Improving security, social cohesion and human rights in conflict mineral rich regions of Eastern DRC “MADINI KWA AMANI NA MAENDELEO” Annual Report for 2020 MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 1 Table of Contents Section Page No. Table of Contents 2 List of Acronyms 3 1. Project Title 6 2. Project Narrative 6 3. Project Activities & 18 4. Section 4 Project Results 18 5. Indicators 43 6. Success story : 44 7. Capacity building 44 8. Alignment with national/regional priorities 46 9. Networking 47 10. Analysis, Implications, Learning Recommendations 49 11. Sustainability 53 12. Risk management 53 Attachments: 1. Success Story—Children out of Mines 2. Success Story—Hygienic Toilets 3. Financial Report 4. Logical Framework—Indicators MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 2 List of Acronyms 3T Tin, tungsten and tantalum ADF Allied Democratic Forces Alert International Alert ANR Agence nationale des renseignements – National intelligence agency APC Action Pour la Paix et la Concorde ASM Artisanal and Small-scale Mining CACH Cap pour le changement – Direction for Change CDDR Community Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration CEEC Centre d’Expertise d’évaluation et de certification des substances minérale précieuses et semi-précieuses – Expert Center on the evaluation and certification of rare and semi-rare minerals CIAP- Interprovincial Community DDR Commission (in French, La Commission Interprovinciale D’appui Au Processus De DDRC Sensibilisation, Desarmement, Demobilisation Et Reintegration Communautaire CISPE Consortium for Integrated Stabilization and Peace in Eastern DRC (CISPE). CLS Local Mining Monitoring Committee, Comité local de suivi (part of the Provincial, territorial and sub CLS structures (CPS, CTS, SCLS) of multistakeholder monitoring, created by decrees of Provincial Governors and chaired by Provincial Ministers of Mine CLSP Local Committee for Proximate Security (in French, Comité Locale pour la Sécurité de Proximité) CNRD Conseil national pour le renouvellement et la démocratie – National Council for Renewal and Democracy CODECO Cooperative for the Development of Congo CVR Community Violence Reduction projects DDR Disarmament, Demobilisation, and Reintegration DEVCO Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission DGDA Direction générale des douanes et accises – Directorate general for customs and excise DGM Direction générale des migrations – Directorate general for migrations DRC Democratic Republic of Congo DSGSG Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, United Nations EPRM European Partnership for Responsible Minerals ETD Entité Territoriale Décentralisée (Decentralised Territorial Entity) EPRM European Partnership for Responsible Minerals EurAc European Network for Central Africa MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 3 FARDC Forces armées de RDC – DRC army FCC Front commun pour le Congo – Common Front for Congo FCS Fonds de Cohérence pour la Stabilisation FDLR Forces démocratiques de libéraition du Rwanda – Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda FOMI Forum des Mamans de l’Ituri – Forum of Ituri Women FRPI Front de résistance patriotique de l’Ituri – Patriotic Resistance Front of Ituri ICGLR International Conference of the Great Lakes Region INSO International NGO Safety Organisation IPIS International Peace Information Service ISSSS International Security and Stabilisation Support Strategy ITSCI ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative LSM Large scale mining, industrial mining MGM Mongbwalu Gold Mine SARL MONUSCO United Nations Organisation Stabilisation mission in DR Congo MP Member of Parliament MRC Mechanism for Regional Certification NGO Non-governmental organisation NRC Norwegian Refugee Council OCC Office congolais des contrôles – Congolese control office OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OGP Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix – Observatory for Governance and Peace PAP Priority Action Programme PNC Police nationale congolaise – National Police RCM Regional Certification Mechanism of the ICCGLR’s RINR (see below). Also used for Regional Certification Manual. RINR Regional Initiative against the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources SAEMAPE Service d’Assistance et d’Encadrement des Mines Artisanales et de Petit Echelle SFCG Search for Common Ground SRSG Special Representative of the Secretary General SSP Secteur Security Plans (also known as Local Security Plans) SSU Stabilisation Support Unit (MONUSCO) MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 4 STAREC Programme de stabilisation et reconstruction des zones sortant des conflits armés URDPC Union des Révolutionnaires pour la Défense du Peuple Congolais – Union of Revolutionaries for the Defence of Congolese People VNG Association of Netherlands Municipalities (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten, VNG) MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 5 1. Project Title Project title : Improving security, social cohesion and human rights in conflict mineral rich regions of Eastern DRC (Include a project data table presenting « MADINI KWA AMANI NA MAENDELEO » project details (name, budget, implementing Budget : 9 927 040 USD organization(s), geographical Implementing organisations : Members of Consortium: International Alert (Alert), International Peace Information locations, etc.). : Service (IPIS), Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix (OGP), European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) et Justice Plus. Geographic locations : South Kivu (territories of Fizi, Kalehe and Shabunda) and Ituri (territories of Mambasa and Djugu). 2. Project narrative In the first year of the project, the five of most critical developments in the project include: : (Explain the most • Placing the issue of security and red mines on the table: other intervening agencies are only interested in green important developments in the project since the mines but by drawing attention to the security dynamics we are throwing a light on contamination of chains. last narrative report. Include gender-equality • Development of qualitative and quantitative studies that form the evidence base for the project and its and women’s empowerment related strategies ; developments). • The launch of the project and ongong engagement with key external stakeholders, including community leaders, government authorities at territorial and provincial level and coordination with other intervening agencies ; • Development and operationalisation of a project advocacy strategy ; • Identification and structuring of local project stakeholders (local community multistakeholder structures who will lead key activities such as the local security plan development and supply chain governance) in each of the sectors. Targeting and initial activities of these multi-party and inclusive structures in contest and conflict analysis occurred. 2a) Placing the issue of security and red mines on the table: other intervening agencies are only interested in green mines but by drawing attention to the security dynamics we are throwing a light on contamination of chains. MADINI’S targeting of mine sites which are outside of the existing validated and legal export systems requires MADINI MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 6 and its collaborators at all levels to analyze and confront the security, mining governance and taxation interactions which are both the result of illicit ASM mining but also reinforce its very significant negative security, governance and economic impact. The report’s detail weaves a complex picture of these interactions, the approaches to solutions, and also reinforce how helpful the focus on red, or informal mining, has been. 2b) Qualitative and Quantitative studies of conflict dynamics and actors around mine sites – development of an evidence base for the project and adaptation of strategies, identification of axes. Six (6) quantitative studies and one (1) qualitative study of conflict dynamics around selected mine axes and sites developed by IPIS were finalised for South Kivu in the first year of the project, while 2 quantitative and 1 qualitative studies for Ituri Province were in process by year end. These have provided the evidence base on which the project strategies have been refined and adjusted. At these 182 sites (144 of which are gold, or 80%) 31,000 persons (12% women, 7% children) are employed generating $35 million annually in illicit revenue which is not legally taxed and is largely smuggled to Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda. Through these studies, a series of strategic axes and the decentralized territorial entities (ETD in French) within which the mines are located (known as secteurs or chefferies) have been identified along which the project activities will be targeted. These include: Territory Secteurs/chefferie Number of ASM targeted mines targeted Djugu 2—Mambisa, Bahema 27 Baguru Mambasa 3—Mambasa, Babila 51 Bakwanza, Babila Babombi Shabunda 1—Bakisi 47 MADINI Project—Year 1 Annual Report –page 7 Kalehe 1-- Mbinga Nord 21 Fizi 1-- Mutabala 36 Secteurs are targeted for MADINI focus because of their role as Decentralized Territorial Entities, the third level of government closest to the people which can levy and collect taxes, and stands to benefit financially from better security and mining sector governance. The constitutional transition to local government in the DRC is in a long-term process of institutionalisation, but as of 2020 the ETD is the level where taxes can be levied and where ultimately representative councils will be elected are identified and both tax creation and collection, and
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