of this New Year to not only remember the following, but to participate in the following: Pray before all actions, for in prayer we come into conversation with our Lord and the Saints receiving the grace of God Himself; be always repentant and recognize that we are fallen and sinful, for all sin and all fall short of the glory of God ”Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone ” (John 8: 7) In spite of our fallen human nature, we can take strength in Him, in whose image and likeness, we have been created. Mankind is called to live a Holy life, one in which we strive for the ideal, a life in Christ; the true life which we as the Crown of God’s Creation were meant to live. Be mindful and adhere to the fast seasons of the Church for these times provide for all of us, time to correct our course throughout the year. If we use these times for the correction, guidance, and direction they are intended to provide, then we will always return to the port of the Lord and be safe upon the seas of life. I leave you with these final words from the Kontakion of the Feast of Indiction, “You who created all things in Your infinite wisdom, and set the times by Your own authority, grant Your Christian people victories. Blessing our comings and goings throughout the year, guide our works according to Your divine will.” Praying that Christ our True God will illuminate your journey throughout this coming year, I remain,

With Paternal Love and Blessings,

† E V A N G E L O S Metropolitan of New Jersey

215 East Grove Street, Westfield, NJ, 07090-1656 • Tel: (908) 301-0500 • Fax: (908) 301-1397 ‡„ǣ™™™ǤŒǤ‰‘ƒ” ŠǤ‘”‰ȈǦƒ‹Žǣ‡–”‘’‘Ž‹•̷ŒǤ‰‘ƒ” ŠǤ‘”‰ 4

A Note from Fr. Dean +August 17, 2011+ Dear Members of Holy Trinity, I pray this letter finds you well and in good spirits as we just celebrated the Great Feast of the Falling Asleep of the Theotokos. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Philoptochos Ladies Society for hosting the beautiful Appreciation Dinner that was held in my honor. After the eight years of ministry that I spent in Roanoke, I am fortunate to be able to take with me many wonderful memories of the accomplishments that we achieved within our Parish life. I felt blessed to be able to work in the Name of our Lord with many dedicated members-- some who have fallen asleep, some who have moved away and with those who are still working for the Parish. As you know my mission within the Parish was to always do what was best for the entire Community— young and older. I am confident that it was accomplished. We must always remember that all the accomplishments became realities because of our cooperation. Again, please accept my heartfelt thanks for honoring me, Presvytera Carolyn, Christopher and Charles with the outstanding Dinner and filling the restaurant inside and out. I would also like to thank Tina Poulos, Voula Dallas and Katrina Butzer for making the arrangements and Chris and Irene Karageorge for offering the Veranda Bistro as the venue for our gathering. May our Lord continue to bless every member of Holy Trinity with all good things that come from above and with many more achievements in the years to come. In Christ’s Service, Rev. Protopresbyter Dean J. Nastos Parish Council News Dear Fellow Parishioners, It is hard to believe the summer is coming to a close. It is once again time to focus on the Festival and other Church Business. Council will begin the fall session on September 6th. Council will be electing a new council member to replace Larry Owen, build an agenda for the October General Assembly Meeting and discuss a plan to aggressively market the leasing of the restaurant property. As you recall I sent you a copy of the existing church bylaws and a copy of the proposed. Please provide me with any feedback you have prior to the October General Assembly Meeting. Adoption of the new bylaws will be on the October General Assembly Agenda. Providing feedback prior to the GA meeting will expedite the approval process.

Yours in Christ, Donald T. Butzer Parish Council President


Announcements Deaths Tkach, Mary, 99 of Pulaski, VA. Mary fell asleep in the Lord on Aug. 2, 2011. She is survived by her daughters Marianne Baillos, with whom she lived in Pulaski, VA, Evelyn Novins of Falls Church, VA, her brother, Andrew Bugosh of Colorado, and grandchildren and great- grandchildren. May her memory be eternal.

