

ED 181 001 SP 015 415

AUTHOR . 'Van 'Huss, Wayne D.: Heusner, Williaa W.

. TITLE. . Space Fli.ght Research Relevant to Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, With Particular Reference.. to 's Life Experiments. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, -j Recreation' and DanceJAAHPERD)-.: National Aeronautics

....2! j, and Space Aclpinistrat ion.. Wash;pcitu4 D.C..,- _,,,,,A4...., , , , PUB DATE ' Jun 79 . . ' 1 NOTE, 5y.

AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing .

. Office, Washington,'D.C. 20402 (St-cick-No. , 033-000-00778-7, $2.501 ,

A, 1 . EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus hostage. PC Not Available fromAgES. DESCRIPTORS Aerospace technolo y: Heart Rate; *Human Body; Human Posture:. Mtscula Strength: Physical ActivItyleyel; *Physical Envir tment: *Physical Fitness; *Scientific . Research:. *S..pace .

IDEUTIFIERS : *Skylab: *Space Biology: .

Weightlessness '

ABSTRACT &An ovefview of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NAST) studies dealing with the effect of extended space flight on the human.body is presented. The results of' ex,periments'investigatipg"Weight loss, pgsture change, sleep habits, limb size, and motor skins are oome of the topics discdssed. Bibliographies, source lists, charts, and tables are given to supplement the text.A glcssary'of terms is included. (LH)


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'I - . , vr..iestomm* Space ROM Rearch Relevant to Hegel Physical Educati 4 and Recreation


PWith Particular Refer to Skylab's Life Scien,,, Experiments



A4 A project of the Ambricari kilance for Health, Physical 'Education, Recreation, anit,,Dahce,with the support and TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATIONCENTER (ERIC)." 'assistance of the National Aeronautic§ and Space 5 Administration'.

kr) National Aeronautl,ps and SRace Administration, Washington, D.C. 20516, June 1979


N , , 31, Por snIo by Om Huperilltendont alloeinnonts, H. (loyernInolt PINTINIK Oillvo WnsbIng4no, !MHO kiwi< Nuothar411-000.01177K-7/Catalog NunibOr NAH I.Itb148 Preface

1n the following pages Dr. !Wayne D. Van Hu Raymond A. Clue*, the Alliance's Associate and Dr. Willtam W. Heusner, Professors of Phy Executive Director, who had responsibility for ical Education; Michidan State University,a d thisproject, and Professors Van Huss and active researchers in MSU's igluman Energye- Heusne!, the authors, INIA'S')I alsolapprestates-, search L'aboratorSI, oil:Nide for the Professi nal the helpful guidance provided to the author0 by fields of health, physical education, andret ea- the Life Science staffs at NASA HeadquartVs tion an overview of. the NASA studies that deal and the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Oen- with the effects*.of space flight

searchers, and ;directors of resear , forIn- Special acknowledgement is made of thecon- structivnal staff members dealing wi physical tribution of Dr. William C. Schneider, NASA's fitness and measurement, and for state and Associate Administrator.for Space Tracking and local professional leadere in heal , physical Data Systems, whb, When Director of the Sky- education, and recreation, -thea thors have lab Program, gave the necessaryencourage- opened the doors to new fields study and ment and support to make, this.project possible. new clues to principles of pfiacticTheir work issupplernentedby use(ful liographies, sOurce lists, and charts and tablesi In line with its mandate, "to expand human knowledge of 'phenomena in the atmosphere and, space" and. "to disteminate information concerningtheseactivitsandtheresults thereof," NASA is pleased/to maIO this publica- tion available. It apprecia es the opportunity to work on this project with the le dership of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration American Aliiince for"H alth, Plhysical Educe- Washington, D.C. ion, Recreation, and D nce, particularlyDr. June 1979


iii lb Table of Contents'

Chapter 1 Introduction

Development of a Manned ,. ,1 Formation of a Viable Space Agenoy 1 People in Space .. 2 P References .3 . . 4 ,

Chapter II The Skylab Missions .. ._ 4 .., Mission Plans and Objectives 4 '' ' ''' ' I . , 4 Skytaty4perlr.nents -. `OD, Nr* 5 . 4t . Missidn Schedules ,,_ 1 .,.. --27,. 7, The Orbital Workshop -t -1E- Weighing in Zero Gravity 1 - t, 8 .,.. 1 Objectives of Life Science Experiments ,9 Skylab Medical Experiments Altitude Test (SMEAT) 10. Selected SMEAT Experiments and Conclusions ,, 12 ,kower Body Negative Pressure Measurement '13 Work Metabolism Measurement and Selected Results 14 Mineral Balanoe Measurement , ., 14 Mission I V f- ,. 16 References 16

4. Chapter III Selected Findings: Skylab Life Sciences Research i 18 , Crew Health ._lr 18 . Changes in Body Welght ,_ i19 I ,.. Anthropometric Changes 4 '19 Fluid Shifts and Blood Changes__ 21 Orthostatic Tolerance Difference 23 Hemodynamic Changes - -,.. 24 Changes in Work Tolerance . 25 Mineral and Nitrogen Balance Alterations 26 Exercise Regimens During Flight _i_ 28 Responses to the Exercise Regimens 28 I T 1 Time and Motion Stodies ,- .+ 29 Vestibular Function/rests ,29 Biochemical Alterations- . 30 ,,. References bo . . la. Chapter 'IV Significance to HealthPhysical Education, and Reoreation 32/. Space Program's Significance to Mankind. ______32 Significance to Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 35 Attitude Toward Change 35 Responsea to Multiple Stressors 35 Modelsl r Young People- V Ecology, and Land se . ..I37: , . .... Bioinstrurnentation , 38 . Research on the Effects of Exercise 39 Contributions to Our Body .of knowledge ,_ 39 'References t \ - -\ , ,, - 42 . "4.

Glossary _ _ _ _ 46

Recent NASA Special Publicationson Skylab 50

Index 51


, # Chapter I Introductiori

Interest in the development of rockets as po- ico, to work with the Ameri6ans. It Is ironic and tential vehjcles for space travel was evident as unfortunate that Dr. Goddard died that year. eirly as World War I. Dr.iRobert 3oddard of the United ,States tested the tirst liquid propellant rocket. in 1923 (ref. 1-1). pr. Hermann Oberth Development of a -in-Gerrnany published his doctoral thesia "Die. Manned Launch Vehicle Rokete ztideh Prarteten laumenn (-By Rocket to , Inteiplanetary Space) the same-year irefs:-1-72-, Durincithe period from 1950 to 1960, interest and 1-3). In Saiellites, long'-range bAllistic .missiles, and Dr. Goddard continutd his rocket develop- especially the placing.of man In orbit increased. ment with Guggenheim-Fund and Smithsonian It was an intensive period of investigation In 4, Institution support and then later became in- racket: development.tMany fuels were studied volved .inmilitary applications. Among God- in the search for greater reliability, higher ex- dard's aignificant developments were the im haustvelocities,lessweight,lighterthrust portant propellant pump for liquid rockets and chambers, and higher combustion pressures. the bazooka for army use (ref. 1-4),- A point of historical significance ,is that God-. pr.Oberth "Sb,fishedseveralpaperback dard founded the fieldoftiquidpropulsion books. 'They rEeived *so much attention that (refs. 1-1 and 1-4) and that tne V-2 served as he was recruited as the technical advisor for a the* model fOrsubsequentlargeliquid-fuel science fiction movie ih 1930. His real interest, rockets (ref.1-5). The Army Redstone rocket, however, was in thejesting of h'isiicleas with a used -for the initial suborbital flights of Alan Working model. During his brief movie career, Shepard and Virgil Grissom In 1961, was a di- he attempted to build such a model. A 17-year- rect,descendant of the V-2 and *as developed old volunteer helper who joined himin. this essentially by the Peenemunde team. The larger work, the late Dr. Wernher von Braun, was rockets from Atlas to V, used for the destined to become a giant In rocketry. missions, have been of the same basic Although a German rocket organization was type (refs.1-5,1-6, and 1-7). The history of formed, little money was available for research rocket development Is covered in references 1-1

and development. The model built by Oberth through 1-7. - andhiscolleagues was nevertested,but The early missions; necessarily, were chiefly Johan-nes Winkler did -build and test a liquid devotedto theengineeringdevelopments propellant rocket in Germany in 1931 (refs. 1-2, needed to get astronauts into space and back. 1-13,1-5, and 1-6). ONy,,when the military sig- With the development of the for the nificance of the rocket was recognized did re- Moon missions, in 1968-72, a reliable search funds beqome available. By 1937, the vehicle became available with sufficient power German Rocket Research CenteratPeene- topropel astronauts into space and bring them' Munde was built. The Peenemunde group de- back withouttundue risk. The'engineering goal veloped the V-2 missile utilizing the original for this geration of space vehicles had been Ideas of Goddard and Oberth! accomplied. When the Germans recognized that World War II' was lost, the Peenemunde scientists decided to surrendet to the Americans withlhe hope of Format on of a Viable Space Agency continuing' their work. Some 300 train-car loads of V-2 parts Were transported frOm Germany to Rocket development continued after World

ttie . Only days later, Ppenemunde War 11 primarily because of militarymissile was captured by She Soviets alopg with a conA priorities, including the construction of Inter- side'rable quaptityk of V-2 parts that hadeen continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) capable left behind (refs. 1-5 and 1-6). Irk1945, theer- of :delivering nuclear warheads. Although there man scientists .came to Saads, New M was great interest In peacetime applications of space tenolOgy, the 'chaKnels for adequfte vibration,,and altered atmdsphere gas concen- 11 support of research ariplevelopment did not tratkons (ref. 1-8). exist. When the Vviets ldunched theirfirst The early Soviet ( 1 and II) 'and 'U.S. artificialsatellite (Sputnik1)on October4, ( 1-4) missions, in 1961, dispelled many . 1957, the iMpact oh th4e Arnprican public was 'of the apprehensionconcerning space. They resounding. A Space Task Force of 35 experts showed that people were able to function effec-. was organized to put together a U. Space pro- tively during the acceleration periods of launch gram. In October 194 the National Aeronautics And entry, reasonable adaptations were, made and Space Administration (NASA) was formed, to , and assigned tasks could be It was modestly. funded for the task at hand, performed effectively during the mission. Al- and , began. though a state of nausea compaTiale to sea- The Soviets further electrified the world on sickneswas reportedbyritov in Vostokll, April 12, 1961, by the orbital flight of Yuri Ga- medical monitoring during these early flights garin in Vostok 1. The payload far exceeded showed that normal body functions were not

° our capabilities at the time. We were danger- significantly changed.. / ously behind, and the American public didn't The Gemini program in 1965-66, pkermitted like if. A mg/nth later, on May 25, 1961, Presi- physiologicaltestingof progressiyely longef dent Kennedy served notice that the United space flights up to and exceeding the duratikl States must catch up with the U.S.S.R.'s space required for a Moon mission. In the 14-day frigt achievements: In August of that year, he pre- of , medical studies were conduct d sented to Congress a program aimed at putting inflight as well as before and after. The Signifi- On the Moon before 1'970.3 The program cant :space-related changes found during the .yaOpprOvvil wholeheartedlya even though the Gemini program wereanoderate loasin red..1411. P;:esident'astrin'atedtheunT6haking would ,maSS, moderate orthostatic intolerance, Mod- ultimately cost billions of dollars. In retrospect, erate loss in work capacity, minimal loss in the Soviets had done us a service in that their density,miniinallossofcalcium and successes motivated our own scientific and ad- uscle nitrOgen, and fligh metabolic cost of ex- ministrative deyelopments. avehicular activity. (refs.-1-8, 1-9, and 1-10).. It NASA leadership mobilized industry, science, was demonstrated for these flight durations that and into .sa productive entity. The people could. satisfactorifyperformtheas- systems approach used in the solution of the signed ,mission tasks, humans could adapt to technOlogical problems of manned 'space flight the weightless environment, and could readapt serves as a viable model, for many areas of to the Earth env4onment upon return (ref. 1-11). applied research. The objetives of each stage In the subsequent Apollo missions, res.ources vf development were made clear.t What ap- during flight were concentrated on the complex pearedinitially'.tobe huge, insurmountable lunar-landing.program. Physiologi4cal data, problems were subdivided and systematically therefore, were collected chiefly before and solved or circumvented., after he flights. The significant space-related changes found during the ', in 1968-72, were vestibular disturbance; ibflight PeoPle in Space cardiac arrhythmia; reduced poVflight ortho- statictolerance; reducedpostflight exercise Weightlessness and the austere environment tolerance;postflight dehydration and weight of space opened a new field of investigation loss; suboptimal food consumption"daing flight; space biology. Human beings had never before docreased .red cell mass and plasma volumer attempted to live in zero gravity. The first ques- Wends towardnegativeinflightbalancesof. tion was simple: Couldindividualsexistin _nitrogen, calcium, and other electrolytes;in- space at all? Before anyone actually went "into creased inflight adrenal hormone secretion; and space, there was controvers'y concerning even no inflight diuresis (refs. 1-8, 1-11, 1-12, and 1.- the ability to swallow food in the weightless 13). The Apollo findings served to confirm the condition. Ample cause fdt concern existed be- earher GeMini data and, as would be expected,, cause manned space flight involves the simul- raised new questions. Although the responses taneous application of. Multiple environmentar of the astrorlauts to the space environment in stresses:weightlessness, 'IonizingFadiation,*. the:Apollo missions wero remarkably encour- temperature an'd humidity extwmes, aCcelera: .aginO, more \concentrated-study Of biomedical tion, .dircadian rhythm hoise nd r;esponses duringprolcinged space missions , C. 2

0 still. was needed to determine llow long a per- 1-8. Hull, W. life Sciences Directorate, NASA, - son could remain in space. The stage was set . Personal communl- for OK) Skylab. missions. " wtIon. Berry, C. A. and A. D. Catterson.sPre-Gemini MedicalPredictions Versus GeminiFlight ReferencesChapterl. Results. .aernini Surtimary Conference, NASA SP-138, 1967, p. 197. , ; EutwalZ, L., b. D. Whedon, P. A. LaChance, J. 1-1. Goddard, R. Rocket Development. Englewood Cliffs; N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1948. M. Reld and H. S. Lipscomb. Mineral, Elec- trolyte, and Nitrogen Balance Studies of the 1-2. Obefth, H. Man Into*.Space. New York: Har- Gemini VII Fourteen-Day.OrbItal Space Flight. . per & Row, Publisher§, Inc., 1957. J.Clin. Endocrin. and Metabl. *1140-56, 1-3. Walters,H.B. Herman Oberth: Father of 1969.. S-pace Travel. New York: Macmillan,Inc., ,1962. 1-11. Johnston,R.S.Skylab MedicalProgram 1-4. 'Goddard, E. C. and G. E. Pendray (eds). The Overyiew. Proc.kylab Life Sol. Syrnp, NASA TMX-58154, 1974,.pp. 1-3.' Papers of Robert Goddard. vols. 1, 11, and III, New York: McGraW-Hill Book Co., 1961. 1-12. Graybiel, A.E. A. Miller'and J.L. Homick, 1-5. Ordway, F.1. and W. von Braun. History of Experiment M-131, Human Vestibular Func- Rocketryand SpaceTravel.NewYork: tion.Proc. Skylab LifeSci. Symp., NASA ,Thomas Y.rowell Co. Inc.1969. 'TMX-58154, 19i4, p. 171. 1-6. Ley, W. and W. von Braun. The Exploration of 1-13. Johnston, R. S., L. F. Dietlin tind C. A. Berry . New York. The Viking Press, 1956. (eds.). Biomedical Results of Apollo,,NASA 1,-7. von Braun, W. Space Frontiers. New York:. SP-368, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing, Holt, Rinehart &Winston, 1967. Office, 1975, p. 592.


A P 4..

Chapter II o

The Skylab Miisions 4

The successful Apollo' Missions marked the later extended tIst 84 days. The objectives of the completion of the .firat phase in the expkkation missions were to (a) conduct Earth resources - Of space. Engineering sophistication was tide- observations, ,(b) advance scientific knowledge quate to place human beings on the Moon and of the Sun and,stars, (c) study the processing too return them safely. Astronauts had demon- ofmaterials under weightlessness, and(d) strated the ability to navigate in space. They better understand manned space flight capabil- had been 'shown that they could exist .in the ities and basic biomedidal processes (ref. 11-4). space environment for the time duration of the The study of 'Earth resources from orbit util- Apollomissions -withoutexcessivephysical ized remote-sensing techniques for the study losses. Further, they had demonstrated the abil- of oceanography, agrarian productii* Water ity to function in space as Sngineers sand re-: management-neW Oil and mineral ftelds, urban searcrl scientists. and rural growth, end pcology irefs. II-4 and from thebe'ginhings of the investigation of 11-5). The orbital paths of Skylab made possible space, a broad program of research and appli- surveycoverage, oftheentirecontiguous cation using unmanned satellites and probes United States and more than 75 percent of the had.been continuing. Many significant contribu- Earth's surface. Each ofIts 93-minute orbits tions to human well-being.on garth, such as the %%as repeated every 5 days. Photographic, in- development of communication and weather frared, and*microwave equipment provided pic- 'satellites, had.already been made. A plethora tures and measurements of the terrain beneath of new research areas had developed, however,. the craft for study -by experts. Collaborating in requiring investigation or at least confirmation these studies were 140 scientific tearnS from the of data collected: (For more details, see refs. United States and 20 foreigrt countries. (For ex- 11-1, 11-2, and 11-3.) "cellent, coverage and photographs of, some of The need was evident for a manned space the Earth resources data, see ref. 11-6.) station that could stay in space for a prolonged To advance, knoWledge of the Sun and the period of time. Longer missions were needed to starg, research was diescted toward understand- develop .further the utility of space flight as a ing the phenomena within and around the Sun means of expanding and enhancing the well- itself. Until the advent Of the space program, It being of mankind on Earth and of assessing the was possible to observe solar emissions,only at human potential for future space missions. In .Wavelengths that cOuld penetrfte- the Earth's the Apollo program, astronaut-carrying space- atenosphere. Solar research isof inestimable craft had been developed. Instruments for the importance since the Sun is the ultimate source observation of astronomical objects, solar-elec.-. of ell energy on Earth. It dbritrols our environ- hid power supplies, comniunicationkequipment, ment and, all terr striallife depencrs upon' It. computers, and systems had The Sun is len aophysical laboratory, close at been developed and used. Life-support systems hand, which cannot be reproduced on Earth. appeared adequate for prolonged space flight: The Sun...also is the etlearest star. Our under-. Finally, the engineering and technolOgical de- standing of stellar astronomy ledependent upon veloprnents .had.ettained sufficient sophistica- our understanding of the Sun.(ref. 11-5). (Sbme tion 'to achieYe the dream ot the ptoneers ot solAtr 'pictures are contained II ref..11,77). spade4-plac1n9 le manned space'statibn in orbit The" specialcondition ol .weightlessness (ref. 1174). ' makes it 'Possible to process Materials in op-

.erations thattare 'Impossible on'Earth. Potential Mission Plans and Objectives produdts range from' cOmposite metald with . r1 highly sOebialited physical properties to large, The plans .were for an Initial 28-day Skylab moretperfect, crystals having valuable electrical .misslon 'followed at 3-month intervals by twb 56- or. optical propertied that'cannot be achived in &fly missions..The third manned mission Was .0 lg environment (refs. 11-4,, and 11-5).

.8 4

44 e Objectiveof.Willett. anderstanding manned space flight oapabilitrileend basic bio- medical processes ifiaS quite Woad: it.inclUded- study of the capablljtiesi limitations; end useful-

: ness'of humans to live eind wqk In space effec-; tively as weir as Investigatiorl of fhp_biOlogical effeots of /a continped at*-- tit weightless- ness. .Priolt.tcf Skylab, :the jongest. missions :Had beatilletnini-7-fOr daya.,%60Sivi 9 for.1.8 days, and the ill-fated SOyui 11' foe 24 days In which the bosMöheuts died Oaring reet)tryc The,' qUestlon of hoW long human beings *douicf Vivo In a Weightless environment reqUiiietrfur- therinvestigation. The .medical ' experimentai were chosen to study the effects of long-dura-, tion space fRghts on the creW and tq .evaluate the metabolic effectiveness of d human In space

In order to.deterinint future logistics' requireL merits, environtnental pcintrol, and task planr Mg., 11-1. Skylab" launch configuration rhad tha fling. (See ref. 11-13 for details of the life science Saturn v. research) .Major areas of investigation were nuirition, muscUloskeletal function, cardiovas- the Apollo Kt" gram. qs'showo in figure 11-1 (ref. cularfunction,hematology,neurophysiology, 11-11), the large. Saturn- V launch vehicle was. pulmonarY function, and metaliolism (ref, 11-9): used with the first andsecond stages (S-r1C and S-11) providing the thrust neceSsary to.place the workshop in orbit. The third stage of. Saturn Skylab Experiments V (S-IvB), which-tiad been used as alaunch' vehicle in the Apollo program, was conyerted The experiments chosen for Skylab, 'after to the Saturn workshop, also called Orbital soliciting ideas .froth the scientific comMunity Workshop (OWS). On top of this was placed an and intensive screening and evaluation, are.. airlock module (AM), a muttiple doCking.adapter shown in table 11-1. The magnitude of the taski (Iy1DA)*, and. an 'Apollo JelesOope' Mount (ATM). of Skylab are evident from, the table. Likewise, The intended configuration' Of the Skylab cluster the breadth of competence *required of the as- is shoim In figure li-Z.Skylab was. pressurized tronauts to collect these data is impressive. to .5 lb/in2 with 1.7 113/014 from and the The Skylab workshop was planned .to.'meet fireniiiining 1.3 lb/In2 from nitrogen(ref.11-4). the unue needs dictated by the experimenta- The oxygen paflial pressure in this environment ,tion to be undertaken but, insofar as possible, was close toOat' found Elt sea level. The atmos-. incorporated hardware already developed for pheric environinent was comfortable.


n., ) a

'Table ll-4§k0ab experiments. Location ,Manned mission 1 2 3. Number Title on $kylab Solar studies .0WS' S026 Ultraviolet and X-ray solar photography ' ATM X S052 White-light coronagraph ATM' X S054 X-ray spectrographic telescope ATM X S055 . UV scanning polychromator Apectrohellometerr,.. ATM X S056 X-ray telescope .; gym x,lor ,44) Itti82A Extreme UV epectroheliogrph X .S082B Ultrav,iolet spectrodraph ATM Stellar astronomy OWS S019 UVstellar astronomy IU ^ S1.50 Galactic X-ray mapping X, X S183 UV panorama telescope OWS ' Space -physics x SØS9 Nuclear emulsion package MDA UV iirglow horizon photography OWS S063 x S073 'Gegenschein and zodiaCal light oWs particle collection OWS S149 x S228 Transuranic cOsmic rays - OWS S230 Magnetospheric particle composition ATM Earth resources experiments X . X BIWA Multispectral photographic cameras MDA x X X. S190B Earth terrain camera OWS X Infrared spectrometer MPA X. X S191 X S192 ,Multispectral scanner MDA Xt.. X X S193 Microwave radiometer/scatterdineter andaltimeter MDA X X S194 L.-band radiometer MDA Life sciences,projects .-- X X M071 Mineral balance OWS X X "tM073 .JBkasSay of body fluids OWS X X X' m074 SMtimen mass measurment OWS X (Preflight and M078 Bdne mineral measurement None postflight) X. X M092 Lower body negative prtessure OWS X X X M093 Vectorcardiogram OWS X (Preflight and ;.M111 %' Cytogenic studies of the blood None postflight) Man's immunity, in-vitro aspects OWS X X X X M113 Blood volume a'hd red cell lifkepan OWS X X X: X X M114 Red bloilcell metabolism OWS M115 Speq,ial motaloOcal effects OWS X M131 Humbil vestibular f0pction t OWS Metabolic activity OWS x X x. M171 x x M172 *Body mass measurement OWS S015 Effect of zero-gravity on single humancells* CM x MateriaPscience & manufacturingihvacs M479 Zero-gravity flammability MDA M512 Materials.processing facility MDA (M551) -Metals melting MDA (M552) - Exothermic brazing tMDA MDA (M553) Sphere forming , (M555) Gallium arsenide crystal growth MDA M51a Mbitipurpose electric furnacetsystem MDA (M557) Immiscible alloy compositions MDA 0 (M559).,.' Microsegregation in germanium 'JV1DA x (M560) Growth dltiepherical do/stals MDA

, , S..,

, o,

Tabfe 11-1Skylab eXperiments.COntinupd

...Location Manned mission Number Title on Skylab 1 -2 3

(M563) Mixed Ill-V crystat growth MDA (M565) Silver grids melted. In space MDA Zerc-gravity systems studies M487 Habitability/crew quarters 5. .M509. Astronaut maneuvering equipment ows M516 e Crew activities and maintenance study ows T002 Manual neyigation sighkgs ows, , T013 Crew/vehicle'disturban0 owe-- T020 Foot-coVolled maneuvering unit QWS ,I .Spacecralt environmbnt 0008 Radiatiori in spacecraft CM DO4 Thermiai control coatings AM M4T5 .Thermal control Icoatings IU 1003 lnfligt aeroiol analysis OWS ,T026 Coronagraph contamination measurements ()VS T027 ATM contamination measurements OWS Skylab student project , in addition to the above, 19 experimerds by secondary school students were flown on Skylab; these %were selected through a nationwide competition condudteg,by the National Sciencss Teaghers Association. (See ref. 11-10.) Source: Modified from reference 11-4.


