$ (fioloma (Tonriir


HAl APPROVAL OF BUSINESS MEN OBITUARY NOTICE '8 A MAN OF STERLING QUAUTIES ft* t «• MATTHIAS RAUNf.K l^esorters1 Headquarters •I William H. Ml Wall Ra- Matlbia* kauner. a resident of this J«hn J. Starling Haa Qualllioationa for * vicinity since IStft*, died at his old home- Exoallant Prosecutor aalvad In Dtatriet stead 2 miles northwest of Coloma, last * The thousands of people who visit Paw Paw From all parls of the sccoml Berrien Thursday, July loth, death resulting JohnJ. Sterling, candidate for the re- publican nominalion for prosecuting at- * c6unty diatriet come words o( commen- from a break down of his entire Lake every year and come to Coloma tor an torney at the primaries September 1st, U dation for Wm. H. Wall, candidate for system. receiving enlhu*iastic support from all outing find state leuiidature from this district. Mi Mr Rainier was born in Tilsan, Austria, 5C0TTJ parts of Ihe county. Mr Sterling wa* Ball is the Imsincss man's candidate. September 4, I£ll. In IMT) he came tc born in Benton lown*hip, this county, i He was sought out by some of the busi- America and settled atWheaton, Illinois, and lived there on a small farm until he * Carney's Drug Store ness men of the district to represent them which place was his home until in IMM, BIQ bRUQ JTORC wa* admitted lo Ihe liar ami moved lo iu the state legislature, and the men who when he came to Michigan and took up Benton Harlior. He attended the couu- urged him to acctpt the nomination are a government claim of AI acres, and ever * try school* of Benton and later graduated an ideal place to buy everything they wish working hardest in his behalf. Mr Hall since that lime he has lived on the same from Benton Harbor college and Ihe in the way of has a record as a business man that ii farm. He was the falher of twelve chil- hanl to excell, lie 1ms nlwnvs made n dren, five of whom died in infancy and Universilv of Michigan, Without money Will supply your wants if they are in Ihe two more when aliout M years of age. he worked his way through college and line of ICE CREAM SODA CIGARS The romaining children, who with (he widow, mourn their fa'hers death are DRUGS. MEDICINES PRESCRIPTIONS. TOl- CONFECTIONERY Vincent Kauner, I'erc Manjuette agent LET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. CIGARS, TOILET ARTICLES "at Coloma; Mrs Mary Hurkhard, of St. Joseph; Mrs Annie Hauser, of Graml ALL KINDS SOUVENIRS. POST STATIONERY SOUVENIRS Kapidi; Hiss F.litabelh Kauner, of De- troit, and Joseph Kauner, who made hia CARDS and CANDIES home with his parenl* on the farm. THE LAWRENCE ORCHESTRA Funeral service! were conducted from the c Catholic i-hurch at Walervliet last Satur- plays here every morning from day at 10::iU a. m. 9 9:30 to 11=00. Come hear them. NEAR bl:P2T, COLOHAI % HM ISAAC FAHMIM * Angeliue Amelia, oldest child of Wm * and Sophia Allen, was burn March 'i7 1K1#, and die I at her home in llagar I Carney' s Drug Store township. Sunl»y, July M, IIHW, aged IN years, :i months and day*- Mie f The postolficpo$t( e is next to our store n was mairieil to Isaac I'arnum on March ••• •••••••••••••«••••••< II, 1M8< Unto them were Ixirn two c'.iiUlren—Klla Irene I'aul, ami Hinmitt Fatnuni She was a woman of sterling JOHN J. STKRUM qualities and encellent character, and BIG STOCK WII.UAM II. BALI. tho*c who knew her be*I luvnl her 1110*1, Michigan's great university. And. it A very large ooncoursa of people altwudcd may be added, that by liaid work and TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. TRAVEL- success of every thing that be has under ihe funeral which wu held at the home untiring Industry and natural taleiit has taken and the institntions over which he Tuesilay afternoon, under the ritualistic ING BAGS at manufacturers prices attained the poailioii of one of Dorrieu has charge in Colntna are among the s-rvice of the Order of Eakteru Star, ol county'* ninal proniiuenl lawyers, lie Refrigerators, Hammocks, Ice Cream must successful enterprises. which she was a member. Besides her ha* slumped the counly fur the republi Mr Hall is a deep thinker, he has u husliand and two children, sh* leaves to Freezers at close out prices can lickds during the camiMigm of Ihe HAVE A SODA! cool level bead and would weigh every mourn her departure three sister*, two (wsl eight years ami ba« always been in Gasoline Stoves at low prices subject which comes up in the legislature mthrrs. many other relatives and a host demand to apeak at public gatherings. before he casU his vote /or or against a •f frienda. Interment In Hagar cemetery Lawn Seats and Porch Rockers It will be remembered that Mr Sterling measure, lie represents no faction, bv Get them here MAIDS TKKTZKI. f.ll.SON delivered the oration at the opera house no promises to make other than to scrvi the people of the sccoml district as h< Maude Kliuleth Teetiel, only daugh here two year* ago last May :imh. Ills Iron Beds, Bed Springs, Mattresses would do a busmets of his own. It ha» ter of Hiram and I.ucinda Teetiel was address at that lime g ivc excellent SMl*- and everything in the WHERE? 'torn in St. Joseph, klichigan, August U, factioif and wm ej^Hy well lilted by been aopip time since the north end ol the county had 4 rcpreseiiutjve and it i* IWJM. ami died in Wateryljet, Mifjjigfln, i be 01,1 ^oliliora. He is w ol(M|uoni timo that the honors were being distribu- Inly ao, 'iws. W!I«9 bu? a jfRung giri speaker, an able lawyer, and i( may be ted. ihe removed with hef patents la Walfr- safely said that no beiior man for the of FURNITURE LINE liel afterwards residing in Utinlon Har- nc« of praseeuilng attorney could Iw We want a chance lo ^et your trade on If there is one article in the list of the 'wr and Coloma. nominated by Ihe republicans of the PUBLISHES FINE SOUVENIR things you take pleasure out of, which She wis united in marriage lo William counly. Mr Sterling is essentially a rurniturB and if low prices will sell Ihe demands your careful attention and dis- W^Gilson in Coloma, Dec x, IHM, To Berrfcn county boy, having been born, goods we will have it. Don't forpet the Mra Ella M. Hamilton Puta Paw Paw them were born three children, Theron reared, and, with the exception of his place, near the railroad. crimination, that article is Soda Water. V. ajjCd II, Loraine E. aged SJ, universilv training, educated iij |',ertlcn Lak« look It I an tha Markat e have a ,ar e s,o, k and Koyce U. aged 0 weeks, Ihe latter county. H 3rd warp y „ « -' of cook Itis well known that Baker's has al- n Mrs {ilia M. Hamilton, the photog- having died July S.'fld and-was laid to ... ^ vcs. Steel Rinses and every ways supplied the richest and best Soda rapher hi pAlpwn ami !H Strong's, paw rest In hia molher> VIW IKV^ii 'be BERRIEN SPRINGS NEXT VfCTIII hinif to jfd with Ihem. Oliver Plows, the best in Water and Confections in this town be- I'aw Uke, this urek placedPii the market husband and chjldrrn leave* to the market. one of the most »triking souvenirs thai mourn her passing away a brother, cause they will supply no other. has ever been offered to the resorted Come here for PALACINE OIL You will Berneth F. TeeUel, of South fknd, Indi- KMUIIIH WM laay Mail far Fait always buy it if you try ii, who riak Paw Paw lake every year. «na, whom shf cared fcr with llllarly The highest authorities are agreed QIIMM lai Last lunday The btioklut i« tmllllftl "Summei devotion fpjm tllf lime he w*i left a GASOLINE always on hand; good quality. that Soda Water is a healthful, beneficial Uiil'a Diary." It consists of tweuh motherless Ube. por some time the Will the Coloma Sox find a* easy a pages and cover The first pge contains drink if served perfectly pure. family have resided in Routh Bend, lime in defeating the Berrien Springs Try and soe some of the bargains ncvcral views of I'aw I'aw Kike, with Indiana,and for the past tbreo yean Mrs team neil Sunday a* they had in pulling Baker's reputation of serving Soda blanki for tb» nainr of the rworter, tht .iilwRS beajili lint Iwen tui a slaady It over on Kalamazoo latl Sunday? Thi.- Water absolutely pure is known the addresa, lime of arrival and stoppin>; Iccline. For some weeks prior to her is Ihe quesUon that the fans are askini; place. On the third page is a fine half- lealh she experienced an intense desire themselves. tone cut of the oraham A Morton steaui' country over. to go back to her childhood's home in The Coloma l>ase hflU |Mm has an en er City of Chicago, under the captioi. Walervliet, Michigan. Interment took Viabl? season, having won LA. HILL "My Trip Over," On the fifth page ia a place in the Wilervlipt ffflietery, the nina out of eleven games. They have cut of "kovpr'a I.ane" wi.h the appro- tervices being comluclpl by H«V. S|even played nearly a|l the teams in ibis vf. 1 priate Ii' ixlljig New I'ljendl | have sou piniiy ami nq iv-im n*ar has been COLOMA, niCHIQAN. met," On Pile page u » fine cut o' HWaiomakf thvw lute the dust. Last •••it•*•••••••••••••••««••••••••• Woodward's povjhon, the largest on tin Sunday they tackled the Kalamaioo CHILD 0l|S HORRIBLf DEATH lake, on atiolhcr a |Nctuie on the sleamvi team and found Ihe celery grower* as BAKER DRUG CO. blargard, a picture of a fishing party, eaay a* most any of the other teams, and on the Iwck page ia a fine cut of one Llllla Alfard Crumb Badly laaldad I'oller was lu ihe bo* for Coloma and of the Graham A Morton Steamer* on did the best work that he has .lone Ibis LMI laturday (he homoward trip, with a lima table of year. He was ably supiwrted by every this popular steamer line. There are Alfonl, the four year old son of Mr and member of the team and there were b«l several pages left blank for lilliug in the Mrs Percy Crumb, of West Coloma, met few errors clurged up ag^t So*. diary and it is a souvenir which every a horrible death at the home of hi* par- Souvenir Coloma. The .core "V T Ww lowla. summer girl should have. Kvery store eui* last Saturday. The lad pulled ^ TlWP HiiS a iHUjii OfQwd of spectators. 0 Wl)|cli tU'f* to 'he resort trade should of boiling clothe* from ent on this our silver reunion. you our complete line ol Jewelry, ODD TROUSERS, KNEE PANTS n, Daaa Nat Leak Uka Short Crop Hundreds of people who suffer from " ' have a grand g<»od lime, A good backache, rheumatism. lame back, *'11 be prepand, Watches, Cut Glass, etc. and ODD EVERYTHING : P. Pirrson, of Ibe Clymer dislrirt, Iu • lumbago and similar 4llmenta are notj —— — — reawu to feel good over the prospecl- aware thai thcae are merely ayn^piumH Brldgman la • Candldala gets the KNIFE this time, even Blue • for a gut*I apple crop on hi* place tbi>. year. l,»*t ^atutdav he bruu^bl to Ibis ..r kid.., WN,. ,,i I. M ML-rt! ^ 1 |M Serge and Black Suits, something almost : office a Mimll blanch from u Baldwin m f^"r th. . kldncya1 , .plevan • i and easy U) | apple tree which measured aUiut -I" Cass counties Cuss couutv h is con. unheard of. . • j inchr* long. On the branch were over, take, are mdUy abaorbad by tbe cwfal the »ominali..u to Hrrnen cuiMv I in apples, a-'me of then aire dy of fair stom^eh acd blxd acf dlicclly on ibe',h;, Se.uior Kinnwof C- site. Hr re|*«* rf ih - IIUIIHIUIIOII. m itH.- :ait i! «l pii g bidlt be • sji-vLt a ^i j rr-p. Ilf I'lail'S ft b« 1 im- h.-lujs relief, lie ha. 'e'-w r'j»fi««l iMvmg will- "Dcrrti'ii Coiiitly's Hot Store." • til-'' ivjiori* hu p>-ar ciop a> luokin^ !H days' trVtl •'-d Tiaraai eJ ir itmwn from thviact- II.- i* a imuvcll G.'OJ. m D. • V.ck. Hcu SI Cuvr* urn ,, (oJ tlj. |M| kill. '. ' lit- r ttilll lifktviuil

I t

ttBOPOOOOOPOOeOBCWBQBCWBOBOflQOQCOCWODMOOOOOBO ABANDON OLD ROAD MADE PROBLEM FOR ENQlNEERS. DISLIKE WHITE MEN r Puuilng Situation in Construction of Little or no grain should be fed ths tho Hudson River Tunnsi. brood sow when not suckling pigs. PENNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY iUC- ONLY mm TALK OF NEW YORK CANNIBALS WILL EAT CUM88 TO FATE. It Is seldom that a great engineering I^BROOK Ck-snliness In the hen house Is Ihe THEIR OWN KINO. work involving untried problems of • price of freedom from lice and mltea. Gossip of People ond Events Told complicated and serious character has REALM V Km stipotion Rtmarfcable Strits of Accidents and been carried through so quietly as Keep the boar in a separate pen far in Interesting Manner. Probablo Explanation Is That Savagss 1 Patalltlas Make Up Its History- was the final aucreuful conatructlon enough away from the BOWS lo ket-p Nay (x permanently c* crcomt l)y prcper F«ar the Spirit of Antagonistic Runaway tha Causa of of the Hudson river tunnel, uya the him from fretting. per.so«a( e tlMK' iKec assuWe, - Race Will Take Poaass- o[ tho ono ^00 Many Deatha. Scientific American. One of the en rmyjjonc laxative gineera has recently described somo alen of Them. The wet land will grow alsike clover rcmtcV Svrupofttite anil Kiutv •An odd atory Ilea back of an order very pusiling situations which arose when other clovers will fail. Try it irK enablefcual) t one1 It was only recently that news cams Wd wkirK 'lojbrm regular May Not Build Proposed Skyscraper made by Judge Hart, appointing view In connection with the varioua "blow It Is high in nitrogen content oat of tho western Psdfic of the kill- Kalxtft Jaily/ 50 lliaL assi dance lo na-j era to determine outs" that occurred from timo to time, One of tho tnost celebrated of the of recuperating at lbs seashore tor % ing of a miaslonsry on one of the turc may Ixr gradual^ dityonficdwitk on the requeated One of tbe moat troublesome of these There Is no reason to suppose that | earlr ikyscnpen remalm to thli day HOSTESS AND GUEST week or two at the cottage of a wom- Solomon islaada for t cannibal feaat. abandonment of the Plymouth Rock egg Is harder to VrKetl no longer nettled astKclicstcf unproOtable becauie It waa erected on occurred while the tunnel wu being an ahe hu perbapa not aeen for a says the New York Sun. tWwlies.wKcn yf«jmrcd, arc to assift public road in Mc- driven acrou tbe reef of rock which year or ao. break than that oi any other variety. | •uch a amali piece of (round that the Private advices from the official Henry township, wu encountered near the LITTLE THINGS THAT MAR PLEAS- «aWo Oiu) not to supjJanl iKe hatuiw elerator ibafta cooiume ao great a It la no exenu lo uy that the poor charged with tbe lavullgaUoo of the writea a Williams shore. As tbe tunnel reached the Don't be discouraged. Corn often ol junctions, v-liidi »nu»t Jepcnc) ulti* proportion of the floor apace that the URE OF A VISIT. victim la poasessed of t aufficlent murder comment npon the probability port. Pa., more than makes up in July and Au- rentable area can earn leai than four euterly end of tbe reef the roof ap- number of malda. and of children tnolcly upon propel- oourinltmeht, 1 apondent T hI that the story had oome out to dvlli- proached ao near to the head of the that are beyond the nursery stage. gust what It has lost In May and Juno per cent. ution as a tale of oannlbaltsm. Tbe proper cjforta.wrl r^t lim* genaall/i . road, now only oc- from unfavorable condltlonH. With the tendency of downtown river that the clay became prartlcally The bousehold arrangements must caalonally traveled by a vehicle, hu Exercise of a Llttis Tset snd Thought- misslonsry bad been killed, the writer Jo^rtiM bene|icio| cfjecls, alwayA EW YORK.—If the directors of th# New York to be alwaya on tbe move fluid, and caused a great de%l of be sltered Just the same, extra trouble not been repaired for ten yeara; fulness Csn Make Sojourn at aid. for trespsssing upon lbs sacred In cllma'ei where low temperatures , bu)- the genuine N Equitable Life Assurance Society Into the very lateit and moil modern trouble by entering the pockets of the must be undertaken, and the whole condition la such that accldenta upon Frlend'a Home a Tims of De- precincts of one of the nstive secret are constant during Ihe winter a finally decide to build the 62 atory buildlnc, tha work of the architect and shield and preventing the men from eatabllshmont thrown into a flurry to r It are very liable to happen, and the societies while their solemn mummery Syrup'IRgs^Eliirir'f&wvi "home" for which plans were filed in pusing underneath the projecting light for Beth. meet the unexpected contingency. If you have not started those farm hillside site fo.- the orchard la to be| the builder cornea almoat to the level wu in progress. Jtie warning of which township taxpayera dealre It formally accounts yet begin now. preferred to the low-lying places. tbe bureau of bulldinga recently, cer- of tbe tailor or the milliner. The apron in front of the abield to drill Every guest sboutd lake nolo of abandoned before tbe townahip had been given by the deep rever tain policy holders who regard the out tbe rock. In the endeavor to atWen When people are constantly abusing these conditions: once maitnlflcent Equitable building, beration made by the energetic awing- held reaponalble fur damagea. Remember the cow must hsve food The grain from two-rowed barley Is Caufornia •tincture not only aa an architectur- flnest In New York, aank to a two per the overlying bod of clay scowload af- hospitality one ceasea lo desire any Even If s bona flde invitation hu ing of tbe bull roarer. usually of better quality than that al monstrosity, but aa a financial tow- A queer chapter of accldenta. firea, ter acowload of material wu dumped one except tbe Immediate family un- been received, do not permit any to keep up her bodily vigor as well u FIG SYRUP CO. ONLY cent. Investment under the old man- But there waa no evidence of any foraaken farms and an almoat deserted der the roof tree. {o provide for tho milk yield. from the six-rowed variety, although SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGCI&TS er of Babel, may appeal to tbe auperln- BRoment Paul Morton haa, by econo- into the river. In spite of the artifi- amount of coaxing to persuade you to •oit to offset the statement msde by tho production IB not quite so heavy. one sire only, r«^u«r price SOfr* Bottle tendent of Insurance, or, if necesaary. village haa to do with the hiatory of cial bed thus formed the clay wu still stay longsr tbsn s week, unless an in- mloa of the new reitlme, made It re- Guests seem lo have auch capacities the murderers that they had not eaten to the courts to prevent Investment of this old highway. It was built aa so fluid that It could not be held back vitation for a longer time hu been Cut the burdock off at the crown ond turn four per cent, to tbe policy hold- for arriving at the wrong lime, for the white man. Their statement their funds in such an undertaking. atate road nearly half a century ago, by the air preaaure. given. I pour a feiil drops of kerosene on each The right start with work In tho We often do more good by our ajT» era. caualng so much extra trouble, for up- found confirmation in the condition of at which time the business of lumber stalk. Time will do the rest morning makes things run smoothly pathy than by our labor.