Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of The

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Catalogue of Marathi and Gujarati Printed Books in the Library of The Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation : MhA/^.seor,. b^pK<*l OM«.^t«.lT?r>">-«-^ Boc.ic'i vAf. CATALOGUE OF MARATHI AND GUJARATI PRINTED BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY J. F. BLUMHARDT, TEACHBB OF BENBALI AT THE UNIVERSITY OP OXFORD, AND OF HINDUSTANI, HINDI AND BBNGACI rOR TH« IMPERIAL INSTITUTE, LONDON. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. •» SonKon B. QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly, "W.; A. ASHER & CO.; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TKUBNER & CO.; LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 1892. /3 5^i- LONDON ! FEINTED BY GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, VD., ST. JOHN'S HOUSE, CLKBKENWEIL BOAD, E.C. This Catalogue has been compiled by Mr. J. F. Blumhardt, formerly of tbe Bengal Uncovenanted Civil Service, in continuation of the series of Catalogues of books in North Indian vernacular languages in the British Museum Library, upon which Mr. Blumhardt has now been engaged for several years. It is believed to be the first Library Catalogue ever made of Marathi and Gujarati books. The principles on which it has been drawn up are fully explained in the Preface. R. GARNETT, keeper of pbinted books. Beitish Museum, Feb. 24, 1892. PEEFACE. The present Catalogue has been prepared on the same plan as that adopted in the compiler's " Catalogue of Bengali Printed Books." The same principles of orthography have been adhered to, i.e. pure Sanskrit words (' tatsamas ') are spelt according to the system of transliteration generally adopted in the preparation of Oriental Catalogues for the Library of the British Museum, whilst forms of Sanskrit words, modified on Prakrit principles (' tadbhavas'), are expressed as they are written and pronounced, but still subject to a definite and uniform method of transliteration. Analogous principles are appUed to words of Persian or Arabic origin. It is satisfactory to observe that Marathi authors themselves have recognized the necessity of adopting a systematic method of spelling their names. "Where an English title-page is given, the author has generally followed the regular Sanskrit form of spelling, except perhaps in the omission of a final unexpressed inherent ' a.' Marathi names are composed generally of the personal name, followed by the father's name, and by a name denoting lineage, profession, place of residence or of birth, which is generally regarded in the light of an English surname. Wherever the full name has not been given by the author, it has been supplied if possible, Gujarati authors are so extremely lax and irregular in spelling their names, even in the native character, that to adopt their own forms would inevitably result in endless confusion, and it is therefore necessary to follow a systematic and fixed principle of spelling for cataloguing purposes.