Missiob Schedules' The Orbital Workshop

The missions were planned so that the 91,000 The OWS was designed aes a place where a kg (100-ton) experimental (Skylab) crew 'of three could live and work for extended would first be launched unmanned, by the large periods of timeEmphasis was placed dn roomy, Saturn V launch vehicle. One day after Skylab comfortable accommodatiOns, TheOWS was a lift-off: ari Apollo Command-and °cylinder 6.7, m (22 ft)in diameter and 14.6 m (CSM) wjth thoee astronauts aboard was to be''(48 ft)in length. The volumeof approximately launched by the smaller Saturn IB vehicle. 963 cu m (34,000 cu .ft) was equivalent.to that Using the service propulsion system, the CSM of a moderate-size house. The area ot fhe two was to rendezvous with Skylab, dock at the living floors was approximately 66.88 sq'm (720 axial-part of the MDA, and complete the cluster sq ft). The,roominess of the living area was truly shown in figur0 11-2. The-crew Would then enter" impressive (fig.11-3). Handles and grips were ifte Skylab, plipareitfor habitation, power down the CSMtto maintenance levels, and then mounted thyoughout the two ,compar1ifients to proceed with their assigned mission plans. enable the crew to mov,ethrough the-iWorkshop \On the'27th day of the first manned mission, while weightless. The floors were of aluminum he crew were to prepare Skylab 'for storage in alloy with triangular.openings. ThOoles of the

4 orbit. On the.28th day, they were tO 'board the 'shOes worn by the astrbnauts in sOce each had CSM, undock, deorbit, and Ivrcl in the Pacific a triangular cleat on ,zthe bottonvihat could be recovery area (ref. 11-9). Appfoximately 60 days placed in the ,floor. A slight twist then would later, a second CSM was to be launched and lock the foot in place (figs. 11-4(a) and 11-4(b)). to follon a similar rendezvous protocol. This Without the cleats, force could not be applied next mission was open-ended to a 56-day dura- in a weightless environment without moving the tion. The third Inission,'nriginally schedulod for body. ;The cleats provided a stable base from 56 days, was extended to 84 days. which leverage could b'e applied. C 7

L A .6

. Fig. 1142. The deployed Skyleb cluster.

Weighing in.Zerobravity

Since tl% data -to be collected 'involved the c'rr weighing of samples and since body-weight shifts of the crewmembers also ,required care- ful meltoring, theire was a need for special ,weighing.innénts. The. Problem..was, How ',do you weigh .omeone or something ina "1. weightless ,envrronynent?. The solution :clierly applied Newton's Second laW: Force equals '! ! t masstimes accélehttionr A Achematic of the 10- vice and a calibration .curtoe are.shown in igpres 11pui) and 11-5(4 (et 11-12). The force .wes proylded by a spring (K), and .the mass (M) Was attached to a platforin suspended as a pen,. 41u1urn, by. four' parallel flexing strips. An'optical ? .F1.11.3. Orbital Workshop. pickup and an electric timei theet measured 'the oil, p. .

4,, re

Fig.. 11.-4 .((a). Astronaut sipp,s.,


M Aft, K - Stw1s4 coostIM idt,A DIp4ownont 4 erlod pt oscillation

Fig. 11-5 (a). Schematickof SiSring 'as Osc11- lator and Its motion.

r 1 p

L",1{,,?Y s 44 Fig. 11-4 (b). Show cleat locking into gridfloor.

.4 'period (t) of the spring.)oaded pendulum. Time f signals were convertedto provide a direct read- out in metric units. Different instrumentsbased on the same principle were used for sPecirnen and body-mass measurements (refs. 11-4"and 100 200 300 11-5).The instruments were bothfast end 400 500 000 700 900 900 accurate. Mask 9

fig. 11-5 (b). Calibrationcurve small Objectives of Life mass measuring device, mission SCitnce.EXperiments -Clay-9. (From ref. 11-1 2,p. 375.)

.01 All of the experiments conducted on Skylab perception, equilibrium, biorhythms, andcell vile unique and of inestiMableimportance to growth. mankind. The medical studiesare Of specie Some experienentswere specifically designed interest to the fields of health, physicaleduca- to gain additional information during tion, and recreation. These studies longer . were di- missions of the negative effects obServeddur- .rected 'toward better understanding of muscle ing the earlier,/ ehorter missions. Thesesame and bone development, hettrt tubctionand blood experiments(pdrved to monitorany alterations circulation, btood development and immunity, in. response induced by prOgrams'instituted tO

9 . v.

k result exposUre 'delay or prevent dperements-in mineral balance, .hilman red blood cells a's 'a body fluids, orthostatiotoleranee,brood,voiLlme, to the space-flight environment. Were included Human vestibular functionTocbtatn data and bodyweight. OTher studies Of measure- to gain newinforrnaticiAl'copcerning circalian 'pertinent to establishing thd validity inflight vestibule,: ments of specificbehavictral/physiological re- rhythms, metabolic actiVity, . vestibular activity under fungtion, ieflight monitoring oforthostatk, toler~ sponses influenced by ,conditions; to deterMine human. ance, red blood-cellMeSaboliSm, etc. The data 1 g and iero collection fPr the lif.4cientes prdjectsalone adaptabiOr unusual vestibular .conditions,- would be'exemplary. VVhen it is consideredthat and to Adi.habitability of future spadecraft of,We Sun, conditions Yhvo|viMg reducedgravity and Co- data alap .were collected for stiklies and vari- stellar, ronOmy,spacepnysics,material riolis forces; to measure the accuracy space, zero- ability in human judgment ofspatial coordinates science and manufacturingin ptor cues and gravity systems,. and spacedraft^environment, based on atypicat gravityr extensive crew inadequate visual.cues. the breadth of expertise and the ne. if human training are obvious.. Metabolic activityTo deter effectiveness in doing mechanicawork is pro- Some of the life scienceeverimenta and % (modified from gressively altered by exposure to t espace en- their objectives were as follows to eval- ref. li-5); vironment. Secondary objectives' were a,san ,eXercise MineralbalanceTo determine the effects of uate the bicycle ergometer device for long-duration missionsand to eval- space flight on themuscle and skeletal body reduced-gravity simulators. cf biochem- uate ground-based systems by quantitative assessment Sleep monitpringTo evaluates(eep quan- ical. constituents of metabolicimportance (i.e., prolonged space flight , tity and qualiN during water, calcium, phosphorous,magnesium, so- analysis of electrol hydroxyproline, through automatic onboard dium, potassium, nitrogen' urea, '. encephalogram (EEG) andelectrooculogram creatinine, and chloride). (LOG) activity and telemetry ofresults. Cone mineral measurementTodetermine Time-and-motion studyToevaluate-lie-04w technique the by the photon absorptiometric fects of space conditions ontime-and-mdtion occurrence and.degree of bonemineral changes characteristics of crew performanceby measur, that might result' from, exposure to thewei,ght*-- differa-ces, and relative' q ing the similarities, less condition. consistencies between task activitiesin earth- Lower body negative pressuretoprovide* based simulations 'and inzero-gravity space- 1: information concerning the timecdurse of car- flight. dioLascular adaptation during flight andto pro- Body riiass measurementTodemonstrate IP vide inflight data for predictingthe degree' of the feasibility of body massmeasurement in the orthostatic intolerance and'impairmentof physi- absencb"of gravity, to iralidate thetheeretical cal capactly to be expected followingreturn to behavior of the body massmeaSuring device, the Earth envircihmeht. and to support thosebiompdical experiments VectorcardiogramTO measure the vector- requiring body mass,determination. cardiographic potentials of each astronautpe- riodically throughout the mission so thatflight- . induced changesinheart fOnction can be Skylab MedicalExperiments detectedand comparedwith a.preflight Altitude Test, (SMEAT) baseline. CytogenetiC study of thbbloodTo make Although Skylab provided a unique.labpra- pre-' and postflight determinationsof the chro- tory, for the study of physiologicalchanges. pro- _masome aberrationfrequencies in the periph- duced during prolonged' ,it .also eral blood leukocytes and toprovide in vjvo represented a new.order ofComplekifji radiation dosimetry, activities. Not only Were the tasksof the crew Blood volume andl red celllifespanTo de- complex, as already mentioned, butthere were termine the effect of Earthorbital missions on many new and modifiedinstruments. the plasma volume and thered.cell,populptions Pilot tests were. needed forallprotocols. with particular attention paid to.changes in red NASA proceeded in a systematic mannerwith rate, red cell lite- SMEAT, 'the acronym for SkylabMedical Ex- cell mass, red cell destruction . 'span, and red cellprodu'ction rate. periments Altitude Test, a groundexperiment determine if which simulated .full 56-day Skylab mission. Rod blOod cell metabolismTo simildr and the at- any metabolic ormembrane 'changes ocCur in The physical facility was

1 0 P $ I ' I mosphere'was iderfilCal (70 pereent oxygen30 biolpgy tests; (c) the effects of confinement' ob percent nitragen, at 5 lb/inn). Thecrew, activ- creWmicrobialburdens and themicrobial ities. were 'representative, the timeline of events ecolegy of the chamber; and on the operational was thel of an operational raission, and full mis- bloinstrumentation system derlIgnedto' 4obtain . Sion support was provided.The simulation al- physiologicaldataduring he daunch,eittra- , ..vehi4ular.and return phases, and, to,provide !Owed testing of all creW procedures and equip- . time monitoring of an Ill crewMan. ment operatiems. Furthermore, final training 'or AtmoaPheric purification and dentrol considera- support petsorinel could be cbnducted, particu- tions that inclUded (a) monitorind of trace con!' larlyin regard to data-collection techniques. 'taminants,carbon monoxkle, carbon dioxide, The six objectives ef SMEAT were to.(ia) obtain aeroidl risidualiand dewpoint; (b) determining and evaluate baseline medical data, forup ,to storage wequirementsforoddr-absorbicele- 56 days, for those medical experiments that Merits; and (c) establishing the degradation 'of might be affected by the Skylab environment; carbon dioxide and odor-abserbic element's. (b) evaluate experienents, hardware, systems,' 4.Operatienal considerations that included Acquir- and, ancillary equipnient; .(c)evaluate data- ing anoeprocessing of biomedical data in,a,,rnod? approaching that planned for Skylab. reduction and data-handling procedures ina mission-duration time frame; (d) evaluaWpre- The development of food for SMEAT and Sky- and postflight medical support operations,pro-41ab` consumptionwas a complicated task..On cedures, and equipment; (e). evaluate Medical the Apollo missions, balanced 2,500 cal/day inflight experiments, okeratifig procedures,and diets were provided for each astronaut. Exam- crew checklists; and (17 train the Skylab medl- ination of their nutrient intake showed that most cal operations team for participation in flight crewmembers had not consumed food at levels activities (ief. 11-13). equivalent to their calculated requirements. The 4 Fromtheviewpoint 'of .Tesearchdesign, more prolonged Skylab missions dictated care- S T was a necessity in that it proMed quan- ful study of diets because of the greater dura- tita sb\pata for 56 days under environmental tion and the fact that a number of the medical' concink., as similar as possible' to the actual experiments were particularly dependent upon expe 't ituatio'h. Only the gravitational nutrient Intake. The menu design criteria were effeQts,. a cts attributable to the mental 'rigorous, including (a) crew-food compatibility streapi ace situation, and possibly In terms of fleyr5r, safely, arg resporises, (adiAllioil would be differlent In the space gas .forniationc and fecal bulk and consistency; environ'T AT provided baseline data (b) adequacy inmeetin'gnutritionalrequire- 4at.iiacrqd p training effects resulting from ments; (c) 'specific constituent intakes for meth or p*tItiort ott the same measures.It ical experiments (e.g., calcium, sodium; pro- . 44 al .5) pvi.r ge,7 bagelind data ter the Skylab at- tein); and (d) physical constra nts of package moss,. ;ric .eironment and Comparative data size,storage,preparatione uipment, waste fr to the standard sea-level atmospheric environ- disposal, and residue mass.his was- e large

.ment. All comparisons were essential for ulti- task consIdetring the planned rIssion clurations.' , mate interpretation of the Skylab results. The foods selected and used were as followS The 'medicalexperimentsconducted on (Modified from ref. 11-15): SMEAT were those planinedforSkylab: Beveragesapple drink, cherry drink, cocoa, cardiovascular-hernsidynamic, musculoskeletal- cocoa-flavored instant breakfast drink, coffee metabolic, itrndocrine-electrOlyte:andneuro- (black), grape drink, grapefruit drink, lemonade, physiologic (ref. 11-13). Detailed objectives for orange drink, strawberry drink, -and tea with SMEAT were as follows: lemon and Sugar. . , 1.Habitability considerations that included testing Wafer foodapricots (dried), bacon. wafers,

(a) the acceptability of food itemS; fb) the re- .s_biscuit (cracker type),butter Cookies, candy . 111151111-y Of fOod packagaim(c)the -firrietlonallbArd),--Cheddeheeseoreekers, -tiled- beet- adequacy of food storagereparation, service, (sliced),mints, peanuts (dry roasted), sugar and cleanup; (d) the effitiency of whole-body cookie wafers, and vanilla wafers. cleansing;(e) 'the effectiveness of the house- Rehydratable foodasparagus, beefhash, keeping system; (0 the usefulness of the Skylab- personal hygiene kit;arici '(g) the operation of corn (cream style), corn flakes (sugar coat9d); the urine collection system's. chicken and -gravy, chicken and rice,egg§ . 2.-health considerations thatincluded (scrambled), green beanh, macaroni and evaluation of(a) the microbial population dy- s. cheese, pea soup, peas (creamed), peach am- rmrnics in the mouths of the crew; (b) ttle equip- brosip with pecans', pork and scalloped pota- rnent designed to perform basic diagnost1c micro- tods, potato salad (Germ. an style), potato soup, ' P

11-2Nettrienttaleran' e IeeIs tor.SMEAT crewmarribers

MQ71 CDR . SPT PLT - .. 4 Energy (calf) 20-2800 28951± 20 .3276 ± 15 3100 it 22 Protein (g) 90-1 1,0 -115 110 ± 10 123 ± 10. Calcium (mg) 750-850 ±.416 850 .±! 16 850 ± 16 650 ± 16 Phosphorus (mg)A1500-1700 t 120 1700.-1- 120'. 170* 120 1700 ± 120 .4000 ±500 ; 500 Sodium (mg)000-4000 -t .500 , 3900 4r 600 Magnesium (mg) 300-400 325 ±. 25 . 350 ± 25 320 Potassium (mg) 3000-4000 200 3921 ±A200 4000 ± 2000 3915 ±. 200 _ Seurce: reference 1)1.-15. CD137-.--Qoomandeir. ''..SP,T-----=.SCienfidt PLT=P11

7'potatoes (Mashed),ioek4pies, salmon salad, of special. instrumentation, problems, or rele- abr sausage patties, sh knp cocktail, spaghetti and . vance to reader interests. The following meat sauce, str berries,sweetpotatoes stracted conclusions of the selected 'studies (masled),'turkeyrIce soup, and veal and bar-. are presented for perspectiveonly. Interested

. becue Saike: , readers are referred to the reference listed Thermostabilize fooc14-applesauce,buttyr- (ref. 11-15). .scotch pudding,atsup, Chili ,with meat, fruit; Mineral balanceSee text, p. 14. Jarn, hot dogt (to yo sauce), lemen puddin9, Bone mineral measurementFew deviations meatballs and sa ce, peaches; peanut. butfer,: .frorn baseline bone Mineral measUres were ob- 'pears, pineapple, tuna landwich spreadynd served.' One individual showeed possible mineral turkey and gravy. I. loss in the'os calcis and another gained mineral Frozen food eef (priine rib), br'ead(white), in the right ulna. The gain may be`attributable coffee cake, (ilet,jgnori, lobster newburg, pork to the heavy exercise routines of that orewmem- Tom-With Are-Stm -andrgratay,*roll (prebuttered), .ber. No changes were observed in theright and vanilla ice cearn., , radius. .4 The nutrition tolerance levels calculated for Lowerbodynegatixe presurelmpairfd the three SMEA .crewmembers with reference orthostatictolerance,manifested py 'thein- to the. M071 mineral balance study are shown erease'd heartrate, dImirefShed systolis and pulse intable11-2.. he estimated adequate ,daily pressures, and the increas'ed tendency to syn- energy levels fo .each of the crewmembers were cope (faint)during LBNP or in the upright posi- -calculated by t e,method recommended by the tion were not observed. Food hnd Nutr tion Board of the National,Re- Cytogenic studies of the bloodMiner chro- search Council (ref. 11-14). .mosomal defects were noted but the. chamber V environment had no deleterious effect where chromosomal observations were concerned. Selected SMEAT Experiments Blood volume and 'red cell life spanNo sig, nificant shortening of mean red cell lifeSpan and Conclusions was observed. A slight increase inplasma vol- SMEAT involved comprehensiVe testingof ume (1.6 percent) was noted. There was no the medical exPerimental protocols .to te used evidence of increased red cell production; how- in mean' red orr Skyla* and the collection ofbaSeline lg ever, there was a:,slight decrease Oen: inalle_and_ totO hemoglobin. One subject, thetero-re-,--tingsrquantfittet-16fIrrfcrmatitYri were 'generated. The oxperimepts have been the scientist pilot, showed increased in red cell i 6.6 percent) and plasma volume (-I 13.7 published (ref, 11-15) and should be:,of interest mass ( some readers becaUse of their uniqUe instru- percent) but had, a laTge weight shift under vigorous conditioning: rnentation, and'the breadth of Sophisticated data collected. brief concluslbnwfrorn 13, selected Red blood cell metabolismSignificant de- experiments of SMEAT have been abstracted to creases in glycolytic.enzymes were noted. 00100 the, systematic studies conducted prior Special hematology efjectsRoutine hema- to sending astronauts into space. Three of the tology measures were within the normal range xperiments require further discussion because with one exception: a significant lymphopenia

_ V.

