rights catalogue fiction non fiction



26/01/17 16:08 STEFANO MANCUSO

t t r i o c r


s Contacts GRANDI ORIZZONTI_PLANT REVOLUTION.indd 1 26/01/17 16:08 literary fiction BEATRICE FINI Editorial Director women’s fiction ANTONIO FRANCHINI Editorial Director Fiction and Non Fiction

Ci sono giorni che ti cambiano la vita.

, nata a Roma nel UN’AMICA PER LA PELLE GIULIA BESA Sembrava una cena come tante, e in- 1990, esordisce giovanissima con Einaudi vece il padre di Aurora svela di essere TUTTO QUELLO CHE DOVETE SAPERE Stile Libero Big, con cui pubblica nel 2011 Mi fermo, il respiro GIULIA BESA coinvolto in uno scandalo sessuale con SULL’ORGANO PIÙ GRANDE Numero sconosciuto. minorenni. Lei e la madre si trasferi- Nel 2012 i due racconti Il senso di Kitty affannoso. Mi guardo intorno. STEFANO MANCUSO DEL NOSTRO CORPO scono precipitosamente da Roma ad Au- per il tonno e Kitty e l’Ordine della Per- lla, ma la distanza non basta a superare nice, pubblicati sul sito Storiebrevi.it de Dove devo andare? lo shock. In uno dei tanti giorni diffici- «la Repubblica» e «l’Espresso» e premia- In fondo al cuore lo so. li, Aurora ritrova un vecchio modellino ti dal gradimento del pubblico, vengono thriller di galeone che avrebbe voluto montare LEEANN BORTOLUSSI selezionati rispettivamente per le anto- insieme al nonno prima che lui morisse. UN’AMICA logie Cinque storie sull’allegria e Sei rac- Il pontile sul mare. Decide di provarci da sola e attraverso conti fantastici (2013). un blog di modellismo conosce Alessan-

Escono in seguito il racconto Miao!, con te al di là del mare Deve essere lì. dro, uno studente di Ingegneria nauti- all’interno della raccolta Horror Lovers ca. Presto tra i due nasce un rapporto PER LA (Marco Cordero Editore, 2013), il rac- forte, fatto di parole, racconti, condivi- Foreign Rights Director conto fantasy La gatta degli haiku (An- sione; ma quando Aurora gli propone un tonio Tombolini Editore, 2014) e un se- Hanno detto de Il cattivo ragazzo che voglio: appuntamento lui si irrigidisce inspiega- condo romanzo, Raccontami ancora di «Molto bello ed emozionante.» bilmente. Intanto Aurora comincia a fre- noi (Sperling & Kupfer, 2015). Per Giun- Dal blog Sololibri.net quentare Riccardo, impetuoso e sperico- ti ha pubblicato nel 2016 Il cattivo ra- lato, che la invita alle sue scorribande in gazzo che voglio. «Ho adorato questo romanzo, molto scorrevole moto tra i boschi e le fa provare l’emo- e piacevole da leggere... una storia d’amore PELLE [email protected] zione di un bagno autunnale nelle casca- molto intensa che non annoia il lettore, piena di vicende romantiche, tristi e anche ironiche.» te. Le cose non sono mai semplici e un Dal blog Amore per i libri e non solo giorno, a sorpresa, Alessandro le propo- PUCCI ROMANO ne un incontro... «È il primo libro che leggo di questa scrittrice Dopo il successo de Il cattivo ragazzo che e devo dire che mi ha conquistata...» voglio una nuova storia d’amore delicata Dal blog L’universo dei libri

e potente che profuma di mare, boschi ROMANO PUCCI «Ho cercato in tutti i modi di trovare un piccolo e cascate della Lunigiana young adult difetto in questa storia, ma non ci sono riuscita.» Dal blog Cioccolato e libri

ISBN 978-88-09-81514-8 VALENTINA MAZZA www.giunti.it Disponibile anche in versione ebook 9 788809 815148 € Progetto grafico: Ada Tenerani 815148 12,00 Fotografia in copertina: © Amana Images/Getty Images


Foreign Rights, Adult titles UN’AMICA PER LA PELLE TUTTO QUELLO CHE DOVETE SAPERE SULL’ORGANO PIÙ GRANDE [email protected] DEL NOSTRO CORPO UN’AMICA orizzonti - science PER LA BRUNA TISO PELLE Contracts & Licenses, Adult titles PUCCI ROMANO [email protected] ROMANO PUCCI varia - general non fiction

Ci sono giorni che ti cambiano la vita. , nata a Roma nel GIULIA BESA Sembrava una cena come tante, e in- 1990, esordisce giovanissima con Einaudi vece il padre di Aurora svela di essere Stile Libero Big, con cui pubblica nel 2011 ILARIA NASINI Mi fermo, il respiro GIULIA BESA coinvolto in uno scandalo sessuale con Numero sconosciuto. minorenni. Lei e la madre si trasferi- Nel 2012 i due racconti Il senso di Kitty affannoso. Mi guardo intorno. scono precipitosamente da Roma ad Au- per il tonno e Kitty e l’Ordine della Per- lla, ma la distanza non basta a superare nice, pubblicati sul sito Storiebrevi.it de Dove devo andare? lo shock. In uno dei tanti giorni diffici- «la Repubblica» e «l’Espresso» e premia- li, Aurora ritrova un vecchio modellino ti dal gradimento del pubblico, vengono In fondo al cuore lo so. Export Manager di galeone che avrebbe voluto montare selezionati rispettivamente per le anto- insieme al nonno prima che lui morisse. logie Cinque storie sull’allegria e Sei rac- Il pontile sul mare. slow food Decide di provarci da sola e attraverso conti fantastici (2013). un blog di modellismo conosce Alessan-

Escono in seguito il racconto Miao!, con te al di là del mare Deve essere lì. dro, uno studente di Ingegneria nauti- all’interno della raccolta Horror Lovers ca. Presto tra i due nasce un rapporto (Marco Cordero Editore, 2013), il rac- forte, fatto di parole, racconti, condivi- conto fantasy La gatta degli haiku (An- sione; ma quando Aurora gli propone un [email protected] tonio Tombolini Editore, 2014) e un se- Hanno detto de Il cattivo ragazzo che voglio: appuntamento lui si irrigidisce inspiega- condo romanzo, Raccontami ancora di «Molto bello ed emozionante.» bilmente. Intanto Aurora comincia a fre- noi (Sperling & Kupfer, 2015). Per Giun- Dal blog Sololibri.net quentare Riccardo, impetuoso e sperico- ti ha pubblicato nel 2016 Il cattivo ra- lato, che la invita alle sue scorribande in gazzo che voglio. «Ho adorato questo romanzo, molto scorrevole e piacevole da leggere... una storia d’amore moto tra i boschi e le fa provare l’emo- molto intensa che non annoia il lettore, zione di un bagno autunnale nelle casca- piena di vicende romantiche, tristi e anche ironiche.» te. Le cose non sono mai semplici e un Dal blog Amore per i libri e non solo giorno, a sorpresa, Alessandro le propo- ne un incontro... «È il primo libro che leggo di questa scrittrice Dopo il successo de Il cattivo ragazzo che e devo dire che mi ha conquistata...» voglio una nuova storia d’amore delicata Dal blog L’universo dei libri e potente che profuma di mare, boschi «Ho cercato in tutti i modi di trovare un piccolo e cascate della Lunigiana difetto in questa storia, ma non ci sono riuscita.» narrative nonDal blog Cioccolato e libri fiction

ISBN 978-88-09-81514-8 www.giunti.it Disponibile anche in versione ebook 9 788809 815148 Progetto grafico: Ada Tenerani 815148 € 12,00 Fotografia in copertina: © Amana Images/Getty Images


GIUNTI EDITORE S.P.A. GIUNTI INTERNATIONAL DIVISION GRANDI ORIZZONTI_PLANT REVOLUTION.indd 1 26/01/17 16:08 Via Bolognese, 165 Via G.B. Pirelli, 30 50139 Florence () Milano (MI) 20124, italy Ph. +39 055 50621 tel. +39-055-506.21 www.giunti.it [email protected] http: //internationaldivision.giunti.it scrittori giunti t t pagina 3 r i o c r



“De Carlo is the most pristine, attentive, and contemporary THE IMPERFECT MARVEL voice in Italian fiction today” – Sergio Pent, La Stampa Andrea De Carlo

• De Carlo, one of Italy’s most talented, passionate and best-loved authors celebrates 35 years of continuous literary success with this exquisite new novel. • A whirling intellectual dance that spins upon the precarious, delicate balance of gelato, and of its inherent imperfect splendor: destined to be consumed immediately or to liquefy, but never to last.

