PAUL SAYS T*O M U Ch a M Erg Er A* an Absorption
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M CE SIXTEEN THE COMMERCIAI, LEADER AND SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW TÏÏTRSD \ Y MW 7. 1950 I aw ay. M r. Average Taxpayer en j alliance. G ro u p 781K#»tart a __ Conservation. or Else I just wishes the smell would go fund for eventual purchase of Now is a time when the trees are unfurling their leaves and away. a vt mdovt in new St. Michael Commercial leader buds to the sun. The whole country «id** is green and the wild ___________________ Church. life are roaming in search of food after that long winter. a n » t h * soiTii BEHCET« «crtrw To all those who supported our y Established 1921 To see all this Uautv and splendor one merely has to take Mrs. Pkkerelli card party you are very much T V Commercial In in k the oflriat aewapaper af a ride up to the rural areas or go to one of our local reservations. I £ Gentlem en, Appreciated for all your sustain But in fifty years, will we have any forests. No, not if .man dors j VrVI I W O I I ID S I OI* Thank yeu for your wonderiu! ing support LYNDHURST HOME OF CHAMPIONS not realize that we must reforest, plant brush and cover for wild- A SIS help as well as sin ere thanks tf Mrs. I Sergan, life, and help nature in many other ways Can conservation groups A U X IIIO ry all the benefectors .who ha\e C h a irlad y and agencies do enough woik for conservation7 No, conservation h* l| cd *he C.rcle of Polish Worn Mrs. A Olkowski. President Published every Thursday by The Commercial Leader Printing Company | is not just a job for the Department of Agriculture, Girl Scouts.: Mr*. Thomas Pickerelli. pit i- at 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, N. J. Telephone GEn^v* 8-8700-8701 Boy S' outs, spccial conservation groups, etc. It is a job for every dent of the Bergen County Amer- onc of su, male or female. youni* oi old. R* nemher, the next *t*n ^el>‘un Auxiliary, accompan- E d i t o r John Svvino timr you drive through the country that conservation is an end- ‘e<1 approximately KHJ jumoi less chain, take one link from that t hain and the chain is destroyed. Auxiliary members on ‘a Sta»< Mgr f.i.NtsT J Dtra>f.TT A dvertising M g r Sam i i l C. P ie b s o n ___________j If you plant one tree, you create a home for wildlife and a holder Department Pilgrimage to Val- Entered as second class mailer April 7. 1938 at the Post Office of Rutherford N J.. of the 5°‘1, and ,his h,,ldt’r of ,ht so11 ' "■>'« clear s* .lt runnmc lcx Forxe S a tu rd a y mikinp t.streams, * ri>Q m c andunrl 1these hiiii' in fnpnturn, bringU.,. plenty* of fish and abundant wild .,h* 1- —. * ,riP ^ 4!wu - ----- chartered* 1 1busses. under I lie Act of Mareh 3. 1879 On Monday of this week HHj i senior Auxiliary members lelt TEN TENTS PEK COPT James R Hannagan Subscription $2.50 Per Year Hackensack Court llou^e at 8 30 a.m. for A tla n tic C i 'v to .attend the luncheon horw>rin*; M rsJC h a r , le» W . Gunn. National President, now on a visit to N e w Jersey. How Many More ? Local Shopping Mrs. Pick e re lli served on thr ■ luncheon committee and wao a T h e P o rt of New York Authority bu> There i* a real connection between the color bearer for fhe National te rm in a l h one of ihp fim>t facilities in president. M rs. F re d Laux of report there are today 37S.OOO fewer per- Cresskill. second vice president the metropolitan area. It ha> fulfilled a sons entering the heart of New York than of the county organization, also vital function since it wat* opened fix yearn there were eight )ears h£o . - - and the attended the luncheon. •go. Mrs. William Guthrie. Sr.. Ro sight of the new Thom Me An store rising chelle Park, Mrs. Jack E. John. on Ridge Road, North Arlington. Once Bergenfieid, Mrs. Ralph Heaton. But already it i* bulging. Or. rather, Wtth«* fH* to*t few y»orv Hundred» O# Closter, all past departnfent pres the M cAn was a city name for a medium Myxnondi oi fomil»«* Sov* switched *o a it haa been bulging more and more for the idents, were among those sched >»%od*r»» fo