In the pilot durilla imettest,po sIbly refleoling nIficont. In tile zero g situatipn, mIcrolies may increased adrenal corticoid secretion. exist In the air for long periods, !raking *the Investigation of the, immune systemSome atmosphere particle count several lorders, of changes in serum proteins were observed that magnitude higher than normal. QoPtInued long were different from Apollo data, possibly due 'exposure could).result in clinical manifesfettfons. to some feature unique to space flight. The data ' suggest an iminune reaction during the latte days of chamber stay poseibly dueto syb I- Lower Body Negative pressure . . cal illness or challenge' by a non-disea-pro- Measurement , ducing agent. Essentially no changeswe e ob- servedinreactivityof immune s as After orthostatic intolerance. had b9en ob- typified by rate of RNA or DNA synthesisin served on theo early missione; the, lower body, small lymphocytes. negatiVe pressure (LBNP) device shown 'in Fig. Metabolic activityUnique onlige measure/- 11-6 was developed.. It was utilized prd- and ment techniques were developed. 16.ee text.for postflight for the Ap,!lo missions. Because of _representative data. , the projected duratioof the Skylab missOns

Time and motion----'-A general imp`rovement, . and previous history!of orthostatic intolerance was noted in both task and suetask rform- following exposure to the weightless -environ- ance over time. No evidence was fdlu d .fOr ment, the LBNP was planned for inflight uspiin deterioration of performance. Skylab.to monitor and document the time cdUite Sleep monitoringIt was deterrflir*tat,cof cardiovasoular sy6tem altfirations. Thismeas.- reliable objective data concernMg $1 har-}ure is taken by placing the subject in, thecan- acteristics cduld be obtainedonlineiueing auto- ister, as shOtAki, with an air seal' around the matic analysis. One of tke two crewmprhbers body just 'abave the iliac crests. The presgur:e Measured from day 5oll6 showed essentially 'within the canister is then reduced bya Vacuum ,no change in sleep parameters. The 'otherex- pump.DuringtheloWeredpressure,two hibited definite changps during .1hemissiort plethysmographs (leg bands) measure Volume (e.g., increased sleep latency, increasedtime changesin, the cay. Blood pressares mere awake during the first third of the _night,and 4neasuredautomatically and Veater-cardio- decreased total sleep time.) -graphs (VCG's) were recorded from' the Frank Bioassay of body fluida----A slight butsignifi- lead VCG. ,The test protocol for 25 minutes cant decreaseinpotassium was noted.- ,In- was as follow& creases in antidiuretic horrhone appeared to be Period 1 3 mip at ar4ieht, pressure relatedtoenvironmental temperature. Body (control) .""(258 mai Hg) - fluid losses generally were proportionalto body Period 11 1 min at-8 rnm Hg\ (LBNP)' weigtit losses. No changes indicative of altefed 'calcium werp obberveci. Decreases 1 min at-16 mrn Hg (LBNP) were noted e . 3 min at 30 nim Hg (LBNP) in glucocortieaids, possiblyrelatedto the hypo- .baric environment. Changes' in catecholamine levelsN'showed highindividual. variability. ,En- hanced renal secretion of amino acidswas ob- served. ;These reults must be interpretedin relationto.stress,exercise, andnutrient b.alances. Crew microbiologyStates of microbialun- balance occurred, for the most part, 'onlyin, those bacteria, yeast, and 'fungi Tatare not part of the true indigenoto flow of *ecrew- members. Confinementfor 56 days iç thefi imu latbd SkYlab environment apparentlydoes not mediate shiftsin k bacterialPopulationsthat have obvious clinical significance.: The lackof buildup of skin flora suggests that the personal hygiena regimens were adequate. The fact.that bacteria; yeasts, and fungi existed in highnum- bers, compared to a normal environment,both Fig. WS. Opereting the lower body negative on surfaces and in the air, was considered sig- pressure.experiment on Skylab. . 5 min at40 min-Hg,(LBNP) These data were irriportant for several rea- 'Period 4p collected in a 5 I6/in2 Pdriod rv 6 min at -.- 50 mm Hg (LBNP) sons. They were being . environment With 67 percent 'oxygen, 1..8 per- Period V , .5 min at ambient pressure (recoveiyI (258 mm Hg) cent carbon dioxide, 26.5 percentnitrogen, and 4.7 percent water. The effects of theh,igh carbon . During the tetting, one astronaut always served dioXide value on the metabolic responses were . as an observer in case of syncope(faijiting). not known in this combination'. Theenvironment !:. Although \few experimental effects were antit- was unique and requiredreference information. ipated for SMEAT, the protocol and allrelated Representative data for exercise'oxygen cofil instrumentation required thorot.dh testing be- sumPtion (V0.), systolic blood pressure, and cause this test clearly was of extremeimpor-d.minute volume are shown in table 1I-3, tance to extended stay in space. Mineral Balance Measurement

Work Metabolism Measurements and The investigators associated withthe mineral Selected Results" balance experiment were facedwith difficult. problems (ref:11-18). ,Negative nitrogen and The first attempts to evaluate metabolic effec- oalcium balances had been observed on pre- tiveness during. work in space were undertaken vious spate missions.1,1 was assumed that a in Skylab (ref. 11 16). The investigators were continued loss of calciiim from boneand the faced with tlfe challenge of developing a relia- loss of. musCle mass reflected by the'negative . ble online pystem. A mass spectrometer WaS nitrogen balance might be deterrentsto ex- used to determine thepartialpressuresof. tended space flight unless preventive measures oxygen, .carbon dioxide, nitrogen,and water could be found. It was essential thatprocedures in the inspired and expired gases. Rollingseal, be pilot tested in SMEAT for ultimatemonitor- dry spirometers were used to measure inspired ing in the subsequent zero-gmissions. Knowl- and expired breath. volumes. An analog com- edge of dietary intake and analysis,of excreta puter was programed to derive minuteVolume, were, required. oxygen Consumption, carbondioxide produc- The 'controls needed for nutrient intake,of tion, and the ''respiratery exchangeratio each necessity, placed a difficult constraint ondiet. minute. For the two crewmembers whosephysical ac- An electricgli braked bicycle ergometer was tivity levels -were in the moderate range,body used fol. the work testing as well asfor the weight remained reasonably gonstant(table. crew's Personal dkercise. The ergometer could 11-4). The third crewmember, the SPT,partici- be operated in three modes: set 'work, setheart-: pa*ted in 'a great deal of physical activity (ref.. rate, ot s'equenced healtrate stelae. Alltests II-19)..Since this crew'man lost 19 rbs. during , used the set wOrk mode. guring the tests, heart- the experiment, it was evideet that thediet, as rate and blood pressures were recorded pe- planned, Was not sufficiently 'flexible to cope riodically. The test protocol covered 26 minutes. The subject -breathed 'into the mouthpiece at the start of the.test (26 Minutes to go) while seated on the ergometer as shown in iigUre 11-7. He rethained at rest"untir the 20-minute mark al.which title he-began pedaling at 50 to 80 rpm. The first Work level, at approximately 25 percent of the subject's predetermined max- , imum aerobic.capacity, WaScontinued Jor 5- Minutes. At Ihe 15-minute maik, theworkload was increased to 50 percent ofmaxirhum; at 10 minutes, it wtis, further increased to 75 percent of Maximum. At tile 5-minute mark, the subject GIP ceased pedaling ahd began a 5-minute recOvery - period:- The loads weie specific to the individ- 14111 ATITAIIHIC ual's capacity. For example, at 75 percent of ACTIVITY maximum the commander's (dDR) load was 150 watts,' the, scientiSt pilOt's (SPT)-260 watts, and Fig. 11-7. Measurementof work.metabolic ac- the pilot's (PLT) 180 wafts. tivity.

((j . 4._



Table 11-.3-ecercise values collected,durThg SMEAT metabolic experith,ent , Systolic blood pressure Minute volume s Oxygen consumption 4- t. N. t Commander 1 S.D. N t, P 3 -< S. N t Level 1 , 9 N.S. s., .856 .071 12 1.459 N.S. Pretest 121.4 13.1 11 22.0 2.7 -0.521 4 Test 1128.5 7.4 26 -1.6873N.S. 22.5 1.9'33 .898.116 .33. I Level 2 0 1.409 .071 160.0 N.S. pfetest 153.012.1 13 37.2 2.2 13 . 1.13 p<0.01-, 1.409.147 .33 Test 1456 8.9,23 1.9297N.S. , 35.0 2.033 Level 3 N.S. Pretest 172.0 10.5 13 54.7 4.1 13 3.08 p<0.01 2.034 .107 160.930 Test -0.0536N.6. 50.8 3.2 33 2.000 .14333 Scientist Pilot ... " Level 1 14.0,066N.S. Pretest 126.1 5.7 11 42.5 3.1.14 -2.35 p<0.05, 1.414..100 135.1 12.1 314 .p<0.01 45.2 4.5 3'2 1.416.077 33 .... Test -0.2483 ul Level 2 2.310.210 14*1.415 N.S. Protest 154.3 .6.0 9- , 73.4 6.3 14 -2.71 p<0.02 Test 162.313.833 -2.5593p<0.0 2 78.$ 6.032 2.223 .14433 Level 3 3.177.303 13 0.198 N.S. Pretest 166.3 9.4 9 117.3 13.5 14 -4.03 p<0.001 'Test , 185.3 7.633 -5.5863p<0.001. 133.0 8.2 32 3.195.190 32 Pilot Level 1 I :.949.059 16 2.893p<0.01 Protest 129.0 9.5 15 24.3 1.5 16 -4.09 p<0.001' 0 33 Test 147.3'16.924 -4.3233p<0.001 26.3 1.8 33 .886.092 Level 2 .095e16 2.155p<0.05 Pretest 152.0 7.2 15 39.9 2.6 16 -4.11 p<0.001 1.540 1.463 .127 32 Test 165.6 9.927 -5.1090rw0.001 43.7 2.9 33 Level 3 , 2.247.157 16 3.824 p<0.001 fr'Pretest '198.1 14.213 59.1 6.2 18 -3.22 p<0:02 . 31 2.080.110 33 Test 191.3 3.833 1.7026 N.S. 64.6 4.1 _,, Note--KS,-Nori§ignificant (p-,0.05) Source: Modified from reference

) Table 11-4-4MEAT crew _weightsIn pounds ReferencesChapter1111. Exit . 'End Start Enter 11-1,Space for Mankind's Benefit,NASA SP-313. `NreWmemberdiet chamber chamber dret Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt.Printing Office, _L__ . 1972. CDR 159 157.1/2' 1543/4 156 112. Symposium on . Significant-ResultsObtained 190 SPT 209 204A 1931/4 frqm Me Earth Resource'stechnology Satel- 1841/2 PLT 1853/4 1851:7,2 1851/2 life-I; vol. 1, NASA 'SP-327.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing,Office,1973. ' Diet was terminated pneweek prior to end Of 11-3,Significant Accomplishments inTechnology, planned termination. Washington,D.C.:NASA Source: reference 11-19, p. 19-8. NASA SP-366. ScienceandTeChnical InformationOffice, . 1973. .2* 11-4. Berew,L.F.and' E. Stuhlinger. Skylab A with such high activitylevE71s.. The experience Guidebook.' Washington,D.C::U.S. -Govt. of the SPT was of significance tothe Skylab Printing. Office, 1973 (stock no.3300-00508), program because someof the priffie Crewmen- pp. VII, 1-3, 7-1,1,12, 68, 161. active. 11-5. Skylab. Experiments: Washington,D.C.: U.S. 'were quite large and inherently very (3300i61), pp. Modification of the diet relative to physical ac- . Govt. Printing Office, 1972 regular exer- 1-4, 71, 142. tivity was an important step, since Frontier 47 essential to the 1176. Gaieby, T. Y. SkylabOutposton,the cise was recognied as being of Space. National Geographic.146:4:47,1- maintenance of cardiovascular capacitiesin the 493, Oct. 1974. zero-g environment: 11-7.Gibson, E. G. The Sun asNeVer Seen Before. Nationals,. Geographic146:4:495-503,. Oct. 1974. Medicine, Mission Peeformance 11-8.Fouhdatibns of SpeiCe Biology and' vol..11, Books 1 and 2. Washington,D.C.: U.S. Skylab missions Govt. Printing Office, 1975. The Manner in which the Skylab tescinating-story that has 11-9.Kleinknecht, K. S. and P. S. Johnston. Were completed is a Manned Space- received wide press.coverage. It is astory of and the Life Sciences. NASA, .,craft Center, Feb. 1973. courage, ingenuity, andcoordinated teamwork in 11-10.Summerlin, Lee B.Skylab, Classroom by flight and ground supportpersonnel. Readers U.S. the per- Space, NASA SP-401. WaShington, wishing more extensive coverage of Govt. Printing Office, 1977. formance details are referred to Canby'sfine Skylab 11-11.Mission Report, The Story of the First article (ref. II-6). Mission. MR-13, Manned Space Center,1973, New knowledge was obtainedconcerning p. 4. the zero-g environ- astronauts' responses in 11-12.Thornton, W. E. and J.Ord. Physiological, ment. There was reasonablestabilizationof Mass Measurements in Skylab.Proc. Skylab their physical reactions after aboutthe 40th day' Life Sol. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, p. In space. Upon return to Earth,the crew of the 375, 656.4 Second manned SkylabMission(59days) 11-13.Johnston, R. S. Introduction. SkylabMedical readapted more quickly than didthOie Oh the Experiments Altitude Test. :Johnson first misiion even though they hadbeen in Space Center, NASA TMX-58115,1973, pp. space over twide aslong (ref. II-20).. The re- 1-1 through 1-5. basis of this 11-14 Recommended_ Dietary Allowances..Washing- SUlta. were encouraging'. an -the 7th reV, experience, tentative appn5valma granted to ton,-D.C.: Nat16nal Research Council, 84 days. It ed., 1969. extend the third manned mission to Facilk of the 84-day 11-15.Bettaglia, H. F. et al. (32* coauthors). is Significant that the membqrs Altitude. even'bettor physical condi- ties.Skylab Medical Experiments mission returned in Test, Houston: Johnson Space Center,NASA' tion than did the crewi of theOrevious missions. TMX-58115, 1973, pp. 3-18 through3-26. Obviously, travel in space' for prolongedperiods 11-16.Michel, E. L. and J. A. Rummel.Metabolic is feasible. Activity----Experiment M171. SkylabMedical Skylab was a scientific bonanzasupplement- 'Experiments Altitude Test. Houston: Johnson ing the unmanned satellite 'andthe previous Space Center, NASA TMX-58115,1973, pp. manned Mtssions. Selected portionsof the data 10-1 through 10-5. most relevant tothe'. fields of health, physical 11-17. ---. . Skylab Medical Experirpenis education, and' recreaticri are reviewed intho Altitude 7/est...Houston: JohnsonSpace n- ter, 1973, pp. 10-8 through10-10. nexfchapter. 16 0 11-18. Vbedon, G. D.,P. 9. Ramb'aut and M..C.. Physician. aylab Medical Experiments Alti- Smith. Mineral ealanceExperiment M071. tude Test. Houston: Jo_peton Space:Center, Skylab Medical Experilnents Altitude Test. NASA VAX-58115, 1973,. pp. 19-4 'through Houston:JoffnaortSpaceCentertNASA TMX-58115, 1973, pp. 7-1 through 7-12. 11-29. The Mond SkylabMission: A Scientific 1149. Thornton, W. E. Some Medical Aspects,of 1Cornucopia. Mission Report .(MR-14). Hous- SMEAT, as Observed' by the C?ewmember ton: Johnson Sp4cei Center, 1973, 8 p.

t. s.

I. Chapter

Selected Findings: , Slcylab Life Sciiencis Research

In August 1974, a syriiposiUrrf was held at the-, tions for the next day (e.g., directions to alter Johnson) Space Center in Houston for the prep- a specific dietary component tomaintain min- entation of the results of the Skylab life sciences eral balance). On a weekly basis, the crew InvestigationS. 'This symposium was a milestone conversed With. one of the scientists froM the in. space biology and medicine. Unique data ntgical science community.. The crew thus related to these prolonged missions in space knewtheir status, had the opportunity for private were presented. The proceedings of the sym-'discussions with their flight surgeon, and pe- posium, which bhp:43 been published, are clastiic riodically coulg discuss projects with the inves- in, both depth and breadth of information (ref. tigators (ref.III-4). Questions could b'e posed . and answered. This, 'coupled with the astro- This summary is intended to bring selected nauts' knowledge of the results of the medical portions of the Skylab findings to the attention testing, contribute s! to their peace of mind. of, professionals in the fields of exercise phys- The crew received a daily flight planbased iology, health, physical education, and recrea- on'the priorities of the various Scientific studies. tion. Since a figilre,or chart often is better than Early in The mission, it was found advantageous lengthydescriptionsfordepictingfindings to have a weekly plan developed at a science. clearly, pertinent graphs and diagrams from the planning meeting with the representatives,of all original data have been inCluded. disciplines assembled (ref.111-4)'.In, the Ahirst for know,ledge by all disciplines, it wasinevita- ble' that trade-offs were necessary. The team

.Crew Health approach exemplifies the NASA cooperative ef- fort.In' most instances, _the planning worked . The precautions taken for crew-healthmate- quite weli. Only in the third manned mission, the .rially contributed to the success of the missions, when the load became overwhelming to -A crew surgeon was assigned-to each Mission. crew, digt, the procedure require,revieW (ref. For the last 21 days prior to eacti launch, the III-6). crew participated in a health-stabilization pro- Crewmen on prekylab missions commonly gram in which they were isolated from exposure complained of insomnia.'The three Skylab mis- -to infectious diseases as a preventive to acute sions made possible the first objective measures illness during the mission (ref.111-2). Before, of a human's ability to obtain adequate sleep during, and' after the flight the crew syrgeons during prolonged space flight. The findings gave .careful surveillance to illness eventsand support the view, that astronauts are able to 21 prescribed medications, nutritionintake and obtain adequate sleep in regularly scheduled output,personalodailyexercise,work-rest 8-hour, rest .periods. Although alterationsin sleep patterns occurred, they were not of ,the, _ schedules, and the quantity and quality of sleep. For continuous clinical evaluation of the crew,. type to result in'a significant degradation of '4.the creiv surgeon had access to the medically work performance .(ref. III-6). Jelated experimental, data, the monitored° data A microbiology study was undertaken on relevant to radiological healthi and the environ- Skylab to detlict the presence of" potentially mental data including toxicological evaluations pathogenic organisms and to obtain informa- (ref. ql-3). Every evening, the crew members. tion regarding the 'responses of _microbial flora had a private conference with their crew sur- *to the space environment: Ak samples were geon. in addition, each evening the Crew re- taken as .were samples from multiplesiies on ceived a Medical -status report containing a the crewmen (e.g.,ears, nose, throat, groin, summarl orthe data obtained the last time the urine, and feces). Inflight cross-contamination, medical experiments were conducted. It also colonization, and infection with Staphylococeus included., body weight,water consumption, aureusdemonstratedintercrewtransferof calories consumed, and any specific instruc- pathogens. The data showed that gross con- , 18

's ti

a. /

larnInatioriot the S'kylab'environmentdid occur conducted to dilute any contaminating gases. . and there Were 'several minor inflight disease The crew then assessed theconcentration events, but du9h eryOnts -were not hazardsthat using analyzer tubes,and found the contaminant ; might IlMilt long-teem'space flight (ref. III-7). gases wit'hin norm'al Wit. 'The life-slipport One of the early concerns about goinginto system Jhat contained actiVated carbon was space Was that thei'ew ,might recetve exces- Specifically designed to remove trace levels of s'.,.sive radiation. By the ..time':of Skylab;however, contaninating compounds.The prOcedure . oremission analyses. indicated that dose equiv- worked quite well for the remainder of the first' : alents fr.orn trapped protons, and electrons of manned mission and the two following missions the Van Allerf>elt, palactic 'cosmicrays, and were Completed without further tracesgas rfrob- norrrial onboardsources woUld be well below 'ferns (ref. III:10).., the lirnits adopted-by NAgA fromthe National .; 'AcademyofSciences recommendationsfor manned Space flight. A posbibility didexist 9f Changes in Body Weight exposure from energetit solaroparticle dients, liighaltitude nuclear tests.:and Unexpected problems in onboard sources..The dose Loss in body weOht during space flight has equiv- been observed consistently. On Skylab, the alents received,by the Crew of the thirdmanned, -mission (84 days) were the highest body 'mass was systematically monitored, using received in an electronically timed spring-mass okcillator any. NASA mission to,date. The rates involvecl however, were quitd low. To place,the tbat wet an.(effective instrument,(ref. Ill-11). A results good number of the inflight medical experinients in perspective, the crew of the, third\lligh,tcould participate in:a comparable Mission-once were undertaken ,to study the mechaniSms re- each lated to shifts in body mass. A representative , 'year for 50 years before exceedingthe career (ref. body mass pattern is shown in figure Ill-1. Each crewrnember incurred a loss during the first A study also was made of the visuallight days'of the mission. There were individual dif- flashes that had been reported duringearlier, ferencesin Wert, but in the first two manned flights. These light flasherarebelieved' to be missions the weight loss continued throughout -caused by primary cosmieley'particleSand/or' the flight, The postflight recovery Was relatively possiblybytrappedparticleslarger4 than rapid, however, with the major portion of the pràtons. A high fla,sh rate of 15-20per minute weight being regained within 17,days. The 84- ), ,..was observed iirtheSouth Atlantic anomaly. (an day mission was significantregiarding area with high' radiatioh activity)..-The signdi- mass in that all of the crewmembers started to canceof the flashes,is not knoWn. Whether they regain .body mass inflight following 'the initial are of no, consequence' or. potentially causative drop. On the -third manned mission, both food of retinal or other tissue damage requires fur- and exercise were inthased. The inflightMeta- ther investigation (ref. bolic costs were higher than anticipated. PoS- From previous experience with', closed-loop stbly as a result.of.the increased food and/or environmental operations suchas submarine exercise,,the initial body mass loss of crew- cruises and manned chambertests,it was members on the 'third manned missionwas known that trace gas concentrations could slightly less and the recovery to preflight levels , cause the missions to be terminated..The mafor was faster. _toxicological consideration was to maintainlow , levels of contaminantgases in the spacecraft atmosphere. Following, the' loss of. the micro- Anthropometric -Changes .4 meteoroid shield during the launbh of the OWS, a significant tbxicity problem did develop due ,When the Skylab crews were placed in the to overheating of the rigid polyurethanefoam used as a Wall irisulating material. weightless environment, a number of anatomical Laboratory and santhropometricchanges occurredthat tests showed that decomposition dueto' heat havephysiological -probably had resulted in an'-ex-CeSs.ibleasi; significance.---Apostural, of change was ob.served, as shown in figure III-2, toluene% sliisocyanate. andthat excessive that resembles that of a quadruped. Due to the amounts of probablywere lack of a gravitational load; the thoraco-lumbar present in the OWS. . spine straightened and there wasan increase The firat crew carried sensors tomeasure in height. The height Increase may- haVe bcleh these gases. Prior to 'entry into theSkylab, caused by expansion of the intervertebraldiscs pressurization-depressurization cycleswere that were unloaded. The girthm,easures of the , 19 P.

. . % Launch RecOviry 'Ir. -b oo


.- _41". e .'11. ° -. %4%, ir , %,_ , owe . op # *' 011- . % . .,.,,. . of . e 4- - 0 .11 !.

1 1 1 1 J 1 .1 111 147 I 1 F-27 20 10 10 20 80 40 50 60 70 80 ft+10 +19 Preflight 4 Postflight Time, day 3rd Manned Mission. (Ficom ref. III-11, p. 383.) . Fig. III-1. BOdy mass measurement of Commander,

In-flight; relaxed Preflight $ In-flight

Fig. 111-2. Postural changes. (Fronvref. III-12, p. 646.)

