INTEGRATION ISSUES Your Commune Guide Your Commune Guide

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INTEGRATION ISSUES Your Commune Guide Your Commune Guide Q3 2014 INTEGRATION ISSUES Your Commune Guide Your Commune Guide By Neel A. Chrillesen Photos: © Ville de Luxembourg The Luxembourgish communes have however, please keep in mind this is not existed for many, many centuries—long a comprehensive list. At the end of this before the birth of the current Grand booklet, you will also find a list of other Duchy. Whereas the Luxembourgish places where you can seek assistance state in its present form has existed and get relevant information. since the London Treaty of 1839, some What is the Bureau de la population? communes go back as far as the early Middle Ages. Every commune has a Biergeramt or Bureau de la population (and, if you live Following the latest wave of commune in Luxembourg City, a Bierger-Center). mergers in 2012, today there are 106 This is the Residents’ Registration Of- communes in Luxembourg. They are fice, which delivers all certificates, offi- the smallest administrative division in cial documents and identity papers you the country. Indeed, the Grand Duchy may need when living in the Grand Du- is divided into three districts (Diekirch, chy. In many communes, it’s situated in Grevenmacher and Luxembourg), which the same location as the town hall and are subdivided into 12 cantons which, in the general communal administration turn, are divided into communes. The office. You can find the contact informa- most populated ones are Luxembourg, tion of any commune in Luxembourg at Esch-sur-Alzette and Differdange, fol- lowed by Dudelange, Pétange, Sanem and Hesperange. Do EU nationals need a resident permit? The organization of the communes in Luxembourg is based on the principal No. Resident permits (or cartes de sé- of decentralization, enshrined in the jour) have not been delivered since constitution. As such, the communes the law regarding residency and re- have wide-ranging powers. Each one location of EU nationals and citizens acts as an autonomous community and from “assimilated countries” (Norway, manages its own assets and interests Liechtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland) through local elected representatives. came into force in 2008. However, as an The communes are also required by law EU national or person treated as such, to provide a large number of services you will need to get an attestation d’en- registrement (address registration certi- and are therefore a key contact point for ficate). This is required if you count on any resident in the Grand Duchy. In fact, staying in Luxembourg for more than there is no way you can settle down here three months. Every family member without going through the communal needs one, minors included. Getting a administration. registration certificate is free, and it’s is- This “Integration Issues” booklet will sued immediately. This generally doesn’t guide you through the most important take long—provided you have the right questions concerning your commune; documentation with you. Which documents are required to obtain a registration certificate? The attestation d’enregistrement is avail- able to everyone: the employed and self- employed, freelancers, the “inactive” (people possessing sufficient financial resources to avoid becoming a bur- den to the welfare system), dependent family members and students. However, the documents required to obtain the registration certificate, other than a valid identity document from your native country, will depend on your situation: Employed Signed employment contract or a signed pledge of employment issued by future employer. Self-employed/ Proof attesting your activity. This can be an author- freelancer ization of establishment, an authorization to trade, a letter from the Ministry of Middle Class certifying that a business permit is not necessary for your act- ivity, proof of authorization to perform a licensed profession (doctor, lawyer, architect, etc.), a freelance contract. Inactive Proof of sufficient resources to avoid becoming a bur- den to the social system (e.g., retirement pension or disability benefit, bank certificate, guarantor, wages or indemnities received in another country, etc.), and health insurance certificate for you and your family. Student Proof of registration with an approved public or pri- vate educational institution in Luxembourg to follow main or vocational training, a guarantee of sufficient resources (e.g., guarantor, bank statements) and health insurance certificate for yourself and accom- panying family members. Family Members Extract of marriage certificate/ registered partnership certificate/ registered family certificate or other proof of direct family relationship, plus a copy of the appli- cant’s registration certificate. What else is there to know about obtained your resident permit from the the registration certificate? Immigration Directorate (again, all details are available on, you have If you move to a new commune in the to return to your Residents’ Registration Grand Duchy, you need to get a new Office to obtain your residence certifi- attestation d’enregistrement within eight cate (certificat de résidence). days of arrival. After five years of unin- terrupted legal stay in Luxembourg, you What if a third-country citizen is a can ask for a permanent registration cer- family member of an EU national? tificate. If your registration certificate is In you are the family member of an EU stolen or lost, it is important you declare national (or person treated as such) who it as such to the police and apply for a fulfills the conditions to reside in Luxem- new certificate at the Ministry of Foreign bourg for more than three months, you Affairs, in writing. Also worth noting: you have the right to join or accompany him cannot use the registration certificate as or her. Within three months of your ar- an identity document but you may be rival, go to your commune’s Residents’ asked to produce it together with a valid Registration Office and request a resi- identity document when an official body dence card for family members of EU ci- asks to see your identity papers. tizens or persons treated as such (carte As a third-country citizen, do I ask de séjour pour membre de famille d’un the commune for a resident permit? citoyen de l’Union). The form to com- plete is not long, but you will be asked to No, but during the procedure to obtain produce identity photos and documents it, you will need to make two trips to proving your identity and relation to the your commune’s Residents’ Registra- person you are accompanying. You are tion Office. As a non-EU citizen, you are considered a family member if you are not allowed to take up residency in the married, have a civil partnership, are the Grand Duchy without having requested child (under 21 years) of the person or a a temporary authorization to stay prior to relative who is dependent on him or her. your arrival. The application needs to be Partners who are not married or have submitted to the Immigration Directorate a civil partnership can also apply for of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and fa- the residence card for family members vorably advised before entry on Luxem- but must be able to prove that the re- bourg territory. The procedures to follow lationship is lasting. For this, you will according to your situation are detailed need to request a statement of fact of on a long-lasting relationship (demande de Once you have obtained this autorisa- constatation d’une relation durable) via tion de séjour temporaire, you must, the Immigration Directorate. More infor- upon arrival (within three working days), mation and the form to download can be submit a declaration of arrival (déclara- found on tion d’arrivée) at your commune. This will allow you to proceed to the next steps towards obtaining a residence permit. As soon as you have taken your medical examination, applied for and Do animals need to register Why are birth names used for with the commune? women who have taken their husband’s surname? The question isn’t as silly as it may sound! If you have a dog, it must be re- For many people moving to Luxem- gistered with the commune within one bourg, seeing their birth name appear month of arrival (or upon acquisition, if on official letters or invoices may seem a it’s a new dog). To do this you must have bit unusual if they haven’t used it them- your pet’s vaccination card, its electron- selves for many years. It is, however, ic ID (as issued by an authorized vet) standard practice in the Grand Duchy and its insurance policy valid in Luxem- to use the birth name on all official cor- bourg. Once your dog is registered, the respondence. So even if you’ve adopt- commune will send the invoice for your ed your spouse’s surname, it is a good dog licence fee. If you are the owner of a idea to include your name of birth on the breed considered potentially dangerous mailbox to ensure you receive all import- (Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, Ameri- ant letters, namely from the commune. can Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa or simi- Are all administrative formalities lar mixed breeds), more specific rules done at the Resident’s Registration apply. Both you and your dog must for Office? example complete a dog-training course and your dog has to wear a muzzle in Not all. Social security, car registration public. and family benefits, for example, aren’t. However, the commune issues just about Is it possible to obtain a every other official document that can be resident parking permit? required by Luxembourg authorities. This For restricted or controlled parking includes documents like the certificat areas, communes often offer special de composition de ménage (household conditions for their residents, meaning composition certificate) and thecertificat they can park in those spaces for free or de vie (life certificate).
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