Temple Beth El 10 70 -Orchard Ave. Provldenc-e, R. I. ~ ----·

Con·ference Speakers •c;-::(.~)··:'f~,'N"~"'<-:;-r:,:,""'. ~-::,~ ·,·:.c. .;,.\_ ·, •~:~ .: Oust Pinhas Lavon I ,• ;' - .•; ~ .; Say Suburban Comfort As Head Threatens Jewish Life - Pinhas Lavon has NEW YORK - s ·uburban com­ been ousted as Secretary General fort and complacency threaten to of the Histadrut, 's Labor sap the vitality of Jewish life in THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. Federation. by a solid vote of the America, it was asserted recently 58 Mapa! members who represen­ at a conference on Jewish values VOL XLIV No. 50 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 ted a majority on the Executive of sponsored by the American Jew­ the Histadrut. Forty-six members ish Congress. representing other parties voted Speakers at an all-day meeting Blaustein Warns Arab League Foreign Ministers against the ouster and demanded of 15 J0ewish educators, rabbis Aid Funds To End a full vote of confidence ln the and communal leaders called for Plan Use Of Force Against Israel Histadrut leader. stronger cultural and spiritual Mr. Lavon accepted the majority links between American Jews and Within Four Years BAGHDAD - A conference of Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's former verdict in a lengthY letter which Israel as an antidote to the "con­ Arab League foreign ministers has Foreign Minister, said last Nov. he read to the meeting of the His­ formity and lack of purpose of NEW YORK - A budget of decided to recommend that force 20 that any Arab action to divert tadrut Executive which contained· life in suburbia." They urged ex­ $10,102.154 for 1961, earmarked be used to prevent Israel from Jordan headwaters would be con­ a dramatic warning of "woe to the panded programs of Jewish ed­ for programs of relief, rehabilita­ diverting Jordan River waters, it sidered "a threat to peace." In­ public that depends on this or that ucation to foster a spirit of ideal­ tion and cultural and educational was reported here last week by formants, Hunt reported, said that man," a reference to David Ben­ ism among the young Jewish gen­ reconstruction in 30 countries New York Times correspondent Iraq took the lead in advancing Gurion who had demanded Mr. eration - including service as around the world, was presented Richard P. Hunt. the_proposal for force. and it was Lavon's ouster as one of the con­ pioneers in Israel - that would last week by Jacob Blaustein, seconded by the United Arab Re­ ditions of his acceptance of a senior vice-president of the Con­ Israel is building a pipeline to result in a more meaningful Jew­ carry water from the Jordan near public. mandate to form a new govern­ ish life and a more vibrant Jew­ ference on Jewish Material Claims The resolution promising more Against Germany, at the annual the Sea of Galilee to the Negev ment. Mr. Ben-Gurion resigned on ish community. aid to the Alegerian rebels also January 31 as a protest against a allocations session of its board of for irrigation purposes. The pro­ Professor Sol Liptzin of City ject is scheduled for completion contained - a pledge that citizens cabinet vote of approval for a College, chairman of the AJCon­ directors, held at the Jewish of all member nations would be Agency for Israel. in 1963. Ministerial committee report ex­ gress Commission on Jewish Af­ permitted to volunteer for service onerating Mr. Lavon as Defense fairs. presided at the meeting in More than 150,000 victims of In other actions. the 10 Arab with the Algerian Liberation Army. states which are members of the Minister in 1954 of responsibi!lty Stephen · Wise Congress House. nazism are expected to benefit The ministers, Hunt wrote, in for a security mishap that year. Subject of the conference was from the funds. The allocations League agreed to send more arms declaring that they would help and volunteers to the Algerian In his letter of resignation Mr. "East European Roots of Jewish will raise the sums granted by volunteers and technicians reach Lavon expressed his regret at de­ Life - from 'Shtetl' to Suburbia." the Conference since 1954 to $80,- PrQYlsional Government in Its Algeria, did not specify "Arab" fight against France, and promised parting from his post and describ­ Dr. Judah Pilch, director of the 000,000. volunteers. This, he said, left the ed in detail the findings of the National Curriculum Research In presenting the budget, Blau­ to consider anew breaking eco­ way open for Algerians to ask for nomic, political and diplomatic Ministerial committee. He stressed Institute of the American Associa­ stein sounded a warning that Con­ volunteers from the communist that there were "some people who tion for Jewish Education. told ference funds are scheduled to relations with Fr-mce \f the Algeri­ countries. an conflict continues. could not agree with my exonera­ the meeting that the "restless end in four years, and that Jew­ In other resolutions the minis­ tion" in the 1954 mishap and said spirit" which characterized Jew­ ish communities and central wel­ The decision to use force against ters said they agreed "on steps that this attitude has resulted in ish life in the "shtetl" or small fare organizations relying upon Israel, Hunt asserted, would mark to be taken" on three questions, "unnecessary complications" which Jewish town of Eastern Europe its grants " will be called upon to a significant change in policy, but did not specify what they had an adverse effect on the public before World War I was "out of shoulder, in ever-growing measure since the Arab states up to now were. The questions were Arab and the state. tune" with the materialistic en­ the costs of aid programs for nazi have concentratec1_' on their plans charges that 'Israel is building an He said he welcomed renewed vironment of suburbia. "In an at­ victims." to divert Jordan headwaters as a atomic bomb, United Nations pol­ appearances of students and intel­ mosphere of 'all is well,' there can '.'Some 400 Jewish organizations counter to the Israeli moves. Hunt icy on Palestine refugees, and lectuals who earlier in the struggle be little Jewish creativity," he have applied for grants this year said this has led to 'the inference Arab policy In the UN on Oman's between the two Mapa! leaders had said. "Conformity, even insofar as calling for more than $20,000,000, that the foreign -~ters wished claim to independence from Brit­ religious experiences are concern­ warned supporters of Mr. Ben­ all told, over twice the sum avail­ to stir up alarm "in. ~e West. in­ ain. Gurion that their tactics were a ed, does not motivate the pursuit able for allocation," Blaustein asmuch as a "third"'round" In the of God or an honest search to possible threat to democracy in said. "Confronting those grea.t de­ Israeli-Arab corifiict would be the Jewish State. discover what it is that God wants mands is the inescapable fact that unavoidable if Israel persisted in Pledge $14,850,000 of man and man wants of God. After the vote, leaders of the "Only through the restoration (Continued on Page 7) its plans. As UJA Launches minority parties read statements of the spirit of dissatisfaction with In support of Mr. Lavon and de­ life as it is can we reintroduce Drive For 1961 manded he remain In office. How­ those values of the 'shtetl' which Stanford Fraternity Refuses ever, Mr. Lavon said that after the have relevance for today and which decision against him adopted at a MIAMI BEACH - The nation­ may re-Judaize the de-Judaized To Expel Jewish Students meeting of the Mapa! Central wide 1961 United Jewish Appeal Committee. it was clear that he Jew of 1961,'' he asserted. PALO ALTO, Cal - Although members regardless of race, color Another speaker, Rabbi Gershon was officially launched as 400 could not continue in office. threatened with expulsion from or creed." The chapter has re­ American Jewish leaders meeting Just before the Histadrut Exe~ Winer of the Baldwin (L.I.) Jew­ its national organization, the ceived notice from the fraternity's ish Center, said "shtetl" values here at the American Hotel con­ ecutive session started, a group of such as a regard for learning and Stanford University chapter of national headquarters at Wash­ tributed or reported gifts that students tried to enter the Hista­ ington that it must oust the four totaled $14,850,000. commitment to an ideal could not Alpha Tau Omega fraternity stuck drut Building with a petition sup­ be transmitted by the suburban to its anti-bias policy, refusing to Jewish "pledgees." The frater­ The great outpouring of contri­ porting Mr. Lavan but they were synagogue. "As a social center ra­ expel Jewish students whom the nity's national grand chief. Gerald butions came at a dramatic clos­ dispersed by local guards. ther than a spiritual force," Dr. chapter elected to membership in E. Johnson. notified Kavanaugh ing session of a three-day Nation­ The ouster ended one phase of Winer said, "the synagogue is a the group. The chapter is being that Alpha Tau Omega's national al Inaugural Conference which the long standing "," tool for indiscriminate group sur­ backed fully by the university Stu­ high council is bringing charges was marked by the resignation of but the seond phase, that of the vival rather than the agent for dent Council; by Dr. William against the chapter for violating Philip M. Klutznick as general Government crisis -remained un­ spiritual and cultural revival. Craig, dean of men; and by Stan­ the fraternity's national charter. chairman of the UJA and the un­ solved with a growing number of "If the intellectual emphasis ley E. Mosk, State At­ The trustees of the university animous election of Joseph Mey­ Israel's political parties beginning and idealistic striving which torney General. adopted a resolution in 1957, or­ erhoff of Baltimore to the post. to think that the only solution ls characterized Jewish life in the Announcement that the frater­ dering all fraternities on the Klutznick's resignation followed a national election. 'shtetl' are to take root in the soil nity chapter is facing revocation campus to drop their discrimina­ his appointment by President of the American suburb,'' Dr. of its national charter for bring­ tory policies. Craig ·said "we are Kennedy, nine days ago, as a key WRONG COMPLIMENT Winer said, "the job cannot be ing Jews into membership was backing the chapter all the way." member of the United States Mis­ JACKSON, Miss,, - Governor done by the synagogue. It is. ra­ made here recently by the chap­ Mosk declared that he will file a sion to the United Nations to be Ross Bernett of Mlsslsslppl made ther, the responsibility of Jewish ter's president, Michael Kava­ brief, as "a friend of the court," this country's representative to a speech last week ln which he communal bodies to strengthen naugh. He said every one of the supporting the local chapter in its the United Nations Economic and referred repeatedly to his pleasure efforts aimed at perpetuating the present 54 members of the chapter efforts to stick to its anti-discri­ Social Council. at appearing before a "fine Chris­ eternals of 'shtetl' civ!lization and voted for the admission of four mination policy and keep its na­ Meyerhpff, a nationally prom­ tian audience" but . the audience to aim at higher goals for Jewish Jewish students, although the tional charter. inent communal leader and an showed no pleasure at the descrip- youth and adult education." national constitution of the fra­ The Student Council resolution, outstanding figure in the home tion. _ Hyman B. Bass said that "The ternity provides that membership adopted unanimously. declared building field, becomes UJA's sixth When the Governor finished, younger Jewish generation of to­ is to be restricted to "Christian that the student body "supports general chairman in the organiza­ Rabbi Perry NUssbaum arose to day seeks to return to the ways of Caucasians." the Stanford Chapter of ATO for tion's 22-year history, assuming remark good-humoredly that the their grandparents - ways which "We are not trying to start a its refusal to discriminate against what is considered to be the most Governor had Just addressed the their own , p a r e n t s rebelled crusade," said Kavanaugh. "We Stanford students because of their Important leadership post in congregation of a synagogUe cele­ against.'' just think we ought to choose our race, religion or creed." American Jewish life. brating its c;entennial. ?

