20140707-NEWS--1-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 7/3/2014 1:56 PM Page 1 $2.00/JULY 7 - 13, 2014 Employers are waiting on court for refunds Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s appeal of lawsuit causing more delays By JAY MILLER Below,
[email protected] clockwise, are shirts being sold by The appeal to the Ohio Supreme Fresh Brewed Tees, Court by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ CLE Clothing Co. and GV Compensation of a lawsuit filed by em- Art and Design. ployers continues to put in limbo po- tential refunds to 270,000 businesses — some of more than $1 million and many into six figures. Those are estimates from PayUs- BackOhioBWC, an organization and website created by the plaintiff compa- nies in a lawsuit seeking refunds of overpayments to the BWC. ike Kubinski remembers when he and business partner Jeff In May, the Eighth District Court of Appeals affirmed a 2013 decision by Rees attempted to get a small business loan prior to launching Cuyahoga County Common Pleas CLE Clothing Co. in 2008 — during a recession. M Court Judge Richard McMonagle that “Basically, they just laughed at us said, ‘You can’t do that now,’ ” awarded the plaintiffs $859 million. Kubinski said. “As our tagline says, we literally built this company one However, the appeals court ordered the T-shirt at a time.” case back to McMonagle’s court for a That is a common theme in Cleveland. recalculation of the refunds. The BWC A year after CLE Clothing’s debut, Tony Madalone — who, as a on June 27 filed its intent to appeal.