Board Members Named
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s In sid e W eath er MICHIGAN Partly cloudy today and Viet Nam protests, p. 2; tonight. High 48 to 53. Seniors of the week, p. 7; STATE Gusty winds. Green Splash, p. 9. UNIVERSITY NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 20, 1965 Price 10c ASMSU Picks Chairm an; %& Board Members Named Meeting North Viets Reject Scheduled i tomorrow C a ll F o r o tia tio n s By JO BUMBARGER State News ASMSU Writer TOKYO T1—Communist North settlement. is to carry out the under this formula the United Viet Nam rejected Monday an points” laid down by North Viet States would pull out of South John McQuitty, East Lansing appeal by 17 neutralist nations namese Premier Pham Van Dong Viet Nam, leaving the Saigon gov Junior, was named chairman of for negotiations without precon April 12: ernment to contend with contin the Student Board at its organi ditions to end the fighting in Viet —Recognition of basic national ued North Vietnamese aggression zational meeting Sunday. Nam. rights of the Vietnamese people. without American support. The Receiving the two appointed The rejection - - announced by —Withdrawal of foreign mili result would be to deliver South positions in the seven and a half- the official Viet Nam news agency tary personnel in accord with the Viet Nam to the Reds, they said. hour meeting were FrannieFrei, INTERNATIONAL FUN — Just preparing for the In- (VNA) in a radio broadcast — 1954 Geneva agreements on Viet JOHN McOUITTY Dearborn junior, and John Mil U.S. Undersecretary of State JIM TANCK ler, Bangor junior. ternationalFestival is fun for these little members renewed Communist proposals Nam. George W, Ball, however, left of the campus international set. Their paper toys made one week ago and since —Settlement of South Viet Webb Martin, Flint junior, is Nam’s internal affairs "in a c the door open and prodded the board vice chairman, and Jim may be among the exhibits in the Auditorium May 8. termed unacceptable by U.S. of Reds for an answer to the appeal Photo by Kenn Roberts ficials. cordance with the program” of Tanck, Waterford, Wis., junior, made by the nonaligned nations will be chief executive officer The reply had been awaited in the Viet Cong. that talks begin without prior con Washington as the key to the —And peaceful reunification of of the cabinet. Viet Nam "without any foreign ditions. Hanoi regime’s position on Pres "North Viet Nam has not re During the meeting, the 14- ident Johnson’s offer for ‘’un interference.” jected anything,” he said. member group interviewed five conditional discussions” made U.S. officials have said that petitioners for the appointed seat AC Tenure Revisions April 7 as well as the appeal going to a woman, 19 students signed April11 in Belgrade by the for the other appointed seat, and nonaligned nations. three applicants for the cabinet Go To Committee The Communist Agency, which head. said it was authorized by the Kosygin Warns U.S. ties were discussed at length be North Viet Nam government to The next meeting, open to the The Academic Council voted to fore the tenure report was re- make the statement, renewed public, will be at 8:30 p.m. Wed refer tenure revision proposals fered back to committee for fur charges against President Of Viet War Deadline nesday in 311 Student Services. back to the tenure committee ther hearings. Johnson’s proposal, calling it "A McQuitty and Martin were Monday at their regular meet Also, Provost Howard R. Ne smokescreen to cover up the U.S. MOSCOW if) Premier elected to the board without com ing. ville submitted a progress re imperialists' new military ad Alexei N. Kosygin accused the American forces in Viet Nam petition in tiie senior at-large- Specific proposals on liber port on the new " semi-autono- ventures in Viet Nam. United States Monday of step have used the gases. dlvision. alizing academic freedom and re mvus" college which will be es It also ruled cut any mediator ping up the war in Viet Nam Rut Kosygin pictured U.S. vamping tenure rules to bring tablished next year as an experi role by the United Nations as and warned a "dangerous military commanders in South An Honors College member, them in line with other universi- "inappropriate” and contrary to Viet Nam as having used gas McQuitty is a former executive ment in dealing with size prob deadline” is near. against Viet Cong guerrillas vice president of All University lems at MSU. the 1954 Geneva agreements par He said the use of gas and JOHN M ILLER Neville said MSU officials were titioning Viet Nam into North and other weapons such as phos without White House sanction. F r a n n ie f r e i Student Government (AUSG) and working out details of setting-up South. phorous and napalm bombs sophomore class president. the new college, and that they The broadcast claimed that "may Invite retaliation in Martin