20 N. s

Recovery (a) eorniender




175 100 0 Weightlemesl " Recovery 174 99 1.5 F-35 F-16 '0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 66 R1-17' .0 4 8 31 57\1, 8 t2 Mlki day Rt5 Mission .day OA *Scientist Not +0.3 Fig. 1114. Center of :gravity/centerof mass, , Pilot. f From ref. 111-12, p. 650.)

trunk, including the abdomen and &WV, were reduced, probably due to the stretching of the torso. The center of mass inflight shifted 3-4' cm toward the heada large shift. Figure III-3 .9, 6) Leg shows height and center of mass measures on 1.2 representative days before, during, and after Weightlessrless Recovery

the 84-day mission. , 71.5 A series of carefully located limb-girth meas- 37 59 82 10 1_4 Mission day urements made determinations of the volumes 1c) Pilot .' the arms and legs possible. As shown in fig- +0.3 ure all crewmembers had lost more than 0.8 liters (27 oz) of extravascular fluid frqui the calf and thigh by the. time .of the first Wight measurements on day 3 (ref. III-12). On 'recov- ery,it was possible by four-camera stereo- photdgramMetry to test the validity of the girth measures. Figure III-5 shows the two values to be. quite close. The biostereometric measures also confirmed the Ases observed in leg v 1.2 Leg umes. The mean lossior the first mission s Weightlessness Recovery 1.68 ,liters (57 Oz) as compared with ers 1.5 0 4 (41 oz) for the third mission. On day one post- 8 31 57 82 02 6 10 14 flight, the mean loss was 1.06 liters (36 4z) for Mission day the second mission as compared with 0.77 (26 Fig. 111-4. Change in left limb volumes Scientist Oz) for the third mission. An apparent decrease Pilot, 3rd Manned Mission. (From in the loss of leg volumes was observed on ref. 111-12, p. 649.) succeeding missions. It is possible that this de- crease was media* by the .increased inflight exercise. However, itis not clear whether the in the mission, the face was puffy and the upper results were caused by, prevention of muscular body yeins were engorged. Itis believed that atrophy or by an effect on the cardiovascular with the loss of the hydrostatic forces asso- ---systenrellt ----iistisock-withrliretvitHhe-bodrfttridTmoved-mana toward the head and to a "central volume"as shown diagrammatically in figure III-6Inin- Fluid Shift's and Blood Changes fraredpictqres taken during weightlessness, the foot and lower leg veins were not distended Associated with the approximate 1liter (34 as they were when standing under 1g; whereas oz) or 13 percent loss of total leg volume early the jugular and Veins of the temple and fore-

J r% 21 6 Stereophotos Tape measure




Thigh Knee? Call Ankle mm Hg

1 1 A 10 20 . 30 40 /60 60 70 Fig. .III-6. Fluid pressure/volume ,ohanties

Oistapce raft arbitrary origin, cm .under weighdessness. (From ref. III- 12, p. 656.) Fig. III'S. Comparison between tape 11'easure and stereometric circumference measurements, ten days preflight, greater th4ln the loss observe& after;.the W4-day . Commander, 3rd Manned Mission. Table, ill-1 reflects **the beginning of recovery (From' retblI143, pe419.), from the red cell loss observed in, the28-day head were coMpletely full and'istended (Yel. missiorv Improvement was observed in the59- improve- III-12). day mission, but by far tile greatest A reduction in the red cell mass wasobserved ment was observedinthe 84-day Mission. in the Skylab crewmembers;.This isconsistent-.Significantly, a greater number of. Vculating withreductions obseryedintheprevious .reticulocytes (reflecting more regeneration) was Gemini and Apollo missions. The mean lossin observed folNiving the longer mistori, showing the 28-day mihsidn was greater than thatofound s that the red cell mass does not tontinue to in the Apollo (14-day) crewmemtsers. Itis im- deteriorate' in weiglplessness. Apparently the portant to'notii that the loss,in the red cell mass body seeks a new homeostatic level. On the t1), initial immediatelyafterthe22-da\rmission was basis of this evidence it is clear that . meAberand cOntrols Table 11171,Red cell mass of Skylab crew .

Creww.. Controls 3 Mièsion Day COR SPT PLY. 2 , (mi) *(m1) on (mi) (mn .(mn (ml) 1798 1976 28 Day Pre 2097 2088 2394 2193 1918 2213 ,' Post 1778 1763 2104 1862 '1949 2299 1718 1989 Difference c311 Differeue 2140 ,59 Day .Pre 1841 1780 2608 2076 2237 2250 19321 1 1899' 2104' ,i?ost 1728 1107 2332 1829 2154 2259 Difference .247 ,Difference -36 2048 84 Day Pre -1920 2010 1904 ----'1951 2119 2197 )817 Post, 1813 1851 1790 1818 2096'2187 1845 2043 DIfferenco -.133 Difference -5 'Al:mission days were 29, 20, and 21 days beforelaunch, reSpectively. Postmisslon day was the day 9f recoveriy. . Source:. adapted from reference 111714, p. 498. 22 #, loss of red cell .masa is no deterrent to more,"'Orthci$tatiTolerance Differences

, ,. ' proloh.ged flight's.: The etiology of the "cid cell , mass,drop an'd arterations.in reticulocyte counts 'The lower body negative pressurtr ILBNP) . observed at recovery is not known at this,time measure clearly was one of,the most critical ex-, , ,,(ref. III;14)., ` periments monitored on the missions because, The metabolism of the red cells. was inves- itreflected cardiovascular deteriorationthat tigated because, previous atudies had shown couldhave fOrced abortion of the mission. leis , that.- the" dilly mechanism responsible -for the important ttrat the crewmembers on the third destruction of ..'red; cells byhyperoxia, .was manned mission of 84 days did not exhibit the ? peroxidation of ,unsaturated .fatty acids In the magnitude of changes'exhibited in the two ear- red cell membranes. That is, oxidation of the lier Ski/lab missions. The data obtained during

, fatty acids in thoff red cell membren0 results in flight served as a fairly accurate preilliction of ,00,jossofintegrity, of the membrane' and cell the ,postflight status, of orthostatic folerande. de§truotion. ilemolysis, or blood breakdown,, Measurement of LBNP in weightlessness im- could be attributed, therefore, to the peroxide- osed a greater stress.upon the 'cardiovascular

. 'tion effect. In the Skylab missions there was no- . spisteMthan It did under lg conditions. TWo representative graphs show the - pevidence of. lipid peroxidation. Significant alte- aria magnitude of responses in this measure., rations in the ..glycolytic., (glucose 'breakdown) .....1-igure Ill-la showa preflight responses and fig- .'' intermediates and enlymes in ltie red cells ore III-7b reflects inflight data for the same as- were noted. These alterations, however, cannot feonaut (ref. III-16). During flight the leg volume. be interpreted as evidence of .red cell damage change,is roughly twice that at 1g. (6 volume per- (ref.III -15): These data did not answer the cent compared to3 volumepercent).. The

. etiology question concerning the loss inred -systolic blood pressure, drops from about 130 cell maSs, A postUlated'control, mechanism as-' ..mm Hg to around 80 whereas under, lg condi- , sociated with the fluid shift aPpears attractive tions the pressure does not regh 100 mm Hg. 111-1 2): The heartrale during flight,,shifted from about . (rW I .

140 I I.

I ----il Bytotla B P. 120 I

100 , , I g100 ft Mouton* 9 P feo- --- Merl Roto I

140 I - :. r I 4- , --1, % . / , 1 , 2 / I . ,V..- r, , I, /6 // I '"-- LIG Ve4u414 _.,...../ 1 0 4 1

1 1 Ft-2- tvt,, 1:30(0 L'IL____4_ 1 r t11-1.:t.1 -4 -5o 1--1 I' I-T-T" 1" -T\ ----1 'T 1 1 Irif T I 1 .1' Imm 140) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0. 0 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20Z5 t TIME finInules) 6 21-DAYS PillOR TO FLI0H4. eth wspIONDAY 82nd MISSIONop

ft Fig.. 111-i a, b, c. Cardiovascular responses of the Scientist Pilot, 314 Manned Mission. (From ref.'111-16, p. 556 and p. 582.) tt

6 OW/ 23

;)4.( 9 II 70 beats/min to oproxirruitely .118; At ig the Heirodynamic Changes heartrate Oncreases from 58 to only ao beats/ mih at the most. 11 is obvious from these data Additional informatiOn related to orthostatic that the LBNP test was extremely stressful tolerance, the effects of fluid shifts, and the ef- under weightless-conditions. fects of blood volume :changes was obloined by Thecardiovascularresponsesto LBNP studying hemodynamic alteratiOns in the :legs ,showed the greatest instability, and orthostatic under weightlessness. \Senous compliance and tolerarice the greatest decrement, during the arterial bloo,d flow were deterniined by occlud- first 3. weeks of flight. The alterations in ing venous Holly with a pressure cuff above the distribution .during early exposure to weig t- knee and then recording voluine 'differences lessness create nitarked cardiovascular chancies,. from a midcalf segment by means of a volume that impair orthostatic tderance mechanisms transducer.- Flow and compliance were deter- .within 4 or 5 days. After 5 to 7 weeks, the car- mined by appropriate protocols. Muscle-pump- diovascular responses become more stable and ing action was determined by placing the ,sub- .the orthostatic tolerance appears to improve ject in the LBNP device at -30 mm Hg. After 3 (ref, 111-16). For example, figure 111-7c glows minutes the astronaut made 10 maximal-effort the cardiovascular respOnses of tile same as- isometric contractions, waited 1 minute, and tronaut in his last inflight test on mission day then repeated the same number of contrac- 82. Even though the percent change in leg vol- tions, 'The amount of blood collected under ume was greater than on mission-day 6 and the negative pressure and the amount remaining heartrate pattern was similar, the systolic bloOd after pumping were determined (ref. .111-17).,, pressure did not drop below 100 mm Hg. Al- An increase in blood flow was observed, in though the diastolic blood pressure increased all astronauts during flight. Venous compliance slightly, a pulse pressure of about .30 mm Hg slowly increased to day 15, slowly decreased to was maintained during the mosf rigorous4 part day140, and then dropped to less than prieflight of the test. The astronaut had made an adapta- tion and was tolerating weightlessness Metter. values at recoVerx. After, muscle pumping, the Improved orthostatic tolerant() was evident even absolute blood flow increased several times. though the calf girth continued to decrease (fig. The compliance changes, when consideled 411-8). with the decreased blood voluMe, may provide

17 WU) 110111 Poi10101 I

pr ......


U0 Mt) .16 CP) Ill', 4,, 00, on!, !,


Fig. III-8. Calf girth of the three Skylab 4 crewmen measured just prior to R L each lowerbodi negativepressure test. The mean of the , OM, right and left calf is shown. (From ref. III-1 6. p. 567.) 2

24 it , ..,. the basis JOT tile changes in orthostatic tbler- diogram /heEuttRte., tt is impOttant to note that ance, work capacity, and 1.13NP responses (ref. during exposureito the weightlessienvironment III-17), the crewmffla had ho,significanf decrement in the parameters meattired (figure III-9). Readers interested in exercise physiology shoulkl see , Changes in Work Tolerance refere ? ce III-18. Pos Ight, however, all crewmembers showed The ,metabolic experimait using the bicycle decrem tS in their ability to.perform the tests ., er9Ornetec at workloads approximating 25, 50, ds well as they had pre- and inflight. The in- and 75 percent c of rtheastronatit's maximal dicators were igher pulse rates ,and oxygen oxygen uptake capacity produced interesting consumptionsforthe same workloads,de- and unexpected results. The hypothesiS, was creased stroke volume, and decreased cardiac that ability to perform physical work would be output at the same oxygen consumption levels. compromised during exposure to the weightless An interesting finding was that the amount Of environment. Postflight testing of Apollo crews ekeicise performea'inflightwasinversely related had show9 statistically significant decreases in to (he length of time required postflight to re- work tolerance. 'Although' this was quickly. rever- turn to preflight ptatug and that there was no siblepostflight,it was a concern for longer relationship to length of mission. The crew of missions. The physiological parameters mon- -the 84-day mission, the longest, exercised the itored during the exercise tests were respiratory most and returned to Oreflight condition the ga& exchange, blood pressure, and vectorcar- quickesr(ref. III-18). The investigators point out


I 60 ft I.. I r" -- 140 -Cr" s'

V) 120


I 20 7447--4. /\ I v--- , / A, )("'".-1( ''' lc /AI V *-

I i T T 40 e I 1 1 TIT r IO120 9060 30 I 0 20 30405060 10 00 I 5 10 15 20 25 30 _DAYS AFTER FL IGHT PAYS BEFORE FLIGHT/ MISSION DAYS Flg. 111-9. Heart rate; Skylab 4 Pilot. (Modified from ref. III-19. p. 736.)

26 that although the bicycle ergometer was an ef- Of the consistent, lpe,s, of, calcium, andnitroget fective stressor of the caldiOvascular system, in earlier spade flights, These studies are. tiff- additional provisions would have to be made on ficelt-to,gonduct under optfmal laboratory, con- long-duration missions ,r maintaining mus- ditions since, they' require not only complete 'cular strength in antig Nnuscles not exer- control of the dietary intake but also intensive pised by the trgometer. monitoring of urine and Blood. Complete_ fecal and urine collections were requiredbefore, during, and following the flight. With the diet kineral and Nitrogen controlled,theurinarycreatinine. excretion, Balance Alterations calcium excretion and calcium,magnesiumj . . .phosphorus, nitrogen, and' potassium balances The mineral and, nitrogen balance studies could be studied. were important in the Skyfab program because In the Skylab missions, increases in 'urinary, calcium.were observed 'inflight and the calcium balance data, as-exemPlified in figure Ill-10, Feces Urine showed that crewmembers continued to lose Commangles calcium during weightlessness.* The scientist- . --620 Preflight In-flight Postflight pilot (SPT), on 'the 5-day mission, in particular, r. showed a marked negative, calcium balance.,. 7260 Urinary hydroxyproline,,, Which is indicative or skeletal turnover and' breakdown; increasedele- flight. The mean increase was 33, percent in 260 first two flights, When WU pled with the negative 620 calcium 6alance and increased calcium excre- tion, the data clearly show that bone calcium is 780 being lost during weightlessness. This loss oc- 1040 curred even though the astronauts exercised Selontist Pilot regularly (ref. III-18).4 620 A question exists as to the particular bones 2.60 from which Calcium is lost. Although the studx does.not answer this question precisely, it does give some insight. Radiographic estimates of bone minerat loss were Made of the distal right radius and ulnao(forearrn) and the central left 620 calcaneus (heel bone). No losses in the 'radius 780 and ulna were observed. Mineral losses in the

1040 calcaneus were not evident in the shorter 28- Pilot day mission, but losses were evident in the SPT 62Q of the 59-day mission and in the SPT and pilot 260 (PLT) of the 84-day mission. The magnitude of the mineral losses'was similar to those observed in bed-rest studies of the same duration (ref.

260 lit- 20). This investigation raises the 'question as to 620 why no mineral loSs was observed in the radius

786' and ulna. The questions cannot be resolved from the current data. The arms do not serve a truly 1040 antigravitii function in that normally they do not a 1 support the body-weight. In this case, the situa- 1300 tion was complicated by the fact that the arms %Flo were used more than the legs for moving about ft) IR the spacecraft. The .stimulationof' unaccus- Onys tomed arm use may have prevented calcium

%: loss from the radius and ulna, but there is no Calciumbalanceg before, duringCevidence to either siipport or refute,this hy- and after space flight in the astro- pothesis. Certainly it can be said that the shift nauts of the 59-day flight. (From from 1g to zero g was more detrimental tel the ref. III-18, p. 362.) legs than to the arms. Table ill-2.-SO4ab orewmen..borle .mineral.data It is known that exercise involving additional . posillight peraent-ol baseline , toed'utider lg conditions' increpsps both othe; density and the strength of bones (ref. 111-21). Mission :t! Left . 01light Right .Apparently specific exercises could be detifgned. duration Crewman calcaneus 'radius ulna/ to serve a preventive; role. The exercise regi- . 28.days CDR +0.5 -0.5 -0.9 mens used in space td date, with th0.possible.. SPT .--0.9 .+1-.4 +1.9. exception of walking o(running on the Thornton PLT +2.7 +0.2*. 43.1 treadmill, would hardly be expected to stimUlate 59 0,pis CDR: +2.3 -:1.4 bone mitch because the loads have been rela- . -7.4 +0.2 -1.6 tlyely low. Eiercise shotild ,,nOit. be Ailed 'out as PLT +1.4 -1.6 a potential preventive IheaSure on the basie of .84/1 days CDR +0.7 -1.1 -1.7 the Skylab experience. 'phless.preyet.itiye c-4- -SPT -4.5', +1.0 0.0 u es are found, hoWevef% thdlciurn ' rate PLT -7.9 -0.6 +1%4 of 0.3 to 0.4 percent ber' month observed in ''PostflIght for (28-day ancr 59-day mission refers Skylab could be a problem (ref. III-18). Project , to recovery day, for the 84-day mission, it wds one !this tate' Of loss..over a .3-ye* .0pan, and , the day postflight. They value showy' In the table is the ; bane loss'wOuld be excesSiv6, %postflight perpent of the mean baselibe established / The' average 24'-hOur urinary'reatini'ne preflight. cration Was not Oanged 'under weightless con- Source: adapted from' reference .p. .397. ditiqfts in the .flrst WI/0 Markied Mlasions (28 and ,5g 'days). Creatinine eXcretion "alb:aught of as a function of the fat-free; bOtly tilaaa (ref. 111- Tile question of mineral loss from the bonea .22) with, 1 gm of. excreted ci'eatinine corre- is a critical one, and there Ts a need to Identify aponding to 17.9.119 (39.5 'tb).'oflean &My mass the bones that 'are losing minorals. Are ver- (ref. 111-23), nitrpgen\ ,balanceresults tebrae,inVolved? Jf the bones become tdo weak showed that there was. a proilpunded increase from prolonged spaceflight, :seriousinjury . in urinary nitrogen...excretiori, \Whilejecal nitro . could result. Some individuals clearly loie cal- gen remained virtually linchan00.1hemean' ciunt -faster than. others (see the data for the SPT of the second. manned *mission and the shift in nitrogen. balanCe for_ls he.dreWs of thei, t.PL.T of the third-manned mission shown in table first two manned Alations frorn 'preflight td III-2). Thit matter requires a great deal more flight was approximately, 4.0'sgm/clay (ref.11.1- study. The effect .of specific exercises on the, 18). The increased loss4*of nitrogen and-. phos- mineral retention of bone has not been ade- phorus reflected :substantiallossinMuscle quately investigated. tissue. This coincides with the loss In leg'. vol-

Day 20 . Day 56 Day, 04 r

. Skylab 4 op tcylab 2 =II 60 Ergometer, average 40 watt-mitt/day 20 - Picycle +MK I and II +Treadmill. ergometer exerciser 0

-2 10 Leg itrength, . Weight and volume, percent lost percent lost -3 15 0 -4 20

5 26 IIII Weight

Leg strength

EjLeg volume

Fig. Ill-11. Exeicise related quantities on Skylab mission's. (From ref. III-24,p4.4415.)h

27 '-umes (refs.111-12anjl111-13). The nitrogen palance results were not consistent with the .creatinine excretion findings. There appears to be little question of loss in leg volumes, how- ever, and the increased excretion of nitrogen EMI EXTENSORS. and phosphorus is similar to that foUnckin beck FLEXORS rdst studies (ref. 111-18). The data from the 84- day misSlon support

Exercise Reiiirnens During .Flight AVERAGE.. STRENGTH 10 A rapid disuse atrophy of theantigravity CHANGE (%) *weight-bearing muscle grops appears to occur, -15 in the zero-g environment unless suitable exer- -20 cise is provided as a preventive measure. For 25 . the first manned missifon of- 28 days, a bicycle 28 Day '58 Day 84Day Ist Manned Minion End Manned AlIsslon 3natod Mission prgometer and an isomethc device were used ERGWETER EKOMETER E METER EXERCISE for exercise. The losses of strength and Of MK -1 and SPRINGS w -land SPRINGS f DEVISE muscle4mass, especially in the legs, were of TREADMILL sufficient magnitude that additional exercise AVERAGE ERGOMETER 31 3 55,0 71 7 times and programs were included in the sec- WORK (wall-mln/kg) ond manned mission of 59 days. Two modifica- tionS of the Mini Gyni (MKI and MK11) were 'Trade 'Fig. 111-12. Average stiength changes. (Modi- to provide additional exercises for the arms, fied from ref. 111-24, p. 413.) trunk, and legs. The er-goineter. work 'was ap- proximately doubled from 31.3 to 65.0 watt- minAg.' This crew stayed in space over twicb 80.kg as long and, as Indicated in figures 111-11 and 111-12, returned in essentially the same condi- tion. 1-lowever, relatively large decreases were observed. 4. For the third manned mission of 84 days, the crew worked on the bicycle slightly more (71 Onboard harness watt-min/kg), used the MKI and MKII exer- . cisers, and in addition typically worked 10 Min- utes per day walking, jumping, or jogging on the treadmill shown n figure 111-13. By angling the bungees, the equivalent of a slippery hill is created. High loads were placed on tile calf muscles in particular. The device could not be used for aerobic work as fatigue was rapid (ref. 111-24; this reference describps specific ex- ercise programs and related quantitative data). Fig. 111-13. Treadmill arrangempt. (From ref. 111-24, p. 411.) Watt-min/kg values Indicate the am2unt of work accomplished per unit Of body weight. rot-example, RespOnset to the Exercise Regimens k ,If a 70 kg man worked at a load of 150 watts for 20 min, 3000 watts of work would have been done (150 watts per min x 20 min). In watt-min/kg the As shown in figure 111-1 the crew of the third 'value would be 42.9 (3000 watt-min-: 70 kg).In manned mission of 84 days returnedin sur- English units .thls would be 862 ft-lb/lb.(1watt-, prisingly good condition. There was marked 44.24 ft-lb/min; 1 kg.=2.2 lb.) improvement In weight, leg strength, and leg #8

28 volume, This crew's leg volumes returned to zero g .requires some motor learnipig but that preflight levels 11 days postft4ght. The reduc- .the learning takes place at a rapid rate. tions In loss of muscle strength and bUlk were. One of the mosf interesting tEisks was the,

. atthibuted to the exercise Program and the addi- donning of the for EVA. The sults tional exercise -time. The MKI and MKII (Mini Were made RIfit each crewmember On the Gym devices) Improved arm performance of the grOund. In zero g the astronauts became taller,, eecond and third manned missions, and, the thus the suits were much 'harder to zip up. treadmillsharplyreduced the loss Ofleg Further, it is difficult to japply force in zero g. strength and mass in the third mission (ref. kfirm base is.required 'from which-force can be III-24). Apparently the basic ideas for reason"- applied. Learning how to accomplish the sim- able preventive exercise regimens were:derived plesttasksrequiredadjustments.Various 04 in/0e Skylab experiments. Ifit can be shown methods of ptilliing different types.of teStraInts that calcium is retained end 'bdne Strength is were studied.(ref. III-26). maintained in a similar manner, the exercises base for prolonged stay in a.weightAass environ-

riient would be adequate. ., ,Oestibular Function Test

, Changes in the Achilres tendon reflex time were observed in the first few days following Three factors were involved in the, exPeri-.. ment on vestibular 'function:, suSceptibility to the flight. During sp*e flight there is little use motion sickness, threshold for perception Of of the legs as -comjiared with that required in angular acceleration, and the perceived direc- a normal lg pnvironment where the body weight must be supported. The sensory receptors of tion of internal and external space. Interactions of sensory input to the vestibular apparatus and the legs, which reflect stretch and tension, are central nervous system 'activity are involved used less and the signal intensities are leSs due with the confounding effeats provided by the to the lack of weight. The sensory syste ap- pears to adapt quite easily to the weig tins weightless environment. Only cursorytreat- ment can be given he, and only a few of the condition. With return to a1tfenvironment, findings have been s lected for the reader's initially there is an oversensitivity of the neuro- muscular system. This may represent a brief interest. In all rotation experiments inflighto the crews period of hyperactivity of the proprioceptors in symptom free.They demon- the servo feedback mechanism. A rapid read- were iirtually justment to)the less sensitive preflight levels strated a lower susceptibility to ?notion sickness inpre- or postflight tests. Under follows (ref. III-25). aloft than . ,*operational conditions, however, seven of lh nine crewmembers experienced motion sic

