- - . :-. -: - - - . - -: . ---r----- - - --- - . - - - - ' , r ; J 41 . t Ts' )1I. , : J } _ 4 h ' . : :A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trITE OMAUA DAT-.Y BEE , JANUAflY 20 , 1S95. p Su.AY - < , : - NEBRASKA 'UOJ redneedhisrecord to 2l3 through the thicket to the spot , anti pointing laIn Ruatin , In right ; Speer . In left- HORSES IN FRONT the past season . T Is now prop- - (} ; net SUPREMACY IS NOT Prlnc the to a small hole at the fet of n god-lzt field and lteddington1 yenter . are SETTLED LIHTTflOHQ-FIT erly of Charles . tree . ho said ho saw quail go In ther rosily to begin training the season al _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Durango Belie ,nbbl0 by I down . thinking to bird 1895. on . Judg Holall. knel I catch the Arbuthnot ! Captain Case FULGUA1HTD. has reduced htr record from : , : . , hole extended back only thl1t the further short are the of hut ) Lovelace , the Egotist brought from I iiol. Il 'ear'l rest Dixon Oould What the State's Racing Stables Acmp- - cIl than cuhi reach and was evidently 1 victorious team who m1.WILbe missing when Orf" aDl Do to Kentucky last winter by . D. Gould , did low root. Uundy tried his luck with no bet- Captain Itustin calls . tcgether.- . Wn in Year vehi Make Draw . T'S@[email protected] _ the during the season and Chandler.- . ter success , and to catch neb lCeaior. who some . 1shed Jut Oem} pal did . work 'H : who drove him , says ho trot a whole lot determIne } brllanl I Cn after thIs failure . to d'g fielder ; QUh , substitutea I CJHESTAWARD : Mbslulo 'e faster than hIs record or 2:20. i him onto With a couple or Maul sticks we lhorl , and TrutleanIs the substitute I Delbrt , the good 4-year-old colt by Gama- soon TWENTY-FIVE VERY 'WORlD CObUMBIN . AT TIlE TRAP AND IN TIlE FIELD reached the root which we found toC pitcher . of last season , ,Wjihi bo candidates RCmoS EXP.-- leon , 10T II practicaily Nebraska here , al- green anti too bulky cut Into with our again this . the hardest UN1QULD- thought over( In , ye3r Shorlwlll.bo owned just the line Kansas pocket knives , and were again nonpluued.- . to fill. Quimby it he would south or Alma. All of his training has been pace coultlo it DESICrt4 Wo were about to givel the Job up when up lila mInI} to , but hi Is a Decision thin , ' of the nan Jleld-I'rORpcct for given hIm In Nebraska , re- the Crowd- Ar40 Jrcur frol however lie - Dundy what was the matter careless! player and unreliable . lnd Shooting a- his past season to 2:21: , wih apihat (Stub Ilmick-ilcCleI tue the fprlnJ - .ducO recrd the shooting Iske Into it. and I could There ore new stars that have been nl11 Jolnj E. P. 0. second performer or General- 01 10 hear Colored : nnd the flegular- nothing theI with It , wo located the of, but Nme plaY show up oy-Ulxon Ull Most Uaal Garfield , Is Nebraska product , and he took mater god , . VeekIj . 1 quail so thlt not ho Injured , and during the . , like Cap. ot tile Lcisilng , a record} or 2:25: the past season , Captnldtustn ONE JadJet with n half.dozen shots n hole lain Armstrong , to at-- UNION. Guelph , owned Lincoln , lies placed one 8ufclenly atend , nl large to nllh } new performer to his In the pacer St. admit a' hand was tend strictly to business In orer lroduco- credit green , afll( reachIng In I pulled out the a creditable team , FENTON.- . r For n number or year nebraska 1)een-) Croix , 3:18: . rot COREY ISLAND , N. Y. , Jan. * bird alive. was handsome ceck , and( 1Not. ( . , - ha , , lie history and her That every-day horse Morgan owned withistanthing the HornInont In trotting horse lien after n laugh over 1 peculiar method of 03m.t hA T1l'NiS cl.vn EbECTION , per ShowIng made by NATIONAL. nt Lincoln his record 2:20: to the tame been from the water- reduce rrol catching quail , I told Dundy give "Jacl Dempsey nIght , there hal hernhle : ,, w' lust lat General } ot I'aclflc the pine-clad 2:1 him a chance! for hIs life. So , Puhiltis tip our Chosen nuil l'lnn for Sensomi larger attendance of sporting : Ihore the le nurly , owned by Clinton I3riggs , not Uferr .ed the eitmt'nt hip wo l'nrtl"Uy Outhlin1. t- . Nebraska's chnmpon light- only : % past- waded out some twenty-five here The twenty-five round contestt . ! AOflLS1 of 1alne his record to 2IG the yardsbool or chub tonigh. , - . relluce the rushIng Platte. I was to Members the Omaha Lawn } Foathorstone - hll horses have done moro to make the s , the sire of Wilbur . 