Remembering a Sister (excerpted from Cathedral News 53.8 (2011). Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral Newsletter, August, 2011. This column is dedicated to Patricia Roupas Sotos, highly respected and beloved for her lifetime service to others. She served as past President of Philoptochos (1984-1985 & 1991-1993), our Sister of the Year (1987), and Philoptochos Diocesan representative of Metropolis of New Jersey. She was a faithful steward in service to her family, to the church, and to our community. In his remarks at the funeral of Patricia Roupas Sotos, Father Nicholas stated that Pat’s imprint on this community is indelible; her influence can neither be replaced nor erased. “No one was quite like her and no one could be anything like her.” She stands in our memory as one of a kind, a sterling example of an Orthodox woman who devoted her life to loving others. Father talked about Pat’s gracious hospitality in her home surpassing all the lavish “bed and breakfast” establishments as she made all feel welcome and cared for. Her family, her many relatives and friends, her 17 God-children, the Philoptochos, the Daughters of Penelope , those who worked by her at the “sweet booth” at the Greek Festival, the choir, and all those whose beautiful weddings she meticulously coordinated are all the richer for having known Pat. Many have agreed that Pat's funeral was one of the most beautiful, emotionally heightened spiritual experiences. John McKay's voice resonated throughout the Sanctuary, the choir sounded like angels, and Father Nicholas's words were tender, spiritually uplifting, and loving. God had His Plan not to have Pat suffer here more when the joys of Paradise await her. May Pat and all of our dear departed Sisters rest in peace. President Carolyn Loupassi remarked, “Beginning my presidency, I was surrounded by my sisters in the front rows of the church. We were the honorary pallbearers for Pat Sotos’s funeral. This brought a realization of the poignant presence that Philoptochos has in the lives of our Cathedral families. I felt the emotions you were all feeling at the time; and, I understand the love we share together and the importance of our sisterhood.” Choir Choir rehearsal is every Monday evening at 6:00 PM in the choir loft. Please come join us and “raise your voice in hymns of praise.” We are currently working on Psalm 135, ̄·Αφ ̓΅ΕΌνΑΉ ̇νΗΔΓ΍Α΅ (Most Pure Maiden), and the hymns of the Liturgy.


Religious Education Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Once again we begin our spiritual journey with our children to enlighten their minds in our Orthodox Faith. I would like to thank you in advance for participating in this program and we cannot stress enough how important it is to come to church on time. Our children learn through example and we need to make an extra effort to come on time if for nothing than to teach them how important God is in our own lives.

At this time, we would like to welcome Stephanie DeMaurice and Wendy Larson- Harris to our Religious Education Staff permanently this year. They both stepped up midway last year and continued in Teddy‘s class. We are very lucky to have them. We also have Tina Poulos assisting me this year. Thank you Tina!!

The classes this year will be as follows: Melissa Webster: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade Wendy Larson-Harris: 3rd and 4th grade Stephanie DeMaurice & Dana Manos: 5th and 6th grade Carol Royal: 7th and 8th grade Fred Gianakouras: 9th thru 12th grade Connie Zeidan: Religious Education Director

Again this year, Deacon Macarius will be taking the children K-6th grade the first Sunday of the month for a special lesson; and Sub-deacon Gregory will be taking the 7th thru 12th graders for their special lesson on the third Sunday of each month.. We thank you gentlemen for doing this we know it will be great!

We are praying for a good year full of knowledge, love, and dedication by all.

If you have any input or questions regarding the 2011-2012 program please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to be as helpful as possible.

We will keep you updated as best we can!!

God Bless You All This Year!!

Connie Zeidan



Greek Orthodox Youth of America GOYA will hold elections of officers for the 2011-2012 year on September 25 after Liturgy. All interested young people in the seventh to the twelfth grade are invited to attend.

The GOYA Virginia Regional Fall Retreat is scheduled for Sept. 23-25, 2011, at the Silver Beach YMCA Camp: http://www.ymcashr.org/locations/conference OCF News

Blacksburg - The Virginia Tech. chapter of Orthodox Christian Fellowship held its first meeting of the school year. Plans were made for the "Gobbler Fest" happening Friday, Aug. 26, at which the OCF manned a booth to tell the college community about the Orthodox Christian Fellowship group.

Arrangements were made for ride sharing to church on Sundays.

The evening ended with a blessing for the start of the new school year.

Lexington - The Virginia Military Institute OCF students met with Stacy Vargas on Sunday, August 28, to plan this semester’s schedule. The Washington and Lee students begin their semester after Labor Day.

