Greetings on this blessed Lord’s

Day! Please take a green Holy information sheet if this is your first time here. You can put in any collection basket or hand to greeter Protection IN EMERGENCY CALL/TEXT 813- 406-2620 (Fr.’s cell). If in middle Orthodox of night and no answer, call 813- 659-0123or 813-451-9829 (Pani’s cell). If they are off duty please Jesus Christ, our Church call Parish Council President below Saviour and Redeemer

Schedule Announcements Tone 2

Shh…It’s a surp rise! On July 14, after fellowship, the parish council is having a baby shower for Alexis Sunday, July 7 for anyone who would like to stay. She would love to have a book for the baby instead of a card. She is 10 am Divine Liturgy registered on Amazon: 11:15am Fellowship Reader: Andy If you would like to serve on the parish council, please submit your name to a council member. The Altar: Jefferson elections committee will review all names and we will elect members on September 8 at the General Counters: Scottie, Assembly. Toney Please review the calendar on the side of the bulletin and notice if you are scheduled to be a counter with Sunday, July 14 a parish council member.

10 am Divine Liturgy Please do not walk through the flower bed in front of the church, several parishioners are working hard to 11:15am Fellowship make this area beautiful. Alexis Baby Shower Reader: Mat. Terry Sign up for fellowship! It can be as simple as bagels or donuts. Please see the board in the hall, or a Altar: Vasily & council member if you have any questions. Please refer to the Fellowship guidelines when it is your Vladislav Sunday to do fellowship. Counters: Scottie, Harry Christian Education will resume after summer. Pani will still print out the Children’s Word weekly for Sunday, July 21 the youth. Memorial Rebecca Delp’s Parents As you take your summer vacations, please remember to keep your pledge, the church’s expenses don’t 10 am Divine Liturgy take a vacation. 11:15am Fellowship Reader: Andy Reminder…Father’s days off are Monday and Saturday. Altar: Jefferson th Counters: Scottie, Tina Star Spangled Banner 4 Verse: Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Sunday, July 28 Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land 10 am Divine Liturgy Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. 11:15am Fellowship Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, Reader: Brian And this be our motto: "In God is our trust." Altar: Vasily & And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave Vladislav O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Counters: Scottie, John S If you are coming to confession, please be in line by 9:50 am on a normal Sunday. On a Sunday there is a Memorial scheduled, please be in line by 9:35 am. Please line up down the center isle of the church. Parish council contacts: Scottie (President): 813-629-6027, Brian (Vice President): (813) 763-5226, Rebecca (Treasurer): (813) 763-5225, Paula (813) 838-4554 (Secretary) Tom Moore Financial Secretary

Prayer Corner: Please pray for the ailing: Mary,Kathy, Susan, Helen, Neila, Olexander, Anna, John, Carol, Mat. Mary, SD. John, Randee, John, Ryan, Marie, Paul, Mary, Pangratios, Tikon, Vasili, Jeremiah, Dcn. Luke, Maria, John David, Elisabeth, Joshua, Alexander, Nicholas, Rebecca, Genevieve, Panteleimon, Vladimir, Margaret, David, Sarah, Jonathon, Simon, Judy, Fr. Michael, Anastasia, Demitrios, Alexandra, Israel, George, Michelle, Joseph, Jaqueline, Michael, Geverlyn, Thomas, Norma, Sally, Sarah, Derek, Susan, Lucy, Beth, Kathy, Phyllis, John, David, Shirley, Kalie, Madeline, Thomas, Patricia, Archimandrite David, Jake, Tom, Beverly, Taylor, Sylvia, Andreas, Josh, Nicole, Joyce, Sandy,Georgina, Kathy, Pam, Ann, Eli, Shay, Ocean, Lauren, Donna, Kim, Lori, Nancy, George, Sharon, Sylvia, Kristi, Gary, Tori, Joan, Thomas, Susan, Alexei, Mary, Mary

Saint Kyriake was the only child of Dorotheus and Eusebia. Since she was born on a Sunday (Kyriake, in Greek), she was named Kyriake. One day a wealthy magistrate wished to betroth Kyriake to his son. Not only was she young and beautiful, but her parents were wealthy, and the magistrate wished to control that wealth. The magistrate went to her parents to request her hand, but Saint Kyriake told him that she wished to remain a virgin, for she had dedicated herself to Christ. The magistrate was angered by her words, so he went to the emperor to denounce the saint and her parents as Christians who mocked the idols, and refused to offer to them. Diocletian sent soldiers to arrest the family and have them brought before him. He asked them why they would not honor the gods which he himself honored. They told him that these were false gods, and that Christ was the one true God. Dorotheus was beaten until the soldiers grew tired and were unable to continue. Since neither flattery nor torment had any effect, Diocletian sent Dorotheus and Eusebia to Melitene on the eastern border between and Armenia. Then he sent Saint Kyriake to be interrogated by his son-in-law and co-ruler Maximian at . Maximian urged her not to throw her life away, promising her wealth and marriage to one of Diocletian’s relatives if she would worship the pagan gods. Saint Kyriake replied that she would never renounce Christ, nor did she desire worldly riches. Enraged by her bold answer, Maximian had her flogged. The soldiers who administered this punishment became tired, and had to be replaced three times. Shamed by his failure to overcome a young woman, Maximian sent Saint Kyriake to Hilarion, the eparch of , at Chalcedon. He told Hilarion to either convert Kyriake to paganism, or send her back to him. Making the same promises and threats that Diocletian and Maximian had made before, Hilarion was no more successful than they were. Saint Kyriake challenged him to do his worst, because Christ would help her to triumph. The saint was suspended by her hair for several hours, while soldiers burned her body with torches. Not only did she endure all this, she also seemed to become more courageous under torture. Finally, she was taken down and put into a prison cell. That night Christ appeared to her and healed her wounds. When Hilarion saw her the next day, he declared that she had been healed by the gods because they pitied her. Then Hilarion urged her to go to the temple to give thanks to the gods. She told him that she had been healed by Christ, but agreed to go to the temple. The eparch rejoiced, thinking that he had defeated her. In the temple, Saint Kyriake prayed that God would destroy the soulless idols. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake which toppled the idols, shattering them to pieces. Everyone fled the temple in fear, leaving Hilarion behind. Instead of recognizing the power of Christ, the eparch blasphemed the true God as the destroyer of his pagan gods. He was struck by a bolt of lightning and died on the spot. Saint Kyriake was tortured again by Apollonius, who succeeded Hilarion as eparch. When she was cast into a fire, the flames were extinguished. When she was thrown to wild beasts, they became tame and gentle. Therefore, Apollonius sentenced her to death by the sword. She was permitted time to pray, so she asked God to receive her soul, and to remember those who honored her martyrdom. Just as Saint Kyriake ended her prayer, angels took her soul before the soldiers could strike off her head. Pious Christians took her relics and buried them in a place of honor.