JOBNAME: EE3 Forrest PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Mon Sep 23 12:30:40 2019 Index A1 (British submarine) 293 archipelagic (zone) 107, 220, 226, 278 A3 (British submarine) 293 Ardent HMS 168, 260 A7 (British submarine) 175 Ardgantock 90 A19 (German torpedo boat) 64 Ardmount 52 abandonment (of ownership) 91–6 Area 110, 112, 224–7, 229, 233, 262, Aboukir HMS 27, 29, 52, 81, 108, 278, 280, 282 126, 150, 169–70, 175, 221, 228, Arethusa HMS 10–11 280, 285, 304 Arfon HMT 56, 204, 292–3 Admiral Nakhimov 82 Argentina 78, 136 Adriatic Sea 22–3, 31, 35, 41, 45, 49, Ariadne 11 51–2, 116, 181, 236 Ariane 33–4 Adventure Galley 235 Ariel HMS 29 AE1 27, 33, 49, 62 Armistice 45–6, 239 AE2 2, 17, 51, 62, 105, 107 Armstrong, Elswick 79 Aegean 15, 49 Armstrong, Whitworth 78 Agincourt HMS 78 Athos 41 aircraft 6, 32, 36, 46, 94, 103, 134, Atlantic 25, 36, 38, 49 139, 144–5, 203–4, 208–9, 211, Atlas of the 2Seas Project 68 220, 223, 225–7, 261, 273, 289, Aud 162, 299 303 Audacious HMS 34, 38, 51, 56, 161, Albania 41, 51 181 Albatross 22 Australia 5, 9, 17, 31, 36, 39, 40, 42, Alcitpe 62 49, 51–2, 70, 75, 95, 99, 106–7, Algeria 50–51, 183 128, 173, 221, 233, 236, 239, Amalfi 23, 125, 236 240–42, 244–5, 249, 251–2 Amiral Charner 24 Austria 113 Amphion HMS 9, 56, 232, 247–8, Austria-Hungary 4, 22, 26, 35, 45, 49, 255, 302 51, 83, 102 Anchor Line 40 auxiliary vessels (ships) 3, 5, 31, Anglia HMHS 42, 150 38–40, 44, 46, 51, 79–82, 99, Antilles 42 139–40, 144–5, 150, 255, 264, Antisubmarine Division (British 267–9 Admiralty) 61 Anzac cove 2, B11 (British submarine) 15, 122 Aquitania 41, 44 Bacchantes class cruisers 27 Arabic 44 Baden 13, 172 Aragon 79 Balfour, Arthur 7, 18 Arbuthnot, Robert 20 Baltic Sea 21–2, 50–51, 194, 298–9 Archaeological standards 212–214 Barbaros Hayreddin 17 307 Craig Forrest - 9781784717254 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/24/2021 04:51:08PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Forrest-Maritime_legacies_and_the_law / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 12/9 JOBNAME: EE3 Forrest PAGE: 2 SESS: 3 OUTPUT: Mon Sep 23 12:30:40 2019 308 Maritime legacies and the law Barley 64 Brugge 53 Baron Gautsch 45 Brummer 43, 172 Barrara 42 HMAT 40 Bulwark HMS 265 Barsac 70, 149 burial at sea 245–6 Bayern 172 Beaufoy, Katy 252 C3 (British submarine) 51 Beatty, David 14, 18–19, 165 C12 (British submarine) 121, 143 Bela MV 164, 170 C15 (British submarine) 33 Belgium 1, 4, 50–52, 55, 58, 62, 64, C29 (British submarine) 46 68, 70, 99, 115–17, 128–9, 140, C31 (British submarine) 33, 51 164, 177–81, 197, 236, 239, C33 (British submarine) 33 242–3, 244, 249, 269, 297–8 C34 (British submarine) 46 Bemis, Gregg 96, 171–2, 198–9 Beneditto Brin 24, 122 cables (undersea) 109, 190–91, 207 Berlin 35, 38, 102 see also pipelines Bernoulli 34 Cairnhill 89, 302 Bingham, Edward 19 Calgarian HMS 264 Birmingham HMS 26 Calvados 41 Black Prince HMS 20, 54, 166–7 Campbell, Gordon 32 Black sea 15, 22, 50 Cambodia 41 Blücher 14–15 Cameroon 6 Board of Trade (British) 79–80, 91, Campania HMS 203–4 148 Canada (Canadian) 5, 40, 42, 48, 51, Bogatyr 13 75, 113, 128, 221, 242, 249, Bosforus 62 251–2, 