$ (fioloma (Tonriir WHOLK NO. m COLOMA. BERRIEN CO.. MiCH„ FRIDAY, JULY 24. UMIH VOL J 7., N0.4i< HAl APPROVAL OF BUSINESS MEN OBITUARY NOTICE '8 A MAN OF STERLING QUAUTIES ft* t «• MATTHIAS RAUNf.K l^esorters1 Headquarters •I William H. Ml Wall Ra- Matlbia* kauner. a resident of this J«hn J. Starling Haa Qualllioationa for * vicinity since IStft*, died at his old home- Exoallant Prosecutor aalvad In Dtatriet stead 2 miles northwest of Coloma, last * The thousands of people who visit Paw Paw From all parls of the sccoml Berrien Thursday, July loth, death resulting JohnJ. Sterling, candidate for the re- publican nominalion for prosecuting at- * c6unty diatriet come words o( commen- from a general break down of his entire Lake every year and come to Coloma tor an torney at the primaries September 1st, U dation for Wm. H. Wall, candidate for system. receiving enlhu*iastic support from all outing find state leuiidature from this district. Mi Mr Rainier was born in Tilsan, Austria, 5C0TTJ parts of Ihe county. Mr Sterling wa* Ball is the Imsincss man's candidate. September 4, I£ll. In IMT) he came tc born in Benton lown*hip, this county, i He was sought out by some of the busi- America and settled atWheaton, Illinois, and lived there on a small farm until he * Carney's Drug Store ness men of the district to represent them which place was his home until in IMM, BIQ bRUQ JTORC wa* admitted lo Ihe liar ami moved lo iu the state legislature, and the men who when he came to Michigan and took up Benton Harlior. He attended the couu- urged him to acctpt the nomination are a government claim of AI acres, and ever * try school* of Benton and later graduated an ideal place to buy everything they wish working hardest in his behalf. Mr Hall since that lime he has lived on the same from Benton Harbor college and Ihe in the way of has a record as a business man that ii farm. He was the falher of twelve chil- hanl to excell, lie 1ms nlwnvs made n dren, five of whom died in infancy and Universilv of Michigan, Without money Will supply your wants if they are in Ihe two more when aliout M years of age. he worked his way through college and line of ICE CREAM SODA CIGARS The romaining children, who with (he widow, mourn their fa'hers death are DRUGS. MEDICINES PRESCRIPTIONS. TOl- CONFECTIONERY Vincent Kauner, I'erc Manjuette agent LET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. CIGARS, TOILET ARTICLES "at Coloma; Mrs Mary Hurkhard, of St. Joseph; Mrs Annie Hauser, of Graml ALL KINDS SOUVENIRS. POST STATIONERY SOUVENIRS Kapidi; Hiss F.litabelh Kauner, of De- troit, and Joseph Kauner, who made hia CARDS and CANDIES home with his parenl* on the farm. THE LAWRENCE ORCHESTRA Funeral service! were conducted from the c Catholic i-hurch at Walervliet last Satur- plays here every morning from day at 10::iU a. m. 9 9:30 to 11=00. Come hear them. NEAR bl:P2T, COLOHAI % HM ISAAC FAHMIM * Angeliue Amelia, oldest child of Wm * and Sophia Allen, was burn March 'i7 1K1#, and die I at her home in llagar I Carney' s Drug Store township. Sunl»y, July M, IIHW, aged IN years, :i months and day*- Mie f The postolficpo$t( e is next to our store n was mairieil to Isaac I'arnum on March ••• •••••••••••••«••••••< II, 1M8< Unto them were Ixirn two c'.iiUlren—Klla Irene I'aul, ami Hinmitt Fatnuni She was a woman of sterling JOHN J. STKRUM qualities and encellent character, and BIG STOCK WII.UAM II. BALI. tho*c who knew her be*I luvnl her 1110*1, Michigan's great university. And. it A very large ooncoursa of people altwudcd may be added, that by liaid work and TRUNKS. SUIT CASES. TRAVEL- success of every thing that be has under ihe funeral which wu held at the home untiring Industry and natural taleiit has taken and the institntions over which he Tuesilay afternoon, under the ritualistic ING BAGS at manufacturers prices attained the poailioii of one of Dorrieu has charge in Colntna are among the s-rvice of the Order of Eakteru Star, ol county'* ninal proniiuenl lawyers, lie Refrigerators, Hammocks, Ice Cream must successful enterprises. which she was a member. Besides her ha* slumped the counly fur the republi Mr Hall is a deep thinker, he has u husliand and two children, sh* leaves to Freezers at close out prices can lickds during the camiMigm of Ihe HAVE A SODA! cool level bead and would weigh every mourn her departure three sister*, two (wsl eight years ami ba« always been in Gasoline Stoves