1 December 2018

InsideInside thisthis issueissue

HSLC Japan visit: Page 4 Language ‘Bake-Off’ competition: Page 7 “Sports Round-up: Page 10 HSLC Iceland visit: Page 13

“The Head-line” The first term of the new academic year is drawing to a close and as ever, all the staff and students have been very busy.

My colleagues and I have been delighted with the very positive attitude displayed by our students both within the classroom and when moving about the site. They look really smart and I thank you for your support in ensuring that our uniform expec- tations are met on a daily basis. Positive Discipline is having a real impact and is now fully embedded.

Our site staff are geared up to keep us open if at all possible should the weather cause particular difficulties but foryour in- formation, our school closure procedures are enclosed within this newsletter. We will do our best to keep you informed as early as possible via our website, local radio stations and e-mails (please let us know as soon as possible if you change your e- mail or mobile number). We have responded to requests for as much information as possible as early as possible by sending out e-mails. We do our best in these situations. Students must carry their bus passes at all times and especially in the event that we have to close the school due to inclement weather. These passes are the easiest form of proof that shows their entitlement to travel on a specific bus, without them travel may be denied.

There have been a huge number of changes to Education in our Country during the recent past. Among them have been changes to the way our students are examined at GCSE, AS and A2. Modular exams have pretty much disappeared and coursework elements have decreased. This means that the results in 2019 will primarily be determined by a large number of exams in May and June. We are supporting our students as they prepare for these through Period 6 and Pre-Public Examina- tions. Results will be communicated in January and will form the basis for provisional place offers in our sixth form but also for references for colleges, employers and apprenticeship providers. Those students, who are working hard both in school but just as importantly at home, will have nothing to fear.

In addition to curricular support our students continue to benefit from a huge range of trips, visits, residentials and extra- curricular clubs. We have for example: visited Poland and Rome; competed on the sporting front through fixtures in football, rugby, netball, table tennis and athletics; been treated to the usual excellence in Performing Arts. As I write this I look ahead to the performance of Dick Whittington and Sam the Cat. Our Y7 students will again attend the annual Christmas Carol Con- cert. Looking forward to next year we have the big production of the year ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ in April 2019.

As always we are really proud of the fund raising activities of our students. Our non-uniform day supported the Children in Need and raised £867.51. We have donated money to the British Legion Poppy Appeal and in addition a large number of our students give their time for free whilst volun- teering locally.

Our students return to school at the start of the spring term on Tuesday 8th January 2019 and all that remains is for me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year! Steve Ostler, Headteacher

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Life Studies @ HSLC On Wednesday 10th October 2018 the Life Studies team set up a whole school event for World Mental Health Day. It was an incredible day of positivity at HSLC celebrating and raising awareness of Mental Health on World Mental Health Day 2018. All our students were involved and were invited to contribute to our Wall of Kindness by posting posi- tive messages. They were also invited to take a per- sonal message for themselves from our 'Take What You Need' Tub as well as find and keep painted rocks and crocheted hearts that had been placed all around the school site.

In addition to this, Y9 students baked Chi Muffins as part of their Personal Pathways curriculum. Mrs Walker explained that the muffins contained chi seeds, carrot, apple and oatmeal - rich in fibre, protein and calcium - Chi also contain ome- ga-3 fatty acids -which can help fight depression and mood swings. Linking Life Studies with Performing Arts - On Monday 24th September, Miss Parkinson's 11 PP group per- formed an educational drama performance piece based on bullying called 'It Has to Stop'. They performed this to the entire year7year group to go alongside what year7 learnt in their mental health topic. Students did a fantastic job at performing to them and getting a clear message across to the students about the effects of bullying. Along- side this, Mr Sellers GCSE drama group performed to the entire year10 a piece based on 'Sexting' - more infor- mation below.

W/C the 3rd December the Life Studies team invited people to come in and deliver workshops to the entire year 7 groups based around Legal highs.

At HSLC we value the importance of careers education and as well as opportunities for students to experience a range of encounters that aim to prepare them for the world of work, such as Year 10 and Year 12 Work Experience weeks, mock interviews and visits to a variety of industry sectors, students also follow a careers themed scheme of work as part of their Life Studies lessons in tutorial time.