—Farrar. The eatimate of {10.000,000 as the A modern bulldlnR on the Equitable It wu at thla crisis that lbs re- setting the household arrangementa. If no length la set for your visit, •uch of the bones u were recovered, all day. Try planning out tho work Ing ww Juat opening the Pine Creek then it would be wise lo stay not coat of the building ia believed by •He. which la considered tha most val- sourcefulness which Is a dlslinguish- for requiring auch constant care and for each had been brought to a high Calves should hsve access lo good the night before, so that each one of Lewis' Single Bimlrr costs more thaa them to be far under the amount of region with Ita wealth of pine ham attention that their victima often wiah longer than a few daya. bul you will uable In New York, should earn, ac- ing characteristic of every successful polish and atalned with turmeric lo a othrr Sc cigars. Snv'krni know why. lock to the marketa of the world. clean hay at all times If the best re- the hands has deflnlte work assigned. policy holders' money that eventually rordlnx to eminent real estate authori- engineer wss brought Into plsy. 1! they would arrange to put up at a ho- generally find your hostess will men- brilliant yellow. Your dealer ur Lewis' Factory, ''eiiria, ID. tion In her invitation tbe period of sults are to bo obtained from the would be piled up. with no guarantee Uea. 10 to 15 per cent One of the fttr 40 yeara the road waa an ar wu decided to stiffen the clay by di- tel, and only come to viail between The charge of eating white men grain ration which Is fed. It Is coming to he more generally ad- that It would earn reaaonable intereat tery of trade between the plateau ae recting aufficlent heat against the fi- meala. time you are expected to remain. The placo should not honor the man, more recently constructed akyacrapera •oema very hard lo down. Even now, mitted that tho dairy farm needs tha In Invostment. tiers en top of the Allegheniea and the posed material in front of the ahield If one is the possessor of a house When you arrive, either endeavor but the man the place.—Agasllaus. of the financial district, although part when every one should know better. dairy type of cow and tho beef pro- lo efface youraelf u much aa possible. A can with a hole punched In the Maintenance and operation above a ly vacant, as are practically all of tha timber men. raftamen and rallroad- lo actually turn It Into brick, and ao in the suburbs or of s cottage by the It l» by no means unusual lo find the bottom of It the size of the seed to be ducer must hold himself to the beof Mrs. Wlnstow's Rnolhlng Sjrrnp- certain height are recognised as even buildings completed within the last eca In the valley far below. The Cam give It sufficient rigidity to stand up souide. one Is overrun by vlsiton or else to slide into the household statement thst tho Hswsllans at sown makes an excellent aid to sow- animals. In other words, the dual- for rhlldrtn i»Mhlnf. Kiflftn l» more potent faciora than coat of con- mal and Black Foreat Timber railroad In place. To thla end a series of blow- from any part of the country. ^r 'hat your preaence I Keaiaktkua ate Capt. CwkTyet'tbey Umimtliun.iiUMp.lu rurnwliiilculU.. Jlc«i«nU» two years, is earning eight per cent., purpose idea Is on Ihe wane. will hardly be foil ing of seed In the gardea. struction in limiting the profitable and will uarn II per cent, if filled at was pushed back Into tbe western out flames, fed by two tanks of kero- If they have at any lime shown wore not cannibals at all. Don't forget that « thing Isn't dona height of akyacrapera. The financial the pre--ailing rate of rental tracta for a doien miles, and the big aene. were directed against tbe ex- counter hospilallty one feels that one Try to like what la served upon the In the weatern Pacific, where cta- Gel the sunshine habit. You know Tllo drainage is a subject which Is because you Intend lo do It aucceas of the Singer and Metropolitan Wood A Childs sawmill became one of posed msterlal. until It had been so fsmllv table, and do not expect that nlballsm Is cons'antly practiced ex- Jus*, when the glut of office space muat smile and make the beat of It, how sunshine makes the crop grow. receiving more Intelligent considera- / the blggeat and beat "aawdnat makers thoroughly baked that It wu able to extra dalnllea, or dishes perbsps towera ia atill unknown. The men will be relieved no two real eatate er If they are merely trading upon cept under tbe immediate eye of tion of the farmers thsn ever before. I'wl Aril*—I'te Allrn's rnnl-KaM strange to the cook, will be prepared Sunshine In tho home and about the who have built them, of courae, do not In all this aectlon hold Ita position until (he men had white men. It la natural to be sus- OmHluiirainunlalt lUfaarlmltati.ini VadtsV perta predict alike. Hundreda of ten relatlonahlp or a more or leu close daily tasks is Just u essential. It Is costly Improvement, bul repays (ITCUMI |«rU(*, A-H-OlmnM. UKoj.N.T. drilled out the reef ready for blaat- for yon. admit that they were built for any anta are moving from 16-Btory build- TTaFge wooden pipe mill waa built friendship then Indeed does one rebel. picious of prsctltloners of such gas- the outlsy many fold In Increased pro- ing. The turning of the clay into brick Your hostess most have time lo ber- purpose other than profitable renting, ings in Nassau street, that were the at which 60 men found employment. Some may aay that thla feeling la tronooy. Yet It Is highly Improbable ductivity of the land thus treated. SuOldent unto tbe day are the 14 self In which to a tend to her house- ^ It Is folly lo sell off the slock Just but dMntereated real eatate men and highest type of conatmction ton yeara 75 houses were built with funds bor- took about eight houra, and during this all wrong. One ought lo be only loo that a whlte wbo m|ghl WORKING hours thereof. hold dsties, so either make a Hltle , i, ^ « ^ becauso the prices seem to be low and AicblltfcU agitw that they r*l be in ago lo take space ia tho more modern rowH otjt of l(i building and loan •§- time streams qf water were directed glad to entertain friends. fbe ay by 1ham It looks u though It was unprofitable Tho trap nest is the only sure way on the shield to prevent it from be- diplomatic excuae about letters lo | ^ wonid ^ by ^ an eaperl*- .atil ^tate for many years. | skyscrapers weat of Broadway soclatlou of this city and Cammal waa But put yourself In tbe position of Ar A of flnding out the best layers, but tho ing Injured by (he fierce beat of the write or a novel In which you are very ; Here la a piece of testimony on tbe lo raise them. Be patient and wait the busiest place of any along the Pine a woman who, besldea having the care observant farmer's wife can pick out blowpipes. muob Interested, or a friend who win .ubject from a sedate German who hu •QLONIflL for prices to recover, u they will. Creek railroad between Jeraey Shore of several children, does the greater the best layers Bnd by keeping them be quite hurt if yon do oot call upon . i|T#d for j0 ywri mon mMK Wall Street Men Will Bet on Anything and Wellaboro part of her work herself. Mam for the breeders next season she will h"'- , . i Uiese cannibals of the Padfic. Herr The smsll flock dou better thsn the Qeorge Buchanan would spell Misals A great stretch of pitc^i pine ^orea BEAUTY SPOTS ALONG LINES. It Is not Joyful for her to receive a bo on Ihe road to Improving her flock By the exercise of a little tact, at.! j Pe.-kinson of the Bismarck arcbl- Isrge flock because the ration of the ^lUOH H sippl. What Hugh Murray will wear on the aummiti of the hills in the letter from an old achool friend aay- and increasing her egg money. the bearing in miad of the old aad ; peiago. former la made up largely of the table on the morrow la also one of the favor Okome region to the eaat of Cammal Phlox snd Hydrangeas for SUtiona— ing ahe would like to run down for a lime-honored uylng.' Do U you would During my long residence la these scraps, which provide a more bal- Ite op-wtunltles for betting on the attracted a Shenandoah mine timber Blue Grass for Right of Wsy. day. or two to talk over old llmea—the Too many poultry yarda are un- be done by." you may make your visit [ inlands," he writes, "I have not yet keeps tbe warp an even anced ration than that provided by the floor of the exchange. conatructor. He built t narrow-gauge recipient knowing perfectly well that WEAVING LINEN sightly mud puddles after a rain. One such s delight that they will be sin been able to estsblish lo my ullsfac- Wttt "LOST art for nearly two dec- width when tbe threads more exclusively grain diet On the produce exchange beta can railroad, known aa the Texaa and Ore- One of the good things for which a day or two means a week. FABRIC ON A farmer eliminated such condition by cerely sorry to see you go, snd really I uon a single cau In which white adca. hand weaving, the In- are strung on the .oom. people have to thank the railroada is enlarging his yard space so as to take be made all tbe way from whether gon. from Cammal to Okome, and for It ia not a clever Jeat by any means, anxious to have you come again. dustry which made New Eng- SwEfOISH LOOM Tbe threads are thus the progress they sre msking In besu- men, though butchered, have actually L—1 An old farmer who has tried it uys in a big patch of green and by the "Tom" O'Nail will continue to wear eight yeara train load after train load for a woman lo drive up unexpectedly land famous, has sgaln come spaced accurately and That is the lest of being a good been eaten by tbe Melanesians. The hia white felt hat all summer to how tlfving their right of wsy. 1 that common poke root boiled down to poultry house door Isylng a wide strip of prop timber came acreeching and with a huge trunk with tbe intention guest Into Its own. To-day the the aesthet then made taut by being It is the practice of the Pennsyl- bodies of the murdered have often a strong tea and added to the drinking of cement and around thla cinders up " WOULD take a hundred governore much Charlea George really does rumbling down over the little tram descendsnti of our pilgrim stretched to the front enough been dismembered and single lc race has taken." water in proportion of one cupful to a and Senator Foelkera to atop bet- weijh. Where C. F. Stoppanl geta his way, behind the grinding cogwheel lo- vania. aa Moody's Magaxine points out. lo the point where Ihe green sward r fathers sro turning out more It Is the bosst of tbe beam, and the weaver is to surround Ita pusengor statiou with CHILDREN'S WRAPS ARE PLAIN. from any strong wooden box or pack- pieces sent to remote districts u pailful of water will cure chicken began. ting in Wail street. The financial dia- Woodruff walstcoata la the cholc* of comotive. Cammal just throbbed with hand-woven linen, silk snd ready to start the cross trophies of tbe perpetration of the blind workers that tbe cholera, and hog cholera, loo. triet Is the one best betting place In the betting brokers on the floor of the business little parks with terracea and grace- Ingcue, of a suitable slxe, and tbe lid wool-goods than any other curtains they submitted threads. fully curving paths and roadways. To Oosigns Show Much Less Elsborstlon may be dispensed with. The box murder, but u to the eating of any New ideas are all right If they are the dty. conaolidated stock exchange. On the section of the United States In introducing variegat- But one night fire destroyed the pipe Thsn In Former Years. of these portions no definite latorma- for the Massachusetts Wall atreet'a betting, generally, cotton exchange wagers are made on care for these station psrks la-part stands on one side and bars of wood A farmer who fed bis hogs the skim carefully digested and wisely used. mill; It was rebuilt on a much small and are keeping up a hot building at the James- ed shades, every other of the duty of the maintenance of way are fixed across the Interior in the tlon can be had. milk warm from the separator, mixing The man who plunges blindly ahead speaking, is not typical gambling. It is everything from the range of William thread can be raised by er scale. Then a forest fire, the wors New models In children's summer ' It ooems quite difficult to compre- pace ia tho race against town exhibition were se- prompted by a spirit not unlike that Yohr'a voice to the length of the vaca- department. Just as It Is to keep the msnner shown. This is eully done. with corn meal at the ratio of one to Into Bomethlng which sounds good but ever known In Pennsylvania lumber COBta an(I other cornera of tbe world preulng a pedal, and the Flowers 'raps arc decidedly smart hend wh ,h lected. The design Is confessed to by a character in a recent tion Norris Sella: lakes, "la C. B. rails and tlea in good order. tho bsrs of wood sre csrefully cut to i y ® "nnlbal who eats Ms three, that Is, one pound of corn meal which may have weak and Impracti- Ing. swept a portion of tbe Wood A and 0WB t nd In tbe induatry. rather Intricate, repre- shuttle Is thrown through muaical comedy, who. aaying that he Stroud the grouchleat man in the flnan- and ahrubbery are planted In artlsllc Pnuillcal. for plain styles Isrgely fit. snd nails run through from the out-1 ' ' reject the white maa to three of milk, found that he secured cable points connected therewith. Is Childs tract, destroying a great M an rt,c,e of foo<, we To own a rug. a table cover or a curtain on senting a series of In- by hand, tbe operator always placed a bet on everything, ad- cial districtT" Is one of the aubjecta on plots and gardeners keep them fresh P"*"!!- Among those fuhloned from side of the case to hold them in their • • ^ " coo- what amounted to 40 cents a 100 tbe man who la oonalantly making c ,,der th<, which the maker has expended bis Ideas and per- choosing the threads to amount of timber, eating up two lum and flourishing. , loth the designs are simple, and the places. The heels of the shoes rest senseless superstition of the dians paddling their ca- mitted that he already had laid a which the coffee exchange brokers pounds for his skim milk. aerlous mistakes and Is making a fail- her camps, sending the men. women Me ane la sonality Is a pleasure quite distinct from gazing noes across the border. be crossed. wager as to which way the Singer like best to wager the price of a lunch At a station on tbe Long Island rail heaT,#r •hlu «ood,• or eTen ,hw over the upper bars, and the toes on ' > n. which in my opinion hu ure of farming and stockraislng. and children into creeks and swamps flb^,c l,how ,eM dli ren hlm ,0 at a mschlne-mode article which can be dupli- Rug weaving wu a In embroidery work the road, which Is a subsidiary of the •• elaboration than In the lower, a much betrer plan thsn | ' cannibalism, because building would fall. eon or a new atraw hat. figure is woven onto the Owing to the wet weather this for aafety until the wall of fire had foriner placing the shoes on the fioor If they trough eating the bodies of the slain cated In any ohe of a dozen stores. And the fas- secondary development Every day a thousand or more beta These lighter instances are fair crl- Pennsylvania, 600 trees and shnibs be j y®"" spring the weeds have given the farm- Have you put in that patch of corn I^Bsed. Two of the men. who for three For he 1 cination of fublonlng things with the hsnds, es- with tbe blind school. In fsbric. Swedish linen fur- terions of the willingness of Wall sides beds of phlox and hydrangees i In"'*"', the Jaunty box coat should happen to be damp, as the soles "Pec' 'o come Into a full enjoy- ers a hard fight In most sections. But for summer use for the cows? Re- •of every conceivable sort are chroni- mcnl of 011 ,he pecially csBontlsls of the household or articles nishes a particularly ef- daya and three nights had fought the are oxpoaed to the air and dry much Powers of him who Is July, 1904, they first member that the pasturage gets pret- cled in the street. On the stock ex- street to bet on anything. The num- wore set out this year. For another 'l'"*" ""d closing double If by extra effort the fields are kept awful fiamea, met death in them, hav e en that add a refining touch to a commonplace Ber- started a girl weaving fective background for her of shares dealt in during the day. . ^ . . ststion on the Long isisnd 425 shrubs U>e most popular model more quickly than they would on a 'l - 'I"" •'OM M become compre- ty dry and thin during the hot weeks cbange It la possible to make a bet rlce, has led many women to abandon china this sort of work, for tbe clean, the crops will show proportion- C U8hl ,n C,rCle ot ,or shelf or ths ground. A curtain made ^ecWe 'hat he will not eat the body art fabrics. In October of July and August and you need on anything, on what "Charlie" Knob- the trend of a certain stock and such Jt? ' ' ^ snd 12 trees have been ordered of the evooMay or genersl wear, though ately greater Improvement u a result firlnff 11,16 B w , ,0 man whom painting and fancy work for the more active work thresds are not closely socalled perennisl* and evergreens, fmceful Utile wraps made on of some pretty piece of drapery can ' ' he bu killed of the ume yesr one of something lo piece out and prevent lauch ate at that dinner to the Boston questions are bet on. to be sure, with woven, and yet there Is a of the more thorough cultivation. Food Ont evening the little locomotive be tacked to the upper edge of the of hia belief that tbe spirit of of tbe loom. tbe men wu tried on a brokers' baseball team or on how greater frequency. In the open country, loo. tar from »re a temptation when la serious shrinkage in the milk yield. the murdered man will exert an influ- Tbougb there are many amatcors In Musschu- rug. firm appearance about a Prodi on the Texas and Oregon was coming towns, the Pennsylvania hu adopted 11 5h,'<11 ,',e- box. and while hiding tbe contents It Is a great mistake lo lot tho cows setts wbo make no attempt to market their wares well turned piece which Tbe fanner's wife should be his help- dowo from the summit of the grade the policy of making IU right of way . ^ the light weight from view. It is eully lifted when any ence over him which he does not at In tbe mechanical part run down In their milk. all regard as desirable. a good many have found weaving an attractive leaves no suggestion of meet in all things, but not his drudge. Bird S. Coler Fights for Dog's Rights with five loaded cars behind it There pleasant to look at Slopes of un- itwee<,, ,aTOrwl- Doth,ni " of the boots or shoes are required. of tbe tuk the workers "The late King Goroi of the Short- commercial proposition. Msny of these have en- haphazard mesh work. It She should help In planning the work Libby's . ., .. .. . wefe 11 men aboard, aome of them sightly rock or dirt are transformed smarter than the small black and Tbe sides also may be draped, and a becsme as adroit u if Secretary Wilson deflnes the pro- way of many a leaa highly I W0>,imeD froni the cip ,nd th# olh lan>I Islands once told mo In answer to rolled IhemBelves In the Arts snd Crafts aaso- Is Interesting to note, In of the farm but she should not be into green terraces. white shepherd's plsld. Plain ololhs pot with a fern or other ornaments they had iAe nse of their gressive farm u one who rotates his canine. Into the gas Unk. or, lhp tralDmen A riln htd ^ my question tho not particularly flat- clatlon. For them, rag carpet weaving provides connection with rag rug uked or expected lo take the place Vienna Sausage Henceforth the standard roadbed, In light weight are also fashioned In may find a place on the top. eyes, bi conscientious- crops, tile-drains his land, keeps dairy Mr. Coltr. who lovea a fight aa well thlt ,f,erD00n and on a ,teep ^ tering reason 'spirit belong all whit# tbe most direct method of securing remunera- weaving, that Ben a col- of a hired man and do rough chores. wheti the tracks are in a cut. will in- box styles, but ss a rule this fabrio Is ness they excel. Some cowa or mutton sheep or both, breeds as his terrier does, had no othar battle th# llttle ^.. tbougb thf( whMli TUCKS AND FEATHERSTITCH ING. man no good!" in general one receives tion for their work. Rugs of this sort are alwaya lege In Berea. Ky.. hu in- We think