Dr. Kouffman To Head !CLASSIFIED Brotherhood Week § OPPORTUNITIES ' Dr. Daniel H. Kouffman, 801 ~ Classified Advertising Rates: le per Park Avenue, Cranston will head t word: $1 .75 minimum for 11 words. w 25c discount If paid before lnser- the sixteenth annual Cranston Call UNlon 1-3709. Deadline , Brotherhood Week program which nesday noon. . will be highlighted by the annual ~(~-~«~~~~~»~ TENEMENT for rent, first floor, 3 bed­ dinner to be held next Thursday rooms, 234 Baker Street, near Roger evening at Giso's Restaurant, 1101 Wms. Park. Completely renovated. Park Avenue, Cranston. Tile kitchen, ST 1-0526. Governor John A. Notte, Jr., Mayor Francis R. Daly, Judge EAST SIDE off Hope, modern compact 5 rooms, heat furnished, tlle bath, Joseph R. Weisberger of the R. I . venetians, awnings, combination win• Superior Court, Rabbi Saul Lee­ dows. Adults. GA 1-l'03. man, of the Cranston Jewish Cen­ ter and Reverend Frederick A. FOR SALE, dinette set. Brand new, Momenthy of the Edgewood Con­ never been used. Will sacrifice. Call gregational Church will highlight after 5:30 p.m. ST 1-3681. the evening's program. EAST SIDE-Wanted 2 room apartment, Dr. Kouffman 1s a past president furnished or unfurnished In vicinity of the Cranston J ewish Center, of Temple Emanuel. Call evening$, Chairman Of Affair - Carl Cranston Chamber of Commerce, DE 1-8274. Greet UJA Leader-Joseph Meyerhoff, new general chair­ Bakelman is the chairman of Cranston Civic Music Center, man of the United Jewish Appeal, is being greeted by Jacob the "Purim Festival Bal I" Rhode Island Podiatry Society and CARPETS, RUGS direct from Jactory. Licht, center, and Israel Resnick, right, both of Providence, a n officer in Cranston Red Cross, Savings up to 40 and 50%1 Example: which will be held by the 9' x 12' rugs from $19.901 100% all­ at the recent UJA National Inaugural Conference at Miami Young Adult Association of Cranston Infantile Paralysis Com­ wool, 100% virgin nylon, wool , and Beach. Mr. Meyerh ::> ff, president of the Associated Jewish mittee and many other organiza­ nylon blend. All sl1es - scatter, room the Jewish Community Cen­ and wall.to-wa ll In lovely broadloom, Charities of Baltimore, was elected UJA general chairman tions. He was the first r ecipient of woven, hooked, novelty, tufted, Orien­ ter on Saturday, Feb. 25 at the a nnual Cranston Brotherhood tal •. . and braided rugs made right to succeed. Phil ip M. Klutznick who resigned to accept an 9 P. M. at the Colony Motor here In our own plant. The Magic appointment by President Kennedy to the U. S. mission tv Award for outstanding citizenship. C a r p et Rug Factory Outlet, 125 Hotel. About seventy-five Cranston Thames Street, corner Church St., the United Nations as a representative on the UN Economic Tickets are on sale at both Cen­ (former Colllns and Aikman Mill) civic, fraternal, religious a nd soci­ Bristol, R. I. Irving L. Solomon, Man- and Social Council. ter offices and by members of the al organizations are expected to ager. Open Mon., Tues., Wed,, 10 Young Adults. Those patrons who pa rticipate in this affair. a.m.-7 p.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10 a.m.• ~======[I =====:hmen,;;-;~ ttth~e JoJewish~hl~ HomeRn~;:- forfu.;""""j the~ 9 I ca nnot purchase their tickets in p.m. 3-3 ~LWllllllf Aged and the Miriam Hospital advance may purchase them at VD. Association. the door. Besides her husband, she is sur­ l======~ vlved by two daughters, Mrs. In George Lipson of Cranston and Burton Finberg To Head SAMUEL RIGELHAUPT Mrs. Stanley Katz of Long Island, Funeral services for Samuel N. Y .. one brother. Jacob Rodin of Rigelhaupt, 71 , of 56 Scott Street, Providence and three grand­ Nominating Committee Pawtucket, husband of Eva (Salo­ children. mon> Rigelhaupt who died Feb. Burton A . Finber g has been . . . n amed chairman of the 1961 By Barney Glazer 8 after a short Illness, were held MYER RmSMAN the following day a t Temple nominating committee of the Myer Riesman, 62, treasurer of General Jewish Committee by Emanuel. Burial was In Lincoln Hollywood, Calif -- A certain with the film which he bitterly Park Cemetery. the Royal Electric Co. in Paw­ Joseph W . Ress, president. The Hollywood columnist recently re­ assailed as an atrocity in Itself tucket until his retirement l;ix Mr. Rlgelhaupt was formerly as­ nominating committee was ap­ ported to the Jewis h press that and a disgrace to civilization be­ years ago and a leader in Jewish pointed last week with the unani­ Samuel Bischoff and David Dia­ cause of its ineptness to carry the sociated with his son, Milton philanthropies in New England, Rigelha upt, In operating the mous a pproval of the GJC board mond are producing a movie titled full meaning of Eichmann's crimes died Sunday, February 12 at his of directors. "Operation Eichmann." The re­ to the present generation, Windsor Restaurant in Pawtucket home in N~wton, Mass. a nd the Pawtucket Wine Com­ Named from the board of direc­ port regretably was so filled with Schildkraut, in a personal in­ Mr. Riesman was treasurer of pany, retiring several years ago. tors to serve with Mr. Finberg omissions and Inadequacies that terview, told yourG!azedReporter the Combined Jewish Appeal in were Alter Boyman, Martin I. Dit­ I shudder to think of its Ill effect that he was offered a small fortune Born In Austria, May 18, 1889, and a life trustee of the telman, Samuel Freedman, Sol on the minds of Jewish people who to portray the role of Adolf Eich­ a son o fthe late Elias and Pearl Associated Jewish Philanthropies may have unfortunately read it mann, plus 25% of the profits, but Koffler and Dr. Samuel A . Pritz­ Rigelhaupt , he had been a resi­ there. and are now willing to accept the his answer to the producers was: ker. Milton Blieden , Jerome Fein­ dent of New Jersey for 15 years Besides his widow, Mrs •. Evelyn stein and Milton Jacobs were movie as an antidote orpreventive "I will have nothing to do with ·and of Pawtucket for 44 years. He against future atrocities. this inadequate and ineffective ver­ Riesman, he leaves two daughters, named from the community-at­ was a charter member of Temple Mrs. Sheldon Green of Providence large. Named as alternates from The aforementioned sh a 11 ow sion of the. Eichmann story, not Emanuel, a member of the Men's story announced that the leading even If ybo offer me two million and Mrs. Stanley Gilbert of Cran­ the board of directors were Her­ Club of the temple, Ohawe Sholom ston. man J . Aisenberg, Dr. Philip Do­ role had been offered to Joseph dollars. It is detrimental to the Synagogue of Pawtucket, of Roger Schildkraut who at the time was , preservation of humanity that you renbaum and Lawrence A.· Paley. Williams Lodge of B'nai B'rith and In Memoriam Alternates from the community­ busy portraying Arnold Rothstein' s are. making this picture and I am a life member of the Pawtucket humiliated that my old and dear 1955 • LEBA ACKERMAN • 1961 at-large are Arthw· Bernstingle, father in " The Big Bankroll." Lodge of Elks. Mother dear, you are not forgotten, Saul Friedman and Leo Mann. However, it was not clarified that friend, David Diamond, is even Though on earth you are no more; Schildkraut was not only preoc­ connected with it." Besides his wife, survivors are Still in spirit you are with me According to the by-laws of the As you always were before. cupied elsewhere, but that when Schildkraut also told me that two sons, Elmer of Newton, Mass., Even now come days of sadness, GJC, no director is permitted to he would have an open date, he he was shocked when Werner and Milton Rigelhaupt of Paw­ Tears in secret often flow; serve more than two successive Your cherished memory never would never, under any conditions Klemperer, the son of his old tucket; a daughter, Mrs. Edwin leaves me three-year terms. whatsoever, have 11nvthine: to do friend, Otto Klemperer, phoned to Wells of Pawtucket; two sisters, Though you died six years ago. D~UGHTER, THELMA advise he had been cast to portray Mrs. Sadie Wolfe and Mrs. Har­ 0 0 Eichmann in this film and asked if vey Flamm, both of Brooklyn, SIDNEY PERLMAN See Milton February 1958 • 1961 Schildkraut would help him form N. Y.; two brothers, Paul and Mar­ Time and years roll swiftly by, Big or_Little Part·ies Rigelhaupt the characterization. tin Rigelhaupt, both of Brooklyn, But loving memories never die. Stlll loved, stlll missed, stlll PA 3-3455 The beloved Jewish actor re­ and seven grandchildren. very dur, plied he would never help anyone • • • As we come to the end of another connected with the production year. MRS. BARNEY HOCHBERG WIFE, CHILDREN AND We Have which by its own superficiality GRANDCHILDREN could never expec\ to help avoid Funeral services for Mrs. Julia The Fine even worse future at roe it ie s (Rodin) Hochberg, 69, of 28 Kip­ Imported against mankind:- ling Street, who died February .10 IF YOU WISH after a long illness were held Feb. and To publish an in memoriam for your 12 at the Max Sugarman Memorial beloved deceased you may place an Domestic Chapel. Burial was in Lincoln Wines. INTER-F AITii Park Cemetery. - "In Memoriam" lik11 the one below Watch for Columbia's movie for only $3.00 for senn lines. Born in Providence, Aug. • 4, _Liquors "Hand in Hand," produced by ABRAHAM DOE and Helen Winston, former press agent 1891; a daughter of the late Yale 1940 1961 who had faith in the story and per­ and Rebecca Rodin, she had been Though the years be many or few, Beers . a lifelong resident of Providence. They are filled with remembrance, suaded Mike Frankovich inLondon dear, of you. That to release it for his studio. It's an Mrs. Hochberg was a member ::l~r.~E':OTHER and BIIIOTHER adorable and beautiful story of a of Temple Beth-El and the sister­ C~thollc boy and a Jewish girl, hood, a member of the Hadassah, Coll UNion 1-3709 both about 9 years old, who play Providence Council of Jewish Wo- and grow up together. They attend each other's house of worship on ➔ accasion for better understanding Max Sugcirman Funeral Home and the roles of- the cooperating "THE JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTOR" priest and rabbi are sympatheti­ cally portrayed. - MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION DE 1-8094 458 Hope Street DE 1-8636

------'~...::-.:....-~--,----~----'~~--2.-_:__:___::____ _ :______--=---~---·-·,--·--·- Was Ben-Gurioll Right? Irving J. Fain Care Offers Passover (Continued from Last Week) heartbreaking warning of the Heads Group ~ ... Package For Israel l"l Rabbi Morris Schussheim of rapids ahead. Teinple Beth Israel who has been "Oi~spora Jewry faces a real On Social Action NEW YOl<.K - A special Pass- = associated with Zionist activity danger from assimilation ag­ over package for delivery to O for many years says, "I can only gravated in . direct proportion to NEW YORK ..:.. The establish­ friends and relatives in Israel has [;l note with amazement the vehe­ the amount of equality and free­ ment of a social action center in been announced by CARE. Orders .,. mently resentful reaction to Mr. dom enjoyed. Israel, alone, with the nation's capital to implement must be received by March 10 to oo Ben-Gurion's address to the re­ all its greatness, cannot be the the ethical principles of Reform assure receipt of the parcel in §: cent Zionist Congress In Jeru- bulwark to save the body and soul Judaism was announced last week time for use during the holiday. ~ by the Union of American He­ salem. , of the Jewish people. The package, offered at $12, "I wonder whether the very in­ "In his proposal that American brew Congregations. The three-story building will with customs-free delivery gUaran~ ~ tensity of feeling is not a cover­ Jewry join with Israel in the task hou.se-- the first social action cen­ teed contains more than six pi up for a sense of guilt, for, to .our­ of maintaining and advancing the ter in that city established under pou~ds of meat, and other con- ~ selves, if not in public, we must physical safety and the spiritual _tpe auspices of any branch of tents are 4 pounds of sugar, a b survival of the Jewish people, Judaism. pound of chocolate, a pound of -;,, Ben-Gurion pleads as a true lead­ The center will serve as an arm cocoa, a pound of vegetable short- el er whose whole life's history is a of the Commission on Social enlng, 14 ½ ounces of edible oil, 2 t::I testimony to the integrity of his Action which is the joint body of pounds of unshelled nuts. a pound ~ plea. the UAHC and the C~ntral Con­ of dried apples, 15 ounces of • "From my own relationship Rabbi William Braude ference of American Rabbis and raisins, 14 ounces of cherries. and ;:i with the American Jewish com- Jewish youth is not educated in its affiliated bodies in R e f o r m an ounce of black pepper. t, munity and my several intimate religion and culture. Judaism. contacts with Israeli Jews. I feel For this reason. Rabbi Braude Chairman of the Commission on str~~Y ::~e:g;or ~~:::~~~ the.: ~ we would do well to harken to his feels that It is essential to give Social Action is Irving J. Fain of Union of Orthodox Jewish Congre- ~ words." support to the establishment and Providence. gations of America. Within context. Rabbi William greater development of Hebrew Orders for the Passover package ~ G. Braude of Temple Beth El feels I Day Schools: As part of the lnten­ HEARS REPORT may be sent directly to CARE, 660 ,.. that Ben-Gurion's statement Is siflcatlon of Jewish education. NEW YORK, - The National First Avenue, New York 16; i unexceptionable. Rabbi Braude, which Is a necessity In halting as­ Science Foundation, a United through CARE offices in major ,.. whose son presently Is studying at slmilation. more and more money, S t a t e s Government-sponsored U. S. cities, or through United the Hebrew University In Israel, he says should go Into Jewish body. has agreed to finance the Rias Services, 425 Lafayette Street, feels that moving to Israel is a schooling. He suggested that Hillel preparation of a Yiddish lan­ New York, or any of Its branch of­ matter of personal choice. He says foundations at co}leges be changed guage and cultural "atlas," it was fices in Boston, Chicago, Phlla­ that Europeans are incapable of to teaching foundations rather announced here at the 35th an­ dephla and San Francisco. really understanding the nature than continue as social organiza­ nual conference of the Yivo In­ of the Jewish community of ttons. More channels of Jewish stitute for Jewish Research. Subscribe to the Herald. Rabbi Morris Schussheim America. education should be opened to acknowledge that a deluxe trip to There are signs, he says, which Jewish youth. , ...... Israel with first class accommo­ Indicate a rapid rate of asslmlla- 1 The suggestion that all :i;:>laspora dations cannot be equated with the lion of Jews in the United States. Jewry should emigrate to Israel. : :J.or Gx<;ui6ile Jewe!,.g anJ (fi/t6 strenuous demands of a front line but he doesn't feel that anyone Rabbi Braude terms "Impractical Kibbutz existence ·nor can a year's can presume to predict the exact . . . there Is no room In Israel : -VISIT- . study on a scholarship In Jerusa­ future of Judaism in this coun- for them all." lem be compared to the rigorous try. There Is danger, however, if (To Be Concluded Next Week) demands of a two year's service in Fin~:Wetry~~:!~sN Nahal. Israel was won by the de­ ♦ L~/~n~!~~o~ dication, the sacrifice and the suf­ Exodus Captain Calls Jews i Office and Showroom : fering of thousands of young and 194 WATERMAN STREET old who stood almost singlehanded, 'Digestible' Only In Israel ly Appointment Onlt • Please Call Plantations 1-1100 not only against an enemy forty : times more numerous, but almost NEW, YORK - The captain of full Jewish life." LMB . . . against the whole world which the Exodus, the Jewish refugee " It will be the young people who . . ' . . was hostile or at best Indifferent. ship that ran the British blockade will begin to move in numbers to I of Palestine In 1947. said recent­ Israel," he added. ·"Even a superficial reading of ly Jews would always be "indi- Captain Aronowicz was inter­ Dov Joseph's book "The Faithful gestible" in any country but City" will make this glaringly Israel. viewed at Columbia Univtrsity, where he will receive his master's evident. Ben-Gurion's address is The captain, Yehiel Aronowicz, degree In Business Administration not a reproach. It is a heart- who has been studying In th~ FRED SPIGEL'S this month. breaking plea to world Jewry and United states for the last two particularly to the American years. said: Born In Poland in 1923, Yehle! KOSHER FOOD CENTER Aronowicz was taken to Palestine Zionists to safeguard the gains "It is not only desirable that 225 - 229 PRAIRIE AVENUE won not only for I.sraeli citizens, Jews everywhere return to Israel by his family when he was 10 but for all Jews. His passionate but it Is necessary. They will be years old. Before World Warn he GA 1-855S MA 1-6055 love for all that Is precious in thrown up sooner or later by every· WBB a member of the Palmach, the Jewish underground army. During Judaism does not allow him to other country. They are indigesti­ speak in honeyed words of flat- ble." the war he sailed aboard British and Norwelglan merchant ships. tery to a people that in their He said that American Jews smugness may not notice that were a "special case •because of In 1946 the Haganah, the Jew­ their most priceless possession, the unprecedented freedom they ish defense force In Palestine. BRISKET of BEEF lb 89c their Jewish soul, is being lost. He enjoy," but that eventually "they bought an old and worn Chesa­ used the Talmudic quotation not will come to realize that only in peake Bay steamer. the President as an insulting taunt but as a Israel can they have a ·strong, Warfield. Captain Aronowicz was Whole STEER RIBS lb 59c picked to 'transport 4,500 Jews, DELUXE - ASSORTED FLAVORS who were living in former Ger­ man concentration camps In PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 3 bxs 93c Europe, to Palestine. REGUL,AR OR DRIP He renamed the ship Exodus. ' AUTOCRAT COFFEE lb bag 67c After dodging the British NavY in the Mediterranean for sev:eral NBC FIG NEWTONS lb pkg 33c BREAKFAST MEETING I PURIM SERVICES months, Captain Aronowicz, then Temple Emanuel Men's Club will . The Megillah will be -read by 23 years old, outfitted his vessel HOT DOGS lb 79c hold their annual election _in the i Cantor Jacob Hohenemser and the and picked up the refugees at a INTRODUCTORY FREE OFFER form _of a breakfast _me~tmg on! services will be conducted by Rab­ French port. As the ship neared Sunday morning at 9 ° clock in , bi Eli Bohnen at the Purim ser­ the Palestinian coast the British the Temple meeting house. . 1 vices which will be held at Temple navY intercepted it. Captain Aron­ 1 Roll Free When You Buy 5 William Gerstenblatt, chairman Emanuel on Wednesday, March 1 owicz tried to break through, but 6 rolls 2 ply Facial Quality Tissues of this year's Nominating Commit- at 7 p M the Exodus was rammed by two tee, will present a slate of officers · · destroyers, one from each side, and and board members. ' These can-· Those members of the ReligiQ_us he had to surrender. for dictates together with any counter School who will participate are Yehiel Aronowlcz is often in­ 6 59c nominations submitted from the Miriam Goldstein, Neal Paster, troduced as "the real captain floor will be balloted upon at that· Deborah Kahn, Jeanne Laudon, from the book." He tells those who From Tuesday to Friday Sabbath Information time. Andr~w Millen, Gary Markoff, are curious that he cannot be - Our - Housewives! • . At the close of the business por- Maxine Factor, Stephen Lehrer, found in the novel. FISH DEPARTMENT Licht Sabbath tion of the meetiri'g. M a r ti n Carol Rosenblatt, Audrey Davis, "The types that are described OPEN DAILY Candles Miller, president of United Carol Licht and Stephen Sonkin. in the book ne\1_er existed In Tonil'ht 5:0:t Guaranty Corporation will i;leliver On Thursday, March 2, ser-'!'lces Israel," he said. "The novel Is - With - Next Friday at a speech entitled, "Inflation, Your neither ·history nor literature. Is­ FRESH WATER FISH 5:10 P.M. Investments, And Your Financial will be held In the Chapel at 6:30 raelis were pretty disappointed in Future". P .M. the book, to put It lightly."