Much of this term, the focus has been on our Year 11 students to prepare them for the important decisions they will need to make next year following their GCSEs. They have participated in sessions that has given them lots of in- formation as well as providing them with opportunities to undertake some research themselves to help them make their choices.

Next term, Years 7 to 10 will have careers related lessons in Life Studies which will include labour market infor- mation and personal careers research as well as the opportunity to visit our annual Careers Exhibition in school. We are very excited that once again our exhibition will be supported by a fantastic range of industry sectors and our students will have the opportunity to network and speak to employers as well as apprenticeship training pro- viders, local colleges and universities. Sectors represented will include engineering, logistics, health, nursing, sports & leisure, teaching, construction and many many more. Further information about HSLC’s careers programme can be found on our website: https://hslc.co.uk/index.php/parentcarer/careers-education-guidance

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Visit to Spa

On Wednesday 7th November the Y10 and 11 music BTEC groups travelled to Bridlington for a tour around The Spa in preparation for their Music Industry exam in January. The tour was led by the venue’s assistant director, Jo Clarke who, as always, did a fantastic job of explaining how a venue is run and giving the students fascinating behind the scenes ac- cess to all areas of this amazing and very successful local resource. This was excellent preparation for the up-coming exam and was finished off nicely with some fish and chips for lunch!

Jean Toussaint AllStars 5tet

On Friday 16th November the music department were lucky enough to take group of 15 students from years 9-12 to see a sell-out Jazz performance by the famous Jean Toussaint AllStars Quintet at Hull Truck. The performance was part of the Hull Jazz Festival and our students were given a special welcome at the start of the performance by the organisers. It was an amazing experience for all involved and one that the students will not forget!

This years Y7 Christmas carol service will take place on Friday December 21st. All Y7 students will be taken to the URC Church for the service, which will be a celebration of Christmas with readings, carols, dance, drama and music

And finally, many congratulations to Dalvia who achieved a Distinction in his Grade 2 Drum Kit exam and Jaden who achieved a Distinction for his Grade 8 Bass guitar exam

Seasonal Bad Weather Notice

As the bad weather approaches we do our best to communicate effectively and promptly with regard to any closure situations. The website www.hslc.co.uk is the best source of information as well as our own (official) social media sites @hornsea school and @hornsea6th (Twitter) and our Facebook Page. BBC Radio Humberside and its website is our next port of call for sending out detailed information.

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In October seven of our students enjoyed the experience of a lifetime on a one-week trip to see our friends and partner High School in Japan!

After a very long and tiring journey of almost 6,000 miles, we finally arrived in Chiba to be met by all the host families and staff from Keiai Gakuen High School. Our students soon settled in well with their host families and made lots of new friends.

During the week the students participated in a fantastic itinerary which included a formal visit to Chiba Council offices, taking part in lessons and activities at the school, a trip to Tokyo including the Sky Tree Tower and Harajuka area , plus visits to some beautiful shrines and Tokyo Disney!

It was once again an amazing trip—a fantastic opportunity for our students to be com- pletely immersed in a very different culture to that of our own and experience Japanese food and language.

We are hoping that we will be able to host some of the Japanese students when they come to visit the UK in March 2020 and then organise a return visit ourselves in October 2020 too.

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After much deliberation judges Mel Watson and Jenny Eldred have chosen....

Catherine 7MD as the first prize winner £50 Seb 7BEJ as the second prize winner and £30 Thomas as third prize winner £20

Well done to the three prize winners. There were all three runners up, so well done to Rowan, Leah and Logan. Prizes and certificates will be presented after half term

HSLC @Salt Gallery: An extremely successful preview evening celebrating young talent was held on the evening of 1st November at The Gallery @ Salt. A big thank you to Salt for giving us the opportunity, family and friends that attended the preview and of course the students themselves. The exhibition ran from the 1st to the 8th of November.

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Duke of Edinburgh Awards: Many congratulations to our Year 13 students who completed their expedition on the N.Yorks moors for their Silver Award. The assessor was very impressed with their navigation skills and for coping with the varying weather conditions over the 2- day expedition.

The students are now busy completing their remaining award sections and we hope that they will have met all the criteria for this prestigious award next year before they finish their studies.

A Level Photography visit to Rome—December 2018

Earlier this month a group of Year 12 and 13 Photography stu- dents joined some Year 11 GCSE Ancient History students on a combined weekend visit to Rome.