Provence: it is fall, a season that combines the first chill of winter with a final stretch of warmth that is a last taste of summer. One final event will mark the end of the season: at the local airfield a famous British rock band, the Bebonkers, will hold a concert that is both for charity and to celebrate charismatic lead singer Nick Cruickshank’s third marriage. Preparations are in high gear, everything coming smoothly together under the tight supervision of Aileen, Nick’s bride-to-be. In the small town there is a gelateria run by Milena Migliari, a young Italian woman who creates, develops and produces one-of-a-kind ice cream with artistic precision. Milena, who has bid adieu to men, now lives with Viviane. Milena’s relationship with Viviane is solid and unwavering, in stark contrast to the evanescence of her ice cream. In a few days Milena will undergo fertility treatments, and she is not entirely convinced. She hesitates to confess her thoughts, however, as does Nick, who wonders when his relationship with Aileen lost its original spark. 70,000 And so, a British rocker and an Italian artisan find their fates on a collision course and COPIES in the space of three days, from Wednesday to Friday, the chaos intensifies resulting SOLD in an inevitable and exhilarating final encore.

Rights sold in 10 countries: Usa (Simon & Schuster/Atria), Germany (Diogenes), France (HC Editions), Portugal (Don Quixote), Holland (Wereldbibliotheek), Poland (Bukowy Las), Israel (Modan/ Keter), Bulgaria (Paradox), South Korea (Buon Books), Romania (Rao)

ANDREA DE CARLO (1952, , Italy) was discovered by , who wrote the foreword to his first novel, Treno di panna. NOVEL He has worked with and L’IMPERFETTA MERAVIGLIA I HC + JACKET I EURO 18,00 I CM 14X21,5 in the cinema and has composed ballets with . 368 PAGES I SEPTEMBER 2016 He has also recorded two albums of original compositions. His English and French translations nearly twenty novels have sold millions of copies and have been RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] translated into 26 languages. scrittori giunti t t pagina 4 r i o c r



• An ambitious, young Neapolitan architect caught between dreams of success in London, career uncertainties in the studio of Zaha Hadid, and the search for love and happiness. • A novel that brilliantly depicts a generation: the dreams and fears of the young Italians who go abroad for their careers. A moving journey of a young man courageously searching for his place in the world.

Michelangelo is a creative and extremely competitive young man, a passionate architecture student in with a dream: to become a world-famous architect, a member of the select elite featured on the pages of the design magazines. He deeply loves his city, he has a girlfriend and a loving family - and yet he’s willing to sacrifice it all to scale the heights of success. Finding a good job in southern Italy is nearly impossible, but that’s not why Michelangelo wants to leave: he aims to sit on top of the world, to follow in the footsteps of Zaha Hadid, the renowned architect who so profoundly changed our way of looking at the world. So he leaves everything behind, overcoming one challenge after another until, still a student, he lands a job at the most famous architecture studio in the world. The days go by, he has money and a successful career, but something doesn’t add up: as if far from his home, even professional glory is meaningless. In the frenetic and glittering world of downtown London, Michelangelo comes to realize that he has lost touch with his roots, and the sadness he experiences force him FIRST PRINT to ask himself whether, despite the poor prospects in Italy and Naples’s problems, RUN 8,000 success abroad can ever truly give him the happiness he had at home. COPIES

MARIO COPPOLA (1984) is an architect and contract professor in the Architecture Department at the University of Naples. After receiving a second-level Master’s from the Polytechnic University of Milan, he worked for Zaha Hadid Architects in London on numerous projects over a number of years (the first NOVEL as a twenty-three year old student). In 2010 he definitively left IN CIMA AL MONDO, IN FONDO AL CUORE I PB + FLAPS I EURO 16,00 I CM 14X21,5 Hadid’s firm and returned to Naples, where he earned his PhD 304 PAGES I MARCH 2017 in Design. In 2010 he also founded Ecosistema, a design and Partial English translation available architecture studio focusing on projects that aim to create a RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] symbiotic relationship between humans and their environment. scrittori giunti t t pagina 5 r i o c r



• A promising debut novel with a clear and penetrating style, An Invincible Summer is a touching coming-of-age story that takes a hard look at the bleak prospects for young people today in southern Italy. • A thoughtful, restless boy of 20 sees his whole life change one fateful summer. • A Sicily of dazzling beauty, magnificent and brutal, with its sundrenched landscapes, the smell of wind and sea, and that motionless air that seems to crystalize both time and people.

On May 23rd, 1992, Diego Scarcella is born in Messina, just as Judge Giovanni Falcone is being assassinated on the highway, further down the Sicilian coast in Capaci. Raised in a working-class neighborhood by a violent father, Diego studies Literature at university, he loves reading Consolo, D’Arrigo, and Paz, and when he has time, he dedicates himself to cooking. But this passion of his soon turns into a full-fledged career, because Diego is so skilled in the kitchen that he gets hired at Don Pietro, a renowned restaurant in the city center. Just a few days after his twentieth birthday, his father dies suddenly and all his certainties are wiped out with a single blow. What’s more, his estranged brother Giovanni, a swaggering bully whom their father kicked out of the house at 13 for mysterious reasons, decides to turn up for the funeral. Summer has finally come, and while Diego tries to heal his wounds by going for a daily swim in the chilly waters of the Strait of Messina, he’ll soon be confronted with a potentially life-changing decision.


FILIPPO NICOSIA was born in Messina in 1983. After years working in the independent book industry, he decided to NOVEL leave everything behind and returned to Sicily with the itinerant UN’INVINCIBILE ESTATE I PB + FLAPS I EURO 16,00 I CM 14X21,5 bookstore Pianissimo – Libri Sulla Strada (Gutenberg Prize, 2014; 304 PAGES I MARCH 2017 Fiesole Prize, 2015). After two years of crisscrossing the small Partial English translation available towns and metropolitan peripheries of the Italian peninsula, he RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] moved to Florence where he lives, works, and has yet to stop reading. This is his first novel. scrittori giunti t t pagina 6 r i o c r


s THE BIG A Giulia Caminito

• What is The Big A? Africa, where the novel is set in the mid-to-late 1940s, CRITICS’ but also Adele, the mother of the protagonist. FAVORITE • Reminiscent of Ennio Flaiano’s surreal Tempo di uccidere, winner of the Strega literary prize in 1947, the narrative of La Grande A radiates heat, sun, and scorched earth. • A debut novel with the scope of a classic literary work, with points of reference that encompass worlds beyond the borders of the great continent of Africa.

In the late 1930s in Fascist Italy, just before the war, a young mother named Adi leaves her children behind with their aunt and uncle in Lombardy, in the north of Italy. Adi WINNER travels to Eritrea in East Africa to open a cafè and to work such odd jobs as truck BAGUTTA deliveries and automobile rentals. Young Giada feels abandoned, even though her OPERA PRIMA mother follows her progress from afar. She dreams of traveling to Africa to be with 2017 her mother, but only after the war has ended will this become possible. When Giada finally arrives in Africa she discovers that life in Assab is not a fairy tale and not how she imagined it. She encounters many different characters there, including Hammed, a boy whom she teaches how to write, Orlando, her mother’s beau and a dyed-in-the-wool Fascist, and Checco, a wild gazelle that she raises at home. Giada’s true story begins when she meets Giacomo Colgada, a brilliant and friendly young man: in her relationships she will search constantly for love and for approval as a wife and mother, and still even as a daughter as she battles with her mother’s difficult personality. Her life in Eritrea stretches through the 1950s and 1960s and she witnesses many FIRST PRINT events and phases, from the provincialism of the ex-colonials to the first coup d’état RUN 7,000 of Hailé Selassié. It is an adventurous life, lived between Italy, Eritrea, and Ethiopia; it COPIES is turbulent and difficult, but always moving toward a positive outcome.

Praise for La Grande A: “Giulia Caminito is not yet 30 years old but she is one of the few of those who write who actually deserves to be called a writer” – Goffredo Fofi, Internazionale

GIULIA CAMINITO was born in in 1988. She graduated in Political Philosophy at Roma Tre University and currently lives in NOVEL Testaccio where she works in a small publishing house. Her mother LA GRANDE A | PB + FLAPS | EURO 18,00 | CM 14X21,5 is an author of books for children. Her father, also a writer, is originally 288 PAGES | OCTOBER 2016 from Asmara and his grandmother and grandfather met in Assab. Partial English translation available His great-grandmother drove a truck, sold contraband alcohol, and RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] was a vivid personality who was well-known throughout the Italian community in Ethiopia and Eritrea. La grande A is her first novel. scrittori giunti t t pagina 7 r i o c r



• A new edition of Clara Sereni’s 1993 masterpiece, accompanied by CRITICS’ a previously unpublished essay in which the author recounts the work’s FAVORITE genesis. Il gioco dei regni lets the reader experience monumental historical events from an intimate and deeply moving perspective. • A book in which women are the protagonists, with their ability to get back on their feet after every fall and to support the men with whom they share their lives.