, ness. The drug combinations (I-scopolami e Time acid Motion Studies and d-amphetamine, and prdmethazine hyd chloride and ephedrine sulfate) were effect ve - Time and motion studies were conducted for Jn the prevention and treatatrh(of motion sick- a number of inflight tasks (e.g., conduct of the ness. As yet, there is a lack Of laboratory tests LBNP testing, the experiment on metabblic ac- thataccurately pOdict motion sicknessin tivity, setting up the earth terrain camera, extra- weightlessness.I\Toinhibitory influences aloft vehicular' activity (EVA), 'suit donning and dof- were apparent that wdbid reduce the effective fing). Tasks were photographed at 6 franies/sec sensitivity of the semicircular canali to .angular and analyzed on a specialized film viewet that acceleration (ref. III-27). controlled the rate of presentation and align- Upon return to tg conditions, postflight dec- ment. The crew responses /pre quite similar rements in postural equilibrium were observed. across all missions.. Initially ir the change from in an eyes-open test on a rail or balance beam, lg to zero g, the performance time for the decrements were noted in only three astro- majority of work tasks indreased. However, the nauts: However, in the eyes-closed condition of performance adaptation was very rapid. By the the same test, a considerable decrease was ob- end of the second trial at 7-1 1 days into the served postflight for all of them. After a rapid flight, about 50 percent of .4he times for all task rate of impr;ovement during the first postflight elements were comparable to the lest preflight day, the4ecovery was slot/ until the return to measure. No evidence was found of perform- preflight baselines wag complete at about 2 ance deterioration attributable to long-duration weeks (ref. III-28). expOsure to zeto g in Skylab (ref.III-26). This All the astronauts were able to walk immedi- experiment clearly shows that adjustment to ately after leaving the Command Module, but

29 they did so with considerable difficulty. They or lessenthese changes oh extended space tended to use a wide-stanced shuffling gait with missions. (Ref. III-30.) the upper torso bent slightly forward. With each The Skylab missions have' made it clear that. passing hour' thsw regained proficiency 'in their man can adapt to and fUnction in the weight- ability to walk about unaided. By the second less environmeht for extended periods of time. day\ there were few noticeable signs of insta- No physiologicalchanges were notedthat bility. All astronauts reported following return wouldabsolutelyprecludelongerduration, that rapid head movements produced a sensa- sRace flights. The calcium loss results arein-.' tion of mild vertigo (ref.III-28), They also Jo- Conclusive, and additional, research is required ported a strange postflight sensation in the to identify 'and understand the uriderlying Mech- Inner ear, like a 'tumbling sensation, but they anisms. Dailyinflight p'ersonal exercise reg- .did not feel asif they .were tumbling in any imens coupled with appropriate dietary intake, ceittain direction.It apparently was an' aware- J.sleep, and work and recreation periods are es- ness of a sensory input that had not beeh ex- sential for maintaining crew health and well! perienced for some time .(ref. III-29). being. When the research base has been de- veloped further,additional preventive orre- medial measures likely will be developed for -Biochemical Alterations mission durations in excess of 9 months (ref. III-31). The biochemical data collected in the Skylab program present a wealth of information of great interest to anyone interestedinstress ReferencesChapter`111. physiology. The wide range of data includes routine blood measures used in clinical medi- Proceedings of the -SkylabLife Sciences cine as research-twe endocrine analyses used Symposium, NASA TMX-58154, .1974, Vols. I and II. toinvestigate. themetabolic/endocrinere- III-2,Ferguson,. J. K., G. W. McCollum and B. L. sponses to weightlessness. Changes have been Portnoy. Analysis of the Skylab Flight Crew reported, but the indepth interrelationships ..of Health Stabilization Program. Proc."Skylab the many parameters willrequire continued Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-,58154, 1974, pp. analysis. 99-119. °A portion of Ihe abstract presented by the III-3.Hordinsky,. J. R. Skylab Crew Health:' Crew investigators, Leach and' Rambaut, merits quo- \ Surgeons' Reports. Proc. SkylabLifeSci. tation for the perspective it provides: ' Symp., NASA.TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 61-73. III-4.Musgrave, F. S. Flight 'Control Experiences.

. . the measured changes are consistent with Proc. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX- the hypothesis that a relative increase in thoracic 58154, 1974,, pp. 43-46. blood volume upon transition to the zero-gravity Canby, T. Y. Skylab, Outpost on the Frontier t, environment is interpreted as a true intravascular of Space. National GeograPhic 146:4:441- volume expansion, resulting in a fluid and electro- 470, 1974. lyte loss. These losses, in .association with other Frost, J.D., W. H. Shumate, J. G. Salamy factors, ultimately resultin a reduced intravas- and C. fl. Booher.. Skylab Sleep Monitoring cular volume leading to increased renin and sec- Experiment. Proc. Skylab Life Sci. SyMp., ondary aldosteronism. Once these compensatory NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 239-285. mechenisms are effectivein reestablishing fluid III-7.Brockett, R. M. et al. (11 coAuthors). Skylab balance the crewmen are essentially adapted to Environmental and Crew Microbiology the null-gravity environment. Although the physio- Studies. Rcoc. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., NASA logic cost of this adaptation is reflected by the TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 121-143. electrolyte deficit and perhaps by other factors, Bailey, J. V., R. A. Hoffman and R. A. Eng- ,itis assumed that thecompensated state is ado- lish.. RadiologicalProtection and Medical quate fOr 4he demands of the environment; how- Dosimetry forthe Skylab Crewmen. Proc. ever, this new homeostatic set is not believed to Skylab Life Sci. Symp., TMX-58154, 1974,

be without physiological coSt and, without proper pp. 145-155. ^=1 precaution's, could reduce the functional reserves III-9.Hoffman, R. A., L. S.-Pinsky, Z. Osborne and - of the crewmembers. The general catabolic state J. V. Bailey. Visual Light Flash Observations found'in returnlhg space flighrcrewmen has been on Skylab 4. Proc. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., documented with negative calcium, phosphorus, NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 287-295. sodium, potassium and nitrogen balances, Future III-10Bippstein, W. J. and H. J. Schneider. Toxi- research efforts kill be dir(mted toWarkl the clari- colOgical Aspects of the Skylab Program. ficationofthebasisforthesephysiological Proc. Skylab LilaSci. Syp., TMX-58154, changes and the procedures required to prevent 1974, pp. 157-168.

30 III-11, Thornton, W. E. .and J. Ord. Physiological 'Breaking Force, and Leg Muscle, Mass as Mass Measurements In Skylab. Proc. Skylab Functions of Weight in Bipedal., Rats. AM. Lite Sol. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. Phys. Anthropol. 25:35, 1866. 373-386. 111-22.Novak, L. P. Age and Sex Differencesin, 111-12.Thornton, W. E., G. W. 'Hoffler and 'J.- A. Body Density and Creatinihe Excrplion of Rummel, Anthropometric Changes and Fluid High School Children. Ann.- NY. ,Acad. Shifts. Proc. SkyJab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA 110:545-577, 1963. TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 637-658. 111-3. .Talbot,'N. B. Measurement of, Obesity by the 111-13.Whittle; M., R. Herron and J.Vuzzi. Bio- CreitinineCoeffitient. Am. J.Dis. ,Child. stereometric Analysis of Bodyorm. Proc. 55:42, 1938. Skylab Lire Sol. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 111-24.Thornton, W. E. and J. A. Rummel. Muscular 1974, pp. 417-424. a Deconditioning and ttPrevention in Space 111-14.Johnson, P. C., T. B. Driscoll and A. D. Le- Flight. Proc. Skylab Lite Sol. Symp. NASA Blance. Blood Volume 'Changes. Proc. Sky- TMXL.58154, 1974, pp. 403-416. lab tile Sci. Symp., NASA TMXJ-58154, 1974, 111-25. _ Baker, J. T., A. E. NIcogossian, G. W. Hof- pp. 495-505. , fler, R. L.JohnsonandJ. Hordinsky. ,Mengel, C. E. Red Cell Metabolism Studies Ch)anges in the Achilles Tendon Reflexes 1 Skylab. Proc. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., FollowingSkylabMissions.Proc.Skylab NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 507-518. Lite Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 111-16.Johnson, R. L., G. W. Hoffler, A.16. Nicogos- 297-305. , sian,S.A. Bergman and M. M. Jackson. 1,11-26. Kubis, J. F., W. J. MCLaughlin, R. Rusnak, G, Lower Body Negative Pressure: Third Man- H. McBride and S, V. Saxon. Task and Workl ned Skylab Mission. Proc. Skylab Life Sci. Performance on Skylab Missions 2, 3, and 4. Symp.; NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 545-595. Ptoc. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA TMX- 111717. Thornton, W. E. and G: W. Hoffler. Nemo- 58154, 1974, pp. 307-339. dynamic Studies of the Legs under Weight- 111-27.Graybiel, A., E. 'F. Miller and J. L. Homick. tesligess. Proc. Skylab Lite Sci, Symp., NASA Experiment M131, Hungin Vestibular Func- TW-58154; 1974, pp. 623-635. tion. Prod. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA 111-18. Wedon, G. D., L. Lutwak, P. C. Rambaut, M. TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 169-220,. ' W. Whittle, M. C. Smith, J. Reld, C. Leach, 111-28.Homick, J. L., M. F. Flesghke'and E. F. Miller,. C. Fl. Stadler and D., D. Sanford. Mineral and TheEffectsofProldngedExposureto

Nitrogen.MetabolicStudies, Experiment . Weightlessnesson Postural Equilibrium. M071. Proc. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA Proc. Skylab Lite Sol. Symp., NASA TMX- VOX-68154; 1974,- pp.-353-371. 58154, 1974, pp. 221-238. 111-19.Michel, E.L.,J. A. Rummel, C.F. Sawin, 111-29.Gibson, E. a Skylab 4 Crew Observations. ; M. C. Buderer and J. D. Lem. Results of Sky- Proc. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA TMX- labMedicalExperiment M171Metabolic 58154, 1974, pp. 47-54. Activity. Proc. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA 111-30. Leach, C. S. and P. C. Rambaut. Biochem- TMX-58154, 1974, p. 736. icalResponses .oftheSkylab Crewmen. 1117.20. Vogel, J. M. and'M. W. Whittle.- Bone Mineral.k Pr,oc. Skyliab Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX- Measurement, Experiment MU78. Proc. Sky- 58154, 1974, pp. 427-454. lab Lite Sci, Symp., NASe/TMX-58154, 1974, Ill-31.Dietlein,L.F.Skylab: A Beginning. Proc. pp. 387-401. Skylab Lite Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 111-21.Saville, P. D. and. R. Smith. Borte Density, 1974, pp. 795-814.



1 Chapter Signifpicance To/Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

it may be presumptuous to attempt to identify .Significance to Mankind

, the contributions of Skylab and Skylab-related programs that are significant to health, physical Why conquer space? Today there are an- education and recreation (HPR). Skylab is only swers to this question: (a) Scientific knowledge one stage in the systematic process leading to from space about the Earth, the Sun, the uni- continuing space exploration but is the culmin- verse, and about humanity is being obtained ation ot space research and development up that could be obtained in no other way; (b) The through Apollo. Continued investigations baSed space program has prbduced and is cOntinuing upon current knowledge 'will. follow. The find- to produce more useful new technology per ings and developmehts at this point are so volu- dollar' invested than any other organized ac- minous that selections are necessary. Many of. tivity in America today; (c) Space exploratio% the contributions ar.e of immediate significance is needed for the inspiration of modern man; Ofith others, the state of the art has been ad- (d) The space program furthers International vanced so far that the significance may not be- cooperation and favors global peace (ref. IV-1). comeevidentforseveral eyearsoreven The primary sispificance of the space pro- decades. gram to manki4 may be related to ultimate There is also ultra-long-range significance in survival on this planet. Humanity faces over- time Intervals that are measured in terms of population, pollution of the etwyonment and centuries. The Identification of significant find- ultimate depletion of present enlargy sourCeu. ings implies sorne prediction of the, future. The problems areinterrelated.With morr PrediCtion,` however, is imperfect as reflected people,-more energy-le-required. To obtain this by the fact that in our history Inany of the truly energy, the environmen,t is polluted and our Important happenings and disaDveries have not limited natural resources are further reduced. been recognized intheir time. The findings We have less than 11 century to solve this selected as significant, therefore, reflect the serious problem (ref. IV-2). In chapter I we, ex- professional views of the authors. The selec- pressed confidence that We will meet the chal . tions were made with full recognition of these lenge for without energy our technological- limitations. scientific culture cannot be preserved. If this' Health, physical education and recreation all cielture collapses, a large percentage of sour are professional fieldsint that their research population will 1die. A resolution must be found bases are drawn from a wide range of scientific within the next 50 to 100 years. disciplines. The fields are not discrete or well The primary source of energy for Earth, from defined, but rather overlap each other. There-, which all other secondary sources have been't-\ fore, the tindings and developments deemed to derived over millions of ; years,isthe Sun. be significant are presented-as collectively rele- .Olaser has pointed out that energy- production want to HPR. Further Classification rests with in space, converling the energy of the Sun to the readers In accordaóce with their specific electrical -energy and beaming it back to Earth Interests. via microwave, currently is within the state of The fields of HPR cannot be viewed in iso- 'the art (ref. IV-3). This solution makes sense in lation as one assesses the significance of Sky- that the feared thermalpollution would be lab and Skylab-related work. What Is good for dumped into the coSmIc heat sibk,outsIde our Mankind and educationis good for HPR. In atmosphere. At this time, the potential for help- order to place the contributions of Skylab and ing solve the energy problem by the use of, the Skylab related progFams in perspective, the space is espeCially important to mankind.

. contributions to mankind in general will be pre- The results of space researCh already have sented first The more detailed contribUtions parmeated our entire culture. Most of us do not to HPR followp realize the extent, depth, or significance Of . 4 '32

r . theS,Eb contributions even thotigh as laymen we ably in thli country. A satellitesystem, using the have been keeRly interested in the space pro- line-of-sight path of the high7frequency waves, Ori3151. It has been estimated that space research permits Mexpensive extension of ,coverage. Al- has stimulated the development and use of over thougb such a system is difficult to resolve in , 4,000 new Oroducts. This figureo` proba6ly is, - denselyOopulated areas of this country, due to Conservative as NASA?s Marshall Space Flight controversy over origination and 'control, it- has Center alone documented over 10,000 (nnova- majcir applications for' the More spersely pop- ' tions in its ninth year of existence (ref. IV-4). Waled areas of the United States arid for under- One of the 'major contributionsISminieture develoified countries with large populations and electronic instrumentation. Small pocket 'cal- few trained teachers. The epplication le being culatorsandlarge-capacity,briefcase-sized' tested in some 20 Government-sponsored re- computers for multOle purposes are well-rec- search projects of the Department of. Health, ognized realities. Miniature sensors and tele- Education, and Welfare and the Department of metry units for monitoring biophysical changes Transportation.India,"; undercontractwith also are well -recogrilzed: Devices have been NASA, completed a successful demonstration , developed formonitoringheartrate,electro- of uses of the system,for' educational purposes

cardiogram, blood pressure, respirationrate, (refs. IV-7. and IV-8)'. temperature, blood 'MAI, and many other phys- Communications applications :erefar from iological variables. The dev opment of solid- complete. Medical and health infesmation net- state integrated circuitry topet the space re.. works,informationretTlevalsystems,time- quirements of reliability, small size, light Weight, shared data processing, consumer-data service, and low-energy needs has sewed to revolution- and other applications, are. feasible at this time ize the electronics industry. As` a result, not (refs. IV-7 and IV-8). only are units smaller and better but also cost Sat,Ilite applications for the navigation and less. control of moving vehicles ,are only partially Other products' are pinpoint ball . bearings developed. With three stationary satelli0s, or that Made possible the development of ultra-.three points from a.,moving satellite, a ship ,at high-speed dental drills; mercury-powered bat- sea can be located to'within hundreds of feet.. teries such as those used in electric watches; The transit navigation systern developed for rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries that are the`Navy utilizes tills approach. To locate an used in electric razors, flashlights, and power aircraft requires four satellites because of the fools; solid-state controls now used in t ome additielial-VariabreThreititudefref. Air aUtomobilas; nonchattering solenoid valves; the craftnavigationon intercontinentalflights plastic designed for nose coneis, now used for would be more reliable using this approach. dishes and utensilstnat can toleratelarge The satellite system also 'could allow precise rapid temperature changes; fluxless aluminum aircraft control since, via computer, exact loca-`' solder; polychromic mate al that darkens when lions in three dimensions would be known and . exposed to sunlign( andow is used inself- desirable courses could be determined. , accommodating sunglassesnd windows; laser Many Earth observations have been made modifications;' X-ray equip nt with minimal. by 'satellites and extended by Skylab. One of radiation exposure;infraredood blarrhing; the meteorological applications is well known improved paints; ultra-thin alum'num foil; Pad- via television weather news programs Aiat rou- fix, the rescue system. that sends radio signal tinelypresentsatellitepictures,particularly for locating downed aircraft, nowt ndatorY on monitoring the paths of major storms. **ever, all aircraft; accurate portable clOcks, and many many iothet important but less-well-known, ap- mcire.(ref. IV-5). I ilicationS have been made: water resources INTELSAT (International Telecommunications inventories;synoptic viewsofttie*; Earlhof Satellite Consortium) provides telephonand special interest to geolggists seekrriCmineral other communications between ground stab ns and energy resources; assessments ofTand use, in' different countries. Not only has the u including areas of high fgod production. poten- grown, but also the costs have been reduced\tial;multispectral techniquestodistinguish markedly even In a period of highinflation. \healthy from diseased crops; preeladures for Half-circuit costs from New, York to Europe more economical and more accurate mapmak, have dropped from $10,000 to $4,625, and San ing; observations of change's in the oceans, in- Francisco to Honolulu circuit costs have been eluding thermal mapping and determinations of reduced from $17,000 to $6,700 (ref.10,6). the lobation,,and biological productivity of fish; Educationaltelevision,although ofrecog-4 and evaiyations of the extent and sourCes of nized value, has had diffioulty operating profit- pollutiort ( efs. IV-7 and IV-8).% t

The rnanufacture of products'' in space offers helpethem as ideals for young people. Their one Of the greatest potentials for the applica- perfoance and maintenange of a wholesome tionof space technology. Certain biological image has been exemplary. materials, castings, alloys, and electronic crys- The advancementincommunication ',and . tals that are affected ,by graVity may be pro- comp ter technology, both space related, have duced in the zero-g conditions of space. The beennly partially transferred to use in educa- potential fok alloys and karge semiconductor tion athis time. A computer network is pos- crystals was demonstrated on Skylab. On the sible tat could provide any student even in the basis of the crystals alone, continued develop- smallt `college with access 'to the greatli- ment of more complex integrated' electronic brarieof the nation (ref. IV-7). It is uneconomi- circuitry is expected (ref. IV-16). A new wave cal anrather tragic that students and scholars of beneficial products should result from the spend the major portion of their time searching projected missions. - for dired information, a tedious task that a International relations have been fostered by 'comp ter can do both faster and cheaper. The Me space program. INTELSAT, for example, is currely available technology would allow a a consortium of 102 nations. India was involved questi n to be posed to a Omputer terminal in the educational television 'experiments. The European Space Agency is collaborating. with and thsignal to be transmitted via satellite to a NASA on the Shuttle missions. The objective is centracomputer system (ref.IV47).. The an- to be of benefit to all mankind, and the open- swerould be returned to the computer ter- ness with Which NASA has operated has served minal or printout in a matter of minutes. This is to generate and foster internatiqnal coopera- all po sible today, but it requires organization, tion. The space prograni hat been one of our devel pment and funding. best good will' ambassadors abroad.Ithas The potential of satellite use for beann demonstrated our capabilities and our coopera- pro r ms to remote,,areas has beea...41revee tivenessandhasenhanced U.S.prestige theegal and poOicarprobte-MS can also be throughout the world (ref. IV-11). solv (ref-.--45)Z and useful "software" de- The movement int space has triggered a veloped, major educational contributions ap- reexamination of mankind's role in the unkierse parently could be made to remote areas and to and of information. fromantiquityinlightof, theless developed countries. However, the space-age evidence. The mere fact that von potential use of educational television has Mitch Daniken's and Sendy's books were best sellers reflects interest (refs. IV-12 and IV-13). Intrigu- broader implications forallsegments of the lingandcontroversialquestions have been educational community in terms of both econ- posed as to whether extraterrestrialvisitors omy and quality. Although television cannot re- were present ori Earth in antiquity. The signif- place the teacher, many aspects of teaching can icance to mankind is that re-examination ot. our be handled as well or better by television pro- heritage is taking place and this should result vided that the necessary programs are devel- in further groWr. oped and made available. The space pskogram with its systematic estab- In the few years since Rresident Kennedy lishment of a research base and the needed presented to Congress a program aimed at hardware, has 'served to stimulate and excite putting man on the Moon before 1970, the U.S. the, scientific community. The rigidrestraints space prograrR has made exceptional funda- of reliability, lowL,weight, and high-g-tolerance mental contributions to 'knowledge. This knowl- levels (to name but a few) necesSarily imposed edge has served tra provide new perspeCtives by the space program provided a scientific en- across ducation from kindergarten thrdugh Vironment that demanded new solutions and graduate school. The extent and depth of th"e new technological developments. Thischal- lenge was and is exciting to scientists regard- contributionsisstaggering:applicationsto less of whetheP or not they are directly involved mapping, 'navigation, communication, - in space research. omy, ecology, physics, meteorology, phYsiology, The astronauts as a group have served as ex- medicirm, geology, oceanography, engineering, cellent models for the youth of our nation. In- agriculture, information Science, and various telligent, courageous, exceptionally well edu- types of technology. Some indication of the vol- cated, articulate arid personable young men,`time of these contributions is evident from se- tpey were selecled carefully and indeed became ted references (refs. IV-1, IV-8, IV-11, IV-16 a credit to their country. Their charisrria has thr,ugh IV-?2).