rm o l p r o p e r t y M H uro laat year as the crowds pack into it. price shoe center. Now it is going into the uled to be honored. Special To The leader necessarily make a man leader of THf HOMfOWNfRS POLICY H « highways. Once the customers went to Me HACKJENSACK-The appoint W h e n N ew ^ ork Central discontinu* his leader of his community or no# only IW« ond lightning, but tom* 16 An. Now McAn goes to the customers. m ent of Bob MacAlevy of Hobo of his party B-D M E N S IN G E R S o**»*» p«rilt wctt ot wmdilofm, I •d ha Weehawken ferry about 3,500 com ken to the Port of New York AVE BUSY PROGRAM plo««on. tK«ft and o*H»rv h o I»© includes muter« chose other means of transporta The fact that the shoe store is settling in Authority, juiciest appointment The state administration has Con'pr*h*n»iv* Per*o«ol Liability Inswr- a governor has to hand out, has • taken the meadow lands situation The Men’s Chorus of Becton. tio n . I t ia estimated about 3,000 of them one of Bergen County's booming centers r a * c m »♦ you Own your horn«, th« policy Dickinson and Company has a - - - the North Arlington complex of service stirred off a new storm. It took | into hand. The results will be ] cov*r» boMi your res»d*nc* ond It* con now m a k e uw of th e bus terminal. Thin Bill Clark, acting editor of Th«* busy schedule planned for M \ interesting. Conservation Com- | tent». H you r% nt you» Kom#, it COv#r* your stores • • - is a commentary on the chang Newark News and a tough guy The Chorus, iryide up of nine th e re a re close to 7C.000 persons niissioner Bontempo h waiting ' p«r«onol property *uch ot furnishing», with a column, to note that for all 11 municipalities he wants tet*n male em ployees at the urui- j the terminal every day - - - the great ing economic life oi our times. ciotW*, applioncai and hundreds of Governor Meyner had apparent- I in the auent y that has been! cal supply manufacturinß firm, O tK * r bulk of them during the peak travel hours Downtown isn’t dead. But it isn't go ly traded off the appointment created. Instead, acting on the performs b<»th at company and civic functions. Wirt* th* HOMEOWNERS, on* policy in the morning and afternoon. ing to grow. Not when centers like that in for some political advantage in law. which .ays the agency goes Hudson County. into existence after three muni The Chorus will appear on M r« placet three ot W You hove only H ow m an y can the terminal handle? North Arlington spring up with plenty of cipalities approve, he has none 14 before veterans at the Vete one pre«mu*n to p ay on* agent to rans Administration Hc.-jifd d eal with . one company to looit to for parking space, open air and broad approach Just why Meyner would take ahead. He e t the necessary ap T h e P o rt Authority plans to make the East Orange. paym ent of datm* May we rou atoreV to playing politics with the ex provals from North Arlington, i highwayyg. The follow ing w et k. on Mu\ rooftop, now devoted to parking, an ad plosive P o rt A uth ority is not Kearny and Moonachie. dition when the time is ripe. How this will IP. the Chorus will be heard at The dwindling transportation to the clear. But he be^an to sh >w h the Industrial Management of be done remains to be seen since it is a Whi ther the m \ . agency will city center .> a major obstacle to .he growth ^ ^ j ' T r t f o c . ™ ? an supplant tne highly successful Bergen C ountv d in n e r meetuv.; at the Neptune Re^tau^ant m long, long drill to the roof via escalator. of downtown. Folks are finding it jurt too Essex County Di motraU hand Meadow lands Regional Planning Board or uni k ith it—or what Param us T h e re is little doubt, however, the hu£ darn hard to ^et to the city and out a- to the authority. The apix)int- On May 25 the Chorus ui'l m ent of M a c A le v y is one more — mu>t he d’-cided. The Regional SAVINO AGENCY terminal wiH need expansion and soon! p a in . -roup has a wealth of experience si/ig at a benefit for Ronald Can step in that direction. It i* al nclla at the Central Theatre, m ost ce rta in that M eyn er soon behind it But it .