that she should not even be You've never tasted clude the sodded slopes. Bine grus reserved for the more dressy costs. of tbe operatives have draft horses, does farm work with on his hands at the moment. He did the reply that the white man u meat In demand, and there Is smple room for tho ex- troduced a rug weaving uked to help do the milking. were locked, began to allp. In an In- used for sodding will prevent the The Sicilians and mohairs, both become so ambitious brood mares and growing coils, and the best sausage until not ao much mind parting with five does not taste good. This I hold to be ercise of taste in developing simple patterna and course into Its Industrial stant the weight of the train behind erosion which has given engineers so plain and checked, will be used during that they conceive pat- improves the power of the soli by dollars of his hard-earned aalary, inas a subterfuge under which the sly ns- In tbe variation of colors. curriculum. This Is la Ever stop to figure out how maay you've eaten Ukfcy'l had pushed the train into a moment much trouble in times put. in help- warm weather. There Is nothing st terns which they wish growing legumes. How 1- It? Do you much as he la a man of conaiderable tive hides bis dread of the spirit of tbe Host of the rugs are woven with a grayiah back- response to a local condition. Pupils attend the eggs your hens sveraged for the year? um beyond control. ing lo solve the drainage problem the the price thst wears so well, for it to work on and are absorbed in tbe discussion come into the class thus defined? Vienna Saitage. / wealth, but he decided that It wu un- slain." ground. For the piuu and the summer home of the shsdes of color which they feel they are school whose homes are In remote parts of the Perhpas you would be surprised to HE taae of Brian Boru threatens to Then the men began to Jump. Two grass Is even more useful than II is sheds the dust quickly snd soils are conatltutlonal for the'state to delegate there are lighter patterna, soft blends which will blending. mountains. During the winter time. It Is Impossible know how low ao average your flock miles down tho hill, at a sharp curve ornsmental. eully rubbed or sponged off. A mason who Is onto his Job and T become historic in the legal annals police powers to a private organiu The Charlemagne Rou Tree. It's asausage product aMbrb tho sunshine or brighten up the tedium of The looms are much the ume that grandmoth- for women living in these districts to penetrate would show. It costs no more lo feed of the country. The Brian Boru re- above a (>0 foot embankment, tbe train who builds In the Intereels of his em- tion such as the "cruelty society." He CABINET FOR THE SHOES. The most venerable rose tree In ei- a driiily day. For these It is necessary to use or'a mother knew. The slxe has been somewhat to any towns. Isolated as they are. It Is easentiai a 200-egg-a-year hen than the ono that of high food vaiuel ferred to Is not the celebrated Irish left the track and plunged into the Capturing an Engine. ployer says If chimneys are plutored thereupon became the of op- istence la said to bloom against tbe white new rags in the warp and alternating cords reduced, but the principle bu not altered any. that they have aome rather active occupation, and, only lays 100 eggs. Why not study the hero, but a terrier belonging to Bor- defile. Dead and Injured men lay One of the finest stories In tho his- up inside u they are built with a pressed dogdom and aet out to obtain Arrangsmsnt That Will Keep Foot- ancient church of Hlldeahelm in Ger- of pink or blue. In fact, looma In all countries u far back u rug weaving having survived among the mountain Individual merits of your flock and Made different Cook" ough President Bird S. Coler of Brook- strewn along the track where they had tory of Ihe railroad centers round a many. Notwltbstsndlng ths msny mortar to which one-fourth common a legal decision u to their rights. wssr In Proper Condition. The simplicity of these floor coverings affects they can be traced, have the same mechanical de- whiles. It wu accepted u the happy solution. breed for belter layers? lyn. who wss formerly comptroller of Jumped, and one wu taken crushed runaway engine on the Stockton an4 ult is added it will have a glazed ed different! Tastes Tho case bu gone u far as the su- parties which at different timea have one with a strange sense of relief which may be vices that are Ingeniously elaborated to-day In Already some of these rugs have found their way New York and later Democratic candi- and llfeieas from the cab of the en- Darlington line. flaish (o which the soot will not allck, A better sppllcallon of the hack- been in the ucendency, they all seem Inexplicable at first. It is tho sense of contrut the high power carpet factories. to Boston, and the Industry promises to become different and is different preme court of the state, but It la like-! The engine wu observed by tbe Farmers In some sections are ex- date for governor. Kins. to have respected snd tended the rose and hence there will be no chimneys ly to be carried through higher tri- neyed proverb. "A place for every- with intricate machine-made designs which are Weaving, no doubt originated when some prime- popular through tbe Tennessee mountains. In tbe periencing trouble thla year from clod- driver of another and more powerful catching fire from the soot accumula- than other sausage. In an evil moment Brian Boru wan- bunals to the supreme court in Wuh The villagers, a mile below, heard thing. and everything In its place." ; tree, which It is said was planted by often aa confusing as the rattle of the steel ten- mountain fastnesses they are still making those won- one. Seeing the fugltire speeding In val creature plaited his or her hair, and then dy ground due to the plowing having dered from home and fell Into the tbe awful roar of the runaway. v>d Charlemagne. Tho trunk is now al- tions. Ington. Meanwhile the fate of Brian could not be made than when used In taded machines that made them. tried crossing three strands of heavy grau one derful old bed spresds and table covers which are been done when wet. There Is not Lib b y'• Viem hands of one of the dog catchers em- tbe direction of Darlington, bo un- : most as big aa a man's body. There Boru hangs in the balance. If he final then the echo of Ita crunching wreck Some of these rugs are mado In Boston, but over the other. From mata and baskets came the Vised ss helrloomB in a few New England homes. much which can ho done lo relieve coupled bis own engine, crossed the A good oil or vinegar barrel cut in ployed by the S. P. C. A. Mr. Coler ly goes the chloroform path he will age u It plunged Into the defile was are five principal limbs trained against The atmosphere which permeates the Sattsafe, like all of the points snd set out in pursuit on the most of them come from outside towns. Deer Idea of Interlacing wool threads, and so cloth wu such a condition. The only thing lo hastened to the rescue of his pel only have tho questionable aatisfaction of followed by an ominous alienee. A the church, fhe tree being protected by town of Deerfield fosters tho zeal of the laborers, half and placed over the puture same line. It was a lung chue, but field. Marblehead, Hlngham and Lynn are regular invented. Weaving, in somo form or other, is ono do Is to watch and put the harrow on Libby Food Products; to be Informed that he must pay a fine half mile up the track the first acared {iron railings Inclosing an area of about spring will make a good drinking place knowing that his name figures in vol- •tatlons of supply. In Central square, Cambridge, of tbe earliest ilgns of civilization. who devote themselves to the simple Induatrles of the ground at the moment when the the pursuer, driven at lop speed, grad- for the stock. Without the barrel the of three dollars and a tax of two dol- umlnoua court reports and may be Tillagers. In their mad run, met a 28 square f~et. The rude German »ol- earlier days. From Deerfield come specially at- is carefully prepared ually overhauled the runaway. tbe MassachuseUs commission for the blind hu It might be argued that weaving Is not an evi- clods appear to have their greatest lars or see the redoubtful Brian go tho cited in precedents centuries hence. bleeding man. Aa he gasped out: dlera In early ages tended the tree. tractive blue and white woven rugs and exquisite water softens sll the soil about which At last It came near enough for an utabllshed factory where men weave rugs. dence of Ihe advancement of Intellectuality. The possible friability, due to their con- and cooked in Likky's "They're all killed." the poor fellow Catholics and ProtesUnts. in turn needle work. Here, also, they dye their own ma- Is tramped by the stock until it be- the driver lo crawl to the front of his la 1904 the experiment of blind weavers wu wonderful shswls which come from tbe far out, taining a certain amount of moisture. fell exhausted. Ho wu one of tho mutera of (he town, drained the terials In Indigo, madder and fustic shadea. Jour comes a mud bole if the land slopes Qreat White Kitchen. engine and drop a stout chain over the first tried. They have proved in less than four and which wo are quite unable to Imitate, are Mrs. Leeds Another Very Rich Widow four who had survived tho awful leap. ground, the soldiers of Turenne fsst- neying down one of the honeysuckle lanes one away from the spring Ihe other half tender hook of the other. He re- years that their work can rank with that done by made by a peasant populace. And whoever has Whitewash may be put on with the The aeven others were dead. tened up the branches with clamps may hear through the workroom window the whack, of barrel can be sunk Into the ground It can be quickly tirstclass resorts at Palm Beach and turned lo his foot-plate, shut off the anyone. Without prejudice, buyers are agreed turned over pictuies Illustrating the manufacture spray pump provided the wuh Is thor- and those of Napoleon, a century snd whack sound of the reed u It presses the weaving and a pipe run from the half barrel at the Virginia Hot Springe such Items That night as tho seven bodies, each steam and screwed down bis brake. to this, snd in many cases they Insist that the of Turkish and Persian rugs is u much Impressed oughly strained before pumping. Oth- served for any meal at a half later, erected the ralllnga. firmly down. the spring. of comfort aa brus beds and making under cover of white, lay on the floor This steadied the one in front snd so work Is not only u good, but auperior. Of course by the uncouthness of the makers u by the sym- erwise psrtlcles are apt lo clog In the such a aplash as did Hobart Moore of the Fall Brook depot, one of the retsrded its pace that the driver wu Out of ths Air. tbe rugs are mado under the supervision of see- metry and Imagination of the designs. pump. It Is a fut way of getting on any time! It is pleas* QUEER IDEAS ABOUT FOOD. Spare that tree! There Is not a tree owners of the Texu snd Oregon said: { Recently a parachutist gfivo several the wuh and a good way. u the wash when he raced around the aouth ac- able now to creep from hia own en- ing people, who select colors and dlatribute tbe Crossing the Great Divide of this continent, of any variety in the United Stall ing, not over-flavored companied by a brau band. "That settles It; there shall never a gine on to tbe runaway, put on tbe MxhlbitionB of bis daring and skill at materiala. may be forced into nooks snd corners the Navajo and MoJI Indians and the Mexican Slowly but surely modern enlightenment Is rele- which should be cut down unless there The leulng of Palrlawn. the Town- wheel torn on the Texu and Oregon brake and bring It to a standstill al- j Glugow. One afternoon a strong wind An expert supervisor with the use of his eyes where the brush cannot reach. Every and Kas that satisfying blanket weavers to the south, are not leaders of gating to oblivion the foolish and often costly super- la an apparent and Immediate necessi- send Burden place at Newport, was again!" And that wu true; three most in the crowded Darlington sta- earned his balloon rapidly away, and first teaches the mechsnism to the blind pupil, farmer should hsve a spray pump, u Intc-llectusl thought, though they have established Btltlons which hare been passed down from cen- ty for Us destruction. There are few taste. Try it! montha afterward the rails were ta- tion.—London Standard. There Is no dtlatisr finish for a baby's It wu some time before he oould make It Is not only handy about the poultry a great atroke. and the Leeds pur who memorizes everything by a numerical sys- blanket weaving as an Industrial art. The old pieces of wooded land west of the ^ tlRS WILLIAM B. LEEDS suddenly dreu than tiny tucka and feather tury to century. Of those, however, that linger Is chase of splendid Rough Point, the ken up. Portiona of the broken loco- a descent. He touched mother earth tem. After he hu mutered all the movements, squaws are more wrinkled than winsome. This house, bul Is frequently neceusry In Libby, McNeill I Libby. IU finds herself In a class with Mra. Engineer Who Makes Tims. the supersiition about the spilling of ult and the Rocky mountains which will not Boon mansion Pred Vanderbllt declared he motive He at the foot of the embank- atitchlng. Two illuatrations are given at a moorland spot near a farm house,, be soon can acquire tbe technicalities of pattern tho orchard. isnt the fault of the weaving, however, and there sure coming of ill lack—the result of the painting be worth more as they are now than Chicago. lerman Oelrichs, Mrs. Bob and Mra. ment yet as a memory of that awful "They do not run so fut In here which can be eaaily carried oot aad an old man stood ckwe by staring wanted to sell, but would not dispose weaving. Is no galnuying that rugs and tapestries and if cleared and under cultivation. Data ' Ogdon Goelet, Mrs. George Law. Mrs. England, because the engineers know In foatherstitching and aro very effec- of a celebrated picture which showed that Judu, at of to any one whose position In llfo September day. reference lo shoes that are, for the In blank amazement. He had seen By "numerical system" is meant tho numbering In a hog feeding experiment by the drnperles and all tbe other products of the loom the Last Supper, sat before an overturned salt cel- furnlHhed by tho agricultural depart- « Dick Gambrill and Mra. Belmont too much about their engines," said time being, not required. tive. The circles caa be drawn around the gsudlly-dressed being drop down did not warrant their becoming nelgh- Six months ago. In a single night, of each thread, u well as the arrangement of the Oklahoma station In which Duroc-Jer- Into which individuality is woven, have a reac- lar. Then there Is the Idea against thirteen at table ment, and from other sources reliable W «mong the very rich widows of Now an engineer who baa run an engine In To arrange a place for them, and a fivecent piece, and if smaller circles bora of Ogdon Mills and Commodore seven bouses In Csmmal were de- froti the clouds. materials near the loom, so that once the position tionary effect on dally life. seys and Poland Chinas were used, six York. It wu a strange coincidence that country. "In England a man bu because there were Christ and his twelve apos- In details furnished, show that this Is Here Is Your Chancc stroyed by fire. Two months previous eepeclally so If there should be many, are desired use s ten-cent piece or a "What place la thlsr asked the la memorized no sight sid Is required to locate Gerry (or words to that effect), simply In Hlngham. ardent handlcraftamen not long lota of flve each were fed as follows: absolutely the cue. Estlmstes made that both she and Mra. Belmont be a competent machinist before small button. The work ahould be tles sround that board In the upper room at the made Newport notice the Leedses. three others had burned. The Cam- ii a necessity and our sketch illus- parachutist In an authoritative tone. any color. From triangles and circles progreu Is Lot 1. corn meal; lot 2. seven parta i pun •hleSalUMaaa IIVMU^Uoo. 1 r.n tul» ahould lute their husbands within ao he Is allowed to run. ago discovered an old colonial loom lurking in the supper which wu followed so soon by our Lord's show that the hardwood timber of the (on bom; bj yoo tta fmSU whkh ta» trates a capital way of doing thla. done with fine cotton snd tbe stitches The old man reverently knelt down mode to the more Intricate patterns. For some mal and Black Forest railroad wu recesses of a garret It wu dragged forth and corn meal, one part meat meal; United States will be practically ex- pruomifr .Iw.ii uk**. Dual SalM. ihl. •Ill oak «hortatime. They are Intimate friends "They say that the man who knows Tbe "cabinet" may be constructed made amall aad evea. death, snd that of Judas, too. Mupco loaa. Wnir ID* (or psrUnltn. Photographs the Stomach. torn up three yeara ago because the and claspod hU hands together, and of these a raised proof of the design Is hung shove lot 3. eleven parta corn meal, And Mra. Leeds owes nearly everything all sbout how sn engine Is put togeth- restrung. and now it is back at work a. b* in tbla city. It was Mrs. Belmont, u- one things there are liable to break Cornwsth."—Rehoboth Sunday Herald for dresses, toweling, sheeting and Uble covers be clearly pbotographod. The camera the Fall Brook stop a't Cammal. has eliminated the question of their ability to weeks by corn meal alone; lot G, corn rnMtM * huutuni imtik alsted by Mrs. Sid Smith end Miss Kit ised material, wuh It only In cold appease evil agencies. Still another custom in that Is actually swallowed by the patient any minute, hasn't the nerve to Ooalgn That Lends Itself Wall to are woven on tbe Swedish loom. The abandonment of the old state water. Use yellow soap and scrub execute tbe work. The question remains: Where land is to make a birthday cake with nine knobs, meal, alfalfa hay; lot 6. com meal, To spray or not to apray is no long- Cameron, who. somo four or five yeara run one of them 80 or 90 miles an Gorgeous Colors. Cure for Fslntlng Fit and when It rMcbeii nis stomach ths The process of preparation requires almost u towpea hay. In this test the cost of road, now asked for by the clUxons. thoroughly on the Inside and outalde. There is no more sure cure for aa shall they market their wares? thenof nineof the assembled company, when the cake er the mooted question among fruit ago. undertook the aomewhat heroic walls thereof can be Illuminated by s hour. much time snd skill as the weaving itself. To will close the story of the mushroom Rinse It several tlmoa. Do not attempt making 100 pounds of gain In each raisers. Rather Is the question being taak of making a society woman of •The best engineers ut the ones I ^ u, attack of falntneu than a hearty This problem Is solving itself, for the number comes hot out of the oven, each breaka one knob small electric lamp attached to th« Th# cleTer who kll0WI how wsrp the skeins of linen Is the first step. This settlement that ia now faat going back to wring It, hut wipe the coat careful- of people who buy band-wrought articles Is rapid- off. and throwing It behind him says; "This I give rase was ss follows; Lot 1, 18,01; lot uksd whether the orchardist can Mrs. Leed*. Saratoga wu wisely se- who don't know too much about their .. . „ . nr_ sneete. It Immediately stimulates tbs apparatus. At the bottom of tht ly with dry clothe. Haa* It on a wire is done by arranging all the threads In even 2,14,94; lot 3,14.73; lot 4. $6.38; lot 5. lected u the firat battleground In the into primitive condition. engine-Just know enough t, locate Ur pwdl th» canvaa, p«> blood vessels of the brain. In many ly increaalng. When Charlea F. Campbell, su- to Thee. Fox, Eagle, Wolf." etc. afford not to spray. Tests alwaya camera is wound a photographic fila duclng duplicates of all the pretty girl coat hanger and place It In a room lengths on a device somewhat like a turnstile, In some countries It Is considered unlucky lo give $5.88; lot (. $6.67. prove that the sprayed orchard pro- "ANAKB8I8" Leeda social campaign. It was there 1 pounding In a cylinder box or bow to persona fainting never goes so fsr as perintendent of the Industrial department of the TrltnH SMf., I

