Writes Prize Essay
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-ri-r 1. up erE 0 TO.7. I CAT, LIBRARY Please Return VOL. VII, No. 33 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, August 8, 1958 12 Marine Families 4th Marine Sergeant Due Here Tomorrcw Writes Prize Essay By expressing his thoughts well The top winners from each of the Aboard SS Leilani in a letter entered in the Freedoms services will be among the 10 en- Twelve Marines, slated for duty Foundation contest on the theme, "My Task, America's with the 1st Marine Brigade or the Prottcting Air Station, are due to arrive with Freedom." Sgt. Edward E. Spiker, their famil'es at Honolulu tomor- Hq. Co., 4th Marines, entered the a check for row morning aboard the SS Leilani. winners circle to collect Eleven other Marines with $100 and a George Washington their Honor dependents will leave for the Main- Medal. land aboard the same ship Satur- His letter appears on page 2 as day night. an editorial. Arriving Satuday are: Capt. Rob- Presentation of the awards was ert W. Arsenault, lstLt. Edward C. made by Col. John H. Masters, com- Hertberg. Sets. Major John H. Staf- manding officer, 4th Marines, dur- ford and James P. Rosso, MSgts. ing an informal ceremony in his of- Ilda A. Barton, James F. West. fice Wednesday. TSgts. Joseph I. Burke, and Roman The Freedoms Foundation letter J. Hanes and SSgts Lawrence E. writing award program is a yearly Harry and Donald W. Kerns, Sgt. PLAQUE-This is the George Washington plaque awarded to Sgt. event open to all Armed Forces per- James W. Simms. They will report Edward E. Spiker of Hq. Co., 4th Marines, by the Freedoms Founda- sonnel. First prize is $1,000, second to the 1st Marine Brigade for duty. tion. Award, along with a check for $100 was presented to Spiker this prize $500, 50 awards of $100 each Reporting to the Air Station are week for prize-winning theme he wrote on "My Task, Protecting Ameri- and 50 awards of $50 each round HSgt. for a SGT. EDWARD E. SPIKER Stuart V. Schuyler and TSgt. ca's Freedom." out the monetary rewards winners John P. Sheehan. total of $10,000. All money invited Departing honorable men-1 trants to Valley Forge for K-Bay that same eve- and those receiving presentation of awards on Washing- ning on George Washington the same ship are: MSgts. tion receive ton's Birthday, Feb. 22, 1959. Peter E. Freeman, Cherry Point, `Devilcar Metal Shoe Chief Awarded Honor Medals. N.C.; George Nicol, Camp Pendle- This year's contest is on the ton. Calif.; Bernard L. Boyer, Camp theme, "My Part in Winning Lejeune: Robert E. Berland, MCS, Friends for Freedom." Ent ries, Parents, Students Quantico; Charles P. Whelan, El Mast Following Antartica Duty Stint which may not exceed 500 words, Toro; Charles A. Strauss, MCAAS, Commendatory performance of construction of a shop "Wanagan" should be mailed to Freedoms Foun- Beaufort, SC.; TSgts. Gerald L. duty and initiative earned TSgt on a surveyed cargo sled for line dation, Valley Forge, Pa., anytime Invited to Lecture Kimmel, 29 Palms, Calif.; Roland Pen- M. Smith of VMA-212 a me- use, reworking of personnel "Wana- before November 1st. K. James, Hq.Bn., HQMC; William ritorious mast Wednesday with his gan" and overhaul of thzi squadron No formal entry blanks are re- For Better L. Bowden. 29 Palms. Calif.; David squadron commander. Lt. Col. Clar- line weasel. quired. 'Math' parents and high school D. Wilcox, El Toro: and SSgt. S. J. ence H. Moore presented the Devil- Letters may be typed or written K-Bay "In addition, you manufactured students have been invited to attend Larson leaves for Camp Pendleton, cat metal shop chief a letter signed hinge brackets out of a on one side of the paper only. The elevator military a lecture Monday night at the Kai - Calif. by the commanding offices of Air steel stock for an R4D5 transport entrant's name and both addresses must be print- nalu School cafetorium dealing with Development Squadron-6 in Antar- when no replacement parts were and home tica. the ed legibly. the improvement of school mathe- available, and assisted in re- matics. rerigging of the ele- -- NCOs The letter reads, "Your perform- placement and Dr. Max Efeberman, director of CONDUCT on this plane. ance of duty while attached to VX- vators the University of Illinois Committee PARADE 8, particularly during the period "Your technical ability, coopera- Oohs Member Tops on School Mathematics, will discuss TODAY spent in Antartica at the McMurdo tion and cheerful attitude all con- a project aimed at making mathe- Staff NCOs of the 1st Bn. 4th Sound Naval Air Facility as a mem- tributed to the high state of morale matics more interesting to students. Marines, will