150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Tel: 41 22 791 6033 Fax: 41 22 791 6506 Appeal e-mail:
[email protected] Coordinating Office Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief & Rehabilitation – AFDC - 41 Appeal Target: US$ 1,517,566 Geneva, 2 February 2004 Dear Colleagues, The year 2003 was a very hopeful year for the people of the DRC as they saw the creation of a transitional government with all parties to the conflict being included. Acceptance of entry visas issued in Kinshasa by the authorities in the eastern DRC was a sign of good things to come although the air of mistrust is still strong, especially in the two Kivus. The UN also strengthened their presence in the eastern part of the country where the conflict has been most intense over the years. This allowed access to some of the remote areas where previously people could not be reached with humanitarian assistance due to the insecurity that had prevailed. The new development also opens a window of opportunity for recovery and rehabilitation activities in the secure areas of the country. However, despite the positive political developments that have taken place in the last year, most areas in the eastern DRC remain highly insecure with a high rate of human rights abuses by various fighting factions and militias. There is total break down of law and order and the power of the gun still rules. Looting, murder and rape of women are daily occurrences especially in the eastern part of the country. Health and education facilities hardly exist for the majority of the population leading to very high mortality rates from treatable diseases and a high level of illiteracy among the young population.