palóc enchantment Dear Guests,

Nógrád County is in the northern part of , between Pest County and the Slovakian border. From Budapest the western part of is easily accessible along the main road no. 2 through Vác, and the eastern part along the motorway M3 and the main road no. 21. From the northern part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Jászság) road no. 32 and 21 take you to the border of Nógrád County, which is surrounded by hills; the Mátra on the east, Börzsöny palóc enchantment on the west and Karancs-Medves on the north. The other parts of the county are on the picturesque hills of Cserhát, which get gradually smaller to the north and south. The tiny hamlets hiding in valleys, the beauty of pristine nature, the geological treasures, the ruins of mighty castles which protected the country in former times, the traces of folk architecture, and the living traditions and colourful folk clothes, together with the culinary delights of the region, make it possible for you to experience such calmness and quiet which are lacking in our accelerated life. Outstanding persons and exceptional artist were born and active in the region, and many museums, exhibitions and memorial sites cherish their memories and preserve their names, which may make every citizen of Nógrád County proud. Some of the most famous persons in connection with the county: Imre Madách, Kálmán Mikszáth, Benjamin Rajeczki, Albert Szent-Györgyi, Gyula Benczúr, Oszkár Glatz, Klári Tolnay and Ferenc Zenthe. The list is not complete. Children and adults alike find activities and events, which are in line with their fields of interest, make them happy, restore peace in their soul, and enliven their body and soul. Peace, quiet, the closeness of nature, fresh air, and many unforgettable experiences – you can find all these in Nógrád County. 1 Suggested excursions of hiking Due to the natural formation – the hills THE WESTERN PART OF NÓGRÁD of Börzsöny, Cserhát and Mátra meet on the area of the county next to the WHERE THE RIVER DANUBE MEETS individual unit of the Karancs-Medves Hills – the scenery of Nógrád County THE HILLS OF BÖRZSÖNY is dominated by relatively low and moderately high hills. At the eastern feet of Börzsöny there and which the brave captain György Szon- is a village after which the county got its di and his few soldiers tried to defend aga- Rivers, creeks, beautiful meadows, lush name. Here you find the remains of one inst a huge Turkish army in the sixteenth forests and picturesque villages, hiding of the oldest fortifications of Hungary, century. among mild hills, invite all those who Nógrád castle, with its irregular layout adore the romantic charms of pristine and high inner tower. From the castle you nature. There are several hiking trails have to make just 30 kilometres to get Tips for the hike all over the Karanc-Medves, Cserhát to the Kismaros – Szokolya-Királyrét Nógrád vá. – Béla-rét – Saj-kút – and Börzsöny Hills. narrow gauge railway (Királyréti Állami Saj-kút-bérc – Foltán-kereszt – Erdei Vasút) along the border of the county. Három-hárs – Csóványos – Felsô - és Alsó-Hinta-rét – Nyír-réti kastélyrom – Recently, together with the Mary Trail, It takes a very pleasant hike from the villages HIKING THE Cigányvár – Csehvár – Diósjenô Drégelypalánk, Drégely v.m. – ô more than 100 km of new hiking trails of either or Drégelypalánk to Drégelyvár – (Nagyoroszi) – Diósjen have been opened for tourists in the get to Drégely castle, which fortification KARANCS-MEDVES Tips for the hike Distance: 24 km Cserhát region. was built on a crest of the Börzsöny Hills, Salgótarján kemping – Tatárárok – Elevation: 850 m Distance: 15 km HILLS … Salgópuszta – Salgó-nyereg – Elevation: 400 m Boszorkány-kô – Salgóvár – Eresztvény Information: Medves Plateau is one of the most Ipoly Erdő Zrt. forestry company opened Ipoly Erdő Zrt. beautiful and varied basalt areas of Distance: 6 km the 5-km-long “Gyadai” study trail at the the country; it is covered by meadows, Elevation: 350 m northern foot of Naszály Hill close to Vác, Dobó István pastures, groves and woods, with which got the award “The Year’s Investment +36-20/468-7111 scenic volcanic cones around it. The Salgótarján Tóstrand – Kercsegi leágazó– in Ecological Tourism, 2010”. It is perfect for [email protected] highest point of the Karancs-Medves Kôbánya – Karancs-nyereg – a nice round-trip. You can spend an entire Landscape-Protection Area is the Kápolna-hegy – Karancs-csúcs – day by hiking along it, enjoying the countless Kis-Karancs – Somoskôújfalu 727-m-high Karancs, which peak often beauties of nature, relaxing, and having Organizations which offer hides in cloud or mist, and accordingly, it a good time. The study trail also presents : 9,5 km leading hikes: is also called the “Palóc Olympus”. Distance features with some excitement, from a Nógrád Megyei On the administrational area of Elevation: 550 m winding lane of planks above shaky ground Salgótarján, a kilometre and a half west of to a suspended bridge above a very steep Természetbarát Szövetség the centre of the town, you find a petrified and deep valley. The present length of the Gubola István and split volcanic cone arising above trail will soon be extended with a part to give +36-70/942-3005 the surface of a valley, Baglyas-kő, an information about the birds of the place. unparalleled natural formation in Europe. Small children and those in wheelchairs, or with prams, can also use it. Salgótarjáni Petőfi TREASURES HIDING AMONG THE Természetjáró Egyesület The Nógrád County legs and junctions Fazekas Melinda HILLS OF CSERHÁT of the national “Kéktúra” system of hiking trails +36-32/314-225 Folk art – cherishing traditions, folk which is a private collection, unique all 1. Ágasvár - Mátraverebély - Nagybárkány - 6. Nógrádsipek - Round meadow - music, folk clothes and folk dances – is over the world. The friends of angling can Nagymező - Hollókő - Nógrádsipek - reservoir of Táb - – Csitár Zöld Út Természetjárók Cserhátsurány - Szandaváralja - - Distance: 10 km Egyesülete among the most valuable cultural assets spend a great time at a scenic lake in the Felsőpetény – Ősagárd of Rimóc, a village among the hills. When picturesque surroundings of the village Honti Gabriella Distance: 99,3 km the air is clear, from the village you see Kétbodony. It is a well-known anglers’ +36-32/430-513, as far as the castle of , the main paradise with 2-3-metre-deep water. The 2. Szentkút 7. Becske alsó vm. – Becske +36-70/775-3079 tourists’ attraction of the place. It was stock of fish is replenished every year to Distance: 0,8 km Distance: 1,7 km Miheller Tibor built on one of the highest peaks of the guarantee good catches. +36-20/973-4027 Cserhát Hills during the reign of Béla III When rambling in the neighbourhood, 3. Mátraszőlős VÁ - main road no.21 - 8. Romhány – Monument of Rákóczi – Mátraszőlős - Vízfogó-dam – Garábi-saddle Törökmogyorófa [email protected] (1172-96). In Terény, a neighbouring village the unique, curved andesite columns of rich in beauties of nature, there is also a Nagyhegy hill, next to the village of Bér, Distance: 6,7 km Distance: 2,1 km museum of vintage tape recorders, are also worth visiting. 