COFFEE HOUR INFORMATION FELLOWSHIP HOUR HOSTS FOR AUGUST Aug 14th – The Tarasidis Family in memory of their parents, Dr. George and Bessie Tarasidis Aug 28th – Mrs. Helen Aust in memory of her mother, Stella Pappas

We have most Sundays available for you to host a coffee hour. If you can sponsor the coffee hour, please call the Church Office for availability. Help is available through the Philoptochos members. Don’t hesitate to ask. To those who have hosted this year, we appreciate your hospitality.


Philoptochos News Annual Philoptochos Potluck Dinner

Thursday, September 29th 6:30pm Greek Orthodox Ladies’ In the church hall Philoptochos Society of Holy Trinity Church

All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. Bring a friend from inside or outside the parish, if you'd like. All are welcome. Fried and grilled chicken will be provided by Philoptochos. Last name A - M, please bring a side dish. Last name N - Z please bring a . No reservations necessary. If you have questions please call Katrina Butzer on 540- 384-6744. Hope to see you there.

Community Holiday Program Once again, Philoptochos will be sponsoring a Community Holiday Program. Mark your calendar for Sunday, November 20th at 4:00 PM. The choir from Kingdom Hall Church will present a Holiday Program. The performance is part of Kingdom Hall’s ministry in the Roanoke Valley.

Kroger Gift Cards Please, remember to refresh your Kroger Gift Cards from which a percentage of your shopping bill returns to the Holy Trinity Philoptochos. Thank you.

News! News! News! – Stocked Market Event –For the first time, Holy Trinity is included in this great event. We are excited for this opportunity. As a result, on September 4, 2011, following Coffee Hour, the Philoptochos Board will hold a short meeting to discuss ideas and plans for this event.


Happy Hearts News

HAPPY HEARTS OUTING LUNCH AT Hidden Valley Country Club 2500 Romar Road Salem, VA 24153



Lunch Menu Choices: Hot sandwiches served with French Fries, Sweet Fries, or Hot Potato Chips. Cold sandwiches served with Hot Potato Chips.

1. Roast Beef & White Cheddar- - Thinly sliced, slow Roasted Beef coupled with White Cheddar topped with & Mayonnaise on Grilled Sourdough $7. 2. Classic HVCC Club- - Turkey Breast, Corn Cob Ham, Applewoord Smoked Bacon, Swiss and Cheddar , Dijon , Mayonnaise, and Lettuce on your choice of bread $8. 3. Apple wood smoked Bacon Pepper Jack Cheese Burger $9. 4. Cranberry Chicken Salad - - Blend of spring Greens, Dried Cranberries, Pecans, Cucumbers, Balsamic Vinaigrette $9. For Reservations, please call:

Joanne Stamus at 562-2036 Amelia Tames at 366-4897 Vicki Stamus at 343-6105

To Say You Are Coming!!!

August Donations for Flowers for Icon Decorations

Holy Transfiguration Aug. 6 The Simopoulos Family Dormition of the Theotokos Aug. 15 Vickie Stamus

We thank those who donated towards our Flowers for Icon Decorations, and we ask that you contact the Church Office to make a donation towards decorations for future services. “Sanctify those who love the beauty of your house.”