2:19.: and T.nnl betw ! n Dixon , the "Coloret , " and : harnea nlon hut throw him up anti Dundy was to do the heM nn interesting meeting Bachelors- Wonlor 1,1 __., a great . shot- nl . Omaha , Neb , to known nbroad than any lag , yesterday evening. "Young' Gnifto" was the bIg vent on to- tL4g treat wosern , owned by Meadowbrook Farm , LIn- and at a given signal up lie went The Quarters There was Dna thIng , withalthe posslblo or Ita Nihiist first iarrel wns a tulsa , tii large nttendnnco of the members and In hlglit's program. There were rumors f- L5 exceplon , the sire or Maggie T. , that reduced hilt second A. DEANE & Co. , 1116 FARNAIVI ST. , . ago tumbled him neatly Into the floating Ico. large umnoutit of business was tronsacle- . tramiblo as to the selection of , as t populiet leglsllture Two year atato her record to : last season. a referee Wiiohcazilo anil hi'tmtIl 2l84 d.r. Will G. Donne waS elected into prominence the home of the Packet Is promising Nebraska 2-year-old George President the and isis hacker obJertd to tame n : has accepted Dr. Car- hy nearly tote , In succession Australa , that took record or 2:27 past season JCelnman unanimous , , } two champion pacers , n Acton yearling the ver's 100.bhid It Tin Tim , stepped Into the AND a match and , BICYCLES Belo i'ehletior .Iowned I'-alrbury , Nob. makes to Mr.I C. S. Cuhhimighmm who has the- lurst HALL'S SAF1S. , 2 years viii take place , ago , 101'C ring when Fred Burns announced first Agemit waemtcti every lit : :2O: % , and her halt brother , Online n grand showing os sire or new performers at Dlrnslde near Chl cluuln that capacity and leaves the iusltion towli ohirisk'n amid ltmwa. a February 1. tl' } bout , between Dunn of Australia and - , : , horsemen have thin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or hur- - old 2:11 and from that tmo the nest season. I four new ones - - with the satisfaction Imowh11 thal lck = - - ( rapid strIdes fastest Ietlnl; taking un.rcc of StaiirhIn or lag his tenure of olhlco ho httsiilimceti the Fred or , Time men met _______ - pen kept busy olowlng the AMlclnton. Weds Phiadelphia ii ____ : on L" of rt In n vcr )' lirornislng rommnmi hade hy the stat home ot great turf 2:161. Is' now sire sIx the Secretary Steiner! or ChIcago hiss issued n orgnnlzaton condIton. t catch weights In n six go , Dlnn ' In Itussell- . over thirty members : 150( 't went lie by Lord statement showing . weighing rounds and fl Pumtds- 1_ 4. rforinerv. Last yeara Nebraska horses the financial standing of son and last night another eleven sinuses - . .Itepubiican , owned before his death at neat- lucre. Time referee awarded the fight to the , with full share of the American Trotting the were submitted or men who Intcmled to into winter quarters their rico Neb , by J , N. Ladd , has a new per- nssoclaton nl : AustralIan. or 1SOI , join the yenr Their names are yearling and , : close The receIpts general eOllnl honors and still retained the former In I'at 1. 2:21. W. U. ) , Harry McCormick , P. A. "Jack" Madden of Breol'n met 1,1" , by , fund during the year Kemp , ! , O. G. , -yr.olll pacing records , besldos having Lady Iris Homulul owned by F. W. amounted to 11on Jolla 10"e Youghn or Trenton , N. S. The boys weighed Baldwin or Lincoln , took a record the or this 05917. W'alince , Pisiiip , J. W In 105 pounds go. } 6.yearold pacIng race pall amount $16,818.86vas , Hasltel amid at each for a six round the stallon : recelvCI C. S. iiauinaus. ' .ddel season of 2:2T % and showed sown excellent payment or , hand Ute ex- - In the fifth round Captain Clayton stophieti or : , by the great- annual dues the sum collected By the tIme the season It Is held Ontonlan . fight. declsiomm 2:071 qualities.- from Ones , penalties end recording foes being I.ected that several others vIlt join lnnn- the The was gIven In MaJ- race horse that over lived , everything Shadeland Onward , the great owned , In good . est sIre chilly the club Is n condition for tlcn's (avor. l.u tmqo I _ , ___ 745873. The , 1 T : I I b.dtmr by tiuoti.u.immut. iuioumtlihy , , , , . by Gould & . , . makes disbursements were 24183.80 thin the . : C TlJ IL 4 , of leilt.s pmlnr Hobble 1' , Mother great race Miller Fullerton Nob. openln of itonson George rIng 050 , ac-- mmm'mmsmriiui t&i I t I I : Dxon entered the nl i S't I" i , rd tide auth o ' , mmii' i'm. consIdere another good the past season , having leaving balance In thin treasurer's Othel' who were electeti were Neverfimihe.
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