Public Transport Priority for Brussels: Lessons from Zurich, Eindhoven, and Dublin
Public Transport Priority for Brussels: Lessons from Zurich, Eindhoven, and Dublin Peter G. Furth Visiting Researcher, Université Libre de Bruxelles* Report Completed Under Sponsorship of the Brussels Capital Region Program “Research in Brussels” July 19, 2005 *Permanent position: Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA. Telephone +1.617.373.2447, email Acknowledgements Thank you to the many people who gave me time to share information about their traffic control and public transport systems: STIB: Alain Carle (Stratégie Clients), Christian Dochy (Dévelopment du Reseau), Jean-Claude Liekendael (Délegué Général à la Qualité), Louis-Hugo Sermeus and Freddy Vanneste (Définition et Gestion de l’Offre), Thierry Villers (Etudes d’Exploitation), Jean-Philippe Gerkens (Exploitation Métro). Brussels Capital Region: Michel Roorijck (A.E.D., program VICOM). Université Libre de Bruxelles: Martine Labbé (Service d’Informatique), my promoter during this research program. Zurich: Jürg Christen and Roger Gygli (City of Zurich, Dienstabteiling Verkehr DAV), A. Mathis (VBZ) Dublin: Margaret O’Mahony (Trinity University Dublin), Colin Hunt and Pat Mangan (Rep. of Ireland Department of Transport), Frank Allen and Jim Kilfeather (Railway Procurement Agency), Owen Keegan and David Traynor (Dublin City Council, Roads and Traffic Department). Peek Traffic, Amersfoort (NL): Siebe Turksma, Martin Schlief. 1 Introduction Priority for public transport is an objective of Brussels and other large cities. It is the key to breaking the vicious cycle of congestion that threatens to bring cities to gridlock. In that cycle, increasing private traffic makes public transport become slower and less reliable, especially because while motorists are free to seek less congested routes, public transport lines cannot simply change their path, and therefore suffer the worst congestion.
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