This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LPT.2015.2389840, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. X, NO. Y, OCTOBER Z, 2014 1

Photonic Crystal Microcavities in a Microelectronics 45 nm SOI CMOS Technology Christopher V. Poulton, Xiaoge Zeng, Mark T. Wade, Jeffrey M. Shainline, Jason S. Orcutt and Milosˇ A. Popovic´

Abstract—We demonstrate the first monolithically integrated art microelectronics, may impact the commercial viability of linear photonic crystal microcavities in an advanced silicon- electronic-photonic systems in a number of applications. on-insulator (SOI) complementary metal-oxide- We demonstrate efficient linear photonic crystal cavities in (CMOS) microelectronics process (IBM 45 nm 12SOI) with no in- foundry process modifications and a single post-processing step. a state-of-the-art microelectronics CMOS process – a silicon- The cavities were integrated into a standard microelectronics on-insulator (SOI) CMOS process – implemented design flow meeting process design rules, and fabricated alongside in the transistor device body layer. We demonstrate 1520 nm native to the process. We demonstrate both 1520 nm design devices with a loaded quality factor of 2,150 (92 and 1180 nm wavelength cavity designs using different cavity GHz bandwidth), and extract an intrinsic quality factor on the implementations due to design rule constraints. For the 1520 nm and 1180 nm designs, loaded quality factors of 2,000 and 4,000 are order of 100,000. Cavities with a 1180 nm resonant design measured, and intrinsic quality factors of 100,000 and 60,000 are wavelength with an extracted intrinsic quality factor on the extracted. We also demonstrate an evanescent coupling geometry order 60,000 are also presented. All cavities are excited via that decouples the cavity and waveguide-coupling design. evanescent coupling [8], enabling decoupled design of the Index Terms—Photonic crystals, electronic-photonic integra- microcavity and waveguide coupling [Fig. 1(a)]. tion, zero-change microelectronics CMOS.

II.ADVANCED CMOSDESIGN CONSIDERATIONS I.INTRODUCTION We employ the IBM 45 nm 12SOI process [9] to fabricate NERGY efficiency and bandwidth density requirements the devices. Recent work has demonstrated linear PhC cavities E in future CPU-to-memory interconnects have motivated in a bulk silicon (polycrystalline transistor-gate device layer) research into monolithic integration of photonics with micro- process [10], which is also promising for CMOS integration. electronics [1]. Recent design techniques have enabled pho- An advantage of an SOI CMOS process, in comparison to tonic devices to be manufactured within standard process de- bulk CMOS, is the low optical loss of the crystalline silicon sign kit (PDK) guidelines in advanced complementary metal- transistor body layer when used as the waveguiding layer. oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processes and to be fabricated The cross-section of the cavity within the 12SOI process is without requiring any in-foundry process modifications [2]– illustrated in Fig. 1(b) (exact layer thicknesses available in [4]. Thus, photonics is enabled in native microelectronics fab- IBM 12SOI Process Design Kit under NDA [9]), showing the rication processes, enabling photonics technology to leverage body silicon layer waveguide, and a nitride stressor layer above the advances in CMOS technology fabrication at essentially it (present in advanced-node processes to increase mobility no cost. Nanostructured devices such as photonic crystals in the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOS- (PhCs) require high resolution and low proximity effects, FET) channel region). The buried oxide is not thick enough which turned previous research in favor of electron beam to enable optical isolation between the waveguides and the lithography [5] over , but this approach is not silicon substrate. Thus, a post-processing XeF2 silicon etch viable for high-volume production. Modern microelectronics step is required to remove the silicon substrate. The substrate CMOS processes, such as the 45 nm process used in this work, removal can be performed locally [11] or globally [2], and support the resolution and process control to define PhCs and it was previously shown that the substrate removal does not provide a scalable solution for mass manufacturing. However, degrade transistor performance [3]. The experiments in this they are entirely optimized for electronic circuits with no pro- work utilized global substrate removal. A micrograph image vision for photonics. PhC microcavities are potential building of a PhC after substrate removal is shown in Fig. 2(c). blocks for efficient filtering, tuning, modulation, all-optical The primary challenges in design are the sub-90 nm thick- switching and nonlinear applications [6], [7]. Therefore, their ness of the body silicon layer that limits confinement, and direct integration into advanced CMOS, alongside state-of-the- process design rules including minimum feature size, enclosed area and notch width rules. Because of the thin body silicon Manuscript revised January 6, 2015. layer, the cavity waveguide width is large relative to that of C.V. Poulton, X. Zeng, J.M. Shainline, M.T. Wade and M.A. Popovic´ typical silicon designs [5] in order to maximize confinement are with the Department of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineer- [Fig. 1(c)], and the cavity is also longer to support a high ing, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA (e-mail: cvpoul- [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; intrinsic quality factor. Although the polysilicon gate layer [email protected]; [email protected]). could be utilized on top of the crystalline silicon body layer J.S. Orcutt is with the Research Laboratory of Electronics, Mas- to increase confinement [4], it is omitted here because its sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA (email: [email protected]). substantial optical loss would degrade the intrinsic quality Copyright (c) 2014 IEEE factor. In order to pass to the fabrication stage within a

