' "It JIM I f V LATEST CABLED SU(JAR QUOTATIONS Centi Dollars !(! Centrifu(f!i N. T. Tef lb. Per ton. Print, Hawaiian basil 4.89 197.80 f .' VT;.. a Last qnota-- y i-- vy v vex Vs prrrtoui w v x vv w w sj ' tlon 4.66 169.20 ' '


GENERAL LUIGI CANEVA, Commander-in-Chie- f of the MltiriEIIAIIAIKES ENERAL GEROLD PAU. Whose Military Genius Is Re ;i: .O-OD-E Who Hat Personal Direction of the Invasion sponsible For the Signal Success ot French In the Alsatian BERLIN NOTE . FOR NEAREST PORT OF REPLY IS TIIBIUS WHILE FIRE BURNS i .. . lj' c ? i British Steamer; Carrying High EXPEGTEDTO Explosives is Running Full Speed For Halifax ITiLITY BE REJECTED EXPLOSION IN' CARGO 1) RECALLS HOLT LETTER V 1 L' H T 10 IS BY AMERICA War-Craz- ed Educator May Have Deposited Infernal Machine ' Federal Grand Jury Returns In- In This Vessel UK Washington Announces That Ger- dictments Against Persons and v r many Must Meet All Its De- Corporations1 Involved Either 1 (Assoetst4 Tress kr filml Wlrlen ) .... ON BOAKU ;MI.N KM AHA, mands Regarding Submarine In Recruiting British Army 9. 4o For July (By Wireless New York) Warfare Definitely Without Any Or Supplying Flames which broke out yextprilny, fol- German Ships Further Attempt To Cloud lowing an explosion' t the cnrn of this Issue steamship, have Wfft brought under CI--, partial control and teasel is making INCIDENT OF STEAMER ye the TENTATIVE full s(eed for Nova PROPOSALS 'SACRAMENTO' REVIVED Halifax, Hcotia, where she will arrive semo time today. OF KAISER ANNOYING No passengers are aboard. Fantastic Voyage With Cargo To 1 LADEN WITH EXPLOSIVES President Thinks Compromise Chilean Waters. Where ay Former 4 V AssectsUS Press Fsdsrsl Wlrslsss.) Indicated Would Be Unneutral Kosmos Freighter Was 'Held v NEW YORK, July that the Atlantic ' Transport ' liner Minnehaha Minister von Jagow Dispairs By Up and Plundered' Kaiser's (13,539 tons), bound from this port Of Being Able To Reconcile for KlsgdonVwi cargo Pacific Fleet Figures Largely f the United th a United States Opinion To Policy of high explosives, bacTjieen set afire V Was (Associated Wlralea ) by a minor explosion) flashed to Prees by (Associated Preas by rdrl 9. land yesterday afternoon in a message Psdsral WlreUes.) FRANCISCO. July i Writ ASHINfiTON, July 9. SAN from Captain Claret. ., indictments were W America will higgle Instantly there jumped to mind the yiu m not returned here yesterday by the with over what form federal grand jury against as random letter of Frank Holt, alias Erich Muenter, to hk) wife, in which he o4isfsSSSssssssssssi the German reply shall take to many individuals and corpora- asserted that be hadj' placed clockwork President Wilson's second Lusi-tan- ia accused of having violated BRITISH RAIDER RUSSIAN ARMIES tions bomb aboard a vessel bound for Eng- note. President Wilson does of the United the neutrality land the Saxouia or Philadelphia, he not regard it as becoming to en- States. thought, but he bad forgotten the ter upon secondary, supplemen- Of these, six were directed ARE AGGRESSORS name. tary negotiations, which have no against five persons and one in- mmEl In the case of th Minnehaha, the official status, while such. 'graves.. dividual accused of having recruit-- ! peril was acute, because she carried a ed soldiers for the British army. thousand case of cordite SHOO case of . - direcj,- SubmarineiJperating Wi.thRus-- They Have Blocked Definitely shrapnel 'Shells,i. cwtfjw- -- trini-tuol- The remaining fifteen were - , 100 of KtatAB trin Almimatsitlun 1 . .Mtf ed against three- - corporations and sianWet In Baltic Torpe Germanic Invasion and War- - Snd other 'explosive and com- hH made ita nosition abnnlantl bustibles. ' implicated in doed By War Vessel saw Been ) Allies Finish Strong In Battle With Thirty-seve- n Krfown To plain. The tone of communi-cHtion- s twelve individuals Has Saved Trinituolol ia a nitrate derivative of Persons its Amer- has been eon- the fantastic Voyage of the coal tar, valuable as a high explosive Bayonet, Grenades, Mines Have Perished In Ohio scrupulously -' (AuocUtwl by siilt tiite, though grave, ican steamship Sacramento, for- mu rOcral WtralMi.) (Associated Ftsss by rsdsral Wlrslsss.) in war because of Its extreme stability. And Bombs Valley Region and it has LONIX1X, July . According Ih'i'n repeatedly merly the Kosmos (German) Line to an LONDON, July 0. Reports from cor It is used chiefly to charge heavy intimated that nouncement made by a the admiralty, respondent with the Russian armies shells, will explode, even un- iintliiiic but friendly and frank freighter Alexandria. and not u (Assoclstsd by (Amoclnled by Wlrslsss.y ecoo-nitio- the German battlenhip of the Dcutx'h and the tone of the official announce- Press Fsdsrsl Wlrslsss.) Prsss Pedsrsl l of the broad grounds Ta1ra Amnirin Rcxistrt der the ahock of impact against armor PARIS, July Stubborn trench war CINCINNATI, July . Twonty land cluxa sunk in an engaxemeHt with ments from Fetrograd lead military stu on which the United States rests refuge in or masonry, until it has been detonatid with the seven bodies of those hillod in cloud- The Alexandria took fare, bayonet, hand grenades, its i n is im-- the Ruiwian Baltic fleet, July 2, wan dents here to believe that the Grand by the primer with which the shell ia expected from the ni Bay, Sausalito, short- submarine mines and aerials bombs 1 bursts and tornadoes, Wednesday and Richardsons torpedoed by a British submarine, I 'nke Nicholas probably will be able to i iiil government. of the war. provided. recounted in the night official bulletin. Thursday, in the Ohio Valley, have ly after the outbreak operating in conjunction with the Rus- save Warsaw and drive back the tide messages from Utterances Must Stand Additional the Baxonia Around Vpius, the oft-foug- field beeu recovered and the search for When the emergency shipping sia n fleet. of Germanic which In these invasion has swept and Philadelphia brought I circumstances the state last night again ( limine. liunds yesterday. A Ger others continues. bill passed by the late congress No further particulars are vouch his armies out of Galicia to the defenses di i;ii'ti)iciit does wish modi- word that they are still safe. Holt's man !mir' ou the British positions The Hliirni rafied over Cincinnati and not to acquisition by Ma fed, but is inferred mora behind own fy its utterances by eon-- permitted the that than their frontier. At least, the letter instructed his wife to read the was first lirnkcu up by rifle and ma surrounding portions of Ohio and informal foreign-owne- d ships one BritUh submarine has worked its KiiHsian defense is now Aus iN.iiiiiiis which might pro-loii''-il Americans of giving the paper of July 7 for news of hi bomb. chine l'iiii lire and then met with S Keutuek.v, and was one of the worst he way through the Bkager Rack tro Germans stiff argument indefinitely and their transfer to the American into the aucb a that counter (liaise which swept tho Ger ever knun in the reirion. At lou.st into technical Baltic, where, once eould IVlllV'IIH'lltS. flag, the Sacramento was bought arrived, they they cannot divert any of their forces HOLT BURIED IN TEXAS mans luck into and out of their own ten inure out of twenty missing are renew their supplies Russian to West Frsss bj Fedsrsl Wlrslsss.) At tin- - same and Southern from the front, until matter are on fibiOwM treiiches. 'I' lie net result was a gain believed to have perished, Slid the time, there is no by the Northern DALLAS, Texas .Inly . frank lii ports. a very different footing. sitimcy on the part of the gov-.-i-iii- ii. Navigation Company, a corpora- Holt, alias Erich Huenter, who dyna to the Urit ish of six lines of trenches property Inss already reported amounts German losses in the battle of the lietwcru Souchez and Angres, where nt in making the statement, Russians Art Afgreasors to more than .f ,1100,000. . tion apparently organized solely mited the senate win); of the National I'm- l Baltic were one battleship sunk, two The official Austrian the attempt ot tho French to eut he information of the public, for the purchase by Flood Bros., bulletin today capltol, attempted to murder J. P. Mor A towbnat and its convoy wore sunk battered into (light, and one minelayer, hIiow that the offensive agfcia through tu the lateral communication ,'in.l that the character of the tentative San Francisco. ha gan, and then committed suicide in jail, lr. the n.i six out of the crew of shipping agents of the Albatross, driven ashore. News of changed week of the lit'imaiiM, has produced as furi- proposals put forward by Germa- hand. After of re will be twelve lust. The company owned no other ves- has now been confirmed from buried here. Arrangement for ny is the battle treat the Russians are now the aggres- ous lililiiii: in the past month as the A special train carrying horses from disappointing, Insofar as the funeral will be completed later. iln y sels. three sources by despatches from Co sors, is "at-taik- s war has a series of German at- foreshadow the probable nat- and Vienna talking of The Long mtii, the mil.. race track Lntonia was penhuKdi, ami official body is still at Gleneove, a' ure of the Large quantities of provisions, announcements repulsed." tacks ttcir repulsed. wrecked. .Nineteen fino race horses forthcoming Gorman from Island. reply, which is engine room stores, lubricating l'etrograd and London. The bulletins show that ia Rs On tlic riulit bunk of the Aisne, in caretakers were it now expected and tu killed. will he I'aris despatches carry an official an sian 1'oland, cast of the the m liod of Noyon, a desperate ( delivered into the hands oil and miscellaneous supplies Vistula, the ADRIATIC SAFE IN PORT ihl.oi In in. iniiati and surrouuding towns nouncsmont by the French admiralty Knnsians launched a violent hand ti hand in crater of Ambassador Gerard in Berlin were bought of German wholesale attack, I Associated Prsss by Fedsrsl Wtrsldss.) ntrule the roofs, spires, trees, signs and other a German which Vienna says was July St. tin- explo- within the next twenty-fon- r grocers and ship chandlers. The that submarine was sunk yes repulsed, and LIVERPOOL, The White dii' hy nearly simultaneous debris litter the streets. On the Ken hours. by it is admitted a Ger- Relations Again Strained . nature of the cargo, which made terdoy an unnamed French warship that "before superior Star liner Adriatic, fur whoae safety sions of fiit French and then S tucky hide of Hie river equal damage English forces," the Austrians were compelled There is in the channel. feara had been expressed, arrived here man mine lieneuth the opposing has beeu dune. One douth is reported an increasing disposU the vessel a veritable floating to linn ainong retire from the height of Krasnlk. safely early today. tioiiclieN is .lei lured to have resulted in there. some officials eon. naval base, aroused suspicion On the lower Zloto Lipa, the Russians versiint with favor of the French. Reports from the storm swept see the negotiations to from the first and there was pro- delivered another attack, which again regard In the tjuennevicre section, there tions of Missouri tull of four deaths the relations between the longed difficulty in obtaining Vienna say the repulsed. . two I Austrian T was an in. i.ii. lusivo battle with hand there. nations as again approaching clearance papers. Slavs Eeport Captures grenades and aerial bombs, tossed by a critical point. - Vessel It Overhauled Fetrograd reports the capture of trench tnoitais. The state department has let it Once the Sacramento got out- eleven thousand prisoners on the fifth, he known that, in its opinion, to side the Golden Gate, but was sixth and seventh of the month, and BERLIN AND VIENNA SAY inform (icrinany of what date, on enemy chased by a coast guard cutter that two attacka on the sixth, ITALY IS BADLY BEATEN what ships, Americans had taken near MuravUvo station and passage, irregu- (Assoclstsd by Wlrslsss.) the village and what was the char, and brought back, over an Prsss Fs4n1 (AaaocUtsd Press by Wlrslsss.) NEW YOKK, July 8. Harry Ken of Jednorojete, were broken up by the Harvest of Both Corn and Wheat Pedsrsl aefer of the cargo carried by ves- larity about the wireless operator. H K If 1.1 N July . The OviJ seas dall Thaw, under to- KuHsian artillery fire. Will sels on which Americans had cho- the moment the captain Be Enormous News Ap-nc- announces that numeri- At last day In the trial to determine his sanity, sen to exercise the rights of a cally Kuperiiii Italian forces have boon (Aasoclatnd Preaa by Federal Wireless. t concluded that she was not testified he holds no animosity WASHINGTON, July 8. Kiehard unrestricted travel, would be that "overwhelmingly defeated" by' the an lucky ship to command and tossed William for- (Assoclstsd Prsss rsdsral Wlrslsss.) Martin and J.din Muhoney, unneutral act. towiird Travers Jerome, br Austrians defending the Isor.o line. American up his position. But in the end, mer district attorney, who WASHINGTON, July . Forecasts leailieu, among killed This is the compromise offered prosecuted The eisiiin uf the official Vienna bul wire the twelve another captain was found, the him for the murder of Stanford White. by the experts of the department of last Monday, it is learned today, when hy (icrmany, and the government letin is tlml at Goriziu, on the lame and Thaw said he in April, agriculture indicate that the earn crop a German submarine shelled the British of the I'nited States does feel papers were straightened out first learned front, the Italians were "repulsed." not this fall will be enormously the greatest ol l the Sacramento was cleared for 190H, that "rich men were interested in CONTROL OF SAYVILLE steamer A alifoi nian, from Mon that it can honorably accept it. the Nation has ever known. Valparaiso. keepiug him In the asylum." He pro- treul. Tin A njjlo Californiun refused I The prediction is for a yield from TURKS STILL CONFIDENT The first captain was right. The duced a printed copy of a petition in (AiaocUted Prsis by Psdsrsl Wlrslsss.) to obey an order to stop and the sub err von Jagow acres, which la the great- i If his o,i.72,000 r NtH'l.K, Julv . An tin upon opened fire 1 Sacramento was a ship favor, which, he said, was ginned (AisoclsUd Prsss by rsdsral Wlrslsss.) is inarm.' with her 1 Speaks Dispairingly not lucky est ever known by more than half a official Turkish bulletin announces (Aaaoclated by by 41X1,000 persons throughout the WASHINGTON, July 8. The gov spi'i'itil but, though hit repeated Press rsdsral Wlxelees.) for anybody to command. Noth- million acres. The crop Is ex- that, on tlx' nrdunelles front, near 9. resulant ly, tin. .si,,,' . aped to Liverpool. HI'.liLI July Herr von Ja. country. eriiineut ha taken over control of the Hoi mi. a heavy bombardment by ing was heard from her for weeks. pected to amount to nearly three bil- Ai the German secretary of for-civ- il Sayville wireless station at Bayvlllo, the Turkish artillery seriously damaged jou. On January 3, long overdue, she lion bushels, to be exact, 2,814,000,000, affairs, gave out inter- - lmg Island, hitherto operated for the field works of the Allies and badly WORLD'S ENDEMORERS an turned up at Valparaiso, minus LITTLE MONTENEGRO HEARD which is greater than the average of punishc.1 their occupants. On the con- iew here last night which Germany, because of past infractions RECOGNIZE THE NEGRO into her cargo. The captain told a FROM IN SHOUT OF VICTORY the lust decade by million. trary, it is said that an attack by the Mi. r. creeps a note of despair at of the explicit rules concerning the use Allies on s.'.blul Kalir, was repulsed. strange tale of having been The wheat crop is estimated at 063 (Associated Preaa by Federal Wlrslsss.) eery liring able to bring Amer- held by of the wireless in wartime and the ueu (TIH'Aiiu, July y. Three (Aaxecisud Prsss Fsdsrsl Wlrslsss.) millions of bushels, and the number of DESTROYED hundred ican puMic opinion into what Uet? up on the high seas by the Ger- CKTT1NJK, Moutenegro, July trality regulations aunouueed shortly NEW LAUNCHED to the sown to oats, rice, and white delegates convention of the u- - acre and (Axnrintril Pr 7 Federal Wireless.) many rcL'ards a I? asoriabU man Pacific fleet which at that Austriun attack on the town of Gra a'ter th opening of the present war i hi inn tft sweet potatoes also break all records. I'll 1. A 'Kl.l'TU A, July !) Tho new World's it Fndeuvorers, in scs of minii. time had not met its fate in the havo delivered in force ou the fifth Capt. W. H. O. Bullard, U. 8. N., su addi- here, Mil.-.- night to With the high pricex obtaluing abroad dcstroM'i oi.vnshnm, the latest sioo last uekuowl ";, imany's reply to' the Amer. battle off the Falkland and sixth of Juiie were beaten back by periutendent of the naval radio service, tion to the I'nite.l States navy, was edge then bivlliciUood with tk) auuro Islands for all foodstuffs an enormous volume i. m Montenegrin launched h.'ie vesterdav. iioie." he saii Js virtually and robbed of his cargo. the army, says an oftiuiul will coutinue to operate th station of with huge und n to nepro Fniteavurors mes export trade, return to She will h i"' a contract speed of twea-t- y ct. 'ohiph led. Aftr a few minor (C'outiiiuatl Ou I'aga TLruo) bulletin posted here today. with naval forces. of Ilowship and ood will. the American funnel, is predicted. nini and u half knots. Sages v ' tun iiiiic.l on Page Three.) - '.JIAWAIIAN . GAZETTE. rRIDAV.: . JULv!.;$,..l9l5aU,k J.- Captain Dollar ItrTMAV Allies Fialif ; D lfU.ll ILI1 lllMI Vr i n 17 ' More nnn 1 11 irirtTl1 ifa Sells fne 11111111 it. ij n I'nvLninr toward. IRi(OHN of His Vessels i.uiiurnucniriuHOL On Gallipoli Mikado and Czar Are Concluding. Chartje Against Former Mexican Prediction ts Made At Convention Veteran Shipowner Will Dispose Positions ot Invaders Are Ad-- . New Alliance, Peace Anti.-SalQ- pn 4 for . Of. League For ' t( prMlnt ofFomeripoflW"; , . Ot Hia FTect .and Betire ' vanced Within Six Mile of y ; In Orient '. Nineteen-Twent- y ' ... .FfQrn Business ig'p.Bendpned;' . "forts Oefendlng Narrows (Special to Hawaii Bhlopo) (Aisoetat Ftm by rdral Wu July , With, a view to ea fAaaeelated Tnm by reoaral Wlral.) ATLANTIC New l.l fOH), 8. Unofficial CITV, Jeraey, July (AaaoolaUd riso by WKsleM.) O'i-eat- ,' VA8HIN0TUN, July rdnl tabtlsklBf permanant poaeO In the Prodlctio.0 wer maiWl LONDON, by SAN FRANCISCO, July . Captala intimation which have their source in watrday July r)Tard yard th H i Teported, aa ftrtirriy oew at the pening ' foDOw Aoi tWHorvld Maotaoaiablli-t- M. lato1 asioa her of th of tko Aliie r fighting theif quarter wr heani Anti-Salo- trmtwotthy n , .4. treaty betwoir tfapao (and Baoate may Leo go . oootoo-tion- way Tot o QaUIH)it: Teutonic Advance Against Lublin DolUn yeatetday U Burkhlll Brstheti -- ' J national ward tho Penlmu - tfltily that the etiargee of foment ' of,8hgh,i,. who; prtoalT, P- be rfeetd''w1tfli; a tewweet that 'IO20 wilt 00' national pro kv Ueir position now being well ad i Railroad Fails and Claim of rose nq og fwvohiUon lironght atrainat General yanced along Maido fload and IIS ckaaeo b Aw) tko Mackinaw, U ifakaraJty koowa tbat for a long hibitioa la ta all ta--e aiaeco a art th, dropped. fr within, U !of negotiation to afoot looking to (tk Huerta may be terrltortc ( mile. tho fort t thf Petrograd .Thac .Slav Victory fl oertola high . ffaponeof offieialt o the Unlon. Geh.. Kelaoo - 01 ina aleaanmfp JtoWirt , , - eurb. ahould prove to be the case, Narrow.. . Uour If A. Mites, iU A.-- , Gif- - tk, Signal WeFbunded WITH BDP.1BS abort. Caniaia .Duilar ia anietiy o. katk e ot he: aplntot that farthef 8 rotlrW,' and . rrom Jtritbl. Uj to .tbo Atch .Is Seerr.i la Qaert probably will be allowed to ro-tu- rl lag out of bosiqe, aa rapidly M ka eaa Japooowe-Buaaia- v aUMakM ore atceiM for. Plnehot ldod'at tko eonveae- - Bala line, which waa . otormad' and without lufw. ..Jtottosnaar ia great de-- to tbo Northern Atlantic state, tloa, tii'tr, V' li--' , y r.yiiluv , i cantursd last wscw, th dvae ka oryv ad thar the Jepaaeao' geTerni boon, in, he wili ''.iv-V''- puaked againat b Turkish posi- nuyid, price ar good, the Seamen' Act t where hla' family now and 'i. hi! in it. : tent' ka' aihod tha nnaia grrt-oten- tion occupying tko reat of th BERLIN AND VIENNA Mailed A- laoruw U1 boaoato. effective, M IM not bo deportetl. 'sha Letter To Wife Before only for ah' 4Bf4fa4af oprtrto of the 7 very State Hat , Lkigh )l'lteau nd. tk omlng of ON SUBJECT v(rao shipowner think it la eoav of ' op , SILENT,. . No amelioration conditions in atuntprudeMa moat matter, 'W H ' Its RepreBtntatirfn , the extremsljr (trong-.pooiti- wll rrest TeHa of Infernal. Waohines to aak the at aa On contrary, b Allies, ; Mexico ia reported. tha the fit ft, great obiect ot tb opportunity tka may oot offar tatea. '; BeVetal 4y ATikTJC'Vi'rf:,,i3uiT i rny a. On UM WU advice to the Red Crose are that thou-- i tbo, irmidblo .defense d th Secreted Aboard Either Saxo-nl- a t alfle, foea tbrcug replied that H would favor a soiktdfJvt)tv!ry rotate in the Soga Icre ar reduced and tk waj Government of Also tfi-- to auapontl, a osena to . ho and atarving and that, for tho six- Czar Reports threat Uapaai"-""- ' t at uniorr: is represented here at the for tb occupatio f Pasha . tirthet alliance witk 0ened th (eaerally , ow. . ia. ooly Philadelphia, Duo To Ex- believed .it !en th and breadth of the rountry, teenth, ansual oonventwa of, the Anti: Pagh . plateau, pnrppa ; Along , polish - Galician Or big Japoneaii cabinet talalatrfro nd tha main of Jhat matte of a few montka whoa the Tk 1 8a),oan League .whifth wiii famine either raging or impending.' .of .Anieric, the land campaign on tb peoqlnaul - . Frjpnt Have Thrown llil..troigktr Miaoeaota will bo the OerirVot ld itateemooy ro in , aeasipo Friday. w)ii Muscovites plode- Yesterday Both Safe cof in until dent havs been .ttaine4,' , Front the mly. woaael, afloat the facipe tu prea- - la carrjt" iodlky fOgwVdiof a HoW'teeaty. There are nearly 2i(Hl,ileHtc Pashv Dag), height,, tk fort f, th Back Enemy In Every Attempt ag the American to (rrioat,) en . flat, the of too "eoafeteneo probably oiaxing ,t)as one or tbe greatest Narrow will J) brought under tb Al: '. l"hodetna i v- '- 'W'! ' .";'. ''").! i .. .T conventions eyor kcd by the league. , lie Jspd gun and, their Retention mad POSITIVELY IDENTIFIED rltt'ot 't'BMdpJbttc.'' " VoqiT ne - , impossjUe; ,.,..;:..v; ? . 1 ,pi ' A duiiikw - TV r -- . n... ,, r i 1' AtlD RAIN inner ' U. Flag aAd .,. a Haloonlese Nation, ' , the The Jrlritisb. for landed at dab Hi , (Aaaoelat. fnas by Fsdsnl Wlral.) WUENTER leoguajhopo to atlopt .plan to. furthet tepe. 6oroa,' AS'PRDFESSOB ob 'th Gulf of oppoolt July 8 Th its.rampoign against, th liquor traffic Mauidos, ha dug: Itself in aad 4 bpld-U- LO.NJXJN, tHt,op,44ither Wilson . IA .th rom against the Lublin -- until dvan tkiauth BRING CALAMITY D .N,ew Vork ,i president .,, make. , it poelhle to advance in railroad line appear now to be Monomaniac Shown To Have UFOirtXilBlTION league., t. ". , : with th main xpoditlosary deflnitely ebeckd aad, for the time I Kach. foroe local church orgaamtion ia the against, tbo aecond, Jurkiah line being at least, Warsaw haa been pre- Fa- (' ,'.-V- ". Been Member of Harvard liillfi aitfld ritate affiliated with the anti of deffnse, ,. 'n'A t vented again from falling into Teuton mum saiooBulaaoue. each Hundav snkool. each .ivif ouwuaj. Mtc. jiurifa aiHui si uo culty Who Poisoned Wife, Drop- Mississippi and Oirfo Valleys Are young people' society, a, well a locaJ porato, attempt to retrain a foot hold hand. Wreck of Will - German Cruiser Be ,tbe-Atch- - That tb Petrograd claim of victory TerrJfiQ village, township, , aonnty. city, stat on i Bab line, bnt ware re- vvept By and t b 11L . aro substantial is indicated in the of ped From Sight Before Indicted. M or national temperance aociety or, uplift vspy aeayy ( pio. w'"( ,40ses.., ; flea) despatches both Three-Inc- h Operated By urgifiiizaiioa a a uoiejjave anu aa from Berlin and Gunsai : Disastrous Storms ' (, And Reappeared Under Alias, ternate v,- - ' .'.: Vienna, neitbei of which makes any J .w to a Anionff. . Uiose' . achailuled . to address SLAVS CHECK NfW OFFENSIVE referenda th situation it eisi ' present AMel4 Pnm r Ttnl Wlrls.) thi (fogr big meetings th convention aseelato4 Tnm hy r4rat Wlral,) t SYDNEY. .New' feoi.th Walea. July Ae stated Ftmi by rdri WtreleM.) wil bold each .morning,, a fteruooq and iWslDaV,' 7rTl.'Bsiaii.ln: TV,tonl Am Want (AsaecUWd by WlrsUss.) - rdral Wrho"-iwre- k Germ aiJCAOU, July 8. flcote of fatal vvemiig t'ylo- Jl ft ..of ttha rttir are uovtrnur a ariao of aounca. that i.tluv. haekiut .tha Vienna report the number of pris-oaai- Eradeu,- - --piled .pa Jisil. 