34 Significanqe to Heilth, Physical monly are believed only 'tomodify existing fibers. For years this concept pas been taken Education, and Recreation into consideration in developing, exercise pro- grams, and it has become fairly fixed as a sclen- The Oignificance of Skylab and Skylab-related pfic fact. But, what if new evidence showed that programs to -HPR .is quite broad. Attitudes to- hyperplasia may occur? Dependinb onthe ward change, new products and delivery sy's- . nature of the evidence, it could force a shakeup tems, assessment pf land use, progress in re- in programs and the redevelopment of curricula. search instrumentAtion, and.the extensive con- New data, in fact, have shown that hyperplpsia tribution to the bodies of knowledge upon which 0 may occtrr as the result of teaining (refe. IV-24 pour Melds rest!are presented in this section: through. IV-26). New interprbtation is necessary. Attitude Toward Change. In good teaching Are the data sufficiently conClusive to warrant it is essential to prepare one's students for the redevelopment of curricula? Probably not at future insofar as possible. The Space Shuttle this time, but further researn may indicate that will become operitional in the early 1980's: revisions are necessary. An attitude. toward. Clearly people will go info space progressively change based on systematic research-to-prac- more as the costs of payloads decrease, to tice models is indicated:. , utilize space foritsuniquecharacteristics. The results, of aviation psychology research Therefore, itis important that we teach about show that the greatest successes in aviation are . space, how it can be utilized, the effects of -achieved' by those individuals who experience weightlessness, and the , techniques to avoid positive emotions from the very Process of over- physical deterioration. Changes are rapid in our coming difficulties(ref. IV-27). Such Mental current society. New and ,new data adaptability to change likely must be eXperi- are rendering obsolete many of the concepts enced to be understood. Sports participation andtechniques Currentlybeingtaught.No provides an excellent laboratory for. strategy longer is it possible to teach Materials and con- and adaptalpility to changd in adverse situations.. cepts that can be expected to be used through- The well-ktiown statement of Welli9gton, that .out an indivicluqs professional career. the English warleaders were -cleveloRed on the Change has forced revisions in ,approaches playing fields of Eton, has merit. In A competi- to +teething.. Rather than facts.and skills alone tive sports situation at any level, decisions re- being taught,-- more attention is being given to garding strategy must be made, modified, and as. , the techniques of reading "and interpreting re- executed. Respbnsibility for decisions -is search and the bases for making judgments sumed in an emotionally charged environment concerning implicatkms and applications Of where an excessive nurriber of recommenda, new. information. Students must be taught how tions or commands may be provided by team- to cope with change by keeping abreast of new mates or the coaCh. Training that includes prob- findings and by contind study after leaving able emergency situations requiring decisions school. Without a healthy attitude toward meet- is important; it promotes confidence pnd serves ing the challenge of chge and coping with lt, as a prophylaxis of neuroemotional stress. Pre- personal insecurities and fixed minds develop. pared decisions with additional modifications to Static concepts become dogma retarding the be made in light Of. changing conditions pro- advancement of a culture. Our young people of motes confidence in decisionmaking. The simi- today, as a group, are bright and well prepared; larities between the formal training of as but thby are growing up In a world that is in- nauts in decisionmaking (ret.IV-27) and th secure with its* -grbWing pains.Itis important pragmatic training of sportsmen are very 'close. that our students become leaderA in evaluating jn light of our rapidly, ctiangjng society,.HPR and reacting individually and Independently in curricula probably should include more breadth the face 'of change. of training in the decisipnmaking prercess. All 'students would benefit from such experiences. For example, before the turm of the century Morpurgo (ref. IV-23) observed hypertrophy of tResponses to .Multiple Stressors. The tnuscle fibers as a result of work. He discounted alterations produced in the body by multiPle the possibility that hyperplasia (an increase in space flight factors (stressors) is one of the key the number of fibers) might take place. Based problema of space biology and medicine (ref. primarily on .thisinformation, most students IV-28). The research summarized by Antipov have been taught that the individual, as a result (ref. IV-28) and the SMEAT"(ref. IV-20) and ofheredity, has a given number of muscle Skylab (ref. IV-19) data .are highly relevant to fibers. Consequently, exercise programs corn- HPR, The uniqUe fspace environment Imposes

35 *10 , multiple stressorssimultaraSously. Some are whereas the experimental animals that have lie- s'immediste and act over relatively short _periods quired a speeific resistance willsUrvive for (e.g., vibration, acceleration, noide, heat) while sbme time until finalty the stage of exhaustion I. othe'rs act oter longer periods (e.g., weightless- sets in (ref., IV-33)-.. There is little guestion that ness, tncreased. radiation,limited .space,re- such specific resistances are developed. Ani-

ducedmofor, 'activity,environmental . gases, mals that ha:te been stressed by early exercise. ernotional stress) (refs. -IV-28 and IV-29). regimens respond favorably to subsequent exer- The term -"stress" was introduced by Selye cise prow (ref. IV-34). , (ref. IV-30) to describe a nonspecific .adaptive The ph nomenen of "cross resistance" has.. reaction 'of Mb organism to persistght stimuli in gained considetable attention in recent years. the environment. The stimuli (stressors) could In one study,different*, experimental groups ' be chemical, phy'qical, biological, or psYchologi- pere stressed with exercise, -restraint, and a cal. A typical hprmonalerespOnse involving the noxious substance injected under theskin,'" 'pituitary-adrenal axiswas elicited. This -has whire a control grOup was maintainPd under been called tne general adqptation syndrome standard laborry conditions. Following the (GAS) and is pvident in three stages: alarm, re- corklitipning period:all animRls were subjected

, sistance., and exhaustionlhe term stress,.how- to a heavy stressor of a different type forseveral ever, cs now being.used more broadly to include days prior to sacrifice. The animals' hearts were . specific adaptations.tospecific stressors or any 'sectionod,stained,. and 'examinedfor" heart mobilization of the organism'sgresources when pathology. The control animals that had 're- factors acting 041 the organisrn threaten working ceiVedrib conditicining showed considerable

.capacity or survival (ref. IV-27). , pathdlogy, whereas the hearts of the animals' . TA GAS concept has been most' useful in that had been preconditioned were essentially HPR and provides a basis.for understanding the normal (ref.IV- 35). The fact that the -condi- fraining phenomenon. Initial lossesy that occur tioned animals did not show pathOlogy reflects - early in training tregirneris such as decrements a cross resistance.

. in performance capacity (ref.' IV-31), decreases Such informatidn,.if adequatply supported by - in the red -eel! count (ref. IV-,.32), and the com- additional research; could be -highly important mon early weight gain in welight-loss programs to HPR. It wodid Make goocl senegin,Ou ph- sr parallel the alanm, reaction. The resistance OT anized culture, which centinually requir ess . adaptation phase is readily recognized in train- and less physical work and whith is.chanOing so . ing 'studies, and the leverof adaptation attained rapidly that future stresses cannot be predicfAli,4t is related, to the intensity and duration of the to' develop progfams s'othat cross resistance training regiMen. The exhaustion phase is Not can be obtained during the school years. In- k s seenin controlle4hurtian .'studies but is ob- deed, bubis has' recommended that Pur-yoUth .. servpd in animal studies when stressing agents obtain-such cross resistances thrpugh vigorQus are applied, contOdoesly for long periQds of physical aotivity (ref. IV-36). time. Current information suggests that,the Itis_iriteresting to note that patterns of adap- bf cross, resistance is oply partially pre- ttion For examble, assume laat dictathe.If animals .that hwe beeh precondi- ., two groups of Animals 'are studied: a control tioned by a moderate exerciSe prograM ,,ahe Oltgraup and an. experiMental groyet,In this inves- -sübjected. le a .regimen of Mild but anpoying t . tigation, the control animals will be maintained. electrical shocks, the 'prier. exercise. has the under staridard.laboratory coeditiohs, while the protective effect of rninimizinCihe anXiety-in- - experimental animAls. are' preconditioned to a ducelt heart darnage-;that usually accompanies

A cold environment by several-weeks of exposure a period of chronic shock exposde(ref. IV-37). toprogressive deereaps intemperature. A Cross resistance' is.eviderit. On the other hand, Streag response.will be elicitecf.in the experi;- if there is nceprior exerciste program buj exer- , mental animals; but, iftne exposure ato cold is cise and electrical shock regimens are initiated I sufficientlygradual, these animals willpass sirnultanaouslydsdoublestressors,an in- through the alarm stage and ipto the resistance creased, incidence of heal,t pathology' is ,ob- or adaptation stale. served (ref. IV 37). In this'case, cross resistance Now assume that*, fdloudng the conditioning is not expected. in fact, the phenomenon of an period, both grOups.Of animals are housed at increased.stress resporise to. Ancurrent double nermal temperatures forwveral months before stressors often is catled "crOss,6ensitization?' beingsubjectedsuddenly 'toextremecold It should be recognized that'cross resistance , (-10"F). The animals in the control group will' has practicallimitations.For example,prior NicKly during a' severe alarmreactisin, exercise cannot liviate .the ebffeCts of some , ./ 36

It" c

4's verydebilitatingstressors.Resistance toa Only to preflight training and postflight rehabili- 'lethal dose of Irradiation is not altered by a pro- tation of astronauts, but also to preventive medi- . gram of previous exercise. Evidence is not aVall- .cine,patient 69re, and the development of able concerning the effects of exercise on sub- school health and physical education curricula. lethal doses of irradiation (ref. IV-38). The true values-of the extensive endocrine, bia. The:combined Soviet and U.S. studies (ref. chemical, nutritional, and physialogical data ob- IV-22) and the SkYlab resutl&I (ref. IV-19 and tarhed from SMEAT and Skylab In understand- IV--20) have been very useful in .extending the ing multiple stress effects are yet to be realized. knowledgebaseregardingsequentialand Oscal is right that exercise in early life in- simultaneous applioptions 'of multiple stressors. hibits the later aevelopment of fat cells' (ref. The unique needs of the space-program re- IV-39), if muscle fibe4 can be modified as is qUired accelerated research In, this area. Al- suggested by the early hyperplasia data (tefs. though the data on cross resistance and cross IV-25 and IV-:26), and If appropriate stressors sensitization are not fully inthrpretable at this can be identified to-safely produce cross re- j time, much new informatiOn 'has resulted. For sistance in children, then new and highly Im- example,itis known .now that the combinecl portant directions in curriculum develolent effect of simultaneously imposed stress agents. '"for HPR are-indicated. may differ significantly from the affects pro- duced by each factor individually (ref. IV-28).. Astronaut Models for Young People. The In different types of interActions jhe stressors astronauts were identified as exdmplaty models may be mutually additive, synergistic, or an- for young peoples, therp Is more to it tagonistic. An additiVe interactionlg. one in than that: There are less ns f61. students ond which the effect 64 a combination is eqOal to teachers 'alike.' Rerieatedly, some of the astro- the sum of-the in-dividual effets of each of' the. nauts coMmented on their reactions to space. factors. In a synergistic interaction, the combi- They expressed feelingsof wonderment, of nation of factors will yield a greater effect than persdnal smallness, of love far family' and for the Simpler sum of the individual effects. The fellowman, "Somethlg" happened to .them. overall effect is less than the sum of .the indi- Certainly uppn tkeirretuaa they were n%n vidualeffectsinan antagonisticinteraction apart. Was it something spiritual that resulted in fret IV-2b). -an extreappreciation for mankind and life7The Some of the Combined effects of yarious possibHity cannot be discounted. stressors that .are preaented by Antipov, et al. Possibly, in their'preparations and during the tel. IV-28) provide good exaMples. With ac- actual space flights, the astronauts faped the celeration and hypodynamia (Inactivity), accel- most rigorous tests of their lives and found that . eration tolerance is decreased. With acceler- they measured up to the challenge. The old atron and ionizing irradiation, the resistance to saying; "From the hottest fire comes the strang- acceleratibn is increased 1 to 6 days following eststeel,"may be applicable.Satisfaction irradiation, Following day 7,the acCeleration comes from "measkiriivg up," There is a lesson resistance is decreased markedly. With vibre: 'here. The worthwhile things in life still require

, tion and heat, a syhergistic effect was observed. intensive effort.It behooves each individual to Heat alone (4.1°C, 20 min) did not cause death set high goals and to work toward thern. A In rata, but vibration and acceleration (5-800 cause outside. one's self, .which will aild others, 'Hz, 17.5 g) caused the death of 7.5 perceht. is especially healthy. When rats were exposed to both heat and vibra- Thep:deceptively difficult professionai fields of tion, the mortalitY rate rose to 65 percent. On HPR need such dedication. Attitude, motive- the 'other hand, prior vibration exposure re- tion, and self-respect are ndt 'only essential duced the effects of ionizing irradiation (if vibra- elements for a dynaMic society ,but for a viable lion stress is applied, following irradiation, the profession as well.Withouj question, major effe`6t becomes syhergistic).Order, time t se- turnarounds are in order for large segments of quence, number of stressors, and*types of stres- HPR. By "measurin up," by transmitting our sors all appear to be imrrtant in the ultimate dedicationnd love for felcowman through ow response. professio alields; we can and should be potent No complete model is available from which to orces irr .he maintenance of all that is good In woric at this time. Selye's general mddels (refs. our society. 1V-30, IV-33, and IV-35) are helpful but are '14ot adequate. Furth research is needed. The suc- Ecology and Land Ude. Remote sensing of cessful solution tthe problem of the combined the Earth, from space, as undertakenin the influence of "Multip e stressors is important not Earth Resources' Technology Satellite-1proL grams (now called Landsat) (ref. IV-8), and ex- Since the scope of remote sensing is broad tended in Skylab (ref. IV-210) is of priMary im- and the types of sensors available are technical portarweinestablishingecologicalrelation- (i.e., microwaves, infrared, etc.), discusgten of ships to health,leisure.anti recreation. The remote sensing must be limited. Water- pollu- iipplications of remote sensing to leisure and tion, thermal pollution,.air pollution, the relative `recreation have been discussedindetail by health of the oceans, and extehded effects Dunn (refs. IV-41 throCigh IV-44). She has re- from one geographic afea to another alread'y viewed both direct and indirect applications. are being monitored. The significance to health, The direct applidations mentioned suggest that inparticularcommunityhealth,isevident. remote sensing can be used to (a) monitor The These data must be utilized by local, state, na- changes in usage or functi9n of open space and tional, and international agencies in planning recreation facilities; I()) observe the environ- and control. The applications of remote sensing mental impact of recreation Lise on .public and to agriculture, forestry, geography, and mete- ate. lands;* (c)locate pollutants And their erology all have further indirect implications for rces both inside and outside of recreation HPR. (Further information may be found in refs. .. resources;(d), detect 'diseases in biological sys- IV-7 and IV-8.) Large aniounts of data have tems; and (e) track free-living animals in their been generated over a relatively short period of natural environment (e.g., bear, elk, whales, and time. The data must bscrutinized carefully by elephants). professionals in HPR nd the most relevant re- Indirect_ applications mentioned suggest that sults should be brout to bear on the profes- remote sensing can be used to (a) identify and sion immediately. . observp natural geophysical, hydrological, bio- logical, and climatological systems that affect Bioinstrumentation. Therigid,specifica- recreation resources and their users; (b) moni- tions regarding weight and reliability that were tor mart-made transportation, communication, placed on instruments for space stimulated the commercial, industrial,agricultural, andresi- development ofmicrocircuitry. The need. for dential systems that affect recreation; and (c) continuops ground moni,toring resulted. in the abquire large amounts of information never desig,n of unique light-weight sensors, trans- available previously. In Dunn's view (ref. IV-41), ducers, telemetry units, and sophisticated com- the most important potential bene'fits to leisure puters with analog-digital interface capability research and recreation planning _appear to be for rapid calculation of large quantities of data. ir4 this indirect sphere. New. responsjbilify and The changing needs of the space program also accountability will be placed. upon planners for .have served to accelerate the development of the long-term effects of their /actions. Remote' instruments for use in health dare and research. sensing already appears to _offer a means of Infant breathing monitors, X-ray enhancement, achieting viable alternatives to the present On- pressure transducers for intravascular measure- Chec-ked rates of change in the social and physi- -ment, improved heart pacemakers, biopotential cal enVironments. The work to date is encourag- electrodes, minute muscle accelerometers, radi- ing regarding the potential of remote sensing in ation dosimeters, dry stained slides, end auto- recreation planning. Greater communication is matic blood pressure devices are just a few of needed now between technology and the re- the many examples. search.and pleating process (ref. IV-41). Developments -liave continued through Sky- Remote sensing provides a tool of particulhr;lab. The ergometer that could. be operated in importance to the ecplogy of,our planet Health- several modes (La, set work independent of related impiications 'are obvious. The, develop- pedal rqtes work dependent upon pedaL rate, ments ieitiated in the unmanned satellite pro- aed mirk adje'stedtoheartrate),theteflon grams (ret IV-8) and extended in Skylab (ref. treadmill, and the online procedures used to IV AO) have added an essential tbol for con- measure nd calculate energy metabolism were tinijecl data input. The growing population with I Iu: nother example mentioned earlier is its greater expectations for a higher standard of the I ice used for mass measurement in a living consur9es more resources, occ'kupies more weight! ss environment. This new instrumenta- space, produces more waste, and puts more tion has broadened the scope of research. Con- pressure on an already fragile earth ,environ- tinued cli velopments by manufacturers are tobe ment (ref. 'IV 7). Change can be monitored sys- expectedToday,forexample, good 'single- tematically, and the,research base for intelligent channel tlemetry units are available commer- and responsible decisionmaking can be supple- ciallyto cord exercise electrocardiogwls. mented. Trends will becorne evident before they Low cos, kiltichannel telemetry transmitters are irreversible or unmanageable. and recorders with plug-in amplifiers or bridges

38 SI

,for Making various measurements are now, with- The eXercise data collected under ig condi- in the state of the art. tions in SMEAT (rdf.:1'--20), are quite valuable. The Integrated Medical and Behavioral Lab- The exercise deli'? dlected on $kylab. are oratory Measurement Syatem (IMBLMS), which highly important as IS s Own inchapter III a d was, developed for health monitoring in space, in the outline below (ref.IV-47 through IV- ) has applicationbAn Earth. Health care services In the. joint U.B.-Soviet revievis there Iswe Ith are inaccessibleYor many Americans, especially of eVidenipe on exercise. This source isth- thoSe living in remote areas or in the inner city. portant because the exercise stuclies are not in Health care services still suffar from a lack of journals usually monitored by exercise, physi- commtpication and inadequate organization ologists.. factors that adversely affect their availability, cost, quality, 'and efficiency. Costs are high and Contributions to Qur Body of Knowledge. health personnel are in short supply (ref. IV-45). A plethora of new research evidence has ema- ThelMBLMS, manned by physicians' assistants; nated from Skylab and Skylab-related efforts. is under test. The remotely localeil field units This research is far too extensive to attempt to.. are supported by a control center located a present in detail here. Fortunately, much of the jacent to hospital facility. IJeW instrument work hss been, reviewedinthe . jointU.S.- tion, manned by 'paramedical perdonnel and U.S.S.R. 'publication Foundations of Space Biol- equipped with two-way communications for con- gy and Medicine (ref. IV-22) or has been ore- sultation and emergency pUrposes, appears to s nted in sOme detail in the SMEAT report (ret.

be' a viable' option as a supplementary health I -20) and the Proceedings of the Skylab Life delivery system. Science Symposium (ref. IV-19). Research on the Effects of Exercise. The The following outline has been organized to resesrch on exercise conducted at Harding identify relevant areas, to describe briefly the College by H. Olree, R. Corbin, and C. Smith type of information presented, and to commerit provided Er basrs for determining the .exercise regarding the significance of the informatiQn tO regimens and durations used on Skylab. They' HPR. Selected recent .review or research refer- evaluated various -durations of exercise and ences are given. Thd interested reader wishing studied the effects of defined exercise programs additional feferences may obtain them from the using several modalities, including _small com- rpview bibliographtes. The outline is intended mercial ddVices such as the Exer-genie and the only to aid in identifying new and potentially Mlni-gym. They found that riding a bicycle and useful researchlindin'gs. runningat comparable hearWates produced similar gains in physical fitness variables. Sub- I,Barometric pressure and gas composition (ref. 'jects who exerdiked at a heartrate of 180 beats/ IV-14)'. . min made greater gains in physleal fitness than A. Altitude decompres sion sktknessinrela- did those exercising at hdartrates of 140 or 160. tion to age, obesity, exercise, and oxygen beats/min. Subjects exercising60 min/day breathing. (Significant effects of condition- made greater gains than those expr'cising 20 or ing and leanness.) B. Oxygen breathing prior to work at altitude. 40 min/day at the same workload. greater gains (Effective prior to a aerobic work at, alti- reaulted in subjects who exercised 112 times/ . tude?) week than in tho'se who exercised dnly 3 or 6 C..Cross-resistance effe ts of hypoxia. times/Week. Subjects who discontinued training b. Hypoxia adaptations *id chronic hypoxia slowly deconditioned, but a moderate level of adaptations.(Littleiii4known concerning fitness could be maintained by 6xercising at a ."hypoxia"traininglechniques. Enzyme pulse rate of 160 beats/min for three 20-minute shifts apd mitochondrial _alterations may be periods each week (ref. IV-46). relevanio) The 'Harding College findings are important II. Thermal exchange and temperature stress (ref... for individuals prescribing exercise programs. IVa80). A. Ciomfort zones for various.airvelocities, The studies were well controlled and well exe- humidity, clothing, and work levels. (Adds cuted in a sound research environment. More information relev4n1 to sports environments. of this material should be publishedinthe Supplements footballclothing studiesof

.01 regular scientific journalt. However, itis 'very thermal balance. See ref.ly,-51.) . difficult for active ,investigators to*keep up on R. Heat dissipatkm in oxercisb.. their writing chores, particularly when 'exciting C. Overheating And thermal tolerance. programs such as Skylab and the Shuttle, mis- D. Models of human temperature regulat(on. sions are underway. (Model may be applicable to HPR fields.)