A great family saga that gathers and weaves together fragments of memory, snapshots, private documents, and pieces of collective history, with the patience and love that only a woman can bring to stitching up what’s torn, to giving new beauty and luster to the worn-down relics of time. Clara Sereni journeys back through the life and times of the extraordinary family into which she was born, and does so with an historian’s lucidity, tenaciously searching for every trace, and a writer’s courage, helping us relive, page after page, the hopes, tragedies, and great passions that animated each of the story’s characters. From the Russian Revolution to the two World Wars, from the Italian racial laws to the extermination camps, from the two decades of Fascist rule to Italy’s Constitution, from the dream of Zionism to the dream of Communism, the lives of the Sereni family are inextricably linked to the great events of the 20th century, a century of which we are all children and, perhaps, hopelessly orphans.

Praise for Il gioco dei regni: “Il gioco dei regni is one of the most beautiful Italian books of the last twenty years, and it is the best Jewish family saga together with Lessico famigliare by Natalia Ginzburg.” - Alberto Asor Rosa, BUR, 2007

CLARA SERENI (born in Rome in 1946) is one of the most important contemporary writers in Italy. Her mother, Xenia Silberberg, was the daughter of Russian revolutionaries and her father, Emilio Sereni, originally from an upper-class Roman- Jewish NOVEL family, was one of the leading figures in the Italian anti-fascist IL GIOCO DEI REGNI | PB + FLAPS | EURO 15,00 | CM 14X21,5 movement and in the Communist party. Her novels include Casalinghitudine (1987), Manicomio primavera (1989), Passami il 460 PAGES | APRIL 2017 sale (2002), Le Merendanze (2004), Via Ripetta 155 (2015). She Partial English translation available also curated three anthologies about diversity and disability: Mi RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] riguarda (1994), Si può! (1996) e Amore caro (1996). scrittori giunti t t pagina 8 r i o c r


s WINNER MARIA DI ÍSILI PREMIO ITALO Cristian Mannu CALVINO 2015 • Winner of Premio Calvino 2015 • Finalist Premio Berto 2016 • Finalist Incontri di Dialoghi Award 2016 • Finalist Premio Opera Prima 2016 WINNER • Finalist Premio Dessi 2016 PREMIO • Winner of Premio Letterario Megamark 2016 LETTERARIO In a polyphony of voices, with an intense, mature and metrical language, MEGAMARK Cristian Mannu regales us with the story of a woman who, paying the full 2016 price for her choice, follows the laws of desire and challenges the social rules of an archaic populated by vagrants, midwives-accabadore, bastard children, acts of violence and unspeakable secrets. Aunt Borica, who has brought many babies into the world during her lifetime, immediately understands that those blue eyes can only be the work of an angel or a demon. Ever since her childhood, Maria has stood out from the rest of her family: from her mother, always dressed in black and staring into space, from her father, who has eyes blacker than a sooty fireplace, and from her older sister, Evelina, who always has a rosary in her hand. Mary is passionate and dreamer and she has a special talent: under her hands, the loom becomes like a piano, generating wonderful tapestries, where she weaves together wool and copper threads. Maria seems destined to a happy life in the small village of Isili, where the wind that lashes against the stones of the houses smells of wild oats and rosemary. But one day Antonio Lorrai, the coppersmith, the gypsy, comes to the village, handsome like a prince from a fairy tale on his black horse. And 15,000 for the first time, Maria, who at sixteen has never kissed anyone, feels herself flaring up like a flower in the fire. However, Antonio is engaged to marry her sister Evelina, that COPIES Maria loves deeply, who is expecting a baby by that dark man .... SOLD Praise for Maria Di Ísili: “Mannu’s writing, built upon Sardinian textures of raw candour and primordial passion, travels back in time from Murgia’s family relations in Accabadora to the men in Deledda’s Canne al vento del destino, and is impregnated with the legendary NOVEL blood of Pavese’s poetry.” – Alessandro d’Avenia, La Stampa MARIA DI ÍSILI | PB + FLAPS | EURO 14,00 | CM 14X21,5 160 PAGES |APRIL 2016 CRISTIAN MANNU is the father of three children and lives in Cagliari, Partial English translation available where he was born in 1977. Only his dissertation still separates him RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] from a degree in Italian Philology. His debut novel, Maria di Ísilii, was the winner of the Premio Calvino 2015. scrittori giunti t t pagina 9 r i o c r


s A LETTER TO DINA Grazia Verasani

CRITICS’ • Finalist Premio Giusti 2017 FAVORITE • Following her success with Mare d’inverno (Giunti 2014), Grazia Verasani returns to a theme close to her heart: friendship between women. • The long letter that forms this novel is veiled in tenderness and melancholy, which makes reading it particularly engaging and touching. • The backdrop is a vibrant, student-filled , during the most inflamed years of its political history.

A Letter to Dina is the story of a momentous, all-encompassing friendship in adolescent age and of the scars that it left, as well as a consideration on maturity and to what became of love, dreams, and the ideals of youth. One morning in 1973, Dina walked into class 2H. She was twelve; she wore an expensive fur coat; she had blonde hair and was fat. She turned to the new classmate sitting next to her and said, “I’m a fascist”. The other girl replied, “I’m a communist”. It was the beginning of a great friendship. Despite coming from profoundly different backgrounds, the two young girls become inseparable, spending their time discussing, promising, arguing and making up. It is solitude that unites them, imagination and a growing difficulty to face the reality that surrounds them. At the age of fifteen, following her parents’ separation, Dina turns into a beautiful and desperate adolescent in conflict with her mother and with herself. Turbulent years begin: she leaves school, repeatedly attempts to commit suicide, ends up in a number of different hospitals and chooses heroine as her only anaesthetic against her pain. The narrating voice, the writer of the letter, is that of the friend who, in a difficult moment of her own life, needs to come to terms with her past; Dina has gone, she died before reaching thirty, and her death is by no means without mystery. Or fault. 10,000 Now, only one of them can rewind the tape, go back over the tracks of that broken relationship and perhaps accept that for certain ties there are not final goodbyes. COPIES IN PRINT Praise for Lettera a Dina: “Lettera a Dina is a touching story of friendship and delusion set against a steamy Seventies background” – Io Donna, Corriere della Sera

GRAZIA VERASANI was born in Bologna. A writer, screenwriter, NOVEL and musician, she is the author of Quo vadis Baby? (2004), also a film by Gabriele Salvatores. Published in France, the novel was LETTERA A DINA | PB + FLAPS | EURO 14,00 | CM 14X21,5 shortlisted for Prix SNCF for Best European Noir. Her other novels 160 PAGES | SEPTEMBER 2016 include Velocemente da nessuna parte (2006), and Cosa sai della Partial English and French translations available notte (2012), Mare d’Inverno (Giunti Editore 2014), winner of RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] Premio Rosa 2015. www.graziaverasani.it scrittori giunti t t pagina 10 r i o c r



• A jarring account of true-life experiences becomes a novel packed with hilarious episodes, misadventures, and extreme situations. A journey through a little-known period of Milanese underground culture (1984-1989), in which a quick-paced narrative goes hand in hand with profoundly original writing style. • The 1980s in Milan were a time of profound political and social change in which the underground cultural milieus were among the first to make use of and experiment with new technologies. • Philopat’s Costretti a sanguinare, which ends where this story begins, has been published in several editions over the years and constitutes a surprise editorial success that remains a literary landmark for the younger generations.

Philopat – the story’s author and main character - is now twenty-three years old, and FIRST PRINT while his expression might be less crazed than it once was, he’s once more trying RUN 7,000 to find his way out of an urban inferno, and there’s no time to waste. Milan, infested COPIES with yuppies and TV zombies, is slowly being strangled by a nauseating boredom, the police have just forced the Virus to shut its doors for good, and Philopat’s gang is falling apart, leaving him helpless against his lifelong enemies: cops, fathers, and the masters of the world. But he’ll soon encounter an enlightened bookseller, an unexpected love story, and a cyberpunk magazine that create the perfect explosive mix to help him in his struggle for personal and collective redemption. The point of departure is a basement nicknamed “Helter Skelter” that’s quickly transformed into a cultural center home to the period’s most important artistic experimentation. But doing battle against an entire city is no easy task; you need to have people on your side, to control the right spaces. Well, the right space is “Cox18,” located just steps from the city’s fluvial harbor, a welcoming cove for the pirates of the Navigli.