conduct a parade and ber of the wintering-over party of among your squadron mates and Students His talk will begin at 7:30 p.m. review today at 3 p.m. on Platt DEEP FREEZE II, has been exem- others of the wintering-over group Instructor Field. plary. Territorial Governor William H. Lt. Col. E. L. Medford Jr., during this difficult period of Ant- Increased proficiency of instruc- Quinn and the Department of Pub- battalion cornmandhag officer, will "Particularly noteworthy is your artic operation. tion is slated in the near future for lic Instruction have arranged for be the reviewing officer. ability to improvise or manufacture "It is with pleasure that I com- units of the 1st Marine Brigade two University of Hawaii High Maj. Sgt. H. C. Burton has been from materials at hand. Examples mend you for the duties performed with the graduation of 12 staff non- School teachers to attend a special designated commanding officer of are the design and manufacture of and the manner of their perform- commissioned officers from the In- troops and course at the University of Illinois TSgt. R. E. Blomberg a tail jack out of timbers and metal ance while attached to this com- structor's Orienta- teaching technique of will serve as parade adjutant. Mar- to study the for rework of the Otter UC-1 plane mand. They are in keeping with the tion Course last the new course. The two, Miss Letty tial music will be provided by the tail section, the job which would highest traditions of the Naval Friday. Walsh and Mr. Edward Larm, 1st Marine Brigade band. - May normally be an O&R level project: Service. Well done." student now Illinois institution Battalion staff members will be Honor are at the of the group was in as follows: MSgt. R. F. Tibbetts. for orientation and instruction SSgt. Thomas C. TSgt. A. E. Turowski, T8gt. R. E the teaching of the course. !Terris with an Blomberg, SSgt. J. J. Adams, SSgt Anniversary The Illinois project, which has at- Guadalcanal of 94.75 J. D. Nye, SSgt. P. A. Strom, Sg: average tracted national interest, has the F. J. Coates and Sgt. R. L. Fries. in the one week following three aims: Company "A", 1st Bn., 4th Ma- Recalls Deeds Of Gallantr y course. He is a a. To make the learning of rines has been selected as Color platoon sergeant mathematics a delightful experience 7, the released his torpedoes one after the Company for the parade with the Yesterday, August marked in the Ontos corn- SSgt. Harris for the student. 16th of the landing on other, toward one of the transports. order of march being "D", "A", anniversary puny. b. To unify the mathematic cur- Led by then Maj. Gen. 'H&S", "C" and "B" companies. Guadalcanal. A ailing of Zeroes jumped him. They Lt. Col. Leo V. Gross, operations riculum, which is traditionally Alexander A. Vandegrift travel- riddled his plane constantly as he officer of the 4th Marines, was guest taught as separate unrelated sub- weary troops of the First Marine waddled home. One Japanese pilot speaker at the graduation cere- jects, e.g. algebra, geometry and Division stormed ashore to launch stayed on his tail all the way back monies held at the Brigade NCO trigonometry. Fr. A. VanBeck of Arne -lea's first counter-punch to Henderson Field and was elimi- Col. Gross ed the c. To introduce into the curricu- the general School. laud World War II. When nated only when a fighter pilot, group, emphasizing the fact that all lum the advances made in mathe- New relinquished his command of the approaching to land his own smok- students entering the re- matics which have been made in the Bn. Padre later, his course area exactly four months ing plane, shot the unlucky Zero ceived diplomas. last century and which are the cor- Father earned more Medals Alfred F. VanBeck, Lt., Marines had down. Main point of the commencement nerstone of modern science and CHC, predecessors USN assumed duties last week of Honor than their Col. Fontana commanded Marine address was that from the time a technology. World War I. as the 2nd Bn., 4th Marines chap- did in the entire Fighter Squadron-I12 and took it man achieves the status of fire team Dr. Beberman's lecture will out- lain. Ray- His predecessor, Father The living veterans of Guadalca- into battle hum Henderson Field leader, he is a teacher with three line the new course, which is slated mond E. a Navy lieu- Jackson, also nal are now scattered throughout eginning in October, 1942. It was pupils, and the number cf his for Territorial high school s. The tenant, departed Oahu for duty at various posts and sta- while leading this famed squadron pupils with the world increases with each adastion- program will be initiated in ['up- the Naval Retraining Coat - tions.