' · ------~!:, ... l .... dummy I could have made my contract by flne88ing the ten of 1··········B;Jdg~···········1 spades. It West had then led a co~ DINNER SUGGESTIONS club I could have taken it with en ~ the ace and returned to my hand ..: 1"Bnoke with the ace of spades. which ~ LA FEST A is held every Sundoy evening. Music, gay cos­ The ROME · North cheap save 1n diamonds. Worse would drop East's queen. I tumes, buffet. Visit our attractive new Cocktail Longe. 11>4 •-J x x x x stil, the redouble was calculated could then have returned to the Restaurant Banquet rooms available for parties. We are still serving a table with a diamond ruff and fine ltcilian Cuisine, featuring "La Carretta." Also delicious •-10-x x x to inhibit a diamond lead, which p Route 1, discarded my losing club on the ·= Steaks, Lobsters, Chicken. Roast beef, Saturdays and Sun­ ♦ -None was Just the one that I required. N. Attleboro, Man. 9 Jack of spades. This is, of course, IQ days. Open Daily at S; Sundays at 12. .,_A Q J West, thus discouraged from malt- " MYrtle t-4041 - West East ing his natural lead, found the a quite unreasonable play once a t! •-K x x x •--Q x worst- lead (for me> of a- small small heart is led and spade re­ One of America's largest, finest sea food restaurants, x •-K trump. This was taken by East, turned the contract is doomed on ~ Johnson's •-Ax any normal play. since 190S. Acclaimed by "Gourmet," Duncan Hines, ♦ -J 10 x ♦ --Q 9 x x x x who returned a small spade. I play- ~ The moral is: never redouble it ... , Hummocks AAA. Fabulous 1 lb. steaks, roast beef. Free Parking .,_J: X J: .,_K x x x ed the ace, as there did not seem 245 Allens Ave. South to be any point in playing the ten. the information it gives may dam­ f 500 cars. Cafe Midnight-Cocktail5-ilir conditioned. Tel. HO 1-'000 •-A 10 My contract now seemed to de- age the prospects of your contract. .--Q J 9 8 7 pend upon the king of clubs being ♦ -AK xx with West, the doubler. When I led .,_10 x a second round ot trumps West i CAMP MAR-VEN The bidding went: took the trtck and played a -club, = Boys-Girls .Ages 6-13 West North East South which I finessed, and the queen of Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Mass. Pass Pasa 1D Double spades was cashed. Thus I was § Pasa 2D Pasa 2H one down. Cl) Combines best features of ocean location In a country atmosphere. Pass ... Boon for allergy sufferers. Bay, pond and pool swtmmlng. Pasa 4H Pasa At no other table was there a MUSIC MONTH fili1 Program: Interesting, full and varied, Including all water sport., Double Redble. Pass Pass double or redouble and a diamond Parents have been invited to ~ athletlcs, and all camp activities. Jewish cultural program. Pasa was invariably led. On that lead Join their children on Sunday Tutoring available. MATURE STAFF. Modern and comfortable facllltle ■ . 0 Tuition: $475.00 for 8 weeks. (limited number accepted for 4 weeka) I cannot explain why west the finesse of clubs immediately from 2 to 3 P .M., at the East Side though that he had a double, nor sets up the trick required to get Center for a presentation of "Jew­ = Saul and Florence Richman, Directon "fail can I approve the decision to re- rid of the losing spade in the ish Music and How It Grows", 133 Salisbury Road, Brookline 46, Mau. Telephone: Al. 7-5237 double even ot 80 eminent a bridge South hand and 4H was every- · by Cantor Harold Dworkin of =~ In Providence area, call HO 1-t441 player as my partner. Por all he where made. · Te m P 1 e Beth-El. Coffee and could know. East had a reasonably It is true that playing double- refreshments will be served. Baby -----======------sitters will be provided for nursery age children. Winners of "jewish Music Name that Tune" contest were Brina Hohenemser, Judy Vogel, Marci Hohenemser, Sharon Kaplan, Marvin Hoffman. -Ronald Kaplan was grand prize winner and re­ ceived a large oil painting set.

"SLIM-GYM" Women's "Slim-Gym" classes wlll resume at the South Side Jew~ lsh Community Center gymnasium this Monday evening, at 8 o'clock after a three-week layoff due to inclement weather. Under the direction of Anthony Neri, Center physical education director.' the weekly sessions are open to young adult and adult wo­ men who are Center members. Weekly programs include ·ex­ ercises, group games, and special events and deck shuffleboard. Ad­ vance registration at the Center office is required.

J.C.C. BASKETBALL Despite a ·23-point effort by Freddie Haas, the East Side cen­ ter Varsity basketball team lost a squeaker to Worcester J.C.C. by a 50 to 48 score. Failure to convert on three one-and-one situations 1n the last three minutes was the dif­ ference between victory and de­ f eat. Other scorers for Providence were Neidorf with 16 points, Bock with 7, and Kushel, 2. The next game for the East Side boys will be Saturday with Brockton at the Nathan Bishop gym.

TWEEN SKATING On Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 3 o'clock there will be a "We had awonderful trip.~. special skating program for tweens at the East Side Jewish Com­ munity -Center's Skating Rink .. thanks to Industrial National's Vacation Club" On the ice there will be games, races and relays. Following this -the 1960 World Series will be "Every time I look at \he pictures regu)ar amount every· week. A shown Just for Tweens. All skaters we to9k on our vacation, I think few weeks ago, we received a WITH SO MANY CONVENIENT must have J .C.C. Accident In­ of the wonderful time we had. check for the entire amount ... NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES, surance. We didn't worry about finances and we were on our way! IT'S EASY TO JOIN INDUSTRIAL TEMPLE SINAI NATIONAL'S VACATION CLUB either, because we saved the "You can save' for your vaca­ Services will be held at Temple

money we needed in an Industrial Sinai tbi!I eve,;i~g at 8 o'clock at- 1 tion the same way. Just stop in · the Greenwood Hall. National Vacati!?n Club. at any Industrial National office . , There wlll be a Family Service , "We joined the Vacation Club . this week and join the Vacation Industrial and birthday blessings will be ' Club." given to all children born dur1ng a year ago ... and put aside a NATIONAL DANK the month of February. Member Federal Reserve System Boy Scout Sabbath wm be cele­ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation brated and an Oneg Shabbat will follow the services. , ·--···------~---· -.. ------

