GRANDI & ASSOCIATI TRANSLATION RIGHTS Frankfurt Bookfair 2014 Agent’s Centre Table 2M


Carmine Abate, LA FESTA DEL RITORNO Mondadori, October 2014, pp. 180 Set amid an Albanian minority community living in ’s Calabria region, the novel tells the story of Marco and his enchanted childhood in a land of distinctive scents and flavours, and of how he yearned for his migrant father. It is the tale of a son who discovers his father, and a father his son, before a crackling fire over Christmas, where everyone in the town has their own personal story to tell. With characters who speak their own pidgin language, Abate’s coming of age fairy tale crosses two generations. It speaks of love and learning, and offers valuable insights into the experience of migration. Originally published in 2004 and short-listed for the Campiello Prize, this is a new edition of Carmine Abate’s novel. Carmine Abate was born in 1954 in Carfizzi, an Alabanian settlement in Calabria. He emigrated to Hamburg when he was a young man and now lives in Trentino. He began his writing career in Germany with Den Koffer und weg! (1984), and in 2012, his novel La collina del vento won the Premio Campiello. His books have been translated in French, English, German, Dutch, Greek, Portuguese, Albanian and Arabic.

Eraldo Affinati, VITA DI VITE Mondadori, September 2014, pp. 168 Khaliq was born in Sierra Leone and has survived some life-threatening experiences. He grows up in the Città dei Ragazzi in , where he meets professor Affinati, who turns out to be far more than a mere teacher. They come to a solemn agreement: if Khaliq manages to find his lost mother, the professor will go and meet her. Thus begins the author’s journey to Africa, but more than that, it is a journey into his very soul, where he discovers the unfathomable value of teaching. Eraldo Affinati was born in Rome in 1956. He teaches Italian language to abandoned and unclaimed children in the community Città dei Ragazzi and in the Italian school for foreigners, “Penny Wirton”, founded together with his wife. His many books are often the fruit of his travels. His books have been translated in German and French.

Federico Baccomo, PEEP SHOW Marsilio, October 2014 , pp. 368 Andy Warhol predicted that everyone would be famous for 15 minutes. But what happens when the lights are turned off? Baccomo’s novel is the story of Nicola Presci, an expendable product of the modern star-system, who after his moment in the spotlight, struggles to accept his return to a normal life. When he is offered the last chance to be the main attraction, he shows no scruples and sacrifices everything for the few pleasures and many nightmares that inhabit his personal and cruel peep show. A book that moves at a fast and furious pace, ferociously satiric yet movingly poignant. Federico Baccomo was born in in 1978. His breakout novel, Studio illegale, appeared in 2009. Inspired by the blog of the same name and a huge success, Studio illegale was made into a film starring Fabio Volo. His second novel, La gente che sta bene, published in 2011, has also been made into a film starring Italian comedian and actor Claudio Bisio.

Franco Cardini, L’APPETITO DELL’IMPERATORE. STORIE E SAPORI SEGRETI DELLA STORIA Mondadori, October 2014, pp. 360 Telling twenty-four stories that straddle reality and fiction, Cardini skilfully intermeshes his own personal experiences as a historian, story-teller and gourmet. Among these stories, we read of Mozart dining on barley soup and kirsch in Prague, Marco Polo and the Grand Kahar, and Napoleon’s favourite meal of eggs with onions and scallions. The author describes the Afghani-style Basmati rice that Prince Eugene of Savoy supped on during the Siege of Belgrade, and the guacamole that Cortés savoured during the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. This enthralling and extremely well-documented book abounds in intriguing recipes brought to light from the pages of history. Franco Cardini was born in Florence in 1940. He is a university lecturer and historian, and writes for the leading Italian newspapers and television broadcasters. Mondadori has published his novel Il signore della paura (2008) in addition to much of his non-fiction, the latest being La scintilla (co-written with Sergio Valzania, 2014); Spanish rights for Le radici perdute dell’Europa (also with Valzania, 2006) has been sold to Ariel.

