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Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS IMPACTS OF LONG -T ERM CROSS -C ULTURAL MIGRATION BETWEEN EGYPT AND THE LEVANT Thomas Staubli university of fribourg, switzerland ABSTRACT An increase of cross-cultural learning as a consequence of increased travel and migration between Egypt and the Levant during the Iron Age occurred after millennia of migration in earlier times. The result was an Egyptian-Levantine koine, often not recognized as relevant by historians due to an uncritical reproduction of ancient myths of separation. However, the cultural exchange triggered by migration is attested in the language, in the iconography of the region, in the history of the alphabet, in literary motifs, in the characterization of central characters of the Hebrew Bible and, last but not least, in the rise of new religions, which integrated the experience of otherness in a new ethos. Egypt and the Levant: two areas that have countries. in reality, the relations between the eastern continually shaped societies and the advancement of Delta and the Levant were probably, for many centuries, civilization in both the past and the present.” more intense than the relations between the eastern delta “ —Anna-Latifa Mourad (2015, i) and Thebes. in other words, in order to deal seriously with the 1. I NTRODUCTION 1 Levant and northern Egypt as an area of intensive 1.1. T hE ChALLEngE : T hE EsTAbLishED usE of “E gypT ” AnD migration over many millennia and with a focus of the “C AnAAn ” As sEpArATE EnTiTiEs hinDErs ThE rECogniTion effects of this migration on culture, and especially religion, of ThE CrEoLizing EffECTs of MigrATion As highLy rELEvAnT the magic of the biblical Exodus paradigm and its for ThE hisTory of CuLTurEs AnD rELigions in ThE rEgion counterpart, the Egyptian expulsion paradigm, must be The impact of migration on religious development both in removed.
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