* The same difficulty, though in a lesser degree, has presented itself in the case of Parsi names. A systematic orthography has been adopted, by which an attempt is made to represent, as far as possible, the original Pehlevi forms, but without unduly interfering with the established usage of the Parsis of Gujarat. Thus, for instance, both " Minuchehrjl " and " Mancherji," " Peshotan " and " Pestanji," are to be found amongst the names of Parsi authors in the Catalogue, in accordance with the forms adopted by the men themselves. For the spelling of Indian geographical names, the system adopted in the second edition of Hunter's " Gazetteer " has been followed. J. F. BLUMHAEDT. London, Feb. 18, 1892. * The following are one or two instances of such inconsistency out of many that might be given, "EanachlKHlahliaiU(layaram"aiid"KunchodebhaiOoderam ;" ^?ftf^^^, ^niV^rWI and ^«m1^<4; 5TOrV?nit, ^it^ift^'t ^TO^ HT and TTO^ HJ. KTjhvt^, ^r^^rt\ and ; ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. MABATHI CATALOGUE. Col. 20, line 8 to 10, Delete and substitute [Another copy of the work immediately following, but containing a revised edition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark.] 38, „ 12" [for 14140. f. 25. read 14080. d. 18. 105, „ 15 45, „ 16, for Christianity read Chemistry. 70, „ 31, /or 14139 c. 16. read 14139. c. 29. 85, „ 30, for Pt. ii. read Pt. i.-ix. Insert etc. after the date, delete pagination and note, and alter press-mark to 14139. f. 31. 93, „ 86 'for Patten read Patren. 166, „ 22,23)-' 95, „ 29, /or Vol. i. etc. read 11 vol., alter date to 1878-88, and delete note. 115, „ 18, for Vol. i. etc. read Vol. i. pt. 1, 2., delete note, and etc. after date. 141, „ 2b, for Pt. i. read 2 pt., and alter date to 1885-90. ADDENDA ET OOEEIGENDA. GUJARATI CATALOGUE. Col. 3, line 11 and 38, /or Kawusji read Kavasji. „ 4, „ 40, for MiNUCHiEji Kawusj! Shapurj! read MANCHERjf Kavasji. „ 9, „ 9, for NosHiEWANji Shaheitakji read Nasaevanji Sheheiyaeji. „ 16, „ 42, for Hormnzji read HormasjI. „ 16, „ 43, for Naurozji read Navaroji. „ 19, „ 6, for 22 read 17. „ 93, „ S9, for 1885, etc., read 1885-87, and delete 6. „ 93, „ 48, insert Vol. i-ii., alter date to 1888-89, and delete note. „ 102, „ 10, insert 3 vol., alter date to 1885-87, and delete note. „ 103, „ 5, insert Vol. i.-ii., and alter date to 1885-87. „ 133, „ 34, insert Vol. i. before the pagination. TABLE OF TEANSLITEKATION. NAGARI AND GUJARATI ALPHABETS. Nag. Guj. Nag. Guj. Nag. Guj. Nag. Guj. "sr =n a ^ i ka Z s tha ^ «H ba ^T =^L a ^ n kha z s da »? <n bha >T ma n 31 ga ^ ^ dha >i if ^ ^ ya 1} i; V U gka ^ ^ na ra * T ^ V na IT «n ta §1 ^ <H la I] [: ^ =H cha ^ §1 tha ^ H va ^ ri ^ ^ chha ? da > 51 Jll sa 5 e ^ «/ ja V ^ dha ^ ^ sha ai jha na ^ ?I^^ ^ «i ?T ^ sa ^> =nl T * na 1 pa H ? (^ ha ^^ =^1 au z ^ ta Vi ^ pha S5 <A la * Represented by the nasal symbol °. The Sanskrit signs ', : and * represented by m, h and n, respectively. PERSIAN, ARABIC AND HINDUSTANI ALPHABETS. t__> b •> d w* s w-r g 1 > r d 1/5 1 V p ? J ci;) t J 2 L t m r cL,i t r 1^ n J •• u r ^±) s b1 w, (v*) J r t J • z X h ^ j J s^ • ^ ch J zh b_9 f l^ 7 •• c K LT s k • kh sh Li k Peculiar to Hindustani only. When corresponding to the Sanskrit ^. Hamzah in the middle of a word '. CATALOGUE OF MAKATHI BOOKS AAEON SAMSON. See Ashtamkar (A. S.) JESOP. .