270 Bosnia 23, 52 Canopus HMS 12 Bosphorus 17 Cap Trafalgar 37, 79, 255 Bouvet 2, 16, 24, 60, 105, 107, 115, capture 82–4, 102, 122, 151 122, 171 Carmania HMS 37, 102, 255 Boyle, Edward 16 Caroline HMS 73 blockade 28–9 Carthage 17, 52, 62 Bluebell HMS 300 Caribbean 36 Branlebas 64 Castilian 206 Brazil 36, 51, 78, 116, 128, 221 Ceramic 79 Bremse 43, 172 Chatham Naval Memorial 251 Breslau 15 Chauncey 25 Brilliant HMS 178 Choules, Charles 65 Bristol HMS 13 Churchill, Winston 10, 15, 18 Britain see United Kingdom Chile 12–13, 17, 37, 51–2, 78, 109, Britannia HMS 31 117, 162 Britannic HMHS 42 China 6, 12, 26, 50, 52, 78, 95, 128, British Expeditionary Force 40 205, 221 British-India Steam Navigation City of Winchester 36 Company 53, 149 coal 6, 12, 20, 35, 38–9, 57–8, 80, British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) 55–6, 114, 182, 188 173–4 Coastal Motor Boat 4 HM 73 Broke HMS 21 Code books 13–14, 18, 22–3,123, bronze 54, 126, 158, 169 Cöln 11, 55, 57–8, 109, 172, 174, 178 Craig Forrest - 9781784717254 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/24/2021 04:51:08PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Forrest-Maritime_legacies_and_the_law / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 2 / Date: 12/9 JOBNAME: EE3 Forrest PAGE: 3 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Mon Sep 23 12:30:40 2019 Index 309 colliers 13, 17, 39 D6 (British submarine) 46 Comité Maritime International (CMI) D8 (British submarine) 33 128 Dague 25, 52, 270 commerce raiders 8, 12, 35–9, 49, 79, Danton 24, 57–8, 109, 183, 191–2, 82, 95, 128, 195 219, 254, 270 commercial exploitation (of legacy Dardanelles see Gallipoli campaign wrecks) 53–7, 70–2, 86, 120–7, Dartmouth HMS 36 134–5, 148–9, 174, 207–8, deep seabed 66, 104–5, 108, 110, 213, 215–7, 235, 277–8 224, 227 common heritage of mankind 110 Defence HMS 20, 162, 168, 174 Commonwealth War Graves del Greco, Carlo 33 Commission see Imperial War Denmark (Danish) 43–4, 51–2, 54, Graves Commission 64, 70, 114, 128, 162, 166–8, Comoran 37, 82, 126, 162, 195, 269, 221, 253, 299 301 Department of Culture, Media and condenser 54, 126, 167, 169 Sport 148, 267, 276–7 contiguous zone 104, 108–9, 112, Department of Transport 53, 151–2, 221, 223, 268, 270, 278, 298–9 155 continental shelf 104, 108–9, 190–91, derelict (ships) 130, 146–7 195, 222–29, 272, 278–82, 285, Derfflinger 15, 19–20, 83 289, 298 destroyer 9–11, 13, 17, 19–23, 25, contraband 28, 101, 103 27–30, 35–6, 43–44, 52, 62, 78, convoy 25, 30, 43, 64, 90 81, 83, 122, 151, 163, 167–8, copper 90, 148–9, 158 172, 210 Coronel, battle of 2, 8, 12–13, 49, 255 Dogger Bank 8, 13–15 Cornwall HMS 13 Dover 9, 29, 57, 114, 179, 254 Cornwell, Jack 271 Dreadnought class 8, 18, 24, 122, 125 Council of Europe 3 Pre-Dreadnought class 8, 12, 18, Covington 42 24, 27, 78 Cox & Danks 151, 172 Dreadnought HMS 7, 29 Cradock, Christopher 12 Dresden 12–13, 36–7, 52, 162, 172 Crathie HMT 40 Duke of Albany 263 Creosol RFA 264–5 Duke of Edinburgh HMS 20 Cressy HMS 27, 29, 52, 81, 108, 126, Dutch 13–14, 43, 45, 51, 67, 108, 150, 169–70, 175, 221, 228, 280, 136, 158, 161, 164–67, 169–70, 285, 304 298 Croatia 52, 72, 236 see also