2011 GREEK FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 16th, 17th and 18th

It’s hard to believe that the 6th Annual Roanoke Greek Festival will be here in less than 3 weeks!! There is a lot of excitement within our community who is awaiting our parish to once again host another festival. With this huge undertaking, there comes much preparation and many hands needed to get the job done. Please make sure you sign up in the Fellowship Hall for as much time as possible, and consider taking Friday, September 16th and Monday, September 19th off. These are very crucial days for our festival, and everyone’s help is needed. As we have expressed from the beginning of the festival, this event cannot be put on by a handful of people. This is a community event! The entire festival schedule is attached. We ask you to follow it closely, and come to the church and volunteer your time and talents. This is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill your commitment to your church. As you will notice in the Fellowship Hall, we have posters, car magnets, and yard signs that need to ALL be displayed within the community. Please put up posters and pass out flyers to all that you know. Make sure that the yard signs are put in authorized areas only. They will be taken down by the city if they are in violation. This advertising is an extremely important piece of our festival. Please help us and get the word out. Advertising spots such as billboards, bus ads, flyers and announcements in all publications have been secured. One of the easiest ways of letting your friends, family and colleagues know about the festival is through your email. Send them an email telling them about the festival. We ask that you make every effort to help us out these final weeks in getting the word out. Make sure to let everyone know there is FREE ADMISSION AND FREE ENTERTAINMENT for all three days. Please direct them to our website at www.roanokegreekfestival.com for a complete look at what we are offering these three days. Once again, WSLS will be promoting our festival through commercials. Enclosed you will find the Festival Guidelines, and Booth Guidelines that we all must adhere to. When you arrive to work your shift, please see your chairperson and receive instructions on what needs to be done. All booths will have guidelines, and we sincerely ask everyone to follow them and to work together with your fellow parishioners. Remember, we are representing our faith and our community. Everyone working a 6 hour shift at this year’s festival will receive a 50% discount on their food purchase along with free soft drinks and water (Pastries are not included). These 50% meals only apply to people working a 6 hour shift ONLY – NO ONE ELSE. I ask everyone to volunteer their time for a position and stay at their assigned positions. If there is anything you have questions with, do not hesitate to ask me. We are all trying to do the best job we possibly can. On behalf of the Festival Committee, I thank you in advance for your help and support in making this another successful festival. Sincerely,

Peter Simopoulos Chairman - 2011 Roanoke Greek Festival



1. Free Admission. All food items are sold a la carte (cafeteria style). No tickets are necessary for this festival. 2. Parking. We have contacted the surrounding gas stations, churches, banks and restaurants to make them aware of additional cars being parked in the surrounding areas. There is also free parking available along all of the feeder streets to our church. Please be considerate to our neighbors and DO NOT BLOCK THEIR DRIVEWAYS. 3. Meals. Any person volunteering 6 hours of work will receive a 50% discount on their meals along with free water and soft drinks. 50% meals will ONLY APPLY to persons actually working a full shift – NO ONE ELSE. Please be considerate of the festival’s policy. 4. Volunteers. Please arrive at your assigned work station at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your shift in order to familiarize yourself with the booth. Aprons and gloves will be available at each booth. Please wear them! We ask that you work your full shift, or sometimes you may be asked to volunteer at another station if we are short a person. Please work with us. We will have two buffet lines, but there may be times we just keep one open dependent on lunch and dinner schedules. Please be flexible. Introduce yourself to the persons working with you. Greet your customer with a smile, be friendly and patient. Say thank you. Remember that you are representing our faith and our community. 5. Health Inspection. We are now subject to unannounced inspections by the Virginia Department of Health. There should be absolutely NO SMOKING over the grills or in the kitchen. Let us be mindful of the image we are projecting and be aware that we are handling food and we must have a sanitary atmosphere. 6. Attire. Please wear appropriate dress attire to serve our customers and wear comfortable shoes. 7. Booths. We will have an Agora or “Marketplace” located in our Fellowship Hall which everyone will have the opportunity to purchase ethnic items. There will be vendors with jewelry, artwork and souvenirs. Holy Trinity will also have a booth in which Festival t-shirts, cookbooks and a Greek Market with Greek food will be sold. We will have a and booth. There will be two buffet lines where our guests can walk thru cafeteria style and choose many of their favorite food items and pay the cashier at the end of the line. There will be a Pastry Booth with a variety of pastries. Also, the famous loukoumades ( puffs), Greek coffee and frappe will be sold. We will have a lemonada, water and soft drinks booth. We will once again sell imported Greek and . 8. Raffle Tickets. Everyone should have received raffle tickets to sell to their friends, co-workers and family. Please consider buying the tickets given to you or selling them and more. Your choice of a trip for two to or $1,500 cash is the Grand Prize. Contact Eleni Asimakopoulos at 400-7466 or Bobby Karageorge at 819-1030 for more tickets. There will be a Raffle tent at the festival in which our visitors can purchase raffle tickets. All parishioners must return all tickets sold and money by Sunday, September 18th by 3:00 p.m.


