Activity of the Russian Federation on Space Debris Problems

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Activity of the Russian Federation on Space Debris Problems


Loginov S.(1), Yakovlev M.(1), Mikhailov M.(1), Gorlov A.(1), Feldstein V.(1), Oleynikov I.(1), Makarov Y.(2), Bulynin Y.(3), Trushlyakov V.(4) (1) Central Research Institute for Machine Building, Pionerskaya Str., 4, Korolev, Region, Russian Federation, Email: [email protected] (2)Federal Space Agency, Schepkina st., 42, Moscow, Russian Federation (3)-6&³,QIRUPDWLRQ6DWHOOLWH6\VWHPV´5HVKHWQHY&RPSDQ\=KHOH]QRJRUVN-2, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russian Federation, Email: [email protected] (4)Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russian Federation, Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Table 1. Russian Federation launches, 2012 Type of Type of Number of Type of Research of problems in the Russian Launcher Launches Federation is carried out in following aspects 1) observation, 2) modelling, 3) protection and 1 -2.1 : 1 High 4) mitigation. The Russian Federation is devoted to the elliptical orbit international efforts on space debris problem resolution 2 Soyuz-2.1 : Fregat 1 Circular and is already implementing practical steps on space NEO debris mitigation on a voluntary basis within its own 3 Soyuz-FG - 4 Circular national mechanisms taking into account the COPUOS NEO UN and IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. 4 Soyuz-U - 5 Circular NEO ARTICLE 5 Soyuz-ST-B Fregat- 1 Circular FL MEO The space activity of the world community conducts 6 Soyuz-ST-A Fregat- 1 Circular results in the growth of the near- space FL NEO with artificial fragments and as a consequence in the 7 Soyuz-FG Fregat 1 Circular space mission safety diminishing. NEO -M -M 10 GEO We have encountered many times with hazardous 8 situations when there was a risk of ISS collision with 9 Proton-D DF-2 1 GEO space debris fragments or a situation dangerous for the 10 - 1 GEO earth population and ground objects when large space 11 -3SL DF-SL 3 GEO objects enter the upper atmosphere subsequently Total: 29 impacting the ground. As a result in 2012 34 spacecrafts were orbit-inserted, Within several last years the Russian Federation is 22 of them is Russian, among them: 4 manned SC leader in launches of spacecrafts. In 2012 the Russian Soyuz-TMA, 4 cargo SC Progress-M, 2 SC Cosmos, 2 Federation launched 24 launch vehicles (~32%), taking SC Gonetc-M, etc. into account launches under programs Sea Launch and The activity of on space debris mitigation "Soyuz" in the Kuru" it's increase to 29 (more then is being carried out within the framework of 38 %) (Fig. 1, Tab. 1). conventional international documents. They are COPUOS UN and IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. The National Standard GOST R 52925- 2008 ³ items. General requirements for mitigation of near-HDUWKVSDFHGHEULVSRSXODWLRQ´LV the way of realisation of measures of space debris mitigation principles in the Russian Federation; it was put in force in 2009.

Figure 1. Dynamics of launches in and in other Annually analysis of implementation of requirements states and organizations of the UN Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines is carried out according to the Russian space- industry.

______Proc. ‘6th European Conference on Space Debris’ Darmstadt, Germany, 22–25 April 2013 (ESA SP-723, August 2013)

There are some main space debris mitigation actions Design documentation of development and performed on Russian launch vehicles, boosters and modification of space-rocket enterprises products in spacecrafts [1]: 2012 (SC Electro-M, -400, etc.) contains requirements on space debris mitigation. x releasing of pressure and fuel in fuel tanks of Proton and Soyuz stages; Collocation (keeping in close orbital position) of x possibility of destructions during mission spacecrafts is one of the main approaches in space operation is minimized on the DM-2 booster due debris mitigation in GEO region. Collocation of several to controlled initiation of cruise engine and GEO spacecrafts allows to excluding their destruction instruction issue on off-line breakdown switch in a result of mutual collisions. Collocation of three with remote control in case of contingency, and operational spacecrafts: Chinasat-32, MTSAT-1R and also due to presence of safety venting valves on Express-$0 LQ RUELWDO SRVLWLRQ ž“.ž is an fuel tanks and vessels; example of the successful decision of this problem. The x submersion in ocean of Fregat boosters after separate longitudinal zone from 139.9žWRžIURP injection of payloads on orbit; a general keeping zone was allocated to Chinasat-32, x there LVQ¶W VPDOO-size operating elements because operator of Chinasat- KDVQ¶W H[FKDQJHG remaining in the near-earth space after Briz-M orbital data at a collocation. The guard band at 0.žLV booster separation; releasing of residual fuel and established between longitudinal zones for prevention gas into the near-earth after of dangerous approaching of Chinasat-32 separation of additional fuel tank from the Briz-M with two other spacecrafts. MTSAT-1R and Express- booster; mission profile of Briz-M booster AM3 were in the zone 140.ž-140.ž simultaneously. contains two impulses for its disposal from There was carried out I-E collocation between them. operational orbit; Disposition of zones and spacecrafts is shown in Fig. 2. x termination of rotation of flywheels, The average minimum distance between MTSAT-1R gyroscopes and other mechanical devices, removal of and Express-AM3 since 2009 to 2012 was about 15 the residues of fuel under the big pressure and kilometers. Such strategy has demanded additional discharge of chemical sources of a current are provided expenses of fuel from operators of MTSAT-1R and on spacecraft -M for minimization of possibility Express-AM3, but it has allowed preventing collision of destructions caused by the energy residues after the of spacecrafts (Fig. 2). mission termination.