8 W hen wh.h .lie i ap the tAaaeetated 'taiai VyreoWhl Wlnieea.) itio ni damage, running raao, iMoverner tster or yvaninji0B. new ofrn(v i tb taken along th Zlota Llpa on YORK, July rock f TCoep Jslaad, abort theppard uf Tea; Turi" tucus, NEW drtvn " WAHHINQTONrffly . Throe inch iflto tb njillionn, are reported from linked States. Benator whlcb ,waa i progress wct of AHIavat. JbW S, 4, and 5 a 8850, but ay Holt, alias Krich hy, lh pounding of tho (una of the as i'apt, Bichmood P, t!obon of nothing of liewppoariaa tino,alaejteiealrraBanlpn-ated,- ' aloud hn rata, freshcta ond tornadoes in- - , ,.roaco oeatroyer., nav .j)n, toon the operation subsequent tyfnter, dashed himself from a Australian .Bydao M to it CioVeruor. I'atteno 01 inking, Turk .aud doing other to tko lift, while Berlin confines its salvaged mud. brought .to this port. v ait to b moo1 aftd 'on kN "Amer wide rnge of territory embraced by Tennessee, United aeoi veels ' Ptatc Senator damg along the coast of Mifior, report on the eastern operations to of Glencove jail on V Aia window the pr wi enj, .alajiawiaiaiW.-eJrrl'- tj- tin vh (iaalaaippi and Ohio H.'Gallinger f.iew' Hampshire, John statements of iM.,'tiieBW no? .M valley. 1 tho Russian deficiencies his which, the victorious . cruiser took, G. Av oolev X. Waah I . Tuesday evening, crushing her BocreUry Danieht of the aavy Nineteen erons aie known to have th author. Booker in small arms. name, arc to he given the opportunity ingtpa too nee.ro oiiucatur. juuge unas, According skull on the concrete flooring fifty aattotiMed laat night that tha been drowned in the Ohio river, near to the Berlin despatches, f fleeing tot .tbanaeivej what bs been . Pollock .of North, pakoU. Fred 0 tha' reserve with th Russian force was supposed that ui;h oaerturn-e- feet below, it tha work , of th ntrhlp of. .U ardnane txiroatt' ka perfected a Cincinnati, when wind squalls Bis I Wt Virginia, (ngreiwmai. nt the front have no rifles, but ac- - ' (iovernoi gamut of the sensational had Australian- doty ever to Are a hostile Mftpon, ' aimllar "Uf juMiaroi doaifti to small pleneure craft, and it i be- - Herl I). Decker of Missouii, company their armed comrades to the the Governor de- Haya of Arkansas, Former firing line and themselves run, but he had prepared a ytVO the diiappoariw rinoa of the coast Uievd tfae fu)l death list will reach much aim as their been It in probable that the Emden tlodtfes of Kansas, Dr. ,1. 11. Kellogg ol comrade fall. yes- in varioua porta fense fortification. higher.; Mich., (lover posthumous sensation which be exhibited the of Battlecrsek. and former Difficulties Increasing Australia, and possibly taken to Now By electrically driven machinery, Jeve persons were killed by thunder nor tubb of Kansas. terday stirred shipping circles and The difficulties experienced by tho Zealand. The wrack ia to be made sea- ower for which will be (applied from falling ehininejs and flying de "Th Login of Prohibition," "The created alarm among those who worthy only' enough ker bolt, Worldwide War," "The Fight o! Russian commander in keeping his t refloat and he atora c batterie of the anbinkrintay had relatives or friends aboard the allow ker to b tovd. The, amaahe1 hria t St. Louis. Prohibition in the Pacific Northwest,' army supplied with arm are increas- gun he gun will be raleod throqgh a) water-igh- t Illinois, Indiana and Ohio all were The, Negro Liquor Question, Frietas Informs Oahu Manager ing, say the Berlin message. American liner Philadelphia and lock and d'amkatiad Arev to .be. and the aa were found Captain aub-narlo- a Would Lincoln Petrograd report that the Tentons left they after port to the deck. When the iwept by tornadoes and cloudbursts. Dof" "All , He, Obey Saxonia, both at Tides"WtSweeping Towards Prohibition,' That Mutt. have been thrown bark in their at- the Cunard liner Muller aurreaderoii. wlahea to dive, they will be W'ir are down and communications so 111 tempt to advance along Krainik-Vistul- a sea, en from this port for j" .' "i 'Prohibition the Mouth, "The Building Laws the route mickly lowered and the port aealed. interrupted that it ia impossible to Right of the States to Amend the Na front, and that the Russians Liverpool, i Jention ' of oim)hira gona In tire war Icompil anything like an accurate table Constitution, ' ' are topic of have the advantage in other encounte tional soin - - Henry new- Poljsh-Qaliela- n ' 1 a- - 1 a 't- Frietas, the building in along th front. 'eepatchea reporting the activities of rA Li.n.i f the addresses. s iaiqiuip, ,ar?l'i!ni anil iimsrs, uni offlooT-th- " Bombs $ecreted In Ships ''The Message of the Convention to spector, who took first ot .BAttliuu AflVaaUf ' German submarine hot been frequent. it i known that they will mount high. th month, is 'wielding the proverbia Rirt the Country at Large" will be deliver Tb Russian have now ad- r la . letter to his wife, mailed The new lubmariae M l, now bolld-n- '. new bsoom. On of the thing all the POLICY id ry Ber. P. A. Baker, D. D., of Wra flrt vantage of poiition, with a splendid prior to his arrest. Holt stated at th Now York yord, wili trville, O., general superintendent of which came to th notice of Frietas naf after he took office waa that the Oahu railroad parallelling their lines in the that he had placed a clockwork I e equipped with on of the new guna the league. rear, wkile the Teutonic lunge ha car- The principhJ meetings or the league Sugar Company i building an eiten bomb on either the Saxonia or the d ten day, and all aobmarine of auffl CRD IN PRINCE siv laborers' camp la Kipapa Gulch ried their advance away from their are being held on the Million Dollai supply base. Philadelphia, he could not remem- (AnocUUd Praia by fldml WlreleM.) ciently modern design to warrant the many meet without having gone through tb for LONDON, July 7. Lord NortkeUffe'a Pier, and it ia expected that Advices which hve reached the neceasary will be ings also will be held on the beach in mality of obtaining tha necessary per ber which, set to explode yester- atructural change mit from Russian frpm Iemberg, Przamysl and apen, whose eriticiama preeodod the ' of temperance. the city and county author! day. As it was known Holt similarly equipped Inter.' the interest tie. Troslau state that wounled Austrian that 'ormation of the coalition cabinet and ACTIVE AGAIN One of the plans on foot ts for sev and German are now commencing to l .' ' Yeaterday Inspector Frietas turned had thirty povuds of dynamite vhich have aeverely commented upou eral thousand of the delegates to go t arrive at those place by th thouaanda Washington on Saturday after the to hi stRnoitrapher and dictated a let more than thr detectives haye he failure to furniah aafficient heavy the ter tq E. and th hurriedly established base hos- convention ml h o th Whit" K. Bull, manaeer of thi ITALY STRIVING TO nr'-- Onhu company, pital are swamped. been able to trace, it was sup- xplOKivee to British troope ia the field, House rurposw i Jku dilineating the circurn far the rrenting utannu lH 4 1. - L' I . . German Forces Under His Com e vMu.cn this had been used in lave begun a new attadc. appeal for nation-wid- prohibition. in biic r riHW gri posed that that the etec tion of th camii The Time naval Offensive laborer' the manufacture of the clockwork today call the mand Resume wa perha unwitting and that per- SENATORS INSPECT bomb, and frantic efforts were laxh upon the Dardaaeiloa "anothci Against Woeyre Defenses haps there was no intention to vio'at lalaklavn, " and characterize the JAPAN TO REORGANIZE the law but that nevertheless the law made to communicate by wireless had been vhole of the omratlon to reduce tha violated. with the two liners, to warn Ihem Friotas asked that in tho future n Oardnnelle forte aa "tinforivable (AMoeUted by Wtretoaa.) (AasocUUd by WlraUi.) of possible impending danger. Pru rral rr drl further violations of the law be made iluuderiug." LONDON, July 8. Italy ia awiagtag PARIS, July 8fr-Exce- far ojiera on the plantation regarding building permit Holt had notified his wife to The Northi'liffe paper are aeverelv ier heaviest metal againet tho Anotrian tion of in i nor magnitude in the neigh and added that the department 7" in would always be pleased to assist nd (AoeUt4 Ptmi by rtdaral Wlrls.) "watch the papers of July rritiriMi rij the tattle pf Gen. Hir Ian ines on the Isonzo front, in a aavag barhood of Ypfo, the Gorman offen I . , . with plantation , manager VALLEJO,. July 8 Senatora Tillman order that she might know which in at 'ttempt to break on the pla-'ea- ire in the north, h out, ud Hamilton the landing of force through flotteued (Special to the ltawail Hliinpo) and others in building operation. and Phalan made a visit of inspection uf the steamships he had decided lie DunluuelU'ii. of Ioberdo, rut the line of n the main brnnt of h Teutonic attack TOKIO, July 7. Japanese ministers, It jteems that in the past, planta to the Mar Island navy yard yester- op wa tion managers have erected building: to destroy, the name of which had with Trieste and fold borne yeaterdoy 'by the Freneh 'im!HKHadors and consuls in all parts day, where they were told that as on their holding at will and without of opera- flipped his memory. the Austrian forces South of Tolmino. forces ia th Y'oorr dintriut, opposed if to result the recent dredging been lookiuK Hince he was indicted on the world may be transferred taking out permit and Frietas hold tion the yard ia now accessible by the Mthough the defender have been to tl'C army the Crpwn Priuce. thi as Both Steamers Safe l ctuirge of murdering hi wife. ot new Ntations, following a decision of an infraction of the building largest ship of the navy, which can Holt, wa forced to give some their oppo- The aaya IB WBk then known a ktueolor, ground, night bulletin that aaults 01 u f(iri'ij;ii office to also be accommodated in the drydock. 'he reorganize the " ' During the afternoon, Captain enihiuK at Harvard Wkaa hi wife sition 1 continues fonnldable and the on the Freaek position fringing the rvice. Already K. Inouye, ambaasa-!o- r Word from Mare aland regarding lied, MiioMtlly in child Ur-- h, There Mills of the Philadelphia wire- Italian advance is painful aad coetly. foreet of Apr"out broke dawn under tb submarine H 3, which recently vere niiHicioiin circumatancea connect to the court of St. James, and M. grounded on its way from San Diego lessed to the headquarters of the fire, having tbo Germans noth PHYSICIAN id with the death, however, and the sotted I'.idki, minister to liking, have been H01LUL0 to Han Francisco, la that repairs to authnritia held a post anortein, emov-a- American line here Jhat his fchjp iag but heavy losses. not lied thut tley will be transferred th cost of 48300 will have to he doiio no the atoiuacb of th 4oa4 woman PERSONS KILLtl) In the forest of Lo Pretre, the n the craft. had been searched and that for auulyxi. Muenter obtain,8'! per to other stations. hand-to-han- Several new plates have to be put in. miHHlon E Krench, in stubborn fight ARRESTED IN SAMOA bumb could he found aboard. This to take the bo1y to Chica.go o- - centered the interest On the Saxo for Imrinl. but wa never heard of ing with hand grenade aad Vevolvera, igaiu. Ten day after kO diaappoared ANDTKiYimOP drove the Germans out of two hundred nia. which at first could not be it minoiUHied ROBBERS whs that the At)tyi yard of trench. ' A heavy bombard TERRORIZE picked up. A report that all wai had dixi'loHed poison. New wa received yesterday in Ho- ment was directed by" th Qerrn safe aboard that vessel was receiv- Indicted For Murder nolulu from Samoa that Dr. William T. An indictmont charging Mueuter against the field work around Le Dunn, former resident physician of tb office Cap- (AssocisUd rru by WtrU ed by the Cunard from with miinlpr wa fouifil by tko Jjraud rort Eporgaa, ea tho hlgMe of th Meuse, ARKANSAS VILLAGE Queen' Hospital ami now waited her I, OnWio, July 8.- -r tain Charles late in the afternoon iury, nt the auto htcnaolf ,wao never yi:LK.t)TOWN, b th federal authpriti a a statu- d but th expected eharf did not mate Vyide discoverad until hi la,d bojly Ten peraoa were killed ytrdJ tory charge, waa onder arrest and held credence was given to the identified aa that of the for- rialize. by wvtrty injire.1 ia th derailment of (AssoeiaU VrsM by the American naval authorities at (Assooistsd Prass by Fsdsral Wlrclas.) posthumous warning of Holt that mer Harvard ioitruftOT- - From Arraa to tko sea, there were rdral Wlr!. Pago Pago. ight seeing trolley car on th line of L1TTLK HOCK, July 7 LONDON, July 8. Speaking to the That Mueiiter wa ,at Cornell, ma Arkansas, The fcHate re- he had placed a bomb aboard one - nq iofautry eogageuwmU yeaterday ex United marshal her House Karl Helborne who, qiieradiug uu'lor Die i Holt the Niagara fiuonic Bailway, wkick fol- Seven bold robbers today terrorized of Lord, Qjf .uaaif aeriea ceived tabled orders yeatorday from th frqoi 19(10 1W5 lord the ships from the knowledge known to some, however. Prof, ('lie the cept around Ypre,but a of tne nearby village of England for an to waa first of the 01 Nia ar gorge, akrrting the department of iuatitie in Washington file lit ' ' heavy duel waa in progress. hour, eriL'Huod iu a pistol battle with Admiralty, declared last that that unexploded bombs had been ter (ioul.l ot the llnieiity of C'hicK' rapids, from the falia to the placid artilleay to proceed Immediately to tiamoa t aonriu-s- t loo citizeus, their Germany ia putting the whole shipbuild who hail taken a leeeasreh wotk Oermnn sheila have Reduced the catbe drove attackers lute bring the arrested physician 'back' to found in the British steamer Cornell, admitted yeatorday that in water beginning at Queenatown. a hotel and held them there and thea ing strength or the empire into dral of Arraa to heap of ruina. ritd to dyuamit the safe of a bank. Houolulu. Th officer will leave in the Bankdale, Lord Erne and on( Instructor Holt be Jiad recflgniU'd the Ventura on Monday Pag Pago, formur 11a had In the neighborhood of Yprea, th Failing to do thi they niarched dow for other when they were discharged Haryafd .profeaaof.. probably returning to Honolulu lieiit Hileitt because Muenter "aeemed German a of the the main street, seriously wounding tte with WASHINGTON ADVISED regained portion bia prisoner in the Sonoma on the. op aj Havre, after recent voyage? to lp (retting along ao nteely" and he HACK WRECKED BY British won from marshal, who attempted to stop tuem, trench whisk tho aud escaped in o trip of that vessel from Australia. .OF FIGHTING IN HAYTI with army supplies. believcii tne man had Beponteti ami counter automobile. Then wan trvkng to eriiue b.y thein Tuily, in uceeful idiiudur rail auipust iU k vSout atone for hi ) Holt Was Muenter IttadiiiK an uaofMl life. charge. 200. (Associated TrM by Wu-la.- upriubt ao4 ' OFFICER OF SAN DIEGO rdrl WASHINGTON, July 8 l Identification Positive - S Bear Holt was positively - yesterday The identification of Holt aa Muen METALS FOR MUNITIONS FACES COURT MARTIAL Caperton, who ia with hi flag- identified as Prof. Erich Muentci, ter was made oaitiva by the teetiniony m ship, the V. S. 8. Washington, at ('ape WILL REMAIN AT HOME formerly of Harvard, for whom of Htate Detective Hinith of Ma"hu BODY WARRANT OUT Aocurta rrui by fcesral WlrthtM.t Hatien, report that there ha been Rett, Theodore antoyiotulc MARE ISLAND, July Lieut. Ed- - tome roceut fightjng there between the llillfr, 89 Lute on Monday night aa electric (Assocuttd by i the; police have been looking since ileaier or ( am tirKlge, and A. 1. rirowu Pru fvdaral WlraU.) son ('. Oak, of the cruiser Han Piego, revolutionist and. the government he was indicted on a charge q a Boh tun reiiorter, each of whom knew car driven by Motormao V.Tatoa. ' LONDON', July Lloyd Is to be tried at court martial op troop. s , m,ur.dering Muenter intimately and, WantiSed the crashed into a hack la Cing Htret FOR V1FE OF THAW 'leorye, the new miuihter of munitious, charge of negligence resulting in blow his wife. 11I ing put some a re lioily Unit a that, of fhe formor near Kawaiahao and completely iiiiioiiui-i',- today Kuglaud is of boiler tube, a TEETHING CHILDREN. lna, that suit which g number engine Wide credence wa given to the llarvaril man. 1,-- : of. of tb wrecked it. hareo' driver to hore-ifte- r Teethig children more or lass warning of Holt that he Neither f, prevent the exportution room prow wer auiad. iuve IioKtbnmoiis were in jured. ir "arrhuea, which ran be Controlled by a bomb aboard one of the SAYS ACCOMPLICES (AsUU4 to b Vesral WlmUf.) of any used in the manu- HOLT HAP t giving Chamberlain 'a Colic, ('ho)eta kip fiom the knowledge that uuea-Vloda- TI10 cm uui guiug to the barn, t NhiW YGfV, JmIJ A Vody tvr-rit- facture of munition. All Hiich metals tbie (Asmcuu TrM s iilaaal (rinU.) .Thaw, PACIFIC RESERVE FLEET Hid piarrhoe b'emedy. All that is hmb hud been fouud in A nimliTute rule nf nuiail mtA ahead. ia out fop JCvulyo 'abU are to be kept strictly for home use. by rof. (4Mclt4 rs Wlral.) is to give the prescribed British steamers Baukdale, Lord true WAH1IINUTON,' Joly Charle. uu the rijiht aide of the fqad, Jggot calling for her appaaranc in. court to iiiieaary BAN FBAN0I80O, rrlJuly 7. The Pa pf bpw-"'- s and one other when they were Monroe, an expert no J plosive n the a o py explain why h dul not answer the '"se after each operation the naoK riven a Japnep aaieu more and castor at Havre, after recent voy government bureau of mine, baa made T. Yuuianliiu. subpoona requiring br to testify in the ANNAPOLIS SURGEON CLEARED cific reserve fleet, commanded by Rear than natural then ages Wltn army supplies. in Investigation of the Holt dynamiting When near Kawiaha au thbaclt anwl taken by bK husband, Han) (AssocUud Prsa by WlrsUas.) Admiral Cbarlea F. Pond, will remain oil to cleanse the i.vsiem. It is iaf believe un- ' rdrl and sure. Even icoet npd Volt Muenter ind that Holt had aecoaiplh e. U',drvly tutiM"! uuu In front of v Kmilll Thaw, againat the decree ANNAPOLIS. July 7. Hurgon Mc- here until August S before returning the evr Halt waa .yasterdav positively Idea M declare that a bomb a iiwlt whi'-- from Nw Dowell was todav com- danfteroua cases are quckly cured liv uh movinv car and was, truk ;flrly aad der ho w trUted exonerated of to Bremerton navy yard, Washington, titled Prof. Krich Muenter, formerly lescribe a having been aet off at the squarely. When the rr resumed He Hampshire. Mrs. Thaw' testimony is plicity in the "cribling" at the naval it. for sale lv all dealers; 'Benson, f Harvard, for whom the police have 'iid would not explode. journey there wasn't much back left. wanted by the tt. Acadawjr. it bom station. Smith t Co., Ltd., agent for Hawaii. ' i HAVAIA GAZETTE, FRt)AY, JULY 9, 1915. -S-EMIAVESKlYt, 3 :' - JAPAfiESE CHARGE FIRE DOES HEAVY SHIP SACRAMENTO Mil) MOULDS HARBOR BOARD Honolulu Stock Exchange Thursday, July 8, 1913. l-ICRE- WS WITH E , DAMAGE TO STORE LISTED AS GERMAN AMERICAN OPINION ASKS WASHINGTON

CAPITA NAME Of STOCK SAIO Ul BRUTALITY GROSS Living Apartments Above Are Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page (Inc.) FOR PORT RELIEF Tlic Chilean liked Msscastil Gutted Below authorities changes of jphrnseninsry, it will be Alts Baldwin U MJ.wn.ns and Stock this C Brtw A O. , W IDOOJI' yarn so little that they ready for ''delivery to the Amer- Drenched ' Sooas With Water promptly seized the ship ami Navy , Ask .Utilities. To. Compel ican ambassador. Department Requested To fwi loan. ,( t Bart, i.&no.oii too tm Iit) 1 there she is today, listed in the Haw. . ' Navigation Company.To Abot-- England Moulds Opinion Allow Refugee Ships To Go AariaiHursi,. lnno IU IM .209 Last night about half past nine Maritime Register, the ofT'cial Haw.Cmn.ASuf.Co IO.antt.0 Sua, , o'clock fire cutting the .;ml Hiw. Co. Ish Alleged Abuses the department responded publication, (he S. S. "By between To Naval Base Hoeokaa. iono.00 a which as "German tb call led them to the grocery Germany and tin- ... j. WO 140 store of Ah Leong, on the mauka side Sacramento." Tinted States Konomu Sutsr of King street, nearly opposite the There was an attempt made to at the outset of tiir war, Kngland PuMrtatioa Co.... PASSENGERS SUBJECTED fishmarket. in ADMIRAL MOORE POINTS Kckaha&uiar Co!!! t.il.4l.ifcu.dlV find indictments on the strength has succeeded ninuliling Amer- TNl.Or. When the engines arrived the upper araoa.... L Lid. tSnO.OW TO 'INHUMAN TREATMENT of ican public opinion to her satis- OUT WAY IN to. story of the place was a blaze and for testimony required from the LETTER Qahu 8ifar S.n'iO.Oni a time it looked as if the fire would German grocers who had supplied faction. , uisa rC'Lld! MW reading news Pnomtt ...... I.jhO OA be a serious one. The fire, was gotten the Sacramento, but "By perpetually Puutuu S. Plan. Co tOno,nui Vice-Preside- the proof Cable Message PORT OF TSO.OOi1 nt McLean of Steam- under control about an hour later; not, colored by British censorship, Brit Sent Yesterday HONOLULU. racnie... however, until the rooms in which was not strong enough. Evidence Kaia . t.0K ship Line Explains ft ish correspondents mid the news May Bring About Solution ARRIVED. Peetckco 'Third Ah Leong family dwelled were ebtirely finally was obtained from mem- Pioneer MM Co.-- .. 4.0M.0UI despatches and editorials of Waialua 4LSsai.noi destroyed. Very few of the contenu the Of fitr. Wllhebnina, from San Fran-Cisco- , Air. Ce.... Class Passenger Traffic bers of the ship's crew, as they Difficulty Waikilm Sugar Co.. iouoom were saved. English newspapers. America has 7:15 a. m. Waimanalo 2SZ.H0H An immense crowd gathered In the drifted baik from Valparaiso to thus been beguiled into taking a fcr. iuauua is.cn, from Hilo, 7:15 Walnta Sugar Mil. 1K.0O street and for a time it looked as if San Francisco. wrong view, of the character of a. m. Miacsuiuwoio Monet KadaluA, otherwise known M it might hamper the work of the fire- That the navy department permit the Str. China, from Orient, 8 a. m. George German warfare. Ah a HinmFPCo.LM. IM. Mow, a Munit In the employ men. result, German war bound merchant vessels Yacht Hawaii, from Maui, 8 p. m. HaiksjiPCoCoi Inter-Inlan- MONTENEGRINS ARE io.nM f tho Steam Navigation On one side of Ah Leong store INDICTED against (iiniiany has 8tr. W. O. Hull, fiom Kauai, 5:20 a. Haw. Electric Co... the Aauetared by now in Honolulu, ami such other ves- I.M0.00M company, vanished from the cattle premises of Honolulu rrw fedsral WirsMaa.) m. Raw. rr. Co. Ud... i,i.0,uv are the the CHICAGO, July B. Five arisen." nneanptc Co. steamer Wailele early on the morning Monteneg- sels as may seek this port for refuge Training Hliip J 100.001 Cracker Company and on the other Significant Newport from Hilo, HilofeR.C.Ptd.. IM.S4II rins, of whom three are royal commis- Interview Him) K! mi... of June IS. The disappearance was Luen Chang, to be stationed temporarily, at least, (1:30 a. m. R Co. Com. 1.432.4TJ those of another cracker sioners and one a former attache of the Honohils reported to the Publla Utilities Com- and cake Ilerr von Jagow's interview is at Pearl Harbor, was the gist 8tr. Kageshima Main, from Brrwinf manufacturer. Montenegrin embassy at Constantinople, of a Muroran, AMaiiiai Co. Ltd sno.oo W mission at Its. meeting yesterday. fire was in significant a the lirst, ofliciril ut- cable sent by ( Japan, 7:30 a. Hoa.QasCo.Pld... lK While the progress the were indicted here yesterday by the yesterday diaries R. in. IM.OUi 1IPBKIU Kaualua was last seen asleep on the Forbes, chairman Clandine Hon. Gat Co. Com. loo ins occupants of these places started to federal grand jury, charged hav- terance nadj! thoiiith there have of the harbor com Mr. from Maui, 5 a. m. H.R.T.4 LCo.Com deck at two o'clock in the morning. with mission, to Br. etr. Iniliughm l.an.Ks loo iwh throw their household effects into the ing recruited soldiers for the Monte been various editorials and state- Secretary Josephus Daniels, from New York. IJSO.uO) At eight o'clock h's was missing and the navy 1 p. m. Mutual TtL Co..... street and after a few miuute .King negrin army, in violation of department. 51S.571 ' no explanation of his disappearance of American ments permuted, since Ambassa O. R. L Co lOUO.Obi IOOI42 street at this point resembled an auc- This step was decided upon by the DEPARTED. I Rub. lit ever has been, established. neutrality. 'a Pahant Co.,.. 