and Reform congregations. Most ci, Jews attend services irregularly, Do Jews In America Dare To Be_l)ifferent? usually on the High Holy Days and. (Continued from Last Week) munism, political reform, psy­ perhaps, at Yiskor (memorial) white Christian neighbors (in their While the dangers are real, the services, Prayer has become a ~ The holiness of the Sabbath; chiatry, one world, or Zen secret hearts, Jews know segrega­ Buddhism. total picture is far from being a lost art for most American Jews. ll! the rights of the alien and the tion is wrong), there are a few bleak one. American Jews are · What draws Jews to their syna­ = ,_ widow, the wages of the hireling, Of these, many have rewrned, Jews who have joined White Citi­ :Ill some chastened and wiser. "Per­ identifying with the Jewish com- gogues in America seem to be: the the need for avoidance of slander zens Councils t o demonstrate munity. They are no longer stulti- desire to give their children "a 0 and gossip, the care to be taken sonally I am not religious" has their kinship with their neighbors; =t:, fied'by fear of anti-Semitism. They (Continued on Pace 8) ll! with weights and measures, the become a telling motif of millions others who have sought to silence are returning to the synagogue, importance of ts'doko, concernfor of American Jews. With all the their rabbis and national Jewish And they are, increasingly, eager ...rn the orphan andtheprisoner--these religious revival and sharp in­ bodies on the racial issues; and to learn more about their faith and MAKE A PERMANENT and hundreds of other practical crease ln synagogue attendance s: many -Others who have lapsed into its meaning. Many are hungry for LIFE TAPE RECORDING ethical concerns were the very and new building, Jews still in­ guilty silence and moral neutrality enduring values. ~ substance of Judaism and Jewish dicate the least interest in religion on the greatest moral issue of our To applaud the reemergence of 8AR MITZVAH - CONFIRMATION law. The Jewish religionpermeat­ and have the poorest record of ll! time, the synagogue in America is not RECITALS - SPl■CHH = ed every aspect of daily living, "church" attendance of any re­ And even amongnorthernJews, to blink at the fact that the syna­ This Event Only Happens ONCE infusing the most ordinary detail ligious group in American life. many of whom have fled from the gogue in America--Reform, Con­ Even If you don't have a tape of family and business relations Can Jewish values endure with­ central city and have settled in the servative, and Orthodox--as pre­ recorder now, play lt on a friend's unW you 1et your own I with a touch of the Divine. out the heart of the Jewish faith? illusory security of their homo­ sently functioning-- is frequently Are Jews among the leaders in Is Jewishness without Judaism genized white ghettos to escape an inadequate vessel to hold so ALLAN M. GOODWIN the fight for civil rights for all? worth the effort to maintain? Can the "invasion" of non-whites, rich a wine as the Jewish tradition, ~ It should not be surprising. Juda­ nostalgia for Jewish foods, Jewish there is an increasing tendency to The number of Jews to whom '1 Westford Road > ism first gave the world the con­ jokes, Yiddish phrases, and Jewish accept the ugly stereotypes about religious services are spiritual Provlclenc~ 6, R.. I. !"! cept that every human being is folk customs sustain the flesh and Negroes and Puerto Ricans which experiences is small--and this Is UN 1-3882 'IJ sacred because he is created in blood of Jewish ethics? poison the atmosphere. Is not this true of Orthodox, Conservative, g the image of God. The Jewish It may mean that Jews are en­ inevitable? Perhaps so. But what a tradition rejects ~racial distinc­ joying a residual legacy, that they tragic and heartbreaking irony if ~ tions. "Are ye not as the Ethi­ are the unwitting heirs of a tradi­ the Jewish principles which sur­ ~ opians unto Me?" God demands of tion whose fructifying force con­ vived the agonies of martyrdom Your Willard Center ~ the Israelites. At Passover, and tinues to color their unconscious through the centuries should be LYNCH'S .. frequently throughout the year, attitudes and their values. thoughtlessly yielded up by Jews SUPER MARKET :> Jews are enjoined to "know the But that force is being diluted who are free to be Jews but un­ ... MEATERY 0, heart of the stranger, for thou --washed out in the comfort, the wi llJ ng to be different I '°... wert strangers to ." suburbia, the social striving, the A study by Rabbi Jerome David­ FRESH GREEN PEPPERS 2 lbs 29c If it is true that Jews tradition­ success-worship and the middle­ son In 1958, indicated that Jewish ally abhor censorship and have class acquisitiveness In which youngsters exemplify virtually the BIRD'S EYE FROZEN respect for differing views, is this American culture is enmeshed. It same blandness and lack of passion CHICKEN - BEEF and TURKEY PIES 5 for 1.00 also not to be expected? is still there, inexplicable and in the face of social evil which has In the Jewish value - stance, strangely persistent, even among been decried in American youth REGULAR OR. DR.IP learning is a prime value. Ignor­ Jews who have consciously reject­ generally. AUTOCRAT COFFEE lb bag 65c ance ls virtually the ultimate sin. ed their Jewishness. 'But for how If the moral sensitivity lan­ Even In the shabby medieval ghet­ long before it becomes an atavism guishes, what g~ is It if Jewish LIGHT CHUNK STYLE tos of Europe, where Jews suf­ and a proud memory? Jewish ethi­ children accept themselves a s CHICKEN OF SEA TUNA 2 for 59c fered severe physical and social cal standards arose out of the total Jews and readily identify them­ disabilities, Jewish learning was religious regimen which Jews, selves with Jewish life? If Judaism NBC FIG NEWTONS - reg. 39c lb pkg 33c an island fn a sea of gentile until recently, observed without becomes to them an aspect of question. illiteracy. For Jews, the People of social conformlty--they have their We Give UNITED TRADING STAMPS the Book, have maintained a pro­ There has already been a de­ "church" too-- then survival will found reverence for study, for cline in Jewish ethical practice. be an empty achievement.Survival 240-244 Prairie Ave., Providence UN 1-7125 literature, for intellectuality, for Despite a low rate of alcoholism, for what? the labor of the mind. Censorship divorce, arid juvenile delinquency is regarded as profanation of the among Jews, it is also significant mind. Throughout his~ory, the that these figures are now on the Jewish. peopl~ have been the vic­ rise •. tims of suppression: the Talmud It is no longer a source of won­ was suppressed here, the Bible derment to observe aJewishgroup HUMMOCKS Neptune & Prime Rib 'Rooms there, the Scrolls of -the Torah riotously drunk; or a bunch of somewhere else. Jewish youngsters, looking for But, in Jewish tradition, free trouble. We have the spectacle-­ speech was cherished. "These and once inconceivable and still un­ those may be the words of the usual--of Jewish hunters, casually Living.God," said the rabbis, in- shooting animals and birds just • sisting on respect for honest dif­ for pleasure. ferences and opinions. The asser­ Historically, Jewish ethics tion of unpopular opinions illu­ touched upon every detail of busi­ mines the Bible, the prophet Nathan ness dealings; no business deci­ denouncing King David for having sion, however minor, was devoid stolen Bathsheba from her hus­ of religious obligation. In our time; band, Elijah excoriating King Ahab business is largely divorced from for his evil-doings, Job talking religion and "business is busi­ back to God. The Talmud is a sea ness" signifies the accepted ex­ of opinions, majority and minority, emption of business practice from each accorded the honor of in- ethical judgment. Jews are prob­ • clusion in the Sacred Writings. ably no worse than non-Jews in The schools-of Hillel and Sham­ business practice--but they are mai _differed sharply in most of probably no better, either. The their interpretations of the law; bitter fruit of acculturation Is the the Talmud includes them both desire of Jews to be like every­ and in detail. body else, only more so. This ~s This tender solicitude for free ·human and understandable, but it expression, th!~ sensitive respect is a bold departure from the haunt­ for differences, has, without any ing Jewish guide: "What does the doubt, left its mark upon Jews of Lord require of me?': • our age. Increasingly, American Jews What guarantee is there that have ,become native-born (about 80 any part of this heritage will con­ per cent) !ind middle-class and tinue to shape the lives and atti­ have imbibed the values of middle­ tudes of future generations of class America: conformist, com­ American Jews? Here in America, placent, acquisitive, with success where Jews have become the freest and money the gods to be ·wor- ! and the most prosperous Jewish shipped. - . community in the history. of the The suggestion that Jews are world, where ·the pluralistic cul­ different and should strive to main­ ture encourages ~e proj~ction of tain their difference is anathema group values, where a mighty net­ to millions of Jews. One result is work of Jewish 'institutions has that Jews, like everybody else, are been reared--here Jewish distinc­ subject to the crassest prejudices tiveness may be buried. If Jewish and values of the general culture. for those •whose traditions. . ·have values succumb in America, it will The near-pathological yearning to . be through accu)turation and assi­ be accepted -by the non-Jews, to milation. Acculturation h as al­ be like the non-Jews, explains always included fine dining ready bitten deeply into Jewish life much about the failure of most 24'6 allena avenue • pr~vidence, rhode island· in America. Some young sensitive southern Jews to speak up for the rt. 1-a • Jews have abandoned their Jewish rights of their Negro neighbors, heritage to seek the buried· trea­ While southern Jews feel differ­ SUre in Socialism, science, Com- ently about civil righti, than their