Leonardo Colombati, 1960 Mondadori, October 2014, pp. 468 Summer 1960: Rome is home to the seventeenth Olympic Games- those of Cassius Clay and Livio Berruti, Wilma Rudolph and Abebe Bikila - while an increasingly insistent voice circulated along the corridors of power calls for a coup that begins with the abduction of the President of the Republic, Giovanni Gronchi. The head of the Secret Service involves the Telephone Company in its investigations, and with it a young clerk who falls in love with the voice of Olympia, the beautiful daughter of the Major whose call’s he is tasked with intercepting. The poor girl is at the center of attention of spies and voyeurs, hardcore torturers and mysterious "grand old men”, in a game of tangled political ambitions and private obsessions. It is a black and mysterious Rome, where politicians, confidantes, former agents of the CIA and Soviet athletes rove. But it is also 1960, the peak of the economic boom, a veritable Golden Age whose protagonists Pasolini and Calvino, Nabokov and Fellini, De Kooning, Saul Bellow and Magnani, cardinals and diplomats, starlets and Russian princesses ... a wanton café society to the eyes of John Fante, called to Rome by Dino De Laurentiis to write a movie script. To the author of Ask the Dust, the Eternal City looks like the giant set of La Dolce Vita; a sparkling world that dances before his eyes at the beat of the cha cha cha and rock 'n' roll. Leonardo Colombati has published novels Perceber (Sironi 2005 - Fandango 2010), Rio (Rizzoli 2007) and Il re (Mondadori 2009). He has edited the volumes of Bruce Springsteen: Come un killer sotto il sole. Il Grande Romanzo Americano (Sironi 2007) and La canzone italiana 1861-2011. Storia e testi (Mondadori 2010). He contributes to literary magazines and major dailies and is a member of the Italian Pen Club. Translation rights: Mondadori

Mauro Covacich, LA SPOSA Bompiani, September 2014, pp. 184 Seventeen stories full of passion for life, springing from the recesses of a normality that, when observed closely, is often extraordinary. Two strangers waiting to shoot during a human safari. An artist dressed like a bride hitch-hiking across Europe. A young priest, unaware of his future as pope, in a dramatic struggle against desire. The attacks carried out in a supermarket by a quiet family man obsessed with explosives. The vicissitudes of a heart removed from one life and on its way to another. A man who has decided to share his home with a pack of wolves. Real events blended with amazing inventions and short autobiographical digressions, like teaching a nephew how to play Frisbee: a lesson that touches on the regretful sterility of a whole generation who chose personal ambition over procreation. La sposa is one long stream of thoughts about today; the same that for many years has characterized the writing of Covacich since Anomalie (1998). Mauro Covacich has published various books of fiction including: Storia di pazzi e di normali (Theoria 1993, Laterza 2007), Anomalie (Mondadori 1998, 2001), L’amore contro (Mondadori 2001 and Einaudi 2009), A perdifiato (Mondadori 2003, Einaudi 2005), Fiona (Einaudi 2005 and 2011), Trieste sottosopra (Laterza 2006), Prima di sparire (Einaudi 2008 and 2010), A nome tuo (Einaudi 2011) and L’esperimento (Einaudi 2013). He is also the author of a video-installation L’umiliazione delle stelle (Buziol - Einaudi - Magazzino d’Arte Moderna Roma 2010). Translation rights: Bompiani

Sandrone Dazieri, UCCIDI IL PADRE Mondadori, May 2014, pp. 508 30.000 copies sold in hardcover + 4.000 copies in ebook + 4.500 copies in bookclub A superb thriller that will keep readers turning pages eagerly into the wee small hours, until they reach the surprise ending. Colomba Caselli is a female cop. Well, she was at least. She’d been the youngest ever head of the Rome Homicide Division, but now lives in total isolation, unable to get over what she calls “The Disaster” – a terrifying event that put her into hospital for a prolonged stay and since then has triggered massive panic attacks. Dante Torre is a survivor. He was kidnapped as a child by a maniac who wanted to be called The Father. The Father shut him away in a silo for nine years, taught him to read and write, and coerced him into submission. However, Dante escaped only to discover that everyone believed him dead, and that he no longer had a family. He now dreads enclosed spaces, and has made it his life’s work to find people who have vanished without a trace and unmask child molesters, albeit unbeknownst to virtually everyone. When a woman is found murdered just outside Rome, Colomba’s old boss puts her in touch with Dante. He helps her search for the dead woman’s son who has disappeared. Dante has never worked with the police, whom he despises for what happened to him, Colomba thinks Dante is an insufferable weirdo, but together they make a discover that will change their lives forever. The boy was kidnapped by someone whose Modus Operandi is identical to The Father, who everyone believes to be long dead. But what if it really is the same man that had kept Dante a prisoner thirty years before? What if The Father had never stopped kidnapping and killing in the shadows? Sandrone Dazieri is one of the foremost names in Italian noir fiction. His success as a television screen writer and one of his most popular characters, the Gorilla, as portrayed on screen by Italian actor Claudio Bisio, have helped him carve a name for himself as a truly trail blazing author. This is his first foray into a new genre: an unputdownable thriller that took him two years to write and features two absolutely unforgettable characters. Rights sold to: Piper (Germany); Laffont (France); Alfaguara (World Spanish Rigths); Xander (Holland); Patakis (Grece); Hayakawa (Japan) First hundred pages in English, French and German translations available