39 III. Gravitational biology; effects of Jorces above C. Posturalcontrol- and the rotaryenviront- lg (ref. IV-52)., ment (Treatment of yestibular sensor func- A. Estimated chronic acceleration tolerance. tions and their input into the central ner- B. Growth and development under different vous system, relevant to those interested in gravity conditions. (May add to our knowl- complex movements and-biomechanicS.) edge concerning'normal growth.). D. Motion sickness: susceptibility and treat- C. Effect of positive gravity on skeletal' growth. ment. (Relevance to bone changes under stressful Effects of prolonged exposure to weightless- training situations: Wolff's Law. See ref. 4.ness On posturalequitibridm(ref. IV-58). Changes in postural dquilibrium from pre- to D.Effect of positive gravity on made growth. postrnission. (Postural stability affected by pro- E.Effect.of positive gravity exposure on work- longed weightlessness.Hypotheticalmecha- ing capacity. (Animals reared under posi- nisms are particularly relevantto thosein- tivegravity conditions outOorformedani- terestV in reflexes and "learned'' patterns.) mals reared under lg eonditions.) VIII.WeightThness (ref. IV-59). Chronicaccelerationeffectson blood A. Working model of the influence of weight- measures. (Relevant to stress and training.) lessness on man(ref.IV-59.).. (Summary G. Chronic acceleration effects on body com- chart reflects state of data justprior to position. (Relevant to stress and training.) Skylab; see ref. IV-59, p. 319.) IV. Prolonged linear and radial acpelerations (ref. B. Body mass changes in Skylab (ref. IV-60). IV-54). (Reflects losses early in mission but regain.- A. Human resistance to accelerations. ing of weight' in longer missions. Measure- 14.Effects. of acceleration on physiol4gic sys- ment device is unique; see ref. IV-60, pp. tems such hs .cardiovasbula, resOratory, 374-5.) newous, and endocrine.(Betterunder- C. Cardiovascular. standing of systems under :stress.) 1. 'tolerance changesob- C. Work capacity under prolonged accelera- Orthostatic served in Skylab missions (ref.IV-61). tion. Comparison results under lg conditions D. Adaptation to accoloration: (Relevanceto IV-62)....(Crew oflongest mission "cross resistance.") (ref. showedfewer changesthanshorter E. Methods of increasing resistance to accele- missions. Orthostatic tolerance appar- ration. (HighlSr relevant to physical training.) ently not a deterrent to extended space F. 'Adaptationto hypoxia.(Relevant, to"hy- flights.) poxic", training.),, 2.Red blood(tellmass,lifespan, and V. Impact accelerations (ref. IV-55). inSkylab ,(refs. A. Physiorogic and pathologic effects of hnear metabolism measured IV-63 and IV-64) and under1 g condi- impact. (Data are4highly relevant to sports tions (refs. IV-65 riod IV-6(3). (Red cell injuries.) flight, but in 1. HV injuries. (Data related to concus- mass decreased early in longermissionsstarte(1regeneration. sion). Significant questions, regarding etiology 2.Spinal impact. (Data relatedto .spear blocking and spinal injuries of football.) and crAitrol mechanisms for changes.) 3.Cardiac size (refs. IV-67, and IV- 3.Transverse impact. 68). .(Cardiacsize(lecreasedinpro- B.Tolerancelimits..(Provides a basefor sports.) longed weightless environment. Decre- ments were not related to mission dura- C. Vertebral and intarvertebral stmngths. (Pro- 4 vides a base for. sports.) tion.) D. Impact protection. 4.Flectromechanicalproperties of the cardiobscular system (rels. IV-59 and E.Relatiens of physical inactivity. (Fffects of exercfso in development and maintenanc( IV-69). (Postflight temporary alterations of bone. strength.) in systolic time interval§ suggested trawl VI.. Angular velocities, angular accelerations, and sientfunctional impairment invenovs Coriolip accelerations (refs. IV-5.6 and IV-57). return and stroke volume. Good exor- A. Arfatomical-physiologicalexplanationsof cism data with measur(d sygtolic time, vestgular apparatus with pathways into the intervals. data reflect decreased blood central 'nervous system. (Indepth treatment volumos .postflight.) of the Oestibular mechanism; of :particular Calciumbalance 'andskeletalchangcrs valueto,thoseinterestedinvestibular measured in Skylab (refs.* IV-70 and IV-71) me(:hanism function.) and under 1c7 conditions (refs. IV-72 and IV- B.Man',s force mvironments: terrestrial and 73)_ In weightlessness. (Force environment 1 Increases inurinary calcium observed analyses of terrestrial and weightless con- in space. Calcium Baliince was not ob- ditions are unique; (oncept§ are of value in tained in Space in any of the missions blomechanics.) (ref. IV-70).

40 2: No Mineral- lossesobservedinthe ate fluid-electrolyte balance, regulation radius and ulna based on radiographic of Metabolism .and calcium balance, and estimates. Significant mineral losses ob- adaptation to environment. (Exception- served in os calcia of (two crewmembers ally broad array of data including epine- .(ref. phrine, .17-ketosterolds, Sodium, potas- 3.Highly yetriable Calcium loss and bone Blunt creatintne, growth hormone, mineral 'loss among crewmembers ex- ACTH, calcitonin,'and aidosterone. posedtoweightlessness(refs.IV-70 These data significant in differentiating and 1V-71). effects Of weightlessness, adding' infor- 4.Physicalactivityformaintenanceof mation' concerning adaptation to multi- skeletalintegeity supported by hypo- ple stressors, specific effects of exer- dynarniaandweightlessnessstudies .cise regimens, and the interrelations of (refs. IV-59, IV-70, aria IV-71). parameters measured.) E. Musctiar changes. I.Anthropometric changes ancl.fluld Shifts by 1.Changes in muscular strength (ref. 'IV- measures in Skylab of girth, leg and arm 47). (Muscular strength decrements ob- volumes, center of gravitY, and observe- served in all missions. Use of progres- tionswof postural changes. (ref. IV-49). (Arm sively more intensive exercise regimens girthandvolumemeasuresdecrsed reduced thedecrements',indicating slightly but idg. girth and voldmes decreed strength can be retained; see ref. IV-47)." significantlyinflight.Center 'ofgra ity 2.Nitrogen loss continued in space (ref. was raised in body and postural changes 1V-70). (Nitrogen loss reflecting loss of .relatedtogreatertone in antigravity muscle mass wasnevercompletely muscles were observed. These data are stopped; see ref. IV-70.) significantinanthropometric, body com- 3.Muscle girthscontinuedtodecrease position' study. Anthropometric studies were IV-74). (ref. (Lossesof 'Musclegirth . supportive of -the fluid redistribution.) and volumes were never_ completely IX. Noise and'vlbration (ref. IV-61). stopped;geerefs.IV-47andIV-74. A. PhysiologicandpsychologiCeffectsof Data indicate that with further adjust- noise, preferred' and nonpreferred octave ments.of exercise regimens that balance bands, noise eXposure indices, human tol- could be obtained. Refs.IV-47,IV-70, .erance levels, methods of protection. (Ex- apd IV-74 are highly significant to tixer- bellent suMmary, relevant to Industrial and clse phySiology and use of exercise for commdnity health and to noise pollution.) preventive and rehabilitative Rurposes.) B.Effects of vibration on cardiovascular sys- F. Neuromuscular 'changes (ref.IV-75). (Sig- , muscles, and psychologic effects .of hilicantly shortened Achilles tendon reflex Wbration. (Criteria and limits of human ex- times obtained postflight. Altered feedback posure to vibration of interest in industrial

,'and response due to lack of use and, pos- ,. and community health:) . tural servo-feedback is proposed. These lie- X. Radictifrequency and microwave energies (ref. sults coupled with peculiar gait pOstflight IV-82). Biologic effects Of these energies and are 'significanttolearningandbiome- of electric and magnetic fields and their in- chaniCs.) fluences on humao functionalabilities..(Re-_, G. Work performance. views pathophysiologip effects such as cata- 1.Time-motionstudyofselectedwork ract formation, sterility,'vlsceral, blOod, cardio- tasks conducted on Skylab (ref.IV-76) vascular, and central nervous gystem. Perrpis- and under lg conditions(ref.IV-77). sible levels and behavioral effects are pre- (Performance of ,tasks" under zero-g con- l sented. Data particularlyrelevanttofamily,

ditions required "learning" of the tasks. industrial, and community hetilth.) . . Increase in height in space makes don- Xl. Ultraviolet, visible, and infrared rays (ref: IV-

ning space suit more difficult; see, ref. 83). . IV-76. These.clata of interest 'in motor A.' Reviews j5lologic effects and sources of learning.) each of the radiative energies. (Data of 2. Work metabolism expdriments conduct- interest In family and industrial health and

. ed on all Skylab missions (ref.1V-48) industrial management.) and urxler 1g conditiona (ref.. IV-78). (No B.. Standardization vajues and the pathologic decrement noted in energy expenditure e(fects that occurifthey are exceeded. and associated measutes in space; see (Rate of ',taming has been shown to. be 'ref.IV-48. Exercise programs in spice .,affected.'Isthis 'of significanceinfamily reduced level of postflight decrements. exposure?) Instrumentation, and data of interest to XII. Ionizing radiation (ref. IV-29). Effects of cosmic exercise physiologists.) radiation and hazardS from continued expo- H. Blochemieel teponses. sure. Biological effects of 'superheavy, high- 1.MeaSures taken' in Skylab (ref.IV-79) velocity particles: chromosomal breaks, non-_ and prior to Skylab (ref. IV-80) to ovoid- specific sclerosis, neoplasms, and leukemia. e 41

t. Wt... haw. srSAX alt...7{ //lt OKI,T n ,, l y z 1 Radiation resistance and allowable dose levels IV-2. Ehricke,K. A.ExtraterrestrialImperative. (ret.IV-29), (Data significant to health and a Space for Mankind's Benefit, NASA SP-313, faCtor to consider in longer space- missions. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office', Skylab crews have. had the greatest exposure, '1972, pp. 341-352. but dose equivalent radiation:was within limits IV-3, Glaser, P. E. Power without Pollution. Space set; see ref. IV-84. Observed light flashes be- for Mankind's Benefit, NASSP-313, Wash- lieved to be associated with heavily ionizing ton, D,C.: U.S. Govt. PriLIg Office, 1972, cosmic particles; see ref.IV-85. These data pp. 431-439. A extremelyimportanttofuturelong-duration IV-4. Rees, E. Welcbme and Intr duction to As- space flights. No detectable effects on human sembly.. Space for Mankind'51 Benefit, NASA embryonic iung cells in tissue culture observed SP-313, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print- on Skylab; see ref.IV-86. These data of ex- ing Office, 1972, p. 17. treme interesttoradiobiologistsah,dtoin- IV-5. CongressionalRecord--,Senate.Ap'ril 19, dustrial health professionals.) 1962, pp. 7025-7031. XIII. .Biological rhythms (ref. IV-87). Review of cir- IV-6. Rauschenbach, G. Communications Via, cadian rhythms, limits of daily patterns.'Great- SatelliteDividend of. the Space Age. Spade . er stress tolerated at certain parts of the day. for Mankind's Benefit; NASA SP-a13, Wash- Disruption of rhythms causes mismatching and ington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1972, lowered stress tolerance. Need indicated for pp'. 265-277. , maintenance of exercise to contribute toa IV-7. Graves, C. D. Unmanned Spacecraft for Be- sound pattern of wakefulness and sleep. (Data search. Space for Mankind's (3enefit, NASA significant to coaches or to anyone wishing to SP-313, Washington;' U.S. -Govt. Print- ,4 be "up"' at some giventime. Disruption of ing Office, 1972, pp. 23-33. pattern by crossing time zones or attempting IV-8: Symposium on Significapt Results Obtained , to perform at other than habitual times will from the Earth Resources Technology ,5atel- Jesuit -in poor performance. "Jet lag" an im- lite./.Vol.i, NASA SP-327, Washington, ,1 portant factor.) D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1973. XIV. PsychophysiologicalstressofsPaceflights IV-9. Bernstein, S. L. Satellite Communication and. (ref. IV-27). Analysis of ,emotional stress, cos- Navjgation for Mobile Users. Space for Man, monaut personality types that respond best, 'kind's Benefit, NASA SP-313; Washington, factors causing neuroemotional stress inflight, D.C.; U.S. Govt. PrintingOffice,1972, pp. sensory deprivation and 'methods of overcpma 247-257. ingit,response to multiple stressors, social IV-10. McCreight,L.R. and R.N.Griffib. of space applied to organization of ProcessingA Projection. Space for Man- crews and personality types. Monitoring and kind's Benefit, NASA SP-313, Washington, prophylaxis of neuroemotional stress in cos- D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office,1972, kr. mónauts. (Data highly relevant to structure of 337-340. teams,understandingofmultiplestressors, IV-11. NASA . Space Bene- prevention and alleviationof neuroemotional fits: Today and Tomorrow. Kennedy Space stress in.. new space situations. la on sen- Center, . 1971. (fold-over pamphlet). sory deprivation and prophylaxis oits effects IV-12. von Daniken, E. Chariots of the Gods. New highly relevant to recreation and, the basic con- )(Cork: Bantam Books,*(1970. - cepts underlying recreation. Due to narrower IV-13. Sendy, J. The Coming of the Gods. NewYork:, environmental sestrictions,space' recreation Berkley Publishing Co., 1973, assumes new limits and directions. These data IV-14. Malkin, V. B., Barometric Pressure and Gas , equally significant to maintenance of mental- Composition, Foundations of Space Biology emotional health.) and Medicine, vol.II,BookI,Washington, XV. Combined effects of fli'ght factors (ref.IV-28). D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1975,pp. Review of multiple strOsors and alternative 32-64. responses to the stressOrs. (Highly significant; IV-15. Han'essian, J. The Political and Legal Aspects brings together new information on "cross re- of Space Applications. Space for Mankind's sistance" and respcInses to multiple stressors. Benefit, NASA SP-311, Washington,D.C.: Of great value to exercise physiology, curricu- U.'S. Govt. Printing Office, 1972, pp. 443-447. lum planners, and to health.) IV-16. Significant Accomplishments in Technology, NASA SP-366, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1973. IV-17. Conference onr Space, Science, and. urtyin RefervcesChapterIV.; Life, NASA SP-37, Washington, I/C.:U.S.

Govt. Prihtinq Office, 1963. . IV-1. von Puttkamer, J. Space for Mankind's Ilene- IV-18. .Second Netidpal Conference on Peaceful fit, A Space Congress for the Nonaerospace Uses of Space, NASA SP-8, Washington, Public, .fiiiessage from the Chairman. Spav D.C. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1962. for Mankind's Benefit, SP -313. Washington, IV-19. Proceedings ofthe' SkylabLifeSciences D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1972, 0. a. Symposium, NASA TMX-58154, 1974.

42 #

, IV-20. Skylab Medic* Oxperiments Altitude Test, 4 Myocardial. Damage. (Abstract) Med. arid Sol. NASA TMX-58115, 1973o In Sp, 4:1:52, 1.972.' 1%41. The NASA Went MC and Technical informa- IV-38. Helmer, W. W. and R. Kertzer. The Effect of lion Service. Washington, (:),C.: NASA, 1970. .`Prior Exercise Training upon the Incidenc1, IV422. Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine, of Radiation-induced Mortality. UnpublisheEr 1 vol.'11, Book 1 and 2.; Ecological and Physlo- data, Michigan,State University. logical Basest of Space Biology and Medi- IV-39. Decal, L, B., .P. -Babirak; J. A. McGarr and oine, (General editors M. Calvin and 0. G. C. N, Spiraki'Effect Of Exercise on Adipose .Gazenko, Book II- editors J.P. Marbarger TissueCellul my'. Fed. Proc. 33;8:1956-1958,., and P. V. Vasil'yev) NASA, Washington, D.C.: ( 1974. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1975,,756 p. 1V-40. Canby, T , SkylabQutpoit on the Frontier IV-23. Morpurgo, B. Ueber Aktivitats-Hypertrophie ofSpet '1tional Geographic' 146:4:441-

der wfilkurlichen Muskeln. Virchow's Archly 464, 74. .. . .

f. Path Anat und Physiol f. klin Med. 150:522, IV-41. Du , D. R. Sliace Age Strategies and Fac- 1897. tor;s for Leisure andRecreation Research and IV-24. Reitsma, W.SkeletalMuscle Hypertrophy Planning. Paper \ presented, at the Interna- after Heavy Exercise in Pals with Surgically tional Recieation \ CongressBrusselg, April Reduced Muscle Function. Am. J,. Phys. Med, 1973. ° . 48:5:237, 1969. P 1V-42. Dunn, D. R. Applications of Remote Sensing 1V-25. Van Linge, B. The Response of Muscle to to Urban Recreation Planning: Proc. Eighth Strenuous Exercise.J.Bone JointSurf,. Int. Swim. on Remote. Sensing of. Environ- 448:711, 1962. ment, 1972, pp: 311-315. IV-26. Carrow, Ff. E., W. W. Heusner and W. D. Van IV-43. Dunn,. D. R. Applicatli?n of. Remote Sensing Huss. Exercise and the Incidence of Muscle to Leisure Resource Planning and Manage- Fiber .SplItting. Brit. Assoc. Sp. Med. J.°739, ment. Paper presented at, the Second An- ,... 1973. nual Remote Sensing ofEarth 'Resources IV-27, Simonov, P. V. Psychophysiological Stress oi Conference, Univ. of Tennessee .Space In- Space Flight. Foundations of Space Biology stilute, 1973. and Medicine, yolk II, Book 2, Washington, 1V-44. Ddnn, D. R. Remote Sensing, Boon or Boon- D.a: U.S. Govt. Printing Office,1975, pp. doggle. Parks ,and Recreiolon8:10;14-18, 549-570. 43-44, 48, 1973. IV-28. Antipov, V. V., B. I. Davydov, V. V. Verigp and 1V-45. Report on the Health of the Notion's Health Yu. M. Svirezhev. Combined Effect of 'Flight' Systetn.. Washington, D.C.: De0 df Health, actors. Foundations of Space Biology and Education and Welfare, 1969. , Medicine, vol.11, Book 2, Washington, 4p.C.: 1V-46. Olree,H.- D. ,ProgreSsReports' of NASA U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1975, pp.463T-667. Grants NOR-04-002-404, NAS 9-9433, and IV-29. Tobias, C. A. and Yu. G. Grigoryev. Ionizing NAS 9-14134, 1967-1974. \ ;Radiation. Foundations of Space Biology and 1V-47. Thornton, W. E. and J. A. Rummel. Muscular Medicine, vol.II, Book 2, Washington, D.C.:- beconditioning and its Prevention in Space . U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1975, pp. 473-531. Flight. Proc. Skylab Life Sol:', Symp., NASA 1V430. Selye, H. The Physiology and Patho/ogy of TMX-58154, 1974, pp: 403-418. .. Exposure to Stress. Montreal: Acta, 1950. IV-48. Michel, E. L., 1 A. Rumniel, C:.FSawin, M. IV-31. Van HUSS, W. D., R. K. Niemeyer, H. W. Olsqn C. Buderer and J. D. Lem. Results of Skylab and J. A. Friedrich. Physical Activity in filtoti- Medical Experiment M171Metabolic Activ- ern Living. 2nd Ed., Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: ity. Proc. Skylab Life Sol. Sympl, NASA TMX- Prentice-Hall, 1969, pp. 48-49... 58154, 1974, pp. 723-762. 1V-32. Braun, G. 0. Blood Destruction during Exer- 1V-49.Thornton,'W. E., G. W. Hoffler and J. A. ,Rum- cise. J. Exp. Med.. 36:481, 1921;37:113 and mel.Mthropometric Changesand'Fluid 187, 1922. Shifts. Proc.' Skylab Life Sol. Symp., NASA IV-33. Selye, H. The Stress' of Life. New York: Mc- TMX-58154, 1974, .pp. 637-658. Graw-Hill, 1976. 1V-50. Webb, P. Thermal Exchanges itnd Tempera- IV-34. Van Huss, W..D., W. W. Heusner, J. Weber, ture Stress. Foundotions of Space Biology D. Lainb and R. E. Carrow, The Effects of and Medicine, vol.II, Book 1, Washington, Prepubertal Forced Exercise upon Postpub- D.C.:U,S, Gov!, Printing. Office,1975, pp. erty physical Activity:Food Consumption and 94-128, , Selected Physiological' and Anatomical Pa- rameters. Proc. 1st Int. Cong. Psych. of Sp., IV-51. Fox. E. L.,. D. K. Mathews, W. S. Kaufman anct; 1965, pp. 734-738: R. W. Bowers. Effects of Football Equipment 1 on Thermal Balance and Energy Cost During 1V-35. Selye, H. The Cheinical Prevention of 'Car- Exercise. Res. Quart. 37:332-339, 1966. diac Necrosis. New.York: Ronald Press, 1958. 1V-52. Smith, A. H, Principlest of Gravitational Bi- IV-36. Dubow, R.J, 'Adaptability for Survival and ology, Foundations of Space Biology and 'Growth. Michigan's Health, 27 Oct., 1960. v ,Medicine, vol.II. Book 1, Weshington, D.C.). 1V-37. Hemmer, W: W. et al. Exercise, Anxiety- and U.S. Goyt. Printing Office, 1975, pp. 19'9-/162:

43 IV-53. Wolff, J. Das Gesetz der Transformation der SkylabMissions.Proc.SkylabLifeSci. Knocfien. Berlin: 2. Hirschwald, 41392. Symp.,.NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 785-793. IV-54. Vasiryev, P. V. and A. R. Kotóvskaya. Pro- IV-69. Bergman, S. A.; G. W. Hoffler and R. L. john- longedLinearand RadialAccelerations. son.EvaluationoftheElectromechanical Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine, PropertiesoftheCardiovascularSystem. vol. II, Book 1: Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Proc. Skylab Lifetci. Symp.,. NASA TMk- Printing Offide, 1975, pp. 163-213. 58154, 1974, pp. 681-709. IV-55. von Gierke, H. E. and J. W. Brinkley. Impact IV-70. Whedon, G. D. et al. (9 coauthors). Mineral Acceleitations. Foundations ol Space Biol9gy and Nitrogen Metabolic. Studies, Experiment and Medicine, vol.II, Book 1, Washington, M071. Proc. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., NASA D.C.: U.S. GOvt. Printing Office,1975, pp. TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 353-371. 214-246. IV-71. Vogel, J. M. and M. W. Whittle Bone Mineral IV-56. Graybiel, A., E. F. Miller and J. L. Homick. Measurementtxperiment M078. Proc... Sky- Experimept M-131, Human Vestibular Func- lab Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, tion.Proc. Skylab LifeSci.Symp., NASA pp. 387-401. TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 1697220. IV-72. Whedon, G. D. P.C. Rambaut and M. C. IV-57. Graybiel, A. Angular Velocities, Angular Ac- Srnith. Mineral BalanceExperiment M071. celeration and Coriblis Accelerations: Foun- SMEAT, NASA TMX-58115,1973,pp.7-1 dations of Space Biology and Medicine, vol. through 7-12. ° II,Book1,Washington,D.C.:U.S.Govt. IV-73. Vogel, J.M.,J. iplImann, S. Brown and F. Printing Office, 1975, pp. 247-304. Kolb. Bone Mineral MeagurementExperi- lv-5p. Homick, J. L., M. F. Reschke and E. F. Miller. ment M078. SMEAT, NASA TMX-58115, 1973, The Effects of Prolonged 'Weightlessness on pp. 9-1 throuqh 9-6. Postural Equilibrium. Proc. Skylab Life Sci. IV-74. Whittle, M., R: HerrOn and J. Cuzzi. Biostereo- Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 221-238: metric Analysis of Body Form. Proc. Skylab IV-59. Pestov,I. D. and S. 1.1_Gerathewohl. Weight- Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. lessness. Foundations of Space Biology and 417-424. Medicine, vol.II, Book 1, Washington, D.C.: IV-75. Baker, J. T., A. E.Nicogossian, G. W. Hoffler, U.S. Govt, Printing Office, 1975, pp. 305-354. R. L. JohnsOn and J. Hordipsky. Changes in IV-60. 'Thornton, W. E. and J.Ord. Fhysiologioal the Achilles Tendon Reflex& Following Sky- Mass Measurements in Skylab. Proc. Skylab lab Missions. Proc. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 297-305. 373-386. ly-76. Kubis, PF., E. J. McLaughlin, R. Rusnak, G. IV-61. Johnson, R. L., G. W. Hater, A. E. Nicogos- H. McBride and S. Saxon. ,;(ask' and Mirk sian, S. A. Bergman and M. M. Jackson. Performance on Skylab Missions 2, 3, and. 4. 'Lower Body Nbgative Pressure: Third Man- Proc. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX- ned Skylab Mission.' Proc. Skylab Life Sci. 58154, 1974, pp. 307-339. ' Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 545-595. IV-77. Kubis, J. F., J. Ti- Elrod, R. Rusnak, G. H. Mc- IV-62. Johnson, R.L.,A.l Nicogossian, M. M. Bride, J. E. 'Barnes and S. Saxcin. Time and JackSon, G. W. Heftier and R. A. Wolthuis. MotionExperiment M151. SMEAT, NASA Lower Body Negative Pressure: Experiment TMX-58115, 1973, pp. 13-1 through 13-7. M092. SMEAT, -NASA TMX-58115, 1973, pp. .IV-78. Michel, E."1. and J. A. Rummel. Metabolic 4-1 through 4-6. ActivityExperiment M171. SMEAT, .NASA IV-63. Johnson, P. C., T. B. Driscoll and A..D. Le-. TMX-58115, 1973, pp. 10-1 thiiough 10-15. , Blance. Blood Volume Changes. Proc. Skylab IV-79. 'Leach, C. S. and P. C. Rambaut. Biochemical Life Sci. Symp., NASA IMX-58154, 1974, pp. Responses ofthe Skylab Crewmen. Prdc. 495-505. Skylab Life Sci. Symp., NASA TMX-58154, IV-64. Mengel, C. E., Red Cell Metabolism Studies 1974, pp. 427-454. on Skylab.Proc. Skylab Life Sci.Symp., IV-80. Leach, C. S. and P. C. Rambaut. Bioassay of NASA TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 507-518. BodyFluidsExPeriment M073. SMEAT,, IV-65. Johnson, P. C. Blood 'Volume and Red Cell NASA TMX258115, -1973, pp.11-1 through Life Span (M113). SMEAT. NASA TMX-58115. 1973, pp. 6-15 through 6-18. IV-81. von GierkeT H. C. W. Nixon and J.C. IV-66. Mengel, C.E. Red Blood CellMetabolism) Guignard. Noise and Vibration, Foundations (M114). SMEAT% NASA TMX-58115, 1973, pp. Ol Space Biology.and Medicine, vol. II, Book 6-19 through 6-20. J,Washington,D.C.: U.S.Govt.Printing IV-67. Henry. W. L., S. E. Epstein, J. M. Griffith, Office, 1975, pp. 355-405. E. Goldstein and D. R. Redwood. Effect of Mialaelson, S. M.Radio-Frequencyand Prblonged Space Flight on Cardiac Function Microwave Energies, Magnetic and Electric andDimensions.Proc.SkylabLifeSci. Foundations ol .Space Biology and Symp., NASA TMX-58154. 1974,-pp. 711 721_ Medicine, vol.II, Rook 2. Washington, D.C.: IV-68. NicogoSsian, A., G. W. Hoffler, R. L. Jbhnson U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 1975, pp. 409-452. and R. J. GoWen. Determination of Cardiac IV-83. Taylor, J. H, and A...A.I. etavot. Ultraviolet, 0 Size from Chest Roentgenograms Following Visible and Infrared 'Rays. Foundatiohs of

44 4.9

et. Space Biology ,ancr Medicine, iol.II,' Book 2, tion on Skylab 4.Proc. SkylabLite Sci. Washingtop, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Symp., NASA TMX-58154, 1974,N. 287-295.

