Volume 122 n Number 25 n www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2014
[email protected] n 603.536.1311 n 75 Cents Newfound graduates told to listen to the child within BY DONNA RHODES ways carry part of the Staff Writer kid we once were, and be BRISTOL — At the better for it,” said Ruses- June 14 commencement ki. ceremony for Newfound Valedictorian Megan Regional High School, Geldermann was brief Salutatorian Ashley but sincere in her ad- Ruseski told her class- dress to the class. Gel- mates to always remem- dermann will be heading ber the child within as to the University of Okla- they head off into the homa to study chemical adult world. engineering, and she “Children are some of told her classmates they the best thinkers there each had what it takes to are. The lessons learned succeed, no matter what from the child within lies in their future. you are the most import- “Every one of us has ant lessons in life,” she the ability to succeed be- said. cause we have been well DONNA RHODES Ruseski cited the in- prepared,” Gelderman It was “Hats Off to the Class of 2014” at Newfound Regional High School last weekend as graduation ceremonies drew to a close. quisitive nature of a said. child, and encouraged As they each move came the adversities bigger, stronger and dress this year. Blake said, were a group that the class to never be forward with their lives, they sometimes faced. more prepared to move and Coach Karri Peter- was filled with scholars, afraid to ask why.