-4 - -- !--• 1-— — A1Keo T0 H0DBV HERE'S A Charles A. Clark - GOOD ... m SHt«rr;MILLEp BR0S; WILD WEST SHOW WHERE THE CROWDS FIND PLEASURE Cleveland Woman Thlnki That Re- W. W. McCrackcn, ol St. Joseph It queit War the Limit. IS CQMING TO BENTON HARBOR KnUng Votoi lor Hlmtell Miller llros.' HU Ranch Wild West "I don't rnrp what anybody tiki me thralrins F.very tlgure end feature A Bargain Week at the Big Department Store! now." reniarkud the woman with tho \V. \V. McCrackrn, ileputy county Mbotv, reerulted entirely front I'tegrest s original with the llll U.niph—cow h(«vlly iiiihiiislorod velvet Jnckul. |clcrk.nitit former county trcniurcr. au llll Usnch, at |llis«, Oiilahotiii. will ap- boys, cowgirls, Indians, liticltlng horsra "I'll bo prcpai-ed now for unythln#. tinuncrrt his intrntion some time ago of • ear in ItunUm llaruor, Friday. July and trained cow-poniea, chaiuplonsof NothiiiK would iiurprlsp me. Not uftur rnnning for the irpulilicmt nomiuation 31, giving two perforinancex aud In the lariat, thn gun itnd tho bow nod Our entire line of Muslin Underwear we whul the woman acrosa the hall aiked for shciifl'. an j his fricmls immnliately aitguraliog Uie day with a big free anow; long-horned stecra,piire blonde,t DRY GOODS. offer in this Sale for 50 cents on the dollar. MENS AND BOYS WEAR me yuniLTday. took hittt up Kinl are Riving him vdltuililc street patad.i anil free show on ihe ImffaloM, emigrant achooners and "It was uftor flve o'clock, and I wait .iMisUnce. Will is a ^ood fellow, has gmumU. Msny residents of litis vi- prairie stage coaches. Without vari* That is, a garment worth 25c goes for 12 l-2c. busy RPttiiiR dinner, (or my huiband We are going to sell some cotton goods In •dnliy will take advantage of the op allon or llluMoo the sports, paalimei, IR uiually borne by six. I gnesi the the kiml of a head on him that a sheriff MEN'S SHIRTS-We have a table full of urrds. he it not easily hluffctl, has the poriunity lo see Ihe fatnoul amuse- hardships, uhivalrlea. pccils and dally THE NEXT FIVE DAYS if the price will do it. Some of those Muslin Skirts worth $2.50 woman acrou the hall must have been them worth $1 on sale at 69c. flKurinR on havlDR her dinner ready ment institution. happenings of the ranch are repro- All our prints are 5 cents. at $1.25. You could not buy the embroidery Just on time. loo. 8hn knocked al th ) The .Millerilrolh»raentered theihow duced. on them for what we ask for them. door, and when I n.?ked her to come oii«inesi last year when '.he director* The lUl Itam-h show, from its very A large bunch of ginghams for 6 cents. One large assortment Coat Shirts worth out to the kltchcn uhe raya: '0. no. 1 of Ihe Jamea'O'Vn |F,xposillnn urged nature and source, IK (Hfft-r-nl and dis Fifty cent Muslin Drawers for 25c. $1.25 and $1,50 go at $1. haven't tlniH lo stop only a moment 1 Ibein, aa repreaentaiivea of the caUle- Unci from anything ever sliown befme All our 12 l-2c and 10c Ginghams are 10c. JtiM wanted to UHk you If you would raislng business, in give an areolo II- under canvas, h tingles tvilb the at- look out of your wludc>w uml let me All Lawns th^t sold at 18,'20,25f3oc at 15c Those Shirt Waists at wholesale pricesl Men's Trousers-One table full, at cost. lustra.Ion of Ita faaturea. The show know when my htiiibBUd Reti off the ntosphere of prairie aud tuounlain. Woodward's Pavilion, Paw Paw Lake 20 pieces Percale worth 12 l-2c, go at 9c. We thought everybody had bought one. If was a sensational iriuniph of the fair These goods are all spring goods but we car nud (hen tell mu so I can hurry my There ii not a man or woman in it wh > 50 pieces White Goods and Chambrays you haven't don't forget that you can save 50 aupper on the table. He's alwaya in l^nlhuslaitlo crowds il -eked lo lis every haa not learned Ibe aecreU of Ihe Over 500 people attended the dance nt Woodward's last Saturday must have the room for fall stock. Candidate for Republican such a hurry wh«n ho Kila home. performance, never seeming to tire of border far out ou lh» prairies aud who evening, Kvery ninht tins week there has Ireen a large crowd, in- at cost price. per cent by buying them of us. You can get You'll watch out for him. won't you. lla stirring, unwonted scenes and cannot read the grasa and the sky with Sixty-nine Boys' Suits in 2 piece, at about creasing every day. Woodward and Arnold put on the parties that A large bunch of Wash Challies at 4c. the style, and as there's no two alike, yours Nomination for dear? Vou know I can't ice the car movement. Ho tremendous waa the undtrslanding eyea. The grand entry from our flat.' appeal lo the pleasure seekers; they give fine souvenirs, something popularity and patronage ihat New at each pei forumuce la a veritable 25 pes I5c and 20c Flannelette at 10c. will not be like the other ladies. 50c on the dollar. "And she wai gone before I had York City demanded an eolertainment echo of the plains and cattle trail. that is worth saving. Prof. Arnold is not alraid to work and much ol REGISTER of DEEDS timo to eatch my breath. I can nee the success ol the special parties is due lo his efforts. The Lawrence myself ilKlng at the win-low and like it. Thn Millers hurried back tn Miller linuhers hare aspired to make BERRIEN COUNTY watching for her huabaud. The Idea!" the ranch, recruited another show, and their prehmlnarr street parade one orchestra is a gnat drawing card as they are furnishing belter music sent It on to Urighion Reach, New jtnat will remain a glnriOua memory Ii —Cleveland Plain Dealer. (his season than ever before, You always find the largest assortment at The Big Store and every day is Bargain Day Primary Election, September l$t York City, ^where (or alx weeks II all who view 'u wonders. More thab Ou Friday evening of this week Prof. Arnold will put on "A broke metropoiiUn records o( attend-! 100 Indians are a (antasUa (eature, am. Groccry Dept in this department. Our store is always crowded because of the goods and the prices. NO PLACE FOR A STRAW HAT. snee and favor. every peraon aud animal with the or Night With the Quakers," a very amusing special party, wilh hats for 5. b. m, PROF Beginner at Golf Quickly Convinced of The organixition which is coming to gantaailou Is required lo be In Rue souvenirs. Saturday night there will be another souvenir dance. On tha Fact. Carney's I* lite Ice cream atore, The best ice cream al Carney's. Sec Carney'a ad on Ihe first psge. Ico cream cones at Carney's I.evi Earl was in Hartford Fridav, OlfclER this elty Is a consolidation oi the The cavalcade atretchea more than a Sunday evening the Chicago quartet will render a fine concert. 51 two which astonished the country lasl If you do, we carry mile lu longih, aud Is a moving sum Fred West was iu Reuloa Harbor A (ew line o( Hanunocks at Carney's Carney's have all kinds of Breworks Errrything in the line of fishing Dr C. M. Ryuo, of Benton Harbor, There wai a nood deal of the char- il, elean, fretn W. W. McCKACKKN ear, Il Is a living page (rom (rontier mary ot ihe west which knows m Tuesday. tackle at Carney's. acterlitlc Irulta of Ihe Heotaman In old Do you use Groceries? that we will For the bugs, buy your I'aris Ureen Smith Ryno was in lloiiand Mon- was in Colon,u Friday. history, wilhout piofesslonalism or barbed wire or blocked trails. Tom Morris, the (itmoua golfer, who sell st pneepru-es lo meet the panicy contliliocontiilioin of' your poaket. We also cany f Mra John Scott was In Ri-nlon Har- at Carneys's, day. We have a nice line ol eopyrlght 1 nerve that u neceusry and is a man a complete line of crockery. Mrs John Furman and daughtei^ has Just died. Me was pawky, canny bor WedneaiUy on builne's. . bo iks, something new. Carney's. rapalile of keeping his deputies lined up Wall paper, good patterns and cheap Mrs Cbloe/uver visited in lla'tford Marie, were in RentoD Harbur, balur- and of n rellRlous bent. Of him many RECORDED THE TRUTH ALWAYS. UMBRELLA II MAN'S ONLY ROOF, If you do we hsve everything asuco cve*y MOWNINO ar Miss lli-lle Carter wnul lo Chleago prices, at Carney s. Monday. F M. W.t'ieck, of Millburg, was in daf. •toriea are told. When aiked for hia so that they could make criminals in the line of Heel, Fork town on business Thursdav morning. Coloma. Berrien Co., nichlKin opinion leRRrdinR the playing of golf ttemble. It it just as eftsrntial to have n Wordsworth's Poetry Set Agalmt HU | Stranci Mode of Life Adopted by Ec- Do you eat meat? snd home-made tauaage. Wrduesday (or a wetkt' visit. Thomas Winters led for the north- A. S. Miller was in tbe twin cities Mr and Mn James Gibba spent Fri- ou Hunday. Tom wisely remarked that man for sheriff who, could prevent crime Falltre at Comipendent. cantrlc English Recluse. (Miss Sabra Rrown visited wilh eru pari of the state, Tuesday morning. Monday. Miss Norma Winch, of lUngor, was day in St Joseph. If the player "did n' need a real, tbe We cater (o those who want the best F. W. COCHRUN as it is lo hsve oue who could captere friends iu Renloit Harbor Weducada-. a gneat of her eonsin, Mrs Deloa Royer, links did." Wordaworth, except by virtue of one Mr and Mrs J. Ii Hawley, of Rrcedi- Mildred Willis viaited in Watervliel EDITOR AND PtmUMIIiH the law breakers. Mr McCracken is all In a wood about 30 mllea from I/m- Mrs Harry Hill left Wedaaaday i HerJnnora had alwaya a large share a few days last w^ek. quality, WM nftt remarkable aa a let- don, Kng„ Uvea an old man who for W. A. Raker and J Ii Jones attend- vllle, visited in Coloma the Ural o( the Tuesdsy. of Tom's lympaihy. uml he waa ever this und then some. ing of loat week for a monlb'a vialt SUDACIilPTION HATCti ter writer. Ills happleit moods were 20 yean has known no other roof jed Justice Weldon's court In Renton week. Mra Leon Drake and little daughter, ready lo give them aound advice. Tom Tin's undidatc hails from the south those "trances of thought and mount- Cornelius Arent was in Renton Hai- wkh her mother in New York. than an umbrella. "Twenty yean ago W. fl. QflKPENTER Harbor Tuesday, ol McDonald, visited hor (alher, Wi!« in..iiUi«. »*• lor 1 .i>..i.th. II not wna natonlahed one day to llnd a raw end of the county, owning a farm near ings cf the mind" which came to hlm Miss Deaale Taylor, who Is attending bor Friday. In aitvanrr II fi » >• ill tx- ehattfiM. I took to the woods,'' he said. Dur- Ram Dobbyna. Saturday. WAXTKD—a young woman to uke callunt who had armed himaelf with Herrien Springs where he lived when when wandering among tho hills or Groceries and Meat Coloma, Mich /Mist Cora Furman waa a gueal o( her tchool al Reuton Harbor, apenl Sunday ing tho great snow •torm lust winter Mrs Fred West was in Renton Har- care of little girl and aasial in oOiee at a club and ball nut on the llnka with elected counly treasurer, but lor several seated upon lome old. gray stone. The aunt, Mra W. S. Robinaja, In Renton wlih her parenla. Mrs Lyle Harper and baby, and sis- TO ADVBRTISI!K»I I ilept soundly, and when 1 woke up bor Saturday. Oopr liir cbane* ol mhrrll ^10' iit m""! a at raw hut. "You'll never get tho art nf penmanship was always a dli- Wigwam hotel at I'aw Paw l^e. yean lie lus oeen making His home in In Ihe morning I waa coveted with Rarbor Wednesday. ter, Miss Lida Royer, o( Watervlisl, tw III this ofllit not Istrr th.io WVrtinwt"-*r. mill wtirn snow many Inehea deep. Rut I am Mrs Joseph Kesler and baby and with her grandparenta Mr and MrsJ. Fred Armstrong, JoeOyan and John iUHtTlrd will IH* run until onlnrrd «ll<"'Oji yer head." suld Tom, and taking a club troubled with Inflammation of tho Harbor Monday. imd lound that he has many friends here never 111. I have not had a dny'i 111- Schairer, Jr.,of Renton Harbor, wera llnnrd. nn.l no »J»»rll»rnirol will tir «llli- he showrd the young man Ihe proper eyes, and he often dictated his letters, When you have anything to sell Mra Kathenne Krellner were in Ren- L. /uver, in Hitrllord. Mrs Josephine Lewis snd gH*JII notllnK notlrea N' U line fur oof •Ingle life, and I hav* no more worry Mrs Ferry Allen, o( South Rend John Ingraham, o( Renton Harbor, liiMrtlou. or 3c a lloe by Ihe nonlh. •truck the Imckof hia hat and knocked facta, but to do ao implied a state of Woodward's Bowling Alleys •> in the line of Coloma Saturday. ing Mra It, S. Ryno, of Rloomingdale, ia spending the week wl'h her parents, were gues's of Mrs J. M. Worden Sun- CardsollkaiiksS .eashwllh ropy. It off. A cap waa afterward found servitude. He cared little for the let- than that tree haa. I have no rates LOCAL BREVITIES A R. Stevic was a twin city Tiaitor day. ItrMlutlunn o( rmprrl KV- and tfce. moro inltable. ten of great writers, and expressed and taxea to pay, I have no wife lo These alleys are in charge of Mr. Nick Uruck, Ihe Chicago record attended the funeral of berooutiu, Mrs Mr and Mra J. M. Worden. Attorney John J. Sterling IrantteteJ Oilier ailrertUlna raus o» applt. allon W. A. Willis visited with bis son M. bother me, and I have plenty of Isaac Farnum, Tuesday, Fridav afternoon. a wlah that hia own might de de- breaker, who keeps the alleys hoi. Plenty of pin boys. No waiting. Thomas Jackson and family, o( Mrs R. R. Hewson snd daughter, legal buaineis here thla wu«k. Mr II. al 8t, Joseph WedueMlay. stroyed. He had no pleaaant malice friends. No one ever interferes with Sterling is one o( the cindidatea for Knlered at tlir ('•ulomn (HMtoftli-r for Giving Him i Hint. Nick will find a place for you. Even the ladies admire Mr. Hruck Mra L'ui i Stark apenl Wednesday South Rend. Indiana, were Ihe guests Wall paper, good patterns and cheap Mrs Lizzie Stark, of Kansas Cily, Iran-ml—Ion Ibruuah Uie malU a* wcond me. I never light a lire, and I never They were walking under a very lit- eager to eicape from the tip of the prices, at Carney's. Missouri, are guests at the home of proaeculing attorney (roas Benton Har. rUM •tutwr. It. A. Carpenter, of Kenosha Wiaeon- and find pleasure and sport at the bowling alleys. with her cousin, Mra Fret. U^le, in o( Mr and Mrs Thomas Kremer Satur- pen, luch as Horace WalMe bad. He ask for money. When darkness comes Beef Cattle, bor. tle umbrella, and ahe liked It well mn, VIAiied fi lends in Culoiua Thursday on I put up my big umbrella, take my Renton Harbor Wedneaday. day and Sunday. Try an On-Est John Cigar. They the former's brother, Jerome Filcber. nH cm I'UoNfc s. 17. i IliNUH enough not to wont a lorge spread had no bubbling mini which will not be repressed like Ihat of I.amb. He boots off, put ray legs Into t sack and are better Ihan ever. Addrtu all Caaiaonlrsllao# la of al|iaca. He wai modeat and Mrs J. W. Ouno. of Watervliel, Is maioa in its natural pliable form. It ia (ieorge Flail, of Chicago, was a gueal Miss Helena Otte, who has been a Operation for plies will not bo ncc- Two new cross walks are going In fnuld not engrave an exquisite vignette cover myself up with clothing, on top lo Hwaywltii RocfifigTrouiiie Veal or Poultry Courier, Coloma, Mich. icemcd to be nervoui, nud aim finally t guest al thu I'tiuher house for the weather-proof—asphalt pave man 1 a of hia mother, Mra Elizabeth Flail, guest o( Mrs L, Wagner the past week, W. ii. Rail and Dick Condon were in esaary If you use Man Zan Remedy. al tho crossing of Centre and Cburoh for a friend's delight and his own, like of which I place this maekinlosh." have aloud the test of weather and remarked, very toftly. and with a note wei k. near Thunder Mountain, Tuesdsy aud rein rued lo her home at Urand Rapids Renton Harbor Monday. Pal up ready to use. Oimrnnlei'd, streeU, When completed the resldenta •eeeaeee•••••••••••••••••••••******** Cowper, His pen waa not an etcher'! heavy trafllc for twenty-live yeara. of Interrogation: "Charlie, I'll curry and Eipense Wednesday. Tuesday morning. Price 50c. Try R, Sold at Caroey't of the south end of town will be yery Uemember Miller llros. big wild west needle, nor a dagger to staft, nor a Il la llghl weight and requires no ex- Miss Orace Rabcock, of Sialus, spent the umbrella. If you will let me?" The Uniform, thsnklul. FRIDAY, July 24, 1908. allows al Ronton Harbor on Friday of sword to cut, nor a hobby hone on perienced help lo Uy. Cau bo used on "Harvest lo Sljht" Is Rev. Steven- Miss Theresa Knipp returned lo drug sloro. "Oh, no! I can carry' It." "Yea, Chur- any kind of roof, la a non conductor Sunday with Miss Bora Stewart. which to canter. But te icl over If there Is one thing above all others lie. but. you aec, your arm takea up next week. Monarch Roofing Solves the of heat and cold, making a house cold- ton's topic next Sunday morning at Henlon Harbor Tuesday morning alter igafnit all thla Wordsworth could which mllltatea agalntt eallstments It If you wish to save money on a silo •o much room that one side of me Ii er In sumaier and warmer In wiDter. the Congregalional church. Service spenping a few days wilh her parenla, Ilerrion Springs has canceled the write the truth, tnd Ibe truth he In- Is the sending forth Into civil life of Roofing Problem. loquire of Smith Ryno, Coloma liOtt If neiomborhood items out In tho wot." "I know, Fanny: Not affected by acida, vapors or gases, al II o'clock. Mr and Mra Thomas Knapp. *44444444 ball game lor next dutulay and ihe dishonorably discharged soldlen and but what will I do with my arm? varlably wrote. When vou loy a roof you expect im- because of IU mineral under surlaciuif Co ngresnnnn Htmilion haa pur- aallors in uniform. How can a respect Mesdames Mlna Brake and Williaui Won't it he in the way all the at me?" Culoiua box will play the Lawlou team nunity from roofing trouble and ex- Will not run in summer—the melting Miss Cordelia Kent and i, A. Thoinp- Mra Ellas Rath and cniidren re- chased a Studebaker iiuton obile. for Ihe uniform Im raalntulned and an Hudson, spent Saturday in Renton Har- "I don't know, Charlie: Tom Clark al- iui<«ad. Pdlce Methods In India. pense (or some time. It's natural that point of asphalt ia 100 degreea higher aon, of Chicago, were guests of their turned to their home Wednesday morn- Intereat In the «earenufll be aroused Ihan that o( tar. lior. 1 GOOD GROCERIES | L. A. Ilnrrlt'pe. «( llentnn Harbor, wayi knows what to do with hia arm A jewel was loat by a rich Komatl. yon should. grandmother, MrsS. F, MerritK-id, Ibe ing alter a two weeks' visit with her Mrs L. D Miller and children, re- if men who have been adjudged a In MONARCH the (aulta of other hat built a new aihletic park ou west when he ia under an umbrella with It was found In the possession of a Rut do you givo the thnughl lo the last few weeks. daughler, Mra A. F. Kniebea. Mrs Fhillp Hughes hat returned lurnt-d to their bome in Racioe Wis- "disgrace' to their uniform" be permit- roofluga are not only eliminated, mean- Mary Martin " Mohammedan. Two policemen of the (rom a visit with rclallvct tl Ml Jo- M un alrei-t. consin, alter spending a pleasant two ted lo appear before the American •election of jour rooting material, ing no repair expense, but the Oral Mrs Anna Clark returned to ber / Chester Cborpeunlug returned the station seized It from him and pledged seph. It is more important in the hot sum- J nee.