4. Garábi-saddle – Garáb 9. Ősagárd – Katalinpuszta – Magyarkút – Nógrád – Nagyhideghegy Distance: 1,8 km Tips for the hike Distance: 41,6 km Pásztó vá. – Tepke-kilátó – Bableves 5. Pásztó - Tsz. major - Barát-rib - Nagymező - csárda – Alsótold – Felsôtold – Hollókô Bableves country tavern - Kisvölgy - Cserhátszentiván - Hosszúvölgyi Distance: 18 km Szirák – Béri Nagy-hegy – Három-spring - Alsómalom - Ecsegi mud hill Elevation: 600 m Szanda-hegy – Szandaváralja (Ilona castle) Distance: 18,6 km Distance: 22 km Elevation: 760 m 2 3 Salgóbánya is a tiny settlement north The castles of of Salgótarján, and not far from it the castle of Salgó is perching on the top of a 625-m-high volcanic cone which rises From a … Nógrád from the Medves Plateau. It was built by bicycle-saddle members of the Kacsics dynasty, rulers of – witnesses of the area, after the Mongolian invasion of In Nógrád County charming sceneries of of which cyclists can choose among trails Tips for the hike: 1241-1242. Experts of archaeology have three members of the Northern Line of with several levels of difficulty in the forests. Mountain tours of cycling a glorious past performed several phases of excavation Hills, Mátra, Cserhát and Börzsöny offer Paved roads and trails in the Cserhát around Salgótarján: The picturesque sceneries of Nógrád and restoration since the 1980s in order much pleasure to the lovers of cycling. can also be used for making beautiful Medves-fennsík „nagy elágazó” – County have preserved the ruins of to display this favourite hiking destination Tourists, riding their bicycles, can discover rides. There is a bicycle path between Medves Hotel – Salgóbánya many fortifications. On account of the to tourists. From the walls you have a pristine and authentic county sceneries, Parassapuszta and Drégelypalánk, and the offered for cyclists of hobby, geological formations these castles – breathtaking panorama, making you and find hidden treasures of nature and roads with little traffic on them can also be no for families with children with the exception of a few – were built imagine that you are soaring over the hills history instead of the popular resort places used for making enjoyable bicycle tours. with random arrangements. Most of and valleys. You can see the hills of Bükk, teaming with people. Apart from many rare Presently a system of 279 km of bicycle paths them were destroyed during and after Mátra, Cserhát and Börzsöny, but when geological formations they can also find is being formed to connect Nógrád County Salgóbánya – Két-vár-köze pihenő– the Turkish occupation, and the ones, the weather is clear, the craggy crest of the several ruins of castles with the atmosphere in Hungary and Banská Bystrica County in Tatár-árok – Nyugdíjas pihenő – which could weather the storm of the High Tatra in Slovakia can also be seen.. of history around them. Our county has Slovakia, between Hollókő and Muráň. Tó-strand – Beszterce lakótelepi Turkish wars, were destroyed by the excellent endowments of terrain, as a result elágazó. Habsburgs after the fall of Rákóczi’s Tip for the hike offered for cyclists of hobby, war of independence. Nógrád County no for families with children has ten remains of castles which are Salgóbánya – Salgó-nyereg – Boszorkány-kô – Salgóvár – Salgóbánya protected monuments. Börzsöny-Cserhát Distance: 2,5 km castletour: 15th march Elevation: 150 m Nógrád – Felsőpetény – Sándor Petőfi Memorial Hike Alsópetény – Nézsa – Legénd – Route: Kemping - Tatárárok - The oldest castle in the county is that of Nógrádsáp – Galgahuta – Acsa – Salgó-puszta - Salgó vár Nógrád, a village among the Börzsöny Hills Erdőkürt (Erdőtarcsa, 5 km) – Nógrád Megyei surrounded by the river Ipoly on the north, after which the village and the county got – Szirák – Kisbágyon Természetbarát Szövetség its name. It rises over a plateau which (Buják, 5 km) – – Gubola István is sixty metres above the neighbouring Ecseg – Alsótold – Hollókő – Szécsény +36-70/942-3005 scenery. The castle of Nógrád – a silent medium level tour among hills witness of the thousand years’ Hungarian history – invites those interested in the june Királyrét – Nógrád vára – Diósjenő distant past, and they can see the remains Photo: Szabolcs Babka Castle Festival of its central tower from a large distance. medium level of difficulty Tourinform Salgótarján +36-32/512-315 [email protected] Lying in ambush… june Information: Pentecost Castle Games Országos Magyar Vadászkamara Nógrád july Megyei Területi Szervezete Palócland without Borders +36-32/512-875 night of folk dance [email protected] július Theatre Night Drégely castle is in the northern part of The mediaeval castle of Hollókő, this 20th august the Börzsöny Hills, between the villages Palóc village on the list of UNESCO of Drégelypalánk and Nagyoroszi, on the World Heritage, is among the Cserhát St. Steven’s Day Castle top of a 444-m-high peak among lush Hills, on a promontory close to a steep Games hills. Its history dates back as far as the valley. From the air it looks like a snail Hollókőért Közalapítvány sixteenth century when the Hungarian shell, the centre of which is a pentagonal The wildlife, which live in the most wooded the thin but long antlers. According to +36-32/579-010 nation had battles of life and death with tower. There are several museums in county of Hungary, has significant value. the jargon of hunters Nógrád county’s [email protected] the pagan Ottomans. The castle of rocks, the castle, e.g. a waxwork, an armoury, Tourism based on hunting is a very currency is boar. Today, approx. 5,000 of the renovation of which is still carried a chapel and a museum of stonework important economic factor in Nógrád them live in our forests. Bagging of them on, conveys a message of heroism finds. Members of the St. László Order county. The deer herd is estimated to be is in charming hunting happens. Small and patriotism to the tourists, the late of Knights wait for tourists in period approximately 2,300 pieces. The antler game does not play a significant role in july offspring of the former heroes. Cherishing dresses, and the visitors also get is extremely diverse, in this area, are huntingtourism, but rather to serve the Szondi Castle Games the memory of Szondi and his soldiers, possibilities to try the use of mediaeval mixed Cserhát, Mátra, Gödöllő, and even expansion of hunting opportunities. Still Drégelypalánk Község once a year Szondi Castle Games are held weapons. They can get acquainted with the Carpathian strains. The number of operate the big game breading, and with Önkormányzata among the old walls, to revive the memory weapons like longbows, crossbows, fallow deer and mouflon are 200-250, it the possibility of providing a guaranteed +36-35/367-199 of the heroic defenders, mediaeval tilting throwing hatchets and lances. which is rarity. Around 3200-3400 deer game preserve for hunting in Nógrád [email protected] and festivities. live in our hunting grounds. The relatively county. The majority of associations of small weight of antlers compensate their huntsmen have hunting lodge are lying in beauty, because we find wheted ends in a beautiful forest, suitable for relaxing.