MARCO PHILOPAT is a cultural agitator and writer. Intimately NOVEL acquainted with the underground and various countercultures, he I PIRATI DEI NAVIGLI | PB + FLAPS | EURO 15,00 | CM 14X21,5 participated in the Punk movement and the historic “Virus” social 256 PAGES | MAY 2017 center in Milan. He also founded two publishing houses, ShaKe Partial English translation available Edizioni and Agenzia X. Among his previous works are Costretti a RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] sanguinare, La banda Bellini, and Lumi di Punk. scrittori giunti t t pagina 11 r i o c r


s A GREEN-EYED WARRIOR: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF AVESTA HARUN, THE KURDISH WOMAN WHO CHALLENGED THE CALIPHATE Marco Rovelli CRITICS’ FAVORITE • The heroines of our time: in the fight of the Kurds against ISIS, women feature prominently on the front lines. Marco Rovelli traveled to Turkish and Iraqi Kurdistan, meeting relatives of Avesta Harun, living with her companions, and following in her footsteps to the Mexmur camp.

In September 2014 the face of Avesta Harun, the Kurdish commander who fell in the battle against ISIS, was seen all over the world. This book tells the story of her life: her childhood with her family in Turkish Kurdistan and the oppression of her ethnic minority by the government; the choice of her brother, Harun, to join the partisan fight; his death and Avesta’s decision to take his place and fight in his name. Her final moment of courage is on the mountain of Qandil alongside the men and women with whom Avesta prepared guerrilla actions and military exercises that preceded their attack against ISIS. The entire history of the Kurds is played out in the story of Avesta, woven from individual and collective tales which begin separately but come together in the final epilogue, the liberation of the Mexmur camp where Avesta met her demise.

Praise for La Guerriera dagli occhi verdi: “Marco Rovelli is a musician, writer, poet and scholar able to dissect the facts in order FIRST PRINT to create a faithful fresco of the time, but he is also and above all able to transcend it, to go beyond it. And when reality is transformed into literature, when the story of a woman RUN 8,000 becomes the subject for a novel, her history and her struggle are indelibly etched onto COPIES the psyche of our current world, even if the newspapers no longer mention this story, even if television shows transmit other struggles, even if we will hear the Kurds spoken of only when the PKK will take revenge for new attacks. Marco Rovelli has given a voice to a unique story and in so doing has destined it to become part of history. This is the extraordinary power of the “non-fiction novel” whose purpose is not only literary, but also and above all, social.” – Roberto Saviano, author of Gomorra

Rights sold: Poland (Proszynski Media)

NARRATIVE NON FICTION is a musician, songwriter and playwright. He LA GUERRIERA DAGLI OCCHI VERDI | PB+ FLAPS | EURO 14,90 | CM 15X21,5 MARCO ROVELLI has published with Feltrinelli, Laterza and BUR. 144 PAGES | MAY 2016 Among his most recent titles are: Eravamo come voi. Storie Partial English translation available di ragazzi che scelsero di resistere and La meravigliosa vita di RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] Jovica Jovic, written with Moni Ovadia. www.marcorovelli.com pagina 12 women’s fiction


• From the author of Quasi Arzilli, (Premio Zocca Giovani 2016) comes an outstanding Italian romance that confirms Simona Morani’s PRIZE exceptional talent. WINNING AUTHOR Can a woman of a certain age fall in love with a younger man without appearing ridiculous?

In the heart of Modena, in the shade of the porticos that surround the city, an old drycleaning shop is about to be completely renovated. Indeed, since her husband Osvaldo died, Rina, who is a little over sixty, feels a lightness and vitality return to the surface that had always been held down by her husband’s pessimism. So with brush and paints to hand, the old shop named “Osvaldo and Rina” is transformed into a modern, airy automatic laundry. It is not long at all before new customers begin to arrive, including Donato, a handsome young man with a successful career who works in the building across the street and drops into the laundry a couple of times a week. Rina’s wave of excitement takes one more step forward, a bit riskier this time. Donato is good looking and friendly: he often stops to chat and sometimes even for a bite to eat. Soon, before the bewildered eyes of her sister and neighbors (who would certainly feel more comfortable if she were kneeling at her husband’s grave) Rina changes her wardrobe and her hairstyle and projects a joyousness that no one had seen in her for years. But what scandal! ... Donato could be her son. Simona Morani is particularly adept at giving voice to the prejudice, envy and gossip of a small community in her second novel where brilliant writing, a steady rhythm and FIRST PRINT subtle irony breathe lightly from every page. RUN 10,000 COPIES Rights sold: option Germany

Simona Morani, thirty-two, was born in Florence but grew up NOVEL in Canossa, in the province of Reggio Emilia. She graduated in CUORE DELICATO. LAVARE A MANO | PB + FLAPS | EURO 12,90 | CM 14X21,5 foreign languages and moved to Germany, where she writes and 176 PAGES | MAY 2017 edits television documentaries. Almost Lively, dedicated to “her Partial English translation available old friends” and the fairy tale atmosphere of the Reggio Emilia RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] Pennines, winner of Premio Zocca Giovani, is her first book (Giunti 2015). pagina 13 women’s fiction


Every woman knows what it means to meet the love of her life. And every woman knows what it means to lose him. With a voice that is both touching and thrilling, Never This Close Again tells of the desperate attempt to salvage one woman’s greatest dream.

Arriving from a sun-drenched town in southern Italy, Antonia, a girl who puts on high heels even to go to the grocery store, comes to Milan with the dream of writing a novel that has been in her mind for some time. Her impression of the big city and its colorless skies is not very encouraging, until one day a friend drags her to a literary presentation. In just a few hours, everything that she thought about Milan does not BESTSELLER matter any more: it has given her Vittorio. He is very different from everything she has KINDLE FIRST known until then: he is a publisher from the upper-classes with a nonchalant way AMAZON.COM about him. His piercing eyes and brazen demeanor are those of a man who has no need to compromise, ever. Above all it is his social life that intimidates Antonia, but JANUARY fascinates her at the same time. Glass and cigarette always in hand, talking until dawn 2017 about film and literature with intellectual friends, romantic weekends on the back of his motorcycle through the sexy curves of the Ligurian coastline: Antonia falls head over heels in love with him, but something is not right. Vittorio is elusive, coming and going as he pleases, making no plans and no promises. And Antonia is forced to evaluate her own weaknesses and fears.

Praise for Never This Close Again: “…once again it is good writing that makes the difference … Claudia Serrano’s writing digs deep and touches us on the inside. It awakens feelings that we would prefer to 25,000 COPIES keep silent, it revives moments in life that have happened to us all. It is not something we have already read, it is something we have already lived. This is what defines literature, SOLD as opposed to ‘fast food publishing’.” – Pippo Russo, La Repubblica

Rights sold: Spain (PRH/DeBolsillo), USA (Amazon Crossing), Bulgaria (Hermes)

CLAUDIA SERRANO (Bari, 1984) graduated with a degree in NOVEL Modern Philology with a thesis on the feminine pathology in MAI PIU’ COS’ VICINA | PB + FLAPS | EURO 12,00 | CM 14X21,5 literature. In 2007 she completed the Writing Techniques course 224 PAGES | SEPTEMBER 2015 at the IED in Rome. As a freelance she has won awards, MAI PIU’ COS’ VICINA - TASCABILI GIUNTI | PB | EURO 6,90 | CM 12,5X19,5 including the ‘Premio di giornalismo Franco Sorrentino’ for an 224 PAGES | JUNE 2016 investigation into the world of the seeing-impaired in Bari. For Full English and Spanish translations available the past few years has worked as a bookstore manager. This is RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] her first novel. pagina 14 narrative non fiction



• The story of a generation of “young seniors”: sixty-year-olds today. • Over sixty recipes connected to the events and places – from Rome to New York to India and Jamaica – recounted in each chapter. • The autumn of life is coming but Adele is unprepared, like most of her generation that’s heading into their sixties. They’re riding a motorcycle to the brink of old age, and they’re not wearing a helmet.

It’s the story of a generation that’s been mourned, idolized, criticized and celebrated more than any other, a generation of “young seniors” who’ve managed to grow older without growing wiser. A community with a powerful story to tell, rich in music, photographs, memories, and communal experiences that have made it both immortal and fragile, stuck in an eternal adolescence. And now that winter is coming, Adele’s light jacket won’t keep her warm in the deep freeze of a new era, slippery and full of hidden dangers. How do you come to grips with this new phase in your life when you skipped the one that came before, the years that were supposed to be your sturdy bridge to the present? During a long night of sipping vodka in the kitchen, Adele sees old problems and old recipes return to the surface. There are no solutions - just a lot of questions that emerge from inside the refrigerator, and an abundance of the great stories that have spiced up her life. The kitchen, a constant companion throughout Adele’s life, turns out to be this story’s common thread, the key that helps her make sense of the past and look forward without fear.