was AUSG director of Midwest were in the process of select Viet Cong guerrillas now control kind.” inter-University affairs andpar- ing a dean. three—fourths of South Viet Nam. The present situation, Ko Com m ittee A ppointed liamentarian of Student Con The Board of Trustees will "It is clear that at the present sygin added in a television gress. Flooding appoint a dein for the new col time any solution to the South address , is "fraught with un _ m lege at their Thursday meeting at Viet Nam issue without the de foreseen consequences.” Miller is junior class presi The Viet Nam policy state dent, Omicron Delta Kappa hon Oakland University. cisive voice of the South Viet orary vice president, and a mem Continues A progress report outlining the Nam national front for liberation m ent—the Soviet Ufllon’s H ighw ay D ispute U nsettled ber of Blue Key service honor CHICAGO (AP)—The Mississ success of University College (Viet Cong) is impractical,” it toughest to date--capped ary. ippi River, churning at record courses and discussing future said. weekend disclosures of Krem MSU officials and representa tee to study the problem further. to the present Grand Trunk rail high levels, carried southward plans for revision was accepted The statement said that “The lin pledges of additional mili tives of the State Highway Com The state Highway Commis road tracks. Another Honors College mem Monday the flood havoc that has by the Council. basis for the soundest political tary aid to North Viet Nam, mission both stood firm Monday sion and the University have been Their main proposal was to ber, Miss Frei has been class crippled parts of five states. including Russian volunteers on their proposals for construc at odds for some time as to how build the highway at ground level. secretary for two years and is The peak of the most severe in case of need. tion of a highway which will bi the proposed highway should be They also presented alternative treasurer of Spartan Spirit. She It also appeared to lend sect the campus. constructed. proposals to build the highway belongs to Tower Guard and Al flooding ever, on the mighty Miss After an hour and a half meet pha Lambda Delta scholastic hon- issippi and tributary streams weight to speculation that the Three Highway Department of above ground level. appeared about over at Minn- Russians may be on the verge ing in the president’s office failed oraries andTauSigma social sci No Place Like Home to produce any acceptable re ficials presented their proposals ence honorary. eapolis-St. Paul, where the river of setting up antiaircraft mis "Our position is that the route siles on sites reported in sults, President John A. Hannah for the highway which will be lo should be built below ground lev crested late Friday and then appointed a three-man commit cated on south campus parallel Tanck was Spartan Spirit dir began to recede. preparation around the North el so that University traffic will Away From Home Vietnamese capital, Hanoi. not be hindered by the tremen ector, a former Student Congress But downstream a dozen member, and a member of the communities, including Winona, dormitory will be used to house Kosygin, speaking at a So- dous amount of traffic using the By JIM STERBA 200 viet-Mongolian friendship highway,” said MSU Secretary homecoming executive commit Minn., and La Crosse, Wis., Administration Writer about freshmen women who girded to meet crests due Tues enrolled in the liberal arts col rally for visiting Premier Threat Of Automation Jack Breslin. tee. day and Wednesday. Farther "The coeds in Phillips Hall lege. This means that the "Phil Umzhagin Tsendenbal of Mon south, in Illinois, Iowa and Mis are sick and tired of being man lips way of life’ is about to be golia, denounced the use of “We are not in a position to handled by the University,” said destroyed, according to the resi naplam and phosphorus bombs accept any of the Highway De Cabinet Petitions souri, crests were expected later Seen By Publishers partment’s recommendations at in the week. one blonde at a roundtable dis dents. and what he called "poisonous The flood, building up the last cussion recently. "Phillips Hall isn’t like the gases” in Viet Nam. NEW YORK UP—Automation as cussed were restrictions on Viet this time,” he said. Petitions for ASMSU vice pres two weeks, already has made an She was referring to feminine rest of the dorms on campus,” The United States has sup a labor-saving threat to Jobs Nam correspondents, and gov The three-man committee, ap idencies and cabinet appoint estimated 40,000 persons home unrest in Phillips generated by said a senior who had lived in plied the South Vietnamese once again drew the attention of ernment versus private econom pointed by Hannah to study the ments are available in 334 Stu less and caused property damage the University’s plan to locate the dorm for the past four years.