4 5 With a fishing rod in hand On horseback Apart from the countless traditions, The mild hills of Börzsöny, Cserhát, for guests with horses, too. Venues with information: treasures of folk art and beautiful pieces of Karancs and Mátra, the forests with services for riders include riding-schools Riding-schools with permits: Horgász Egyesületek Nógrád folk clothes, the villages among hills offer several types of trees, the valleys along with qualification from the Hungarian Megyei Szövetsége other attractions to visitors, as well. the river Ipoly, the pristine natural scenery, Equestrian Association of Tourism, and János Lóska’s +36-32/310-045 The very quiet and peaceful fishing-places of the large stretches of surface with varied the offered services range from short Private Stud-Farm [email protected] Nógrád County, in wonderful surroundings, geographical formations, the springs and riding tours, through equestrian camps, Vanyarc-Sarlóspuszta are mainly among mild hills and forests. The creeks on the hills with crystal-clear water, cross-country rides, hunting rides, special +36-20/455-7251 creeks in the nearby hills, and the springs and the romantic groves on fairly large equestrian courses to carriage-drives rushing forth from below the surface, provide areas offer excellent opportunities for the and pleasure rides in carriages. The +36-32/484-064 The Maconka water reservoir a steady supply of clear water, as a result friends of horses and equestrian sports most common and frequent equestrian [email protected] and its system of lakes of which the quality of water in the ponds to experience the delights of riding in the events are the contests of show-jumping Bátonyterenye-Maconkai is excellent for breeding fish. This fact is open air. Non-domesticated animals let and driving carriages. They are exciting Szabadidő- és Sporthorgász attested by the rich stock of young fish every human beings riding on horses much closer and enjoyable not only for the active Egyesület year. On relatively large stretches of water, to themselves, they don’t get frightened so participants, but for the audience, as well. Timi-Tanya Village Tourism +36-30/229-5177 among the friends of feeder and match easily, and accordingly, this way you get a Nógrád County is a perfect venue and Equestrian Sports +36-30/488-7030 fishing, the areas with tiny islands on them much more thorough insight into the flora for cross-country rides. In Vanyarc- Non-profit Company [email protected] are especially popular, and those in search of and fauna, which are rich in small and large Sarlóspuszta a stud-farm with eighty Ludányhalászi, Templom tér 14. big fish prefer open surfaces in order to be games, and rare species of plants. horses invites those interested. The place successful. In the summer several ponds and The stock of horses in Nógrád County is in a quiet valley, far from the noises of Bárczi Gergely: lakes attract anglers during the night, as well. has been formed by interbreeding Kisbér modern life. The almost untouched scenery +36-20/489-5063 Palotás lake Next to lakes, apart from angling, you can (a village in Hungary) and Hungarian is an ideal place for pleasure rides, hikes in Bárcziné Végh Tímea: Komáromi Tibor also sunbathe, and just enjoy the quiet and halfbred mares with sports stallions. the nature and having a rest, alike. There +36-20/348-2642 +36-30/407-1173 peace around you. Children do not have to The more and more lodging houses in are several charming trails for – mainly Horgászegyesületi iroda be bored, either, because they can play with villages provide proper accommodation experienced – riding tourists. +36-32/480-019 balls on the sward next to the water, or use [email protected] the swings while their parents are waiting for the big catch. The benches and tables Szirák Castle Hotel along the shore are free to use, and there Szirák, Petőfi utca 26. are also places to lay fire and prepare tasty +36-32/485-300 dishes in kettles. The surroundings of fishing +36-32/485-285 lakes are ideal places of hiking for tourists, +36-32/485-117 because next to water they can watch many [email protected] rare species of birds (kingfisher, crested tit, duck-hawk, heron). Our small county has 24 fishing ponds and lakes, and several of them are known beyond the border of the county, as well: Seholsziget Élménypark Bánk, Kétbodony, Diósjenő, Magyarnándor, (adventure park) – Ludányhalászi, tolmács, Komravölgy Sólyomszem Riding-School (Mihálygerge), a pond of a quarry next to EXTREME Nőtincs, Bem utca 28. Szécsény, and the ponds of Vízválasztó next direct surroundings are among the habitats Those in search of extreme forms to Salgótarján offer a good time at them. with the richest flora and fauna at the foot “In the Footsteps Loós Sándor: of recreation are advised to enjoy The largest stretch of angling water in of the Cserhát Hills. The reason for it is that +36-30/229-4948 hang-gliding, caving, the county is the Maconka reservoir on here on a very small area one finds several of Attila the Hun” [email protected] rock-climbing or paintball. 65.4 hectares. It is a system of lakes where habitats which are already non-existent during the recent years several world record in other parts of the country. Anglers can One of the most common themes of Nyikom Club of Mountain catches have enhanced the reputation of pursue their passion in a scenic environment, Hungarian legends is around the life and Ezerangyal Riding-School the place, on national and international on shores with reeds and trees. The lake death of Attila, king of the Huns. Those riding Sports and Nature Kutasó, Toldi utca 6. levels, in the area of tourism and sports of offers possibilities which are hard to find horses or travelling in carriages, cross +36-30/247-1872 Protection angling. The exceptional abundance of fish, elsewhere. In the winter anglers can catch areas of breathtakingly beautiful nature +36-32/381-057 the wonderful surroundings and the phases pike-perch from holes cut in ice. with long, grassy valleys and mild hills, in of development – worth several hundred Ipoly, this romantic, changeable river, which search of Attila’s grave. During the trip [email protected] You may enjoy the wonderful million forints – guarantee the success of forms the border between Hungary and they also stop at springs with curative panorama from high above when the place. Around the stretch of water with Slovakia, is also to be mentioned. Its banks water (Bükkszék, Egerszalók) before flying in light aircraft with fixed complex services there is an infrastructure are very popular among anglers with fly arriving in Eger, a mellow old town, a Forrás Riders’ Cottage wings and 2-4 seats, but you may required for camping, cooking and washing, rods, and those who want to catch bream. centre of a world-famous wine region. Mátranovák, also have courses to learn the and accordingly, Maconka is a perfect venue Here fish are not very easy to spot, but once Participants of riding tours cannot miss Mátracserpuszta 1955 Hrsz ins and outs of hang-gliding and of family events of angling lasting several in a while there are very pleasant surprises. visiting the largest Hungarian stud-farm +36-70/453-2706 flying small airplanes. days, get-together parties of friends and The little river is worth some exploration, with Lippizan horses, either. [email protected] employees of firms, or privately organised when you can get acquainted with other Route: Vanyarc-Sarlóspuszta – Hollókő – angling contests. treasures of nature of the area, as well. Istenmezeje – Sirok – Bükkszenterzsébet Cserhát Flying Club Palotás lake is also among the most popular Come and visit us, enhance your stock of nice – Bekölce – Szilvásvárad – Eger Kolocsányi Ferenc +36-20/310-7732 fishing lakes of the county. It is to be noted memories with some capital catches in 8 days, 6 days of riding, Bátonyterenye – Világos-tető that the northern part of the lake is a home a breathtakingly charming countryside, total area covered on horseback, 240 km for more than hundred species of rare birds and experience the hospitality of the local A point of interest: Among the 10 best riding tours of the world the long distance one with the name (e.g. bee-eater). The stretch of water and its Palóc people.. “In the Footsteps of Attila the Hun” crosses the area of Nógrád, through the Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark. 6 7 Cserhát Park of Nature Novohrad – Nógrád Geopark