3110.00 tion room. dor Bertlstorff personal emissary, board at its meeting yesterday, follow- TaaoniOlokR.Co JUO.UO The Btr. Msunn l.oa, for Hilo, noon. accident at Lfhaina? May 1, in Just how the fire started is not Dr. Myer- - ing lengthy discussion of the- - present Anton icrhard. reached Htr. Maui, for Hawaii, I : 4T, m. Bonds which a Japanese, picture I AmtOai bride and definitely known, n t it is believed to and prospective con est ion of the Imr-bor- . j. an aged Chinese, Berlin from, WasliiiiL'ton. with, his Str. Lnrlinc, for San Francisco, ttandlni both deck passengers have been caused by tho upsetting of ADRIATIC ALIVE The merchant ships in ipiestinn Kanakas D. Co. ( aun.ooi on pnlilio 4:10 p. m. Haw. A S. on the Kilauea, were drowned, in an aa oil lamp. report American senti- are taking up docking room which will Con. Co. 8tr. Wailele, for Hawaii, 5 p. m. XR.0OI attempt to make a landing, was up be- The house ami effects, well as ment. ' be needed shortly, ns at Haw! fcr.fc."i'!. as. least thirty Htr. Kinau, for Kauni, .VIO p. m. tOU,(jOl fore the commission again yesterday, the contents of the store underneath, Ambassador Gerard conferred extra freighters are expected to ar- Haw. Ter. 4 p c (Rc 8tr. Llkelikc, for Kauai, 5:20 p. m. handing 105) . but consideration was deferred until end which were considerably damaged rive in Honolulu during the month and .... fdooi WITH SEAWASPS yesterday with Ilerr Zimmerman, Str. Mikahala, for Maui, 5:25 p. m. Haw.Ter.4pcP.lm. IJUUDUIll a week from . today,, when a quorum by water, 'are said to have been fully these ore believed to be the forerun- Haw.Ter.4pcP.lnL secretary, ac- 8chr, Ida May, for Maui, 5:3() p. m. IIJ-I9I- I.SW.anJ will be had. Owing to the frequent Insured. The loss is not known. under foreign and ner! of large fleets of merchantmen 8er. 3 ... necessary absences of Commissioner quainted him with the decision 8chr. Annie II, for Muni and Molo-kai- , Haw.Ter. 4Mpc. of that, owinu to the opening of the 5:30 p. m. Haw. Tor. 4Sc!! i.ouaaoi Williams and Chairman Forbes, the one Wilson not to Panama Canal nnd war in flaw, Ter. J p c L144.IWH Italy Has Declared Sea Practical- President make any the F.urnie, Str. China, for San Francisco, 0 p.m. HsoR.kspcilMM k on private and the other on public will make Honolulu a port of call for formal reply to the tentative pro- Str. Manna Koa, for Hilo, 10 a. m. m ivuu LOOOlOOCi affairs, there is unavoidable delay in ly Closed To bunker coal and purposes. Hilo R. R. Co. ATTACK INCOMETAX Merchantmen posals put by Germany. other Schooner Hepeat for South Bend, 3 Ret doing business. At the meeting yes- forward Correspondence on 8ubject Eitn. Com. tt. . lmono 15 Of All p. m. Honokaa&Ce.sc terday Commissioners Forbes and Nations The board hns been taking sub- too.am this Str Pakotan, for Kahului, 4:30 p. m. Hon. Oat Co. Ltd ! inoM the only two present ject up with Admiral C. H. T. M oore, Hoa R.T 4LCo.6pc BSI.OIOt Kv Str. Wilhelminn for Hilo, 5:10 p. Kauai ma Japanese Society Protests r FrSaral Wiralm.) naval commnnilnnt here, nnd consider- m. Rr. Co 6t... 4H9.0UO LONDON, 9. The activi- 8tr. W. O. Hall for Kohala Ditch Co. 6O0.WI0 M. Negoro, general secretary N SUPREME COUR July great APANESE ENVOY correspondence on Kauai, 5:15 p. m. it of the I able the ipiestinn has Str. Indraghiri for McBnrdeS. Co. te lOiiO.OOti ty" of submarines in the Adriatic would Vladivostok, 0 Mutual Tel...... vH Japanese Society of Hawaii, protested been exchanged between the commis- p. m. rw.sno -- Naloraat Con. ts... I4.oi5.nou by letter to the commission on May 28 seem to confirm the report from Rome sion and the uavnl official, l'earl Har- " 8tr. Mokolii for Oahu ports, 6:35 p.m. O. R. L Co. 5 p c x. ouo.oo .... iw '.. ., at the treatment received by Inter-Islan- bor is, however, a closed port to Sugar Co. (oc I.750.UIIOI last week that seven German subma- iner uah guar deck passengers of his race. He Claim Is Made Law, Which ships, except such as are engaged PABSENQER. Olaa Co. ( pc .... at i That rines had passed through the strait) MAY- QUIT SERVIC E chant PacilicO. Pertikur n attended the meeting yesterday .to in bringing supplies and materinl for Arrived. C Ss Also Honolulans, of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean. '4oa.orl make a fuller verbal explanation. Affects Is the direct use of the naval authorities Per P. M. S. 8. China, from Manila, PtcWc IMdlCo this connection," runs the ori- It was conjectured at the time that big Hongkong, fe. W8,oonl "In Unconstitutional at tho station. Japan ports. For Hono- Pioacer M. Co. nc SU0.Mtl tut ginal protest, beg leave to call they would make their liases at Trieste The question of making use of l'earl lulu, July 6. K. A. San CarkM.Co.pc "I (Special Cable 'to the Nippu Jiji.) Keller, Mrs. K. La o.oim I0S your attention to the fact that the and Pola. Harbor for stationing the refugee iner Combo, Miss Maxim? La Combe, W. U. Waial.i A. Co. pc tblSai matter has been under our TOKIO, July 8.' It is reported hero chnntmcn nnd Ounwoody, consideration The Italian cruiser Amalfi, of 101 IS there thus relieving the William Stoddard, K. A. for some time, and that a special meet- Honolulnns who are affected by the that K. Inyoue, Japanese ambassador to congestion of the Port of Honolulu wns Hitchcock, Miss C. M. tons, launched in 1008, was torpedoed Hitchcock, Iida. Between Xoaraa ing of the board of governors was in- brought to a head yesterday when the Per M. N. S. S. Wilhelmina, from federal income tax law may be the Court of St. .lames, who, according Olaa .10, 35, 40, 150, 100, 200, 100, called a few dpys ago, which decided to yehterdiiy in the upper Adriatic. She following letter from Admiral Moore San Francisco. For Honolulu, 6 tS, terested know that papers have been to recent information was to be trans- July 7.00; MrBrvde 150, 200, 60, 75, 50, 15, to call a special meeting of the board filed in first in Supreme nrried ."."id men, but few casualties was rend: Miss Florence Allen, Miss Buth Al- the attack the 25, 200, 50, 8.00; Oahu 8u . C. 40, 50, ' of counselors and, if necessary, a mass on con- ferred to another post, ha decided to Admiral Moore's Letter lison, H. A. Andersou, Miss Bybil An- Court of the United States the were reported. 15, 50, 24.75; Waialua 50, 40, 20, meeting of the Japanese, in order to stitutionality prom resign from the' government service. "Pearl Harbor. T. H., July fi, 1!ir. derson, A. B. Angus, W. D. 15, of the law. This fr. Bald 50, 80, 25, 15, 1(H), 15, 6 have the Inter-Islan- Steam Naviga- ises to most be " Oentleiuen: Your letter dated July win nild wife, Miss Xanie 75, 83.00; be the important caso ADRIATIC SEA CLOSED Inyoue has for some time been dissatis Barr, Mrs. Onomea 30, 30, 30.00; O. tion Company conform treatment 1 was received cloniiii; C. H. 4 8. Co. 5, its fore the tribunal at its next terra just at the of K. Barton, Wadleigh Barton, De ' third-clas- s fled with the policy of the government 20, 55, 38.00; Mut. Tel. Co. 40, 18.75 of Japanese passengers to Counsel for two Detroit (Michigan) (AuocUUd Pratt by Federal Wuilni i business on Hut unlay, July :t, and T Wolf Barton Miss Catherine Barton, . Kahuku the dictates of humanity and the com- men a tho WASHINGTON, July Ambassa in the recent negotiations with China, have already communicated with you MA.6.lH?rtiX; g! Plantation Co. 1500, 15.50: II, filed brief attacking surtai KlJllum, W. R. T. L. Cev 100.04.- - mon k 10, .s ,, decorum between man and man." on incomes of . individuals. dor Page at Rome cabled to the state especially becarisri'the existence, pf the by telephone informing ypu'of the fact .Bntrt tftA.' Brown. Mis. JAfrero, fioaalon The eom,p)aint. was accompanied hyA Throe maia reasons are assigned for department yesterday that Italy has "Group" V'' in the demands on that I Bin unable to grant you the re- Ruth Caldwell, Mrs. J. A. Caldwell, Bales h a nuniner ot editorials rrom the Japa- claiming surtax provision of the lief requested on account of the fact Col., P. H. K. n. C. Co. 5, 10, the declared the Adriatic a closed sea to Feking was concealed by Japanese olli Callahan and wife, R. a 38.00; Paaakao nese newspapers, but inasmuch as only law is invalid. (Stockholders in cor that l'earl Harbor is a closed pott and Callahan and wife, Geo. Church, a, 2U.o(; waralna 2&, 2S, 40, 25, 23.25; merchantmen of all except James one of them had been translated, they porations, it is asserted, when com put nations, cials. no foreign vessel is allowed to enter ( lark. Miss S. A. Coatcs, Miss Ora Oahu Hug. Co. 5, 10, 24.75 Olaa 50, did not throw much light on the .ques- ing their surtaxes, are subjected to those bound for Montenegrin and Ital- The news reached .Toklo today from excciit by permission of the secretary Conway, D. G. Cook aud wife, Robert 7.00. tion, so far as the commission was liability for the gains and profits of ian ports, under convoy of ltaliun war- an nnoflirial source in London. Def- of the navy in each caso. X. Cor ba ley, J. A. Cummins, Chns. A. 8TJOAB QUOTATIONS. concerned. the corporations which have not been "I appreciate the congested rondi Davis, Miss Ruth E. Davis, Kd Dekum, Passengers Allege ships. inite information on it could not be ob- 88 Analysis Bttta (ao advieea). Abuses divided or distributed. tion of the harbor of Honolulu and as Dr. H. B. Delatour and wife, Miss L. Parity Accordingly, Mr. Negoro was re- It is charged also that the provision tained in tho oflico of the foreign do I informed you on I I lev Saturday think er, John A. Dnhrman and wife, Miss !! Cent (For Hawaiian Susars) 4.0. quested to attend in person, and make vests in the secretary of tho treasury partment,'but in the opinion of the gen- it would be well for your commission Irma Doughty, Miss A. Farrington, his complaint more specific. He ex- an arbitrary power of determining, eral public the resignation will soon ma to telegraph to tho navy department for Geo. Flood, Cbas. R. Forbes, W. ( plained that Japanese deck passengers without a hearing, whether any eorpor DEWlH the relief desired. If, however, this Fove, Lindsay Fovo, W( L. Frar.ee and t riLi m tr undi- terialize. ti often report that they are roughly han- ation has accumulated a greater course docs not commend itself to you wife, Jule Frit, Mrs. V. W. Fritz, C. L. 6, for Han C'. B. HalL Mr. ceportod Francisco. dled by the Inter Islsnd seamen, trod- vided surplus than is reasonable for It is also from another and if you. will make the request that C. Gait, Miss Helen Oilliland, Geo. F and Mrs. Frank Pacheco and son, Musi den on and kicked about. Sailors, they the needs of the business. source that Kngland's feeling toward I telegraph for instructions, I will re Godfrey and wife, A. F. Godfrey, A. F. Marv I'acheco, Miss Boiihie Pacheeo, A third reason is provision say, practise on thorn what amounts that the MEETS DISFAVOR Japan has been somewhat strained since fer your request to the navy depnrt Goodhiiul, Miss Anne O. Gram berk A. a Hayes, Don Oray, W. F. Nooaan, to jietty extortion by demanding erinits corporations to accumulate and that country con inent. Harold llaber and wife, Miss Stella D. W. W. Wickersbam, Miss Elisabeth withhold from such the former hoard of the I they pay fifty cents for the use of surtax taxation "Verr resneet ful v, Ilalsey, Miss Hazel Harrison, F. W. Marcus, Sidney R. Jordan, Misa Maud com- part of their profits as may lie reason of the "Group demands. a mat, if they wish to have a cealment V" "C. B. T. MOOKE, lleins, Miss Alice Israel, Miss P.. Cal K. Jordan, Lau Kong.. passage. ably necessary for the needs and pur (AuocUUd Press by Federal Wireless.) fortable Otherwise, they are "Hear Admiral, 1'. S. X., Commandant. lahaii, Miss Sclma Israel, Harry Jack Per M. N. 8. 8. Lurliue for Han Fran- - to enjoy poses of the business, and does not ac WASHINGTON, July 9. Governor told, they aren't likely their FEMALE LABOR IN RUSSIA "The Hoard of Harbor Commission son. Miss B. R. Johnson, A. J. Lewek, isco, July J. A. Lrodie, Mrs A. cord such business privilege to imli Ferguson of Texas de- T. trip. has notiflod the ers. Territory of Hawaii, Honolulu, Mrs. Caroline Loom is, Miss Kli.abetli l'rodie, Miss B. Baldwin, ). O. Board-ma- No accompanying statement from the iduals and partnerships. It is u:H'" , 26. (Corres- partment of justice that sub lieutenants June 11." Low, F. J. Lowrey, J. M. Lydgate, H Mrs. (). O. Hoanlinuu, W. H. Dee-mn- company was considera- that corporations are thus favored b pondence at hand and of of the Associated Press) Direct Bequest Sent It. Manner, Miss Virginia Markel, Mrs. Mrs. W. and child, tion, was deferred fuller informa- a "most invidious discrimination. " both the Villa and Carranza factions How female labor figures in Russia's 8.Heeman, J. rmttl In view of Admiral Moore's state I. Martins, Miss C. O. McCord, Miss M. Itlake, M'S. J. M. JUske, Mrs. F. A. tion could be obtained. Other communi- look with disfavor on the demand of organisation of her industries for the decided incut, the board that its chair Helen K. Mc.Cully, R. H. Medcalf, Mrs. ( uniiiiig, C. J. Cooper, Fzra Crane, Mr. cation filed were: Members Villa that General Huerta be extra- production of munitions is told l.v man should cable to Washington a .1. K. Mersberg, Miss 8. Mett, Miss Com-psny- of the crew must make their II. K. Duncan child, F. Doat, From the Hilo Klertrle Light , Thomas Stephens of a large American navy and U way aliout, and, as deck passengers dited, for trial on charges of complicity request for relief. Xow, that 'the Mildred Miller, Mis K. M. Mitchell. II. L. Flynn, Garc.ta, Mrs. application for an opinion on the engineering firm. "Everywhere in is Fredericks, J. sleep on deck, nothing else can lie . loin-i- in department made aware of the situ Miss Alberta Montgomery, Howard I. new which proposes put the alleged murder of General Abram Russia they arc making the' greatest Garcia, .Miss D. Hood's, A. J. Hoover, ratos it to into tiie sailors to go where at ion here, it is believed that the re Moore, Miss Madye Murphy, Miss ). have Gonr.ales, former Governor of State use of he L. Ilagcman, Mrs. C. Hottell, Miss effect. The rompauV is installing gers are. Sometimes lurch of the the possible women's labor." quest will be granted. Tho German Nieinan, Miss Not., a says. isiied one large factory iianris Natalie II. Kennedy, A. J. Mrs. B. J. meters and abolishing its old flat rates. ship may throw a sailor off his balance of Chihuahua, which Villa now rules. "1 cruiser (ieier and the German naval Miss Julia Over, July Paka, Mrs. .lulv Compa- where thev make huud grenades and I.aikev and child, Mrs. M. P. Morrell From the Hawaii Telephone with the result a passenger ets Several American consuls in Northern n ii in rv Locksun will both remain in I'aka, Mrs. T. J. Parteuheimer, W. X. that high explosive shells. 1 saw hundreds and chibl, Mrs. C. M. MrClure, H. C. ny, application for an opinion on new stepped on. IIommIiiIu harbor, should the permission Patten. A. D. Perkins, D. F.. Phillip 1, Mexico telegraphed to the state depart women work on Maple, G. S. McKenaie, H. N. O'Neill, rates to go into effect August Provision for sea nick passengers of at lathes, drilling .sought be granted, as these two vessels and child, Miss Alice M. Pope, Mrs. Compa- inent yesterday, urging, action machines and -- tumping out machines. Mrs. A. Pitkin, W. J. fitafford, B. L. From the Mutual Telephone seemed obscure to Mr, McLean. I ,. that if in re interned here and unable to leave W. .1. Kietow, W. Rietow, W. II ny, The manager told me the women's J. Stqdiens, Mrs. I Ha bey, Mrs. V. application, for an opinion on its passengers are carried at lower rates is to be taken for the restoration of that the port during the progress of the Kietow, C. H. Hipley wife, Miss G labor was just us efficient as that of and Storm, Mrs. N. L. 8.-ot- Miss R. Morth- - right to demand two months' payment than cabin, naturally, and thev pay peace and order, the government make v nr. The merchantmen are, however. Riplev. Mrs. Harry Rogers, D. Ross niuellcr, Miss K. White, T. E. Work-ma- n, in advance . fr9m subscribers, which for nothing except the space they lie tho men." f agents and might even depart from wife, Miss Rossiter, haste, as conditions are daily growing and Harriet Mrs. I. A. Young, Mrs. J. A. Young and ripht has been contested. on. I liev do not get even meals, un the islands, if thev cared to run the T. Hurl'. us, Miss Winnie .Salisbury, The commission disapproved a sug- Itrss they make special arrangements more desperate. risk of capture on the high seas by war hild.. Miss May Smith, J. C. Tait and wife Per str. W, O. Malt for Kama) ports. gestion of the industrial accident board for them. Thev tricS kimtilv their own The food riots in Mexico City and ships of the powers now warring L. 11. Thoinp .lean Tint. Kdith Tait, Jury 8. Hen F. Vicara, Misa L. Naea, " oomew uun unices in me teiling. Ab indicated, the company other cities have been quelled, it is against Germany. It. Waggouor wife, Mrs. C iw w and Misa H. Ayau, A. L. Miss Kauikeolani building. Superintendent Iocs nothing except to transport them reported. General Carranza promises Many applicants for positions pf har O. C. O. T. C. White Atkinson, Warren, Warren, K. M. Damm. Forbes promised to provide the board and to furnish deck space. to use evFTV consideration toward for- bor police and wharfingers made their and wife, Mrs, C. L. Wight, 8. G. Wil office Per str. Mauna Kea for Hilo and with an free of rent in the Cap- WJiarf Extension Necessary eigners. His army is now reported 10 npplii at inns to the board yesterday. The der, Jr.. Miss Charlotte Williams. Dav- itol. The public utilities commission miles from the capital, which is still AT THE PUBLIC BATHS way porta July7 R. C How man, Mr. Mr. McLean was shown applications were all referred to Har id L. Withington, Frederick B. With has no room to spare in it present this editorial held by Zapatistas. ' Gladys Pearco, Miss Violet Chung yesterday. was to him bonnaster Foster. ington, Dr. P. M. Woodworth, C. M quarters. It submitted According to Vera Crux despatches, in I loon, Miss M. Chung Monu, Miss ( Chairman Forbes reported on the Nelson. by the Public I'tilities 'omniisHion, Obregou 'a Gladys Bro. Raymond, Bro. General predicament in the v i st on by him during Pearre, to l.ah;iina in- igat ions carried Per str. W. G. Hall from Kauai prior the hearing on the north is serious. The' food shortages Matthias, Pro. Albert, Bre. Joseph1 cident. Since he had noth- Steps Out From Water and Is his recent trip to the mainland in re ports .Inly 7 Mr. ami Mrs. II. Morgan. d Gives then heard in the north are also more aerions than (2), Miss K. Henna. W. H. Hanwoodv, Inter-Islan- ing of any gard to harbor management and facil Mrs. I.. Thornton, N. Spaubling complaint of ill treatment. ever ami women are raiding stores in Fatally J. H. A. Keller, Mr. Austin, Mr. Midkiff, Side of Story In speaking accident, Stricken ities. lie made particular studies on .1. S. Carstairii, A. I iBnahniill, J of the Lahaina mobs to secure sustenance. Miss D. Livingston, Mrs. W, Y. Hhar-att- , Mr. McLean urged that work should these subjects ill the harbors of Se Hong-- , s. I. Hhaw, F. Kalbutim, Father Mrs. M- - Taylor, Mr. aud Mrs. F. .lamos L. McLean, cf begin immediately on McGregor's land- nltle. San Francisco and New York. Herman, and 1J deck. Stepping out from the water at the vo-ii- H. Damon P. 8. Crowley, Mrs. W. 11. the Inter Island Steam Navigation ing wharf. An appropriation of H, BIG BATTLE IS RAGING The svstem in elsewhere l'er Mr. Cluudina from Maui ports public buths, Wuikiki, where she und - Hcott, Miss A. Hilva, H. Faria,' II. B. Company, in a statement to the Ad- 000 was made by tho legislature for (Aaaoelstsa Prsss by rsdsrsl Wtrslsst.) luas much discussed and some of ib- For Honolulu, July 8. Miss K. Chul LAKKDO, 8 a a party of friends bad been swimming, Decker, H. Glass, A. Mrs. A. vertiser on the Japanese complaint, an extension of 123 or 1"0 Texas, July' The better features inav lie introduced here. mors, Mrs. Li Ficun, K. K. Kesloh.l Pbausintz, feet. Mrs. nliili:i r unks 1917 W. two Bur- said no concrete cases of is leaders here announce that as of Lusituniu With the exception of Commissioner Charles, Father Francis, Fath Todd and children, H. O. that "Under the present wharf, there fell in a on bench Futher had been cited, and that, if ny a lug a result of victories in the neighbor- street, faint the '.lames Wakefield, who is now in the cr At lianaxiiiH, Mrs. I'. C'nluinaiin nett, Tai Kyan Woag,. Lilinokaban rock," said Mr. "That shortly befoie seven o'clock last even- J. were, the company would cooperate rock produces a atrnliig 'wush when hood of Monterey, the defenders liavo mainland, all the members of the board and child, Mrs. K. Kong, Mrs. V. Ncl Kapiolani KawananakOa, ing and in a lew minutes was dead. KawaratAa-kon- , with the Public Utilities Commission waves roll up under the wharf, and been relieved, the Villa forces losing 'were present at yesterday's meeting. son. S. Voshida, Mrs. 8. Yoshida, Mas Miss Lottie, David Kalakua "il Dr. Arthur I'. Jackson, who arrived Mr. and Mrs. Woods, in running thorn down. When the I the wash is bad for boats directly out killed. The casualties among the The board will hold nielit sessions, be ter i Muster Yoshida, M is- - Frank M'ss ipiii klv on the scene, was too late to Tai Kyau Wong, Miss tor Island ship's boat was overturned side, a few feet away at the wharf 'arriin.iNtiis are said to be compara ginning probably at half past seven rvtilci. Miss I'acheco, I). Matson, K M. Uookano, be of any assistance. Heart failure Ool-lin- st Lahaina, a letter was sent to 'he Laliiiiiia is becoming more ami more lively light. Fifteen thousand Car-- i tonight, to discuss its new rules and Matsoii. Jennv Hrodieck, lr. J. II Miss He mice Collins, Miwt Bsvbecea was t;i en as the cause of death. Wide-man- , eomnrission by Japanese Associa- dangerous. It seems to lie filling up ho ?,n soldiers und 10,000 Villistax have op business. Xow that the liaiiini'M I. W. H. C. Mrs. J. Keiuliardt. Parker the Mrs. Franks was a nativa of Fun take other Fry, C. Clark tion of Hawaii, enclosing an editorial As Is known, is something been engaged in battle for twelve new biennial period has been begun C. C. C. II Miss M. Hewitt, W, T. Robinson, there dial, Island of .Madeira, fortugal, and Mis. Clark, Master Clark, by Telsuo Toyama Jitsugyo No in big rollers will hours. The Villistas have now with will have spending of II F. Htange, A. L. Andrews,- Mrs. A. L. of the "trance the manner came to Hawaii with h or parents when tie board the Meiiimaii. Mrs. P. Taria, rfahatsn. Hawaii, a Japanese paper. This cdi-i- develop there from a seemingly smooth drawn on 1'urcdon. cv,i,il hundred thousand dollars in Tullant. Mrs. Ah Wan, Ah Wan, Mrs Andrews, W. A. White, Mrs. H. a a girl. She was ton ty seven years old I isl considered the accident and then sea; sometimes two or three grent o'les luiiboi and wliinf improvements II It. I'enhalhiw, Master Penhnllow In vies. Miss M. Keppeler, Miss J. Bu-- i and the mother of four sons and two haniian, CIihm, Chong Bing, went on to charge hat there was some will come in almost without warning. t k i liont islands. Chnirman F. N James Kim JAPANESE MINISTER daughters. !She is survived by her hus- nig the I'i s, Antnne lines, Master Pus positive Of .lapa leso who is superintendent, Chai King Pau, Y. Akaam, Charlie Close Attention Necessary TO CHINA IS NAMED band, John Franks, a well known paint hollies, also of rlioal, Master Paschoal, Miss Paschoal class'' passengers, that the works, he and M (i. Akaua. David Akana, T. H. Da vies and "third "Very close attention is necessary cr, and a brother, Joseph Fernando, public savs that the Mrs. Paschoal, T. Aki, Mrs. To rrew stepped over them and that no days . I wife, Mrs. Lederer and three children, at such times; despite the care exer- proprietor of a barbershop in Hotel board will have ninny busy ahead on lima. oniivama. provision was made sea-sic- (Hpecial Cable to Hawaii Sbinpo.) Miss Kin Moi Chai, ljnilcrman. for '"'hird cised, we hail one accident there re street. The sons are Francis Franks, of I hem. Departed. J. class" passenger. TOKIO, 8. . i cently in which two lives were lost July K. Matsui, vice bookkeeper ith tho Hawaiian Trul I'i str. Kinau for Kauai ports, .lulv ' ! AReVrOSPEROUS No 'Third Cliss' Passengers an accident that, to this time, I cannot minister of foreigu affairs, has been I'mnpaiiv; Fiederick Franks, Joseph n piisenyi" will depnrt for Mr and Mrs. Albert Horner. M's ISLANDS r iii cabin of the s Kudo, C. D There are no third cfass pasniijcr understand, for we' had an experienced appointed minister to China, taking the Franks, a plumber, and Louis i ranks, "'risen the Mrs. II. Cooke, Miss Plenty of work on the plantations in Inter Island All are crew :n boat. engineer. M :i Mr ho Ml d'"' TuesdllV f'otil Co.i,e, Miss M. Cooke, Miss A. Cooke of the other islands, and bumper crops boats. either the place of former Minister K. llioki, who a marine cabin or deck. It is to deck passen- "Nevertheless, dropping that "es The funeral will be hold tomorrow '' ' it for S im The Mis, 1'iiscilla Churman, Miss D. Maki of HiiRar rane is the report brought will be transferred soon to sta M Mi-- s K gers that the Japanese paper eferrnl, t iun , lihuina is becoming worse. When another afternoon from the undertaking par- v and the WiM'clnii'in will in, Tosurt., J. P. Cooke. ('. back from Hawaii and Maul yesterday ( ha rue of ill treatment already have it is unsafe for un to enter I.nliaina t ion. Mr. Matsui is well known in the lors of M. F. sil v, Nuiianu and Ku !,."., V'e.l lies, la c, looliablv about the II ..linn w a v, Mrs. John K. Baird, Mi bv Dr. William H. Fry, superintendent I .. I ecu Considered. Mtepplug over any we must discharge at Mil ream's, and diplomatic service at Washington, hav- kui street; interment in the MakiM tiikin" th" "cvl mail nut D Mai, koa. Mrs. G. W. Mahikmi, Mrs of the Methodist F.piacnnnl mission, In passenger who lies on the deck often 111 view or the poorer conditions at The body will b - on .. burin will J1I00 ton- - S. him It, Miss D. ("rote, Miss K itl charge of Korean, Filipino Japa- ing spent several years in the embassy Ceiueterv. brio and is a necessity, Mr. Mclean polnte I ' lahaina the work at Mcfiiegur 's to relatives 'id friends lifter eleven cargo and i'l fke 10ou Shaw. Mi s Caroline Chundler, Mi-Sa- nese work. Plantation managers, ha out. In fact, it is hard to avoid it. should be pushed there. o'clock tlii' morning. f bananas foi Sun Francisco. Choi, Mis. S. Slldo. auid, are all optimistic. 1 '! . HAWAIIAN GAZSXCELR'.