1041-1135 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LPT.2015.2389840, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. X, NO. Y, OCTOBER Z, 2014 2

(a) Cavity B B’ (b) (a) Simulated Resonance Wavelength 1600 +10nm B’ SiO2 (PSG) 1580 B Nominal Si3N4 1560 -10nm 1540 Input D Output coupler coupler c-Si 1520

Wavelength [nm] 1500 1 2 3 4 5 Air SiO 2 (b) Simulated Intrinsic Q 500nm 106 i +10nm (c) D’ 105 Nominal λ = 1520nm 400nm -10nm 430nm 600nm 1µm 104

3 Quality Factor 10 1 2 3 4 5 258nm 320nm (c) Mode Number (d) 1mm Mode 1 D’ drop port 20µm drop port D 5µm D’ Mode 3 input through port

D 5µm Fig. 2. (a) Simulated resonance wavelengths of the 1520 nm cavity for the (e) nominal design and ±10 nm hole size design variants; (b) simulated intrinsic λ = 1180nm 400nm loss Qi’s; (c) optical micrographs of the 3×3 mm chip and of a fabricated 350nm 380nm 500nm device including grating coupler ports, waveguides and a cavity.

optical potential [12]. In contrast to analytic approximations 198nm 136nm typically used, we employed a synthesis procedure that relies (f) Mode 1 on a parameter map obtained from rigorous three-dimensional (3-D) numerical band-structure calculations. High-Frequency 5µm Structure Solver (HFSS) [13] was used for photonics simu- Mode 3 lations. First, it was used in eigensolver configuration with periodic longitudinal boundary conditions to compute the

5µm photonic band structure. This provided the mirror strength of the cavity unit cells at a target resonance wavelength as a Fig. 1. (a) Device geometry showing the photonic crystal cavity and evanes- function of a unit geometry parameter, such as the size cently coupled input and output waveguides; (b) waveguide cross-section in of the square holes or rectangular blocks. A cavity design the IBM 45 nm 12SOI CMOS process showing the fundamental transverse- electric (TE) mode (transverse-magnetic (TM) modes not supported); (c) (with a non-uniform cell distribution) was synthesized from the 1520 nm device design with (d) first and third longitudinal modes; (e) 1180 nm parameter maps. HFSS was used to find the fundamental and device design (unit cell difference due to design rules) with (e) first and (f) higher-order modes of the full cavity to verify the synthesis third longitudinal modes. procedure, and to analyze effects of fabrication variations. The synthesized 1520 nm design cavity has a single transverse standard microelectronics process, these structures must pass mode and multiple longitudinal modes [Fig. 1(d)], and the automatic design rule checks (DRC) provided for the process. simulated free spectral range (FSR) is 1.71 THz. Fig. 2(a) Unit cells with discretized circular holes are prone to violation shows the simulated resonant wavelength for each mode and of notch design rules. As a result, the 1520 nm resonant Fig. 2(b) shows the simulated intrinsic quality factors, Qi. cavities presented here use square holes in silicon as the unit The fundamental mode of the nominal design has a simulated cells to simplify layout and DRC conformance. The 12SOI Qi of 184,000 at 1521 nm. Qi decreases exponentially with process has a relatively large minimum enclosed area rule that mode number because the cavity length is fixed, the higher- places a strong constraint on the cavity design. Therefore, in order longitudinal modes occupy a larger portion of the cavity, cavities designed for 1180 nm wavelength, an alternative unit which results in scattering due to the finite extent of the cavity. cell design of isolated rectangles of body silicon was used. The cavity is excited via evanescent coupling from two side- Figures 1(a) and (e) show the layout for the 1520 nm and coupled waveguides, an input and a drop waveguide, in a 1180 nm designs, respectively. symmetric configuration [Fig. 2(c)]. In comparison to direct excitation from the waveguide in which the cavity is formed, such a coupling geometry has the advantage that the cavity de- III.CAVITY AND COUPLING DESIGN sign is independent of coupling design. The cavity-waveguide The cavities are synthesized to support Hermite-Gaussian gap is the only parameter changed when adjusting coupling, resonant modes, i.e. to approximate a truncated parabolic and no cavity redesign is needed. Assuming equal coupling

1041-1135 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LPT.2015.2389840, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. X, NO. Y, OCTOBER Z, 2014 3

(a) Fundamental Mode Spectra (-10nm Design) Through Port Response (3 Design Variants) (a) 0 −20 Through Port 6dB −4 +10nm −25

Measured −8 −30 Lossless Cavity Nominal ±0.5dB −12 −35 Transmission [dB] Drop Port −16 −40 Transmission [dB arb] −10nm 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 −20 Wavelength [nm] 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 (b) Wavelength [nm] External/Intrinsic Q Extraction (-10nm Design)