1975, pp. 4153-472. . ;IV-8.6. Montgomery, P. 0. et al. (11 coauthors). The -IV-84. Bailey,J. V., R. A. Hoffman and R.. A. Eng- Responsei of Single Human Cells to Zero- . lish.RadiologicalProtection' and Medical Gravity. Proc. Skylab Life Sol. Symp., NASA Dosimetry forthe Skylab Crewmen. Proc. TMX-58154, 1974, pp. 487-491. ' 6' Skylab Life SO. Symp., 'NASA TMX-58154, IV-87. Strughold, H. and H. B. Hale. biological' and 1974, PP. 145-155' Physiological Rhythms. Foundations of Space t, Biology and Medicine, vol. II, nook 2, Wash- IV-85. Hoffman, R. S. Pinsky, Z. Osborne and ington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1975. and J. V. Bailey. Visual Light Flash'Observa- PP. 535-548.



F.. ,) 0 45 Glossary


ACTH. The adrenocorticotropic hormone se- Chromosome.. A rod-shaped orthread-ii1Nody creted by the anterior pituitary. Activates the ofe- chromatin inthe 'cellnucleus; carrier of adrenal in stress: genes. Adrenal corticoids. SecretionS of adrenal cor- Circadian rhythm. A rhythm with ,a period of tex, glucocorticoids, or mineralocorticold. about 24 hours, applied especially to tete rhyth- mic repetition .of phenomena inliving' organ- Aerobic capacity. ThemaxiMum amount of isms at abgut the same time each day. . oxygen that can be taken up per minute. e, Convection. Motions within a fuid resulting in Aldosterone. The prihcipal electrolyte,-regulating transport and mixing of' the co ponents of that steroid secreted by the adrenal cortex. fluid. Allergenic. Capable of producing an allergy. " Corona. The tenuous envelope df the Sun, be- Amino acids. Organic acid in which one of the ginning about 14,000 km above the solar surface hydrogen atoms has been replaced by NH., The and extended many millionkilometers into amino acids are the basis for the proteins. space. Anthropometry. The part of ahthropology that Cosmic rays. Radiation of intehse penetrating deals with measurement of the human body. power and high frequencyimpihging upOn the ---Antiditiietic_hormone A hormone_of the pituitary Earth from outer space. . that suppresses the secretion of urine. Creatinine. An alkaloidderivatfive-of creatine. Arrhythmia. Variation from the normal rhythm A product of muscle metabolisM. of the heart. Cross resistance. Resistancelo a stressor re- Astrophysics. The branch of astronomy that suiting from adaptation to a d,fferent stressor. deals with the physical nature' of theileavenly Cytogenic. Relaied to the foration of cells. bodies! Diastolic pressure. The pointj of least 'pressure Atrophy. Decrease in size or a wasting away. in the arterial vascular systen. Blood plasma. The liquid component of the DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid, a complex organic blood in whioh the corpuscles are suspended. acid believed to carry allt e hereditary traits CalCitonin. Hormone involved in calcium bal- coded in sequence along its ength. ance..Action is antagonistic to parathyroid hor- Dosimeter. An instrument fr measuring the ac- mone. cumulated flux of particler photon radiations. Calorie. Amount of heat required to raise the Ecology. The study of org nisms and their en- temperature of ,1 gm of water 1 degree C: One vironment as a whole kilocalorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of wailer 1 Efectrdeardiogram. A record of the changes 'of degree C. electrio potential occurrihg during the heart- Cardiac output. The amount of blood pumped beat. by the heart per minute. Electroencephalogram. Ai record of brain waves. 'Cardiovascular.. Referring .to the heart, arterial, Electron, A negatively Oharged pariicle in the and venous oystem. atom. Calcium balance. Dietaryinge'etibn-excretion Electro-oculogrttphy. ,Oculography(racording balance of calcium. If balance is negative, .cal- eye movements) using, electrodes to detect a cium is 'being lost from bones. standing potential difference' between the front Catecholamines. Usually refers ?to epinephrine and back of the eyeball, and norepinephrine. Electrophoresis. The movement of molecules Central nervous system (CNS), The brain and through a fluid under theiction. of an external spinal cord, electric field. Positively charged particles mi-

- 46 6 0 TAPP( PP PA:p. 14P PP Wm/. 14.v fon $0..410e sao 1.11000.0(.1. p Pet PP.4 .1. P '4 ,....11,8541 grate to the cathode and negatively charged Hyperplasia. lnorease in muscle ororgan \Aize particles migrate to the anode.. associated with an Increase in nuMbers of cells. Enzyme', An organic compound capable oftip- Hypertrophy. increase in sizd of a muscleor celeiratIng or producing by catalytic actionsome organ 'associated with Increase in cell size but change in an organic substrce for which It is not in numlaer of cells. often specified: Hypodynamia.Inactivity.Verylittlephysical Epinephrine. Adrenalin secreted by the adrenal activity. medulla and sympathetic nerve .endings.Its t actron is to prepare the organism for "fightor Hypoxia. Deficiency of oxygen. flight." Infrared. Beyond the' red end 'of thq visible Ergometer. A device for measuringenergy ex- spectrum; denoting certain,invisit)le heat rays.- pended or work done. Inhibition. The slowing down at arrest of .func- Exer-genie.A commercialexercisedevice tion of an organ OT part. 4 primarily for strength developMent.. In vivo. In the living body. Exothermic. A process which releases,rather Ionizing radiation.,Radiation from galactic, cos- ths absorbs, tieat energy. mic, and solar sourdes and Earth's radiation Extravascular.tside the blopd vessels or belt capable of ilaroducing ions, directly or in- lymphatics. clirectly, in its passage through matter. Fatty acids. Any acid which in combination with Ionosphere. Region of ionized gases sUrround- glycerine forms fat. ing the Earth extending from about 60 km (37 Frank lead. Specific electrocardiograph )ead mi) to several hundred km (perhaps 350 mi). for determining vectors. Isometric, contractions. Muscular contractions., with no joint movement, from a fixed position. g. Alrritt of-foi--c-e equal-to srancrird-gravitational acceleration Oil Earth, 980.665 cm (32.2 ft) per Jugular veins. Large veins in the nebk that re-

sec2, at the Earth's surface. turn blood from the head. n. Germanium. A metal used, as a semiconductor 17-ketosteroids. Any steroidwith a ketone in transistors. group in position 17; commonly used to desig- Glucocorticoid. Hormones of the adrenaPcortex nate urinary C, Weroidal metabblites of andro- that affect the metabolism of glucose. The prin- genic and adrenocortical h rmones with this cipal glucocorticoid.is cortisol. .. features. Glycolytic. Refers to breakdown of glucose. Laser. From light amplification by stimulated Ilematocrit. An instrument for separating blood emission of radiation. A device for producing plasma froni cells. light by 'emission of energy stored in a molec- ular Or atoMic system when stimulated by an Hematologk. Study of the blood, blood forming input signal. tissues, anddiseases of the blood. Lean body. mass. The fat-free portion of the flemodynamiCS. The study of blood circulation. body composition usually considered 4,vithout Hemolysisjhe dissolution of the red blood cells the skeletal weight. Considered to consist pri- with,liberation of t eir hemoglobin: marily of muscl6 tissue. Hg. Mercury. Leukocytes. White blood cells (Le., neutrophils, Homeostasis. Balande of the internal environ- eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymph- ment of the body. ocytes), which help maintain the body's im- munity to jnfection and harmful bacteria. Humoral. Pertaining to fluid or semifluid sub- stances in'the body. Lipid peroxidation. Oxidation of fatty acids. Of partitular importance relevant to peroxidation Hydrostatics. The science of the pressure and of cell membranes, resulting in "leaky" cells. -equilibrium of fluids. Lymphocyte. Lymph cell or white blood cor- Hydroxyproline. An imino acidk found in the hy- puscle without cytoplasmic granules.. drolysis products of ..collagen; found in-proteins of connective tissue. Mass spectrometer. An instrument' that deter- , :mines atomiC masses and the relative abund- Hyperoxia. An excess bf oxygen. ance of isotopes in an element.

47 ------7-tireTabiiriiiiirriiiriiiiiiroliiifip'OrffarertalrbEF--Praphylerxg-The,.-pre;eiirr-of-dieeasik----,-,.------tween living organisms and the environment by Proprioceptors. Sensory ceptors in joints and which enerly for Maintaining life Is secured. muscular system that provide. Information con- corning stretch, position, and tension to the Microwave. Microelectric waves; the ahortest , wave lengths of: the mpdio wave spectrum,' in-" brain. cluding the region wifh wave lengths of 1, inm 'for., ., . Protoco/. The plan and rules of procedure , ,. to 50 cm. an experiment. , Mini-gym., A commercial exercise device. Proton. Positively charged nuclear particle in Morphology. Branch of biology,dealing with the an atom,. fOrm and structure of aniMals and plants. Pulmonarrfunctlon. Lung function; tests reflect-

, Nitrogen balance. Dietary ingestion-excretion ing lung fanCtions. balance of nitrogen. If balance is negative, nitro- Pulse Pressure. The difference between the sys- . gen is being lost indicating loss of protein. tolib and diastolic blood pressure. . Norepinephrine. A hormone secreted by the Radius. Large bone of the forearm. adrenal medulla in response to stimulation in Respiratory exchange ratio (R or RQ). The eatio the viscera. of the rate of carbon dioxide output divided by One g. The gravitational attraction on Earth. At the rate of oxygen intake. sea level the attraction is 32.2 ft/sec2. Reticulocytes. Incompletely formed red blood Orthostatic. Characterized by or caused by the cells. erect pottbre. RNA. Ribonucleic acid, a nucleoprotein' found Os calcis. The heel bone. ip the cell's cytoplasm. . 0 Oscillate. To swing back and forth as in'"a" Saturn V. The launch vehidle developed for the pendulu.rnn, --ApollolsJunar-misaions- tismoyity. The property of a liquid to exercise Semicircular canals.-Structure in the inner ear an osmotic pressure becauseitcontain's an responsible for the detection of angular ad-- electrolyte in solution. cale'ration.. . Pressure of a single gas in a Servoleeciback. The proprioceptive mechanism mixture. In air, at sea level (760* mm Hg) the that provides the basic information ,or feedback oxygen perceritage is 20.93% with apartial for adjustments in posture and movements to be pressure of 150.07 mm Hg (760 mmHg made. 20.93%). Shuttle missions. The missions scheduled for Pathogenic. Productive of disease. the 1980sin Which reuseable vehicleswill Photogrammetry. The art and technique of tak- shuttle pay loads to a'nd from orbits. ing accurate measurements by means of photo- SMEAT. Skylab Medical Experimpnts Altitude grapps. Test. -Photometer.. An instrurnent for measuring the intensity of light by comparing it with a stand- -Solenoid. A coil of wire in the sh-ape of a ard. cylinder With 1 current passed lprough it; when a bar ofirdn is placed in the cylinder, the iron Photon. A corpuscle or particleof light, a quan- core becomes a magnet causingmovement. turn of light. Useful in automatic units for turning valves or Photosynthesis. The productionofcarbohy- switches. ,drates in plants under the influence of ,light, . combining carbon dioxide and water inthe Spectrohellograph. Modified spectrograph that permits taking pictures of the complete solar, presence of chlorophyll. disk in monochromatic light. Plasma. The fluid part of the blood. Spectromefer. An optical instrument for rmiasur- Plethora. A superabundance or'excess. ing the electromagnetic radiation spedtrum. Plethysmograph, An instrument for determining Spirometer. An apparatus for measuring lung and registering variationsinthe size of an capacity. organ or limb. Polychromfc. Many colors. May refer to changes Sputnik. The initial unmanned satellites placed or absorption depending upon usage: in orbit by the Soviets, first on Oct. 4, 1957.

48 StereophotdOammetry. Use of several pictures Thestudy of toxic or poisonous . to provide for three-dimensional analysis in ,substances. . . photogrammetryi a. Toxin. A soble poison produced and liberated , ,Stroke yoluine. Irhe amount of blood pumped by certairybacteria and plants. - ger Pc:it of, the heart. , v . 4 Transducer. An electronic sensor that converts Fainting. Syncope. one form of energy to another, typically sound . . .or pressure into an electrical 'impulse. Synergistic.Cooperativeactionofdiscrete agencies such that the total .effect is greater Ulna. Small bone of the forearm. .,. than the sum of the individual effects. With two VectorcardlograPh. An instrument for takinga synergistic atressors the responseis. much graphic record of the magnitude and dir ctIon greater than the sum of,the two. . of the electrical potentials of the heart. Syooptic. Observindifferent objects,- or differ-. Venous compliance. Distension or flèxibIIitof ent aspects of onobject, at the same time. the veins. Systolic pressuie. The highest pressure attained Vertigo. Sensation of dizzinesst giddiness, or of during contraction of the heart. In blood ores- whirling or irregular motion. ... sure measurement, itis -the pressure at which".Vestibular. Pertaining to the organs' of the inner the first heart sound is observed. ear that provide a, sense of equilibriuM for aril- mals and man. Telemetry. Radio transhlission of data. Watt. A unit of power 'representing work per Thoracolumbarspine.Includesthetwelve unit of time-41 joure/sec or 7.233 ftlbs/sec,- thoracic and the five lumbar vertebrae. 746 watts = 1 horsepower.


4. I. J



t . _ S.

xent NASA SpecialTublications on Skylab

7:. IF.

--.._ a f ... ,., i.e. Belew, Leland F., ed.t Skylab. Our First Space Office, 1977. 182pp. $8.25 (NASA SP-;-401) 3300- . Station. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing 00678-1 Office; 1977. 164pp. $7.00 (NASA SP-4?(1) 3300- .,

, 0000-5 -t .NASA Lyndon B. Johgson Space Center, # EXplores the Earth. Washington, D.C., Eddy, 'John A. A New Sun, the* Solar_ Results U.S. Govt. Printing Office,. 1977/ 517,pp. $15.00. frOm Skylab. Washington, D.C., -QS. Goern-*4NASA SP-380), 3$00-0674-8 mentPrinting ,Office,1979. 198p1. $10.50 a (NASA SP-402) 3300-00742-6 U.S. RASA-Loden B. Johnson Space Center, Skylab EREP investiVations Summary. Wash-. d Lawrence F. Dietlein°,' Johnston, ilichard .ington, ,b.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1978.* eds. Biomedip0- Results from Skylab.Xashing- 386pp. $13.50 ,(NASA SP-399) 3300-00.741-8 ton, D.C. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1977. $10.50. ) '; (NASA SP-377) 3300-00648-9 MI Other NASA Special Publications on Skylab ex- Summerlin, Lee R., led Skylab, ,Classroom in perimepp and their results are now In prepara- Spacp.. Washingtonk D.Cf, qJ.S. (ovt. Printing tion.






q index

4 , e 4 ( accelerittion-c2, 40 exercise regimenst-responsès-28, 29, 41 Achilles terkion reflexlimes-29, 41 exercise test equipment-13, 14 agrarian productivity-4 exercise testing protocol-14 ahthropometic changes-19-21, 26, 41 extrayascular 17 -21, 40. extravehicular tivity-2 Apollo-1, 2, 4, 7, 25, 32 astronauts as.models for youth-34, 37 fluid shifts-21-25, 41 attitude toward change-35 food consumptiori, inflight7-2 barometric prespre and gas composition4-39 blocriernical alteiations-30 gait30 bioinstrUmentation---38-39 Gemini-2, 22 biological rhithms-42 girthstneasures-1941., 24, 41 blood flow-24 gravitatiOnal biology-40 blood voluMe-12, 40 body weight-2, 10, 16, 19, 40 Harding College--39 bone d4nsity-2, 10, 12, 26-27, 40-41 health stabilization-18 , bone' mineral tyleasurement-10, 12, 26, 27;40- heart rate responses,23, 24, 25 41 - height-19, 41 hemodynamichchaotes-Z4, 40, 41 cabin environment-14 hydroxyproline-26 caloric intake-111 12 'calcium balance--2, 12, 13, 14, 26-27, 40, 41 Impact accelerations=40 Cardiac arrhythmia-12, 'information retrieval-33 center of gravity-19-21, 41 insomnia-18 changes in body iheight-16, 19, 40 integrated 'Circuitry-33 circadian rhythms-2. 10, 42' international relations-4, 34 combined effeets of flight fac,tors-42 International, TelecommunicationsSdtellite conclusions, SplEAT experimpnts-12-16 . consortium (INTELSAT)-33, 34 contributions to our .body of knowledge-39-42 ionizing radiation-2, 41, 42 creatinine-27, 41 crew-ground interchange-18 land use-33, 37, 38 crew health-18-19, 30-42 life sciences projects-6 crew microbiology-1.3 lirrib volumes-41, 23, 24, 41 . crew surgeon-18 lower body negative pressure-12, 13, 14; 23, crew trsining-10 24, 40 cross rebistance-36, 37 lower .body negative pressure test protocol- crystals-j, 34 cytogenir studies of blood-10, 12 13, 14 daily flight plan-18 manned space station-4 Dunn-,38 manufacturing in space-6, 34 materials processing-4,'34 Edrth resourceS applications-33 materials science-64 34 Earth resources experiments-6 menu design-11, 12 ecological systems-4, 37, 38 Mercury-2 . ecology-37, 38 metabolic activity-1Q, 13, 25, 41 educational television-34 meteorological applications-33 effergy sources-32 b micrObial colonization, int1ight-18,19 exercise effects-21, 25, 26-29, 41 mineral balance-12, 14, 26, 27, 40, 41 exercise regimens, inflight-27-28 muscular deconditioning-27, 28, 29, 4f

51 6

4. . NASA-2 Skylab cluster-5, 8. navigation aids-33 Skylab experinients-6, 7, nitrogen balance-2, 12, 14,'26-28, 41 ,. Skylab foods-11, 12. noise .a,nd vibration-41. Skylab launch schedule-7 nutritional toleranoe levels---11,-12, 14-16 Skylab Medical Experiments Altitude Test. (SMEAT)-10-16 objectives of life soiences experiments-10 Skylab mission plans-4, 5 : objectives of Skytab missiori-475 sleep monitoring-10; 13 objeCtives of,..SMEAT Life sciehces 'experiments SMEAT experMents-12-16 nt '-11 ..1' solar research-4? 6 .

oceanography-4' -5 . oil and mineral fields-4 space biology-2 Otree-39 space physics-6 orb.ital paths of Skylab-4 spacecraft envirohrRent-7 Orbital Workshop-75 stellar astronomy-5 orthostatic toterarice-2, 10,. 12, 23, .40 stereo0otogrammetry-21 oxygen consumption-14, 1,5, 39. strength changes-i--.27g.-29, 41 survival-32 7, physical activity-14-16, 27-29, 41 systolic blood pres$ure-15, 24, 40 plasma Volume-2, 10, 12 postural changes-19-21, 41 femperature stress-39 postural equilibriurp, effects of prolonged time and motion study-10, 13, 29,.41 - exposure to weightlessness-40 t6xicological considerations inflight-19 products ernanating-from space p'rOgram- trace gas concentrations-19 32-34 treadmill arrangenient4-28 prolonged linear and radial accelerations-40 psyCh9ptiysiological 'stress of space ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays-41 radlatiOn-19, 41, 42 unmanned vehicles=-4 radio frequency and microwave energies-41 .urban and rural grOwth7-4, 37, 38 red cell life span-12, 40 cd cell mass-2, 10, 12, 22, 40 vectorcardiogram-10, 25, 40 d cell regeneration-22, 40 venous coinpliantce-24, 40 ref-note sehsing-4, 37, 38 vestibular function-2, 10,9, 30, 40 respiratory minute volume:-14,15 visual light flashes-19, 42 responses to multiple stressors-35-37, 42 rocket fuels-1 water management-4 weighing in zero gravity-8, 9 Saturn V-1, 5, 7 weightlessness-2, 40, 41 Selye-37 work capacity-2, 14-16, 25, 41 significance to NPR-735-42 work metaboliSm-14, 15, 25, 41 Significance to mankind-7-32-34 work schedules-18

* U.S. GOVUOIMMT PRINTING orricr.197? .53 -302 2 t)