Division of longitudes with guard band x Express-:F3 and MTSAT carry out a collocation, using Beidou-1: ?-I method of division. Longitude deviation: rƒƒ? x The exchange of the standardized files is carried out for Possible scope: 139.87-ƒ?: rƒ check of conditions of collocation. x The guard zone (0.01) takes places between zone of Express-AM3 + MTSAT: Beidou1 and (Express-:F3+MTSAT). 6KLIWRQDORQJLWXGHƒƒ x Beidou-1 data is available, when the Chinese spacecraft Possible scope:140.02-ƒ? (r ƒIURPWKH approach close to zone border. zone centre) Figure 2. Disposition of keeping zones of Chinasat-32, MTSAT-1R and Express-AM3 on a longitude

The scheme of interaction of operators at pair Thus, the program of Express-:3 disposal included launch spacecrafts Yamal-300K and -5B, in following actions (Fig. 3): November, 2012 is another example of prevention of 1) decrease of an orbit altitude within 1 day in order accidental collisions in GEO region. to provide spacecraft shift to the East; Data exchange was carried out during preparation for 2) passive drift of spacecraft on the East within 50 launch and at the initial phase of mission for days to a point with a (36- žHDVWORQJLWXGHž coordination of actions with other spacecraft operators per day; with whom probably dangerous approach. Cooperation 3) increase of an orbit altitude within 6 days for included following works: disposal of spacecraft on altitude above GEO approximately on 380-400 km. Rate of spacecraft 1) 20-30 days prior to launch, a communication GLVSODFHPHQWRQWKH:HVWKDVPDGHQHDUE\žSHU establishment on e-mail with spacecraft operators; day. 2) 10 days prior to launch, informing of spacecraft 4) the satellite visibility from ground station after de- operators on prospective date of launch and orbiting maneuver cut-off was 9-10 days. Rate of nominal parameters of spacecraft orbit at the spacecraft displacement on the West has made moment of separation; QHDUE\žSHUday. 3) 2-5 days prior to launch, inquiry at spacecraft operators of parameters of an orbit of their Possibility of disposal of Russian GEO spacecrafts spacecrafts in the first days of spacecraft mission being on the western border of a visibility range of the taking into account prospective corrections in Russian stations of tracking to is shown these dates; on example of disposal of Express-:3. 4) after start, an operative exchange with spacecraft operators in actual orbit parameters of again

launched spacecraft and plans of corrections. 500 Data exchange was carried out during preparation for 450 launch and during 5 days after launch with other 400 spacecraft operators, they are: 350 300

m 250 x -702 (int. ‹ 94034A), spacecraft k


o 200 operator - Intelsat; s g

H 150

x INSAT-3E (int. ‹ 03043E), spacecraft -

H 100 operator - ISRO Satellite Centre; x GSAT-8 (int. ‹ 11016B), spacecraft operator 50 - ISRO Satellite Centre; 0 -40 -30 -20 -10-50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x BONUM-1 (int. ‹ 98068A), spacecraft -100 operator - Russian Satellite Communications -150 Company. Longitude, W

Disposal of spacecraft Express-A3 that has been Figure 3. Scheme of Express-:3 disposal carried out in June - August, 2009 is example of successful disposal of GEO spacecraft. Longitude Researches on realization of disposal from near Earth operational position of Express-$ ZDV ž : space protected regions of large-sized fragments of longitude on the west bound of Russian ground station space debris utilizing unused power resources of visibility. Spacecraft was out of a visibility range of the launch vehicle upper stages, that consist in the liquid Russian stations of tracking already during carrying out rests of propellant and in the rests of gas of of disposal maneuver in case of application of the pressurization, are carried out in Russia. [2] scheme of direct disposal of spacecraft from an orbit on Russian researches are carried out on developing of ion necessary altitude. That did not allow performing beam system for de-orbiting large-size space debris termination operations with the spacecraft. Therefore at fragments. first the orbit altitude has been reduced, the spacecraft has made drift in east direction, after that the altitude Improvement of parameters of GEO space debris increase has begun. Such sequence of operations population is important aspect of space debris activity. guaranteed finding of Express-A3 in a zone of With that end in view Keldysh Institute of Applied visibility of the Russian space communication center Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences) during necessary time after the termination of disposal organized the international cooperation of observers - maneuver. International Scientific Optical Network (ISON). Utilization of this cooperation has allowed providing registration of objects on all extent of a geostationary

