Flora and Fauna Assessment Proposed Rushall Railway Station Bike Path Bypass December 2014 Flora and Fauna Assessment for the Proposed Rushall Railway Station Bike Path Bypass Report by Yasmin Kelsall Mapping by Colin Broughton PRACTICAL ECOLOGY Pty Ltd ACN: 082 911 377 ABN: 88 082 911 377 PO Box 228 Preston VIC 3072 (2B Stott Street Preston Vic 3072) P: 9484 1555F: 9484 9133 www.practicalecology.com.au Acknowledgments: Brian Bainbridge, Merri Creek Management Committee for provision of expert opinion and historical information, records and photographs for the site. Prepared for: Kevin Ayrey PE project number: YAR1990 Contact: Landscape Architect PE file location: R:\Yarra CC\Rushall Station Bypass Open Space Planning & Design Track_Oct2014\Report City of Yarra PO Box 168 Richmond 3121 T (03) 9205 5770 E
[email protected] Version Date Reviewer/Author: Version notes 0.1 11/11/2014 Alice Ewing Internal peer review of draft 1.0 12/11/2014 Kevin Ayrey, Craig McGrath Draft for client review 2.0 17/12/2014 - Issued to client © Copyright Unless otherwise agreed in writing, this report is the intellectual property of Practical Ecology Pty Ltd. It is designed to be used exclusively by the person or organisation that commissioned it. Permission must be sought prior to reproduction of any portion of this document, and every effort made to ensure proper referencing of this document. Flora and Fauna Assessment for the Proposed Rushall Railway Station Bike Path Bypass Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 6 1.1 Project scope 6 1.2 Subject site 7 1.2.1 Site description 7 1.2.2 Adjacent land 7 1.2.3 Landscape context 7 1.2.4 Geology and soils 7 1.2.5 Land-use history 7 1.2.6 Zoning and Overlays 8 2.