^aarv to aecure conlioued rooting cost la lower. What mora could you home In Henlon Harbor Tuesday, afler^ last of Ihe week (rom ao extended visit ClarenceHooglitoa.a I'ereMarquette weeks with Mr aud Mrs J. C. Uaborne. It and obtained a loan from a local people In the garb they have dis- Call on us as we pay the highest market price. African Natives' Drum Signali. serviee and salUfaellon' dealre In a roof? mer weather to have your food strict- ^ hratnuian, was rerloufcly injured at merchant. Then another policeman graced? Such men are constaLtly be- Rolls contain 108 square feet. Made a two weeks' viail wilh her daughter lib his dsughiera, Mrs Lee Railey Miss Rrrnloe Scott, was the guest of All throuch the continent of Africa Mr and Mrs Arthur Valentine and Try our HOME CURED HAMS and HOME waa asked to search Ihe house nf the fore the public eye. Shiftless and We will go over the ground wilh you in 1,2 tnd 3 ply. The price includes Mra Thoroaa Knapp. and Mrs Mi meek iu the west. Mrs Clarence Leslie iu Renton Harbor, U >rv. ludiana. last week. Uu t» a Hen- the otllvea have a very perfect lyi- daughte.a, Carol and Violet, left Sat- ly pure than it is to do anything else. merchant, and before the search wai worthless, they wear their uniform un- impartially and trust lo your judgment the nails and cement packed Inside MADE SAUSAGE. Watch the window for Saturday and Suaday. Imt Harbor boy. tem of alRnaling with druma. by which urduv for Hewitt, Ui visit for an In- MrsJ. M, Worden and daughter, Mrs One application of Man Zan Pile offected tho morchant gave It to him til It Is worn out, and do Incalculable n tbe linai seleolion o( a roof, each roll. Much of the summer sickness.is nienna they rap out meaaagea from vil- •leflulte leuglh with Mrs Valentine's There la no Subttil ute for MONARCH Sunday Goods on Saturday, Ferry Allen, aiienl Wednesday with Remedy, for all forma of pllea rellevea Mesdames C. W. Harris, Ooltlieb Arthur H. H'ginan propose* to turn with a present as a bribe not to haul harm to the military profession and Tnere are lire kinds of roofing you caused by filling up on food which is lage to vlllbfic, and it la quite won- Roodng, " their daughler and aiater, Mra C. R. lialn, sothei, reduces Inflammallon, the fmtiotiN llignuiti park nt Henlon mother, Mrs Suiker, him up before the conrt, Retween the to the reputation of the manly and dan cnoose from— Marll and Mrs William Mtrll spent derful how awlftly and bow far they Ask or wrlto fur large sample and Harbor Into a Mimmer Chautauqua on throe polleemen a sum of about 60 worthy men In the service.—Array and I'ratt, uV '.ValCTt'let soreneaa and itching, Frice 50c. Quar- SMurday In RetUop Harbor, not tit for a person to eat. Therefore are able lo ipread newi. Miss Pearl Sloiey, who has been Shingleatre ln(la;amable;ihcy warp, prices to the Slowell Manufacturing ihe line* of the Winona aMtembljr, rupees was looted (rom one or tho Navy Life. Company, 210 Cnlver Ave., Jeraey City: unteed to give sttiafacllon- Hold ftt The drumming la alwnyi done at spending lite past two week* with her crack and rot. Wilh the failing limber Mra Manic Kerry and danger, Dora, Hhilip Hughes, a sailor on the other of the dh-honeit and avaricious Chicago branch, -17 Market alreet. supply their price is becoming higher of Renton Harbor, wera in tttendenoe Carney's drug ilure, schooner Gregory, arrived In Coloma The annual report of the Itt-nlon night, when aound traveii further, I ^raudpareuls, Mr and Mrs Angell, i f mercbanta. Then arose a i|flli among These goods are for aale by W,. H. SPOT GflSfi MARKET Joy to the Fat Man, and their quality lower. at tbe fnneral of the (ormera'a suter, Satnrdsy for a visit with his parenla. Harbor building and Ijoan A*aociatlen and as one Ilea awake on a itill, clear North Coloma, returned lo her home these policemen and their comrades Rail A Son, t'-oloma, and the Witbeclc GUY BROS., Proprietors Maa ter Utrry F. Kabu returned to HAMILTON night, tho ear Ii often gently aaaalled The fut man Is never a fanatic ani Slate is high both in Urtl cost and Hardware Co., Millburg, who are our Mra Isaac Farnum, Tueaday. altoiwi lb at otganlttlion to be in a very in Chleago Saturdav. about the division «f tbe ipolls, and hU bome In Chicago Wednesday after Mias Mayme Dorgan,o(South Haven, Is seldom en anarchist. He looki up- autborixed agents. priwptirous and heallhj eondltlon, by the low, muaical roll from a drum they are now blinking as to what repair expenae. Il ia easily cracked A, S, MeCiten returned last week on the world with kindly eyci and Mrs Josephine Sibert, of St. Joseph, a vUit with bU grandparents, Mr and spent Saturday and Sunday, with ber In the village near, and one walli course to adopt and whom to charge and broken, even by the wind; cannot C. M. E«lldlf haa returned from Troy. from a loree weeks' fislnug trip lu linda It good from Its governmenla to [ viaited with her daughter, Mrt Nick Mrs T. 8. Tookey. of the Thunder mother, Mrs Susan Uorgan, in North is making a special effort this sum- with pleaaant expectancy till the an and what offense to charge with. The be used on a Hal roof. Slate, being Pinnies for bockache, little golden. Alabama, lo hi* Itenton llurlmr home awerlng echo cornea, mutlled by dla- tirand 'liaversd enuoiy. For infor Ita beefsteaks. Il feeds him well. It Kibler, several daya the past week, re- Mounltio Foal try (artu, for several Coloma, people are losing all confidence In very heavy, requirea strong roof lim- Rlohulet, easy and pleaaant lo lake. mer to see that his stock of rloihos him well, tnd though he feels turning boms Monday morning. weeki. to upt-nd Ihe stiintner. Mr Kt'iok owns tance, from a village aometimei two ttialioii as lo dimensions and quantlllis theie men —Myiore Standard. The M'iscs Minnie Smith and Myrtle It has crowded a Hltle too much flesh bers. Experienced help ia needed to Act directly on tno kldneyt purify the FOR BUSINESS OR FOR a fruit package plant in tbcHKUth. mllet away.—Wide World MaRailiie. call ou or address A. S. hiiuself. DeWltfl Wllch Hazel Salve Is good Niver, who are attending suhool in on his bones, he can puff and bear It. Uy slate. blood and Invigorate tho ontjrc aya- W. W. i'ltoher, wife and aoo,'lrtnt, yepMles, Fruils,Canii9il6oo(ls, Staple Growies There are now three candhlates In Mis Van Rynoaud children returr.e' Lacking the "Ear for Music." Your thin, nervous fellow with the Tin rusts unlets frequenMy painted. lera. Best for backache, lame back, (or cull, bunu, bfuUes and scrutches. Mrs Emma LaMolt and grandobildrtti Renton Harbor, spent Saturday aud kidneys and bladder. 30 days' Irlal the race fur /tatesenator—S. H. Kelley Why Cowboyi Wear Long Hair. lo their liouie Monday at Blooming- He beant a great losa and sorrow •nappy eyes and your grim, close- It haa a tendetcy to aweal on the PLEASURE. It la especially good for piles, Reconi- and Mrs Charles Merrill and children Sunday at bome. Jl,00. Guaranteed, Sold al Cornt-y'B The cowboy uttered an annoyed cry who has "no ear for music." Into is the kst that can be secured any and lieorgn W. Ilrulgmun, of llfotoii ditld alter a linen weeks' viall with mouthed man—they are the plotters, under side where paihting cannot pre- raended and sold by Baker Drug Co, were among those who attended Mrs I. A, Hats, o( Grand Rapids, a one great garden of delights he may dru» atore. Harbor and Charlus K, While, of Nllea. aa one of his curls fell Into the beer. her purenls, Mr and Mra A. R Cook. planners and achemen that conspire vnl il from becoming mated and If yousare going to take a the Oolmarr llros,' show al Ronton place. We cater to those who want not go. There needs no flaming Rev,and Mrt Wealberwix,ofCbicigo, former rtside'-t ol Coloma, visited Sun- "II ain't no affectation," he auld, Mr R^nospaul Sunday here returning and overturn; they arc the revolution- Uaky. Being a conduciur ot heat and aword to bar Ihe way, since for hlm drive into the country you Harbor Wednesday. day with Mrs W, T. Hewitt and other 1 Judge tJKtlldge has endorsed the "What makes me and Buffalo Hill and ists and insnrgenla. The fat man may cold. It uaaes a building colder in who aro conofoted with the Willard •'the best things to eat. ' We ire es- with her Monday. there Is no gate called Beautiful old time frienda. eandldacy of Wlllard J. Ilanyon. of all ua plainsmen wear the hair long. enter into these ihlngs, he may give •Inter and hotter In sumiunr. Tin la KIDNEY, LIVER want a good turnout. You Hall miaaion, on the west side, in W. S. Hallman left Monday morning which he should seek to enter. Blunt- 'asily affi-cted by (nme> and gases nm- pecially prepared to care for the trade llenton llarlMir for eonnly olerk. In It la necesaary to our health. Mrs Uenjamln Regati, who has been his money and moral support, but he want horses that can travel Clilcsgo, are guesls al the Willis House. for Kalkaska, where he will remain L L MuKean returned laat Tbura ed and stolid, he stumbles through tnaling (rom (aeiory buildings. Ex- AND BOWELS ltl« article the judge spoke of thf go mI "You see, wo are out in all weath- visiting hertuolher, Mrs David Munjoy, of summer hotels. doesn't get up Insurrections or build perienced help needed lu lay tlu. tlckneu It neit to Idpoulblt If you kaap well, that look good, a good for some lime buying huckleberriea. dav evening (roa Noble, lliinob, ers. Often hatleaa, the August aun life for whom Its harp-strings vain- Mr and Mrs Thomas Winters and work 4ooa by Mr Ilsnyon aaeily cerk the past four weeks, left Saturday foi barricades or throw bombs. Tar U a re(use product which la ths Kldotys. Uvtr and Bowtli la ptrlsd He reporta that the crop of tb'a kind where he has been superlnUudlng tbe beuti on our hcada like Ore, und but ly quiver. Yet, on the other hand, worklac order with aa occasloaal doss tl buggy or carriage. All these of lie nlon Harbor aud everybody agrees Whiiehsll I y way of Kalauia/.oo, to L in tde p|iable liyVldition of oils. Not son, Hugh, and Mrs M E, Bennison of fruit in that vicinity ia qnlle bstvy. for our hair we'd get gunitruke. Often what does he not gain? He loses building of a creamery. It you are opening a resort and want with hlm. He alao stateo that a young viail a al-ter, and then w II return to being naturally combtoed, tar roofs Dr. A. W. Chase's )e secured at were in attendance al tbe Free Method- wo sleep on the ground at night, and the concord of sweet sounds, but he Man—the Driver, Mr Hallman is also buying early apples, «ooo become hard and brittle, easily ist camp meetlug at Watervliel Satur- Miss Marie Kent, wbo has been visit- dishes of any kind you will find that man of the stripe of Mr Ilanyon should him that ain't got long hair to cover her Ittme al .Sterling, Colorado. Ii spared the discord of hanh noises. No mnn will ever admit that any cracking and disintegrating. On a hot Kidney-Liver Pills * day. There was a very pleataol family re- Ing her grandmother. Mra S. F. Merrl- U- rncourigeH. for Mr iiattyon Is a »o'f hia ears In sleepln' out Invariably For the surges of bewildering har- woman can drive better than he can. summer dav the tar melta and dilps. Mr, 8 B. Holdtn, No. HtH Caa* A vs., our s!jck of W, H, Rail has accepted the agene) HOWARD'S LIVERY union at the J. U. Randall home ibis fleld, the past two weeka returned lo made man, having worked his way gels deaf In tho ear what Is slept on. mony and the depths of dissonant Even the woman who dances on the JMOPARCH AMMIALT ROOFINU- Ortad Ripldi, Midi., uys:—"I hav. far f ir Mowell's Monarch tire proof root rears bt«u subject to ilusilibnsss ol tbe Mra il. M, Willia and daughter, I* dlsguit, he stands on the levels of tuadu from all wool fell aalurkti-d with week. Resides Mr and Mrs Randall,' her home In Chicago, Saturday. Mr through school wilhou* a pull of any Often, In winter storms, tho hair pro- back of a hone at the circus doesn't liver and roDiilptlloa, tbe kldneyt wors also Mildred, and aon, F. B., arrived ing, w bleb ia now cousidured the best perpetual pcace.—(Jail Hamilton. natural atphall and mineial surfaced laadlvi and rautad me a frest deal ol pals Drives made to all points at the (oliowing relatives were present, and Mra Merrifleld accompanied her kind. What the judge ha-i said is all tects thu face from being frit." know as much about horses as he iiNiQug material ou the market for II an both sidi-s, haa none of thn dlsad- acrou my loins. I got some ot Dr. A. W. Saturday# from Atuhlaon, Kansas, does. The only reaaon ho can't dance Cbtsa't Kldney-Urtr Plllt tad they cured reasonable rates. Bus to ail (rom Chicago, except the Urst as (ar as St Joseph, fc true. There Is no finer young tuan vantsges of the foregoing roofs, ita lbs Inactlvllr ol Ibt orsant rtpldly and for a vialt with relative!, (or an iu- CHINA and CROCKERY WARE stands all kiuds ot weather with little Swideshl. on ihe hack of a horse Is that he can't and from Paw Paw lake. named—Mrs N. C. Smith, o(Cali(ornia, ' uny place thitn Wlllard J. Hanyon. The Will, mineral surface ia abaolutely flre-ro eailly. I would not be wllbont ihem - ISo deflnite time. Mr and Mrs G. A. Jones o( 7(148 expense (or repairs. In the seme In which Sir William dance; It Isn't the hack of the hone sisting. it cannot warp or crack «a a box al til dealert. Write (or a l ee tampla. Mrs Will Smith, Miaa Maude Kandall, F Our bodies are our gardem; to the Dr. A. W, Cbast Uedldne Co., BuStlo, N. T. In rear of Pitcher hotel. Union avenue, Chicago, Illinois, are ith I)r, J, R, Rradley, candidate for the Harcourt remarked "We are all social- that cuts any llgure. The man who the asphalt being a natural product re- Mr and Mra Edward Hoyer and Mr E, IL Randall aud J, 11. Kandall, which our wills are gardeners: ao here (or a lew oays visit. They are is the best in Coloma. Call and htiiltem * Throo Counties Will Picnic ists now," It may be said that all An- drives with a woman, and lets the Por Sale bv Fred L, Scott Telephone II-2R. or 20-5R. and Mrs A, IL Martin and son, Wlni- that if we will plant nettles, or sow republican uoiuinatiou (or governor ol Mrs C, A. Hill and daughter, of .ri'Kularities, glo-Indians are bellevon In Swadeihl woman drive, should hc.veone of these slopping wilh Mr and Mrs William S. convinced. Hie Adim« resort at Sister take* lettuce: tet hyaaop, and weed up Michigan spent a souple of hours in (red, of Chicago, were guesla of Mrs W. Acne, that bear. While all reaaonable Anglo-Indiana dep- two slgus tacked lo him If he wants to Bus every Sunday Morning for Walervliet Muskegon, wore guesU of Conductor bloomingdale, who were(ormer neigh- w'll'be the scene of a Uranger plcule thynei ittpply it with ono gender of town Tuesday afleruoon. Hr liradle) S. Hallmao, thn pasi two weeks, re- .uitiilency,indiKV recate the aensoleii agitation and keep the retpect of other men: "I am Hill of the I'aw Paw lake train part of bora and old triends tn Chicago, Mr uu Saturday, Julv -iUt U will be a herbs, or dlslniol 11 with many; either lias a strung (ollowiog In luia viviniiy, in time for Church. i turning home Monday, '.lerrouaproatrauoo. the uniound economlci of the extrem- In love," or "I have rheumatism In my the week. During their visit here the Jones is one o( L'nole Sam's employes three counly alia r—Ca^a, Von lluren to have It sterile with Idleness, or try it? as well as all over Iterrien county. lit advocates of Swadeshi principles, j M'ss (lleannle Near, o( New York, ta manured with Industry; why, tho Bngcrt."—Atchison Globe, genial conductor enjoyed a vacation ot and has carried mail iu Chicago for am InrltM all tick nn-t Kerrieo. Hull. tSeorgo It. Horlon, they are all anxloua to aulst that power and oorroglble authority of this Clurles Rtchman and wife, and J, I apendiog the summer with her aunt, a (ew days, leavisg hia train In charge many yeara. They are here for part rlt« her for adrloo- tua-ler nf the state granaa. will be natural development of Indigenous In- TOO HOT TO BAKE John F- Howard. Prop- Mr» Eva Shaver, o( Coloma, and h«r of Conduulor Al Keed, o( Renton Har- ded thousandt lies in our Willi. If the balance of •Morris anil wife, who have beeu yisll The Ice Napoleon. of hia varalion and expect ,lo viail rei- E. HAMIL1 xn-aenl aud deliver an addresa. Mr dustries ahd the creation of new oms •eas, Lynn, Ma1 PDr llw-s had not one scale of rea- ing the past week, al the home of the 'gramlmothi-r, Mra Chester Frail, «l bor, who runs the lousl (relght through alives and friends in the northern pari li--rtoa is of slate wide reptit«li'ealiou in the ci eui court an a neighboring farmer'i daughter, utute warden of Georgia, says of Ko-| hair; they wear feathers!"-Stray pagnedrenehod grapefruit. "Tbei for a divur.-u fr< m her husband. Ilaj- lilting perfectly mute beside her while Stories. CAKES OF KINDS dol for Dyspepsia: "E. C. DeWItt & wire headquarten lo put up price* mond Bllia. of n Is city. Mrs Kills •he did all ibe entertaining. Thla night, however, tho youth, wiihing for Co., Chicago, 111., Dear Sin-1 have twenty per cent at once." One horse Grape Hoes, while they last $ 8.00 One horse gear 2 1-4 Skein 2 1-2 ia Tire Weber 38.00 moved to llen'on HarUir about two Accepted. a glass of water, suddenly surprised suffered more than twenty years ROLLS, BUNS weeka ago and maki-a icioiii charges her by blurting out: "Say, Sal, will from indhesllon. About eighteen "Do you consider your nerve Is John Deere 2 horse waking Cu tivator 15.00 against her hnsbani. •uilelently steady to fit you for an Blsmarck'a Love of Nature. Straight Ladder, per foot 10c you— months ago I had grown so much, tlr ship navigator?" Speaking of ihe country and thi Six loaves bread for 25 cents "Don't exert youraelf, Reuben," ihe worse Ihat I oould not iRsost t cruitj 25.00 "Well, I've been out In t ctnoe with long walka ho took dally, RIamarc' Twentieth Century Cu tivator, Pivot Axle / Juit Exactly Right interrupted, "I undentand. Yoa of corn bread and could no| retain' Champion Wagon Jack 35c S ucrvous fat girl" aald he loved nature, bul tho tmoun •1 have uard Ur. Klug's New Life Have you brought the rlnii?"--TLe anything on my stomach, I lost f.V of life he auw awed him, and that i Monarch S^shovcl pivot gang ^ 25.00 Plllu for aeveia! yrars, and llnd them: Bohemian. pounds; In fact I made up my min i We bake both night and day, so there is no use Dest the World Afforda. look a great deal of faith to bel!ev Top Buggy. $50 to 65,00 JiUit nxtcth' right," sgya A. A F llnii i that I could not live but a anort tlmp,| Ihct an "tl|-irclng Kyo" could notlc. eilinj; stale bread. Daily deliveries to Paw Paw lake 646 Cutaway Disc, extra head ^ 18.00 Lf Harrltvlp, N. Y. N. W l.lfe PHId when a friend of mine rrccmmeiidetl "It gives me nnboundod pleasure to relieve without Ihe lenai ilI%c;>nifort.1 Kotlol, I connenled lo try It to plrose every living atom when ono real I to Buggy Doubletrees 1,65 Moat nin.dy for onaUpallo'i, hliliind- Ilert Harbor, of Elton, Wis., Kyi: him ncd wai better in one day. I now rcc.fnraend Bucklen'a Arnica Salve," what ll meant. "Have you ever sal m 6-16 inch Solid Disc 20.00 was anl roilarla. ?r.c nt. ?J. a. Ca^ "I have only token four dusca of •your weigh more than I ever did In my tays J. W, Jenkins of Chapel Hill, N. • he gruas and examined It clotrly Buggy Singtctrces 50c ney. Blkir Drug Co., Scott Phannaey Kidney and Bladder Fills and Ciey Ilfi' snd rm In bellrr hetlth than frr c, "I nm convinced It'i the beM ralve There is enough life In one sjua. CENTRAL BAKERY 13.00 matrv years Kodel did It. I kei p a (i,,. orld tffords. Il cured a felon on Spike Tooth Harrows, from S9 up to i- .