, A • - •-~ ----·--~--

co All organizational news MUST ••rz::-;::w---~~70:~~--:--'.'9'--::~""'ll§"-:".c'T'.i0':""'~~::':l sky, Henry Hill and Joseph An­ A subscription to the Herald 1a be in the Herald offices before drade. a good gift idea for the person noon of Monday each week. It will Howard Silvei:man, Concert who "bas everything" else. Call ~ NOT appear in that week's paper chairman, reported on plans for UN 1-3709. ~ if it is received later than noon. the winter concert which the Youth Orchestra will present at ;;;;;;======~ r.: Saturday Evening 5-8 P.M. ... ARE YOU HAYING the R. I. School of Design Audl­ ~ A PARTY? CALL: torium on Feb. 28. BUFFET SUPPER By Candlelight ANTHONY. FABULOUS DESSERTS ~ "ISRAEL NIGHT" - i:i: GIUUANO'S MISS DUTTON'S IIQ The student Zionist Organiza­ CATERING DE 1-5995 ~ tion at Brown University will SERVICE present "Israel Night" on Sunday ~ at 7:30 P .M. at Brown Hillel ~ YeCATERING TO YOUR HOME, Q House. CANDID WEDDINGS ... CHURCH or BANQUET HALL i:i: The program for the evening BAR MITZVAHS fa;, Menu Sent On Request will include Israeli folk singing, 147 WEBSTER AVENUE dancing and the serving of Middle EMBASSY STUDIOS c:i Providence, R. I. 120 PARK AYE. • CRANSTON =a Eastern foods. i:i: JA 1-9322 All students are invited to at­ ST 1-6769 =r.:i tend. . Q HEADQUARTERS FOR: ~ ,.;i AIRLINE TICKETS PROTECTION FOR 00 • ... • SHIP TICKETS fol CRUISES Fred Kelman Photo Q • Fourth President - Archibold Silverman, first president of YOUR FAMILY 0 • HOTELS • RESORTS the General Jewish Committee of Providence, presents a =i:i: W . Life Insurance - Annuities VACATION photograph of the GJC's fourth president, Joseph Ress, for your Family During Your r.:i • to Mr. Ress at a recent meeting· of the board of directors. PACKAGES Active Yean. =E,. This photograph will be hung in the conference room of the A Monthly Annuity In­ Travelers Cheques _GJC headquarters with the photographs of previous GJC Go Now-Pay Later presidents. come for Younelf when you World-Wide Service decide to retire or curtail your activities. TOURIST TRAVEL For full information call BUREAU, Inc. ORGANIZATION NEWS FRANK LAZARUS 776 HOPE ST., PROV. BROTHERHOOD NIGHT Night at Temple Beth Israel, this Life Insurance Protection GA 1-9422 The Department of Rhode Is­ evening. Office - GA 1-3812 Res • ..- PL 1-0716 land, Jewish War Veterans, USA, Recipients for this year's awards will hold their annual Brotherhood include Edward A. White, presi­ 635 Industrial Trult Building I dent of the Roger Williams Sav­ ~ ft 1t::ft":1t:1r-sr-rt-1eoesest::1Ht-:iHHHM?:1Meea:-soe,eseec-: ings and Loan Association; Paul WE'RE GOING FOR A DRIVE, YOU SAYl J. Robin, Providence insurance That's wonderful! Specially after that long siege of cold and Icy weather. broker, and Mr. and Mrs. James Now do you suppose that we mllrht just A. Gabrielle, formerly of New hapen to go by JAMES KAPLAN, Inc.? Go Mter the Kind of People A visit to that most up-to-date of all Orleans, La. and now residing in ,rift shops makes anr trip comrlete. Johnston. flundreds of beautUu and uaefu fft Past. Department Commander 1 l~'i.!18JAMEr:... ~c~u~~c~~ -~· U· Harold N. Israel, of Cranston will Open Thursday and Friday, Till f be chairman for the affair and You •Want in Your Store will present the awards, assisted James Kaplan, Inc. by Charles B . Kushner, Depart­ ment commander. USINESS is a battle. And the master of busi­ JEWELERS Rabbi Morris Schusshelm will ness is the man who thinks--plans--clirects 250 Auburn St., Cranston conduct the regular Friday eve­ the fight with the cool and calculating eye of ST 1-0939 ST 1-0940 ning services, assisted by Cantor • JEW.ELRY • CHINA • LUGGAGE Israel Tabatsky. Temple officials an experienced general. Competition- is daily • APPLIANCES • WATCH REPAIR • DIAMONDS who will assist in presenting the becoming keener in every line of trade. Scientific awards include Charles 0. Green­ methods ore demanded in every department of busi­ Industrial Discaunts stein, president; David Vanover, Charles Coken, Samuel A. Cohen ness. And all commercial organizations lead to defi­ and Ira Stone. nite and centralized effort. • Formals • Cocktails • Dressy Dre!ises Mrs. Emma A. Simon, past president of the JWV Auxiliary In no other feature of modem business is the expedi­ Hew England's LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE Gown Shop will be chairman of the Oneg ency of concentration so universally emphasized as in Shabbat following the presenta­ the advertising end. Topsy-turvy publicity will quickly tions. eat up the profits. In order to create a demand for an GARTNER TO SPEAK article through newspaper advertising you must first Lloyd P. Gartner, instructor in formulate a specific proposition for the right people. history at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, will be guest This accomplished, you next seek an economical and speaker at the seventh annual meeting at the Rhode Island Jew­ efficient vehicle of publicity for the marketing of ish Historical Association on Sun­ your goods. The selection of your medium should be day evening at 8:15 o'clock .at the made with regard to the character of the merchandise John Brown House. Mr. Gartner ls the author of you are offering. If you are engaged in distributing "The Jewish Immigrant in Eng­ goods of the better grade, you know that your logical land" and will speak on "The Im­ field of sole is that of the substantial, prosperous class migrant in Modern Jewish His­ tory". of people-the folks who can appreciate and afford Hostesses will be Mrs. Louis I. your wares. Sweet and Mrs. Seebert J. Gol­ Your problem is .to reach possible b11yers dowsky. --and no others. WINTER CONCERT Maximum results at minimum cost - that's The Officers were elected at the Heral~'s claim on your advertising appropriation. meeting of- the Friends of the R. I. Philharmonic Youth Orchestra heid Wednesday. Officers elected were Howard Silverman, president; Mrs. Walter Nelson, vice president; John T. PROVIDENCE .• et 211 Union St. McCarthy, treasurer; Mrs. C. Ed­ TffE O NLY ANGLO JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I AND SOU THE AST MASS PAWTUCICIT .• et 17 No. Unlon·St. ward Franklin, secretary. Elected to the board were Walter Axelrod, The Weekly NewtpGper- of the Home OPEN TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS UNTIL' Joseph Conte, Salvatore Toro, - REACHES 35,000 READERS - Joseph Ricci, Dr. Nathan Rakatan- , .. The -Day The Water Stopped~ cisions that the state courts cannot sides, the water is not potable. So, l.'ll enforce racially restrictive cov­ By Sal Rabkin until a measure of logic comes to ~ enants? Judge Sidor took note of One problem Mr. and Mrs. Birch Groves, friendly neighbors, :z: Pol's charge that he had been de­ risking the displeasure of the 0 Heinz Pol don't have in their Birch nied membership in the Associa­ Groves home these days is dripping Birch Groves Association, are t:, tion because he was a Jew and his helping the Pols out--with Asso- ~ faucets. The reason is simple: reference to the Association's dis­ ,their water supply has been cut off. criminatory by-laws. Judge Sidor cia~;:P::~::' from the ADL Bulletin The reason for that is infinitely went so far as to agree that "the i more complicated, but underlying restriction is un-American, 1llegal it all is one principal fact: Mr. and void as a covenant restricting and Mrs. Pol are Jewish. sale of land." But Pol's claim of It happened on December 18, discrimination "is not sustained ,o 1960, at four o'clock in the after­ by the evidence presented in noon. Mrs. Pol, standing in her court." (Paradoxically, the judge CONN. MUTUAL LIFE home in the pleasant semi-rural refused to give Pol's attorney an community of Birch Groves at opportunity to prove this claim by Candlewood Lake, Conn., turned examining the Association's wit­ on the water tap. Nothing happened. ness!) In any event, discrimination Mrs. Pol did not panic. She and " In the sale of land is not involved Co-Chairmen - Martin M. Temkin, left, and Gardner L. her husband, a political reporter in this case," s aid the United Grant, have accepted the co-chairmanship of the Community at the United Nations, who had been States Supreme Court rulings pre­ vacationing and week-ending in venting the enforcement of racially Sales Committee of the 1961 Israel Bond campaign in Provi­ Birch Groves since the winter of Consultant for Income, corpora­ dence. Robert A. Riesman, general chairman of the Provi­ restr ictive covenants were n'o t tion, estate and gift taxes. 1956, had been expecting this. They decisive, he said. Approved compeny and private pensions. dence Israel_ Bond Committee, is currently in Israel on a did not bother to telephone the The real bone of contention in Birch Groves Association; which Executive compensation planL s~udy tour. Mr. Temkin, Providence attorney, has been ac­ the Pol case, the court insisted in Non-Can Sickness and Accident ... tive c;is chairman of the Community Sales Committee in past supplies water to the 68 home­ it s strict interpretation, was Coverage. :' Israel Bond campaigns. Mr. Grant is general manager of the owners of Birch Groves (including whether the Birch Groves Asso­ ... Grant Money-Meters Division of Universal Controls, Inc . some half-dozen non- members of ciation had the right to ch arge non­ ... the association). Instead, they members higher rares for the use °' phoned their lawyer. of water than it charged its own The Birch Gro...es Association members . Funds To End Sherwin Kapstein had been using its control of a ( Continued from Page 1) There are unhappy prac;tical .Appointed Director community water system to dis­ consequences to this decision. By PAULINE'S our funds are limited to some courage Jews from res iding in the allowing the Association to deny $10,000,000 per year and cannot Harry B . Freeman, president of area for some time. (AOL Bulle­ homeowners access to the com­ DRESSMAKING AND be increased." the United Fund, announced last tin, March, 1959,) Pol, a survivor munity water sys tem, it also, in Most for Relief week the appointment of Sherwin of Hitler Germany, had bought a effect, authorizes the Association ALTERATIONS Over three-fourths of the entire home in Birch Groves only to dis­ J. Kapstein as Public Relations to use its control of the water HAS MOVED bu'dget, coming to $7,789,617, is director. cover that the Association: 1) would supply to keep out would-be pur­ earmarked for relief and rehabil­ not accept him as a member, and chaser s of the ''wrong" religion From 121 · Fourth St. itation programs. About ·90% of Mr. Freeman said-that Mr. Kap­ 2) would supply him with water stein will work directly with the or backgrounds . those funds will be spent in Eu­ only if he paid higher rates than To Its New Location At· Executive Director and the Public The Association quickly took rope by Jewish communal and did the Association' s members. Relations Comlttee of the United advantage of the court's ruling. central welfare agencies and the (This last idea was particularly Fund. Mr. Freeman expressed con­ Judge Sidor had determined, in a 92 Larch Street American Joint Distribution Com­ astonishing since the Pol house fidence that Mr. Ka.psteln would similar case tried together with mittee. was permanently connected to the PL 1-8303 do much to help the United Fund the Pol one, that the water re­ Conference funds will also aid community water system and pre­ and the public better understand ceived was worth only $54 a year. in the emigration of nazi victims vious owners had always used it.) ea.ch other's problems, needs and But In October 1960, the Asso­ from that continent and their re­ Nor, Mr. Pol discovered to his aspirations. ciation sent Pol a bill for five IN THE settlement overseas. mostly in Au- dismay, was he the first victim of this discriminatory policy. years' assessments -- for $480. ADVERTISEMENT strlla and South America. "We feel," said Mr. Freeman, And on November 21, another b111 Allocations of $1 ,904,037 will aid "that the appointment of Mr. Kap­ Digging through the local records, OF THE Mr. Pol found out why. All the arrived adding a new item, a six major programs in Jewish cultural stein as our Director of Public per cent charge on the unpaid and educational reconstruction, Relations brings to the job a man property in Birch Gr oves was sub­ ject to a restrictive covenant. The balance, equal to slightly over $60. NARRAGANSETT Blaustein stated. The programs of proven abilities In working with This bill arrived v.-ith a threat: will envolve the reconstruction of individuals and groups as related premises could not be used or Jewish institutions and of spirl- to interpreting programs and serv­ occupied in any way by any person unless it was paid in full by ELECTRIC CO. of Negro, Hebrew, or Jewish (sic) December 15, the Pol home would tual and cultural centers ravaged ices." be cut off from the community by the nazis, and the rehabilita- Mr. Kapstein is married to the descent or extraction. Of course, In Last Week's Herald such covenants have been un­ water. tion of scholars, editors, writers former Gladys Chernack, who is That is why the Pols were not The Price of The and teachers who are nazi victims. a founder, honorary chairman and enforceable by state courts ever since 1947 when the United States surprised when, three days later, EASY AUTOMATIC Jewish education will receive commentator for the Children's Mrs. Pol tried the water tap­ allocations of $1 ,032,000, an eight- Concert Committee of the R . I . Supreme Court so decided. Mr. Pol refused to pay the dis­ and nothing happened. WASHER year peak. Institutions in Europe Philharmonic Orchestra. The Kap­ What are the Pols doing about will be the foremost group of stein's have three children, Jere- crimin~tory water rates. Despite Should Have Been the . obvious intent of the Supreme their water situation? Luckily, they beneficiaries. my A., a student at Hope High Court's decisions, the Bi re h have an old surface wen that Aid for Communities School, Deborah R., a student at Groves Association decided to ap­ supplies them with 300 gallons of $219.95 Blaustein pointed out that be- ,Classical High School, and Daniel peal to the Connecticut courts to water. This is not enough and be- sides the direct grants for cultural J., a student at Henry Barnard declare judicially that the Associa­ and educational reconstruction, School. The family resides at 310 tion had the right to cut Pol's the budget for relief and rehabil- Olney Street. house from the community water WI lliams 1-9186 tatlon includes grants of about ------­ system. $400,000 to aid traditional educa-. aged at na.zi hands, "that will live The suit was brought to trial tlonal and religious activities of on far beyond the day when the before Judge Walter J. Sidor of the c o m m u n a I organizations in curtain falls on our activities," was Court of Common Pleas of Litch­ ~'''I~ /Jeaul'I Europe. described by Moses A. Leavitt, field County. The Birch Groves .Ann Slop In his report, Dr. Nahum Gold­ treasurer of the Claims Confer- Association asked Judge Sidor to 315 WASHINGTON AVE. - WASHINGTON PARK SQ. mann, chairman of the Claims ence. make three declarations: First, Conference, pointed out that pay­ The program represents a.lloca..: that the Association was not ob­ PROVIDENCE 5, R. I. ments to individual nazi victims tions granted for the construction, ligated to supply Pol with water by the . German Government expansion, equipment and repair simply because he had bought a PERMANENT WAVES HAIR CONDITIONING reached $2,077,000,000 all told, by of a.bout 400 homes for the aged, home in Birch Gr9ves. Second, Sept. 30, 1960. "But the record children's and youth homes, hos­ that the Association w9uld be jus­ HAIR COLORING RAZOR HAIRCUTTING must be weighed against the fact pitals and clinics, Jewish schools tified in discontinuing the supply of that only one-half of the sums and seminaries, kindergartens, water to Pol. And third, if Pol was estimated to be dt'ie have been summer camps, community and legally entitled to have the Asso­ paid so far over the cqurse of a youth centers, religious institu­ ciation supply him with water, that decade, while the German Fed­ tions, and the like. - the court should determine the eral Indemnification Law calls for rate to be charged. the completion of the program by · The Claims Conference, made . On August 18, 1960, Judge Sidor the end of 1'962," he said. · up of 25 national and worldwide made his ruling. He found for the The Herald is now accepting He announced that in discus­ Jewish organizations, obtains its Birch Groves Association, and sions Just completed with top funds for allocation under the against Heinz Pol. He said that "Younger Set" Photos ranking German officials, the special agreement it reached with Pol had no vested interest to be Conference had submitted specif­ the German Federal Government supplied with water by the Asso­ For early publication and For our Files ic proposals calling for further In 1952. By that agreement, $107,- ciation, "this private corpora­ • Glossy Prints Preferred • 5" x 7" or larger speed-ups in the tempo of adjudi­ tion." The Association was free to 000,000 Is being turned over to the refuse water to Pol entirely, And • Snap~hots will not be accepted cation and for more liberal in­ Conference, in 12 annual install­ terpretations of the Jaw. it could charge him at whatever A $J ,000,000 program for re­ ments, for the benefit of needy rates it desired. THE JEWISH HERALD building Jewish communities rav- nazl victims throughout the world. What about Supreme Court de- 1117 Dou9lo1 Ave. P,oviclence,a.1. ,. f-· 00 WOMAN HONORED NEW YORK - The United Sy- nagogue of America presented a Do Jews In America Dare To Be Different? (Continued from Page 6) :_; Solomon Schechter citation for shrine where one goes, lightly and America, which is grounded on the less form of Jewish "church­ ~ distinguished service in social little Jewish education;" to have a pleasantly, to pay obeisance to a Judaic-Christian heritage, is in going," if synagogues pioneer in a ~ action to Miss Ellen Steinberg of place to go to services during the proud Jewish past which expired dire need at the best sph;-itual and Judaism which is not easy and ,.. New York City and St. Louis, Mo. High Holy Days, and social pres­ some 2,000 or 3,000 years ago. To moral insights which each group comfortable but lean and hard, if ~ Miss Steinberg was honored for sures, including the desire to be­ too many Jews, the synagogue-­ possess. In this, the synagogue has synagogue programs are built not ~ her recent offllr of a gift or loan long, to relate to other jews, and and Judaism itself--has become a role to play of no small signi­ around magicians, beefsteak din­ p of $500,000 to the school board of to identify with the community. Irrelevant to life. ficance. ners, rummage sales, and theater ~ New Orleans, La., during the re­ Only 1.8 per cent of the Jews re­ Religious ethics has been the The synagogue with all its lim­ parties, but are rooted deeply in cent integration crisis there. sponding to a questionnaire-study genius of the Jewish people. Every f2 itations in current practice, is Judaism in all its blazing power by Rabbi Albert Gordon gave as Jew, whether he wishes it or not, and glory, if Jews once more re­ r., WAR CRIMINALS their reason for Joining a syna­ nonetheless the most viable and is heir to the tradition. But the hopeful instrumentality for the joice in their distinctiveness and ~ TEL A VIV - Evidence against gogue that, "I am religious." tradition itself can be sustained express their ethical -values· not 9 70 Nazi war criminals will be The synagogue is the repository survival of a meaningful Jewish only if the American synagogue life in America. Its potential is merely by the words of their lips ~ transmitted to West German au­ of the totality of Jewish life, and can rise to the needs--and the but by the work of their hands-- r.. thorities.