Information: Cserhát Hills give a characteristic element The area of the park of nature is cultivated, On the area of a geopark you find several traditions – folk art, old crafts, culinary Information: Cserhát natúrpark of the Nógrád countryside. Our famous and the colourful image of farmlands, elements of our geological heritage which delights, the centre of Hollókő, this village közhasznú alapítvány writer, Kálmán Mikszáth, the Great Palóc forests, meadows is a breathtaking sight. are important due to their role in science on the UNESCO List of World Heritage – and had exactly this scenery with hills and However, in the recent years the picture and education, and on account of their rarity the eroded liparite tuff at Kazár are famous (Cserhát Park of Nature heights in mind when he called his beloved of the scenery has changed a bit. The and beauty, as well. One of the primary all over Europe. Non-profit Foundation) Palócland “my crooked country”. Probably proportion of cultivated plough-lands has roles of the organizations in charge of Within the geopark there are very many +36-32/379-273 the most pristine and charming part of it reduced, and the area of regeneration geoparks is to make local people living in sights including geological formations, [email protected] is the area of Cserhát Park of Nature. has increased. the neighbourhood, and visitors alike, aware study trails and a partially restored The area of a special beauty with tiny In the 21st century the world of Cserhát of these assets. quarry, and several other elements are hamlets, rich in treasures of nature, Park of Nature is an envied one. Here the Among the sights of Novohrad-Nógrád still to be displayed. The underground memories of history and ethnographic goal is to create a tiny territory which Geopark you find not only one, but several Mining Museum in Salgótarján, the Ferenc heritages, is in the middle of Nógrád presents the treasures of nature in a quiet formations registered on an international Kubinyi Museum in Szécsény, the castles County. The Palóc traditions, the common nook of Nógrád County, in spite of all the level. Apart from the findings of ancient of Hollókő, Salgó, Somoskő and Fülek historic past and the similar conditions of calamities of history and economy which fossils on the world-famous site in (Filakovo – in Slovakia), the mansions and social life and economy have given a more have been hitting the county for more Ipolytarnóc – which site has a European former manor houses all invite visitors to or less uniform image to the place. than a century. Diploma – other landscape-protection areas see them. 130 thousand people living in are also parts of the geopark. The mediaeval 91 towns and villages on the area of the Park of nature: centre of the town Szécsény, the system of common Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark A relatively large area rich old fortifications which are witnesses of – which unites communities, regions and in the characteristic trea- many fierce battles, the National Shrine in unmatched traditions – are looking forward sures of nature and scenic Szentkút, the rich and colourful Palóc folk to welcoming you. elements of a country, the purpose of which is to be Places which are worth visiting a venue for active recrea- tion, relaxation, improving Karancs: the highest peak of the area. It is In the cliffs of a hillside facing the quarry you the state of health, sustai- also called the “Palóc Olympus”, and not find countless imprints of shells which were nable tourism, education without any reason, as the 729-m-high living in a former, prehistoric sea. regarding the protection summit is often hiding in mist. The andesite Bér: the monumental lines of unique, of nature, and environ- material of magma rising from the deep curved andesite columns are specialties ment-friendly farming. penetrated into a deposit of a shallow sea, and of our continent. Scientists of volcanology A tip: made the layers get higher. Karancs is next only know about four similar ones all over If you feel inclined to enjoy the atmosphere to the Medves Plateau, which is the largest the world. Those living on the area of Cserhát Park of of country life, get acquainted with the days volcanic plateau of basalt in Central Europe. Fülek (Filakovo in Slovakia): the castle rising Nature have the goal to develop the region of a small village among the Cserhát Hills, Prehistoric fossils in Ipolytarnóc: the in the centre of the town was built in the 13th with a process which is sustainable and world-famous nature conservation area is century on a cliff of petrified volcanic ashes. experience the feeling of fresh mornings with complex. This way co-operation among a popular scene for tourists interested in There is also a study trail, along which you get dew on leaves, sunrises over meadow saffron, villages can retain people in them, and it gives geological formations. The 20 million year old information about the natural and cultural equal opportunities for those concerned, and pleasant breezes in summer evenings, the prehistoric Pompeii presents its geological treasures of the place. provides for the harmonic development of sight of apples and plums hiding among the heritage in a very unique and picturesque Somoskő: the main attraction of the nature the natural and man-made world. leaves of trees, pine-wood groves rustling in way, which is peerless in Europe. conservation area at the foot of a mediaeval Cserhát Park of Nature has 22 villages in it: the wind, harvesting crops on the fields in the Kazár: the surface of the liparite tuff, castle is a cataract of basalt, composed of Alsótold, Becske, Bér, Bokor, Buják, Cserhát- autumn, snow being blown in gushes of wind which destroyed the prehistoric world of curved, octagonal and hexagonal basalt haláp, Cserhátsurány, Cserhátszentiván, in the winter, the sight of stags, wild bores Ipolytarnóc, gives the image of an area on columns of relatively small diameter. It was Ecseg, Felsőtold, Garáb, Herencsény, and foxes playing in forests at the edges of another planet. The village is also famous for disclosed when the workers, building the Hollókő, Kozárd, Kutasó, Magyarnándor, villages, don’t miss a visit to us. its folklore traditions, meaning that you can’t castle, searched for construction material on Nagylóc, Nógrádsipek, Rimóc, Szanda, miss it when being there. the eastern slope of the Castle Hills. Along a ● Terény, Varsány. Sámsonháza: there is a study trail in a 1.6-km-long study trail, which also includes former quarry, where you can see the the site of the cataract of basalt, you can see „There is no other nook of the world where it is demonstrated as clearly as here, in the Nógrád scenery volcanic and sedimentary layers in the high the main natural treasures of the place, and of hills and valleys, that nature, human activities and history form an integral unit.” wall, cut in a hillside. Different layers are one the history of the former quarry operations. Ágnes R. Várkonyi Historiographer above the other, including levels of andezite The cataract of basalt and the castle are lava, andezite tuff and limestone, creating an already in Slovakia, but you can get to them image of former volcanic islands arising from from the Hungarian village of Somoskő the prehistoric mass of water. without any problem.