\% ttorei, have done me more than rner m-'di- W ytrd to apiall yoii," he aaid. hfill' ronr.lnntly. and write this hop- - thumb and It never falls to heV R clue has evtr d'jne. I am 5tll| I,-I; t m) LL ERGS, PROP. Cclciva ? XXX grade of sh afts and p^lcs always on hand jMnrvllTO Carbt l'r .1 act* like a hi I) at hdmialty nny lie b-nefltul. evrry icre. h;:n or wound tn wMsl BIrdscll Wag^n 2 3'4 skim 3 Inch tire, double hex paultloe. Quirk wlief for 'ti!«9 and t^e ollla as I writ n •"f e! "se I)Wins Utile Flliy il! V< tru vt-rv R-ilv. Jack C. Moore At/ u |K amlled !Bc at M. P. Cirnv .rtlng of loaiclt chapped akin cite, Mr. Rurbcr wfira to IteWIM'jt Klfnry n If.I lilli" |dl!| thi sre *S(r hnl.% A is. 10, |MH. B 'M by Baktr nal er Dnit Co., Scslt'i Pliarui c; i—J Ut,. -. , A. * 65.00 Safety Ncck Yoke, ccntcrs warranted absolutely hiraa nrd rm<-. ii"! a;!d tuabtni. and B'idder Pills. Sold by BjU r ,«•, iJcid b) ikiii i Dl u Ct sprvig wlrppletrec ail n?ck yoke Drag Co. dras nturei. fit!- .'.I Carui-y'a drJj tU re. Drau Co. A n o COLOMA, MICHIGAN. COLOHA.MICHIGAN] CRUHLB '& * ^ i • 'w' i I a IDEAS OF FRENCH CHEFS. •Thst I shall not tell yo#-«t least AN HONEST DOCTOR not without a bribe. Shall I have a Three Soups That Are Very Popular ADVISED PE-RU-NA. MORE USED TO SELLING PINS. farewell kiss (or the laformation?" ENGLISH FAIR PUT H MYTH Across the Water. The Coloma Courier. "Never!" R. SYLVESTER E. SMITH, Room hAwoMrr M SIS, Granllo Block, St. Louis, Mo., "Oh. Burton, don't kill me!" she F. W. COCHRUN. rubllsbcr. Throughout the State French aoups hsve delicious flavors. write*: "Pernna is the boot (riend a TUG OF WAR TEAM VIOLATES gups, for Barnes' hand. In his agony According lo Everyday Housekeeping sick man can have. MICHIGAN. RULES OF THE CONTEST. Americai) and rage, is nearly on her white throat COLOMA. Cnndrnsrd Summary of (ho News of • Wu may have threo that are very pop "A (ow months ago I camo bore In a SIX PERSONS PERISH IN AN AUTO NEW YORKER ARRESTED FOR AT- "Pish, you sre not worth It" WeakWllbln Ibe Coaflnaa ol Michl^aa. ular. wrotcbod condition. Expoeuiu aud WRECK IN INDIANA. TEMPTED EXTORTION. Uncompromisingly he tesrs hlmsoK A Sequel Potage a la .-tarceau: Ingredients- dampneta had ruined my once robust Tbe straw hat usuanr stows which Man Wear Steel Shod Shoes—Amor from her snd commands: "Tall me arw*) Two turnips, two ounces butter, ono health. I had catarrhal affections of way tho wind blows. leans Retire After Making Pro- where I wlH find he_r now; tejl mo so .M- quart o( broth or stock, a slice o( the bronchial tubes, and (or a timo there SCION OF AN OLD FAMILY that I can go back to her and dare lo Eren beef on the hoof has appar«nt. CAR SMASHED BY A TRAIN test That la Not Allowed. PSSF # pumpkin, a small piece o( sugar, threo waa a doubt u lo my recovery. 0FHEWY0BK kiss my wife's Hps, knowing that I am ly taken to a gallop. WEDS IN SECRET; LOSES RICHES. OFFERS REWARD OF 13.000. tablespoon(uls o( cream, some crou- "My good bonetl old doctor advised r£S($M4K true to her. Think—think what you London.—A aerlous controversy has Prisoner Admits Writing Letter tons o( fried bread. Method—Chop up mo to take Peruna, which I did and in C. S. King of Fort Wsyne, Wife, Two xrc- once were when your (alher and moth- The Mexican porter handles loads arisen between the American athletea Which Dsmsnds Money and Former Saginaw Society Woman For- County Board Will Pay (or Approhen- finely the turnips, snd toss them In a short time my health began to im- Diughtart, Guest snd Chsuf- er in Ohio loved you and believed in butter till thsy are a golden brown. prove very rapidly, tho bronchial of 400 pounds with ease. * and tho British Olympic association. Hints at Murder of His feits 9500,000 by Ignoring Will. slon of Bomb Sender. their little girl. By heaven, I know feur Are Instsntly Tho Americans' chief cause of com- Add lo this the pumpkin boiled in tho trouble gradnally disappeared, sod la It has been esllmatod that a Lon- Psront there is good in you, Ssily—only let it Killed. plaint is tho arbitrary manner In SYNOPSIS. faint, sweet voice answers timidly; Saginaw. — Information received .—Houghton county board broth. Psss the soup through a sieve, three months c y health wu fully re- don fog weighs tons. come oat just this time." he entruts. which their protest against "the fla- Absent-Minded Clerk (who has been "Come In." here (iaar Los Angeles. Oal., tolls of a of supervisors suthorixed a reward of adding to it a small piece o( sugar, stored. New York.—John A. Van Rensselaer, "Just toll me where I can flnd my dar- , - grantly unfalo method of conducting transferred from notion department) Banes, a wealthy Aasrlcaa His hurt lighted by hope and love, romantic and sensstlonal marriage in 9- .000 (or the apprehension o( the the cream, and croutons of brud "Accept a grateful man'a thanks for And now the [Trice bf rice should go Warsaw, Ind.—Charles Sherman son of Mrs. John King Van Renssel i the rouu Eni- ling, so that I can rescue her In lime, fried a golden brown in butter. bis reatoration to perfect health." op. and old shoes take on a senti- Ihe tug-of-war," was dismissed. Every —So. you'll take this piano. Shall I his whole form trembling with snx- which a former Saginaw woman of a parties who recently senl an in(ernal King of Fort Wayne. Ind., his entire aer, and a member of one of New ^ erard Ami nil h- for you kaow these sre villsins who mental value. unprejudiced spectator present at send it, or will you take It with you! hls Corstaan bride. Mariaa. lety lo Uke his bride wilhin his arms, (amlly well known hew. where ehey machine to Sheriff August Beck, which Potage a la d'Aumale: IngredlonU Pe-ru-na tor Hia Patients. family of three, his chauffeur, and a York's oldest families, wu taken into have stolen her from me." Friday's meeting waa convinced that Iitsr of ths Paolli, from ths mur- the thought thst she is his and safe lived many years until recently, fig- l( it had exploded would have killed —Twenty-(our large mussels, a small A. W. Perrln, M. D. S., S60 Ualsey Kuesl, six In all. were killed In Mr. custody Monday night on a charge s veadetta. uadsrstandlnf that his A being of impulse, U Belle Bluk- There's a big dlfferenre between a Ihe Americans were justifled in refus- ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY reward ia to b« ths hand of the sir I he making bis flashing eyes very tender, ures aa the star celebrity. The secret or maimed al leut 35 people In the bunch o( parsley, one onion, threo St., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: King's automobile Saturday afternoon OUR of attempted extortion. wood wrings her bands, hor hud man's worth aa estimated by himself liiR to go on with that event. • i i iovt*. I'.nld Anstruthsr. sister of ths Enf- the esger bridegroom opens Ihe door. msrrlage o( Herbert N. Wayne, a county jail and courthouse. Sheriff pints of bee( broth, croutes o( bread. "I am using your Pernna myself, and when the car was struck by the esst SUB3C.AI' The arrest wu made on advices Ush lleuteoant. Th* four fly from A)ac- droops and she sobs: "Then, Burton. tnd as shown by his salary. The United Kingdom had threo His Hsnds Wars a Solid Mass, and do to Marselllea en board tht Preach Reclining on a lounge In a whlto wealthy broker ol Los Angeles and Beck offers 9500 sdditlonai reward. Method-Scrape and wash the mus- am recommending it to mj patientt In hound Manhattan limited on the Penn from Chief of Police Crowley of New- I'll forgive you and tell you. There is teams entered in the tug-of-war. made Disease Spread All Over Body atsamsr Consuntln*. Tht vsadstta pur- robe her bead bsshruiiy turned from Mra. C. E. Derby, a prominent society Detectives are working in Calumet. sels. Cook them In wster with tho ail cues ot caUrrh, and flnd It to bo The Madrid police" hare at lasl sylvanla railroad west of Columbia port, R. L, who received a complaint •usa aad as the quartet er* about to a Hltle good In me—I'll toll you all I paraley and onion (sliced). Then more than yon reprosent Peruna can up of the police of the city of London, —Cured In 4 Oays By Cutlcura. board the train for Londoa at MarstlllM, him. the lon|;. besutiful. almost dis- woman o( San Bernardino, has just Duluth snd iron River. Wis., the bomb cleared tbe streets of the plague of City. from Mrs. Van Rensselaer thai her know o( your bride, which is very bo had now of all drngglsta in this seo- Liverpool and the metropolian forces. Marina Is handed a mystsrlous note heveled hair streaming over her shoul- come to light. The bride s maiden being senl (rom the latter place, but take the mussels out ol the shells and beggars, the blind alone being allowed The dead; Charles Sherman King, son had written a letter threatening which oauaea her.to collapse and aectesl- liUle. I think the rbsd they took her tlon. At the time 1 began using It, It The drawings brought tht American "One day we noticed that our little Ulse a postponemsnt of ths Journty. dsrs, is his rescued bride. nsme waa inness and shn resided in supposed to have been senl by Calu- trim them. Place them In a soup to remain. Mrs. Charles Sherman King, Katherine her bodily harm unless she provided wsli north of the path that we (ol- wu unknown." and Liverpool teams Into tho arena boy was all broken out with itching Barwee and Bald are marriH H^on She Is in a nook of the big room well South Saginaw, where she was born met people. tureen with the croutes o( bread, King, aged 16; Josephine King, aged afler their wedding BarncV bridf dis- first. Tho American team compiled him with funds. Van Rensselaer ia sores. We first noticed it on his little lo^ed. But where Enid Is, I know which have previously been browned The man who rails most at the ei- appears. Barnes discovers ehs haa from tbe taint candle light and lived until her marriage lo the CHANCE FOR EMMA. 13; Fa) ma Bradshaw, aged 14; Carl 34 yesrs old and married. in tho oven. Strain the broth and add traragances of fashion Is usually the with the rule which saya: hands. His hands were not u bad Uen kidnaped aad taksn to Corsica. He puses sn srm about her slender late C. E. Derby ol Saginaw. Accord- OLDEST INMATE OF ASYLUM DIES Tlmmins, aged 23. The prisoner admitted to the police The groom stcuree a flihlag vsosel snd "Then Ssllcetll IU tear it (rom to it a pint o( boiling milk, sweetened first to be caught by tbe woman who "No competitor shall wear prepared then, and wo didn't think anything It about to start ta purault of his brldt's waist and kiues ber passionsteiy. Her ing to the story. Mrs. Derby's mar- Mr. King was taking his family and he had wriilen tho letter, which reads: him." with s lump o( sugar. Pour ths soup follows them. boots or shoes or boots or shoes with aerlous would result But the next day raptor* whtn he hear* a scr*am from lips respond u sweetly and dlnglngly riage (or(elta an eatate o( 9500.000 left Woman Confined In Inuns Hospital Miss Brsdshaw to Uke Wawasee, "I have just seen Lawrence Lee, Ih* villa and raabaa back to htsr thai "1 hardly think he can lell you. Hia any projecting nails, tips, sprigs, we heard of the Cutlcura Remedies u ever did those o( a young bride. hor by her former husbsnd. and the for Forty-Nine Years. into the tureen contsining the croutes m - *'« Anslmlhtr's wife. Marina, Is also ml**- If tho peekaboo waist had not been where he owned a cottage, lo spend and I am given to understand that followers were strangely (rightened and mussels and serve, iwlnts, hollows or projections of sny being so good for itching sores. By Ing, Barasa la compelled lo depart tor But even in the midst ot the biss, bride Is dangerously ill o( nervous recelred with such an open welcome, Sunday. you will pay t30 per- month for my Conlca without delay, and so he Itavt* snd embarrassed when the Bellacoscia Potage a la Colbert; Ingredients- kind." this time the dlseue had spread ail Ih* search for Marina to htr husband Bsrnes starts bsck with a sharp, prostration over the exposure o( her Kslsmazoo.—Mrs. Lydla W. Pelton. the" dlrectolre gown might seem lo The automobile, driven by TimmlDS board If i will go 300 miles from New young men demanded your bride (rom Some spring vegetables, three poached The Liverpool police appeared in over his body, and bis hands were whlls hn goes to hunt for Bnld, Juit b*- smssed cry of almost horror: "My msrrlsge, while her only daughter, the oldest patient al the Michigan In- have nut a leg to stand uu. halted at Ihe Pennsylvania crossing York, and that I must have your f*re Barnte' boat landa oa Coralea'a them, and as an evasion, substituted eggs, tabuco or Worcostorshlro sauce, enormoua shoes which had steel rims nothing but a solid mau of this itch- shore Marina Is dtsrovrrcd hiding In a God. Sally Blackwood !- Miss Msrle E. Derby, is hesrtslck over sane asylum, died after an Illness half a mile outside of Columbia City written consent to leave the place me," Then, noting the (earful look a (ew shreds of chervil, three plnU of around the heels. The Americans ing dlseaao. I purchased a box of Cutl- corner of the ressel. She expltln* h»r And the lady turning to htm so that hor mother's sctlon. which began In her little home at Cold- Rer. Forbush'a opinion Is that we to allow a west bound freight train to HAWAII GENEROUS TO FLEET. action by saying ih* has eoms to help pulled, under protest snd making lit- that you may select. cura Soap and one box of Cflticnra on Barnes' (ace, she cries; "Don't water. more than 50 years ago. When clear soup. Method—Cut a (ew can't afford to have hell next door, bul MILLION FOR HERONIUTIGS Bani*e• rr*acu**cu* hlhiit wtfwl * from th* Corel- the candle light shines upon her radi- pass. "Did It over occur to you that I wsste your time here; uk the man spring vegetables Into (ancy shapes tle effort, and then filed a formal pro- Ointment, and that night I took the When Barae•* and Marina arrive ant teaturee that are almost laughing, TRAIN HITS AUTO PARTY. little more than 20 yeara of age. Mrs. It is understood that this docs not re- As the last car of the freight went Great Store of Fruit and Delicacies rslca h* la e1v*i a note writlen by Tommy (to his sister)—Emma, 11 test. which was ignored. have an absolute remainder interest in Cutlcura Soap and lukewarm water who knows." Pelton suffered from mental trouble and boil them In salted water. Drain fer to the neighborhood phonograph. GEN. ALLEN TO ASK CONGRESS Distributed Among Vessels. Informing hln ihaWtKt thek kidnaping uys archly; "Yes, I"m sll here. La by. Tlmmins, without stopping to Aunt Frances' estate's securities, and "Ah!" them and cook in the consomme. Just you give me a bit of your cake, I'll In the semi-final In the fancy dlv and washed him well. Then I dried K for tha punoee of strapping Harnee Beille Blackwood. It is a little sur- Governor Narrowly Escspsd Accident and It Increased until when 24 years of if the track was clear, put tho power FOR BIG APPROPRIATION. that by blowing your hoad off, that my tbe vendetta may kill him. Bsrnts "Cipriano Danella! The head of this be(ore serving the soup posch tho eggs spoil the piano so that you won't be Whoa the ocean sieamer large Ing competition. George W. Galdiik of hlm snd look the Cutlcura Ointment Whlls Touring Nesr Henristts. age, sho had to be removed to the In- on his machine and started across the Honolulu. — Sundsy was a quiet d. Marina have„ unusual advsntures In prise, is It not my srdont bridegroom, able to Uke a lesson (or a (ortnightl wife would have an Income sufficient and anointed him with it 1 did this affair dldn"t want you to flnd her—not and place them in the tureen, also enough to hold a half-mile track Is tho Chicago Athletic association won day with the officers and men of thslr search for Knld. They com* la Mr. Bsrnes of New York?" sane asylum. Sho has been there con- tracks. The east-bound Pennsylvania Wants to Purchase Two Military Bal eight of har and ber captors la lbs Corsi- tho aauco, and somo chopped chervil. his heat by a handsome margin. He to support her? every evening and in four nights he until they killed you, if it were possi- Henrietta.—Gov. Warner's party, tinuously for 49 yurs. Tbe remains built tho racetrack people can scorn train struck the automobile squnre In the Atlantic battleship fleet. Outside neuntaln wild* ]uit aa night ay- "My heaven, how did yon come BED-BOUND FOR MONTHS. loona—Hydrogen Gas Plant "1 will take that course if necesury, ble. Ob. this Corslcsn count who is us and send back betting dope by wire- scored 86,6, while Zurner of Germany was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Don- I la asektng shelter from a here?" Burton'a voice Is hosrse with which toured, northern Michigan In were taken by relatives to Coldwater the middle before the iieople in it had of the various games which took place the roupl* enttr a htrmlUft tnd HOUSEHOLD HINTS. was second with 82.8. Building at Fort Omaha. and upon my head will rest the conse- ahue. 208 Fremont St. Kokomo, Ind-, plsying with you Is a real man—not automobiles, narrowly escsped injury where they were Interred. time to draw their breaths. at the league grounds and which hun- to thtlr amastmtnl thty dlseover amuement. Hope Abandoned After Physlclsna* quences. (Thaw la still alive, maybe Sept 16, 1907.- a boy." As was expected, C. M. Daniels of dreds of sailors attended, there was the feeler father of Marina. "How? In Cipriano's swift yscht and poasible death at a railway cross- Consultation. Every one of the six occupants of Waahlngton, — Encouraged by the •uppoMd to have base killed by To cover the psn In which flsh is A granddaughter of Bismarck pro- the New York Athletic club won his I will be.) "This is sll you can tell me? Ia It ing near Henrietta, when a train on Threo Ex-Mayors Named. the automobile was Instantly killed little in the wsy of formal entertain- B*i aoidifrs, aad for whose death and afterward on a Coraican pony." poses to marry tho man she lores and general interest manlfeated In the "in any case, my wife. God bless ONI ON TH| DOCTOR. the truth r Holland.