9. Charities. As you know, a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Rescue Mission, Center in the Square and others along with the renovation to our church property. Many people have worked hard for this event, so please keep these benefits in the front of our minds and keep things in a positive attitude. 10. Tours. Fr. Peter will be offering church tours of our Orthodox Church. Guests will be asked to enter from the Huntington Blvd. entrance. The corridor through the office area will not be accessible. The doors from the courtyard entrance to the narthex will be locked. 11. Restrooms. There will be portable toilets on the grounds for use. If you see trash flying around, please pick it up! 12. Advertising. There are small inserts, flyers and posters for you to take and put anywhere you see fit. The billboards are up, city buses are advertising our festival, the Market Street banner will be displayed for the city-wide viewing and the Greek Festival pole banners and traversing banner across Williamson and 10th Street generously donated by the Williamson Road Area Business Association are up. Yard signs and car magnets are available and we ask that you return them after the Festival is over. As you know, WSLS is one of our main sponsors. GET THE WORD OUT! Tell everyone you know to visit us 1, 2 or 3 days. It will be a great party! Articles should be appearing in various publications. 13. Kids’ Zone. We will have an area for children to have fun and learn about the Greek culture, play games and have a good time. 14. Security. We will have security guards patrolling the grounds at all times (day and night). 15. Safety. Please be aware that extra power has been added to our property. There will be hot grills, hot grease and lots of hot pans to move around the premises. Keep safe and be aware of your surroundings. If you see something strange, contact one of the security guards on our grounds. 16. First Aid. Will be located at the Raffle tent outside. 17. Sponsors. Many people and businesses, through their donations, are helping make this Festival possible. Please support them.



FESTIVAL BOOTH GUIDELINES September 16, 17 and 18

1. Familiarize yourself with prices. Be prepared! 2. Eat at home before your shift. 3. Shifts will be for a 6 hour period. 4. Arrive at the booth 15 minutes prior to your scheduled shift to familiarize yourself with the routine and see what has been happening up to that time. If you are unsure of where to volunteer, see Fred or Beth Gianakouros or Pete Simopoulos. 5. Those serving food and pastries must wear serving gloves and must not handle money! Aprons will be available at each booth. 6. There will be a designated cashier and he/she will be the only person to take money. Watch your customer. Make sure the customer pays. If busy, take money and change gloves. We’ve got plenty of gloves!!!! 7. Keep serving area clean. Water and towels will be provided. 8. The chairman of each booth will keep their booth supplied. If you need anything, check with the chairman first! 9. Wear appropriate dress attire to serve our customers and wear comfortable shoes. Festival t- shirts will be available for purchase prior to and during the Festival. 10. Serve the customer first and limit social visits. 11. Be patient, understanding with all questions. Be pleasant and smile. Say THANK YOU! You are representing our faith and our community. 12. No free food or pastries! All food and pastries have to be accounted for. Everyone working a 6 hour shift at this year’s festival will receive a 50% discount on their food purchase along with free soft drinks and water (Pastries are not included). These 50% meals only apply to people working a 6 hour shift ONLY- NO ONE ELSE. 13. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Cash will be accepted. NO CHECKS or DISCOVER CARD WILL BE ACCEPTED! 14. If there are too many people inside the booth or if you get tired of the noise, please come back to the salad/pastry room and help us package for a few minutes and give our elderly women a break. You will return refreshed. 15. There will be no change given back on complimentary meal tickets. The meal ticket will include one souvlaki, green , rice and a drink. Please put these meal tickets in your cash drawer when the customer has received the meal and drink. We keep up with these totals.


SEPTEMBER FESTIVAL COOKING SCHEDULE and SET-UP/TEAR DOWN SCHEDULE Food Contact Item/Work Date and Time Person Needed Done • Tuesday, September 6 at 9:30 a.m. • Wednesday, September 7 at 9:30 a.m. Maria Apostolou • Thursday, September 8 at 9:30 a.m. (540) 366-4135 • Friday, September 9 at 9:30 a.m. (if needed) Packaging of Ruby Ziogas • Saturday, September 10 at 9:00 a.m. Pastries (540) 992-4953 • Sunday, September 11 after the Divine Liturgy (cutting of vegetables) • Monday, September 12 at 9:00 a.m. until 10 p.m. (drop by any time during the day or after work) Skewering of (cutting of meat & skewering of 9,500 Pete Simopoulos Shiskabobs shiskabobs (434) 851-6835 • Tuesday, September 13 at 9:00 a.m. until 10 p.m. if we do not finish all shiskabobs on Monday. (drop by any time during the day or after work) • Tuesday, September 13 (if we finished skewering on Monday) at 9:00 a.m. • Wednesday, September 14 at 10:00 a.m. (after Set-up church service) Pete Simopoulos Grounds (434) 851-6835 • Thursday, September 15 at 9:00 a.m. until completed! Stop by any time during the day or after work! MANY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! • Monday, September 19 at 9:00 a.m. until Pete Simopoulos Tear Down completed! MANY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! (434) 851-6835