- should be the exemplar of all that vast. If the Jewish community opportunities-- of our generation, is noblest in the Jewish tradition. fails to realize this potential, cre­ If Jews can banish the fat com­ ative Jewish survival in America then the future of American Jewry = FOR THE BEST - Call . . . But the synagogue itself is subject placency and peace-of-mind smug­ will be neither Orwellian nor mil­ ~ to secularization, class snobbish­ is a question mark. ness which cling to many syna­ ~ The purpose of the synagogue lennial. It will bear the seeds of r.i George Berlinsky' s ness, and materialistic preten­ gogues like incense and, instead, promise of a better Jewish com­ tiousness. is no less than the purpose of Juda­ make the temple a powerhouse of KOSHER MEAT MARKET ism itself: to deepen the quality of munity and a better world. = Too many Jews confuse the new Jewish learning and ethical action, ~ 232 Prairie Ave. study and with Torah, and to strive DE 1-9595 building, the membership cam­ if Judaism is presented as an af­ r ~ In the WIiiard Center tirelessly to bring about God's Condensed from the book "Giants .;I paign, the bazaar, and the theater firmative commitment to a way of of Justice.'' rJ:i Finest Quality Poultry party--the means--with the pur­ Kingdom on earth. living and not as a timid and blood- .. Many Jewish religious leaders No 1/2 lb added poses of the synagogue. Too many r.i are reaching out, in imaginative Jews believe that Judaism is an ~ GENUINE programming, toward these high 0 occasional thing which one acts Steer LIVER goals. These programs include a lb79c out, prayer book in hand, within =~ Fresh Extra Large EGGS new emphasis on adult education, the four walls of the temple. To without which educating the young r.i too many Jews, the synagogue has -F~°R"eEN°::~tTv~~~•- is ultimately a futile task. They E--4 become a kind of air-conditioned = include religious camping and re­ TO INSTALL MRS. LECHT Jon Sunday, Feb. 26, on "Church of treats for young people as well as Mrs. Morris ·Lecht will be in- the Air", originating from Station adults. They include experimenta­ stalled as president of the R. I . WCBS in New York, at 9:35 A.M . Public Meeting tion with more intensive Jewish education, even including day Chapter of the Women's Bra nch A close associate of Mr. Freed OSMOND K. FRAENKEL schools. of the Union of Orthodox Jewish in the Council, Dr. Carp has wrlt­ They include creative religious Sisterhoods, by Miss Evelyn ten the script and narration for GENERAL COUNSEL, AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION services, using the power of poet­ Greenstein, installing officer , at a the program. Musical selections on SPEAKING ON ry, drama, music, and the dance. meetin g on Wednesday even in g the broadcast will be presented by 8 o'clock in the vestry of the Cantor Joseph L . Portnoy of Con­ 11 They include a fre-sh appreciation THE HOUSE UN-AMERICAN of Jewish culture and literature. Shaare Zedek Synagogue. gregation Emanuel, San Francisco, ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE11 They include a new dimension of Others to be installed will be and by the T emple Choir. reciprocal relationships between Mesdames George Diamond, pres!- The program will not be carried Sunday, February 19 -- 8 p.m. American Jewry and Israel. They dent of Shaare Zedek Sisterhood ; by Providence's CBS affiliate, but Faunce House Art Gallery, Brown University draw upon modern techniques, in­ Martin Posner, president of Sons may be presen ted as a special JCC cluding television, films, audio­ of Abraham Sisterhood; H yman program at a later date. visual techniques, psychological B. Stone, hon. president of Sons tools. All these are in response of Jacob Sisterhood; Abrah am BROTHERHOOD MEETING to a growing restlessness among Mal, president of Ohawe Sholom American Jews, a hunger for pos­ Hope Chapter B'nai B'rlth w_o­ Sisterhood of Pawtucket, and men presents its annual Brother­ itive values and for a faith which Samuel Ludman, presiden t of will be satisfying to them in a sick hood Meeting on Wednesday at Ladles Auxiliary of Hebrew Shel­ the East Side Jewish Community world in which all lesser gods tering. have failed. . . Center, at 8 :15 P .M . One thing more is needed. The To be installed as vice presidents This year Mrs. Marshall Weiss, synagogue in America must inspire of the R. I . Chapter are Mrs. Anti-defamation .league chairman, Abraham Chill, cultural chairman, NOW AT NEW LOCATION ethical sensitivity and social ac­ will award Mrs. James Gabriele tion, else it prove false to "the Mrs. Frank Silberman, treasurer the brotherhood plaque for her inner compulsion of the Jewish and Miss Evelyn Greenstein, re­ outstanding efforts in trying to 836-838 Eddy _Street faith. Within the past few years, cording secretary. overcome segregation in New PROVIDENCE 5, R. I. the synagogue has, finally, begun The Sisterhood of Shaare Zedek Orleans. to redeem its moral heritage. will be hostesses for a coffee hour to be held following the meeting. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Harold In The Most Modern Plant of New England A synagogue social a c ti o n Schwartz and Mrs. L . Peter Spen­ movement has developed in all Members and friends are invited cer. Mrs. Isadore Nachbar is pro­ three . branches of Judaism. Re­ to attend. Ready To Serve gram chairmen, Mrs. Zenas Pul­ sponding to the stimulus of the national ·Jewish religious bodies, ner, refreshments, Mrs. Eliot Solo­ Manufacturing - Maintenance- Neon Display KADUSHIN TO PREACH mon, publicity and Mrs. Gerald synagogues all over the country On Friday evening, Dr. Max Cherniack, ex-officio. Mrs. Milton • PLASTIC AND METAL LETTERS are setting up Social Action Com­ . mittees to study social problems, Kadushin will share the pulpit Aiken and Mrs. Raymond Fass are • GOLD LEAF AND TRUCK LETTERING and to bring to bear upon the with Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen at Tem­ also on the committee. American community the ethical ple Emanu-El. After the presentation epter­ • SILK SCREEN PROCESS insights of the Jewish faith. · Rabbi Kadushin has assisted at tainment will be provided by some The American synagogue is High Holyday Services at the Tem­ of the B'nai B'rith Girls under the WI lliams 1-6477 demonstrating that it stands for ple for a number of years. He has supervision of Mrs. Julius Levin, the eternal Jewish ethic of a living held pulpits in Chicago and New B.B.Y.O. chairman and Mrs. Leo­ Judaism. Thanks in part to social York, has served as Director of nard Linsky B . B. G . advisor. action, the irrelevancy of the syna­ the Hillel Foundation at the Uni­ gogue may be overcome. And the versity of Wisconsin, and as Di­ CIVll, LIBERTIBS TO REFRESH YOUR PALATE-'­ gap between preachment and prac­ rector of the Hebrew High Schools Osmond K. Fraenkel, general tice, which repelled so many sen­ of Greater New York. He has counsel of the American Civil SUCCULENT FRESH LOBSTER sitive and intelligent Jews, may taught at the Jewish Theological Liberties Union, will discuss the MEAT ... savor delicious Lqb­ gradually be narrowed. Moreover, Seminary and has lectured widely ster Newburgh, Lobster synagogue Social Action Commit­ to lay and Rabbinic groups. Rab­ Union's stand on the House Un­ Thermidor, Lobster Salad, tees are cooperating with Christian bi Kadushin is the author of "The American Activities Committee at Lobster Meat Plate or church bodies in Joint enterprises Theology of Eliahu" , "Organic a public meeting Sunday. Combination Tray. aimed at shared social objectives Thinking", and "The Rabbinic The meeting will be held at 8 --meaningful brotherhood in action Mind". P .M. in the Faunce House Art which stands in sharp contrast to Services w!ll be chanted by Can­ Gallery at Brown University. It SEA' FRESH FROM OUR the bland hypocrisy of "Brother­ w!ll be the first of a short series OWN TANKS ... tor Jacob Hohenemser, assisted by hood Week." the Choir, with Mrs. Louis Winsor of winter and spring programs on BOILED OR BROILED In our time in · America, anti­ civil liberties being planned by the LIVE LOBSTER. Moore at the organ. Semitism is at a lbw ebb. For the Union's Rhode Island Affiliate. first time in centuries, Jews are DR. CARP ON CBS A guestion period will follow Mr. able to go beyond self-defense and ~ s2.2s Dr. Bernard· Carp, executive di­ Fraenkel's talk and coffee will be self-protection and project their served. ideals into the life of the general rector of the Jewish Community community. Center and founder of the Na­ Chairman of the committee HU:v.MOCKS Judaism has much to say about tional Jewish Music Council, will planning the meeting is Martin world peace, family relations, seg­ be featured on a special Columbia Miller who is being assisted by regation, religious liberty, capital Broadcasting System broadcast Mrs. John William Lenz, Mrs. ~I/Jtqonf punishment, economic justice, and dedicated to the music of the late Joseph Schein, Mrs. Charles Pot­ the host of social problems which Isadore Freed, world-renowned ter, Joseph Ourland and Jacques 245 Allens Ave., Providence • HOJ-6000 afflict America and the world. composer, teacher, and musician, V. Hopkins.' tions to save their face, but the ~ Zionist at home, the sincere Zionist can no longer remain calm ONE MAN'S OPINION and sure of himself. He will ask ~ hlm~~ t'l "Why don't I go· to settle in The Faith Israel? The land for which I hoped : and prayed so long is ours now. 9 of Our Lives How long will I admire the Halutzim ttl Published Every Week By The who went up to the land? Isn't it .,. Jewish Press Publishing Company time I became a Halutz myself? r:IJ 1117 Douglas Ave., Provld~nce, R. 1.. UNlon 1-3709 by Beryl Segal And what about my children? If I ~ CELIA ZUCKERBERG Editor am too old, perhaps my children ~ Ben Gurion resigned as Prime salvation not by empty slogans ought to go and build the land? 0 Second Class Postage Paid at Providence, Rhode Island Minister of Israel. He will no and fine phrases, not by reso­ And if I do not go, and my childre1 ::Z: Subscription Rates: Fifteen Cents tlfe copy; By Mall, $4.50 per annum; outside longer have to be invited to de­ do not go, why am I a Zionist', t'l New England, $5.00 per annum. Bulle rates on request. lutions on paper that involve no liver principal addresses at Zion­ obligations -- but by deeds and Give money? Many Jews gl ve ~ The Herald assumes no financial responsibility £or typographical errors In ist congresses and conferences. efforts, which are the only way money for Israel. In what way am I:" . advertisements, but will reprint that part or the advertisement In which the typographical error occurs. Advertisers will please notify the management No longer will they suffer from of reaching our goal." I different from other jews?" .!=' Immediately or any error which may occur. his tongue lashings. But what he That is the real cause of Veteran Zionists who gave a "'l FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 said at the twenty-fifth Zionist irritation. This is why American long life to the Zionist idea can f Congress held recently in Jeru­ Zionists were so angered. Some­ find an excuse. They will be a 0 salem cannot be erased. That will body dared to tell them the truth. burden in Israel. They need young ; stand forever as long as Jews read Somebody questioned the sincerity men and women in Israel. But the and meditate on what they read. of their efforts. younger Zionist? What makes them ;l I have just finished reading the Zionists? Have they a right to call to YOUR MONEY'S Again he says: full text of his address in the "The question that you who are themselves Zionists and remain II' New York Times. It is a master­ sitting here must answer -- not here? ~ piece. The pity is that the press by words and resolutions, but Oh, I know. The Zionist organ!- II' took out one single phrase of that zation will be busier than ever. -< WORTH by deeds --,is whether you have address, the one in which he quoted the desire, the will and the They will publish magazines. They ;:: the Talmud to the effect that a ability to work and to insure will bring out books. They will call .., Jew who lived in the Diaspora is the immigration that I s r a e I to work in education. They will co by Sylvia Porter considered to have no God, and needs ..." justify their existence, at least, in ~ broadcast it to the world. The their own eyes. more is the pity, also, that the Instead of being honest and But I doubt wheth.er the Zionist WOOING TOURISTS , American Zionist got angered by admitting that we have noinfluence in his inner heart, in the privacy of this quotation and called the whole over American Jews, that we can­ his thoughts will be happy. In hls "A vagabond tour of Europe, plus a car to take home, are being speech "an attack on American not tell them to send their young ears will ring the words of Ben - offered in a travel package for couples with a yen to see out-of-the-way Jews." It reflects on the American men to Israel, we grab at a flimsy Gurion: places," the press release begins. Zionists who are so sensitive on thing of a newspaper story and "And if you are loyal ·to the "The tour will be conducted in a caravan which will meander being called Godless that they fell burn with indignation at Ben Gurion faith of your lives, you must through six countries in 24 days - - each couple in a Renault Dauphine. into a trap and pronounced Judg­ for calling us Godless. By this we arouse and bring into action Offered by Travel Associates, Inc., Dearborn, Michigan, in cooperation ment without reading the f u 11 admit that the whole purpose of this pioneering will." with Cars Overseas, Inc., New York, the package will cost $2,995 per speech. the Congress was for adopting The faith of his life is put to couple .•.." The promoters then go on to say that the tour will include The real passage in the address "empty slogans and fine phrases," test and he cannot be true to it. return shipment of the cars to Detroit. of Ben Gurion, it seems to me, as Ben Gurion suspected. The No greater tragedy has anyone ex­ that should have put the Zionists to Godlessness was a mere figure of perienced. But let us not attack Ever since this release reached my desk, I've been working up a shame and have them hang their speech, an aside, and not an im­ Ben Gurion for our impotence. slow boil, and now that President Kennedy has delivered his message heads in sorrow, is the one which portant part of the speech. . . . urging specific actions to slash the deficit in our international accounts he repeated three times in his two In the meantime, the Zionist r Mr. Segal's 011inions are his and thus halt the drain on our gold, I've erupted. The reason is not only hour long address. Itisthepassage movement is on trial. Regardless own. Hts views are not neces­ the embarrassingly poor taste of the promoters in timing their offer that read: of what they may say or do, the sarily t1wse of this newspaper.; but also the way their lure dramatizes how inferior we've been to thE "The question is whether we words of Ben Gurion will follow Europeans in wooing tourists and big-ticket spending by tourists. are sincerely interested in the Zionists forever. Let the Con­ _ working for our survival and gress in Jerusalem adopt resolu- The American tourist spends a huge $1 billion more a year in Mox Sugarman • other lands than the foreign traveler spends in our country. Our spend­ Funeral Home ing on travel abroad ranks first among all the "commodities" we import; our receipts from what foreign visitors spend here rank a sorry fourth among all the "commodities" we export. COMMUNITY