mI j have se89ioH I! teVy, tl IXiUrisis, no specialW'dii'lVculty cononts,the couf THE HAWAIIAN GAZl try, and the dmjrtttration is fresh ?nd strong.' A llE'qneiMrlAf w legislation 4o vastly increase . year or two ato it Penned to students of Japanese; the army and navy, both in personnel and FRIDAY MORNING, - f clan government were; RODERICK 0. MATHESON, EDITOR THE ADVERTISER'S SIM1 WEEKLY politics that the day- eHeCtiyenesii and for tnc creation of a system of t 1 . I - 4 t.AA.-- JULY 1915. nuniocrea, not'. oecatw me - t.. reserves for both branches of the service is cer- thrown or outgrown, lut sitnly because the tram-er- s tain to have a large place in the deliberations of . of the constitution had so entrenched the clan -- congress this fall.' Theodore Roosevelt, backed by of the vat. undeveloped Northern China and Mon- oligarchy that the Vei irenpth of their position Irreconcilable Views several of his former cabinet officers arid by the ... " alli placed an impossible harrier across the country's TOxt: ; t ) golian hinterlands between the parties to the ' I - secretaries of thc navy and war departments of IK differences between the attitude taken by (lima - .nlv hone in the immediate future political progress. l; (Hi- - seemed to have weak- , ance the is vigorously campaigning for the United States in the matter of the sink . . i in- - - appearance Taft cabinet, Forerunner of Comes In 1.11 I 111' M ntinuance of conflict in track and ened clan influences; the present Plans lav "preparedness," while William Howard Taft has ing ul uri.'krmcd ne reliant ,shin by. submarines, between Japan and Russia. With these of the genro a remind. that diet and ministry and Advertisement For Bids terests launched a crusade for the establishment .of an in- wit h.nit ifcitin Ue warn.nrf df attack, and i a;ff interests reconciled, China's only general election are hut inuiiacra, ana cian gov vefs ternational league to preserve, peace. , y, , the attitude taken by UWrTriyi as outlined in the w,,.lt thc future may bring forth will lc ernment the only 'rcahty? It is, at all events, a Rnare in These, with the cooperation and racking of the various 'scntimeiAs published, ara snch that they in whatever division of trade, reminder that'thc cent', of power in this country to agree territory Navy League practioally every leading army cannot be reconciled. Either one nation or the de- is not where it seem- - t" he but somewhere in thc and and sphere- - of influence Japan and Russia may risk department- PLAN DOCKING PLACE bicfc position. ven-erat- de and navy officer who is willing to other must dowiand recede from its upon for themselves. impenetrable background, acting through four cide al by speaking his mind, are forcing the ' ;: Fflft TORPEDO BOATS The (iertnan contention is that it is not feasible - were old men, who are impelled by influences censure That affair- "f great moment to Japan the paramount 'question for the commander of a submarine to stop a steam- -- cc and control." attention of the nation to under wav ha- - been felt in that country during which the public do not cannot i tirif, - ship for of search or in order that the pas- of the necessity of a degree of preparation that pur)se the past . but, to judge from the tone of the Word Received sengers may leave safely in the small boats. But, will discourage foreign intervention into Amer- That Tenders For English pre-- - of Japan, there has heretofore been munitions ican affairs. . Big Job Will' Be Asked while these steamships are carrying and no definite knowledge of what was about to take CompTex Business supplies to Ciermanj's Uu-- must not be William Jennings Bryan, footloose from cabinet : enejis, place, lu- -t a month ago 'the representatives of This Fall allowed to reach port with their cargoes if any Conditions resonsibilrties and wifh a flood . pent up near--.. ... i.. Russia, Mongolia and China signed the Kiakht i t - - is found. only way witnessed business ideas to promulgal c, has leaped upon the platform, ' l .flStiVjfvl .1 way to prevent The Germany Treaty, in wln. li China recognized the autonomy country never '' IIU'li'Hl'l V!ii lf.'t THIS in opposition anything that smells Tike powder, wind blows the end has to prevent the delivery of such cargoes is Mongolia and Russian therein. A under s. many complex conditions as to toward of Outer rights attention to the suggestions of EVESY the KOVrnmnt hu decidod through employment of submarines. There- Sino-Japane- paying particular the few day- - before, the se Treaty had at present, Henry ( lews, in his weekly sum- axpond $300,009. more oa tb writes the two men who defeated him for the presidency. fore, in view of Germany's necessity, the ships been signed at Peking, this treaty recognizing Improvement o? tba naval itatlon at mary of trade conditions. Not c.eu during our TlTe erstwhile secretary of state has plans of his Pearl Harbor. In ldantaity, the com- must be sunk, unwarned, and if passengers are kill- Japanese rights in Inner Mongolia and placing Civil War was the situation so confusing, for then own for preserving peace, one means being his pletion of the Improvement will mean ed through the explosion or drowned through the South Man.lmria definitely within the Japanese that the naval floating ttrenffth of the sinking of the ship, must also be. It is the conflict was at within our own borders arbitration treaties. Honolulu will be materially that a sphere of influence for another ninety-nin- e year-- , hat itatlon - easily mea- "Kx-Preside- nt Roosevelt's plan," says Bryan, regrettable incident. renewing the of the South Manchuria and and the consequence- were much more The conjectured teims "would make thc United States a vast armory, Improvement Is the The American contention is that the rules of the Antung Mukden Railroads for that period and sured than in thc ca-- e of the highly complicated building of four piers. This with skull and cross bones above the door, and has for several years been a part of war at sea must be as they are and not as Ger- extending for the -- ame length of time thc Japane-- e the civil- European struggle now convulsing entire the designing architect of the system will go in the scheme of Pear! Habor improve- many would have them, and that the rules, sub- lease of Port Arthur and Daricn. ment no move has been ized world. So numerous and so violent arc the w ith ebnicjousness but heretofore scribed to by Germany, specify that the lives of and out n uniform theJf$i4 iiade toward consummation. It Das While was not a signatory to the Outer reliable can contains" passengers and members of crews on unarmed ain forces at work that n" judgment fe that our naljon no longer mollycoddles been Intended to make Honolulu the Mongolian .otnention, nor Russia to the Inner , base of a division of torpedo boats, as ships be sacred. The formed as to their ultimate effects; and thc wisest or weaklings." ,... , . merchant must held right Mnncrnli.m rou vent ion. it is annarent. from the re- - well as submarines and a detachment And of 'the' Taft peace,' brjjanfzattotn ' the lighting to stop a merchant ship is conceded to Germany; ; ,,.,.,, men arc those who try to walk day :y day rather of heavier craft. alliance in formation between sayW: "When its plan is understood, it Forerunner of the tyiildlng of the tor- the right to sink a merchant ship flying the flag of than taking long stride- - into the future. Opinions the two Powers, that they acted in common m will seen its effect is to aid than pedo boat piers is given In an adver- a belligerent is conceded to Germany. But be that rather ask- the delimiting their various interests in the vast, un- as to what will happen are of questionable value, tisement by the navy department obstruct the Roosevelt propaganda. If the purpose ing for tenders for the excavation of right to sink a ship without first seeing that pas- ili-ui- developed nominally Chinese. where thc forces at work arc so vast, so unexpect- of Mr. Roosevelt's organization is to mate prep- 72,000 cubic yards, more or loes, at the sengers and crew are safe is denied, and when the -- a- - ' The fact that o momentous an agreement an ed, so volcanic and utterly ungovernable. This aration for war pleasant, Mr. Taft's organization, naval station at Pearl Harbor. lives of Americans are lost througn the violations alliance should be negotiated by the Elder States- This tan mean on'y that it is pur- of the recognized rules of war, the United States ghastly war is moving slowly, very slowly, to- may be regarded as furnishing a plausible pretext posed to go ahead immediately with the men of Japan of whom there are only four es- wards a finish that still seems quite remote. The for the preparation which Mr. Roosevelt advises. building of the torpedo boat piers, has declared that she will hold the guilty nation draws attention also to an anomalous condition pecially In face of the fact that the fall of Lcmbcrg may prove a serious reverse to The Taft plan is to organize an international police to a full responsibility. in the Japanese government, a condition comment- sperlflratlons Indicate character of work the Allies; it may int It certainly affords another force which will compel peace and compel it by In the harbor such aa only pier n It makes no difference to the United States ed upon by t he Japan Advertiser, in its issue 'of would illustration of Germany's marvellous military effi- - the use of force. The plan would involve a sur- demand. whether Germany has or has not any means avail- 23, when it was not known what develop- Furthermore, advices have been re- June ; render of the Monroe Doctrine." able for the blockading of the British ports other iency but even such efficiency may finally have ceived from Washington by The Ad- ments were m the making and when there was Union labor organizations also appear to be bids for the construction than her submarines. It makes no difference to to give way to tune, exhaustion and superior rc- - vertiser that much guessing in Tokio as to thc reason for the frowning on Colonel Roosevelt's American Legion, of the fottr torpedo boat piers will le the United States whether the use of submarines ources. ariced for early in the fall by the gov- gathering of the genro. at least to the extent of holding a few large meet- against merchant ships is or is not effective. The Thc demoralization of our foreign trade brought ernment. Said the Tokio Advertiser: ings of protest. When the subject of preparedness United States says it must stop insofar as it men- on by the war continues unabated. Imports have "More questions can be asked than answered comes up in congress the representatives from aces American life, while the right of Americans been coming in somewhat more freely, resulting about the curious breeze which so suddenly rippled large labor constituencies will be heard from. Or- to travel on the high seas on any merchant ship fortunately in much needed improvement in our Scholarship Is the calm waters of Japanese politics, and seems ganized labor has frequently op)osed congressidn-i- on any lawful errand must not be abridged because customs revenue. ur exports also continue very l likely ripple away again as as it for the of militias of German necessity. to mysteriously heavy,. owing chiefly to shipments of foodstuffs, enactments advancement state arose. It cannot be saicl that the episode throws as a part of the federal fighting force but their Established By At the present time, the German press is stating also of war material which are going outwards on light on the political mechanism of the country, opposition has not generally been effective. U-2- 9, a steadily increasing movement. It now appears that the with Captain Weddigen, who com- : but at least it furnishes a typical example of the I ,nt Wilson, whose opinions on these ques- California Club U-- war are being accepted a manded the 9 when it sank the Cressy, Aboukir that contracts on much unseen influences which play so large a part in tion., arc of most moment because he will have a and the II ogue, was rammed and sunk by a mer- vaster scale than .ever supposed. Instead of the the public affairs of Japan. congress at his back to put his opinions into oper- chant ship, the announcement corning in positive earlier statements' of orders being exaggerated, it of Berkeley the genro appeared on the scene with ation, is saying nothing about his own attitude. Honolulu Graduates terms from the German admiralty. The British "When is now realized that the volume of these contracts s elaborate casualncss last week the political situa- say it in his message Subscribe $500 To Fund admiralty as positively denies this, but, naturally, has frequently WeTi Under estimated, because of What hj does about annual tion was itself and government's o should b one of the important Germany believes its own officials and is pointing quietness the the secrecy "concerning them. Some careful esti- congress most , For This Purpose position was, on the surface, one of complete secu- thfct document. His party will presum- to this case to show the impossibility, from the mates figure that, inunition, contracts vAhtqd at featuresVf ques- of rity. The ministry had just come triumphantly over $5(X),(XKJ,(XX)rr)aye alteady been placed in the ably line up right solidly behind him on this German standpoint, agreeing to the American ii.'holar-itlii- ) through the ordeal of a general election. A deli- United States. Immense orders have also been tion. The committees of military affairs and on A I'niversity of California demand that submarines should warn before shoot- 'will t oirurcil to somo ilrsirvini,' cate and dangerous series of negotiations had been placed for vttar supplies w hich it is i be navy in senate and house there are two for ing. other calculated Honolulu Htiiilcnt mill it in the intention U-2- profitably closed. Gains which were thought S750,(XK).(KX), each legislative branch will have big tasks at the The 9 incident "shows plainly," says the would bring the jjtotal up to about of tho I'liivcrmty of (.'ulifurnii, Clnl. of in worth the risk of war had been peacefully secured. the bulk of which will be spent with the steel forthcoming session. Their work promises to at- Honolulu uot only to ul u the $ii Krcuz Zcitung, a recent article, discussing the year Hoiki.lry, Imt The opMsition, but thc other day the strongest Hut tract major attention. The talk of more guns and required for h at American note, "what meaning America's demand trade. this is only about halt the credits to (tec the student through this univer- party in nation, had been well more men more warships and more fortifica- has that submarines should not torpedo even the beaten at the which, according.)' good authorities, have been and sity. polls; in the house they bad done their possible under $5(X).0;Xl.tK)0 for tions will reverberate from thc Capitol and out The eholartihi was decided upon hy enemy merchantmen without first halting and ncgotiatiotrincluding Great of cluli, cen-ur- y tho executive eoinmittee the and failed. Resolution-o- e were ignomini-ousl- Ru-si- a, through the country. searching them. It would be a complete surrender f Britain, $500,000,000 .for $400,000X)0 for whieh met at noon yixterday in tli" of the advantages due outvoted. The thorny army increase ques- France and $100,000,000 for Italy. A number of The resolutions of leagues and conferences and t'liiverxil y ( lull, the orKitni.atin hu to the technical superiority ing matter entirely in the tion was cleared out of the way, almost without large-- plant- - livers other organizations will le dumped before left the of German submarines, and that is not possible. lur t industrial have taken contracts ha iiiIm of ilM executive eoinmittee, which effort, and one suppo-e- d the be the and house by of thousands. "We have all due respect for America's business army to permanent- of between $50,000,000 and $100,000,0(X) each senate tens The in coin.OHed of Kinil ('. 1'eters, prcni-deu- t ( interests, but we ly placated by Count ikuma's public adhesion to I liese figures are simply astonishing and beyond igitation for preparation and against "militarism" of the clnl; Huron K. Anl'urd, ." must reserve the right to try to retary; William TIiowhk ( arden; A. 1J. a scheme for expau-im- i to twenty-liv- e divisions. ill precedent. They will be sat- may overshadow the question of government own- keep American ammunition from our eneniie-witho- ut considered as the (iurrey Jr., and William Warren. Financial dillicultie- - were cleaned up, and the silk ed and operated ships, conservation programs and scruple, and with all the means at our isfactory side of the account; if such a word as Huron K. Anhfonl, werelnry of the and rice adventure- - quietly terminated. If the atisfactory can be applied to organized yield of federal revenue. luli, wuh appointed a eoiuiuiltee of one disposal, and to cause every conceivable dam.ve to murder to interview I'reaident (irillitlm of I'un-uhou- , ial election anything, if the diet pro- Great Britain in the war of destruction which it ;en' incani and destruction. The United States is the mih 1'rofennor Heott of the MeKinley forced upon us. ceedings were any mink- to the realities of the poli- ountry in the world that is profiting by thi- - war, High H hool and other leading ediie i tical situation, the go. eminent bad had its man- Democrats Be Wise lord for mi;u,eKtinH h to who xhoild "There! ore, the American demand to render in and such profits will be confined to the few and If lie nelm-te- hh the first lienelleiaiy un date endorsed and it- - authority vindicated. An inev by the Democrats are wise, says the St. Louis scholarship just estuldislnd effective our submarine war against every -- hip must itably be offset the incalculable losses IV der the phrase have Keen Globc-Dcmocra- The I'niversity of California Clun im- illicit borrowed and the nllicted upon t hi" many. Figure as we may, the t, they will revise the Under carrying American passengers is for us wholly wait organized here only reeently, the ..i i i .... r ... i . i possible." administration des.iili.il wuh seemingly perfect vvoi ni win lie niucn i lie poorer ior mis caia-itopn- e wood Act. The condition of the treasury demands organization having a membership of Count Rev endow, the propriety as the strongest government of modern or years . o .mc. it. In spite of the income tax and the about forty. Many local attorneys are naval critic, on the same f of tile Herkelev law school. day, in a leading article says: tunes. W hen peace arrives reconstruction will follow war tax, the treasury will have a large deficit. Uraduates four in n. It in a moral duty to extract every possible n. "Then the genro armed Tokio. There in vigorous Kurope will be so absorbed Next year the sugar duties, which have yielded so vantage from Uk- - Hubmariae weapon. Germany run was no "conference" and possibly there will be in rebuilding, and so crippled in productive capa- much needed revenue recently, will be abolished. not let thin weapon be up In who-- c . E shut as a cage none, io-in- do hut the not meet for nothing, and mer-diandi-- e $6,000,000 bar are formed by threatening Botes from the I'm-te- city as to have little to sell in the form of The "war tax" is yielding about a month Htates ther. is no !. u )t whatever ami by international regulations. that an exchange of to this country. The disruption of es instead of $n,000,000, as had been expected- - Mr. Now is the time for Germany to inform the world view look place. 'I wo tin ones took shane one h.dison we clearly ami sharply that wjll tablished business conditions, tlic raising ot new has called our attention tthe fact that LOVE TO PENITENTIARY it not let limits ami that the genro had taken up the boycott restriction be drawn by other powers to govern the question; 'aiiff walls, the making of new treaties, the over-'omin- cannot build up the dye industry in this country of - "anti-dumpin- manner using its submarines the other that certain opponent- o the government of bitter prejudice:', and the necessity (,f unless we adopt an g" law. The America is arguing from of recog- a the standpoint were putting about rumm of genro intervention. making endless new adjustments w;:l all tend to ot the maximum aiid minimum tariff is nized international law and law of human- Journalists put two and two together and remem- Kujiene Love, former eolleetor for keep our foreign trade in a state vf chaos long necessary, if we would hold our own with other joy & (Jo. Ju.lye ity," while Germany is from the Love wait nenleiieud by arguing stand- bered that the Marquis Inouye is senior adviser after peace is established. Our imports will nat- American countries, P'rance, Germany and the Ashford yesterday to not loan than six point of national Mit-- ui im- necessity. These are irreconcil- to the great firm of and thai Mitsiiis have a urally be more affected in volume than exports, British colonies. The decision of the customs months nor more than ten years' able. One or the other must give way, and, judg- prisonment on the embezzlement ehargu grudge against the ministry which dates from the because of Ku rope's inability to sell. ( ur exports court, which turned the attempt to aid American weeks semi-otlici- to whieh ho pleaded Ruilty some ing from thc al statements of la- -t The made mi navy scandal year. public seemed to of agricultural products may not be serioii-l- y im- ships by rebating five per cent of the duties on ago. In this purti.'iilar eae Iave Tuesday in Washington, following advance know be of $1 12.15 of his employer's mon- ottered the choice believing that commercial paired ; in fact we may have to feed Kurope while goods imported in American bottoms into a hori- edge of the German ey. Two other charges of einliezzlement note, it will not be the United interests are powerful en. .ugh to set the genro in her whole energy is given over to rebuilding; but zontal reduction of duties on all goods brought in States. are ven.inj; against him the amounts motion, or subtle eiioii-- h to make people believe there will be much less reason for confidence in ships of, ."favored nations," will also demand at- that Htfure in those eases being .!S2 and whieh they had done so M, m.lv H. discounted as ability to win foreign, markets for our manu- tention. Nothing but a foolish regard for consist- ll.:, iur Lovvjoy & Co. elaiin Love collected anil guesswork, and the lini-- h ,,f Russo-Japane-se ihe story as supplied factures a year or two hence than' there is now. ency will stand in the way of a revision of the failed to account for. Alliance be t' the public may that the presence of the genro True, new opportunities will be offered, but w hen Underwood tariff by the next session of congress. The pouding charges were continued A. news contained in a special Tokio - . - to July 17 for further disposition, mere coincidence dm to their havini; simultan- - fighting is done with, Germany will make an in- THE on night M. lirown, deputy city attorney, is Tuesday to the Hawaii Shin emisly arrived in Low-prices- ki t" enjoy the hot weather, tense effort to recover her lost markets.. Commissioner Effinger, who is in charge away on Maui and the court is not ju-- John po, that the elder statesmen of Japan have t guesses a to lb. ui-- e he intends to do in these other o the meeting that hard woik and adaptability will slowly but of the Hawaii Building at the Fair, in the vaca- aware what concluded a conference having for its object it was held becau-- casiw. count Una had been the Riven-burg- h, surely overcome present prejudices. Great Iliitaiu tion absence of Commissioners Wood and Love was connected with the local of the Japanese terms of a new medium for a subs, i, ,n t ipt the campaign fund, w ill be obliged to make an equally strenuous effort writes that sixty per cent of the total at- naval quartermaster 's department some alliance, may well be of the very highest w . i . involved in liniin or that the genro with the desire to if she expects to hold any newly gained markets. years ago and became tendance at the big exHsition visit the Hawaii cial difficult ies. lie was sentenced to importance to Hawaii. It has been claimed that send a ceremonial nn--io- n ..f China-n- friendship to eed Of our ability compete with these energetic Mr. Kflin-ger- 's Chino-Japanes- to Building. Without desiring to dampen four years in Hun (Juenlin, California, terms of the recently concluded be iouc, - the only ment t.. be rivals, who will undoubtedly operate on a cheaper enthusiasm at the success he is making, it serving'twenty two- tlioutKs, he told the Treaty closed the Open Door in the irient really intcic-iin- g court yesteriluy. On his dis.hurgo bo "The question, after all, is not and better established basis than ourselves, there might not be out of place to point out if Russo-Japanc-t-Trea- that the returned to Honolulu. If so, the carrying through of a what but I ,. State-me- why. hether the r n dis- - is as yet no positive asstiiance. The whole future at tendance at the fair is 30,000 a day and sixty .. of alliance will turn the key and the ' )pcn CUssed any or all, ..I the ulols guessei it is of cif the commercial world is highly unsettled, and per ecu! of them visit the Hawaii Building, it KEEP IT HANDY. Door will be not only closed but locked, so far as less importance than i In influences w hich impelled ill operations connected therewith will have to take would give them, coming in relays of a hundred Immediate relief is necessary in at American participation in the trade of Manchuria them to The p. meet. Miliar "shepherding" duties into consideration the numerous hazards, as well at a time, starting at ten in the morning and keep- tails of iliaii hoen. Chamberlain's and Mongolia is concerned. t In v I which in theory rli.Jur-- e in times ,,f danger as the unquestionable opportunities which will ing it up until ten at night, just FOUR minutes Colic, Cholern and in n lioen Iteiuedx If, Russia, 'ii uld nlttiiys be on hand. I'm sale by Japan concludes an alliance with its were not required at the present moment. The arise from tfi, of old troubles and a each settlement to enter, look around and get out. Something all dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd., object can be nothing else than the partitioning -- try ami Hie .h.t ii.tight from the polls fresh development of the world's resources. w l ong some place. igeuts for Hawaii. IAWAIIAN GAZETTE, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 191 .T. SEMI-WEEKL- Britain Takes Fresh German BIG CELEBRATION ZftO .NEWS 'FIRST iflFT I I I I I Liquor Traffic GSlilSHED Drive Against Mill Bperlal To The ArtvVrtlTer , II U U II II BY HILO CITIZENS HIU), 4uif, 4, Work on tlm Front street widening will be carried to a Under Control CalaisPlanned rapid finish by the new supervisors, OF GERMANY'S thinks" David Rwaliko. who, as chnir-ma- Great Drive Checked Definitely of of the former bear. I, win instru- In Belgian Say Teutons Will Varied Program Sports With Serious Problems Centers Reports mental In getting the work started, Along Major of Part Gali-cia- Patriotic Exercises Sit Where Munitions Are Made Attempt To Duplicate n Please lie saya there is nothing t.i interfere A Front Work now it il i given at- OF PRISON Compel Drastic Regulation Campaign In West Big Island People with the REPLY FULLS tention. Three thoos dollins wns appropriated for the work, (if this (AssedsUd Prssi by Fsdsrsl Wlrslsss.) Slimo was expemb-- on the removal (Associate by Wireless.) (Associated Proas by rtdsral (Mail Special to The Advertiser ') buildings and the vvid ng of the Tmt fslml LONltON, July 7. Reports from the wirii of LONDON, July After related war LONDON, July f.Rnnmr- - f a (rvh HUA.Jt'ly S. The Fourth of .InU street npposMe the Mci'iintilc. A con- WINDOW: DIES eastern theater aree that the Teu- 70(1 has I ecu let to John BELOW nings Oerman offensive in the Hj, celebration heie was an immense so, tract for WHAT ami exhortations, the government tonic rush lini diminished in momen- for wink, whirh f cess.