—Comparatively little Inter- cooking will make the flesh soft boat in tho first round of the 100- ment except excursions to Pearl Har- had been vendettaed. Tot "And why?" An awful anxiety hu the Ann Arbor railroad crashed Into Mrs, Enos Shearer, Yew and Wash- The body of Mrs, King was carried on that Martna's husband did not Ail Isrd to (ry fritters and doughnuts now European society doesn't remem- meter swim, his time, 1:06 4-6, be- coming Fort Myer balloon tests her. will benefit by your demise, even "Yes, u God will never forgive ono o( the autos in which W. D, Wade. ert wu Uken In the annual school the cowcatcher for half a mile. The bor. many of the men taking advant- brother;her. Many wroaga are right- crept ioto hia voice. must be very, very hot before palling ington Sis., Centralla, Wuh,, says; ber when It over got such a shock be- snd prompted by tbe advancement of if I don't St. Peter's Query Decided Reflection M election held here, only 13 per cent ing several seconds below Ihat of the age of the opportunity lo Inapeci the la surprlted In In* hermltaca '"Why? To uve your llfe! Martin Northrnp. A. E, and Claude "FOr yeSrs I wu fore. trainmen and passengers found the on Mediul Attanaant. aad RuUtanA. tte two deUat- in the bstter. winner of another heat The heat other nations In aeronautics. Brig, "I have seen many diaagreements "Very welluys Barnss. "I thank Williams were riding Wad" and o( the total vote being polled. An un- automobile and the bodies of Its occu site of the naval station that is being baadtts. who had been eearchlag for 'To uve my lifer Burton'a tone Black lead mixed with vinegar will wesk and run down, Gen. Jamea Allen, chief signal officer, and much suffering in my life, and I usual Incident developed In connection winners in this contest Included H. J. planned. The officers were privately to murder htm for hia money. Th* is Incredulous. you for the infonnation. I will now Northrup wore slightly Injured, the could not sleep, my Sir Wilfrid Laurier, with all his panta scattered along several hundred Dr. Arthtiir, X Holbrook told a story i altccnpt to Uk* away Uartrta. bo found to give a specially good pol- Hepner of the Illinois Athletic club and the board of ordnance and fortifi- must say that moat of it is duo to you. see that you get out of Corsica utely." machine was smashed, while Gov. with tho oiectloo. tho succustol can- troubles, is better off than Mr. As- feet of the right of way, entertained at many residences. . darts out lb* door. Tht bandUt "Tee. 1 guessed from Ciprlsno that ish to the kitchen stove. limbs swelled and cations of the wsr department will A selfish peacock, whose name in these on his profession. didates being threo ex-mayora. Henry and L. G, Rich, Brookline Swimming A feature of the entertainment of to purau*. bal as lb*y readi tha they were luring you to Corsica for Howr Warner, in another auto, juat cieared the secretiona were quith. He doesn't need to use the Mr. King was agent for the Pru- A man by the name of Evans died." door both ar* laid low hv Barnt*' revol- A piece of flannel dampened with club. recommend the appropriation by con times amounts to nothing, and who ia the crossing In lime lo avoid being hit Geerllngs. Jacob G. Van Pulton and back door because an army of suf- dential Life Insurance company and the fleet Sunday was the presentation ver. Mrmbtra of tha BeUacotda eater your death. 1 came here to warn you." "My friend, the great Bellacoscia, l spirits of camphor will remove stains troublesome; paina gress next winter of 91,000,000 for he ssid, "afd went to heaven, of William Brusse. Lacking 23. fr almost if not entirely forgotten, in cir- and Harnee la honored for nla groat aerv- "And Mr. Rugglca?" remarks Barnea, will do It tor me." by the train which struck the North- wore intense. Iwu fragettes Is encamped on his "stoop." formerly was a member of the Indiana of hundreds of tons of fruit and deH- course When he arrived at the pearly, from mirrors or window glus. aeronautics. cles once tread. i commonlty In killing (be hated rup automobile while going al a rate Geerllngs received all the votes. legislature from Wabash county". Ho E. W. CHAFIN IB NAMED. cacles of all kinds to the various bat- and Romano. Tha rtleaae of still utounded. "Tbe great bandit! He flirtll Uke Rub over new llnwsre with lard and (ast in bed (or four With this money Gen. Allen pro- "I am in no humor to be trifled gates he said to 8t Peter: As President Castro's proclamation wu a member of the Columbia club tleships. The great store of godd promised. Bumtt It cenreyed lo "Oh, Ruggles quarreled with me; me from Corsica? Diablo, {be mag- of 35 miles an hour. montha. Threo doc- "Well, I'm here.' Plans Suldds All Dsy. thoroughly heal il in the oven before did not succeed in driving ihe bubon- poses to erect two balloon stations on with, and 1 wish to go on record that i to Bocognaao. Marina acqualnta of Indianapolis and well known Chicago Lawyer Heada the National things wu loaded on a lighter which the Denaceada with Salleelt's »|ot got jealous of you or Cipriano, I drat nificent bandit—that would ^e an ad- using it, for thus It is protected (rom tors said there wu the Atlantic coast at New York and I will take action on sight, unleu "St Peter looked at him and uked Dog Commits Suicide. Muskegon,—Lying In bed sll dsy ic plague from Venezuela, be may be throughout the state. Mra. King was wu towed lo each of the 12 ships in agalnei her husband and Ihe people are know which. I wu tired ot Du. venture," laughs the volatile lady air no cure for me, and 1 was given up Prohibition Ticket his name. 'John Evans.' wu tbe reply. and planning out his method ot sui- rust Induced to take more sensible sanitary at Port Monroe, Va., and to purchase something Is done at once. You gave tnatrwoted to vote agalntt hlm at tha Holland.-While wiling for lla din- a prominent clubwoman. turn, the Hawaiian band being aboard eoestag tltvUon Barnte la taken to ae When washing lace never rinse It in to die. Being urged, I used Doan'a two balloons of the type of the Re- Harold |6,000 and a trip to Europe. "St. Peter looked through his book, ner, a handsome fox terrier, valued at cide, and rising In the dead o( night steps to destroy the Tlsitor which de- Miss Bradshaw was a dnughter of Columbus. O.—For president. Eugene also, and playing native and American manalon of the Ptoiia to meet Bnld. blue water, with the idea o( Improving Kidney Pills. Soon I wss bettor, and pablique, tbe immense dirigible built and shook his Mead, Marina rectivea a telegram. when no one was around lo (oil him fies him. What hs»e I had for being honest?— 9100, and owned by a wealtiiy St. in a (ew weeks wu about the house, Mr, and Mrs. Robert S, Bradshaw of W. Chafin. Chicago; for vice-preaident, airs as the distribution proceeded, A You don't belong here.' ho said, IU color. Real lace should be finally by the French government to replace J. A. Van Rensselaw. Louis woman, leaped (rom the steam In his purpose. William Schoenberg. a Fort Wayne. Her father Is general Prof. Aaron S, Walklns, Ada, O. generous supply of Iced fruits and pointing lo the exit CHAPTER XIV.—Contlnusd. rinsed in skim milk, which will give it well and strong agsln." The old square pianos bare lost the La Patrie. which waa lost at Ver- resident o( Muskegon (or 36 yurs, "I want you to raise on that fancy They are aoon at the doors of tho er Puritan in mid-lake and was Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. sales manager for the Wrought Iron The above ticket was nominated plenty of reading matter wu sent to 'But I am sure 1 belong here.' said a soft creamy color. caste to such an extent that dealers dun. France, last winter. A balloon of name of yours 96.000 for me. If you drowned. The animal had been lied led his room In the Wlerengo hotel Range company of St. Lonis. bul kept Thursday by the Prohibitionist nation- the island where 850 men of tho Ne- the man. country house, which are being thrown Carpets should be beaten on tho Fosler-Milburn Co . Buffalo, N. Y. no longer take them in part payment thai slxe would cost 1100,000. arc such a great lady, make good; it near one o( the gangways and a(ter and threw himseK In Muskegon lake his residence here. al convention, both men being chosen bruka are In quarantine. " 'Wait a minute," said St Peter. open by gome of Marina's old servants. wrong side first and then, more gently for new pianos. And they are too A large steel balloon bouse Is noar- not keep out of my sight. I can raise making the plunge hung suspended and was drowned. In ader years women discover that unanimoualy. The full indorsement The behavior of the men of the fleet "He looked again and In the back Tbe great bandit bfws and uys laugh- on the right Never put a carpet down heary and cumbersome to put In the Ing completion at FOrt Omaha. Neb. cosh enough yet to go to yon wherever by IU collar which finally slipped off. mirrors sre not whst they used to be of the convention waa not however, ever since they camo has been excel- of the hook found his nsmo, ingiy: Must Use Fire Escapes. on a damp floor, for this often resulU attic. Their name Is Icbabod. BANKER ZOTTI ARRESTED. under the direction of Capt C. DeF. you are, and I have a good namsi." given lo Mr. Chafin until after three lent and hu aroused many congratu- "Sure," said the guardian of the "You seem to be in a hurry, Slgnora. Bay City.—Deputy State Factory In Ihe carpet becoming mildewed. Chandler of the signal corps. A gas Girls Accompany Body. You slwsyt get full vsk-e In ' Lewis' bcllots had been taken. latory remarks. gate, 'yon belong here. Bul you was- Your meeting with your abducted Inspector Hall and Deputy Labor Com- If. when using lemon (or flavoring, fiingle Binder itrsiiht 5c cignr. Youl M. Tournay, a Belgian engineer, has New Yorker Arraigned on Charge of generating plant Is being built in con- DROWNS SELF AND CHILDREN. Monroe.—Miss Mary Duncan and On the first two ballota Mr. Chafin n"t expected for 20 years. Who"B your bride should be a private one. 1 do you need only hal( a one. put the other dealer or Lewis" Fsctory. Peoht, III. been commissioned by the committee Grand Larceny. nection with the balloon house and Miss irma Ryan, both post-graduates missioner R. H. Fletcher conferred ALABAMA TROOPS CALLED OUT. not wonder at your eagerness." Barnes for tbe international oxbibltion at did not show a great amount of Tragic Deed of Despondent Woman at doctorr "—Milwaukee Free Press. o( St. Mary's college o( this city, ac- with Prosecutor Hitchcock over prose- hal( on a plate and cover with a glus the electricity for supplying power for Blunt language is often used in mak- strength, receiving but 196 out of 1.083 bu already turned to tbe house. ""My cutions o( members o( the school tumbler. This excludes the air and Brussels in 1910 to erect a tower at New York. — Frank Zotti, head the plant will be purchaaed from the Nsw York, companied by Mrs. Duncan, an aunt votes on the first and 171 out of 1.087 Strike Situation la Serious—Fatal Con- Not the Chair. young men who conducted your lady beard (or alleged (allure to obey the prevenU It (rom drying up or gelling ing sbsrp retorU. Izelles which will be much higher than of the banking institution of FYank electric lighting plant at Omaha. This o( Mlu Duncan, left for the Holy Land on the second ballot. His nomination flict at Adamsvliio. He was a collector for an install- ft>m Sallceti's teH me sbs Is ot most slate labor department's orders to moldy. the Eiffel Tower. The cost Is esti- Zotti & Co., on Greenwich street, will be the first modern hydrogen gaa New York —Despondent because of and various European countries. On waa practically aaaurod. however, ment house, new at tbe business, snd . marvelous beeuty, though somewhat plsco flre escspes on several school mated at $240,000. which went into the hands of plant to be built for the army, tho ill-health and fearful of the fate which their homeward trip. Mra. Duncan died when the roil call began for the third Birmingham, Ala.—While the re- sensitive about performing an unpleas- ' overcome by fstigne and anxiety for buildings. Iced Cablntt Pudding. receiver on Wednesday, was taken preaent plant at Fort Myer, Va.. being might await hor two Hltle children it suddenly In I^indon. Thu two young Visitors at a Paris hotel were dis- ballot His own stste, which had voted porta concerning the strike situation ant duty. He wu particularly em- you and buhfulness. We take our Rub two ounces o( stale ladyfingers into custody Friday and arraigned be- temporary and Inadequate. When the they were left alone to face the world, ladles came home with the body. agreeably surprised one morning to largely for Daniel R. Sheon of Peoria, are greatly exaggerated, there wu barrnssed because the lady upon whom leave, deadly pistol shot but itill Michigan Tips Not Good. FOUR GIRLS Mra. Gussie Benson sought peace for and two macaroons through a coarse fore Magistrate Corrlgan on a charge plant at Omaha Is completed, officers Restored to Health by Lydla E. find that the boots they had left out- and the New York delegation, followed sufficient cauu for alarm to induce he had called to perform tbla unpleas- watch over you and your spouse to see Thieves Busy. Laporto, ind.-E. P. Livingstone of sieve; beat six eggs until light, with of grand larceny. The banker was studying at the service schools at all beneath the waters of tbe Eut aide their doors had been stolen by a by those of Indiana and Wisconsin, Gov. Comer to order the militia of tho ant duty wu so exceedingly polite. that no harm comes to you." Pontine—Residents of Fairgrove av- Rockford, Mich., sdvlsed Sheriff (our ounces o( pulverized sugar; stir Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. remanded to the Tombs under 126,000 Fort Leavenworth, Kan., will bo In- river. The bodies of the mother and burglar. Only one pair was left, on came over to Mr. Chafin. and on the diatriet to sleep on their arms and re- SUtl, the van wu at the door, the lady Then, it being whispered thtl the enue are up In arms at the number o( Smuixer that ho had located Mrs. this Into a quart o( milk, brought to Mtad What Thf Jay, ball for examination. structed in practical aeronautics. her Uttle ones He side by side in the which waa a paper with the worda: third ballot be received a total of 638 main in readiness for an emergency wu in arrears in her payments, aad enraged Salicetl hu notified the gen- burghu-ies on that street and 'vicluity, Beile Gunncss. The authorities paid tho boll In a double boiler, and con- The specific charge against Zotti. morgue awaiting burial Miss Lillian Boss, KM "Not good enough for me." votes. The strongest competitor of call. he remembered his duly. dsrmes by telegrtfk thatithe Belia- and are now considering a proposition no attention to the message, u the tinue to atlr until it coata a , kni(e EastMlh 8tre«L New according to the affidavit of the police, WOMAN FASTS FIFTY-SIX DAYS. For several years Mrs. Benson hsd Mr. Chafin was Rev. William B. Pal- Friday Gov. Comer, together with "Good morning," said the lady. "It'i cosda have come down from the moun- nf hiring a special watchman. Il has Hillsdale fiasco convinced them that blade. York, writes: "Lydla Is that he failed to forward to Bul- lived with her husband and children E. Plnkham's Vegeta- A beautiful and appropriate gift la more of St Louis, who received 174 Sheriff Higdon and a number of dep- a beautiful day, lsn"t It?" tain. tbe illnilrious bandit aad his fol just been discovered that ths Tower Michigan reports are lacking In foun- garia 1225 given him by a customer Rcmsrkablo Efforts of Mrs. John f on a South Dakota farm, but when her Take (rom the fire and add ono- ble Compound over- the chapel bell presented to Tufts. Col- votes on the first ballot and 418 on the uties, made an automoblle lour of the "Besutiful," he sgrood. / lowers silently dissppear in the shad home, comer Perry and School streets, dation. (ourth box o( gelatin which has sosked iramo Ineguiaritiss, pe- of the bank. Detective McCoovllle In Dlota of Wisconsin. health failed aho decided to return to lege chapel belts are more deroutly second, and a comparatively small strike district do impressed wu the "Won't you take a chair?" ahe said. ova of the night iias been burglarized. In a Hltle cold water (or an hour; riodic snflerinr, and the affidavit adds to the specific ber old home in this dty. With her Inervous headaches, and attentlTely listened to now than vote after It was evident that the governor with the seriousness ot the "Er—n», thank you. not this morn- Dvring these words Mrs. Aastnither Fined (or Exceeding Limit charge, that "he had been given Winter, Wis.—Mrs. John Diets, came the children, a boy of four and strain and sund aside to cool. afwr everything else they were in the old days when sto- nomination of Mr. Chafin could not be strike situation that on his return to ing," he stammered. "Tve come to Marcellus Man Bankrupt Grand Rapids.-While on hia way understand that the defendant had wife of tbe famous defender of Cam- a girl two years old. When the change hu knrrledly gone into her bouse, Line the bottom and sides o( a had (ailed to help me. from his residence near Flsk lake to dent attendance al all tbe religlona ex- prevented. eron dam, hu just finished a fut of Birmingham three local companies of Uke the piano I"-Exchange, Barnes now, with tke eagerness of Grand Rapids.—Fred Williams o( melon mold with preserved or csndiod and I feel i. a doty to withheld other monies amounting lo of acene failed to have the hoped for let athers know of it" ercises was more insistent and com- militia were ordered under arms. A happy love upon his face, runs up onto Marcellus was adjudicated a bankrupt the city, Edward Lowe, one o( the cherries, slices o( quince or pineap- more than 110,000." The banker de- 66 days. Not only does she know no effect upon ber health Mrs, Benson be- KathartuCralg,3855 pulsory. mlxud company numbering 100 men Swadeshi. in the United States district court on Furniture City's most prominent and ple or any kind o( preurved (rult and clared he was the victim of a plot to COEY WINS AERIAL RACE. i!I effects of this world's recoi 1 break- came despondent Wednesdsy she the veranda and steps into tbe hall Lafayette St., Denver, ing effort, but she probably owes her went to Adamsvliio, where Friday In the sense in which Sir Wlilism way. his own petition and the matter was richeat business men. wss arrested put In a layer of broken sponge cake. Col., writes: "Thanks A man can take a pretty girl to a ruin him. He said that three Pitta- started for a walk with her little ones to Lydla B. Pinkham'a life to it She underwent the trying afternoon an engagement between Harcourt remarked "We aro ail social- Here he is met by Marina. "Don't re(erred to Re(eree in Bankruptcy and fined (or exceeding the auto speed Sprinkle with the pounded macaroons baseball game and spend two houra burg men had started tbe trouble Balloon Chicago la Best with TJ and did not return. Monday tbe Vegetable Compoutd 1 strike sympathisers and deputies took ists now." it may be said that ail An- Briggs ol Kalamazoo. Williams' debu limit, on Cherry street. which resulted In a receiver being Miles to Its Credit. ordeal to cure appendicitis snd ac- bodies were picked up in the river. ba too impatient" she observes, smll and ladyfingers; add a layer of fruit am well, after sofferlng trying to show her the dlffereace be- glo-Indians aro believers In Swadeshi aggregate 93.606.63. while his useU for months from ner- appointed for hia bank recently. cording to he- hnsbsnd she hu suc- place, in which one deputy wu killed. Ing slightly. "I haven't seen your wife, and so on until all Is used. Cover with tween a foul strike and a base hit, While all reasonable Anglo-Indiana dep- total 93,071.73. Jail Breaker la Caught vous prcetntioa." St. Paul, Minn.—AU of the five bal- ceeded. Montgomery, Ala.—Troop D of the TWELVE BOYS ARE RESCUED. but she is npstaira In her chamber, the whipped cream and Ml the pudding on says the New York Press, but if she's recate the senseless agitation and Lansing—Sheriff Kline, who went Miss Marie Slolto- "Mrs. Diets has just concluded a First squadron, Alabama cavalry, great front room on the second floor. ice until ready to be urved. loons which started from St. Paul Sat- Young Lawyer Is Dead. to Texu a (ew days ago, wired to man, of Lanrel, la., his wife and can't see the first time TRAIN HURLED INTO DITCH. tbe unsound economics ot the extrem- urday In an effort to surpass 'he 6^uays' fast and now Is free of all which hu been in camp here partici- Leap into Saginaw Bay from Burning Though perfectly well, my servsnts wrltes:"Iwasinaru< bow much better his currency Idea la ist fcdvocates ot Swaduhl principles, Muskegon—Robert Eugene Walker, Lansing that he hu in custody, al pain," declared Mr. Dleti. "She lost pating in the practice shoot received Gasoline Launch. say, she is worn ont by the constant Rhubsrb Dumplings. downcoodlUonandtaf- world's distance and endurance rec- assistant prosecuting attorney o( Fort Worth. Charles E, Miller, who es- than congress" he goes wild. White MounUIn Express Wrecked, they are aU anxious to aulst that Cnt up and cook one and one-half !ered (rom suppression, ord have landed, tbe Clik«fo. owned 50 or 60 pounds In weight but she will ordera Friday afternoon to report in excitement and anxiety of the lut 24 ndiccttlon. aad oonr ral development of Indigenous in- Muskegon county, a regular on the caped (rom Muon jail more than three One Woman Being Killed. soon regain that.'" Birmingham to Sheriff Higdon. The Saginaw. Mich.