8 9 Ipolytarnóc Hollókő – World Heritage

Information: The Prehistoric Pompei +36-32/454-113 The Prehistoric Pompeii on the area of 510 the age, reconstructed according to their Hollókő, the most beautiful pearl of the a magnificent panorama of the nearby april hectares is one of the most complex and footprints, are displayed by 3D images. mildly rolling Palóc scenery, has been a narrow plots of vineyards, which make you Hollókő Easter Festival [email protected] scenic sites of excavation of the continent. Trail of Rocks – an about 700-m-long part of the UNESCO World Heritage since remember that the people of the village It is in Nógrád County, 140 km from trail starts at the Entrance Building, and 1987. The embracing arms of the Cserhát could create beauty when working hard. may Budapest. The nature conservation area – along it every step takes you closer to Hills have protected the tiny houses in According to an ancient legend András Hollókő Days of Wine a site with matchless findings of an ancient the age of the of layers which are at the a valley from the gale of history, so the Kacsics, ruler of the Pusztavárhegy world destroyed by a volcanic eruption entrance of the study trail of geology. village could preserve its authentic charm. earthwork kidnapped a wonderful girl Information: about 20 million years ago – was declared Study trails of biology – on the paths This village is a real gem of Palócland, it whose nanny happened to be a witch. In protected in 1944, and it is among the of biology, which start at the entrance of has remained in its original, authentic order to set the girl free, the witch nanny Hollókőért Közalapítvány gems of our geographic heritage. In the study trail of geology and end at the form, and accordingly, can display the combined forces with the devil himself. Hollókő, Kossuth út 68. 1995 it got registered as a pan-European Entrance Building, you can have a pleasant uniform style of the local folk architecture. After this alliance, for the devil’s order, +36-32/579-010, gem of natural heritage, and received a walk while getting information about the Its most precious part is its centre, a his sons stole the stones from Pusztavár +36-32/579-011 European Diploma. flora and fauna of the region. The forest reserve of 58 protected buildings, where castle in the forms of ravens, and they [email protected] In the 4D Motion Theatre hall of simulation paths of 2 and 4 km have rest areas, and you can see masterpieces of the 17th were used to build the castle of Hollókő in the “Ősfenyő” (Petrified Pine-tree) there is a lookout tower, as well. century folk architecture. on the site where it is now. Ever since, Entrance Building you can enjoy an Trail of Boulders – it takes you from a The ruins of a castle with the atmosphere the symbol of the village is a raven which Tourinform Hollókő authentic, and at the same time very car park 100 m from the study trail of of history almost dominate the scenery, holds a rock in its beak. Hollókő, Kossuth út 68. spectacular digital animation which geology to “Botos Dike”, and back to the and from it you can look around to enjoy +36-32/579-010, presents the former habitat destroyed by Entrance Building. It is 4 km long, and +36-32/579-011 a volcanic eruption, and the prehistoric passes gullies, ruins of cottages, outcrops [email protected] animals living that time. In the exhibition of rocks and a derelict quarry. It is rather area of the special building you can steep, especially the second part requires get information about the origin of some effort, but it is well worth making it. the Carpathian Basin. In the dome Trip in Foliage – a special treat for Pajtakert Programme of information there are interesting those in search of adventures. Along this Management office temporary exhibitions, accompanied by adventure trail of about 150 metres you Hollókő, Kossuth út 46. non-stop projections of nature films. can get acquainted with the everyday life +36-32/379-273, Next to the visitors’ centre there is of forest animals in the foliage of trees +36-30/289-1946 a building in which the pine-trees of 8-10 m above the ground, which cannot [email protected] 7 million years, which were rescued next be seen from below – you cross narrow to Bükkábrány, are on display. suspension bridges, and during the trip The Entrance Building and the rest area safety ropes provide for your security. Suggested events: folklore events, next to it are the starting point and point However, this adventure requires some tasting traditional culinary of arrival for a unique and magnificent preparations. The departure tower with delights, artisans’ presentations journey in time. several levels, opened for the public, is “Borókás-árok” (Juniper Dike) study trail of also a lookout tower. From its lower level geology – a well-trained and professional – under parents’ supervision – children guide takes you back into the past, and can slide into a sand pit of a playground. along a trip which is from the bottom of Along a path below the suspension bridges the Paratethys prehistoric sea, through a children find homes of animals. They can subtropical jungle on the bank of a river, get their own adventure in artificial nests, to the top of a volcano. The 800-m-long fox-holes and recesses of bats made fit to trail, also suitable for wheelchairs, can their sizes. be covered in normal footwear, even if Miocenic Forest – on this site of exhibition the weather is rainy. The most significant with rest areas and small bridges, apart findings of the area are teeth of sharks, from special plants, you also find the petrified trees, imprints of leafs, and life-size sculptures of all the characteristic petrified footprints of prehistoric animals. prehistoric animals the footprints of which The vegetation of the era is demonstrated have been discovered in the now petrified by a small exhibition, and the animals of surface of the ancient world of Ipolytarnóc.