The students had a fantastic opportunity in the Italian sunshine to photograph some of the fantastic tourist sights in Rome, but moreover to make use of the ancient ruins, magnificent architec- ture as well as the roman ‘city life’ and back streets to capture images that they can use to add to their personal themes for their portfolio.

A group of our Year 12 students have initiated a 6th Form response to Viking FM’s Mission Christmas appeal for 2018.

The students coordinated a collection of toys and gifts that will be donated to the ap- peal for children and young people in our local community whose families are in crisis and in need of support for the festive season this year

Thank you to everyone who has donated and well done to our students!

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In October the languages department held their first ever French themed bake off. This was open to Year 8 students who had been studying the topic food and drink in French lessons. Students were asked to produce anything French themed and we received a great number of entries ranging from French flag cup cakes, to more tra- ditional 'tarte tartin'. There was a huge amount of effort which went into the en- tries and thanks go to students and par- ents/carers who helped and supported at home. The entries were sold in a bake off sale the next day at school and we raised a total of £62 which went to Hornsea Inshore Rescue.

Well done to all students who took part and especially to the winners— Wayan Griffin, Chloe Williams and Katie Sunderland.

Crime Conference Visit : November 2018

On Tuesday 20th November a group of students from the Social Sciences faculty attended the annual Hodder Crime Conference in Nottingham. The conference covered various topics from the effect of Brexit on levels of Islamophobia in the UK to the science of human lie detection. Students were also given the opportunity to hear the story of a convicted armed robber known as Noel ‘Razor’ Smith who was prolific in the 1970’s for brutal rob- beries. He spoke about a life of crime and how he eventually turned his life around study- ing for an Honours Diploma in Journalism going on to publish two books, all while incar- cerated. Students were able to consider topics presented by some of the country’s lead- ing academics. It was a long, yet thought provoking day and led to many a heated discus- sion on the bus as we made our way back to Hornsea.

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This term our Design Technology Dept and students have been busy on a range of community projects including a wonderful project to commemorate the 100 years since the end of WW1.

The whole community have rallied together in Hornsea together with our students to make fabulous displays around the town. These have included the

HSLC achieved a small amount of funding from ERYC and together with the support from the Town Council, local businesses and a community of knitters and crochet- ers , displays were put up in the churches and a town centre bus shelter—we were very proud to have been involved in this project.

Also this term, to thank the local community for supporting us through the Hornsea Coop Community funding scheme in aid of our Food Technology Dept, we organised a pumpkin carving and soup making workshop for Halloween! Lots of fun was had by all and we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our PTFA for sub- mitting the funding bid on our behalf and for everyone in the community that supported us as their cause.

TEAM MORPHEUS—F24 international Race: Team Morpheus had a brilliant day at the Kit Car In- ternational Final at Rockingham Speedway this term. Out of the 51 competitors, we finished 14th (...in the world!) which is a very respectable place! It was a big prestigious event and Team Morpheus did the business! Well done to everyone. During the day the Team managed to do a deal with St George’s who have agreed to donate their F24 car to HSLC. This means we can now recruit a new younger team to start the project all over again with a second car .

On 4th December, Team Morpheus had the privilege of speaking at Hull University as part of Greenpower’s 2019 Hull Street Race Launch. It was lovely to be asked to address the other regional schools. Joe, Jacob and Katie were incredible and received some fantastic comments from the Lord Mayor as well as other teachers/sponsors at the event. As usual, they did the school very proud! The 2019 street race will be held on Sunday 28th April in Hull City Centre and will be the first organised City Cen- tre street race in the UK, ever! Please pop the above date in your diary as it would be great to see as many people as possible supporting our team.

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Earlier this term, Year 10 DT students were invited to the Hollis Recreational ground

watch the bird boxes that they had made being put up. We were also joined by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust team who answered a range of bird box related questions. Thank you for giving us this opportunity !

The HSLC Christmas team have recently been giv- en the task of refurbishing some of the town’s Chrsitmas display lights! They are now newly refur- bished and refreshed with new paint and ready for lights night! Thank you to Simon Tudor, Hornsea Freeport and the Chamber of Trade for giving us this enrichment activity. The students have loved every minute of their refurbishment project

Also a massive well done to the 10PP Food group for pre- paring and hosting such a fantastic festive buffet this month.