Chicca Gagliardo, IL POETA DELL’ARIA Hacca, September 2014, pp. 232 The story of flying told by poets of the air. The book is a caleidoscopic novel in 33 flight lessons on the basis of re-edited notes, verses and art about flight and dizziness by Emily Dickinson, Marina Cvetaeva, Bruno Munari, Yves Klein and more. Poets, philosophers, artists, musicians, women and men, all sharing a common passion for the invisible, the desire to flout the force of gravity, defy the laws of necessity. Their tangible presence can be felt but not seen, just as air is felt but cannot be seen. From time to time they materialise as voices. Chicca Gagliardo has published Nell’aldilà dei pesci, Lo sguardo dell’ombra, and Gli occhi degli alberi, with photographs by Massimiliano Tappari (Ponte alle Grazie). Her books and stories have inspired exhibitions, short films, theatrical readings and workshops. She has managed the young writers programme, “Scritture Giovani”, at the Festivaletteratura book festival in Mantua since 2007. Chicca Gagliardo also created and manages the website

Fabio Geda, SE LA VITA CHE SALVI È LA TUA Einaudi Stile Libero, May 2014, pp. 240 More than 20.000 copies sold When you discover your place in the world, the only thing left to do is grab it. No matter what it takes. Seeing a Rembrandt at an art exhibit in New York triggers a chain reaction in the life of thirty-seven year old Andrea Luna, an art teacher whose marriage is on the rocks. Thus begins a journey of discovery into life during which he will plumb the depths of distress and scale the heights of joy. Andrea decides not to return to Italy, and makes some truly memorable encounters. After turning over a new leaf, Andrea will stop at nothing, even crossing the Mexican border illegally with the help of a people smuggler. Fabio Geda was born in 1972 in Turin, where he lives. His books include Per il resto del viaggio ho sparato agli indiani, L’esatta sequenza dei gesti, Nel mare ci sono i coccodrilli and L’estate alla fine del secolo. His books have been translated in 32 countries.

Gabriella Genisi, GIOCO PERICOLOSO Sonzogno, April 2014, pp. 192 “A delightfully Mediterranean novel, with backdrops and characters rooted in the culture of that marvelous sea. Gabriella Genisi has reconfirmed herself as one of the most interesting female writers in Italy.” – Massimo Carlotto Bari, May 2012. In a city that has become increasingly lazy and suffocated by the crisis, during a soccer final in the San Nicola stadium, a player dies. A natural death, one would say, with perhaps one too many mysteries. A few months earlier, in fact, Commissioner Lolita, investigating what seemed to many an accident, set out on an international intrigue destined to strike the foundations of Italian soccer. A sleazy mix of sport, criminal gangs and white collar professionals beyond suspicion that risks overwhelming Lolita’s private life. It’s a sultry story, inspired by the recent betting scandal in Italy’s soccer league, narrated with irony. Lolita Lobosco, 36, with long hair and 38D, is very attentive to her appearance. She hates romanticism. She drives around with a vintage Bianchina. She likes Neapolitan music, stiletto heels, good food and men. Gabriella Genisi was born in 1965 and lives near the sea, a few kilometers from Bari. She loves art, cooking and literature. She organizes the literary gathering Il libro possibile at Polignano a mare ( She is the author of Come quando fuori piove, Fino a quando le stelle, Il pesce rosso non abita più qui. With Sonzogno she published La circonferenza delle arance (2010, rights sold: Germany, Greece), Giallo ciliegia (2011) and Uva Noir. Rights for the entire series have been sold to Gemma Halliday (US). Translation rights: Sonzogno