10 11 Our Palóc traditions FOLK CUSTOMS In Palóc villages for quite a long time local straw to the edge of the next village, this Palóc Museum of Dolls people mixed their own religious beliefs, way protecting their own homes from Hollókő, Kossuth u. 96. the tenets which they learned from their illnesses and troubles. +36-32/379-088 pastors in the church, and the elements of The tradition of pouring water (now the mystic world of legends. This explains replaced by using perfume) on girls and Museum House how different traditions, belonging to women on Easter Monday still lives on, Kazár, Hunyadi út 5. certain dates of a year, or holidays, have even in towns. come into being. Among Palóc people the traditions +36-32/341-360 In the Yuletide season December 13, belonging to important events of life (birth the day of celebration for those with the of a child, marriage, burial) were held in Museum of Dolls name Luca, gave an opportunity to expel high esteem. Especially the ceremonies Rimóc, Virág út 10. the evil. In certain villages – Kazár, Rimóc, in connection with finding partners, +36-32/388-266 Mátraszőlős, Nőtincs – it was the day to engagements and marriages (files going to start making Luca’s chair from which it marriage ceremonies, marriage services was possible to spot witches in the church in the church and in a wedding chamber, Museum of Dolls with during the ceremony held on Christmas bringing the bride from her parents, the the History of Clothes Eve. On this day it was forbidden to wedding reception, visiting relatives of Vanyarc, Tabán út 9. /a perform several types of work for women the bride, dances with the bride etc.) have +36-32/484-201 (spinning, washing, husking, baking breads). many peculiar features here, and are Luca’s day is also the date to tell fortune different from traditions of other regions regarding love. Along the river Ipoly girls and groups of people. Some elements of used to cast lead with the aim to learn the these old traditions can be seen even in our profession of their future husbands. days, although they are more restrained For Palóc people it was important that their and moderate then they used to be, and first visitor on the first day of the year – they are also shown in a very spectacular which they also called “Little Christmas” form in presentations of folk groups when – had to be a man. On this day they did not they imitate marriages, and do their best eat poultry, because birds frighten luck and to give an authentic image of the customs chase it away. However, they were happy to in bygone times. eat dishes of lentil as lentil is supposed to On Thursday before the marriage a attract money. These traditions are held representative and some close friends at several families even nowadays. Some of the bridegroom go to the house of the decades ago, in the first room of every bride, in order to get convinced that the girl Palóc house there was always a pair of has not changed her mind. If she has not, candles, blessed on February 2, on the wall. they ask for some items: her bed, chest, Palm Sunday, the first religious holiday in reel and spindle. Except for the bed and the spring, was well-known for blessing chest, they take all of the presented items willow twigs. In the village of Varsány, for to the bridegroom’s house, but first they example, there was a common belief that have a good time together with the bride a family would have as many geese as the and her parents when they eat and drink a number of buds on a twig was. There was lot. A bride’s bed is the most ritual object another common tradition connected to during a Palóc marriage ceremony, as it is FOLK CLOTHES Palm Sunday when people put effigies of the most important symbol of married life. The colourful folk clothes worn by the ethnic Palóc people are among the most important cultural characters attributed to them. There are several groups of folk attire distinguished on Palócland (e.g. those of Buják, Hollókő, Kazár, Őrhalom, Rimóc), on account of their features of colour, length, decoration and shape. Although it is more and more difficult to spot them in our normal life, members of the young generation, who want to preserve and cherish the traditions of their ancestors, don them quite often for folk events held in the county, and beyond the borders of the county, too. You can see the most beautiful pieces of folk garment in museums of dolls in Hollókő, Kazár, Rimóc or Vanyarc, but the side events also make it possible for you to put them on.

12 13 Our Palóc traditions Pilgrimage FORMS OF ARCHITECTURE “It must be very difficult to find other lands where people are so fond of pilgrimage like here on Palócland,” wrote Sándor Bálint in the 1960s. Although not the entire population of the facades, arrangements including a The Mediaeval shrines and sites of pilgrimage with most of the visitors, mainly dating back county can be considered Palóc, the traits, living-room, pantry and porch. In the to the Baroque era, have been in the northern part of Hungary (Mátraverebély-Szentkút, traditions, customs and scale of cultural centre of Kazár there is a very nice Hasznos, Márisabesnyő, Egerszalók, Eger, etc.). It also attests that Palóc people are religious, values of this ethnic group are regarded peasant’s home, Kézművesház (Artisans’ and as there are traces of it in ethnographic studies, they are open to believe in myths, as well. the most dominant in very many fields of House). The building is the venue of many life and culture in the region. In very many folk trades, and here visitors can get villages you find characteristic Palóc acquainted with the knacks of weaving, SZENTKÚT NATIONAL SHRINE, A houses with traditional elements of folk basketry, working the potter’s wheel, architecture: hip-roofs, ornaments on embroidery and making husk dolls. PALÓC SITE OF PILGRIMAGE As the legend goes, the Hungarian king, The present church building and its Louis I was fleeing from his enemies in 1091- Franciscan monastery were built in the 92 when he got to a precipice. It seemed middle part of the 18th century. About a hopeless to get any further, but he put hundred years later a yard of penitence his horse at a big jump, and it made water was added to it, with the chapel of Saint coming from the ground, which became Joan of Nepomuk – now it is the chapel the first spring of the place. This legend is of the mater dolorosa. Once it was used in connection with elements of Hungarian to hold all the crutches which were left literature: Louis I was the new Moses who behind by people who got healed, so gave laws to the Hungarian people like Moses they did not need them any more, and had given to the Jewish. gave them to Mother Mary. Next to the The first miraculous healing happened in the entrance to the church there are hundreds 13th century when the Virgin Mary, holding of marble plaques attesting the incessant the child Jesus in her arms, appeared next help of Mother Mary. to a dumb shepherd of Verebély. She made In the 18th century people of the him dig a hole, and drink from the water Great Hungarian Plain, Palócland rushing forth. The lad obeyed, and regained and the Highlands kept paying visits his ability to speak. to Mátraverebély-Szentkút. Here, close It was Jánosné Almásy who had the first to nature among mild hills, people can stone chapel built in 1709. It already had a holy easily feel that they have been created, statue which, according to a common belief, and find their way to God. In 2006 an was carved by the Verebély shepherd’s son Episcopal conference declared Szentkút out of gratitude. Others say that the statue a national shrine, which means that this was from an earlier period, and it was the site of pilgrimage is a Hungarian spiritual GASTRONoMy sculpture of the Virgin Mary, also mentioned centre for those who want to express their by the writer count Pál Eszterházy in 1696. gratitude to Mother Mary. Characteristic Palóc meals, in most of the cases, are usually spicy with a bit of sour flavour in them. The most common ingredients used for their preparation are potato, cabbage and bean. Cheese, dry cottage cheese and other dairy products of the county are very popular. There are several events when you can taste the delights of Palóc cooking, the Dumpling Festival in Vanyarc, the Saturday of Plum in Kétbodony, or the Dough Festival and Potato Party in Kazár, just to mention a few.