A La Carte Menu (Buffet Lines) will include the following items: Appetizers & Entrees Price Pastichio $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Souvlaki (Tenderloin) $ 5.50 Souvlaki (Chicken) $ 5.50 (Green Beans) $ 1.00 Greek Rice $ 1.00 Dolmades (3 count) $ 1.50 $ 3.00 (3 oz.) $ 2.00 (3 oz.) $ 2.00 Galaktobouriko $ 2.50 Assorted Pastry Pack $10.00 (1 piece of Baklava, Kataifi, , Kourambie, Koulouraki and Ergolavi)

Gyro and Souvlaki Booth will include the following items: Gyro Wrap $6.50 Souvlaki Wrap (Chicken or Tenderloin) $6.50 Greek Fries $1.50 Gyro or Souvlaki Combo (includes the fries) $8.00 Greek Pastries Price Baklava $ 2.50 Ergolavi $ 1.50 Apricot filled Ergolavi $ 2.00 Galaktobouriko $ 2.50 Koulouria (dozen) $ 5.00 Loukoumades (6) $ 2.00 Loukoumades (10) $ 3.00 *Assorted Pastry Pack $10.00 (1 piece of Baklava, Kataifi, Melomakarono, Kourambie Koulouraki and Ergolavi)

Beverages Price Soft Drink with Souvenir Cup $ 3.00 Lemonada or Iced Tea $ 2.00 Bottled Water $ 2.00 Greek Coffee $ 2.00 Frappe (Iced Coffee) $ 3.00 Greek Beer $ 4.00 $ 4.00 Wine $13.00 (Bottle) $ 4.00 (Glass)


Drive-Thru Menu Only

1. Original classic Souvlaki with: Yahni (Green Beans), Pilaf (Herbed Rice), Tiropita (cheese pie), Spanakopita (spinach pie), Dolmades (grape leaves) $12.50 2. Moussaka with: Yahni (Green Beans), Pilaf (Herbed Rice), Tiropita (cheese pie), Spanakopita (spinach pie), Dolmades (grape leaves) $12.50 3. Pastichio with: Yahni (Green Beans), Pilaf (Herbed Rice), Tiropita (cheese pie), Spanakopita (spinach pie), Dolmades (grape leaves) $12.50 4. Original classic Chicken Souvlaki with: Yahni (Green Beans), Pilaf (Herbed Rice), Tiropita (cheese pie), Spanakopita (spinach pie), Dolmades (grape leaves) $12.50

Greek Salad $ 3.00 Baklava (4 count) $ 8.00 Assorted Pastry $10.00 Galaktobouriko (4 count) $ 8.00 Bottled water $ 2.00 Soda $ 1.50

Holy Trinity Stewards

Abernethy, Hal Dritselis, Mary Alibertis, Kostas Drougas, Dr. John & Olga Alibertis, Sandra Economy, Ann Amonette, Steven & Tracy Flegas, Angela Apistolas, James & Frances Flegas, Chris & Maria Apostolou, Greg & Maria Flegas, Connie Apostolou, Pauline Gianakouros, Fred & Beth Asimakopoulos, Eleni Gianopoulos, Soula Aust, James & Helen Grapsas, Basil Ayres, Deacon Macarius Habib, Dr. Roy & Dr. Mona Beckman, Peter & Paula Hatzios, Dr Maria Kriton Bonds, Daniel Havelos, Anna Bonds, Mark Kappas, Chris & Maria Bonds, Rebekah Karageorge, Chris & Irene Bournias, Trudy Karageorge, Dr. Lampros Bryant, Mark & Della Ann Karageorge, Olymbia Butzer, Donald & Katrina Karageorge, Pete & Alexandra Catron, Landon & Maria Karageorge, Pete & Sylvia Christodoulides, Dr John & Olga Karim, Halim & Odette Chryssikos, Virginia Karim, Naji & Michelle Cox, Stephanie Karkenny, Samuel & Amal Dallas, Dr. Paul Karmis, Dr. Michael & Vivian Dallas, Marigoula Lampros, Dr. Leo & Barbara Dallas, Voula Lampros, John Day, Fr. Peter & Presvytera Anthe Larson-Harris, Marwood & Dr Wendy DeMaurice, Andre & Stephanie Macheras, John & JoAnne