Lia Levi, IL BRACCIALETTO e/o, September 2014, pp. 140 Can a friendship protect from the horrors of war? In a Nazi-occupied Rome, two adolescents, searching for their identities, meet. The book is set during the dramatic days between 25th July and 16th October 1943. The deportation of Jews to the Nazi death camps, from where, many will never return. The racial laws and the hope they will soon be repealed; but also the ambiguous position taken by the Vatican. Against this backdrop the burgeoning friendship between two fifteen-year-old boys, Corrado, from a Jewish family and Leandro, intensifies. A story of hope that has echoes of Ulman’s Reunion. With The Bracelet, Lia Levi celebrates 20 years of collaboration with the publishing house e/o, beginning in 1994 with Una bambina e basta. Lia Levi lives in Rome. She is the founder and managing editor of Shalom, a magazine serving the Jewish community. She is a scriptwriter, and writer of novels for adults and children. Spanish rights for La sposa gentile have been sold to Alianza.

Valerio Massimo Manfredi, LE SETTE MERAVIGLIE DEL MONDO ANTICO Mondadori, November 2014 The history and lot of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, viewed from an entirely novel perspective. How these monumental works were created and how they then went on to inspire awe among their contemporaries and for many generations to come. Just one of the original Seven Wonders still stands, the Great Pyramid of Giza, in all its exposed and mutilated magnificence. Nothing remains of the others. The bitter truth is that not even the most extraordinary works of human hands can outlive the civilisation that created them. IL MIO NOME È NESSUNO: IL GIURAMENTO (VOL. I) IL RITORNO (VOL. II) L’ORACOLO (VOL. III) Mondadori The trilogy has already sold over 340.000 copies A saga devoted to Ulysses. The trilogy tells the story of Odysseus, the hero “of the complex mind”, man of “utmost patience” and the “destroyer of cities”: the most modern of Homer’s heroes. The novels create a gigantic fresco spanning the entire epic of archaic Greece, rich with colour, tension, extreme pathos, magic and imaginings, expressed over the backdrop of grandiose scenes. Epics elements are explored in possible facts that might have actually triggered the events of the epic recounted by Homer. L’Oracolo, in a new revised edition, completes the saga dedicated to Ulysses. Everyone who read the Alexander trilogy will love this story. An unforgettable adventure in which each one of us will recognize himself and re-experience the tragic and heroic dawn of our own civilization. Rights sold to Macmillan (UK); Overlook (US); France (Lattès); Random House Mondadori (World Spanish); Netherlands (Athenaeum); Greece (Psichogios); Romania (Editura Allfa); Brazil (Rocco); Turkey (Pena) Valerio Massimo Manfredi (Modena, 1943) is an archaeologist and scholar of the ancient Greek and Roman world. His Alexander trilogy has been translated into 38 languages and published in 62 countries. He has also written screenplays for film and television, has contributed journalistic articles to many magazines in Italy and abroad and has written and conducted cultural programmes and television documentaries for important international producers.

Bruno Morchio, BACCI PAGANO’S SERIES His peers are Jean-Claude Izzo, Manuel Vàzquez Montalbàn and Petros Markaris: like them, Bruno Morchio is arguably one of the most popular writers of Mediterranean thrillers. Un conto aperto con la morte (An unsettled account with death) (Garzanti, 2014) is number eight in the detective Bacci Pagano series. Riding his little Vespa through the narrow alleyways of Genoa, the Mozart-loving investigator has a nose for fine wine, good food and beautiful women. He has a flair for tracking down murderers and weapons smugglers, falling in love and risking his life. But he is also a tad awkward and disenchanted, seldom overly keen to deal with the cases fate throws at him, and unhappy wearing a weapon. He spent five years in the clink for picking up a random gun during a protest march in the 70s. Genoa, an anything but humdrum city as magnificent as it is ramshackle, is the real star of the series as told and experienced first-hand by Bacci Pagano/a.k.a. Bruno Morchio. “Italian readers can’t get enough of detective Bacci Pagano’s amazing sixth sense.” Luciano Moraldo, La Stampa “Bacci is a down-to-earth guy who thumbs his nose at authority; he cares as deeply for his home town of Genoa as he does for his roots.” Stefano Bigazzi, La Repubblica “Bruno Morchio is a master of the new Italian-style detective story.” Stilos Bruno Morchio (Genoa, 1954) lives in Genoa, where he is a practising psychotherapist. His publications include the popular Police Commissioner Bacci Pagano series, including Colpi di coda (Garzanti, 2010), Rossoamaro (Garzanti, 2008) Le cose che non ti ho detto (Garzanti, 2007) and Con la morte non si tratta (Garzanti, 2006), Lo spaventapasseri (Garzanti, 2013) and Un conto aperto con la morte (Garzanti, 2014). TV rights sold French and Polish excerpts available