orbit. Currently ISON is the largest network in the Calculations of ability against impact on protective world for supervising a area. There screen of existing and perspective developed modules was another stage of modernization of this network in of ISS Russian segment, the spacecrafts Progress-M 2012. Two more countries have joined project ISON: and Soyuz-TMA are carried out taking into account Mexico and Mongolia. Three new observatories have increase of space debris population of the ISS orbit. opened: in Kosala (Mexico), in Kislovodsk (the North The unified protective screen is developed. Efficiency Caucasus, Russia) and in Hyraltogot (Mongolia). 11 of this protective screen is investigated on using for new telescopes have started up. Development of all protection of the Small research module Rassvet which five ISON subsystems proceeds: the review of GEO is the part of Russian ISS segment since 2010. Results area, monitoring of bright objects, monitoring of faint of testing of such protective screen are resulted in fragments, monitoring of higheleptical objects, an Fig. 4. searching subsystem of the approaching with We can see, that the exterior screen of assemblage was the Earth. One , one approaching with punched out by a , intermediate screen of the Earth and about 100 asteroids of the main belt were assemblage was punched out by the cloud of splinters detected by using facilities of this searching subsystem. of the particle and the obverse screen. As a result the The Russian experts continue to improve protection SURWHFWHG ZDOO ZDVQ¶W SXQFKHG RXW WKH GHQW IURP methods and facilities of spacecrafts from influence of influence of splinters of the particle and the obverse of space debris and . screen was formed only.

The unified protective design of the small research module "Rassvet" which is the part of Russian ISS segment (results of experiment)

The exterior screen of The intermediate screen - is The protected wall- is not punched out. A assemblage - is punched punched out by a cloud of dent from influence of a cloud of splinters out by a particle splinters of the particle and of the particle and the obverse screen the obverse screen

Figure 4. Results of testing of the unified screen protective design for protection of small research module Rassvet of Russian ISS segment. - $OSHOOHWRIPPLQGLDPHWHUYHORFLW\aNPVLPSDFWDQJOHƒ

Activity on strengthening of protection of the Russian Mutual collisions of not catalogued objects are the ISS segment from impact of high-speed particles of basic source of formation of small fragments of space space debris and proceed in Russia. In 2012 debris. The contribution of this source to formation of five additional protective screens has been installed on fragments of space debris in the size range from 1mm small diameter working compartment of service to 1cm exceeds 10 times the contribution of mutual module Zvezda. collisions of catalogued space objects (space objects bigger than 20cm). [2] Activity on modeling of space debris population proceeds in Russia. The technique of modeling of Results of researches are implemented in the new altitude distribution of fragments of spacecrafts version of the Russian space debris model SDPA destruction as a result of explosions and collisions is (Space Debris Prediction and Analysis) as software developed with use of experimental data about program. The program allows to predict anthropogenic collision between Cosmos-2251 and Iridium-33. conditions in near Earth space with the account of

mutual collisions of space debris fragments with the The prediction of hazardous approaching of spacecrafts size more than 1cm. The prediction of the space debris (from the list of "protected" SC) with space debris environment, based on new version of SDPA, shown fragments is carried out every day. Results of that avalanche process of self-reproduction of space prediction are sent to spacecrafts operators and to the debris, so-called "Kessler ", already starts. Central information office of ROSCOSMOS. Qualitative increase of level of operative monitoring of Besides, every day activity is carried out to detection of anthropogenic conditions and the prediction of "risk" objects falling, to control and to track of them, to dangerous situations in near Earth space is one of the predict time and falling area. basic directions of maintenance of safety of space *** activity. Thus, research of space debris problems in the Russian Creation and development of The Russian Hazard Federation is carried out in following aspects: Alarm System (ASPOS) is proceeded in the Russian 1) observation, 2) modeling, 3) protection and Federation. The main developer of ASPOS is MCC 4) mitigation. The Russian Federation is devoted to the (Central research institute for machinery building - international efforts on space debris problem resolution TsNIImash). Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics and is already implementing practical steps on space (Russian Academy of Sciences) and IZMIRAN and debris mitigation on a voluntary basis within its own other enterprises also take part in this system. national mechanisms taking into account the COPUOS In 2012 ASPOS provided collection and analysis of the UN and IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. information about space objects, analysis, ballistic support of dangerous situations in near Earth space, etc.

References: 1. Kh\f_s_gghklv b ijh[e_fu h[_ki_q_gby ^ebl_evguo kjhdh\ wdkiemZlZpbb i_jki_dlb\guo dhkfbq_kdbo ZiiZjZlh\ \ mkeh\byo \ha^_ckl\by nZdlhjh\ dhkfbq_kdh]h ijhkljZgkl\ZGh\u_gZmdh_fdb_l_ogheh]bb\ l_ogbd_Wgpbdehi_^byl± Fhkd\Z 2. M.Yakzovlev, : Nazarenko, S.Loginov, V.Trushlyakov, V.Kudentsov - Prediction of near- earth space debris population and future space object disposal measures, 62nd International Astronautical Congress Cape Town, South Africa, 2011.

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