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r * f I'-Jb;’. i c < !** Sroak A n Lynihur^L. !». j * Am erkau might well pause a moment on SatiinUy. the anniversary oI tbe birth of General Lafayette* to consider our debt to France. Those who bewail .the peanuts we pass out 7 in the form of International aid today might chance their , tunc if they recall how much Lafyette and his fellow Frenchmen, lovers of freedom, risked In backing a tiny, brawling, almost unkown country In the hour It -needed help most. France’s help was not s debt to repay—it was an Ideal by which this country must always live! l YNDHl RST. N. J.. SEPTKMHKH 5. 195 Jersey City's Ban Capacity Crowd Is Expected To Witness | School Board Actions Studied Lyndhurst - East Rutherford Alumni Game ga will hold one of the end put) j On Water Use Is th>ns like he dtd at the Universe ; Closely As Reaction Mounts ty of Miami Bobby Walsh out j stan d in* .is * fn«sh at the U ni I yn«lhur»t*« political pul-e verity of Nebraska will be st \ »* iM 'itm i hotly tCMlay. on* of 'he halfbacks, Nkk "Scrap Taxpayers Pnteating Failure Of Bsard iron*' Servideo, a wrtvtling cham To Ratolva Die Of Marin Avenue Land Tlie rr4**Mi th r ll» jn i •>( Example To Us pinn and three season grid yeter h l u r a l i o n an at VM1 will be at fullback while veteran lacklr Tom Ken The question of the loss uf lax dollar* through H«»ard 1 hew next t'ehruarv r«tl« nedy of Lafayette will be a start ol Kaltaealion inaction «»n the M an n ayenue }>ro|ierl% isautk iruuiN l al le«i| I.*%»r member* er Two jrutiitBrtm. still p.tavirq ail) hr named to the hoard college ball Mill see action in the (ire laal week al ihr meeting •»( the Ho*<rd ol I dm atton Aumni Atap They are Bill) Taxpayers are becoming mor* I hi* t* on* short of « nu and more aroused over the situa ,v ,v,m„ %4ui {hm{ thr |rount1 Hughes, m «ophomor* at the Unt p » rtts versitv at Richmond and Howie tiott Super markets, whah w ould ,lf |M<, „ v|V(mK, )m Aivt U«»i folks lUillvd “ikippy lj*benow, ti junior g ive L y n d h u rst thousand* of d.d t*- tw , j,i*bl»>» by recent d*voi*pn classman at Springfield College l« v to waps tMtjr jww. «•» b«> ,,, ,Kr w.nrfm . h. « m ism tern are lostkotg fnrwayd t*> U*-** Of the thirty player sqqad car ml brrww* lh» of Mu ihfi, I ......... It,. I ti,* l.n.1 r.tJtM! haB r.fUMKt I*. Ct*W . pits T , ,, , , _ wk,„, efer. l*o*« in th r h o p e l h * t * W * riad by Lyndhurst eleven of the look be g u an kite t*M**d. nlayei v are back*, -even are ends of the property it »*wns at Marin pun>»>«» Avenue i ltr, Her* ace a .le-* f tW th*i ft\ «• are tackle*- four are guard* The heatrd discussion wa* i t* w-h‘i*'h • W o I. ta«i<oy • . ’ nty> gnd three are pivolmen In addi •tartetl v* hrn Jators Dr I .•-ll.« ‘ ’ v ‘ school matter* pe the * ?MVr ite' «. tion to the above mentioned back a Kidge Hoad liquor sli-r* pr> ^ ' ' ' t* ..V*'1 1 ’* Studied th em S>*r«fr men their will tie Anthony prletor sold that .dtei* ftu thr ! * that a »** I T he b o a rd bam *«**e*npe--f Longo. l)av«* Ysncnello. Jimmy th a t th e h ig h undeCgOlr-.g Naaare. Kussell Kerr. Frank lp wo^erty has been made a. fa, *‘‘‘u V -1 ‘ f • ‘“V" ' .f* 1 ,h* polito. A nthony G u id a sn d BUI back as i m and that the t».ard ‘I J;‘ . ' W i ' t Z n < m bors had pi* n ty of tim e P re n d rl gi«'! study and make '' V‘K * ' " * *** Beside* Osinga and Ltebenow lions for fin a l disp»*sitH*n th e Hl’ v "'* * ,a " at the flanker-position present peooerty t v ri • 1,! h «. U ,, ,1 If »..> « h.*d proprny , 1 ,,,,>*1,1. ,iK.t and Veady lot action will tn* th at th e 1 1 Aft 40* Qeorgt Nkxd, Jobnpy Cgssaliano l»(<>gtam ftryt |h a a e P au l ii Kiaft. Hn hie Dom ann o Parochial Schools tiiSuon m*i«ad and F.rgnk CRrt ten Al the tackle .1 T he b o a rd name«f alow with Kennedy will be Turn WIN H ave 30% of c*t. i-> e b M ir«d«ry Hip^ont.NtftU .