Odhams' A.B.C. of the Great War
-/If) .. i!k,s/«».Vn'j . W-- '(ft , , I' .Oil. i:K .' ODHAMS' A.B.C. OF THE GREAT WAR =ol[S -o oo lo- -o o \r nl li| ODHAMS' ^r^ A.B.C. 3 OF THE GREAT WAR Compiled and Edited by E. W. GOLBROOK \2} London: ODHAMS LIMITED 39 King Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2 ^ Jj Ito o- -o oo o- -o o To the Tuhlic '^^ 3LL that is claimed for this work is that it is a compilation of the various miscellaneous accounts, articles, etc., which have been issued from day to day, carefully collated from news- papers, text-books, biographies, geographies, etc., etc., set out in alphabetical order, which, it is hoped, will be found of service as a guide to the war and as a took of reference. !t has been my endeavour to put in very brief form everything that it is desirable to know relating to the war, and which one could have ascertained for oneself by perusing the various newspapers, books, etc. (not, however, always accessible), on the subject ; but / have done it for you, I have not gone into past history, but have merely stated how the war commenced, who is in it, and the dates when, and the places where, each event in the war took place after the commencement of it. Germany's lust for world power, its aims at world domination, its intention to crush France and Russia and then Britain, taking the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife as its excuse for committing its horrible atrocities, is left to others to expound in full.
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