LIVIA AYMONINO was born in Rome, and has lived in New York and Milan as well. Outside the kitchen, she has worked mainly NARRATIVE NON FICTION in communications, television and music, and has collaborated LA LUNGA NOTTE DI ADELE IN CUCINA | PB + FLAPS | EURO 15,00 | CM 15X21,5 with important Italian companies. Today she is president and 304 PAGES | MAY 2017 partner of a consulting firm for business communications. Her Partial English translation available recipes-in-rhyme have been published by the monthly Luna and RIGTHS Rights Giunti Editore [email protected] the weekly A, where she had a cooking column for two years. In November 2013, Mursia published her first book, Sapori di Versi – ricette in rima e pensieri in cucina. pagina 15 thriller

NEXT TITLE THE SOUND OF THE RAIN IN THE SERIES: Gigi Paoli JUNE 2017 An irresistible noir, set in a dark, gothic Florence, between the enormous, futuristic Law Court in the suburbs, nicknamed ‘Gotham City’, and the architectural gems of an historic city loved the world over.

In Florence, November is always rainy. The most dreamed-of city in the world is cloaked in an ashen sky. At dawn in an ancient building on the noble street of antiquarians called Via Maggio, the manager of the most famous shop of religious antiquities in Florence is found dead. He was stabbed twenty-three times. It is an important case, and a complex one: the building is owned by the Roma Curia. The delicate nature of the case beckons Colonel Umberto Lion, commander of the investigating team of the Carabinieri, an elite section of the corps that is not usually involved in a simple murder. But is it just a murder? The connections and links that are revealed over the course of the investigation are many and never univocal: the church, the occult, Florentine nobility, and freemasonry which has prospered and remained powerful in Florence for centuries. Perhaps it is not a simple murder. It is certainly newsworthy: it is the news of the day and maybe of the whole year for the Nuovo Giornale, the main daily in Florence, and for Carlo Alberto Marchi, the journalist who is responsible for legal news. He struggles every day with a profession he loves and a ten-year-old daughter with whom he lives alone while handling a thousand daily difficulties which he faces with good humor. Generals with peculiar friends, priests with double lives, magistrates of alternative appearance and ideas, unusual people living in millennia- old buildings, who inhabit the lives of others in the newsroom: there is an 3RD REPRINT entire world orbiting around the case of Via Maggio. 15,000 COPIES SOLD Praise for Il rumore della pioggia: “To read this novel is a pleasure, and at times an absolute gas.” – Franca Selvatici, La Repubblica

NOVEL IL RUMORE DELLA PIOGGIA | PB + FLAPS | EURO 12,90 | CM 15X21,5 288 PAGES | OCTOBER 2016 Partial English translation available RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] GIGI PAOLI (Florence, 1971) is a professional journalist for the daily newspaper La Nazione di Firenze. He lives in Prato with his teenage daughter, a black cat and many, many books. pagina 16 thriller


• Fusco is a publishing sensation: his first noir promptly captured the attention of readers’ and appreciation from the press. • Cynical, compassionate, and a lover of jazz, commissario Casabona is one NEXT TITLE of the best-loved Italian investigators. IN THE SERIES: OCTOBER 2017 EVERY DAY HAS ITS EVIL - In an imaginary town in Tuscany, Police Commissioner SERIES TOTAL: Tommaso Casabona is involved in the discovery of the body of a woman disfigured with acid. The investigation grinds to a halt; but then a second body is found. When 180,000 COPIES a third body turns up, it points to the work of a serial killer. From a clue, Casabona and SOLD Belisario are led to the text of the Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas and the five W’s (who, what, when, where, why) and there they begin to understand the killer’s logic: in each homicide one of the five elements is hidden.

OGNI GIORNO HA SUO MALE | LA PIETA’ DELL’ACQUA I PB + FLAPS I THE COMPASSION OF WATER - A body is found, killed by a shot to the back of the PB + JACKET | EURO 12,90 | CM 15 X 21.5 EURO 12,90 I CM 15 X 21,5 neck: it is an execution. Near the scene of the crime is a village that took the place of 256 PAGES | JULY 2014 224 PAGES I JUNE 2015 the old settlement, Torre Ghibellina, which was submerged by a dam built after WWII. Partial English translation available Partial English translation available Casabona investigates the homicide and meets a charming woman claiming to be a journalist who turns out to be ex-French police, looking into a cold case. • WINNER: PREMIO APOXIORNENO 2015 THE METHOD OF THE PHOENIX - The Italian province of Valdenza is shocked by the • WINNER: PREMIO FURIO INNOCENTI 2015 - SERRAVALLE NOIR 2015 brutal murder of a young woman. Casabona races to the scene to search immediately for clues, but finds too many, they are too obvious. Is someone trying to hide an • FINALIST: PREMIO MARIANO ROMITI 2015 inconvenient story? This turns out to be a deeply disturbing case, even for Casabona. • WINNER: PREMIO GARFAGNANA It will leave its mark and force Casabona to make important decisions regarding his IN GIALLO 2014 private life. • WINNER: PREMIO SCRITTORE TOSCANO 2014 Praise for Antonio Fusco: “From Ricciardi to Casabona, a line of commissioners who knows how to scrutinise pain.” - La Nazione

Rights sold: Turkey (Yapi Kredi) IL METODO DELLA FENICE | PB + FLAPS | EURO 12,90 | CM 15X21,5 256 PAGES | JUNE 2016 ANTONIO FUSCO graduated in Law and in Public Administration, Partial English translation available and earned a Masters degree in Forensic Criminology. He is currently the director of the Rapid Response Team with the For all titles RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] position of Assistant Deputy Police Commissioner in Pistoia. http:// antoniofuscoblog.wordpress.com/ pagina 17


Ci sono giorni che ti cambiano la vita. Giulia Besa , nata a Roma nel GIULIA BESA Sembrava una cena come tante, e in- 1990, esordisce giovanissima con Einaudi vece il padre di Aurora svela di essere Stile Libero Big, con cui pubblica nel 2011 • Following the success of The Bad Boy That I Want, Giulia Besa returns Mi fermo, il respiro GIULIA BESA coinvolto in uno scandalo sessuale con Numero sconosciuto. with a delicate but powerful story of young love. minorenni. Lei e la madre si trasferi- Nel 2012 i due racconti Il senso di Kitty affannoso. Mi guardo intorno. • An unusual location, the medieval villages and pristine woodlands scono precipitosamente da Roma ad Au- per il tonno e Kitty e l’Ordine della Per- lla, ma la distanzaof non Lunigiana, basta a superaremakes for an extraordinarily vivid backdrop. nice, pubblicati sul sito Storiebrevi.it de Dove devo andare? lo shock. In uno dei tanti giorni diffici- «la Repubblica» e «l’Espresso» e premia- li, Aurora ritrovaAurora un vecchio is an eighteen-year-old modellino girl who, as a consequence of a messy separation ti dal gradimento del pubblico, vengono In fondo al cuore lo so. di galeone che avrebbe voluto montare selezionati rispettivamente per le anto- between her parents, has just moved to a small town in Tuscany. Living in a house insieme al nonno prima che lui morisse. logie Cinque storie sull’allegria e Sei rac- Il pontile sul mare. that had once belonged to her paternal grandfather, Aurora finds a complicated Decide di provarci da sola e attraverso conti fantastici (2013). un blog di modellismomodel galleonconosce that Alessan they- were to build together before he died. She decides to