Placing this figure in full perspective is the fact that the • 'basic CALENDAR deficit" in our international Income-outgo accounts is only $1.5 billion a year. As Kennedy properly and most significantly emphasizes, the GENERAL JEWISH COMMITTEE balance of our great losses in recent months reflects the outflow of WOMEN'S DIVISION For llstlng call GAspee 1-4111. Ask "hot money" -- and this hot money will flow1 back to us as faith In our for Calendar Secretary. Mrs. Bertram dollar's value is restored and interest rates here become more by Leonard Lyons L. Bernhardt, Calendar Chairman. attractive than those abroad. But the $1.5 billion deficit is fundamental, and this is the gap Saturday, February 18: James Michener's next book 8:00 p. m.-Slsterhood Cranston Jew- which must be ended. Two ways all of us can easily and voluntarily Paramount allowed him to keep . !sh Center, Square Dance. help end it is by paying more than lip service to the slogans "See w i 11 be titled "Report of the them ••• Phil Silvers' young daugh­ Sunday, February 19: County Chairman," about the 1960 ter, Tracy, has seen her father in 10:00 a. m.-Cranston - Warwick B'nal America First" and "Buy American," and by encouraging more B'rlth Women, Member­ foreign travel to us. Presidential campaign. The prize­ "Do Re Mi" and has her own title ship Brunch. winning author served as head of for the show, "Daddy and the I :30 p. m.-Jr. Hadassah, R e g u I a r Meeting. We don't need laws restricting what we can' spend on travel Bucks County's Independent Cit­ Naughty Men'' ••• St. John Tyrell, Monday, February 20: abroad. Until the deficit is eliminated, we can help by deciding on our izens Committee for Kennedy. His the producer, will do his old fire­ 10:00 a. m.-Slsterhood, Temple Beth El, Board Meeting. own to take vacations within our borders. book will point out that Harok eating routine for a TV commer­ 1:30 p. m.-Ladles Ass'n., Miriam Hos- Stassen was right about Nixon ••.• cial. It's for a stomach-settling Michener's training and campaign 8:00 p. m.-t~~!• i~,~~~r~~e\.'fgcla- We don't need formal moves to pr.event us from spending vast product. mon Post #369, Regular amounts on such large items as foreign cars. Until the deficit is work ordinarily would rate ap­ Debbie Reynolds and Eva Ga­ Meeting. pointment to high political office, 8:00 p. m.-Sabra Chptr., PloneerWo­ ended, we can help by deciding a U. S.-made car is quite satisfactory. bor, resplendent in jewels and men, Board Meeting. As for encouraging more foreign travel here, let's face it--we've but he prefers to continue at his traveling in the_ir respective Rolls­ 8:00 p. m.-Ladles Aid and Sister­ writing career. hood, Ohawe S h o I o m , been shockingly smug and backward in our promotion of it. Royces, went shopping together. Pawt,, Regular Meeting. Michener was asked if an author They chose the Junior Miss de­ 8:00 p. m:-Mothers Ass'n., Temple ever had become an envoy. He partments -- where prices are Beth David, Board Meet­ All major nations aggressively woo us as tourists with intriguing ing. literature, advertising campaigns, special gimmicks, etc. We've done cited Romain Gary, and another cheaper .•. The Baronet restaurant 8:00 p. m.-Roger Wms. Chptr., B'nal m!ln who'd done his best writing now provides a free Roll-y-Royce B'rlth Women, Regular next to nothing to. woo foreign tourists back. When Kennedy says this Meeting. is a "large potential market hitherto virtually untapped," he's ncit while serving at a seaport town ride for any party of six-customers 8:00 p. m.-Jewlsb Family and Child­ in Italy-- Stendahl. . . . At the 41st St. Theater, where ren's Service, R e g u I a r exaggerating one bit. Meeting. . All major nations make it exceedinly easy for us to get in as Alfred H~tchcock's "Psycho" Elsa Lanchester is playing, the 8:30 p. m.-Slsterhood, Temple Sinai, tourists. We go out of our way to make it tough for foreign tourists to has berome the second m o s t box office doesn't open till noon. Regular Meeting. profitable black-and-white film in 8:30 p. m.-Devorah Dayan Club, Pio­ come here. Kennedy's call for "action to simplify our visa and entry Until then, callers hear a recorded neer Women, Regular procedures for temporary visitors" is far, far overdue. all Hollywood history. The first -message from Charles Laughton. Meeting. remains "Birth of a Nation" .•• Oscar Levant went to a deli­ Tuesday, February 21: All rr-ajor nations maintain excellent travel offices here. We've 1:30 p. m.-Prov. Sectlon1•• Nat'J Coun­ been ridiculously lax fr establishing our travel offices abroad. s. Hurok, the impresario, will catessen in Hollywood and noticed cil, Jewish women, An­ introduce Salvador Dali• s classical nual Event. All major nativu:; use to their advantage the freedom we have to the eminent customers arriving. 2:00 p. m.-Mlzrachl Women, Regular travel abroad, while many rigidly restrict the freedom of their own paintings to the USSR ••• Last Sat­ They were actors, musicians, Meeting. urday night, Henry Fonda, star of songwriters, directors, etc. "This 8:15 p. m.-Evenlng Group of Hadas­ citizens to travel to us. Their barriers against us are obsolete. sah, Board Meeting. "Critic's Choice," spent an hour place has become like a true 8:15 p. m.-Hlllel Hassenfeld Memor­ Most authorities expect only "minor" help from changes in what shoveling snow from in front of international cafe," said Levant, ial Lecture, the theater so that customers could "except that they're all of one Wednesday, February 22: · U. s. tourists spend on foreign travel and duty-free imports and what I :00 p, m.-Slsterhood1 Temple Eman­ foreign tourists spend on U. s. travel and goods. I think they'll be get in to ·see the play. nationality." uel ~ara Meeting. The western boots worn by 6:30 p. m.-Lad. Aux._, R. I. Post #7.3, astounded at how "major" the help can be if we only apply our genius Ernie Kovacs' contractforfour JWVA.., Paid Up Member­ for salesmanship and we wake up to how much we alone can achieve. Anthony Perkins in lieu of snow­ Italian films contains a clause ship :,mpper. shoes here are the same ones he 8:00 p. m.-Slsterhood, Temple Beth (Distributed 1961., entitling him to a villa in Rome, a Sholom, Regular Meeting. by The Hall Syndicate, Inc.) wore in "The-· Lonely Man." He palazzo in Venice and luxury suites 8:00 p. m.-T our o Fraternal Ass'n., (A II Rights Reserved) used them in three films, and then (Continued on Page 10) Regular Meeting. A subscription to the Herald ill =·a good gift idea for the person l who "bas everything" else. Call ;: UN 1-3709. ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. (ConUnuecl from Pa&'e t) .,: ,"4 Fresh Killed QUARTER PAST CLUB BREAKFAST MEETING on the best liners for his · wife, 65 such letters to men of high The Quarter Past Club of the Joseph M. Finkle, chairman of DUCKS 45c three children and a nurse. ••• repute. They then put up $5,000 Jewish Community Center will the Anti-Defamation League Com­ i I~ Melvyn Douglas didn't perform at each to build a course near the hold its February dance Saturday "The Best Man" last Saturday mittee of Greater Providence and club which had turned them all evenirig at 8:30 o'clock. a member of the Rhode Island I HARRY KATZ night because his 92-year-old down. They hired Ben Hogan as _Dancing will be to the music Commission Against Discrimina­ &: KOSHER MEAT MARKET mother died ••• The City Center pro, and their club, Tamarack, Is of Jerry Meyers and his orchestra. tion, will be the speaker this Sun­ WIiiard Shopping Center will offer another revival of open to an. day morning at the breakfast ~ "South Pacific," Jean Dalrymple, A speed record in book pub­ DE 1-9675 PANEL DISCUSSION meeting of Temple Beth Israel the producer, intends to make it a lication I s Popular Library's The Sisterhood of Temple Sinai perennial fixture at µie Center. paperback, "The Seizing of the Men's Club, to be held at the Tem­ will hold a meeting this Monday ple. He will speak on "Good Hu­ Whenever Gen. Eisenhower Is Santa Maria." It's ready now, evening at 8:30 o'clock at Green­ I In Palm Springs, he plays golf at man Rel a tlons - ' How?," and will while the pirated ship is still in wood Hall. also present the "Rumor Clinic." MALAVE all the courses, lest he be accused Brazil •• • Leo Kerz of "Rhinoce­ The program will feature a c1 endorsing, by his presence, the Mr. Finkle will also address the j ros" and Daniel Weitzman have panel discussion by Brown Uni­ MALKE discriminatory policy at one club, Blackstone-Narragansett Regional ~ another project. They hope to raise versity students from Israel, Italy CONGREGATION Some yearfj ago, Jack Benny show­ $2,000,000 from investors. Half Conference of B'nal B'rlth Girls ed friends a letter from this Palm and Greece. A question and answer this Sunday afternoon at the = SHAARE ZEDEK this sum will be invested in in­ period will follow. Springs club, rejecting his mem­ come-producing stocks to support Woonsocket Synagogue. 618 Broed Street Plans will be made for a bridge bership application. George B1,1rns productions. Five hundred thous­ to be held March 2 a t the Colony 00~ Saturday, February 25 had a similar letter. There were and will go to buying a theater, MEMBERSHIP PARTY ... leaving $500,000 for new produc­ Motor Hotel. Refreshments will The Devorah Dayan Club of ~ 8 p. m. be served.· Q tions. Pioneer Women will hold Its paid­ 0 SUPPER and MOVIES Bowling Leagues Jeff Haynes, who left NewYork MEMBERSHIP DINNER up membership party on Monday Donation - $1.50 to study philosophy and sociology at 8:30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. ~ The R. I. Ladles Auxiliary No. = Reserv1tlon1 Come in for your at the Sorbonne, changed his min~ 23, Jewish War Veterans, will hold Seymour Block, 78 Bryant Road, GA 1-3021 WI 1-1611 there and now runs the top fried Cranston. 1961 thefr annual paid-up membership chicken-barbecued ribs joint In dinner on Wednesday evening at Mrs. Mordecai Shapiro and Mrs. e CATALOG Paris ••• Ralph Bunche's perfect FREE 6 o'clock at Lindy's Bali Restau­ Asa Prescott are in charge of the SH the molt bHutlful dl1pl1y attendance record at the UN was rant in Cranston. evening program. marred by the snowstorm. He was of trophlH In R. I. Mrs. Nettle P. Cohen , chairman A social hour will follow. snowbound Saturday at his Long Open TUH. & Thurs 'tll 9 p.m. Island home ••• When Bobo Rocke­ for the event, will be assisted by or by appointment Mesdames Frances Agronick, Lena TO SEE MOVIE feller won a Stork Club prize a The Center Youth Council will -_Special - cocktail party for 100-- she asked Borod, Rose Fine, Mae Katz, Fae Lipsey, Lillian Mlstowsky, Rose present a Science fiction movie only: "ls this tax-tree?" "THEM" on Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. $7.95 BOWLING BAG Anna May Wong, Hollywood's Parlzer, Ida Pearl,

CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Thursday at 10 A.M., a child­ ren's program will be held at the Hope Theatre featuring the lively minds clown, Mr. Sweep. Following this presentation, a full length technicolor movie will be shown •·•The Adventures of (like yours) Robinson Crusoe". The program is sponsored by the Providence Chapter of Women's American O.R.T.

life - a desire to know the How and the Why as TEMPLE BETH AM well as the What. Such lively minds take naturally Sabbath eve services will be held at Temple Beth Am this evening to the Herald, for here is information transmuted at 8: 15 o'clock. into knowledge, knowledge given the extra Rabbi Pesach Sobel will give a sermon entitled ."Building the dimensions of wisdom. Were you born a Herald Tabernacle". reader? An Oneg Shabbat will follow the service. " All organizational news Mr. and Mrs. Irving A subscription to the Herald Is ::: in the Herald offices and Mrs. Harry a good gift idea for the person noon.of Monday each week. It w111 who "has everything" else. Call ~ NOT appear in that week's paper Subscribe to the Herald. UN 1-~709. ~ 1f · it 1s received later than noon.

DORIC DAY NURSERY and KINDERGARTEN STRAWBERRY 0 PEARLS - BE.AD$ Accredited by R. L Board of =C, RESTRUNG AND KNOTTED Education - State Licensed ti.! CERTIFIED TEACHERS ANGEL CREAM PIE • Cultured Pearls AU Day Or Half Day Sessions ... • Beautiful Clasps BALANCED HOT MEALS Ages ~Boys and Girl.I East Side Diner 145 1'ontlac Avenu!i Cranston .______360 Waterman Street _. WOODMAN'S WI 1-6051 nansportatton Near Reel Bridge ; 55 Eddy St. JA 1-4977

VETERANS' MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Boston Symphony Orchestra DR. CHARLES MUNCH, Music Director Tuesday Evening, Feb. 21, at 8:15 ERICH LEINSDORF, Guest Conductor

HOXSIE 4 Comers, Warwick DALLAPICCOLA: Variations for Orchestra Route Service to Prov., Cranston and STRAUSS: Interludes from Opera "The Woman With- Warwick - RE 7-4567 out A Shadow" · PROKOFIEV: Fifth Symphony Tickets $2, $3, $4, $5 (Tax Exempt) at HOPE STREET Avery Plano Co., 256 Weybosset St. (GA 1-1434) Hrs. 9-30-5 Emba.uy Studios Photo ...co GARAGE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goodman were married Jan. 29 at Tem­ 0, ple Beth David. Mrs. Goodman is the former Barbara R. ... • _Delivery Service Miller. • Fireproof Insured 825 Hope Street (rear A & P) MA 1-1794 ,II Birth Announcement her father, wore a gown of skinners Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Weisman mirrow-mist taffeta with Schlffli Re-styling of 46 Alvin Street announce the embroidery forming a scalloped birth .of their first ch!ld. a daugh­ bateau neckline, a bouffant skirt Over 100 Oceanfront ter, Frances Ann, on Jan. 18. with scalloped bottom, intermission is an ART Maternal grandparents are Mr. length, scalloped embroidery on . .. and we are master fur artists and Mrs. George Mandell of 141 hemline in a chapel train and a Oxford Street. Cranston bouffant back caught up with a Miami Hotels-Motels Mark cusroM Paternal grandparents are Mr. bow. Her veil was a bridal balle­ and Mrs. David Weisman of 44 rina tiara fashioned with seed Weinberg FURRIER Alvin Street. pearls and Aurora Borealis crystals FREE And IMMEDIATE Miss Fellman Weds caught with French illusion. She ?90 WESTMINSTER ST. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Fell­ carried a prayer book with lace, HOTEL or AIR RESERVATIONS GA 1-8096 man of 50 Malvern Avenue, and a white orchid with stepha­ Cranston, announce the marriage not!s. Official Rates "Absolutely No Extra Cost To You" of their daughter, Yvette Fellman, The maid of honor, Barbara 11 All Leading Hotels Personally Inspected" on Dec. 31, to Ralph Goldberg, Pearl, wore a street length gold son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gold­ silk organdy shirtwaist dress and - Official Agents All Airlines - TOP WINTER berg of Fiske Street carried a cascade bouquet of roses. All schedules and rates at our fingertips for both air SPECIAL Rabbi Jacob Hochman of Tem­ Flower girl, Brenda Joy Miller, and hotels. You need not leave your home - Confir­ ple Shalom in Milton, Mass., of­ niece of the bride, wore a tangerine mations and Air Tickets mailed to you on request. Prices Reduced ficiated at the ceremony. nylon tulle dress, bouffant skirt The couple are now residing in and carried a basket of sweet­ Revere, Mass. heart roses. ISLAND BOUND? by 25% on Wedding Announcement The best man was Sidney Good­ We Have Personally Inspected Leading Miss Barbara R. Miller, daugh­ man, brother of the groom. Hotels In All These Islands: Photographic Oil Paintings ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Mil­ Ushers were Harry, Joseph and FREE And Immediate Reservations Sittings by Appointment ler of .156 Sixth Street was married Karlman Goodman, brothers of • BARBADOS - BERMUDA - CURACAO to Louis Goodman, son of Mrs. the groom; Albert Brodsky, Louis • DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - HAITI - JAMAICA George Goodihan of 260 Hamilton Cedar, brothers-in-law of the ·· (}~6ermann Street and the late George Good­ groom, Milton J. Miller, Sanford • MARTINIQUE- NASSAU - SAN JUAN man, on Jan. 29 at Temple Beth Miller, Howard Miller, brothers of • TRINIDAD - VENEZUELA - VIRGIN ISLANDS Busy Since 1938 David. - the bride; Abraham Tillis and Personal Inspection Tours Also Made To DE 1-5946 Rabbi Nathan N. Rosen offlcated Jeffrey Trust, cousins of the bride. 169 Weyb9sset St. at the se:r,:vice. Mrs. Abe Salzberg was soloist at Europe - California - Las Vegas - Miami - Mexico The bride, given in marl'iage by the reception held in Temple Beth David. Following a wedding trip to the CRUISES Nevele Country Club in New York, Ask For Our Free Booklet Listing All SALESMEN? or the couple will reside at 26 Hamil- ton Street. · · Cruises~ Ports and Rates WEDDING GUESTS? Second Son · Jet Boston To Bermuda If there are going to be more than two in yo~r party, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Datz of 199 Only $1 f5 Round Trip Via Pan. ~m. the best place to have them gather is at Colony Motor Morris Avenue announce the birth NEWI Hotel with its huge Empire Ballroom, North Ballroom, o !their second son, David Mar­ Jet To Israel - Only Houn South Ballroom and its world-famous Marco Polo restau­ shall, on Feb. 8. NEWI Via EL AL Airlines rant buy Maternal grandmother is Mrs. and Cocktail Lounge. Just two? Th~n your Minnie Bergel. CONCORD - GROSSINGERS - NEVELE guest a drink or two and the beit dinner anywhere riaht On Dean's ·IJst MAGNOLIA MANOR -Othen here at the Colony MolQr Hotel. Smaller function rooms, EU ROPE - IS RAEL also truly Miss Nancy Susan Schectman, and executive suites are available. You11 ap­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert preciate the service, the comfort, the unusual d6cor and "Honeymoon planning our Speciality" Schectman of 101 Factory Street, Don't Forget - "We've BEEN There!" the exceptional comfort of . West Warwick has been named to the dean's list-for the first semester Call Anytime · ColoQYMoroR HOTEL . _ at Boston University. Miss Schectman is a freshman coflee 1hop • 137 gue,t room., ....modern tu tnmorrow in the College of Liberal Arts. Zelda Kouffman minutes · from Providence • Route l·A In Cranston ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY PHONE: HOpklns 7-l&OO She is a graduate of John F. Deering High School. CRANSTON TRAVEL SERVICE To Visit Children 801 Park Avenue, Cranston. t J. Edward Downes Maurice Berreri will leave tomor­ ST 1-4977 Eves. By Appt. ST 1-4977 I G•nnol /1111111111•• row to visit his children in Los - ATC and IATA APPROVED SALIS AGENT - Angeles, Calif. He will spend two

I/ ..,N~------For Your Publicity and Organizational Have You Tried . . • - PHOTOGRAPHS - • CREPE SUZETTE CALL FRED KELMAN at Di MAIO'S }~ WI lliams 1-5402 RIVERSIDE Open Monda' i f,t=!l~t:1t:::st:1t:~::lt=S:t:1t:::tt:St::st::0. Family Income and ... SILVER Mortgage Protection Plans ~ Electric Co. ~ Electrical Contractor■ ~ 628 BROAD STREET ,.. Industrial • Commercial • and Residential 'i GA 1-6864 ~ ~~~~~~dj ; ;::::::::::::::::::::::::; ~ Kickoff Meeting - A kickoff meeting of the committee of :s CAMP the ladies Association of the Jewish Home for the Aged VARSITY BASKETBALL Elliot F. Slack r/) was held recently. The Annual Luncheon will be held The Sunday Tween Basketball ... League of the Jewish Community 1019 Industrial Bank Bldg. HADAR Wednesday, Morch 15 at 12 noon in the Sheraton-Bi It­ Center now consists of five teams DE 1-2422 "Character Growth more Hotel. Through Camping" and three games are regularly SUN LIFE ASSURANCE Carter HIii scheduled for each Sunday from COMPANY OF CANADA CLINTON, CONN. 1 to 3 P .M. Last Sunday only three Exit 63 Conn. Turnpike teams appeared and two games were played with the following re­ One of New England's sults: Gophers 43, Buckeyes 38, ' Finest Camps Whirlybirds 43, Gophers 32. SCHEDULE CHANGE HELP WANTED Games Sunday will be as follows : A beautiful I 00-acre camp with Gophers vs. Globetrotters, Buck­ all sports and water activities. Major changes will be made in Norman Tllles, producer of the the scheduling of activities for Jewish Community Center's forth­ eyes vs. Whirlybirds and Untouch­ Mature staff. Dietary Laws. junior high school aged boys at coming musical production, "Bells ables vs. Globetrotters. Recommendation : Our campers the South Side Jewish Community Are Ringing", this week issued a return year after year. Fee : $585. Center. It was announced this call for additional male dancers, Directors: week by Edward Ooldsteln, South stage hands, set painters, and el­ Clyde Cabinet Shop MAX & PHYLLIS KLEIMAN Side Center's children and youth ectricians' assistants. 64 VICTORIA ROAD worker. The changes will become Dancers will be directed by HOME REMODELING and MIDDLETOWN, CONN. effective this Sunday, in order to choreographer Doris Holloway. STORE FIXTURES avoid scheduled conflicts, Mr. Those interested in Joining the For FrH Estimate Call Goldstein announced. cast may report to the next re­ VA 1-0047 - VA 8-0196 Canteen activities for 7th, 8th, hearsal at the East Side Center on dine and 9th grade boys will Monday or Wednesday evening, at in our be conducted on Tuesday and 7:30 o'clock, ICE Wednesday afternoons, from 3:30 Backstage volunteers may report SKATING intimate to 5:30 P .M ., under the direction to Mr, Tilles on rehearsal nights. of Norman Lofsky. The afternoon Samuel Olevson, chairman of atmos- programs will Include table games, ticket sales for the show, announc­ tournaments, and special events. ed that lr'llmited number of special phere Canteen activities for both tween student tickets, at reduced rates, boys and girls will be scheduled are now available at both Center with on Thursday evenings, from, 7 to buildings for performance nights candle- 9 P .M, on Wednesday, Thursday, and The Tween Boys' Club will hold Saturday, March 22, 23, and 25. .,, light its regular weekly meetings on 0 charm Sunday afternoons, from 4 to 5:30 SPECIAL EVENTS Register Now for 0 P,M ,, under the direction of Harold A series of special events for 0 at Kessler. · high school aged boys and girls Mid-Term Entrance ... Gym activities for tween boys will be conducted at the East Side dusk will be conducted on Monday and Jewish Community Center during I Limited Number of Enrollments Ill Thursday afternoons, from 3 :30 the coming week. Available to Commuting Students % tonight! to 5:30 P .M ., and on Tuesday On Monday evening, at 7:45 • Four-Year and Accelerated e,venings, from 7 to 9 P ,M ., under BRYANT Three-Year BACHELOR DE­ ... the direction of Anthony Neri. o'clock, the 1960 World Series GREE Programs films, in full color, will be pre­ • Two-Year ASSOCIATE DEGREE Di: The Tween Girls' Club will con­ sented. Admission to this series School of Secretarlal Science tinue to meet on Thursday even­ School of Bus. Adm. - Mar­ 0 between the Yanks and Pirates COLLEGE keting, Management, Account­ ... ings, at 7 P.M., under the direc­ will be open to all Center mem­ ing, School of Se<:'! ScleJice- tion of Miss Helen Hirsch. bers. Ninety-Seventh Year ~;i~i'1nt"J~~';.\. e;.-ef~s. ~: .,, Center tween activities are open Course. Mid-term classes be­ The Center Youth Council will gin Feb. 20. ::) to 7th, 8th, and 9th grade boys present a science fiction tllm 0 and gll:lS who are Center members, feature, "Them," on Tuesday eve­ REGISTER Adm. Bldg. 154 Hope St., ning, beglnnning at 7:30 P ,M, JEWISH COOKING Prov. 6, R. I. - Tel. GA 1-6840 1 Members of Upsilon Lambda Phi ... Registrations opened this week Fraternity will present a special I at the East Side Jewish Com- program commemorating National munity Center for classes in Jew- Engineering Week at the Center ish Cooking, to be conducted on on Wednesday evening, beginning • Monday or Thursday evenings, • from 8 to 9:30 PM. beginning at 7:45 o'clock, The program will PASSOVER early In March. feature an Illustrated talk by IN Tt,JE GRAND MANNER Among the delicacies to be in- Francis C, Pierce, director of the eluded in the. instructions are pre- R. I. Chapter of Professional paration of blintzes, knishes, ge- Engineers, Mr, Pierce will discuss Traditional Seder Services the value of engineering as the fulte fish, kasha varnishkes, knaid- career of the future, Refreshments co_nducted by Cantor Ab­ Jach, and egg rolls. , ner Groff. We'll have en­ Classes will be open to reglstra- will be served. Admission will be tertainment and dancing tion by both Center members and open to Center members, to make this the Greatest non-members. Registrants must The HUBS Road Club will con­ Passover ever. supply their own cooking utensils, duct a Disc Jockey Dance, featur­ but wm be-able to take home their Ing music by Joe Thomas, at the For your comfort, a new own cooking samples. Cost of the Center on Thursday evening, at heating system • . • and food will be included in the course 8 o'clock. The evening's program of course, you will ·still fee. will include dancing, refreshments, enjoy our private 2-mlle Information on registrations and and special events. Boys will be lake, superb foods (die­ LEBANON, CONN. fees may be obtained now at the required to wear Jackets, and girls tary laws) and wonderful East Side JCC office, UN 1-2674. must wear skirts or dresses. Ad­ Joe & Sylvia Tannenbaum, Owner-Mgt, Classes wm be limited to a max- ·mission will be open to high day camp for funlor. Tel: before Mar. 25: Norwich: Tumer 7-7ffl after Mar. 25: Lebanon: Niagara 2-15'1 iinum of seven persons. schoolers.