(b) 5 External Qe (exp’t) Thru and Drop Responses (-10nm Design) 10 Intrinsic Q (exp’t) −20 i Total Qt (exp’t) Through Port Intrinsic Q (design) −30 1 i 2 3 Drop Port 4 4 10 −40 5 2930 Quality factor 2190 2460 −50 3

Transmission [dB] 10 −60 2 3 1500 1520 1540 1560 1580 1 Mode Number Wavelength [nm] Fig. 4. (a) Fundamental mode of −10 nm design cavity along with an ideal Fig. 3. (a) Cavity through port responses (nominal and ±10 nm hole size), response; (b) measured total, external and intrinsic Q’s, and design intrinsic vertical lines show design resonances; (b) through and drop port responses Qi of the first three modes for the −10 nm design cavity. with longitudinal mode numbers labeled (−10 nm hole design). the device operates as a wavelength-selective four-way power from both side-coupled waveguides, we can define a single splitter. The bandwidth is 92 GHz (a Qt of 2,150). external quality factor that relates the intrinsic loss quality Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) can be used to extract the external factor and the total (loaded) quality factor. The coupled-mode quality factor, Qe, as well as the intrinsic quality factor, Qi, theory model relating these quality factors and the through of the cavity for each mode. The on-resonance transmission port transmission on resonance is [8]: and bandwidth in the through port response alone provide all 1 1 1 the coupling parameters. Transmission near −6 dB indicates = + (1) Qt Qi Qe that most power is coupled to ports and that the total quality  2 factor, Q , is dominated by Q due to external coupling to the Pthru 1 + 2Qe/Qi t e = (2) waveguides. Therefore, parameter extraction to find the Qi of Pin 2 + 2Qe/Qi the cavity is sensitive to errors – for this Qt, an extinction where Qe, Qi and Qt are the external, intrinsic and total larger than 5.3 dB ensures Qi > 25,000, and an extinction (loaded) quality factors, and, Pthru and Pin are the optical larger than 5.84 dB ensures a Qi > 100,000. Measured spectra powers in the through port and input port. In this configuration, give extinction of 5.94 dB when normalizing out the grating the ideal transmission on resonance is −6 dB (25%) to all four coupler response. We estimate an uncertainty of about 0.1 dB ports due to the symmetry of the standing-wave cavity system. due to Fabry-Perot oscillations, so Qi is on the order of 100,000. Fig. 4(b) shows the extracted Qe’s and Qi’s of the IV. MEASUREMENTSAND ANALYSIS −10 nm design cavity for the first three modes. Measurements were taken by aligning fibers to the grat- Another observation in this coupling geometry is that the ing couplers of the device. Fig. 3(a) shows the measured extracted Qe is higher for the second mode than for both through port responses of three 1520 nm design cavities – the first and third modes [Fig. 4(b)]. This is consistent with the nominal design and variants with ±10 nm square hole expected behavior. Even-numbered modes have a field null in side dimensions to account for process variability – and the the center of the cavity where the input and output waveguides simulated design resonances. Measured resonances are about are located, which suppresses the coupling. This means that 7 nm away from design, which is expected due to fabrication even modes have a higher Qe compared to the following odd variation in the device layer thickness. Lithography effects on longitudinal mode. This is directly measured by a larger Qt for the critical dimensions of the device could also contribute to the second mode in spectra in all cavity designs and confirmed the resonance shift. The fundamental through the 5th-order by HFSS simulations with a coupling bus included. longitudinal modes are seen in the transmission spectra. The We note that Qi exponentially drops with mode number and nominal design shows an FSR of about 1.52 THz, which is explain this as a tunneling to the guided nanobeam waveguide close to the design FSR of 1.71 THz. Fig. 3(b) shows the mode at the edges of the cavity. This is confirmed by infrared through and drop port spectra of the −10 nm cavity design (IR) images [Fig. 5] when each of the first three modes was and Fig. 4(a) shows a close-up view of the fundamental mode, excited on resonance. In all three cases, scattering is seen at which shows transmission near the ideal value of −6 dB, i.e. the terminated waveguide port as well as the through and drop

1041-1135 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LPT.2015.2389840, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. X, NO. Y, OCTOBER Z, 2014 4

Drop V. CONCLUSION We demonstrated the first linear photonic crystal micro- Mode 1 cavities in an advanced CMOS microelectronics process. Input Through With intrinsic quality factors of ∼100,000 and ∼60,000 for 1520 nm and 1180 nm designs, respectively, these cavities Drop offer potential solutions for both passive (e.g. filtering and Mode 2 power splitting) and active (e.g. modulation and detection) applications. Active designs are enabled by utilizing p-type Input Through and n-type implants that already exist in the process and are traditionally used for transistors. Silicon germanium (used for Drop transistor strain engineering) can be used to enable detector Mode 3 designs. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Input Through This work was supported by DARPA POEM program award Fig. 5. Top-view IR images of 1520 nm design cavity on resonance. Arrows HR0011-11-C-0100. point to scattering at the shunt waveguide (yellow) and on the edges of the REFERENCES cavity nanobeam (green). [1] C. Batten, A. Joshi, J. 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1041-1135 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.