- F.rickson additional Calais agaiu thi objective rroat Tho town whs crowded with ropsir-in- yesterday took the liquor problem u-- tum, while it has been checked def- leaves $1300 for filling in mid Irlve, coma In the repnits fnun the visitors, not a few of whom came from of the srtreet nfter the buiblings to its own hands. Absolute prohibi initely along the greater part of tho Continent. Information iildnnn .1 irom Honolulu to part icipate in the celebia arc moved lack. A portion of the in nnn 1'olish 1 tioa is not to be enforced, unless is Ualician front. There has been ion. buildings oil the I.alaki n estate prop-- inin it Helgian sources is lo the rfle.t that persistent fighting, however with the ertr and the fish ma-ki- t block anil found necessary, but if it has to be it the Oermaira aro brin ing up im tre-- h The celebration started Sn'urdav w p 1 Austro Hermann ami the Russians alter adjoining buildings ill Inn to be will be. j army corps, with which a dupli. nl ion niglit with a bnnd r it and displav removed bv the owners :it lloir ownl sately attacking. , of (lalirian to be of fireworks in Mudo-a- I'ark. There erpi'ne. John Kai, li. l.io-is- and' In all centers where strongest the campaign is munitions are The Teuton offensive It ' was also a parade of illuiiiiiiatcd nam the l,alakra estate nie the owners. War-Craze- d Tried nttiunpted. Instructor Who made or distributed In lar-- e against toe Kussiun center, between pans. Tentative Proposals Put Forwart! quantities Ihiring the ast few daM the tier To Blow Up National Capitol the Bug aud, the Vistula. North of Two very interesting games, of base David Kwaliko is, to 'be apjioiu'ed By Imperial Oo for shipment, the sole and supply ol inalis have been on the ofIrnnc Hlong were on Government ball ibirel nndav afternoon, jail. t i a intoxicants; weoi Tarnograd, the Vienun despatches jailer of tho Hil't ii'ordiMg and Kill J. Pierpont Morgan, fdaeil under absolute many sections of tha Western front and the Hilo Iron Winks defeatinii the hop I in Not Satisfy Administration state, the Teutons have made further rumor that en and outrol. No beer or spirits will ba sold the fighting has been severe. Pklnomine team bv if,,, score of II to piliticsl circle" for the past week, but Commits Suicide After Making gains, while the i'etiograd oitirinl des- Any to any workers whose 0, aud the Patriots, captai' ed bv if it is truo, HhcrifV pna lo"s not se- Formal Answer Based On output falls be Q : patches announce that thn situttion Noxious as Shells Vorge Desha, beating the .1 's, low Ac ll t to announce the intended sopor! Sensational . Second Attempt the standard set and the hours of there is developing in favor of the 19 fl. Them Is Certain To Be Reject Kield Marshal French, n poitiug on to meet. When nsked a d nc-- t question Russians. The Russinn reports are I opening and closing will be regulated that On Monday morning there was a i ns to whether he iut bd to sptxdnt desperate fighting is going 011, this activity yesterday, states that the so as to .conflict as little as possible with parade, headed bv the laid of the Kwslikn, bo replied: ' I don t t! ink tho Teutons being held bai k. Yester- Hermans are agnln asing x Tip aph uiting Fourth. Cavalry. n followed in or so " '. OPENED VEIN IN WRIST with 'a clear head and steady hands. day tho Russinns took two thousand FINAL NOTE MAY CONTAIN gas shells, particularly sgamd the lliit der Company M, National Cuird of n. H. T'rown. lr.. ha-- ' been named Not only points of origin but the enst of Kmsnik. WHILE WRITING LETTER prisoners ish Vpren. nawnll, till Roval Hilo Ksud, tin' lire to succeed A" hie Mai ai .is lerk to A Berlin report, positions north of FURTHER MODIFICATIONS ports of Liverpool, Southampton, Bris- sent out early li drpartriient, the endets fion the t'ain the sheriff. Pus refis' s in make s announced a In the face of this bombardment with tol, and Cardiff are included. the day, the capture of ing ehip Newport, fo'lowrd bv thei-band- statement rcijnrdiog other appoint Russian toeitiou along a Hnl the Polish line gas bombs, tho British made tan tho Itononm Hand, coo-- i ting of meets. He anys that il would tie use- - five hundred prisoners. He From Guard with ' tial advance, driving the (ienuans from twenty school bovs under the are of less to do so until he knows what the Broke and Leap - - Present 'Feeler' Asks United one of their trenches above Ypres ami fifteen, and a long ion of pri new board of siipervi s w ill do ed From Upper Corridor of Jail in literessinp To occupying vato citizens automobiles and car or cutting the appro States Notify Germany On L it. ringea. prlntlon tot his dot srtment. To Concrete Paved Court n Ships Paris reports announce resumption At the Kuhio wharf n leni thv p-- What Americans Sail and on the part German of the bom- gram of aipinti- spin i was dei iib-- l, Yard, Fifty Feet Below. Crush of the The supervisor have a omiininlfn To Guarantee No Munitions of bardment of Rheime, with the rnthe Irnl after which theie wen athletic spoits tb.n Walter Scott Wise, Moohosu Pnrk. from scire ing His Skull In the Contact a Of enemv ' at tnry of Hawaii publirtv Commis War Are Part of Cargo Carried ain the target the shells. Later on an automobile gymkhana the rras is also being pouu led by the sini, requesting that the boatd take waa held at Mooheau Park, and it is setion to pet the Cu eruor to Bran' Oerman guns, estimated thnt oimii people witnessed (Associated by Wlrslsss.) (Associate Fnsa by rtderal WlrsUaO the commission the use of the old (AssoctaUd by Press rdra! the sport. The band of the Fourth sitsj Ptsss Wtrslra.i NKW YORK, July 7 Dr. B. R. Ward, Sydney Makes- - Bid For Next rremh Betaka Trent h os for the erection of a bunga- rdrl Imuk Inland, July Cavalry played dining the nftemoon low where tourists mnv secure in'oi-m- ASHINii'K N, luly 7. Woevres (ierman Frank Holt, the war tt New liaven, who arrived yesterday, in In the district. During the afternoon patriotic exer- t ii n reardinp Hawaii. A resolution er- - G'i: Gathering 1917 cises, at Mooheau W While the text of the up after having sjient the past year in attempt to regain their lost position wera held Park. fsvoHnfjr the request will be sent to rriiAOil instructor who tried to Mow A wind to a success man reply to the second American I fitting uii most the kill Pier- - Russia, states that there are hundreds in the Iiois lo Pretre luis n re On"ernor. the National ranitol ami J. ful and enjoyable celebration took the A. C. Wheeler, acting chairman of note of protest regarding the in- of Japanese veteran oMlcera poised, whiln a trench reeentlv lost by in armo-y- . pont Morsan, attempted twice yestei artillery (AnoclaUd Prsas by rtderal Wlrtlsss.) form of a dance the the harbor commission., h is t" discriminate submarine warfare day to ronimit suicide ami in the aee now in Petrograd, drilling Russian re BAN FRANCISCO, July 7. At the the French oa thn heights of the Mouse Tho aquatic events resulted as fob the hoard asklnff thnt immediate sterol lows: being carried on by Germany is in use of heavy has been retaken , and the Hermans be taken toward letting the contract unci sttonipt succeeded. cruits the luns and convening of the International Trees 440-yar- d swim Isaac I.apia, first; for the bui'ding of the Kuhio wharf known here officially, is 0H-nc- l In field while ship- driven back to Iheir old positions. not it First he a vein bin wrist pieces, the Hritish are Congress here yesterday, which is at' George Namahoc, second; Lone Star, road towards which the county has with a metal bound mil of a pencil ping into Russia by way of Archangel tended by nowspaer men from five Ia the Vosges, on the Alsatian slope, third. promised to pay $7000. agreed anions those in a position that hail been nlven him for tetter vast quantities of munitions. Russia continents, an invitation wan extended bombardment of the Krcm h lines is obstacle race, through a bar to speak with authority that the -- writing. He rontriveil to pry off the soon will be ready, declares Doctor to the congress to convene at the next under way. rel, over a boat and under a launch substance of the ;icrman conten- Namahoe, first; second. 'Verge ftimms, deimtv county clerk, The Swiss Alsace border is again Vakamura, is noviat'e narrow iron bnml that held in place Ward, to launch a gfreat campaign of gathering in 1!M7 in Hydney, Now Lspia, third. the youngest in a political tions and proposals tentatively a open for military move lob In the County building. He has the rubber eraser anil neverei super retaliation against Germany. South Wales. travel, the Walking the greased polo Myntta, . put out arc such that the United ments which the closing of . 4.1... .1 "en training for the ioli up on the liriiil blood vessel with the jagged edge. The invitation was extended by ('apt. necessitated nrsi; ione seconn. Honolulu swim, under sixteen Namn Parker ranch- sines leaving States cannot agree with them nor ltcforc the guards discovered what he J. W. Niesigh, president of the Aus- the Upper Rhino Valloy to Swiss travel two years' agti is said to control hoo, Lone Star, second; Ah II in and accept a reply based on them as weakened ers having been completed. first; every cowboy from Ka- - h:nl done, he wan seriously tralian Journalists Association. apparently third vote Puuo to satisfactory. by loss of blood. to Allies Lost Heavily mucin on either side of the mountain. Among the prominent delegates swim, free for all l.oriin However, as he is young, and wise, Jumps Through Window Oerman despatches Upon the fighting second; From what is known of the text address the congress yesterday were C Thurston Jr., first; Dodge, he is fo'lowiin at present the admoni he wag kept under clone ' of After that E. Uyethara, editor of The atatn, of in the western arena recount what are Williams, third. tion that "bovs should aoen and the German answer, to agree being leil 100-yar- surveillance, but while DECLINES! TESTIFY leclared to be fearful losses sustained swim, free for all l.orrin not heard." Despite his present meek- with it would be to sacrifice im through an upper corridor of the Jail Tokio, and William Jennings Bryan, Thurston Jr., first; Vnkainura, second; by the Allies in the terrific fighting be ness there is reason to sustiect he is portant neutral rights, a sacrifice lie broke from hiH guard and jumped editor of The Commoner. Canario, third. sinplv t rviiitr to learn where the loop to eou tween La Bassen, where throtiirh an 0111 window the Arras and the Duck race Namahoe, first; Lone is on a nnlitical lasso with which pub which it is not believed President fifty feet bu crete puved court yard, (Associated Press by Tsdsrsl Wtrtlass.) struggle is almost without pause. One Star, second; W. Hurst, third lie olTice jobs are hogtind. Wilson and the state department low. 200-yar- Won NKW YORK, July 6. Kvolyn Thaw, command, says Herlin, lost .1400 out of swim, relay by haole Now thev sav thnt Chairman Ram He was unconscious when picked up GENERAL ZAPATA team, composed of liowatt, Dodge, secretary Mm are ready to make. ,l wife of Harry Kendall Thaw, arrived 4200 men in the last acynre fl bting. Knuhann needs a to' lielp an examination showed that his akul Thurston aed Williams. The team lKift srter the affairs of ONLT PAETIAI. ASSTJAirCXg wax badly fractured And he died loan here today, btt did not appear in court, finishing second was composed of I n Thn fortunate young man's name has It la learned that the Gormen after. where the trial of her husband to de- pia, Canario, Lone Star and Namahoe. not vet been mentioned, but it is to government la' only prepared to In hi cell was found a letter ad swim, girls under sixteen be presumed that he Is a vota getter, grant the aaniranoea of safety to My The text termine his sanity is in progress. Hhe HIS Americans traversing war aone dressed "To Pears." Harriet Waipau, first; Sarah Waipau, . the was incoherent, but through it there said she would not testify, relying on second. demanded by the American note on 1 A weird political story which went run the fixed idea which bad unseated her constitutional rights. The arosccu The olliciuls of the swimming meet the fouowlnf conditions: the rounds, with every teller voiichin" paaaenger hid reason. tor threatens to issue a body warrant were as follows: All reaaem flying the OFFENSIVE BEATEN for it as bcinu '(Inside dope", during flag of a belligerent but carrying Slop Slaughter, He Writes and bring her to court nnder orders to Defeats Carranza Force While Messrs Hurdick, Hristol, Murphy, iif fs, the past week, waa the statement that Americans as passengers shall be. must write you immediately Litch Heilbron. Starters, liof Supervisor "I testify. Populace of Mexico City watt and Farr. William Todd had been m plainly marked so as to be dis- r;ui the letter. "I see that it is useless dicced to resitrn from the board. "He tinguishable for me to continue living under these '., ,.. to the commanders of To was to do so, the atorv went,'lio Henry ir.bn-.srine- conditions. I'rav with me this Continues Starve JAssoolated Prsss by ledtral Wireless.) that I.vman could be appointed y. tho flov leaves an American port for "-- Hliinyhter Khali stop." ROMK, July. An Austrian counter ernor to All the vscanfy. Todd's com port a belligerent, See Service men have of the American rt teamed I AMnncintcd Prmi by FeiWil Wireless.) iffensive, undertaken in the Tyrol ("dsn tion for obligingly quitting his government shall notify the that Holt lied in the story ho tol ch:k-in- - WASHINGTON, July 7. The "light north of Trient, with a view to job was to come in the form- of an government, giving the s'llln? about his attempt to blow up the senate ns supplies into Mexico Italian column which is threat- custodian, of .the Hilo date and hour. 1 '' of the cupitol. brought Citv the winu TO AID by ( (ieneral wore jail. As I.vman is a Republican the Such notification shall Include th The letters he said he wrote to the DISTRESSED onsul Shanklin only ening the line of ciuumuuicat'oua be a sop to the woir. Advices to the Red rmveor ttnn'lv 'bed because no on the guarantee of tne United States President and the newspapers explain tween the fortresses of the Troitino a ross headquarters here report that cnulcl "ive satisfactory answer to the that the vessel haa been Marched inc his attempt and his motives never and' the Austrian base at Raven, has that was invariably asked just prior to her departure does not been received. conditions there are pitiful and that and nine they are rapidlv worse. been crnsbingly repulsed, seys the of- after the report waa rut into words carry munltlonf of war. (Astoclatad Press by Federal Wlrtljss.) growing (Assoc 'en by rsdsral Wlrsliss.) a Made Bomb In Gotham A Prss hv political forecaster. The ques- courier from tho Constitutionalist dis- . WASHINGTON, July 7 A commit ficial bulletin. In attempting to WASHINGTON, July In issuing 11:' II v Hove-nn- r Further Changes Possible He did nut fabricate his bomb in army besieging the capital brought tion turn was: "How is 1, k Washington n tee was named yesterday by Secretary lodge the Italians from the position todav general regulations governing the is ham to be induced to appoint It is inferred from the fact that hotel, but a bunvalow bark word to Carranza yesterday that ' ' n t say on-o- f he had rented in the suburbs of New l.une of the department of the interior nns ra they had taken on Avostano Peak, the armv sliolent camps which are being a Itepiiblica Needless to .he note, it iienerat i.onzaies tailed inns story ' icrman as now stands, York. IVtcrtivcs who traced his movo brick those mo't amused at tho wa and Secretary Wilson of the department in his attempts to capture the city. Anstrians were driven W'tii cruel established for the summer, General T,vmnn is admitted to be only a incuts to the bMiignlow yesterday foun (ieneral Zapata, himself. Fearing the shock it tentative of labor, whose work will be to devise who holds the town leases. Hiott, chief of staff, said: niiu'hl cause Supervisor Todd no one concealed in his trunk 134 sticks of is his and confident dr.ift, that Germany might make elated at victories ultimate object of these camps ws .cinr.'.eeoMs enough to inform him dvnamite and plans which indicated plans whereby the government may be Iv "The flirt asserts thnt the 'nrraiizistas have of his intended fato. her desired changes, before its tlnt he intended to blow up the beauti able to relieve the distress caused been so sharplv defeated thnt dt wi" ami the tunning there received is not ful formal presentation, should the New York public library, ami the through unemployment by financing be impossible for them to renew thei. The Piaise Continues militaiv a rainii.ement but provision Mute capitals of New York and Pemi I'nitv was Hoeniinulv the catchword synopsis of the text, unofficially Hnrkers desiring to acquire farm lands. advance. iu some degree to meet tho vital need sylvania at Albany and Harrishurg. In a of th" new board of supervisors when the north, sharp battle is dn us us a uu made, meet with official or pop- Mr. Morgan was pronounced out The committee will report in time for ( Oood Reports confvoiiting peaceful and ooli o fl In t of eloping at Paredon, where 'arraer.a 's Everywhere We Hsar of it Thursday noon, but ular criticism, danger yesterday and his improvement, its recommendations to be laid before forces were checked yesterday in thei Doan's Backache Kidney Pills. militnrv nation. the very first vote showed a division I, in nni I announced last my,ht, congress this fall. first assault with a loss of H00 in killed "That peace and prosperity may be of four to two. The question was an continuing. o"i oM.ci't one boarc! alone. They were reinforced last piescrved only through safe precaution, of whether the May II,.e Been Muenter niliht, however, with several thousands should iiclioiirn to the ftrst ncnt; Kvery section of the United Htates viz., preparation and eipiipinent to ro-si- While searchiuii Holt, the polic and the attack was renewed. icte set bv law or take a recess for . praise of Doan's Biek any effort to break such peace. " further pnbiver an hour or two t'lMind hchth 011 his body which to resounds with lale tend division may be o I ar out the possibility of identifying ache Kidney IMIs. Thirty thousand .The fiist indicative how tuliiie dec isions will be reache ' nun as r.rirb Muenter. a former Mar aro testimony io lheii (lersona givng GERMANY CHARGES ENGLAND . .11 - may AND FIRE LOSSES vaiil niHtriictor who disappeared aftei bv the then again it not URGE nome oewsapers. Suirerity of these When th" division of votes came i1 the murder of his wifo. Ha denied WITH RIGHTFULNESS,' TOO tlmt he was Muenter. wlincaros is the m st proof of the merit was nfter Samuel Kauhane had made speec h of H'-a- Koacl f Mowing shoit greeting to the boarc' of 'a the case. (Ansoctstsd Frsss by Fsdsral Wlralsis.) ja Mrs. William McCrnt:or, 711 Lilleth land fcdlowiug a recess during which (Associated Press by rsdsral Wlraless.) KNEW HOLT AS MUENTER LONDON, July H. Germany official- a committee examined the credential- - St., . Pendleton, Oiegou, says: M was CIIICAt.O, July 7. Statistics collect-- board. A. M. (AamvHstMl pros by Fsdsral Wlralsss.) (Associated Psasa by federal Wlraless.) troubled more or less all piv life by ly asserts that the British have attack- of the Cabrinha then by the tern ed recess be Chicago Tribune of the Y H'NUHTOWN, Ohio, July 0. Rev WASHINGTON,' July 7. The gen weakness of the kidneys. ..My bsnds, ed a hospital ship, unarmed and trans- that taken until twi Kourth of July accidents, covering; 811 11 V. M. Itonnett, pastor era! (Associated Prus by ftderal Wireless.) and swelled and sometimes my o clock, it then being the lunch hour of the First committee of tho National Laboi feet porting wouuded, in Turkish waters. Ic a th1 SAN 6. Thorn was a Yates ma motion that lay and Monday, show, that tho toll Vnitnrian church, ravs that there FRANCISCO, July A whole body bloated. . Peace Council, recently organized, ha cami . supervisors adinum until the firs' mi doubt in his mind that Holt was the steady pain in the small of my back of the Fourth this year haa been nine of instruction iu field sanitation foi 111.1t i r man he knew at. as Mueuter. addresseU a petition to Secretary of and when doiag my work NAVY GENERAL BOARD regular 11. Kauhnito declared Harvard otliceis on the inactive of and sides, to in put teen persons killed by explosives aud He has seen the resemblance from State Lansing, requesting that he issue list the wed twinges shot through my back and niotion adio'irn order and icai reserve corps or army, was TO WORK OUT PLANS the ipc"-tio- n James Akau, Henrv ni nine hundred and three Injured. The picture of Holt published :ure the instructions .t , the, collectors of the ins sides. Dizzy spells and headaches were po, WiPiam Todd, 'ami , Yates votj'! i' bv tires attack 011 Morgan. opened at Fort Scott today. common, snd I couldn't rest well, in loss caused started through the ports of tha V'nited refuse At the fa'-o- ad ail'1 ttates to I 1 of inurement Cabrinha ten-da- the morning felt all tired out. patriotic use of explosives amounts to Presidio of Monterey a join (Asncln-- Prs by rsdsral Wlrslsss.) Hoc io r voted mo clearance pajiers to any ship which car I Kiiueue aixainat the would be hai to describe the misery jait,.'!-'.'- TELLS WIFE OF PLOTS of regular and WASHINGTON, July ".- - The gen-eia- l tiim Csbri'cha snid !. ries muuitions of war consigned to bel militia cav I Went through. I tried many remedies afterwards tha' (AssocUtsa Praia by Fadarsl WlrtUn board id the navy announces hr wanted In take a reeeSa so th . --, .. ligerents In Europe. airy, was also started. In attendance and spent a great deal of money for that DALLAS, Teias, July . Mrs. Holt it will not hold its custom-nr- balance of th huai'icsa of orusnir.'m ire four troops from the California oa doctors' treatment, but got tio reljef. this vim', MONTENEGRINS ARE HELD today received a letter from her hue-- - summer sessions at Newport. Khode could 1c f'nished and not take up the tional one from Oregon, r'miillv I saw Doan's Backache Kidney Associated Frets by Ftdsral Wlr M.l Hud which ho wrote after ynamitln guard, a de vc in time ut the regular meeting, and the first bo I Island, but 'II remsiu Washington -- ' - SERIOUS UNREM IN INDIA Pills advertised, July tl npitol. Iu it he tells of his cou- 'arhmeiit from Utah, '11 IIIC.r,0, 7.8ccret and several ma nse, he'eil me. i ontinuod use cured ociil. on p'ans which it will submit t plated visit to Morgan ami his In by Wlr-is- ss I men yesterday plac.e-- f r (AfflUd Press PsSsril hine gun plAtooiis. The camp of in in my to Sccietaiv Pauiels iii September. I). tin s ent. ion v the si'hes and pain back and '"iid Tucker lent to hold the family in distort MANILA, 8. is ' Monteuei-n- n July Serious unrest regulated the of mv kidneys infoti id the board hat no ai'M'it 'o- three omsiais, wn until Morgan shoii'd end the war. structiou will last ton days. at'on reported here to be growing among the Doan's Backache Kidney Pills gave me KAUAI SUPERVISORS be 'Jin r s"'tinv aside land' harmed with violations of neutrality. natives of India and there is an under n complete and permi nent cure and I a a;. ohuhn N'ortn K'dmbi wanted bv . - BERLIN SAYSBRITISH ONE HUNDRED UNION . am CONCUR IN ISENBERG the n to htoic upon current of revolt. am now in i'"d iieattn. l grid to machinery 'RE YOU GOINO ON A JOURNEY T AERIAL RAID FAILED confirm all 1 have ssid about Doan's until 'he lioveiiior returned from tie ' LONGSHOREMEN STRIKE 1 t. hsmberlaiii Colic, Cholera and HsiJische K'dnev Pills, when have A I' av lor acting director of th coa-- Hiuuhiica b'emedy should be packed in . .. Iv them ' v. r-- rl pobli endorsed before.' I'ti'viiii ("o'liotioi inmit'ee, was noti Wlrl. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Kidney .01 tiii.l Iuul'SKC when noin(i oil a HKRLIMV July 6. Dunn's Backache Pills lsre Med ,,'1. I' vesterdav thnt the Ka"al II. Ml K 'rvvn. thev m.'m- e I. In aunouueing a ) (Anocl.t.d Frsss by rsdsral dm-irc- st ,- I lianv'e of water, diet, and ...Id bv all and store1 aeners have iiinc'irred with the the 1- " auditor. Thi- - le.'iv e Hritish aeroplane attack upon tier-ioiii- i Take Laxative Brouio Quinine ."I'd the July 7. l.-h- m et at e all tend to produce bowel si:ATTLK, One hundred R 50 rents pe' bov (six hnxe $2 ."). K:miii ' h. c'tilier ot colomc'ee i ii the Cent...' :i Sr lthr,nt iiKIe.'ts ii - positions allium bay T'alilefs. All lniirjiists refund "ion longshoremen steam- . i U W rouble, and medicine the of the loading the or "ill be mailed on receint loice rouiinnl hi" II I' Isenberr to be the M ..fl'el b" h In this cannot be hips Hollii-te- vp on steam-dr- . North Sea Sunday, it is olllcially declar (lie money if it fails to cure. Minnesota, lliloiiian and Amur hv the I'm.. Co.. Hon 'o the new in niber of the oromotion coin Olli'K .'iv that llrowu would not take a ".iiie.l board the train or ' l truck night, Is : m It miiy e tlmt the mid wns n failure. A fleet V.. W. drove's signature is on last rather than work side wholesale agents fur the Hawaiian ntiMce t'noii K'cuai, and th"t Governor I'llsi ' ion from his father iu law much sutTerinif aiol v side with nun union men. The ship lauds I'ciil 111 li.o b.'en so notified T'ce bri.Mii'i v,. it i co'cccrallv believed tlmt iv eiiieii. e if you hav e it hniul.t. of Aeroplanes ni iiipHiiicd end) . cruisers and lp, i I, dealei-H- dim comoauies hid attempted to in Remember the name, Doan's, and 11 :i clues not become effective I'll, liciir;.' ha been slated for some 'ot ..cl. b n Iloimon, Smith CO., Hi 11 A destroyers, but all were repelled. PMtlU MEDICINE boiiin. 8 I trodticc the open shop. take no substitute. unlit conv.rtid into an appointment thine .v i. t. , agents fur Hawaii. ' i ,' t .. FRIDaV, -WCEkLY, t. ' 6 i4YWiWpAZETTE' JULY 9. 1915, Sfen' 1 I INSANE ARE IN HONOLULU CADET IlilNARE SEflAIOR fillflE WANTS PLANTATION TO " IS PINEAPPLE BOOSTER : TAKE OUT LICENSE NEED OF MUSIC TESTIFIES UNDER ,! HOI FROM CRUISE I TALKS OP HAWAII . ' ' I :'.:-u'- ' 1 - , "'' I r" .',-- Representative . Ihwomb Slemp of nrninrnnrnrnnbTIM"! - Hawaii Herald. A penal sum- - AND OCCUPATION Turkey Cove, Lee County, Virginia, ia Cnly Men Not Seasick On 5ayt He Warned UtblUtUilKt: Four People of Is! mons haa been issued for almost Party of Thirteen Due To Arrive a booster for Day. In a let- the whole staff of su- - Pineapie Fourth of July Trip To ands Not To Bank On the Paaollo ter to the promotion committee he gar plantation on a charge of Here July 27 For Three writes: am with yon on the pine- Maui Restoration of Sugar manufacturing a foodstuff to wit Work "I Tells He sugar, without obtaining a license Weeks' Stay Many Male Patients Can apple a well as With Deep Feeling What proposition, anything to do so. The license-cost-s ten In Fields But Women Sit else that yon or anybody else in Ha- Knows About Cheating of 41 dollars and it has not been taken Thirty-tw- sailed away from Senator waii want. If I cool. t got you to have men Martins o New Jersey, was out, as some dispute has arisen Under gnt.fanre M Prill (inorge It. Idle All Day Classmates two-iliirt- y In' over a good supply of pineapples sent me Honolulu on the yacht Hawaii St recently Washington for day or the question of whether Barton, director of s sugar is foodstuff not. the Teachers' School fer use oo November I will guaran- a two. He or e oi'clock Saturday afternoon for discussed his trip to Hawaii, of Sch-ac- of Boston, tee every will be put a fart c of a bake: a that bit of it to cruise to Maui. 