^sop's Fables translated into Marathi by . Saddshiva Kdshinath Chhatre; corrected, re- ABHIMANYTT. ^ni ^«»pg f^m?. [Abhimanyn vised, and enlarged by Major T. Candy. Third vivaha. A poem on the marriage of Abhimanyu edition, pp. vi. viii. 310. Bombay, 1856. 8°. to Uttara, daughter of Raja Virata.] pp. 51, lith. 14139. g. 4. girt "M>«o [Bombay, 1848.] 12°. 14140. a. 1(3.) .^sop's Fables, selected from the third ADBHUTA CHAMATKARA. w^ ^HS.TT *!r?. [Ad- edition of the Marathi translation of Sadashiva bhuta chamatkara sangraha. A collection of Kdshindth Chhatre. Revised and enlarged by amusing tales and anecdotes.] Pt. I. pp. 80, Major T. Candy. Second edition, pp. ix. 95. lith. ^<^Wb [Bomfcay, 1878.] 12°. 14139. f. 13. Bombay, 1861. 12°. 14139. f. 7. Ad- ADDRESS. s?n 'TT^niitH iJ^t '^rr^ («im ^"Vv. ^sop's Fables, originally translated into dress to mothers. [Jya baykans lenkren ahet tyans Mardthi by Saddshiva Kashinath Chhatre. Revised Christian tract.] 25. [Bombai/,^ subodha. A pp. from the first edition [with illustrations.] (^FnT^lT 1841. 12°. JBfgnr W^'i.) pp. ix. 218. iii. Bombay, 1877. 8°. No. 34 of the American Mission Series. 14139. g. 13. 14137. a. 2(3.) AFRICAN GIRI. Story of an African girl, cast ADINATHA. "^t ^ q i'tltjl^cjW 'iT TJTtH: [Natha- out by her parents. sBTOT ^^TR^ g^rff ^^ ^XtV. lilamrita. A legendary poem in 28 chapters on [Kaphar desachi mulgi.] pp. 7. [Bombay? 1845 H] the lives and miracles of famous Natha saints.] 24°. 14137. a. 1(2.) 8°. 28 pt. f^% ittM [Bombay, 1885.] obi. 14140. c. 36. AHALYABA! TARKHADKAB. See Dadoba Pax- ptrRANQA Tarkhadkar. Hindu gentleman's re- .ffiSOP. Begin: U^-<H\ mfsT >t ^n^ c?'''^ "^ A mi^ '^mu [Balabodhamuktilvali. A translation flections respecting the works of Swedenborg . of ^sop's Fables into Marathi,' interspersed with Translated . from the original in English by Sanskrit verse, by Sakhkhana Pandita.] £F. 196. Ahly&bdi Tarkhadkar. [1881.] 12°. 14137. a. 10. ifirmt -VS^t [Tanjore, 1806.] 8°. 14139. g. 7. AITIHASIKA GOSHTi. $nr^;(ra; ifh-^ [Aitihasika Murat,hee translation of ^sop's Fables. goshti. Stories from Indian history, and informa- Kii-siniitha Chhatrc.] ^^innlfcr [By Sadasiva ^^. tion on various useful subjects.] Pt. 1 and 3. 3T^ 8°. pp. xiv. 357. lith. Bombay, 1837. 14139. g.3. ^nftrw, "MS-to [Thana, Nasik, 1877-80.] 12°. 8° Wantinff pt. 2. [Another edition.] pp. x. 355. 5^ <\ti'\ [Poena, 1841.] 8°. 14139. g. 9. 14139. f. 11(2) and e. 12. B — AIT—AMR ANA AITIHASIKA NATAKAMALA. ^fir^iftj^ -^TT^JiTcyT. ANANDARAVA CHAMPAJI. A dictionary, En- [Aitihasika natakamala. A series of historical glish, Marathi, Gujarati and Sanskrit ... by Anan- dramas.] Pt. I. wNm [Alibagh, 1880.] 8° dr4v Chapaji. Pt. 1, 2. [A.- Beet.] [Bombay, 14140. f. 11(1). 1885.] 4°. No more puhlished. wcq i, g AKHANDASRAMA. See Sahkara Achaeya. '^to ^ ^nm^^^ Tnt>T: [Laghuvakyavritti. With a ANANDARAVA RAMACHANDRA MANKAR. A Marathi commentary by A.] [1883.] 12°. manual of English sentences with Marathi equi- 14048. b. 15. valents. Pt. I. Bombay, 1885. 12°. 14140. g. 38. ALAND! The pilgrimage to Alandi. ^igg^'^^ [AlandTchl yatra. A description of the fes- ^rrar.
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