An item of interest: In the system of trails of pilgrimage in Central Europe the Mary Trail takes you to several religious sites in Nógrád County: the holy springs of Nyírjes in ; Drégely-Hont- Csitár; Mátraszentimre-Fallósszentkút (Hasznos); Mátrverebély-Szentkút; St. Michael church in Tar.

14 15 Pilgrimage CULTURAL RAMBLING A PAST OF COAL-MINES The area is also very rich in the relics A place which is most definitely worth a Nógrád Museum of History - of industry. Coal-mining used to be the visit is the Museum and Exhibition Site Division of Coal Mining major form of industry in the region for a of Coal Mining where you can even have Salgótarján, century and a half, but it was terminated a tour in a former pit. In the 280-m-long Zemlinszky Rezső u. 1. by the end of the 1980s. There are many system of tunnels you can get a full +36-32/420-258 towns and villages with monuments and picture of a real coal-mine, its machines [email protected] memorial sites in honour of the past of and equipment, with the help of items coal-mining, and the clusters of buildings, of exhibition, including museum piece relics of coal-mining, memorial events and machines, images in period uniforms, and celebrations in former mining settlements even the image of a pit-pony. still cherish the once glorious past.

CEREMONIAL EVENTS AND FEASTS SZÉCSÉNY Szentkút National shrine Kubinyi Ferenc Museum In Szentkút – being the oldest and most death. In her esteem there is a ceremonial Szécsény, this small town next to the river in connection with Nógrád County. In a be- Szécsény, Ady Endre utca 7. +36-32/471-559 popular site of pilgrimage – there are feast in Balassagyarmat which begins with a Ipoly, is a good example to illustrate the ra- autiful, orderly park you find a large mo- +36-32/370-143 [email protected] ceremonial events almost every weekend procession in folk clothes, and lasts until late pid development of some Hungarian towns nument, the Franciscan church, which was from May until mid-October, but as the in the evening. On this day there is a Palóc in the Middle Ages, broken by the arrival of built with a papal permit issued in 1332. place is a national shrine, Catholics can St. Anne Mass, in the afternoon there is a the invading Turkish troops in the sixteenth Its shrine even shows traces of the 14th receive indulgence in the church of Szentkút presentation by different folk groups, and at century. In 1705, during the Rákóczi War of century gothic style. Its most remarkab- fire-watch tower every day, throughout the year. The main a beauty contest with women in folk clothes Independence, the ruling prince held a na- le part is the vestry-room where the vault Szécsény, Fő tér 86. ceremonial event is on the Feast of the the queens of Palócland are elected. tional diet next to the town. is supported by an octagonal pillar. In the +36-32/370-860 Assumption (12-13 August). In Herencsény the “Palóc Cross” Feast The most significant building in the town centre of the town there is a fire-watch to- In the religious cult of the Palóc people Saint begins with an open-air holy mass on the top is the Forgách manor house, a precious wer built on the site of a former wooden franciscian church Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, is the of Gyürki Hill – from which the panorama is gem of the Hungarian Baroque architec- belfry when a great epidemic of plague Szécsény, Haynald Lajos út 9. patron saint of the barren, the pregnant wonderful – at the Protective Cross of the ture. A museum in it, named after the re- was over. The tower is not straight, as you and those with women’s diseases. She is Palóc People, after which those present can puted 19th century politician, archaeolo- can see for yourself that it is leaning to the respected as a hope for the childless, a patron enjoy several colourful cultural events in the gist and natural scientist Ferenc Kubinyi, north. saint of families and the patron of peaceful afternoon and in the evening. displays relics of archaeology and history

16 17 CULTURAL RAMBLING Former Town Hall Balassagyarmat, MADÁCH HERITAGE Köztársaság tér 6. is a tiny village hiding among the Since 1998 there has been an exhibition in Imre Madách +36-35/500-640 mild hills of “Crooked Land”, and it is the the house, displaying the life and life-work Memorial Museum only memorial site of the famous writer, of the writer Imre Madách, and relics of Csesztve, Kossuth út 76. Roman Catholic Parish Church Imre Madách, in Hungary. It is about 10 km the performances of his major drama, +36-35/344-492 Balassagyarmat, from Balassagyarmat. The Tragedy of Man. Here you can follow +36-20/423-2188 Imre Madách only spent a relatively short Imre Madách’s stages of life, and see some Rákóczi Fejedelem útja 22. time on the family estate in Csesztve, original documents, manuscripts and Kálmán Mikszáth +36-35/300-155 nevertheless several of his early poems photos in a house with authentic pieces of Memorial Museum and letters were from this place. He had furniture, including the one-time cradle of Serbian Church the first, happy years of his marriage in the poet. There is a room where only the Horpács, Kossuth út 5. Balassagyarmat, Szerb utca 5. the village, and his children were also relics of The Tragedy of Man are on display: +36-30/604-9397 +36-35/300-622 born here. In his memory Csesztve always translations published in foreign countries, +36-35/382-033 represented a symbol of an idyllic past, as and photos taken in different theatres Palóc Museum and Palóc a poem, “At Home” illustrates it: during the performances. Apart from the stage relics here you can find pieces of fine Museum House “Away from me, earthly troubles, art inspired by the Tragedy, and models of Balassagyarmat, Palóc-liget 1. You stay beyond the threshold, Madách monuments, as well. +36-35/300-168 This tiny world of mine is sacred…”