Escono in seguito il racconto Miao!, con te al di là del mare Deve essere lì. dro, uno studentebuild di the Ingegneria model anyway, nauti- and via a blog meets Alessandro, 23, a nautical engineering all’interno della raccolta Horror Lovers ca. Presto tra student.i due nasce An intenseun rapporto relationship of shared stories sparks between them, but when (Marco Cordero Editore, 2013), il rac- forte, fatto di parole, racconti, condivi- conto fantasy La gatta degli haiku (An- Aurora suggests that they meet, he backs off. Meanwhile, Aurora starts going out with sione; ma quando Aurora gli propone un tonio Tombolini Editore, 2014) e un se- Hanno detto de Il cattivo ragazzo che voglio: Riccardo, an audacious and attractive student who whisks her off on excursions into appuntamento lui si irrigidisce inspiega- condo romanzo, Raccontami ancora di the woods by motorbike. «Molto bello ed emozionante.» bilmente. Intanto Aurora comincia a fre- noi (Sperling & Kupfer, 2015). Per Giun- Dal blog Sololibri.net quentare Riccardo,He introduces impetuoso here sperico to the- inebriating pleasures of a close relationship with nature with ti ha pubblicato nel 2016 Il cattivo ra- lato, che la invitanocturnal alle sue picnics scorribande around in a camp fire and collective dips in the gelid river waters of gazzo che voglio. «Ho adorato questo romanzo, molto scorrevole e piacevole da leggere... una storia d’amore moto tra i boschiNovember. e le fa provare Frustrated l’emo by- Alessandro’s reticence, she allows herself to be courted by molto intensa che non annoia il lettore, zione di un bagnoRiccardo. autunnale Finally nelle one casca day,- Alessandro suggests they meet on the train that she takes piena di vicende romantiche, tristi e anche ironiche.» te. Le cose nonto sono school. mai Aurorasemplici gets e un to know him and falls head over heels in love even though Dal blog Amore per i libri e non solo giorno, a sorpresa, Alessandro le propo- ne un incontro...Alessandro is in a wheelchair. Betrayal, fear, impossibility? These are the feelings that «È il primo libro che leggo di questa scrittrice Dopo il successoAurora de Il cattivo and Alessandro, ragazzo che still young but destined to grow up fast, will have to face in e devo dire che mi ha conquistata...» voglio una nuovatheir storia love d’amore for one delicata another. Dal blog L’universo dei libri FIRST PRINT e potente che profuma di mare, boschi «Ho cercato in tutti i modi di trovare un piccolo RUN 10,000 e cascate della Lunigiana“I stop, my breathing labored. I look around: where should I go? Deep in my difetto in questa storia, ma non ci sono riuscita.» Dal blog Cioccolato e libri COPIES heart, I know. I must go down to the pier. There is no place else he could be.”

ISBN 978-88-09-81514-8 www.giunti.it Disponibile anche in versione ebook 9 788809 815148 € Progetto grafico: Ada Tenerani 815148 12,00 Fotografia in copertina: © Amana Images/Getty Images

GIULIA BESA was born in Rome in 1990 and made her literary NOVEL debut in 2011, publishing Numero sconosciuto (Unknown Number) with Stile Libero Big. She published the fantasy tale, CON TE AL DI LA’ DEL MARE | PB + FLAPS | EURO 12,00 | CM 14X21,5 La gatta degli haiku (The Haiku Cat), in 2014. In 2015 her second 260 PAGES | FEBRUARY 2017 novel, Raccontami ancora di noi (Tell Me Again About Us), was Partial English translation available published. In 2016, Giunti Editore presented her third novel, Il RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] cattivo ragazzo che voglio (The Bad Boy That I Want). pagina 18


FINAL TITLE: • In the style of George R.R. Martin, this novel will attract fans of fantasy MARCH 2018 video games, such as The Witcher 3, and the tv series Game of Thrones. • With her passion for medieval history and archeology, the author has the talent to describe historical eras with three-dimensional precision.

HYPERVERSUM: NEXT - Phoenix, Arizona, the near future: Alexandra Freeland is furious because her poor grades in physics force her to cancel her first date with Brad. She paces the study of her father, until an ancient volume attracts her attention. Inside she finds a mysterious card signed by Ian, her father’s best friend and step-brother, with a password on it. Alex turns on her father’s old computer and discovers an antiquated version of a 20,000 cult video game: Hyperversum, known for its veracity in recreating the medieval world. COPIES Alex creates and avatar and begins… Saint Germain, northwest France, 13th century: Alex SOLD walks through a village, admiring the details of the shops, streets, and people. But soon her surprise gives way to stronger emotions: Hyperversum is not only a video game, it is a parallel reality and Alex is not able to exit. Witness to a crime, she must learn to make her way amid sword fights, and her relationship with Marc, the son of the Falcon of the King.

HYPERVERSUM: ULTIMATE - Phoenix, Arizona, the near future: Alex has made up her HYPERVERSUM NEXT | mind: she will travel back to the Middle Ages to find Marc, who has become first knight to HC+ JACKET | EURO 16,00 | King Louis IX of France. She will have to confront her father’s anger and the pain of leaving CM 14X21,5 her family behind, but nothing can make her give up. Châtel-Argent, northeast France, 480 PAGES | JANUARY 2016 13th century: While the festivities for Michel de Ponthieu’s wedding are in full swing, Marc Partial English translation and Alex renew their pledges of love for another, but Ian orders them to wait at least six months to get married. Marc has matured during the two years that he and Alex have been apart, but his self-assurance can border on arrogance, and Alex has difficulty abiding by the limits placed on a medieval woman. Young Richard, however, has a sensibility that is more akin to hers, and Alex is attracted to him more than she will admit. Their personal stories become entwined with high politics, when Louis IX entrusts Marc with an unusual mission: to investigate the murder of an English traveler in Dunkerque.

Rights sold: Czech Republic (Albatrosmedia), option Spain HYPERVERSUM ULTIMATE HC + JACKET | EURO 17,00 CM 14X21,5 CECILIA RANDALL (Modena, Italy) is one of the most highly regarded 480 PAGES | MARCH 2017 authors of fantasy. Her trilogy, Hyperversum, sold more than 200,000 Partial English translation copies in Italy. After publishing Gens Arcana and Millennio di fuoco RIGHTS Giunti Editore (Mondadori), she has returned to the world of Hyperversum, the [email protected] narrated universe that her reading public adores. www.ceciliarandall.it pagina 19


• Hyperversum is pure adrenaline: it is a captivating fanta-historical saga.

HYPERVERSUM #1 - Daniel, 22, has a burning passion for Hyperversum, an on-line video game. Submerged in virtual reality, he is the ideal medieval man, and wins all levels of the game. Ian is a PhD in Medieval History and an unofficial member of Daniel’s family. On break from his vacation in France, Ian comes for dinner and for a game with Daniel, playing also with Martin, Jodie – Daniel’s girlfriend – and Carl and Donna. During their virtual adventure in the Middle Ages a storm takes the kids by surprise and Dan, Jodie, Ian and Martin find themselves in Flanders in the middle of a war between France and SERIES TOTAL England. A new life unfurls, as do new roads, and a new love. 230,000 COPIES SOLD HYPERVERSUM #2: THE HAWK AND THE LION - Brought back to the 21st century by Daniel, Ian finds pictures of his sons in a medieval code and knows that he will be able to go back in time. He starts playing Hyperversum again, setting a precise date: August 15, 1214. The two set the story in Saint Michel, careful to choose a time slightly NOVELS HYPERVERSUM. IL FALCO E IL LEONE | later than their departure. Ian and Daniel make their way to the cloister where they left HYPERVERSUM | HC+ JACKET | HC+ JACKET | EURO 17,50 | CM 14X22 Isabeau and Donna, hoping to find them there. Afterwards, Daniel will return home, EURO 17,50 | CM 14X22 | 720 PAGES | | 672 PAGES | JANUARY 2016 closing Hyperversum forever. But Ian and Daniel are unexpectedly forced to separate JANUARY 2016 and find themselves face to face with an old acquaintance: Geoffrey Martewall, the Partial English translation available Baron of Dunchester.

HYPERVERSUM #3: THE KNIGHT OF TIME - Three years have passed since Ian and Daniel last said good-bye. Daniel was not able to reactivate Hyperversum and has had no news of Ian. Daniel is now engaged to Jodie and they are expecting a child. He still plays Hyperversum and the games are set in the year 1215. He always has the Silver Hawk, a character created and used by Ian, in the hope that Ian will contact him again. One day he receives an email: “Sir, I will wait for you tonight, at 18:30, on the battlefield at Pienne in Languedoc. 15 October, 1215 A.D. Signed, the Silver Hawk.” Once again the game comes to life, but this time someone is trying to enter the scene, which is set amidst the bloody episodes of the Albigensian Crusade.