This was a real treat for the staff and governors. The food was fantastic and the atmosphere was full of festive cheer. Well done to all students and staff for their hard work

And finally, our laser cutter has now arrived! Thank you to everyone who has supported Team DT with their money mak- ing projects and the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ community fund. Without you it would not be possible!

As soon as we have the necessary ventilation work completed we can begin to use this fantastic piece of equipment that will not only enhance the learning of our students but will also help projects withon the local community too

#communityspirit #everylittlehelps

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We have had an amazing start to the year with over 2,300 pupils from all years taking part in extra curricu- lar clubs and fixtures within the first term. These sports include: Football, Rugby, Fitness, Netball, Volley- ball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Cross Country and Trampolining. We have had lots of success across each year and each sport over the 56 fixtures we have taken part in. These fixtures have ranged in local friendlies, District/ County Cups and English Schools competitions.

The pupils have shown fantastic enthusiasm and have represented HSLC very well. We are looking for- ward to continuing high levels of engagement and success throughout the rest of the year.

Table Tennis: This term some of our finest table tennis players to compete in a competition held at Head- lands School.

There were a number of schools present from the East Riding including South Hunsley, Driffield and Mar- ket Weighton.

We had a mixed bag of results, with Callum Parnaby winning every one of his matches, qualifying for the next round and walking away with a medal. To Josh Davison-Leach absolutely thrilled to pieces with win- ning one of his matches this evening.

Both Cameron and Will put up some strong competition for their opponents also this evening, playing ex- tremely well. Adam Collier also tried his best but just needs a few more weeks of table tennis at lunchtime every day. The boys were an absolute delight, and represented themselves and the school brilliantly

Netball: We have had a phenomenal term in Netball at HSLC! We have travelled to a number of different schools across the East Riding and competed in some outstanding games. Each and every student who has represented the school has done so with pride and passion throughout, demonstrating their love for Net- ball. Our year 7-11 Netball teams have represented HSLC in competitions against the following schools; Head- lands, Bridlington, Longcroft, Beverley High and Cottingham. We have had a mix of results but the majori- ty of the matches played so far have resulted in a win for HSLC. An outstanding 190 goals have been scored throughout all of the matches played and this outlines the high standard of performance that has been on display. Not only have we had success in fixtures, but also Netball practise has been extremely well attended with nearly 50 girls attending practise on a weekly basis, these figures are much higher than ever before! On the whole it has been wonderful to witness so many of our students engaging and participating in net- ball and eager to represent the school. We hope to see a continuation of high levels of attendance at net- ball club and success in fixtures to come!

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Girls’ Rugby: Since introducing the Girls Rugby club in September 22 students in year 7-10 have impressed the PE department with their pas- sion and dedication. The girls competed in their first rugby festival which was a make or break moment and many came away wanting a gum shield to make them look scarier . They were excited and petrified at the same time but the girls came away ready for their next game. After this festival it was obvious that the interest and talent was present amongst the girls and the White Rose Rugby organisations have supported their passion by slowly introducing them into a fully contact game at their local Club.

The girls then attended their second competition and came away with their very first WIN! It was clear that the girls were beginning to feel more confident when handling a ball, tackling their opponents or been tackled themselves. Since, September the girls have competed in 5 rugby festivals and their confidence and skills have flourished. The girls have faced some very strong and experienced opponents but have faced every challenge with a smile on their face. The girls have been an absolute pleasure throughout training and fixtures and are an absolute credit to HSLC!

Boys’ Rugby: Our year 7/8 teams have played the majority of their games in the White Rose rugby festi- vals held at Bridlington RUFC, competing against a range of school including, , Head- lands, Withernsea and Driffield. The year 7 and 8 teams have both had lots of success in their fixtures, demonstrating their determination and enthusiasm to compete alongside their peers and represent HSLC. With such interest to be a part of the rugby teams we have been able to field two teams for each year to play two separate fixtures at the festivals. Our year 9/10 teams have had playing opportunities in both 15-a- side and 7-a-side. Again we have had success again against schools including Beverley Grammar, Bri- dlington and Cottingham.