Claudio Paglieri, L’ULTIMA CENA DEL COMMISSARIO LUCIANI Piemme, October 2014, pp. 420 Police chief Marco Luciani has been assigned to protect the food critic Dario Dolci, a hugely popular yet fearlessly outspoken television personality who’s anything but politically correct. Luciani would far prefer to hang around his home turf of Genoa, sipping lemonade, but finds himself traipsing after Dolci from one star- studded restaurant to another, between superb wine tastings. Until an unidentified corpse puts in an ill- timed appearance. The cop soon realises that the threats Dolci has been receiving are more serious than he suspected. Another murder is solved, and Luciani leaves the Ligurian coastline behind as he heads off to Barcelona. Claudio Paglieri is a journalist and author. Journalism began to fascinate him at the age of 16 and he now works for Genoa’s daily newspaper “Secolo XIX”. Piemme has published several of his books including Domenica nera (winner of the Bancarella Sport prize), Il vicolo delle cause perse and La cacciatrice di teste. His books have been translated into German and published very successfully by Aufbau. Rights sold to: Aufbau (Germany)

Alessandro Perissinotto, COORDINATE D’ORIENTE Piemme, October 2014, pp. 304 All of us feel the need to tell our story and have our story told. Nobody has heard from Pietro Fogliatti in a long time. A couple of years ago he left for China to follow his dream to start up an industry and put behind him the death of Giorgia, his partner’s daughter whom he could not have loved more if she had been his own flesh and blood. In Shanghai, Pietro meets Jin, whose son has been killed by a hit and run driver. They embark on a passionate love story that for a brief, fleeting moment eases their pain. With Pietro, Jin, a talented concert pianist forced by poverty to work as a cleaning woman, rediscovers the joy of playing and a whole new life. But Pietro soon finds himself relinquishing his plans to set up a factory, and Jin returns to her husband. This is where every trace of them vanishes, until someone decides to look for them and give their story a proper ending. Alessandro Perissinotto teaches at the University of Turin and had written a number of essays and fiction. His novels have been translated into several European languages and into Japanese. In 2013 he publish Le colpe dei padri (Piemme), selected for the award Premio Strega 2013. He also writes for “La Stampa” and its supplement.

Roberto Tiraboschi, ALLA RICERCA DELLA LUCE. VENETIA A.D. 1106 e/o, January 2015, pp. 288 Venice, 1106. Edgardo D’Arduino arrives in the city of glass-makers searching for the mysterious stone, the “lapides ad legendum” which according to legend can cure his loss of vision: it is vital for him to regain his eyesight, so he can continue his work as a scribe. A desperate hunt for the miracle stone is intertwined with the investigation of an unsolved crime. The careful and historically accurate reconstruction of medieval Venice, never used before, is the setting for a tale of love and blackmail, tarnished by terrible crimes, false friendships, power struggles and natural disasters. The first in a trilogy to be published almost concurrently also in the United States and the UK. Roberto Tiraboschi was born in Bergamo but lives in both Rome and Venice. Playwright and scriptwriter, he has worked with many Italian directors, including Liliana Cavani, Marco Pontecorvo and Silvio Soldini. E/O has also published Sguardo 11 and Sonno (Winner of the Premio Nazionale di Narrativa Bergamo). Rights sold to: Europa Edition (World English Rights) English excerpt available


Paolo Paci, IL CERVINO Sperling&Kupfer, May 2015, pp. 200 The 150th anniversary of the first ascent of the Matterhorn: biography of a legend Ever since the early days of exploratory mountaineering, the Matterhorn has been the unrivalled symbol of the Alps. Following Whymper’s tragic ascent in 1865, the Matterhorn has undergone a gradual transformation from a magical, inaccessible place to an irresistible draw card for new investors, complete with high altitude cities, railways, cable ways and top notch hotel accommodations. The book is both a travelogue and a valuable piece of research jam-packed with commentaries covering the history of the mountain from a whole new perspective. Paolo Paci was born in Milan in 1959, he is a professional journalist and from a quarter-century he writes touristic reportage. He is a mountaineer and a gourmet, he has published guides, sports manual and travel novels. His latest books are: Alpi, una grammatica d’alta quota, Cuochi, artisti, visionari (both for Feltrinelli) and the photographic book 365 giorni sulle Alpi (Mondadori).