«» »•! ! Gibbon* Italo Ricci’, Gerhardt i t t f l ' Daub and Chris. Gervaat while the Tow nship C hildren ■ and then shifted pen j guards will be Richie Gunthei t/>e Uouhlr (OitSffd through the sysie.T. year old t>»>ys-ptay m uch aa <«*n»oltii»s K, * \ (Continued on Page |0) I viulinir*! * |i a r o c h i a I « F ran k bn -aryd C o i The' twuwrd M’liiHiU Will holl»r alioiit ill i« rda> area* |j'.*ve»1 |3 SO© study N a new jierceltl of ihr IwWllglllp'* . v, Fvatii’nal «ent«m gram* *HtK>ot a ■ i.t that the iaM .m the metier ir4 * i Lyndhurst Woman Answers Queries *chool children when th ey ry) tm b -P *»**> ■I.-«« u u « > r r n a - .open next MnmlaV , nwnftbtn* iiwmei.v* , I ■ -• . •• Thr knelling |iaro«hi<il dir«N,b-t •tw .ubf. W At N. Y- Port Authority Bui Terminal '«i V tsa the avliVlty -• hool altrlidauer |»a# led lo ! - ......... V k'}M*i'ulatnui on w hrlhrr a |«.« realties that the morale of thv«e woOien employee* will be directly riH'hial high m h o o l i* n o t rofb*cted in their conatant con neitl in line in l.>ndhur>t tpcl> with the public then work Wtien St Mu hsrl s o(* "t fot • ru*eee t ing echrduJea are varied to let Monday it will have, eight full M .a %1< •1er Rtcadela backed JTieat afl share m both the busy rndes and ovei &OU students ll. Ruggiero i hi#- ftatemaot that and d u* i periods. And th en ti- une of neat year the « twnd sil' the land im . cf fm rw )* « ii i n give Ru n work schedules t-yon Jp ro m o te Its Aral «la*» t<- hig» p u rfa^ a^ v waked the b»H»rd nvno fleaibility they *r* sHle seboof ’ i;e Hal# a- t*',-n arsd to srrs nj:e working schedulao What, htgh «h»«»l w»ll thry sl *t.»i I th i. i. »** t and tu help the am ong th**n> selves trnd* Primary consideration in selet l j Sa* i «<1 H ear I Par ! ing new information agi>nts, 'aaidi. will have 7U0 Bludvnu «nd «eee< | from proflr.ietM'y at reading .map* j full fra d r* * h rn th e m b. - t .. ond tunotobtos, is given ti» thru Monday In «n<dher year Sa> ied as.litv at ;pM sona.1* «. ni.. I w..rk Heart will promote ita first • Ros.ory Society Any previous training al<>ng this . tn High a h o o t.. line u usually an asset to an in W hat high ». Im ol grfU i -. M eeting is H eld f.vrmation agent le n d ' lteali*ifig that haruti. .«i*l«•* (Iff U nder presient «.u« u«tsi»*’ e? v n i' Can h a n d lr Ul ..*••!*» the some of th* studen<la <<>uld ivr *-1 Pi.»r.k Authority has be^un to em ixfi tlaltd at St Mai * » In .R 1 pi. v theos person* iu this servbe ; erford and t^ueel^ .*f |Va«e u Worth ArliOstoo But twit.h _•> ' iL r«» <«» a i hawd f « , The- well supervised training uf those ;'acbonla. pt* ,hwi«iii‘in# a-i a itt |io « v#M ■ the mfoimstion agents is reflet ■ rowded Where Will Lyndhut‘1 u-f in theu effh leia y in answer (isriM hial g rad u a te s g-< pr«»vid**i' mg as m any as •ObJKkl iequest» tNr> d«' not* w an t tw "g« !• |«wtd»> ItreeSf a*t (U< .i yesr a Valuatde «rn i. > t »• hr*.. I? (arsons in the New Jersey New The question k being Y ik afea many ti* o.es i.^t^y The question is **f rt**» pot tinency »n l.y n d h u rat t i..a ,». i*. H<-a.id of KlfuratkK) iv>« is study ing a ITto.UOO sd d itio n i.. tt« Chart** T lioskelly. son uf Mr high «*< h*«ol Koch an add<t- o *.»■ and Mis T A Hoskelly of Page ptos a srboni iivenue, had as guests al his 7th «dl h tv b. al«a* rl tha birthday psity on Thuisdly Judy p m ix hial H •id Norma Tham^son, Iui* H b s m i . if ba- • frtl Hs • ■ . («eary, Hossruary , Jerque^. of >t M ah o el * get tb» I vndhuist and Judy ^••tm*. n oiRlal high M idi* " l( lit her ford T be Hcaikellys spent • i|4v>r« .df n.'i '•»<!» gtama tbe weekend at Lake Hop*t< ong.