Going into the next term we aspire to keep training numbers high and continue the success in upcoming fixtures. All of the boys have thoroughly enjoyed their rugby so far and are keen to have the opportunity to represent the school further. Upcoming fixtures for all years will be predominantly Rugby union, switching over to Rugby League in summer where we will have the opportunity to play a wider range of schools.

Boys’ Football: This half term we have been inundated with football fixtures across the whole school. We have entered the East riding Cup, East riding League, English Schools Cup and the Humberside cup which has seen us face an array of teams from Hull and the East riding. Our year 7’s- 13’s have represented the school against the following schools; Bridlington, SHTC, Wolfreton, St Marys, Malet Lambert, Beverley High, Bishop Burton, Beverley Grammar, Longcroft and . Whilst not all of these games ended in a win, the students triumphed in how they represented the school and the love they all hold for football. There has not only been an outstanding display of commitment and performance on fixtures, but there have been around 60 students per week attending practise which in a great deal higher than before. With fixtures in the league, Humberside Cup and Eastriding Cup for the year 8 boys still to come, there is no doubt that these numbers will continue to increase. Overall, it has been a pleasure to watch the amount of students engaging in sport. To say we have only been back for 11 weeks this is a great amount of football being played- well done to all involved and let’s keep this up.

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Girl’s football: This half term we have seen girl’s football take off at extracurricular practice and fixtures. We have seen a mix of year groups attend practice, with around 20 female students attending each week , which is fantastic. We have played a small number of schools so far, again from across Hull and the East Riding whether in a fixture or festi- val. The schools include; Sirius Academy West, St Marys, Headlands, Bridlington, and Long- croft. Each week the girls grow more confident and really begin to show off their footballing ability. It is great to see so many students take part in different activities across the school, which shows what ex- tracurricular is about. Every student that has represented the school has done so with respect and pas- sion. We hope to see an increase in numbers over the year as there are still plenty more fixtures to be played. Well done to all involved and let’s keep this up.

Cross Country Round up: This year we have competed in 2 regional competitions so far and have managed to come away with some pretty impressive results across the board. The first meet was a team competition held across the Humber on a very cold afternoon in October, considering the condi- tions we managed to get a 5th and 6th place position due to some strong running and resilience from the competitors!

Next up was the East Riding Schools Competition held at on what was another very cold and windy morning. This again had no effect on our students and they performed to their very best, giving their all. We had a mixed bag of result with a massive 7 students qualifying for the next round. A special mention for Brad Cook who managed to finish 2nd out of 90 students and for George Allen finishing 24th in their respective races!

The local and school community will have noticed pieces of art work appearing around the town; the fish appearing on the market cross roundabout, the repeater signs on the pavements and the bricks in the pocket park. We would just like to take the opportuni- ty to inform everyone that HSLC art students have been involved with the ‘Heritage on the High Street’ project from the very beginning. Readers of the HSLC newsletter may remember seeing various reports on the project since 2014? Students worked along- side professional artist Adele Howitt on the initial concept designs and poet Mary Ahern on a 'sharing memories' session talking to ex employers of Hornsea Pottery. HSLC students carved sme of the brick work that has transformed the pocket park. More public art work celebrating Hornsea Pottery is planned to be in place very soon with a celebration/open event happening in February. Watch this space! We are very proud of any students past and present that have been involved in the project, too many to mention. The legacy of the project was to invest in a kiln for the school. Stu- dents have been given the opportunity to work on various ceramic projects, more projects are planned for the future.

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Geography Visit to Iceland—2018

Miss Saltmarsh, Mrs Hill, Mr Hart and Mrs Francis accom- panied 25 students for a amazing trip to Iceland back in October half term. The trip included some of the most fas- cinating geographical wonders of the world and left both students and staff mesmerised.

Our four day trip included visits to Gullfoss, Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss waterfalls, which were some of the most impressive waterfalls in Europe, the basalt beaches with amazing landforms, the hot springs where we are able to relax and swim! The most active geyser in the country - which tested the students boomerang capturing skills! And finally the meeting of the two tectonic plates which was truly remarkable to see.

Plans for a return visit are definitely on the cards!