Magoulas, Kyriakos & Carrie Poulos, Deno &Tina Manos, Phil & Dana Poulos, James Mastilo, Rade & Nouka Psihogios, Pete & Dina Melki, Mounir & Nada Quesenberry, Thomas & Mary Mitchell, Linda Robertson, Anna Moysakis, Gus & Pam Rosson, Bertha Munger, Edna Roupas, Frank Munger, Nicholas Royal, Eric & Carol Nassif, Farid & Samira Rucker, Mary Nastos, Christopher Sigerich, Joseph Jr. & Lisa Nastos, Fr. Dean & Pres. Carolyn Simopoulos, Peter & Frances Necolau, Maria Smith, Subdeacon Gray & Wanda Neff, Tracy & Darlene Sotos, Patricia Owen, Larry & Danna Stamus, Joanne Padis, Catherine Stamus, Vickie Pappas, Marie Staykov, Dr. Ivaylo & Milena Pastrikos, Dr. Lazaros & McKinsey Stephens, Jim & Becky Perdue, Clinton & Susan Sielinski Stewart, James & Denise Peroulas, Delores Stratton, Chris & Elene Peroulas, George & Georgia Strautin, Lee Peroulas, Lampros Subotic, Vidosava Peroulas, Nina Surrey, Charles & Androniki Phillos, George & Lamprini Tames, Amelia Tampasis, Voula Tarasidis, Dr. Charles & Michelle Taylor, Florence Average Pledge Goal $166,000 Telionis, Dr. Demetri & Vasso $1,177.00 Thumas, Linda Tomaras, Gus & Pauline We thank ALL stewards for turning in Tomaras, Terry their 2011 Pledge Cards in support of Amount Pledged Topasna, Drs. Gregory& Daniela God’s work at Holy Trinity. to Date Through Tripodianos, Chis & Stacy Is your name not listed? Please fill out Tripodianos, Nick & Irene July 25th your 2011 Pledge Cards TODAY and mail Tsiakos, Demos & Vickie it to the Church or put it in the Sunday Varelos, Mike & Karolyn $136,535.00 Wall, Jeff Offering Tray. Webster, Barry & Melissa God Bless! White, Jack & Joanne Number of Williams, David & Julie Zeidan, Pierre & Connie Pledging 116 Ziogas, George & Maria Families Ziogas, Robert & Ruby


Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church SEPTEMBER 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday This Month: 12Fast Day 3 Sept. 6 Parish Council Meeting Ecclesiastical Sept. 16-18 Greek Festival Sept. 22 Happy Hearts Luncheon New Year Sept. 25 Religious Ed. Classes Begin - GOYA Officer Elections Orthros 8:00 AM Sept. 29 Philoptochos Potluck Dinner Liturgy 9:00 AM 45Labor Day 67Fast Day 89Fast Day 10 12th Sunday Church Office Nativity of the of Matthew Closed Theotokos Orthros 9:00 AM Orthros 8:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM Liturgy 9:00 AM 11 12 13 14 Fast Day 15 16 Fast Day 17 Sunday Before Elevation of the Festival Set up Greek Festival Greek Festival Holy Cross Holy Cross Orthros 9:00 AM Orthros 8:00 AM 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM Liturgy 10:00 AM Liturgy 9:00 AM 18 19 20 21 Fast Day 22 23 Fast Day 24 Sunday After Holy Cross

Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM Festival 12 noon - 10:00 PM 25 26 27 28 Fast Day 29 30 Fast Day 1st Sunday Falling Asleep of St. John of Luke the Theologian Orthros 9:00 AM Orthros 8:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM Liturgy 9:00 AM