'I hey left the harbor as shown by the following article '. good use, ami I wilt bear the expense. " n ;Vs doten iS eVjoliJfroinj th Massachu- PROMISCUITY ANOTHER FINISHED HIS COURSE singing. Home went below when which appeared in The Islands of the Philippines have t a Washington news setts city oa Vacation trip to Hono- reached SERIOUS PRESENT EVIL total area of T.OliO square miles, WITH SPLENDID RECORD Diamond Head was and did not papr:' lulu and other Island points of inter- show themselves until the good green "Senator Martine of New Jersey, est. The party left Boston last Sun- .and of Maui was reached at four-.iii- . who has LITTLE and are the women. The greater share of our Just returned from a trip to ATTENTION day, scheduled to arrive in ty ttundsy afternoon; and others Honolulu on July 2?. ' be- are from agricultural Knsign M. son Mr. Hawaii and the west, ha spei.N In the party Superintendent Not Room inmates the Ivan (irnham, of below one by one, until only where sides Has classes! We make mowt now lulled mueh Prof. Barton are Mrs... Barton and the of and Airs. W. M. (iraham of this city, four of the company survived. Their time with a. congressional party their daughter and ten teachers of the what land we have, but you can aee that Included and1 Enough To Segregate the Well-know- names are so each the Senators Overman school by., Bar- is and in Honolulu, who not given, of IS PAID TO HAWAII presided afar Professor that there no room fur gardens proclaim himself James, .Representatives Mann and ton. Violent Maniacs " graduated this spring from the Ann .lurty two may to hit Moora here." friends, as having been one ot the four. and 'Uncle' Joe Cannon, who The stay In the Islands will be twenty-- Indeed, the grounds are crowded. apolis has b en drawn is to be in naval academy, 'I he was on the annual the next house, ealled st one days and Barton should Agnews, for in has Hawaii Professor instance, California, into the navy academy scnud.il ii.ves ."oiirlh of July nurse of the Honolulu ths Whlta House today, lis will be be aa excellent guide, aa ha has already I population of between twelve and in Washington Vach.t Club. She seven- - several days before de - piloted one party-t- Occupation ami amusement are the fifteen hundred lodged in thou- tigation, returned at Indications Are That Judicial tourist Hawaii and three night after1 a quick parti ni for his New Jersey home. He a number of years he was a mem- two subjects on which Dr. William A. sand arrea of ground, being an average No accusation of wrong deing was hi.ty o'clock last will be a 'ago .un of eight hours from Lahaina, as candidate U sneeeed himself Vacancies Win Not Be Filled ber of tho Hawaiian government sur- it' mo-- e nade against Knsign (Srahnm: he was Schwallie, medical instructor of th a little than two acres to the next year and . will oinpared twenty-si- hours on put in the better vey, which gives him personal knowl-dre-o- ( individual. imply summoned as a witness in the with the part summer For Oahu Insane Asylum, Hill lay especial leg. No one was sea sick of the mixing with his Months tho to be charges against aeven midshipmen that outbound New Jersey interesting localities in his forthcoming report. Country Bit Is Needed nn the either; and helped constituents and friends. visited. stress hey had obtained knowledge of exami- retain that whole Oahu haa thirty acres on which are Jome Back On Steamer " 'Th West is riveted to Advance Itinerary X The insane of the Territory hnve nation questions through stolen papers President Wilson his administra- Maintained 33:1 patients, or i and Accordin; to tho at present Mrs. (Iraham stated lad i Jit that Four" men returned yesterday morn- By Ernest Q. Walker advance advices nothing to do. All day they nit nlnnt a tion,' " said Senator Martina. "There be- little more than ten patients to the she had heard from her son. that hn ing on the ni a ii n a Kea. (Mail Special to Tho Advertiser) time of the party will be divided asylum is no disputing this. When I was in Wai-kik- the grounds, varantly picking .lire. Anil of these thirty acres, only had been summoned as a witness and ('alma anil contrary winds and a tween Oahu, Maui and Hawaii. i ihont enclosed, California I, went to Sacramento to WASHINGTON, June 25. A num Beach, t their elothen ami brooding over their ten are forming the all been to i th tiainsail thst gave way delayed the Diamond Head and the that the witnesses had sea Governor Johnston. He did not ber of letters have been written As- grounds proper, and twelve more are to on schoolmates. No yacht, until she put into Lahaina in- to drive to the Pali are included in the obsessions. Doctor Schwallie believer "peach" their hesitate to say, President Wilson sistant Secretary of the Treasury My- rocky bluffs and table lands, unlit for suspicion been at- stead of continuing to Kahului, for that Oahu itinerary. they would be happier, ruitier to hanille of any kind has has won the hearts of the people. ron U. Newton about the public build- ultivation and not the most desirable tached to Knsign (irnlinm and he fin whbh she hod sailed from Honolulu. On Maui an ascent will be made to and more likely to be cured if they n " Members of oar party were royally ing site at Honolulu ,br congrossi'ieo the world for building sites. The ished his course at the academy with Sunday afternoon and Monday were Haleakala crater. Tao Valley will be had, literally, "something to occupy emaimler ia divid.il into truck treated wherever ws went and a num- wnp recently visited there. Home of visited as will also the cane fields and their minds." a splendid record. pent on the Island of Maui, soeing the ber of these are for uatches, scattered outside the bounds country in automobiles by tbo speeches were made here and the Irwin site and others the towns of Wailnku and Lahaina. lj k of funds, lack of space ami OrsJuun s Main Witness donated there. Mann, Moore for the Sprockets site. among the habitations of the sane. On Monday, 21, some sensa- itizens and Monday evening, there 'Jim' 'Hamp' On Hawaii the trip will be arrnnged lack of facilities hitherto have mail, June and Cannon to work off on Mr. Newton said today he had "We are between the devil anil the lit out to was a tlanee for the yachtsmon given 'Joe' tried to show the waterfall views on the it difficult to deal with this centra' tional testimony was btoiu the people the familiar, Republican reached do conclusion beyond a decision leep sea,' aaid Doctor Hehawllie. the effect that Midshipman If. M. Nel by young women. northeastern side of the island. Side prohlem, ami mueh of the dillictilty re I stuff about hard times and the low to visit Honolulu in the course of two 'We need more buildings and am not on, a recent graduate, had tli reputa- harlra Lewis vvns skipper of the trips will be taken from Hilo to the mains, but the 1915 report will 'also n favor of wooden structures when tariff of the Democrats. But they or three months and look tho situation "Onomes" and to the lava flow show tion of being able to obtain examina- Hawaii. that mueh haa been accomplished hcv must be by a population didn't get away with much of it. t over for himself. There are stacks of of 1880-81- . Several days will be pass- Two year ago, tenanted tion papers. Kour"1ilg tacks were made to beat the inmates wen had occasion to reply to them frequent- communications in Mr. Newton's flies ed Volcano House, whore a peculiarly liable to the perils of fire of day was igainst winds. twelve-thirt- y at the fed like wild animala. F.ach seized The main testimony the the contrary At ly about Of To build permanently of concrete W. Turner. and I found the people wonderfully the advantages both the pro will be visited aa well as the koa ami with to a given by Lieut. William o'clock Sunday morning, the Wil- bolted it far rosts money, and I hate to put money responsive to praiso of President posed sites. forest, the forest of ferns and also a corner, where he devoured with hi' !Cnsign Ivan M. Oraham and Midship- tiainsail gave way, and the sick and it into buildings on this site when I be son and his achievements. Of course, Honoring Dead Officers trip made to the Six Craters. finger and teeth. man .lohn K. Ileffernan. deeping ones below had to be routed there is stilt a of sentiment The war department has announced ieve we ought to move om into the Lieutenant Turner gave Midshipman out pet another. division On the return trip the party will Conditions Improred - to tip Three hoars on the people are not the naming of the following batteries Ars country. ileffernan as the source of his state- were in the tariff, but take steamer to pnss along the south lost here, the boat drifting the thinking of these things in the face o. on the Island of Oahu, in honor of d? waa no dining room. The pa "The ideal site for the Oahu asy La-na- western side of the island with brief Thee ments affecting Midshipman Nelson. itrong current towaid the lee of L s (J. ti'-nt- in ni would be some spot within the great international problems before ceased military heroes: 8. Mills, for stops at Kenlnkekua Bay, the scene of ate the open, and, if it rained, Midshipman Ileffernan quoted The accident oecured oft Kalau-l.alau- , in wet easy access of a tbo country. Col. Stephen J. Mills, U. S. A., who tho death of Captain Cook, and at Kni-lua- , the and nind. When they had street ear Charles M. Reaple as his chief Molokai. There waa a strong cur- ' finished, they line, yet far enough removed from "President Wilson will be renomi died August 3, 1914; Dodge, for Maj. the former residence of the pioneer dropped their dishes the llithority. Knsign (Iraham related a Mo-oka- i, rent sweeping about both ends of would be Theodore A. Dodge, IT. who died where they squatted or threw theni ity to secure privacy and space. We made by Midshipman .lames nated and re elected. It 8. A., missionaries. atatenient the yachtsmen said. 25, HulingM Col. dreadfully cramped here and is Nel--o- sheer stupidity to fail to renominate October 190; for En route to and from Hawaii. Hie about at random, tometimcs over the ire it K. Waddell, in which Midshipman With a new sheet up the Hawaii con- boundary bound to yet worse him, and the people are too friendly to Thomas M.. Hulings, Forty-nint- Penn- party will take in all tho more wall. all the time, as was inculcated. tinued. 8he arrived off .Lahaina Now (he male patienta have an open lie population grows." Mid him to reject him. sylvania Infantry, who was killed points of interest on the hoimi fmsign (iraham, a classmate of il.out one-thirt- o'clock after- a Sunday "My Republican colleagues who May 10, 1864, at Spotsylvania, Vir- including Falls, (ila-i-- r air refectory, ami new dining room, Segregation Is Necessary hipmnn Nelson, as well as of Knsb'ns a land, Minehaha noon, but met calm and drifted bark pen O. Bar-ri- , wing room rind day room, All in one. ! Nun-ria- l spoke in Hawaii intimated, to the ginia; Burri, for Capt. Thomas National Park. Yellowstone Park, Ri With more ground. Doctor Schwallie Jlurhen, 'ouf er,. Htrubel, Hough, iu the enrreut into Molokai channel. 8he is nearly completed women on pie of that Territory that there prob- U. a A., who was killed July 2, nier National Park, the Han Francisco for the mild segregate his violent cases, v and Harrison, gave his testimony found a wind and again got off Lahai- Uer floor ably will be some relief,, through con- lS6:t, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; exposition and the Orand Canyon. the first of the main build omething he nuirh desires to do. undi'd decided stress and seemed to na, but calm was which recently another struck, and gressional action, of the free sugar pro Chandler, for Second Lieut. Rax. Chand- ini, haa been moved to is a shock," he said, many feel keenly his position. His testi- .he back make more lawn space. "It "to started drifting again. She vision of the exiating tariff law. 1 ler, U. S. A, killed April 8, 1913, while lane persons to see an idiot or a mony related to conversation which he signalled a ,But to return to the problem of for launch, which towed her have no doubt an effort will be made making a flight in au aeroplane. maniac, and we know that it is even had held with Midshipman Waddell. into the port nt four thirty. Had she and amusement: When a hi n in con reaa this Winter to repeal that norc of a shock to those whose inind-n- e lie said that Waddell had told ontiuueil to Kahului REPORT OF CHARITY patient ia admitted to the New .lor she probably provision and restore the duty on su deranged. Promiscuity retards and that with Nelson lie had gone to dif- would not have arrived until midnight. soy State Asylum a card in made out ferent and lind taker! ad- gar. I told the .Hawaiian people that cksciih our cures. Segregation, occu- departments hc reached lahaina at four-thirt- FULLOSIS a follows: par- they need not expect much in this di pation ami amusement would increase vance matter. Waddell alluded i 'clock Sunday "I'nderscore the occupation in which afternoon, rection. They have the richest lasdi :tml accelerate theni. ticularly, he said, to visits which Nel fake Auto Bides !N MONTHS interests-weavin- g, pro WORK the patient expresses ton had niaife to the marine engineer- in tha world and do not need the 6 "I am planning to organize as many Automobiles, were taken to Wailuku sugar. I do basket making, painting, ear the women ing room, where lie had procured "tur- tun, teetion of a high tariff for FEDERAL SERVICE jf as possible into sewing lay afternoon, and the night was wUl be an repeal pcntry, metal work, elay and cement lasses. They ought to make ow.. bine sheets, which contained ques- not think that there work, rhair caning, tailoring, farming, their pent there. Jdonday automobile rides of free sugar provision thaft become clothes ami thoxe of the male inmates tions which were to be asked on that were taken, snd some of the men went other occupations! is well Now. livisioii of the subject. The witness effective next March." During Period Chari- the nurses make them. ramping. The dance followed Mon- , Associated "Would the patient be helpful in Home of the women do a aimless added that Waddell declared that Nel teaching or assisting little day evening. The Honolulaus were ccepts From Territory Import-tan- t Un- other patients in to' acting, yet we know that many of mmi had opened a drawer and taken ties Had 335 Families classes or group T pleased immensely with the reception' them are capable of a these sheets from it mid that a few of you know of any running mi hey received on Maui, and they said Position In His Line der Its Care "Do other special hine. As soon as the new day room Nebon's classmates were regularly interest or ? they had adopted "Maui no ka oi " as ability tml sewing room is we shall helped by him. available, heir own motto. The left Wai-uk- u Indictment of Hawaii ' ' wlassmatea Are Involved men. David P. Fulloway, entomologist at et to work. at g Knsign connected some of seven o'clock yesterday morn-ii- the United States experiment station, "la he willing to attend the classes It will be a couple of months yet tiriiham ami Ijihaina, Interesting figures are contained in his classmates with affair. These motored to arriving has left the service to enter that of at the industiial hiiihiiugf What oc- before the room is finished. At pros the it ten thirty, an hour I the semi annual report of tho Associat laminates were Knsign Hough, one of and, later, started the Territory. He will devote him cupation does lie prefer? lit ouiy a portion of the floor is n the homeward voyage. ed Charities for the period from Jan Does he defendants, and Knsigns Uveresch self to finding a parasite to fight the " he t!.ke un interest in games f un: lily Isni with plunk's, but the need Am rher cruise probably will be made uary to Juue, inclusive. During the su he a for is King ami Harnett. Another of the de melon fly, one of the bad insects of the Poos wiite good handf Does he the mioiii so great that u:fendy n ptember. months the society had under its cure - fondants mentioned was James K Territory. need to wear glasses? Make a note of it ui'llpli'il. The following Gruesome Discovery By Japanese 333 families and a total of 117(1 iudivi i Moss, who received the papers by mail men were on the Mr. Fulloway resinned from the fed all special reipii'sts for material, of Good Record of Secorerles uise: Mr. Knglehart, Isaac Carra, uals. spontaneous at occupation, or These papers lire at the bottom of th Workmen In Heart of City eral service because a new leave of eflit Dm Rolsprt Fer-usoi- i. expended during the perm tor hwall'e would like to p.esent matter. Waddell told him, he Louis Silver, Lewis, Mr. abaence could not be given. He had Money of other facts helpful in planning 117.;M, divi l it hold a playei piano or a good phono Moss a Ilarrv Melin, V, Rosa, Harry had two leaves of a year each, with for relief work totalled therapeutic employment. ' aid. that had once given him .l.-- h ( i panose workmen excavating yes- as follows: Cash, fiifKi.-- O; reni, graph, whn could be 0ie rated by one calculus papor iu ad- 'vViiihardt, '. B. Snell. Victor Kahn, only one month interlude, on work for ed The list is in itself an indictment of examination ' terday Alak-e- a 2.'I4.:IH; of the attendants, or, perhaps, one of ouis I'aiigelinan, Arthur Auerhaeh, morning at the corner of being a search $324; transportation, meal the manner in winch Hawaii cares 'for vance. the Territory, the last .( the more intelligent patients. If a in lames Makinney, Charles Lewis. Henry aud Merchant streets, unearthed tickets, $57; milk and groceries, $:i2'i. i's insane. About a Knsign (Iraham declared that he had for a fruit fly parasite. hundred of the wi-h.- -s three skulls and a quantity of bones. $169..'I5; home industry, one who reads this paragraph about 'ii per cent of modern lan- Mabv, H. I. fJramherg, W. W. O'Brien. This has been found, and he re- other relief, male patients are given occupation the ' The were found at a depth to pert'orn. a 'inrity that will be of un guage ion in ad II. Hart William J. Peterson, lialph remains to service, but the $246.10. outside the g"ounds, working in the e:.'i'uinat information of a a half from the turned the federal alloyed si rv ice to more than three him though he not suspect ''nhn. Waller Orsee, .1 ('. Hlorisky, about foot and him again. He may Divisions of the social statistics show taro and yam patches. The women do value, did its surface and the of Territory wanted dr'-- iiiihappv soul", no I. Mark Hertleman, Mr. Benson, P. B. had ap(earanc cared f.A- thirty nothing. 'I h- - better oppoi hi. i, tci. lie had ol ta lied it, he said, return to the federal service when he that of the individuals hopelessly feeble- in-il- . having been hurriedly buried. With tunitv could e .lev Uwight Mr SnpKmsn, Harrv ew- - were widows and livo were widowers. minded, the violently insane, and those from Midshipueu Hector and Knner, the bones was an old fashioned finishes his work for the Territory With nil the shortcoming by which of his who said they had onib, T T. O'Brien, Jack Hyde, A. found of and Single men outnumbered sing!" rational except I'm their particular de- class, that Conner Announcement the resignation fr is lorn I. the asylum Ic-- a lam. . Of lusions, mingle ami it i' Oahu leceived it from Midshipman Homer Anderson. Harry Buck, Harry Hodges. Mr. Fulloway 'a new duty was made womon in asking aid. the latter indiscriminately, :r K i Two of the skulls, evidently thus, n 'ii n e d of rocovei s. II Han on, a I. ii a .1. H. 111 were only twelve, while of the all alike are wile. classmate. of a man niiii woman, were in fair yesterday by VVestgate, charge there "'or the lisi-a- year eliding .lune a two, resident It is to be remembered That Midshipman Waddell had threat of the federal station. former there were uiuety that the ' u' yiim'tistion owners. He denied saying state of preservation, but the other, I n - there ninety admissions. deserted in tin- cue. to repudiate lis statement was -- and traiiMieut. Fourteen of territorial asylum is - a e o r one. probablv of lobulation these, fifty were discharged, forty one Knsign (Jra to Knsign (iraham that he got an ad- and that wero as were three divorced not comparable to that of a mainland tiuthei testiniouv of a child, fell to pieces on Wing dis- ilies aided, as inn. Mm nine as materialy im ham. 'nice examination in calculus from couples and 179 married couples. atate hospital. - interred. The in jaws were proved, i,i per cent com Ensign Moss, stating that he had said he had teeth the AGAIN TIE "The patients here are of all races of the Waddell said.'- testified iu each case excellent condition. IN In the relief work sixteen families nituieiit. 'Ih, he not back up secured old examination papera nnd in 10 ami tongues," said Doctor peieentage of il'nham, "that would The finding of bones waa came under the division of home in Schwallie -- problems him. He the i!i vii ir the I'nited St.it whit he said and that it would be his from aiso said that was given to is not possible to treat !at be t o Sheriff Hose, who will turn duatry. Regular relief "It census tin iu and institutions was word against mine. He declarod that had never .heard that Nelson hn theiri as patients are treated on the ic Uevs them over to the board of health for TROPHY fifty three families aud oiner ency re i iglit. to a lie of the building. Waddeli FOR FRAZIER Mainland. 1'srty had done things for him ami disposition, lief to 102. Medical services were pro In l, t tob of Nelson having sent him a men II. the number of commit vvie gi him if he turned agaiU'f j em ' i" bones vided for fifty nine individuals an.l Amusements. Are Needed liini. ' siii-- that he would "get him" if he It thought that the and ments to iialm asylum was llti, and forty-nine- . writ- su'ls have beeu buried about twenty ployment secured for "They are not interested in games number of Ml, being u Th- - witne-- s also said that President testified against him and having pel ten yea rs. head list of nation- aud dances. Most of theni come from eentage of recoveries seventy. Adaes, uf tl lass, had tried to get a letter to Nelson stating that iie Companv B, N. held their sec Portuguese the of , The bones appear dis tl. Ii. m Hml midshipmen to have been for aid with a total of social in which such diver- The uioitnlity rate is alao remark a confession from any midshipman two other had agreed ond annual shoot to return the win alities applying n "forget they knew membered from their bodies and the 193 individuals. Americans were sec sions are unknown. nbly low. guilt in the matter, none , , what about B. Their diversity of There were only nineteen hut that t. : I h'lidinjj of lamp ner or winners of the Charles fra I mm, the suggeats that the nationiiliticH language makes any attempt to in deaths in the vear closed, or fifty "ml, such an admission. yes- ond with fifty four. Other just j remains were buried hastily at night iler trophy at the Kakaako butta or less Idvsnee Information Given are recorded aa follows: Porto Ktrict amuse them extremely ilifli per cent than on the mainland. 'Turbine Sheets' Are Taken 11 terday morning, Sergeant I.owr;e and II Ou Thursday, 24, an indirect uie lamp tnrown 11110 ine noie thirtv-eiuht- : Hawaiiuns, thirty ; cult, juttt as it complicates the prole Ratio of Insanity Low ' bi Tnes, lav , .lene '21, Midshipman J June Sergeaut McKldowney tietng for first statement Fnsigus Overesch, when the gruesome work waa com- Cliinesa, twelve; loin of feeding them. Nevertheless, Kxai t n cords are not obtainable, K. Waddell testified that Midshipman involving place, with 118 points out a possible Spanish, fourteen; Kiio. ami eloared un. pleted. of aoii.ethiiig can be done ami ought to bo owing to the insiillicieiit clerical foiec If. M. Nelson hud gone to the marine Harnett was 123. In consequence both will have Germans, ten; Kussians, len. to FTnsign Midship-ma- on list Finn", done. at the disposal of the such engineering building to secure hii Oraham, their names engravod on the trophy. there are the asylum, but Waddell Nelson Mexicans, Scotch, "There are certain broad, funda- liguies a., ore show minks and thst he hud also taken some hail stated that This trophy was donated by Lieut. Filipinos, Knglish, available umpies had given advance information Norwcgiuns, Koreans, Italiai s, mental amusements that all can share. tioiinld that there is much less in 'tiir'ine whu-- gave him ad- certain Charles K. Frar.ier to tie shot for annu Bornese, v e i n f mi the shape of turbine sheets to these' Cubans, Iri.di and .lupu Music and moving pictures occur to sanity in the Islands than oil the main ormut ion on recitations. Wad ally by members of Company B. in Hindus, Bwiss, II He rnmm Ii 'hrce. he himself had Die. We a Dm .Si admitted that lie had taken some said that 1 nese. shall have shortly hall in land. tin hwullio attributes the first shoot, Sergeant Mead anil tic sheet they! taken a turbine sheet and given it to' which moving pictures could be shown. llspnritv in hour of Hawaii to himself .but said that Sergeant Steiiihanser tied for flrsl v Miilshiinuun Midshipman lit",, p'i, vi of no uli e. Midshipmaii King for would be a splendid thing if of the population and tie ( AT THE DARDANELLES place. The third shoot will take place "It M. !'i hn.lwick. the latter having a low the Hawaiian Itaml could play here .essei iuteiisitv of industrial aid soci.l hail'"- agio, who admitted hav- July , JUJ0 ing red standing in the subject. YESTERDAY MARKED BY once a week. At flint it might excito compel H uni. enti nearlv every department In yesterday's contests the shooting in the iii ademy tu be- the patients a little. Probably it The a- -i yesterday hail 3:i:t iii " rag marks aud was very close, several of the men nt' h a suio' seen would, but the same argument was mates, of whom ninety-thre- e." said that he had ACCUSED MIDSHIPMEN ing tied up to the last range. woe Ne' made against establishing a refectory. women and Jl'i men. The on "Her th" engineering building Former Honolulu Athlete Sent To Following are the seores of the first fnctthat ' four tunes, but gave no otln'i CANNOT GO ON CRUISE COUPLE OF INQUESTS 1 waa told that there would be un here - s;i, , a large number of si; gV "i'i ten men out of a possible 12.1. da L n : testiieonv against him. The Front Quickly controllable confusion, You can come nale la I, is in i l(. Territory account '' Sergeant Lowrie, 118; Sergeant Mr - ( press Wlretus.) here for yourself any day now ami see the preponderance ins;i:i nsi I'm t!,( uriginaf defendant AnsorUtiid bv Tsdsral 'lilowuev, 118; Lieut. Stevenson, 117; 'or of male i I nt", Iv tin ir uncut ions that they Maryland. July 8. im Meek, champion 1 1 7 ; that they eat with less trouble ami iu. as nl u for the fact that the v AXNAIMLia, long and short Quartermaster Sergeant Hiieliuliii, t ,1 a1. out the alleged activjtv ( confusion than would the same nuin 'urn ho'. I, thuu m, The battleship Wisconsin of the Naval distance wulker of the Territory, and orporul Benny, lln; Corporal Two coroner's iuuess weie lull mine Japanese I'n-i- I' If. ill any r "' Adams, piesideut and eadeinv iirnct'se squadron sailed to who left Honolulu for New Zealand 110; Sergeant Poverill, 113; by Sheriff Hose., In the 1:1s' ber of Imtsihis restaurant. otlo no I' yesterday or i. a" of the class, who, theV ay for San Francisco with midship- several months ago, is 101), Cap- ber of Why Not Show Movie Aiuoiig tiie women, si now at the Sergeant Steinhausor, and of Uussell F. Downing, a in the I'o.t ugui - at the bottom of change men practise for movies, I ml Ho- li.i the taking their rummer front. tain Super, Wl. the Stanford battebnll teaui, who ic "A' the understand pint- healed Uawniians t i "' ' "i some of the class ruise. The battleship Ohio will aail Meek went U) New think-ia- i beach, that the amiiHtMiieiit companies almost 'i n, ullv highest. haol,-- airinst Zealand, No place has as yot been designated 011 111 bed to an accident ut th" the Ilapa i'soi.. Th" efforts he always have Idle films on court ruled that oinnrrow with the same destination. that wmnld stand a better chance for the next shoot of the company, the the jury found a verdict to the elfei t their bants 'ce'n to .i,,n more mental stabili'v to lo be-- ,'han ng th;s phase of the matter nl v cadets specifically charged with of goinp- to the front from there than lease of the Kakaako range having that deuth was due to frar.turs of the films that have exhausted their draw eitl.ii the unmixed lluwaiiaus or be- - the ooit must limited, on th" "cribbing" hailing will be left he would if he went to by "1" ing newer here in tin- Islands and are the stiaiuhl whites. le i,r Canada. He expired. third cervical vertebra, caused "'ill of "in ssaiv consumption of hind. ( 'oiiiiniindt'r F. A. Traut com was speedily promoted to corporal. head of ilesiUBSO'i Htri'ini! the wni'irg to be returned to the main iMitor h vv allle 's f oil hcoujllig e the ti uiani the Wisconsin. Slid Commander Rv yesterday's re- divirg land. Why not show them here once imit will how mail word was EUPPLIED BT AI.L CHEMISTS. sand at Wuikiki bench, while that during the viai (,i n'irled 'n fr-hu- n I. T. Tompkina the Ohio. ceived fiom Meek, the being witnesses a week f ust end I. letter into shallow water. The or twice th main building has lac vVi lell said he had said certain n niled at Heliopolis in I'hys'.i'ians prescribe Chamberlain 's early June. ' were It. !'. Maple, W. M. Argabrite, "The patients soon would become novid, and a dining room, day nm a ' li'iig s iu Cholera and liemedy confide tu Ivis'gn Ora The writer stated that he was "lie, Diarrhoea .1. A. Dr. W. C. Untidy. to music pic i in that and aceitoi"" the and tlx' M'wuig mom constructed limlei it, him and Hint he did not wish to b PUTS CURED IN 6 TO 4 DAYS. nay leavmv for Dardanelles He because it relieves cramps in the stom aip'd Would grow look the In tho case of ('lenient Knoka, turns. They to for i new too n i'ottage for won. 'v,'"..s. be, anse he would several I'AZO OINTMENT is guaranteed had a nice word for the " h and intestinal pains quicker than beei I'cr pyramids. 31 years, who took poison on Sundav ward to them ami the first excitement aii built at a cost of 3H(ii, I I nit pie in'o trouble an, p'oiinblv ge' vu ure uny case of Itching, Blind, here are thousands of w 01111, lei any preparation thev can compound. It morning, the jury found a verdict that o " 'if auii'in rity would wear of! . eieut I,, m I, caie for the probable " elf dismiss,., t,. said that In here, "wrote Meek," but of ciiu be bought from nny chfinist. A pois- I Bleeding tens death resulted from eualuiHe acid Iv a i or Protruding Piles in 6 to ipii n a. until the piospic'i Mi, ' n H II '. laii.nt. I'll icier un to ('liter thousand lire arriving to lake their bolllu will seep for yen-- nii.l 110 oning, self u liniiiistered . Tor ' ' ' M days r " oil ui alien, gaideuiog a In' In h.ls been put It With In, ' ' I., money refunded. Made by it III i.',i,eerill bnildillvr places. home is loiuplete without it. For sule Knolwi was a uiolder at the Honolulu 1ST u . . agiiei'ltuie the outdoor t' :i , ropr:at-- d by Uie I. . h- - PAK.'S Ml U1CINC Meek ale lest late mi 'let had heard of Nelson CO..Siut Uuia j Muted Hint he is well aud sent I'v all dealers. Benson, Smith Si Co., Iron Works and resided iu Alupii for the men mid of mei w cuputiuus many lature. ;,i M. ss ivoil in together in getting U. jf A. reyaids to all Honolulu friends. Ltd., agents fur Hawaii. l.ane. K . Jl T iv V AI XAN,L GA ZjfeTTJi J ).Y. JULY 9,.; 1915.rJiMl-WE-f KI.V TMTt

. it i n " T !.. mm Ut If II II IS II k: J