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Once again it’s been an extremely busy term in Performing Arts and as well as our usual Drama and Dance Clubs, activi- ties and performances have included:

‘Nurtures got Talent’ - On Wednesday 14th November Miss Par- kinson set up a ‘Nurtures got Talent!’ performance. The nurture group put on a fantastic show with special judge appearances from Mr.Ostler and Mr.Hardgrave. An array of talent was shown from, singing and rapping, football skills and piano playing, to acting and street dance! Students performed with great confidence and put on a fantastic show. Y10 Sexting performance - On Monday 12th November the Year 11 GCSE Drama group put on a performance to the whole of year 10. This is linked to Life Studies as students are learning about keeping safe online and the dan- gers of social media GCSE Dance Rambert Workshop - On Tuesday 2nd October the Year 9 & 10 GCSE dance students had a very exciting opportunity when a lead professional dancer from the Rambert Dance School came to HSLC to deliver a workshop based on the professional piece 'A Linha Curva' in which students will write about in their examination. They had a full-day workshop focusing on creativity and specific movement from the dance piece. It was a day full of hard work which also included a technique class. Performing Arts Showcase - On Thursday 29th November a concert was held to display some of the fantastic mu- sical talents we have at HSLC as well as the performance of 'Wacky Soap' from our drama club students. Theatre visits - Year 10's GCSE Drama groups visited Bridlingon Spa to watch the performance of 'Blood Broth- ers'. Fantastic show for students to see who are now studying the script in lessons. In addition, the GCSE Year 11 students and 6th Form Theatre Studies students visited Hull Truck to watch 'Abigail's Party' in which they will be analysing the production for their theatre review work. What’s Coming up in Performing Arts? - The 10 PP group are doing their very first performance for their course of 'A Christmas Nightmare' performing to some students and staff on the 6th December in school. Bouncers - Wednesday 6th December and Thursday 7th December. Following the hit production of Bouncers in 2014 HSLC Performing Arts Department along with other members of staff are back at it again. Four men play var- ious characters including lads, punters, women and of course bouncers across a typical night out in the 1990's. Guaranteed to be a hilarious night of comedy. Oliver Twist - The performing arts department are taking 70 years 7-9 students to Hull Truck to see the great per- formance of 'Oliver Twist' on Friday the 7th December. Year 13 devised drama piece - Thursday 13th December - Students are creating a piece based on 'The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe' for their devised exam piece. The Staff Christmas Pantomime - 'Dick Whittington' is taking place on the Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th of December - get your tickets as soon as possible to not be disappointed. Thursday 24th January - Year 11 devised pieces. 3 devised pieces, a murder mystery, one based on the down- side of celebrity lifestyle and one based on not being afraid to stand out from the crowd. Come and watch! January (date TBC) - An evening of dance NEW YORK - Plans are well underway for our New York trip in February which is sure to be a great success! Fiddler on the roof! - Monday 1st April to Thursday 4th April. Our big school production! Get your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The 'Oscar-winning adaptation of the Broadway musical about life among the Jewish community of a pre-revolutionary Russian village. A poor milkman, deter- mined to find good husbands for his five daughters, consults the traditional match- maker - and also has a word with God.' National Theatre Connections Festival - This year the drama department is de- lighted once again to be participating in the National Theatre Connections Festi- val. This nationwide youth theatre festival offers a unique opportunity for youth theatres and school theatre groups to stage new plays written for young people by some of theatre’s most exciting playwrights, and to perform in leading theatres across the UK. 250 groups will stage ten fantastic plays, specially commissioned by the National Theatre, in 2019. We will be performing at York Theatre Royal in May 2019. We have been chosen to perform ‘terra/earth’ by Nell Leyshon with choreography by Anthony Missen. A group of classmates is torn apart by the op- portunity to perform their own dance. As they disagree and bicker, two distinct physical groups emerge and separate into opposing teams. When a strange out- sider appears– out of step with everyone else– the divide is disrupted. The play is a contemporary narrative dance-drama piece about individuality, community and heritage.

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Diary Dates for next half term:

 Monday 7th January 2019: Staff Training Day (school closed to students)

 Tuesday 8th January : School Opens to all

 Friday 25th January : Year 11 ‘State of the Nation Day’ - school closed to Y7-10. 6th Form students may attend to undertake personal study time

 Thursday 31st January: Year 8 GCSE Options Evening and Careers Exhibition

 Wednesday 13th February: Year 8 Parents’ Evening

 Friday 15th February : School closes for Half Term

 Monday 25th February : School Opens to all

The Full School Calendar can be found via our website: www.hslc.co.uk