at low prices subject which comes up in the legislature mthrrs. many other relatives and a host demand to apeak at public gatherings. before he casU his vote /or or against a •f frienda. Interment In Hagar cemetery Lawn Seats and Porch Rockers It will be remembered that Mr Sterling measure, lie represents no faction, bv Get them here MAIDS TKKTZKI. f.ll.SON delivered the oration at the opera house no promises to make other than to scrvi the people of the sccoml district as h< Maude Kliuleth Teetiel, only daugh here two year* ago last May :imh. Ills Iron Beds, Bed Springs, Mattresses would do a busmets of his own. It ha» ter of Hiram and I.ucinda Teetiel was address at that lime g ivc excellent SMl*- and everything in the WHERE? 'torn in St. Joseph, klichigan, August U, factioif and wm ej^Hy well lilted by been aopip time since the north end ol the county had 4 rcpreseiiutjve and it i* IWJM. ami died in Wateryljet, Mifjjigfln, i be 01,1 ^oliliora. He is w ol(M|uoni timo that the honors were being distribu- Inly ao, 'iws. W!I«9 bu? a jfRung giri speaker, an able lawyer, and i( may be ted. ihe removed with hef patents la Walfr- safely said that no beiior man for the of FURNITURE LINE liel afterwards residing in Utinlon Har- nc« of praseeuilng attorney could Iw We want a chance lo ^et your trade on If there is one article in the list of the 'wr and Coloma. nominated by Ihe republicans of the PUBLISHES FINE SOUVENIR things you take pleasure out of, which She wis united in marriage lo William counly. Mr Sterling is essentially a rurniturB and if low prices will sell Ihe demands your careful attention and dis- W^Gilson in Coloma, Dec x, IHM, To Berrfcn county boy, having been born, goods we will have it. Don't forpet the Mra Ella M. Hamilton Puta Paw Paw them were born three children, Theron reared, and, with the exception of his place, near the railroad. crimination, that article is Soda Water. V. ajjCd II, Loraine E. aged SJ, universilv training, educated iij |',ertlcn Lak« look It I an tha Markat e have a ,ar e s,o, k and Koyce U. aged 0 weeks, Ihe latter county. H 3rd warp y „ « -' of cook Itis well known that Baker's has al- n Mrs {ilia M. Hamilton, the photog- having died July S.'fld and-was laid to ... ^ vcs. Steel Rinses and every ways supplied the richest and best Soda rapher hi pAlpwn ami !H Strong's, paw rest In hia molher> VIW IKV^ii 'be BERRIEN SPRINGS NEXT VfCTIII hinif to jfd with Ihem. Oliver Plows, the best in Water and Confections in this town be- I'aw Uke, this urek placedPii the market husband and chjldrrn leave* to the market. one of the most »triking souvenirs thai mourn her passing away a brother, cause they will supply no other. has ever been offered to the resorted Come here for PALACINE OIL You will Berneth F. TeeUel, of South fknd, Indi- KMUIIIH WM laay Mail far Fait always buy it if you try ii, who riak Paw Paw lake every year. «na, whom shf cared fcr with llllarly The highest authorities are agreed QIIMM lai Last lunday The btioklut i« tmllllftl "Summei devotion fpjm tllf lime he w*i left a GASOLINE always on hand; good quality. that Soda Water is a healthful, beneficial Uiil'a Diary." It consists of tweuh motherless Ube. por some time the Will the Coloma Sox find a* easy a pages and cover The first pge contains drink if served perfectly pure. family have resided in Routh Bend, lime in defeating the Berrien Springs Try and soe some of the bargains ncvcral views of I'aw I'aw Kike, with Indiana,and for the past tbreo yean Mrs team neil Sunday a* they had in pulling Baker's reputation of serving Soda blanki for tb» nainr of the rworter, tht .iilwRS beajili lint Iwen tui a slaady It over on Kalamazoo latl Sunday? Thi.- Water absolutely pure is known the addresa, lime of arrival and stoppin>; Iccline. For some weeks prior to her is Ihe quesUon that the fans are askini; place. On the third page is a fine half- lealh she experienced an intense desire themselves. tone cut of the oraham A Morton steaui' country over. to go back to her childhood's home in The Coloma l>ase hflU |Mm has an en er City of Chicago, under the captioi. Walervliet, Michigan. Interment took Viabl? season, having won LA. HILL "My Trip Over," On the fifth page ia a place in the Wilervlipt ffflietery, the nina out of eleven games. They have cut of "kovpr'a I.ane" wi.h the appro- tervices being comluclpl by H«V.
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