FURTHER DEFICIT INDEPENDENT'S VIEW : Record and Forecast of Hawaiian Sugar ENGLAND ALARMED HIDALGO MUDDLE OF SUGAR filAta FROM SUGAR DUTIES . Crops as of Uneven Dates to June 30, 1915 AT SUGAR SHORTAGE HEARING SOLUTION ' - y ' . . Czarnikowa-Bion- Company, New The Hawaiian soaar ptantntion fiscal year is from CV-t-, to Sept. 10. York suga There are forty five sugar mills in Hswail. In addition thereto, there are seven independent cane planters, Preference Granted American brokers, in Uiir latest London Declares Sit- Stackable Reports Plain Sailing trade Circular state that the ' fall sat whose cane is ground on shares, who do business on such a large scale that their share of sugar is listed separately. Statist Bottoms May Force Heavy prices during Juno and the failure to Planters without mills or not grinding their own cane nr.. indicated hereunder by a . Is if 1 uation Serious and Higher Ahead Will . '. . . i t I . sre of tons of 20(MI lbs. Shareholders suuesM. ijigri oeeu prsrji. ' "Btatletics eh. To Importers! 'J fWr as,aal At this nil Refunds jjfi fli t1 was d tw the 'surplus of re- date plantations are grinding. Prices Are Feared Contribute Coin ceipts over meltings. Withdrawals hare augmented In volume since tj hot weather eommeneed the hjud-nes- s e cr o bat in K. Market Was Quiet But Steady on 9 The London Statist reviewing the j R. Stackable, president and man- is all standing contracts. ' I -- ' - ager of a Zacualna Hidsluo Kubber - -- There has bean absolutely no ,new British sugar situation takes an alarm- At Close In New Company, has ' business, they state. Stocks aso now 1st view, declaring that the favorable issued an appeal to Ave holders of acre certificates to pay up York heavier than they have in posit!00 of January 1 has, by a serious bn T1 the assessment of Ave dollars per share years. l I blunder, been turn.-.- into s deficit. In fiTilur I Kb I It,. vdnpi.Kni.A 1a. hw This report treats somewhat at -- January of H i In there r.n, a surplus be fully completed. Mexican ex- d a I length of the position of 1 over loo.ooii. tons. Itv May 1 a short- - New York sales for the week ending su shipped NAME OP Finished (irinding. change is about ten rents gold per "distressed" are, or sugars PLANTATION. age of 20,000 ton existed so that peso. June 4 were about half million bags. to American ports contrast of Hence if funds are paid in new without prices to the coimnncr have about the Mexican bank Hale of 1A.000 tone Cuban for Hoi sale. These have to be disposed of at In indebtedness against doubled that time. The biggest the properties can be liquidated a land, 3000 tons Ban Domingo for the bost price they will bring, or else 3 rise in value h been in the unre- at tone I. discount of eighty per cent. France and 2,000 PhiKppiue were bo lightened and transferred to ware K -- fined 4ow grade. , D K Mew Mexican Company am reported. houses. On the present market sale OonsnraTHlon Hery Willett Gray in part state that been at Consumption A Mexican holding corporation has of "distressed" sugars have iiiereased eighteen per go stocks in the United State and Cuba very low values. rent during the first four months of i to tie inrmen nccaiise me planta- tions are within the proscribed area , together were 1.194.P9 tons, against Independent Opinion this year, and in the same time the 1,225,179 torn last week and 1173,723 importations of refined fell off 00,000 in which foreigners are not permitted Oaarnikowa Rionda's views are worth at- to own land, being less than twenty tuna last year, an increase of 220,808 re- tons. Knglish refiner hsve had to considering as this concern usually 4",M leagues from sn boun- tuna from last year. 025 22 tempt to make up this shortage out Of liternstlonal flects the views of the 'iadepea 'Apokaa Sugar ( o dary. Huch a holding company is be- On June 22, no sales transpired, but 003 (i:u 572 their storks. With the exception of whereas Willatt A Cray's trail Estate V. Knudscn ing formed. con- importance were re- dents," 3ll,ll(MI 21,535 43,000 tons of white sugars secure i Whenever oiitica! Several 'items of are considered to be usually in Ewe Plantation Co 2,53 become ported 'from Cuba, including sales of letters 8,172 5. "00 4,765 from Holland all Kuropean beet augsra ditions stable the Mexican eloso accord with the tun pu Q ay ft Robinson rompsny will he Cali- 25,000 tons Centrifugals at 3.85e per views of 4,415 4. fin 4,808 have been cut off from the Knglish completed, the Trust. flrove Farm Plantation fornia directors will lb., f. o. b. Cuba, July loading for irar 18,111:11 8,080 market and the country hns had to transfer their 4mpruvpinui.t Hawaiian Agricultural 1700 ccr-tilca- Evidently the marked Co.... 55,11110 4.004 June 12; 10,70 toiu. depend on cane. holdings to the new concern nnd (treat Britain, probably a covering of Commercial & ,VI,5O0 In general business and trade mdt Hawaiian Sugar Co. 84,1100 16,680 a has holders will receive their pre short sales, followed by sales on Tues- Sugar Co 2,8i:6 France is itself purchaser and tlons which was scheduled to be la full Hawaiian 3. iiiiii 2,241 sugar On May rata of stock. day of 8,300 tons of Centrifugals for Hawaii Mill Co 3,001 no whatever for export. swing long before this, has not beun. 11.500 1 sixty-nin- were Mr. Htackable says: an. A. IK . k f..k Mill Co 7,057 7,218 only factories at The future of the sugar market actually Hamnkua is the opinioa of our eou-ee- l, . cur- 2,087 l.fiuo I,517 work, compared with 806 inlBl4. "It equal to 3.97e e t New York, at on Halawa Plantation ' - t depends more on this than it doaa 16. ."i ii 1 2,700 Hence France, although an ally of Eng Messrs. McCutcbeon, Olney h Wil- rent rate of freight. This latter quan- Hakslau plantation Co 10.803 European demaad or Cuban supply. 13.300 land, has had to buy sugar in comp- lard, thajt by amending our articles of tity was afterward increased to 13,04)0 in- liilo 8ugar Co 18,917 12,327 Should confidence revive nnd trade 1 her and" incorporation, which can be quickly tons. Hnqokaa Sugar Co 7.272 10,lllli etition with this alone has crease the summer advance, predicted T.ciii f 12,791 served to elevate sugar prices in bota done, so as to provide for the issuance Paclfie 8ngar Mill 6.2.VI ' Cuban Estimate Grows will be taken full advant- ennntr-es- , of stock last spring 8 (inn Halv un.l Spain have alno ' the of this company before Hawi Mill 2 Plantation Co. . . . 6,745 5,545 i j w I i a Messrs. UumaMe.jer, Havana, ad- by refiners. As long as the fa- Ooo recently the sugar buy- - ui rrcuru prop- age of Honomu Sugnr Co 8,: 67 9. 7,010 entered market in jnrxicu iu saiu vanced their Cuba crop estimate to nners hold these surplus stocks, also, ', ing immediate consumption as weli erties is vested in this company, ' 5.00B ' 8.000 2,411 for which is an of Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. , which we 8,ai0,0)0 tons, increase they will endeavor to maintain the 20,154 19.000 12,208 as to nernmtilate a stock. amendment propose to effent 148,000 tons over their reduced esti- level. There will be no cut In Honolulu Plantation Co Supply Deficient at once, we may lawfully Issue the price Kilauea Surar Plantation Co.. 1,420 5,800 4,246 mate of last March. The visible pro- prices until refiners have to again, en- 2.500 will not be until September," stock of this enmnanv si nroviiled in Ripahulu 8ugar Co 2.126 :' 1,970 "It of Cuba to June 19tb is 2,301,-71- 3 new raw supplies. Spain joint reorganization reso-lutio- n duction ter the market for Co 6.225 5.500 4.923 soys the &tatit. "that, Italy, committee 1 Kaeleku Plantation ' tons, or 5 ,5 0 tons less than last 8,193 7.000 7,398 and Southern France can secure the of July 31, 1914. kahaku Plantation Co.. leet-miga- r mean- is year to same date. Last year's crop 8.572 8,500 6,322 now being sows and "It the opinion of our directors' Supreme Court Koloa Sugar Co ...... Im I 2,597,732 tons. case the United States while the run n 1914 cane sugar is un- thai win v .A-- k m tm oinrned Kekaha Sugar Co 17,153 15.100 II, 802 iiibi, riu v. vwiiiiiiT The from Cuba in- decides against the Government, that precedented. The running out of stocks sued, company will be in a position week's exports Kohala 8ugar Co 4.475 VpOii 3,025 the Him-Icy- the five r cent reduction in duties must automatically put a premium on to of any ex- - cluded 10,000 tons to Europe (Mr. Development Co 3,477 3.200 1.303 avail favorable rate of effect from the time of the pas- Kane m i . u : i making total to Europe from this takes 6.932 7.000 4,527 the enminf new crop supplies." lWICtT KHH J1ITAII.U IUU UUflllCV il.IHV Bill, say October 8, Kaiwiki Sugar Co. - crop thus about 210,000 tons, sage of the Tariff 3,700 India will have barely 90,000 tons liquidation of the Hipotecarlo mort- . far on Cuban sugar Ki'kaiau llantntion Co 3.225 2,707 against total from last crop of 304,565, 1913, while the tariff 1,137 600 362 for export. Australia is 100,000 tons gage, if at all possible so to do, under Koolau Agricultural Co n of 1.256c, less" twenty per cent, was not i 1 short. The Kussisn surplus must most tons. Iaupehoehue Sugar Co 11,193 .300 9,120 the advantageous eonditions. effective until March 1, 1914. locked up until the Dardanelles ' ' We are in possession are ad- Vrance secured during the week 3000 LI hue Plantation Co 22.f'fi5 80,000 14,939 of and The per cent discount for this "VBOO have been forced. Whatever the neces- ministering areas; tons Han Domingos for prompt ship- five Laie Plantation 1,000 1,162 the following ' period, October 4, 1913, to March 1, sity, factories c.snnot be built or new gacualpa ment at 3 1116c. c.i.f. New York. Makes Sugar Co 10,660 10.000 7,518 "La Bobber Plantation 1 1914 timW ajipjy on the old duty, of .f4,noo srest, planted nntll after the war. The Company, 18,790 acres; plaatod to rnb- - Maiti Co . . 33,ffl0 31,303 mil-lio- More British Buying per cent and Agreultural countries now at wa produce six a 1.685c, which, less five McPryde Co 16.345 15,000 9,520 uer, iu,oiiv ivt iiaa(eu, eftfu, Great Britain was iu would amount to Sugar of the world's eighteen million that twenty per rent, Nlulii Mill Plantation 2,700 '2,500 1,521 ''La Zacyalpa Plantation Company,. market for a round lot of Cubans 1.348e dur- tons. Hence the says, "this 52HO 500(7 the 1.2800c instead of the paid Oahu t Co 33.474 88.001) 20,780 Statist acres: nlanted to rubber. 1.75c f. o. b. Cuba helped the tone Sugar must result in a real stringency of sup- at ing that time. Olaa 8ugar Co 25.736 32.000 17,581 acres; not planted, 20 acres. of (he market- somewhat. The Kuropean ply, and care will be neeie.t lest there Comtner- - Busaiaa Speculators Olowalu Co 2.027 1.850 1,803 "Hidalgo Plantation aad beet sowings from latest reliable re- should come therewith a serious infla- -- I.I . . . Il.l t ...... I . .1 A. Advices from Petrograd dated June 1, Onqmea Sugar Co 19,600 18.000 1 3,855 I rial t.triiinjr, v'iu Km; I'miuvu v a 1 tion of values." ports from various sources indicate . ruoner, p.uu; stated that what is characterized as a Paauhau Sugar Plantation Co. 10.767 0.000 8,030 not pinuteo, ooio. total "area of 1,624,000 hectares for extremely strained Pioneer Mill Co 28.302 28,000 20,870 .lime 33,229 tons. "Title to all of the land planted and 1915 16,, against 2,209,113 hectares very abnormal and ( apt. Jay V. Whitman aad First not planted, as above, will be vested of the 'sugar market now ob- Pepeekeo Sugar Co 8,806 0.500 7,541 in 1914-15- , possible outturn of sugar condition l.ieut. Raymond W. Bliss, M. C., have the new company by and a and in Pitaken Plantation 1,035 1.2O0 525 Mexican owned fur 1915 10, ngaiust tains in Bussia. In Kief other been appointed as members of the company, of. 850,000 tons refined sugar is Union Mill Co 2,608 3.000 1,873 this through Mr. Ward, as 1914-15- . localities the price of lo.'i-- d ot ntricers appointed by psr 4, S. soon as possible. 7,477,795 tons for day. Under such Waiakea Mill Co 14.922 14.000 11,082 ' crop estimate is rising every (). No. 57, e s., Hawaiian liepartment, acreage certificates represent Prom' Java the is useless to Wailuku Sugar Co 16.100 8.000 15,755 "Your it altogether 3 relieving (.'apt. Larry J3. McAfee and an of you to 1,335,750 tuns, the full short from the sugar reaching the Waraltia Agricultural Co 30,298 .000 21,317 acre land nnd entitled the (1,350,000 tons), being ac- hope for refined 4.500 Albert P. (lark, M. O. nrniliirtlntl lhArnr TrAin ThA AM Ant. first estimate capital, where t(e price Is fixed by the Wainiea Sugar Mill Co 3.0S3 2,760 for bv the lack of raius in Co 5.133 4.800 panics. The shsres of stock In this counted Governor, with of transport and Waianae 2,787 April causing the cane to ripen pre- eot Waimanalo Sugar Co 2.258 1,900 1,103 company you will receive in exchange incidental espenscs. for acreage certificates and all rights maturely. sugar, explain this un- The factories Total 617.03b 1112,530 450,782 you may have thereunder will vest in Domeetla Beets precedented rise in price by the in- BABY'S SCALP ALL of the llul-te- d you an equity to all the properties that The .preliminary estimate whirb has do domestic1 crop, based creased cost of production, will belopg to this company in the pro- States beet frequently been 'referred to before, in- ly for iminv veins to come, or until the upon acreage of sowings and pos- portion that the sum of the shares the coal, labor, packing, etc. How- gallic ill ords have been kept yield average- - outturn of the cluding NEED FOR ROTATION eirt AUTO FUEL MADE issued) to you bears to the total num- sible at ever, Fruit, Teu ami of other field as were kept by this crops gives a result of a pos- the Petrograd ber of shares issued. last five Wine Exchange considers this explan- (ieiiiiun fanner. Whether it is best sible crop of 750,000 tuns, against the A New Deal ation insufficient for sueh an. extraor- to plant our do;, continuously, as is the mam nearly as we can ascertain, the crop last season. Based "As 640,257 ton dinary rise in value, since all the stocks Huwniinn piactie, ur whether inaxi FROM SUGAR WASTE o last year's outturn, the crop in number of acreage certificates issued belong to the, period . of production PURELY IMAGINARY Uiuui yields can only be obtained With Eczema That Out when 19,130, ditates 835,000 tons. - Proke totals aad the number of acres wheu the cost of production was nor- through rotation und change are not as planted 19,500. Of The Canadian beet crop, 1015-10- but Three Months Old Burned totals coarse, there mal, and the stock of such sugar on the yet definitely provou. Kacli side has should be a planted acre for every sowings of 17,500 acres, with pos-..ol- gives 1st 14th April amounted to thi ninny advocuiis. and Itched So She Could Not Sleep acreage erop yield of 13,750 tons sugar, on Nutalite, n sugar waste distillation certificate issued; however, sal quantity of 35,000,000 poods. Vib'ans m rye ten years in sue-ccs- i this is the as we find it. basts of average production of five European Scientists Are Saying, product Hist invented in Natal, Kouth Chance of Cure Seemed Slight. situation It IS ttoasKlsted .that the only ion with coustnutly increasing Mtock must be issued, as provided in year. measure competent put a stop to a yield sn Ion,' as he maintained his Africa, is being used in Eilglaqd h y portct duty free to Change ot Crops ts Not hsid joint reorganization committee Ricos, and other in price is to fix a uiaxi tlico-- i ticnl "l.jiluuce" of fertilizing sulistitute for gasoline for motors. in cer- to be a further rise CURE BY CUTICURA resolution, exchange for acreage sugars, as Philippines, apar mum in the localities where it is pro- Desirabie ingiedicnts in the soil. Nutiilite has a specific gravity or tificates. The stock of this company wtutk to market, 2,000 tons feature the duced. The uosltion is no better for The Oppoelng View .son, and a freezing poiut much lower EASY AND COMPLETE not issued in exchange for acreage eer. Ml the later having been sold at 4.HI cru.lu sugar, which has al- than either ben.ol or petrel. One ad will treasury stock at the price Many otlici, including a large mini tificates constitute wh'tle rorto Kieos are vainly offered ae. nie iniiiigc claimed for it is that water build- ruutly reached or. per pood, "u Agricultural stutics is the term up her of Amen. ;ni experiment station and covers the unplanted areas, 4.83a. 1&--. pood will extinguish a Natalite tire because 1'elrograd market . per have one off on .the "Our little daughter, when three ings, etc. FlTa Per Cent .. tiiut plied to the tliiiiry of fertilization woikers other the compound is largely alcohol. months old, Ueoan tu break out on lite we will T"t where it is produced. it is held tuck, teiicliing that it is folly as well "In what trust be accepted ifi reuce iu market quotations price ,.ca It has a rounuoa fault with ether head and We bad tbo bast doctors to ns i for crude sugar, likewise, the based on the that if a coiiHtuut as poor funning nqt to change crops treat her. but they did not do lier any final adjustment of all rights the now beii.,, frils between Culuis and ought to be taxed where is made, and alcoholic mixtures that unless combus acreage certificate holders had against sugars j owing to a it balance of fertilising dements is main according to a certain arbitrary and fm'd. Tnejr said sho had iwraa. Hit fieeluty "sJHy not exclusively whom t is sold. tiou is complete, corrosion of tb.e cylin- eyoa booame crosecd from tlio disease the old companies on aceount of inter- - l uniform a fined program. receut decision of tn l'r Status now appears owing to the tained productivity with ders is uppareut after projonged use, sod tier scalp was a solid, acalo all over. ebt, interest couihiiis, convertible notes, It that, giveu crop cuu be hud On mn n v Hawaiian plantations cane Court of Customs Appeals, w1ik dlfneuKy of shipping, continuously If a slight percentage ef alkali is added The burning end, ttcljng wes ao severe roceeds of land represented by acre- i'i'ci lack of coal nnd oyer a of years. has followed cane, year year, oouid that ttie duty on Cuba sugar is to l in sowing about 10 series after this error is corrected, it is claimed. that she ntt rcbt, day cr nlrtiL age certificates or otherwise, we at- 0 'crease beet of w We given determined by first deducting the five Vibrans, who is described as the ithout iuti mission. That this is In South Africa test cars liave oper had about Up all hopes nen will be setltaed. According Cutl-cti- ra tach hereto resolution of your board of be- n cut in Ger- bad has been we raad an advertisoment of the per eeut discount allowed thereon April bevt "most eminent practical farmer practise certainly not a ted six inouths coiitimioubly, using the directors of Juue 17, 1913. to an will !l' irpr II for the I Re mediae. Wo ut cnoe got a rake many," has maintained a re- pnm. iu all cases, for there are many 101) cause of Its importation in vessels ot sowings eovetad Mi U7 hectares, "crop new fuel mid iu Kugland a horse of Cuticura Hoap, a bos ef Cutlrura OlnU "This is our final circular 're ex- of one of his fields that haw been thirty years or hydro-aeroplan- I United States registry, or of countries against 800,041 U..I U gister," farms fur upwards power ('urtiss usin; munt and ono bottlo f Cuticura Rem v change of acreage certificates for stock I'utted hectares JIM uf forty years. The his more in cane which now give larger ent and followed di recti ns carefully. with which the States has was expected 200 lacluiu results of .atalite developed inoro power than on of this company, which we, shall do our then that 1 AfN the first d the Cutlrura treaties, and from the sum thus obtain- , 2UI1 Hidings, published in 1913, were based yielils thuu tn did originally. Nor gnsol i ne. ootf llo. would operate in' 1915-16- against solvent, weuje--d ly utmost to complete within sixty days a further reduction of 20 on repeated analyses of the soil, a is all of this increase prperly cbarg tbcCuticura&epfiet ed to make altogether- - AH but Jf and applied tho Cuticura Ointmdit. from date. stipu- factories check on all a Lie to the use of better varieties or per sent in aecordance with the the idle factories are iq Inland, fac- fertili.ers added to the MAY FUTUEE3 SOU) Then sho Iwrjon t Imppovo rr'ld'.y ana "Your directors are workiug without Full-dut- computation ' eulti Htion ncxJo lation of the Cuban treaty. tories forests have begun land, and of all mineiul ter methods. In t wo we:. tlio caine u J bt r hcud auy compeasation whatsoever aad are located neai soi Facts Are Lacking - Sugar sales on the New York coffee and new hair bcrjan to grow. In a very 4V.tet sugar " Deduct to obtain supplies wood for use- - this huiint'JuaH ramiivei front the by the glud to do so If the properties may be gives 1.1932c, per lb. De- of eros. I'nfi itiiiiutch exact scientific re change tons during short time sho wta wt '.l. Her eyes in five jier cant, been 0 totaled nl,4'0 ixtrfi-ctl- suved, which it seems to them is now fall. The Archangel' route has i stral(,!it when sho rrx vitcd gives ,9540c Porty-riv- e cord? of yields litained from fertilizers duct twenty per cent, jr closed to private business. A Year Record he week ending June 23. Closing snd have born ta ever dnrc. t !ie Ij new assured; and especially so if the mort- Cuba instead, of used have not been, kept except Oil some were a i lb. as, duty on sugar The production September 1st to In forty-fiv- years he applied to one prices bid und asked follows: sixtn yenra cf jo end h a leti re f gage can be liquidated on the basis of lie'ds ainl in recent years. are health. Wo l.acy ti Cutirt-r- mo 1.0648 per lb., as has been collected March given as 1,910,(101 tons thirty eight ucrtt field 3700 pounds of T''cre lolv, Aui'us' e r a rate of exchange at all near that in lis not enoiiuh data on which to Of 4.14-- dim cured her end have uued thcra in sJsee Meruit 1, 1914, us stipuluted (raw value), against 1,647,718 tons lust potash, 2027 pounds phosphoric ucid tabulate September, 4. 4.09; October, ruling during the past three months. il ti v ru'e. our family ever rJnco. tariff bill passed October 3, 1913. to exports us 2743 definite l.'i; November, 5.10 411; Deainlier, That we may be iu position to liquidate year same time. The and pounds of nitrogen. The crops 'I We iticd tlio Cutlrura Hemrdiea is this trrain of comfort for 3.61-3.63- ; May Bo Refunded 50,141 tons, Against 80,171 tons. Ths grown removed from the iuml 2919 lice ,i7 :i.ss; January, lt.!, IVb about flvo weeUi, tnd then said mortgage at the earliest possible , United Hawaiian enne planters, a gc :i.r)l 3 we most Under this decision the Status stocks February 28 as 1,208,900 tons, Hunds of potatdi, 1135 pounds phos- that man. 53; March,, S.5I 3.33; April, we oould net U'Usbeliad been c!Tcr trd date, earnestly urge you to Appraisers are to reliquidate the duties cousump -- nop of influential scientists are now ;i it; ;i. is, and May. 3 SI 3,53. with any disease. Eire euuerrd v, :'j do at once the following: against 1,048,058 tons. The phoric acid und 2209 pounds nitrogen. advucnting general burnius; nnd itchlns end hard. ne'v. on Cuba sugar collected since March 1 dif- agricultural prae sales for May lfl6, which will be "To date we have received 8676 tiou September to March 1, by The total fertilizers used each year dandruff -- looking eeufsi ell over ber l.ctd 1 .9540c per lb. tlse along the very liues which the acre 4UH8 in La 1914, at the rate of ference, is then 927,828 tons, against exceeded the amounts removed by the after the free sugnr law has gone into and in places ( n ber Ix dv. T.'e used no certificates: Zscualpa 1 .0048c idanteis lone consistently fullowed. 3..1(i. Kubber for tot teat basis instead of at 80,528 tons, showing an 'increase for crop. There was a gradual und uui lull etfect have been made at ether trvntmenU after ve found ni t v. hnt Plantation Company, in to That is to siiv. a vronp of scientists lias Culieura v uld do f r her. l.a .acualpa company par lb., aid to refund the difference six months of 71,300 tons. February form inc reuse in yields as the nvuil the Kenie'.ics Plantation. and importers. sugars iu i risen who donv the agricultural neces--it- J Fi h and r'.la M. I ii, llu Yeruon, L'O'.'n in Hidalgo Plantation aad Com- the The Cuba i'oisupiptipn showed a heavy falling ilile surplus of mineral plant foods THOMAS SAMWIONS COMING 1, and of v changing crops to Ky.. OcU 12. 1009." mercial Company." warehouse' In bond March 1914, off. in the soils. sine withdrawn for consumption will "reserve soil fertility, if the soil is be FROM HIS SHANGHAI POST The main thiug is to send five dol- y. (). Licht. on May 21, 1915, gave 'Balance' In Fertility be rliq old a ted at the same basis. the total sowings as 84,1)00 hectares, ing constant luilt up by the use uf For puM i sing, purifying and beautify lars per share and the certificates to Some . lug the akin, scalp, hair hands; for The United states Gov eminent has Kuropean agriculturists iniiin nis'iiircs anil fertili7ers. TI iimiju Sl tn ntilim Ainjrf..un n m. I and the new manageitieut without delay. arif.rcling to reports to the Factories ecaemas, i ashes, Itching and chafincs tain that there is nu ideal condition of Those who miv with the air of uu , objected to the reduction of the five Association. gem nil at Shanghai, will arrive here and for prevention same-- as in it the if tho cent on such Imports and appealed .. quilibriuin all soils which, if run impec 'hnlde authority that it is not .1 ill v "O in the Tenvo Msril liniiifitinnii.l well as for the sanative, antiseptic dec ris- HOW THE CHOP STANDS Jier the decision of Court of Cus- be preserved, practicully insures uiaxi I tunl-- c to plant a ss,igle r nu ing of Inflamed sur- shipments to Juue 311 by the Hugar the A MASTER REMEDY. n't l.y loctors orders. The China brought ulcerated. niuooua toms Appeals to the Supreme Court of mum crops year after year irrespective at" ... : ii iTMlrtl rum t.Uim or of his coming, as also a hiut io fs s and other usee which readily suggest Factors company have been 381,800 United States, who accept the up Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and of what the crop is. Vibrans' statls lie wrong. jhls here he Is themselves to women, Cuticura Soap and tons. The Hiuouut shipped by the plan- the friends that carryng Cuticura are IndUpc tumble. peal and will render their decision ut Diarrhoea Kemedy is master over tics of production would seem to up- his gold clubs with hint. As soou us Ointment tations direct, mainly on contract to -- iutos-tiua- l Ciitlmrs Snip (Jac toftMaat thsSktii. CiitHuis " their new fall session. In muuutiiiie, amp, colic, dysentery, and all hold this view. There is another school It is le lieMd that the federal grand the ship has nosed into her Iwrth, ir. Qlnlmi.nl ("jit ) lo flrsl Hi Skis snd rulk-iu- the We tern refinery, totals 64.9:22 paius. One dose relieve, a atte- of agriculturists who believe a hnwlv ut (Ulr I, (Of Si llu lnfmiitrWolalt'C'aatad tous. Local includ- the present duty on Cuba sugar that there jury wil' he idled in session earlv nct .animunis exH?cta to make dash ut l'ii ''V per vhtl ! SOI to Punfr th Bloort trs consumption not M 004Mc) wll continue to be collected. nd dose is rarely necessary to effect a must be rotation of crops. week. 'I heic is sn of t o the Country Club links, a rnU ihiwialiout In worsl Foliar e Omi ed iu the above increases the total sales acciimmnlHtion lit for Polr 13A Coiiunbus tncIkNnori. .1 I'mm An. Mssl Will Inrraaaa Deficit , 'uie. For sale by all dealers. Benson, The answer to the question as to eases on hand ready for investigation roni of golf hetore he continues his mr MsISS Krr. r Cvtlri.im Book s toa of liilo crop to date at about 43l),(HlQ It will be noted, however, that in in it h & Co., Ltd., agents for Hawaii. which is right cannot be given definite by t but bud.v. jour new Sisu aakia ts ts Tm Ml el fekia sasl Sielp tous. ; MI-WEEKLY. 8 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, FRIDAY, JUT-- 9. 1915. -SE-