Netherlands Cromarty Firth 81, 125, 150, 180 Cunard 37, 44, 79, 89, 204 E3 (British submarine) 33, 55, 126, Curie 122, 143 164, 255 customary international law 98, 103, E5 (British submarine) 66–7 106, 145, 189–90, 227, 259, 273, E6 (British submarine) 11, 46 278, 303 E7 (British submarine) 51 Cuthrie HMT 64 E9 (British submarine) 26 E10 (British submarine) 107, 295 D2 (British submarine) 33 E11 (British submarine) 17 D5 (British submarine) 46 E13 (British submarine) 52 Craig Forrest - 9781784717254 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/24/2021 04:51:08PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Forrest-Maritime_legacies_and_the_law / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 3 / Date: 12/9 JOBNAME: EE3 Forrest PAGE: 4 SESS: 4 OUTPUT: Mon Sep 23 12:30:40 2019 310 Maritime legacies and the law E14 (British submarine) 16, 51, 62 Fortune HMS 53, 167 E15 (British submarine) 51 Foucault 32 E16 (British submarine) 33 France (French) 1, 4–9, 17–18, 23–4, E18 (British submarine) 67, 107, 117, 26, 28, 31–6, 39, 41, 45–6, 49, 263, 266 51–2, 58, 60, 62, 64, 68, 70, 78, E20 (British submarine) 51 80, 93, 95, 97, 102, 105, 107, E39 (British submarine) 46 114–17, 122, 125, 128, 134, 141, E45 (British submarine) 61 143, 145, 149, 177, 182–3, 194, E49 (British submarine) 46 196–7, 206, 218, 234, 236, 238, E50 (British submarine) 262, 266 241–5, 249, 254, 269–70, 285, East Coast War Channels project 50, 296–7 64, 68 Frauenlob 11, 21, 66, 71–2, 168, 174 Edinburgh HMS 260 French Polynesia 38 Egypt 51 Friedrich Carl 22 Elbing 21, 78, 168 Friedrich der Grosse 83 Eleonora 62 Emden 8, 22, 24, 36–7, 49, 52, 85, G8 (British submarine) 262, 266 107 G96 (German torpedo boat) 64 English Heritage 64, 106, 203, 209, Gaea 64 257, 274, 288, 291 Gairsoppa 276 see also Historic England Gallipoli campaign 2, 15–18, 49–50, Erin HMS 78 52–3, 60, 62, 64, 115–16, 131, Estonia 51, 107, 117, 263 211, 245, 256 Etruria 24 Garibaldi 23, 52, 236 Eumaeus 149 Gaulois 24 exclusive economic zone (EEZ) Germany 108–9, 114, 190–91, 222, 224, national law 194, 295–6 226, 272, 278–82, 289 war at sea 6–47 Ghana 251 Falaba 29, 44 Glasgow HMS 12–13 Falklands, Battle of 2, 8, 12–13, 49. Glenart Castle HMHS 42, 252 110, 255 Gloucester HMS 276 Falklands War 260 Gneisenau 12–13, 49, 110 Faulkner HMS 21 Goeben 15 Fearless HMS 10, 266 Goliath HMS 17, 51, 107, 115 Fiji 251 Good Hope HMS 12, 49, 109, 117, Finland 13, 22, 51–2, 95 255 Fisgard II HMS 264 Gottfried 64 Fisher, Jacky 59 Ghurka HMS 29, 163 fishing 182–3 graves see war graves fishing vessel 3, 13–14, 39–40, 45, Greece (Greek) 43, 51–2, 78, 95, 116, 55, 58, 65, 66, 80, 102 127–8, 206, 221 Fleet Air Arm Museum 73, 204 Guam 37, 126, 162, 195 Flora 27 Folkestone Salvage Company 151 H5 (British submarine) 46 Forgotten Wrecks project 68, 255 H21 (British seaplane lighter) 73 Formidable HMS 28, 161, 165 H52 (British submarine) 81 Craig Forrest - 9781784717254 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/24/2021 04:51:08PM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Forrest-Maritime_legacies_and_the_law / Division: Index /Pg.
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