Rights sold: Spain (Ediciones B)

HYPERVERSUM . IL CAVALIERE DEL TEMPO | CECILIA RANDALL (Modena, Italy) is one of the most highly regarded HC+ JACKET | authors of fantasy. Her trilogy, Hyperversum, sold more than 200,000 EURO 17,50 | CM 14X22 | 720 PAGES | copies in Italy. After publishing Gens Arcana and Millennio di fuoco JANUARY 2016 (Mondadori), she has returned to the world of Hyperversum, the RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] narrated universe that her reading public adores. www.ceciliarandall.it pagina 20 grandi orizzonti

PLANT REVOLUTION: HOW PLANTS HAVE ALREADY INVENTED OUR FUTURE Stefano Mancuso STEFANO MANCUSO • Are you ready to look at the world from a new point of view? FROM THE • Stefano Mancuso’s third book will reconfirm his status as one AUTHOR OF of the premier international researchers in plant science. VERDE BRILLANTE SOLD IN 17 This book presents a revolutionary outlook on the world of plants: we must seek inspiration in plants to find new solutions for our future on earth. COUNTRIES Plants evolve. They develop survival solutions that are different from those of animal world: where the animal concentrates, the plant distributes. We need plants to invent new technologies, to imagine a model of social organization that is no longer centralized but decentralized; no longer hierarchical, but acephalous, open to replicate the super-organism of the forest with its underground networks and its extensive organization. Plants have become a paradigm of modern life because their flexibility and strength are in contrast to the severe fragility of the human-animal model. In a word, plants are amazing: they consume very little energy, they perform passive movements, they are robust, they behave as colonies, they are able to live in extreme environments, they learn from experience, and they have invented thousands of solutions, which differ from those of the animal world. From the organization of our societies to the construction of a robot, we could not find a better source of inspiration. The strategies that regulate how plants function are an extraordinary paradigm for a sustainable future, a living model of widespread democracy. FIRST PRINT RUN Rights sold: options in place in various countries 10,000

STEFANO MANCUSO is the director of the International Laboratory GRANDI ORIZZONTI_PLANT REVOLUTION.indd 1 26/01/17 16:08 NON FICTION of Plant Neurobiology (LINV) in Florence, Italy, a founder of the PLANT REVOLUTION | HC+JACKET | EURO 16 | CM 15X23 International Society for Plant Signaling and Behavior, and a professor 276 PAGES | COLOR PHOTOGRAPHS | MARCH 2017 at the University of Florence. Mancuso’s books and papers have Partial English translation available been published in numerous international magazines and journals, and La Repubblica newspaper has listed him among the twenty RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] people who will change our lives. pagina 21 orizzonti UNITED NATIONS WITH BRILLIANT GREEN: A FOREWORD BY SENSITIVITY AND INTELLIGENCE IN THE VEGETAL WORLD MICHAEL POLLAN Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola PRIZE 2015 • XXXII PREMIO GAMBRINUS “GIUSEPPE MAZZOTTI” • PREMIO NAZIONALE DI DIVULGAZIONE SCIENTIFICA 2013 • Featured in ‘The New Yorker’ article World Changers by Michael Pollan, Dec. 2013 • With PNAT, Mancuso has created the Jellyfish Barge, a modular floating greenhouse featured at EXPO, Milan, 2015 Are plants intelligent beings? Starting with this simple question, Stefano Mancuso and Alessandra Viola guide the reader on an unusual and fascinating journey into the world of plants. The authors defy stereotypes and commonplace beliefs, instead revealing the unexpected capabilities of plants: these creatures are anything but inferior organisms and like other living beings, they have sensorial capability, they sleep, they have personalities, they communicate among themselves and with animals, they develop strategies for their own survival and they have what could be defined as a ‘social life’. They are capable of choosing, of learning, and of remembering, and are even able to calculate gravity. Their intelligence, denied for centuries in observation of the Aristotelian dogmas, is today reaffirmed on the basis of a series of scientific experiments and has been proven beyond doubt. Plants, which have been vital to humankind’s survival since its appearance on the earth, are in this way destined to play an increasingly important role in the future development of science and technology. One thing is for sure: you can no longer accuse them of being ‘vegetables’! Rights sold in 17 countries: USA (Island Press), France (Les Belles Lettres), Germany (Kunstmann), Spain (Galaxia 30,000 COPIES Gutenberg), Holland (Cossee), Russia (Eksmo), Poland (Bukowy Las), Czech SOLD IN ITALY Republic (Malvern), Hungary (Kossuth), Japan (NHK), South Korea (Planet B), China OVER 100,000 (Duku Cultural Exchange), Taiwan (Business Weekly Publications), Portugal (Gradiva), IN PRINT Turkey (Yeni Insan), Finland (Aula Kunstannus), Bulgaria (Hermes) WORLDWIDE STEFANO MANCUSO is the director of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology (LINV) in Florence, Italy, a founder of the International Society for Plant Signaling and Behavior, and a professor at the University of Florence. Mancuso’s books and NON FICTION papers have been published in numerous international magazines VERDE BRILLANTE I PB + FLAPS I EURO 14,00 I CM 14 X 21,5 and journals, and La Repubblica newspaper has listed him among 144 PAGES I MARCH 2013 the twenty people who will change our lives. Complete English translation available ALESSANDRA VIOLA is a scientific journalist, writer of RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] documentaries, and television scriptwriter. pagina 22 orizzonti


• Best-selling author Stefano Mancuso’s second title explores the scientists that have inspired him throughout history and their love of plants.

Five centuries of discoveries in the vegetal world told through the extraordinary lives of naturalists, geneticists, and botanists. All related through their passion for plants, trees, agriculture, and genetics. For example, Charles Darwin, who identified a type of butterfly that could pollinate only one type of orchid. Leonardo da Vinci, who dedicated himself to the study of phyllotaxis, the disposition of leaves on a plant stem to capture the light of the sun. And how to comment on the tragic story of the Russian geneticist Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov who isolated in the laboratory the super- grain that would feed millions of peasants only then to fall victim to the purges of Stalin and to die of hunger in the Nazi siege of Leningrad? This book also tells of the incredible life of George Washington Carver, the first black American to graduate in agriculture who invented a revolutionary method of cultivating peanuts. It tells the life of Charles Harrison Blackley, who risking his own existence, discovered the origins of hay fever. Many other scientists are included who changed our ideas about the universe we live in, to complete a tale of the most amazing and sometimes unknown discoveries in the vegetal world. Scientists include: 1. Leonardo da Vinci (1400-1500) 9. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2. Charles Darwin (England, 1800s) (Switzerland/France, 1700s) 3. Federico Delpino (Italy, 1800-1900) 10. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 4. Marcello Malpighi (Italy, 1600s) (Germany, 1700-1800) 7,000 5. Ephraim Wales Bull (USA, 1800s) 11. Gregor Johann Mendel COPIES SOLD 6. Odoardo Beccari (Italy, 1800s) (Czech Republic, 1800s) 7. George Washington Carver (USA, 1800s) 12. Charles Harrison Blackley 8. Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov (USSR, 1800-1900) (England, 1800s)

Rights sold in 5 countries: USA (PSUP), France (Les Belles Lettres), Germany (Kunstmann), South Korea (Green Knowledge), Spain (Galaxia Gutenberg) NON FICTION UOMINI CHE AMANO LE PIANTE I PB + FLAPS I EURO 14,00 I CM 14 X 21,5 STEFANO MANCUSO is the director of the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology 144 PAGES + 8 IN COLOUR I SEPTEMBER 2014 (LINV) in Florence, Italy, a founder of the International Society for Plant Signaling and English and French translations Behavior, and a professor at the University of Florence. Mancuso’s books and papers have RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] been published in numerous international magazines and journals, and La Repubblica newspaper has listed him among the twenty people who will change our lives. pagina 23 orizzonti


• A reflection on the true capacity of words to have an effect on reality. • Ancient and modern philosophers are studied and confronted in order to provide answers to the great questions of modern existence.

By exploring the vast terrain of human experience, philosophical reasoning permits us to measure ourselves against life’s dilemmas and act properly by assessing individual and collective consequences.

The massacre that took place at the offices of satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, and the recent chain of attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists have shaken European democracies to their very foundations. Freedom of speech, religious tolerance, the value of our actions, ethical principles and the rules of living together in society are now in question. INTERNATIONALLY Philosophy can help us understand what is truly happening in the wake of the tragic PUBLISHED AUTHOR events, as well as to help us comprehend what is the best way to accept the fallibility of our opinions. We can also understand how to be truly respectful of religious faith, and to accurately weigh the effective impact of words on community life. In this book, written by Ermanno Bencivenga for the general public, the reader will find the considerations of Plato, Kant, Machiavelli, John Stuart Mill, Aristotle, Sartre, and will engage in a fertile reading experience across the principles of responsibility, freedom, opinion, and justice. The importance is clear: because words are actions which put individual and collective morality into play and reveal the limits of our behavior.

