No Public Enthusiasm in Israel Elections
• " ........... _ . ,.".,.,,~, "1 . Thursday, July 20, 1961 Page Twelve THE JEWISH POST '.roggestions for setting up this type I A meeting of those interested will Wanted - Exchange MTC Grows Up of an organization. All enquiries be called within the next two weeks, Baby-sitter Manitoba Theatre Centre has regarding the proposal should be at which time a committee will be d Wanted - Baby-sitter for two taken its first step on the road to sent in writing to Tom Hendry, formed to study the I?robJ.;m, :m children in exchange for free holi Man ito b a Theatre Centre, 419 to make recommendations m Vlew ward becoming a professional thea By REUBEN SLONIM day (room and board) at Detroit tre with the adoption of a poliey Avenue building, 265 Portage ave- of the experience of the people Lakes. Phone JUstice 64624. guaranteeing its actors weekly fees nue, Winnipeg 2. concerned. I Associate Editor of The Telegram, " Board and Room Wanted rather than expense allowances, J. Toronto IWanted: Board and room for Ogden Turner, president of the Mr. Ben-Gurion explained his "ir Vol. XXXVII WINNIPEG, THUHSDAY, JULY 27, 1961 No, 30 A series written for ten newspapers girl university student in River Centre, said this week. 'But, he rev.ocable" stand which had led to Reject Stand his resignation and the subsequent in The Telegram News Service Heights district. Reply to Box 0, added, "it creates a concern within The Jewish Post, 1244 Main St., (Cant. from page 1) fall of the Government, That step, (Published by permission) MTC for the person not making FOR SALE Winnipeg 4, Man.
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