I9IS -- GRHDailiKS clRSSESr 1916 IS A MODEL CRAFT VOA rACTOB. SHIT PINO AMU C0MM1PSI0H MERCHANT! Class to graduate in lf15, Geo. II. INSUaVANCB AOENTS. Ackerman, TompkinsvilU; "John 8. An- Brooklyn John Anderson, Will Return To Itt Atlantic Port derson, W.' Ewa Plantation Company, York City; Oeo. B. Al- New Bardln, Agricnltnrai Oo LUU, Sfatlon Via Pacifio Ex- bany Chas. W. Berrthgton. Bt Using; Walalna Birmingham, Apokaa Sugar C , Ltd., position Cities J ante P. New York City; Sagar Company, II. Bond, Brooklyn! Albert H. Xohtla Chn. ' Wahlawa company, Bromley, Brooklyn; Harry Chemnita, Water Lt. nitflrrV iunrm nnnor Kenneth A. voter, niniuo Marpeta) Hroekrrn; - unit nit IS WASEDA TEAM TAKE BACK rplibai' Iron Work of BV Lenta, i r.- ,. TO TIGER? Delegation of Wm. M. Corliea, Fottgakeefisi:' Doha u. Citizens, Headed By . , .... wn oiAufliii W. Cornish, New York Babcocs: Wilcox Company, V City; Arthnr : Ecorjonilser Mayor Lane, Welcomes Erlcson, Brooklyn) William W.: FTynn, Green Fna Oempany, , . . Chaa.' 0. Moor ft Engfeera. OLD NAME BUT CAN New York Oityj Donald B. Frost, Cv PLAY BASEBALL HERE? Visitors T6 City Welter A 0 ray. Lone; Island IN THREE DAYS Mktson Navigation Cempany v (Ityt Pamdlj 8v Greene,, NeUr York ' City; Gee. I. Grukdy, Brooklyn; Jam Toyo Kalana NOT GATHER RUNS hand aboard the New York w. nuara, jmcw :ityf Horace K. "There used to be good tm inji i" According to new from Tokio, the ALL nautical achoolihlp Newport, Hallock,,Rlerhead;irtBlchard D. Haves, - Boston Red Sox In Remarkable Honolulu fifteen year ago," said .i:n Wnseda I'niversity baseball team is arrived here from Hilo at Brooklya) Herbert J. Higgtna, West Bank of Hawaii liibson, the veteran reinsman, r daybreak yesterday, will be busy for Hrtgnton; Jonn v. Hotrrhaa, Albany; Limited. planning an invasion of the Hawaiian -- t day. BtanaUni of Team next two day coaling paint- Frederick D. Hunter Brooklyn; Will Spurt Athletics Also Play- Island this summo aerie prior the ship, for a . ... W. L. Tel. lam Jorgenaen. York Clttrs Rd 'Why, I've Seen $5000 worlh of . , ing spars, heading new caava. and .New lacorporsteo Dnoe? the La we Franelnfee) J143 of the ing Bang Up horseflesh lined Up' for a .'J."I purse. to' the 'arrival of the I'niversity of San V 50 42 making nug" mend, J. Kenny, New. Brighton ' BenH J Baseball everything hd trim. - Territory of Hawaii. , 51 4K .515 F.' T; That w.ts on the Fourth of July, ls'--' Chicago team in the Orient next Sep Uis Angelei Work before play, and for tb New-- , Kaw)tofcewwBAg,llton'' I.Toswtih S " " Kopec Brooklyn;, George 'H."' La CAPTfAL,! SUHP.-.U- AND at the Kapiolanl Park track. teinher. The team will Include the Salt Lake 5" port cadet thia la working erulee, we.' UNDIVIDED 11.900.00 the pacing free fin Portland --v,n not a junket. New Yora l;ity. CJiai, & PltOriTS... "In trotting and following members; Yokoyama, llanin, :,;',.. xwo, RESOURCES ...... 7.000.000 STANDI NO TEAMS I 45 SI .4fl Jamestown; Joseph Llmler, New Or nil, there started Irish Lasyc, o by Saeki, lida, Kawal, Ichioka, I'sni and Oakland Not until the hip ha been thorough- P. ' 51 York City; Harry i OFFICERS. American League Link McCandlea land driven bv my Hashimoto. Vernon 44 .43 ly dressed down and made apick and Linton, Bay Shore U. Lucas, C. H. Cooke. W. L. IVt self; Wela Ka Hao (Our Boy), owned, William Tin C'hong, manager of the AtseeUM PrM fey Wlralsss.) span will visiting hour be announced Karl Brooklyn; Koaaon E .President W. rJrl Luce, New York City; Edgar 8. Ma E. I). Tenney Vice 47 2 .fit I and driven by Billy Cunningham; All LOS ANOKLE8. July , Kdwin B. and shore leave granted. Nor will the President Chicago Chinese team stated yesterday that clar, Greenlawn; Percy W. Marshall, A. Lewis, 12 2." .027 W. Wood, still a world' champion end wl ile in with Mnir' Tiger, following a vote of the radet be the only one anxioua to set Jr Ronton Tokio recently, he talked Hollis; Andrew F, Bront; President and H and well in Honolulu driven dropped the root on Oahu. Mailer, ...... Vice Vl.itmu Detroit 2H .fill! alive today, Manager Abe regarding the team com iiicitorn ol the league, The executive officer, F. I here-utte- Franci Mulllai, Brooklyn! Job a C. B. Dainoa bv harlie Durfee; Loupec iliivcn in i aiiin Vei.ien hero and Charles c. Llttlefleld, a lively a c.hle New York 35 37 .4.i intf here and that Mannger Abe yetcrlay hat Neely. New York 'City; Leslie B. G. G. Fuller 33 35 by W. liagsby, and the good mire formed him be will be known na Vernon and all curiosity to see Honolulu, and with bet Nortn, Assistsat Caskier Washington that tho trip would K. a 1 Txiwviiie; Airred' Brooklyn: Cashier 27 .3HI V iolin, owned and driven by the Inti made in 191(1. ('hong agreed Man hnrs.larv and Sunday morning game ter reason, than anybody else la the uxler, Assistant Philadelphia 42 that Thomas A. Par fltt, Brooklyn; Ben P. DfRECTOHS: C. H. (wika. K D 25 43 .:tr, ,1 ;i '. lninn. nger Abe might have changed hi mind of the league will be plaved in Vernon. snip t company. Cleveland Plumb, New York City; Xiehard M. Tenney, A. Ixswis, Jr., E. F. Bishop. 25 43 .3(is took six hea,ts to decide the race and wi'l make the trip this year. In yesterday' game, the Bee were Twenty-MTe- n Ago St. Louis "It Her Tear ' Porter, Patchoguel Fraasl J. Beichert, r. marianane, A. Mei.andleee, nn. I two of them were dead heats. 'I he If the Waaeda intend playing here too fast for the Tigers and Hlanken v. J. National League Twenty aeven year ago Mr, Little-fiel- d Jamaiea; Percival Brooklyn-Fri- t C. H. Atherton. Geo. R. Cart.r V H ix heats averaged which vv:i it is possible they are on wsv ship' men had little trouble winning. CRits, W. I.. IVt iilH'ij, the lay in Honolulu harbor on the old A. Reheibe, Loomis, Y. Damon, F. (!. R eoiii some for Honolulu. now. The school closea in June and Score Salt Lake 2, Vernon 0. N. Tlovd Atherton. A. Cooke. Chicago 3! 30 .5i . San Mateo. W. Schofleld, Mt. V. -- Weln Ka Hao heated witn reopen in September and naturally the At San Francisco, Wolvcrton's men Vernon; Cha. COMMERCIAL AND SAY1MOS Philadelphia 36 3(1 .54 .. " dead "It must have been an interesting Shuts, Brooklyn; Orr1 D. Smith. lri-- h Lassie in first in '' 7 players would to be back for the outplayed the Oak in the final innings DEPARTMENTS. 8W 3! 35 .32.' the heat have city to know in those days," said one Brooklyn; A. Brook- The secoml wan Wela Ka resumption of studies also and aeored victory. Score San Fran- lister Spittichl, Strict attention given to all Brooklyn 34 35 .!!.'! heat won by their and of hi caller yesterday. lyn; Ovide L. Stev'MarU, Long Island branches lino in 2:17. Irish Lassie took the to keep their engagement with the cisco 3, Oakland t. or nan Ring. Cincinnati 30 32 .41 At Portland, Dillon's men hammered i'l daresay," replied Mr. Littlefleld Citv; Edward Tlgner, New York City; Boston 32 37 .4!1 third heat in 2:10. atfsently. Ijiwrence A. Yen fieldel. New York BANK OF HAWAII BLDO., FORT ST in a der,d Ideally no one know anything of the ball to all eorners of the lot and PUttburj.h 31 3fi .4(i:i "The fourth heat resulted suppose you see great ma City; Frederick Wetael. Astoria; Fer between the proponed trip of Waseda and the piled up a doien runs while the Beav- "I t New York 29 35 .4 .r. heat IrUh Lassie and changes now," continued the caller. dinand Wight,' Stapleton; William, Jr. 's horset the tinie bein L:17. Onhu League, which would naturally ers failed to reach the rubber. Score must - lAMoeUua by radaral Wlnlm i Los Angelea 12, 0. "There be," assented the exe Win berg, New- York City; Henry S. rnu "Irish lissie won the fifth and n-t- be interested, ha had no word what Portland mart cutive. Winnie, New Yrk Cty. , A can League lie.it in 2:20 and 2:24, respectively, and soevor regarding the invasion. in Vy Wtrslass.) "What particular do you notrect" Clas to graduate in 1918, Jacob M. """BOSTON, July 8. Carrigaa' mm the crowd went McCamlless' lAssecUUd Pre rsdortl EMPRESS UKU OK HTKAMfcttM" eraiy over U)H ANOKLKS, July H Los Ange "Well, to tell yon the truth," Albert!, Hudson; Louis Batoniek, ara the of the baseball worl.l little mare. Wood-have- FROM KHiue " les and Salt Lake split even in a confessed Mr. Littlefleld. "I"r Brooklyn; Emery K. Bicknell, QUEBBO TO UVEKPOOL . their remarkable spurt of the -- tolay, double-heade- r ' never set foot in Honolulu. The James H. Boise. W. New Brigh la the causing the faun to up HAPPY HOGAN ALWAYS yeaterday, while the last three lit CHAMPION WRESTLER Heaver lost two to Oakland. This day the San Mateo dropped ton; Lyle C, Bradley, Batavla; John CANADIAN PACIFIO RAfLW At and. notice. In defeating the Senators anchor here in 1888. the kl: W. Broca, New York J Jerome Boston won ita third double DEFEATED BY NOVICE give Blankenshlp'f men second place, (Ity the lamona Tourist Route of the sVerki yeatrrdsy, while drop to place. per put off la hi gig and they gate hira Buskin, New York City; Joseph C header in a row, something nnheard ol the Bearer fourth Score: First game Angele 8, such a good time on shore for a week Carver, Clifton Spring; Frederick T) In eanaeetien srltb thk' in Scores, first -- An.ocU'ed Pre Vr Yederal ) T lis we btoe fame Wirli Salt Lake, 2. Second Salt Lake that never had eight of him again Clarke. New York CltTi' Seymour II Canadian-- J astralaeiaa Royal Mail oatoa 9, Washington 4; second game H, Line OMAHA. Xebraaka, July lopli 3, Los Angele 2. until an nonr Delore we sailed. J Mat Cuebanow, Brooklyn; Benlamln J. Cur Boston I, Washington II. chain twenty-seve- n Sleeker defeated Charles Cutler, At men out- was year ago, add I've rev, Peeksklll; Henry C. Daubert, 'New For At New York, the Athletiei in San Francisco, White's tlekeU and leaeral iaforssatlen created pion wrestler of the United States played were in never forgotten that skipper. I've been York City: Bruce C. Davison, Ballston apply : no end of talk when they won a double two straight falls for title here the Seal and winner to the Many a good story ha been told of lioth Scores: First game waiting to see Honolulu ever tiuce.' Spa; Arthur T. Davey, North port' header fiom the Highlander making last ni"ht. the leader contest. Happy llognn, late lamented Venieo S, San 3. Second First Bliore Leave Saturday Joseph DeSite, Brooklyn; Arthnr H thaii fifth victory in three days. Scores, Pacific Francisco THEO.H. DAVIES& CO., LTD of the Tigers of the game Venice 7, Ban Francisco 1. Saturday, the eadeta will have their Pexhelmer, New York Citv; Vincent first (fame I'hiladelphia 13, New York EQUALS COBB'S TIME Coast I.cagiie. Hap was "the diame first shore leave. The intention is to J. Dwyer, Bay side; A. B. FJrIcson, General Agents - At Portland, the Onks took a brace 1 second ;a nit- Philadelphia 6, New Pacific Coast League, and IN ter" of the and were winner in both games of the take them out to Waiklkl in the af Brooklyn; Richard Ernest, Long Island Canadian Pacific Rly. Co. York 5. CIRCLING BASES was of party num- guest the life any that double each time by same ternoon, as of the Outrigger City; William Feldhasen, . SUpleton: nAII other games called off owing to among those present. header, the Club. following bered him It score. Score: First game Oakland The dav they will Leo B. Finan. Schenectady; McDonald rain. More thnn $5000 was realized at the was always good-nature- stuff with visit Pearl Harbor naval atation, with S. Eraser, Brooklyn; Herman J. Gard Castle & Cooke Co., Ltd 4, Portland 3. Second gauie Oakland , National League benefit ball game between the Tigers llogan, although be would flare up at Insiieetor Reeve and "Drydoek''! ner, Brooklyn; i Carleton B. Gilder-sleeve- HoMohila T. HL and Angels at Angeles June 21, 4, Portland 3. Smith riTTSBl'R.HI, July H. Bresnahan 's Ios time. for their guide. Both are grad Norwich; William D. Graham. for Mrs. Wallace Bray. Howard Drew only fellow Nvjti-- al men a hard hitting from Probnhly the that ever (Associated by uate of the New York State Now York City; Carroll F. HaaTie.k, wou (fame the was one of anil got Hap in a kidding duel Press Ptdsnl Wlrsls.) Pirates here yesterday afternoon the added attractions the better of LOS ANGKLES, July 7. Rait Lake School. Monday they will be given" a Brooklyn; Thomas P. Hogan, New Commission Merchants in an exhibition of running bases on coaching was Irve Higgin- - sightseeing spe- Score Chican" 7, Pittsburgh 4. the the line and Venice played oflT a tied game here ride about the city in York City; Frederick O.. Hubbard. equaled the record of Ty Cobb, 0:13 4 5 botham. In trip sea- cial car by i of the last of the yesterday afternoon, Tigers having furnished the Rapid Tran New York .City; Herbert H. Jones Follow ux were the results other here year team the ew seconds. son last the Portland In Blanken-ship'- i it. Utica; Harry H. Hasten. New 'York games: At Philadelphia, first name-N- little trouble winning from Sugar. Factors was shot to pieces and Hig was placed Hcore-tVeai- ce Tuesday will be pretty well York 5, Philadelphia 4; second men, 0, Bait taken nr City; Joseph F. McGrath, Bronx; Ba on first base. Hogan, who alway with preparation to il C, Melville, Eogen-Nelso- game Philadelphia 1, New York 0. At LEFTY WILLIAMS STAR Lake 0. sail the next day Interlakea; - ' called the pitcher Brooklyn, first game Brooklyn 4, Bo Portland 'Higgv," AH other Coast League teams travel for San Francisco, oa the first leg of Brooklyn; Arthur W. Rial, Ba Rwa Plaatatloa Oe. OF SALT LAKE OUTFIT went down to first base to fluster him the voyage home. Rogers, ton 3; second game Boston 0, Hrook-ly- ling. At the Exposition tavia; Charles ' H. Geneva; Walalna Agricnltnrai 0o Ltd. and thereby help the Venice club to (.'ity, the lads will be givea . ample Gdstaf A. Brooklyn; Donald (I. ((iame called at end of sixteenth " Roland, Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd. Lefty Williams, who was here with pile ii)i a lnrger score. There is no rec- opKrtnnity to see sights. ea- - rv. . Hue-glera- . inning owing to darkness.) ALEXANDER IS VICTIM the Each Komatne, Hudson; frank A. Fnltoa Iron Works of St. Lonia. the Venetian Tigers last November, is ord of what passed, but pretty ron let was given forty dollar by hi par Utica; Fraacis B. Shea. Brook Blake Steam. Pump. Hap was seen to wend hi way sadly ent to voyage ' (Associates Tn by radnral WlnUss.) the star of the Suit team and OF MORE ILL FORTUNE last the out and most lyn; Charles H. Stamp, New York Western's Centrifngala, fif- to the Venice bench, long the of them have been hoarding San City; L. CHICAGO, 0. men up to Saturday, June 25, had wou it for Harold Stratton, Brooklyn: Baheosa Wiluon Boilei. July Herzog'a inning was over. though no will George E. Tapley, William were responsible Cubs ilropping teen and lost four gnmes for the Bee. Grover Cleveland Alexander, who is rranclsco, doubt there Brooklyn;: Oreen's Fuel Kconomiaer. " for the Proof that Hogan did not carry any be remittance from borne waitlna F. Toomey, Brooklyn; Kenneth C. Tut back to aeeond place, here yesterday, Johnny Williams, the Honolulu boy remembered by Honolulu fan for his Marab Steam Pampa. I'.ees, had a record of two won animosities off the ball field is shown many of them, when they pans through tie, Geneva; Arnold L. Weraert, New the Chicago team losing both- - of the with the great pitching with the Mataoa Navigation Co. releas- in the case of Bill Leard. Wlieu York Cltgr; Dewey Woodrnff, Con gamea double-header- . and six lost at the time he was last December, seem destined not to J, Planter Line Shipping Oa. la a Score: Bill was with Oakland he and Hap lial f re Moriches; George F. Zimmerman N, ed to the Los Angeles team. pitch no game." Recently at St Will Visit Saa Diego Co. FlTst game Cincinnati Chicago 5. a fist fight that resulted in both get- a hit Rockaway Beach. Kohala Sugar 7. Loui with two men out in the ninth From San Francisco, Second game Cincinnati 12, Chicago TiTrOUGH ting fined. One would imagine they the Newport following were the result of other ED BEESON would nurse their grievance, but latjr Inning, Butler spoiled his record and will drop down the roast to San Diego BUSINESS CARDS. ' on 2li, Wheat Brooklyn score. I and take in Panama-Californi- a games; At Pittsburgh First game Hogan purchased Leard front' Oak-lan- June of the Ex said, "teache them to aqua re bact WITH HIGH JUMPING a in inning being the position Then officer will St. Louie 3, Pittsburgh I. Second game liking the scrappy second base- hit the eighth there. the their shoulders aid look a man between HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. Ma Pittsburgh 3, Ht.il.onis II. At I hila man. However, Hill's crabby disposi- first and only man to reach first base shape their course straight for Balboa the eyes, wfthout flinching. And made Kddie Beesnn, former University of ami canal. chinery of every description te delpbia Philadelphia 2, New York 0. tion was too much for the hnppy-go-linl:- the they've got to be able to do record On that. order. Boaton Brooklyn ft, Koxtou 3. California star and world's pTrVsKtlZ the voyage from Balboa to HUa, two-fiste- d At lloan, ami Hill was sold to San RUNNER Some of the huskies they , S . .' American League holder at the hie.h .jump, announces that Pnini'isco after one season. the Newport averaged a trifle better are going to meet at sea have mighty II. he is through with athletics and will de- AGAINST RACING AUTO thnn seven knots an hour, sail, ST. LOUIS, July Chicago suffered under little excuse lor a parior-mannere- vote the rest of his time to dentistry. doing aome days as much aa 9.2 HAWAIIAN. a donble defeat at the hands of the SAYS JENNINGS WAS knot mollycoddle. ' ' GAZETTE Browns here yesterday afternoon. Kfforts will be made to get Beeeou to Captain Harold Smith, of the Univer and one day HI. 3 knot au hour. When Wade Each Other Semi-Weekl- change his mind until after the A. A. A de her speed drops below viz Into y Issued Tuesdays and Score: First game St. Louis 3, Chi- GREAT SHORTSTOP ity of Michigan track team, twice knot or he So the four pair of young boxers cago 1. Second game St. Louis 9, IT. meet at the fair in August, a the feated an automobile in a fifty vard encounters obstinate head wind. th Friday. Olympic Club hope to use him anil Ann boilers are fired up. On one went at it hammer and tongs and they Chicago 3. Ved llanlon, who managed the Balti- match race before a big crowd at boiler were vastly delighted when the mayor, Entered at the Postofflce of Honolulu, claims they run win meet with holds 'an go seven knots on two Second-Clas- . Following were the results of other the more Orioles when Jennings, McGraw, Arbor very recently. Smith the and a little refereein" the bout in all the dignity H. T., s Matter. Beesou in action. college fifty-yar- event better than ten. games: At Detroit tame l)e Kelley, Kellar et al. were on that club, record for the of hit oTucial top bat, declared each a SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -- ..l i. r i - Michigan and performed hi unique With the exception of a smart vale tanlt 9, Cleveland 7. Second game bi-i- iiov, t.iicogen ine greatness Ol at Per Month I .23 uuilic A. which began to pick up on draw. tlfveland 5, Detroit 3. At Uoston TOM COWLER SEEKING Bush and Kabbit Maranville as short-stop- feat while training for the ' eutral the night o been through this mill, my Per Year $3.00 IT. Thursday, June 11), "Iv'e game Boston 4, Washington 0. A. track and field championships and was blowing you McMur Per Month,' Foreign $ .35 ?Vt MATCH WITH WILLARD an automo- greut gnus Kriday, elf, see," said Captain Second gam- e- Boston fi, Washington 0. "Hut," llanlon, "neither i a Smith was matched against the Newport had au Per Year, Foreign 14.00 sas was win uneventful voyage from rny, "on board the old St. Mary's, ami At Mew York First game Philadel- great a shortstop as was Hughey Jen bile and the Wolverine leader New York to there many wrinkles they can Payable Invariably In Advance. Tom Cowler, who passed through aer In: two out of three starts. The Honolulu, the gale gave the lad their arent phia, 4, New York 2. Second yame nings in his palmy days. teach me. In fact, I've got a few up CHARLES S. . 4 Manager Honolulu en route to the re- ' car wa given an opportunity to get first taste of reul green water. CRANE Philadelphia 2, New York 1. mainland "Jennings had a trick that neither ' The my sleeve yet I going, great difficulty when innor ami outer jibs were that 've been waitlna cently, is alter .l.se Willard to meet Bush nor Maranville has acquired, al- but found carried away, for them to spring pn me. him in the r arena. If .less side- though both are faster runner than in ate lied against the sprinter. the main gaff was torn loose and the poi (AasMisUd Ftms t7 Wirtlan.) I main "They're a lively set, though, anr? steps a match. lm h he probably will, Hughey ever was. Ilughev was never trysail was split into ribbon. A kapuu for the Golden Gate. . BOSTON, July 7.- -rirlI 's men new pow and again display an inventive- 'arriao and tell Cowler to eet a re, the big caught off his balance, for he never NO HITS, NO PASSES IN suit of sails, cut from heavier can On her last summer cruise, the New ksMame a big factor in the American vas, will be ness that doea them credit. We bail fellow will seek .i bout with Coffey. would budge from his position on the bent while the shin i in port wa lying at Marseilles when the League race THIRTEEN-INNIN- G a delayed Fourth of July celebration here yesterday afternoon Cowler forgot to pa his (mining ex- hit GAME port. war broke out. At the request of when took and run play to cover second until at sea on the way over from Hilo that the they the second double penses in Aiistniliii during his recent lie saw whether NaLors, Newman, Originally a Ounboat American consul, she took on thirteen header in two days from the batter connected. Pitcher of the was not en the calendar. Somebody the Senators. visit there uu.l was sued for the money. "Then if the missed, he Would Georgia team, of Georgia,Alabama Originally the Newport wa built for American refugees' for Genoa. Arriv- Beore game, Huston 5, batter the a set Off a big bunch of smuggled Ore First Washing He lo.st this dcciMiiu. reach second, grab ball while on is regarded gunboat, a sister ship of the Prince ing there, n complete naralvsia of all 1; aeeond game, Boston the the league, established what crackers no great distance from . my ton 4, lend run and his wa aa new in baseball, ton, now stationed at Samoa, and the oyer sea transportation wa found, 1. tag man if there a record organised cabin door, after all hands were sup iagton HUNDREd'hOMERS a living chance. And had Vicksburg. She is a prettily timber! and eleven of the American were car . ONE the runner when pitching against the lallailego posed to have turned In. Following were the results of other ( barkeutine, rigged no Inline to dodge, for he alway wa team, June 15, he did not allow a hit sipiare fr"ant, tar a time I thought of coming ried all the way home. games: At New York, Philadelphia 7, HANS WAGNER'S rying a main "For - MARK in trout of Jennings." nr Imsha ii loise on hallu. Onlv fortV trysail ainiilship, for laH right back at them with a surprise fire In command are Capt. T. S. McMur- New York 0; at Cleveland, Detroit 7, men faced N'uhors, who won bis game of room to swing B boom, and regulation ray; executive officer, Charles C. Little 12, drill, but on second' thought I conclud- Cleveland 6; at St. Louis, Chicago 1 tore nun art sails on her mlxzenwast. - W. When linns Wagner of the Pitts- DILLON AND CHIP by a score of to 0. ed that I'd probably worn more of a field; navigating officer, Thomaa- Mr Louie 2. burgh Pirates, stepped to the plate lu From Balboa to Hawaii she spread low Sheridan; chief engineer, F. K. Nich- TEN-ROUN- hardship on the officers and men than jlatlouai League BOX D DRAW er and topmast stun 'sail all the way, C. com- the see,, ud inning ,( the Pittsburgh vj. on the culprit, so I let it pass.'' ols; ship' doctor, 3. D. Alton, CHICAGO, July 7- .- Bresnnlian 's men Philadelphia game. June '.'I, and crack- numriuiiiK rarely seeu now a Hays. missary officer, A. Beddon. 1 recs Mayor Holds Tiller Ropes popped back onto first place yesterday ed the ball out the lot, he scored his (AmorUtsd Prssi by rsdsrsl Wlr- Isss.l , me iiiiiion or fittv dollar a Candidate for admission must be be head charged does not begiu to cover The reception committee left the tween ages twenty, When they defeated Cincinnati in a one hundredth ln.nicrnu since he has Associated Pres by Federal Wlrelaaa half-pas- the of sixteen and me cost or the courso given ship at t ten, having gone out I l KANSAS CITV, nautical of normal sound pnywlque end fourteen, inning game and broke even been in the lu; di.,w uil it made a Kansas, July 6, to the Newport's anchorage, off the size, Jack Hilton of I tidiannpo-T- s the cadets. Their two years' training backed by two testimonials of char- (n, another. Scores First game, Chi total of .'Pill sin e I'.i7 when he came and George of Fort street, at nine o 'clock. Chip of Serantoii, Pa., both middle-- , stands the Slate of New York about foot acter. .ago S, Cincinnati 4; aeeond game, Chi into the National League as a member aglMKI a ' sV, bpsVe manned the weights Iciiigtit a lieuit. WfiW of eadeta eago 2, Cincinnati 2 (calleil in seventh of the Louisville aggregation. ten round draw here Mayor Course' Rant Two . Yean lost ni' ht Those that elect to go to ABnapollS oars and Lane, held' the tiller Both men tried hard forj 1 inning). find they have a ground work of nrae- ropes, again much to the amusetnent of The course for two year, and the u nno koiii inn or toe in- '""following were the results of other LARGE SUM uic alertness knowledge radets. . As the boy gate way and tuition fee of fifty dollars cover ISNETTED other his opponent disad-- tical that is invaluable to the gamee; At Brooklyn, first giiuie, Bos kct at a Those took the watef smartly, all together, struction and uniforms, bat not under- AT HAPPY HOGAN BENEFIT nntagc. them. that choose the merchant ton 2, Brooklyn 1; second game, Hrook marine make their wav fast. At least. the ships band struck p with the live- clothing and personal effect. The lye1 4, Boetho 2; at Philadelphia, New Lai t week eveiv city in the Coast they are almost sure of beginning as ly strain of "The Island City." summer term i devoted entirely to 6.. i to! hia. ' BASEBALL Is the York Jfliil-- I; at Pittsburgh, i ague donated the entire receipts of INSURED qiiiirieriuusiers. i apt. F. H. Mc Mur- The Newport left New York May eraiaing and practical wbrk and St. Lodis 2, 11rHbar;b 1, one game to the widow of the Hap II lest ray, who is a graduate school 4. and arrived at St. Thojnas, on the wiuter term to instruction and theoret- lal baseball in existence is of the Oc- py Hogan, Sun Krani-is- o "s cited way, down to the canal, May 14. There ical work. Commencement day is in share to the owned bv the president of the Kat himself yesterday the instance ' fund was si e 'j l.k,. $l."ir0, Mike Kil l ii i h baseball league in P'tts-burg- . of one cadet who stepped immediately she lay over eis days, while the town tober. Inside giv Theoretical instruction ' includes Fisher, who is i iiuembei ed by liono The ball is neiirlv fifty-thre- to the bridge of a merchantman, as turned itself ont to the A Pure, Grape Cream lives, courses in grammar and composition, lulu fans, and lu, i running a dance years old. It was used first in a cham-- ' thinl olticer. boy the time of their . They hall' in the bin re pionship gain, between the Kelipae Aloha and Lels Galore never had seen a training abip at St. geography, mathematics, navigation citv, donated the 'big elementary physics, with especial eeipts of Ins establishment for the club ,,f Kingston, New York, and the Tartar Baking Powder "lu the name of the city of Hono Tliomas before. So there was and . I townspeople (o water air pressure, .li I Hudson team of Ncwbiirg, lulu, have come," he said, picnic by thu and the reference 'and night of New York. "aeeom temperature, ' stability," .displacement, The game as plaved on June 20, 1HH2, pained by a cm itteo of t!ie chamber cadet reciprocated with t band con of commerce to give cert. buoyancy, the calculations of stresses CANNOT SEE YET "'I'l ended Pi to Is. iii favor of the you these wreathes PHILLIES K illgrti.il , Royml Baking with our ulohu, emblems of hospitality May 2. the Newport arrived at and strains ami the like; while, on the Powder side, are courses in knot- The Phillies arc not feared by the The ball is made of one piece of Improves and love. Take them back to your Colon and lay to four days, passing practical there eastern experts who hu e looked them hoisehide. s,.vv,., in the center. When the flavor sweetheurts in fur off New York and through the caual May so lu teu hour ting and splicing, sailmakiug, furliu Ii'-ut- tli, makiug sail, hoisting lowering Old and Well Tried Remedy over. ii recent successes, it was tiist used under hand pitching andadds to thohealth' tell them of your visit to Hawaii." without incident. L. G. Howe, their end and fin the exM'its albge t,at the Phillies lack iiloiie Fur is a graduate of the school. away boats, eugiuerooin repair uml kUSL W LSSLOWI S00TBING SVIUf as perinis ,il le. Curv es were the benefit of the mayor and the pilot, O pitchers to ei lli.m un top. Alex u n fulneam of tho food. so on. wUsai W aadiM b aW f now n. committeemen, the boys put on the Left Hilo On Wednesday mUimmw tUM Bllder, tlo v ,, ,at wMl nasi, witkysdsrt micum. k nrtaat tta sstas, sn The I...II enrries ",00 burglary in all r--a gloves and gave four exhibition bouts From Balboa to Hilo wa a thirty ' slUw m, mmd wkc, d it tt class ,i . cunt bn unity fat has ,.,ul d'uic with ie e and f ain lire i I of two rounds each. sail, reception boys Oliver P. Soare was admitted yea- nti Sokl kr LsttmuSk Ht , uu in ncc. It was Captain McMur day and the the i i'nJmikur oue pilehei. tl. ,n it, for to Ms MaV. Book ray lielieves boxing ix by Judge Soothing K'cii present owner by John Koyal ig Powder Cook v.i,d w.iral and i were given there na been priuteii ai terday Ashford iu the circuit irs. Hioslow's Syrup more clas. than nn.v pitcher in the Miller, wl,,, , laved Inst base on the sent free on reouest. Address P. O. plr ieal discipline for the boys. ! ready lu' The Advertiser. On Wednes court to practice law iu the district taaa u re box today. I m v le4 ar mi issniiu Felipse club. I Box iiS'J, Honolulu. Hawaii. "It sets tbum up on their feet," he day, June 14, the Newport will weigh courts of the Territory.


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