—News of a thrilling pounds of rhubarb in one heaping cup i-ir'-iiltilon. Lydla B. A new method by which the audi- by C. A. Coey of Chicago, winning hours." Michigan 'varsity (ootball eleven that ries and tho creation of new ones years ago, ader making an asuult of sugar and one-half cupful ot water, Plnkham's VegeUblo the contest by traveling a distance of She wu unable to get a doctor bo- troops left Montgomery on an early rescue ot 13 boys Sundsy afternoon a "Yes. 1 caa understand that The ence at a theater can show Its rty upon which the future prosperity ol "Billy" Eea coached, and one ot the upon Sheriff Steele. Compound msde mo Greenwich. Conn. — One woman cause of the legal war that hu been train Saturday. hot Cook seven minutfi( make a proTSl or dlsspproTal of a play with- 73 milea In an air line. The Pommem, from a burning launch on Saginaw bay front room on the second floor, you tbe country so largely depends.—Plo best-known "prep" school (ootball 1 was killed, two were perhtps mor- wued against Diets for flve vesra. reached hero Monday from Bay Port pule o( one-half cup of flour, scant out disturbing tbe performance Is be- which was the last to report, landed ssid," whispers Barton, snd turns to coaches in the state, died at hia bome Arrsstsd Be(ore Parole Expires. tally Injured, and nearly a dozen Diets has not been arrested during neer Mali. half cup ot butter, and one-haK tea- ,0(417 N. East St., Ke- Sunday al 10:30 a. m. near Warsaw, HISTORIC BUILDING BURNS. Harvey Light Russell Meyers and spring up the great oaken stairway tn Bay City.—Walter Cooper, (ormerly ing introduced by the Italian dra- in Dundee. Iwanee. III., am:" Ly- persons were seriously hurt when the all that time, although all the court George Wall of Saginaw, nlth nine the upper story. Bpoon(ul ot baking powder, mix and matist, Traversl. Before leaving the Minn., about 62 miles from St Paul. DROPPED COFFEE o( Big Rapids, whence he was sent to |dla K. I'inkham'sVego- White Mountain Express, of the New machinery of tho state waa invoked. Structure In Which First Volunteer roll out, cut in (our-lnch rounds. Place theater every person Is lo drop a tick- The Chicago, the largest balloon in young boys, started from Bay Port "You are In a great hurry," says Ma Indians Will Attend Homs-Comlng. Ionia two years ago (or horse stealing. ^ ^ table Compound cored York, New Haven t Hartford rail for Civil War Enlisted. W0 , b,M oon u, of rbub Tb me o( bac et Into one of three boxes marked tbe race, came down at noon Sunday acrou Saginaw bay to Point Lookout Doctor Gains 20 Pounds on Postum. rlna, laying a light hand upon hia arm Lowell—Among the throngs that and wbo wu now out on parole, was « P ' « * - road, waa wrecked 100 feet west of the Walker Brought Back from Mexico. ache, and near Blooming Prairie. Minn., south of When a mile or ao out in the lake the "You will hardly be coming down for will attend Lowell's home-coming and taken into custody by local officers ex- j » ta B|- OLSON "good," ' indifferent" and "bad." San Diego. Cal.—When the steamer my periods, ader tho station here al 9:20 o'clock Thursday St. Paul, Minn.-By the burning of , h nillk a nd St. Paul on tbe Milwaukee road. gasoline tank exploded and the whole A physician of Wuh., a €.. says of some little time and in two minutes I harvest (estlval picnic August 4. 5 and aclly 12 houra be(ore his parole «• | J ™ ^ t beet local doc lots had morning. Spreading rails caused the St Denis arrived from Ensenada Sun- one-story frame building at Market sprinkle with sugar. Bake in a hot A German scientist has discovered A. Leo Stevens, director of the race. boat wu Instantly In flames. his coffee experience: shall be on my way to Bulla, so I will 6. will be a party o( Indians whose plred. failed to hslp me-" ten-car train to leave the tracks while day morning she had on board Wil- and Third streets, the structure in oven, serve with the remaining sauce, Ihat bachelors are more Habit to In- In explaining tho failure of the aero- The 12 young men grabbed life pre- "For years I suffered with periodical have to bid you good-by now." (athers lived In the Grand rive • valley It was crossing a bridge over Steam liam F. Walker, the New Britain which the flrst volunteer for the union to which has been added a lump of FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. sanity than marrlod men, ami says nauts to sail greater distances than servers and leaped into the hay. Two headachu which grew more frequent "To Bulla?" queries' Barnes, turn- Ml Thank You for the Bandit Mr. Baross." In pioneer times and some o( whom Co-Eds Secure Athletic Field. boat road, and flve of the passenger (Conn.) absconder, who was In cus- atmles enlisted In 1861 wu destroyed. butter the size of a hickory nut Thick- For thirty years Lydia E. Plnk- that investigation in lunacy wards in they accomplished, said that,the lift- fl^hing smacks and a gasoline launch until they became almost constant 8o ing to ber, sstonishment in his face. were natives ot this township. Ann Arbor.—The Woman"s League coaches, including four Pullmans tody of SUte Superintendent of Po- The building wu erected In ^867. iiy. "The (erocioua bandit I have read en with one leaapoonful o( corn atarch ham's Yegetable Compound, mado hospitals shows that 80 per cent, of ing power of the gas was not so great put out and rescued the boys, several severe were they thst sometimes J wu "Tea, I shall see my husband to-mor- Then blurre Cipriano, he is so funny of the University o( Michigan has pur- were hurled into a ditch, where they lice Egan of Connecticut and H. J. When President Lincoln Issued his o(! This Beliacoacia who kiUs gen- May Rsstore His Sight dissolved in one tablespoon(ul of wa- from roots and herbs, nas been the the Inmates aro unmarried. Everyone as they had counted on and that con- of whom were exhausted. almost frantic. I wu sallow, consti- row morning," aha remarks, in joyous —he uld to me: 'Ma chore, you want chased six acres in "Sleepy Hollow," collapsed like paper boxes. That so Hoffman, a Pinkerton detective. Walk- csll for volunteers Gov. Alexander Ann Arbor.—An operation st the Btandard remedy for female illi, will agree that the mua who Is im- sequently the ballons were unable to pated. irritable, sleepless; my mem- excitemast "Hen la a telegram from to even youruK with Barnes o( Now darmes ss i( they were fliul That's adjoining the observatory, (or an ath- ter. Boil up and ser-a hot few of the 180 passengers were killed er wu rather a pitiable object u he and has positively cured thousands of ""J *>.jne against tho blandishments of the Ramsey of Minnesota, who wu then Big Fire In Canadian Town. Edwin telling ma he will be in Bulla York?' I had told him you were such greater than even a pork packer, a Uqiveraity hospital bids (air to restore letic ground (or girls. r carry near tbe amount of ballast ory wu poor, 1 trembled and my or Injured seem little short of mlracu stepped ashore, stoop-shouldered and In Wuhington, wu accorded tho priv- Fort Williams, Ont—Fire Monday the sight of Frank Willis, a negro boy Magic Polishing Cloths. women who have been troubled with charming sex haa something rad- necessary for a Hong flight thoughts were often confused. by nool I must meet him there. a gallant knight you wouldn't even cattle maa or a Count Danella. isn't Ions, as the train was going 50 miles haggard. The newspaper men who displacements, inflammation, uloe ra- Throo LfeOR In his mentality. ilege of offering the first regiment. afternoon comfietely destroyed the Bvarythlnt In the house is yours, dur kiss sn old sweetheart because you It? I thsnk you (or the bandit Mr. of 13 years, who has been totally Hotel and Store Burned. Mix two pounds of whiting and one- an hour. sought lo Interview him could get lit- "My wife, in her wisdom, believed tion, fibroid tumors, irrefrularities, Immediately a recruiting office wu now business block of the John King Burton. I know you will be u happy were going to bo married to a pretty- Barnes." blind since he wu 13 months old. Reese.—The village o( Reese battled hal( ounce ot oleic acid with a gallon Hie Adam- r. *o>i Shriners Select Loulavlllo. coffee wss responsible for these ills tle more than a shake of tbe head and opened in the building that wu compsny, the warehousu of the com- His blindness followed a severe at with a bad flre which (or a time threat- ot gasoline. Stir and mix thoroughly. periodic pains, bsciuiche, that bear* nud urged me to drop it I tried many her* with your bride, u 1 shall be (aced, fair-haired, blue-eyed English Barnes runs down the stairs and wi|l*t>e Ibe MWie nf a turns out that St. Paol. Minn—Tho Imperial Coun- the remark: "It Is a very fine day." ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- Double Crime In Indiana. burned, and within a few mtaiutes pany, the Salvation Army headquar- with my husband. Ah, Tomuao is al- ingenue, and ao. at Clp's suggestion, 1 stops out upon tbe porch. tack o( typhoid (ever. ened a general conflagration and In- In this compound soak flannel rags cil of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles times to do so, but was its slave. tion, dizziness,ornervo us proatratloo. •HI Satanlay. Julv -ith alts ol U&l and Charles Elchler enlisted. ters and the stores of Kirkup k came over to Corsica by Cipriano's A happy-faced young man with flitled a losa o( about 818.000. burning o( the desired size, then wring out Frankfort. Ind.—Early Sunday In the of the Mystic Shrine Wedneaday elect "Finally Wife bought a package of ready at the door." Holland's Taxu Soar. Whydontyoutryit? ihreu eonnty sITa r—Ca*a, Mho quality of Plan to Help Illinois Blind. Wiikie, and R. Strachan. The lou is ,, a hotel and store. and hang up to dry, being care(ul to town of Hllllsburg. ten miles east of Postum. and persuaded me to tiy It but For at this moment there Is a noise fast yacht yMterday. elated air and dual-covered clothes is ed officers headed by E. L Alderman, Springfield, III. — The state board Wife Sees Husbsnd Drown. Holland.—Holland's tax budget (or Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick «n-1 Herrien. lion. Geurtf* Ifl- But there here, Clarence Jones, a young bus! 9200,000. of wheels and hoofs upon the avenue, spurring hsstlly up the avenue, a na- keep them away (rom a flre or open Marion, la., as Imperial potentate, and of public charilies, at a meeting Weirs, N. H.—Walter D. MarUn. she made it ume u ordinary coffee "But where Is Enid and by what tho flscal year will be the largest in Firs Stops Mine Work. women to wrlto her for advloo- ms-l.T nf ihf slate graiiflO.1^"®1® tTail- ness man, shot and instantly killed "Better wait for the diligence to tive boy trotting beside him. Seeing flame. These cloths will give a flne decided to hold tho conclave of 1909 Thursday, authorised the appointment president of the common council of Millionaire Diss of Apoplexy. and I wu disgusted with the Uste. devil's chance did you take my bride's her history, an increue of nearly Bay City.-The tipple al the What Sho has rulded thousands j mvaenl »iid deliver an ad It4* lhe terr'* Claude Prultt, a young and well-known morrow." dissents Barnes, the American, he calls out: "Glad to gloss to silverware, will not soil the 1 In Lflulsvllle, Ky. Four cities were of a commission by President Billings Maiden, Mass., who has been spending Kankakee, III.—Stricken with apo- (I make thla emphatic because 1 fear place?" asks Barnes. 930,000 over the previous high-water Cheer coal mine was destroyed by flre. health. Audreas, Lynn, Ma 8 of farmer, and then sent a bullet into hear you and Enid are again yard- bands and will preserve their polish- il-rton it of -UU- wnle repiit J®® ' 'jj* contestanta for the gathering of neit of the board to ascertain tbe number the summer with his wife and two cbii- plexy at the home of his aunt, Mrs. many others have had U» same expe- "No, Tomssso rhall drive me to- "Oh, the Corsicans—they wanted mark. The Increau is principally due causing a loss o( 120.000. covered by ing qaalltlea indoflnltely.—Woman'a lHr, 5 0 his own brain and fell dead. ward Bulls through tho night- Be- arm to yardarm; though you look love- his pri'^enee t»ill drat" * laaka' ^ >ear. Seattle. Luulsvilie, AtlauUc City of blind in the state and to formulate dren on Pine isisnd In I*ke Wlnnepe- I Madeline E. Hullng, George D. Hu- rience.) She wu distressed at ber you to (ollow them. They expected to a debt of 917.000 due six months insurance. The origin o( the flames Is I't possl- The men had been drinking and It is sides. going by the diligence, at tha sirk enough, Barnes o( New York. ' Homo Companion. Woee. AH Hie farmen uf and Detroit. The matter wu referred plans for the employment of the adult saukee. wu drowned, in the lake Sun- Hai ot Kanus City, Mo . a millioD- failure and we carefully read tbe dl- that They didn't intend (or you to ago. unknown. uat beginning Awaking with a start, Burton looks SICK HEADAt alleged the shooting was the result of rectlons, made it right, Wled It full post-stations there will be gendarmes, lluren and Berrien CMinlk to a committee which reported in blind and for Improving the efficiency day while rowing in front of hia cot- aire, died suddenly Sunday night. Mr. get your bride, at all events not until Little Cottage Puddinga. an argument over a card game. at him aud gasps. "Edwin, you here?" Poalllvoi- favor of Louisville. Huiing wu born in Kankakee on April 15 minutes after boiling commenced, and my foster fathsr Is still a fugitive. Beheaded by Fly wheel. Digs Bait; Falls Dead. vliod In On present with s=: of the state care in other particulars. tage and within sight of bis wife. you had given them several chances Two-thirds cup augar, one-quarter tbaea I and with good cream and sugar, 1 It will be best that Edwin and 1 Uke "Easy enough. I (ound a letter led 22, 1857. He waa unmarried. to kilt you. So I waa on the shore at I Calumet.—Thomas Whslen. 16 yesrs Albion.—Jerr>- Gerow. (or 40 years and enj iy the pUMurea ofch commission- cup butter, one-half cup milk, one egg. Rev. Dr. Elmendorf is Dead. Eulenburg Too Sick for Trial. liked it—It Invigorated and aeemed to him out of Corsica entirely. I have with Lady Chartris' housekeeper by Mslne Forest Fires Quenched. Capt McCrea Paeua Away. Sagono waiting for them when Sail- | ild, was klilrd while oiling machinery a resident o( Albion and vicinity, one-haK teaspoon soda, ono teaspoon treetfron , -as been compll- Saratoga. N. Y—Rev, Dr. Joachim Shah of Persia Alarmed. nourish me. given orders to my servants—mako my wl(o to be delivered to me this Berlin —The trial of Prince Philip Portland. Me. — A succession of New York.—Capt Henry McCrea. cell arrived per schedule on the Su- j In tho Sparrbw-Kroll sawmill al Ken- dropped dead at Hall's lake, near this cream o( tartar. Mix in order given dlfMUot atistlcs of heart Elmendorf, a widely-known minister of Teheran.—The successes of the rev- 'This wu about a year ago. Now I this place your home as long as you morning, which told me Marina had EaUnr Zu Eulenburg on charges of perjury In drenching showers, very timely in U. S. N., who was in command of Ihe gull. I saw them from a distance. I ion. Houghton county. He was caught dty, while on a fishing trip. He wu and beat well. Steam one-half hour in MiMnd Kill*, of Re'itry. and saya the to Bocognano, So I ruahed into tdy to the Dutch Reformed cburcb, died here connection with the cuart scandals of olutionaries at Tabris, concerning have no headaches, sih not sallow, Uka." She hu already stepped out in a fly-wheel, his head being severed d*gglng ball with a (riend. Reuben their arrival, have aerved to put a battieahlp Georgia during the cruise They brought your bride off the yatch small cups. Into which hsve first been 1 tllrd appl'catiuii in ® 'ro,n Sunday after an Illness of months. Dr which news is beginning to reach here, sleeplessness and irritability are gone, npon the porch. C By good luck I (ound Allng- last year waa Indefinitely suspended stop lo tbe great fires which have of the Atlantic fleet to the Pacific ail right Great Scott, she haa a fine ; and his body terribly mangled. Poge. when death came (rom apoplexy. dropped a spoonful ol preserved straw- TatUli in Massachusetta, Elmendorf was born In Hochesier, N. have encouraged tbe local revolution- my brain clear and my head steady. ham'a yacht wu coming straight to fur a dlvor.-u fr. m I Friday because the prince is In a half- wrought damage amounting to hun- cout, died Sunday of Brlght's dlseaae "Too had betUr see Enid first" re- nerve, that young lady of yours. . . » berries. Serve with whipped cream. td Tom J the loweat. He aa- T., 81 years ago. Ajaccio. For my sake he put on Bid*, Tl mond Ellis, of i dying condition. ary leaders snd caused apprehenslona 1 have gained 10 lbs. and feell am a marks Burton, (ollowiog her. dreds of thousands of dollars In tho in the Naval hospital, Brooklyn. Haughty aa a captured goddess." Freight Agent Naba Him. School Board Men Loas. Any kind o( rich preserves may be M aso and extent of this Nr man. steam. 1 made the 26 miles up here Th*; ragnlat* U Bo»*l*. Pur> of renewed disturbaaces. Rapid prep- "No. I think not Tour interview Holland.—Harry Riley o( Milwau- Owoaso,—Moro than 1.000 votes moved In Ben'oi Maine woods during the last two weeka, "By tbe Eternal, have they killed used. Fine (or dinner pall. •j pace Americana are Dies Trying to f/sve Cousin. arations aro being made to concentnte "I do not hesitate to give Postum from the Corslcsn capital on a boras, I Aster's Son May B« an M. P. causing also more than a little alarm Weil-Known River Captain Dead. should be before mine snd I haven't kee was nabbed at the Pere Marquette were cut in the election which chose NALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. S will cause Indianiana her?" Barnu la whlto to tbe Hps. arriving before they oxlinguished tbe Philadelphia.—In a vain attempt to Plymouth. Eng —Waldorf Astor. tbe the shah's forces, and 1.000 horsemen due credit Ot couru dropping coffeo time. Tbe drive lo Bulla is so long."" railway station by Freight Agest H. B S. Stratton and Dr. J. D. Crum To Make Soda Cake. son^RIsonm^M^ to learn that their pace in many Instances for tho safety of vil- Ganipolii, O. — Capt. Martin E. save the life of his cousin. Piere of the nomadic tribe at Bakhtlar hav* wu the main thing, but I had dropped "Oh, not yet anyway. Salketi, with lights in the inn. There they told me Genuine Mut Is slow eldest son of William Waldorf Astor, lages and summer resorts. No such Brown, one of the best-known steam- Barnu hurriedly puts her into tbe P. Burkholder on tho charge o( pick- members o( the school bo?rd. to To make soda cake take two eggs. is slow ^|a that of any othoV atate. two friends, hurried her on a long way of my noble wife and how Marina's Fao-Simile Si|. Baron, or boy. wis drowned in the was chosen Friday night as conserva- arrived on the ouliMrta of tbe city. it before, using chocolate, cocoa and vehicle. "M