Massimo Polidoro, RIVELAZIONI. IL LIBRO DEI SEGRETI E DEI COMPLOTTI Piemme, July 2014, pp. 360 We live in an age devoid of secrets: we leave traces on social media, and our phone calls can be intercepted. And yet the world we live in is not as transparent as it might seem. Secrets and conspiracies abound, snaking their way through an underground web of economic and financial interests. From the Illuminati to September 11 and from Roswell to chemtrails, Rivelazioni (Revelations) takes the reader on a journey into the deepest chasms of global conspiracy theory. “Polidoro has the nose of a bloodhound” Umberto Eco Massimo Polidoro is a writer, professor of Scientific and Psychological Method at the University of Milan. His latest books are: Etica criminale, Un gioco infame, Enigmi e misteri della storia and Indagine sulla vita eterna (with Marco Vannini). He has written a children story under the pen name Max Keller. More information on his website.

Umberto Veronesi, Maria Giovanna Luini, Oltre il dolore Cairo, September 2014, pp. 144 Sooner or later, the human experience is overwhelmed, overrun and dominated by pain. Pain is part of life, it is a fundamental and formative event in it. In order to combat pain, you must acknowledge it and understand the reason for its presence in the body and the mind. Through enlightening reflections on the main human issues involved with the reality of pain, this book teaches that the centrality of feelings, of sensitivity and of empathy is the cure for pain. Umberto Veronesi was born in Milan where he works as a surgeon, researcher and man of science and culture. For 18 years he was at the helm of the Cancer Instute and since 1994 he has headed the European Institute of Oncology, which he founded. A senator in the Italian government from 2008 to 2011, he was Minister for Health in 2000. He is also the author of many books including Verso la scelta vegetariana (with Mario Pappagallo), Longevità, Siate liberi and La dieta del digiuno (all written in collaboration with MariaGiovanna Luini). Maria Giovanna Luini has always worked side by side with Umberto Versonesi in the fight against cancer. She is an author, physician and scientific writer at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan. She has pubblished Ricette della dieta del digiuno (with Marco Bianchi) and the novel, Il male dentro (Cairo, 2013).


Luigi Garlando, O' MAÉ Piemme, March 2014, pp. 129 A story of judo and Camorra. "The message that this book gets across is one of hope. The names may be fictitious, but their stories are true. Stories of pain, love and social vindication. Stories that bare the soul of the Scampia neighbourhood of Naples." Gianni Maddaloni (founder of the famous Judo club in Naples and engaged in fighting against the Camorra) Filippo is fourteen years old and his fate is sealed. He lives in Naples, where planning for the future is pointless. There’s only one option: to join the System. The Camorra. His brother Carmine already belongs to the Toni Hollywood clan, and works as a sentry for the Boss. But one afternoon, Filippo’s uncle asks him for a lift to Gianni Maddaloni’s judo club. Filippo thinks the boys kicking each other about in pyjamas look pretty stupid. But eventually, judo teaches him to see things differently, and soon the lad will be forced to choose between Toni Hollywood and Maddaloni. Luigi Garlando is a journalist at the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’ and a successful writer for many Italian publishers as Rizzoli, Mondadori and Piemme. His most popular books include: Per questo mi chiamo Giovanni, Mio papà scrive la guerra (Winner of the Cento 2005 Award). His bestselling series Gol! (Piemme) sells more than 5,000 copies a week in Italy alone, and is translated worldwide.

Cristina Obber, L’altra parte di me Piemme, October 2014, pp. 216 A different kind of love: the fear of feelings, and the obligation and impulse to follow them. A tender and passionate story, the relationship between two adolescent girls, Giulia and Francesca, that begins amongst the likes on Facebook. The first kiss, the first time and the first intense emotions of first love, to defend and to fight even more fiercely for given that there is no space in the equation for a Prince Charming. Cristina Obber is a journalist who writes about women’s issues. Her latest book entitled Non lo faccio più is being studied in Italian schools and has given rise to a blog: Czech rights for Siria Mon Amour (with Amani El Nasif) have been sold to Alpress.