Collection with Relics of Local History Balassagyarmat, Rákóczi út 107. +36-35/300-663

Picture Gallery Balassagyarmat, Köztársaság tér 5. +36-35/300-186

Jewish Museum and Cemetery in the Ipoly Valley Balassagyarmat, Hunyadi u. 24. +36-35/505-985

Museum of Vintage Pannónia Motorcycles Balassagyarmat, Kossuth út 1. +36-30/746-1806 THE BRAVEST TOWN MIKSZÁTH’S Life / Balassagyarmat is a small town at the its permanent exhibition displays elements The most complete collection of relics Slovakian border, next to the river Ipoly, in taken from the rich folk traditions of the in connection with the life of the great the Nógrád Basin. Its distance from Budapest area. The exhibition is organised on the basis nineteenth century writer, Kálmán is 80 km, and from the capital you can get of folk customs. The three main stages of Mikszáth, is in the village of Horpács, there in an hour by car along the main roads human life are birth, getting married and and it is the only Mikszáth memorial site no. 2A and 22. death – they give the core basic themes of in Hungary. Here the exhibition is It also provides employment for people living the exhibition around which the items of accompanied by quotations from the book in the neighbourhood, including villages on presentation are arranged. In every phase “Good Palóc Folks and Tóth Yokels” written the northern part of the Csehát Hills, on the of the display you can see scenes of life with by the famous Palóc writer, the Great Palóc. western slopes of Börzsöny and in the valley figures in period costumes, surrounded by The original pieces of furniture, articles of of the river Ipoly. articles and objects of use in the given years. use, items of fine art and personal relics all In 1919 its people resisted the advance of The museum also has an open-air site of revive the writer’s memory. the Czech troops of intervention, in spite exhibition with several authentic buildings on The museum is a kind of the call from the that time Hungarian it – its name is “Palóc Ház” (Palóc Homes) – of cultic shrine where A Tip: government to surrender, and by taking up where you can get acquainted with the folk the furniture, interior In the lush park of the manor house you can arms they chased out the invading forces, architecture and typical form of life in the decoration and relics give even have your own photo taken when you which wanted to annex even further areas beginning of the 19th century. The building a special atmosphere to sit next to a bronze sculpture of Mikszáth, from Hungary by crossing the border set of the former Town Hall, built between 1832 the place. made by the sculptor István Szabó Jr. by the Treaty of Trianon. With this deed and 1835 in Classicist style, is still stately. As Balassagyarmat rightly deserved the title the famous writers, Kálmán Mikszáth and A point of iterest: The Mikszáth manor house was owned by the lawyer Pál Szontagh, Imre “Civitas Fortissima”, the bravest town. Imre Madách, also worked among its walls, Madách’s friend. Some historians of literature assert that Madách composed Lucifer’s figure after The main sight of the town is the Palóc it can be considered a memorial site of him. The cemetery of Horpács has the graves of Ilona Mauks, Mikszáth’s wife, and the little János, Museum in the centre of the Palóc Park: literature, as well. their son who departed life at a tender age. 18 19 CULTURAL RAMBLING nógrád county Kláry Tolnay Memorial House KLÁRI TOLNAY, THE FAMOUS ACTRESS , Kossuth u. 30. Among the Cserhát Hills, next to the just to marry his former wife again (in the +36-35/373-106 Feketevíz (Black Water) creek there is a evangelic church of the village) in 1882, +36/30-912-8135 village, Mohora, where several buildings – when he was already celebrated and built in the 19th century – have become famous. famous. These are the home of Pál Farkas, Opposite of the Mauks house there is the Mauks manor house, the houses the community centre of the village, the Ilona Mauks of Rakovszky and Tolnay, the Schindler former Tolnay manor house. An excellent Memorial House cottage, and Gáborné Vay’s mansion which and famous actress of the Hungarian Mohora, Rákóczi út 25. looks like a fortification. theatrical art, Klári Tolnay spent her +36-35/372-552 In the Mauks house, which is now a childhood in it. Here you find an exhibition pharmacy, lived Mátyás Mauks, landowner presenting the walk of life of the famous Oszkár Glatz and chief administrative officer of the actress with the help of photographs, Community Centre county-district, whose daughter, Ilona personal objects of use, family relics, Buják, Kossuth út 3. Mauks, got married to Kálmán Mikszáth and costumes which were used during +36-32/488-488 in 1873. After two years’ marriage in dire the most popular and celebrated stage +36-32/488-248 poverty the writer enforced a divorce, performances.

Gyürky-Solymossy manor house and the István Szabó Sr. Memorial Exhibition Bátonyterenye, Népkert út 7. +36-32/553-320

OSZKÁR GLATZ EXHIBITION The Kossuth Prize winner painter, Oszkár Glatz, who used to spend the summers in the village of Buják, was enamoured by the beautiful folk art and the charming countryside around the village. The pictures, which he painted, have conveyed the beauty of the scenery, the fervour of the local people and the rich patterns of folk clothes even beyond the borders of Hungary. In 1936 Oszkár Glatz was elected an honorary citizen of the village. In conformity with the wish of the family, Buják has received 40 of the artist’s paintings as a gorgeous gift. Using financial support applied for, and its own sources, the village municipality has had the community centre rebuilt, and now you can see the pictures there. „LIFE CARVED IN WOOD” On 31 August 2003 a memorial exhibition life-work of the artist. Its most significant was opened with the title “Life Carved in elements belong to two main categories Wood” in the Gyürky-Solymossy manor of sculptures: themes of ethnography with house in Bátonyterenye, to commemorate motifs of folklore, and a series with the the work and life of the Kossuth Prize winner history of coal-mining. The last room is the sculptor, István Szabó Sr. – the date would former studio of István Szabó Sr., where have been his 100th birthday, and he has the tools and pieces of equipment, once descended from the place. used by the artist, are on display. The exhibition is a proper tribute to the 20 21 responsible for issuing Nógrád Turisztikai Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. translating/proofreading Liaison Bt. photos by: Csíkos Mókus Production Ipoly Erdő Zrt. Babka Szabolcs Kéri István Sugárkankalin Turisztikai Egyesület

Project no: ÉMOP-2.3.1-2009-0019 The project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

palóc enchantment