ERMANNO BENCIVENGA is full professor of philosophy at the University of California, Irvine. He has made important NON FICTION contributions to the philosophy of language, the philosophy of PRENDIAMOLA CON FILOSOFIA | PB+FLAPS | EURO 16 | CM 14X21,5 morals and to the history of philosophy. His published works 144 PAGES | MARCH 2017 include: Words that Count. From Affability to Volition, a Small Partial English translation available Politico-Philosophical Dictionary (Mondadori 2005), Philosophy as an Instrument of Freedom (Raffaello Cortina 2010), The Good RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] and the Beautiful: The Ethics of Image (Il Saggiatore 2015). pagina 24 slow food


100,000 Buono, Pulito e Giusto (Good, Clean and Fair) - 10th Anniversary Edition COPIES Good, Clean and Fair is not just a slogan recongnized in over 150 countries; it is the SOLD title of a book which laid the foundations for new gastronomy in the 21st century, from the concept of eco-gastronomy to the importance of a network such as Terra NON FICTION Madre. Good, Clean and Fair is a philosophy, a science, and a lifestyle that calls on us BUONO PULITO E GIUSTO to reflect on what we eat and to implement change in our lives. Through a structure HC + JACKET | EURO 14,50 that alternates narrating the life stories of the gastronomer with essays of the modern CM 14X21,5 thinker, Carlo Petrini infuses new meaning into an idea that no one who loves food 256 PAGES | FEBRUARY 2016 and life can do without. English translation Terra Madre (Terra Madre) - Giunti Editore, 2009 In a world where values are reversed, food is now eating us: food is standardized, globalized. Terra Madre, the innovative project that began in 2006 is now present in 130 countries. The organization gathers producers who preserve, encourage and promote sustainable food production methods, in harmony with nature, the landscape and local traditions. The book describes the activities conducted by the communities across different regions of the world.

Cibo e Libertà (Food and Freedom) - Giunti Editore, 2013 During a trip to Brazil, Carlo Petrini sees realized in the new scene of gourmet Latin American cuisine almost all the ideas of the movement which he founded years ago. A cuisine that looks to tradition but without renouncing creativity, that utilizes local products and the great biodiversity that nature has provided, that maintains a respectful relationship with the farmers and rural communities, that is attentive to food education and taste. Petrini realizes that he is witnessing a “gastronomy of liberation” which also involves social, political and development issues, as well as the environment.

Rights sold: USA, France, South Korea, Brazil, for various titles; details upon request. NON FICTION CIBO E LIBERTA’ | PB + FLAPS CARLO PETRINI founded Slow Food in 1986 and is its international EURO 12,00 | CM 14X21,5 NON FICTION president. In 2004, TIME magazine in the United States named 192 PAGES | NOVEMBER 2013 TERRA MADRE | PB + FLAPS him a European Hero of Our Time in the category of Innovator. English translation EURO 18,00 | CM 14X21,5 In January of 2008 he was the only Italian listed among the “50 224 PAGES | NOVEMBER 2009 People Most Likely to Save the World” in the Guardian (UK). On September 18, 2013, Carlo Petrini received the United Nations English translation Environment Programme’s UNEP Champion of the Earth Award. For all titles RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] The award is the UN system’s highest environmental accolade. pagina 25 varia

LOVE YOUR SKIN: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE LARGEST ORGAN IN YOUR BODY UN’AMICA PER LA PELLE TUTTO QUELLO CHE DOVETE SAPERE Maria Concetta Pucci Romano SULL’ORGANO PIÙ GRANDE DEL NOSTRO CORPO • Everything there is to know about our skin: written, explained, and illustrated in an interesting and intriguing way. • A clearly written book about complex issues and about which UN’AMICA we often have imprecise or incorrect information. When it comes right down to it, our skin is one of the organs in our body, and it is the largest. It interacts with everything inside and outside of the body. The signals PER LA that it sends to us are very important and should not be underestimated: both because it is the outside surface with which we present ourselves to the world, and because the difference between a blemish and an illness is very slight. Author Pucci Romano familiarizes us the “language” of this incredible organ with irony and light- heartedness, in a book that is pleasant to read but which is not lacking in scientific authority. Pucci Romano, a dermatologist and the president of Skineco, puts together PELLE a precious collection of advice and information: she describes the structure, anatomy and physiology of the skin, examines the different types of skin and categorizes the PUCCI ROMANO changes that occur at different ages. We discover the truth about the most frequent dermatological problems and learn to read the signals of internal illness. Finally, and no less importantly, Pucci Romano unravels the myths concerning the relationship between the skin and nutrition, by analyzing the role and function of cosmetics. ROMANO PUCCI 6,000 COPIES Rights sold: France (Marie Claire Editions), Portugal (Bertrand) SOLD

MARIA CONCETTA PUCCI ROMANO, doctor and specialist in dermatology, teaches at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome. The author of numerous scientific publications and also a member of the both the national and international Dermatology Associations, she collaborates regularly with Italian publications NON FICTION such as l’Espresso, Il Venerdì di Repubblica, Viver Sani e Belli, UN’AMICA PER LA PELLE | PB + FLAPS | EURO 14,90 | CM 14X21,5 OK Salute, Aria Ambiente e Salute, Vita e Salute and participates 180 PAGES | MAY 2016 in television programs (on both national and private channels) Partial English translation available as dermatology expert. She is the president of SKINECO, the scientific association of Eco dermatology (www.skineco.org). RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] She also studies the relationship between nutrition and skin: for Giunti Editore she has written A tavola non si invecchia, with Gabriella Fabbrocini and Lorella Cuccarini. pagina 26 varia

MORE THAN LIVING A HEALTHY LIFE 190,000 COPIES SOLD Umberto Veronesi • Dr. Umberto Veronesi (1925-2016) was one of the world’s leading experts in oncology. • His books on health and vegetarianism have sold close to 200,000 copies in Italy alone.

SECRETS FOR A LONG LIFE: HOW TO LIVE WELL AND IN GOOD HEALTH One of the most popular subjects today is how to preserve one’s health as one ages. Almost more than dying, people fear living a long life but without health or well- being. This book deals with the topic of longevity from many points of view: medical, scientific, and practical, thereby providing readers with information and advice on how to live long, well, and healthy. In the first section, Umberto Veronesi sets out his vision for a long life and suggests how to achieve it, as well as what it might NON FICTION I SEGRETI DELLA LUNGA VITA mean for individuals and for society in general, all the while underlining that the aging PB + FLAPS I EURO 16,50 process should be considered as a positive situation, rather than a burden. In the CM 14,5 X 21 second section, Mario Pappagallo gives us all of the pertinent information on the latest 192 PAGES I MARCH 2015 scientific discoveries about the causes of physical and mental aging. The third section contains simple and basic instructions for a long and healthy life for each age range.

TOWARDS A VEGETARIAN CHOICE: 200 RECIPES FOR YOUR HEALTH Nowadays a vegetarian diet is a choice that everyone should consider. It is a change firstly for one’s own health, but also for protecting our planet and avoiding the suffering to which many animals are subjected. Starting from his own life experience and from his renowned research into oncology, Umberto Veronesi sets out the ethical and health reasons for which we ought to become vegetarians, as well as those connected to sustainability. The second part of the book includes more than 200 recipes by Carla Marchetti.

Rights sold: Poland (Lucci Editore)

UMBERTO VERONESI (1925-2016) was Scientific Director of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, set up the Umberto Veronesi Foundation for the Progress of Science NON FICTION in 2003, dedicated to developing culture and promoting scientific research. Veronesi VERSO LA SCELTA VEGETARIANA was internationally renowned for his research on cancer treatment. He published almost PB + FLAPS eight hundred research papers and obtained thirteen honorary degrees as well as many EURO 16,50 I CM 14,5 X 21 international awards. 288 PAGES I SEPTEMBER 2011 MARIO PAPPAGALLO, a scientific journalist, has been on the editorial staff of the RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] “Corriere della Sera” since 1992. pagina 27 varia


• A unique work that unveils the vast and little-known musical repertoire of Dario Fo. • Painstaking archival research and exclusive interviews shed light on the unpublished texts of this famous Italian performer and writer.

The Nobel Prize in Literature 1997 was awarded to Dario Fo “who emulates the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the downtrodden”.

A “musical tale” to explore the vast musical repertoire created by Dario Fo over the course of his career: from the pieces written for the theatre with Fiorenzo Carpi to the ironic ballads for cabarets in partnership with Jannacci, without forgetting his more popular tunes of the 1960s or the protest songs that accompanied his many political and social battles. Out of these pages emerges the history of Italy and its changes over sixty years, from the innocent days of black-and-white public television up to the present, passing through the political and social ferment of the late 1960s which, in Fo’s case, continued for nearly two decades into the 1980s. Nothing and nobody could ever stop Dario Fo from using music as a vehicle to break down stereotypes and overcome textual limitations: “to think about it and sing about it,” as one of his most famous shows proudly proclaimed in 1966.

GIANGILBERTO MONTI is a noted musician, cabaret performer, and writer. He has released more than fifteen NON FICTION albums and written numerous books, among them Dizionario E SEMPRE ALLEGRI BISOGNA STARE | PB + FLAPS | EURO 15,00 | CM 14X21,5 dei comici e del cabaret and La vera storia del cabaret, both 160 PAGES | DECEMBER 2016 for Garzanti; his latest work is Romanzo musicale di fine RIGHTS Giunti Editore [email protected] millennio. He had the good fortune to collaborate with Dario Fo over the years.